10 V THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 22, 1004. PORTI-fAlND'S GREATEST GROCERY : .:-; HEAVY RECEIPTS OF EGGS CAUSE ': DROP EGG MARKET IS HEAVV A! LOIR &BCESFTS TOOAT , A TBirUi TOO AKOX TOM VMM DXUAMD AMD , rUOZ AM DOWTT I CIJTT TXAX, xm sarrza sxapb oxzoxxirt COXCX TOO VAST. Ill 25; cecumner. I1.T8 per doa; cauliflower, 80 i i.uu per aos; articaokee, euaooe aos; green - . giiMia . w.ii. n 1 1 il.Outll.lO m ui: Omuu. ll.00411.10 Dr host nmu wuuiw, aw mr ouaj green cttra. uw par T&Ac; Bef celery, 75c per dn; Mexican pep- rra, loc per ana; not-nouse cucumnera, fi.uv 60 per doa; California, 11.60 Hf box. DRIED FRl'ITS Ptlee. eTaooratrd. TOSc per lb; aprlcou, 9ti.llc per lb; aacka, SPECULATION SLOW ' ' IN STOCK EXCHANGE mi lb mm: oeacbes. TWuuo ner lb:- neare. Mas lOe- pit lb; prune. Italian. 3tt4e per lb; mora, 8t;t4e prr lb: tig. California, - Front Street, Jane 22. The principal feature M Portland wholesale market today arc: Kggs ara weaker ana down. Veal market la better ehapa. , Chicken reeipt break record. Potato clfma op faat. BtrawbcrrlM ara lowar today. All rberrleo ara cheaper. Likelihood of advance la lard. black. 636a prr lb; do wbltaa. a7a per lb; plums, pitted. 0irae par lb; dates, golden. t par lb; farda. $1.60 par 18-lb box. RAISINS Sanded, fancy, lib eartoaa. 60 parkagce to ease, 94e pkg; seeded, 12-oa cer ton. 7e; looaa Muscatel. 60-lb boxes, TO 8Ue Per lb: Londoa layer. $1.8522.00; duster. t2.fi0ttS.T3; , 2Se; , BOe advance over pound eartoaa KI08 Ten l ib eartoaa. ebolcv brand. 11.00: 10 Mb carton, fancy brand, $1.10; 10 Mb brick. 9-omwn Doe- 10 1-lb brick. 8-erowa. OAc; AO Hlh brick a. per box. $2.25; 4-row lay era, per fO-Ib box. 90c; looaa. 60-lb boiea, oar lb. e&fSUc. Callamyrn flix-crown, lo-.-o car ton, per oox. $2.00; 6-erown, 10-lb carton, par box. II. T5: 4 -crown. SO 1-lb eartoaa, par box. $1.78. Qraoarlaa, aruta. ro 8 t!C A B "Sack bal" Cube. 96.10s now- dered, Bo.05; dry granulated. $.fl6; beet granu Uted. $3.78: extra C. S8.85i a-oldea C. M.85: obis, 10c: Vk bbla, 36a; boxes, 6o adranra oa aacx naaia. Maa zoc ewi lor raan, 10 aayai pie. Kyioc per lb. IIONRY IfUftlBe. COITEE Green Mocha. ie2Se; Jara. faacy, (rorolebad by Orerbeck, Starr Cock Co.) Nov York. Jon 22. T. A. Mclotyra Co. aay: tlpacalatloa In tba atock today waa rerr alow and devoid of any particular lr new featnnia. Wbat tendency tbera waa Indi cated waa la tba directum of aa Improvement. Tbvra waa mora activity in the bond I let, a larger volume of wblcb la atlll being transacted cntslde of tba atock axchanca privately tba for a tone time. Tba demand for bonde haa. In fact, been ao food tba peat week that It baa cleaned up nearly all the boldlnira tba varlooa ayndlcated kave been offering for tba pa at month or two. Tbera la one Indication of tba better feting tbat gradually developa and tba lncreaalng confidence In tba future ata blllty of tba general market. Wa noted very little welling preaanra la the market from any quarter, but rather more dlapoaltlon among rommlaaloa boaoea aa welt aa profeaalonala to bay for turn on any dip. Mlaaonri Pacific declared tba regular aeml-annoal dividend of PRICES ON WHEAT SHOW NO CHANGE AaTOTXZB BAT 07 XTKXXKXMOMO QxroTATzpn nr cxxoaoo m- TQZ.Viai 0a ' BTTHjIXII TUT gnf ITiTr JTXT COM OAMM KP- TZXBEB f, OX ITT SOW' 3H per cent, payable June 80. loony a atock market: DESCBIPTIOIf. ' Zgga Ara Weaker and Lever. Tba egg market waa allghtly weaker and ar-mewbat lowar today with tba receipt trifle too targe for the demand. Soma of tba yrmrrm mrm ixrouiina erareu aou ore am nuio-1 rr;)c; Java, good, WtJJBc; Java, arainary. I Anacoada hllnlne In ao Area and ,Mtv'a nnm an mllnar f rem I 1, 0... r.. ol . iou.. Dl. I T . TT m'"'"f " Dgmea -tba quota tkma oa eaaa ara too baxbllb; packaga coffee, I12.87Q13.8T. I do preferred and It taken very amalt arrrval to keep tba I TKAB Oolona, different gradea. jaoe; i Am c,r, j, j-ound., com iwi mm. Btigniiy wrger mnpu !""rl""",."'V:T"a; -"""" " . -1 ao pre r erred . . . thmm h. M-A iu w,.. . I frrent aradea. 12xd6e: aoldarlear. ancolored I i .. fordag tba market down. Tba market today '"P". 301S T" JPn (vary ncarca). 10 Anl; gnJ,,,;, zooe. i a ALT Una Bale. 7. 8a. 4a. 8e. 10a. I BaTtimw Oblo! ' oo'm aim. .t.i. .i.. tut. nonaniUK nn I "iibk- at yaw, com ? -! lP:ted UvVpool. bp-! tB.0O Fnklv? la ail. trria i a th lem i a m. nj. lu nimik mi. i - .- ------- OUIX cannot be aald to be weak . Taal. aUrkat la Better Bkapa. Tba veal market today waa la better abapa With the race-lnta nf the kaffaa alaaa a atMOra la tea majority. At Breaeat there la very poor I"?! ' ' H veal comlna. aa farnuv. and other ahlnnera -20.IPa.-gg.BO; aack. 00a. wtc, bare found to their Borrow and axpenaa that ahipmenta or anything bat tba beat gnode doc not pay. men aaow aa eaanga. ; . ' . Hog in fair OaU. Tbera in at:U n fair call for beg with tba recelpta today not quite large enough. Tba atocka wblcb form tba principal inquiry ara at ton amau to mediant alaed block boga and theaa ara Belling at tba top prlcee. Aa yet packing peratlona hare not been rveamrd and bega for tbla porpoaa ara now not' wanted. Mutton and lamb ara bath la lightly better de mand wita the cooler . weather. ctanged. Canadian Pacific, com. Chi. Alton, com do preferred BALT Coarse, half around. 100. per f-a. to.xugn.oo; pot. per ton, fa. on eg 7. lump rock. tlS.BO01d.RO ner ton fo.wav.ip. iuu, o.fefia.A.. rhauui.. A n.u. uiwn Etncva anoir lo eaiev vk rvoa una i r. j- a ... ear lorn. 