The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 04, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    : , PORTLAND, OREGON, . ' . -'
Published very nine (except Sunday) and every Sunday morning at The Journal Building, Fifth and Tamhflt
It ) reported that Marion county la
doubtful, m to Hermann; f ;
y : . v" , '' v. a
An Increasing ' number of voter re-
fus to accept machine dictation, ,
i i j
" A - FEW PEOPLE and papera of Oregon are outspoken
' f against tha direct primary nominating law, but
' most of tha real Opposition' Is secret, la disguised
'either by
when tha publlo needs that product ho may charge for It
nv nrl' ha -nlaaaaa a-nverned onlv by the Well rSCOgnlied
i .1.- . in v,- it that mAMimif I lng election law,
liwxiui V"i nin. wu..u n - numhar la lot
A treat many Republicans ' will help
elect Mr Courteney to .stay at homo. .,
Don't overlook the primary nominal-
It la a a-ood scheme.
r. -., '- -r
..." " ",T-" f. . ; : - .v . nrj-,J.'
I.' l". iv ! ' '. , y mm-
Oregon Sidelights
, North Bend continue to few rapidly,
Hllgard sawmills are doing a big bust--
Newport -, Is
ready, for summer
happens to be a newspaper it may be made1 an extremely
profitable ventur In either one of two ways, ft may be I
honorably conducted with an eye to
v.. j.
June, 4. This morning we passed, at
an early hour,' Cedar island on the north,
so called from the abundance of the tree
of that name, " Near this Is a Small
creek., which . we ealled 7 Nightingale
creek, troro a bird of that species which
sang for us during the night Beyond
One Cherokee Indianwoman Is quite
tabllahlng its own I thoroughly civilised: she has'bean mar
pretense of support, or affected Indifference. character, to the dolna- of those things which tend divorced six timea.
" ' - m . -.-.11 m v-- gin A fltlP I . . .. ... i a. m IA I ' " '
rt more -UCn r- "- - to. tn. oettertnent or tne communuy --" .Probably no Tery high water, after Cedir Island ire ao7ot of .mail.;
face, nence n is imponiu ior m ura. ua ausienance. to oeing iair, quiuv m uwni i ail. reopia are uauajiv worse aoarea i txtant. and at aavan miiaa iiatanna la
; the principle It Involves, to vot and work ror it next mod- thing and to everybody while at tne same time siouuy up-i uo nun oj mm man ww biwvw, :
i-; '. I hnli4in ! vlanra anil nrlnHnlM. On tha rnn. I . I " . l''
v oax. ,; ,. , I " ... ....I Whoever supnoaed that President
Tha baslo feature of the proposed law is that of choos- trary u may do an wnmaeuie, wun us nana wy Roosevelt would run for all the little
t - eM ail (Tii. axcant munlciDsJ officers In or oui. us every action ruiea oy am io ui aii, uuajiocai omces in uregon next jionaayr ,
tiiM) la...ii .i.xii.s la lth thla nnllHeal fatlAn and Muninn
town of leas than X.000 inhabitants, at primary elections, 7i. a'..JZ,: Z 'ZZ,..
under this law, will bte eliminated,
. - . . a a Vl.lAaia I BJCBiSHJIl BjLauiuillBI AU W ItJI awa ULax wa v SNtw a av mbw I J
n. of lea. than 1.000 inhahitants, nn , that. and. reversing the denunciation and the praise tTncl. Russell Bags say. he never took
nnf b nartv conventions. The political conventions, l" 7. . . A . . , . la day-a vacation. But tt may be Just as
. v... ,v. m ,i 01 arouer 01 we w "" "" well that ererybody Is'not bullt like
Br inui law. wii lp uiinuiwi u- " I nt a-a A In nf ttf-f nr ttiAaA vhmt viM a
VI UIV fw WU4 OA 11A WM VI rfT V w awaw a.waa 1 UUi
a creek IS . or -10 yards wide, entering
from the north known by the. nameor
ueaar creex, . At seven ' and - one-half
miles further we passed on the south
side another oreek, which we called Meat
creek, from tha circumstance of our
The Ashland nostoffioe has been ad:
venced to the second class. . 4 ,
meat being broken, by running under a ' , ' - ,
concealed tree. A little above is another A new eheese factory has been started
creek on the left, pne mile beyond wbica id Alse valley, which Is a splendid dairy
we oampea on tne soutnern snore under i ana siocavraising region. ,
high projecting cliffs. The French had
reported that lead ore was to be round
in this place, but on examining tha hills
we could discern no appearanoe of that
mineral. Along the river on the south Is
a low land covered with Pushes and high
nettles, and' near the mouths of the
creeks supplied With oak. ash and walnut
timber. ' On the north side the land la
rich and well situated. - We made 17 H
tnliea thle day. , The river ' la falling
alowly. -,
means of defense or retalla-1
the primary elections select the candidates for the various ,t can lMVt totaljy without
offices to be fHled, ',' . " "J ': '1.''vyX'':':'tU)n.:'.:
I One effect of this system will be to induce voter, fen-
' .rally to take an Interest In primary elections, to attend f a monopoly newspaper conducted upon the' line first fashion.
