If THE OREGON i DAILY JOURNAL", PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 3,. 1501 THIS IS THE PLACE : To1 And ,what you mnt, no waiter! what It Is. If you don't see-'U In to day' Journal Want Column, consult tbem tomorrow. , II cents par for II , words.. y- , ; Norles; tht offers -iradw -Tor Bale Real Estate.". Several cottagea are ad vertised that should interest many who want s mttls horns of their own." Under- Tof Bale Farms" Is adver . tlsed the following;: "For sale, by owner, (0 seres of rich soli, free frtrtn g raveL That's mlfhty Food, cant you i make use of itr Tor Rent Lodge Rooms" thst's a new heeding. See what's under It If you're a lodge member. Gentlemen! That's all, no ladles. Tou can find nicely furnished rooms three blocks from Hotel Portland, rne aa . drees T Look under "For Res-Fur- nlshed Rooms." Ladles who can set as agrnts may be Interested in the "Wanted Agents" sds. Read them and see. , Under Tor Rent Houses" Is sdver- tlsed a nloely furnished four-room cot- tSgS. Just ths thing If you don t Own furniture and want to keep house. How would housekeeping rooms do? Look at ths advertisement of 147 Market street, under "For Rent Housekeeping j-.Rooms: -. : Beren beautiful lots doss to car ltns : can be bought st your own terms, ac cording to an advertisement under "For . Bale Real Estate," and addressed to ''CM I, oars Tbs JournsL Need any coal or wood today? Under ths needing "Coal and wood," In the i classified business directory on this! . page, are ths announcements of num- . ber of Arms soliciting; your patronage. Hare you noticed them? . Tiers are always go xaaay tntar eating tUuga adrernsed tn Tbs Journal want , Columns tass yoa ought ts read them sTery day. Begin today. xxxTDra voticz. . : . ATTUTTIOV XABFDTTERB, WTI1 lasts n the bow local ef Caroentera' 17. B. of 2. A. at Foss' ball. Hawthorne aad Oraad aveua. Batardar. Jan 4. Noa-ualos carptatars can jo'o tnat aignt ror i. JT0TICX. : ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICB TO CREDI- tors. A otic .abM !Lo4 an'oVlnJld wee, ea April 1S04. appointed admin- d?llni fcto'w"tbcrt , aad only auallBed a eucb. ftow, thrre- signed was. istrstor ceased. for, all persons having rlalma ertlnat aald eeiaie mr error wvmurra re preeent ue veme. I ' bcror sis monuts from to at bereof. . I . . r,t! L1 Offoc, thj 2d dy. ef I sasa, wAfT Administrator of the Eatat of August Beldal. man, waseq. Konra n . iwrnmnror urvnvr. Wil i .u- , . , tb Oregon Iron A Steel company will be held at the office of tb company, room 839 Bher -. ' lock . bnlldlng, rortUnd, Oregon, - inn 81, 1(4. nt 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of . sleeting a board ef director tor tbe easalng rear, and the transact ion of each a thee boat- - sea aa say legally come before the meeting. A. i. PATTTTLLO, BccrcUry. Portlaad, Orcgoa. Mar SB, 1904. e .. raopoiAXB. Of 8c ef Disbursing Qaarteraaater, Portlaad. Oreson. May B, 1904. Sealed propoeale, la , triplicate; win be received ber until IS a., . June 4, 1904. and then opened, tor furnishing . 8,876 ton bay and 6.61S tons oats at Portland. vregoa, ior Manua, r. l. iniormatioa aad bunk -h propoaan furnished at thl office oa applica tion. Th United State reaervf tb right to . accept or reject aay sat all bid or anr part thereof. Envelope containing proposals should ne nonrBeai rropoeais mr nar ana (lata, ' aad addressed to J RUSK M. BAKER, ' Captala Qnartermnater, U. B. A. t. -i.. PB0P08ALS. , "'-v SEALITY Mvaoml will be received at tb ef. , ; flee of the director of work of tb Lewi .". A Clark Centeanlal Bxposltlon, Btearna build' Ina. Portland. Ore a on. until nooa Jon a. " 1904, for furnishing electric current tog tight ' . Ing and power porpooea la the xpodtlon ..... ground and build log ,- la aeeerdane - with tb spedflcstlous now on file la. the offlcs , of tb director of works, copiea . of - which xaay os naa ea appiirstioB. OSKAB HUBER. ...- ; ,-. ,. t,,.- Director of Worka Portland, Oregoa,- Msy SS, 190. NOTICE OF VACATION OF THOMAS 8TREXT. ' Notice I hereby gtves that st regnlar meeting f th Couacfl of tb City of Portland, . Multnomah county, itat of Oregoa, to be held a Wednedy. th tb day of July, 1904, at th regnlar hour aad place, a petltloa will be presented to said council praying for the vacation of that portion of Thorn street from the esst line of First, street to the west Ha or water street. v. s. n. woods. EEXF WANTED M$TB. THE FIR8T of tbe month; sow la the time , to register for positions; lot of opening for : young men ef ability; no technics! knowledge necessary, xn r-agie employment rJureau, .' 904 Ooodneuah blk.. fill positions every dev. - v A good thing for employer and a good thing . ior people tooling ior incrauv positions, ir t - disss tinned with your position, try our sys ; tea for getting eomethlng better. Call and ." Investigate: ,80 positions sold last wsek. Phone Msiar 4S0B. - : : WANTED Person following la clerlcsl line who bare merit and clean record will ond It to their interest to call oa na when dealr . Ing a ltatloa; remember It costs nothing to register with us; csll and let as keep in touch with you; w save a number of puces xor ngnt persona. CLERK8' REGISTRATION BUREAU. 