10 arasT ooxxrssxo rnsoxma cox MmncAnow raox v. a. nau soay pttutsxb TO SOCXXD OBVATXS OOJT. TBACT TO POXi XV XjOW XUjrDS, i j.' A communication from tho United States engineers wu read at ths meet In of the port of Portland oommlaalon yesterday afternoon. In which the state ment wee made that the government atanos .ready to contribute Hit a day wwaraa aeiraying ine expense of op erating us areata Portland during the present season, or tit for a similar 'purpose U the dredge Columbia la used. i he communication was favorably acted tipoa and It la rery probable that the ' w . Columbia will aoon be put into service, ; clearing the river channel of all lmpedt S meats to navigation, under the direction -..of local government officials. . . V Too Columbia was kept In eoramls- '.V alon during the greater part of last , season, and the government paid the bllL In the oourse of their remarks, ' , members of the board hold that It costs t.all the way from fltl to 1280 to meet ths dally expenses of keeping the big ' dredge la operation. Recently she has " : I been converted Into an oil burner, and It I . is veuevea uu a aiignt savins;, can oe i enectea on that account. v i - Drydock talk occupied the attention i of the oommlsslon during a greater por . . ! . tlon of the session. Upon motion of : t Feass H was unanimously decided to - . t dock the bar schooner Joseph Pulltser t ,ir or cnarg. Engineer J. C. Lockwood, who was ap pointed to superintend the construc tion of the drydock, tendered bis reelg. nation, us explained that as the Struc ture la bow completed, and aa there can bo no doubt that It will give entire satisfaction,-be saw no further necessity for him to retain his position. The resignation was accepted, and Mr. Lockwood was tendered a rots of thanks for the able manner In which be performed nil work. In return he thanked the commission and said be ap preciated the many courtesies which been shown him durlnsr the time that ho bad acted as their represents- THrvfrREcofc EAjxvVjotn a, icon ' ' j" j1"1 ; , ,''!!T?iS!gY ' . ', 1 l -1 .H ,1 W .1 --ii III .. J J.l J'l.l I 111 .1.1 y , . , ,11 -IP 1 .!,, J , ,". I I UL. 1 M 1 Ml MM M .. Ill MM MM mmm M I ; mm mmm (-bad PLAN AW IMMENSE UNION OF tADOS 1 jf" IPOSTLAJrD WXUt SB YtSXTM M XaJTT xanaxa or x.os Astasias COaTKMgoi MTMUH Al .mjuraajMCMTS mass rem rual axTsmTajanaixT. snrrn oomvnoi Moroni 1 ; 1 AW MWFXMMXT XXW J OBaaJTZSA tzo wxzeat mx VKOvnm iu &ABOB XOSZZfj xT . on OlUf AJCiJUlAXATXOaT. V,- .f; t.1 ! I- f The entire Methodist forces of Pnr. I land have co-operated to do honor to the delegates from all Darts of the world, who have been attending the I general conference at Los Angeles, and I are passing through the city, - The Men's Methodist 1 Social - union Is in I charge of the arrangements, and every thing possible Is being dons to make the Visit of the delerates to Portland, one I long to bo remembered. Throe distinguished visitors arrived this morning. Ther are; Blshon r. w. Warns, Blshoo W. V. Oldham and Bishnn I J. E. Robinson. Bishop Warns has been la missionary to India for the past four ysaro. isnop uicham is one of the newly appointed bishops.. Ho has. for number of years, resided in Chicago, where ho was assistant aeorotary of the Foreign Missionary society. He will now take up the work In one of the mis. swnary news or Asia. J. S. Roblnsoa Is well-known In the missionary field, ha. log been stationed in Asia tar a. umh I of years. These men have eomo here to confer with Bishop Thoburn In re gard to making plana for tba next four years. Othsr Visitors who have arrived so far are: W. T. MoDonald of Alsona. fa.i K. & BtookwelL Perry. Oklahoma: Mr. and Mra C. W. Wade of-Munole, Ind.; I Price A. Crow. Buffalo. New -York- Henry Clay Harklns, Olean, N. T.J Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Mason and Miss Ruth Mason. John 8 welt and W. H. Shier, Detroit Mich., and Edward P. Robin son and wife of Whapston. N. D. There Will bo a rrand union rallv of the Methodists of Portland this ovsnlng I at Taylor street church. Third and Sal mon streets, to which everyone Is In vited. There will be half-hour talks by Bishops Oldham. Warns and Robinson. I followed by an