t ) TIIG. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNfl 17 1801: ' - -- r store . t - ' a y.ftDOp. ; 'V' i , . " ; FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS I WHERE THE WALLS ARE J COMING DOWN j FIFTH AND WASH Every Article in This'Hoiiso ( Contract Goods Alono Excepted ) Is Mightily. Reduced Diiring This Sale . 1 ',' ' if ! Phone Your Orders ' We cordially Invite our patrons and the general public to male use of the addi tional . convenience of our telephone system whenever a personal visit is in convenient. Call "Private Exchange 13"!' ALL MAIL CODERS Will be promptly filled at the advertised SLAUGHTER PRICES during the run of the great DISLODGMENT. SALE. Every article in the house, basement to roof--except contract goods stands wonderfully reduced. Write us your orders, which will 'be filled at .once by expert shoppers - lr ::" ' -'"x. . ' V CREDIT DEPARTMENT IntTiu wkaee VMpoailbq Ity eatlfles than to niH 'afoul op u eeeoant the i Unf kuf bt taring S meats SATXTB9 AT svery ' a dvartlod special loJ ''the week' .. is Included In lh greet , SlaUgbte of prices caused bf t k .' , DtalodfiMnt er taint ebarjrae aaa 4 ut Ml V U am ei nenia l- 1 lewini nr. IHN &r imut uwioa aoaaaau. h hi tU .f a ntroa Mis ritk, Vat Wlmf prompt. ' All, cut' is being held for the purpose of selling all present stocks. (''o't ''cbme W phone, .Ywrite.'. aua eVedlt. Sot tlwt aulok-paia jHA0 AOOOBHTI e.l the annkaeer en4 ai fcilp ta suiaker e4 siere aeoarate eervioe. Jiaae dariaf the auaunei whea ase seede aa mMf lit t)a tLiaci aa eaa't tU jaat hew sums neaey ta seas. With a'aWfa" tsa worry U iaaa away with. am. am aaib m k nJ asset 4 a ma nniMMM IMal This Great Slaught 1 1 PLEASED NOTE, ; : 4 ; v That oh Saturdays, as oa every year, the closing tour of this store Is at 0 P. IL. We ask our patrons to co-operate with us in this modern nioye- ment for shorter store hours. It may mean, perhaps; arranging to shop a little earlier In the day, but they will ' doubtless be elad to do this when it is realised that early L closing meana rest and recreation for, hundreds of hard working employes. ''iv''-."--' 'i tK'f:$ J cum f StiiMme-Simm Selected THE PRINTED MENTIONS BELOW COMPRISE BUT A FEW OP THE REMARKABLE OFFERINGS, BUT ENOUGH TO INDICATE THEIR WIDE RANGE. SOON THE GOODS ' WILL ALL HAVE TO BE MOVED ABOUT AND THE BRICKS WILL BEGIN TO FALL, WHEN DUST AND MORTAR WILL FILL THE AIR. : STOCKS .MUST BE SOLD OUT SO FAR AS IS POSSIBLEi-THEN CONDENSED. BETTER TO SUFFER A LOSS NOW AND GIVE OUR PATRpNS THE BENEFIT THAN SUF FER DAMAGE FROM THE DUST AND DEBRIS OF TEARING OUT FOR RECONSTRUCTIONS AND ENLARGEMENTS. GO WHERE YOU WILL ON ANY OF THE 4 GREAT FLOORS AND YOUXL SEE THE 'GREEN CARDS ' THAT MEAN TREMENDOUS .MONEY . SAVINGS TO THE PATRONS OF THIS SHOP. ITS A GREAT, ECONOMY OCCASION. FOR PORTLAND FOLK-MAKE THE MOST OF IT! V" :''.-'! H ''V:'' . - , . - ', : . RESULT OF VOTE iTourNumlSV Number Teachers Voted For. . A. vote with every 25c purchaae. No June' votes counted after 6 iMM:iit?tte 15 Leaders to Date; , Winifred Mosher, Harrison. V.aV.. V.. '..V..Vv..;.... .82,457 Suza Jonesi' Highland. . . .'... . . ...... .a .. . 5217 Kate Padden-Atkinson,...;...,;...;;.t.;... Miss C F. Allen, Failing.. .'...;..............-.....4b,U79 Mrs. Esther Kane, Williams Avenue.. . . .41,509 '1 Mm.;N; TTiltahidel Albtna Central: . ; . . . ; . ; . . . . ; . . . . . ;34.035 Matilda Weiss, .Thompson. Miss Li K.' Strout, uupma;aia;..,;-',a-..a....a.....x,vso ; Ella-Lavenson, Atkinson. . ...... . I ;. . .. .20,018 Helen Crane, Failing. .. ................ . . ........ 13,821 -Ruth-Rounds7High;Tf 5 Bertha. Moore, High . . . V .'i . .. . . ............ . . 12,700 R. R. Steele, High , . ....... . ' "' , 12,604 "Verdi Monroe, Portsmoutn ia,io j iMrs:J. Mi Potter, South Portland.;. '. . . . . ............ v'41.7W ' ToUl Votes, 449,989., . Number names; 249. - , ! . 8 to 9 a. m; in Art Shop, the, ? sale ! ppens-Sepqnd r Floor. ? fit s Shetland Floss Underpriced , Batter corn down early In th -mAvninir anil vat Tanr thara of thla" v bargain In FIoaa-7-you'U need t for. tha fancy wok coming nwuuu -day talc away a aupply wlta yon, Ton may take It Cor leaa than usual If you'll buy batwen an 8atur day morning. ..;"' Bagnlar 10o ckeinn for.. ...... .6 Regular $1.00 a do, . aklna . for, ',, doa.. ......... ..... 72a) 8 to 8 a. m.,on Third Floor. 15c Lunch Boxes for 5c Brownla Lunch Boxaa that maaaura," when open. I Inches long by 4H deep and 4H Inches wide. " : , other business day of tha Ust of; Seasonable Saecial Eyeryth AT 10 A. M. TODAY. J ; ; y ............ .440,080 . . V. ...... ........ 249 r:':V: ''a p. m. of Friday July L , '.' .. ...i . . .......... ... .7,lu8 DrossTrimim ;5i RS&ceisijFIoo Black Applique Chiffon Dress Trtra mlnfrs go on a special bargain table 1 at StAlVr FKXOS. . SOo values for, 15 yard, f 1.00 values for. $1.50 yard, r and 10 ' Intermediate values, ranging from SBo qualities for If Ho vp to the 11.00 kinds, for Sl.OO all v for one hour at half prlca. Trimming counter, first floor, r: 9 'to 10 , a, m-, in , Millinery ! 00M h aSalonisli?:; ChHdrctfs Mffli- : : liery for Less . $1.25 Leghorn Hats and ' ; Sailors for 39c ( 1 Just a hundred, noi manV may not last tha hour out eold 100 In 40 , minutes last - Thursday of : tha ladLea flower hats at J8o co won der, they cost double that amount and mor& - It's ; good advertising, ' though, and we must get what .we can for the stock now, the new de partment In the Annex will open In ' the fall with all new hats, Tomor- ' row welt seU this hundred Chil dren's Trimmed Leghorn Bats, In 4 to S year old sixes, also a lot of . smart, chlo Sailors, values , up to $1.2$. yrcm to 0 only, on Satur day, they'U go out at., ,...,.39 0 to 10 a. m. - ' The Largest CLOSING DAY J .-i I r 30th DAY OF TH2 iiig in tlielHoiise Reduced ! 10 to 11 a. mL, in Knitwear Aisle First Floor. Women's 35c Vests 19c Dainty Bwlsa Ribbed Richelieu Vests,, plain whits and sleeveless, prettily trimmed In lace effect One of tha best 06 cent values Jn tha Knitwear Section. For one hour, Saturday only 194) 10 to 11 a. m. Second Floor , Salons of Dress. Narveloas WrapperValae! 89c for $2 House "K'. ' Wrappers A fortunate purchase of splendid, well-made Wrappers, from on of tha largest leading wrapper factor ies In the east These have been somewhat delayed In transit, but the values are so exceptionally good we have determined to nse them as a feature of the great Hourly Sales at an actual monetary loss but alt's 'good advertising and we're building on futures now. - Tne materials are good, durable Lawns and Percales not the sort you can shoot peas through with la bean-blower but strong fabrics of heavy weave, all tt values. All the dainty colors, em bracing blues, pinks, reds, black and white, eta, in stripes and neat figures. Cut with flounce, some with collars, yoke . effects with ruffles over shoulders, embroidery trimmed, full In else not a skimped one In the lot All slses from S4 to a .....M. pv 11 ; to ,12 a. m.-Stationery . Aisle First Floor. : 100 Fancy Crepe Paper Napkins for 10c y : Pretty good chance for - families. . lodges, clubs, churches and picnlo parties to buy the always handy Paper Napkins at one-half price. These In tomorrow's offering are whit with .fancy colored borders." and usually sell at 10 cenu the hun dred. Just half that from 11 to 11; a. m. Saturday tb hundred Kapklng ..'...... .....rt...10. 11 to 12 a. m-, in Domestic ' 1 Aisle First Floor. V 1 7c fodb Llnons for . 