The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 07, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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    TV OOP EVENING. , ; .'.
( ' .Tonight and Wednesday, fair:
' rr . warmer Wednesday; northerly winds
VOL. III. NO. 80. ' .
John Manning and Tom Word Demo
crats. Win and ; Nottingham Is just
Short of Defeating Courteney.
Influence of the North End Reduced to Mini
mum by Prompt Arrests of Illegal Voters
Loal Option Barely Defeated in County.
Returns from 45 precincts at 1:89
o'clock ahow the following results:
-' res OaafTsesmasii
Williamson, Rep., 4,001
Simmons, Dam. 1,724
Williamson's plurality X.1H
Tor District Attorney.
Manning, Dem. ...... .4,113
Reed, Rep 2.818
Manning's plurality
Tor Stats BenatoT.
. 1.508
Courteney, -Rep. ....... M
Nottingham, Ind. Rep. ...
Nottingham's plurality
' .. Tot Sheriff. '.ir
! vvrt Dem. .....3,45S
'-fitottw Rep. M. ,1.138
' Word's plurality 1.191
, Ziooal Optics.
For ......... ...........3.893
Against 4.0 J7
Majority against ... tKet 4) 1,114
Tha Ttenuhllean machine went down
In yesterday's county election to' most
inglorious - defeat By overwhelming the voters declared their re
solve to endure no longer the arrogant
rule of the ring of spoilsmen and
gamblers who sought to control the
- . Miitntv wnvmmmmnt All tha atrenarth
of the revolt was directed against three
of the machine's nominees, James Stott
for sheriff. Sanderson Reed for' district
Attarnev end A. . H Courteney for state
senator. Tha defeat of Btott and Reed
waa crushing, and tha majorities against
them rang from 4,000 to 1,000. and pos
sibly even - more. At noon today the
itepu oilcan - county . nnujquangn naa
"stopped- trying to figure" how badly
' these "candidates were beaten. ,
With the exception of Reed. Stott. and
probably Courteney, tha entire Republi
can ticket was elected In this county.
This result was a foregone conclusion,
for the Democrats had no expectation of
defeating any but the three candidates
John Manning, tha Democratic nomi
nee for . district attorney, baa been
. I , . ,4 hv mfl4nFlt that . TO ATkiihlfeAnfli
place at 6,000. His victory is all the
mora signal for the reason that if was
won la a straight fight against his Re
publican opponent with no other candi
date In tha field.
Tom Word's spectacular race for
. sheriff landed Jiim a winner over all his
five competitors by a plurality, that is
figured all tha way from 4,000 to 6,000.
Stott, the Republican nominee, la a
' hopeless second, and received tha small
est vote of any candidate on, tha whole
Republican county ticket.
rrobably Beats Ccrorteney.
C W. Nottingham, Independent Re
publican, who made a single handed
contest for the state senate against A.
E. Courteney, the machine . nominee,
uiauo SB lUWSb VIllBt
Late -returns from the Ninth. Tenth
, and Eleventh , precincts give Courteney
a lead over Nottingham of loo votes.
The Indications are that Courteney Is
elected by a narrow margin.
Of all the nominations bv tha Repub
lican machine, none was more unpopu
lar than Courteney'.. As chairman of
the last two county conventions of his
' party he had displayed a dictatorial de
termination to carry out tha will of the
.machine, regardless of all opposition,
whioh aroused tha indignation of all in
dependent voters, and intensified the
prejudice against him as an alien, of
dubious loyalty to American institutions,
The crowning . argument against hint
waa . hi . refusal to - pledge himself to
oppose the threatened attack upon the
city charter.-his attitude being all the
mora, significant because of his intimate
relations with the machine, with which
t tha conspiracy originated.
V Many causes contributed to the mag
" nlflcent victory of. John Manning and
Tom Word, but the controlling and de
cisive factor was the independent vote.
