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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1904)
m v : Snu color, SI 7ru A SURPASSING Announcement Extraordinary rrom ForUand's largast, leading Wonts'i apparel shops. A harg-im speolal worthy of the donors, rrom 8 a. m. until ia noon ws win sell any Black Dress ktrt to toe house , absolutely without reserve at . ' exactly , ' Half Price . A. ...... ..No dilly-dallying, here; these stocks have got to be sold before the department la dismantled for doub ling Ha else. The skirts embrace materials of Etamlne, . Cheviot, Broadcloth, Venetians, Sharkskins, . i. mA CftnVU uoui) rvv i usi v-i m ifka vsHmmlnar mffmiim m Pa trarw y .- anil !. mbracing the Taffeta, plaited, accordeoa plaits and braid effect. Erery Kirv JB new tnie wmmmvu. ,. uv in wi . vo. t t,um amaa ' somest lot' of black drees skirts ever shown by any house In the northwest. For the four morning hours tomorrow we're going to give Portland women - chance to aeeure one at-exactly one-half price. Regular values $7.10 to I SB. at $3.75 to Nottingham Lace Cur tains 57c Pair to 11 l m -Tourth Tloor. Secular 78o Quality Nottingham rce CurUins In Brussels patterns verr handsoms special , at, per pair 57 10c for 20c Crumb Pan and Brush , Third rioor. Attractive decorations,' In black enamel; handy and a bargain, half price .....f., 10 3c for Silver Plated - Thimbles . . JTswslry AlslSb " In all sUes, 7 to 10. . A big nickel value. Special from t to 12 a. m., at So each, or two for,,, M Teachers1 Educational Contest BXStTLT 07 TOTX AT 10 A. K. . A vote with every I Bo purchase. This house will send three school teachers, with all anticipated ex penses paid, to the great St Louis Exposition. The public select them by ballot 'Twill be a magnificent trip. What better recognition of a faithful teacher's services could be possibly given than a free trip to the Fair? No exposition since the world began ever rivaled this one at St Ixmls, on none has such vast ex penfllture been made (150,000.000). None so extensive. The St Louis Fair covers 1,240 acres. The Centennial grounds at;Phlla- , delphta covered 23 acres. . Buffalo's fair covered 00 acres. j, Chicago's fair covered 638 acres. The Paris Exposition covered 888 . V acres. 't-:'-" ' - V!'-',' - Paris had 125 acres roofed over, Chicago 200 acres, while St Louis has 250 acres of buildings. No-; ' June votes will be counted after Friday, July 1, at p. m. Total number of votes polled : 515,521 Total number teachers i 1 voted for 252 " TKB IS XJSAOEBS TO DATE., Susa Jones, Highland. ...... .60.144 . Winifred Mosher, Harrison. ..60,u25 , Kate - Padden. Atkinson. ..... 81427 Miss CF. Allen. Falling.... 49,217 Miss Esther Kane, , Williams v Avemie w. ....v. ....47,078 Mrs.. I. Hiltabidel,- Alblna Central ..42,582 Matilda Weiss, Thompaon,. , .20.275 Miss L. K. Strout Chapman. 2 4.1 83 Ella Lavenson, Atkinson... . .22,060 ' Ruth- Bounds. High . . . . ... .17.088 , Helen Crane. Jballlng. 16,898 Bertha Moore, High. ...... M. 18,49 R. R. Steele, High. .......... .14,205 Verdi Monroe, Portsmouth... 