266 Morrison St. Boom 8O3-S04. MEN and women to leer barber trade; every . . student taurtit la ta anorteat poaaiDle time; constant practice under expert Instruction ". and success guaranteed. Call or writ to American Barber College company, 853 Everett street Portland. MEN to learn tb. barber trade; only require igni week to complete ana ecure gooa position: constant nrsctlce aad exoert In. r: s traction; catalogue mailed free. , Molcr 8y .. i tern Barber College, Ban francuco, cauiornia. DON'T MONKEY 'ROUND If you wsnt WORK or MEN See Hansen A boot It HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. . 28 North Second St. near Burnsld. MANHOOD restored; prematurenes cured or - money refunded; all malignant and chronic dlaeaae treated. Dr. Vooae. 181 First st. MEN wsnted at New House Lodglnrs, cor. Front , nd Couch; clean room 15c and 20c; bed 10c; by week, 60e and 76c WANTED Bookkeeping and expert work by j t competent man; day or job. Address L 16, . car Journal. GOOD stenographer wanted; experlenc necea ssry; apply mornings. 6 First St. . ... STfXF WANTED FEMALE, , STARCH froner, faun dress, chambermaids, wait resses, bousekcenois, accond sir la, nurse girls; i lots of work at tbe Scandinavian-American. ' 2iW Third. Phone Mnln 1619. WANTED Aa experienced girl for general Apply 836 Mult. nomsh st A COMPETENT . nurse maid. 404 Madison st SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ELDERLY, educated, sober bub wants work .... ef suy kind: hsndy sll around; also good , gardener.- Address O 16, care Journal.' . WANTED AOENTB. WANTED Lady ageata to in trod nee virion . blsh-grad toilet preparation. ' CU at 826 ' Jeffertoa after 6 p. K. or before 10 a. st JOO UVB aent wanted; dty and country; (lU-edged nro)xltlon. CI. M. Thornaaon, 2841, lorrtaon St., mora 2- - - FOREINT LODGEB0OMS. LOOPS BAH ,Grsd sv sorv Cast Wash- j xxTLOTKzn agencies. If TOU'waat haln ef anr kind w eaa aceeai cat yog; u row want a joo res are in en i wt want to see. WILLIAMS Si ROU8H. Phono Mala 1ST. 849 AM St I WVTf AUWVNWM I . a. , b,.,. i m n. i i m m. III njrnnvix m hii amamav v., I ins Morrison and 73 Noru nixtn; argtt I and beat Hat of reel eetate aad labor oa I PtcWc cent; Mil ordra solicited. HELP of all deserlptlecs furnished mwbIII, logging camps, factories, rrs mpioyere. Aluine Emnlorment inm. near MorrUoa. I is? rirst at Phon Mala 1V1T. LADIES dMlrinc halo and airla Mkins altoa- tmoa, rail at St, Louli Ladlra' anT, reos . kwh lamaiii at. rsoe niacs xasi. empirk RUPLOTMEKT AOINCT farniaaae eonprtent help oa abort abtlr. Mr, i io Mrta c rnone ua xuun. I JAPANE8E EBplormeat Agnry rarolahee do-1 aneuca, rarntbaaaa, ete. ss norts ma as. i'aon i;ia on. . I pioNEKR EMPLOYIIRNT CO.. Ut eontrae- tors; help free to eBplorera. SIB UorrUoa. WORK for Ba. awn for work. HANBKN a OFriCE, SS North Second at. 1 " rr- TT WASTTjrBCIIXAyiOTB. WANTED To contract tbe banllng of 1.000 ooras woa. to h bii. fine core. KAULB EMf LOT JdENT BUKI1U, SO aoodnough bldg. WANTED To bnr 1 or I dlsabUd h areas w. T. Ellis, Ualrersltr Park. I'nloa 1SSS. "WABTID BJAX XITATE. WANTED rtots or small acreaf, tract la rnange ror atock or Una ooona. xaomaeoa, SMfe Uorrlaoa st, rooa S. I WANT IB acre near atrectcar Una. We agent. A. B. Black, Viola, Or. WAFTED TO EZXT. B-BOOM cottage; gss, bath aad baeemeat la- Sire Montgomery, or 41M rirst st. . WIIIIsb Korhler, dentist. BuTOflB BXBOBTa. PARAPIRB PABM, the place to enjoy vara Mo n; atrawDerne and cream. Address satrtcaa, Ilood Klver. Or. FOB, -tJOtT E01TBEX1JPI1IB 00MB. fl.TB FEB WEEK Large, clean, farniabad sookping room, with as or laundry, beui, pboa; alao cheap furalahcd aottage. J. Laadlvan. 14 Basrmaa. Pbooa Ciar SuS. rUBNIBHED ho. w taping , month and an: board sad m -tbfnV w;TSpB.T KortherL North Twelfth an aultea S10 dot room, $16 aad ap; nd bsth. Hotel Korthera, North Twalfth aad MarshsU. .la at-wiri -. , , , " ' jo tt WATER. COR. 'COLUMBIA Houaekaeplng room In aaltea of S or S; light W" ,na "ssonanw ran. rjKrCBNIHHEP bouaekeeplng rooma; modern I fVMtooc; prioee reaaoaable. 62M Union I at., cor. ssst oak. TWO .floe. Isrg boonekaeptng rooms, uafar- Blshed,, surrounded by lawn and Sower. 186 Carutoar street 84T MARKET Entire Brst floor, 4 rooms, lares na , iignt, very complete ior aouxeping; sauita. , LARGE front room for housekeeping, wtth al cove. 872S4 East Morrison at CLIFTOJ4, -oor.- let and Colombia; housekeep ing suites; reasonable prices. F0B EINT FTIN I6HID BOOMS. THE LEWIS AND CLARK ACCOMMODATION BUBEAU, Inc., ha opened office la tb Lewi bldg.k Morrlaos and Park it., to a cure room In private homes to place at tbe dlapossl of visitor to tb Lewis and Clark Exposition. If yos hav a room that you eaa a para for thl purpose let ua know by mall or phone and our repreacntativ will ealt A call it oar office will be appreciated. T, 8, 9 and 10 LewU bldg. Phone 4898. THB NEWCASTLE - Third and Harrison. Most' complete apartment boas in tbe dty; rooms furnished and unfurnished; boua- aeepine; rooma; niuuvrn im maa a vypwaiAwv. gsa, electric Ughth, porceula bjthe, hot and CUIU w si vet t gw a tru gss ." - iuwiuuhvw s-us of th city; car pas th door every mlnut; rate very rsaaonabl. . , v ; THB MARQUAM Booming House. 