The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 03, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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mm topics
''-t ' . , r .
' lUrqwa Oraae
'. i BoIbms Baslaaaa Collar Coa,. t
Cororay's -."New Jack, Day by Day''
- ' Dakar "Hsrly Burty"
' lm4i . .,.,.,,,. ...... VeBd1He
Bl)oa ..',....,., S"i!THi!
Li rtfl ...........a....... .,.,..VaBaeVlue
M. Mosseaohn, asslstans eecretary of
'.. the chamber or commerce,- wno is in
' Vancouver, B. C booming tha Lewis and
Clark fair, ha been wall received, and
x Is to be tha meat, of Honor at a. recep
- tlon given by tha commercial organlsa-
" tlonrof that city, berora na return to
Portland. .Ur, Moeseeohn want to Van-
" courer about .week ago, to urge) tha
. people there to make preparations for
an extensive exhibit at tna rair next
year. Tba exhibit la to repreeent tha
.v., varied Industrie of British Columbia.
Mr. Mosseaohn has sent here for tot
.- beokleta. descriptive of Oregon and tha
If OS fair. Tha war forwarded laat
evening by . Henry K. .Reed, secretary
of tha Lewis and Clark corporation. Mr.
Moaaaaohn will not return before Tuea
: day or Wadnaaday of next week, aa botb
of hi parent, with whom bo la staying.
r aro 11L Ha will atop for a abort time
. on ua way noma la Seattle and Taooma.
Cbarlea B. Anderson filed ault la tba
- elroult oourt yesterday agalnat Cbarlea
O. Jackaon and IX Kumpel for money al
leged to be due on promlaaory notea ete
" cuted by . Jackaon. Tba amounts will
' aggregate almost 14.000 A receiver Je
r asked, to . take charge of tha property
leeeed by Jackaon at lot .Washington
-7- street, tha lease being given aa security
for tba loans. Kumpel claims an ln
, tereat la thla property and for that rea-
aon la made a party to tha ault
A controversy aa to whether or not
' w. H. Aurallua, cashier or .tha Pullman
' Car company, waa or waa not robbed
by two negroes, landed Albert Pander
. and R. H. Worker In tba elty jail lata
Wadnaaday afternoon,, but upon promise
of good behavior they were today re
leased by Municipal Judge Hogue.
Worker thought tha robbery story aa
told by tba cashier waa true, but Pander
did not There waa tha rub, and to
gettla tba matter they fought. .
Tha police are determined to break
up tba habit of young" boys in Jumping
onto moving trains on tba Southern Pa
olflo Una running out Fourth street
Three arreata have bean mada. and aach
boy baa bean fined ft la tha municipal Ptala of a company of Rough
oourt Yesterday tha court fined Ash- Rldera under Roosevelt In tha Cuban
ton Felloes, residing at 111 Harrison campaign, will address an open air local
street. l on tha charge. Ha waa ar- option mass meeting tomorrow evening
rested by Mounted Patrolman Whit Park and Madlaon atreeta.
lata Wednesday afternoon. I unaer ue auepioas or the following so-
Caught la 'th Act, and ; Wba
I Some Patrons Said
Tna CxpoMira) - by - B 1 1 r a Plaa
Housa Attracts AttaatloaSoma
Purtbar Facta Sal Now la Full
Pntrt - Brins In Coupon and
Qat Your Piano or Orsaa at 35
' Waablnxtoa Street. , .
"That waa tha funnleat wrlte-un and
I exposure I aver saw," said one of our
I customers yesterday. "iha way you
showed up tha ridiculousness or tna at
lemnt at thoaa 'Make-a-rald-crab-lt-aud'
all-tor-us' people to steal your thunder
ana u nooawina un puotia, w -acUy
right, and it waa ao obviously fair
and convincing that any right-minded
man or woman will see through their
ame. A houaa anaaged In auch work
can t aurely have any aianaing.
atr wira ana I compsrea your nan
page announcement or ' laat Baturaay
wiin tna nair-page ox tnose Ati-ior-ua-
Orab-tt-make-a-Kalil people which ap
peared two daya later, ana aura enougn
they bad oopled It almost verbatim, ex
cept tne name, juveryooay anows. mey
have no three-atory wholeaale ware
houaa to vacate; every one knowa they
nave no Dig shipment or pianos oomini
via ataamnr around tha 'Morn.' an
therefore, the attempted piracy la only
too apparent," aald another.
