THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. - FRIDAY 'EVENING, JUNE 3, 1901 JkxvKBxxvrn. 'OITT V0TI0XS. j ; ' ottt BonoiV cm BonoxA BATXB0AB TXKETABLIA tMm.Wmmm1 it ' ' Entered at the pos toffies et PertlaaA Or., , trine sorutlon throng ue as Claos enarre. .! Postage for ilngl copies 1 , fM H I. W I. - fit; paper, 1 Mat; 16 to 80 08. nU 88 .. , eeaie, . k , , Baeinees Office Mala IK. -.' ' 1 . Kdltorlal Boo Mala gaa. ' 4 ' ' . Vreelaad-BcngamlB Special Advertising ipw, V 1BO Nsaaaa etreet, New lor I Tribune BaUd- ' 1 ., . ' nrMcju?no batti, ' - - ' Imu to Carries. . s , The Parly fouraal, with Sunday, I year.. .17.80 I The pally Journal, 1 yaw ... 8.00 The DallJ Journal, with Sunday, BJOBthS 8.70 Tha pally Journal, month ......... I.N . Tha p.11 Journal, with Sunday, I snoath 1.8 Tb Pally Journal, moo tha. ............. 1.80 'Jr .: for, COnC.WS IIIEATKE , CORDBAT BUBSEIX, Managers, Fsrewell pe formsnaes Bllford Compsay, Not Special Diatlnao Saturday 1:18 Co li dlaa and children, th celebrated fair tala. "CINDERELLA." Prices, 10 and 10 seats to any parr 01 u nonse. 1 Thursday. Friday and Saturday Nights, mo nig city auereee, - fr;? "Nw.Yorft Day by Day" ? Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK i ,..' 1 ,,,, . ' Wt .' treat successfully all ' private, nrvous and ehronto disease; alao blood, I stomaoh. heart.- liver.- kldn.r and throat I trouble. W our BTPHlLlS (without -lb Diirp-rli. oaltrarwk iaaoar : I ruarcurrj to ta.y oura rorvr .19 toj ind. ... ,., JII (9 aaya. wa famor oxiutriUKJB. wiw- wm wc, oauTarofl, oaoaay av .. 1 ut oparauoA or paun. uun aayav Tba Pally Journal, arlth Sunday, 1 onth. ,M I rrkM, 10a, M and SOe, any part of tha hoe. . ANOTHBB SPECIAL. Ifaxt Sanday Matin, aad Vl&i, '1 s , th faawoa naral draana, "THE ENSIQN" MeaawMatlnaav , Ma and SOa. aKlcht. 10. ma aaa , , , .1. . THE BAKER THEATRE 1 ; (Narft 1 Baktr. IoU taaaaa aad lUmgrn, Axii ran wijac MATIMIM iatokdat. :. n Oaaho Company la Waotr at . r flaldC kurtoaqM. . . or xwjprrr.sjXTx muz." ' Kotlca la kanby circa that' th. Coeocll of tha City of Portland prupoaaa to aaaoaa tha fol lowin daerlbd property aad owotr or ownar aa baloi i pacta 11 aad peculiarly banaflted la tha amonnta at oppoaUa tha aamaa and oV aorlptlona tkaraof for u lmpnTawnt f Twantrlxth atrawt, from th north Un. f HMl atrt to tl. north Una of Wllaoa atraat, aa nroridaa n arolaanaa No. 1I.TOO. - i Any bjctlona to tha apportiannwnt f mat for aald laaDromat auaat ba uada la arritliut ti th Oouocll and llld with th Auditor within 15 day a from th data of tha drat publlratloa of thin notion, and aald otolaatloM will be mu ana oautrniinaa by .,u uoancii ,Dror. th paaoar. of to ordloano. ; anaaalnt the coat of aald lmprTnnt.' O0I PghtlTU ADDITION to the City at , rortiaaa . mora au ... tot 10, , wwia Ooldaalth. 1210.30; lot IB. Louia Oold , faalth, 11. o j lot Id, a. R. Pataraea. fd.W ' 1a it x u n.M ajji aa Balch'I XbpiTiOM to tka CIt of Portland Block - I1B, lot t. WUUaut nd Roalna 0lm-, 20t.88t lot .William and goalna Ootcar, dld-Wl lot 11. Loalflaaa W. Xouna, 11(81, ,t .10, Charle T. Scbalev bar, -Block KM, M , BUam T. Haoaan, $4M.01 want S9 feat f lot B, EUam f. Banaea. S.6T: aaat SI faat of Wait BO rT .( lot O. A. We Ira, 134.02. T. Banaea, B48.BT fait at lot B. A. 1 WORTH FOBTLAKDBiock IS. lot , Hear litRLY BIRLY n- AND THE ROYAL FAMILY nDua . . ...... .ar-. MJiZJrZ,?. v 1 oo W CUE C0N02SH0EA iN A KtES f??!?? f0?!?'.1. J"1 Bnndaf, t . ..77...,." f 9 Tho doctoi inday, 4 awn tha i.TS rovular on ha. ....... ..... P reara' oxpar inday, I moath i.M Portland for Vil K .it""! ,.nm. ... I m mamimin.' '"''y yonmai, with BnnOJty, l ma. . .o Th Pallr Journal. moath.. . Tha flnnday Joomat, 1 rr. ........ ...... f Th Dall Jonral nmllu Jb ially Joornal, with Sunday, ' vi; t; !' ,i. montna fba Bnsday jsomaL month L00 ' ffa mlWakl faaraat , The etnl-Waakly JoorsaL I to U pafaa. aaca laaaa. llloatratod, foil market re-. Prt. -1 ' ear ' Th W.U lanul The Weekly Job rati. 100 commne f raad--jf k woe, Ulaetrated, full marked ' Remlttaaeea aaoald be made by drafts, poatai arl.noa, ba?) bMa known la or IS raara. har av raoutatloa maintain.- ana wiii nnaertaxa no eaaa unieaa certain ear eaa bo affaotaxL -1 W ftiaranto a euro In .Terr ran iro undortak or ehargw BO too. Coa altatlon froo. letter oonfldantlaL In atractlvo BOOK FOB MEN maUod froo lnjplaln wrappor. - i iz you cannot oeui at omeo. writ jor k of tho Snmmar Baaaook " TWIRLY WHlRLY ) prWe- Breiilnr, 80a, toe, ,150, . Mat nee. BM, IBa, 10a, 'opaalaa 180. .....H.tOtQuaatioB blank -for homo traatmonf. Offleo hrrara I to B, and T to I. 8nnda7 1 - - - ana ooiuiaya, to to . . Baseball!! Baseball!! '-..'V - ALBANY vow ROSEBURQ of O rero Btaio Welnhard, 1204.001 , lot i, Uanry Welnhard, aiaa.2s tot , Henry weinnara, btto.b, uwra T , v. -at. Bomoara- btob.oii-w . at, bombara.' fiM.oij lot o, b. at. wa bard. 142.101 lot L B. It Lombard. .. Block 11, lot B, B. la. Umbard, 321.T0i lot I. B. H. Lombard. 10.101 lot U. Lenta rwiaaaser Katate, aalre or, ooo-sai, lot 10, Black jo, lot 0, bark A. Maya lot OoiDlaITlI,S AlJDlTloi V tt 5 Cl7 of Portland Block 82. lot 1. Lou la Gold amltk. (70.01 lot K, Loula Ooldamlth, M44t ioi a. uiarias a. a. weno, fiuo.Tat wt a, Oharlea B. fl. Wood. tl22 BL' 4LCH i AiDmoii t tho ' aty Portland Block E20. lot 1 Parrteh ai,ta not IT. ram in i.. wiuia, fit VII lot 18, Parrleh L, .Willie, I200.BS. pi i. aosa aw ati Block 82. ot T. oha av Stipe (anardlaa for bxiiui i i ill ' , avi a, uora , . rvwamy, HOBTH fRTLAlTD Block 14. UnfllTlded of jot 1, EL B. Noble, , Id 1 aadlrlded rarta. aoatal l m. . . .. . I uh. ... . It .HH1 lemoiBBT panaima in nei nuruiwwi eiwinwiT nam arwnnv ... an Z".Z?r.. " I ., Ka.ttillahit 110.. v , , ... j aiaa mf muaai wo. ,wr w ana -cen jraw "P . I . . . . . 1 .memtilna Waurk. 4tk ail WWnOi Sraa. TMl JUUUAL. ... I .'