THE OREGON I DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE , 3, 1C01 AND - sin 'J: Edit ly J. A. HOJUVN 3. GET PAINTED WHITE OSCAB OBAXAJK WATII TM IIYS- TIO WAI9 4JTD TVS rOXTtyUTB ; BATTXBS ABB GITS . QtXXZTVS XBXSO wii Bxmrxs ' Aiova svmora aooo times UmtuI tpeclit Bfrrkw.) ' Ssn Francisco June I. Portland drooped THltrdtr'i tame through the Inability of tha Browns to hit Oacar Oraham whan a hit would mean runs. I bare on tha other hand, was touched u In - food -shape. Onlv three Fort landers war abl to aolva Graham's de livery. McCredl. Beck and Murphr, tha flrst two securing two htu aplec and tha Uttar vetting a solitary single. Drennan was In tha game, although tha popular center fielder ' Is not In . rood health. Drennan' ore was food, how ever, and ha cot thraa tree tickets to first. The score was: I ' . OAKLAND. 1 AB.R.H.PO. A.K Oanlav. r. t. . ... Krurer, e. f. Mosklman, L 1 Schafley, tb. .......... J. Sirelb, lb. ...... -Devereaux, lb, ...... Byrne, e. tf. ... T. Strelb, a. s. ...... -Oraham, p. .......... e ToUls . , Prennan, . f. MoCreedle, r. C....5.. Nsdeau, L f. Beck. Sb. Francis, s. Murohy. lb. . Pteelman, tb. Hhea, C Jberf. p. II 4 10 17 1 PORTLAND. " AB. R. H. PO. A. B. S Totals .. ..........10 0. I 24 It ' RUNS AND HITS BT INNINGS. -v', , 1 I M I IT I I Portland . .....o f 2 ? 2 ? 2 S i ' Hlta . .........0 1 t M 1 I 1 0 I Oakland .0 1 I 1 0 0 i ;-T'- SUMMARY. " Three-base hit Oanley. Two-base tilii Rwk Mosklman.. Sacrifice hit: Graham, Oanley. Flrat base on errors ' Portland. 1; Oakland, 1. rlrst base on called ball a Off Graham. 4. Lft on bases Portland, 7: Oakland. S. Struck out By Iberg, IS by Graham. 4. Dou ble play Devereaux to J. Strelb. Time ' of game One hour and 40 minutes. Umpire Huston. ; 1 . T, ' Won, Boston . ........i...!4 Cleveland . ........ ..J . 7ew York v- l , Philadelphia . ..10 Chicago . . ...... ...... 10 St Louis ......... ...17 relrolt . . r f . Washington ......... I At Detroit Lost 11 - Detroit , Aaw xora . .j. .. i Batteries Kllllan and Woods; Putt maun, Urunta ana- juetnow, ' At OerelaaA, R. H. B. Cleveland ..................4 I I Boston.... II Batteries Hess, Donahue and Ab bott; lnneea ana jrarreu. A CbJea. ' - . R. H.B. Chicago . . II 17 I Washington .;. T 10 4 Batterle-Walsh. Altrock and Mo- Fa rl; Townsend. - Orth and Orlll. X"'. 11 IKS-- " . I e;r , 1 . f. : .'if If- I ; ,:-v. ill y ' 1 ' : - if 1 - i yA if 'arWlhX 1st .6J - .654 IS PITCHER MOORE OP CLEVELAND, WHOSE CURVES :i76 HAVE KEPT THE YANKEES WORRIED. i ,. . . I , . I HUNT CLUB RIDERS READY FOR MEET AVBVAB AFFAZB OF FOBT&ABD'S ' BZOZBO OLVB WXU ATTBAO TBOVSABBS TO ZXTXVOTOB BAOB TBAOB BBTBXBI ZBOXVBB SIT BBAB BOTBB BOBSZS. r. an 0 S I 0 TRAVIS WINS THE ; GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP (Toaratl Ipedal Strrlea.) Sandwich, June I. The American champion Travis today won the final round In the Amateur a-oir champion ship by four up and three to play, thus taking- the trophy from British soil for the first time In Its history. . . BATZOBAB XBAOVB. ......7.,... -.. won.- New Tor . ..2 t Chicago . . ...... .....!4 Cincinnati 5 St. Louia . . ..........14 . Pittsburg . 14 Brooklyn . . ..... ....14 Boston . . ............11 Philadelphia, . . ....... I Lost ' 11 11 1? 10 21 II S4 PC .703 .681 ,451 .485 .467 .421 .184 .182 TO FLAT XB FOBTXABB. (Journal Special Berrlea.) Albany, Or..- June I. Tha . Albany 1 baseball-team, defeated .. tha Roaeburg Shamrocks at- baseball yesterday at ternoon by a score of 10 to 4. - Tomorrow afternoon and Bunday the teams will play on the Portland dla mond. ' ' ' R.tR New York . ...................2 6 1 Cincinnati ......... 