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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1904)
!' I.'' 1 THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL), , PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 18, ISO! mwm fJOYER TAKEN TO ..illlVll CRIPPLE CREEK MT. SAXSB COKFAsTT ZVOXXASXS . rrg tajcp mzu TAomnx t axotxxb rvxoxAsa or aot- xjutxi ' jciTnrACTOT--CTnoAoo V Ajn TJaisoo vnvocxtuxxnu ' XZOXST XXVIQWAXT AYS AMXXTS Tur oubozi AAnr mc ' AM KMILT A 1UUT TO UBUI " jexx ram n n sum nox fto raaat. ' I A Water Demon that is Exnected to of a' High Power Modern Locomotive I . fJACfllRY HERE ' (7orBal Special ferries.) Tellurlde, June li. President Mover ,, of the WMtm Federation of Miners wg taken to Cripple Creek this morn- Ing by a deputy and detective from th Mine Owners' association to answer r to a charge of aiding and abetting; In ' th m order of Charles If cCornlck and Melvtn Brook, who wera killed la the " Vindicator exploelon , several months gO V. Itojrtr ia highly Indignant at th charges, and asserts that they are ma licious and merely a part of a plan to harass -him continually with oourt ac tions and arrests until ha la driven . from tha Raid. Ha says that ba was not near tha scene of the Vindicator explosion and know noue of tha men connected with it. .BXBTIi FAFXaUl OsT VXABOOT. . FrtBotpals Jgeepomsfbl for Closing Fort , .:, Uad Xiao to Appear at tt fcouls. ' . . (Jovaal BpeeUI Service.) ; Denver; CoL. Juno 18. Qovernor Pea body of this state has boon served with , papers in tha fioe.000 damage ault brought by tha Portland Gold Mining -company against Governor Pea body, C C Smith, secretary of tha Mlneown . art associations Adjutant-General Sher man M. Bell, and Sheriff Edward Ball, ' of Teller county, as wall as others con nected with tha Inoidents .ralatlvo to tha . closing down of tha Portland mine.' .. Notice baa also boon served on Gov ernor Peabody,- that at Btw Louis on Juno 12, an application for an Injunc tion to restrain the military from In , terferlng la the operation of the Port : lend 1 mine will bo applied for before United States Circuit Judge Thayer. Governor Peabody, Adjutant-General Bell, Sheriff Bell of Teller county and several of the officers and members of the Crlppla Creek Mlneowners associa tion, bavo been cited to appear before the federal court at St Louis. James J3orns, owner of the Portland mine, presented the petition for an In Junction, through bis attorneys, to the federal court. . . . . . -. The complainant states that th num ber of persons employed la th Portland mine approximate (00; that thee were take into custody and some of them placed In the bull pen and later deported to other states or territories. , Owing to the governor not counter manding any of the orders as issued by General Bell, and carried Into effect, it la alleged that the governor gave bis consent. The complainant state that be Is a cltlaen of Iowa, and claims the Jurisdiction of the United States oourt, alleging that In violation of the fourth. fifth, sixth,- seventh, eighth and four teenth amendments' to th constitution of th United States, he Is being unlaw fully deprived of the use of bis prop erty without due process of law, - Count DcLambcrt Has Invented a Boat Which Is. Called the Beteaa "it Is a Hydroplane and Skims Along the Top)f the Water. He '-v ; ' ' Expects to Get a Speed of a Mile a Minute. ' ' SAYS COLD FIND. 1,1 PANS MILLIONS PRESIDENT ATTENDS ' . NIECE'S WEDDING f (Journal SpeeUt Barries.) New fork, June 18. One of th most I noteworthy weddings of th season TUAannuea urwxa udASBi rnr yoizrxzn cotnmr as wt ' m vOAzmoaaui ; o A ' ' mxom " PZSTSZOf KA3TT OU XAT1 muirrsli VAX& '4 - ' , most 1 ' 'v ' I purpos of either correcting th evil, or took! Sneaking of th rich stifle of fluartg Ideflnltalv dianrovlnr th. wuvn mn aura nooseveu-MOOSO-1 mad On QraybacK mOttDWD. IB jvbt velt. granddaughter ' of Mrs. Astor and a phia oounty, an account of trhlch was .th. -brlSrt Thr-ougtas MSS Tourer JohnT SiSlS ,of this city. Th wedding took place at County Treasurer John the bom of the bride' father. James R. I that It la a big thing, If th reports ar Rooaevelt, at Hyde-Park-on-theHudson. only half true. rMr.