v.-.; .,.. y ; .. r- ; .; ,'. . ;;v-.V:v;,' :,;:-;T;:;..l. , :-;2 -:':' 1 ' ; ? ' the Oregon daily journals Portland. TUESDAY ' EVENING. JUNE 7, ' 1901 i ' : ELECTION RESULTS i f DEFEAT MACHINE 1 . v, .!. returns show that tha county ha gone I baa carried. Combs, Dem for county about 100 Republican on tha eUta ticket i clerk; MaxwelL Dem..-for representative Local option, diract primaries ana the I Fay ton. Vera., for school superintendent state printing amendment carried by big land Henry, RP-. for recorder of publlo majorities Raault In tha county: I conveyances, were elected Tha restsof Joint aanator Huntar. Dam.. 211: Mo-I tha county offloera ara In doubt. Donald. Ren. 19. Joint reoreaentatlve conservative estimate gives Williamson Dobbin. KeD.. est Miner. Dam. 177. a targe mammy. District attorney White. Dam., iio- max. Ren.. 618. Sheriff Brakley, Dem- 41: Shackelford, 4(7. County . clerk Weaghera, Rep.. 480; French, Dem., (It. County Judge Miller, Rep., 442; Cor- Iklns, Dam- 444. County commissioner Van Camp, Rep., 414; Wilson, Dem., 461. Treasurer Miller, Dem., 1(2; Hamilton, Rep.. 400. school CXATBOS, lKal Kerns, Rep., 617; Harris, Dem, til. WASCO- Option Baa tea kajmUloaa rinralltlea Small. (Special Dispatch to The JoaraaL) Astoria. Or., June 7. With three pre- suparlntendent I elnots to hear from tha raault follow Simmons, Democrat, for eongreas, 411; Williamson, Republican, for congress, lit; Burn a. Democrat, representative. Tlj Laws, Democrat, representative flhwrfal Waoatch to Tee 'oarnal.1 141: Lestir. Republican representative. The Pallea, Or., June 7. Thirteen pre- Faimberg; Republican, repraeenta. ctncts out of 21 In this eounty give: Supreme judge Moore, 111; ODay, 603, Food commissioner Bailey, -774; Douglas, 422. For local option, 721; against, (04. For atat printer amend- ttve, 710; Llnville, Republican, aherlT, 0(7; Morton, Democrat sheriff, gir, Bergman, Democrat. treaurr (0 Hellborn, Republican, treaaurer, SOi; Allen, Democrat, county eoramlsaloner, ment. 770: against 106. For direct prl- 188; Larson, Republican, county , tonv mary law, l.Olt; against, (10. I missloner, 171 Local Option, for 401, Tha county ticket la conceded Repub-I against (. llcan, with the possible exception of Harrlman for county commissioner. Bennett for senator, la slightly leading by a amaJl majority. QMAXT. xmom. Mix Offloes Oo to Democratic dates. OaaU (SpeeUI DU patch to The JraraaL) Canyon City, Or., June 7. In Grant oounty IS precincts give Williamson, Rep- for congress, 700; Simmons, Dem 140. For supreme lodge Moor. Rep., 710; O'Day. Dem., til. For food and dairy commissioner nailer. Rep., 686; For circuit Judge Roosevelt' Deep Oriel at the Defeat of a Few Republicans as per Oregonian Editorials. ('Dedal DUMtcb to The JoaraaLt L Grande. Or. June 7 Tha anttra Douglas. Dam., Ill Republican legislative ticket la elected. U 7 precincts give Davis. Rep., tit: Cllf La Oranda won the county seat from frd. Dem, 170. For dlstrlot attorney- Union br a malorltv of 10 nap pant. liav. I Hlcka. Dem., 714; McCUllOCD, Rep 726. tng the required 10 to Union's 40 votes. Tha county Republicans elect tha eher- Wlthln 0 daya La Oranda expects to In, treasurer, acnooi aupennienoent have tha county aeat located In tha new commlaaloner and coroner. Tha Demo 126.000 courthouse being, erected here, crats elect the clerk and surveyor. Asses- union county want atrong-xor local op- I sor m to aouoi. tlon, La Grande favoring it by small majority. Leroy 1a max, district attor ney for Union, Baker and Wallowa coun tlea. carried Union and Wallowa by good