'.. THE OREGO AY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 12,- 1001 13 "TrUNID waddings oonttau ts occupy : I . great share of interest A sum . I ber of (very pretty We hv been v solemnised during the wwb Tie . Hirsch-Seller wedding next Tuesday : Bight la BoIm, Idaho, Is attracting soma attention and sever! Fprtland friend will attend. Bom Interesting wed' 'dings are announced for next week In Portland. '. " ' ' ( , 'Ther la a : continual coming and go ing of society people, v The number ef " those leaving .for' extended summer , trips stlU Increases. ' - At the same time V many are returning from , their winter and spring seasons In Calif ornla., and : me students are just oeginning to re .' turn from their verlod college These ' receive',, soms attention, but ... mostly . through Informal entertainments.' Ces " nation of activity Is more noticeable In - the. Urge and formal affairs. . . A number of enjoyable luncheons and , outmg parties have been given during ! the. week In honor of Mrs, Heller and Miss Heller of New York. . , , Bishop Soott academy led last week In larger events with Us hop Monday night Bt Helen's hall will be festive " this week with commencement gaieties. iuu Military academy had Its . com , menoement exercises . Friday. ' ' EVENTS OF '.THE ,WEElC ' . The commencement hop' given Mon , day night -at Parsons' ball by the fao- vlty and cadet of Bishop Scott acad- amy was one of the most brilliant r ' fain of the season. The schema , of decoration was military. . with . lnnum . arable United Btates nags, signal flags and Br & A. pennants. Cedar, boughs .and red lights added to the bright scene and. ' ths gar . crowd of dancers com pleted the picture. - Ths , steps of the orchestral platform were Inviting, with fugs and pillows. - ,.- The grand march commenced at I ' o'clock. . The supper dancea continued from half-after 1 to 1 o'clock.- Smell tables, with bowls of roses, mads an at- - tractive scene. The dance cards were In whit, jrith the B. 8. A. emblems em bossed In red and gold. The) Invited , guests were: ' Capt and Mrs. 3. A. Brown. Mr. and ' Mrs. C P. Bowker, Mr P. H. Carroll. Mr. and Mra C F. Hurlburt. Mra Mar guerite Drake. Mr. -and Mrs. J. 0- Dan- - tela. Mr. and Mrs. R W. Goods. Mf. and Mrs. R. W. Hastings, vr. ana Jtrs. a. Hockey, Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Morrison, Mr. and Mra. A. Aocker. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fink, Mr. and Mrs. A. C Hswson, Mr. and , Un m. v. Bellwood. ' Mr. and Mra Hmnr HtvliL Mr. and Mrs. T. v.tokum. - Mr. and Mrs. 'Andrew ' Kan, Mr. and Mrs. C' tt Korrell. Mr.; and .Mrs. WUUsm Lewis, Dr. JC A. J. Mao kenxl Rev. - William Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Horace D. Rsmsdeil. Mr. ana r Charles Koth. Rev. and Mrs. ! Simpson, Mra. U K. Smith. Mr. and Mr B. R. smith Mr. and Mrs. H. Cleveland, Mrs. K. s-raser. Mr. and Mra William Olen- oenmcg, mua mi a. . ------- Mr and- Mra L. Oerllnger. Mr. and Mra . lri-idiua- Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ' Lldlw, Mr. and Mra Samuel Archer, Mr. and Mrs. C. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. . Cecn Bauer. Dr. and Mrs. Van Waters, Mr. and Mrs. Francis 8eely, Major , SUvs, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hog. Mr. .nd Mra. toward Mather. Mr. and Mra . w tr.it.vtir fAUiuil nd "M ra. . Mo- rfOflO WUVV( Craken, Mr. and Mra J. w. mognaoi, , jnM and Mra. Carey.' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Walter -Msrkav. Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Mcsiiuen, Mr. and Mra. Milton Smith. Vr. and Mra Herbert Cardwell. Dr. and Mra. J, R. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allen. Mr. and Mra E. F. Riley, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Alvord. Mr. and Mra N. El Ayer. Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Barker, Oen. and Mra. C F. Bee be, Mr. and Mr.- WUllam Boot, Rsv. and jars. oniCK, vr. uu tm. . Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin ' L Cohen, Mr. i and Mrs. J am a Miaiev, w c Lansntt Rlsht- Rev. and Mrs. Morris. Miss Ines Cummlngs, Miss Eve line Wilson. Miss Caroline Wilson, Miss Eva Bailey. Ml Kate RamadeU. Miss um,! vn wtra the Misses Arm strong, ' Miss Hurlburt, Miss . Arllne .Davis, Miss Tseser, the Misses Morri son, Miss i. Smith. Miss Tebbetts. Miss ' E. Lewis. Miss Bettison, Miss Webb. : Maa Maraaret Walt era Miss Helen wnite. Miss nuer, siu "-""Ji ' lllgglns, ths Misses Palmer. , Miss Ketchum, ' Miss Man Robertson, Mis Alt Smith, ths Misses Hess. Miss Hasel Bean, 'Miss Helen. Bates, ths Misses . ReedV Miss . Ruth Smith, ths Misses Crocker. Mies. Watson. Miss Laura Jordan,, Miss Dorothy LangOtt, Miss PrudhommeyMles Marjorls Canby, Mia EllxabetlT Strong,, the Misses Nlcbolls, Miss Carey, Mlss.Weatherton. Miss Drake, ths Misses Ds Bevolse, ths Mlaaes Weldler, Miss AnlU Burns, Miss Kathleen Burns. Ml' Isabel ' Wyman, Mis Wilms Klak, Miss Chandler. Miss Prue ' Hageny, ' Miss Helen Doble, Miss Flora Bauer. Miss ' JosephL Miss Bar rett, ' Miss Heitshs, Miss ' Honeymaa, Mies Woolsey, Miss Morey. Miss Max welL 'Mlss Stbaon. the Misses Hewitt. MUS Agnes Whiting. Miss. Levy. Miss PowelL Miss Oertruds Joneeu Hiss Ai berta Campbell. Miss Agnes Campbell. Miss- Helen' Stryts. Miss Falrbrotber, Miss Villa Mobler, Miss Bella Morrison, Miss Sears. Miss Sansbury. -Miss Helen Hinrham. Mlsa Helen Lytle. MUs Ruby Crlchton. MlBs Farrar, lalas Lord, Miss Malda Hart,' Mies June Sterling, miss Holdswortb, Miss FltcIC ths Misses Amos, . the Misses Morris, Miss Mar guerite Boot. Miss, Dooly,'- Miss Lulu King. ths Misses Gray, Miss . Bcovell, Mia Hilda McElrey, the Misses Kew man,' Mfs Holbrooke, Miss Mary Mo- Arthur. Miss Lilian Jameson, .miss mo- Cormick, Miss Msrcla Wads. Miss Susls Bellus, Miss Ann waiaer, miss imiub Cranneld, -Dr. Herbert Nichols, Lieuten ant Fsnnor of " Vanoouver Mrracas, Messrs. Allan Heltshu, Lester Hoason. Harry Bladen. Robert William. Robert MoCxaken, Frederick Strong, Elmer Con nell. Leeter Kollock, WUllam Hare, Bid well. Walter- Oos. , Harry H&mphrey, F. Cook, Jordan Zan, Van Xlouten, Jef frey, Raymond O'Connor. Gordon Ster ling. Arthur Seeley.v Alexander .Chal mers. WUllam Koeraer. W. M. von t 1 Inger, Paul Hockey. Alfred Woolsey. M. km.. Bn-ton Tavlor. Bobbins. Oeorge Brown, W. K' Morrow. -Brandt Wlcker sham. ' D. Honeymaa. Hopkins J enklu. Harold Chamberlain. Ronald. Johnsqn, Monte Meier, Hamilton Cerbett. Chester Stokes, Max Snow; Bert Whiting, Ned Barrett O. Durham, Leon savage, Wickersham, Dudley Clarke, Lathrop, Black. FlaveL Blanchard. Hurlburt. Buah Ronntree, WhltUeaey, Whiting, .ii4n Hart. Harry Corbett Fred Mor- rey. M. Dooley. WlUlam Walter. T. Hlg gins. George Gorham. Berlan. Everett Grant. Hariowe Moore, W. Clifford, M. Schacht. Oscar Kerrigan. James Robb, E. L de Keator, Jay Wyman. Several luncheons and svenlng recep tion have been given the past weeic by leading society people of Pendleton In honor ef Miss Ida Thompson, whose engagement to Mr. 3eth Catlln of Port land has Just been announced. Among ths entertainers were Mra John Vert, who Is now visitlngsX fiend 1st Port land. ''"''WW' The Forestry association met last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. li Breyman. lit Hassalo street The party adjourn eA-to the City Park, where they received an tnstructlvs lec ture from Mr. Lowlts, the parkkeeper, on the various trees and shrubberies. A visit to Macleay Park is planned for the latter part of June. The nextreg ular meeting wUl be held July 12. w The Geranium club was pleasantly entertained last Wednesday, afternoon bv Mrs.. Ann Klndorf, st her home on Grand avenue and East Burnsld street. At whist Mrs. Raymond won ths nrst prise and Mrs. Mabel Bios the second. The living-room was abundantly decked with roses. In the dining-room, where delicious luncheon was served, roses were In- evidence, but the table .center piece was of scarlet geraniura. sur rounded ny wnuer rosea ne nw was assisted by Mrs. Emma BrlckeUL The club will meet Wednesday, June It, with Mrs. George Raymond, at 11SI MUwauki avenue.- The Current Eventa club met Monday afternoon and discussed political issue A small party of friends Is passing nlaaaant day at ths pretty sunurnan horns of Mra. Sarah Evans In Oswego. Mr. And Mrs. John Carroll and famUy, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chamberlln and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gregg are in the party. The Oregon City, assembly No. 7, United Artisans, entertained their friends Thursday evening In the W. O. Four Generations at Golden Wedding DR. W. R. ALLEN. 