Informal reoeptlon. , (Joornsl gpeelal Servlot.) " Denvtf, Juno I.A proposition was launched at today's' session of the West era Federation, of Labor Tor formation Of the greatest labor organisation In the world., and authority baa been vested la a committee to proceed with th move ment The amalgamation of all labor organisations la tho country under one neaa has long hoea a dream of the fed eration and today a-committee was ap pointed. Born time ago a report oa the ques tion Of affiliating .with the Amerioan Federation of Labor was made by a special committee. This report does not recommend affiliating with, the American Federation of labor; but suggests that -a new organisation be formed to Include tvory labor body in America. . Invitations to a mammoth labor con gress will be Issued as soon as ths ores- wm Hvuiomiva ujvvrns, DUIiniL QUIT IF PAID $800 sBBSBsasssWBafa-BBBjBB---a BABBZ OF WAXJUVa BTsTAftOaVa KAWjm FBOFOaZTZOsT TO X noox wxiom may mm iooimo Toxmr Mxwxnrd x4gT wxamx COT AT FOUOB STATXOY. I If ' V't j.'.'v..r.-. .., is: V V 5 i v S . . ....... I V A I flp flge of Specially This, ii an ape of soedaJtv. when tn article can be produced best by : -. r a house maldng i specialty of the ; proaucaon of tnat one thing. Uur sperialtjr is GOOD PRINTING. Send s ;an..order.ahd Jct us dera- V" onstrate to you the advantage of : T patronizing a Printing House that t is modern in method equipment. - P.W.Balfesand Company PRINTERS ; ," ' '.' First and Oak Streets v Telephone Main i6 tlve. Contractor Wakefield, bunder of ths drydock, presented a few bills on which be asked payment Among them was a hill for.lt!,. which Engineer Lock-v- wood refused to O.K. Mr. Wakefield . stated that hs had to procure longer pil ing to enclose ths berth of the drydock man ins plans and specification!, called Tor, and ths longer timbers cost him al most 11,000 ' more than he bad eaJcu lated on paying. Ths bill was ordered , paid. Previously bo was allowed varl ous smaller sums for placing . ballast In the pontoons, changing the length of stepladdors and doing little extras about the dock not Included la the plana. When asked by one of the mem bers of the board If he had any other I been Caplea eV Allen. Biuo to present Mr. waktneid remarked that he could not think of any others just at present The Columbia Engineering works was allowed II.S41.I0 for installing ths ma- cunary the drydock. contract was entered Into with ths property holders on North Front street, to fill 10 a Stria Of low land with ma. terial taken from tba river by the dredge Portland. Tba commission agreed to as- ept 19 cents a cublo yard for the ma terial. Separata contracts oa tho nam JUDQB O. W. ALLEN. Photo by C. L. Elmore Grove. O. W. Allen, the Demooratia nomlnoa for circuit judge, department No. 1. has been a resident of Portland for 1 years. - Hs is a graduate of tho law sahool of Ann. Arbor. Mich., class of 1111. and practiced law In Ohio for three years before coming to Portland. Soon after his arrival tn this city he became a member of tba law firm of Caplea, Mulkey A Allen, Later, upon the death of Mr. Mulkey, Judge Hart well Hurley was added to the firm. Since the elevation of Judge Hurley to the bench la im, ths firm name baa Mr. Allen has never before been a candidate for any office, but has de voted himself to the practice of his pro fession. He stands high with the bar of this state, has a well trained, well balanced mind and Is careful and con servative. It Is thought by his many ....... . L . . . . ... . ..... uwnai ui as wui mass, ir sieoted, a worthy suocossor to the lata Juris Shattuck, who was repeatedly elected to that high office, when the principle of a non-partisan Judiciary was not onlv recognised, but was put Into d radical application by both political parties. FIVE KILLED AND RACE WAR IMMINENT (Joans! Special Service.) Greenville, Miss.. June I. Five men killed and a race war threatened Is the tally of a shooting affray whloh started at Trail Lake last night and la not yet ended. ' John Slmma, a prominent Trail Lalfe vuLuiwr, mna aim manager, witn wnom he was talking when tho trouble com menced, were both shot and killed by two negroes wnom Dr. Adolph Abbey, lusting