146U Sixth st; under new aansgement; tnorougniy reno vated room, en suit or slngls; trsnslsnt oUclted; housekeeping room en suite or single with gaa rang; porcelain bsth. Pboa Clay 1663. RIVERSIDE HOTEL 848. Kaet Oak; furnlabed and anfnroUbed room, clngl and en aulte: lodrlncs $1 per week and up, Phon Bohtt $04. S28 MAIN, BET. 8IXTH ANIX SEVENTH -Ntcely furnished rooms for gentlemen: 8 block from Hotel Portlaad. the msuna Moatheiet cor. Fourth aad Mor- rlsooi qulst clean and eomfortablo room $3.60 jar waoe aua " I FURNISHED and f"n''?e,uJf toJ.i? month. Log us bldg., Grand avs, Washington. for' RUNT-A suit of room with sa plate: alao on tug room, fig per monta. rnon aiain ta. THB KABO 1T1 Wat Park, newly opened; nrst-clM rurnlaned aingie ana aouseaeepiag , rooms. NEAT room and good board; modem eoaveay lences; pne reaaooaoie, as worta ninta (t. NICELY farnlahed large front room; walking I dlatanc. SBS Larrab at Phone East 184 THE ELLA Several nicely furnished room With board. 606 Washington at., cor. fill. THE CASTLE 372 Washington St.; room for gentlemen; transient Tel. Alain 100. FOR RENT Lsrgs, handsoms parlor, first floor. 196 Tenth St. FOE BENT OFFICE BOOM. OFFICE room for rent In Bank of British Co lumbia bldg.. 20s vine t FOR BENT Office, ground Door. William A Roush. Phon Main 1307. FOB BENT FLATS. FOR RENT 8 bsndsomely furnished, modern. 6-room flat; nice location; very orairabla for bachelor. 470 Taylor at. 1 k " UPPER flat Tlf 6 pleasant rooms at 66H Fifth at laquir oil nrtn t. FOR RENT One 4-room flat cor. Esst Ninth snd Belnont sa.; 912.00. FOR RENT FURNISHED BOUSES. FURNISHED bouse for rent, close In: modern improvements: piano. zv jcaii urani n. Phone Esst 1161. FOB BENT STORES. STOKES FOR RENT 188-170 6th t., between Morrison and xamniu sts. Appiy wmqoougn building office. , , . FOB BENT HOUSES. 100 ACRE8 good land; lay well, fair Improve ment, eoon Tonne orcnara: win sen coean on good term; can give possession at once. For particulars writ 8. Id. Henry, dVner, rortn x etnnui. ur. BOOMS WITH BOARD, PLEASANT rooa with or without board; mod-1 conveniences : central location. 1641,1 Thirteenth at., cor. Taylor. BOOM and board $3.00: alnxle meal 26 cents: o sirtn au; gooa no me cook log; taoie ooaru a-"". BOARD With room, well': fnrnlahed. moderu convemence; tatil board.- 831 Thirteenth c TABLE BOARD. TABLN board, bom eeoklbg, $Q sey weak. as. Ad-Pboa ASS AJSJVUUl SU, cox AUeXft PTTTTTTTTTTTTTfl iA ! souses fob xm-mrmxx fob sale. RSAD THIS I We'haTe all tbe Boat deatrabto says Is mall furnlahad houaea la tb eitr. The bouaea are wall located, raraltnr la all la No. 1 coodltioB. and Bioal or tnB save ataadjr roonara and are paring wall. If ftm want a noma, whara roa can Bak roup rant and llTlog expaoaas, call and esasilas our Hfta. TAi-T CO. 1Z-S AMngtoa bldg. raos Mill ids, BXRI'B A Slf AP 8UBB AH the fnrnltur and flitnreS of s t-room boas, extra wall slttutad la the heart of tba rltr: boas rente tor I3S. M strict Ir and all (nil of steady roomers, and Is clear ing 1 33 orer all axpanaae. Ownvr'e people elck in vearer, ana price le onir iuu. TAIT A CO. 1Z-S Ablngtos bldg. Phone Mais 1M. SEE THIS QUICK 1 If roa want en of the most eeanlctelr rurnlttra s-rona nooara In ue cltri rural tur ana noaa new: ncauoai near me cut bu an rirtb st; pric or rnrnitnre ool moo. TAIT CO.. 116 Ablngtos bldg. Phone Mala IBS B-ROOM cottar, bath; fernltur araat be sold at ooce; verruiinf oompirt aad seat; good rard. good nighborbood, good location; walking dlatanc; rent very rraaoaable; caa re-rant portion. Corner Twalfth aad Bar- rlaoa. 434 Hmrrfaoa. FOB BXBT aOTBEB. fOR RENT New. modern, single sat lower floor: ear. Dlxos sad Benton its. . 'Inquire LarraDO n. -ROOM boo for rent wtth bath; I room rentM anrnrniaaea: reanoaabl rant in quire S28 Eleventh st FOR BENT Hons of T rooa; bath; good taea- Hon; air rare, szs ruaoar st. PAB.TLT fnrnlabed t-rooa booss. for rant. Apply 253 rlfth t . . FOE BALI BXAL ESTATE. TO LEASE or for sal, by owner, block IB. Tlbbctt add.. East Portland, S6T feet to tbe outs afljoioing b. p, h. k., to the Berth 200 feet adjoining Woodatock car line and only H buck to tbe Oregon City car Una; thl prospective property l nltabl for manu facturing plant -or boalness location. In quire X. Clausen, wcet of Mount Tabor, Roea mouat avo., 200 fact Boris from tb Base Lin road. FOR BALE Nsw 6-rooa boose; bath, pantry WANT ADS eloact, etc ; urg room, plaatored; Sue I 11 booms new rurniture, very central to home; $1,075 take It; good terma; w have I cation; good tnoom. Prlo way down, only tots oi nsrgsina jnai as gooa s uia. uiv i us a call and be convinced. BAKER REAL ESTATB CO. - t Chamber of Commerce, First Floor. FOB BALE Br owner, well-built house ef T large room, brick baaement, 8 lota, fruit trses. near car Una and school: will take I mailer place la part payment Inquire Y. Clausen, weet of Mount Tabor, Rose mount srs., 200 feet north from the Baa Lin road. POR 8ALB Bom vary choice acre tract at Tremoot; email payment down aad monthly payment. BAKER REAL ESTATE CO. Chamber of Commerce, first Floor. RESIDENCE lot and quarter blocks. Eeet rur- teenth. Fifteenth. Stark and Oak; street, side-1 walks, eewers; re ay to ouua: eu reuaeu-1 Willi, PT.,. , muj W UUIIUi wrrti I, able; term to salt J. B. Barrlngtoa, ewaar. 09H First, near oak. BARGAINS la real eat at caa only b had from ownere: no mlddleman'a nroflt! ne owe llata and let a Introduce joa to owner. I CROCKER8, Inc. Real Eetat Clearlng-Houee. 418 Ablngtoa aiqg. FITE-ROOM house, dty water, do to Unl. veraitr rsra staitrm. io dohou. ror btuo. I. H. Gove, room 16 Rutaell bldg., 166 Fourth st, bet 10 a. m. and p. .m FOR SALE Cosy 6-rooa cottage, S lota, fine garden, trees and shrubbery, out buildings, I SWO. E. M. Bogus, owner. 