.7 12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 31,- ICO J. 1. I 'I '!!. 1". "... !!!- ' ..! ) ,LU! L-Jl-LJ LILB j,l.U'J,l. HJUiUMU. ', xx xOTei with t-tjQ0ar. .. SALT MEN ARE TIRED OF LOSING MONEY Catered t th peetofflce f Portland, Or., for trsMportatioa tbrvogk the nulla ss (eoond lN matter. ....... t . . Poetess tat ataria mates) Trr aa B. ID or li ps ge paper. 1 coot; 10 pages, t cent; 81 , " . uxxraora. ' ' . RnatneM Office train 800. j.KdltorUI Koema Main 860,., roxnav abteitibimo bepbesiittativx. Vreelead-Beagamla Special Advertlalng Agency, , 160 Nasata euwet. New Xorkj TtUmim Build .. : Inf. Chicago. ,,, , .. . . iTrBCKIIO SATXS. rr-, Term by-Carrier. - U" ?'. Bandar, 1 yMr...$TB0 Th Tally Journal, I'im. ................ BOO 2 be Itally Journal, with Sunday, month 8.T5 Ihe folly Journal. month 80 2 he IXHr Journal, with Bnnday, S Mentha . The Psily journal. S monthiTT.. 1-80 The flatly Journal, with Bandar, 1 (tooth. .98 Ihe Dally, par week, delivered, Sunday is- eluded ................. ...... V Too lellr, par WMk, delivered. Bandar ex- cepted j... .,.., .10 ' , Tuna hy BaB. Th Patly Joaraal, with Bandar, 1 yr...8T 00 jb. Pally Journal! 1 year ...... 6.00 Th Pally Joersal. with Sunday, $ mouths J 15 jn. (aiij jnornaL a months...... i indications now, :: POINT TO TRUCE xxxxxxxa nor inms txasb AT VMM TnXBXXT XtTUXO PBIOXS xosaxa abb too xxayt xox oowrnroATioaT or rxoxr xtrr- TXB ZS YXBMXB. 1 14.60; California red. Ynat Street. May 111. Th nrtnelDal feeturee oi me i-ortiana wnoieeeie markets today are; Butter market very Arte, Poultry la good demand. ' Egge have a excellent tsaa. Imprarcd call for maata. - Two cart banana, arrlva. Strawbmrrlaa com la tutor. Bait ma not hlng trad. Potato aU vary low. -, California oakn -drop agala. lb Tallv lainal. vltk (,.!., Baaatha l.VO ally f allr 1. 1h rally J, foaraaL I manth...., 1 40 Imtraal arlfh a,.... 1 aaAntk. .65 Th Tally joaraal. 1 moath.TT.... I n kaaaa 1ml f . 1 00 lb Suaday Joaraal. Koatba.. ........... LOO Th Bacal-WMkly 'ara4. t Th hal-WMkbr JoornaL to IB Bag, , laaoa. Ulaatratod, full market ra- porta, 1 raw tLBO ' Tk W.kly 7araaL n Waakty Joaraal. 100 aolamna f raad lag ach koa, Ulaatratad, fall narkrt ,. I porta, i yar , , l. Kcmtttaacaa akoold ka mada hr 4 raft, aortal ot, aiprM ardara, and amall amoaata ar aonpUBl la 1 and kVatPtag aumn. XH iO P. O. ' Bog in, Portland, Or. ynmx ra romurn vat ss ronrs, ; Th loornal eaa k foand ' aal at tka foV rlnf place: . - FOK1NB, A8Jf. John W. Oraham Cal La Marc. Victoria Hot! aawa ftaad. TACOMA, WAH Caatral Krwi eoapany, UU J018B. IDA HO Pionaar book atara. f an rhUNci8oo w. a. ahibs, ruoa koti : - nrwa ataad; Ooldamltk Bra., SSd Batter ! trats Frd W. Kltta, 1008 Market ntraat. LOB ANOELEB B. W. Oardaar, V South Boring atrMtt Oilfar liaise, Sud Boatk Bprloa' atraat, ... . .. I -I ALT LA KB CITT Kenyon kotl aawa ataadi Barrow Bra 4 Want flacoad ftroet, Boatk, ; imui-vgaea awa company. rr liKNVin, COLO. Kradrirfe Bosk BtatloBary , company, BIB lmtoeath atreetl i. Black, BUteentk and Cnrtla a treats. , , v. . XAN8AB CITY Taa Noy New company. OMAHA Millard hotel new ataad; MagMtk BUUoDory eomsaay, 130B rarnam a treat. ST. LOt'Itt PklUp Boeder. 616 Locoat etraet. CHICAGO PoatoOo Kewa compaay, J7B bear- oora atr x. t . KKW TORK CTTT Brent no' Vtkrn jnar. ' Bait Xaa 9 Vet Beek Trade. Nowaday ther I very 11 HI actlrlty la tb aalt market, tka prtoa being to low that tka dealer hardly car to aU at all. One thing la apparent to all- tka aalt broker ar not running aroaad attar koala and quota- Don oa tna main Buy be aald to be align tly hlfber. Beery to of aalt now being cold amouata to a loa of orer ?1 to tbe aalt mean factarar and It la tat tola reaeoa tbr ro Bot anxloa to talk the retailer lata baying. During tk put four moatba, according to the Urre Bunoiactarera of tolt, there kne been more aelea than daring tk roar prerkma. What order ar bow coming la ar mainly be ing fllled at advanced ftgorea, aa all of tbm ar takca a object to coaBrmattoa by tb re Biarra, . . ' Bay War Will Bora Zai. . According to recent adrlce received from tka Calitorala aalt mea tb praent war will aoon be a thing of tbo put, a both (Idea are becoming tired of going Into their own pocket to pay tk jobber to handle their