THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 22. 1004. CHILD NARROWLY ESCAPES DROWNING SURVEY PARTY IS OFF FOR COAST CHAUTAUQUA AT...;. GLADSTONE PARK IntXXX-TBAB-OU) BO InrDIAjr XJUTDS lOVTIWlimil 1 AMOCZATIOST WXU O FX BATS TXM BSSTATTBAirT srrrxBzirT COM laTTBM AxxAjrona nATvmxa or covxva - xzBTzvaKor CXBCUIT COVBT.' ,; ''V1' czsTzxjr oomrAnmro niT 0 WATBB BXTT BJBSOVZ XBW i 3TZXB XOVSB. ', TATB3JBI ; BBOXBB roBTtov or stats to mm txj.t- TID TUO EUOSOOB 'bBAOBXB AT rXOBBBOB WXXLat ASSXSTXY IOXOOBZB BBZi BOBTB. '... '' . , ' ' " ' SnsHai DUMtek to The Journal.) Vancouver, Waah..', June 22. Tin i tirM.vMr-old son of Mr.- and Mr Free berg of Ibis county narrwwiy w (Special Dispatch to The Joamal.) Roseburg, Or.. Juno 21. A survey party headed by Government Surveyor Carson started yesterday afternoon from fill th vacancy mad by the resignation of Mrs, H. K. Jones. Tho members of tho board are R. C Ganong, P. M. Klem aoa and W, A, Hedges. v -.- Court? STrospcrooa. " , ' . ,v , At proaent Clackamas oounty ia In' flourishing- condition " and tho farmer ara buey looking- after crops that will bring them In good return whan bar vested. Chrla Moehnke, a .prosperous farmer of Bearer Creek, was In town yoatarday and h aaya that tho farmers ara all busy In hla section and that the oropa will bo abov the average. If tho preaent indications prevail. ' A ' little mora rain la needed, but as some has fallen already tho oropa ara not Buffer ing. Clover la a llttlo behind, aa la alao aom of tho hay that .was planted. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) - . I Evidences of proaparlty among the Oregon City. Or. .Juno 22. Activity I farmers can be soon In th farm ma in, all tho different eommlttoas that arolcblnery that Is being bought In town arranging- tho different foaturaa of tha and taken out to tho oountry every day, coming Chautauqua meeting at Olad-1 There la not a day passes but that now EXERCISES OF THE REUNION OF LAI OREGO INSTITUTE COUNTY VETERANS TBBTX ABBTAIi OOKXZBOZXBBT AIOCXATXOX .. . OOIOCZTTBBI OB WtfAAXBTTB ' tTBTTBBWTT 3 OXABOB OT ATT AZB KAXB OBBAT A BAXJCK AWABDI BMZZttUMn ' rBBBABATZOBB TOM BTBBT ABB TO ' BWBBT OXBXi , OBABVATBI IACBXS BBABT OBASUATIOB, ' ABBABOB BZiABOBATB rBOOBABt cxBctnr oovbt bbtbb'obs.1'' ittnv'iTS izizixj'i 'Lr:.r .kk (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) I - (Special Diapatek to The JoaraaL) . Salem. June 32 The tenth annual I Eugene. Or., Juno '12. Th , fifth commencement oxerclaea of tha Ore-1 annual reunion of th Lane County gon inatltute of willamett univeraity, i Veterana" aaaoclatlon began today and were held In' the Flrat M. B.' churcn I will continue till after Friday. Tha last evening and eight aweet girl grad- commltteoa In charge of th affair have Ing a cow. Th,cnua ,was sianaing Mays and from ther will proceed to nearby wits ni oaoa to in "ul"OMNewiM)rt and work down the oout U tht laa ail been mad up long sola to rarmrswno ar reaay w pay tM fcnd two younjr mm r4K!elved tholr mad great preparations for tho vont th work of gttlng thelcaah tor th Twrchas. Mr. MoAnk t d h k, Tho nroaram Include- fre entertain. v th clatern when he accidentally fell V Ther was three feet of water In tho : clatern at th time and tho cnua ru a ; spao of eight feet befor striking th ; water. Mr. rrDrg immvaiaieiy iow California-Oregon Una.; Th party will b out until about th flret of Novem ber. '.-,-. ' . .,... .v . Two Aanoro Intad of On. Inatead of th schooner Del Norta be ing aahoro alone, th tug El Rosoo grounds in shop is . occupying ' th I was In Oregon City yoatarday for tho minds of tho dlroctora. II. 10. Croas la nurooao of buying- a mower. He has th . . , . . I - " . . . . . K, .OtOViWU.. MIU WWII AM.. I uu,u I B1IIII.P) m IIM1U Uf V fairly deluged wlth applications from distinction f blng olecUd J prau. After a powerful invocation by rad and a publlo dlnnoo on Thuraday, iiivh wuv.wu wii tvum uunof . in ui . pwo u iu. wu.w..v. - president Coleman. Mlsa Nina puanneur Veterans from all over 'the Th atalwart quartet rendered several ment at th thaatr on Wedneaday and aeiectiona. ana won tneir iuii in iTnuraaay vaning,r a grana atreet pa- ------- - ...i ma Hflon ugi l 'fwhTi.r fa th all,n w t of nor. : Z.h"'JtMatI 'm-T?.- ,!! -no,, Th.