616 Grov t. Moots villa. SEVEN beantiful lots, two corner, close to ear line: price $80 per lot; make your own terms; good House all around. Address G IS, cor Journal. FOR fsrma, rrg, city proper ty, ebole tJm-1 ber and nomeateaa locations, aee Haxwen A Co.. 819 Ablngtoa bldg., Portlaad. Ore. , , j.0B SALE 6 -room cottage and 8 wt en cor. Grand sv. and Shaver t.. 1 block from I Woodlawn car line. Call at bouse 894 Sharer. BOMB beautiful, new, 6-room cottage for I on eaay term; modern in every respect; big I e commission, aaaress it is, care Journal. NEW, modern, 6-room cottage, lrteet Improve-1 menta, west aiae. ai.wuii. in inataiimant. TZ4 Corbett st Inquire 716 Oorbett SO NEW and old houses for rent or sal, anr location, else, pric and terma. Vallsy Land Co., 48 First st. 4-BOOM . home, barn., chicken . corral and 6 I lot for $700. Z34ft Morrlaoa at, room 8. FIVE-ROOM boa, bath. lot 96x100. $1,460; half cash. 604 Goldsmith st barn. Nrw S-roora cottire. cheap; esy term. 856 lyy t. TSk WOOdlaWB CSr. FOR SALE By owner. B room hous and lot $1,290. 981 Wllllsms sv. FOB BALE FARMS. FOR BALE SO seres, 27 In bay, 1$ In oat. .. 8tf In wheat, H acr In notatoea. balance pasture: new hone, barn, outbuilding; 2 wells, running water, orcbard, garden, wood. cow, bog, chicken, geeae; near plank road; I church: achool bona; 12 mile from Oregon city, pne g9,nuu. Address v. W. Stephana, Clark. Or. FOB SALE By owner, 60 acre of rich aoll. free from ravel; 6 acre cleared, th rent of fin timber; T mile from Portland. 1 mil from Grashaa csr line; good wsgoa road: $100 acre. Inquire Y. Clausen, weat of Mount Tabor. Rose mount a vs.. zoo feet north from the Baae Line road, near Pfunder' nursery. i 166-ACRB FARM. 120 acre cleared, snltsbl for general farming or dairying; good out building and bat and cold water In living bouse, 9 mile from Oregoa City on good road: will sell half or entire farm. Inquire of William Hodman, is front t., Portland, Or. 87.000 ACRES of Irrigated land free from tb tat to ettler who wl1 par $3 to $16 per acr to tb Columbia southern Irrlratlon company ror uerpeiuai -water riKui. ror in formation call or address B. S. Cook. 861 Alder st, Portland. Or. FOR SALE FARMS I Improved farm for MI In all part of Ore gon and Washington: payment mad to salt purchasers. For full particulars ss to vari ous properties apply to Wm. MacMaster, Sll Worcester bldg. 800-ACRE stock ranch In Baker county; good outlet to rang; nearly an iiiiaoie una; can be had at a bargain: neak quick. BAKEB SEAL ESTATB CO. 6 Chsmber of Commerce, Flat Floor. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SEWING machine; 100 fin machines slightly damaged at very low prices; Singer,. U. 8., Domestic. White. New Home. Old A King, Willamette. Wheeler A Wilson and other; some new drop-head machines at $20.00. 8. 8. Slrel, 886 Morrison t, cor. Vth, Marquam bldg., Portland. Or. FOR SALE Lady' Columbia bicycle, almost new; not uaed over 10 time. , Pboa Clay 4J&. or call 268 W. Stark. FOB SALE Singer sewing mschlne, almost good a new; attachment complete; prlc $8. 819 Mill st FOB SALE S0B8ES AND CARRIAGES. FOB 8 ALE Draft bones; also new and second- hand wigona; may be eeen at 869 Mallory are. inquire no norm mirq ar. TO EXCHANGE, STOCK of fin book to exchange for lots or uburban acreage. Thomasou, 834H. Morrison ,. ...... CEREAL B01XS. ACVX MILLS CO., manufscturers Ralston Acai percsis, Vi sua Si nern roi it. " A " ARE R E L I A B L TRY THEM WORDS FOR lutmu chances. gDABaVPKAL BBOKKBAQ1 COH US Sarantb St, Room Iki: a L, Batbaway, abrr. BOOMINa BOUBEfl FOB SAUL TB rooms sad aaltea, alagaat.... ftt.6M IBS room, 38 batiia ., 1,000 I m room, parlna waU 1.1UU i mi room, sa ruralabad for feooeekeeplng, gaa rangaai cbaapeat root la eiti can ham, 1mm I tal vaara; a anam. 1 80 rooms, paring I4O0 per month; thl Is a nawir rurniaaao imnao ana can na bought for , .000 1 48 raome,' good for f400 par month. ., . . 16,000 a rooua, wui p ou par ceni oa xa Invaatnaant! rliblv furnlahad i x. eaotlonal barcala B.S90 1 rooma, coatral; ( raar Was S.oos M HUM. Miwt lnrm L,m . S SAO SS mob. 60 Bar cant bar S.OOB mobs, will inrolc ever 93,600: prle to ssll qalck S.00B It rooma, aad bath, rent faS; for a speedy . u sala 1.SM I rMms, sew famltare, seed location. . 1.400 13 rooma. clccantlr fnrnlshad. boantlfal sroaaon, cioa in; roa caa aav wis for 1.600 IS rooBS,VaVBa'laVss'b increiacd 1.100 10 noma, cloo la, weU furnlahad; price, i ana 10 rooms, all bow UTiUUIU. DBM ................. a90 s rooma, cottage, aw rural ror, paying proposition t room, cottage, central , rooma and bath rooma, clearing $40 per Booth t room, wall fnrnlahed; a snap B rooma. d hoaaakaanlu anitaa. ........ 1,000 BfiO VA0 T7B . T50 BT3 400 6 rooua room, for bouarkreplnf M0 55? J room, all new rurnltar rooua. Boat nelli anan 78 S rooma. cottaa-e. new BOO BOO 4T8 ITS o rooms, nat, sew 6 room, flat, new furaltar. 6 room, rant 116.... 8a loon and rousing boas. IB room aood location d.K0 S raaianraata, wU equipped, for sale at a banal a. 4 BTocerr atorea cha. UoUL S4 rooma nod for II. BOO ner Bonu .."" HoteL st town In Willamette valley ii.ouu A email traslaeaa for a man aot afraid of work, caa clear ever BIOS par moats. cbeaa rant: orlc soO S A LOON Great chance for a fraternity . . .wvi "ROOMING-BOUSE HEADQUABTBBS." TAIT CO. W msk a SPECIALTY ef selllna BOOMINO- HOU8ES. Hare 1 a llat of A rlW ajAROAINB. 