rabbi of ths congregation of Neva Zedeck Talmud Torah. has agreed to resign his charge, if he la paid ths sum of 1800. that being mue less man nis salary for ths entire year. He Was offered half that amount I out declined JX. at a meeting last night A special meeting of the congregation nas Men called for next-Sunday night at whloh it la expected the money will oe paio. ana the resignation tendered ana accepted. A meeting whloh lasted four hours was beld last night at ths synagogue. President L Apple called tho meeting ana ne aismissea the gathering amid vio lent demonstrations. Disorder threat-1 nea to result la open violence between the warring factions, but this was ob- BIRDIE MCARTY MPS BITTERLY GOOD ATTENDANCE AT CONFERENCE basis were also made with several own- .. rs of tba abutting property. OATatCTT O TXXAXb MXTM. ' Lata this - aftsrnoon tho Ballsy Oat kert the crack steamer of the Regulator . line, which has undergone extensive re- i. pairs, mads a trial trio down ths river. ... Painted whiter than any other vessel on the-rlverahe presented - a- picture of vtc more than ordinary attractiveness. She tarn beea remodeled throughout and un less informed otherwise anyone could oasiiy oe led to believe that she Is : oran new steamer just on the wars. ' ,' Tba Oatsert baa beea fitted up to carry H nothing but passengers, - her freight room Having peon converted into a large . dining room. Tonight the Zebras have - aer chartered for a moonlight excur- ; ploa. Her own steam will not be used. . nowever; she will be escorted by a tow- ' boat Ths steamer wHl be Inspected to morrow and the first of ths week she .:.wlll go out on the run to Ths Dalles. . ' During the past few weeks ths Rem later boats have beea transferring at ths locks, but from now on It is an noanoed that they will ma clear through to me uauea v k .5;-v' The steamers of both lines went out . 4 this morning with big crowds for Hood 1 i River. or ATTOxrar OAVSJI aUSfflB BXOKFjr XXABT- mm woatAaT to bbxajc bowx nr oovx txzs Koaxzvawoitjur mOTATOJM AIM XTTBOTBD. T. K ft 1 BtVUMMTB AT OBAJft MABT uoxat Mvnmxam of ouat SXTEXXST TO THAT OBOAJrXXA TXOkT JkAXJr OOJITUUJBn TO XV- -TEXFXXJi WZTX ATBXBTXOS. negroes whom ther bad ordered sway from ths plantation. Posses were I vlatsd by an adjournment formed and ths negroes were run downl This morning la tba municipal oourt. snd shot to death this mornlna- after I the case of Apple aralnst Welnatain u an extended chase. A third negro who dismissed, Apple agreeing to 1st the had joined tho fugitives also paid the charge drop.; It was Welnstsln who penalty of bis svl oomparlonshlp with made the sensational attack ' upon Dr. his lira Abbey, , - A raos war is threatened and both Ths ease asralnst P. Nui.m.t, negroes and whites are arming- la fear I charred with throatanina- to km nr m. i vi eventualities. KnoxrUls. Tend.. Juno Shortlvl after midnight a pistol battle took place in a restaurant here Detween constable Q. 9. Oamblo nd ,T. W, McCarthv, and twe negroes. , Lunt . and Wash Miller. Lum was Instantly killed and Gamble and Miller were fatally wounded. LOUIS ? ARffYQIJ GOIWG TO ST. If to, cn iWyour tickets via tho . . ROCK ISLAND-'FRISCO SYSTEMS The line having; terminal at entrance to Fair Grounds. Round trip rate $07.50, good for ninety days from date of 5 ale. Choice of routes going; and returning; via St Paul, )enver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo or El Paso. Stopover permitted in both directions. - r. DATES OF SALE June 7, 18, 17, 18 July 1, 2, 3; August 8, 9, 10; September 5, 0, 7; October 3, 4,5. ... :. . On above' dates rate of $ 72.50 will be made to Chicago and return. , For further information and sleeping car reservations, call upon or address, A. H. MDONALD, General Agent, 140 3d St, Portland, Oregon. bsy. was postponed until next Thursday. PATTON HOME GIVES . . I ITS; ANNUAL TEA Listening to a fierce denunciation of her character and moUves by Attorney John M. Oeaxin. who referred to hap ss "wanton," "adventuress," and other oossioa of ths Pacific Northwest Studeat CT Praaoaa m lelweii) (Special OerresDoadeaee of T. i.t t Ooarhart Or., Juno I. At yesterday's i xumioni. Astoria, Juno 