Foaall. Or.. Jun 7. Incomplete majorities, being tha Republican against turns ahow Wheeler county Republican sam wnite or tsaaar (uemocraw. j. ti. state congressional and legislative ticket Dobbins of Wallowa oounty was elected Joint representative for Union and Wal lowa counties, reter McDonald was elected Joint senator tor these two coun tlea. N. C McLeod of Elgin will be ram.t union suuoif m isiimvouiiiYi in uiv leg llslature. J. W. Bailey, dairy and food waa elected ty about no majority. County officers elected are Hoover, Dem., judge; Keeten, Dem., sheriff; But ler, Rep., clerk; Lamb, treasurer; Scott assessor; Ueldman, Rep., sur veyor. High school, direct primaries and local 2?"""'- Jr.tJl option carried. The latter wlU have a L. A.,r W majority In the county. fleers were elected excepting recorder, sheriff, school superintendent, surveyor and assessor. PETS OF MACHINE Hot Weotlheir .Coinmf ort: . i nlrablv comDlete selection of v . 4 " We are displaying tm admirably complete selection of ' mens aiiu bow uwuwig tum lurnisimigs: juscinc sona : ' you want for immediate uses, at pric that will make uenuine $IZ.MJ Business ana uuung csuits ior.:....ey.4fi Superior values in fine, soft Underwear from $2 to 40c Sterling Hats' only $3.00 tun appreaauon oz uese excepuonat nais are assured beforehand r ..' . 'i Over-weight Shoes only..;....... .......... $3,50 Outweighs all others when it comes to style, quality and comfort THE AMERICAN CLOTHIER fit;: 221-223 MORRISON STREET, CORNER FIRST OBOOX. BEATEN BY 5,000 I local Oalal (Continued from Page On a) pre me Judge Moore. Rep, 719; O'Day, Dem, I0(. For dairy and fooo. com missioner. Bailer, Rep., IIS; Douglas, Dem J0. Local option For, 181; against 171. Only half of tha precincts - in .the county have reported, but both tha other amendments have probably carried, ' DOVOIAS. ' SEanaaam's Majority 500 ta Xla Own . (Special PUpa tea to The Joornal.) . j Roeeburg, Or., June 7. Estimated tna . Jt Jorltles ' on, Incomplete retumsiii Her- ' man. Rep., congresa, 100; Bailey, Rep., dairy and food commlaaloner, 100; local . option. 7S0; printer and direct primary, . carried; Crosby, Dem- state senator ' Agea, Dent, for clerk; Hamilton. Dem., ' for circuit Judge, 100; MeClailen, Rep., for sheriff, was probably elected, as was also tha rest of the Republican ticket 1 Hermann. 1,717; Veatch. 1,161, is, tha vote la 21 precincts out or 41. OOOI. , . Xsnaaaa Zi fJimoassriil rnfl jHiaj Op ttoa Zs misUy Beatea. OpacUl Dkpatrb to The Joornal) ' : Coqullle, Or., June 7. Returns are , coming in slow, but at 11 o'clock this ; morning the account of balance stands as follows: For Justice of the supreme court Moore, Rep., 144: ODay, Dem, . 1(7. For dairy and food commissioner ; Bailey, Rep- 111; Douglas, Dem., 121. - For congressman Hermann, Rep., 860; Veatch Dem, III. For circuit Judge J. W. Hamilton, Dem, 411; Potter, Rep. i Ui. Th other candidates receive votes as follows: Brown. COS; Coke, III; : Bherwood, (84; Burns, 608; Pierce, 111; ., Herman. I0; te, 494; Galller, 189; Big V lln. Ill; Lawrenoe, 679; Matson, 807; Dean, 457; Phrlsp, (49. The amendment . . for local option was probably lost, as ' was also the state printer and primary ' law amendments. commissioner; Hart, Rep., for oounty as sessor; Eddy, Rep., for circuit Judge, 416; Galloway, Dem.. 470; Boise, IniL, 230; Burnett, Rep., 671. Congresa Hermann, Rep:, 46(; Veatch, Dem., 217. Joint representative TaJmage, Dem., 1(9; West. Rep., 414. District attorney Whitney, Dem., 299; 644. Option Wins Democrats ome Offices. (Special Dispatch to The