-Dol Nort. was loaded with j , ? Vi-i 1a . iVh . thnronhw I Kln-- butter and produce and bound for m6!.0" 'rlht na thoroughly gan jpnu , of th carf0 w , cold bath. - Brw rir Bftgla Sous. .' : Th old building at th- Vancouvar j barracks which has for som tlmt boon used as a shelter for th fir ap paratus at th - poat has bean moved ' from near tho old guard houa to a - point ast of th band quarters. A new , building will b erected wher tha old en stood and fitted up for aa engine ; bouao. Th barracks win soon have a new engln and a well equipped flre- Hihtlna- aDDaratua of its own. i The new engine will be of the latest , ; type and drawn by horses, a will alao i the hoae apparatus, instead of being i handled by men aa the old outfit la A stable will also be fitted up la the bew building, and aooommodatlona for -the neeeaaary attendanta who will be , detailed for fire police duty. -. WUX Mak Bom la Oallforala. r Major Ia Febriger. lnapector-general of Paclflo dlvlalon, who has been mak ing a thorough inspection of the differ nt poata in the department of the Co lumbla. Unletting with the inspection of Vancouver barracks, returned yesterday ' with his family to fian Francisco. Ma- Jor Febriger was formerly stationed at the Vancouver barracka, but on the for . matlon of the army Into divisions be was asslgTd4( dury in the Pacific dl vlalon as lnapector-general with bead- quarterO at San Franciaco. The members of his family have con tinued to reside at this post until yes- - terday, when they left in company with . ( the major for their new home. XCrev Allan Visiting BaUUve. Mr a. 6. M. Allen of Vancouver bar--racka, has left for San Franciaco to : vialt with relatives daring the abaence of her huaband, Ueutenant Allen, Nine , teenth infantry, with hla command at ' American Lake. Idas 1917121 at Bom. Miss Florence M. Smyth of Vancou ver has returned home after several days' visit with relatives and friends In Oregon. Mias Smyth's parents will leave tomorrow for eastern Washing ton where, they expects to spend . the summer, and Miss Smyth will probably total loas, but the schooner may be session. One thing that will be a feature at this seaion Is the Chautauqua restau rant, which will be operated by the aa aoclatlon. The reataurant wll be In charge of Mrs. C. O. T. Williams and It will b the effort to serv wholeaome horn cooked food to the vlaltors at Chautauqua. . Any who deal re to secure position in this work can mak their taken off. .The tug has been pulled of f I applications to Mrs. Williams or H. EL cross. . in former years the restaurant was operated by private persons and generally there jarae difficulty,-so th directors will try th plan of running th eating houae themselves and expect to have better result. Th committee on sports are having a little difficulty In .filling out the baseball schedule. The - Multnomah club, which haa always entered the con tst ia years past, will not be seen this year at the park. Manager Honeyman yesterday notified Mr. Muntley that hla team would not enter. The club team without great damage. - W. EL Dewey, who has been conduct ing the. Shamrock "restaurant" In this city, decamped leaving about $300 worth of debts behind him In addition to a wife and two children; only to be cap tured at Wilbur, nine miles north of here, late yesterday afternoon. .. PIONEERS 0 LINN COUNTY CELEBRATE his district ' ' Book Backs fo Beoorder. Yesterday afternoon the book cakes and racks that will be uaed In th re corder's office to hold the county reoords were received at the courthouse. The cases are of two kinds. . One will b th regular wall book rack, while there ar two that ar called book omnibuses toe hold a number, of books and are on rollers and caa be moved from room to room. Some of th reoords hav been kept In the clerk's vault but these will - coun, rendered - an Instrumental solo, . "Valse I and from several other counties are Caprice," and Miss Ruby Phelps gave attendance at the reunion. in a selected reading la her pleasing and original style. ; The presentation of the claaaes by Dean W. C. Hawley and the preaenta tlon of diplomas by' President Coleman was an Impressive scene. " The members 'of the normal depart ment, who will now go forth to train the minds of the young in ways of greater usefulness are: Eire' Bernuse I burglary. Wann. Cora Alice Miller, Siva Jane