13,800 t Mrs. J. M. V Potter, , South - ' Portland 12.786 . The Early Bird Sale a Stupendous Success ! We Bow to Popular Acclamation and Announce for TomprrowThursd 40 ALLrSTAR BARGAIN FEATURES in tho Morning Bill All Add Their Support to the Monster Production ! -During the run of this piece ABSOLUTELY. EVERY ARTICLE IN THE HOUSE IS REDUCED , RADICALLY ! (A few contract goods alone excepted.) We undersell ourselves, smash every precedent, eclipse every previous bargain-making event and surpass even the great January Sales in scope, magnitude and depth of price cuts. Hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of dependable mer chandise must be sacrificed in a hurry, before the razing of the walls between the two great buildings that will soon merge into one,, forming THE GREATER OLDS, WORTMAN & klNO CON ; GRESS STORE. Following bargains are to induce early morning shopping and the values are only on sale at advertised prices between the hours of 8 and 12 a. m. After that all are at "DISLODG- jjhws cvwy uuc Handsome English Mohairs a ; .. ..' ...... ; - Goods i anox First rioor. CO pieces Plain and Metallic Dotted English Mohair In every wanted cream black Included; lncbea vide; special, ' per .-..... 42 $42.50 I Women's High Grade Bench .Made Shoes for Price of Ordinary Grades to ia a. xa. rirst rioor Shoo Section. Women's latest styles of shoes or Oxfords, the 34 and IS lines, with Louis heels, hand turned or welt soles military or opera heels In leather, toes tipped or plain. Spe cial at ...........,.....,..$338 Women's 60c Hosiery 35c Zn Hosiery Aisle Tirst rioor, 8 to 13 a. as Fine Imported black gossamer lisle extra fins and soft, full finished. a grade sold by most stores at 75a Our regular, splendid 60o value. Special at .3So Ladies 50c Lisle Pants 33c Pair ' - Underwear Shop Tirst rioor, 8 to 18 a. bl Fine, splendid wearing white lisle knee pants, daintily trimmed at knee. Splendid value at SOo. Spe cial at. pr 830 Misses' Union Suits 58c , Instead of 85c Vadsrwsar Aisle 8 to la a. m. The famoua Merode make, of white lisle, sleeveless and knee lengths or long 'Iteeved and ankle length. Sizes 2 to 8, Lot includes 75o, - 80o and 85o values. Special at, suit .,..(.... ...B8o Women's $ 1 Sailors 25c Millinery Salons Second rioor. . 200 chic and jaunty sailor hats for the 1904 summer girl's ' wear. A , neat attractive sailor ' with black velvet band. Oood dollar ' value. . Special, 8 to 12 a. m., for .880 98c for a $2.50 Trim med 'Flop" Hat Btminery Salons Beoond floor. f "Tor girls' wear, stylish, smart and practical for summer days wear lng. A pretty dress conception. 8peclai, I to 12 s, m., at..... .980 90c Teapot, Sugar and Creamer 55c Third rioor. . Pretty.' fancy shapes neatly deco , rated borders of delicate wild ross "' patterns and green sprays. Full . gold lines. Grand values at 90c Special, 8 to 12 for ,.......85o 20c Nickel Trays at 10c 18-inch nickel' tray for pitcher and : glasses, neatly embossed in1 fancy designs. 8pecial, 8 to 18 a. no. at 10oJ ' 20c Fly Traps 10c " Third rioor. . ' " Ths original "Balloon" ' fly trap will keep tho house JTree from ths THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE 5TII AND WASHINGTON iu iuo . uuuscat smuny rcaucca price. , . ' , $4BIankeU for $3.23 Fowth rioor 8 to ia a. aa. ' , '' Good ho neat old Ore (on ' blankets" in mottled grey colore; ovary pair woven from the wool off the backs of the aheep that have helped to make out atate famous and all wool. s: Buy a pair for the camp or beach house. ysin a Children's Coats, in three-quarter and full length, colors of brown, green, blue and tan, box and plaited backs, puff sleeves, trimmed in applique, fancy novelty braid and gold buttons, sizes from 2 to 8 years Regular prices ., $1.40 $1.75 $2.50 $3.50 $5.00 to $10.00 At One-Half price.., ..... 