good. , poultry la Bead Demand. Wltb tka exception of a (lightly weaker ton for old ken, tb pool try market ha a better ton and aa receipt war rather Hgbt today tka market carried orer tie orpine. There la aa Improved demand for tk younger fowl and tk trad generally la neglecting tk hen. Tk receipt today eoneUted to a large eiteat of th latter grade. Bom few torkeya am red and cold at price aacbangad from tboee previously qootod. Oraamery Batter Tory 7b-m. , Tna creamery batter market retain It former trong ton with a large amount of koalneea. It la bow thought that tk market km reached Its downward limit and Inside of the Best few nixed, WSHHc per lb; ben. leeJlBc per Ibl rooetera, old, iuniio per id, proiiera, oovips.ov per doa; fryere, I4.0oas.00 doa; dncka, old, lac per lbi young, jS per lb; geeee, 1 VtCtSe per lb toraer, ivuite per isj urease a, seatsva vm rrnlto and VegetaH POTATOIS Nominal, ll.BOt barer' price for fancy, 1.00; ordinary, MQttM per sack) outing, euci new, sua me per is. 0NI0NB . Australia, .6i 1 liAMt SO - VRhMH FB01TB Applea, OrerMi, l.TB0fl.OO per boxt orsngee. Barel, X.0043.fiO per bot) tangerine, 75cUtl-0O per box: bananas, tu per Ibl Jetnoue. choice, l.T&t2.S0 per box; fancy, ta.763.28 per box: lime, Mexican, 5a per 100; pineapple. fX003.W; atrawber. rlea, CaUfurala, 61.8oyl.a8 per boX Oregon. 10 ttliiHc ier lb; Hood Blrer, loo pat box) cher ries. 11.20 per box. VEGETABLES Tnnlps, T8B per aeckj earrols, 7fc per ssrkt bevts. 61.28 per ack Oregon radishes, IT Ho per do; cabbage, Ore- foa, ( )l California, I100U1SS per crstel ot bouse lettuce, 45c per do; rreea pep. per, be per lb; hnreeradlah. TQ80 per lb celery, f 1.00 per doi tomaroee. California. I1.7S4JS.00 per crate; riorida, , 63.40 per crate: Mexican. I3.SB per Crate I nerenlpa, 76cel.35i cucumber, 61. TS per do bntter beane, 10c per lb epronta. Be; cauli flower. 12.00: artichokes. Too Der doal rreen pea. Mtdc par lbi aaparagaa. California, 62 00; WalU WalU, 11.85 per box( Oregon, BOQse per do, bunch ea; green onions. ISc Ber doe. ukiku ikuitb Apples, Tporateu, faTCI per lb; apHcote, HQiac per lb sacks, u OPENING WAS HIGHER, ; i. BUT CLOSE IS DOWN per lb leea; pMaea, dee per lb; peera, wc v '. ; - Mew York, May 81. Lngaa a Bryan ear The (toek market opened up klgber oa Satur day Denk statement, vnm wsg extremely faeorabla. Tha market met wltk Bo euoDort, kowerer, from any eoarae and tb tmproTpment waa tost ana it again itpsea into auunose. There aecm nothing In sight to relieve this (coootonr. The uniform aad eootlaaed loa la earning which the statement of nearly all tke properties anew limply releeta the wait ing BMod of tee public In every branch ef taalnoea. Bo lung as this mood eontlnuae thay ar not likely to b lavostor la tke stock mar ket t any great extent JBtock may Bot aell dowa Brack kal a' bull market hardly eeenw likely aad we are Inollned to think they may be eeld oa the rallies. A little later whoa the onsventVm have been held, tk tickets aoml- Bated aad the crone harveetsA, tt would not b strange If we had aa upward Biove. We hardly look for It before than. . .. Tke stock market today i ; , WHEAT MARKET WAS VERY IRREGULAR roxmat 'or mvumnn'tM (ncoAOO WTB ; TEXT 0arT.T-aflT MAM A xjuiaa xajtos ajtx oxoaaa H cajra acxoDascoBsi ixui v l 'VXMX, ':'. v ; 4'i i.. .', "- unsxU Bfa maloloodl BeoBdM Xe i . ..' " Obbm to Vfttoa County. , ,. ' Vrnm tha Union KeDubllcan. v Oeorge H. Power. . new arrival in i tlnlon. haa written back to the Morrl- .' aon D)mocra,V Of Uttl FaJl. Minn., Ma Ola noma, ana ouuiimh mo green and thrifty urana Konoe vaiiy with cold Minnesota and Dakota and drouth-Btricken MonUna, and tha com- oarlaon la decidedly favorable to ur; gon. , Amon otnar , thlnga Mr. Powerg eayai'."'' - ''' , "Wa Brrlrad hara ) Sunday in ood health. It waa a, treat relief to Jcava the know ahd loe and paaa, ao aoon Into a land of flowerg and fields or freen rraa and-kraln. and Instead of fur overcoata and capg ta fln4 linen duet era and straw bata. Sin paaalng through Dakota, one can't hel but pity tlie un lucky mortals that have caat their an chor on tha bleak, wlnd-awept pralriea, ao far from tha comforta bf life, where DeoDle will drtf out their Uvea, and Dr, W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK Wb. 4 ftrMfc ' tinAflaafull'T aifl nrlvatc ,r. v . . ,, . iwyyiW . T 1A ea-Ba . vejsw ee, "-w r I - " . er (rornlaked bf Overbook. Starr , Cook Co.) I know nothinflr about thla beautiful land, servoua and chronlo dlaeaaee, also blood. ijuicago, stay si. logaa Bryaa say: aisy wheat closed e higher tbaa Saturday. It very irregular ' marget wita a emeu ons loe, a. which haa room for plenty mora. But was a 'very Irresnlai market with aT email ' wqraa ma area nr volume of business. Quite a lot of contract 1 called MonUna, miles sixer mues OI Wheat cam out of nrlvata hnuaaa gallnrUa I rlnnnv hllla without a Blnwla blade OX !. V.? bard wkeat on May oa penalty, stock I vegetation or green trsas; miles fter tomaoh. heart, liver, kidney and, throat treuDiee. We cure BTPHIUS (without wiwivmi m iw iaj ourvu a ur-Tt-r, m sv 10 daya. Wa remove DTRICTURB, with out operation or pain, in fifteen days. per lb; rrenca. cm see. Italian. (4Mtte - per Ik; DCS, blacks: ewuie per in; oo wi per Ib plums, pitted. 69c golden, Uc per lb; tarda. 61.50 aaiBina neeaea. xaacy, i-ia V aaaoaurtiox. tons. 'tJfi'ofS?;. I Anaconda Mining Co.... '"tmK T4 Amal. Copper 0a....... P" j tee, AtcbJeoa, com.; 1 w a - ar ayvsv, aarteaa. 60 la. e pkg seeded, M-o car- 4- preferred.. ........ Muecstels BO-lb boxea, " TO I AatT BwsrBin!.!. B.,1L2: Bm!":, cob,::::;.:. pound carton. ' . , , - J- . lBaUlnore A Onto, coat . 7: " -...'i , . r-, a ',11. 00. peererrea. ,w i-w wwrwu, iRiwf v. Bin, v.v " -.v brlcke. t-crowB. BOc; 10 1-lb bricks, B-crcwa, toe; AO H-lb bricks, par box, 2.2A 4-row lay ers, per 10-lk box, BOc; loos,' 50-lh kexee. per lb, awene. pallsmyma mx-erewa, 10-10 ear. 64e per Jb; tondon 6a.6oas.T8; a. too, per box. 12.00; B-crowa. 10-lb cartoa, per box. 1.T8 4 -crow a. to l ib esrtona, per boa, I1.T8. Oreoerlea, Tata, Zte. BUG AH "Back basis" Cube, M,10, p. dered, 66.05; dry granulated, 65.86; beet granu lated. 5.TS; extra C. 65.861 goldea 0.. 65.26: bbls, 10c: H bbls, B&c; boxes, BCe advancs oa sack basis, lea 28c ewt for cask. It day: aspic. 1H 14216 Der lb. ONE T 14 Hag 15c IS good. lb: par TEAS COrrEE Green Mocha. 21 tt 23c: Java, faacr. na.l2c Java, good. 20026c; Java, ordinary. 20c: Costa Rlea. faner. Ivt20c: Costa Rlea. laiSc: CosU Blca. ordinary. 11 0 13c per rkage coffee, 112.17. uoiong, oirrerent araaea, xoegonc) gunpowder. 2SQ32g36o: Bngllsb breakfast, dlf frreat grades. 12Vi36Sc; spldorleg, uncolored Japan, MSOoe; greea Japan (very scare), 80 BaLt Fine Bale. Xs, a. 4i, g,, jo,, i 90 m.Ml table, dalrr. 60s. tB.004111.bO: 100. 18.161 imported Liverpool, 60, 115.009 iOtOl 100a, tl4.76itl6.00; 24s. tl4.B0QlB.60t bbls. weeks klgber prices are Beeetnl. Aa matters 1 1"',"' ?A-'" " bow stana toe aemsna rrom in eroiae is sur-1 tiI.f(k.M. h.if iww tnm Aclsnt te keep the market la good ahape at the present prices, bat en edvsncs -sow la tke ftgarea would very likely result la lurplut stocks. Tb tone ef country store batter Is excellent, wltb th receipts not es btfge ss k . AVOXrOX BAUEB T0M0BBO f7. ' By Ford Aartloa Company, 183 First atreet, at 10 a. m. Bale ef boose furnishings; at 2 p. m. at grocery store, northeast corner Market and eecoud strosta, Bxtore ; sals. H. Ford, anctloaeer. ..-. ' Weather sondltloaa and general inreeaat for Oregoa, Wishing toa aad Idaho: During tke last IB boors light rain kaa fallen la westers Oregon, eoatheutera Idaho, Moav taaa, aontbera Utek and tke Bed Blrer TaUcy Of the Berth. . . . It Is eeohtr this morning at the headwater ef the Bnske aad toe Colombia rivers. : Tb ladlcaUona are for showers la thla district tnnlxht aad Wednesday aad continued cool weather. . . - MsxlDinm temperature during tke put B4 soars, minimum temperature, 50; preciptu- .04. ... . , - - "l , BALT Ooarse, kslf gronnd, 100s, per toa. IS.aoae.M; 50s. per ton. 15.65(87.00; Liverpool 'lump rock, Bl6.60(t16.50 per toa; S0-lb rock. I0.2o(te.75: 100,. 6.V75C6.25. (Above prices apply to aalee of less tbaa I car loot. Car lota at special prices subject te fluctuation,). QHAII BA08 Calcutta, f5.T5OB.00 per 10U. RICK Imnerlal Janan. No. 1. Cc: No. B. 4Hc: New. Orleans bead, TftTMe. . BEANS Small whit. e; large white. bayou, ie; Mmaa, DEATH JT0TICX. kfOTBCHMAN Trof. Bmll kfnfscbmaa, at Pwb- oietoa, ur., at u p. aa, Monday. Funeral otic Jatar. :.