10c Yard r, ; A fine sheer quality with French flnlah. The regular 17 cent quality. for the on hour on Saturday, -per yard ..,.....,v.. ...... '...10 9$ OF THE THIIUWEEK OP THE MIGHTY TEACHERS' EDUCATIONAL CONTEST I afes Sciiirday ! 12 o'clock to.l p. m., the Noon Hour Oa Fourth Floor ,'. Among the Home-Fittings. 6c for Brass Curtail. Rods ' worth 10c Tost fight for' the Sash Curtains, . have extension of from 14 to 44 Inches, will fit almost any window, you may need some to take to the ottage by the sea or the mountain bungalow. Perhaps you have a place at home for some thlnkl The usual 10 cent sort, for the Saturday. noon hour ....... I. ...6t. 12 m. to 1 p. in the Men's Shop. .' Men's $2 Summer Shirts at $1.19 Soft Negligee finish, one of the new est lines reoelved.' Juat from their New York makers. They have soft collars and are In the new, popular open-mesh styles. In white, white with blue and black stripes, just, the shirt for vacation days or com fortable Dullness wear during the heated spelt Grand values at tt Special during the noon-hour1 only, on Saturday, at a choice for 1.19 1 to 2 p. m'. Third Floor. ' 15e for a 30c Two-Quart Useful and attractive for table or Sideboard, av convenient two-quart slse' In an attractive green mottled decorative pattern. Half prioo for an hour the SOo values for..15 1 to 2 p. iil In the Annex- , 4 First Floon . toy Wcnted 85c Dress Stuffs for 54c yd. The Dress Goods Oirectorrln-Chlef says this Is the pennant winning bargain of the season In his series and It looks .it f Give us . your, opinion, .i. . .' ' - 4 ll-lnoh Imported ' English Mohair flcUlan, colors aro black, royal, earl, navy, brown and gray. Our j regular (5 cent quality, for one hour only ...... . ...... . . . .54t Store in; tlie mmmm 2 to 8 p. m Toilet Sundries Aisle First Floor 2c a Cake for 5c Toilet -:;C-:r SOflp -f -U Buy the summer supply "Meadow sweet," hard milled oval oakaa,, for the above-named hour, each....2t 9 to 3 p. hl Undermuslin z Annex Second Floor. 47c Boys Dainty Corset Covers cheap at ?5c lAdleef Corset Covers of fine Nain sook or Cambric, two rows of lace Insertion beading, drawn ribbon and lace edging at- yoke and shoulders, or yoke of Imitation French em broidered and embroidery edging at armholes. Regular 71-cent value; speclab at ................... 47e 3 to 4 p. m., in the Handker- 4 - chief Store First Floor. Udles' 35c Kerchiefs . for 15c Dainty little affairs that women dots on possessing a plentiful sup ply of. with fancy colored borders In neat and tasty designs. Con sidered splendid values at S6o each. S for a dollar Special from S to 4 p. m. on Saturday, at each.. IBs) 8 to 4 p. m., in the Shoe Division. .-V. $1.73 Boys Women's v New $3 Oxfords "An ounce of prevention,; to We've a double reason for thU ex ceptional offering In, Women's Smart Summer Oxfords. FirsUy 10 cases of these handsome Oxfords . went astray for - weeks en route from a Lynn. Mass factory, v They ware traced up and . arrived here , tat. We made claim on the rail road , company, , which was gladly ' paid that lessened the price of the shoos to us. Secondly We've got to get rid of our enormous shba stock right quick, for where they., are being sold today is where the ) walls wUl bo torn away for the monster new elevators and the avenues "that will connect the "Old Homestead" store and the new Sixth - street annex. Ridiculously low prices are ridding us-of the stocks and adding to our - list 1 of friends. Such a price Is placed on -these swell and stylish Oxfords for tomorrow's selling from S to 4 y m.' The Oxfords are of new vlcl Jtili i stock, some have patent tlps,r all with soft easy flexible soles, neat round toes, very newest lasts and In aU ; slses. Very dressy 13.00 values for the hour at.... 9 1.73 Northwest ! On Satnrdavt as all days. , Tlus is the Daylight Store. 