70c 88c $1.25, $1.75 $2.50 to $5.00 For Four Hours Onljr 8 to 12 a. m. A MONSTER ONE-HALF PRICE SILK SALE I RICH, RARE, SHIMMERING. SILKS AT HALF-PRICE These are the short pieces of all the pretty Shirtwaist Sui Silks you have seen here this sea son, the lengths run from 3j to 12 yards. Shirtwaist and skirt lengths are to be found in an endless variety. Every color and new design is includednot a piece except of this season goods and styles- Regular $1.00 Regular $1.25 Regular $1.50 per yard values, for 7of The makes to be found in this lot are Louisines, Armures, Bengalines, Taffetas, Foulards and Taffeta Roungouts. - Women's Dainty 25c Handkerchiefs for 12c 8 to 18 m. Tirst rioor. A grand lot of pretty, Mmy crea tions that women taks jride In .. possessing a plenty of. Embroid- ' sred, scalloped edges and edges hemstitched and artistically era 'broldered. Every one an ox v ceptlonal S5o value, i Special ' . at WW Torchon Laces 3c Yard rirst rioor 8 to ia a. m. to 8V-ich widths, a splendid lot - in ths choosing, values from 8c to ; lOo a yard. Special, at. ...... .So 2 Rolls Gem Toilet Paper WPmWki for 5c :" Sraadrleo Counter ' rirst moor. Zn the 8 os. else, regular so rolls. Special Thursday. 8 to 12 a. m. only, at two for So or, dos....8M Ladies' 35c Wash Belts Ii?lig'for19c -v f rirst rioor 8 to 18 a. m. 1 Black, white and all, the newest, latest, popular,-wsnted colorings. . - - Xet Btors. .-..V $8.50 Center' Pieces . $2.98 .Art -hop ' ' Thoromrkf are Alala ' So- end rioor. Of burned leather, tinted and ap pllqued, in aquare or round atylea; from t to 13 a. m., or while they Wat, for the pieoea are mlhty at tractive, big bargains and quantity limited; regular II.SO values go at .s ....92.08 CHILDREN'S COATS HALF-PRICE AnnexSecond Floor 8 to 1 2 A. M. per yard values, for. per yard values, for. SUITS FOR THE BATHING BEACH FOR 1904 DAJOcrjro, SAJtnra, ohxo awd rxTCmro oosnriCBa roa wzTTXvo om wabxvo axb ztxbt on or TKXSX WTW SUITS nCABTXT MBDVCXD. Wo shoald son erery bathing- suit that's bought u rortlaad. Zrery suit 138 aUBSTTCXO 2TKOX THJI BTAJiT. Ten may select your new bathing- suit hers now at ths prlos youll pay other stores lata In August and another fact worth remembering', tho lines ars new, Immense and unbroken. TouH . be properly la tho swlss with ens of these, nice hlstsi Women's Black Cotton Bathing Suit, square collar, four rows nar row white braid trim mlng about collar, waist and bottom of skirt, pries now. suit.. $1.69 Women's Black Bathing Suit, low neck, Test point wide collar, three rows i4-lnch white trim ming. Pries now, suit $2.19 Women's Blue Alpaca Bathing 8ult. cut low in neck, white tie, five rowa white braid about collar, waiat and skirt. Price now, suit.. $3,08 Women's Black and Blue Alpaca Bathing Suit white duck collar and front, trimmed with black, braid, wide band white duck about skirt, with black braid trim ming. Prlos now, suit $3.90 10c for 15c Box Witch Hazel Soap toadrlos iiisls rirst rioor. t Cakes of this splendid MedicinaM . . Doap in eacn dox, reuirij " 'ins at 15o each: for advertised hours only, at the special price of. box 100 75c Wai Buy a $1.25 Music RoU Stationery Coo-tor rirst rioor. A handsome Leather Music Roll of ; above value, choice of real Walrus , or llsard grain leather. . Special, from 8 to 12 a. m. for ...T8o Pretty, Sheer SQk Organ dies at 14c COAX nos UUT bxkos rsoas ' Ooods Division. t : Dainty, sheer Yabrics in all ' the wanted, popular, seasonable col . ors, for making Into the summer dresses one needs so many of; best V 25a values; special. 