11 ROOMS New furnltur, very coatral lo- eovu. S3 BOOMS -Partly fnralshedi aew farultirre nA iu kntMIn. ImHa. all H,hl' rent BAA. S years' lesae; tbls house clear NOW from $00 to $76 per month. Prlc only $600. Terms, half caab. balance monOjlr. m BOOMS Well furnl abed brick Building, i. cation tb very heart of wasblngtoa St. sou per rooma, wiin a a years leeae. iau i nous clears bow from $226 to S290 per mouth. Owner Is enaaaed la business la Stock toa. Gal., which require hi immediate attaatloa aad wlU i sscrlflce. Prlc only $4,000. SS ROOMS Brick building; good location: fnrnltur all rlaht: bona aood money maker: thla 1 surely a bargain. Caa be bought for $3,600. RESTAURANTS W bar three flu pronoot- ttona In thl line, oa aa exceptionally On buy ror oaiy uu. Bee our list ef SMALL BOUSES; ws bar I BIOs SNAPS. I csamake eaay term ea anything we sea I some Ws ss ws bsvs aa abundance of money to losa and at very low rates, snd are glad to halp a hnree In everv war we ran. ALL TITLES UUABAHTEKU IV1U PROTECTED AB WELL AS BELLattt. TAFT M W. v 13S-B Ablngtoa Bldg. - . . Phase Mala IBS. HOTEL AND RESTAURANT FOB SALE IIKfl I.EARR ON BUILDING. LOOATiun hkbi in iam yiii. Bulldlng. furnltur and hotel 'bus new and I Amfm Rleesnt fnrnltura. Moauett carpets; flu opening for 8 xperleBced hotel asd restaurant I VtoVM- I Beet ef res sons given for wlahlng to en. Thla la the winat nroaneroua and Bubataatl! mining and agricultural dty la Oregon; good water and healthy mountain air. BW - n,a mnA terms sddresa W. J. PATTERSON, Bos 976, Baker City. Or. PARTNER WANTED1 AN UNUSUAL HOTEL OPENING, MAIN ST. SPLENDID LOCATION. rtrniST new FURNITURE. NEW BUILD ING, 40 rooms, several with both, fin larg riinin-mnm a fin new hotel bua: Aa eepeclallr good opening for lady or gentle man In tb best subatantUl mining and agricnltaral cftr-in Oregoa I healthy mouatal climate and good water: preeent owner un able to naotli oaaineae aiune, ueairva mumci, Miaaua wim and nanlred; $3 600 take half Interest ACTUAL CASH VALUE. For Information ddreee K. L. XA1VHS, Baser viiy, "r. saloon; wa v.aa dm nf ths best saloon propoaltlon In th dty, right In th center of town, on I one of th principal corners. For particular call . 1 1 ,25 A'hinrto. BlST" 'Pbon. Mai. IBS. WANTED Partner with $2,600 each to take half Interest In manufacturing business to be removed at once to Portland, Or.; bust. Be CUrtea June O, IWH aaa aaa cicareu $3,000 to date; wall Mtabltihed In lx states. Address at once, J. L. BAB0KS0N, Baker City. Or. ABB roa looking for a bnsiness location T In vestigate tba exceptional advantage offered at Estacada. the coming town of Clackamas COuniy V, vr. r. a'iwbhi, v. Aoa7B eor. Alder, room 6. Phone Main SIB. KOOMING-HOUSES In all part of the city; some very cheap and fine locations; Business ensnces or au ainoa. BAKEB BEAL ESTATE "CO., , 9 Cbsmbsr of Commerce, First Floor. A SMALL bualneaa place netting profit $100 a month for aaie coeep. a. aiatnewa. 418 Oregonlan bldg. Phon Main Z49B. , v FOR BBNT Colom dock, bet Oak and Pin BT. inquire at oinee, roor or nm w. PERSONAL. THE LEWIS AND CLARK ACCOMMODATION BUREAU, a corpora lion organiaea to pro vide suitable accommodations for vlaltora to tbe Lewie and Clark Exposition to be held In thl city In 1906, requests that all persons Intending to visit tbe city during that tlm will communicate with THE LEWIS AND CLARK ACCOMMODATION BUREAU, - CLAUDH M. NASH. Secretary. 7, 8, 9 and 10, LewU bldg. U. CABR Manufaetortng lewelr. room I I,'.?: :z - . . -M alnall.ha M la a -a iVurouaht - MANLY vigor restored br Dr. Robert' Nerve I Globules; on month treatment month a. 86: sent aecorely aealed $3: three by maiL Agent. Woodard. Clarke A Co., Portland, Or, DB. MRS. CAREY-TALB0TT Bpccuiut in oiaeases 01 women. Dpeciai terma by th month. Office consultation free. 80S Salmon at., bet Fifth and Sixth. EOUB preecripflon are more accurately and reasonably nueu t liyaeu a rnsrmscy, xci Morrison st, bet First snd Second sts. - CATER only to th best people, tpedsllst aa d!e or tn but anu scaip. sirs, m, are- Vr. 600 Deknm. Phone Hood 887. HAVE your hair mattresses renovated and re- .. turned am day. rnone Main 4T4. Portland Curled . Hair Factory, 826 Front t :an uxT Aa InasF BTmIbi rwt.mn). A ekB naa -aw Jackoa; full of fnu and Joke; 28 casts. 1 0. Jnnaa' HOOK I tore. ZH1 AlOCT St. . i, I If MB. H. BL Err. dermstolotlst acaln treataeut OR . . - -e.aa.-aai m a. I . g&aBpOO tltCVlt BMIIII Ul yOOVVWE E , ' P R OF IT A B L E AND INEXPENSIVE FOR WJAT YOU WANT. ' TWENTY-ONE 4 FIFTEEN CENTS 1 V " . ' .. ciAntTOTAirr yurp tujan. 1.00 Tbl Weak Sl.OO. MMaV Urn 8A1MTK. TH1 WIXAIO Or Tarn OHIENT. Bnlritnal Adrlaer Adeot. 1M Ttb, N.' W. cor. Tarlor; wondorfal, be- wllowlng'le tb. work ef KTsalnte, the 'peer of all clalvoranta, wboa readings are s revelatlooi raaait tb aaparatad; (Iras sa. eret power to control say on la II dar ramova . aril Inflnance and daVelops Be dlams iocatra biddea treasaret gives saaws, dates sad facta. AHH 100 IN TBOCBLtl If as see Mm. D Balnu, elalrrorsat, dead era no SMdlum. Mr uedlumablp Is for tboee who ar la trouble and aaad help, orac tangUd law polnta, bualueas Battara, love, Barrlacra. tamilr tmnbl and divorce! lo cau lut ar abMBt frtonda, dlapah) evtl IHnj u sicn mrm naataa, nu cnarsi MRS STEVENS. Portland' leadlns ealmlat I and (Clairvoyant, glv reliable end scientific I . ryad nga; . fr. 60c, iU. dally. B4H rilhlDlwl IUU BJCISJB t xsbdui st., ear. savant. - ' MAGEINI. THS WONDER. Can ea th Wy palmUt at SOS Flrat st ' Kama aaa eccapauoa gives or a caarge. htRS. S B. SKIP, clatrvoysat jnd Uf reader, I SI Tta. Clrclee Taea. aad Pri. eve., f:S. I iJ;2.J'"5r "nuiJBtt ciciemiM 'ruaua m.n jmiiiih, epp. ntiiai M0BIT TO 10AB. FRED H. BTRONO, FINANCIAL A0ENT. Boner t toes. ' no eoamunoa. I I ib la a Doalttoa te make iBaedletel nana on unnravad rmm I aavata a vac Dana- ng eat In pnrnoa.a: an mmaant: laaJarat Inter rv appro ye loan rroa plan, aaa na- Vance money aa bnlldlna Broa-raaaaa. Optka u repeymcnt artcr one rear. I HSU U. BTRONU. riiMBdsl Ageat. 