.' . ' I - J ur. w. wonon uavis & to. UtUr - M ,......Sioa p. at. a . lBTt1"' wTTIBl m fOVBBAX, BUT BB TOTOB. I The Joaraai aaa ba foand oa Oak) at fa to. rwlnf place: r ( SPOKANB, WASBJoha W. Oraham B 00.1 Le Mara. Victoria Hotel aaw. f toad. ' T A COMA. WASH. Oeatrtl News aoanpaay, 1111 Parlfle arenne. . B0UB, IDA110 Plnar book ator. . BAB rHANClSOO W. B. Ardlnf, PaleOa bote awwa ataad; Ooldamltb Bros., SM Battaf afreet; Pred W. Pitts, 100 Market street. LOS AN0BLEB-B. -r. Oardnar. an0 Booth MpHnc atreett OUror 4 Haiaeo, BOB fioatb Spring street. ALT LAKB OITT RMyoa kotal aaw standi Barrow Brae., 4 Wast Seosad street. Boata. OODKN Ogdea New company. DENVER. 00L0. Ksndrick Book BUtlnaary " company- Ota Seerateeatk atraatl i. Black, BUteaotk and Curtle t treats. KANSAS CITI Vsa Boy Mews company. OMAHA Millard koto wa stand; MeTatk BUtlonery company. 180 Peraam s trust. ST. LOUIS PhlUp Boeder. 61 Lecaet a tract. CHICAGO Poatoffloa Haws aompaay, ITS Pear- born etreet. ' BBW TORK CITT Breatarxi'a Pntea aonara. Of rt af lot 1 B. M. Ifll aadlrlded .78) Bndlrlded .SO: andlrlded mbard. $60.18: andlridei BUI oble. 1121 ' .4 , H.esi fct Id. B. S. Lombard. S11S.TB; aadl. viae 44 i lot it. visa oy 9Tot .BT. a. Cos, Vaird a .-, -jf Bta Bttit. h woBTivAurn. OBuiaoBT. - TUSCAN Mineral Springs orar srrxmT bat To Whom It May Concern Th bom of pollt Taudorlll. Con nuous perrormancea rrom 1 to 4:10 p. m. Evoninc perform anoao from T:0 to 10:10 p. m. Sunday a, oontlnuous I to 10:10 p. m. 1AT TM TU TBDBATBX, 100 LYRIC THEATRE (Corner Aider and Seventh.) HIOH-CLASS Ided U af lot If. 1 M. Lombard. tlJT.SO! Sn dl Tided H of lot 1. Pa rid W. LtchteBthator tata, heir af, f l36.82 andleloed H of lot is, Dana w. Ltchteatbalar Batata, belra of, im.OOi trodlTlded of lot IT, DiTld W. Llabtonthale XaUte, hslre of, fsit.ii Block 18. lot T. Jacob Marer. teOI.Al: lot 1. Jacob Mayer. B4TB.S0! lot If, Louis PWarhner Batata, heirs et SM.STi lot 18. Leak rialach- i Bar Batata, neira r. aaBT.aa. Hinra IB. lot 1 K. A. Tattle. ilBa.tlt let B. B. A. Tattle. flSaTTBl lot IT. Jacob Mayer. flll.SSi lot 18, Jaoob Marer, 1248.B8. Block IT, lot 1. Be- i Pa Tints Traati Company, 171.48; kt S,'Becnrftr Sarin re Trnat Oompaay, Fcrflead, ntoi fi. Aadlto of the City at Portiaad, orsfon, may so,- woa. BBOPOSES AS8ES8MXNT T0B ntTBOTX- mutt or pajlx BiKirr. Notice la hereby flraa tkat tha Council at v. -. WXATBXB BIP0BT. .. - - -, , Weather eondltiaos and genaral forecast for Oreaon, Waablnaton and Idaho: . Oood rains fell yeetarday aad last ttlfht ta the Wllllamette valley, eaa tern Orefon, eaatara 1 WoShtnartnn and litahA. rM Kn h)m Iibwm occurred In Colorado, Wyoming. Kansas. Ne-1 Room BBl, CotnmarOlal Bids. I oamo to tho above spring on April to tales treatment for my eyee. I had aa tiaaai aauava amttsaW a' sThaa tat aK Kan ayaa. was almost blind after traatlna l:o to 4:80. T:S0 to 1040. with tho boot BpoaUllsts that eould bo I Ooatbneeu parform Sunday, t to IS P. If, th City of Portland proposes to asssae th following described property aad owner or own- I are aa being apedally aad peculiarly benefited I In tha amounts aet opposite the namea and descriptions thereof for the lmproTement of Park street from th north line of Hoyt ... 1 I .u. Uu a IT. ml ! ! 11m alii 1 . REFINED VAUDEVILLE m dedby iTns V."" .ay epjecuone to hi apposuonmens ex mi for aald Improvement most W made la writing we uouncii ana oiea wits tna Aanioar . braaka, Iowa, the Dakota and eaatera Montana. It waa atlll raining early this morning over tha greater nertloa of tha latter district. It la slightly warmer at the headwater af tha , rlnik(e atlesu ejs-B.ll.. fa. h. SB, t. . 4 vtiHSUUW """t "UW BIB Ull DaWtaai MTW BMIelBol nd gSaFMal OT U tnan 'yeSterds, " lmUar OOmpUtot The Indications are for generally fair weather It this dlatrlct Saturday, with Slowly rial eg Maztmani Wpentar ta th taet M botire, TUSCail Mineral SDritYKS COTDe WjmMmmj,mpetnre, 62; predplUtlon, a! 1 " , w V found, and suftarlng for nin Tara. I have at last found' a cur her at th FAMOUS TUSCAN. SPRINGS: I can not prals them too highly. I hop that other that ar afflicted will (iv thara atrl BMptlr,M Bide rortiaaa. Ore ron. Mr, I. C Palmar, of Palmer, Or was cured of rheumatism. If you ar lck write to oa; w will glv you th nam and addreaa of aom on ourod of a TZB CZBXB X0 SICHUL I.. KAKBXAQB nOCTlXB. , ':' JfraaelB Intraaa, aad Charlotte Ord. iH " t Jeha Bchwlakert aad Hetea Elboea. BBATXB. f - . May SI, Paal T. Btola, aged B years, at Oak GrOT cauae, acote gaatralatarltla. Burial at Lone fir cemetery. crematonam oa oreava ratr car naa. Bellwood: modern, actontinc. oomplcte. Chara -aouiuv oo cniiorea),. azo. visitors a a, TOTCAJr, CUUa.' nam bo torn bovtzji or btohaox AUTO OATABBBt BAX.T. . THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR D. SINGLETON , Th famous doctor baa aavd , many Uraa rrom operations. UO cur au aia- ARCADE THEATRE ' SKTBNTB AND WASHIITOTON. REFINED VAUDEVILLE :80 to 4:80. f :B0 to 10:80. BT7NDAT CONTINUOUS PBOM 8 TO lOiSS, Shnm V a TB)B AtulM an nA bb)W a vt . rvT ea. -T' Va 4UAt9jSB) WSki-a A sUBkJalaBiTS eaVIl AP V AAi gaelS KeBlAfJn, iPMissioii tlb can TO AWT tUL FRITZ THEATRE sto-sts BTrxvann. PBBD rBiTK.Prop. W. H, BR0WK, Mac, ' 1 nt numa ur VAUDEVILLE ' Two Shews dally at B aad S p. a. IOONCBBT BAXaW " ., BLAXTIB BBOC O0ROBBT BTBBT BlflTST. B4BB4B BDBNSTDB. Portiaad CremaUoa aasoclatloa, to o n. m. portiaad, Or, tub Edward Hoimaa Undertahing eompaay. ' "funeral directors and tmbatmera. 230 Iklrd street. Phone DOT. B0 1 I ool J. P. Plnley A Boa, funeral diraetofS and mtaimerev here re mo red to their aaw eatab- lifhment, corner Third and Madlaoa Streata, Both phone N. 0. - - Keller A Byrne eompany, funeral directors, 273 BnaaelL Lady aaatotant. Phaa Bast 1088. BXAX ISTACT TXAVSnXJ. Smith, 4 seres Arcboa Kelly donation land claim. - aeetloa - 18. . townahln 1 , south; range 8 aaat $1,000 Sheriff (for B. W. OeWItt at al.) ta Edith E. Wood, lota 22 to 2d, block IT, West Portland Park 1 .Frank A. Smith and wlfa to William J. iXckson, lota 2 and 8, Mock 20, James Joha'a First addltioa to St. Johns , 1 If. H. Cunninsbam to Agnes Wegener, west Ve lot L block L. Orover's addi tion ,1 , N. M. Da Tie and wife to Albert B. and Olga M. Johnson, lots 21 and 22, block 8. Oavla Highland Mount Calvary cemetery to Mrs. Bridget . Walsh, lot 8, aeetloa 8, Mount Calrary . cemetery ............................ Mary Pbelpa Montgomery erecutrU, to Joseph H. Walsh, lota 10, 18, block 88, Alblna ..... .......... j............ Robert Catlln, . admlntatrator, to true teea M. B. church, St. Johns, block 80. James Johns Second addition to St. Jonne . . ..... Trnsteea M. B. church, St, Johns, to W. H. King, lota 1, 2, T and 8, block 80, James Johns Second addition to St. Johna ... . ,..,.. .,.,....'. P. T. Hanson and wife to C D. Hnhee, S.000 square feet block B, James Johns addition to St. Johna ' Bobert W. Lewis and wife to Central Trust, Investment company, parcel lend formerly Kearney street, between Terrace drive and Bavenavtew. ........ William Bo lie. Dors W. Savage at al. to George W.' Brown, 1T.88 acres Thomas Gates donation, land claim, aeo turn 10, townsnip i, aouio, rang a east Oay Lombard and wlfa to Pacln Grain company, lota B to 8, block 62, Couch addition T. Olsea to Adolf Marschall, lots 86 to ,40, block IB, lots 88 to 1XU block 2. Peninsular Addition No. 2............. Tirsa Johns to Anna Canavan. lot IB, block O, Portsmouth Villa extension .. Barak A. Vrancta to Emily Broetje, lots - 20 and 2T. Belmont Place . A. A. Hnrlbnrt and wife to Mosea E. ' Tufts, lot 14, block 1, General Oompx 'on'e addition to 8t Johna .......... , C M, Thompson and wlfa to Albert dea ler, lot 0, block 1, Henry's Fifth addl- John MlVler'' and" "wife to' 'Lorins' Milter! , kit 10, block T, Lincoln Park ' Barbara and W. B. Welton to Joha Am- beraoa, lot 14, block 10, Williams Av- pu addition ..i. The King Estate to Sophy Barman, lot T. ; block T, King's Second addition ..... J.. B. Scott to Pacific States Savings, Joan A Building company, lot 0. block 1. Erwla Watson's addition to Al- ' blna .,1 0. H. Hamilton and wlfa to James El . bl0 Woodlawn ...... J. M. Manning and wife to J. K. Man- , nlng, lots, block 1, Alblna. Bom ,) r'4 ' OITT VOTICZS. PK0P0SALB rOB STBXET MAIBTAK0K. tlsm, neu-1 sealed proposals wiu be received at the of. kidney dis-1 See of the Auditor of the City of Pwtland Lomach dla- ontll Tburaday, Jnaa . 1004, at 8:00 o'clock of men and woman, sueh rheumatism, rairla. eaa a. stomac Has. etc. br th us of roota and preparod for ach , orduu No, ,8iB84, p. m. for tha repair and malnteaanoe of the proposed Improvement of Bneeell street, from the west Un of Cantanbein avenue to the wast manner provided "li .1 ounaa, wnicn wiu ne rnrnianeo on appuca- d with powerful Uon at tha office of tha Auditor of the City C n I n a a herb. I Dti., .m iMnm,.m.n, mn. u Soom uu are) eniireiy. un-1 paired whea tha proper municipal autborlttae nown to medical acience In this ooun-1 ahall direct and snail be maintained la good try. oondltloa for the full period at time for which contract ahall ba awarded. Back proposal must state the auraber ef CONSULTATION FREE, t o t -of t ha -clt y- ca n b ottred at hom. Writ your symptom fully. "LI " 9HV SF"'" 'n AAArmmm '- I CB 9wm waiitis bv itvwb w w umu 0. Singleton Chinese Medicine Co. B4 V. Tourth Bt. . Oouoh and Son- order of the Mayor of tha City of Portland, Id Streets. Vortland. -Qrefom. 1.20T 000 1 Best f V House Jilir Coals RSIDE.ST years for which the bidder pronoaae to mala- taln' salrtrt Tmprovament and tha amount ach 1 work. No propoaal or bid win be considered an. less accompanied by a check payable to the order of the Mayor of tha City of Portland. certified by a responsible bank for aa amount I equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate pro-1 poaal, to ba forfeited aa Sxed and fiqnidated I damage In caae the bidder awelecta or t fuaM tat enter Into contract and nrenride aultabls bond for the faithful performance of I aald work in tna event ue contract 11 awarded 1 to him. The right to reject any and an bida 1 hereby reserved. By order of the Executive Board. TH0S. C DBTLIJI, : Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, Juno 8, 1804. to within IB days from th date of tha first pabUeattoe of this stotiee, and aald ejections will be heard and determined by th Council before th passage ef the ordinance a seem lug th scat of aald Improvement. , COUCH'S ADDITION to the City of Portland jjieci to, tot a, Honaymao ttarawar do., 124.80; lot B. Honeyman Hardware Co., $31.60; t 4, Maria Stroeher, $88.80; lot 1, Maria Stroeber. (28.68. Block 00. lot A Jane A. Peterson, $28.86: lot 6, William A. Btephena state, belra of, $3.08; lot 4, B. Henry Wemme. $84.24: lot 1, Oeorge W. Mar shall. $81.80. Block 60, lot 8, Bosa AV Woodward. 880.01: lot B. Sophie Bundahuh. 848.78; lot 4, William H. Smith, $45.08; kit I, Wlillsni H. 8mltb, $41.66. Block 68, lot 8, James W. Walsh. $28.46! lot 6, Exempt Firemen's Association of Portland, Oregon, 881.60; lot 4, Clementina t. LewU. $34.20 lot 1, Peter Taylor. $32.48. .Block BT, lot 8, Freo BouoBf-; - lot o, unasis Boasoerg, S4T.8n: lot A Oeonre W. Bort estate, belra of, $58.10; lot I, Oeorge W, Hoyt estate. heirs ef, IS4.48. Block 60, lot A Fanny LAwencan. sot s. raanr utwenaart. $47,861 kt 4, J. C. Stewart et al, $41.10; 4A 9 SI at...4 .A .1 BiA (W BU.b But a!. Ve mvmvw su a ssww.tMTt uitrva iks, aaat 100 feet ef north lOB.eo feet of block 66, Hermaa a Leonard, $180.62; east 100 feet of sooth IB feet of block 66, Edleu Elisabeth Bond. S14.89. rvaiuanuviw. ou, h,. hum Biimnw Bona, seo.Bo: tot x, jonn tiera, sso.xo; ut s, Jona uiara, fxa.i: lot a, A. Murxnarat, $20.01; north lot o, T. W. and Ells a. lgler. $12.80: south H lot 6, Nellie O. Nek $12.68; lot 0, Seth L. Pope, $38.68; lot T, Alexander Mnlrhead and Samuel A. Mnrhard. 