Mar-1 larceny. At yesterday's seaalon of the circuit court two men, Charles Lee and George Williams, charged with larceny, were sentenced' to one month each" In the oounty Jail, they having pleaded guilty to the charge. Indictments have been returned by the grand Jury against ' Charles ' Johnson, James Keely and George Dennis for and Charles Smith for. (Ipedal Dispatch to The JosraaL) Albany, Or., June 12. The annual pioneers' pionio begins at Brownsville fh- -JTr !.. i --a .in , j, . I better than ever. much needed room. The cost of the cases that will be Installed Is f (17.10. Briefs aad rersoaale. . Oeors Rogers, the Willamette rails merchant, is th proud father of a baby boy. Fire Commissioner William Howell In stalled a fire hydrant at the intersection of Center and Third streets today. In- Mara wuum . uui vuwr. &uv vuv wmu , - . . . . - . A. .... has always been a good drawing card ur, fItJ and it is a disappointment to their oe?t".t.t il.... friends that they will not play this year. "A " TZn ot "a "j Daui. Th committee is corresponding with the g Aiests i of the family of E. J. Daul- Mil... ntml 4ma miA Viaukal will ha wu xua " ' be transferred to the vault In the I iatt. Edna Ethel Allen, June Marguerite recorder's office and will give the clerk I ptty and Ruth Rullf son. From the preparatory department. Mias Ines Valentla Bosorth waa ad mitted to the freshman claaslcal course, and Oliver Ritchie Splrea, Auatln Car lisle Price and Myrtle Duncan, were ad mitted to the freshman scientific courae. Choose Klgti Ideals. The address of the evening was deliv ered by Rev. Alfred H. Henry, paator of the First Methodist church of North Yakima, Wash, , and was redolent with thought for the Inspiration and better ment of the young people of the grad uating class, and there who heard the this morning and will last three days. This -year the celebration will last three days and will be In the nature of an I Sr. I lw- . W ..A AAmum In -TVl Ther will b many campers at th ?.f" " session this year and any who Intend to camp had better get a hustle on tbem old fashioned picnic. Prominent speak-111?? IT". .. .vA" . i.Z. rs from various cltlea will deliver ad-1 , 7- Za the Clroui't Court. Yesterday : there were two complaints dresses. The Methodist and Baptist Sunday schools left early this morning for Yaqulna bay, going by special train, for filed with County Clerk 81elght for the a days pleasure at the beach. About ISO people went on the exoursion and it was expected that quite a number would Join the party at Corvallla and points further west docket of the circuit court One was a EX-PREACHER USES AX HANDLE IN FIGHT (Bpedal Dispatch to The JosraaL) Lebanon, Or., June 22. A. B. Hood, a prominent farmer living la . Iaoomb neighborhood near Lebanon, was yes terday arrested and brought before Jus tice of the Peace Lovelee in Lebanon on the charge of assault and battery, to certificate of trenecrlDt and the other I wlU bring a crowd from Portland. was a suit to recover money advanced I Dr. tV-A. Stuart has returned from a on a promissory note. short vacation to Dayton and other In ttve tranacrlpt & Aguchl Is suing! point in Yamhill county. J. I Johnson for 1160 which the plain-1 Miss Ethel Albright has returned tiff alleges is the .amount due him. I from Linn, Wash., where she has been which charge he pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to pay a Tine. Hood, who for a number of years wss I and a fight was the result In which, it The case was commenced In the Justice court and has been carried higher. George Marquedt is suing W, J. Mol denhauer for- SIM advanced on two notes held by th plaintiff. Th plain tiff asks for tha principal and interest from February I, 1904. Charged With Mayhem. If th officers get hold of Roy Rams by, who Is thought to be somewhere In Marlon county he will have a grave charge to face. He ia charged by Mans Oleson of Marquam with mayhem. Ramsby and Oleson became angry at each other not long ago at Marquam About 10 people from Oregon W7J address. He plead for the adoption of high Ideals, and to learn the value of one's own life end Its possibilities. Two Women Graduate. The graduating exercises of the Sa cred Heart academy were held in tha chapel laat night when a good program was rendered, and Misses Mathilda Ma rie Eckerlen