Joornal.) Prlnevllle, Or., June 7. For local op tion 117, against 258; for direct pri maries 411, against 188. For supreme Judge Moore 297; O'Day, 255. For food commlaaloner Bailey, 870; Douglas, 870. Only partial ret u me have been received. xoutow. Democrats JSada Galas Throofaoiit the Oounty. -(Special Dispatch to The Joornal.) Heppner, Or., June 7. The election McNary, Rep., returns to date Indicate small gains for Joint senator Wright, Rep., 474; the Democrats throughout tha county. Ooucher, Dem., 878. WAIKXaTQTOaT. JOBSFKICT. ' XapiibUoass Win and Joeal Option aueeses Through. 1 (SpeeUI Dispatch to The Journal.) ' .. . Grants Pass, Or., June 7. Returns ara Incomplete. For local option, 455; '. against, 434. For state printer's amend ' ment. 422: against, 149. For direct pri maries, 474; against, 122. For Justice of the supreme court, Moore, 828; O'Day, t 889. For dairy and food commissioner, Bailey, 827; Douglas, Dem., 87(. For congresa, Hermann, Rep., 689; Veatch, '.Dem, 852. For senator, Booth, Rep., (17; Bllyeu, Dem., 467. For circuit Judges, Hanna, Rep., and Benson, Dem- have good majorities. For dis trict attorney; Reamea, Dem., has t majority. For representatives. Smith Dem, and Lewis, Rep., elected. The ' following are also elected: Clerk, Cheshire, Rep.; treasurer, Taylor, Dem. assessor, Fall In, Rep.; school superln tendent, 6avage, Rep.; coroner, Btrlcker, Rep.; county commissioner, Logan, , Rep., and county surveyor, McCullough, TILUUOOX. kepublloans ' Gala Tlotory oolallst ' Vote Xs la XvMeaea. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Hillaboro. Or- June 7. Inoom Diets re-d turns zor, local opuoa sqow m, againsi 410," for state printer amendment 3(9, against 82; for direct primaries 68(, against 88. For congressman Oould, Pro 104; Hermann, Rep., 842; Ramp, Soc, 49; Veatch, Dem., 473. For Justice of the supreme- court Brlgh, Pro- -80 MIkkelson, Soc., 61; Moore, Rep., 818 O'Day, Dem., 897. For dairy and food commissioner Bailey, Rep., 888; Berry, Pro., 88; Douglas, Dem, 188 ; Rasmus- sen, Boc- 48. The Republican ticket was elected in full. Democrats Oct Three Offloes by Small Majorities. v (Special Dispatch to The Joornal.) Albany. Or., June 7. The total vote of 33 precincts out of 80 reported thus far gives local option 4(6 majority. For supreme Judge Moore, Rep., 1,731 O'Day, Dem., 1,883. For food and dairy commissioner Bailey. Ren.. 1.880 Douglea, Denv, 1,1(8. For congress Veatch, Demi, 1,646; Hermann, Rep, 1,705. For circuit Judges Burnett, Rep, 1.837: Eddy. Rep.. 1,687; Galloway, Dem, 1,(74; Boise, Ind. Dem., 1,090. The Re publican county tloket is elected, except Judge, clerk and superintendent, the Democrats carryinr these three by small majorities. Munkers, Soc, was elected to the legislature. Outside precincts will change this very little. SaVaJUOV. Hermann Wins by a raix Majority la That County. Pclal Dlapatcb to The Jonmal.) Tillamook, June 7. For supreme Jus tlee Moore, 638; O'Day, 247. For food commissioner Bailey, 488; Douglas, 1(8, All the amendments carried, 4 to 1. Wolf, socialist, was elected clerk. ' Doubtful Todd. Dem, for county treasurer; Sapplngton, Dem, for county surveyor: MWlley, Rep, for school su perlntendsnti Loerpable, Rep., for county YouTakeNoRisk When you buy your footwear at our tora . each pair bears our name, an aoeoiuta guarantee oi quai r Jty and style.