3. Left np at U a. bl. achooner Mabel Dale. r-Outside at 1 a. m schooner Louis, zrom tan Francisco. Sailed at 11 a m.. steamer Vosbura, zor TiiiamooK. Arrived at 11:15 a. m., steamer Ooorgo w. f.iaer, rrom van n-ancisco. San Francisco, June t Arrived at a. m., steamer Columbia, from Port land. . Astoria, June I. Arrived at 4 p. m schooner Mabel Gale, from Baa Pedro. JuureKa, June z. tsaueo at I a. m. steamer Despatch, for Portland. Astoria, June t. Condition of the bar at S a m., smooth; wind, northwest weather, cloudy. AH HA GETS WHAT'S COMING TO HIM - .nr. An hi, a native or China, was fined )20 for conducting a lottery in the north end of this city. Municipal Judgs xiuguo passea sentence this morning. It was paid. "Ah Ha, stand up," cried Bailiff Oolta -An tia." said Ah Ha. "Are you Mr. Ah Hr inquired Dep uty vity Attorney ntsgerald Of the celestial. "Ah Ha," said Ah Ha. The evidence was then produced, pror ma; xne qeienaant guuty or selling lot tery ticaets ana or conducting a lottery. i nns you szu, saia Juage uogua Ah Hi," said Ah Ha. "Here's your receipt" said Clerk Fred Olson. "Ah Ha," said Ah Ha. You can go now," said Assistant Ball IS Hammersley. . "Ah Ha," said Ah Ha. ' "Ha, he," said the spectatora And out trudged Ah Ha. xThe SchiUing's Best label is never pnraytbing middling. i . Yoiff grocer's ; everything I : money back. ' , . ; , , simuar epithets. Birdie MoCarty. who is suing James D. Heryford, the rich cattleman, for damages alleged to have been sustained because of her broken heart yielded to the bitter assault in the federal court today, and wept pit eously. It Is ths only time during ths sensational proceedings that her stoical features have changed from the look of amused unconcern. In 'a rhetorical burst of eloauence. that waa both caustio and pathetic, Mr. Oearln touched the hearts of many In the crowded room. He told of the home which Heryford had pictured for himself, and of tho love which so ab sorbed bis rnstlo heart that he failed to heed tam wiles snd cunning of ths smooth young teacher, who "yielded to his embraces" only to share bis wealth. Bhs was a wanton, he said, a creature who shammed ths. name of love, that she might deoelve the rich farmer. MoOarty Weeps. when the attorney began. Miss Mo Carty eyed him furtively, then looked down. She retained that- posture until. In his impassioned remarks, he called her wanton. Then the woman tn her asserted Itself and the pent-up tears flowed fast Other women who were In the room also got busy with their handkercuiera. Attorney Fred Miller of . Spokane, In behalf of u.e plaintiff, opened the argu ments In the famous case this morning. Judge Thomas O'Day, in behalf of the plaintiff, is presenting her claims to the jury this afternoon. The case will likely go to the Jury tonight or tomorrow. ' oonzerenoo uecretary Harry W. Stone led ths ovsnlng llfs work meeting, speaking very effectively of .Tha On. portunltles of the Secretaryship of tho xoung Mens unnstian Association," Mr. Stone stated that 7( more associa tion secretaries could be used to ad. vantage in the northwest if they were to bo had. Also, there Is a call for 110 well prepared and constant WOODMEN TO LOOK INTO ALLEN CASE XL v. Allen, arrested yesterday on ths charge of Insanity preferred against aim oy nis wire two weeks ago, as stated la Ths Journal, Is still held at the oounty Jail pending a trial aa to his sanity. Allen, was locked up yesterday In order that be might be in safekeeping while an investigation by the officers Tho annu,al tsa for ths benefit of the ration nome was given yes teraay af ternoon at tho homo, and waa a success. The decorations were elaborate and beautiful . Tho following ladles were oa ths reoeptlon committee: Mrs. Peter Knox, Mrs. J. P. Cllne, Mrs. M. Bil lings. Mra A. N Shannon, Mrs. John Watson and Mrs, Eva Hunter. In the dining room tho guests were served by I mra w nummer, miss Minnie Ramsey, I Miss jussia Lng, miss Helen Morrison, Miss Annie pulllvant Miss Eula Shore, Miss Gladys Barnes, Miss Louise Wat son, Miss Garnet Albright Miss Bertha Foster and Miss Edlva De Bebolsa At the candy table were: Mtaa- fawcy Nlc- XV!IMTnV 7 VIS, 1 i "Follow Thi Flaq.