- Jwls pnt bis ' Th bride's atUndants Included the I boyhood on Sucker creek, back of Ker : prealdenfs daughter, Miss Alloa Roose- byvlll, only a ihort distance from th we'll no7n tte slety of New York, r5t t f the Um. , -PhlladelphU. Boston and. Wa.hington: JJ!S mt. Kooinaon ; naa as nis best manlm,mo uuvu. i u . Charles Edward Adams, of Toledo. Q. I been taken oat of th ground on Sucker WILL INVESTIGATE BINGHAM SANATORIUM! ("pedal Dispatch Tae Joernat) , ' Pendleton, Or- June It. Dr. G. J. Smith of th state board of health will Investigate th consumption sanatorium' at Bingham Springs, It Is said to- be dumping Its sewage into: the Umatilla! river, thus contaminating the Pendleton water supply.1 . ';- i v .r. - k : .i Stories to the affect that th sanator-1 ium has been negligent In these mat ters nav been -circulated - for some j time, and th investigation Is for the .V TERRIFIED WIFE TELLS SAD STORY MtA KAAS SATS r.SKS VAXWJm . BSOAITSa 3KSS SZSTES KASB MX AJTO TsTAT BZB XXTt HAS MMMM a sxrmssv xmroxxo rovn , OT SATAOS TOSSASB. . Tot fo BY.. . . ; . - From the Chicago Tribune, "Well.- aald th judge after hearing th evidence, -there's no doubt, lira McCarthy, that your husband has treated you pretty badly. Still, I think It was the whisky In him,' I'm sure he has a good heart, and sine h has Dem ised not to drink any mors I would ad vise you to forgive Patrick this tlms and take hint home antLaaa If you can't b bappy together again." :t "No." afa mmA9 Vanlla nv hl I him back for th laaht tolme., I'll have nothlngr more to do with the lolkes av him. Me family Is all Dlmmarerats, any I way, ana he's Rlppuhllcan. I'U not tana Pat- ' Th ' Mi Baker Mining company of - thU city,' today Olosed a eontra9t with th Hammond Manufacturing company., also of Portland, for a flv stamp "ba-w tery, oomplnt with or , feeders, hart- lnr. nullevs ' and belting. All of th ' parts of the machinery will b carried to the mine on pack anlmalai Th mlll is to be ready for shipment within If lays, v This will give ( the Mt. Baker l; mine -a IS stamp mill.'- with a gravity water power plant, a sawmill plant, and t.tOO feet of wire' rope tramway, from the . mine to tha, mill. This : tramway , has been in successful 1 operation - for the past . It months, and . has been In creased m capacity by adding mora buckets, and will now carry sufficient 1 or for 10 stamps. The mill was kept. running , continuously during . the win ter although entirely cut off" from ta' outer world by snow during th winter. Chicago and Ban Francisco manufac turers of mining machinery ar bid ding for th mining machinery trade In this section of the country, but up to the present tuna the local - maaufao- turers have supplied this company with all Its machinery. ' -v.