- Select your style and get your fit. Then you will know what pleas- wearing tha shoes we sell. Oxfords for , J3, $3JS0, H $5 Vcndnyn Of Walton m Waa4kiagtoa atL, awav M amt'ita. ZKcal Option Carries by a Safe Majority Also the Two Amendments. (Special Dlapatch to The Journal.) - Salem, . Or, Juna 7. Election day passed off quietly, with a light vote cast The result was a sweeping vic tory for all the Republicans. Local op tion carried in the county by about 260 majority, the direct primary amendment by 600, and the state printer amendment by a small majority. The contest over Justice and constable resulted In the probable election of Turner and Donald son, Reps, oyer Corby and Lewis, Dems, by about 60 majority. Reports are com ing in slowly, and those out of SO pre cincts give the following results: For supreme Judge Moore, Rep., 2,768; O'Day, Dem, 1.090. For district attorney McNary, Rep, 2,875; Whitney, Dem, 1,207. For food and dairy com missioner. Bailey, Rep, has 1,700 ma jority. For congressman Hermann, Rep, 2,381; Veatch, Dem, 1.874. For representatives Calvert, Rep., 2,386; Graham, Rep, 2,387; Kay, Rep., 2,415; Richie,' Rep., 2,1(7; Settlemler, Rep, 2.895; Huckesteln, Dem., 1,286; Mattb- leu, Dem., 1,122. For sheriff Culver, Rep.. 2,188; Harding, Dem, 910. For county Judge Scott, Rep, 2,188; Corby, Dem, 1,071. The vote for circuit Judge is: Galloway, Dem., 1,785; Eddy, Rep, 2,389; Burnett, Rep., 2,742; Boise. 1,191 Republicans elected all of the following by big majorities, there being no oppo sition: County commissioner, surveyor. sheriff, elerk recorder, treasurer, as sessor, school superintendent and coro ner. The fight centered on the contest for sheriff, tha Democrats lining up all their forces in an effort to elect I JU Matlock, the Democratic nominee, but Bhutt, Republican, won by about 70 plurality. The 1 Democratlo treasurer, school superintendent, coroner. Judge and one commlaaloner ara elected while the Republicans get the sheriff, the clerk and one commissioner. . The As sessor is in doubt. The Republican state and congressional ticket will have a majority of about 860. Phelps, Republican, for district at torney of Morrow and Umatilla counties will have a majority of 300 In Morrow. Holbrook, Democrat, for Joint represen Utlva of Morrow and Umatilla, will have a plurality of about 301 in Mor row. Local option will carry in this county by probably 300. TT8CATIX3VA. Two Democratlo B spree en ta tires Prob- . ably Sleeted, (SpicUl Dlapatch to The Joornal.) Pendleton, Or, Juna 7. Returns ara coming In slowly. At noon seven pre cincts out of 38 are yet. to be heard The principal contest is over tha county Judge. At noon the following county officials .are probably elected: Judge. Hartman, Dem, very close; dlstrlot at torney, Phelps, Rep.; sheriff, Taylor, Rep.; cerk. Baling, Rep.: assessor, Strain. Dem.; school superintendent. Wells, Rep.: recorder. Folsom, Rep.: surveyor. KimbrelL Rep.; representative, Blake- ley- Dem., and Chamberlain, Dem. Joint representative. Cole; treasurer, Bummerville; coroner, Henderson. Re turns on the amendments have not been summed Hp. Direct primaries amendment la thought to have carriod, but local option and state printer amendments have lost On.TiTaM. Semoorata aad the moot tha Sheriff Assessor. (Special Dlapatch to The Joornal. Condon. Or, June 7. Gilliam county returns up to 3 o'clock show: For Local option 8(8. against '321. Direct prl marles. for 888, against 88. County Republican and state ticket: For Joint senator Bowerman, ' Rep., 438: Wilcox. Dem., 257. ' In the county the Democrats eleot the sheriff and assessor and the Republi cans elect the balance of the ticket ex cept surveyor, which is in doubt. 0OL1TMSXA. All TAMHTT.Tfc Hermann's Xad S77, With Whole Tote PraoticaJly la. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) McMlnnvlUe, Or, June 7, Hermann, 1,416; Veatch, 1.092. is the vote, with three precincts yet to hear from. SECOND DISTRICT. WlUOVi. Three Amendments Win epubll- caa Majority rive Hundred. "(Special Dispatch to The JeoraaL) Houlton. Or, June 7. The total vote of the ounty-l about-1,(00, with one precinct to hear from.-1' Local option carried by a small majority. The direct primary law carried by a large majority. Tha state printer amendment carried. The Republican majority on the state ticket Is about 600. Henderson, Dfhv, for clerk, and Ross, Rep., for treasurer, were elected. : ' . ' ' BonrhiU's Defeat of Fulton tha County's Surprise. (Special Dlapatch to The Joornal.) Moro, Or, June 7. The returns from no precinct are complete. The four larg est of eight give: Moore 878, O'Day 98; Bailey 263, Douglas 121; for local op tlon 298, against 268; for state printer amendment 200, against 54; for direct primaries 257. against 119. The county, district ami suteepubllcan, ticket la elected. The surprise of the county was that Bourhlll beat Fulton. About l.ioo votes were cast ' (Continued from Page On a) in the county rather than lose the sher iff and the district attorney. I guess Burckhardt and Cader Powell ara to blame for It as much as anyone. The people wouldn't stand for them." Burckhardt and Powell expected to save Btott by means of heavy fraudulent voting, and extensive preparations were made to ring In "affidavit votes." Hundreds of printed forms were partlj filled out at the county headquarters yesterday, but leaving the name of the voter blank.' These forms were signed by Burckhardt and five other Republi cans, attested by John T. HcKee, a notary publlo In Whitney Boise's office. who falsely certified that the affidavit was sworn to before him by the voter and the six freeholders. These perjured affidavits were then sent out for use at the various polling places all over the city. FortunateJjr. the fraud .was de lected and exposed in The Journal, so that tha plans of tha machine were frustrated. Democratic workers were warned and prompt ' Arrests convinced tha machine that Its designs' must be abandoned. Partial returns on the congressional vote Indicate that J. K. Williamson, Republican has carried the county by from 1,000 to 7,000. WORTH $25 IN CASH l-7-04 Journal 8(030. dtOC EQert Piano House Advertising OC J)jZQ Test and Closing out Sale 4jZD This coupon will be received at Eilers Piano House, No. 851 Washing ton street. Portland, and is good for the first or cash payment of Twenty-five Dollars toward the purchaae pries of any one of our pianos during our advertis ing test and celebration sale. EILERS PIANO HOUBEL NOTE. We agree to accept this coupon exactly the same as cash en any piano in this sale, and monthly or weekly payments for the balance may be arranged for to suit the convenience of tha buyer. Delivery of the instrument win be made immediately or at any time in tne ruture. Mtmmnrn wombk fob qvkbm. Married women may be allowed to enter into the carnival and Mardl-Gras queen voting contest. Ever since tha contest first opened, numerous requests have been received by the committee, that married women be permitted to run for queen, and now a petition to that effect has come to headquarters. The matter wil be considered at a meeting of tha committee, which is to be held In tha near future. Up ta this time the management has been opposed to allow ing married women to enter the contest Tha exposition building presents a busy appearance theae days. Three of tha floats which