11 WORHINGMEN -,' Sale Opens Saturday Morning, June 4 9 a. m. Closes Saturday, July 2, at midnight I iubcribed $100.00 to your Fed-' , erated ; Trade Carnival. The en-j tire clothing ring, composed of over 100 firms, contributed the measly. . sum of $181 I do not mention 7 this to boast of my generosity; but ' to show you' gentlemen, WHO'S" YOUR FRIEND. . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, FRIDAY "EVENING, TUNE 3 1001 rpTTj" V GRAND $7 g,O(0)p CHAL LENQE OF CLOTHING THAT 1$ THE LATEST IN STYLE AND. MOST PERFECT IN FASHION EVER SHOWN IN THIS MARKET AND I CHALLENGE THE ENTIRE 100 PER CENT, PROFIT CLOTHING RING OF THIS CITY TO EQUAL OUR' GARMENTS FOR EVEN DOUBLE THE MONEY1 WE ASK FOR THEM. WE MAKE THIS CHAL . LENGE.BOLDLY, AND HOPE '.THAT AT LEAST ONE WILL SPEAK UP AND ACCEPT IT THIS MONSTER SALE COMPRISES , ; A $75,0.00 Stock of the Finest Clothing, Hats, Men's Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Etc. EVER EXHIBITED HERE SINCE PORTLAND'S INCORPORATION. - EVERY GARMENT AND THING IS NEW BOUGHT THIS SEASON FOR CASH AT PRICES THAT HAVE, AND WILL CONTINUE TO, PARALYZE THE 100-PER-CENTERS TO AMAZE AND DUMFOUND THEM AND STRETCH THEIR HEART STRINGS TO THE UTMOST TENSION. YES, I DEFY THE CLOTHING RING TO EQUAL -THESE GARMENTS FOR DOUBLE THE PRICES I ASK FOR THEM. HERE ARE SOME SAMPLES: SALE $7.45 j7 QP Men's Fine All-Wool Suits, in sack and V70 frock, that we challenge 'the clothing ring to match at less than $12.50. For Men's Uncalled-For Tailor-Made Suits, in sack and frock, single and double breasted, made from fine all-wool domestic fabrics. made up to measure by the leading tailors in Chicago for men who paid a deposit sufficiently large to cover the entire cost of making. We challenge the 100 per, cent clothing ring to equal these suits for less than $15.00. $0 0 Fr Men's Suits, made from fine imported sU all-wool suitings, in black and blue; neat, dark stylish patterns, sewed with silk, lined with best serges and satins, cut in the latest styles of single and double breasted sacks and frocks. We dety any clothing merchant in this city to equal this suit for less than $20.00. , (MICE For Men's Tailor $11 00 Made Suits, in fin est serges, clays and unfinished worsteds, thibets, tricuts and Venetians; also - cheviots, tweeds and fancy worsteds, in an endless variety of styles and patterns; cut-up-to-the-secorld by the best cutters in the east Examine these suits at $11.85 and then see what the 10ft per cent man will ask you for the same thing not a cent less than $25.00. $20 TOP COATS $7.45 we auui every word of the statement, absolutely, whoa wo say tit wo win Mil tha choloe of an out 15.00 aaa $20.00 UghtwaitfM Top Coftta (or $7.46. Wo challngo any elotbiag house to tils eity to match these coats for three Usui $7.43. BOYS' SUITS 91.39 For a lot of Boys' Knee Pants Suits, to fit boys up to 15 years of age. Good strong durable suits worth $4.00. nwb iri Tom xaxx. OBSEBB JLU goods sold nader m positive satis faction or your mosey back guarantee. $4.99 For Youths' Long Pants Suits,, in fine all-wool worsteds up to 20 years; worth $10.00 and $12.00. f J Or For the pick of $14oOt) our finest Tailor Made Suits. This gives you an unlimited choice of every suit in The Hub in nobby , single and double breasted sacks, 3 button serge sacks in finest im ported goods, fine unfinished Venetians, broadcloths, clay worsteds and tweeds, lined, tailored and finished in the best manner possible; a suit that I challenge the clothing ring to sell you for a penny less than $30.00. ' OC or vour choice of $070 200 Coats and Vests from $20.00 and $25.00 sack and frock suits. We challenge the ring to equal these for less than five times our price. f"A For choice of 500 Odd OUv Vests, in fine wool fab rics, all sizes and shapes ; worth $2.50 to $5.00. TROUSERS '75 For Men's Working Trousers, that we challenge the 100 per cent ring to equal at $1.50. 