- TAKE THE WABASH TO 1(D)(LIDS. of ths Woodmen of ths World is bslng mads regarding the alleged conspiracy of olai, Mra David H. Rand. Miss Ethel vn Alien ana nis wire to aeiraua tne orasr I tiarria ana auss nesaie Urn Bebolsa. THE ONLY LINE physical directors. 1 There are IIS men attend In Uhe mm. f erenoa Among the recent arrivals la estate eecreary wneox of Washington. out of ths 11,000 llfs Insurance policy beld by him in bis wlf e'r favor. Allen is still wearing tho badge of the order. When asked if the report that he had planned to Jump in -the river. Thoss taking part in ths musical nro- gram were:--JThe Misses Eul Bennett Beulah Cadwoll. Cornelia Barker, -Louise Watson, Evelyn Hitchcock, Vera stelnegger, Watklns, Florence Walton. TO At today's session Seoretary Allen of P re,ou,1 wlfa and then dis- Marie Keller, and Master Tom Dobspn Meatus govs ths . fifth address In tho North American problem series, speak ing on 'The Possibilities of the Phv.i. cal Culture Department of the Toung Man's Christian Association. This, as bag been each of this valuable series, was a very Instructive addreaa Mr. Allen proved to tho satisfaction of his hearers that ths gymnasium is not a luxury, : - but a necessity especially in the city. The prlnolpal address of the dar wu given in a striking and masterly , way by Rev. John M. Dean of Seattle. His subject was Ths Evidences of ths Resurrection. . . Tho rain continues to pour down and the baseball, tennis, golf and track work, of which much has been said, are still a dream of the future. Lively and beneficial student volun teer rallies are held each day and many are thinking of the foreign lands aa pbssible fields for their future useful ness, appear, was true, Allen said "Nothing ip it." He denied ths stories of his attempted suicide.. J. M, Woodworth, secretary of the Multnomah camp, W. of W- has re ported Allen's actions to tbo head of fices of tho order at Denver and baa recommended that Allen be expelled from membership. Mr. Woodworth says that hs believes that Allen and bla wifs con spired to defraud the order out of 91,000; at least ho says there Is ground for ac tion again Allen, POLICE THINK DUNN MET FOUL PLAY The homo Is making arrangements for a June lawn rote to be held on ths Stth or tnis montn, at tno home of tho presi dent Mra Theodore Nikolai. PORTLAND FIRMS TO SUFFER BY RULING TWEiVflCBLirS FADES MAIN INTRANOI. ROSS C. CUNE, P. C P. Agt Los Angeles, Cal. SUSAN B. ANTHONY IS HIGHLY HONORED (Journal Special fierrlc.) Berlin, June 8. The international women's suffrage conference today elected Susan B. Anthony president and Miss Chapman Catt of Wyoming seoretary. Miss Anthony was given a rouslncr ovation by the delegates Irrespective of nationality and was characterized as the woman's light of the world." who had by her leadership, "swayed modern thought Into its true channel." MAY BE PLANNING TO DEFEAT PARKER (Journal Special Scrrlca.) New Tork, Jun J. Important Politi cal conrerences oetween j. P. Morarnn and Colonel Guffey, national committee man from Pennsylvania. Is being held in mis city tooay. a Tammanv oollti- clan asserts that plans ara being laid to defeat Parker for. ths Democ ratio nomination. . ''. Parker partisans admit that less than one-half of the delegates to St Louis have been instructed for him. hut . llevo that a majority of tho unlnstruotod delegates will vote for bun on ths sec ond ballot " Can't bo oerfect health wiiKMif mm blood.. - Burdock Blood Bitters makes pure blood. - Tones and. invigorates ths whole eystem, USE OF OIL KILLS COAST COAL TRAFFIC (Special Dispatch to The Joornsl) Victoria, B. C, June S. The Steam collier Wellington of the Dunsmulr fleet has been laid up owing to the bad condition of the ooal market Oil Is supplanting coal so rapidly In San Fran cisco that Importations from Vancouver Island are decreasing continuously until now the company has but one ship run nmg in tne coast trade.' The Wellington is owned by the com. pany and it prefers to lay her up rather than cancel the charter of the Tellus. tno latter oeing a Norwegian bottom, which can be operated for about half the money required to run the Welling ton owing to tne anormous difference In wages paid