-,- Henry Hahn is president of tha Mt Baker company. I A. Lewis -of Allen A Lewis Is vice-president, ; and Lao , -Tried Is treasurer. . ? . -r.y HIGHEST WATERS ; EXPECTED TUESDAY Desptt th threatening weather of t ' day th local forecaster predlots- fair weather for tomorrow. - Indications are for generally -fair weather In this dls--' trlot Sunday with slowly rising temper-' aturea, preceded tonight by much coolor . weather ' In eastern Oregon. - eastern Washington , and Idaha - Rains havs fallen abundantly la Washington and northern Idaho, but none of consequence has occurred in Oregon and southern Th river at this point win rise slowly during th next three or four days, reaching a stag of If. 4 feet Tuesday, : which will likely be th highest recorded, during th present season of high wa ter. A stage of lt.l feet was registered today and It feet Is predicted for Mon- day. 'Th flood of tf feet which was, predicted has likely been - averted by means of th cool weather which has prevailed In th vicinity of the head waters of th v Snake and'- Columbia ' rlvera. ,'-;: : ? r--.'"---":..;-:': Yarrow Bsoap. ; --.-r-Hk '- ' Prom th Chicago Tribune. v ; "Is Judge Parker lnr asked th gen tlemanly stranger.- '.v-- ,';, '',-. ' TU, e,- , said th yon' ' " Waver, th YiontX Xay.";" ''.;' From th Chicago Journal. . ' ' "My boy doesn't seem to . hav got ' mnnr bar arv walL" aald tha offlca servant "Will J boy, fathar.-'f.v . ' u . v 'f I . WalL- to b nerfeetly frank , with "Nor' shrieked th Judge's private sec-1 you." replied th employer, "X must say rotary, who providentially cam out into In does not" . , . 1 . th hallway at th moment "I know! "Ah! Wnafn th trouble hlmt . H's a mlnd-raaderl : Put him T "Ha hasn't any trouble: It's tha rest out!" , t- . t . .(of us who hav had that - YOUTH DROWNED BY . FALL FROM HORSE ' It was a sorry tale thai pretty Beta Haas, the n-year-oia wife of John W. Haas, told In th municipal oourt this morning, to Judge Hogue, . She had charged her husband with assault and battery and after hearing the evidence the court found the defendant guilty, Sentence was continued i until Monday, ana in th meantime a second chars. that of threatening to kill, will be filed against bun. That aha is absolutely at th mercy U?e Meeting of ; the Giants Tlpso. Wash. June li. . New .. been received her that Frank , NeaL a youth aged 17 years, was . drowned yesterday In a swollen . mountain I of her husband, who Is a stronar. no. stream , . .. , .lerful man; that sh fears Tor her life; luknnu nA nthav tiHhntrla of 1 uui nm water was oeyona I u no naa saia ne wouia out ,'ner Washington. June 18.-Th Dreaident. . h, but thar. has always Z1Z Zl "mPl. ,wlnl wvgt miui mm any irouDie Vra RiMHuif w.a , l "w ' .. .... - i " mcrwas. animal's Strug-1 or anempiea to secure a aivorce these . !E?J5?J JSJtt: "t a juuar condition. ries to some way unseated th rider war th. declarations, of th womanVn nlsht for Ryd Part K T' what No lag wr usooverea uu no nemg onable to swim, was washed th witness atand. . noon today the president attended the M w ln ayln quantities, differing down by th swlrt current and lost - Sh told Judge Hogu and Deputy wedding of his nleca The utmost so- " this respect from th other mining V . ' - - -T' -n-"-.y.r. v CUy Attorney FlUgeraid that her sister - -. . iivrcn ner inio a marrjase witn Haaa nwr wu tnaJntaitMut MMnin .- . I camDs of southern Oregon. Returning, the president and his wife bn prMtioMJir dmonstratd --e '''bO0w7r'mtfca'-1b7''WUnf h,r ln 8Pokan the time wUl pass Sunda as tb. guests of At- that placer gold deposits coma .from L S, that sha was,, going to California, and iurai-unoru aoox ai nis vauev irorra i v "" farm. wX lAi-ri PORTER GETS CROSS OF LEGION OF HONOR marry Haas, as there was not sufficient money in her possession to take. her along. ,: Haas, th sister said, was will ing to marry KeU and take her to Call- Lewis stated that he occasionally plok.d Teed for them T Horie? war. ZXZL,? ff""" -" - m - -i-i ness aama noraaa wiiuimii - -t. indicated -tJt:lbma,-wtn th snow was flv. fiet deenT 'ornia-for a trip if he would only ae- suir cuius irsu uwu wnw 'u w f tv. kraahi .1.. . .. . -. i cent mm. Katnar uan ha lrt .lnn. in mountains back toward the California . 