-. . XABJAOa uoEvsza. .- r Bengt fart Leraon, te, and Xva Anna ta . xcurene, s. . H. ht Clay, 40, and Adella at MeOollnm, SI. Fred U. Koater. 24. and Lola U, Knotta. 30. - Thomaa W. Tnornburgh, 25, Washing ten county, ana nsoei u. uooaman, za. . John P. Kofold. 41, and Annie Besll late, 20. : Clarence Nye,- ST, and Mamie Wenkel. 24. ,. Jfrsacl Wlssman. SB, and Lissls Urquhsrt, 88. n .5. .' m '.- " ', ooaTAOioiri nBiux - - May B0. 7. Botomoa, corner First and Ball atrmu, diphtheria, r - May W. Miss Anaedsea, 48 Bast Sixth atreet. dlpbtberi. . . May 28. Usme Wnea, 405 BussaU atreet, acsrlet fever. . Mr 29. Elgin RoUla, 488 Bortbwlck atreet tohella. Mar B, Beth HolHs. 488 Bortbwlck street, sabclfa. - Zggi Eavs as Xxoslleat Tea. ' Tke receipts ef egg today war aolt email wltk the demand excellent at tke rating prices. Price today ml betweea 17MOiSo, bat Urge per cent ef tke ele are made at tke former Agora. Btocka are bow coming 1b sack condi tion that they kav t be very carefully kaadld. " - Imnroved Call far Keats. for tke1 better elas ef stock ther 11 a Im proved demand today for veal, bat some very poor carcasses arrived wblck kad to be damped. There la d very larg amount ot veal la cold atorage, bat buyers u a rule peas these by and pay better fig urea for the fresh stocks. No bogs are now arriving. Good boll beet la find ing a fair call, bat a la veal tk cold atorage product Is not wanted, fctottoa and lamb con tinue their former very weak, tone. ; BtrawberrUe Come la Tsster, The receipts today of strawberries (bowed s large lucres as from this atote and lower price ar ruling. The , arrive la from Hood Hirer are sot yet very-large and prtoee- atead a boot the same. California anippea in xoaay eome very fair goods, wblck sold at practically tb Mato.aWnMe.vv.'. - ' rotate Bell Tory tew. ' . la tke kaada of the deslers potatoes ar sprouting very badly aad there la a large loss from this source, loaiy was 01 toe aeaiers nurchaaad a lare-a lot of fair atock from eastern Oregon st 40c per ssck tha cheapest price of late. New potatoes xrom California are snow ing every Inclination of going higher daring tb next few day and thla may kelp the old stock. Calif ernia Onions Down Again. A ear kal ef red eeooa came la tola morning staasB ula arum Ra lstarme Ibma, tserei era Wat nf wwer ngurss. duiuw - v . rir.l 4lflRa B, r. i - ,Trr.. Brookfya Kapld Transit canaaiaa racinc, MB.. Cbi. Alton, com..... do preferred......... Chi. A OC West., coa, Cbi., MIL St. Paul... cni. norm., coxa,.... Cbi. Terminal ay Cbeupeske Ohio Coka. Sooth., com do 34 preferred do let preferred...... Delaware A Hndsoa.... Dels., Lacka. Weat.. D. A B. 0., com........ do preferred Brie, com.............. do 3d preferred do 1st preferred Illinois Central Louisville A Nsskville. Metro. Traction Co... Manhattan kVlevated.. Mexican Central By.. Minn., 8t P. Bts. U ao pteierrea . Missouri Paclhc M., K. a T., com... do preferred...,., New York Central.. Norfolk At Western, com do preferred North American N. X.. Ont A Weet... Pennsylvania By r. u.. m v. vo.... Prcaeed Bteel Cat, com do pref erred.... .... Beading, com do 2d preferred...,. do let (referred.... Bep. Iron A BtaeL, com. do preferred......... Bock Islaad. com...... do prefsfToa 19 IBM 84 67 W 12 s 68 7 t7 e 14i 140 63.60 (3. 60; pink, 64.00; se.zn. NUTS PMnuts, THc; jumbos, OHe Rtt raw, IsoutherB By., com, 4)100 per lb for roasted: eoeosnuts, 86090c 1 da nroferred per dos; walnuts. 14tB154e per lb pin I Southern Pacific. nuts, 10Q12H0 per lb; hickory rots, 10c per lb! J gj. l, 8. P., 2d ptd. chestnuts, eastern. 15ai6o per lb: Britll BUts. 16c per lb; Alberts, 16flloc per lb; fancy pecans. 14if)1Rc per lb; almond. 18i0J15 per lb. WIRIS NAILS Present baas at 82.86. ' B0PB Pare Manila, 18Mi atandard, lltiei SImL lOHe. Palsta, Coal 00s, Zta. COAL OIL Pearl or Antral Cites, 32 per gal; Water white. Iroa bbls, 16 We per gal; wooden, : headlight. lTO-deg, ease, 84 per gal; headlight. Iron bbls, 17 Vie per gal LINbEED OIL Pore raw In bbls. S2e per gal; eases, 67c per gal; genuine kettle boiled. case, one per gait oi rake, car lots, 28. sot.uu - per as iLin gall bbls, 54e per gsl; ground 1.00 per ton; lees tana ear, OASOLINB S.dee raaea. 