We told them all that tha anatUr waa
by no meana a "funny ' one witn us.
we aro very much In earnest with this
cloalng-out aale of our. Wa must sell
the Dlanoa and. with tha aoeciai ar
rangementa under thla advertising test
we are willing witn tne coupons 10 pay
people to get a piano now.
We will not permit any disgruntled
dealer to make euciv a braaen attempt
at Diracr without plainly exposing hi
scheme, and that la why we permitted
Journal of Wednesday.
ourselves to publish that artlc
:1a la
Capt Luther D. Mahon. wba aerved
Wa denv no one the rlaht to do bus!
nesa and If aver a house appears that
Is In position to offer the public mora
for their money than Kllera Piano House
does, why then well bo perfectly eon-
tent to be relegated to tne rearr vuac
now, and aa it has dona ror over nvo
years. Ellere Piano House leada the
procession by many lengths, and aa
atated once before, those In the rear
ahould learn to contain their aoula in
Tha facta aa act forth in yesterday a
conversation are correct. We bava In
our possession sbsolute proof (not one
instance, out numerous caaeai to snow
that such make aa the Ludwlg, tha
Kingsbury and other piano have been
aold by tha predereaeor of the present
corporation with the long-handled name
ror a nunarea aoiiars; yes, a nuoorwi
- w .w -
end Tn.rPZ ZZZt. 7, "d slxty-flva dollara less th.n they
and Toung People a BaptUt anion of now a,k 'tor tnem. Nor waa thla durlna
Portland. I .v. k.. ailing nnin
Music will be furnished by Winter I to go to
Prasn'a hand, tha Elkn Idlea auartal I new."
and Bald Rank' Celestial Mala auartet. Now that
tha time when they were "aelllng out
sunnier climes and paaturaa
wa have gone Into thla
f " ?iZm m-UB WlU iff further hX and preeent a view
in a nearty cnuroh. of numeroua other "shortcoming" (!)
The taxpaysrs ot Multnomah county
begin to see their way out of a large bean completed and Installed at tha I turning leave Seaside I p. m. A seat
piece or woods tn tha assured election I lira headquarters. Tha wagon waa I reserved for every pasaengar. Tickets,
or xora wow ror anenrr. Tom word built by a Portland firm, and la aald to I It 1 Alder street and Union depot
will aava tba persona who foot tha bllla I be tba finest on tha coast, baring oost I .
more than four tlmaa hla salary in re-1 $600. It baa aeparate sections for var- I Toull ba wanting soma bualneaa
duclng tha expenses of bla office, and louo sixes of hose, and carriaa two cards printed aoon and will, of course.
v ui uuir hm mrw iwiy i anorx taaaera. uaptain josepn Btuti m" inwni mcwy ukuwo. iiuii our r-; .n..,n. -r- nnKiiahed
taxpayara not In i faror of that kind of of angina company No. 1 la longing for way of doing things. Let ua .how y0U ,nThr ?i?fffitmX which
yavrvMiwvu. ,,v,u wu4 iwviT.i so opportunity vo naa w a nra in oia i a,um uhv. jauvwnuin rrmuDi
that our piratical and deeperate friends
have been found guilty of. "The origin
of a little Hlnie piano used for knock-
in-" "When la tha oldest not tne oia-
eetr "Tha origin of a five-year-old
Chlckerlng upright and why It la not
for aale." etc. All these would make ex
cellent and spier, piano news:
But sumce It ror tooay.
all that claaa of votea.
new wagon.
Co., 147 Front atreet.
where a final rally of Prohlbltlonlata,
Municipal Leaguers, young people'a so
cieties and local optlonlata will be halo.
Tba speakers will be H. W. 8 tone, T. B.
McDanlel and J. M. Glass.
111 ba found an Daae 1 of this issue.