'ffT ' ',-, 'j ' 1 m.i 2zj it-. , ill ns N siiii, tm " y '-y sxk ia. i j ,-v r W. hall. The comnKUee, of which .!.: '' "" . :V-... '-" 1 ' ?Va. h kr ) ? ; - , CAPT. JAMES EnAKT, On of the largest and most thor oughly delightful social functions tak ing - place in .eastern Washington this year wui be the ceieorauon - m w . . . . . . Jt 1.1. : M -James Ewart Monday, June It, at their homo. In .Colfax. - Few couples live to celebrate ; the fiftieth' anniversary of their marriage, and still fewer are nlaaaad with h mra a-AAd hoaith and strength of mind and body such as Js possessed by the genial captain and his bride of $0 . year-, - .The - ehildren. and grandchildren- of Mr. and Mrs. - Ewart are . planning the reception. which will ' be held Monday evening from 7 to 11 o'clock. . Over S00 quests - will bex present from Chicago, Apperton. Wl,. San Francisco. Aber deea North Taklma, Spokane, , Pullman, Oarfleld and sther, towns ; of this sec tion. "The entire house will be profusely decorated in ferns snd greenery, com bined with golden tinted blossoms, sym bolic of the occasion. Light refresh- menta wUl be served by the arahd- children. At 1:10, , Rev. J. Herbert Balnton, pastor ef the First Congrega tional church, reads- the marriage ser vice, the bride and groom wUl again re peat the eolflmS vows which have bound them In holy wedlock tor half a cen-, tury. ' Sirs. Tvi-ait Is 7J ypars of sire, hv- "r. teen born In Ecotiani June :i, 1S33. h ) 'A ,MR&- EWART. At the age of II years she came ' to America with her parents, who settled In Fall River;,- Mass. CapUln 'Ewart Is 7 S years of age, having. been born In September, 1ML He., too. Is native of Scotland. At the age of 2 years he came to thin country and located In Rhode Islands On June IS, 18(4, James Ewart and Janette Porter Huston were united In marriage. At the outbreak of the Civil war Mr. Ewart. then SO years of age. enlisted with the Second Il linois cavalry, with which ho i served four years and a half, during which time he gained the title Of captain, : ' Ten children hays been born to Mr. and Mrs. Ewart, six of whom are allvs and wUl be -present at the anniversary. They are: ; Mrs. J. A."PerWns, Colfax.; Wash.; Robert " Ewart.- Aberdeen; Mrs. I W. ; H. Davenport. San Francisco; : Mrs. Leon Kuhn. Colfax; Mrs. W. H. Holcomb. Ap perton. . Wl.. and J. H. Ewart, Colfax. There are 1 grandchildren v and live gTeat-grandch Ud re n. ' p Captain Ewart : and ' famUy emi grated from the east In 1171, settling In Union flat, Jew mUes south; of Col fax. They have lived there ever, since, and during their SS . years' . residence have won the hlgest esteem of hun dreds of friends, many of .whom will extend to, them sincere congratulations Monday evening, t Mr. .Ewart- 1 the postmaster In Colfax. Bugarman waa the chairman, spared nd pains to make the evening successful one snd they fhvlted in over 100 guests who partook of their hospitality. Judge Gordon E. Hayes gave an able address on fraternity and fraternal or ders of all .kinds and said that thought the Artisans were the Ideal of fraternity His address was loudly ap plauded. After the program. Mr. Sugar- man announced supper and the large crowd adjourned . to the supper hall. There were four tables decorated with flowers and roses snd the company en Joyed 'Ice cream and cake. After sup per dancing continued to a late hour. Muslo was furnished by the Artisan orchestra. The program that was rendered Is ss follow: Piano solo, G. Thomas; vocal solo, . Miss M. Curran; recitation. Drane; vocal solo, Mrs. Tanser; address. Judgs Gordon E. ' Hayes; Instrumental solo. Miss Bertha Fredericks; vocal solo: Frank Confer; recitation, Roll in Foeberg; vocal solo, O. Tonkins; instru mental muslo, Miss Sadie Topalar; rec itation. Miss Veda Boyland. The pupils of Sacred Heart acad emy gave an enjoyable entertain' ment at their hall Wednesday nlgbt. The program opened with drills and songs by s class of H young women, The numbers were: Thrice Happy School Girl Days." cantata choru; -The Revel of the Natda." Gottschsik; "Last Hope." Misses Phelps and Hawley. Ths closing number was the feature of the evening-1 drama, entitled, "Constance, or the Hand of Fate," written and pre pared by the pupUs of the school. Miss Olive McKee, In the heroine's roll, waa the most popular actress of the evening. Miss Hawley and the illse Goulet lo deserve special mention. The produc tion was satisfactory In action, staging and costume, ino iui ui cmitr. follows: Splrldion, Chief of the Banditti ,. . . . Cyril .'