Porto Rico wants to borrow $5,000,000
of Uncle Sam, a piece of evldenoe that
Porto Rico Is becoming elm lied and la
Prom the Philadelphia t Evening Telei ber of men must be ' engaged -at the
graph, i
south.'. In another month the Russians
Revival meetjngs are being held, even ';
" " .m vui.v, tj. m fi.nion cvuHi aviiwv" .
nouse. But not by Holy Rollsrs. j ;
. v m iv-iiiu a i. ovuiounuun, ivopuojican ' .
and Democratic . candidates - played a , ,
vaavuaa, iia xvvuuiivaiia
winning.- t . ? r, '''
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Lawton of Med- .
ford, i have celebrated tha 0th annl- ,
versarv of their wedding; they are II.
and 10 years old.) ,: ,-r- ' :. ' (
Heppner Times: W." a Miller sold a ... i
tinrthAra 'nsr s.-a a. rr A .
- --a a wava vaa,aa. aiiu IIWI1IUB B.U Hi
W. Peel at Bpokane. '.The price paid was V'i
1800 for the three.- . , .
y .. .
and take part in them and there to improve the oppor-1 laid down will bave less difficulty In drawing tha dlstlno-l
' . ai . a- Lall tUn evhl A -laaaiw ssakvtsi a falsi ''rt Sn lr w MtM I'sitASa hak" 'ttiatl I
V S"'aae 1 ,.. ' ' I SVWIata . U fUlVaSlVI lUVUkM W aaaaawaaa.Baar 1 aa aa a ' ' .
tia a vi-irn.AU u wa -.-it-.. .,. . .i.Aat ... Qann'of inart1 horm dlatttrh tukAi-.
s" m vaym V4 , niiiuua i s-1!! vues a .a vt niu vw miuvbi mm wwlHiaa TV a " -
lift rtaenuy tb ftrst' atrslv stp I 3f n54 by th ftummar rains . rT;
- -. 'a .. as a . I U1I1 Or EflB l ATtA flftS-l fAWtM ini It Mil It ntf AllgVtnlM f Mi WOU fl DA BV
tunlty of Toting for the really better en,J the men of theft tion which clearly separates ..-pinion" from "space" than h." , . thla viar on vour on Port Arthur, which has now be-1 fortresses, while Kurokl, unless be gets
paign to the northward has been per lit Is emphatically a ease for prompt ec-j
if every Republican in the flrrt ' S?L t:r JTJ
reasons that fully meet the natural intellectual cravings trt"t aolna to vote for Hermann, the ptkln' or whether they are atrong lng of his men by Oku qn the Kwang
of those who are Juatlfled In seeking the information In the falsehoods about his excellent charac nou', t0 Tt d,k Tung peninsula as Grant showed 4a tb
,.-.- ta- ara aratuitnua nna i lng. at once, it la indicated by current Wilderness. . . - '. . . '' -t :
proper Quarter. ' -; . Ur are gratuitou. one ' advlcee that they have turned face about y ; ; . I
v . ,hi-. rath-- than! 4 no:' to delents througli monopoly newspaper conducted along the opposite p.r.onal property. If you have any. No mm?t of .t.n,.,r teU1- n?r Nluchwang. will be in m
- . . . itnaa whir.h mav a.Dlain aoma of tha dlfflcultiea In the exemotloa w wwt.ib.ow. , w newer . ew iw ram wioarraasmenv aoouc nw euppu
cat-and-drfetl primaries, certain pouticai ana irresponsive , ' . , . Z , "I 4
HUGlujenioa w hwiiuhmii -
pushing, crowdlnTuid too frequently antlrely selfish dele
gates getting together and .'fixing up a sla through va
riou. comblnaUon-br at th dictation of a boa .a ean
dtdata nust come out In the open and appeal directly for
nomination to the body of voter, in his preclnctwad,
county or state, and the candidate, who can Impress the
greater number of voter, with their superior fltr. for the
office, will be the legal candidates of their respective par
smoainc, ; Droranitv and - iwunrtna r
They need a dose of birch tea. &-x-?i"$-
v Mr a Nancy Marsh, an active woman' .
1 rear. eld. traveled unattended from',"
Michigan to The Dalles, where aha will
T IS to be presumed hal the candidates for repre-
Tt fa mifortntiafta. fwim Ana Mntnt a
and are now. diverting their, attention From' the" New Tork Times.
.. : :. - - - - -irrom tna mavamant MrthnM. intn I ti v . i.
view, that the reaistratlon In Orea-on ".'"r. ' I " seems that nature was on tne
was so small, but there mar be some . ror ot the defense and that the position was
Jn..tT-.a .a .VTit? 7 ."T Arur and Dalny. In their war with VerV .trona- Hi Itself. It aeema also that
sentatlves from this county bad no hesitation in
compensation in the reaulta.
Murderer ' Wllllama spends
- A Baker Ctty man has a madstone that
coat him 1 310, but ho claims tt la ;
worth tl.000; alse that only three genu
tne madstones are in existence In the
world. .""''.' " j- " , i' 'J
A. Corvalll. family who went to Fort
when asked by the machine manager to do so. It Is also to wlu ha, mtinr 'oa , ,ou
cnina in l9 they advanced on Kin-lthe Russians had made Intelligent and Dodge, Kan., last spring, write that last
Chou ana took thaf-nlaa aa tha fl rat I .... n... I . w ... . .
mnchl.t . i .. i 1 -( uiiuuB umm ii. capaptiiiica, ra.w I i . innun was iroaan a.T.rai
I . . ... . i --.. ... m.w.. vmuiviBu huiwi fun i" i r maw itawa Y.n tr rn. Mrri. ArtnK.nam. ajin ru. ara aAn.tMi nip
i i ...i- .v.-i. .m.. -:kii .....tinn. nmi in prarer. nut ne cannot orav outitha. r i r. " - "- 1 ---- j - a w
viacu. -- ----i " I his record. Howaver nrobahi. tha I. ' "T w n tne X aiu. - there can he no dispute that to uregon. -.