Cut out and bring to our cloning-out sale
and advertising test tha one that will
sac u re tha instrument you want, and you
will have a Una instrument in tne noma
at once.
Tou will find during tnia aaia soma
very good new pianos for $121. 1142,
which la almost half price, and tha cou
pon above, tit, will ba accepted as that
much cash toward payment The
cholcaat and nighest-grade instrument.
which aro usually aoid at irom to
ia S9flK
cording to make, style and dealga. Pay
mitnta at Iia a month bur tbem.
Several Voaa and Lehr and Peaaaand
Krakauer and other planoa at iea than
tost at the factory, wa want tbem out
nt tha war.
All aecond-nand pianos, among tnem
mtmw iMtl Taii mnat imnhllf waii'L I monumental wnrfcr f.ntil hv Aa ir4Mk.n n.u, fit.lnwiv RMuhr
"Local Option" will reign suprema Tou Schumann, next door to Taylor atreet I Pease, Voee, Lud wig. Kingsbury. Ham-
know, too, how pedy tha "Charles K I Church. llton. vvnuney ana many o.nrri, m.i ror-
Pr&.W'!" - . . - -TT-.- ... . n'&nl bar.
ui xaiia at i u. iu. suvuia wun va uexinnina aiar 10. an call ror tna i tn nn
your time wont ba a "alow" one. Ev- visiting Nurse Aasociatlon ahould be , There are fine aouarea from $ u
Everybody la going to Salem next gar. fellowa. bara you heard about Bernard Albara, receiver of the J. W.
Sunday to aea tha big program at tha I tba Camo Gilbert No. 20. 8.-A. W. V Hansen company, filed a ault Wednee-
atata fair grounda given by -tha Trahi I excursion to Multnomah Falls, on Sun- day In the east aide Justice oourt
men to entertain tha patrons of tba ex-1 day, Juna IT If you can enjoy a good against J. W. Cummins for $114.(4. He
curalon. Fare, round trip. Including ad-1 time, here' a your chance. Tou won't claims tha money la dua for feed aold
mission, il.o. Ticket at Schiller' a cl-l ret another like It aoon. v Not only will I to tha defendant
gar atora, urana arenue; janoxa wrug you enjoy a grand rlvef rlda and the
company.. Grand arenue; Cowinra cigar beautiful Columbia river aoenery. but
atore., Huaaeu street , Train leaves fuat v think of how yon and your lady
union depot at a. aw- OJ . l9ya cao ttrta tha. JIbt jrantastlq on tha
a ' ' 1 I barga JilekiUt Tou needn't falter
ma a. b. u. or. tna second Baptist I about bringing your "beetest, either,
church, will lead a march of about 100 1 She won't bara occasion to pull your
rotere, who win meet Saturday at 7 p. I balr for bringing bar where "red -eye
Hunt Club races, '
Saturday, June. 4. I nv .
Irvlngtea track.
Tickets $0c Boxsa
On sale at Feldenhelmera
Folio win sre tke locatloae of aelhag pisees
ef the prwlocts eC MultaanMh eaasty for the
mcuub is seia 4a a, iwue, .
, Mist War,
rrectaet Ke. ' l-uo Therajea street.
rreelDrt Ho. t Mberluck sveaaet
Twnty-lnt sad Tweaty eoa streets.
rrednet No, I 483 gavler streeC
. - ' Beeead Ward. '
Prerinrt Na. A-lo7 tim-th sixth etreeL
ITtclset he. 6 10 North rourteeata street
Hclnrt No. a-nu North roortamith etnwt.
, ITfelBrt No. T 178 Tweaty-irst etrert North.
ITerlM No. g SH5 North NuwteeeU street.
Third War.
FTedoct No. a 4W Mixta street North,
rrorinet No. 10-42 Bermdd atreet.
rXwInct Ne. 11 f lurk street.
Hradaet No. 1 as North Ninth street
iToclact ha li aiT Wuslngtaa street.