. Ethel Church Aiessanaro ; . L-uia-o ) Robbers Delos ) . , . rat-A iinnrii afterward Lord Stratford ueoneua xjkwicj Lord Kinacorrt Golda uouiei Brlggs, his servant Agnes Toughlll Bertln Rollins, companion to Lord Klnncourt BMlth.MoIseu t,4. etratfnrd wife of Lord St rat ford . ...... .7. . : -. Ruble Goulet Constance Strange, srierwara vn mtmr ctntfnM hla dsuEhter..,. . Olive MoGee Lady Markham. cousin to Lady Strat ford ... Mathilda Eckerlen Lady Ashford and Lady Grace, friends nt 1.. Marlrham Frances and Irene Howsrd Mrs. Burton, landlady ... .'. Margaret Toughlll Mrs. Mathew. housekeeper at Mount t..,. Vaaturla. aervant of the Strange Evelyn Woods r mm v Pierre Mavs entertained the senior class of Hill Military academy at dinner Tuesday evening, at ner home. Twenty - third ana r lanaers streets. Covers Were law ior m. inc table-was dainty with La France roses In their best bloom. Among tne toasts, Dr. H1U. responded to one on the acad emy, and Mr, Rountree to one. on, the class of 10. -Mrs. L. E. Crowe of The Dalles was among the guests. Tne .i.M vnduatea are Robert Rountree; Wilson Mays, Renton uroaw, wwn Brodle, Leon Bavsge, Morris rm nu ten and Herbert Whiting.- w. r 1 - The Nineteenth Infantry band gave an enjoyable open air concert at the K.-.s.ir.. at Vancouver, at 4 O clock Mondav. kfternoon. The following pro- oAvn waa nlaved: March "Fail Jn Line" ....Rosey Overture "Black Queen" ..White nr.i.a "inura SauvageS. Wild :nan Laurendeau intam.nn."Ananla" ... . . . V, Grey Beiaftion '-Per av from Paris". Lorsine gave Our President". . . ..w.. .... Winner Mr. and -Mrs. .Robert-R. Steele enter tained the Tlllicun club Monday even ing at their home, 7 E. Taylor street. Mrs. W. B. Dearer read a paper r on "Unci Remus. His Songs and Hla Say ings. with sketch ot Joel Chandler Harris .and brief review of his other Mrork.? Under? provincial types Mrs. John Scott discussed Mississippi vaiiey types. " with special reference to Mark Twain's 'characters and to $he famous Hooeier books. Mr. B.; L. Lucas fol lowed with paper ; on - "HucxieDerry Finn." Mrs. Steele served dainty re fnahm.nt. after: the nrosram nd elec tion retarc prevailed a the topic of the evening, v The club will meet next week with Mrs- Deaver at ner nome on Tsbor Heights. - . ; ' . - .. ' '. Mrs.ivWarre'n' Thomas last week re ceived .announcements from mim Frances -Pelton Jones of a. piano and. evening. The' Maeeabee quartet sang. Ths social was well attended and good sum waa realised. MRS. FLORENCE WAGONER ALLEN. sons recital riven by herself and her pupUs Thursday evening. May 2. In her studio at t Halsey street. New Torx city. She was assisted by Miss Myrta Wilcox, soprano and Mr. Charles Fred erick Hammond, baritone. Miss Jones has many friends In Portland, where abe formerly lived. For- several years she was organist and choir master of the First Congregational church and organist of Temple Beth Israel. Since going to New York she baa had splen did success and has acquired good position In musical circle. 'WW A party of Portlanders leave today for Boise to attend the Hlrsch-Seller wedding Tuesday. Those In the party are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Levi of 8an Francisco. Mr. Max Hirscb, Mr. Leopold Hlrsch. Mr. JuUus Lowe, Mr. Sanford Lowengart, Mrs. Slgmund Frank, Mr. and ln. L Lowengart and Mr. Leon Stelnhart. Mrs. Levi is a slater of the groom. i w w A pleasant boating party was given last Sunday In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Cham berlain, who left for California Sunday; night. Leaving at noon the party lunched on Ross Island and returned at 6 o'clock. ; Those In the party were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watklns. Mr. and Mrs. Will Har der. Mr. and Mrs. Goldman, Mr. and Mrs. Will Northrun. , Miss Croasman. Miss Henrietta Lauer and Mr. Bert Kerrigan. Monday evening the senior claes of Hill Military academy enjoyed a delightful tallybo party. An enjoyable musical was given Satur day evening, June 1JU at the residence of Mr. Charles Wenderoth. 