" It Is often said that many of the better cltisens take no be presumed that the manager of the machine knows pre
interest In pbllticsi biit this system iwlU arouse them tojclsely where each one stands upon any question that Is
take an Interest. I They, often iay that
onjjenx oispaicne. point to a they meant to make a serious and even "" - ' - - -1 :
repetition Of the taCtlCS they Used In the I a daanarata at K-ln-hnn Tn thla I i Mora Obaarvat: Mrl J R. Un- haa
Chlneaa war - anil tha . nrnhahllltlaa aa I - ltu w n.i a .
Thara la I...... I .V li.r " 7 " ai.r tfapaneM Tioiory . ... ......i, -.-.Uui. v. ,9,117
mm - - 1 uiaL ui.t wui aaTinci aown ma nenra 1 .-a ,!. tk-inowara in Hhkrmin onuntv , anil aha
-. Ti ' - . anA-aihilitv tir At n-T k a 7. - ' JET """- swr. ovcibit. ana Bi.iuncant man we ui7i' no an.
it they have neither likely to affect the machine's Influence. It Is well known y"trf,t ,!J?n ThL !uU f?m Kln,:noV th tUck th earlier,: -Without doubt.itU also more nds strong Ur soapsuds good to keep
tha tlma nn- tha- Inclination to mincte
i . , v V...I-... - i.a a-ti-a -iiti-at rii. city cnarter tnat no election wm oe neia next year ana
lie, uu ... v v- -v-.- ,k .u , i..i-. -.111 V. . tha .- I Tha Tanai. an a rl.rV '.I-
ers; but under this proposed system they will have no .... tn thll4, th. .B.hln. u v.rv should cut their garmenU according to
-rnod-Mcuse -oT-not-Actlvely helping to hooM tha-xan-lI.iM.. . , Ji oth:lnhand, and not depend upon
- . ' I lULBrCBLCU. AA LIl LILT ViCULlUUB Ul AlBIU All 1.11V VUU YVKI TltA llAVf "la1H1alA VAa'SHAi.-, at. -.-
dldates; and If th better, men are not' selected Jor can- y,, nav, a chance to thresh out their municipal ' . '
dldates it Will be the fault of the voter, generally, and not louestiona without reaard to tha mere nartlaanshlo of state The Democrats of this county have
of a few self-seeking political workera. And if , the honest and national polltlce. This takes away from the machine I Ph': .-Tl,..!, lUVX f
fer in the least, nor would. Teddy's
chances be at all Impaired, If some of
tnem should be elected.'
and comparatively. unselfish voters do not then take som of Its present advantages. These advantage, can
enough Interest to help- select the better men, they, will j ony be maintained through instrumenU elected to the leg
deserve to suffer from maladministrations for this kind of
. voter, are really In the large majority.
and natural leaders and those having an aptitude for poll-
tics and an-arobltlon for-offlca. will , generally b chosen;
lalature. .everybody knows where those men who have
come out Into the open stand; they are with the- people
reC-Ul. -. I nnlta with thalv aarn Inn.) I
' L. r- ','. : , patriotism end devotion and dash a I ra'ry "about Professor-. French" .of
rrom the Philadelphia Record. - German thoroughness of preparation and 1 tM weston Normal school being rotten
That the Japanese paid dearly for nr-liln nt maitruvl. Tlmttrm thai flnttl egged by brickyard workmen, because
meir Ticiory may Dm uican zor aTanten. attaa- h ha .mM.ti. a--.i-a th. .ui-aou imuiuni raroara ooneern
Hills bristling with fortress artillery at position, the calibre and the range of lB thm u nlm by all concerned, and
moir crvais ana mrrowea on tneir aiaea i every gun opposed to them, and took I " wui-ui ta-naru.
by.concentrio line, of trenches full of thair maamraa .rMnrn..!. Th. upatr, ' '
marksmen armed with nagaslne riles step toward tha capture of the fortress JUL1' .n,r aa intereatlng potlatch
cannot be takenby storm except at a which repreaent. and ambodieg all that !5J?I,. V-Hie1. -S'
.TT.T.;"TW. k . ra,rTBl " I bauful te the Japanese in the flaT: ' V 'jZS7i -:..r..r" .7"
V" WM. aooompiisnea at au. Russian occupation of Manchuria has VT"a .-a., L" Vn," '"il
tauiimrr criUOS. . in US llXnt Of tne I haan tnMnfnll. takaa rrVi.M.rii.. ?" . u u.
a a a . -a I MM VU aVB4aM U flVUHVIII U"
It aeema llkalv that Jiid-a R.mmM Mt. iu : .2"',.V1m tT" i"1'" .V""0-. .y"",a""na dress, and a fine faaat was anJovad bv
?i wlTf rSn' 7.; i V 1. Bt .vtoo should have the j and Bradshaw, "and probably 'u I the"UiMry watf rontai asMtilts. under and "the eoplouIwMa of the Japanese I mn'P" "wnM: . ' ', ; "
nuni.iruva uiuir iuwi uwh tub a-l l . " -".-, ivui cucumnucra naa oecome lmnrao I forces Which ran ha hrmi-ht ta haar - .. . .