'Mr " . "Jl.rA,' .e81 a -trai-a citv. .h. nn..nt .7 Tk A a tlma ai. tha hill near tha 1 1. , . ' . . wourucugmei, ir T,-- "Z--. --- i DiuKDernu ana rasDoerries in rraat l hvuwio, miao. xuey nave con- Lwl.rm J'lJJl fltuantlUeev The est authntlo rec tlnmA vr lno' alred. a th area inavi aw i nrn at tha kima ti - I taara atraamad Anmn h aa a lasting mine, and the assays wer en- ,ow yet th, ,... v f-That man has ruined, me: ha' has a.." tZZli wtr Claimed by their owners and blighted my life,", cried th girl, as sh Th presentation of th decoration waa mala almmt an tnUrnttlnnal tm t a a mmv tint, nla, n TmmmIi 1 courH.-rlnrlT rich. were present, and also many prominent f001 0uV f . 1lJT. !. looked Infinitely better than when turned was telling Judg Hogue ox -bar-trials American residents at Pari. ... .J J th win- with Haaa "I know he wiU kUl m .' " 111 ' "- -", 4. rZZJZr xer. xnxs was a lesson as well as a unless something Is done 1 keep. him - Trolley Trips on the 0. W. P. ypfSHtZSUiS! CSti JStttTra 2WaA To Mount Tabor. Mount Soott, Bast theory that there are rich de- in numbers and J.t&O of them passed "When Beta Is with HaaK and he filda Reservoir, farea rnt Tn r- noalta Of ouarta In tha viclnftv nf nl4 tha ... r. . . .. " gon Citj and Canemah Park, tickets Qrayback mountalry and for years pros- and suppliea from Pawson to th mlnea sh irbereft 'of aUPower saW toe ... ., vwu, iviiut inp, - mi a uu(a umvai, ennreiy super-i mother. "Ue hypnotlxea her " Cars, with open trailers, every to min- S," formations In these mountain seded and their valuo formerly $160 Haas denied ever beatlna- hia wira. im aiscuverr w&b iuiuit tnaia ht anni i narama. mAMit nmint. - i . i ..... .. . . ... utes from First and Alder streets. farmed ln that section for over half a I century, iao ACXSS AJT0 VAJjrS WZLXa SIS. APPB AJg IT TEB hAOTXOB OP TmiB poATiaAaro cmxiig xs pot- vnAII I . t m a.1 at i a.- a. a. a - not leave her alone. He said she came to his room willingly Monday, th time of the alleged assault, and that sh was at liberty to go any time she wanted tO. l ,A;V. '':": ;.':-: Mrs. Haas told in detail of th beating iiaas gave nnr in ner room and declared he had threatened to out her throat If n mad trouble for him. GETS $25,000 FOR A FALSE ACCUSATION BELIEVE THE BARN WAS SET ON FIRE A woman's back has many aches and : pains.':'.',- t1-" , Most times 'tis the kdneys fault . Backache la really kidney ache; the smooth icy trails a labor that would reaulro three slelsrhs and in aoga" .; : - Klondike river Is fed by numerous soda springs and even the winter's cold fails to close them entirely; Walking on me eaga or uie ice near the shore, a miner on day supped Into six Inches of water. In a moment ha was rmt amt hastening to the brush hard by to Uaht A Are ln a barn at the corner of Union a Are befor his feet frose. RaoidlV he avenue ana east uiiaan street Thuwdayl cu irasmenia oi wooa -witn his night may develop a sensation. A boy I hvy pocket-knife. 