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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', , tEQRT LAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 2, ; lEOl ...... V , ' HOPE : GETTING A LINE f i ;v.-l REPRESENTATIVE HOMES OF PORTLAND Edited y . J. A. HORAN .' TO CONSUMPTIVES ON MANY PEOPLE w AAA A asa Itif A a A AAA aAA w k ' 4- HI ...... . vi M- v " MM i-4twafteaawwsj wa . yyss mat Mi'tg'?'-' "ew.yrw inry-rfTj 't-twwj ij ANGELS FALL ALL OVER THE BROWNS . AJTOXXjCS TO WAS.X OTT WITH :' tziit OAxa or m iim? k XBvvArs absxxcs xs tbi,t xn toby. . v ).Loa Angeles . Portland . Baum and Spies, Butler and Bteelmsn. ? Had Portland a right nldr In yes terday'a fame In all probability the vic tory would have remained with the ! locals, but aa na one cavorted In that .-Vtfarden but Denny Shea, the Angela .couldn't help running. While no errora are charred to Shea, hla performance In the field waa auch that If he couldn't ''get a ball himself, ha Interfered with '.Thlelman In hla attempt to cover ter ritory.. And this waa not all. BecK. while a Hercules at the bat, waa ao well ! butter-fingered that he dropped two aaay . balls that were cinch outs, and let an- V other grounder pass through hla lege. , rolling to the fence where Shea danced ,' around and got It . L There la little use In weeping over spilled cream, but It la certainly regret-i able that Portland's players cannot keep ' ;ree from Injurlea long enough to en iabla. Manager Dugdale to get the full team In playing form. Since Mr. Dug 'dale aasuraed charge of the Browne, he confronted nothing but cripples, and de I 1 spite hla efforts to care for hla men and land a few victories, conditions grow worse.' v Drennan'a lay-oft yesterday , proved costly, because, notwlthatandlng ' ,the IS hiU made by the Angels o Port land's 19, the locals could easily have , .got away with the game. Baum waan't .anything near, being a puule to the .Browns; his luck aticklng to htm .throughout., saving him. With 'to en on bases. Portland's sniggers couldn't nil .anything but pop flies, while the poorest batters In the Los Angeles team would '.but touch the ball and away It would go. V ' Portland started off with a glad rush, i McCreedle smashed out a double after Nadeeu had been disposed ot and while iJud Bralth .. waa . fielding Thielman'a .1 roasting grounder,-he managed to toss .the ball Into the bleachers, allowing both runners Co score. In the third Inning PUBLIC SCHOOL BOYS' " BIG ATHLETIC MEET (Journal Special SerTlc.) St.' Lou la. June 11. Thousands of public school boys from every stats In the union are awaiting with Intense In terest the outcome of the first national intercity public schools athletlo tourna ment In this city on July 4, I and 6. This great meet at the Olympic games stadium will mean that a new love of athletics will take root in good soil. It is bound to grow, being fos tered by leading educatora of the coun try. It will mean a new and higher standard In the yeara to come for man ly American sport The trophies for this first national public achool boys' athletlo meet were all presented by William Randolph Hearst, and include a magnificent inter city national trophy specially executed by noted arllsta. This Is one of the most costly trophies ever presented for an athletlo tournament, and is to go each year to the city whose publlo school athletlo teams show the greatest all-around aklll in the anual public achool gamea. In addition to the Intercity trophy Mr. Hearst haa presented for competi tion ISO gold, silver and bronse prises. Every .competitor In. these school games will also receive a handsome bronse aouvenlr medal to commemorate the first national meet of the publlo school athletes of America, Any publia achool boy under the age of It years, if ha attends an elementary achool, and under the age of It if he is a student of a high school. Is eligible to enter any of the evenU scheduled. The only other qualifications are these: He must ba a student carrying full work In a regular course. His