882.55. Block 1. lot 1. Honors yarrell, 870.40; lot A William ' Mackintosh, COtlCH B APDmON to the City of Portland Blocs 11a, west H or nioes 11s, Hortnera Pacific Terminal Co.. $107.00; waat U of block r, City of Portland, $121.00; west of block E, City of Portland, $140.S4; waat H of block D. City of Portland. $154.18: west U of block C. City of Portland. 6202.60: west H of block B, City of Portland, I192.T1; weet U ef block A. City ef Portland. 8117.27. PORTLAND North H block 86, lot 10. Aaroa Beck,; weat y of lot 11, Caroline Trimble, $82.41; weat H of lot 12. Carolina Trimble. 888.88: east ft of lot 11. Aaron Beck, $10.55; eaat H lot Aaron Beck. $12.08; aonth of block 85, lot 14, 8. Morton Oohn. 842.82: lot IB. S. Morton Conn. 840.01: lot 10, eonanna vongnerxy. ew.ue; mi 11, A. J. Olesy, 141.80. biocx zi, lot s, LiDrary Aa aoclation Trust 00., lot 7, iibrery Association Trast Co.,; lot o, oecnr .a 1 a HN.H. rv. 1 . ta. tA s curity Savings V Trust Co., $0.45. Total, $ . T inuB. A. vatvun, Andttor of th Olty of Portia nA Portland. Oregon, May 80. 1004. 1 ZXTIBBIOV Of PAW80B,BTinT., Whereas, th Ooaneil ef th City of Port- una. deeming it.- expedient to open, lay oat, widen aad establish an extenaloa of Dawson street, In the City ot Portland, from tha east Una ef Flake street to the southerly line of Colombia Park, th Southerly II n of th pro posed street to be SO feet seotlierty from aad parallel With tha northerly line Of pawaoa street a laid out la "Norwood," Sad tha northerly Una an extenaloa la Ita present course of the north line of Paweon etreet as laid oat in "Norwood." did en the Ota day of April. 1004, direct the City Engineer to survey the same and to mark the boundaries thereof, aad to make s plat of such sway, and a written report aontalalng a full sad perfect descrip tion of suck proposed street and boundaries thereof, and ef the portion ef each lot, tract or part ot either to be appropriated foe aueh etreet, and tbe City Engineer having made auca survey, plat and report, and Sled such plat and report la -the office of the Aadl tot ot tha City of Portland an : Ue At day of AnrlL 1004. and aald reoort harms been adopted by ordlnaaee No. 18,021 entitled; "Aa ordinance adopting the report ef (be City Engi neer in toe matter ot ta propose. pening, widanln. Urine out and establishing el Daw. aoa eireet, irom toe east line 01 aisa sweet to the eontherlr Una ef Columbia Park, tha eoutherly Una of tbe proposed etreet to b SO teat eonueriy trom ana paraiiaa witn tna northerly Un of Dawson street aa laid est ta "Norwood." and tha northerly line aa extenaloa la ita preeeat enure et lae norm un ot vw aoavetveet ae-ieiu eat ia-'-,riewee.'t Clean Coal FuU Weight Prompt Pellvery. EXTENSION OB EAST riJTZIKTH STBZET, Whereaa. the Council of th City of Port. land, deeming It expedient to open, lay out, widen, and establish an extension of East Fit. teeata street. In the City of Portland, 00 feet in Width, la Ita present course, from the south Una of Belmont street to the south line of R..t Yamhill street, did on the Sth dar of ruvavjuuuaas sviivs, 1 AnrlL 1U04, direct tn taty aingineer to aur- Notice is hereby given that on tha 81st ver tha aame and to mark tha boundaries day of May, 1804. ,1 took up and empounded at thereof, and to make a plat of such survey the mtv Pound, st No. Bfll Bxteantk street. In and a written reoort Containing a full am! tha City of Portland. Oregon, tka following da- perfect description of such proposed street and I scribed animal: I boundaries thereof, and of the portion ot Small bay horse, white spot on forehead and each lot, tract or part 01 eitner to be appro- (329 BUR Brut Ootvl st.,.. ,,......$BJ0 aUntoa, lump a.......... ....... .97.00 eMOK BPaWsTS BS. ..... at ..... ...I 4,881 1 FREE LAND IN OREGON white on left hind foot, and nnleaa th owner r other person or persona having an 'interest therein ahall claim possession of the same, and pay all costs and ebargea of the keeping and ad vertising aame. together with the pound fees on aald animal, aa proviaea ny ordinance no, 6.925. ei amended, of aald City of Portland. will on the 9th day of June, 1004, at tha hour of 10 a. m., at th City Pound, at No. 261 Sixteenth, In aald city, aell the above described aumai at puono auction to ine nignest oioaer, to pay tbe casta and charge for takln up. seeping sna aaverusing sucn smmsi. Dated this 2d day of June, 1004. F. W. REED, Poundmaster. I in ths richest grain, fruit and stock section In tnaworia. 1 oausanai 01 acres 01 uuia at aauu cost .of Irrinrkm. Deed direct from State of 250 Oregon. WHITE TO-DAY, BOOKLET and jgrt MAP FREE. Detchutes Irriration and Power Com- for tn construction of a ateel bridge on Front pany,6io-II-IlMcKyBuilint,PortUna,0 trt from 100 feet south of tte south line Aim IV" ' ' ' 1 A r.M,rti.M ttim nrvtts line f Aethn PB0P08AIS FOB BTBEZT WORK. Sealed proposals win ba received at the fflce of (he Auditor of the City of Portland, nntu rrioay, June luo. at a o ciocx p. 478 105 street, in tha manner provided by ordinance No. 18,886, subject to the provisions of the charter and ordinance of tbe City of Portland and the BOO 8751 000 1600 860 f streets, to oust Mly"' Fourth and Montgomery streets, June A to Holmee Ice ft C ereot coal bunker at foot af Oulmbr street, to Coat $10,000. une o, 10 acneoi inatrict no. 1. ror aoaiaou to school at Corbett and Bancroft atreets. to eoat $12,000. Jnne 8, to Prank Bnmella, to erect dwelling at Water .and Wbttaker atreets; to coat $2,200. .' Plowiasr la BTw Tork. : . " ' Trom th Now York Press. ' Th other day. In Marlon troet, be tween Prlnc &nd Sprint, two man were breaking up tho ground with a two-horse turn plow, and you should hav seen th farmers star. "Whut kind o' orops yr rwln tr raisef asked on of Port Warden March, whose habitat It la. "Cobblestones," he 1 Bauatbd Win to Ids Wlf, plid. Marlon street has boon ntlrly f - - th Nw York Times, out-of condition tm sine th construe