8 to 12 a-.m. , for, yd lo "'' "' "'v' ' ,J' ''"'"-" '' ' ' - . The "Different Store" Portlands Quality Shop WH ERE THE WALLS AR& :rvcQMiNG:-powN:i.?';'i: ' Pay $250 and Get a $3.50 Hammock to IS a. r-Voartti SOoor. The newat of this seaeon's make. In pretty platded and striped pat terns of -plain colors; with large pillow, spreadere and wide fringed , volance; apeclal $1.60 valuea at i.. 92.50 ...50t .62 , Women's Black Mohair Bathing Suit, wide duck collar, shield front, wide band of white duck about bottom of skirt front, skirt and front trimmed with narrow black braid. Price now, suit ..$3.49 Women's Black and Blue Mohair Bathing Suits, elegantly and appropri ately trimmed with fancy braids, a splendid assortment Price now, suit ..$4.25 Women's Fancy High Grade Bathing Suits, at 85.25, 86.60, 88.85 up to., suit $10.15 Bathing Caps from 15c to, each $1.25 Bathing Shoes from 21o to, each .....984 Children's Bathing Suits, from 86o to..... $3.08 Another Typical Ribhon Store Bargain . 8 to 18 it m. rirst rioor. Best quality all pure silk and satin Ribbons, 1M and 1-inch widths. Suited for hair ribbons, ties . or for bouquets. 15o and 18o values. Per yard ...............lOo 22c Bays a Beaded Chat elaine Bag Jewelry Aisle rirst rioor. Small slse steel beaded Chatelaines, i , regular 880 values.; Special, from to 12 a. m., for........... .880 4c Yard for New Out ing Flannel Ought to bring 10,000 women hero tomorrow, this bargain conserve- . i tlve estimate but 'twon't; least l v wise. If . It . does, dotns will bo dls- ' '- appointed, for there's only 6,000 ,"i yards in tho offering; colorings light medium,, dark; patterns, '.checks, stripes, neat plaids; 8 to vis a. m. only, yard .',..... 4M ' 22, 1004. ' - v 75c Nainsdok Corset Covers 49c S to IS ft. m. Aaaes ajeooad SOoor. ' f Ladles' fine Nainaook Corset Covers, round low neck, lace or blind emproldery trimmed; regular price TSc; special at ........ .49 el A beautiful line of handsome, dependable Silk Petticoats that sell at $10 . and 212.60, embracing light blues, pinks,- browns, grays, blacks and " changeable greens, blues, pinks, eta Trimmed in accord eon J f f r plaits, etc, all new, latest, make. Special 8 to 12 only at... Jhg eVO Dislodgment Bargains for Men rirst rioor. Flags for Celebrators urn's azsus. New Flags, an immense shipment Just in snd must be sold slong with other stocks st once. Muslin and silk flags and wool bunting. Better buy a flag for the Fourth, now, while the bargains ars unfurled. ou.t Cases for ths tourists and vacationists all at cut prices. Men's white cotton -mesh Under wear regular 81.00 values for 89 Men's 25c Half Hose in plain and lace effects, blacks, tans, grays snd blues, to close, pair....l5 Best makes of Men's Shirts, whits or colored 81.60 values for .....