present grade of scholarshln must ba suoh as to entitle him to promotion or graauauon. ir continued. ... He must have been enrolled In the school that he is to represent before March 1. If 04. Ha must be in good standing In the school L e., not under discipline. He must ba an amateur. The events are as follows: Eelereentary school So yard run, 100 yard run, 220 yard run, 880 yard relay iuur Doys, running high Jump, running broad Jump, putting the 12 pound ahot, basketball championship, baseball, east vs. west , High sobool vents SO yard run, 100 yard run, 220 yard run, 880 yard run, one mile run, running high Jump, run nin v4 unap' Putt,n 11 pound WASHINGTON PARK MEET CALLED Off rOBTXAXB WOXZsT JOE WOT TWM FHTOCXAaTS X JSTTOBT TO TABUS2C A Jf BXB mil , BOMB TOB TUBBBCTOOKS YXO- TZKA MAJTT SITSSCaUPTIOjrS. I arcrccEsa otrxcxxT rouovi vmm &AVBCXXB9 Or, COafaTBBnTali OXVBV IUI TO BBXBO FSOrlX TQ TBB UBWZa ABB OXABS; VAXB woBxzara tkbovox st. louts. MATOB BABBI80ITS OBOBB PBO- XXBXTXVO B002nCAXZB BBOBBSZ TATBS DZBSOTOBB ABABBOBXBO U STAKES BIO SBABBOB OBBAT iraDU AT BXATTZJB. (Journal Special service.) Chicago, 111., June 22. Racing came to a close at Washington Park yester day, when the directors decided to call off all stakes, on account of the email attendance, caused by Mayor Harrison's refusal to allow bookmakera at the track. Twenty-five days remained for the meet to run, but the officials could not maintain It without an Immense loss. Yesterday's results were: Mlla and 70 yards Apple won; time, 1:47. Five furlongs Olaeau won; time, 1:01 1-6. Five furlongs, the Lakeside stakes The Mist won; time, 1:01 2-6. One mile Beau Ormonde won; time, 1:41. Six furlongs Clifton time, 1:12 2-6. Forge won? At Seattle. Seattle, June 22. Rio Shannon de lighted the 8.000 spectators at the Mea dows yesterday by going the H4-mll hurdle In the splendid time of 2:18. The results were: Seven furlongs, selling Inaugurator won; time, 1:28. Three and a half furlongs, selling Billy Mahan won; time, 0:41. Seven furlongs, selling Ultruda won; time. 1:28. One mile and a quarter, hnrdle, han dicap Rio Shannon won; time, 1:14. Six furlongs, selling Lady Vsk won; time. 1:14. One mile, selling1 Montana Peeress wonMIme, 1:41 H. In Isst Msrch members of the state! Beginning yesterday the management I board of health started, in unofficial ca- of the Portland Commercial olub is send- pacity, a project that waa alow to gain ing out postal-card Invitations to all have expressed an Intention to come to the Lewis and Clark fair next year. The Commercial club began getting a lino on auch patrons 05 the Louisiana Pur chase exposition soma time ago In a quiet way, and today the first attempt to Increase the . Interest of nrosDectlve visitors was put under way. Those who answer the card Invitations are also to receive booklets on the Lewis and Clark fair, on Portland and on Oregon. It is believed that a vast amount of good will be accomplished In this manner. The biggest letter mall ever received by the Commercial club came in today, and Is the direct fruit of having all the railroad people in Portland send Invita tions to their brethren of the railroad fraternity to oome to Portland, and to information aent by private cltisena to friends in other parta of the country. Railroad men from Maine to California are aendlng promises to speak a good word for Portland and for the fair.' In addition to mall coming directly to the club, many ot the railroaders in Port land have received letters direct and are turning over the names of their corre spondents to the club. To the Commercial club management! the perfect success of their recent put Uclty venture is attributed. :Los Angeles evened things up on Baum's -triple, thanks to Mr. Bhea Tlnsau's hit shot basketball championship, one mUe ' n m .v.uo.. w.w , iui mmj race, eacn boy to run a quar- - Vina viou ui ouii i m miie, Daseoaii, east vs. west .Back's single sacrifice and Castro's wal- I Publlo school consolation races Open .lop. This ended the locale' scoring, but f to those who compete on the day before. the Cherubs squeesed out one in the sev-l but who failed to be placed. The vnt renth, one in the eighth, and two In thai will be the aame aa for Juiv t with h. vaiuaiua pi oasaetbau. "ninth, making the game secure. . i On the whole, the game was of the , variety that would make one .mad. Roach ' 'will .do the- apeedinr for Portland today. . The Iscora follows: V v, PORTLAND. l - AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Nadeau, 1. f. ...... .c...t 0 0 2 0 0 McCreedle, 2b ..8 Thinlman, o. f ......... 