. To the good citlzena of the county the
result is to be chiefly, -attributed.. This
Is conclusively ahowjt by the vote In
Jorities were rolled up for both candl-
corruption and bribery usually run ram-
- pant and , unchecked, the vote wa re
markably -light, in several precincts
' being only 60Lor 60 per cent of the regia
.tratlon. - &&&&&&&
tyf;i7t Arrests Chack ru4iv7-". ?;
' t- Wholesale frauds ; were . expected V in
' soma of tha north - end . precincts and
: close watch was kept by tha Demo-
- cratlo workers. Attempts by Jack, Grant
and othera of tha Portland club gang
to run in Illegal votes by manufactured
affidavits were followed by prompt ar
rests and this determined action proved
an effectual check to further frauds. The
result waa an extraordinary and signifi
cant falling off in tha vote in these pre
cincts. In precinct , known as "Jack
Grant's precinct." tha vote waa only iso
out of a registration of 4S. In pre
cinct 4, where Larry Sullivan and tha
Grants have been wont to vote their
gangs of repeaters and oolonlsed voters
at will, tha vote was only I0S out of a
registration of ISO.
Tha returns show unmistakably that
the Influence of tha north end in tha
election was reduced to a minimum and
that tha remits are to be attributed, not
to the saloons or the gamblers, but to
the respectable and law-abiding voters
of tha oountv. JrH' r
Local option - waa - defeated in tms
oounty but by so small a majority that
It la apparently mora than offset by tha
vota for tha law, 1ft tha remainder of tha
state. , Tha direct primary law prevailed
in this county by a large majority and it
haa been equally successful la tha re
mainder of tha state.
"Tha Peopla Have pokes.1
"The people have spoken,' said John
Van Zante, chairman of the Democratic
county central committee. "The vlo
tory could not be more magnificent Our
fight waa directed- against the Republi
can candidates for sheriff and district
attorney and wa have won by majorities
that far exceeded our expectations. Wa'
won because we had the support of ths
Independent voters all over the county.
The Democrats stood by tha party can
didatea ertudly and thousands of Re
publicans voted with us. It is tha most
crushing defeat aver administered to the
Republican machine, and It marks the
downfall of the ring of. spoilsmen who
nave cuiuruueu lue cuuui gDvnuuivnL 1 n..,.!.,.
John Manning appeared this morning, I Jackson
none tha worse for his strenuous cam-1 Josephine
oaian. Kiamatn
"I am very grateful to the people ofl'
Inr the remit of the election, "and 1 1 ln
shall show them by giving them a good, Marlon'.
nonesx administration mat i appreciate 1 Polk . . .
what thev have dona for me in this aleo-1 Tillamook
tlon. I knew when I started in on this Washington
flrht that Mr. RMd hail ton mnnh nt I xammu
load to pack,, even though he happened
to be on the Republican ticket with its
7,000 majority. I mean by this that
when he tied himself up with Cameron,
Logan," Whitney "Boise, Cader Powell,
Excited Miners Use Their
Guns Freely ina Street
Democrats Secure Occasional Offices Throughout the State Veatch
Runs Ahead of His Ticket Hermann Behind His, But Still Has
Sufficient Votes to Return Him to Congress,
All Quiet Today Dae to Drastic Action
of Authorities Governor Ex
pected to Declare Mar
tlal Law.
(Joarnal Special Service.)
Victor, CoL, Juno 7. Two rlota took
place here late yesterday as the result
of tn dynamite outrage at Independ
ence, and In each case men were killed
or wounded.
A committee from tha Mlneowners' as
sociation sent for Sheriff Henry M. Rob
In on and demanded his resignation,
which he agreed to. Tha county com
missioners then appointed Edward Bell
In tha meantime an immense crowd of
miners who had congregated, owing to
work having ceased In all tha mines by
order of the managers, ' stood around
outside Armory hall, where the Mine-
owners' association waa. holding a mast
Junk Brings Story That
Port Arthur Has Been
Attacked. M ; .
Flashes of Fire and Heavy Cannonad
ing Confirm Outcome Is In-
known Official News w;.;
Lacking. . V
- (JootmI SperUl Berries.)