173 mxteenta street, by the pupil of Mrs. Edward Alden Beals. The following program waa given: Vocal duet "L'Addlo," Nlcolal. Miss Edna Joy and Mr. Henry G. Lettow; Bong. "He Was Prince," Lynes, Miss Pearl Pllcher; vocsJ solo, "The Penitent, Miss Osl Baker: Bong, "Venetian Sere nade," Mascheroni, Miss Margaret Han son: Piano solo. "Thorn Roses," Bendel, Miss Georgia Lewis; song, "sing Me to Sleep." Greene. Mrs. A. J. Farmer; song. i LoTe you " Bobesin, miss .run Wenderoth: Arte Regnev nel Slllusia from "LuciA." Don)etti, Master Thomas Dobson: song, "Violets." Rbma, Miss Lenha Wenderoth; piano, "Under the Leaves, Tboml. Miss Genevieve Brodabl; vocal solo,- "O Thou Sublime Sweet Even ing Star," Wagner. Mr. Henry G. Lettow; Aria. "Ernanl, Ernani, tnvoiann" verai. Miss Edna Joy; vocal, .Gavotte from Mlgnon, Thomas. Miss Nancy A. Beals; piano solo. Second MasurluC ' Godard. Mlsa Margaret .Hanson, vocal. Polonaise from Mlgnon, Thomas; Miss Genevieve Brodahl. , The high school commencement' exer cises; were held at the opera house In Albany. Friday evening, a large class' of graduates being presented . with diplo mas. - An excellent, program, was . ren dered 'consisting of musical and literary numbers , and tb opera house was crowded to the, vry, doors by , an fn terested IuWeMV:5W''': Mrs. F. - Llpman entertained . party of 15 Wednesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. M.. Heller and Miss Heller of New York. There ' waa , . an . enlovable ex cursion to the Caseades and back on 'the Bailey Gatxert - Parlor games helped pass the time pleasanUr - A delicious luncheon was served. The affair wss pronounced one of the most successful of river parties. w Mr Sol Rosenfeld and Mrs. H. Nets ger are the hostesses today for a jolly outing party. Mrs. M. Heller and Miss Heller of New Tork are the guest of honor. w A merry tally-ho party last Tuesday afternoon was Indebted for its occur rence to Mr Sol Rosenfeld. -Mrs. M. Heller. Miss Heller and Miss Dltten hoefer of New York were the guests of honor. The natty went to Mrs. Rosen' feld's country place, where they passed the hours delightfully. The hostess served a delicious luncheon. Her guests were Mr Heller, Miss Heller. Miss Dh tenhoefer. Mrs. Leon Hlrsch. Mr I. li. Llpman and Mr lsam White. W At Albany college Friday -evening. recevtlon .was tendered the graduating class by the juniors, and an enjoyable and pleasant evening was spent. A ban quet wss served In the society hall and music toasts and a general good time prevaUed until late hour. A party of 10 passed a delightful day at the Riverside White House, rriaay. Mr. Jacobs of New York was the guest of honor. .Those in the party were Mr O. Simon. Mrs. I. N. Flelschner. Mr lsam White. Mr Gerst, Mrs. M. Fieischner Mrs. Lowengardt, Mr S. Seller, Mrs. L Lang, Miss Prager and Mra. Jacobs. . The Omega Nu girls passed yesterday delightfully In the woods about Hell wood, taking . car ride out there early In the-morning and staying all day. The initiation ceremonies included four new members. Miss Llll Holmes, Miss Liel Hough. Miss Emma Gerspach and Miss 'Gean Lyons. In the evening the party returned to the home of Miss El sie Lyons, 7S7 Johnson street, wijere the Initiation banquet was served. An excellent concert program was ren dered last Thursday evening at the First Congregational - church In Eagene. Among the well-known performers were Pro. Irving M. Glenn, baritone, ana Mr. Arthur Louis Frazer, pianist. Mrs. Fletcher Linn of Portland contributed two vocal numbers. .... V;: - ' ww' ... Mrs. Susie Fennell-Pfpes appeared In a concert . at . the First congregational church of Eugsne, Friday evening. 8he was assisted by Miss Hoggins, pian ist, of Portland. This was Mr Pipes' first appearance since ber return from Chicago, where she passed the winter nerfectlnc- herself in vloiln-piaying un der the masterful Instruction-of Theo dore Splering. Splerfng says -that he never saw finer musical temperament In woman. Mr Pipe formerly lived in Portland and played in the Symphony orchestra. For the past two years she has held the chair of muslo in the uni versity of Oregon. Miss Huggins Is well known in the city a an artistic pianist. She- fa vorabhr remembered m Eusrene tor the exquisite accompani ments she played for Mr Pipe at her first appearance there. - , , : . The ladles of the Catholic church held . ..... .. . . a . . . . suocessrui ice-cream mrcmi mi a. O. U. W. hail, la Oregon Cltjj Thursday, - f