and Ruble Agnee Ooulet were awarded diploma from the Eng lish academic course. Grammar diplomas were awarded to Mias Olive McOee, Agnes ToughlU and Minnie Pettyjohn. Governor Chamber lain addressed the claaa, being intro duced by Rev. E. P. Murphy, who gave him a strong euloglum. The governor delivered a characteristically pleasing talk, praising the sisters and giving the young women graduates a few words of good advice, On July second la Shlvleys opera- house there will be a benefit for the local Salvation Army. The entertain ment will consist of moving pictures and illustrated songs. Tomorrow night the Fraternal Brotherhood will give a trolly party and dance at Canemah park. A special car her sister, Mrs. James W. visiting Church. Hon. C B. Moores went to Portland this morning and gave the annual ad; dreas before the Oregon Pioneers' asso tlon this afternoon. The following- couples hav. been granted divorces: Lulu Ounther against Frank T. Ounther; Etta Broody against F. M. Broody, t WlU Tot om Sewer Bomda. A special election has been ordered to be held on Monday, July 6. to determ ine whether or not the elty shall issue 110.000 bonds to build extensions to several sewers. It is thought that tho bonds will easily carry, aa the sewer idea has obtained a thorough bold oa the eeoDle of Eusene. During the paat year ther has been more sewers built In the city than dur ing any precious five years, and many more are contemplated. Councilman Besigns. At a special meeting of the olty coun ell laat night Councilman J. D. Matlock, from the fourth ward, tendered his resignation which was accepted. Mr, Matlock's reaaon for resigning Is that he lntenda to be away from the city a greater part of th summer. He will attend th Democratlo na tional convention at St Louis as an Oregon delegate, and will visit other eaatern points. rromlaeat Citisea Zasaa. ' Norrla Humphrey, a prominent cltl-r sen of Lane county, waa yeaterday ex amined before County Judge Klnoald and pronounced insane. He waa taken to the state inaane asylum on the after noon train. The cauae of Mr. Humphreys tnsan- a preacher, got into a row with B. F. I is alleged., that Ramsby bit the ear off 'return to Oregon and remain with her8nd, nd wife, and in the, mlx-up I of Oleson. Hs was last heard of sister during their absence. Oaptala Wrea Km Bet-armed. - ' Capt William C Wren, who has been ' away on leave of absenoe, returned ye '.terday from th east Mrs. Wren ac companied , her Jiuaband east . and re turned with him. Mlsa Pike, a friend of the family, also- came with them and will visit during the. Bummer at .Vancouver, barracks. Energy all gone. Headache T Btora- ach out of order? Simply a case of tor-.-pld liver. Burdock Blood Bitters will make a new man or woman of you. used an ax handle to belabor his op ponents. The warrant was Issued at the Instano of Sanders. on Silver creek la Marlon county and Sher iff Shaver sent Ell Maddock of .this elty to capture the man If possible. Ell Maddock had the man almost In Els grasp when he eluded him. Maddock had, to -wait while the Justice of . the Spokane, Waeb June 22. Spokane'a I Peace of the local district endorsed the SrOZABB gBTLDBBB! ff OBYO. children enjoyed; themselves to the limit yesterday at Natatoiium park. About a thousand children met in the morning, after which they bad a big parade, headed by the band, and five wagons loaded with provisions bringing up the rear. Twenty cars took them to the luncheon. ' tM tMM M00MM f? TIE COAST 1 1 warrant so that Ramsby could be taken and while the legal forms were being complied with Ramsby waa flitting through the woods and when Maddock came forth to crush him with the law he was not to be found. Maddock came back from his search yesterday with a look of chagrin but he says that the offender will soon be caught Banted Charcoal la 1848. With the frosts k many winters on his head, John Mlnto, father of John W. Minto, Portland's postmaster-elect came up to Oregon City yesterday to try and find where he had burned charcoal for the market In 1845. Mr. Minto came to Oregon In 1845 and his first work here was burning charcoal. At this he made little money and got his start in the SMALL BOY'S QUEST FOR "BILLIE CLARK" (Special Dispatch to The Joaraal) Seattle, June 22. Grieved at punish ment received on his