4 , Beck, lb..... '.4 Francis, 8b... ;..8 i'antro. s.,s, ......... .4 , ehea, r. f...j. ......... 8 t-'pencer. r. f ......... 1 Pt eel man, c .......4 ,?Butler, p.. ...... ......8 WOmO COAST UAOVB. Tacoma . 1 1 1 0 01 1 2 1 0 2 10 0 1 6 0 0 0 1 0 Testerday's Scores.' ,. Won. Lost Los Angeles...... 44 Oakland ,,45 Seattle 41 San Francisco 35 Portland .....26 lacoma, ; uaKland. 0. At Sheepshead Bay. New Tork, June 22. Sheepahead bay summary: Five and a half furlongs Highborn won; time, 1:08. - Five and a half furlongs Sparkling Star Von; time, 1:08. Six furlongs, selling Mimosa won; lime, i;is. Seven furlongs, the Swift Stalwart won; time, 1:28. The Introductory steeplechase, short course Levator won; time, 4:07. Mile and a furlong, on turf, handicap Ben Macdhul won; time, 1:68 1-6. At St Xrfmls. St. Louis; June 22. Fair Grounds summary headway,' but which today haa taken firm hold on thla city and promises to extend over the state. For some years observant members ofthe medical pro fession have noted the unpleasant fact that, with the Increase of population drawn from the east and the middle west a large percentage of deaths from tuberculosis haa appeared In the reports of local health boards. In Portland about seven per. cent of the deaths ar attributed to thla causa The physl clans determined upon making an effort to establish a sanatorium for the ax elusive use of consumptive patients, and to be looated at or near Portland and accessible to those afflicted in any part of the state. The idea also found favor in the Portland City and County Medl cal society, and a Joint committee from the state board and the medical society waa appointed, composed of Dr. Woods Hutchinson, Dr. Otto Blnswanger, Dr. Franklin Caw thorn. Dr. A. C. Smith and Dr. Harry Lane, to further the sanator ium project The work thus begun wss carried along by the physicians, during the limited time that their professional du ties permitted, and about 10 days ago an auxiliary society waa formed by a number of prominent women of this city, who styled their organisation the Open Air Sanatorium Aid society. The officers are: President, Mrs. A M. Oakes; secretary. Dr. Florence Manion; treasurer, Mrs. L. M. Hubert A sollo King committee numbering about 80 ladles waa appointed, and this organ! sation Is soliciting cash subscriptions and promoting entertainments with the view of raising money to be turned over to the trusteea who will have charge of the open air sanatorium fund. This is in brief, the history of the attempt to establish a sanatorium for consumptives at Portland. "The efforts of the ladles' society are entirely In harmony with the original committee of the state board and the medical society," said Dr. Florence Man ion today, "and the money that we raise will be turned over to the committee or to trustees who may be named rep resenting the movement Tnuh Alt Dure. "It Is a well recognised fact that en forced fresh air, enforced reat and en forced feeding are the beat treatment for consumptive patients. This system we hope to see put Into effect by the open air sanatorium. The Idea. Is to secure land,, for example a hundred and sixty acres, contiguous to Portland. Here establish a sanitary open air camp, with tents fitted with all appllancea for the comfort and health of patients, and in charge of a competent person or phys iclan. Those In the incipient stages of v 1 ' ' W " - ;T , - , . ';M ' ' ! Ii. : Jjri V "'' A ' . " ' :'. ;,ir 1,' RESIDENCE OF AJL)OLPB WOLFE. CORNER OF KINO AND WATNH .STREETS. . '.';-.