1 4 2 Batteiiee Mathewaon and Bowerman; Butnoa ana reits. - :.J.. 1- FAOZFZO COAST UAOVB. BBOBBB ABAK. T0BFBCAB, 8BAB. Journal Special Service.) Paris, June I. Eugene Adam, the founder of tha. French Jockey club died here today. ' TUBS 8BFBATC OBBBX. TeeHerday's BesnJts. .Oakland, 4; Portland, 0. . - Loa Angelea, 2: San Franclaco, L Taooma, 4; Seattle, 0. Oakland . . .... Taooma ,14 Seattle 14 Los Angelea 24 San Francisco ........SO -Portland . . ,. 18 Won. Lost -24 28 28 II 84 42 PC. 687 Toung TousoufC " the Turk, defeated Greek George In-an- interesting- wrest ling bout last evening at the Empire theatre, t . .- The Greek won tha flrst fall, Graeco- Roman style, in 10 minutes. The Turk won the second fall, oatch-aa-eatoh-oan. in II minutes. The, last fall by Toueouff In five minutes. A return match has been to take place next Thuraday. J. Friedman Is looking after tha Inter ests of Greek George. arrang-ed The Portland Hunt etub's annual field day will . be held tomorrow afternoon at Irvlngton race track and the event promises to be the most Interesting- af fair ever undertaken by that popular institution. preparations have been made to accommodate 10.000 spectators and the officials of the elub expect fully that number present when the. flag drops for the flrst race at I o'clock. Irvlngton race track - waa never in finer condition. The track has been rolled and sprinkled and Is very fast and duatlaaa. The grandstand has been renovated and painted, making It an at tractive place to spend' several hours. In fixing up the grounds, tracks, stables and atands, the Multnomah Fair asso ciation has spared neither labor no money and It la safe to state that there la no finer track, including location and accessibility, any place In the country. The training that has been dona for the 11 events on the program would compere favorably with tha efforts made by trainers and Jockeya In preparation for the blggaat handicaps. The rivalry between the members is Just keen enough to warrant every rider doing- his utmost to win. Another feature of the meeting will be the fine class of horses that will compete. Vnuaual Interest Is being manlfeated In the half-mile match Uot between Mrs. Downing, H. C Bowers, Dr. Coughlan and Frank Rob- ertaon. Mr. Bowers spends several houra each day at the track rounding Into form, and it la being whispered about that "Pop" la in auch line con dition that he la quietly apeculatlng upon the amount of lead that ha will be compelled to carry to come up to the requisite 166 pounds required by the club. Mr. Robertson has been doing hla training In the cool gray dawn of the morning and aaya that It Is the only tlm4 for a real up-to-date Jickey to be on hla mount. Mr. Robertson la an early riaer, and aa soon as "yon gray clouda that fret the dawn" appear, giv ing evldencea of approaching day, he may be seen saddling and bridling hla ateed for at least a three hours' tryout Trains la Bard Places. Dr. Coughlan saya nothing about hla training. Hla modesty .prevails over his enthusiasm, but he, too, has been as busy as a bee, getting Into form for me event, i ne doctor seeas quiet places for his riding, and be they as rough and as difficult as the Rockies, so much the better for him. His favorite place for hard tiding la out the east side road to Clackamas creek. From there he follows the' trail to the fish hatcheries. This is certainly hard training, and few people appreciate the time consumed or the danger encountered In training in this fashion. - ' - While the men have been doing1 all sorts of stunts, Mrs. Downing has -not been slow In getting in trim for the race. Mrs. Downing; rides every day, and rides hard. She is master of her 7 WINNING RUNNERS Vm ON EASTERN TRACKS .:-:;;:'W;.