'Car lota at apedal prtcee anbieM XrC.uST ."ZZ: fTJ-w3 Pnl. Went. com. I 60-lb rock. rh, 4 w , to floctaatlomit. . GRAIN FAGS Calcutta, fS.TBO0.00 per 100. KICK Imperial Jaoaa. No. 1. CAci No. X New Orleana head, 7JTHe. BEANS Ama II white, Ifte; large white, M.Bnj.0t pink, 14.00; bayon. Ltmaa, 14.28. . N UTS Peanot. TWc: Jamboa. He : raw. Prlcea an-1 BClOc par lb for roasted; cocoanota, SBOOOa per ooa: wainnm. iaisa per u; pn Chiokea Baaalpta Break Ksoord. 10ai3Ha per n; hickory nota. 10a par lb: Tt.ro war. very Urge recelpu of chlckena to- Z Z?Z 'L."??' faeS ' MvaMl araahs halna hmkMi I - ' . -r - . ----- Colo. Honth., com.. do 2d preferred..... do let preferred.... Delaware A Hudson.. Dela., Ucka. Went D. R. O.. com do preferred Brla, com do 3d preferred do lat preferred..... ntlnota Central LoalTl)le Naahville. Metro. Traction Co..., Manhattan Elevated.., Mexican Central By.... M., Bt. P. A Sta. M... do preferred Mtaeouri Pacific M K. A T.. pfd New York Central Norfolk Wratarn, com. ao Drererrea b; North American .... N. Y Opt. Weat IV: rTr .r ...TT" T., Uic per lb: almond .sia P lb. hiMi and MMtaM mnA thin ntmtlnm t thm mar. I JfttS Mil FrirvUiOM kat lai l an mW vsvaaai W mtmtm TTi am ilnma avrvi FRESH MEATS Inapectad Beef. Prima. aeem to be a aaffidant amount of aorliur fowlal P" lb; cow. 6HTe par lb; mutton. i .-m .v.. a - k.i I drerd. 0a per lb: lamb, dreaeed. e par lb. k.ij nnifl ffrnT- Zimba iiviaJ. f KK8H 1 BA TaVgpont arraet Beat, ataera. 7.. . . - 'wi.-:T!a . V"T !4t.ti5ke oar lb: pork, block. W per lb: pack I?" "r LrT "J.:: . ttVle per lb; bull. 4e per lb; uia muni uwrn vav-as win ""I id aawf I mm. an, 1 ia IV,- mnhnn drasaalt. A0Oe ""' mm UHun aiva uuca. a. a, - axtra. aur: ordmarT. 0B Par mmal Sgurea. ' poor. per lbi Umha. BCtOo per lb. , fetateea Clean UP faat. HAM 8. BACON. BTC Portland pack florali Pennsylvania Rr hare Is an iavreesalnr dtunand for old ne I hams. 10 to 14 lbs. ISUe Per lb: 14 to Id lbs. p. a. I. A ft Co... tator and atocka of fair quality ara becoming 12 (4c par lb; IS to 30 lb. 12J4e par lb; cottsxa, Pressed Steer Car, com. scarcer. Tba call la especially good rrora ua I t per w, rrc j, n- v- I ao prererrea local terrltorv. New noutoea ara not ao plentl- per Irs regular abort .cleara. on- pacflc Hall Steam, Co. - - ... . - ...i .mk.ui a l.. m aua la. iMAvai. aa aw in; ,1 j . - - - - . i avrsuins. ma do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Bep. Iron A HteeU com ao prererrea. . . . Rock Island, com do preferred com. oca the fte P-r B; picnic, tt plentl- liHwlde per It! rei f-u tn lKiraT,nniv wTtTth. inland C ". Union butU. 10 to IB lba. 1., a!?-i v PP, tt amokeVno per Ibj smoked. Be per lb; clear .-, .. ...- I bellies, nnamoked, lua par jo; amoked, ll ..... waa..va ai, .a. I Uff Jq, j Cberripa are coming to market from every dl- LOCAt, LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. Bia par rectloa and prlcea oa tba balk good are cheaper. I n.. &. at., nae lb: no-lb rtna. BUa ik. Soothern Br. Tier are quite heavy arrivals or eauan cner- team rendered, 10, Bc per lb; 6a. 0e par I do preferred rlea bat the market la weak on account of tba I lb: sua. gaa ner lb: eoninonnd tleree. a si I Kouthern Pacific. . . - Insufficient supply. ' - I lb; tuba, Tc per lb; 60a. Tc per lb. 8t. L. A S. F.. 3d pfd fvAAnaTU BALiMtin Columbia rlvar.. I -lb tana. I " x( prererrea.. Btmwbarriag Vat Sa Xigh. iumbu rlvar. 1-lb talta. coming and fia of about H per pound. Soma vary fair quality berriea came from Bood Kiver tbla morning aad were sold at Sc. They were not la good enough condltlos to ablp gay great distance. - Zlkalineod af Advaaoa in Lard. It la quite likely within tba next week or so tbera will be sn advance In tba quotation) an FISH Rock nod. Ta Per Tbt floundera. Be nee lb: halibut, 6e per lb; crab. 11.26 par do: raanr eta ma. 0c per doa; llrtle-oeck dam. He: atrlped baa. 10W13H par lb; catfish. 8e ner lb; Minion, chlncok. Ac per lb; eteelaeari. 0e per lb; bluebaek 8o par lb; berrtnx. 6c ner lb: aolea. 8c ner lb: CD ere win D an aoTaucvj ui Huuuuv- . , - mi:mA iu - - ;rr r.tra stock. Tba a,,terBprovi.lon market p, ih,' blsck cod, oc per lb. baa held a very firm and advancing tone for 0Y8TEBS Sboalwater Bay, per gat. U3Sj about a week. : . -' ;- . ' . ';;' par aack, I-T76 net; Olympta. per aack. 9S.SS. Merchant1 Opinion a xooay auxsat, i miata, Ooal OUa, Eta. w n. fllsfk Comttanv Butter doea not eeem i EOPB Pure Manila. IStte: amndard. 13a: ea aa wmrw Arm; trade for the Foortb of July I Rlsal. lOUe. U more quiet than wa iad anticipated. I COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Caaea, 21 He per Wabash, ran. w. . T. Turner , at uo ;nicaena oomioa hi i, .i.... . k-, i Uvely;.gf.r.dy;ntora butter weak. P IJeUCo.-Vy Mrga aivuOIIOT,vr,ur -YlNSEElJ OIlPura 'MW Vn bbli. 63a per genuine kettle boiled. 