82c' oer sal. Iroa nnis, xae per gal; ttova, eases, Z4)a per yai. Iron bbls. 18e per gaL BENZINE 8-de rases. Be. Iroa bbls. lBtte. PAINT OIL Bsw. bbls, SSc per gsl, esses 88c per gal; boiled, esse 40c per gsL TUKPKNTINE In esses. 80c per gai; woooen bbls, 81c per gal; Iron bbls, 70c per gal; 10-lb case lots, 84e per gsl. WHITB LEAD Toa Iota, 74 e; 000-10 toes, 80 per lbj leea lot, 8Vi per lb. ' ,Xeata and Provisions. FRESH MEAT8 Inspected Beef, prime, 7ttfct7ftc per lb; sow. etiQTc Per lb; mutton, dreased. Be per lb: lambs, d re seed. Be per lb. VDfOO Uni1-. ..... BuT . ..111-. VV.10 . ..... V . ' . , .-W . HMn.1V. I pork, biocg. tmihie per w; psca-1 "'"-""V per id; do 1st preferred. St L. A 8. W., com. do preferred Texas Paelnc...... Tenn. Oosl A Iron... T.. 8. L. A W., com. do preferred., Union Pacific, com.. do preferred 0. 8. Leather, com.;. de preferred....... TJ. S. Rubber, com.... Sc preferred. ...... TJ. S. Steel Co., com, do preferred...... Wheel, at u. a., cpiu... - do 2AY- preferred . . rri Wisconsin Central, Mm. jla nreferred. . .... . k. , Western Union Tele... Wabash, com do preferred 107 i 110 tii " TV T. SH 1BVL 33 81 ' 48! a 46 44 88 1H IB d4 107 110 9 I contract er&aac nnafe havs liMfwaaaA eoo. 1 - . T . . . - , - , 1 . . Iderably during the week, but tk exact flgore HS OX bottom lano 01 Brave! ana ai- f imp . rV VnlfflPl IV .1 1 UTFK will not be knewiantlltomorrew. July showed kali, With Only An occasional patch of "t UUtaC UwiiUAAtlUCA . M ' A , rllXA strengu sarly oe the nrmnees la eora and the land, tv dot on- sheet of paper -cold, . The doctor of thla foatltuta ar all ?! ". "iro".lb W"?H Ah,.bur "1 rainy, and containing mora snow than regular graduate, have had many aad the aarkVt turned w.k iten eued cold Minneaota. And stlU men will take axperience. nave ceen anovrn in It,VrVJS"t!ttI?,,Jh.w C.T.'.ml Ltk out there and brave Its terrors. r'u.n4 V ".:?. Aye a reputation . . - . - . .. - ..-.r . . . - .. ... tw maintain, ana win nnaertaira no . wnen tbey anow oeyona unleaa certiln oura can be; affected. aouDt mat it te Binouy aain we www . W( guarantee a our la every ca of nature, as It was created A desert and we undertake of charge no fee. Con, aa Buch It waa Intended and Its no auitation ire. Letter eonfldantlaL I wonder its hills are straws with the of atock and - the asylums lack of outside speculative Interact end both tb flour situs tloa and cask demaad are doll. Broomkall cabled that the Sraue-ht continues la liuagsxy aad that osadltlon are eerioua. ' Cera Bella ITS Ona Caat. . . ' '.' Oar eeenad arm sad sold ua about le na IbosheL Tbl wu la spit of the receipt being I greatly la excess ef exDectationa and lares I MtlmatM of arrive la tomorrow. It redacts tka I general nervonaoese ef the abort Interest and th I teudeBcy toward an oversold msrket. Oker ws carcasses filled with tha unlucksV herders. "After paaslnt throuvh .tha vaney (tructlv bOOK FOR MK msUed fra In niailfi nrinaff. , If vou cnnot call At offloA. wrKtil tt . , TeA,. VeMSPIUBI VU 1 , w.,-w a - -4 ,...,,v eBSBBsasBSSBBBBXw - a 1 and hllla of death of Montana, M ap- office hours I to t, and T to I. Bundkys . .ana noiioajB, te o xs. - ne! with trreen . (rats and ,the tnouhuina Ths leadlnr specialists tn the Korthwkat .- ,,. ; ... auiDiianea tsse, . further rslns predicted through th west andlproach th river of life and th land of southwest for the put tours aad. this, wltk aunahln. . where the hills are covered 1 tut WW ivieuperT a iura, wu aaiiiecjisiai m laa in M-xu'nTtT. ' Bihm"t: with timber. Tha valleys are a delight IiavoraoM conui turns ar Bote auost every. 110 tna eye ana lonn a ptauuiui picivrw 1 n tlt , ." "a ml vij w.Lv.muTM Norton Davis &L 1 . a .w - 1 nrrinaLraai wirn nuni in ajwiirp uua dluvx. - ' ' . ' i saura u eeraa sums. . 1--- v.. .a .v.. In seta there wTa atui ioe-ul- JrM n nS trim, Th City Hquldatloa sad the akorta met with free sell. I Of Union IS In a vail AS level AS the In aad bo effort to sustain Dries. It waa I land around Little Fs.Ha. and surrounded lea tke wkele a very quiet msrket Sb4 little I with lsnrl worth from tlOB te ISOO Der Tan Xoy M otet X. X. Cor. Third riaa atreet. ' roxTXAXB. oxxaox. 