$1.25 81.00 values for .85 , All Men's Hosiery, regardless of style or make . SOo values for 42 35o vslues for.......... 29 26c values for.. ....21 Why pay more? All Handkerchiefs reduced pro portionately. All new Neckwear at same reduc tions. Boys' and Men's Bathing Suits and Thunks all reduced. Men's $ 1 Neckscarfs 49c Van's Shop 6 to 18 a. m. i A lucky ttme to hit the men's shop. For four hours we'll sell the swell, new 21.00. French Fold, 1H-Inch 4-ln-hands, ' handsome Imperials or. English Squares, st ......................... 49 $1.50 Golf Hose for 4 Men 39c Tho Kaberdaaherie" 8 to 18 a. m. rirst rioor. An attractive line c of footless, worsted Bicycle or Golf Hose, plain black legs and fancy elastic tops. Values in the lot to 11.60 the pair. Special at........ 39 Smart 60c Linen Suitings 25c Yarf : ; 8 to 13 a, nu, Wash Ooods AlsUv 4 V rirst rioor. An immense assortment for choos lng every value Included a 50 or . 6Cc quality, plain or pretty, fancy ' mlxturea ; Special at yard.. 25 Better. Buy Some of These Bath Towels. 1 9c Ones for 11c 8 to 13 a. nu Xlnsa Ooods Aisle. Extra heavy, unbleached Bath .'..-Towels, good, i generous Sise, 20s 40 Inches, best 19o values. Special-. i .-r ,11 5TH AND WASHINGTON -vp-' STREETS I 'tvxi'r . ' . . ' ; - : $ 1 .50 Etamines Jost Half 75c .Yard &v; iaart Ttrst Hoe. . 41 and 10 inch AU Wool Twins Voile Etamlne; colors are brown,' modes.; greys, greens and nary a; our regular -tl.CO per yard values special Thurs day a. m., per yard ............7Be 1 Petticoats OO TO TX- BABOAZV BACKS ' 8 a. m. to U Thursday. '- $12.50 Petticoats Slip to the ' , Price Notch. 4Mc Buys Crash Towel ing 16 inches wide, of heavy linen finish. From 8 to 11 a. m. only, in Do- ";. meatlo corner, we'll aell this, so long as any part of 6,000 yards re mains,- at, yd Ho . Here's a Man's Shoe Bargain 8 to 18 a. w Xa tho Shoo Store. $3.50 Shoes or Oxfords at $2.76 All the latest, newest summer styles, regular shoes or smart Oxfords, patent or plain leathers, blacks or tans, neat, stylish foot shapes, full round or medium toes, solid oak leather sales for light dress or tramping wear. Best 88.60 vslues at .83.78 35c Belt Buckle Sets 10c j . . . 1 Jewelry Aisls. .. Of gilt or Oxide Metals, with back. front and side pieces. ' Special i .. . . ? ......100 oxoajttxo BAXjr-rmxca baxs or Colored Dress Goods Zb ths Annex rirst rioor. 22.60 French , Novelty Etamines ............ . , . ... $ 1,25 82.50 French Novelty Suiting . . . . . y ........ . .$1.25 ' 82.00 Scotch- Boutonno Suiting ......$1.00 2.00 Seeded French Etamlne. $1.00 21.75 Novelty Scotch SuitIng.8TH 81.78 Twins Voils Etamlne ....85 81.60 Twine Voils Etamlne .,.75 81.60 Silk and Wool Crepe do Chine ........................ 75 1.25 Novelty EUmlnes ...,.62H 81.00 All-Wool Canvas Cloths. .50 Tho above are all new 1904 fabrics, and all wanted colors to bs found in this lot ... 76o 11-inch Black Taffeta, all purs silk and very desirable, special. 54 81.50 ' 21-lnch Black Peau do Sole, very handsome . and beautiful rich finish, special ...............89 6O0 Colored' Japanese Corded Wash Silks, a . tremendous assortment to select from, special ....... ..,.31 Colored Dress Goods Half Prico 3- . ' ' 8 to 18 Annex First rioor. ' xxnr.Tsa 8uo rmias sxurra rOB TSo. 42 inch Chiffon Voiles, fashion's latest fabric, silk snd wool, very swell for dressy gowns; roiom In this lot are cream, pink, light blue, Mae. champagne, tans, j-mi i:r, y, browns, resada. royal, r; vi 1 navy; our rsgular 8160 i r -1 Value; special Thursday a. rn per yard ,....,....,...; Silk