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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1904)
rOOD EVENING. TKE anCUUTlON , - CFTKE J3USXAL'-:. YESTERDAY WAS !3l2Z0 , not W2ATXTXB. : Tonhrht end Saturday, 'partly cloudy, with showers; cooler Satur day; aoutherly wk-ida ( . vv"YS VOL. III. UO. PORTLAND. OREGON, , FRIDAY EVENING, PRICE FIVE CENTS". IBM m hi s mm JUNE 17, 1904. r : mm . - : v S'M SIEPhii i ;.'.'-"Y ',: v': I W ; ' ' ; j: r. C ). . ; ... ,.v" ' '-t . 'Steamer Wreck Continues Japanese i Officers on to uive up its uead j transports Prefer buk 600 Stilllljssing. clde to 'Capture.' a 604 BODIES RECOVERED DCFI ANT TO THE LAST a,.;,' Uoidentifled Romber 75, Wbllc 500 Russian- Shells i Kill Troops by Hui Codies Have Been Removed to ) U drcds, Bot None Wants Surreo Domes Four Investlga- ' lions Arc Onv t;. . derAHcavy;. Firing Indl-r.y' sV' - !cates Another Battle. - v - v. it . 5'. ' i ..... , - (Jeareat tpaelal tardea.) f Now Tor, June 17. Another step for ward tb grave wu mad In tha Blocum tragedy today. - Five hundred dead lie .In their late homes, shrouded and an leased (or burial A. few.fuoerala will ywwv waf " " - ' ' place tomorrow and Sunday. ,Tbe stricken dtatrlct la a wathed in black, , 'whila whita and purple crepa drapca tha doora of hundrada of houeea. Great crowds throng tha district many of " whom atop at tha houaaa of tha daad to . ' jpay their laat reapectsv . : . . At tha morcu aarly thla mornlnr tha s'eoroner'a Hat showed that 'ft! bodiea . had bean raoalred. -: (Jooraal tpadal Iwrtea.) Parla. Juna lTsAccordlnr to a' 8t Pataraburg dlapatoh,; a naval battla la In prog raaa near Tau lalanda, atralta of Koraa.. . : -K. , : '(' ' KanaakL' Juna .' 17-Tha " Japaneaa tranaport Kataono - Mara . today foulad tha tranaport Tamatokaa ' of f MoJU and tha former raaaal aaiJc ahort tlma aft arward. ; : ' " : - " - (loomarSpKlal Barrloe.) Tbklo, Juna 17. lia aurrlvora of tha JTapaneaa tranaport Hitachi Mara, which waa aunk by tha Rnaslan warahlpa In tha At 1:19 o'clook tha bodiea of 111 pr atralta of Korea, Wadneaday. hava ar- ona who loat their llrea In tha disaater rlvad at Toklo, - had bean Identified, and tha unidentified numbered 71. Six hundred are ; ported mlaalng. ' T; " '-" - ' r"." ' . At tha ntorcua at 'that hour there - Vara 107 bodiea. only II of which had feaaa'idaBtlflad.V'.': ' ':;V: rci: .."'' ' - Nearly 109 bodiea have been reclaimed -, and remored by f rlanda and relatives. laa than a hundred bodiea remained on They aay tha Ruaalana were slshted at T oolock In the morning. The Japan ese attempted to escape, but at It o'clock tha Russians opened a terrlflo lira and In a few minutes tha decks of tha trana port wire covered with corpses. - Shells atruck tha angina room killing mora than too men. - ' At I o'clock la tha evening the Hitachi tha East Twenty -sixth atreet pier at 10 Mara waa sunk. Captain Campbell, her o'clock thla morning, but scorea or per I commuiow, waa miaaing, nv sons were again on hand looking for their lost 'onea. Soma city oSlolala allele to yesterday' a llgurea that more than 1.000 oerlahed. Which would ahow thoaai yet missing to number at J east 1 It Is believed, however, that when tna tory la all told tha dead will be found to number about 800.- - ' f - Tha men to whom waa assigned the grueaoma task of recovering the bodiea from ' tha wreck and , watera of Long Island sound were at work early . this morning. They were finding corpses mora alowly but will attck to- tha task . for eome daya to coma The wreck will tt thApntivhlv aaaraheit todftV. , Wraokera now belleTa that V many elaborat ; urtear ; bade one another bodies will be-found anuhgledv In tha boodbya. f- n ' ' ' ' - port paddle box. Bodiea are now being recovered In East river miles away from the acene of tha accident, whither they 'have been awept by the rushing waters of the tide. In many Instances re- wards have been offered by surviving relatlvea ' for the recovery of tha dead, and tha result la that tha number of boatmen engaged In the search today haa been materially Increased, . . f , rCi Soatmaa'a Upaclty. Soma distressing scenes have arisen inererrom. as xne waxerirom men wno ckel. northern Japan, engage in this tslaaa of . work In New! ,r : wmmmmmmm Ti I- M . tS f n Sl H. aOXX I I f I I- - . li -. ra ai . &. UA .. . . 