4 to fi p. in Domestic Cor nerFirst Floor. V; : 33c Buys 60c. Table Squares or Pillow Shams These are In fancy drawn work and of a heavy linen : finish fabric toxtO In. In sise. Special for the hour. SOo values, for. .334? 4 to 5 p. ql. In Hosiery Circles First Floor Women's $1.25 High grade Hosiery for - 69c Something out of the ordinary, as bargain special. These ' are ithe aristocrats of the hosiery, circles the cream of the stocks, In novel weave and exclusive design., .Very, dainty, . black Lisle with assorted colorings of band embroidery at front and black lace lisle with V bracelet woven at ankle and as sorted; open work figure designs filling In to 'tops. The very latest hosiery effeats. Best IMS quality, of splendid fearing yarns for one . hour on Saturday only, pair..69e) HOUSE-CUANING PRICES ON Household 7 ON THIRD FLOOR TsoacanrpoTrs nucs-curriao . ouurrf-ax. . -.tl Thln-Blown Flint ; Glass Jumb- ; lers ',. .....T.i'...tj,..Si4 Engraved In neat s vine patterns, , , special, Sc- -each MOO ' only-, vi WUl no last long order early.; : Glass Berry Set. 7 pieces, 1 bowl, : Individual dishes,, good clear . glass, spools!, set....... ...254 Opal Glass "i Plates, ; 0-tnch, decor- ; ated wlt raised figures, special. . v set ..."T-., . . ... .54j; Colored and Decorated Water Sets, ? . , with k nickel :; tray, S , pieces -special ......i.. ...-,.'. .05"l BZtOOBUnB BOSSES lATTBsT , . BXBBT BOWZaV- H in, set of 0, 25e; S-taw set of ...30e Ieoorated tBugars and ;jQvers,t each ... i Xeeorated Creamers, each; 5'; Blue'" K; Teapots, I two-eup;:i:VSlse.0 f; each . . fc -. . i , .10e) Blue ; . Teapots, .-: slz-oup ; Slse, . .each ........ .' ...1S tBlue'TeBsviwelve-cup site:' .v.eeclt 4 .... .204 , aTFEOXsX SAXB OT BECOSUTBO BATZXABB CJWXX IT Eiil S iilC- Almoat ;; everything In odd pieces Just" " the articles war.Ted for weldlnffi and remem- ll. ' ? 13 ' T' ?e a Tee J I - - ' i ' J ymmm Last Hour of the Day'a Sale 7 ., ;5 to 8 p.m., 8 Spools of SewingCotton i:forrTBtts,'4t;:' " jrOTIOBT aVIIXB-TIHJrt rivoo. Best brand Spool Cotton, white of black, for hand or machine sewing. Nos. I to 100. Special for one hour, B to p, m at I spools for..,.254 0 to 6 p. in., on Fourth Floor. In the Bed-dress Division. ' $250 Mattress Protect- or4v$l.?5 - i . much needed Sanitary Shield for the mattresses. Few stop to think of the dirt a mattress gathers la Jong, usage, If without a covering that envelopes It as do these "Auto hav" Mattress Shields. ' Nothing needs' more sanitary care than tho bedding on which we lay and breathe away a third of tho span o' life. These Shields mar be taken off and washed at will .the same, aa the sheets. They should bo on every bed In homes, hotels, ' rooming houses, hospitals and Institutions. These offered tomorrow are cnllted and (4x70 inches in slse. . To intro duce we'll sell the 11.80 grade for one hour at ...,.,......91.7S Havfland fl-piece Ten Sets, S1S.14 special; f9.or Bavlland k M-plecs Dinner ' Set - ..04 special .. v.. 916.03 "' Bavlland f, 10-pleoo 'a Dinner Set, $3). 4 special .. ...i.. .-916JS 1 Bavlland 13-pteeo Salad Set. I9.S0 ; : special .... S3.0Q . snnilCEB SBBOZAXXXEa AT BIS- xiOBoxBsrr : asxa vbzoxs. . Bound Wlrs Dish '.Covers. K4 to V, SOet each-i--in - v 10-ln : LOe5 -ln.. 1T. ? Oval Wire ,v Dishi Covers, 1 84 to ,Bt S5 vreach 10-la1 lllv- M-Ia, . . ltt; 14-ta.. ZQ4i 14-ta, 234. Blue Flame Coal 0U and Gasoline ' StovesOn Bnrner Stove, 45 'jviTwo-Burne - Stove, : 90e1.? XtATZZuaJTS SXCOBATZO CKTBTA, - SCaXr rBXOB A special shtp- ',f ment from factory. Spring ship ' mants of odd pieces Salad and v Berry Bowls, Fiatee, Sugars and Creamers, Bread and Celt I'lataa, Chocolate Pots, Fiatea,- , singles ' Sad dosens; Bonbons and hunlrfil .of useful , articles all et , r!f ' ' usual price. - . -TTnnwml '.opnriin!s t -r f rtr i - " J ; :;' iail .,. t mm