TIIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY .EVENING. JUNE 3, 1C04. ' 'fTHE D I FFEUENT jOR qT Lcrccst Store ia the Northwest O I Home of Quality and Fashion Q WHERE THE WALLS XrtE COMING DOWN i . - - -it ' 1 w lawi; Erery one who reads or shopt knowt "the predicament this tjreat atore It In Knowa that la the midst of the biggest Kiting season in all the store's history we are compelled to depart from every precedent, sacrifice profits and .' even prune wo kuiu, ui uic most casonmoio ana ocairapic imcnniomw aiyusa vj uio mmiuo njejxiinao , uiai wouiu suuiu vuo iir prunis u siuicaccyiu, ivi iuvwMejr ub;v w v. j nv.w k.vwM Uv Destruction Ais absolutely no alternative but 30 days; of thereabouts, remain in which, to dispose, of hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of goods. WmMMMBt: : v v BEFORE THE FALLING WALLS COMPASS THEIR 1' We prefer to do business this month at a loss,' our patrons reapinghe benefit, rather than chance" the damage In moving, durmV theaTteratl6hsM and enlarging all departments barring two v ln the house, arid addin new one a wa connect the "Old Homestead! Shoo. with the new Sixth street annex. Already caroenters and electrician! are littering up everwhere about the store, but the vast throngs of eager t buyers seem rather to enjoy it than no The mutilated jrices are the magnets that draw and hold the crowds. Thousanda of. "extra specials' are Indicated about the store by THE GREEN PRICE TICKETS OV THEv . , uKAJNU SALE I . but'' the ; GREATEST. VV.ATUKH. Vif ALL, IS THiC FACT THAT (barring a tew contract goods only; EVERY IN HOUSE IS RADICALLY REDUCED ! The January" Sales are SURPASSED ' IN SCOPE !" AND IN .MAGNITUDE OF MATCHLESS. BARGAINS. This page conUinsxmention of but few of the many rare values that await your coming tomorrow. Read every item or youTl omit a saving Injyour. Saturday shopping, This Closes at 6 P. M. Every Bminess :. - Day of the Year -' Saturday In- duded Teachers Educational Contest Total vote cut to 10 a. m. today - 206,020 Number ot teachers voted for 229 Sbmdmgofthol5 Leaders 'sx -y- MlM C F. AUra,; FalUntW.Sl.eM Winifred Uobr. HarrlBon. .SM1S . Kt Pftddea,- AtldMon.Mtl,TS8i 8ui Jones. Hlhland. flO.110 11. Lrnaon, Atkinson. . . .llMt MlM U K. Strout. Chapman. .IOvTOT lira. NalUa BUtabMal. Alblna Central -...104ST Mrs. Etthar Xana, WUllama ATnu 84SS Matilda Walas,' Thompion.., ,87 Bartha Moora. Hlfh. ...... SS14 . R. R. Btaala, Hlfb MXS s Haien Crana. ITaUln. S,tB9 Ruth Round, Hirh M.. MSI, Mra. Kata Urhtnar, North On- tral ............ 4,TB . Vardl Monro. Port month.. 4,088 There's No Copyright on White Sales Tba Dam la Common proparty, naad and abuaed tha world orer. Not Ion co tha wrttar' plokad up a' paper pubilahed In London; It contained an adrertlaement announclnf a "Whlta Bala." '. All look i alike hi tha newspapers. It's easy to oopy phrases, descriptions, etc,- and rarnlah a par all orer f with black Ink.; Many of our announcements and phrases haw bn copied verbatim, aa tho' thara was a mysflo ehaim In the words, hut protecU on ilea In , tha merchandls Kself. - Our, Under .muslins are nerer duplicated locally, for no other local store could dispose Of the quantities necessary :to swour th piioea w obtain. Then, afain, our nnderrannents are made in healthy hyrenlo fac tories where 4 labor la skilled, clean and weU paid. Rltrht In material, styl trimming and price. With cotton among- th clouds In price it Is the part of prudence to lay In a least tlx months sup ply, whether your need be immediate or not All our raiments are made' full In width and length, unii tVi. IiwW In la int llYattv thnaA tttm mm.11 frm ItiM. lmM . miuih. All anrta nf white