birthday, Horace Bawdey, five years old. slipped away from his Spokane home in the dusk of the evening, spent half his store of wealth In cajc fare to the railway sta tion, boarded a train going westward, and unnoticed as an Independent pas senger traveled across the state to Se attle in search of Binie Clara, a mena of his babyhood, employed In the Great Northern railway office. He was found the next morning- wandering about in North Seattle, hungry and tired, but still hunUng for BUlle Clark. In the meanwhile anxious earchlng parties , and distracted parents were dragging the Spokane river for the body of a small boy. Harold had been given a party Sun day and his last guest was departing when chastisement's heavy hand fell upon him. s "Mamma, I'm mad at you. I'm going to Seattle to see BUlle Clark. He won't whip me," was his declaration. The mother thought nothing of it Later In the evening she missed her son, but he was nowhere to be found. Clark waa found today, and the boy seemed Lester B. French of Portland, who ! lty was financial troubles. Several years securing the right of way for an elec- lon . ! "' . trio line from Salem to Canemah, denies through speculation and ever 'since then that he represents the Oree-on Water his mind has been failing. .He was ex- that he represents the Oregon Water Power company, but is working for a great railway company with headquar ters in Indianapolis, which has made almost a network of motor lines through Indiana and Ohio, He claims to havs secured almost a complete right of way SO feet wide from Canemah to Salem. Mr. French deolares his company in tends to erect a double track, parallel to the Southern Paclflo track to Cane mah, . and there cross the Willamette river, and go on to Portland on the west Side. ' On line is to be used for a fast car, which will be run to Portland In one hour, and the fare from Salem to Portland will be 60 cents. The other track will be used for accommodation cars, to stop at all points along the line. tensively engaged In fruit raising. EASTERN CAPITAL COMING TO OREGON (Special Dispatch to The JoaroaL) Baker City. Or.. June 22.-r-Iaaae W. Anderson of Philadelphia, representing several capitalists, arrived In Baker City yesterday to Investigate mining ana in dustrial conditions nere, and left again last night for Philadelphia and New York after a lengtny conrerenoe wim Expert George W. Boggs; who haa been investigating a number of different properties In this camp during the past Tne Oregon water power company Is I three months. planning to Duua a motor tine rrom Ba. lem to Sllverton and thence to Canemah to connect with the Canemah and Port land line, ' 5 ch.i BowclComp! aint s "Over 05 casea In every hun ir. i . f summer complaints could be svni.i 1." Bays a leading specialist, "if evrr m was careful to keep hla syntum toned v with Duffy's Pure Malt WhlHkey. It a the most effective germ destroyer known to the medical profenaton." Duffy's PureMaltWhiskey aids digestion and assimilation; purifies and enriches the blood; regulates the bowels; quiets the nerves; hardens the uiHavmi aiiiiiuwiva vxiv i ai buiiuii, and builds up and sustains the entire system. Prescribed for, half a century by leading doctors. "DuffysT''ls abaolutely pure," contains no fusel oil and la the only whiskey rec ognised by the Government as a medi cine..' ' l :''. " . At all lougrlst and grocers, or di rect. 1 a bottle. Medical booklet free. Duffy, Malt Whlakey Co.. Rochester. N. Y. - , - -, ', DALLAS PUBLIC SCIIOO TROUBLE ((pedal Dispatch to The Journal.) :" Dallas. Or.. June 22. The culmination of the recent publlo school trouble has been reached in the election of a dt- pm4a. anA .1 art-V m. th. wimtn ar ," . m vaaj vrv0w v 4 l II- clpai Reynolds and some of the sub ordinate teachers, tried In vain to elect their Candida tea for director and clerk.' respectively, out were beaten by a few . .viva. Not for manv year haa ao-mur-h In terest been manifested over a school election, and the opera house was om- ,111.4 I. U 1 . . M IVIWUI7 Willi BM-UWJl HHnHll, whom about- 40 were women. A question arose as to who were legal voters, and Chairman Grant ruled that only , those Who had property assessed this year were entitled to vote. This ruling" kept a few of the women present from vot ing. -, I. V. Wiwl. nt tha