I jh followlns: Item larukon from a tion of the subway was bosun ore? n.t nf .111. nfoved in London. May 11: Ism I n Ml WmM i. t. . thin, HUT fonlfMri h tM MltlllX ; u, i.k. -vc.tnm-, nt th. niatlilarw Kwf Ws-tseat sod Balaigh streets, to oast hood had nw. en a plow. and thlr Uous. Wandsworth. lor of th Arm , curiosity was natural. ' I . t-v -or.. m. n. -arm-, a- .. ....... die. accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished on application at the office of t he Auditor of the City of Portland. And aald Improvement muat be completed on or before 180 aaya from the date of the signing of the contract by the partlee thereto., . Mo propoeale or bids will 'be considered an baa accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of the Mayer of the City of Port land, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per ceax ot tna aggregate proposal. xne rigni to reject any ana su mum m sniv Bg, order of. gtTxix Andttor of the City ef FortlanA May 14. 10O4. j Oct ronr . inanranea ana ehateaia to real estate from the Title Onaranto Trust com , puny. . vuamuer et commerce building. BTTILSnrO) PEKBOTA jnne x, v tmaries Kreger, to repair esttage at Drummond and Waveriy streets, to cost $40; June A to Nichols, to erect eettage at Montana avenue and jSkldmor street, to, eoat 0100. -J , t . - - T ; June a, to. m. rTecxcnamn, for repairs on SCaswAU About zt, From London Plok-Me-TJp. CounselDo you understand th na-l building st First and Tavlor Btreets, to eaat I ture of n oathT WitnessSir T aano. 11 June ft, to H. A. Chtpman, to erect dwelling at . Clinton and Bast Thirty -second atreets, to cost June a, to uermaa aia society; for repairs Counsel Do you .understand the'na-1 ture of An oath, I aayT Witness . (impressively) fltr, 1 hav 1 of John Watney A Co., of th Wanda worth distillery, bequeathed to his wlf 100 dosens of his win;, ts,otb. -T'tV-vx e-'n a' '" 1 .'av-.'. " , BroiuottoBy Trom ' Cincinnati Commerelal-Tribun. Mother Ar you settlns on any, Qer trudet 1 . " Daughter O, F. mother; w used to be lumped in with "and other." but now thos SLf'JSSi " Morrison sad Eleventh atreets. tojarlven , keb. jn this oity for nlfh on I w hav climbed up Into "som of Jan A D. H. 'Brown, to erect dwelling tlortT JTSAtW .v.v.V'u yltm Sjth$A priatod for such street, and the City Engi neer having made auch survey, plat and re port, aad fllea aucn piat ana report 10 tne ornce of the Auditor of the city or Portland on ' the itn aay 01 apru, 1004, and aald' report having been adopted by ordi nance No, 13,021, entitled: "An ordinance adopting the report of th City Engineer In the laying Fifteenth out, matter of the' oroDoeed onenlnx. widening and eatabllahing of East street, in the City ot Portland. 60 feet in width. In Its nreeent course, from tbe soath Una of Belmont street to the south Una of Ear Yamhill etreet Now, therefore all persons Interested are hereby notified that tha Council ot tha City of Portland has appointed N. a Ovlatt A. Berni and J. J. Beed, viewer to view aald proposed extension of aald street ana maxe an estimate of to benefits and damages occasioned by the opening, lay out and establishing of the aame. In accordance with section 840 of the charter of the City of Portland, aald viewers to meet al the office of the Auditor -of tbe City of Portland o Thursday, the 8th day or June, 1004, at the hour of 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon ef aald day. The proposed opening, widening laying out and eatabllahing of Eaat Fifteenth street la ou l eel m wiotn auu is more parucoiaxiy bounded and described aa follows: Beginning at a point In the south Una of Belmont street 80 feet westerly from the northwest corner of block 826. East Portland: rnnnlna thence westerly aluuff the aonth line of Bolntont street 80 feet; running tbenc soother ly . and parallel with the eaat line of Eaat Fifteenth street 280 tret to a point; tbenc easterly at right angle 80 feet; thence northerly and parallel with the east line of Bast Fifteenth etreet 230 feet to th place of beginning, .. The prop need onenlnx. widening, laying out and establishing of Eaat Fifteenth street will Include aad necessitate the appropriation to public as of tho following described parcels or tracts of land:. All that parcel or tract of la ad lying' between th easterly and westerly line, of the proposed Best Fifteenth etreet and be tween v south Un of Belmont street and a line 100 feet southerly therefrom aad parallel with, containing 8,000 square feet . Also all that narcel or tract of land lvimr be tween : the easterly and westerly lines of the Kiposwd Eaat Fifteenth street, and between ee 100 feet southerly from the aonth 'line of Belmont street and "280 feet eoutherly from the soath. line of Belmont street containing 8.000 square feet All nereona clslmlnat damaeaa bv reason of tbe appropriation of the property above de cnoea, or any pari xnereor, in tne propneea opening. lavinc ant and eatabllshln ot aald etreet ere hereby apedally notified ta 81 tbulr claims for auch damages with the Auditor of the City ot Portland before the 0th day ef Jane, 1004, th time appointed for the meeting of the viewers therein. By order or the uoaneu. . : v . ' THOS. C. .DBTUN. " . Auditor of ta City ef PoctlaaA flay SnV IK 7..'