12 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL", PORTLAND, ; SUNDAY; . MORNING, JUNE 12, 1901 GDES mrsoa w. s. cxzwi sats imrnrai rmoFiBYT z nrmv sxsnuor It XZXVa XUATZX.T BACXZS BT J ALASKAN MImTS sin BEING DEVELOPED III sillll' II II ) J tHES MOS DEPENDABLE liOFlALi:VEHICLES:I WW ". OATITAXr-JHOT rOLXTICAX riOXT 0Y2B JTTD0X8XZJ. . Dj J5 frM 'lilD): !UI Vlll 11 i ?v& iyj (K) 1? ACiylEMLvLS CO. ; PORTLAND, OREGON. OREGON PRODUCTS NOT ADVERTISED rxouzmxr obzoobzabi TZSZTZBa IT. 01718 TAXB BBS : cbxbb uok or norzB prwunr , or oxm XZ80VBCM AT txat ax 1 rosmov. :' r' ;' CHarles Orlssen of McMlnnvlllerTresl dent of the Oregon Fir Relief assoclsy , tlon, and Dr. C. W. Lowe of Euene were In tbe city yesterdar en . route home from a visit to the 8t Louie fair and the east. ' i Regarding- the fair, both gentlemen were loud In their praise, excepting the horticultural, .and advertising exhibit from thle state, which, In their opinion. Is about the poorest showing, propor tionate to the natural resources of the state, to be found at the fair. Both gentlemen were agreed to the following Interview regarding this mat ter, given The Journal by Mr. Grlssen: "The Oregon building Is to the left of the palace of art a very favorable location. Because of Its exceptional lo cation, in fact, from 10,000" to 11,000 people naturally pass through It ; each ay. -. . ' . , - ., . V Tet .ln all the buUdlng. there ta no literature descriptive of the state ex cept a few pieces . of . the Lewis and Clark Journal, some railroad folders and some photographs on the wall. Bo. altogether, the effect is one of barren ness.:, .vvv.'-y ? , v -V.' " . Ofctaia XJttla taf ormatloa. Teople'go Into the building 'expect- ing to And Information regarding the far-away state of Oregon; and they, go. away wun a mysunea conception re garding the intelligence they hoped to obtain. Such is not true regarding California and Washington, our neigh boring states. "Even the . Dakotas sur pass us in this matter. : - - "The mining exhibit is very credit able, but the horticultural exhibit la very ' poor, compared to the s exhibits from other states having not near the resources of the state of Oregon. "In addition to having- quantities or. literature. In addition to their splendid exhibit, the Callfornlans are distribut ing pretty yellow badges, symbolical of the Golden State; but there is not a thing symbolical of Oregon. Why should this be sot Why should we not have at least a simple badge say ing: "Come to Oregon In 1906." , Advertising- Matter Weeded. "After being there, . and consulting Judge W. B. Crews, a prominent law yer of Juneau, Alaska, and Seattle, and delegate to the Democ ratio national oon-1 ventlon, Is at the Imperial hotel while en route to the world's fair in 8t Louis and on a summer's vacation trip, the greater part of which wUl be passed in this city and vicinity. 4. For five years Judge Crews ' was a I practitioner of law in Portland, and for seven years prior he practiced his pro fession In Pendleton.' Later be. went to Seattle, and from the latter city took up his permanent home in Alaska. "Alaska is experiencing a reawaken ing." said the Judge yesterday morning, "and more money to develop the mines I and resources of southeastern Alaska la going in this year than for 14 years past. Mines that have been . idle for several years have been reorganised and will see an active season of development during! the present year.- ,v Tread well Branching Out ."The Tread well . mining people have taken hold of the Berner's bay proper ties, low-grade gold mines 10 miles weet of Juneau, and are going to put in a eoo. stamp mill this year. Another big com pany starting up this year is the Perse verance Mining company, of which Colo nel Sutherland of London and New Tork has control, and he la to put a 200-stamp will on the . nronertv. which Is a tnllel and a half from Juneau. All this means I prosperity for that part of Alaska. "Coming down X ' i . learned that the Burnslde was en route north to lay the connecting link of the cable giving Ju-1 neaa and Sitka communication with the I outside world via Seattle The cable Isl to be finished by the end of July.' Tight tot Jndgeship. . In Alaskan . politics,- the moat In teresting matter at present Is tbe fight to keep Judge M. C Brown from being' reappointed to the bench of the First district a row that started in the Re publican convention ' when the political leaders, T. Marquam, formerly of Port land, and J. Q. Helde, crossed swords in the