Taurtk Wu.
rTKlBrt No. lealdar Slat kilsns tlfth
I'rwioct Ne. 16 4x3 Whlgtaa treet
rrartaet No. Is SMI Taaahlll street.
fralct Na IT HI Taaklll trer
ITMHt Na. ia Taut i
fourth aaS BahBoa atrartm.
i-rurlnrt Mo, is aro Blstorath Street.
Presort Na SO Mal MOraaaa Kxsesltfaa
Preclnrt Ne. tl Toot, aerthweat
Third 4 lltdiaoa itraota
riwdnct No. 3 NorU doe ef ' Jeffartoa
etrett, Iwtrm Blmnth ess Twelfth etreeta.
fifth Want.
PtwiBet Na tt XU Oolvaibts street
Prectact Na 6e Hrcus4 street.
PrOFlact Na II Tant. aartkataat
aVreoth end Mala trU.
Irlnct Na as Tost, soatliweet
Blevrnth sad Olosihla stnets.
rrocinct Na ST am Jpgoreoa sweet
rrwlort Na St o Third street.
Iterlact No. 30436 Blxrh atnat.
PrMlnct No. SO Hose bobs. Caaoataa. ba.
i i u aist aaa epnof.
rreelact Na II 6wl Pint treet.
Biitk Want
fntrlBct No. IS OH Itret street
Prerlapt N. SB Teat. anaiharaa
itoih aae rorter.
PrarlnM Na 4 Pint street, sear Olbba.
Prerlsct Na SO gall CVirbHt otrMt
Preelset Na .aa 183 Mscadasi street -
eveeth Ward.
JT Ktr
Prevtsct Ke. SS Blank's ball. Pewell etreet
i Tvcinct. so. an f") flay trt.
ProelBrt No. 40-37S ISaat Rlmeth atreet
Prwlsat Na. 41 Coraer Tntilitk aad
mreu Traota.
tlrktk Went.
PraHert No. 42-1 SO I' a too arm so.
Prerttirt No. 45 Tnt. aorthaaat
Cast Rlshtoaath sad East Moniaoa straots.
rramart no. n ones BclBMtat street
Prlrt Na 40 TI t'nloa avnoa.
Prtrlnrt Na 4 SM Baat Baraalda atiaat.
PrxHurt Ne. 4T Tent, amrthaaat una Baat
aigsuests aaa east Aaa atreet
Ninth Ward,
rreriaet Na 4 330 Larahea street.
Prerlnct Ne. 4 R23 Wllllast aranae.
Practnct No. Ho 4 Roaaall atreet.
Prerlart No. 31 1M Raaoall atraat
Praclnct No. S3 330 Rnaeell atreet
Preriact Na 13 eld t'nloa arenae North.
TenU Ward.
PreMsct Na 14 Hooo booee. SM Iflaelsalppl
Prarisrt Na Be Wl Wllllama avasne.
Prarlart No. ad Oomar Elahth asd Beaeaa
aveooe. Woodlswa
Preriact Na BT PcBlssBlar ban. Pralnaakir
Praelact Ne. 3a Brick bnlldlna. Portamth
eta tlon.
Preelset Na 10 (Rt Jobas) ChlDaaaa a
Klns'a ofOre, it. John.
I -rar i art ne. eo (doinnutia) araoel benaa
Prodnrt Na dl (Mt Tabor) W. O. W. balL
Weat aveso asd Baae Uoe road.
Preclact Na 3 (Soath alt Tabor) school
Prarlart Na 03 Woodatort) kalL
Prerlnct Na 04 Imta kalL
Preriact No. 6 (Kllsaver) ball.
Precinct Na 66 (Montavina) Odd Panows'
Precinct Na 67 Raanrtlle) seetofae
Prerlnct No. rw (Rnrkwoodl pnblle ball.
Iraclnrt No. 69 ( Pa Irvlaw I pnblle ban.
Preclact Na To tTroatdala). Labor Caioa
Precinct No. Tl (araabam) Rarnar' halt
Precinct No. T3 (Powrll Taller) Hamlin'
Prerlnct no. T (Horinnrti Hnrinerra Ban.
Precinct Na T4 (Bridal Vail) Bridal Veil
school hnoae.