ara to be used In the spectacular parade are nearlng comple tion. Designs for most of the others have been selected by the committee. and work on them will be begun at A moonlight excursion will be given in tha near future for the benefit of the en tertainment fund. A large steamer and two barges will be engaged, and the committee promises a lovely moonlight ride. Tha vessels which will be in tha har bor at the time of the Fourth of July celebration are: The Perry, Paul Jones, Pedro and Wyoming. . znrw hz ad or woxzsrs cousaa. (Journal Special Berries.) Oxford, O, June 7. The fiftieth anni versary and commencement exercises of the Western College for Women cul minated today In the Inauguration of the new president of the college, Dr. .Lil lian Wyckoff Johnson. Dr. Johnson. who succeeds Dr. Leila 8. McKee, was formerly an instructor at the univer sity of Tennessee. Jug ge. Paint By what it will do not by . what it costs. Our mixed paints may cost mors than some paints and still be tha most economical, because of their great durability, cover ing powers and other superior qualities. Fisher, Thorsen " & Co. EVERTTHING IN PAINTS 160, 162, 164 Front Su AT THE THEATRES 33HXO mTBBTATJrS BAPTISTS. . (Journal Special Service.) Enid, O. T June 7. Scores of enthus iastic visitors flocked into Enid today for the annual territorial convention of the Baptist Toung People's union. The formal opening or the convention took place this afternoon. The three-days' program provides for addresses, by a number of noted Sunday-school work-era ranrBSOTA sat at st. kotos. Tremendous . Amount of Scratching Makes Ooaat Slaw " 1 . (Special Dispatch to The Journal.') Baker City, OrT, June 7. There was a tremendous amount of scratching and no definite returns on constitutional ques tlona pr State , of fleers nave , been re- l-ooftl Option WU BtpiltltoaMUl Mbw Bualal TMa V R-..' Tm - VI V -- i . lomtu iwLwwal w aflt af oiuneu. V - i I LJ EatorprJsei pc Jiumi j JjqcPinjletecelrca. It la baliared tMt iocal Rttaaj)lfc (Journal Special Service.) St Louis, Mo., June 7. This was Mln nesota day at the exposition. The at tendance was large and Included many Minnesota editors and other visitors from the same state. Exercises were held In the Minnesota building with an address of welcome by President Fran cis and responses by prominent sons of the Gopher state. rarxasras or coitrxBUs. SSrSXOB DBAWS CBOWDS. While Portland is enjoying cool and dellahtful evenings, theatre goers are taking advantage of the opportunity tc witness the Elleford company's great production of "The Ensign" at Cor- dray'a this week. Such a play at the trices charged Is Indeed a bargain. There will be a special matinee to morrow and the same play all week. ' (Joornal Special Service.) Louisville, Ky.,,June 7. The supreme council of the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic social and fraternal society, be gan ' its annual session at the Gait House today. There are about 100 del egates in attendance, representing 400, 000, members of the society throughout the country. Round Trip Season Excursion TIckes From PortlandMo all beach points on tha Astoria 6V Columbia- River railroad are now on sale. Fare only 84 for the round trip, tickets good returning until Octo ber IS. All Information gladly furnished upon application to Mr. C 'A. Stewart. agent, . 241 Alder street, . Phone Main "TWTBXT WBIBIiY" WIS. Twlrly Whlrly" is a magnificent pro duction from every point of view and a renuine success. The scenery is at tractive, the music sweet and melodious and the comedy immense.