04 per gai; ground ton: less than car. $20.00 per ton. OA80UNB 84-deg caaea, 82c per gal. Iron bbla, 26c per gal; atove, cases, 24M par gL iron ddis. joc per gst. T.. Bt. L. A W., com. Union Paclflc, com do preferred U. B. Leather, com. do preferred V. 8. Rubber, com. do preferred..... P. S. Steel Co., can... do preferred.... WbeelV U ., oom.. do 3d preferred i do lat preferred Wisconsin Central, com. do preferred Western Union Tela.... B0U T2 iri 136H 03 805 14 13 novk 81 60 33 83 33 28 4" 122 1 20 16 1 4A 1M 47 47 47 13 86 (Fnrnlabed by Overbeck, ' Btarr A Cooki Co.) (in Irs go, wane 22. Logan A Bryan aay: Wheat la again unchanged. It wag dull with a very email volume of bualneaa. Tba cable were also dull. Broomhall lntlmatea noma lit. tie Increase la activity In Liverpool en re duction in the Ruaalaa crop condition of 3 polnta. It la atlll. however. points above last far. The weather la One everywhere for arresting and tba making of the crop. Moat of tba threshing retarna coming from the aoathweat ( Indicate the yield Is much be road expectation, mere waa a aaia of No. 2 wheat to mills. The whole milling altnation la in a atata of stagnation. The market la extremely nervoua, particularly in July option. While cash wheat la eteadlly losing lis premium, tba premium la atlll Urge aad deliver lee of July contract eariy in ua montn are moat nalikeiv, Wa see no Immediate nroapeet of hlchar prlcea. but feel tbat with ton coming ef tba new crop active a peculation win again be in evidence aad advise our clients to take advantage of the extreme dullness alware in evidence in tha month of August to buy aom of tha deferred rctures ana await toe inevitable rue. gather July must go np to csah price or the cash price go down to the Jury. With favorable weather hare we a till feel tbat any advance to ne sustained moat coma from tha other aide, However, be not (urpiised If Chicago again Ig nore uverpooi. Corn Shade Eaaier. The corn market la a aba da eaaier, bat with out apparent change.. It waa a quiet market, although a nervosa one. The ahorta got a Jolt yesterday which made them cautious about a a ring ana tnere waa not mucn outsiae traae. Temperatures are low bat- reports concerning the crop, while they may Indicate a trifle back wardness, are yet on the whole fairly favor able. There la nothing much either way In the caab altnation. Recelpta are fairly good and the demand a little Blow. The action ef the July corn In regaining it dlaeount may be algnlfleant of an oversold condition and somewhat concentrated holding. What tba market does la thla re pact after the Brat will, however, more reliably indicate the meal situa tion. Wa atill look for scalping market tor me time neing. Onto About TSrahanged. The oata ararket. toe. la about nnchanged from yesterday. It waa very ateady and very quiet with n email and featureless volume of buslner. The, caab altnation la entirely ateady one. mall Beoalpts ef Hog. In 'provision tba small recelpta of bogs at the pi I mar y marketa are atlll tba Important feature. Shipments of meats are about the name aa laat year anq or lara, lees, racxer are again on both aides of tha market and there waa a selling through brokera wblcb looked like prodt taklng oa noma of tha recent purchase. Pretty much everything bangs on the Snovement of pig. The market, however, abowa a material advance and ehoald the movement Increase It nould be difficult to sustain price. Todav'a markets: open. Bign. ixw. uiose. :. deadly : to Serve'. - We handle everything that is good, that Is ready to'aerve on the table or at the picnic?" If you will take a little time and trouble to call here we witfnvince you that our line of liurh goods is the best in the city, barring none. Prices reasonable considering the quality. Grocery Dep artment Liquor Dep artment JUST ARRIVED, an assortrnent of Mrs. Jack ' son's Pure Home-Made Foods Sandwich Filling, tins.. a,.,. 15 Sandwich Filling, tins. .......... . . .25 . Assorted Varieties. , .: Plum Pudding, 1-lb.' tins........ ....... 35f Plum Pudding, 2-lb tins. ..... . ....... .65 Mrs. Kidd's Pin Money Pickles One-half Pint Jars. ......... ... .... . . . .20 Pint Jars... i .........35 Quart Jars. , ; . . 65 One-half CaUon Tars. .81.00 Bur Mangoes, Cucumber Mangoes, Udon Man goes, Pepper : Mangoes, one-half pint jars i25 We are open for business at Seaside. ; THE BEST IN THE CITY BAR NONE. Prices Reasonable Considering the Quality W. A. GAINES & CO., Frankfort, Ky., dis . tillers of OLD CROW BOURBON and n HERMITAGE RYE V ' r . ' j' ..; Full Quarts, bottled in bond, reg. $1.50.?1.35 Fives, bottled in bond, regular $1.39. . .810 Full Pints, bottled. in bond, reg; 75c.'.;. . .435j Full Half Pints, bottled in bond, reg. 40c. .35. CREAM ; PURE RYE Full Quarts, . f. regular $lJv5.:..e.. U ....... .?1.10 OLD TOM GIN Regular $1.00.. 85 I. DeTURK'S TONIC PORT Regular ; 90c .............. .:.;.754 If You Want' the Best Buy of F. DRESSER & Co. Telephone Main 227. Cor. 7th and Washington Sis. 21 W Wbeat NewJuly.l Old July. NewSept. Old Sept. Dec Corn July Bept Oats July pork July HPS Sept..... 18.20 Lard- July..... T 00 Bept 7.10 Riha July..... T.4TU Bept.... T.62V4 .84 f .ffiU M .M .T9TZ .80 .81 .81 .80 .80 :!55 455 .83 .83 18.00 12.27 T.06 T.S5 T.BO T.TO .7 .81 !8$ -81 13.77 18.00 9.96 7.13 T.dO 7.00 .84 A I MB .79 .1 .00 .48 .48 1180 18.10 6.98 7.11 T.43 T.3 " BASE BALL LOS ANGELES PORTLAND TOMM tS, S4, 88 aUTD 88. Week Day Si30, Stuidnr StSO p. m Aflrnlaglon 850. CbUdrea loo. Xig-llM' Bays lTiBrgds.j' uad lrldnjr. URSWlllSLOV'S SOOTCKIQ STRUP i 1 Bad tieoa need by aTlllloni of Mother for thenT 1 i children wblle Taetulag for over rifty Tears, ' i It aootoen the ehlld, aoheng the gum a, ailaya 1 1 1 all pain, eores wind cullo, tad Is the beat i '. remedy for diarrhoea. xwKMTT.riTB crm a jmttuc. CITT HOTICIt. 01TI jTOTIOZS. 