Precinct Na TB Reader a) arbonl bonae.
Preclact Na 76 ( Willamette Slouch) ecbeol
Precinct No. 77 (HoTnmos) ertinol booee.
Precinct No. Ts (U no ton) nilderfinch baU.
Prerlnct No. 79 (RrWan) IMnce'a atore.
Precinct No. ao (Mt Uoa) Mt ttoa school
14 -J.V ,'l
Go v. Geo. E.; Chamberlain
v ' Will Speak. .'Also- '
Hon. J. E. Hedges ; ,
Dcmcxratic Candidate Joint Representative Clackamas-Multnomah
Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer
" Ladies Invited : '
-r-"-!x.-r-r .
The True Blue Democrat
SANDERSON REED, the erstwhile Demo
crat, now a Republican, is the title of a cause
that now comes on for a hearing in the Court
of Public Opinion. The verdict will be rendered
on June 6.
Thi Mutual Investment Contracts
Pacific Mutual Life Insurance
Company of California
Are Mutual in fret ' ,
They Are Also Unexcelled in Insurance Value and Liberal
ity, Because They
Guarantee Annnal Dividend, Cash and Loan Paid-up
and Extended Insurance Values
Besides Many Other Desirable Features.
Then call on or address, . . j
P. A. GETZ, General Agent
327-8 Marquam Building, Portland, Oregon.
Exclueive desirria artiatio werkraan-
M mt Ilia M f a a mmttmt ' .1 I. I akin mA MiMpJn. o.H.m . J .1
-" ft svuv-iauiu ift winuMUMuira w m .iwm ..! awviw ftjftvxift ami uiduidu ii ajacond-hand planoa. among: tnem
Tarr H- w. Bione to tna Harqaatn Grand. I and If 70a tHink you re coins to (at it to connect witn tna marble, granite and I nearly every American make, including:
aauarea from IBO ud
erest's orchestra has bean ancacad to I sent to tha citr board of chaxitlea lot rand antiquated styles for less), toward
Ida nocaiio I J.ffaMnn. atrut tal.nhnna U.ln via . I BavmetlK OK WIUOH wupin will L"a au'
boat leaves falla eepted same aa above and which can be
W. aact. tha annual boolUat.ln 2thon wm 01 m 01 "
Our Remember tha place. Ellera Piano
It elected ahertf f. Mr. Word thla
Ins; (rare hta aoiemn promise that he I furnish muslo for
would not ba a candidate for aovernor I 'nuf ced. Returning;,
or aenator or orealdent of tha United I at S:1Q. arrlvlnc In Portland at 7 p. m.
BUtea. Ha will not even aeek tha place Time enough to make tha theatra. Now, by a treat many Portland flrma
of ambassador to tha court of St. Jamea don't miss a food time with your "Mlsa
Thla la printed mora to quiet tha feara I TickeU 76 cents a round trip.
or tna oreconiaa than ror any other pur- , --" -.- .-ISharlook bulldlaf,
VOIUIUVia IIT.I WV- U.I J 1 vi uaiiv .w
Cascade Locks and The Dalles. Grand
Tha aherlff of Multnomah county MW nery in tna world. An op- -jnnton for - Sunday excuraion. Boat
Let ua do your work, Peaslee Broa. Ca,
berlook bulldlnf. - -
Take tha "Swlfton" from St Johna to
" . - 1 . . , -1 - t a-.... ii.uu iui u uuui aawiuaiuilt JtlWft
flaa.t Ttora. w?" -1 A'f I,.T' . W4 I P. Bound trip. If cents.
cepi noftHina more. is win not at onca, 1 -"T 7 . .
or at any time, be tin to scheme to beat ataajnara.. leavlna; Aider-atreet dock
tha taxpayers to enrich himself. He r mornina; 7 ocioca. meaia aervea
Is not that kind of a man, ash knowing- n th "7 mt. Kate tha low-
tnia. Kenuoiicana aa well aa Democrats I
deaira to aaa him win.
halftone work la of tha highest order. Houaa, 161 Washing-ton street, corner
Park. Oregon's largest, leading and
mont reenonsible dealers. -
Tha Cltlsena' local option committee I
I . l , 1 m at., n - - A ttriu.1.. I
.k. a ia. 1 ... v.- naa cnaiiena-u - " " I
ua uv.1 auiwiuuv o. an i. I lnnnr Oaalara' ajiaoolarinn to
Hunt Club racea.