Chefoo, June 7. An attack from land
and aea on Port Arthur occurred last
night and early today, according to re
ports reaching here. - f
A Chinese Junk waa the Erst to nring
tha news. Its sailors report that tha
Japanese tried to advance by land, tha
fleet helping tha movement,
Tha remnant of the Russian Fort Ar
thur fleet came out of tha harbor In an
attempt to repel tha Japanese warships, .
but were driven back. , .
Other reporta tend to confirm tha JusK
rumors, indicating that a naval battle
haa been bought in tha Gulf of Pechlll.
Steamer passing the Llao Shan promon
tory south of Port Arthur, heard firing, ,
whlla reports-from Teng Chen atata that
After Rob!nn6n had 'agreed to rsslgn I heavy firing was heard there from 11
ha cam. out of the building and was fol-f p. ra. to 2 a. m. -
lowed by Secretary Clarence C, Hamlin I Vessels from tha Mia Tao islands con-
of tha Mlneowners' association. Ham- firm these reports, while residents of.
lln, wishing to explain tha attitude of the hills near here state they saw
the association, stood up in a wagon flashes in tha direction indicated, Noth-
whlch waa conveniently near and made ina official has been received. ' '
an address, which he concluded by say- Officers of tha Junk deny tha report
lng that he would like to hear what tha I that a Japanese ship waa sunk off Ta-
hnva In ttia tnlnasi smtK 4 aa v K I 11 nfM ' " ' ' -
rirst Oonrresalonal Distriot.
Hermann.. Veatch.
Rep. Dem
Clackamas ..
Coos ..
Curry .1
889 1 361
1,737 1,639
1,4 IS
Xrooal Optloa.
For. Against. Majority.
, 688 878 218
, 1067 416 661
, , 408 669 Lost by 266
, 210
, (Lost by small majority.)
Hermann's majority 600.
Hermann's majority 250.
Bv tha ahnva resort. Hermann's ma-
Charlie Burckhardt and Ed MendenhalL I jorlty would, at tha time given, which
anew invnepuwicuii 01 uuiinomin 1 inrlndes the latest returns. De I.OSZ
county: wouia not stana ror me oompi-1 votes.
nsuan. w nue 1 ao not - ciaim anyxning
for myself except tha extra personal
effort which I made In my canvass, I
will say that I take a good deal of eredtt
to myself for havlns cleaned uo , the
Durchasabla vote, which tha Portland Benton
club carried in their Dockets. I under-1 Clackamas
stand those men. have all left town, and Clatsop
I am sure that. If this Is true. It Is a I Columbia
good tnmg ror the citizens.- iuoob..
When asked whom he had selected aaiurooic
his deputies. Manning replied: Curry
1 can only say that H. B Adams will I twugias
be one of them. As to the other. I can-tuuuam
not say who it will be.. However. I am urani
going to nave associated with ma a barney
good, clean, reliable attorney. I sKall Jackson
decide later who it will be." I Josephine
to Manning s probable choice for deputy. I LaKa
Aiiiuiia uiurnejr jv us maia mat ugiesoyiMine . .....4
xoung, w. t. vaugnn, Bert Hanev and Lincoln
us Aioser are ail of them on the all-1 Linn
glble list, and that some one of them I Malheur
win be appointed. ' (Marion
Tom Word, happy but exhausted, is at Morrow
home today, trying to recover from the Multnomah
latigue and strain of his whirlwind Polk
887 268
353 321
455 434
8105 4396
Lost by 1291
-- w - 4U..., vt , oworjuuii ,. . 3 a ,v,
his great victory and they point with Tillamook .. .' 170
satisfaction to the fact that Word's vota UnatlUa. ..(Lost by small majority)
campaign. His friends are Jubilant over Sherman 298
Lost by 83
Lost by 39
" 300
.was heaviest in tha residence dlatrlota Iyt
-t. : -vmuu
buuwujb mat nie canaiaacy appealed I Wallowa ;, . .
most strongly to tne good citisens ud i ha
- . . . ... I ...... WW.