roods are Included In th treat DISLODOMENT 8 ALB." The Big Dislodgment Sale's White Sales Matchless Bargains ! ,VIBTERDAY8 GREAT SALE OF - PETTICOATS i CONTINUES SHOWING THIS 8T0Rr8 MIGHTY RESOURCEFULNESS. THE BIG GEST PEfTTICOAT BARGAINS IN TOWN.. To ychemently assert a thing la one thine to prove It, another. We're olng to pror the assntlon at th top of this paragrpa-h, tomorrow to tha unauestlonad satisfaction of every woman who will compare value offered. These Petticoats were made to our order In on ot tbw best undermualln factories ot America. Under hyrenlo . conditions, by skilled needle-women, with vn. more skill and ear than you could possibly exarclae yourself In horn sewmr. They were mad to sell at $2, and. contain full too cents' worth of value, each and every one. To further demonstrate our leadership In value aivtna over all other Portland stores, w shall offer thera tomorrow buy as you wish, at, each, 89eW Sea them In Fifth-street windows. X word of description:. $2.00 Petticoats 89c Ladles white Cambrio Petticoats,. 20-inch um- brella flounce, with three clusters of six fine tucKs eacn, ana s-incn nem or aeep nounce with duater of four wide tucks, and 6-lnch-wid .-Valenciennes laca edging, or deep flounce, with cluster of hemstitched tucks and l-lnch embroidery dga Regular prlc f 2.00 ?Spaclal at... .... jf . ..4 ,80 suoxxs' CAKsmxo oomssv OOTSXS, with 4 borisontal blusters of live tuoks each, finished with a hematttohed ruffle at neck and OTp armholea; regular price 40c special " v '.ran cajkbbzo ooun coma, trimmed in three different stylea of lace insertion and . edging, two rows of beading and ribbon over ' ahouldera, and armholea edged with lace; regular prloe $L00 7 An special ZjAozbs' rzn oaxbxxo vittIooati, deep flounce, three rows torchon lace Inser tion, two clusters of hemstitched tucks and lace edging, or deep lawn flounce, with 2H lnch Valenolennea lace Insertion and CO & t-lnch Valenolennea lac edging; fUO ZiAszxs' rnra oaxmzo aowirs, in cassock or slip-over gown atyle, round yoke, with buttonholes for drsw ribbon, pretty embroid ered designs, hemstitching, Valenciennes lac hedging, lawn ruffle and same lac dglng at -"levet-eglar' priee L1(- l7'7t . special . XJLDXXe BlAWnf, mad Of fln cambrio, clus ter of Ave tucks, i-lnoh rufflea of fln blind embroidery; regular prloe !6o KAr special 777...... IUIOI JkAJTO - BCaSa'and Embroidered Lin geries, , laundered or unlaundered. embroider ed from the simplest to the most elaborate,' at greatly reduced prices. Below we quote a few prices, with many bet weens: OOBSaT OOYZJtg. Regular prices 12.26 13.25 4.26 IJ.80 110.8 urnciAX, .... SUM la.iy a4 M.17 s&so s ro CMMttXtn. Regular . m ii ? $2.60 69 tS.OO 110.60 rlOZAXi . 1.17 S2U33 StSS 5J4 S T.00 BXAWSmS. Recular , 2.00 $4.26 11.00 fl.00 SraOZAK ... SL34 $3A4 $4.00 ft.00 OOWIf. Regular 1100 10.00 60 $11.00 111.60 11.10 SnCLaX . . .Sfl.00 io0$S.S4 S TJM S 0-00 IlLOO. TWO - PMOOWTOnXXD ZinS of Royal Wor cester Bon ton Corsets, covering a wide range or flgurea, medium, jow oust ana nanus nips, alses from It to (0, colors black, drab and white; regular price vb.oo special . 