. . , Now. therefore, all persons Interested are hereby notified that the Council of the City ef Portland baa appointed O. W. Cone, p. Merrill and T. T. Morgan viewers to Mew said pro Dreed extenaloa of aald etreet and make aa estimate ef the benefits and damage occasioned 07 th opening, laying out aa esuDiisaJn el the same. In accordance with section 840 of the charter ef tbe City ef Portland, aald viewers to meet at the afore ef th A editor of th City of peruana en lanraaay, ise eta osy 01 jane, 1004 et the hoar f 10 o'clock la ti foreaooa ef said day. - The propoeea opening, widening. laying out and establishing ef Dawson street Is more par. tlcularlr bosmded.aad assert bed as follows! BealnalBB at S aoint at the southwesterly met et block 107, Norwood, running thence southeasterly along the soath Una ef blocks 107 and 112. Norwood, and aa exfenaloa soath easterly thereof, to aa InteneeUoa with the westerly un 01 tne county road nanrng east. erly and westerly along the south boundary ef Colombia Park; thsoce westerly sIoa tha north line ef the eoanly road to s point SO feet dis tant from and at tight measure meat to th northerly line of the orooosed Pawsoa street above described: tbence northwesterly on S line SO feet distant from and parallel with tha northerly una ( th proposed pawsoa street as above described, to a Point la the eaaterly tin ef Flak street: thence aortheaatarlx 80 feet to the place ef beginning. The proposed spaaing, widening, laying eat sad cetahUahlng of Dawaoa etreet Will Include aad aecaasttat tka appropriation to pnblla Bee tbe following described percsl ee tract ef land; All that nart ef 1st SOL block lis. UB! varsity Park, lying between the southerly line ef buck lit. University Perk, aad the aortherlr Use ef tbe nrocessd Dawaoa street containing 11T eaoare feet Also all that nart ef lot 81. block 118. Ctt! varsity Park, lrlne between the eontherlr line Of block 112, trnlverait Park, aad Ue northerly me 01 tne proposeu vawsoa street, eontaiung 1,702 square feet. Ala all that part of lot 28. black 124. Uni. versify Park, lying between tbe southerly line et block 1M, university pars, ana tne uortneriy Una af the proposed Dawaoa street oontalnlnf 1.124 square feet - Also all that part ef lot 17. block 14, Uni versity Park, lying between tha southerly line ef block 124, Calveralty Park, and tka northerly line of the proposed vaaraen street eonuiaing ,124 square reet. Also all that nart ef lot 80. block 128. uni versity Park. lying between the eoutherly Una of block 120, University Park, and the aorther'y Una et the proposed Dawaoa street containing Tod square feet Also n that Wfeel of tract or land Tying between the eaaterly line of University Park and the eoutherly extension (thereof and the northerly Una of tha county road, running eaaterly and westerly along, the sooth boundary of Columbia Park and between tbe northerly end southerly Unas of the cronoeed Dawaoa street containing 11,182 aqusre fset Also all that part ef lot 80, block A Tifft'S eubdivlalon, lvlng between the northerly Una of oiocn a, nrrt a sodcitisios, ana tne eoutneriy line et the proposed Dawaoa atreet containing L426 square feat Also sll that part of lot 1, block A TifffS Subdivision, lying between the northerly Une of block 4, TIfft's Subdivision and th eoatberly line of the proposed Dawaoa street containing 420 square rest. Also aU that part ef lot A block 8. Smith- eon Land company's addition, lying between the northerly Hoc ot block 8 and the southerly Tine of the proposed Dawaoa atreet containing 876 sanare feet Aieo a u tna i pert or m T, niocx a, emus. u. win, v wj. 1 ur . auu, w.ww, waul vn.m uw northerly Una of block 8 and the southerly line ot the propoaea vawaon street containing no square reet. Alee all that part ef tot 4. block 8, Bmithaon Land company'a addition, lying between the northerly line of block 8 and the aoutharlv Una of th proposed Dawaoa street, containing ers pqnara reet. Alae all that part of lot 8, block 8, Bmithsoa Land company's addition, lying between tha northerly Une of block 8 aad th southerly Una of tha proposed Dawaoa atreet containing 876 square tee I. Also an tnat part or lot a, niocx 0, Bmitassa Land eompany'a addition, lying between toe nortbtrly Una of block nd th Southerly line ef tha proposed Dawson street containing 875 square feet . Also aU that part of lot 8. block A Bmithsoa Land eompany'a addition, lying between the northerly Une of block 8 and the southerly Una of tha proposed Dawaoa atreet, containing 878 square feet Also all that part of lot 2. block 8, Bmithsoa Land company's addition, lying between tha Dortneriy line 01 oiorx ana tne eoutneriy , une of the proposed Dawaoa. atreet containing 876 square feet. Aia an tnat part or lot 1. Mock s, amitnson una company e addition, lying oerween tne northerly Une of block 8 and the eoutherly line ot tbe proposed Dawaoa street containing 87S square feet. , . Aleo all that part of lot 8, block 2. Bmithaon Land eompany'a addition, lying between the northerly Une ot block 2 of Bmithaon Land eompany'a addition and tha eoutherly line of th propoaed Dawson street containing 878 square feet. Also all that part of lot T, block X Bmithaon Land cempaay'e addition, lying between the northerly Une of block 1 of Bmithaon Land company's addition and the southerly Une ot the propoaed Dawson atreet, containing 875 aauare feet. , Also, all that part of lot A block A Bmithaon Lend company's addition, lying between tbe northerly line of block 8 of Bmithaon Lead eompany'a addition and tha southerly lias of ins proposed Dawson street containing sto square feet . Also all that part or lot B, block A Bmithaon Land eompany'a addition, lying between the northerly line of block A Bmithaon Land com pany's addition, and the eoutherly Une of the propoaed Dawson atreet, containing 878 equare Ala all that part of lot 4. block X Bmithaon Land eompany'a addition, lying between the northerly, line of block 2 of Bmithaon Land eompany'a addition and tha southerly Une of the proposed Dawaoa atreet containing 875 square feet Also aU that nart of lot A block ft. Smlthson Land company's addition, lying between the northerly line of block 2 of Bmithsoa Land com' panya addition and the southerly line of the proposed Dawson street containing T0 equate Aim an that nart of lot 2. block 2. Smlthson Land eompany'a addition, lying between th northerly line of block 2 of Bmithsoa Land company's addition and the southerly Un of th prooosea pavraon atreet containing 870 square Aleo all that nart of lot 1. block S. Bmithaon Land eompany'a