ntA hns ml a At. rectors waa elected by a majority of six ,tt.a mi, t nnnnaltlsin . awAtAmM Harry - Butx, chosen champion of the . women's cause. H. G. Campbell was re-elected clerk by a majority of IS votes over his fair competitor, Mrs. Ora Conner. '. .v. in tne vote ror a i rector 12 1 votes were cast which was about three times ths number usually cast at former meetings. Ths new director re-elected ..... .V mamKam A II,. m.lA . WlU .HQ auvu.ivtw v. uv viu wm u c vor the retention of th teachers Ob jected to. ' ' '- lllfl Our Boys Department Is replete with splendid values for Seashore wear, including most everything that will be required. Boys' Sweaters In all styles in plain and fancy colors. Prices 75c to $3 BOYS' BATHING SUITS At suso BOYS SAILOR HATS " In crash, duck, pique, serge and linen of all colors. Prices. ...... .50 to $1.50 I "NAVAL RESERVE" HATS at. .............. .".Z5f and 50 STOCKINGS For Boys and Girls, very strong and dura , ble, at 15 (or 2 pairs for 25t), 25, 35t and 40, BOYS' SHIRTWAISTS In fancy and solid colors, at 25., 50, s 75 and $1.00. , . west He looked all around on the bluff ro desirous of staying with him than yesterday afternoon trying to find any I of returning to his father and mother indications or coal in the ground that ln oposans, would show him where he had worked over half a century ago. , He was not very successful, as - the - ground has changed much since be labored, but on Ninth and Washington street, directly ln front of the home of H. L Kelly, is the remains of Mr. Mlnto's first work. At this spot there is scattered around on the ground considerable coal, but It I would not be noticed unless one knew the place. If Mr. Mlnto did not find the place where he first toiled it is atlll there and can be pointed out to him. Birthday rarty. APPOINTMENTS BY THE UNITED BRETHREN Mr. Anderson and his associates are at present building the electrio railroad out of MUton, Oregon, ln which too men are engaged on a monthly pay roll of 220.000. it can be said with assurance that Many people who are heelectinflr his undertakings will o on tne scaie " f " , e. u : j v rr.nKU and with a scope Urge enough to inter- Symptoms - Ot k 1 d n C y trouble,, est the heaviest capitalist, and benefit hoping "it Will wear away, are: Bakr.r 'gzrzss&rs ards .Disease tramway construction,- electrio power i wmm nuuc; iiuums, iu vuv vi .,1.u,vlk luiwA. tt-namlna1An ann I if. " ' ftlrrlX AI l II 1H the aeveiopment or aimosi every omer iULlt IU AI O I e UUIlllO I natural resource In this oounty. That he will secure and put ln operation some of these propositions Is a certainty. It is expected that he wlU return to Baker City before very long and start some new deals on other ana aiirerent lines from those now under way. VOTIOZ. The JcAirnai sncr at Balem has beta transferred to K.nn.tta Btrne, with h.d qoartora st 99 State street. Pboae 1M1, Com plaints, tubserlptloas or cbaages will receive prompt attention from him. , WOMAN'S CIVIC CLUB (Special Dlapatch to The JoaroaL) Colfax, Wash., June 22. Following Is the list of appointments read at the closing session of the United Brethren conference ln Elberton Bunaay evening: i Mm.. Klo. .. nu k.v I XTOBiaing eiaor, xj. j. vv i.nuu, pi-it t... T...T .'.V kan, J. M. Thessenrider; Waverly. W. Lucll Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Evans, she gave a party at her home ln the afternoon to celebrate the event- The afternoon was spent Dleas- antly by the little folk and Miss Luclle received many pretty gifts. Those pres ent were: Alice Bollinger, Dorothy Hedges, Marie Walker, Helen Lovett, Bessie Miller, Harriett Miller, Mildred HunUey. Alice Phillips. Lillian Robert son, Laoata Young, Robertla Sohuebel. Clara Fields, Helen Orace, Virginia Shaw. Louis .Walker and Helen Hail of Portland.' The young men of th Dartv were: Clyde Schuebel, Pierce Walker. Thomas Lovett, Marshall Ryan, Donald Ryan. Paul Herron, Joseph Hedges. Edward Robertson, Clark Storey and Irwin I Evans. The matrons who looked after the little ones at the party were: Mrs. walker, Mrs. T. F. Ryan, Mrs. J. P, Lovett, Mrs. T. Charman, Mrs. Huston, and Mrs. E. 3 Hall of Portland. Suing- XJjux Oounty for S150. Tom Meyers and Ed Hughes arrived ln (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) St Johns, June 22. At