100 feet eoutb of the south Una ef Jefferson street; thence west on a straight line 100 feet eouth ef the eoutb line of Jefferson tract and Its extenalon wester Jy to a point 300 feet weat of tba eaat line of the City Park: thence north on a line '100 feet weat ef anil parallel with the east line of the City Park to a point 100 feet north of tha north Una ef rn avenue extended west. I on a line 100 feet north ef and parallel with starly; thence - east the north line of Park avenue to a point Ha) feet eaat of the eaat . line of Ford afreet: thence north on n tine 100 feet eaat of and parallel with tha eaat line of Ford afreet to a point 90 feet north of the north line of Washington street; . tnence eaat on a line no rttc Divert THcirno none. Seorge la Baker, Sole Laaaia and ntauager. Ail thla week Matinee Raturday, iMtorosiD azYAixs to TAnrza obxzx xvzs. Notica la hereby riven that at the .meeting I feet north of nnd parallel with the north tine of the Council ef the City of Portland, Ore- I ef Washington street to a point 100 feet eaat goo. held on tha lat day of June, MO, thai of the eaat line of Twenty -first street: thence tu bowing raoolutioa waa adopted: - I north on a Una 100 feet eaat of the eaat Heaolved. that the Oitv at Portland deems Una of Twenty-first street to 1.000 feet north tbat the Dahlia health, lataraat nnd eonven-1 ef the north line of Pettygrove street, the ience requirea, aad tha Council hereby orders I print of beginning, containing 810 scree mora ta ha oDnatractad. laid and rsDalred tba Tan-I or lean. net creek sewer from" a point in Lownedale I Tha Engineer' estimate of the probable M ot Sl!id burl1U n' I alreet at Waahlngton street to a point la. Tay- total coat for the construction aad repair ot Tha Casino Company in H0ITY TOITY All fun and music. Cvenlng prices, 60c, 86c. Jftc, 15e. Via tl nee. 35c. 15c, 10c. Halt week, the Baker Theatre Company. Mala W. PEOtABT. BHlMIIirTi AMD CUtAUUTCIS. j Chlcaa-o. June 22. Prlmarv receipts: ( jXHiay iearsgoi - oeu wi.--vy -'"-"' " LINSEED OIL Pure ra ttattertoaT C-Boring' chlckena g-l 'jl " fbi'l i demand; egga arm; eld Potato, work off; fancy nk9 ctf ja.00 par vaal In demand: nork easy. Pearson, Page k tie Car laDona In today. ' Malarker A Co. No changes in flan. - rMvenoort-ThomDaoa Company Egga any A.uaf! knrte asms! poultry same. Everdlng rarrell Kgga name; getting all wa ' want at present prices ; veat mum arum, iwa, biock atock, nrm. j . . . . Dryer, O'atoUey m vo. Bggs an nimi Total aalea for day. 809.400 share. Honey. 1 Per cent B0IT0V CO PTE CX0BX. Boston, JiSea. Copper close: Bush. 2S9.000 ..773,000 Buah. 270.000 783,000 ; :.. .u I ease lot. 84c ner saL pring Chlcaa ir; poisw-, v.- .a, "wHITB LEAD Ton lots. tXet BOO-tt lots. Sc prr lb: less lots. 8e per lb. WIRE HAIIA--Preeent base at szoa. -mAilW M.I JMH BO. Page Bon If shipper would let kidneys in veal would be able to receive c more; car oranges; aprlng chicks acarc-. ' V. . Toft, HIM A Co. While receipts are not heavy in veal and hogs It la a gooa thing for all : .. , Um. nrfnaa! partlea, aa an iw"a ww.w " - - chick? especially eld hens, moving stow at lower quotations; eggnjlna. ... Htnlth Broa. po trouuie w i" "v -- rivals In frcah meats; cool weather keepa market I Bough, dimension regular from showing accumuuuoai muoa all right now. - . Today'a wholesale quotation, a revised, are aa follows; rsia. . rteor and weed. WB I AT Walla Walla, 7Sc; blueetom. 810 C2c; valley. Toe. BABLKt reed. $28.50; rolled. 24.50; brew taa &nA24.O0. . OATo I'roducers price No. 1 white, $25.00 6:.iw: gray. a.o". rlAJUlv aaeiern ! vitkuu. ravmia, e.v; Adventure Allona .. RRN7.INB BUM caaea. r Iron bhla. IRUn. I Zinc PAINT OIL Baw. bbla. 83c per gaL cases 88 Arcadian per gal; boiled, cases 4oe per gaL I Atlantic . TURPENTINE In esaas. gfie ner aal; vmah I Bingham bbla, 81e per gal; iron bbla, 79e par gal; 10-lb I C.lamoet Copper Range . Daly West .... Elm Mining Betail Lumbar Prioea. Com. Select Clear Per Per Per M Ft, M Ffc U Ft a -... W ilMAMlM MlMll.. alaea zxs to laxia. a. o.oo gaw Bough, dimension regular XS!? alar to izxiz. s-eu it... v.ow n.uv as-uo I 3"" Miss Mining' Michigan Mohawk Old Colony Mining. Osceola in thlckne straights, $3.603.60; valley, $3.8ot3.96; . gra ham K. $3,661 10a, $3.98. MlLLBTtFtU Bran. $20.00 per ton; mld- " dllngs, fZO.bo; anoris, country, zz.au; chop, . gjg 5o. HAX Producers' price TJmothy. Willamette ' valley, $18.00; eaatern uregon, sit. no; mixed, $14.00; clover, $11.00; grain, $1ZOO12.50; cheat, $1Z.wiz-"- --i Hops. Wool and Eldea. ' HOPS !6l2oHc for choice; S52Se for ?rime; poor tjuauty, contract, ivo. BKtlHC. WOOL Valley, coarse to medium, 17Q19e; ane. lvatazoc; easiera vresoo, e0iOC. UU A f U Maa. ftA 6HBEP8KINB Sbearingv 10?2Oc; abort wool, toesoc; medium wool. SOtioOc; long wool, 60c(a$l.00 each. TALLOW Prime, per lb, 4Q5c; No. 3 and rrease. 3Hl2e. HITTIU BARIC Sc per lb. buying price. HIDE Pry hides, No. 1. 10 lbs and op. I4e per lb; dry kip, Ne. 1. 5 to 15 lbs. 3c; dry calf. No. 1. under B lb. 19c; dry eelted, bull and ataga. 1-8 leas than dry flint; aalted nidea, ateer. sound, no id or ever. 6 (a 7c; 60 to 60 lbs, Ac: under 50 lb and cows, St6e; ataga and bull, sound. 4e; kip. 16 to 80 lb, 8Uc; sound. 10 H 14 lb, 0c; cair, aouaa, anaer iu ins. oe; green ( na gs I ted I le per lb leas; cull, lc per lb less; n-,i ni n irm. aaixeo. nra . aA.auuni. I u. ui r . am. $1.00i1.60; colts' bides, each. 2ft50c; goat skins, common, each. 104215c; Angora, with wool on, each. 2Sc01.OO. , Batter. Eggs sad Poultry. ' BrTTEH FAT Sweat. 