8 H 1 strength. In oats. Tb Illinois (tat report I bearish and the weekly govern xeent report My that nearly all twpeete respecting osts indicate tk crop made very favorable peugrsea. Prevision Bharply tTp. Tk provbio market . wa sharply higher. I pork advanced about 47c and lard and ribs Sao. It wss not aa active msrket. but offerings were very mock restricted. Neither waa It very ep prrent from whence tbo baying came, a It was sot Urge. We are Inclined as think a eood deal ef It ws covering by scattered aborts. We see nothing tnat price ar to no put op oa any longer end the holding stlU Mem to be for I scattered outslds trade. There wss moderate ailing by the packer ea today' avaa. xooay msrxeis: acre, but tha timber la fruit trees. back rom tha city rrom two miles ar mountains green with and timber, but still containing 1 anow. Tha lawna ar aa well now as back In Mlnnaaota In June, ahd I pulled a stalk of clover eight tnohea long out tn th street I have it from the beat authority that 11 above aero was tb coldest last winter." mmsm Mineral Springs j OXSX BTZXY PAY XX TXX na 63 18 . Open. wheat May..... Newjuly. Old July. NewSept, Hid sept. Corn . J"1' oept..... Oat July I Sept,.... 1 rora Jnly H.tTH Bept 11.55 B.B0 B.B7I4 .BOH . ,80 .88 .80 High. I .B8 .80 Lew. sept..'!:: Kibe Jaiy.. I Bept. I-BTH B.7 .48 .4TH ll.TB U.B7V4 6.08 . 6.80 - B.W ;. ClOM. .8U f .07 .86 .& .W - .MViA .0 -80 A .82 .82 '.4ii Al m& :lo$ A Oostlagaxicy. From th New York Mall, "ka Mss 1 A an e Mt UAsmni t tMAV vlsili TrSah AUV sv A A svea g vt Aaax v asssm I gtsm aa as eym . m kym. ' 8t Loul fair that IS. unless the rebel J TO Whom It Mfly Concern ) Buooeea in cnnngiug, nia osine 11 win 1 1 Muley Abdul Asls to Muley Abdul As "'ov WtJntJB on Ap Wss. llSTVi 11.66 6.50 ABB B ST B.TI Jl-TBik 11.86 7 .TTrl S.T6A PORTLAND PACKING COMPANY FIVE BIG MARKETS In to take treatment for my eyea I had very sever attack or catarrn 01 tits ayes, waa almost blind after trwttirjg with tb best apeclaliat that could ai found, ahd ufTerlng for nln yara I have at last found a cur here at tha ' FAMOUS TUSCAN SPRINGS. r t can not nraia them too hlxrhly. I bnna that other that ar afflicted will riv them -a trlaL Bespectfuily, r W. L PALMER, i Room 101, Commercial BldgL Portland, oregoa 1 Mr. I. C Palmeh of PalmAr. Or . wa cured of rhaumatlam. If yjou ar alck wrlta to ua: we will give Vrtu the nam and aaaresa or aom on turd of imuar complaint. Ml BiaTHB. ' 'Mar SB, to Mr. and Mr. Cmy B. Beckett, BM Williams avenoe, 8 daughter. May 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob P. Ihiback, 300 Alberta street, a da tighter. . May 26, to Mr. and Mrs, W. 1, Hartmaa, B50 East Third atreet, a son, . Msy 4. to Mr. and Mrs. 1. N. Fettit, at - PenlBMlar, a (on. - 1- " V DEATHS. May 9B. Klchard Johannsen. aged" 60 vein. dB9 Holbrook street; cause exhaustion. Burial -at Bivervlew cemetery. . ... , ' May 3d, Conrad Hocks, aged 63 years, near east- approach steel bridge; csuse street ear accident Burial at Lone Fir cemetery. - Crematorium on Oregon City car line. ; Bell wood; modern, scientific, complete. Charge Adults, 136; children. 135. Visitors B a. m. to 5 p. m. Portland Cremation association, Portland. Or. Th Edward Holman Undertaking company, funeral director and embalmere. 220 Third Street Phone SOT. : J. P. Flnley It Bon. funeral director and embelmers, beve removed to their new estab : Tlebment corner Third and Madlsoa Streets, nou pnones no. v. feller A Byrnes company, funeral directors. 978 Russell. Lady uststsnt. Phons But 1088. Clark Bros, for flowers. t 288 Morrison street BuTLsnra ferkits. '- Mav 8, to H. J. Burrow, for the erection of dwelling st East Eighth and Brooklyn streets, te cost 82,500. I May 88, to 1. M. Gelled, for the erection of flats at Ninth and Everett streets, to cost , B5.000. v Msy 3,, to Jsme Tbwait. for the erection of building st Sixth and Washlntgon streets, to cost 81,000. May . to P. H. Beeves, for repairs to ' building st Washington and Twelfth streets, to .. cost sou. -, Mav 28, to O. P. Lamnlron, for erection of dwelling at Williams avenue and Skidmore . Streets, to cost 61,650. Msv 28. to C. Carlson, for erection of barn ft Meodrick avenoe and Going street, to cost $150. . , Mav 81. to P. A. Llndell, for erection of dwelling at Sacramento and Rodney avenaes, 60 cost ti,m. Msv tl, to Catholic church, for erection of church at Bowdola and Portsmouth streets, to .cost 12,600. Ot roar Insorance and abstract to real eetete from tb Title Guarantee A Trust com pany, Chamber of Commerce building. J V YOBS COTTOa XABKET. (Furnished by Overbook, j Starr A Cooke Co.) New York, May 81. Cotton today ranged as follows: ,,,, . . 