the regular meeting of the Women's Clvio Im provement club Tuesday afternon three new members were enrolled, making a total of 27. of the wives and daughters of our leading citizens. The members are all enthusiastic and progressive, and the club bids fair to be a great help to the upbuilding of this city, that has been sot beautlfuly endowed with na ture's handiwork. It was decided to give a musical and literary entertainment once each month as one means of raising money to work with. Willamette lodge No. 77, Independent CORVALLIS TO HAVE A SUMMER SCHOOL T. Coldwell; Elberton, J. H. Arts; Ken- Order of Lions, are to give a melo drama in zour acts at Bickners hall Thursday evening, June 23. The cast of characters is: H. Nelson, Charles Falr- chllds, J. W. Schmeer, Miss Hulda Erickson, Miss Elva Hulburt, Miss Bell Smith, H. Denllnger, J. B. Easter, Lynton Athey, M or nay A they. The play will be followed by a hop to muslo furnished by the St Johns brass band. for the passage of the new gas fran chise two weeks ago last Monday night have each in ttirn been notified by Oregon City the first of the week from agents of the Seattle Lighting company eastern Oregon with a herd of horses, that the result they have all along that they have ln a pasture near town, wished to accomplish will be attained for sale. They came over the moun- j without granting the new franchise, and tains by the Santlam road, and while I by changing their votes and killing the crossing one oj the county- bridges with application of the American Improve (Special Dispatch to The Jooraat) Corvallis. Or.. June 22. Professor Tartar is to conduct a summer school ln Corvallis again this year, where stu dents, publlo school pupils, or teachers j mav "brush uo" during the summer and I b ready to enter higher grades or make gtopi if regularities, Strengthens sucn omer aavancemem as uwy majr , - . . - An,.. ,.j L;fj. .. desire. - I vigauiutu vuum ui- Professor Tartar had marked success the? WOrn-OUt tissue Of llie K10 HTS rSSrMK they will perform their this season. ' ' s luncuons prouenjr, ncdtiuy kiu mi Y I mi -1.-.. AfflaaM 1. mt nl.M i : . . ,v. Z Til . -"- ncy strain, uu. , iuc lujuurincs i follows: President r. L O. Alt- .. . man: vice-president Lucy Dllley: sec- Tm inc oioou8? P c retarv. m. t. starr: , treasurer, h. I throueh them. Diseased kidnevs aT.nrnaes. Roy' Ca'dy ,th W'OIIOUS Waste Jones; doorkeeper, ouy seeiey ; sentinel, matter is carried by the circulation D. W. Fraser; physician, ! a. Altmanr tn everv oart of the bodv. causing ll.h. Uiin..- Irnltaa Want I .. . ' . - . ' 5 r: VZSi. rri. mu. dizziness, backache, stomach At t'h mrhnni election yesterday I tmtihtr. sluccrish .liver, irrcular . i r . jr. ,iki-. : : r ueorge tiiny wae on.n m wnovr T, Heart aCtlOD, CtC. mt., mnl.v nmn rtroKfl rA m number I If vou haye anv sitrns of Kidnev SlUUI V M1UW. 1 I I w .a. j ava..w -v. -- f Members of the council who voted tne state, ror tne sevenieentn annual 0f , mues south of Corvallis, has been I or ladder trouble Commence tak- Snedl(0icre. and""wa. oneTf the ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE best 'hereabouts, but Mr. Finiey got i at once, as it will cure a slight dis order in a few days .and prevent drlck, W. A. Nicholas; Lenvllle, W. A. Brodeen; Huntsville, I. N. English; Wes ton. W. S. Payne: Milton. J. B. Ball; Uklah, Farmlngton, Pullman, Colfax and Walla Walla to be supplied, conference evangelist, W. R. Lloyd. "DOLLAR CAS" FIGHT IS WON IN SEATTLE (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Seattle, Wash., June 22. Whether the franchise asked for by the American Improvement company passes the city councU or ' is refused next Monday night Seattle Is to have $1 gas within a short time. I WASHINGTON KNIGHTS TEMPLAR IN CONCLAVE (Special Dtapntch to Tb- Journal.) Seattle, June 22. 8eatt!e is thronged with Knights Templar from all over conclave of the grand commandery is in session. The attendance from Seattle is : of course larger than that from - any other one place, but Tacoma comes next, and with it Is said to be the smallest Mason ln the state, Mike Swamp, but Charles D. Knight of Seattle disputes this distinction. There are nine oommandeiies in the th horses. It collapsed, and a number j ment company for a permit the streets state, at Seattle, Tacoma, Walla Walla,' bridge was unsafe, and It has afterwards transpired that the cltlseim of that seo- tion naa askea the county court to re pair tha bridge, so the two men named have Instituted suit against Linn coun ty, In which the accident occurred, for $150,' which will cover all damages. One of the horses had his shoulder broken and is good for nothing, while there were many others that were badly scratched up.