1 I UWZ 1 SMI ? I Dynamite Exploding ' In Rivers Bed Jars v.; TaB Buildings. BLOWING UP OLD PIER Held Down by Fifty Feet of Water the Shock Radiates and Shakes Many Structures Hundreds 3e Neved It ao Earthquake. ' THE RETURN OF SUMMER CASTS A GLOOM ON CARTOONIST OPPER. log . Jumped overboard, and tha : chief I engineer was killed on tha bridge. . . Colonel Esuecl, commander of . the troops aboard, ordered tha Japanese flag burned whan he aaw that all waa loat and ha, the second mate and, other of- flcera committed suicide. , ' s ' Tha scene Waa. a most dramatlo one, but according to tha views of the cor respondents there was really a ueeleaa sacrifice of . life in - a patriotic f rensy. SImJSSL oVthfo? Nor? tyasb Limited ; Held" Up Wear Dispute Between Mountaineers Results Republican National Committee ? Takes fleers took place on me Drugs or the tranaport after they had uttered a last defiance to tha Ruaalana and had with IRMG -Mi DRUfffl QUARREL TR4IN :0F' $60,000; ENDS IN A HDRDER ; k ...... -V',' .. .1 CLOSED DOORS Bearmouth-7-Safe, Dynamited After' Car Door Is Blown Open. In Jack Snyder Killing George Potter, Wounding McKay. Up Wisconsin Dispute Payne Surrenders Chair. (flpaelal Dispatch a n JooraaL) Missoula, Mont, Juna 17. Big ponresl ? (Special Masatca to Tha Jearaal) Klamath Falla, Or, June IT. Aa the A report from Suga, near Saaobo, says that a heavy cannonade .haa been heard off the coaat and that the Japanese fleet may have met the Ruaalan squadron. : One report has it that the Russian da nurauin hdia who. t n 'nik " T .J... . fleet waa alghUd off Okl Island yeater. u,'. ZrZoi ad hh kV ""T. v : '" J - - rv 7. V . 7 ZZ 'V, siiqv ana a., miaunaeraxanaing aa to tne wvBBk .uuuint vt t ute nuruitm i , - ...... of officers. aU determined nen, are to- reuU of a drunk,D dput, hetwee (Jearaal Special Serriee. )-"..: Chicago, - Juno 17. Behind closed doora the Macoi&in dispute waa taken up thla morning by tha Republican na I aion atdewlae Instead of upward. Dynamite not earthquake caused the shocks that could be distinctly felt In various parte of town yesterday and today. Tha dynamite waa used in the work of reconstructing tha Morrison street bridge. Many people In Portland yesterday believed , that an earthquake had visited the city. At Intervale of an hour or more, charges of five pounda each are set off at tha bed of the Wil lamette river for tha purpoae of remov ing an old atone and timber pier that haa held up the bridge for nearly a score of years, .v, - -, .;.. Officers of the Pacific Construction company, which haa the contract for re building . the : bridge, . . explain the phenomenon. - . .1 Their explanation la that tha email charge of Ave pounda of dynamite being discharged at the rlvera bed, la held down by tha tremendous Weight of SO feet or more of water and the shock of tha explosion radlatea. until Its effects are felt several blocks-from tha bridge. me point wnere-the blasting la being carried on la at tha bottom of tha Wil lamette river about. 161. feet from tha west and of the Morrison -street brldae. Mr. Butler, the engineer -in charse of the work, gave an Interesting account of 11 mis mornikg. ,:. The effect of these charges," said he, "Burprlee'an -amusea us, hecause or tna very small amount Of dynamite uaeo. The flrst charge taken down by tha , diver yesterday morning waa' 20 pounda. After the second charge had been exploded buslnees people In this district began to notice It r Fisher Thorsen,' who Is In the Mead estate building, at tha corner of Morrison and Front streets, came around and asked what waa tha matter. He thought per haps ; tha pllerdriver had fallen down. I went out immediately and instructed the diver to make hla charges not mora than five pounds. From that tlma on the explosions that have arouaed ao much lntereat and curiosity were each the result of actually leas than five pounda of dynamite. The severe Jarring Is, of course, caused by tha heavy weight of water under which tha ex plosion takes place, forcing an expan- I once Masked Men Butcher Big In Crook 1 ' . WARN; HERDER AWAY Killing Occurs in Territory In Which Effort Was Made to Define Lines . V;f of ; Sheep :tnd Cattle ; ..: . Ranges.": . day. However, it la probable, that tha fog again aaved the Russian squadron, though It la not believed hero that It returned to Vladivostok. Another report thla evening ears Ad- have accomplished the bold holdup andjl-j-T,. r,Dorted hVre todav la mr.i K.miirt eauirht uo .with and sank they are supposed to have been mem- crun? raportea nero today la one of the Russian vessels off Bhlman- tlonal committee. 