21e: our. 19c. B0TTEB City creamery. ; 20Q22c; fancy, IiH'MWc; ordinary, ia'auv,c; store. jxvc. EdUS No. fresh Oregon, 20c; dirties, 19c; :haker. 19c. , CHEESE New Full cream, twin, 11 HQ iX'c: joung America, nftaiayc . . POULTBX Producer' prices Chicken, mixed, lie per lb;, hen. HVj812c per lb; roosters, old, 8Sf0c per lb; brollera. 20c per lb; fryers, 20c . per- lb: duck, old. 12c . per lb: young. 13c per lb: geese. 78e per lb; turkey, 18017a per lb; dressed. 1820 per SV.iffa . awg .VawtaMia. J POTATOES Nominal. $1.25; buyer1 prices '"unaf, ror fancy, imic; ordinary, uocy.i.tiu per aaca; i "'," bnrlnz. 7560c:-rew. 2iAe ver lb. I July.. ... UMOMt-cauiornia red. si.iniai.zo: garuc alaes to 12x12. 42-48 ft... U.B0 19.00 28.00 Bough, dimension;' regular 1 Ik to 12x12. S0-S8 ft... 16.50 38.00 80.00 For each additional S lucnes in width add i-uv a.uv avv For odd and fractional I ami anfl not haaa than 100 8.00 4.00 For sawing vertical grain . to 4x12 add g-uu a.uu a.w i Common rough boards, reg ular aiaca to it in. wiu to 24 ft Inc.. aaiorted length 9M 11.00 Specified length of boards $1.00 per M feet additional Santa Fa Tamarack Tri Mountain .. rtnb letofla ........ Wolverine Old Dominion . Vultcd Btatea . . ,Ex-dlvllend. Bid. Aak. 1 1 9 ..... 9 10 40 60 8 8 314. 32 460 ...i 20 30 43 43 28 34 1 2 8 4 ,. 8 8 41 4t 50 75 flit 82 82 84 1 1 37 : .. 13 13 .. 31 31 Wheat . . Corn Shipments were: Wheat Corn Clearance were: Wheat aad flour. 158,000 1 10c, 3Ue aad sue bushel: corn. IZ4.000 bosheiai oats, B.aoo buahela. CORDRAY'S THEATRE ' 00BDBAT BTJTBBELL. 'Ifatlneee Wedneeday and Saturday, Tonight and ail thla week, "Fun for the Weary." rimer Waltera' Character Comedy; Success, A Thoroushbrad Tramp Inr atraa. if a.tandad waaterlv in Its prsaant I aald sewer la 825.000.00. eoorae. aald sewer to be constructed with all The plans, apeclncatlon and eat! ma tea of accessary nvuiholea, lampholea, catchbaalna fh City Bnglneer for the ennatrncrion aad re and branches, aa follows: pair of said sewer are hereby adopted. Flret. One tbooaaad one hundred and fifty Resolved, tbat the Auditor of the City of lineal feet ef three-ring brick add atone Portland be and he la hereby directed to give aewer In accordance with plan A. or. the notice of the proposed contruenon or eara Cltr KorliMwr'a nlana. sneefneationa and eett-1 aewer as provided by the city charter. mates, Irom a eonneetlon wito tae orteg ana i nemonstrancea againac xne aoove eewer nay ..378.000 ..183,000 108.000 648.000 atone newer, la Lownadala street tot a point 50 feet west of the west line of Nineteenth street. Second. By repairing 6S0 lineal feet at two-ring brick aad a ton aewer according to flaa "B" of the City Engineers' plana, apec 5 cation and estimates, from 60 feet weat ef the west line of Nineteenth street to a point in Taylor street II extended westerly la its Present course. Bald sewer to be constructed and repaired In accordance with the charter and ordinance WIKW. I . i. . . , . ., 1 Summer wiMatinaea. ibo and 30e; alghto. SLT" Jn.-Sr Sled in the office of the Auditor of the City or Portlsnd on the 18th day of May, 1904, Indorsed: "City Engineer's plans and sped' "Moat wonderful play of Ita class." A guaranteed laugh-producer." BEADBTBZET'B 6BAXJT BBP01T, Chicago. June 22. Bradatreet's grain report : Wheat Raat of tbe Borklea. decrease ef I 3,207,000 bnabela; Europe and afloat, decrease of 800,000 bushel; total decrease, 8,007,000 bushels. Corn Increase of 438,000 nnahete. Oats Decreaae of 154,000 rmahela. be flled in writing with the undersigned with in 30 davs from tbe date of tbe first publi cation of thla notice. BT order of the tvmnni. , THOS. C. -DBTtlK. And.ltAC of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, lune 11, 1904. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB IMPB0 VE- MENT OF MACADAM llglil, Notice la hereby given that the Council of tbe City of Portland proposes to aaseee tba following described property and owner or owners aa being apeelally and peculiarly bene fited in tbe amoontn est opposite the name and descriptions thereof for the improvement of Macadam street, irom ue eoum line ox urover Orations for a aewer la Tanner creek from a I ."t"",-i V, T. . . o point in Urwnadale. atrMt at . Wblngton ?L" 5,'."' ir.. street to a point In tbe westerly extension of Taylor atreet and the estimate of the work nam th era Addition to the City of Portland. I a laid oat by the South Portland Beal Es tate Aseoclatiua, aa provided by ordinance No, MONEY SAVED ic siAtTrv ninr w 13 mum ci niAuc rm Fourth and Stark Btreeta. Tha tonic of Portland conversation. a .Taaaevuie Theatre ot avonuu Every evening at 8:00 o'clock. Matinee every Sunday, Id. a, FKL1 ADMIBSI0N TREE. f?i '-f; to be done and tba iirobable toUl eaat there-1 tate a 1 - j " II 1A.IIB. I v I .lullu. .a Mu naMmMl a - looeaia improvement must ne msae in writing . BAB FBANCISC0 LOCAL STOCKS, Ban Franrtaeo, Juno 22. Cloee, 10:80 a. m. Local atocga: Creamery Butter 40c and 45c 2 I Tggu, pgr tlosea . ..... Dairy butter Best sugar-cured ham Picnic ham Lard, 8-pound pall 45e Cheese ...lOo and 12 o Pure Lard. 10 lbs. $1.00 Bwiss cneese ibo Dry "alt lOo Ail goooa retailed at wnoieaaie JJAKJC7-BS BOO I m.. kaa a. aalfta aaa'lla . ..SOo and 8Sc fens parformancea from 3 to 4:80 p. m. ""71 v I perrormaneee irom tuw to i:an p. m. ....10o I dsys, continuous 3 to 10:80 p. m. AJTT BEAT XV