WEDDINGS. Mis Bailie Bell Slay den. of Spokane, Wash., was married to Harry She Mc Craken of Portland Tuesday night at All Saints' cathedral with on of the pretti est weddlnsa of the year. At S:0 the wedding march was start ed, and the four ushers. Robert McCra ken. Peter McCraken. Lieut. Frederick O Kellond and Capt J. H. Bradford, led the way for the bride to the altar. After the ushers cam ths two bridesmaids, Miss Agnes Clark and Miss Elisabeth Olendennlng. the maid of honor, Miss Carolyn Richard and then the bride and tier father. They were met at the altar by the groom and his best man. Irving Rohr. After tha ceremony, which wss per formed by Bishop L. 1L Wells, ths coupls went Immediately to the home of the bride, n Jt lucinc avenue, wner race Dt Ion was held. The church was beautifully decorated with Oregon grape, marguerites' and carnations. The. arches were outlined with Orexon grape, snd long festoons of the grape ran from the center of the main arch to the aklea. Tb altar was trimmed with festoons of Oregon grape and Joined with largo bows of white ribbon. -Bunches of marguerites were tied in each bow. The same Idea waa carried out along the chancel. Along each side of the altar the aides were hidden by hedges of wild currant. The altar rails were ( profusely trimmed with branches of locust, with branches of braks above the lecturn. The pulpit was covered with white locust- After the' wedding the guests went to the home of the bride. 1713 Pacific ave nue, where a reception was held. Ths hallway at the nome was en tirely covered with Oregon grape ana locust, and ths banisters leading to ths second story were completely crnceaieo Ith Orexon grap The reception room was decorated in red with beauU ful American Beauty roses and whits and red peonies. Tha libra rv and dinlnr-rooms were decorated in white locust, with the wall covered with Turkish rug The man tela and sideboard were banked with nlnk JaDonica. The curtains were cov ered with tracery of kinnlklnlck vine, Tha table was covered with Mexican drawn work over pink From the chan deliers to the corner' of the table were streamers of ptnk ribbon, fastened at the corners with huge bows of ribbon. In the center of the table was large vase of carnations and fern ' Mia fllayden's gown wss or wnite em broidered chiffon trimmed In real point lace. The dress was mads over whit chiffon snd taffeta. Her veU was thrown carelessly over her head and caught: with a pearl Mercury wing. present or the maid of honor. Miss Carolyn Rich ards. She also wore a circlet of dia monds given her by the groom. 8h car ried a shower bouquet of white carna tions snd asparagus fern. Miss Richard ths maid or honor. wore a pale green sUk mulL She car ried a bouauet of pink carnation Miss Clark and Miss Glendenntng both wore nlnk silk mull. Afted the reception Mr. and Mr Mc Craken left for 8t Louis, where they will stay for about three weeks and then return to Portland. They wUl be t home to. their friends- t 1S1 St. Clair street sfter July IS. The bride has lived In Spokane for eiarht years snd ha many friend She Is the only daughter of John G. Slay- den of the Spokane Drug company. She attended tb public school here or a number of year Mr. McCraken is teller of the WeUs Fsrgo bank of Portland, and has lived there all his life.. He is wen xnown throughout the vicinity of Portland, and also 1n Spokane. Miss Flosencs Wagoner and Dr. W. R Allen were married at the residence of the bride's parent in Independence, Wednesday at high noon. The bride Is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mr W. H. Wagoner, ha many friend and ia a social favorite. Tb groom is a nromislng young dentist of Independ ence and has Urge circle of friend The eounle left Immediately for t months' visit through California and to the BL Louis fair. ' k w Tbursdsy evening Mr Amelia Porcher arid Mr. WUllam N. Lynn were married at the home of Dr. and Mr G. L. Tuft, 8S First street Dr. Tufts read the ceremony. Tha bride wore neat tailor suit of gray and carried Marecnal NeU rose Her mother, from the east, and severai relativea and friends, witnessed ths ceremony. Mr. and Mr Lynn went immediately to their new home in East Portland. Mr Lynn , has been At the head of the-xt department In Meier A Frank's store. - r w w Mr. Wort K. Hail and Mis Id Cala- van were united