-? This handsome home ts one of the most Imposing In the "Nob HIU" district Old English architecture of the Elfsabethan period la here very prettily represented. The half-timbered effect the many gabled roof, the massive chimney, the simple, quaint embellishments and neavy overhanging eaves all combine to good advantage to carry out the ef fect The house, designed by Whldden A Lewis, architects. Is noted for its excellent Interior arrangement It Is admirably heated and ventilated by the McPherson oompany's warm-air system. t DR. HOUSE SCORES RELIGIOUS APATHY WILL: BUILD BIG 85 85 88 48 46 62 P.C .672 .661 .666 .Mi .428 .828 Four and a half furlongs, selling I th disease could hers take care of them- lx,,..An?le"' ' Portland. Beat tie, 7; San Francisco, Loyal Street won; time, 1:00. Six furlonga, purse Tom Riley won; time, 1:21 2-5. Five furlongs, purse Dishabille won; time. l:05Vs. Six furlongs, handicap Clear the Arena won; time, 1:20 selves, doing their own cooking. A large percentage of such cases could be cured. Those In the advanced stages of the dis ease would be taken care of. .The die ease would be much retarded, and they would have a place where they could at least await death and be segregated Six furlongs, selling Jerry Hunt won! I ,rora others who might by association AKEBXCAV IBAOVB. Total 84 8 10 2T 22 LOS ANOELES. -m AB. R. H. PO. A. 15. S. ........ ..6 110 8 0 Boston Toman, a. " Flood, 2b... 3 . Smith, Sb.. ........... .6 Bernard, o, f 4 Cravath, r. f.....,.....6 Chase, Ib 4 Rosa, L f 2 Pples, 0 r 4 'Baum, p 14 imcago 10 new xorx. Cleveland Philadelphia St Louis... Detroit Washington 17 28 1 21 27 22 ....27 23 23 26 21 23 ........... 8 41 .687 .646 .680 .661 .640 .478 .428 .180 time, 1:21 Mile and time, 1:55. 10 yards Wolfram won; v Total 87 13 27 14 2 8 CORE BY INNINGS. 'Portland .........,.. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 Hlta 1 1 0 22 1 11 110 'Los Angeles... ..0 03000112 ' Hits 1 1301 1 3 3213 SUMMARY. Earned runsPortland, 1: Los Angeles, .. 3. - Stolen bases Smith, Chase. Bases on balls Off Butler, 1; off Baum. 2. Struck out By Butler, 4; by Baum, 6. .Two base hits McCreedle. Beck, Bplea, Baum. Cravath. Three baea hit Haum. .. Double playa Ross to Spleai Flood to Chase. Left on bases Portland,- 7; Loa Angeles. . Hit by pitched ball Ber , nart Sacrifice hits Francis, Flood (2), ... Chase. ' Time of game Two hours. Urn : j)lre CConnelL , At Ohicago. Oilcago 4 Cleveland 1 7 1 Batteries Owen and Sullivan; Dona hue and Abbott At St XKrals. . . . R. H E. Ht LiOUlS , ,.0 6 8 Detroit 8 9 0 Batteries Sievera and Burden: Mullln and . Buelow. At Washington. Washington 0 4 2 New York 8 g 0 Batteries Patten and Drill; Chesbo ana axcuuire. DIAMOND GL1STENINGS The day was a trifle cool for base ball, yet the old guard was present and lent its yells to the occasion. Manager Dugdale lost 16 pounds dur ing the contest Every time he looked cut in right field he lost a pound of flesh, and after 15 looka he stopped looking. There were 22 assists In yesterday's game, but the official score gives only 18. Butler and Francis should have an assist apiece on the two balls that Beck dropped. Beck's batting waa a feature, two sin gles and a double going to hla credit , From peruial of the register after' the Los Angeles team have Jotted their signatures, one might imagine that he was in a society gathering. They wrote with them become infected with the dls ease. "The law now recognizes consump tion aa a contagious disease and requires physicians to report every case to the local health officer. I think that 600 cases would be a conservative estimate of the number of tubercular Infected people who are today walking the streets of this city and are In a condition to Infect others. This large number la not due to our climate. The climate of Port land and Oregon is less conducive to lung diseases than is the climate of the Mississippi valley and other parts of the east Possibly the presence of eon sumption here Is duo to the fact