THE THIATBZ, lOo. ARCADE THEATRE SEVENTH AND WASHinOTON. Tha coat of constructing and repairing aald aewer to be aaaeaaed aa provided by Vi city charter upon the property apeelally and pe culiarly benefited thereby and wnlch la here by declared to be all tba lota, parts ef lota and Da reels of land lying within the district bounded and described aa follow: Beginning at a point 100 feet eaat of tha eaat line of Twenty-first atreet end 10v feet north of the north line of Pettygrove atreet: thence eaat oa a line 100 feet .north of nnd parallel with tbe north line ef Pettygrove atreet to a point 100 feet eaat ef the eaat Una of Tenth atreet; thence northeeat on a linn rectangular to the center line of Front atreet to tee tow water una or tna Willamette river; thence south mat 850 feet along tbe low water Una Af tha Wlll.metta rinf n a nnlnt! taMUW Contlnu-1 southwest rectangular to tbe center line of a.veniog i Front street to a point luu rest east oi tne eaat una or Nintn atreet; tnence aoirtn on a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat line of Ninth atreet to a point 100 feet north of the north line of Hoyt atreet; thence eaat on a line 100 feet north of the north line ef Hoyt street to a point 100 feet eaat ot tne eaat line or Eighth itreet; thence eoutn on a line too feet eaat of and parallel witn Bun- R consist ef lumla tha. 3 inch- $?. W i:::;:... Mutual Electric HEAVY RECEIPTS BUT IT IS A GOOD MARKET Pacific TJabtinr S. F. Oaa Electric... Olant Powder Hawaiian sugar Honoxea sugar . . Hutchinson Sugar MokaweU sugar ..... Paanban Sugar Alaska Packers' Aaa'n Bid. Ask. .. 87 8T4 .. 8 8Z .. 12 12 .. 57 .. 81 82 ..60 61 .. 60 ..... 12 , 8 .. 21 22 .. 12 13 ..137 138 pHcea, Remember flaturdari. chicken REFINED VAUDEVILLE nbttZmJtiJT LA GRANDE CREAMERY CO B:80 to 9,99. T:80 to 10:80. nSSiui 'wltJ, th Jlntt li nSStmt1 264 TamhlU Btreet. BTT-DAT CONTINUOT FBOM S W Mm ta,?'w5?aUnof0 'mSUSSJR CHIOAOO LOCAL BT0CXB. Portland Union Stockyard. June 22. There were larger receipt of livestock in tbe local yards this morning, but as tbe weather . for the main part la cool the proper condition tha marketa held their former firm tone. The receipts conaiated of 22 boga, 106 cattle, 2,076 cheep and 8 horses. Official ruling prices Cattle Best eaatern Oregon steers, $3.50; best valley steers. $3.253.50; medium steers, $2.753.0O; cow, $2.758-00; bull, $2,000 2.50: atatH. 12.50. ' H,,n Hit heavv. ss.not mock. za.ZB: China I nwlit ft: (' fata. 15.25: atockers and feeders. $5.15. Chicago City By. Kheen Price nomltall. Beat train-fed weth North Bide By.. era and lambs, f2.254tz.30; mixed sheep, gl.ooinouth Side By tjl.60. ' mm Jin Mf t Members Chicago Board of Trade. GRAIN, PROVISIONS. STOCKS, BONDS ana COTTON 102 Third St. Ntar Stark FOB LADIES, GENTLEMEN AMD CHILDRM, ADMISSION TL1 CEITS TO AWT SEAT. LYRIC THEATRE (Corner Alder and Seventh.) HIQH-CLA8S thence south on tbe weat line of Eleventh atreet to a point 100 feet north of the north line of Everett atreet; thence weat on line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line ot Everett atreet to tbe eaat Una of I Twelfth atreet; thence south oa the eaat Un) I or Twelfth s treat to a point loo leet north ot the north line of Davfa street; thence weat on a line 100 feet north ef and narallel with tha north Una of Davis atreet to a point 100 reet weat ot the west line or xweiru street; to the Council and flled with the Auditor withla 16 dava from tbe date of the first oub- llcatloa of this notice, and aald objections will be beard and determined by tbe Council before tbe passage of the ordinance aaaeaalng the eoat of aald Improvement. CARUTHBB8 ADDITION to the City of Port land, aa laid out oy tne noutn i 'or t land Real Estate Association BLOCK 118, kit 1. Ellen Murphy, $74.72; lot 2, Ueorge Bukoweky. $74.72; lot 8, Carrie Klrkley, $101.02: lot 4. George Selkirk, $107.68. BLOCK 128, lot 1, Laura M. Gammon. $82.09; lot 2. Iatura M. Oammoa. $29.51; lot 3, -Preetoa W. GUtette. $29.51; lot 4, Preaton W. Gillette, $38.09. BLOCK 137. lot 1, Milton W. Smith, $106.26; lot 2, Milton W. Smith, $99.64; lot 8, Milton W. Smith. 898.38; lot 4, Milton W. Smith. $108.77. BLOCK 142, lot 1, Richard and Ella Funk, $27.61; kit 37 Richard and Kiln Funk. $25.84; lot. 8. Martha Mary Taylor, $20.76: lot 4. Martha Mary Taylor, $21.89. BliOCK 160, lot 1, John Q. Hoffman, $19.20; lot 1 Hana J. Schemer, $18.25; lot 8, Ella C. Babln, 19.08; lot 4, Ella O. Babln, $20.23. BLOCK 60, lot 1, Albert Fehrenbach, $20.23; I lot 2Albert Fehrenbach, 819.08; lot 3, Albevt Fehrenbach, $18.25: lot 4, Albert Febninbacb. $19.20. BLOCK 171, lot 1. Or ego Railroad A Navigation Co., $19.20; lot 2, Oregon Hallroad Navigation Co., $18.25 lot 3, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co., 118.25: lot 4, Oregon Railroad Navigation Co.. 819.20. BLOCK 17a. lot 1. C. B. fiuell. $21.84; lot 3, John Mulr, $20.85; lot o, rfunn jnuir, f ji.iu, fui a, sunn uir, fu-w, BLOCK 187. east block 187. John Mulr, $50.96. BLOCK 119, lot 8. Llsais C. Wells, $74.72; lot 7, Lixme 0. Wella, $74.72; lot 6, Benjamin V and Pbocb J. Johnson; $51.94; ' lot 5, Benjamin F and Phoeb J. Johnson, BLOCK 122, lot 8, Oregon ataiiroaii rhica.n Inn. 22. Local atock. close: .. 45 45 ..106 106 .. 1 1 .. 10 10 ..4 4 .. 8R 88 .. 36 28 .100 100 ....100 101 ,...170 176 .... 76 79 ....00 91 Phone. Mali 313 REFINED VAUDEVILLE thenciouth o . une"ioa t.t v It Hi ""tJJA h;En rBone, man mi west Bne of Twelfth atreet to a point 100 ,fiTi?ollr 9?