thepoemon stand; theyref
but such men
-wuw wr uiuw wiu iniutu; -iw tucu, i .1. - - r - -. . -s . - - . - 4 tuui .. uofii uiuowir- anouia I one Out Ot tea Of lha a. I. m atnrmtna I nwal- ht 4 irf.. in i -...-4 t . wv"-h-i. vv .uum.iu -a
will have "rustle- not th. vote, of A tol"" fifj- fBh
Irresponsible and slate-making or boss-serving delegates,
but thoM of a majority of their party. And It Is clear
that an unfit A- iinaafa 'a. iinnrlnrlnlatt man will hava a
far allmmer chance to get into office. Such A man will PslUon jfa wer
-v et- .t. h w'f h. .,n .v i.hi-it.: s v tn '.-tfcmi propounded by the people themselves.
revision and with the bosses.
The most remarkable feature of the present agitation Is
that men who frankly answer th& bosses and, state their
Eddy 10 the third district A Judgeship shrapnel and rifle bullyt. which th de- o7 Bebastopof
lg not a poUtlcal offlca. . . fenders would hurt against them. The
The-proposed system will tend to break up political ma
chines, or render them less powerful .for evil., and this , is
why the new law Js opposed, secretly if not openly, by the
beneficiaries of machine operations; but these men . are
comparatively few In a party, and they cannot defeat the
adoption of this law if all who favor it, or who on rtudy-
Ing it would favor it, will vot. that sentiment and prefer
ence next Monday. , ' ' -,
The law Is one, if not at all points perfect tending in the
- right direction,' the Idea and object are reformatory, as
the? Auatrallan ballot law was.' It is Indeed supplementary
to or complementary of that law. It Involves a remedial,
beneficial raevementr that ehoild have the approval of all
It ahowed what tremendous Influence the machine exerts
and at the same time demonstrates how necessary it I. to
vote' down those' who have nothing to recommend them
practical annihilation of tha Hlrhlanii-
ers Brigade under General Wauchope at
From the New Tork Trtbuna
Men said in the Boer. war. after the
Magersronteln , lent c suddoiI to the a r ..T T.':"".
rSaanaJVJTt that the day of val"f L0""" rout crw,5
had been deserted by her husband and
was making her way to Whitney, in
Baker county, but at Monument money
for her stage fare was made up.
, Westwood correspondence of the Cor-
Aa Appeal to tha ToWa.
Island City, Or., June S. To the Kdl-
withln a few feet of the cook stove and'
strawberries in abundance in the adjoin
lng fields, a neighborhood of fine people
A. Courteney, A. J. Capron, Thomas H. Crang, W. R. Hud
son, Uadlson Welch and George N. Holcomb. ' '
we Japanese were not called upon frtnti attaekaT it."rii
u.uv wr luMian .aiuiara: mm 1 i. t-.-- , . .
Ruaalana haa ,a ,, . . . a-vwa. uv nvn mmmm WJ oT. ommn 1 - ---- . - T
- w v 111. ULi 1 . a - . . m .HA ini. laatinnn 'aMih..yTA 1 v. ih
harrla-a At irfk.v. 1 -"- IW1WW, ior ina - " .-- ' . "'"S'
aw you wunaor wnoa a aay wm mrm nivmi
very' fine- timer '.-- .v:-vr--. -fc-'
; Pendleton academy - has ' oref 1,000
progressive he wlU vote for the instl- KTtd iiT.t " w w eatlw of the way In which those Tan-
except that they represent the machine ; Her. t. the list of TIoulny lL' agXraTt:
we received a pouter statin, a few rea- . 7 min. tha .nnrh.- .ni Z.t successfuUy made. Just such an attacTt.
sons why : local option should be de- 5I1S5aiSl 8on,a t the Japanese modus
feated. It says of the voter "if he Is I SJSJ2rt?to chk iSow tn.!r nBil are worthy of notice, aa Indl-
immuln ha -.111 wit- tnr.tli. Inatt. I "-P-MM 10 CnSCK and WOW UP their natlva n tha a... I. .kl.l. .V. a-r. -
Botanical specimens ' Including every
Thev had! vi uniop 4 1 u f. I aiiu
afnra anH 1 shrub, the collection having been pre
sented to the Institution by William C.
N THE ELECTION of circuit . Judges political con
siderations should have no place. When politic con
trol the choice of Judge, the first step has been taken
gooa citisens who oesiro hetter ana cleaner government toward the debasing of the bench. A non-partisan Ju
tutlon which will keep the most money VJ .., j kees of the east-waae war.
in Circulation." Will local option stop 1 ' ' ' ' ' 1 (fought on that very arourid before and
tha anlnova nf mnn.v. Or la tha Mian I TVJH Ul iHOW X OfX STenlna FOSL tm lrin..l .!. a
.h- hn.. Hnic" tn Mntrihta t- th. By taking Kin-Chou the Jananese auma th.t th. x, , -7..,, I Cuilck. a pioneer botanist v of Union.