that many people from the east come to this coast seeking relief from disease, and the low total death rate here makes the mortality from tuberculosis seem high. Ho Plaos for' Consumptives. "It appears that there la no place for the consumptive patient The hospitals do not desire them, as there has been no provision made for their aecommo datton. St Vincent's will take a limited as follows:' Eustace Newton, Curtis I number of them Into Us ward for contag- OXOSB OAKB UP BOBT2L BATZOBAZi SAaVB. - Won. -New York. ...... ......85 Chicago ,..,......31 . Cincinnati 84 'Pittsburg 28 , Ht. Louis....... ,.25 Brooklyn ...21 . K Boston ...21 Philadelphia , 12 Lost 16 19 1 26 31 37 PC. .6S8 .620 .642 .528 .430 .882 .404 .245 I ' At Cincinnati. R. H. E. Cincinnati ...... ...... ; 3 8 2 .Chicago 0 6 2 Batteries Walker and Pelts: Weimer and Kllng. Umpire Moran. , I, At Brooklyn. PhlladelDhia Brooklyn . . . RH.E. .4 10 1 .3 8 3 At St Louis. ..' , R.H.E. - St Louis 8 4 A m Pittsburg 9 12 4 t Batteries Corbett, Sanders, McLean ;ana urady; Lynch, Phelps and Smith. ' at Boston. , R.H.E. New York 8 12 1 Boston ..2 12 3 Batteries McOlnnity and Warner; iwuus ana juoran. umpire zimmer. TBB BECBUXTS WZB. (Journal Speolal Berries.) Seattle, June 22. A close decision in the seventh Inning gave Frisco a chance and five runs crossed the plate, but not enough to tie the game. The score:- R. H. E Seattle ..20600000 7 0 si San Francisco. ..0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 18 7 4 Batteries u. Hall and Wilson; Knell and Gorton. Umpire Tom Brown . ZEETE rZTCKBS OBBAT GAME. (Journal Special 8errie.) Tacoma, June 22. Bobby Keefe was the staple article yesterday and easily whitewashed the Oakland bunch. Score: R.H. E. Tacoma ....0 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 4 7 l Oakland 000000000 0 3 1 .Batteries Keefe and Graham; Buchannan and Byrne. Umpires Mc Carthy and McDonald. Bernard, Clarence Cravath. Warren Hall. Harold Chase, Arthur Ross. Geora-e Wheeler, Judson Smith, Robert Eagar and Charles Baum. Jimmy Toman and Tim Flood are the only ones who wear ball tossers' names, Jud Smith saved himself an error In the third when, after Juggling Thiel man'a grounder, he scooped the ball to Flood, catching McCreedle. Hal Chase is all the California Daners have claimed for him. He handles him self well, and is lacking in but one thing to be the equal of Dillon, and that is Dillon's aggressiveness. COZiTTKBZA CLUB'S CASS. AlBXBA-POBT&ABB X.EAOUE. Won. Weat Portland 4 North Portland... 3 Upper Albina 2 Lower Albina 1 Lost 1 2 8 4 P.C. .800 .600 .400 .200 The Recruits downed the North Irt ' vlngtons Monday by the score of 26 to 11. r a.iicria oiicduu ana iienry; Knell and Steave. B.L O Ot) Oa atwooat of Its frlhtfnt aldcotnMas, Btooe : f PnteonlBf It eoaiiBonl called til Kluc et All . Dumm. It mf eltlier hereditary r 00 n ' tneted. Ooce the uwtna is tainted wits It ttoa r' Sim-ax mf sianUMt ifelt in tb form of Scrof. , els, Kcnma. Rbaamatle Paint. Stiff or Swollea , Joints. Kruptlona or Copper-Colored Spot on (b hn or Bod. Uttle fleer la the Month or m tb Too teSore Throat Swollen Tonalla, Falliu .V , out of toe Hair or Eyebrowt, and ftnalu a Ld roet-Uk Dtear of th Clean and Bonea. If roe nave any or rare or similar armptoma. at " BROWN'S BLOOD CUBE. Immediate!. Thtt ,. ' J. troaiinrm m prBcuoaiiy to muii ot ur work. " ' ft contains no danseront iragt or Injorloaa mad Idnea of toy kind. It so to tb rjr bottom f tb dltcaa sod force oat vry partlcl ot tmparltr. Boos err ttfs and STmptom dtaea pre. completely and fororer. Tb blood, tb : tlaaoee. th Arab, tb bones and tha.wbol ar- tern an elcanswd, partfled and tord to per- Won by Safe Margin. The North Portlands fell victims to the mighty sluggers of the Upper Al bina baseball team Sunday morning. The score: R. H. E. North Portland. 0 2280000 29 5 8 Upper Albina.. .2 4 10 1210 11 13 1 Batteries Listman and Thomas; Jackson and McBrlde. Struck out--By Jackson, 12; by Listman, 6. Let walk Listman. 