-' J1061 lZL li. ate win. wttn f:80 to 4:80, T:80 to 10:80. feet north of the north , line of Morrison I K,lro", Navigation Co. JM, lot J, Nation! Biscuit do preferred .., American Box .. do preferred .. American Can Co. do preferred .. National Carbon.. do preferred ... 1X7 - aaa aaaaaataJI Ra . .t.. . --- Meaars. Logan A Bryan, Chicago and New I Contlaaona performance Sunday, Z to 10 P. If. street; thence west oa a line 100 feet north xora; waiter jroa., 4. b. Heche fin.. New xora Btocs uxcnangei uuooara xtroa. Uo., New Tork Cotton Exchange; Falrchlld Bob- son; new urieana uotton Exchange; Berth Co.. New Tork Coffee Ezehaue: Webber aV Co.: Boston Cooper nnd Stock Chan re; Dick Bros, tt Co.; New Tork aad Pblia- aalpnia otocc sxenangea. IM CENTS NO JQCHZX. sfg SHIELDS' PARK EABTERH H0Q8 STEADY. Sheep 18,000 8,000 1,500 Chicago, June 22. Livestock recelpta t Hoga Cattle Chicago ...2M,0t0 23,000 Kansas iJlty , P.ow o.uoo Omnhs . 7.0XM 8.600 nog openea a tea ay wim jw.wj ibii over from yesterday. NEW T0BZ COTTON MARKET. New Tork. June 22. Cotton cloeed IB point higher for June end Bl point ror September. Com Produces Dividend. New Vnrk June 22. Corn Products com-1 puny haa declared the regular dividend ot 1 per cent on tne prererrea nuci. TODAY'S CLEARINGS. , sowarxBTO, eoikxbtb oo, , (Eattabliahed f8S. WHZAT AMD STOCK MMOMXMB, Boom 4, Oroand JPIoot. oiiian or comkekcx. j Tha Portland clearing house report today: Clear! n ra $556. 569. 54 Balances 100,651.09 December closed 20 points up. tmen. uign. ww. NEW TORK COFTEl MARKET. New; Tork, June 22. Coffre today closed Tbe market to- 10 to 16 points down. JOc per lb. Sept., S7: rv prr iu, , l . - FRE8B FR CITS Apple. Oregon, $2.0002.25 October ..... r Knr. aranana U.ritlarrinMn mmtt S3 ftft9 I November ... 75 per box; late Valencia.. $3.00 per box; I December $ 0.61 10.30 10.48 10.S7 9.70 9.68 9.50 9.60 Ck. July tangerine. T&cQil.60 per box; bananas, &5c per lb; lemons, choice. $2.00SC3.00 per box; raocy.. s.i.ww;t.no per pox; nmea, , Mexican, 66e per -100: plneapplea. 13.00.3.d0: trawbr. rlea. Oregon. 4e per lb; cherries, 865C1 blacka, 2i43Sc tmr lb; California, 75e w box; apricot. fXVM tl.OO per box; plume, $1.23 box; peecbea, ft.fHiMi.25 box; peers $L75 per. box; grapes. i2.5u per "box; black fig, $2.00 per box; cur- rai'ta, 5c . per lb. . ..- VKGETAKLES Turnip. 11.23(21. 50. Per crate canvta, $1.2i(tfl.60 per crate; beets, $1.25(21-&0 Ter crate; weron raaiane. ' fe. . pv doa: . cabbage, Oregon, 40S50C per ' doa; raliforola, ll.75i-2.00 per orate; lettnee. het 15rae per 1 doi green pep pers. PC per in;, horseradish. itiM per to; celery, $1.00 per doe; tomatoes.- California, per crate; XI laelMippi, $1.7C((JI.85 per crate; Mcaiota, $1.25o,l-00 peg crata; nexanlua, 7&c Hutton ,4 Co. aay; 10.66 10.62 9.91 9.71 , 9.58 72 ' 10.44 10.30 ,9.62 9.46 9.41 9.44 Thar, tlas Keen ahm. lately nothng from a standpoint of crop news May , ........... to cause tola advance ana anort interest only bss made it possible, aa condition generally ware seldom. If ever, more favorable than they are today for . tbe production of a big crop. -. $ 9.74 $ 9.47 $ 9.66Co67 August . lO. 07 Moll I uctooer .... 10.6364 November . 9.8182 December . .tJf9 January ...... 9.60(362 renrnarr 9.64,(865 March Aprtl, The market: t Bid. $6.75 6.85 .......... 6.05 ............ o.uo O.IO 6.25 6.40 6.55 6. AO 6.70 Ask. $5.80 6.90 6.00 6.10 6.20 6.80 6.45 1 8.60 6.60 8.70 ' 6.7S City Br HENRY VVEINIIARD Proprietor ot tbe ' ewery Tjargeft aad Moat Oomplete Brewerr ta tbe jTorUtweat. Bottled Beer a Specialty Txzjsraova aro. ra. Offlce 19tb aad Bonalde Btreeta. PORTLAND OREGON. CHICAGO ORAIa" OAB L0TB. THZBTEZsTTH AND WABHIHOTOaT BTB. -The part that mad. Portland famous- .t',ei2SSI iZJFW" ' Z"l xne oig musical extravagance, "Japanese Courtship" 8 hours' mirth and enjoyment, GENERAL ADMISSION . lOo. . . STAR THEATRE IB OVUM Portland's fashionable Vaudeville Playhouse FARE AMD WAfllTInTOTOjT STB. Shewn tonight at 7:80. 8:80 and 9.80. Ad- miasion at cents. .' , of and parallel ' with the north line of Mor-1 inson street to a point 100 rest weat or the weat una oi ixiwnsaaie street; xnence sontn I on a line-100 feet west ot and parallel with the weat line of Lownedale atreet to a point im xeet norm oi ine norm line or zamnui atreet: thence weat on a line 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north line of TamhlU line of Sixteenth street; thence eouth on a I line 100 feet west of and parallel with the west line of Sixteenth Btreet to a point 100 1 feet south of the south line of Taylor streetfl thence east on a line 100 feet south of audi parallel with the eouth line of Taylor atreet to a point 100 feet east ef the east line of I Sixteenth street; thence south on a line 100 1 feet eaat of and parallel with tbe eaat line of Sixteenth atreet to a point 100 feet berth ef the north line of Main atreet If extended westerly : thence eoutbeaaterly to a point 100 reel norm ' or tne norm line . or jerterson atreet and 100 feet west of the weat line of Fourteenth street; thence south on a Bne 100 feet weat of and parallel with the weat Una or roorteentn street to a point loo teat north of - the north line of Montgomery - atreet; thence eaat oa a line 100 feet north -of and parallel with the north line of Montgomery atreet to a point 100 feet eaat ef the -eaat line of Fourteenth Btreet; thence sooth on a Una 100 feet east of and parallel with the I Oregon Railroad .4 Navigation Co., $99.64; lot 6. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co., i 100.26. BLOCK 138, lot 8. Oregon Railroad : Navigation Co., $63.09; Jot T, Oregon Railroad 4b Naviratloa Co. f $50.61: lot 6. Oregon Railroad Ic Navigation Co.. $49.29; lot 6, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co., 861. 66. BLOCK. 141, lot. 8, Oregon Railroad ' a. n.,i(.iiuu va,., ev-v', ' , v. .(.-.- .- - rued A. Navigation Co., $62.09; lot 6, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co.. $57.61; lot 6. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co., $58.64. BLOCK 106. lot , Oregon ttaiiroao as -iiavi- -gatlon Co., $11.45; lot 7 Oregon Railroad A I Navlaatlon Co.. 810.71: lot 6, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co., $10.60; lot 6, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co., $11.18. BLOCK 169, lot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co.. 811.18:1 lot 7. Oreaon Railroad A Navi gation Co.. 810.60: lot 6, Oregon Railroad A Navintion Co.. $10.07: lot 5. Oreron Rail road A Navigation Co., $10.72. BLOCK 172, lot B, Oregon KBiiroaa a navigation uo., io.tji; lot 7. Oregon Railroad A Navigation ' Co., $10.07: lot 6, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co., $10.60; lot 6, Oregon Railroad A Naviga tion Co., $11.18. BLOCK 175, lot 8, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co., $12.23; lot 7. Oregon . Railroad A Navigation Co., $11.65; Int.. 6. Oreamn Railroad A Navtrsrlnn fti. 811.86; lot 6, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co., $13.67. ' BLOCK 188, west of block 188. Oregon Railroad A Narlvarlnn Co.. eoo on. . Total. 12 aro on - . i"o. v. UKVL1N. ; i Auditor of the Clrv of Pnrtlaad. PortUad, Oregon, June 80, 1904. ' .1 ' , ruusuaasTui NOTICE. ' Notice la hereby given that on the 30th da f Waa. -r-rk Amis V.rbat. v . . , . m . tztu ... T-i- f Oata ..... 89cWd, I , JL&- taVl Chicago, June 22g Qrala car lota: - 'f Car Grade Bait Wheat ...i. ...... ........... 19 . ... . is Corn ......198 . 18 -188 ...... bo ,i .. ' 73 Mlnneapolla, 183; Da- Ban Francisoe Orala Market, ' Ban Francisco. Jane 2!. -Close. 11:30 a. m. W nest; ifecemoer, VJ..W. . . . Barley-rDecemtwr. .94S.C.,-' . . . .. r . . . ;. . ''.'-'.- Xlverseel Oraia Market. UverpooL June 82. Close: .Wheat, -t4 Minneapolis Oraia Market, t Mlnneapolla, June 22. Close: Wheat, July, - Duluth Oraia Market. polotb, June 2Xa-Cwfet Wheat, July. S2, III J " l. inaaT iitawr- I 1 .yyyy- m'&r a j Haa- . -a a-a m a-a - a- "a" nn-JOM iw xeet eaat or anu parallel lsAOIll J Va. K U tS I I eaat line of Fourteenth street fo a point 100 TamhlU at,, bet. Third and Foturth, Beit to i fr0 ....Li., " .P- .711 tZj?tSSvl1t 1 fetth Tr.nd p.r;nel"wTth th.'tb R6fInCl Vaudeville line of Spring atreet to a point 100 feet eaat Performance from 8 to 11:80 - n. m. Beat lot Sixteenth street; thence south oa A line 108 vauaeviuo saicns ua civy. i-uiiie iesca-t xor I leei tan ox ana parallel witn xne eaat line . . y r ladlea, gentlemen and c children. ' Admission 1 of Blxteentb atreet to the south line of block of June, .1904 l took up and empounded at oxyiana; tnence westerly aiong tne eoutn i j" A,:- . a suwtma aireev in une or diocb u, tsnyiana, ana the center tin i " vregon., toe , xouowiug n n.afhnn. Tvnn. tna nala. RA Vaa. aaa. I deSCTlbed SUlmal: ... . ' . of the eaat line of Twentieth atreet U est- 1 1 One eorrel horae, botb hind and right front tended southerly; thence northwesterly to a I leei wuiie. wuii. atrip down race and branded point 100 feet weat ef Twenty-first Btreet If o right aboulder. shod In front; and unless extended southerly and 100 feet v Booth of the owner, or other person or persons having aa 10 cents. CURES' FRITZ THEATRE Mo-ata aroBBsrox. FRED FRIT. Prop. W. H. BROWN. Mgr. inu nuMt. of ( VAUDEVILLE Twe abowa daily' at 3 and P..BL ' C0I8BIH0EA C0H0MT liAUe- I - .... BLAEIIB BROS. , v ';J UlIET : 'm.ea...7;..a.am oM b ail DrusctBttaa .CaVfAiMaom . I - , au-ta BDBNBIDB, , ' 'rt cxtenaea aoutneriy . ana luu roet , noatn ot i """"i " mor ynwn or persona naving an Spring atreet; thence northerly on a Une 100 Interest therein, shaU claim possession of tbe faat waal nf anil narallal with . tha srast Una I Same, gnd Day all COBt and charrea nf the of TVenty-first street to the dividing Une be- keeping and advertialng aame, together with tween lota 1 and 3, block 86, Carter' Addl- the pound fee on said animal, a provided by, tlon; thence northerly to a point of lotersee- ordinance No.. 8,625, . as amended, of said City tlon of, lot line of lota 1, 3 and 6. block 60, of Portland, I will on the 80th day ot June. Carter's Addition: thence to a. point 50 fee' W4, it the boor of 10 a, m., at the City north of Market Street Drive on the dividing Pound, at Nov 261 Sixteenth, in said city, line of lota 25 .and 36 in block 66, Carter a Bell the above deaerfbed animal at public auc- Addition: thence weat on a line 60 feet north tton to the higheat bidder, to pay the costs and of and parallel with the north line of Market t charges tor taking up. keeping and advertla atreet Drive to a point on the east line of I lag sack animal. : ' -.- .... lot 16, block 66. Carter's Additions tbenc I Dated this 22d day of Fnne, 1904. ' . -aortb ea tbe eaat line of let 16, to . a point I r, ,W, fiK&D, roundmigter. -