running expense of the sUte going to ome Into control of the harbor and town the hUls far more stubborn! t than tha 0.r,nVnd , on.,r .?'-
a . . .a w .aa . ' ... 1 V IMIHV AMA1 Wah Itkttaata. a. aa A aS 1 W.-. --. I . . . . ' I iniia 1 nniH 1 1 W V-IB11 1 VI T n1 VAIIAWin-1
noara mat ni
to contribute
ma r.mii.T - will mi ih uintmaior 1 w iwuaiuiur. . muoa a war. , ilea 1 tiflnaiiu. . t.. .-... . .v
7 :" -. w- .. . Ithranrh . tH-.,..- V. ... I V !" " ' ""-i I - - . - - - A
ui. sr-c.r utt wi UJ7 auvua maruaiuiti - . im.iu ininii an nntiwwn Tna an flntlnv m... I .
h hanafitaA tharehTt in anaairtna- nt tha average and the further adTane .K-,.t ki - 1 . . .:. I ssoro UDserveri
The outlook for the
. . I .v.-.-. v.i--. ... a . . 1 --a muu. uwuni nm t Vnrn fhaa
and administration. 1 tnoiw canahle. conaclentioua and -i-- t. .. ti.i ...kii a 1. .v. ., . .k....b .... ,", V" r. '. ln m we miast or the batua --.1- , ,v. v...- a
' . ' - 7 ' I UIVUUl . lV.D M VWHUUCHV, ,U J 140 U1IIIU- - , MW.nM. fMn. tfl. 11-11 - I IS 7 H nm finr COariV. : I n 11H1 1 T . . 1 . . . f ... BW B ' V. V V II -1W M V . 'Ml
patriot publlo servants, and more power In. the hands lstratlon of the laws Is to be maintained and If the 'court, baeco trafflc would it not b. wail ttt rten th (ainw dMn the verdict of farmer, from
and more intelligence In the head, of the mantes of vote. e to be kept freo from the suspicion of lmnroner in- consider whether we would need so much than. upon C their- demoralUed at that, until they had nnco-.Vad .-. l? A". ..11 1 "Un?.r
(revenue If we had not these "progrea- r7' enerai uyama took more than battery and almost avarv aim. uV. ... . . .T. IZJj. ...
I.iv. inatituHnn. in miiit.w . nuiit 1 two weeks, after caj-turina- cinr!b.Au.. tn I v!!r ?trT ' J?. i ary one of them with whom We spoke
Two circuit ludaes ara to be elected In thla county on it t ia...n tha .nmh nf i,m.iM .A reach the defenses of Port a rth- .. .?".".. ?uu7 .wcna was enwuslastio over the flattering
- - - - - -" " T ' ' , i ' " - - . . r " -- W- I nUMWO lUni l WRII tm Tlt1f MimhAfi I eaMMata rtkak aIT aa.tal.a wa .1a.t..
MWArtla-tf rV.g. riftm mmysAiAmmm .v- vV.a 411j4 A th fMini tftntliirT. th UVlum. th Or 014 UKU IlJU ft ff&T BlOr dlfficuU tnlr I . M4"uia- T .V t-.v. au -u vy-uii F
i u- aaav - v aaa
PACE, not opinions, for sale,"
Democrats arid two Reftublli
candidates In the field, two the penitentiary, the , asylum, the or- ! Oku ha. a far more difficult tart and Tthelr po.ltion. ThS they cam. t hwM't.i
ClelanJ and g- - wl w ot HS'lK
mlnated bv their nartv and h.. i... e th.- -h.-it. aao. n tha n r 0....1 UB"1r11 """""es a .most as well as rain in June the spring-sown wjll be
w"- . ' . ' . .. . . Uiido-a Frazar hava hin ranomlnatad hv thair nartv and u - a , .- .- -. r la ,Z1 .T" " ""i oa.iories StmOi
- ... . xne text -01 our evening s discourse, oeiovea 1 " - - v. i-c -- ain v . nuHua tne Kusatana thni.ivM Th. v t.
- " . ' a-uuia-, wvTwii n.KT, .-., .-,!-... - ,. Ta nnt in-al nntion InilT Am.rlnf- It fleet WlU make Imnoaalhla ... a-h hit. L" lnemTW''. They knew equal tO it,
brethren, la taken from almost any recant iaaua I Mark O'NeOl and Q. W.Allen are the nominee, on the Is not local option truly American Sf. Ml W Woli brtl- just how taany runs, and lof wtxlttZiZrl
. ' , . . " 1 . . . . . . . ... 1 . a .a i iT.AAt.i t FiQT t nst minriTT in ii nil aa inn 1 iiini ro-fingri t inn or ins sart t. i w a m i 1 . ... . "
of the Oregonlan but more specifically from that Issue In I "io ucaex. win r. u eui ana r. Alien are
wnteh the "business basis- incident of the Oregonlan's re- nnenuy qua-mea ior juaicim oaice. nr legal aam
latlnna tn a recent communication from Mr. Tnfta ara t. "en unquestioned an4 they enjoy the respect and
plained with' A good deal of painstaking clrcumsUnflallty a conMwM of th .Both are men of unquestioned
yet somehow seems to lack that transparent candor so
delightful to behold In" such efforts and so gratifying when
itound there, ti ' y j-,'' ''7 ; ,;. ' , ,V ; . . . ; ...