in marriage by Rev. Ray Palmer at the Second Baptist church Wednesday evening at half past elaht Miss Lulu A, Smith was bridesmaid. Mr. N. B. Bradford attended the groom. Mr. an. Mr. Hall wUl be at home to their friends at East Eighth and Davis streets after June IS. A very pretty wedding took place at St Stephen's Episcopal church Wednes day evening at s o'clock, tn ceremony being performed by the Rev. Mr. Wil son. The contracting parties were Mr. Ernest A. Cobleigh. brother-in-law of the Hon. H. S. Wilson of The Dalles and Miss Hazel S. Waud, only daughter of the late Capt A. S. Waud. The bride was attired In white silk crepe'Oe chine over white sUk and carried shower bouquet of white carnation The groom was Attended by Mr. Frank. Frencn or The Dalles. The bridesmaid. Miss Ma. garet E. Stubenr also' of TTe" Danes, was attired In pink silk organdie and carried shower bouquet of pink car nations. The bride waa given away by Capt J. W. Shaver, an old-time friend of the famUy. Mr W. O. Buddy played the wedding march. Arthur Waud, broth er of the bride, acted as usher. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's mother. Mr Nellie Wud. t l Fourtn street The bride and groom received numerous snd costly gift After short trip Mr. and Mr Cobleigh will be at nome to their friends at MontavUl' after June 26. ':'' jv, :'' Mr. Joel Jart of Klsd, Clackamas county, and Miss Ida P. Roberts of Dover were married st noon last Wednesday at the residence of W P. Robert of Dover. A large number of relatives and friend were present to - witness the ceremony performed . by Rev. , Ci A. Nutley t of Gresham., A : wedding w breakfast : was served to ' 70 guests fter the : ceremony, and Mr. nd Mr J art left Immediately after for Portland, where they will reside. A very ' pretty wedding took, place on Wednesday at high noon, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Turner, i' when their daughter, Edith was muted 1n marrlftpe to Mr. I.yle Am; i ';, in the presence of immediate 3.: i - i ' r ,"-n fca!l jre? ':W a lovely appearance with decorations of palms and roses, walls In the dining-room the Oregon grape, srollax and pink and whits .carnation were used with pleasing effect To the strain of Mendelssohn's wedding march, played by Mr. H. W. Turner, brother of the bride, the bridal party entered the parlor and the cere mony was performed by Rev. T. N. Wil son, rector of St Stephen's Chapel. The bride looked beautiful In gown ef Gob lin blue etamln over taffeta of the sam had She wore brooch of pearls snd diamond ths gift of ths groom, snd carried a shower bouquet of . Bride rose Miss Minnie L, Turner, sister ot tb bride, as maid ef honor, was becom ingly attired ia wnite and carried pink snd white csrnattons. The groom was at tended by Mr. Gordon A. Peel, as best man. 1 ' -, ' Mr. and Mrs. Aumack departed en the afternoon train for a tour of tb sound and British Columbia cltle nd also points on the Canadian Pacific railroad. ww One of the most delightful events that hss ever occurred in Salem seciety was the wedding which took place at Fair Mount the beautiful real Jen c of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fswk, on Wednesday even ing, June S. when their eldest daughter. Llsette Carlla. became the wife of James Walton, Jr., of Portland. Rsv. WUllam H. Heppe, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church.. officiating. ' Ths spacious rooms were a mass of florsi brtauty. The reception hall In red was elaborately decorated In Glori d Morgotteq roses and maidenhair far which banked the stairway and formed graceful portiere about the doors lending to th parlor Wedding bells of red roses were suspended from ths celling by rope of smllsx, while occasional red candle arranged in an Irregular Mn up the stair, way and around the room cast ft mellow lisht over the hall. The guests were received by Mr Will lam Paul Babcock, Miss Dot Berry and -Miss Neva Grlswold, who were gowned in elaborate evening dress Ths parlors were in whit rose and potted plant with spider webs of white ribbons and roses completely severing the celling The ceremony took place in the v third parlor beneath canopy of whit ' roses nd lover's knot of Ulusloa. Promptly at half aftereight E. Kinney Miller -sang "Thou Art i Liks Unto Lovely Flower," which was Immediately followed by