10 Bjcoad St. aear Stark. CNCLB MXEBS. Established 1BBS). lit Third gtrect Near Alder UNCLE MTER8. UNCLE MYERS. Loans oa Collstsrala." Low Bats. Unredeemed Pledge for Bale. ' Phone Mala B10. I vnt-i. buhl I UNCLft MYERS. T"8 FT Alt LOAW CQ, caa gefl r.Lij aaianeu empto, waae-oarner. oa hie note, without morteaaa Month. H-aonth. Week. loO.OO-Repay te aa Sia.84 or B6.n5 or IS.SS (0.00 Repay to na 1 6 AS or $3.38 or l.6 116.00 Repay to n B 4.00 or 12.00 eg $1.00 ConfldentUL S10 McKay bldg., 102 H NEW YORK LOAN OFFICE. T North Third Street M. Miller, Prop. Loans ea Collaterals, Lew Bstee. Unredemed pledge for sl. Watch aad Jewelry repairing. Pboa CUr 897. I SALARY LOANS Any ularled person having I a ateady position with responsible flra can obtain monev on th eaav navment Dlan. with out publicity or delay; all bualneaa treated 1 strictly eonnoenusi. notiunMi uuma CO.. S21 Ablngtoa bltlg.. city. LOANS ON THB EASY-PAYMENT PLAN To Bslaried People. Strictly ConBdenUaL Office hour. 9 a. m. to 6 p. a, KMFL0YEE8' LOAN CO. Phone 324. Boom T16, The Dksa bldg. B. W. cor. Third and Wasblngtoa eta. MONEY TO LOAN ea real, personal and col lateral security; apodal attention to chattel mortraxra; note bought C W. Pallet SIS Commercial blk. Phone Mala 180. M0BTOA0B LOANS ca Improved city sad fara property at lowest current rata: building loan, Installment loaaa. Was. McMtor. Sll Wcrceatar bldg, MONEY loaned ea planoa, fnrnltur and other cnattel eecunties: 111 ousineaa a incur yrl' vat. NORTHWiST LOAN COi, 121 Ablng- bldg.. City. MONEY to LOAN ta targe or small amount ea good eecurltrt low eat rate. Willis a O. Back. SOT Falling bldg. MONEY ADVANCED aalaried peonl. teametera. etc.. without aecurlty; eeay payments; iarg. est bualneaa In 40 principal cities. Tolman, ZZS Ablngtos Biag. . , , . ... tin VOai 1 Elli MMUm AAA AaWAW .IJH " fjHxTfjfj io.n,; rooming bouse spedslty, loan to salaHed people. New Era Loss A Tract Co., 206 Ablngtoa bldg. WON'T TO LOAN on Clsckamas eonnty lands. B. F. and F. B. Riley, oos Chamner or dob- meres. niNa m ehattels and anuria : bond pur- chcd. Eastern Loan Office. 419 McKay bldg. ART METAL WORKS. ORNAMENTAL work for residences, business bouse, bank and office railing, grill, fire place fittings, chandeliers, eigne, fence, art work In aay atvU metal and finish I hammered leaf work and metal spinning a pedltri building eonatracturnl wcrk. L. K. Tuerck, 402-404 PsTls..roT Ninth. ATTORNEYS. sTBIGGEN iittortfer snd couriMlW-t-Uw; notary. 806-800 Ablngton piog. AECBTTECTS. HODGSON A CO, Architect asd . an perl n- 1 tendenta. Suit 818 Msclesy bldg.. cor. Fourth and Washington t. -ASPHALT . F ATTN 0. XHN Jrln.d.d Ajpb.lt Psvin, Co. of Ptlaad. BABOntO AJTO MOTOBPfO. OREGON BOUND LUMBER CO., 181 Burnsld st Phone Grant 1171. BBASS WORKS. , PRIEB BROS, BRASS CO., 310 North Eleventh, ' Brass, bronas caatlnga, model tusking, gen eral work. 1 CEMENT CONTRACTORS. phone Kront 1288; cement work 01 au vde- crlptlon; anteed. a tap worn pciaiiri wor guar- 1 eHAS. ft. CARTER, ncral contractor: cement ldawalks; cement wor a a specially; au wore guaranteed. 16T Grand v.. N. Eat 184., I CHAS. H. CARTER A CO. (formerly Carter A Ell), cement contractor, 674 Tsggart Phon ijtat 1870. All wors gnarantseq. ' CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESBEBG-GDNST CIGAB CO. Dlatribntor of FINN CIGARS. Portland, Oregon. EVERDINO A FABBELL, produce and eommla alon mercbanta, 140 Front at, Portland. Or, Phone Main 179. - CROCKERY AND 0LAS8WABX. WHOLESALE .crockery and glssswsr. PraeL H,g.i. co 100 to ios oor. strh t ! COAL AND WOOD, STEEL BRIDGB WOOD YARa te the plsc 1 to buy your wood and coL : Office 218 Holladay I avo. . rnone uaat aas. u.j aioeneriBo, sagr. ALBINA - FUEL CO., Ballroad at sad Alblna av near ferry; aun ana piocs , wooa, arr and green, ynone ut 01. WOOD When you ' order, ' for sstlsf sctory re sults, csll peruana s uei vo. rnon asm sou. . a water t WESTERN FEED At FUEL CO. Phon 1018. Caatle Gate goal wlU pleas yea. Phone flrox A CO., ssnttsry plumber. 231 Second, bet roar order. - - - Mall, ,' b.1,,,0,,; Orexoa phone. Main SOOL IF YOU wish good 4-foot live fir wood go to J ne I WW.. . a . 4 41 (V.S aaV wVaa.aA.I " " , " " SnSUag VBaarVah, PIONEER 'Fuel Co., removed from 0 foot Mor- , rlaon to foot Mala t Phone Main 188. B. VELIN, wood and camI; offlc 83 Alblaa V BW leATJ. caa, ana. aoaa. BOON FUEL CO.; sll kind nf coal aad wood. mm A A " Daiaae. BUT ails. SbJS. m ,. ,' emmm vhvsabf mmi I A. t, AUTHORS H. ft, WOOD, earpentar M bnlldara; repairing and JubMngi atore and afoce flxtnrae ballty Bbop Jk) Coiiubla, fhoae CUr 1801. ' . , i , , .I( rAKNINO A RM8TBONO Carpantara and syssirussi wniut,sj gvuviuf t wmmmmutm rat, (fhop oor. aoartk and Columbia. Fraat 1280. 1 O. W. OORDON, enanten, ebeMng, booses bsllt end repaired. SOS gooi-th. CUr 174. 'OATXa. T?S.5HriCBV?K. 1,Ji'?f!