Saturday, Juna 4, I p. m.
Irvington track.
TickeU 60c Boxaa .6.
On aala at Faldenhelmer'a
Tha Astra circle No. 182, Women of
auDPortara for tha offioa of aherlff are Zll Z7.7Z Z-, Woodcraft, gave a whiat party in tha
JTi . ft..w . Empire theatre, Tweirtn ana Morrison
It Is certainly a pleasant thins- to sav I Ua i.t..,. m v. . a 1
of any man that his warmest f rlenda I tfcjnck. and P A. Baker of Ohio will furnished your alectrtcal aup
aM his oldest acquaintance Such a per- discuss polnu'ln favor of local opUon. PllM? WhT. th North waat Electric
at-vu nvwas -aawva a u -ar a ava W VUvl 111 I - i amaiaioi av aT -
Of Multnomah county. I nA rh,.. .wnralnn tn Multnomah
hraiia iven hv Camn Oilbert NoJOlAi Klactrlcai ran a, an Kinds, an alsea, all
Tha Hub CTothins- store Thin nll w v a,,n.v Juna Mnatn K I prices at tha Northweat Electric En-
nurnsiaa, waa ciosea au oay toaay, Mr. I Everest's orchestra. No liquor allowed a"" a ""'-" - - -"CTJV-Strain
and hla force of salesmen belnar I y-a Tha faataat boat nn the river. I x
enrared the while in marklnar tnitian. rn..riaa n anir hnw Dn Mary MacLachlan, office T0
dous price reductions on every garment KllcklUt leave Washington atreet dock Marquam building; phone main 1717
and every pair of footwear In tha popu-1 at 8 a. m. Tickets 75 cents round trip. "Wenoa phone Scott 6368.
lar establishment. Tha. nam autvartlaav I -
w,.nt ,.h h.M ruoer, lawyer, uiuhuudidw
Saturday, Juna 4,1p.m.
roent today tella all about It. There are
aome strong announcementa In theaa
Juat at tha present Chief David
Campbell's greatest Joy la tha new hose
wagon for angina 1. which has just
TOTI rOl Io. 88.
Irvinaton track.
Tickets 60c. Boxaa $160.
. On aale at Faldenhelmer'a.
Wlaa Broa, dentlata, tha railing bldg.
Drs. Adix 4 Northrop
Third And Washington Sts.
Nervous and Chronic Dis-
. eases a Specialty.
Phone Main 349 "vg10
Tn all tha camnalsn. no ona has vat l W. M. Downinr, president or the
whispered anything- derogatory to tha 'air. ,w- Moo res, secreUry
repuuuon of Mr. Word. It la ; con- " in c"
ceded by bla every acquaintance fnat he nounca that tha dates for holding the
Is the aoul of honor, and If elected, to 'r September 1J to 1,
tha Bheriffa office ba will ba tha moat ouem.
capable man yet filling that Important TO wnson, oooKKeeper at tna atate
place In thla county. ' I penitentiary, la registered at tha Par-
- i i. n ,
aine irvm taairin.
Tha chamher of commerce he. r. I united states senator ruiton ia regis
reived a conv of tha anniversanr edition tared at the Imperial from Astoria.
of tha Dailr Bulletin, "exponent of com- "Ot. Edna Tiama left yeaterday morn
merce In tha PhillrjDine islanda" . . Tha In to attend the convention of the
aHtinn rov.ra aoma B raW and con. American Medical association at At
Ulna a number of Interesting artlclet lantioajClty. After the cloaa of the con-
on a variety of aubJocta. : I venuon. ur. Timma win go to Europe
- , : -., - . -iior several momnB poBi-rraauaie aiuar,
Tha heat, newest and fastest steam-r I She will also visit many of tha leading
On tha Columbia and Willamette rtvera, ciues-01 Ml continent dbipfb rei.urning
the Charles R. Spencer, sails from footl" -oruana.