addition, lying between the northerly line of block 2 of Smlthson Land com pany's addition and tha southerly Una of the iropoaea vaweon street containing sio square Also an that oart of lot 1. block 1. Smlthson Land eompany'a addition, lying between the northerly line of block 1. Smlthson Land com. pany'a addition, and the southerly line of tbe nronoeed Dawson street containing 421 square AU peraona claiming damages By reason of SflaZnT T0CBTJ tbt poaV arte and roB srvncB x 4k Council ef to sassaa th Bad owner ec peculiarly rBOroszo absii . MONTANA A ' Norlr I hereby given the City of Portland pr toiiowiug acacriDea prop owners as Belna anecUUr fited In the amount aet opposite the names and descriptions thereof by the construct k,a yi a sewer in atontana-'avena rrom tbe aortn line of Fremont atreet to the sewer In Beech street sa provided by ordinance No. 18.88. Any objection to tn apportionment of cost tor io aewar most oa mad 10 writing to the Council and Bled with the Auditor within IS daye from the data of the Brat publication ef tola notic, and aald objection will be heard aad determined by th Council before tbe pee. age of the ordinance assessing th coat tor eeia sewer. , - MULTNOMAH Block 81. lot 8. A. M. Rasel. ttae. $16.o: lot 6. A. M. Haseltioe. $16.00 01 1, a, si. iteseitine,; lot , a. m. Haaeltine. $18.00: lot 11. A. lA . Hsseltloe. $16.80; lot 13, A. M. Haaeltine, $16 00; lot 10, a. n. aoseitine, x.vo. mors sa nortn 10 8-8 feet lot 8, August Brail Oberg, $8.00; aonth 88 1-8 feet lot 8, Emli Oberg" $10.00; lot 10, Anauat tmll Bad Augusta Oberg, $24.00; lot li. Nettle J, Layerborg, I24.00; kit is. Nells Blmmonaea. $24.00; lot IS. Daniel Sbuholm, S24.00; lot 18, L. OoaUbe Sbo- v noira. sae.uo! lot SO, L. Oustebe Shubolm, ee.ov; lot xs, a. rnenniy, s (o; lot 84, a. srienaiy, eoa.e'i. loisi, THOS. A. DEVLIN. Auditor ef tbe City of PortlanA 1B0C TurtliBdr Oregon. Miy 80", PB0P08ED ABBXSSMXBT rOB BEWXB IB EAST WASBZVQTOB BTBXET. Notice is hereby given that the nswneti f tn City ef Pertland pro paces to a as see the fol lowing described property, and owner or owners e being speclslly and peculiarly benefited In th a mo oats aet opposite the asssee end da. Bcnpuons tnereot ny tne eons traction of a sewer la Beat Waahlngtoa street from 100 feet weat of the waat Una ef Bast Thirty-fifth atat to the sewer la Bast Thirty-fourth street as pc viuea ny vruineawe no. e.nau. Any oh lections te tha SDOortlaenMmt ef mrmi for aald eewor muat be tha da tn writing to th Ooaneil aad filed with th Auditor within IB day a from the data of tbe first public Uoa ef tbla notice, aad aald obleetlona will be heard aad determined by the Ooaneil before the eaa. ige i tn online nr. assess in g in soet tor said aewer. SUNN T8IDB Block I, lot 8, Bunavside Land improvement uompeny. aw.oo; lot 8, Frank E. Southard, 820.661 lot 11 Ids B. Parent. $20.66. Block 8. lot T, Mary J. Ma ge. $18.15; west W of lot 10, Mary J. Ma- fee, 10; eaat H ot lot 10, l m. Jenkins, an. 10: ot u, Is a jeaxina, ix.ia. Teti $88.11 THOU 0. DBVLIN. Auditor ef the City ef PorUaaA PortlanA Oregon, May 80, 1004, PB0POSKD A88K88BOCBT T0B TMPIOTB. BTXVT Or FIITIIBTH BTBZZT. Notice la hereby given that tha Council ef e uty et rortiana propoees so assies 1 llowlng described orooerty aad owner wnere as balsa specially and peculiarly bene fited la th amounts set opposite the same end descriptions thereof for the improve sunt ef Fifteenth street from the south Une of Qulmby street to s Une 100 feet north of tbe nortn une ex tiuimny street, as pre noes By er dinaaee Ne. 1A56A Aay ebJectleB to the apportienment of eoet tor said lmpreTsment must be mad la writing to the Council and filed with tha Aadl tor within IB days from tbe date of the flrat pub U cation of this notice, aad said objections wlU be heard aad determined by th Council before the naaaage of the ord I nan amassing tbe coat ef said Improvement COUCH'S ADDITION to th City ef Portland Block S8T, nnaiviaea 101 s, osorg Ainsiie eetete, heir of, sos.av: aaaivue 4 tot , Oeorge Aloe lie aetata, helre of, $44.28; undi vided U lot S, Fred Bilera. $50.28; undivided B, rre Bllcrs, S44.S4. Blocs lot see rv.- a. -tJorbett, FrasJer. Julia aad A W t - 85.26; lot 8. W. IT By an, 88 .SB. Block 888, i v tr iVut, in n. i a um a Coocn, 88T.0A Block 248. lot A John N. Perlott esUte, heirs ot $610.12; lot A John N. Perlott estate, heirs of. $6BAS; lot 0, Joha N. Perlott ectate, heirs ef, $0.28; lot T, John N. Perlott eatato, hairs of, $8.25. Total, $2,804.80. THOA A. DfTtlW, ASdltor et the City of PortlaaA Portland, Oreynn, May 80. 1004, Tided H lot 8, Fred Ellen U lot B. Fred Ellcrs, 844. 1. William Fraaler, JuUa 1 4T0.82 lot A William W. a Corbett, $304.88; 1 n,ft'' TIXXTAXLXA the approprlatlooe ot tha property above de scribed, or any nart thereof, in the nronoeed opening, widening, laying out and eatabllahing of aald atreet are hereby specially nounea to tun their claims for auch damage with the Auditor of the City of Portland before the 0th day of Jnne, 1804, the time appointed for the meeting of the viewers therein. By order ot the council. ' THOS. C. DBTUW, Auditor of the City ot PortlanA May 34, 1004. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB DCPBOTB. MENT- OP THE -VOBTX ONE-HALF OP CUKTOB ST BEET. Notice' is hereby given that tha Cetrnefl of the City of Portland propoaea to aeeeee th fol lowing described property and owner or owners being specially and oecullarlr benefited la the amounts aet oppoalte tha names aad de scriptions thereof for the Improvement of the north one-half of Clinton atreet from the weat Une of Bast Seventeenth street to the east line of Eaat Sixteenth atreet , aa nrarlded oy orainanc aa. in.Kua. -Any obleetlona to tbe apportionment Of eoet for aald Improvement mast be made la writ, ing to tha Council and filed with the Auditor within 16 daya from the date of the- first pub lication ot this notice, and aald ebteerlona will be heard and determined by tbe Council before the passage of tbe ordinance assessing the coat of asid Improvement MADELINE Block 1, 1 lot 1, O. M. Smith, 840.861 lot 8, Oak Park Land Company. $40.86; lot 8, O. M. Smith, 848.85; lot 4. Oak Park Land Company, 040.85. Total, $199.40. THOA 0. PEVLIN, - Auditor et tbe Cltv pf Puctisad, EAST vi, SOUTH oocf -T' ' rA- j Lsavaa. BiS0p, St 0:00 a. hi, I , ' v', 7:89 a.m. tid-TOAtesfTdaa TJBI0S DBPOX.