10.BS 167 12 49 12.43 12.48 12.48 12.70 12.40 12.28 11.05 11.11 10.84 10.75 10.58 10.00 10.48 10.84 10.4T Merchants' Opinions ea Today' Market. W. B. Glafke Company Butur market Very active, bat will not stand any advance; If higher prices rule the demand would fall off. W. T. Turner A Oo. Not mack poultry com ing; egg are coming la rather toe muck for the demand aad market la weaker; otherwiss market 1 tk same; ao change la country store bntter. Bell A Co. Two ears ef banana arrived ea street today In green bat good condition; straw berries coming freely; California red onions lower; ear cabbage alao arrived. Chatter ton a Co. Veal and bogs are la some what better demand; cblckens firm ssls; eggs moving all right at market price; potato market has gone to pieces. ; Levr St opiejl 'two cars 01 Bananas amveu today. ' 0.. S. Smith Company Two ear bananas came la this morning; ear California red onion also; poultry scarce; eggs same. Malarkey A Co. No changes la flak situation; Columbia river salmon stlU scares. Boa-teas A Co. There were BOB Mcks ef eutern Oregon potatoes bought on tb Alder strtet dock Satorday st 40c per uek. D. S. MeikUs Quite large amount of Mount Tabor strawberries came la this morning; Mid at slightly lower prices. - - , -. Davenport-Tkompson . . Oompanewyery fancy cat oranges arrived la today. . Bvefdipg A Parrell We kad a Veal that kad to be dumped this morning on account of Its poor condition; quite a lot of thle kind of (toff arriving; old chicken quiet; springs srs very Arm; people are now neglecting the old' ones and are calling tor the young birds; hog are steady at lower prices. . Dryer, O'MalUy A Co. New California cidon are coming tn pretty lively i looks like there will soon be higher prices oa new po tatoes; tbl will bavs tendency to belp the old stock; eggs verr scarce; chickens si-. Page A Son Chicken ere lower; eggs firm at printed prices; veal 1 hard to sell at any '"loft, Bine A Co. Business open out qntet in our lines this morning wltk Do special change in nri - T -day's wholesale oootatlona, a revised, ar a follow: , Grain, jrioar and wad. WHEAT WalU Walla, 75c; blueatem, 810 82c; valley, 8081e. BARLEY Feed, $28.50; rolled, 124.50; brew ln. 12a.60il24.00. . ' 1 OATS Producers' price No. 1 whit. 125.00 jm. m.. mat tjk,rtA ru - 1 aeOk.ou: arrx avo.wiiaVssTi.w, FlrOUE Ba-tero Or-jroo: Ptt-nti, $4.40; .1 . . 1 OKSSta Vrt. wall.. ae Al . A. - sirsigouf, oo.wmio. iw, w.vub.w, gra- nam, e, ao.oo, xus, s-.-u. MiLLSTlJFFS Bran, 120.0 mat- ee. in. ordinary be, poor 4C per lb; lambs, otgac per id. HAMS, BACON. ETC. Portland pack (local) 10 to 14 lbs. 12o per lb; 14 to IB lbs, hams. 12c per lb; 18 to 20 lbs. jxc per id; cottage. --'-T-jr u . 8o per lbt picnic. So per lb; breakfast bacon, US"":2Vone uTsooths llUffllo pe lb: regular abort clear, on-1 thern Paclfle adweed ! anv.kid.8U.e ner lb: smoked. OUc ner lbt aavanoeu -,. wt clear backs, nnsmoked, 8c per lb; smoked, 9o per lb; Union butts, 10 to IS lbs, nn smoked. Bo per lb; smoked, Oo per lb; clear bellies, onsmoked, 10c per lb; smoked, lie per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle lest, 10s, te per lb; 6s, Be per lb; 50-lb tins, 9e per lb; steam .rendered, 10s, 8c per lb; 6 i, Be per lb; 60s,- 8c per lb; compound tierces, 6C per lb: tubs. Te per lb; 60s, 7o per lb. CANNED SALMON Columbia riveif. 1-Tb falls, 1.86; 2-lb talis, $2.45; fancy, 1-lb flats, fl.85; -id fancy rats, si.i: rancy, i-io oval, ..oo Alaai pink, $S085c; red, $1.50; aomlnai incy i ka talla. pi 2s. tails. 2.00. PISH Rock cod, T per lb; flounder. Be per lb; halibut, 6c per lb; crabs, $1.25 per dos; rssor clsras. Be per dos; little-neck clams, 8c: striped buss. 1063)12e per lb; catfish. 8c per lb; salmon, chlnook, fie per lb; steelkeads, Be per lb; berring. 'Be per lbi soles, Be per lb; ehrlmps, 10s -per lb; sbsd, dressed, Be nor. Jb; perch, 5e per lb; shad roe, 10c per lb; roe shad, 4e per lb: black cod, Be per lb. OYSTERS Shoslwater Bay, per gal, 82.25; per ssck, $3.75 net; Olympta, per uek, $5.25. Retell Lumber Prioes, Com. Select Clesr Per Per Per M Ft M Ft M Ft Rough, dimension regnlnr sixes 2x8 to 12x13. 