1 $1.98 OarrxBSSBTS WSTTTB VZQXTa BBSSraS. Rus sian blouse effect, pleated back and front, with regular price II.0O CI special . . . . CTJDXSBinrS WXXrJI SmilSaS, in an endless variety of styles, from the plain to very elab orate, trimmed in embroidery and lace inser tion and edging, ages from 4 to 14 years, at 26 per cent discount. Below a few ot the num erous prices: Regular . Il.i6 12.00 11.11 16.00 . araOXAXi i .MA...a..r 4 SUO S3.44 S3.TS Regular . . M OO f 11.00 111 60 121.00 s-riozAii ' ....fioo $ 9,09 SM-rs KZSSZS' TWO - ITHOa smzsnn These are a go-between Ladles' and Children's Cresses for misses, from 12 to 16 years, lac or em- pT?ol.:r?rotmn!?..... $6.00 to $30.00 2V&BI-BS' ' SXACX tCBBOBBJSXB lAfllS KXBTS, deep Spanish flounce, two rows of . ruffles and three rows of strapping, double, seama all through; regular price Mc 4 PORTLAND'S QUALITY , , STORE Saturday Bulletin of Bargains Remember Waossst 6 p.m. Evtryday SATURDAY INCLUDED OUIinOBT TOPS, stamped and tinted in conven tional and floral and Dutch designs, on fancy art denims, with plain backs; 27c regular prices 6o to !6o special v -XHOK BOIXXBSJ, of very floe linen, stamped In floral, jewel and conventional designs, partly silk embroidered; regular price Or 26o special Saturday The last day that yon can enjoy oor Free Coffee Party OnttMj lessiV oorm ssbtzb tin to au-iu bat-ajtb se the Lady Demonstrator Making Coffee In Three Minirtes If not, com up to third floor tomorrow and tasto th coffee It's delicious. Tou merely pour the hot water over the ground coffee, let It stand , three minutes and your ooffe Is rady to srv.A ;-.;.-... z , Every housekeeper should be Interested and is cor dially Invited to com up and see Its workings and Its superiority over all others The accompanying, cut shows the interior construction of th Coffee Pot and process of coffe making; Saturday in Dress Goods Sale and Silk Sections Prices Make Unparalleled Values Dres Goods ' ANNEXFIRST FLOOR. , . COLORED. DRESS STUFFS. R0n Heather Buitlnsns. Voll fitamlnea. Oranlt Cloths. Mohairs: etc yard ,..Tt9t 11.60 and IL2I Suitings, graint weaves and homespuns, yard 89) jl.60 Silk and Wool Fabrics, Crepe1 de Chine, Eolllene, Crepe d Paris, etc, in every wanted color ,...........,..07 11.60 London Twines; Miscel voiles, Boutonne voues ana High Novelty Tweeds, all new colorings .... .99) 22.00 novelty high trad Voiles. Coverts and Boutonne .Tweeds. yard, f 1.49 f 1.00 all-wool Crepe you jstaminea, in ail seasonaoi colorings, yard... 099 Silks ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. $1.00 Shirtwaist Silks, nic for th Shirtwaist Suits, yard. ........ ...62' 11.00 Foulards, twilled ana iitxrty atm nnisn, every wantea coior- ing, yard 69 11.25 Silks for Shlrtwaisni and Suits, ail the colorings ..............83e 11.26 Cheney Bros.' Foulards, all th newest patterns and colors..... 8 74 Ladies' $1.49 Trimmed and Ready-To-Wear Hats for 25 Cents SATURDAY AN ' UNAPPROACHABLE , SATURDAY SPECIAL V IN MILLINERY SALON About 100 Rata, ladles' and ehfl. dren's styles, trimmed and ready to wear. vJuM UP to ttii'( choic.. ....2Ba) !i V . Cora rly aa quantity Is limited and ; won't last Wat th prlc.;,p; ('.'special lot of aw Duck Hats at; ...... ,98 Sale Continues on Women's Suits and Garments VM . ' 1 0 ' SECOND FLOOR. , Special lots of Suits in both dress and walk ing styles, latest fashions and newest ideas in trimmings- $12.50 to $18.00 values for. 0.85 $20.00 to $28.60 values f or...... .$15.95 $32.50 to $38.50 Suits now. ..-.....$22.80 $42.50 to $50.00 Suits now.......;.. $31.00 Walking Skirts Half Price : ; SWELL EVENING WAISTS $18.50 values for. . 912.05 : $25.00 values for ... , . ,..$17.85 : $30.00 values for . . . ... . . . . . . ..... , ,$20.75 $35.00 values for. , .$25.68 i M5.00 values for . , .. . $32.70 $ A Grand, Sweeping Sale of BRUSSELS NET CURTAINS FOURTH FLOOR. A grand cleanup; some slightly mussed from handling. Usual Usual Usual Usual Usual Usual Usual Usual Usual Usual Usual Usual Usual Usual Usual Usual Usual Usual Usual Usual $11.00 $12.60 $14.00 $18.00 117.60 $19.00 $20.00 $21.00 $22.60 $26.00 $27.60 $29.00 $30.00 $32.00 $35.00 $37.60 $40.00 $68.00 $76.00 $90.00 values; values; values; values; values; values; values; values; values; values; values; values; values; values; values; values; values; values; values; values; special.. ..,.. 