2. Umpire St Thomas. West Portland 11, Lower Albna 8. R.H. E. Lower Albina 1000010 2 6 8 West Portland 5 220 1 1 011 11 4' Batteries Hower and Tenln; Kotter- man and Harold. Struck out by Kotter- man. 6:' bv Hower. 3. Let walk Kotter- man, 2; Hower, 6. Umpire Donel. YAOB73? CLUB CBUXSB. Tommy Tracey has matched -Kid Hat ton and Tommy Warren for. the main event' at the regular boxing tournament before the Columbia Amateur Athletlo club on next Friday evening. Warren has been In training for the past three weeks and Is expected to put up a rattling good scrap. Hatton haa been on in each of the last three exhibitions, being pitted against his rival, Sullivan, and eo Tracey decided to change the Dili, securing warren as Hatton s oppo nent for the coming show. Tracey has matched Young Jeff and Frank Watkins for tha Friday week card, and aa these two have never met before, the bout ahouid be an interesting one. QBTTXBO READY TOB TACOMA. fret hearth, and tb patient prepared anew for me enue ana pienaure r me- PI OOD CHUB. 82.00 a bottle. Uats '. IBttOWN'g lasts a monrh. BHOWN. 839 Area St., Pbikde!- Mad bT DR. . r-ala. r ml in fori Has stay 97 rrsas Mas. Portland Hotel Pbarmaer- . POISON (Journal Special gerries.) Seattle, June, 22. The Seattle Yacht olub starts on Its annual cruise at noon Saturday, and it Is expected the yachts of the fleet will return to Elliott bay late Sunday night but In which direc tion the course will lis will be known only to Commodore Charles D. Stimpson on tne nagship Olympla. . The cruise last year took the boats around Bain bridge island and was most pleasant It is not -likely a regatta will ba held this year, for the yachts vary so as to class that there are- few to compete in each trial, and Fred Stimpson of tha Bonlta, acknowledged to be the fastest yacht on the sound, is in Alaska end will not re turn before the season la past. ;:; The Portland lacrosse team will meet for practice on Wednesday, Friday and Monday evenings at the baseball park. In order to get In trim for their game wnu iBcvuw un juijt , xne local team baa been strengthened by several ' new players Joining the club, and the boys expect to make a fine showing on their northern trip next monto. Schedule of Steamer T. J. Potter. The seaside steamer T. J. Potter will leave Portland, Ash street dock, for Astoria and Uwaco as follows: June 36, Saturday, 1:00 p. m. June 28, Tuesday, 8:00 a. m. June 29, Wednesday, 9:00 a. m. June 80, Thursday, 9(00 a, m. July 1, Friday, 9:00 a. m. Jniy a. Saturday, 11:16 a. m. Get transportation and berth tickets at O. R. A N. ticket offloe, Third and Washington streets. . Journal friends an, readers, whan traveling on trains to and from porv land. should ask news agents for The Journal and Insist upon being supplied with this paper, reporting all failures In obtaining it to the office of publication, addressing The Journal. Portland. Or. - ..Boxing school. Tom Tracey, 106 4th, st ious diseases, along with those afflicted with diphtheria, measles and that class of diseases. But this Is not a desirable place for them. A pathetic scene came to my notice the other day at St Vin cent's. In the ward for contagious dls eases, and separated by a thin partition. were two poor women, dying with con sumption. As they lay there, coughing by turns, each one watching the pro gress of the other toward the tomb, what must have been their thoughts? How sad It all is! Hope . for State Aid. "It Is the hope of the ladles that the state may take up the matter after the movement Is fairly under way and the virtus. of the plan is demonstrated, and that an appropriation may ba se cured which will take oare of the san atortum for the future. The state board of health Is heartily In sympathy with It and tho board bacteriologist is ready at all times to diagnose sputum from suspected lungs. The plan embraces the entire state, in wmcn mere are many in digent consumptives who would gladly come to the sanatorium to finish out their lives, and others would embrace the opportunity to come here . to be cured." To the poor woman helpless