4 But the unllghted who has been attending to a horse kent match dropped from hl already chilled thre, reported to Patrolman Bullus that f &W hd rashly removed his jmuens in oraer 10 us ins icnire witn more freedom. Then he lighted a second and a third and finally : several at a time, but either his hast or perhaps a sign ox tn air caused tnem to fall on th Snow. when he went to the barn to attend to the animal, h found smoke Issuing from th barn. H aald there was a man there who told him to take tha horse and leave Immediately, or he would blow off his head. .. ' partly destroyed. A mt . a . That's why Poan's Kidney PlUs cur. it J "TI0.. m" ??Luf t'"royea': . - yuinuu v iv -won Baveu vy uje arxivai of th nremen. Today Chief Hunt signed Detective Hartman on the case and an Investigation is la progress. "Many Portland women know this. Read what on has to say about ltt . Tf . VT-i. 1 ll .' . - . Main street says l am glad to rec t wuiiuauu avuau? a ojumj J'UJB. lor I kfiOW -i they ar a reliable medicine for the ktdneya I bad troubl arising from ' those organs for several years, causlns 7 rain In my; back , and rheumatism! ..j. whenever I. eauht cold it .settled in my kidneys, rendering their action too ' wv u.m iiu BrvawT- uiaiuruins m T resc. I ijearning aoouc uoan s Kidney Pills I TO SAY WHETHER w SHALL FIGHT got a box at th Laue-Davis Prus Co.'a store, corner of Yamhill v and Third treats, and they helped m from the time I commenced to use. them. I snow ir any one is trouoiea with back (Tooraal'BDedal Serriee.1 v ..' . Harbin Springs, : Jun j 18.-w-Manager soiiryin Ti.:uie xosemito ciuv, ana Mun roe's' manager, -PoUock, arrived - her early thla aftartinnn. an A . , jK-na n wom aiuncys wili . iry juoan S aminatlon . Of-TJUKlllst Jeffrlea Inlured thhVreeJita , them in the house all ' the time- and f,,r .1.7, I" i. i i Z i -, . . sometimes take a doae iOr two to tons Munroe shall; be declared oft : Jeffries' up my kldneya" '-' t. kne shows great Improvement this For sale by all dealers. s Price E0 ThJ'Jnl chftmPiott ' confident rents. Fo(rter-MUbum Co.. Buffalo N. I . 5! 7W "-ftb1' t0 "et lnto hape y., sol agents for the United Mates. to fight June 10, but bis friends fear . . . l ... t . .. m .hot ha tm M.rAH . . . ,UJt q subeWtute, ...... f , wlll to canoelad,. t - (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) ' Helena, Mont, Jun 18.-Mrs. HannAh All this time the frost Waa Hall has recovered ln the district court seising hi limbs "his body, his heart I at Oreat Fall a judgment for 125.000 hts mind.. H turned to th fatal mlt- against Julius Falk. of Lavelle, Mo., for tens, which he never Should hav taken alleged defamation of character. . x off, but his already, t rosea fingers could -.Th case is a peculiar one. y Mr. Hall only lift them from the Ice where they i the mother-in-law of Falk' son, who had fallen, and after a vain attempt he died several years ago., Falk suspected hurled them from blm and strove once that his son had been poisoned,, and r- agaln to light a last match. But It was cured the arrest of his son's wife in Mls- V- lata; K'r:-.i-' s-Xe:3 y' au ,?-".:v.' sourl, nd alod her mother, a resident of a rew years ago a Russian warship neiena, on in cnarge or having admln- was on special duty , in Bering sea, lsterd areenio or strychnin. ; Later he guarding the seal fisheries, preventing came to Montana and had the body ex- the slaughter of the seal during the humed. The autopsy revealed nothine. closed season. Th admiral of th sta- analysis of the stomach failing tb show tlon, in the course of an Inspection of the presence of any foreign Ingredient the vessel, invited any of the sailors and in the course of a few days both who had any complaint to make to tp women wer released. Mrs. Hall then forward. " On of tb men. as SDokesman brourht suit a'salnst Falk. whn la aatt tA for the whole crew, complained that the I be ault -wealthy. Falk mad na ip-l been paid.' On the astonished admiral " ' .I ... - - Inquiring what-he meant, It came out I - XJrVXSTXOATw f AXJk - that the ship's commander had been do-1 Y ' (Special DUnatch to Tha Jnnrtial 1 ing a lucrative trade by killing the seal I " Pendleton. Orr Jan m Th. w placed under his protection and sending 1 man socletv. accnrdinr tA an annminna. .1.. .bl. T ..T I :. ... ' .: T I-- ' . --.