of Waahlngton street Monday, Wadnaa
day and Friday for Tba PaUea and all
way .landings. Low passenger . fares:
quick dispatch of freight '
Women's Exchange
133 Teatb Straa. XTaa AMatvV
Tea. Coffoa or Chooolata ..;.,..,. r So
Mock Turtla au.,.a....l0e
Baked Beana t So
- Cold-. Ham .I0e
pouto salad ; . , . .;'4vv$
' Strawberry Shortcaka ,,.i;,;..i.8o
Cake., . So
Bread and butter aerved with every
order of lOo or more. ' Monday'a menu
L f - - . pubUabad .tomorrow
bailee, Lyle. Hood Martin. I street.
and CoUlns' Hot Bprlnga, Caaoada jooka
and all way pointa leave every morn
ing (except Sunday), 7 o clock, from
Alder atreet dock. Beat of meals. 'Phone
Main 111 --. .vV" " '
:"a ..- The New Star Theatre
Corner Park and Washington streets, la
now- being wired by tha Northwaat
Electric Engineering company of 601
SWELL aaa1... aaa.
I-ocksley Hall.' Saaslda, Oregon, lo
cated in ona of the most beautiful I
a-raves in tha world, la open for tha mt
son. Tha buildlnga bava been largely I
Improved sinoe laat year, and ita friends!
wlU Ilka It batter thaa they aver aid be-1
too dinner dally from 4:80 to S p. m,
Cba Calumet, lit seventh. ,
. Excursions to" Seaside every Sunday
In Juna t)nly $1.60 for round trlp
Train, leatea lUdPA AesPi 1 a, m-i ra-J
Men who -want something out of the
orainary in uxioraB - wm
And many styles here that
will pleaaa them. . Prices
to suit,
f 3, $3.50. H 5 i
All tha new leathers,
among which are tha new
VenAuyn Sb Walton
, HIT . T1TT1UM. : "
S70 waablxtgtoa SV bet. 84 and U.
Taot Baalad tha Oonatex.
From tha Indlanapolla Newa
"Talk about being a good saleswo
men." said tne ciera m one ox tne Dig
storea Mrs. X. came in this morning
to buy a rain cloak, and what do you
think I aold herT
"Can't guesa."
"A pink chiffon party dress and a
lace parasol."
"Wall, I didn't do ao badly myself,"
said another. "We had a lot of maids'
caps, made of Swiss . and lace, and I
aold about 10 for pincushion covers."
"That's aa bad as my brother In tha
drug atora, A man came In with a
headache and wanted to -buy a menthol
pencil. They were out of menthol pen
cils and George aold him a stick of in
delible Ink."
Is a daily necessity to every
up-to-date business man
who would command the re
spect of his fellow business
men. We make to order
good Suits for
which are guaranteed to
place the wearer in a posi
tion to at once command the
respect he is entitled to
among his associates.
- Tailor '
313 Washington Street
Preehwt lfa. 1 fBartha sebnof hrnm.
PraHnrt Na. K (Rlrardale White bom.
rreetnrt No. W (Weat Portlasd) school
I hereby certlfr that tfc. abare loratlotia
have baen aalartad bv ordar .f the enanty cnart
aa Totlnc nlarat rut tae geBaral alamon to be
bald Jan. a 1B0. r. n. naiis.
coaoty tiers.
Darra May ST. 1804.
Justice of tha Supreme Court-
Thomas CDay, Multnomah county.
Oregon Dairy and Food Commissioner
M. Douglas, Lane county.
Boston Painless Dentists
Mowir na woslo otzji
Are tha only dentists la Portland having
tha late botanical discovery to apply to
the gums ror Painiasa avarracuna. sw
ing and Crowning Teeth, and guaranteed
twelve years. Largest dental concern
in tha world. All work guaranteed for
twelve years.
Tlrrt OongTeasloaal District.
Congress R. M. Taatch, Lana county.