with an afflicted husband And family, or to the afflicted mother whose offspring also wastes away while she Is powerless to afford relief or even the necessary main tenance, such a place would be a God' sent haven. These and other reasons for the existence of such a sanatorium are put forward by the ladies, who have gone into tha enterprise with Intense earnestness. Among the large subscriptions taken is one this week from the firm of Meier A Frank, who subscribe 3350 cash and 326 a year to maintenance fund. The ladles of the Episcopal church In Port land, have a, fund on hand of 8160 with Which they have decided to establish a Bishop Morris memorial in the new san atorium probably m the form of a Morris ward, It is said that another society of ladles In this city, soliciting for another pur pose, Is using the name of the consump tives' sanatorium. 'The mayor," said Dr. Manion, "is quite sure that when he waa approached for -a subscription he asked if it waa for the consumptives home and the reply was yes.', - At least be subscribed, thinking he was giving to the fund tor the open air sanatorium. and now finds that it was for another purpose."., .a ; '.'-..,':" ,. J'-, .? V'1 ':V::I'"'"i?s At a meeting of the Congregational ministers of Portland held Monday morning at the First Congregational church an interesting paper was pre sented by Rev. E. L House, paator of First Congregational church, on "The Dangers of Indifference and Apathy In Christian Ufa and Work." Dr. House said: There are critical momenta In the lives of all men when they choose one way or another In their attitude toward God and duty, amd righteousness. A man may choose tha right and pursue It with persistent seal, ha may choose ths wrong and set himself In action oppo site to the right or he may assume ths attitude or indifference." The speaker gava as an example of the 20th-century man Gallio, the pro consul of Achala, of whom it was said, in reference to the mob which clamored for a Judgment against Paul for preach ing the gospel, that "ha cared not for these things." "The Galllos of Port land,'" said th speaker, "are those who, when great moral interests are at stake and Gods standards of righteousness arc urged upon' men. car for none of these things. ' . "What we most hava to fear and ward against In the world today is Indiffer enceIndifference to high Ideals, their submergence under the heavy pall of greed, selfishness, fashions; commercial ism. Society measures the price f her privileges in gold and regulates her fa- MODERN BUNKERS PACmO COAST OOXBABY EXPECTS TO XBSTALL COAL BUBKXBS OA 3 ABLE Ot BABTLXB tfiOO TO BE WILL BS LOADED AT BATE OP SOO COBS AST XOTTB. Within tha aext few days tha work of enlarging the- coal bunkers of tha Paclflo Coast company will ba begun. Tha company soma time ago purchased the property upon which the old bunk ers were looated and plana were drawn at onoe for the enlarged bunkera. These have now been completed and have been sent to tho headquarters of the com pany to be returned within the next few days, when tha actual work of con struction will b begun. Charles H. Glelm, local agent of the company, says: "Some time ago the Paclflo Coast company purchased tha ground upon which tha old coal bunkers were located. . At that time there was also purchased aa additional 100 feet of water frontage, giving tha company SOO feet along tha river and from that back to th terminal tracks. "The plans for tha new bunkera hava trade for both steam. and domestlo pur poses. Our company hss Black Dia mond, Franklin, Newcastle and Fulton mines." already been made and accepted and the vors by tha bank account Indifference I f ol buUdlng tha 8,000 ton plant .will is the serious eloa- In the wheels of nro. I WUB resa toward the higher manhood and womanhood truth, purity, honor, vir tue, character. Give us rather opposi tion, for when evil comes out to fight In tha open there the church' always wins.' A true Christianity will always conquer in an open fight" will ba two bunkers and both wfll have electrical conveyors Hundreda of Uvea aaved everv vear by having Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio OH In tha house Just, when It Is needed. Cures croup, heals burns, cuts, wounds of every sort D. Chambers, Optician. Wholesale and retail. 