-:'':. Batonla KryittS'' Seven furlongs Frist won; time, 1:11. Five furlonaa Mum won: time. MO.,'. !,.-, Mile Roesmond won; time. 1:41.' Six ; furlongs Peakess won: - time. . Seven furlongs Ben Mora won; time, MIV4. ' Flva and a half furlong Firing . I Brook won; time, 1:10. ' . ' . , wont ' won; time-. v Hawthorn Track. -v Six furlongs Estrada Pal ma Um. llll. : :. .v,. Seven farlonca Admonition 1 Urn. 1:10. - Mile OrerorlC won? time. 1:41. " Flv furlong Lusaiion won: time. X:01 1-8.- . ... v. j ;- ... Mil and a sixteenth Soencerlaa wont Uma. 1:48 1-1. . Six furlongs Woodson wont - time. 1:1. - : :'''.y 8fin k.v-,;. Six . furlong Radium won! Four and a half furlong, purse Mr Eleanor won;. time, 1:04. ;, . Six and a half furlong, .selling Alenlo won; tima, 1:12 H. 8lx furlong, handicap Mord alia won! tlm. 1.114. ' . .. Mlle-r-Pathoa won; time, lillH, Mil and three-sixteenth. - aelllng , Broodier won; time, 1:11. Selling, about six furlongs Aitorata won;. time, 1:11. ) Steeplechase, selling, about two mile Cock Robin won; time. 4:10 l-I. Handicap, mil and 70 yards Wotan won; Um. 1:41 1-1. The Criterion atakes, fir furlongs Schulamlt won; time, 1:01 1-1. Mil and a sixteenth Africander won; Uma. 1:80 t-l. . Flv furlongs vouay won; time. 1:01 l-S. AMES, THE GIANTS' TWIRLER, GETTING IN SHAPE FOR WORK AGAIN. ; , . ; will run "Monkey" a great race. , Many expect tn race to be run la 3:20. On of the chief and most novel, fea tures of ths day wUl be the pushball game between the teama captained by Metsger and Brown. Metsgers team Is FACX JOZBSOB A WXBB composed of Judge Tanner, Frank Rob- mount and knows all the little tricks ertson and J. C. Muehe, while Captain In tiding. Her favorite place for train-1 Brown will be assisted by E. R. Eld ing Is at Irvlngton, and there she may ridge, A. M. Cronan and Colonel Jubeta. (Joaraal Special SerrUe.) I be seen every afternoon speeding around This game of puahball will give the Chicago, June I. Jack Johnson, the the courae. I riders an opportunity to display their colored heavyweight defeated Frank! The one-mile match trotting race, b horsemanship. Chllds In a six-round bout here lastltween Mr. Chase on Harry Marvin and Another event that will attract Inter evenlng. Chllds was gToggy during the Walter Allison on "Monkey," will be est 1 the tandem -trot of one mil. The latter rounds. 4- OOBSITT BBTVBBB. (Jonnal 8peclal Serriee.) . New fork, June I. Toung Corbett (William H. Rothwell) arrived her yes terday on the Hamburg-American liner Deutchland.- Corbett announced hi in tention of again fighting Brltt aa soon aa the arrangement can be mad. the most Interesting of the match races. "Monkey" is said to be the fastest road bora In Portland and has yet to be I beaten In the tests on the White House road. Marvin Is also a speedy one and COUNCIL PASSES AUTO SPEED LAW horses In this race are well ' matched and It is difficult to so any advantag at this time. In tb mil run O'Brien, on Marengo, will stand a good chance to win, but hit weight of 110 pound will handicap him somewhat , - ' .. The other event are well filled and a gala day 1 expected by the lover of sportsman s events. Bote of b Meet Persons driving- or riding to Irvlngton race track tomorrow will- find tb new route ideal In every respect The route 1 aa follows: Across Burnsld