91.00 For Men's DRESS Trousers, that we challenge the 100 per cent ring to equal at $2.00. 91.50 For Men's DRESS Trousers, that we challenge - - the 100 per cent ring to equal -at $3.00. 92.50 For Men's DRESS -Trousers, that we challenge -the 100 per cent ring to equal at $5.50. 93.50 For Men's DRESS Trousers, that we challenge the 100 per cent ring to equal at $7.50. ChallengeiSalePrJceson n, A 0 iA For your Choice of 1200 Sam TCyC pie Hats, in soft, stiff and fine straw. We challenge the clothing ring to produce their equal for less than $1.50. f(n For your pick and choice of 77L 1800 Sample Hats, all the new est $2.00 and $2.50 spring styles and shapes. We challenge the clothing ring to equal these 991 Hats for $2.50. $1.49 For all the new Knox and Dunlop shapes, in . soft and stiff. A thousand to select from. We challenge any hat house in this city to a. - . fl -1 -v WW . .tin AM Deai tms i.iu xiat at even $d.uu. CI 00 For ue ch"ce8t lot of &80 J) la to $5T00 Hats ever shown in this city, in the newest and most styl ish shapes and blocks that are made in the east Challenge Sale Prices on SHOES tl AQ For Men'B Solid Leader Shoes, in lace, blucher and Oxford, with best oak tan soles. We challenge any shoe house in town -to beat them at $2.50. CI QQ For all styles of $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00 kinds, in all the new spring styles, in lace and congress and Oxford ties, kid, vici, colt and patent leather. $7 00 Takes pick of' any Shoe in stock. This Vyy means all the new spring styles and lasts in $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 custom-made Shoes. Every pair of shoes we sell guaranteed. THE HOB CHALLENGES ANY HOUSE IN TOWN TO MATCH THESE PRICES ON MEN'S FURNISHINGS Handkerchiefs-- 6 for a line hemstitched 10c Handkerchief, llf , for Men's Initial Handkerchief, pure linen; 2Bo values. 17 for men'a "Irish" linen -hemstitched Handkerchiefs; S60 values. Suspenders 10 buys all grades makes shapes and styles of 25c Suspenders. ' lile) for a magnificent assortment of 40c and 60o sample Suspenders. 331 tor" a11 the best niakes of fine 76c and $1.00 sample Suspenders. 1,000 Pairs of President Suspenders at 25c Ask the clothing ling the price of Pres-, 4 dents. They sell them at H per pair. 6,000 pairs of the genuulne Guyott Suspenders ' at a quarter of a dollar per pair. Price them elsewhere and you "will come to- the v Hub for yours, t . Blankets "At will pay you to buy your Blankets $2.36 For a pair of 10-4 All Wool Blankets ; worth $4.50. $3.36 For a pair of 10-4 AI1- ' Wool Blankets i worth $6.00. $4.36 For a pair of 10-4 AH Wool Blankets; worth $7.50. These Blankets axe samples from a local blanket mill. We eaat give you tlie bum, as tie 1 big department stores sell tlie same Blankets at twice what ; we ask. . Working: Shirts 194 for men's 60c Working Shirts. 39 for men's.. 76c Working Shirts. 49 for men's $1.00 Working Shirts. 79j for men's $1.60 Working Shirts. Negligee Shirts 48 for men's SOo negligee semi-dress Shirts.', . 73e for men's $1.25 .negligee semi-dress Shirts. 