The more one dwells on this alluring philosophy of "en
lightened self Interest,", so eloquently expounded, in an
,. other connection but in the same Issue and on the same
page of the Oregonlan, the more fascinating does it be
come. Based as the philosophy, is on an alert and sleep
less thrift, on what might b. called a forehandedness
which so delightfully mixes and interblends the meum and
tuum that even the most expert hesitates to pronounce
where the one begins and the 'other leaves off, when
"space" really ceases and "opinion" actually obtrudes it
self, where the buBlnee office raises its watchful em
bargo and the editorial giant begins to get in his deadly
and untrammeled work.
To some taindt afflicted with mental languor nothing
appeals except that which is manifest and self-evident
To others with-a speculative tendency the delight Is to
integrity whose personal character is beyond reproach.
All four of the present circuit 'Judges In this county are
Republicans. It would be eminently fitting that In the
coming election voter, should not limit their choice to a
single political party, but should .elect their candidates
solely upon the basis of their fitness. Mr. O'Neill and Mr.
Allen deserve the support of every voter who desire, to see
the Judiciary completely divorced from partisan politics.
INGER HERMANN'S publlo career waa the sub
Ject of comment in an editorial leader published in
the evening edition of the Oregonlan August 27.
1900. Following are some pertinent extracts from the
artlola'' v j '.''" . . v
"Th, truth Is that thete is yet, as there has been for
more than A quarter of a century past, an immense busi
ness of land robbery going on. It haa develoned under, all
trace out the sometimes devious but usually obsoure line our laws, though in spirit and Intent these lawi were
vtllfitl InOla frAtW eo iiauv 4a afYaf T'h. as th am aa 4 Via I ' a a. n . . . . . r
gooa. " " ui as soon as tne swinaiers ana thieves, the
which leads from cause to effect To such as these there
v is something appealing In a proposition such as this. The
very word "space" carries with it a suggestion of Infinity,
V of the wide and far stretching universe, of something
c seemingly limitless yet at the same time- elaatio and with
out bounds that may be definitely . fixed.' Newspaper
grafters and Jobbers, saw these laws in force, they began
to take advantage of them to rob the people. And then
the 'government' supposed to be tha agent of the people
became and in the main ever since has been, the agent
of the land robbers. And there Is pur" great and good
upace is oniy tees .ascinaung m its contemplation, friend Blngeri H Is in a high and potential position withJ
iriiVla aa a 1 1 I a a . . . a. . a. m Bi . I ' " l
i,.Yn.uui urn umm may ye. nave no wen aennea pounas. regard to the public lands. He haa a warm, moist hand
It may gorge-Itself upon the advertising columns, It may clasp, a. beaming eye, a regular Methodist camp-meeting
break do wnbe barrier which separates It from pura tongue but in aU his 40 years of office as register, o'on-
mI.mM . . . . . . . ' 1 ' "
. !.-" - u-u v.jiiy vcn lorce iia unwelcome way
sinto the eacred precincts of the editorial page. Bo long as
it 1 1tpace" no one may bid it nay. In the beginning, that
the beginning of each day's work, there is nothing but
''".pace" where the editorial page is to be. The chief
bugteman may have his ear to the ground to catch the
"i drift of things, , He may have out a watchful eye from the
"eerie for the straight tip' which" will come from the man
ager of the' political machine. He may have his ear glued
to the speakipg tube which has sensitized connection with
. -the business office wherein are piled up the ducats that
build 'skyscrapers and do many other strange and won
r . derf ul things. ' r . :
Hearing all these things, weighing all these things,
getting them all into their proper relation and perspective,
with a thrifty anchor to windward withal and a shrewd
ye"'to the grainy day,", it I. the dutr of the great editor
: intelligently to begin his nightly occupation, in a word to
decide with nice discrimination where "space" ceases and
? -.."opinion" begin a ( t t'-.j-itr..,.
: --When a man bag a monopoly ot a certain product and
.. W y . .. l.. i ,y . .t v.-. v v : : i r ......
greesman, commissioner what has he ever done to pro-
Itect the people from the land robbers? Nothing.",
OM WORD should receive the vote of every eltlsen
of Multnomah county who .wishes to see the sher-
; iff, office purged of grafting and corruption. v He
is the only candidate In the field who can defeat James
rstott, 'the nominee of the Republican machine. - A vote
for Bird, for Storey, for Nutleyor for Tarwood la a; vote
thrown fcwajr.;-',-'. " : .'" ' f Vl'r : . 7 " ' 'v;
B With , Tom Word as sheriff the office will be administered
honestly and efficiently,. Ward striken aid heelers of the
machine will no. longer find -employment ei . sheriff's
deputies. , The- Interests of the taxpayers and not of the
machine will control the sheriffs policy. -; ' u:. 1
Word's plurality should be so large as to be a decisive
rebuke to the spoilsmen who have fattened for years upon
tha graft of the sheriff', office.; Don't throw your "rote
.-. :. -n.mnti -h.ii mi. llant MMMtin. th .Va,T7 .r. i w auns, - ana or wna
what fair thmirin B n nnv ... an final aaaauit a. mii. T," "wo"ia "Te r" " a given point Silver Lake Csntral-Oregonlan: Bheep
are manv palan memorabla "TButmntin. t.. . .u",aa ,ra yihally. with all shearing will soon be the order of the
wSo I?S Wn."t' Lh. 1 2HS. ? Wly day in thl. action of th. country. From
upon them, and lose, f eoeary, a great p Tof irMYSn it- VrlJTS. M0 fV fHp.
nrosoerou. his 60.000 men. m 'th. r.JTlL ffot.5h "ne. they charged in. pected. Sheep are aald to be In
himself that right? There are many paign memorable.
slaves to the drink habit, who,
temptation, was not xoeced
would be free men and happy prosperous I his 60,000 men.