bridge, north to Couch, east to Eleventh street and out Eleventh, following the sign boards. ' This road Is in perfect condi tion and will be kept sprinkled all dur ing the aummer. Tha Multnomah Fair association has announced that the publlo will be granted the free use of Irvlngton track all year, providing- tha drivers keep the outer edge of the course. ' - COBTSMBXA BBFBATS BBUABOB. The Columbia term defeated the Re- llano nine yesterday by the score of I to I. Tb oore: Lineup: Reliance .........11 Olioo Columbia I 0 4 I 0 0 0 I Columbia Williams, c; F. Krlbs, p; Strahn. lb: Swigert 2b: Lata, ss.; Gold smith. 3b; & Krlbs, cf; Kelly. If; Ran dall, rf. Reliance Holmes, e; Mitcneu, pi Hellier. lb;.' Stanley, lb; Moot, lb Levlnson. ss.; Dresser, rf; Day. ci; Slchel. If. v TZOTOB. (Joaraal Special Service.) Eusrene. Or.. June I. Salem won th flrat gam of th present series from Eugene yesterday by the scor of : It to I. BOBXAB SOBOOXi IB nOTOBZOVA, (Joaraal Special Servle.) - Monmouth. 0r June -1. Th Stat Normal school basebalr team defeated th Cbemawa nine at Amity yeaterday. by tb scor of I to I. t , . , V BTOZiBXBABB BBFBATS ATTBX (Joaraal Special StrrlM.) St Louis, Ma, June I. Jack Mc Clelland of Pittsburg won th decision over Abe Attel of San Francisco at th nd of th 15th round last evening. TABBBBBXBT FZBST ZB BAOB 8. (Joemal Special Service.) Paris, June I. William K. Vanderbllt won two first at the Longchampa auto mobile race yeaterday. ' KAJOB BtTBTAOB WTBV TXB OAX3S.I . (Joarnat Special Sarnee.) Epsom, June I. Th Oakes stakes. value 5,000 sovereigns, the second event In Importance In the derby was won today by Major Eustace. Zxdera, Pret ty Polly and four others also ran. When You Think MOWATT TS. BATTOB TOBZOICT. At Tommy Tracey tonight there will be three rattling four-round bout. - Th main event of th evening- will be be- tween Tbung Mowatt and Kid Hat ton. .661 .648 .63 .4(9 .800 OTEBAU BXJUTXS STJBATTXB. . (Joaraal Special Service.) Tacoma, June I. Overall shut Seattle nui yesieraay auowing, out one hit a - double by Carlos Smith. Only 29 men . faced him and he lasued but one pass ,xo nrst xne xigera piayed errorless balL score: R. H E. j Tacoma ...1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 I 11 0 ' BeatUe ....0 000 0 00000 1 1 - Batteries Overall and Graham: Bar- her and Blankenahlp. Umpire O'Con - hell. ABOXLS WOB ZB TBB BZBTK. (Joaraal Spedal Serrlee.) 'Lo Angeles, June I. Phil Knell had the Angels blanked until the ninth yea terday, when they bunched three hlta. which were good for two runs and the gam. -Boore: - Los Angeles... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 7 8 San Francisco.. 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 1 4 8 . Batteries Newton and Spies; Knell t ana LAsmy. LIFE CRUSHED OUT . BY MACHINERY Kris Trans, an oiler In the employ of the Bridal Veil Lumber company, at Bri dal Veil, was cruttied to death yesterday morning, while toiling a shaft under the main floor. Trana went under the floor to oil the shaft and, when he did not return. Foreman M. S. Dickson went to see what was the trouble. He fotfnd Trana lying- dead beside the shaft, where the oiier had been caught In the ma chinery, and his lifeless form was fear fully mangled and both .bis leg were broken. , The dead man leaves a father and mother residing In Eagle Bend, Minn. Preferred Stock Canned Oooda. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. The Zimmerman automobile ordinance was paaaed by the city council Wednes day, although Fred T. Merrill tried hard to have it amended. The ordinance limits th speed of automobiles driven. within th city limit to eight miles an hour. Hereafter will b unlawful for a local merchant to sell persons under th age of II year toy pistols and caps for th same. The ordinance Introduced by Mr. -Merrill regarding th throwing of confetti, or using feather face dus- ters was passed; also one licensing- the selling of these adjuncts to French car-1 nival. v' A special committee will be appointed by Mayor Williams to investigate the fir limits ox tn our. v Oregon Day at St. Louis. For th benefit of those desiring- to be In St Louis on Oregon Day, the Cana dian Pacino na announced June 7 at special date of sale for round-trip CLOTHES THINK UNSELFISH. Boxing school. Tom Tracey, 165 4th St One and you'll never' rid any other.... wheel. . s . V It's a Pleasure Her to show you tb good point. T EASY TEAMS Prices $3S to $100 Catalog tot the Asking-. F. P. KEERIAN, Aent i? FATHER Hrl Taka that drum eut of hrI ,- OVILLIE But. pop. I wanted you (o FINDS $240 AND RETURNS TO OWNER 9 While seeing the sights of Portland last Friday night, C. S. Reynolds, of Mountalndale. . Wajihlnirtnn dropped a pocketbook containing 1240 In World's Fair tickets. On June 16. 17 and Dins ana inaorsea cnecks. He thought he lost the money on First street and reported th matter. Efforts to find the missing purse were futile. Shortly after midnight of the earn night, M. L. Hochfeld, who has a cigar store at 182 Fourth street, was preparing to close th place. He wanted to ex pectorate, and remembering the ordi nance prohibiting such acts on the side walk, went to the curb. Lying- in the gutter immediately In front of him was a small bundle, which on investigation proved be a pocketbook containing The book contained Reynolds' card. and the money was returned to its owner. 18. special excursion tickets will again! be on aale. For full particulars call oo or address F. R. Johnson, F. A P. 141 Third St., Portland, Or. . HE HAD IT. PENINSULA SITE MAY BE APPROVED J. iW. Roberts of San Francisco, su perintendent of building construction for the government on the Paolflo coast, is at the Hotel Portland, having been sent here by direction of Supervising Archi tect Taylor' of Washington, to confer with officials of the Lewis and Clark fair, regarding- th site of the proposed government buildings on th exposition grounds. . The location was the cause of an ad verse report sent to tne government, a report which claimed that the peninsula is overflowed during part of the year. ana was not a suitable locauon for gov ernment buildings. ; . . . Mr. Roberts visited the sit of the buildings yesterday, but will not make publlo hi decision before reporting to .AND YOU WILL THINK OP A .LINE INCOM PARABLY STRONGER AND BETTER THAN MOST. A line MADE BY MEN MADE FOR MEN, and sold by a STORE FOR, MEN-, a store where style-talk and good-clothes-talk are dispensed freely and knowingly. Our sole aim and study is to please our trade by supplying everything .of QUALITY in MEN'S and'BOYSV WEARABLES. Whether it's a suit of clothes, a hat, tie or shirt itH be a little better: for a little less money if it comes from here.' ., . Summer Suits EXCLUSIVE STYLES.. Outing Suits NORFOLKS and DOUBLE-BREASTED $10.00 to $22.50 1 $8.50 to $13.50 Just received by Express NEW. x LINE , . . i ROBERTS $3.00 HATS NO ' OTHERS LIKE THEM IN THE CITY. fFlne Porto Rlcan . Braid Panama , Shapes . , ;: "Qeodnestl 1 gussg IV got dat buck fvr wot vn d bravest htta 85-87. THIRD ST. ONE D002 ' ' N08TH Cham. Com. 8 njovjt with mtl i .Washing-ton, t l llabl tool 1