6.00 special. $ 7.00 special... $ 8.00 special f 9.50 special ...S10.50 special S11.50 special . .$12.50 special . ..h.. t . J 13. OO special ...... 1 4.0O special. M..S10.00 special ,. 16.50 special. ...si7,ou special . . m . . a 18.00 special. $19.50 special. .mmi..$20.00 special ....... . . S22.0O teclal.. ......... 24. OO special,. $37.50 SDecial. .......... S41.00 special ........... f 55.0J Women's Underwear and Hosiery FIRST FLOOR. Women's $1.00 Whit Lisle Union Suits . 65 Women's 16c sleeveless Cotton Vests .......... 9 Children's 40o Union Suits 18 Children's 26c black cottpn Hosiery 16 Children's 20o Lace Hosiery, seamless, 6 to 9, pair.ll Children's 6c Vests and Pants, each 184 Women's 26c black cotton Hosiery, lace striped.. 17 LADIES' NECKDRESS Everything In th Hous Reduced. $1.25 valueSjVnow for .. ...... 1.05 $1.50 Values, now for ........ ..$1.25 $2.00 values, now for $1.69 36o values, now foa ..... 80 FABRIC GLOVES EOo OlovM,' now ....... M. ..... ..... .;;.63 750 i Glove now $1.00 Ol0VS, BOW1 mmtemtmim pjnmm o 0Vtirjtimm 85 , $L60 Gloves, now .... f .......... m... . . 1.2 5 $ioi Giovs,;:hovM.'..!;i .V.,'.. ...,,$3.49 Ladies' 'Kerchiefs for Half , : . . riRfiT FLOOR. - Saturday only, an attractlv lot of dainty hemstitched . and em broidered Handkerchiefs. with scalloped edges; regular 25o values. , at, th dosen, $1.50. - - - Saturday Slibe Vapes SHOES SLAUGHTERED (ONLY GOOD 8HOE8.) FIRST FLOOR. Men's leather "Puttees" (leggins) all "tos f ife $5 value for r.. rirriTrrvrri i. $3.48 Women's $2.60 House Julletes, rubber heels.. $1.68 Women's $3.60 Empress Shoes, street or iress styles A ...-. ..2.78 lien's $3.60 Shoes blacks or tans, latest styles. 2.93 - Vomen'o $ Pattern Shoes Ultra stylish 3.82 Women's $2.60 Party Slippers.. 1.78 Women's $2.00 Party Slippers $1.38 Women's $1.75 Party Slippers $1.28 Women's $1.60 Party Slippers .................98 Women's Tan Shoes, regular $5 and $C value f for ......'........... 3.58 Women's $3.60 to $5 Tan Oxfords............. $2.78 , Boys' all solid box calf School Shoes, in slsea 11 to 12, usual $1.75 values for ..,..,...,...1.28 131-2 to 2, usual $2.00 values, for ....... ,...1.48 Sixes 212 to 6 1-2, usual $2.60 values, for . . .$1.78 v Misses' line box calf or vicl kid Shoes, with heavy double soles, slaes U to 2, regular $1.75 ; value for ,.....1.48 8 1-3 to 10 1-2, regular $1.50 values, for... ...,.$1.28 I Extra Specials. Choice Lino DECORATED FRENCH CHINA , Doiens and single pieces of small lot closing out at one-nair usual prices. Bread Trays Bread Trays Bread Traya Berry Bowl Berry Bowls Chop , Dishes ChoD Dishes Cake Platea ( Sugars- ana Sal Price. $0.83 1.13 LfiS 1.30 ' 1.80 1.11 1.7 .61 9.19 2.80 8.60 i.25 3.50 1.10).. Cream (I1.8S) . . . Jelly Jar and Plat ($3.26 4 v. , . . . , .;, Bon-Bons ($1.70) . . ID wiiaiK skMf . fiinik Trays .3.o ts .93 tl$ .85 ' ' Sal Price. Celery Traya ($3.10) 165 OUv Trays ($1.15) . .58 Bread and Butter , Plates (310.1 dos.) . per HOW. ..ari. , Tea 5.25 4.35 ra; Platea. (33.69 . oo&, per aoai. Chocolate Cups and ; Saucers ($8.50 ooa) pr dos ..... f.2J Ta Cups and Sano, t ar ($1160 do), . . . per doa . , ." .,-.. f MayonBftfn ($2.i).. tin ; Candle sticks (80c). .40 special Cuos and Sauoera Prult Baucers. Berry Seta, at baif usum price. r lower seaaoa vases a ynm table. --:---f l'-- '" - Kalmi ZlnJ eloln out half mu1 prV-e; f.i" PUtea, Stelna, Cheese Dishes, Olives iu4 t mnt uaerui arnoiea . v . . , , Flv large tablea of Useful an t on i glasswar at half usual pric A reneral reduction in H j i ! ' furnishing department