- School Election at - Canemah. I We Cariy a Fiill Line of Boys' Furnishing Qoods I ttJS ft me xoiiowing year, ine xeacners wno have Juat completed the past .year in I th Canemah school have given tatUfao tlon and wer reelected. They are Fred Of the animals were injured. - ! of the city will not be ln a torn up There was no notices posted that the condition for the next two years, as will be the case if the franchise is granted. TO ST. fcOVXS XV AUTO. SAIW'L ROSENBLATT 0: i Corner Third arid Morrison Sts (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Wallace, IdaQb, June 22. Dr. and Mrs. X. L, Mage of Wallace and Mrs. Ma gee's uncle, R. W. Swing, of Paiouse. left today In a fine new touring car' for the World's ' fair at ' St. Louis. They expect to spend the entire summer in various parts of th east making a Port Townsend, Belllngham, Aberdeen, Vancouver, Spokane, and Everett The on at Walla Walla is th oldest in the state, .Just preceding the Knights Templar's conclave the' grand chapter Royav Arch Masons adjourned its sessions. but one good crop ln the past seven years, and this fact led the owner to decide against the prune Industry. EASTERN OREGON ENCAMPMENT G. A. R. leisurely trip.' I For the Ocean Bead.. . The popular steamer T. J. Potter will make , her initial , trip-this' season on Meindel, principal, and Miss Anita Glea-1 Saturday, June 25, leaving Ash street son. ' Sam Stevens was elected clerk, to dock promptly at 1 p. m.. . ' Season tickets, Portland to any point on the beach. 14.00. Saturday excur- I Blon tickets, good ; Returning Sunday night only 12.60. - ' Tickets and : berth reservations at O. R. & N. city office. lt M1MT4 PFJtMANENTLY CURTIS rod rua mkhculaks O. Chambers. Optician. Wholesale and retail. 129 Seventh St Phone 47ls.Maln .." '-'s a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system ; How to Find Outs ' : : Yon cad easily determlna If roar kid neya are out of order by setting asldo for 24 hours bottle of toe urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) . I is cloudv or mflkv or has a brick-dust La Grande.' Or., June 22. The eastern sediment or small DartlcleS-float about Oregon encampment of the G. A. n it, your kidneys ar diseased, and including all the posts ln th counties! WrtT.BV'ta tfinMifv PtTPIt ahmild hm aaa n TTm..tlla will hj. hald thlm nl . """Ti.wT. " j . " at La Grande beginning July 1 and j taken lasting four . days, under the auspice of. the .La Grande post 1 : ' : A general celebration will be held on all four days of the jneettng. ln which speaking, aamp flrea, literary, musical and - patrlotiQ programs will - be - rn Moneyback says: Schilling's SerU. Daw. Vi ntM' . .l. m n lo I The people of La Grand w erect uwi nuaivvw ; juu- nwu a i the largest .arbor, that was ever put up right; if you don't think so, your, grocer returns ; your a i' l e . a . a money, ana mat s v tne end a. B. BurHan TtsUfles After ; n ' Four Yesrs. HtV..:fk 0. 1. Barhast ef Carlhle Ctater, R. V erftf R A hou t f nur veare aao I wrote voastatlnfthitl X had been entirely cured of a severe kidnrs trouble.bYtakin less than two bottles o( 1-ofs viiinav ruM. It entirely atoppml the brl, k- rin.t MlimMnt and Mia and symptoms of !t Mnr t diaesM disappeared. I am slad to ear that I have never bad a return of any of thon vr. toms during the four years that have elht. t. and I am eyldently eared to stay euri. I heartily rsoeromend Foley's Kidney Cur i- t aanertng irom xionor or uuui-r iruuu.s. Tw Sizes, C3 and 1C 3. of it for any occasion in eastern Oregon, and will provide camping ground for visitors Irons a Olstance who have teams. . Th poets Included ln th eastern Ore gon-division are Kit Carson post- Pen dletan,. : Milton, Athena, Weston. - La Grande, - Elgin. Union, Joseph. Enter. prise. Baker City and Harney and Grant I weasaid. Clarke Co, and raua-r soldo r.r:::::.:::::3L 4 ; Third and Washington. ( - 4