96 for men's $1.50 negligee eeml-dress Shirts. ::- fl.37 for men's $2.00 negligee semi-dress Shirts. . Dress, Shirts 47 for men's 86o white dress Shirtsr 74 for men's $1.10 white Dress Shirts. 9S for men's $1.50 white Dress Shirts, f 1.05 for men's $1.75 plaited bosom Whiter Shirts.. f 1.00 for meh's $2.00 - silk bosom Dress Shirts. Neckwear 91 for Wilson Bros.' famous 25c Neckwear. 19 for Wilson Bros.' famous SOo Neckwear. 29? for Wilson Bros.' famous 75c Neckwear. 39 for Wilson Bros.' famous $1 Neckwear. 491 ror Wilson Bros.' famous $1.50 Neck wear. This Includes Tecks, Bows, Four-in-hands, English Squares, Midgets, Ascots, Piccadil Iles. Longleys, Mansflelda, Norfoiks, Sutfolks and Premier styles, In the new spring shad ings, in best grades of Imported silks. We show more shapes and shades of Neckwear than, the whole 100-per-cent ring combined, and at prices that make them faint. Umbrellas We have more Umbrellas than most whole sale houses have. We have Umbrella at all prices from $1 to $10. The little prices at which we will sell Umbrellas during this challenge sale will be a godsend to every body in Portland and everybody in Oregon will need one of these to save him from" our heavy dews. 39eV buys all of our 75c Umbrellas. - 49 buys all of pur $1.25 Umbrellas. 09 f takes pick and choice of our $2 and $2.50 gloria silk Umbrellas with best steel frames; very neat natural and fancy handles. . -' f 1.99 for all of our $3.50 Silk Umbrellas. . $2.99 ror all of our $5 Silk Umbrellas, f 3.99 for aU of our $7 Silk Umbrellas. .. Gloves We challenge the world to equal these prices on Guaranteed Gloves: Working Gloves 9 for hoppickers' regular 16c Gloves. 19 for hoppickers' regular 26c Gloves. 25 for workingmen's hog skin 50c Gloves. 35 for workingmen's calfskin 75c Gloves. 48 for workingmen's buckskin 90c Gloves. ,76 for workingmen's coltskin $1.25 Gloves. Dress Gloves 50 for men's mocha and dress $1.00 Gloves. 75 for men's mocha and dress $1.25 Gloves. 91.00 for men's mocha and dress $1.50 Cloves, f 1.00 for men's driving GlovesTreg. $1.60. Every pair of Gloves sold with a money back guarantee. Sox In all grades from the Henry Rockford for workingmen to the elegantly hand-embroidered sort that the swell gent wears with his Oxford .Ties. 41 for new black and tan 10c Rose, 8 for new black and tan 15c Hose. 14 for new black and tan SOo Hose. 11 for fancy lisle 20c Hose. 23. for fancy lisle- 60c Hose. 46e) .for fancy, lisle ji.oq Hose. Underwear At prices that make the 100-per-cent ring tremble " . 23 for full lines of men's 60o Underwear, in blue, pink, tan and black, all sixes, fast colors. 35e for men's select Balbriggan Underwear, Silk finished and hound. InnnAil Ama don't shrink; equal to the best 75c Values In this city. , 49 for men's Underwear in open mesh; Balbriggan, Maco, Lisle and Egyptian, in 20 handsome colors; all sixes; can't beat it at $1.00 anywhere. 98 for men's finest spring Underwear in light-weight wool, lisle, Balbriggan and nearsllk, $2 and $2.50 in any of the clothing ring stores. Sweaters fl.OO buys a swell $1.50 all wool Sweater. 81.50 buys a swell $2.00 all wool Sweater. 82.50 buys the famous Progress ; $4.00 lamb's wool Sweater. ' 84.00 buys Sweaters in plain and fancy, colors, lamb's wool, regular $6.00. ' Suit Cases ' $1,75 For Steel . Frame, 26-inch Suit Cases, $4.00 value- - $2.95 For Alligator.: Suit Cases, $$.50 value. - . - - $4.25 For Solid Leather Suit Cases, $7.50 value. , '' $0.05 For Solid Leather " . buit Cases, $13.50 value. AU have Bronze Locks - and Steel Frames. - :m