1 Chairman " Payne surrendered the chair to Senator Scott of West Virginia, so that no chargea of But .two masked aen are supposed toL,-,,, ,;. w i.h.ii p. I unfairness would be made. Both the h.v. '.Mmnii'.t.Jii.. k . I Placed under arrest before nightfall. The I o r.,. ... OOBKBSPOaTSZirT AUXSTBO. i ,Tork are not alwaya humane and place - the receipt of a reward above the I - promptings of human sympathy, ;, (Jmnu, BpetaI gerrie. ) J5, iZ 'l " ? that nh. Waahlngton, Juno a7.United States today, -who insisted j that he wanted K,.-..,.- nPi.oni - at .Tokia-eahlea tha thv mr .,,nnn.f . v,... " "iwrwa nore woay w aa uu- bera of the notorious -Kid- Currie gang. UBuW oaa" Jaolt Bnyfor, George Potter;, They got awar with a sum which la be-1 lonald VMcKay .and- Charlea McMaaua' lieved to harve reached $60,000, although J were all drinking in Snyder's cabin, alx express officials are reticent .regarding miles from Plcard, CaL, last night, when! uv-amount. - , 1 a . auarrel4 ensued about the ownerahit iue.noiaup eccurrea near tno same of the rahin a n a . -1 II , . . i -. I ' . ' i" uu wu wauiu ut nam re to oa, Lafollette and Spooner f actiona , were wall represented. , , -J That Roosevelt's chancea In Wiscon sin may: ot- bo; Jeopajrtisd.a strong effort la to bo made to harmonise. Bach aide waa granted two hours to preaent ita case. ; No Roosevelt pictures are in evidence a nature to mail -o cn.. u i. . I " w nw ihuiuiw srv in eriuence . a. . . . t miHIBLVr VI I.IWHI - . v,v www. I ... . . ' 1 Thl InnilMlM AT llnlmr waa Urin. am hl.l ..... . . . .. money wr .wniing over a. corpse, to ,t.f. d.narttnent that Hector Fuller, an wem waa killed. The train atopa at I "r " '"T. 1 those working at the pier, resulted in hla arrest and rough handling by an of fleer who happened to overhear the con versation. The crowd learning of the : Incident for a time threatened to lynch . the boatman, aa he was being pushed forward to a tf&trol box. but a prompt removal of tba prisoner ended the mur ; tnurlnga .'i'vi'v-fi ': ( "r. Investigations trader, Way. ' Four separate investigations are un- Jer way looking into the causes of the :saater and to determine tha blame. . Secretary Cortelyou Is here with Su pervising Inspector Uhler; -District At torney Jerome is making a rigid inves- IndlanapoUs News . correspondent, "la "rnuui , to laae water ana it waa ' . under arrest at Port Arthur. Fuller was thla time tha robbers; boarded the of the-other ; occupants aroused him picked up on the 18th lnst In an effort tender of the engine. After leaving the rom hia somnolence, and surmising that to reach the besieged port H00D RIVER FOREST RANGER DISMISSED water tank the train haoT only proceeded their Intention waa to take - his cabin a short distance when the engineer and from , him. he suddenly jumped : to his Z ri -71 w. wiia iuMja in; fMt ftnd shot Potter through the heart, hands cr two masked men who had w. . a . MiKawi .1.. , auiiae uiu iiuiMu;,' nv mw luraw thi t.r,A.' rfi: 'rr.-T I weapon on Donald. McKay and fired. while in marked contrast Hanna photo graphs and lithographs are everywhere in profusion. The president's friends , are indignant over the apparent alight , Two classes of people are here Fair banks and a lot i of exasperated nollti- oiana. , With, everything depending on exploded aeven tons of dynamite at once lri earthwork, and naturally, I do not regard five pounds as of much conse- While he spoke, sitting at his desk in the little office at the waterfront, a audden dull roar arose seemingly under the office, and hla auditor glanced out at the open door, expecting to aee a col umn of water apout out of the river like the blowing up of a