2eiv-wo wor,lt"" "- Washington . ,371 410
v . fviiui6 v&4p.ub .uujr, mica 1 wheeler
lag mi count nna preparea to cnecK tVarnhm
any attempts at fraud. rc.-re -1 .
BapahUoajui Oloamy. r-;: j Eatlmated.
Deep gloom prevails at the Republi
can county headquarters. The loss of ' With ten counties yet to hear from,
tha Bheriff and the district attorney, the ttot Including Multnomah, tha-majority
J?h. 2l??V?JiVtA to tavor of local option amounU to 4.000
this xear and tha prises most eagerly de- . . ., . .
ilred by the machine, la a crushing dii-
anflointment f vA , . I ouiciai as tar as iney ou n
" " ... ' . . . . . - . .. t . M I 1.. :
"i don't care to taiK aoout it" said 1 wuoiy.. uu wvj ""
Whitney Boise, county chairman. Xhir I Some of tha back country precincts are
candidates didn't have votes enough and I still to be heard from In all of. tha coun
that Is all there was to It No, I haven't I ties, and as these are usually local op
anythlng to aavti -; on in thelf principles, tha Indications
;Siwk! ara that tha majOTityTn favor of local
,l ar:;: option UI b. tha return.
; .: iheooma more completa
Continued on Page Twa). . 1 From present indications tha majority
against local option in Multnomah
county will range between 1,600 and
2,000. This would Indicate that the
measure has passed beyond a doubt and
by an unexpectedly large majority. The
nine counties yet to be heard from ara
Curry, Grant. Harney, Jackaon, Klamath,
Blake, Lane, Malheur and Whoeler,
The vote in favor of the direct pri
marlea Is decisive in its favor. On the
state printer amendment the vote is
lighter and closer, but It haa un
doubtedly carried by a small majority,
Congressional Situation.
The most interesting and absorbing
contest in the entire state except on the
single subject of local option and over
shadowing even' that within its district.
was the contest in the First eongres
slonal district between Binger Hermann,
Republican, and R. M. Veatch, . Demo
crat, for a seat in congress.
The district embraces 17- counties, ex
tending from below Multnomah down
the Columbia to tha ocean and backward
and southward through the state to the
California Una. Tha normal Republi
can majority in that district is between
7,600 and 9,600. The first returns re
ceived, which were sent out without
adequate information at the back of
them, indicated that Hermann waa
elected by a normal Republican ma
Returns up to -this hour have been
received from eight counties, Including
Benton, uiacKamaa, coos, Josephine,
Lane, Linn, Marlon, Polk, Tillamook
and Washington. They show that Her
mann received 11.764 votes, and Veatch
9.160.' leaving Hermann 2,614 plurality
in those counties.
It is estimated that Hermann's major
ity in Douglas county will reach 600
and in Lincoln county 250. thus bring
ing tha total to 3,861. There is every In
dication that the normal Republican ma
jority will be cut at least one-half In
Hermann's, case. , '
1.072; for representative, Hedges, 1,788;
Holcomb. 1,834.
Local option, 1,067 for; 416 against;
boys in the mines had to say.
William Hosklns, a union miner, start
ed toward tha wagon, waving his hand
and shouting "Let me talk." Either be
cause his action was misunderstood in
the aenslty of the situation or through
sheer malice, some one fired a revolver.
and instantly a fusllade began.. Hos
klns was one of the first to fall with a
bullet through his body.
R. McOee of Victor, an Innocent by
Hen Wan.
Togo Beports Buooess. la Harbor Clear
ance Yashlma Disaster Discredited.
Tokio. June 7. Admiral Togo reports
that 41 mtnea were discovered and ex
ploded in tha past two daya in Tallenwan
bay. Chinese sailors, , who were f or-
stander who was standing on an eleva-1 merly Russian pilots ara being uaed to
tion at tne ouisairis 01 tne crowa, waa 1 facilitate tne searcn.
state nrinta. .m.ndm.nt t am for: hi -truck by a stray bullet, and fell dead. The Chefoo dispatch which asserts
- - " -V a. a. - a. 1 4. I i I - .Wl- a.b flaa. Tsa II ah.