-rt Ssoss Mala TT1.. Picket VlgsMM. I CAFE KB ATE, 12S Blith , St. A nns hueb w i served SI all boura. ohisopost ajtd MABiomnra. asi . . ... a. . . I KVSJKPITEK TSTT I t.r.JJ"-7, . " . . "':r. I tirant IS. MRS. LILLIAN B. CRAM, chiropodist mantrar - . log and shsmpoolng. 424 Ablngtoa. ciar " I , STiiira aitd cttAjrnfa.i - I PORTLAND 8TKAM CLEANINO AND DTEIN0 I I w.orks; practical batter Is connection) feather I I IVhaiBi and ftttllMJasl tllMiMSfl attrf aW1irlsil ht ft Ea pert SU FourUi. Phone Uar T04. CITY BTEAM DTEINO CLEANINO WORKS narman anse, proprieuir. rnone n No. SB Sixth st, near Pin. Portlaad. Or, i ' ' i I J. HUNTER. BS0 Jaffernoa St.. staaa 'earpat ana unraa cleaning, leainw rnontuii ail wars aramee, roooe aaaia bi. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED $1 Co.AMT.Wubl moots. Unique Tailoring Co. Washing - toa c .-. B. W. TUBNEB, Mofeeatoual dyer aad cleans. sio lTta. cor. coiombis. raoa mib so is. BXOO-UrOBJ. HENRY BEROER ISO First St.; wallpapar, lnrra in, ri pea trie , appuqoe rrirasa, la tar lor decorating. BOO AITS KOMI HOSPITAL. ' . DR. B. J. CAB NET Veterinary rge. 10B Marts sixth at rsoee Mala 14S4; re. Mala BAST. - 1 " .. BBBMXAXXjTd). MBS. PITKIN, ladles' tailoring aad making. Second and Taylor sta. MRS. McKIRBEN. artistic dree and cloak- making. 681 Morrison st. e ' 1 " ELECTRICAL W0BXS. I NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENOINEERINO I Company, SOS Btsrk st, Portland; O. K. for everycninn a uiv tienncu UM. rooa, Mala tu PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Ofsc 861 Btsrk st- Phono Mnln 231 X. F1ATXRNAX tVslTEAirCI. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Futmoeg rster sal society or northwest; protects the I! v. log. t. L. Mitchell, supreme eecretary. BIS nd Si's Marquam bidg Portland, Or. Tel- phone Mala 042. F0SJI1TUBE FACT0BIXS. I FUBNITURB manufacturing and (pedal order. 1 U Ruvanaky'a furalture fsctory, ST0 Front st - OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Company Mannractarar I furniture tor th trea. Sua First st jiuii ,' iii i in i 11 1 i Hi 'i a I LOUR, feed, potatov. coal, etc Bermaa Kanne. 418 Kat sevents t. pbob scett 4flll. SX00ZXS. WADBAM8 A CO.. whole) grocer. facturer and commialoa SMrcbaata. Fourth and Oak st. L.mv muuiv a. m .kaiaa.ia aoww, ... . vv., nuv.-. n, B north weet cor. Second gad Pine ata.- ALLEN LEWIS, wholesale grocers. Port- land. Or. LANG A CO., First and Ankeny at.. as BATS CLEANED. EASTERN Hat Maanfacturlag Companv, 828 First, near wiay; sat urea, eieenea, o iocs so; .mad ever in latest atyle, our apedalty;! Paaama Sara. NORTHWESTERN Bat Factory; ladle' aad genuemen s nai ciesoca, wan, repmireu. 420 H Washington at B0TEL8. . Am ; "" Hot.1 Portland. Amrl.can plas$3. $6 par day. neiveoere; amropesn pan; em ana . a - ... . . aSUEANCE. I ISAAC L. WHITE, fir lnaoranc. $00 Dekaa I bids. . ... . . .. . . J".rJ"ral,?,M-lr ao. M. nvuu, iAAtivra itauiiiij ing in dividual accident surety bends of all kind. Pbon T.stHi Mcaay Dldg. B. F. BABTELS COMPANY, Or Insurance. 44S Sherlock Dldg. Oregon phone Clay 620. no Ttfansivrvijr rMu(, 1 rs. eet I Sherlock bldg. Phon Main 1866. I ARTHUR WILSON, Are Insurance Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 1008. IRON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS Engineers, mans. fsctarer of marina, mining, logging aad aaw- auu macninvry; prompt niwnuvi so repair work Phon. Et 29. Hawthorn ava. B. Sd. MUSICAL. ; ,Tm"",,?'v"'YauT' I "-.. " a T. . LAW80N. 840 Park. cor. Main, piano le. eon; term reonDie. mope Front 211. MAGNETIC HEALER. TREATS sll disesses. Office First and Grant ant 1 ta. - 8 a. 'in. to 0 p. m. Plot. J. w. Batcltffe. MASSAGE AND BATES. Vims hatha an m.aa.aa htr ImAw arith ataaaa I tody .d.t.nt 110H fourth, room sT MU8I0 DEALERS. FISHER MUSIC CO., 190 Third St. Victor I talking machine; repairing. Bed Bus, NOVELTY WORKS. STAB Novelty Work; galvanised- tank, general repairing; eecononana nicycie. st unioa ve. OVERALLS, BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS and mechan ic' clothing; union mad. Neustadtsr Bros., msnufscturers, Portlsnd. Or. ; . ' FBESS CLTFFXNGS. MAKE MONEY I USB PBESS CUPPINGS! . Blng sp Black 11 and order a month's eer.r.to?ra ;- .w awia.4 or I report on all contract work. Portlasd offlcs 109 Hecorta St. PLUMBERS, 1 DONNERBERO BADJCMACHER. plualars. .-a,A oa riuirth -. Roth nhone. I removed to 84 Fourth st PAPERING ' AND OALOIJCprnra, Tr.tU akaiiAMAA aa1j1mlrwas1 tVafBj t.BO tlD! 1 - w carry full 11m wllpapr, room moo Id- j Inn-, iwfnt and TaralibtMi: 1904 wpaper Pft 4 . . iT . . IS ., rmmlm. mm A DalaU I ' V".1" TiT. taa SlZS imtl I SUE IVRIlLiaiiri VrVSSJ VSASSaT a : aw ' I Phone Black 297V rirsTJ, on. and glass. r. B. BEACH CO. Pioneer Pilot Co., selllnc mi tnings njaa in paints na geoerai .;, building tneterlals; window -glasa end glaslng -i specialty. 186 First st.; phone Mala . , I DAVID If. DUNN! CO Phoenix Point IDS . Oil Works; manufacturer ana importer , . palate, oils and sprays, te- phone 1ST. Office " sad factory, 8 liar lock eve. and Nineteenth at, W, P. FULLER A CO., manufacturer Ploueeg Iad, Phoenix Paint. Kopallbei a guarantee given wits every gallon of paint manufactured - .by a. . . . ... 