fight for delegates to the St Louis convention. Marquam won out and put I in- the name of Judge Brown, without I even consulting tbe . Judge. , ' Helde thought that Judge Brown was in the game to worst him and Is now leading tbe fight against the reappointment of Judge Brown, charging that the latter has been meddling in polltios. "The term of Judge Brown exnired on the Irh of this month.' He and hisl friends are going to Washington to fight for his reappointment and Helde and I the opposition are coming to the states, some of them In a few days, to flint t against tbe reappointment - Judge Brown's Beoord. "Judge Brown, to my way of think- with those In charge of our exhibit .we would advise every county in the state I lng, Is the best man for the position desiring to advertise Its resources to lot Judge in Alaska. He practiced in the forward without delay circulars and oourU Francisco, Portland. Ba- photographs to Frank Williams, Ore- City, Denver and other weetern gon state building. St Louis. ,d;to t&J&jS2& prepay the freight We urge this on T.nnli. Wromlnr. - He haa the tinr our peopje, inaamucn as every a ays oe-0f having been affirmed in 5 per cent lay means the loss of telling thousands of people about the, resources of Oregon, "Anyone having. fruit to send back there should send it to Charles B.' Gallo way,' horticultural building, St Louis. 'Another serious defect that appealed to us waa that the Lewis and Clark peo ple are not taking steps to make known the fact that we are to have a fair out here next year. -All that would be re quired to disseminate this information would be, literature. Let the people of Oregon wake up, ,and at least show the outside world a part of the natural ad vantages of their commonwealth over other commonwealths." - . . i i , . ;. , Cancmah Park Trips Sunday. " Motor cars every' 90 ' minutes, with double truck,' open trailers, music and dancing in tbe pavilion, refreshments on. ine grounas, naseoaii game in tne after noon, ample seats and tables for picnick ers, swings for the children, ! Cars leave First and Alder streets, where tickets are on sale, also at Hawthorne and Grand avenues. 1 of the cases sent from bis court to thai court of appeals In San Francisco and I more cases were appealed from his dl-l vision, than from any other division In' the circuit which comprises California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska, Fur thermore, because of his fine record, he has been unanimously endorsed for re appointment by the appeal Judges In Ban Francisco." PORTLAND MINISTER TO DELIVER SERMON (pedal Dispatch -te The JoeraaL) Pullman, . Wash.. June 11. At the Washington Agricultural college exer cises Sunday, afternoon -the bacculan- reate sermon will be delivered by Rev. E. & Muckley, paster of the Christian church of Portland, in the college chaoel. 1 in tne evening tne annual address of the T. M. C A. and the Y. W. XL A. will be delivered by Rev. W. Van Osdal. oi me Baptist cnurcn or ttpoxane. - Portland Ore. SHOUT THE GLAD JIDINGS Portland Ore. THE BEST EVER Federated Trades Council X REPRESENTS " LABOR UNIONS u. s. WARSHIPS MONSTER PARADE SPLENDID FLOATS HANDSOME DECORATIONS Most Elaborate Fire' Works MANY BANDS OF MUSIC NOTED ORATORS . POPULAR GAMES UNCLE SAM COLUMBIA JULY Fraternal Orders . Represented by the FREE ATTRACTIONS Human Fountain Electric Fountain MARVELOUS MOORES CONGRESS OF "CLOWNS - 2-RING SOCIETY - CIRCUS Magnificent Grand Spectacle FAMOUS FLYING BANVARDS Bohemian Glass Blowers Leaping .the Chasm CRYSTAL MAZE DIXIE LAND Perforrners 300 FRATERNAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION JUNE 28th to JULY 9th GREAT REDUCTION OF RATES ON ALL RAILROADS " TOE SPECIAL PKICE; SALE Started at teme- the Morrison. Street bridge was partly closed, is still in force : on RUNABOUTS), DRIVING WAGONS, BUGGIES, ' SURREYS, SPRING WAGONS, STANHOPES, HARNESS, ETC. ;MOLINEBAIN ;.GO. . 320-328 EAST MORRISON ST. ' ITTTf TTTyTTf TTTTTf TTTTTTTTyyTTyTTTfyyTTfT?? y?Tf T?f fTTTf.f f f f f TTTTTIf IT?f f f Tf TTTTB jj&nj ' ' ' A WESTERN SUNRISrJj: a 4 4 Superior goods-manufactured (fromoinadulterated materials. BULL RUN WATER., used in mixing-T:nb well water. Our guarantee to the dealer, FULL. WEIGHT, HIGH-CLASS GOODS; A full and complete line of goods now ready for delivery. Our wagons .will be out , this wek. el Apply 10 Marquam buUdltog-. TELEPHONE EAST 47 4 i TWO WEEKS CARRY THE NEWS TO MARY TWO. ; I WEEKS IAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMUA4,,UlA,AAAAAtAAAAg ' ...