139 Seventh St Phone 4718 Main. Preferred Stock Oanned roods. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. "There ot them and other of tha latest np-to-dato ma chlnepf, which will enable tha bunkers to hava a capaolty for loading ships at ths rata of 800 tons per hour, a per formance which will lead all other bunkers. We will ba able to load ships from pockets this, too, being dona by electricity. By a new arangement we will also be able .to load locomotives faster than by any former method em ployed. The work of building will be started Immediately, so as to handle our next winter's supply by either Sep tember or October. "Since acquiring tho Black Diamond mines In Washington we will be In a better .position than ever to supply, tha TWO SQUARES OF THEM. Tha BiT ProoesslOB on tha f treat Yes terday Waa Beaded foe Bllers SHaao Boose. The long 11ns of drays which moved up street from the wharf yesterday was Important enough and imposing to attract universal attention and com ment, although there waa no rouato or noise. Every available dray In town had been pressed into service by Ellers Piano House to haul ths ' immense cargo of pianos which arrived on tha steamer Nebraska!). It Is the largest shipment of pianos - ever received by a single firm, and tha procession, each dray carrying three pianos, filled two blocks. "It would hava been longer," said Mr. Ellere. "had wo been able to secure mors drays. Aa It Is, we will be obliged tb leave nearly half tha planbs at tha dock over night "Tiys is one 01 tne naeuuea or naving an open river," continued Mr. Kiiers. "It enables us to get away from tho axcesalva freight chargea. This ship ment large as It la is Just the begin ning. The steamer Hawaiian, which la due here soon, will also eary pianos for us, and In addition piano stools. Tha Oregonlan, which follows, also has a cargo of pianos for ua Mora will fol low it en tha Texan, and ao on and so on. You can see from this that wa will ba prepared for tha big business that is bound to coma-this year, and that ws are going to treat th people better than aver In the matter of low prices, so that even in the cost of a piano It la going to mean a good deal to tho people of tha northweat to hav an open river. But 'in tha meantime, 1 if you know anybody who is thinking of buying a Una piano you had better give Aim a quiet tip that he had better buy during our present coupon sala We cannot make prices like the pressn ones every cay by any means." lent Profit aad Loss. From the Chicago News. Tha Lady "Aren't you ashamed to waste your time doing nothlngf Tha Hobo "Me tolm ain't worth nothln." lady, so when X ain't doin' nothhV I ain't wastln' nothln.' Seer No need to fear sudden atrarVa nf cholera' infantum, dysentery, diarrhoea, or summer complaint. If von have. nr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry la the medicine chest . . , 4 " Preferred Stock Canned Goods. -Allen ft Lewis Best Brand, ' - :! m KpaF ' ;gi -v Jg fnl W$G i Mi J.ill lit' NZ. rfTi'iLJr-..-XiV'' ' a. V v- BE PIREPAiED 1 - 'VMr;,' 1 For the Succession of Gay Events Into Which Portland Is Now Entering - That Means A MEW SIM But not necessarily an expensive one Youll want some money Jeft with which to celebrate. There's one point we want to emphasize: We'll save you money ori ANY THING and guarantee tlie qual ity of EVERYTHING bought at this store and not make a fuss about it either. , Note These Prices for All Wool Suits . '. : 1 ' :" ' - '' ' -. ', ' . . ' '' ' t '' ''" " 'j' ' ' ' " f "' ' " ' "' " $10, $12, $13.50, $15, $16.50, $18, $20 Outing Suit5-$8.56, $i 6, $12, $13.50 If the Suit Don't Fit, You Can't Have It 85-67 THIRD STREET i i i i .... 1 " CA I A la " A n - ft II ?STRONOEST 8UIT HOUSE IN TUB 'STATE ONE DOOR NORTH OF CHAMBER COMMERCE 1