4. .. APP HART CO.. -agents for tbe ' Klnloch bona Mints. , B8S Hawthorn sv. Phon East 184T. . . tASMUSEN CO, Jobbrra. paints. Oil, glass. aaajind Soars, iso riret et - B. o. WRIORT, Iswverr patanta s apcciaitri protect roar Inventions. Boom 804 Pehasa. r ANDERSON DI'NIWAT OOhlPANT, piinMns, ' ; lithographing, blank books. , rsoss stain u. Bus Aldar t B. I rERRELL'B Bsmana Made-a-Lld weft U klnda of roof painting and repairing. W, i. rarraU. UH rirat U Phone Boott I TIN ROoriNO, gnttcting, rapatrlng and geseral jouoiDS. t, im. ill ii raraon atreer. Simu TAJCPfl. ' aaia no; runner atampa, aeala. ateiMlia, sag gag, trad check, boa printing plyea. ' ' j ByBATCTO) AMTP WmTTlABTITw. .. l IBPBATINO aad whitewashing, tree, bass-. Wat, naraa, oocaa, ate, at. a. Morgan m ; 1 I, oau ap Boott an, we will sail aad , giv roa Bgnres ea your wora, tb largest . . . gasoline 1 spraying and whitewashing outfit , la Mnltnomsfe county. 70 MllwsakU st. , Portlaad, or. ... . - .... . .: , torn, -j- : - PORTLAND CORIA0B CO., cor. FesrtseatB ' T -and Northmp eta., PortUad. Or. BTOIAOX AXO TBAVim. par IC, O. PICK, office SB First St.. between Stark . 1 aad Osk sts. ; phone BOB; piano and rural- rare woreu nnu pacseu or anippingi cjob, asodlon fireproof . brick - warehouse, Fraat aad Clay sta. ... SATXg, LARGEST atock la city; Dlcbold werbt loebeuts opened ; repairs, jail work, steel calling, treat ment and gooda meriting year satroaag. J. B. Davis. SB Third St . SHOWCASES AXO FTZTVIXS. I SHOWCASES t vary deeertpttoai beak, bat nd atore nxturea aaa t oraee. ia Mm Maaufactarlog Co., Portlaad aad Seattle. SHOWCASES, flxturu and floe cabinet work. Portlaad Sbowceee rixture Manafactunng compaay. S4S First. Phono Black S1A3. Philip Stein. Mgr. TAIL0EB. I. REITZELB, tailor, removed from $80 Aids to B30 Bornalde it. Hotel Boott bldg., aad la- vitas old friend and eaatossars. . LITTEL auk pants, salt to erderj eld suits asd new; wars guerantoea. aei aaaiaoa. r n -TtUMFXB AJTD KAULDIw. UHIUun ixtnuss vv-. jm noru suia. I telephoe Mais SB. Hvy aaallag aad I atorage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. Na. 2O0V Wsah- ingtoa st. none vr. asia sea. TTPKwTUTIBS. T08T TYPEWRITER BBADQUARTER8 xao Stark Street Ws rest repair, sail, exchange trpewriters. All anpnue tor au aaenine. Standard nachlaos, $10, $16, $26 and ap to $100., . . ... Do you want s sreaogripner or tyyiati We hav list of good applicant. , . Phone Black 2671. . TOWEL SPPPLT. CI.RAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush. Map, $1 per sontk.v Lawreaea Brea.' Towel Supply compear. ana tiowca. roooe a am. .. TfPHOLSrZBJNO. ' FIRST-CLASS spbohTtering; sew aad second- 1 hand rurniture; rnrnitur. stoves repaireo: mattreeeee atretrhed, renovated; gooda packed for ahlpmeat, 349 Fifth at WHIRS TO filVX. "US" ICl B"U' beet service, 829 Wssblngton st WAIJJAFgft. UORRAN 1 WALLPAPER CO.. 184-186 at, bet. xambui aad xsyior, roruana. FiJANCLsX. rxSIT aTATIOMAJj BAJTX r of Portlaad, Or. I Designs ted Depository and Flanuclal Agent of uii uniia autae. I Prealdent .....A. L. MILLS I Caahler Sarond 'utonf ,ithir...'.:.K'Trw U,ttr ?' "'sute. 'B the Eastern States. I Hi! Sight Exchange aad Telegraphic Transfer ,10, N.w York. Boston, Colcsgo, St Louis. St. PanL Omshs. Ssn Francisco aad the nrlneiaal Bolnt in th Northwest Sight and time bills drawn In sums to salt oa London. Part. Berlin, Irankfort-ou-tbe Main, Hong Kong. Yokohama., Copnbsgii. Christiana, Stock kola. St - Petersburg, cow, Zurich, Honolulu. couscuona maue on nvwraoi terms. LADO It TILTOM, lAIXEXI, (KsUbUshed la 1859) Transacts a Geaeral Banking BustnsM. -Intereet Allowed en Time Deposit. Collection made at all polnta on favorable term. Letter of credit Issued availabi in v.HMn. mA ail - anlnta In th. ITnltad State. Right Rxcliange and Telegraphic Tranafer old on New York. Wssblngton. Chicago. St LouU. . Denver. Omaha. Baa Frsnclsoo and Mon- I tana anA ttrltlah rVkliimhla. I 7 . . , . li.a. Baalln IlLXCnange soia wn uunwin, a . Frankfort, Bong Kong, Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. MEBCTfJaJTrS' MATI0WAI. MAltX, PORTLAND, OREGON. i r wo a wir ataov ' t !lSmu ' ' ' .......,'a . r rraiupn v Vlc-Preeldent R. W. HOYT. UCtiKUH w. nuini.j.ij..."""""! .Aeeisrani vaaBier Traaaaot a oeaerai awnaisig ". wraru ana leiiers 01 V vi -ariit ta all narta of the World. Collections a specialty. Gold duet bought UNTIED BTATB WATTpWAY. atAJTX, 0 0TLAI'PA.5EF2&,,'aw NORTHWEST COS. THIRD AND OAK STS. Transact a General Banking Buslnes. ISSUED. v . Sja.j Sa.i Available Is sll cme 01 wejun . avurops, civii "" 7 " . COIXlCTIOirS IUPB OH FATOBABLB TERMS rreSiaOBX. V4 AinorriiKTrl .......... W. B. AYETt X,!! - ''"::... ...B. W. SCHMEER ......A. M. WRIGHT I Assistant Casble . w.a.. LOBTDOaT Si IAN FTSANCISCO BAJTB Ohamker ef, tom1. TbW and TTesd Office. 68 Old Broad Street. London, in.,, h.ab transact a genersl banklna bust. naiL make loans, discounts hills and Isaac r.v.' t Mailt available for traveler and for th pure of ttierchsndto In any dty of th world. Deal In foreign and domestic exchange. ::t!?; W. X'MABAS; M4r,agr. - CBOirTT mmn oo. aj JB.Orri.pUSB BMg A7UrVXSVAlH, T Traaaaot a Genaral Banking Bus una, V - SAVINGB DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Time snd 8svtng Deposits. sjsff ,",n"r nr." woriq, M ;, ACT aa X rwim avt naiave. a ,F. ADAMS ...President )1 A. LEWIS... .First Vice-President A. - L. MILLR..,i.. ...... Second Vtee-Presldent B, Q. JUBITS. ...Secratery 5 SCOBBZB BBOS. CBIBTllHSBJr. S: Offer d1M'rl ""If'11 Railroad Soaaa, write eg eail. - Ut First St, Psrtland, Oregoa. MORTQAOB LOANS On Po.HUnd RmI l-rtit t Low?t Raiete Tltlo In-mrd, Abatrtcta. rwnlabetl. v4 - a . . . aw. . e. a e-a . War, a aaa-h " " ' llllati UUAKAR I CC I KUJI VU. i Boom 1, Cakmber at Cuxsmcrce.