TIID ' OREGON DAILY JOURNALV PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENINO, JUN2 3, lCCt mi YO li Mil AND YOU WILL, NOT , ... -. rmgLTf V'v-'i .;v ' - --o . -777 -1 fmattzzzz?A -m. v 1 1 ym&e&sz&x 4 Banner That Is Destined to Be the Standard tor the Clothing-Buy tng HUDiic, a signal or safety ana aneraia or progress. JUST HOW WE ARE MAKING ROOM FOR BIG STORE IMPROVEMENTS E2f fk fi worth of the choicest and most dependable Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Hats Shoes and Furnishings are being sacrificed Wj&$JJJ: at from 20 to 50 per cent off regular prices. We must have roombefore the dirt and dust commences to fly, and are slaughtering the very choicest of merchandise at prices that are a revelation NOT FROM CHOICE BUT FROM NECESSITY. : S'. SUITS 86 mm .- 90 from. They are all-wool, late stylet. In both' cut and material; black, blue, gray and fancy ojaiaa ana mixtures, nientv to enoose We marked them down from $10,00 and $12.00. . For $22.00 and $25.00 Suits, Imported materials, hand-tailored throughout, steam shrunk, steel fiber horse hair. 16.95 shape retaining fronts and shoulders, single and double breast ed styles of sacks, also Princa Alberts. The elegance of this eye-pleastag and mind-satisfying lot of gems will win the PANTS , ..... .... .... .1 .... About 2,000 pairs to select from. Not a pair In the lot but we will guarantee to be A No. 1 and give the best of wear and satisfaction, : (! AA For choice of several hundred pairs odds and small lots, all sixes, tpleU. 30 to 46 waist, dark and medium colors, stripes, plaids and mix tures; average $3.00 values, i . .. fr Q A For choice of an immense big lot of 25 styles In all-wool or wor yLtsV steds, tailor-made; $4.00 and $4.50 values. (3 OA The very top of tailor-made, form-fitting, choice materials and yOyil styles. Most of them , were $5.00, lots ypf them as high as $6.00. ' Y lM.tr AIVTVT? IFLn SUITS ,h. t m aa t . m.i- KM U f i lot of sinrle and double breasted Sack Nr " Suits, are splendid all-wool materials, In the very best of good makes and styles, the variety of colors, patterns and styles are almost unlimited. gfp 1 Takes $20.00Suits. Not $20.00 in Tin IS. Vff riame, but $20.00 in actual worth. kjfSM 0S S Hand-padded collars, hand-worked buttonholes sewed with pure silk throughout and shape-retaining fronts. Suits that any merchant tailor would be proud to put his name on. There are over 500 to pick from. . ALL CHILDREN'S SUITS JU8T ONE-HALP PRICE We must close out this department It will be closed for about six weeks, as the heaviest store improvements take place right where this de partment is located. There are several hundred Suits left in dark and me dium colors, Norfolk, reefer, vestee and double breasted styles. 11.00 For $2.00 Suits. S1.25 For $2.50 Suits. 51.50 For $3.00 Suits. (1.75 For $3.50 Suits. 254 For 50c Knee Pants. 12.00 For $4.00 Suits. S2.25 For $4.50 Suits. 12.50 For $5.00 Suits. 1.00 For $6.00 Suits. 651 for $1.00 and $1.50 Knee Pants. Mornings Are a Good Time to Trade. THIS STORE CLOSED at 4:05 For the Balance of " Today ; Vianrk nf ttin 111 f aoIUn wortk ate ud imiiit tbm (or Hi that will iu eld ML Hood. B 1 . YOUNG MEN'S SUITS This department is humming with the best bargains you ever saw. .1 94.00 For choice of all ' : $9.00 Suits. $5.90 For choice of all $10.00 Suits. 97.90 For choice of all $12.50 Suits. $9.90 For choice of all $15.00 and $18.00 Suits. einrl and drabl-bre0t4 tyle, Uht and dark olora, S00 : Batta to select from; not On In the lot but 1 A No. 1 in style ; and quality. MEN'S FANCY VESTS 81.15 For ' $1.50 Vests. ?1.C5 For $2.50 Vests. ?135 For $2.00 Vests. $2.15 For $3.00 Vests. , TJiey are beauties or The Chicago would not have bought them. SHOES ' A regular barbecue In shoe. The best of aty!ea and qualities. 