and in provisioning. EZEXTioir rsovxo too xucm. (Journal Special Service.) Long -Beach, Cal., Juno 4. J. J. Over ton, aged 107, Tuesday read his obitu ary notice. In the afternoon he walked down town and Joked with pis friends. saying he was too busy to die. The ex ertion proved too much and ho died last night. The polico believe that J. W. Dunn has either been kidnaped, that he resisted being shanghaied, and was either killed In a fight on some ship, or that he leaped overboard to avoid being taken on a long sea voyage, and drowned. A body recovered from the river . near Astoria recently is believed to bo that of Dunn. J. A. Johnson today reported . the mysterious dlaappearanoe of Dunn, and told the polico that a body found yes-' terday near Astoria might be that of tho missing man. A statement the offi cers eannot reconcile, also mads by Johnson, was that when last seen here, April 20, Dunn said be was going to his ranch near the suets Indian reservation. . (Wsehlagtoa Boreas of . The Journal.) Washington, June I. Senator Mitch ell was Informed by the auarterm aster- general today that shipments of lumber and grain. to the Philippines must be mads la American bottoms and that contracts for those shipments have been made with Frank Waterhouss of Seat tie, agent for ( tbo , Boston Steamship company. ... This prevents tho ,. purchase from James A. Laldlaw of ths lumber for which his firm was ths lowest bidder recently and will prevent Portland firms from supplying grain, bids for whloh will bo opened tomorrow. Senator Mitchell has not taken ths Bancroft cass op with tbo postmaster- general, who now stateo that nothing will bo done until after a conference with Mitchell. - For Infants and Children. Ths Kind Yon Have Always Bought Boars, tho 3O&turt0f FIRST STEP MADE IN MEAT TRUST FIGHT (Journal Special Service.) , Salt Lake, June 8. Tho Incorporation of the. Utah Packing company here yes- teraay is tne nrst step in the anti-trust packing scheme which was promoted by members of the National Livestock association It is asserted that simi lar corporations will be floated In tho western states in-" the near future, the oojecT or wnicn is tne getting of better prices for tbo stockmen. MISS ADAMS COMING TO PORTLAND It was announoed . today that Miss Maude Adams will appear in the north west circuit during the latter part of this month and has closed a contract to visit Portland at that time. Miss Ad ams la now playing In San Francisco. Manager Pangle of tho Marquam Grand theatre, this morning received a tele gram from Calvin Heillg, who is In New Tork, announcing that a contract bad been . made whereby Miss .Adams will I appear in Portland at the Marquam Grand aunng ; cer tour or tne north' west ; ' .-,S'-"iM-.Jii:Vc , Miatting Sate! Just received a very largo shipment of Una Linen Warp Matting at 15c and 18c per yard Also Japanese and Chinese curios, consisting of hW- Brasswaro. Clols sonnie, Satsuma, fins decorated Porcelain. Silk Embroideries, etc. Our leass sxplrss la July bad the entire stock must bo dosed out be fore moving. - ;.;,., ANDREW KAN & CO. SSSS1 BERNHEIM GETS THE PIERCE COUNTY WOOL Ausoaa yxmnAVs o xx&a. Bertha Umphletto was granted, a dl vorce from lvin L. TJmphlette today on the) ground of habitual drunkenness and cruelty and threats to kill ' They were married July S3, im, in-Sell wood. Or. (Special Mi patch to The Journal. K Taooma, Wash- June 1 c-Thnw. I Bernhelm of Portland today mad thai mgnesc ma ror the wool elin of th I nerca county wooigrowers association and received too contract. There-were six bids ranging from 1J to 1H cents iins, virisLOWS sooTCirm syrup has beea Ned by sTIllkms of Votbers for tbetr iBildrea while Teethloc for over Fifty Tears. It aoetaes tba ehlld, sortas tne gams, allays all paio. enras wind, oouo, sad Is toe Bwt TWUTT-FIVS (TClTTw A SOTTtC . O. W. nOWXH, Xanagar. PSXh aVjiTsKTaTAJf, PreddeeMX Portland, Oregon ir Buroptan Plan 0(y Rt from $1 to $?J0 for say ; ' Svitb WaaUagto,, streets' I PORTLAND CLUB CAFE : v 130 Fifth S tract, Bctwoon Wasblagtoo and Alder : HErUtlTACE : WHISKEY SCHLITZ BEER AO Leading Crtnds of Clgartv r Lunch at 9 p. m. :'. . f I' ; ' I' - . : . ' - . ' ' ' r vi " s. 1 A