battleship. The floor of the office shook, but there was no sign of a dlaturbanco on tha surface of the water outside, v "Now. you : have felt the fun effect of one of the explosions," said Mr. But ler, with a smile. "That was actually less than five pounds of dynamite. I would like to obviate any shock what ever, but I do not see how wo can avoid it, and wo must go on with the work." The -work referred to or ' Mr. Butler soma statement from him. the senator h, i thare-noval of a portion of an old tauu aoout . .,rDn" pier foundation that waa , laid about seems iu onjuy u.. vux-r .ui.uuu, ith- isgj. When the Marrlann that tmnAmr - Trial anaMnOAn ' ..j , tJ.taaawei I "wjwu via awiMmi. mMmj auiu aliou, I sjaaj were-oldedrowp av.?hU friend, do not , They are wiUbegun thmc ; - (Special Dispatch te The Jonraal.) , ' Washington, June .17.--Secretary of tha InUrior Hitchcock today dismissed Fnreat Ranver John A. , W. Heldecke of ligation; jre warana oeerv is maxing i Hood River tor engaging in locating per an inquiry, while the coroner's inquest a0ns on timber'' lands and being inter- Degins Monday, , .. - Diver , Rica I at noon reported that many bodies are In the submerged pad dle-box. To remove them it is aeces' sary Jo tear away 4 great portion -of tha wheel covering, which lortlffed with steel braces, : thus $ making the '.work slow.' "" ':. . "These bodies' are said to be In fright ful condition, aa thai are those of wo men and children who were crowded off or Jumped in front of the wheel, and Th. .-X IrlX,. t tZZ LT suddenlr become Insane, fled from the The, two robbers then forced the engi-l Mnnrt -v,,i- . . , . , ... WiwM vuva w tuv suvvuu - ' B.r ana n reman . accompany tnem o Detau, M meagre, but the lateat ln- ZJ-E3 'rvm.the t of trouble say. MtkJfi Snyder waa sitting tip with the which he refused to' do. One. of the at tnt-,-n hr -n rrt. . . . . . . . ... . I - ..V.K. exnected to know something, but are : " , compelled to ttdmlt that they are Ot .la ;Urth.&rT;r.'r aim HjiimiTOiia. , iv ty.M annr an In niuMnn thai A. a result.the f fcradu- Btopd 1 worv . Tto. enterorlse lanfuiahed several years, and in , the ' ' (Speetal mspateh te' Tee Joarmal.) V V Prtneville, Or, June 17. Conflicting range territory in Crook county led to, tha flrst open slaughter of sheep last Monday, when masked men shot and killed 5 head belonging to Allle Jones, a ' aheep owner residing about It milea east of this city.' The killing occurred ' on MUl creek In the vicinity of the dead lines," the men threatening a greater alaughter If the herds were not removed Instantly - from the dis trict : ' V : ;'M'. ' , The sheep were In ' charge - of one herder who was taken unawares and waa unable to offer any ' resistance to the attack. He was compelled to stand quietly a ahort distance away, guarded by one man, while the others .want about their work. After' the 5 of the band had been killed, the herder waa told to turn tha remainder back and keep them out of the territory In which they had been found. ? -!;;; : This flrst outbreak against the sheep In this county recalls vividly the wan ton alaughter which haa recently oc curred in Lake county and - marks Vhe flrst step In the range dlfflcultlea which are likely to be encountered here during the coming season. Tha scene. of the killing g In. the territory where an effort waa made a ahort time ago to establish lines for the sheep and cattle. : . , Three weeks ago the district was via- lted tjy a party of sheep owners from . Antelope , and a' meeting arranged be tween them and the .cattlemen, in the southeastern part of the county. The matter of ranging stock in the Blue mountains waa gone over thoroughly, but, a decision relative to tha establish ment of linea failed to be reached. Tha ' sheepmen went home and -the alaughter thla week la the reault of their futile efforts to eome to an understanding. " While it is not believed that open hos tilities wUl break, tout between the sheepmen and cattle owners in this ter ritory during ' tha ' summer ranging montha. lt is asserted that an encroach ment upon this disputed region by no madlo aheep will be the signal for fore- : ible resistance. The "dead lines" of laat year