.. .a . ni: I no. inrouKn m nciru mat me aiKpancBfj auiu luus.
::: : """" v"lam' " m and toJad, wan bay wa. tha batUe.hip Ta.hlma. 1.
i ... I . I. m i.mfMi Tnm.mitlM
Hermann propably carries Clackamas The full list of dead, and injured oh- :vr:JT . SS, 7r h nVlhe ainr.
county by 176. Italnabla follows, although assertions
The Republicans have elected their an- have been made that many wounded
tire county and legislative tickets by wore carried away by their friends:
from 300 to 900 maloritv. with tha noa- Dead:
sible exception of constable for the local M'QBE Of Viator, shot through the
district and count t achool aunarlntend- I heart.
ent t J. It. DAVIS, died In hospital from
I no mention in a report-noting tha clear
ing of tha mines. '; ; -.
Teatch ftan Ahead of HI. Ticket, Hut
Was Beaten.
(Special DU patch to Tb. Jooroil.)
Eugene, Or., June 7. Returns are in
complete, but Indicate that the county
has gone for local option, the state
printer- and direct primaries amend
ments. All state and county offlcera
elected ara Republican except the sher-
irr, Flak, Dem.,
fracture of the skull.
The injured:
William ,Ooldfleld of doldfield, shot
through tha body; may die.
Alfred Miller of Ooldfleld, shot In
body; may die.
Peter Fleming, shot
. Fred Stdrdevoss, engineer at Inde
pendence mine.
Peter Cusman.
"Spud" Murphy.
"Hod" Finch.
An unknown woman.
Prior to the rioting and in another
L Ill 1
hundrm-ajority: Veatch 7. aheaf
While Zrfrtkinc for Basalts Ara Tired
Upon by Chinese Soldlars.
. (Journal Special Berrlce.)r ' ''
London. June 7. -A Chan Ilai' Wan
dispatch adds some details of ths f e- ' .
ported killing of newspaper correspond
ents Etael . of the London Telegraph,
and Brindla of the Dally Mail.
The correspondents were fired opon by -
Chinese soldiers while in a Junk between
Swantalta and Erlino. Etael .was la-
stantly killed but Brindla la now re- :
ported aa being saf Tha men were
inveatigating the movement of the bandits.-
Etxel'a father Uvea In 8 an Diego, :
his ticket, but is beaten by several hun
dred In tha county. The vote is close
for BUyeu and Booth, for Joint represen
from office City Marshal O'Connell and
appointed MaJ. H. A. Nay lor to succeed
him. A number of specials who had
Utlv..r HamiTton."- Dem.r trcZ7uil "J r.Z
luda-a. r.rnhhlv t,.. . n,.lrit. i- .,- oerea oy onenn dbi iu remove ineir
;r,n ' '"" stars, as he claimed to be able to con-
trol the situation.
The Beoond Blot.
Later in the evening a squad of mili
tiamen were traversing tha streets In
. (Journal Special Service.) ' : ' . ' , '
London,' June 7. In the house of com
mons Balfour steaarastiy aecunes to ;
make public any of th communications
that are supposed to have passed be
tween Great Britain and Russia' on th
subject of "contraband of war." It la ;
probable that until agreement ara
Democrat, niaat ahartff ana A tiamen were traversing ma streets in pnwa . -"'"v..""""
Daaocrats Sleot Bheriff and One Bap- earoh of unlon 0P 0ther8 h0 .ig-ned all corraspondenca wlU be kspt
might be loitering, and, according to re
port, were fired upon by a man con-
(Special Dlapatch to The Journal.)