2000 pairs diTided In two big lots. You can't afford to miss these bargains. . f. P Blucher, Bals and Congress styles, m all shapes 4)l0i) of toe and form of lasts, vici, velourV box calf, etcJi our $2.50 and $3.00 ones. ZP Patent leather, cordivan, velour, French calf tyLAjO and vici kid, in full lace, three-quarter Or low cut summer styles. Some were $3.50, but most of them $4.00. We got the style you want and can fit you per fectly. ' . ' ' . , Every shoe we sell, no matter the price, la GUARANTEED to give good wear and satisfaction or a new pair FREE. . - HATS For the seven ages of man at prices that have no parallel in this great Pacific Northwest We must get these bulky hat boxes out of the road before alterations commence, and you bet, well make them dance to Cut Price Music. ' 951 For choice of 25 styles and colors of $1.50 Nobby Hats. 81.35 For choice of 50 styles, shapes and colors of $2.0Q Hats. $1.90 For choice of 60 styles, shapes and colors of $3.00 Hats. STRAW HATS 45f For 75c Straws. 81.35 For $2.00 Straws. s 65 For $1.00 Straws. 81.65 For $2.50 Straws. 851 For $1.50 Straws. Remember, our Hat Stock is all new and of this season's styles. THE CHICAGO does not deal in heirlooms. GOOD FURNISHINGS This department is a complete store in itself, containing all the newest and most desirable of styles, from the medium to the best grades that the markets of the world afford. Our prices for the qualities offered were always gossip among good buyers. The cut prices for the reduction of the stock before alterations begin are far below wholesale prices, or about one-third off regular SHIRTS More than 500 dozen to select from. 30eVFor Stiff Bosom or Golf, soft bosom with a pair of cuffs. They are 50c, 65c , and : 75c qualities, the bargain of all Oregon. 35 For Neglige e and Black Sateen . Shirts, the very best of 50c and 65c qualities nobby styles r 65(f) For the very best and handsomest of styles in Golf or Stiff Bosoms the beauties you see around town at $1.00. 85 For superior quality Cassimere and Outing Flannels-$1.50 valuea. 95 For extra weight Cassimere and - Outing Flannels, were $1.50. 81.65 Extra good French Flannels and Silk Mixtures $2JM Shirts. 81.85 The pinnacle of fine Shirts Silk, French' Flannels, etc regular price $3. UNDERWEAR The Kinds That Will Please You. C5 For several styles of plain or fancy colors, 65c Balbriggan. , 50 For all regular 75c qualities. 75 For elegant Silkenes, beautiful col- . ors, slightly shaded; $1.50 value. 95 For French ? Nearsilk, mercerized, full regular made, select styles and col oring, also Balbriggan and drop stitch. The best $L50 grades of 1904. HOSIERY Extra Special The Best Value Ever ..... .Shown ui-Portland. - ..f 20 or 3 pairs fpr 50, for the .very new-, est styles of French and English 35c quality Balbriggan, Xlisle of drop stitch;' 10c4 For 2 colors of drop Stitch 20c Sox. 5 For black or brown 10c- Sox., . , ; , Neckwear and. Suspenders For choice of 100 styles, 25c and 35c : Neckwear. 15 For best 25c Suspenders on Earth. 25 For a regular 40c Suspender. 35 For 'The Chicago's- famous world beating 50c qualities. ; -; . .:. SWEATERS s - : We now have a thousand of them. ' If you are in the sweater market don't do , anything till you see them. - ' 81.35 For choice of- all our $2.00 and $2.50 grades. 1.85 For the ones worth up to $3.00. 3,45 For choice of the Crowned.Kings . - ot tne sweater world ; worth $4.00, $d.0Q ' 1 and $6.00. -, V- ' V Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases, at Just ONE r; QUARTER Off. Marked Prices. . BOYS! ........ A FEW THINGS FOR YOU 25c For Stockings. 15 For 35c Under wear. 15c For 35c Straw Hats. . ' 35 For 75c Straw, Hats. " 35 For 65c Shirts, ail kinds. ' 25 for 50c Sweat- ' ers. 1 Anything you want that we have got; you will get It at ONE-HALF Price or even less. ' During This Great Room-Making Sale. " . We recognize that prices'must be the fac tor to reduce tibe stock to at least one-half., by July t ;, While we have sparednb;;d partment you may rest assured that every thing sold here is of the latest styles .and ' best ' quality, and in no case will . the sales people misrepresent any article purchased at The Chicago.' 'r '';. ;: .V-'V' r"S!- .1'.', -1 V, V. 0 . it t 2 n O : O customers: ' " 'Hilt fr 86 ' ' iio '''' '