- OTEBLAND BXPBE8B train, tar Salem. Baaa barg. Ashland. Baera BMtato, Ogdea,laB rraa cter. Moiave, Los Aa- Clec. Bl Peso, New Os lo and th Bast At Weodbara datty (except Sunday), asorer Ing train Sue Mt Aa- gei. Bllvertea. Brown. rillc, SpringflelA WsadH ung eaa i-atrea. Albany peeeeaeee. aw.1 aecte at Weedbara wtth Mt Angel local. Oorranis aad BUvesvl BSAUkanger.... hM p. as, Arrivetv TtdB., T90B.8b I n 10rM.oA' llt:0l Daily, ItDany. except Banday. Pertlaad-Osweg BaVurWa flaseie aad Tsmin amaiiaaai - -.- .1 - Depot Post ef Jefferson Street. LMT FVwrl.a . e Dally (exceot Sonde vk. a m. 4:00, UH B. St. ste m. Rstarniag freia Oswego, errtv Pertland dan " ' JW S-OA 4:88. S:1S. t SS? . l1. P; ,lly (except Saaday) SB, t Sd! 8:80. 10:20, Ilia s. ntItxeept ttoadag? ttJki Bnr!'' fortkl a. am. tT rr Ma Da Tha and Mate 51lsJ!?tt;,,rj',MM laaay 4:04 p. as. Oawecw W WWTg laaday T:80 a. aa 10:10 p. as, 8:85. 10 S:u Arrive PortlaaA 10 an . . ienepeaaeM-aieaBouOj The . Motet' fa eperatea dally to Meaiaewtk aad Air lie. c ' and Sea Fraadsce 2r). berth 85, .seial iliss fare 815. eeeend-claae berth 02.80. 7 re era e. 17. ms-i. .w "?" in,n. nnanisua can aneiraiia, . uity -nccat ornco enrner Third sna Wi nns atresia, fimmsl M.f m 1 1 a w. sttnoea . w, & com, - t "ty ncset Agent. - . - tjeav rsaav Aatb,i BlOIQalllD AXDuruoriKicinu 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY - Through Pullmaa standard and toorhrt steee tng ears dally to Omaha, Chlcaro. SDokaa tooriat slseDtnaT ear dally to Baaaaa Glttr through Psllmaa tourist sleerrtng ear (pereow elly cond acted) weekly to Chlcagak sUeilala? chair cars (easts free) to the East daily. t UNION DBFOA CHI OA OO-PORTLAND SPBCIAL. For the Esat via Hnab- -'. Ingtoa. SPOKANB PLTBB. For Eastern Washing ton. Walla Walla. Lew tston, Ooear d'AUae nd Sreat Bertoera Tkkti Omcs C2 Third Sutet FdoboboV 3Trmnmoontnnta TralnsB Dally 1 FAST TIME TO SPOKANTfl, BT. PAUL. DTJLTJTH, MXNNEAPOLJ8, CHICAGO AND all pontrri bast. Daylight trip through th and Rocky mountains, Tor fall partlo- uUrs, rat, foldar to. csui on r ad- dxaw X. BXOZBOBT, Otty Tloksd AgA Ut TBird BtrweA BrUs4. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. S:a. at Dally. TrtM a. at Doily. CKION DEPOA for Maygara, Bi.lnler. Clatskanla. Wsatport CUfton, Astoria, War renton, FlavaL Hans saonA Fort Stevens, Oearhart Park, Seaside, Astoria aad Beashor. , Express dally. Astoria Exproaa. . Daily, ., ...., Arrtvoa. Dally. 11:10. 1 0:40 p. at J. a MATO, " 0. P. and P. A.. Astoria. Or. CL A, STEWART. Commercial Ageat 848 Aids 01. raon auua bvo. if .vJ1 Tbe Only Double-Track Railway between the Missouri River and Tbe ChicaTO-Portland Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Drawing-room sleeoine cars, dining car, buSet smoking and library car (DarDcr ana bath). iess man tnree days Portland to Chlcaga Through Trains to Chicago srs operated daily via the Oregon K. R. A Nxv. CoH V. P. R. R. and Chicago ft North-Westem Ry. to Chicago from Portland and points in Oregon and Eastern Washington. Dally excursions in Pullman tourist 1 1 sleeplngcsra from Portland through to Chicago without change. B.R.BITCHI8. ' ' A. O. BAKKBK, ,. Ceal Ag Pae. Caaat Oeeeial AmA ' cn.-w. a. ,;, c. n.-w. ay, etr aisrast Btieet, ' BASI rXAMUSCO, CAt, m Third Street, ros SI toaTLAMu, oaa. ATLANTTO BXPBRML Pa tho Baa vto Han. 0:18 a. ss. Daily. 7:48 p. Bk auy, , 8:18 . SB. ieuy. ArriTsa. w kw sWa ami Dally I 80 s. 1 Daily, 9ron a, at. Dally. OCEAN AND BXTEB SOTrEDTJIB. FOB BAN FRAN CISCO: A A 00, W. Bide April A 1A BA S. 8. Columbia May L 11, 22, BL From Dock. BUM p. SB, BA OoIamMa Btver IHvulaa, FOB A8T0BIA sad way points, connecting win itmr. for Ilweco : aad North beach, str. sale, Ask-et dock. ax. Suaday Saturday 1 10:00 p. as. A heart a a a. as . eg.Bnndayij Tkiahia Ihw Beat. tPAjAflss k A PllaAtaT W m AVABv JL AViva WT-! City aad Yamhill Bl iBtSa sire, auta ai odoe, Aah-et dock. (water permitting.! 70. as. Dally, except Sunday, 8:80 p. at Dally. , except . Sunday. Bnak Blvor Beats. FOB LBWISTON. Ids., sad way points trem Ktnaria. Weak., at earn ers Bpokaas aad Lew- Iston, 8:40 a. to. Dallr. ax. Sat Abent 6:00 p. Sk, DallyV ax. Friday. TICKET 0FFICB, Third aad WaHdngtoa. Tals-i anon stain tib, - PORTLAND & ASIATIC i STEAMSHIP COMPANY; . .... ......... .... ..... ..... .......y.,, ;r -.I,. ror 1WUJ.W. .wi Mnf. CMtjns Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking frelrk via connecting steemera for ManilA, Port Axtaa god Vladivostok. . , -, Par rates aad full Infarmstloa n oa e r draas affiloUls or agent et the 0. B. N. 0sy,( ' 1 ',' '. '". . . ' . . 'I-.; TIME CARD ' . w fO..;ri TRAINS PORTLAND 1 , ; UNION DEPOT. Pucet Sound Limited. for Taoama. Seattle, Olrmpla. Booth Bead aad Qray'a Haxboy points. . North Coast LlmlreA for Tacoma, Seattle. Butte, St PanL Mla neapolla, Chicago, Naw Tork, Boston and points Bast and Southeast Twin-City Express, far Taooma, Seattle, Spo- aane, ueieoa, et. raut Minneapolis, Chicago. New yorh. Bosloa and an points East aad Southeast Puget Sound Kansas Clty-St Loula Special, for Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane. Butte. BllUnge, Denver. Omaha, Kaaaaa City, St Louis and aU points East aad Beta- eest ' ii:ap.m. 840 s. at 040 K . Tie,, at. VtttSstB, TMB AaBs AU trains dally except en Booth Bend or one, A. D, CHAKLTOM, ' Assistant Qeneral Passenger Ageat 228 llorrlaoa at. eor. ThirA Portiaad. Cr,v BAxaiMOKJEj OHIO R. R- Lm 1 1 AUU TEUKXSS VIAWASULNOTC. t 1