Dallas, Or.. June 7. The Democrats 1 cealed In Union hall.
get sheriff and representative. Local Without any parleying tha soldiers
option carried by 250 majority, and I charged up the hallway and were met
tha direct primary and state printer by barricaded doors, through which the
amendments carried by a good majority, opponents exchanged volleys. There
For . supreme judge, Moore received were o union miners in tne nan, oz
1,283, O'Day 781. For food commission-1 whom the following were wounded:
er Bailey, 947; Douglas. 60S. For con-1 .Peter Calderwood.
gress, Veatch received 921, Hermann Edwin McKelvey.
1,260. County officials elected: Senator
LAUgnary, Rep.; representative, Fawk.
Dem.; Judge, Goad, Rep.: commissioner.
Riddell, Rep.; sheriff, Ford, Dem.; clerk.
smith, Rep.; assessor,
school superintendent.
Arthur McKelvey.
Arthur. Parker.
Thomas McManus.
Tha unionists then opened the door
Graves, Rep.; land came out with uplifted hands.
Starr, Rep.; xney were at once surrounaea oy soi-
( Journal SpMtal Service.) '
Roma, June 7.The commander of tha
Italian squadron in eastern watera aays
that General Amagata la preparing to
take personal command of the Japanese
forces In Manchuria, while General Oku
will command In - tha assault on Port
Arthur. i .
uxrtr hozj rot abtvob.
Kermasn Has
8fiO Majority Local
':;';v- Option Wins.
. (Special Dlapatch to Th. Journal.)
Toledo,1 Or., - June 7. Six out of 14
precincts have been heard from. It is
estimated that Moore (Republican), for
supreme Justice, and Hermann, for con
gress, . have . pluralities . of 250. . All
three amendments have carried by about
the same majority.
Kermaaa Xikely to 'Wla ' by 178 Pul-
f rality.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal)
Oregon Cfty. June 7. With seven pre-
cincta to hear from tha result ir For
congress, Veatch,. 1,464;' Hermann, 1.611;
for supreme Judge, Moore, 1,915; O'Day.!
Democrats Oat an Oflloo or Two Vote
pedal Dlapatch to Tb. JonrsaL)
mands that Port Arthur be held." and
ordering him to concentrate . all effort .
(Jouroal Special Servtee.) - . ' -
Cracow, June 7. Socialist papers hers
treaenrar. RmmIat. Vtnn . unrnnmv rhon. dlers and taken to the bull Den. where today publish th alleged ; text of tha
man. Kan. H nrn um rn. ,nnrr mvta mi, &ra Tin w nin wiLn iriiii n L in ri i. ni n.ivMi vh.m..m
Coad, Rep., , for Judge, received tha high- dred othera who were arrested during stating "th honor of Russian arme de-
est majorities on tne ticket. 1 tne uay.
, , - v au aniei xoaar,
At 9 o'clock this morning th Cripple I that end..
normal condition of quiet.
The suspension Of City Marshal O'Con
nor and th forcing of Sheriff Robin
son and Coroner Doran to res 1 am.) nlac
CorvaUls. Or,. June 7. Incomplete re-1 in the city under military control, the I been granted
i - . . ...... t r
i turns on tne county ticket give: Avery. I wholesale arrests of unionist, and an-i south.
representative; Moses, Dem., for county quarter would , b shown nay one evi-
ciera; Burnett, ienw for sheriir; Buch-1 denclng disposition to make trouble
anan. Dem., for- treasurer; : Rickard, jhas served to restore peace and bring
Denw for commissioner;- Vincent. Rep., I order out of chaos. . . -
for recorder; Denraan, Rep., for school I The authorities now have th. sltua- June 7. Vi
superintendent; Davis. Dem- for ; as-ltlon In hand and there ara euffirUnt I today as
sessor, are probably elected. Coroner is I troops and deputies on the arround tol
? .(Journal SperUl Serrtce.) .
Mukden. June 7. Correspondcnta have
permission to proceej
- (Spc'lal PNps
World's Ynr (
still undecided. . For eongres Veatch,
Dem., 747: Hermann. Rep 933. For su
maintain ordi
lng ami.
Continued on Pag Two.)
-4ff Dell this motn-
i t" t .-.;! citizens must go'
. i : Fov:r.)
son and '
- li