In the Manchurlan in the 7 darkness of
citisens supporting their families. In mountain. Kurokl ocouoies a oaitioaTf r;.... ". .! - nignt. .triklng conaiuon tnis .pnng ana a large per-
thls respect Are we not our brother's great advantage, but can mova'aailnst waa tfnM5SI -mw- Tt ceniag. or iamo. oeing raisw, i n
keeper? Think of the sorrow, the .In. the thin Mtus.ian UneToSy -at ; Tn a tt,7 Wv'.tn V"teance. wool market ha. atarted out fairly good
th. nma anit-ahama bronrtt ahot In.rii . ij ra-. !.. . na " bad the effect whioh might have and several large clips in . eastern Ore-
the . orlma . and . shame : brought about peril so lone aa anv aonaMarahia J ...- --- -. J
throuch the Influence of this exeat aviL I .
Tir. . , . n.l A MA. . . V . . I ' . . 1 ' ' -
1 .1 v uiumvi - . . u.v i.iiiDt wmy a tl mm mt m i i. .i
taara r anrrnw tha araVM n h OBBA BUrMimXVCM.
lovejVdnee rather than tears of sham,
over their lives? The liquor traffic is
the greatest issue before the people to
. . t IVom the New Tork World.
7 Mr. Jerome', war : upon gamblers Is
forcing' marrllT forward. . n-ia
Next Monday will settle the local op- gambling law haa driven. out tof New
tion question ror a time at least, but a iur " o- most eminent "art ooi
question Is never Settled until it is set- lectora" A Section" of the Penal Code
tied right We. may be subdued but not has .been unearthed which destroys the
conouerea. And-' IT defeated wa think weaiern union s "common carrlar"
and hope-it will strengthen the Prohibl- oiaam tnat it must 1 deliver 'gambling
tion party as nothing else can. I telegramA Teaterday offloers of that
The liquor traffic has come to the front company, were subpoenaed in John Doe
with their thousand, upon thousand, of proceeding, to find out wfcf got the pool
dollar sand they . have : great need, v for t room "graft" r. ; i , i' t ;ix i-r -
their business Interest is shaken. They f ' All this speak, of energy and direct-
may, buy the pres. and .end out their nes. or purpose. But Is were not dan-
literature, but they send out no .peak- ger of frittering away these admirable
ers. On the Other , band It Is k plea I qualitle. In the pursuit of .mall
for the protection of ' our homes, our I gambler, while great thieve, escane?
society- and our ' business Interests. II There is, for lnatanca, the flotation
hope every voter will consider this ques- lot tne snipuuiiaing trust, a bold at
tion in Its true light. ShMl the ma Jorlty j tempt at obtaining upon falsei pretenses
rule? . MRS. FLORENCE WADE. 1170,000,000 of Investors' money. Every
cetaii vf this sordid performance the
A CAraa TOM IK -UaST OHOOlxPloltln 01 th8 Frnoh bankers, the
, - -'. 1 1 1 ipuoiicauon or lying prospectuses, the
From th Pendleton East Oregonlan. 7 ; m," of Juggled account, with the .took
The trouble with most of the heavily I exchange,- the deal with Schwab for th.
away upon A candidate who cannot win.
endowed aohOols And Institutions of the
country is that they are out of reach
of those who .need them most - If the
Reed institute which has Just been en
dowed and founded In' Portland ' is
brought down within reach of the
school-hungry mass of common : people,
it will be a blessing to Portland and 'to
Oregon.- But If it is built among the
clouds ,; Of aristocratic ideals, accessible
only to the rich and fortunate, Its In
fluence for ultimata good to humanity
will be queetionabla The great; need
of today . Is some plain .rich people who
will die and leave 1 their idle wealth in
vested (n Institutions .within reach , of
the hard-working boy and girl Just out
of Uie higU school who needs one, or
two i year. ; ' ! finish at a moderate
cost, .to fit them for useful, profitable
Uvea. There are too many "art schools"
and "schools of technique" intended as
spawning grounds for aristooratio senti
ments and for the propagation of snobs
who despise manual effort and who are
incapable of well directed mental effort
If the . Reed Institute In Portland Is
made : accessible to. the great mas. of
needy youth In the middle walks of lifA
who; need- and-: deserve education at
moderate cost, Portlao- aa, a city, may
rejoice. OtherwUe, , the rich may re
Bethlehem works, the Schwab-Morgan
secret oargam ror -unloading" stock on
the j publlo waa - disgrabeful. discredit
able and. dishonorable in the. extreme.
ana sucn as to wrean irreparable loss
upon legitimate American Investors.
What has been , done about It? ? Are
such things to happen and no one to go
to Jail? The matter la one of great
complexity ana difficulty, wand Mr.
Jerome is entitled to a f air 1 allowance
of time to attack it- iBut whenis he
to begin? Since the shipbuilding trust
disclosure, of the World shocked the
community, th. whole scandal of the
Federal bank and- Globe security has
come to public notice a get-rlch-qulck,
conspiracy amy ono-imniam as amoi
tlous and for his share in that David
Rothschild has already been sentenced
to nine years' imprisonment " -
That was prompt action. .Why not a
little of the same .medicine for the ship
building trust conspirator a Mr, Jerome?