will be strictly enforced, which means that stockmen In the Blue moun tains thla year will not bo occupying a peaceable neighborhood. , (Special Dlspateh to Th Jonrnal.) Colfax, Wash.. June 17. The -tooth were .literally ground up as the doomed - of mastodon was steamer aureed forward under a .full unearthed on Carey's ranch eaat of here neaa or steam. . ested in the final Ptoof of such clalma rnaKed men then handed the engineer a b&d been made. - Officera left for the acene, ana it is not tnougnt any trouble will he experienced in making arrests. BABY LEFT ALONE ' . BURNS T0 DEATH "(..'KF'vYiV-O-' I R AN CHERS 1 PICK UP A MASTODONS TOOTH stick of dynamite and ordered hint to light it and place it against the express car door. t After the explosion, the force of which completely shattered the door and aide of the car,, the engineer and fireman were forced to precede the bandits. Into the car and' the attack on the safe was at! once begun. 1 A. half .dosen sticks of, dy namite were Placed on the top . of the atrong box and ignited.' The force' of this .explosion was void. of. any result 1 and another and heavier charge was pre- today by men who were excavating for Drand lted The te but out' ot .1 . k.- . " Th. tutk. vi.w parea ano igniiea. , ne terrmo lorce oil hHn, nt tv, , thv. irmini- Klkina name is being circulated a little "T"t?mTth " . &bU, lt come, through SS.Sft? wKS H1U boom appear, to be strictly KL l"JL local. Senator Cuiiom, who is behind : v " r . "Nothing to say," answered Fair- torn of the river.; The placihg of a new banks. " icttiason oeceacuiaiea on removal 01 me Then I'm for Hut," said tha minola u. w "a senator' way lire . aiver ; pulling: oil mese -A good man; a very good man." re- vo-pound earthquak yahocks that marked the Indianlan. ' tarUe merchants, 1 customers, office opaai iiqa w .in. mraai. . I 1Z JT' Z't r - -;i Md rtllfn-ttni. M.MMt Win . Nes Perce. Idaho,. June 17. While hla "". - ."." ;;7t,'-"k , T.r a -mm , Kwv una erection or a narn -ne tooin: wnicn , wHau as sviuh , will j. v ;w.r srv-,.i - . , . , . - (Continued on Pag 1rhr.) , . I v&tton and weight ( thre:iound. 7 ; PATTERSON CASE; AG A I N I N 'G O U RT ' , f . , ' , " ' ' " -A i. V this second .charge completely demol ished the interior and aide of the car and hurled the safe a distance of , 10 yards from ita resting place. hearing of tha house, baby Edmlnster, son Of .U W. Edmlnster of this town, was burned to death this morning. The child had been left alone In the houae. Apparently it had been playing about The contents of the safe were appar-1 " . IT ' 2jr?rZT v2Z1?a . ""1 Ita clothing caught and the baby Waa i Congressman Hemeriway of Indiana this afternoon made the following state ment, which is believed to be semi-of ficial: - "Senator Fairbanks will accept the nomination, provided it is tendered to him. but he will not do anything cal culated to. indicate that he is seeking It. In this connection it is said by friends talking about the happy days of youth. (Continued on Page Two.) STEAMER-OHIO BADLY . DAMAGED BY FLAMES (Special Dispatch te The JootntL) -Seattle, Wash.. June 17. The steam ship Ohio, while tied to the outer end of , Moran's 1 pier, was damaged by Are to the extent of I20.0PO early thla morn ing.-. The lira was discovered in the af ter hold of the vessel and by the time the flreboat Snoquaimie. was lashed alongside the interior cf the big steam ship, was in flamea. The flreboat poured three streams Into the hold of the burning atetunshlp. but the firemen were hampered in their work because : the water had to be poured through hatches without a cjear Held to light, the flamea The firemen worked long before getting the fire under con- . troL It has not been learned how tha fire, atarted. but It la supposed, to have : originated through spontaneous combus tion In the linen room. The Ohio waa formerly an ' Atlantic greyhound and registered 3,400 ons. ' She waa recently purchased by Moran 1 Bro. from the Empire Transportation company and waa to have gone one the Nome run later in the eeason. szzs nr sxsct&zo ckaxk. ' (Jooraal Special Set Ice.) ' ' Columbus. Ohio.. June 17. Michael O. Schiller waa executecV by electricity la , the penitentiary annex today. Schiller's crime for which he paid the death pen-' alty, waa the murder of hla wife at Youngs town two years ago. ' New ; Torky Juno 17. Judge' V Naw berger today; denied the application of Mri. Nan Patte jaon'a counsel -to. Inspect the minutes of the grand Jury In con nection with -her ' Indictment tor Caesar ToungS alleged murder. -. . " Tha court; set Tuesday next aa the day for pleading. - 5 - V , . Mra ' Patteraon did; not appear In court but waa represented by her at torney. She is still in a Bemi-hyster-Icai state and continues, . despite the warnings of per attorney and friends, a, . , . 