Eumlutloa ...FREE Eximluaea .HEE
aooad CVmaraasloaal Slstrloi, - 1 Silver FilllaH-...W M4 FilliaS...;..a..SLM
Congress J. E. Simmons, Multnomah I M J-fMI Trrrfta.
anotC wore ...4.VS inn wuaew siswa ..
Orowaa aad Bridge Work at low prtoea
a specialty, our yaieBi somDio aaonoa
wflf bold yon teeth, up to piaoe.
Our entire staff are world-renowned
I .noclallata men of long years' experi
ence; best artificial teem maaera; oesi
Circuit Judge, Department . No.
Q. W. Allen.
Circuit Judge, Department No.
Mark O'Neill.
District Attorney John Manning.
rn and
men In the world.. lady attendant al
ways present -
One flfnnaa In .all larre cities In tha
United Statea bava been established for
tl yeara
Boston Painless Dentists
Joint State Senator, Multnomah.
Waahlngton and Columbia Countiee J,
State Senator, to fill vacancy Isaac
Swett. -
State Senators A. F. Flegel, Freder
ick V. Holman, John Lamont, George
W. Slmona
Representatives Robert Brady, W. I
Brewster, Arthur ttrocK, K. K. Clary,
p. P. Dabney, u. M. uonaugb, N. It
Orafton. J. O. Meybrunn, R. W. Monta
gue, J. A. Newell, John Van Zanta, Og
leaby Toung.
Joint Representative, Multnomah and
Clackamas Counties j. m. Hedgea
Commissioner John Sleret
Sheriff Tom M. Word.
Clerk Frank Lea.
' Treasurer W. It Lash.
Assessor D. F. Campbell.
School Superintendent It W. Herron.
Surveyor R C. Bonaer.
Coroner J. W. Morrow.
BBtraae W1H aforrlaea Street.
BRANCH nrncES: T1S First Ave,. Baattlal
ao Padfls Ave TsossMt mt Bewttt Ara
Bverett. wssa.
Portland Justice of tba Peace District.
For Justice of tha Peaca E. H
Constable William Miller.
Sass Portland Justice of the Peace
Justice of tha Peace C A White.
Constable J. M. Freillnger.
Mt- Tabor Jnetlos of tba Peace District
Constable D. P. Lang.
Multnomah Jnstloa of tba Peaes District
JusUca of tha Peace A J. Vandevar,
Constable -Goorge Wllllama .
ReculaU JDemocratlo Kornine for
State Senator, Multnomah County,
Tote ca tba Official Ballot aa Pollowsi
59 X Kim, fnamvk r. -
This is
the Only
In town where you get anything
and everything in Ladles' Tailor
ing. Wa make all klnda of light
weirhts, silks and cloths. Monte
Carlos, Suits. Shirt Waist Suits,
A. Lippman
Phone, Bed 19M.
The Business of the
X-Radium Institute
Has Increased Four-fold
Within tha laat two months.
demonstrating that j. . ,
Where they nay be cured. Thla
Institution combines all tha ax
eellenclea of all the modern cura-
tlva concerns of tba world, aa Ita
" methods, embrace the 'healing
without remediea by tha Hot-Air
and Flnaea Ray proceaaea, to
gether with tha X-Radlum, used
, to locate th sear of tba disease,
and tha skill of expert physicians
who employ remedies only to as
sist tha apparatue that has - be
come famout .throjBghQULalLjcen-.
tars of medical science la tba
. - - world. ,'.,.;.,.Jj;;;T,; ,V, .f '
la to Portland what tha great
apparatua of Bellevue Hospital la
to New Tork. '..
5. E. Cor. First ind Morrison
Proprietor of tba . ' 4
Gty Brewery
. t-ara-eat aa Moat Complete
Brewary ta tha XTortb west. ' 1
Bottled Beer a Specialty
- va. ra.
Office 13th and Baraalda Streets.
:.Vc '..v.?- ' '
A Nibble
At satisfying hardware wants is sure lo
result in a la;
nrirn-Htzeil biln as your
oulrements inr.rene. Quiitf s".1 pM'
are advantas-enuHly l!r..i .(.--1 .
make a material nt.r on I i
bills a surety.