- . Dangerous Enthusiasm. , . ,
From the Washington Btir..i ''
A cress aaent story say. that an an.
thuslastlo audience, threw real Jewelry
at an opera singer. The practice should
be followed with care. '.The most avarl
clou, person would object to having an
wiT.T.taicg tmvLxm mvr txovm.
From The r Dalies Tlmea-Mountatneert
gon and Washington TIave already been
.old at price, ranging fro 10 to 12 H
cents per pound. . ' f 7 ,
Mora Observer: - In I(((, P. P. DeMoss
Since the verdict of the Jurv hafnr. of thM olty hired out to fight the In;
which h JimJ T.a -J2STLT dlaneln .outhern Oregon at 60 cenU
J2f .KA!!f J"n--mM a day. furnishing his own horsa, gun,
Friday night, Norman William, haa hi.-v.t. ..a . h. .. . .....!
been sullen and pon-communlcaUvA He tion. He earned $S at this Job. The '
doe not .want to aee anybody.' nor doe. sutler graft got $55 of " thl. amount,
he want to talk. Saturday afternoon though Bro. DeMoss is at a loss to un-
Oeorge Nesbitt Waa permitted to see dersUnd how,, as grand dad was not a
him, and endeavored to at wiiiwa tn len,tnrtft aor nv -' But '.
teU him whS 7 hl,! WJ?ri0 waiting 48 year, for the balance he rt
W hV ?i ti b0dlM volioher from Washington City
ItJz ? d " e con- last week, for 110.48. This shows how
vlcted man's lips .were sealed whenevar ... v tt--i. a.m 1. tn.
asked anything about the murder or the ( pay bis blllA i - , , . '
whereabout, of th. bodlea It la nr. r f p ; . ' ' ' '
.rJ'?owr?r-- Mor William, .-v-w... ntv fbUwrer Meadef
tha Naahitt vn-m k... h ILZ Z T I oowwarn railway xor ;w,ibhi,w,
S .. mma?., ,t4lltt petroleum with, which 16 oil our
ne has committed. . . ,--k . .i-; I .-a.tar v -...a. . .-i..... . tha n
From Th. DaUhronlci.; .V-a ..- A0?. i:ascofor ;
leaving for Iowa Saturday even- Uh. .t.. .-4 .t...t. ni .
whar. hiA -?hto U B m .0 that travel will not be in-5
a.iihhnmiv .,'.... i . Tmmn will uni iiavt w vm unm wvvr
!ali hrvehf ha V " ,- ltn A'0 ha"ow- oT "on, othw imvX
t stl t?"n?on.ui t ItPt Hf t that will loosen up the surface,
I. -rrriiii. ' T . --JS 1U. r'JBIVVrjruv-r (HW UUH Kill.'
ft i-h. t0 '! hl -nlta ha. been doi?e, , as the
j.nat woman is one who had oft.n I . . . - a
nravoyl .,1th vim k.... vt7 i uuav vi" wui.muui ii.iui uu
ma'ib!-'! tn oU applied will be a permanent ira
spends muoh tim in prayer himself and, BrovemenCi.'! " ' . i ,'. '
also .lng. from a hymn book left with fgr?,, 7, ; ' ,- 7 M.' ,v '
him. ' He seldom r-nmaa nut f.n. k. &'.'' f .' .. ' '
.1 "
him. He seldom comes put from his
c?" ; never wnen the Jail door Is open.
vo oav bzs of BAVsauo-m,
'"-r :- ' : 11 'r Mayor; Boyd of Spokane thus tell..
as IP wuf 9 OF OOXJE-UW. . how to get rid of the Candellon pestt -
i? ii p& -fv "Do not out the flower., off Just below
' ' From the New Tork' Sun. ' the ground, if you wish to keep them '
A seedy Individual In a Broadway ear from tha lawna Many ceonla make this
the other day ; greeted a fadltlesslvi mistake and are aa badly of f aa If they
dressed " t passenger Aeffusivelv. The I had left the lawn alona The beat way
greeting." became more and more oer-lto kill them 1. to turn the sod over ev-
eonal, to the entertainment of the other jery year or two and replant the entire
passenger. Casting . envious eye. on J lot1 This -can .be done tn th early
the other's raiment ihe seedy one' in-1 soring, and the lawns will aocear In as
quired in loud tone who-hi tailor was, good .hap a th year before and wlth-
what haberdasher h patronised, ' and I out the dandelions. 7 If it s found lm.'.
who mad. hi shoea- Finally he asked: (practicable to turn the sod. and on de-
i"And how many collar, do you wear sire, te dig up th. plant then go, after
week?"- .'..svii'r ... ;': -'.111; as --deep, aa possible. '.When it ha. ;
Hi better dressed acaualntanc sur-Ibeen taken out go still farther and pour-
veyed him critically i for a moment la quantuy of salty water In-th hole.
Then;' - '- - - . I Pure salt Is good, but the salt water la
"I- don't - know. 'I'm - u re." . he I better.-A little coal oil la also good -
drawled. 'JHow . many weex. do you but not as good aa the salt water and
joice Alone.
aeye put out even with a Qliuqaond tiara.'
wear a eollajf
iu more expenalv."