1 A tm .1 . l,Vii.Uiiil v. rJ.,.t. ;.fT. burned to death. , Its dying screams were no mistance and obeyed inBtrucUona unhe(ir(, by itM WntB. . Their atten- uniiOi iini mmeo: men woianuiuj(1.,.,; th.., ...M.tlA h aimtrti.tratinn that h .m,n- atruck the ahgineer duringthe Pceed- when Mrs. Edmlnster v noticed smoke la to allow the matter to rest unUl Sun- ,agw iia aariaa uivr-o.i,u,a, wu,., floating out of the kitchen window. She day. -awaiting the arrival Of , other, per jnaking an P0lsy. called the -engineer tol(1 ner husband and together they ran I eons, when a delegation of those rfepre- "f . : Into the house. . A burning - piece ' of pion .tnai:ine, roooers may ,ne rau- wood had aet fire to the kitchen floor. roadmen. . " '. iTh .MrMl hnlv nf thnlr rhlM g lvtnr After the looting of the safe was com- lln . corner to which It had rolled in ita BLIND MEN FALL INTO OPEN TRAP to talk-of the case to any one who ap proaches i her. ? ! In these' conversations she shows the same lack of oontimilty plated the engineer and fireman were death asronlea. The fire was nutcklv ex and clarity; that, marked her flrat ac-1 orderedr back to the engine by the rob- in,,i.h atA : 'Wrt-K TIM rvi In fubmimsa bera. whokept them covered with re- hy,tarical, and Js prostrated by her loss. TWTvri, ' vi tivir vii iaii- w.b itouiiw count of the death, and repeatedly tells contradictory' atoriea ; ,: " . -; ',. Attorney Levy, who -represents : her, may, it is thought put in a plea of In sanity, In the. event that he can find no support of the flrst theory advanced, which waa that tbe shooting waa acci dental and took place while the book maker waa endeavoring to prevent Mra Patterson's killing berselt - - - sentatlves Of the administration will call , on Fairbanks and offer their sup port for the nomination and Fairbanks will accept gracefully. Despite the gen eral Falrbanka feeling.; there la an un dercurrent of talk about stampeding the convention for Cannon. i ? the. engine' the robbers shot' out. the llghta on the rear of the train and Quickly disappeared in the darkness. Passengers were under seat and se creting valuables In every conceivable i place that offered, a hiding placa The - (Continued on Page Threa) - " nrcsiroiAJiT tdxb. MAU.S rxou txTxmwoos. (Special Dispatch: to The, Journal.) . Wardner. Idaho, June IT, By an in cendiary Are thla moriiing athe City bakery was totally 'destroyed. The loss Is I,000, partly covered by. insurance. (Washlhctoa Bureau of Tbe Joura!,). - Washington, D. C, June IT. Ern?t O. Haggerty waa today -appointed reg ular,, and -William J. Edwards sub. rural free delivery carrier at Sherwood. Unconscious of the fact that a trap door at the corner of Second, and Burn aide atreets was open, nd that they would fall six feet if they'contlnued on their course,, two blind r men, clspfntf each other's hands, walked, Into the cel lar of Frits establishment this morn ing at o'clock. Patrolman Grit Rob erts chanced . to be .near and assisted them out'-of their predicament; after which- li Went .directly to Deputy City Attrrr.pj- Kltzcrorald, and procured a v ..rT t f r i: n arreat of -Fred Frits for ' i : r t ' ,or (mon. . ' o ,. Aitely Wind, anl. walked right into the hole." Said Pa trolman Roberta ."They fell about l feet and one of them waa badly bruised. I helped them out of the cellar and got them started on their way again,- I have warned Mr. Frits numerous to keep the trapdoors rlonei or 'inr : i, but he pnys no h-l." t The arrest ot Vrltt v : ! ! j i' - i . day and t! c : v : : ; i hearing in " ' row iDurr men buth n . -s'r-