---"-"- iu7 aiiiu. w lAiuuuii us iiwt'uuvn im i mem maae wuay, win investigate the crew -, mo parinersnip. e - was auiy i condition or the Pendleton ! city JaU, transferred to ' Siberia and probably, ai l which is said to be unfit for prisoners there atllL mil; j .. am mnnnl tilth .. . j, .. 1 ;V: .1:,:.' 'f IfwAi ;;,M4swV..7:,wak II WXX-5 l AVWUllU Vf CaialC? - J II ? ' . .r,:, .. v.. vi . mW ' ' W : , ' II '':' ; ! iTrf."- H av- . 1 f -i: ' '' . -,.....'. ,- ... J,' , . li ... tes w w w uisai ' i "I I VaA. f ;,aji.i-,i i .,',;,.'r. ... -V' : !v-1 I I HKV V-!'-'.ra iTa.MAINMWa FASriiOiw 433 WASH .57. D,E.HEASEV-6R. , TEL, MAIN 877 Jutland, Ore; 1 : Tllfalnriisa':. nt r.Ktn rfa Ttaintaar. 1T. r?.--. - tirt U , -'u .-'vijv Mv.tTwvu a v vicasai wuiou vy no Have Become Fast Friends. . - H. W. 8. Ha,, ba, me lord! I'm glad to greet thee ence acuta It seems bat yts trees since last we met by tb Potomac's murky . stresni whe I to yon did pledre my . troth.t but oh,' sines a then ae .many things hare coma to paaa. " j -j Teddy "B. I see. ' , " H." W. ' B. Olad some bar been, drk Shadows bar eDTlrond others bat. all la alt, I're no Complaint, and with year kind' permlsalon I'll prnsen you the eompll Benta of . Oreg on fair Oregoo, . the toad " of beauty and of Joy. ' r , . ' Teddy B. Drxl rot it encle. tat it mtk-a .ma beart to bound e'en a the aeamparlng . roe ifwwi ui raavwi vtckio aijib, w Bieec ' yod here In this hiitorle town where corn and pork go arm ln arm op llfe'a brUht pathway oi prosperity. . . Where once upon a time Mrs. Q'Bellly'a beUl(rrent brlndle : cow did band out to. a then Atxtnettlili . world a - eonflasratlon the magnltade of,, which did send berk to the lethargic ranks the biases on a thoaiand hills and lighted up the aky aa yonr drar countenance 11 lnmea It bow. . But I . dlsreaa. . 1 1ot thee, Harvey, . as also every mas ' from whence joa eame, whose toe's . skla to those of that1 moat - charming tow which - gaily sings lt tneeful lays opon tbs beaom of tba glittering, apark ling Santlam. I tneaa the Jolly and tha festiVs goose. Bat eay, . wbafa thla I heart -. Waa Thomas Word sncceaiful at the pollst Or was bis, oioa oangea ous npoa ue rence i weasea up In Oregoa'a perennial snnaT ' . H. W, S.Tom got there, -i v , Teddy EWlth both feet 1 " " ,N - H. W. 8.-oth recti t should remaTk la accents load peels or thunder from the crest of old PlkeV Peak be did I ITea, .' morel Candor compels me to . admit that ba dashed Into the arena of ' officialdom with all the vengeance of a maddened trees as she defends ber whelp. Be went In oa all foor both feet and bauds and head and ahouldera, knees and blpa, then flapped bis wings and crowed a crow that . still reverberates o'er-mountain, bill and dale, from , sapper time to supper time again. ' ' ' Teddy E. And Manning 1 . , ; , SlrLSarotll "P6.: toe, . Aye. fee i I ro eaa nu fat, and atlll , .bathing 'U tb glories and tha Taeetar, ot tne goas,.-ic..:3;Ji ...... bauO .""t.1 Wc,r; dotting- tanned kU rival's Jacket . tlU the Wood ftowed dowa la torrents an every inch ,K?eda . That's bad!- Bat aar. let's all Cbvee np and'pUy that bygones be bygone ;jjdwwa. rt , death. t ;Vaa, i...- -l5 aW:w8 ",,d tlfUnn of great Joy I 1 cond .the e-motlon. Let's go end "see a man." Com along, Judge. - ' , . . .-li5-.?-. "ir1'" tbonrh iweh la net Ay style to any great extent. . " t Newiboy (maacot from Portlaad)-8ay, suatera, c - . ., . ( If yon have clothes to clean or press. The Fashion Tailors are the beet. . r , x'' X , , Cnrtaln.) '. i - t