the Lohengrin wedding march, played by Miss Florence and Miss Elisabeth SiUso. The bridal party marched down the stairway and were met . st the altar by Rev. W. H. Heppe, wlfo performed the beautiful and unpresstv - ring ceremony in ths presence of about -ISO guest The bride wore . handsome gown oz . crepe de chine over peu d chyne. The . veil was caught with pearl n'd she , carried- white carnation The bride's' sister. Miss Marie, acted as bridesmaid ' and wore an elaborate gown of silk point -de sprit over duchesse satin, band em- , broldered in marguerite nd carried - shower bouquet of marguerite. Tb groom's brother, WlllUm Walton, Acted as beat man. . . Following the congratulations delicate wedding luncheon was served tb guests , In the dining-room, which was artiati- . rally decorated In pink and green. The table was elegant in pin carnations ana monarch fern Festoons of carnations held bv satin ribbons adorned the sides of the table. Numerous silver candelabr holding pink candles gave beautiful ef fect whUe cut-glass shone In gorgeous splendor. . " ' . The guests war waited noon by1 Miss , Blanche Fawk and Miss Cora Tslkington. who were ettlred In pnlegreen evening dresses of chiffon, and were assisted by Miss Gertrude Fawk nd Miss Lenn Cvgh. who wore- ptnk gown of ths . same material. Miss Dalnes esptured the ring In the bride's cake. Mlsa Talklngton the dime, and Miss Cavanagh tho thimble, while Miss Burn caught the bride's bouquet In the present room many costly pre- . ents were displayed which showed how , highly Mr. and Mrs. Wslton wer es teemed by their host of friend The affair was a gorgeous ons and the beauti ful evening costumes worn by tb guest -added to the splendor of ths scene. The ' bride's mother wore handsome gown of , peu d sole trimmed In Irish lace. Tha groom's mother was attired tn black all and lac. The bride's youngest sister. Miss Eleen, wore chsrmlng evening ,., gown ot apple-green liberty satin . and chiffon. '' T" The bride is ons of Salem mow popu lar society - ladle and will be greatly missed by wide circle meno - - v xha rramn i the son of James Walton. Br., of Salem, and holds a responslbl , nnaitlon In tha Security Loan A Trust - company bank in Portland. - . . . Mr. and Mr waiton win n uumw ... . .hair friend after July L at thotr home, S East Fourteenth street. In Port land. . , V t ... w Miss Lena Earth and Mr. F. L. Sklrvln were married in .Marquam. or.. a . Wednesday. They passed their honey- moon In Portland. Mr. Sklrvltt is prosperous farmer la Marquana. . - ' Tuesday evening Mr. Henry Richard- ion and Mis Stell Hamilton wer mar--tied in Roseburg by Rev, Dr. Bennett, of the Methodist Episcopal church.. Th ceremony was performed at-the bride's , home before luu guest. ' ine hu the daughter of Dr. a Hamilton, pi- , oneer of Douglas county and one of th ' -best known men In that part of the state. The groom 1 a prominent bust- -ness man of Roseburg and Is prominent ' in social circles. , , ..' V. - ) Mr. Warren Lee end . Mis Ells J. Mitts were married Wednesday. June 8. at noon, at the home of the bride' narenta. 11A4 Union avenu - Rev. Wll- - 11am B. Gilbert of Calvary Presbyterian , church officiated. Mr. and Mr. Le v will live in Clackamas county. A nrettV June wedding was solemnised at S o'clock Wednesdsy evening, at Mia- 1 pah Presbyterian chnrcn, . tr, Morton Ray Spalding and Miss Grace Griffith, ,. Coddington being the contracting ;: par- tie ? Rev. Jerome R. McGlade per formed th ceremony. The hurch was pretty Ip pink snd green,. thet altar be-. Ing massed with palms an (J La Franc rose Mr. Richard Gerdes. Mr. Dug gan.' Mr. Howard Gaylora and Mr. Jame were the usher Mlsa Lesle Spsidinif . and Mr.; Harry Gay lord attended th bridal couple. Immediately preceding the h ceremony Miss Carolln Johnston sang -O Promlss M" MM, PMeraon played the wedding march. f -4 :t f. The bride, was gowna in ensmpss"" etamlns over cream taffeta, triramwa with old . lace medaUlon 8le carrU.a . Bride roses. The bridesmaid wore gray silk crepe over pale blue taffeta and ear rlod ptnk La France roses. The gift Of the groom to the bride was a h4n.lom Mimiat vinsi to the brt.i.-KmalJ. a gM necklace. - The favor f..r f groomsman wern t ! i After tne c.-r- - - r tlO WAS glVP! t v I - i bridal partv, t f s ' parents. 6-1 1 ion to;r.: rn a (i-l i