- Rice and Cady, and Bobby North, do some of the best work that tney nave aone so isr. and keep the audience 'shrieking with lauarhter. Miss Hanow ana oyaney DeGrev have some excellent songs . and Flossie Hope and Lillian Levey have a couda of clever numbers, josepn uai ley plays a sailor with telling effect and contributes much to the success of the show. "Barbara Fidgety." a ounesque on the nopular drama "Barbara Friet- chle." is the next offering, and is said to surpass all the others. THIS WBZSC AT TB2B XripUO. . .,' The blU at the Lyrid this week Is an unusually good one in fact, all bills at tha Lyric are good but this week the entertainment is better than ever. The feature of the bill is Flora St fves in a musical act . She Is a beautiful woman and her work is very clever. , Raymond Baldwin's sentimental songs, You'll Save Money And a lot; too, If you bay here' this month. . Big discounts ail during Jane in . - . i v Furniture Carpets StOVeS end Drape nes Other "June Sales" Insignificant At the Old Reliable Place Henry Jenning &Sons 172-174 First Street OUR. Umbrellas TALK They speak for themaelvea Why do so many of our customers want Just tha same kind of Umbrella they had last time? Because that Umbrella has given the most rain protection they ever had for the price paid. Why Is This? Because we have made a lifetime study of the Umbrella, and aa we make our own goods, we eee that every detail is Just right TRY ONE. TWO STORES Tmoae, Main 8040. STOBB Bo. 1 STOBB Bo. S $09 Morrison Sl 286 Washington SL with colored dissolving pictures, are touching a popular chord, while the ballads of Raymond, the blind singer, ara roundly encored. Ben Kgan, in a blackface monologue, makes a hit The balance of the bill, including plcturea by the vltaacope, ara above tha aver age. i ii i i r Starts Summer Trips Tomorrow. At 8:80 o'clock tomorrow morning the handsome Regulator line steamer Bailey Gatsert leaves Alder street wharf for her first trip up the Columbia, on her summer schedule. The Gatsert has lived amid tha hammer of carpenters and the caress of the painter all winter and la now one of the finest boats on western waters. The trip up tha Columbia -to Cascade locks and return is one of the J finest trips Imaginable and is especially so at this time of the year, Tha scen ery is magnificent and. can be seen to perfection from the - decks . of tho ateamef. It Is indeed, a trip worth tak ing at no matter what expense. Com mencing tomorrow this - beautiful steamer will leave Alder street wharf at :80 a, m., returning from tha trip to I Cascade locks about I o'clock. Special excursion Sundays fi round trip. Ex cellent meats oesi oz service. ' A Portland company has a big force of men at work fencing a 10,009 acre tract of land la Harney eounty. Making Ice Cream for Dinner-., Is a pleasure when you have a a-ood freeser. A child can operate It ft la eaay running and will freeze your cream or ices In 10 minutes. Every one that likes frosen dainties in hot., weather should have a freeser. Avery & Co. 83 Third Street Summer Outings My bryuitutiixitwy Of' Made easy, agreeable and pleasant when we wash your linena. We do every thlna lust riaht Tha r,i.Ji-. wRTJ'Sf work:;.:.... - r--yr Troy Laundry Company JiATTBDBT WATBB STV BAST SXB8. ens. wiaisLow's sooti:i::3 syrup M "f?? hZ arnnons Of Bothers for thev ahUdrra while Teethiaa for orer Fifty Tears. It eoetoaa the child, softens the (unia, aUaya I VkSlln. ainiaaaBI warlnl TWEMTTJivg cvm 'x BOTTUt. .''l'S!',!:!-.:1':': .':1;'''" . " . : . ..." ' 7'i' "V'" .- ' ' " ,- - :-':.ii',r' ''--i''iTi,''-'v'.:'''