82 f t $ 8.50 $16.00 $28.00: Rough, - dimension regular 1 alee to 12x12. 84-40 ft... 0.50 . 17.00 34.00 Bough, dimension regulsr sixes to 12x12, 43-48 ft... 11.50 16.00 26.00 Bough, dimension rtgular slses do 12x12. 50-5B ft... 15.60 23.00 80.00 For ssck additional 2 Inches in width add............. 1.00 For odd and fractional slses uwed add not less than 200 For sawing vertical grain to 4x12 add $.00 Common rough boards, reg ular slses to 12 In. wide to 24 ft Inc., assorted lengths 9.60 11.00 Specified length of boards $1.00 per M feet ddltionol. Board to consist ef lumber leas than S Inches la thickness. . . ,. United States Bobber, preferred, ez-dlvldend 1 per cent . , , te,MlM4foryrmWhTM. , AXXalCAV STOCKS X L0WD0. LMdoa, May 31. 1 p. m. Atchison advanced , preferred advanced j Canadian Paelflo ad vanced ; Chesapeake A Ohio advanced l Chicago, TdllwaukMA St Paul advanced ! Erie advanced , flrste advanced ; Illinois Central advanced ; Louisville asnviu advanced ; Mexican Central advanced ; Missouri, Kanaaa A Txm advanced Vl New York Central advanced ; Ontario A Weatern advanced S Norfolk A Western sovaneea L i . m M . D A I ss Mss-ailkm tasaul icra Hallway i. prelerrea oecunea it un-ow dflo advanced e, prererre,. eovsaceo i United States Steel declined ; wDssa ao vanced preferred advanced. ; Console, BOft, advanced Hi rut anehangea. sax ntAircBisco local btocka, Baa Francisco, May 81. Close, 10:80 p Bid. Contra Costa Water.............. 8 Spring Valley Water ...... . . . a.. . W a, r. uae at x.ieroo. ............. " Hutchlnaon Sugar B Paauhau Busar 18 WOBXS'B. OKAOr TIsXBXa. Chicaa-e. Mar IL World' arala vtstbw bs- ' " A , . - ueereeae Buehele. I Wheat .2.6H,0O0 Oora ...1,414,000 SBtsDMassji- tfjwj V Jll ?? Lrverpeel Orata Xaxfcet. ...(v UvenmoL Mar 81. Ckwet Wheat July. flVAHd. tower: September. A4d, U klgker. Corn J sir. 4-44. Sk kicker: BeDUmber. d td. lower. IPaXAKT, SHIPXKKT8 AXD CIXaXAKCIfl. I 'Chicago, May tL Primary receipts: aoaay xear ago a. Bueb. 700,000 SUTO.OO0 atrxxYazsa ikaxxxy bit Belmont stret Phone. Scott SBSB. . pAczrzo xcAxxxT-.wt park .and luscan irimenuopranjnieorn .wuhington. Tslaphon Main 141. I . ' ' . TITSCAX, AXXAXY 3CAXXXT $61 First BtrMt BXXD SOa TOM aOTTXSs OX STOMA CX Phone Red $2!a. , avstd baiabii. BaXT. YAS" llstAXJrXT-tl Williams avS.1 : Phona East . . - BTATX XCAXXXY Flrt and Salmon streets. Telephone Main 1657. T C. OBBWO The Great Chinese Doctor : v Wheat Corn ...... Bblpaieate Wkeat . , Corn Clears aces bushels; , cc bubal. ..-........ Bush .... 088,000 ...1,175,000 650,000 855.000 Wkeat aod Boor. 12,000 bushels; osts. 3J,000 046,000 167.000 82.000 I v U rotrxsa btvciax $1.00 a roTjxss roxL oxxak oxxesx, Imluth Wheat Xarket Dulotk, May 11. Close: Wkeat May, vo duiy, S2ev . ' St.- teal Oraln Xarket. St. Louis, May 81. Close: Whest July, . - . - . ' . . XX TXX BAXX. T XOVXDS XAYY BXAX8. - . . i . " ' Is .call csuse euras 'know: the and b peopli to n their great he s wonderful re so welt throughout Ited States, ause ao many are tbankrul tor savins? Ives from OPERATIONS T POITXDS YAXCY XX CX, all now ' herb hark Cit that known to medical scleni trv and rhmtis-h the US i. . . . . . I leaa remeoiea m ms xaur th action of over oou a that be nas successruu H (treat any and liaeaaea witn f ul Chinese roots.' buds. and vegetables are entirely un- ln tnia ooun of these hartrw ib doctor knows erent remedle uaedln different Alaska Packer' Asso CaL Fruit Canner' .140 .100 Ask 40 ' em 101 CHI0A00 LOCAL ST00XS. Chicago, May 81. Local toek: ... 44V ...105 ... 70 :::?- Natlooai Blscolt do preferred ........ North Side Ry.... American Box ......... do preferred South Sld y. ....... American Ceo Co....... do preferred Diamond Match Swift Packing Co. Chicago. City By West Side By.......... 41 8 85 127H ...100 ...165 ... 44 100 3.00 8.00 4.00 8.00 $.00 NEW YORK METAL MARKET. , New York, May 81. Metal close: 1 Copper julet; lake, $13.00918.12. Electrolytic $18. 7618.00. Castings $18.5012T75. .PUver 65; London, 25. Tin Weak; spot, $27.00827.8TJ $26.751927.25. LeadQuiet; spot, $4.55 354.4a June, flllnga, Jnnuarr... 10 B3 Msy. , 124 June..,,,.. 12.48 Jelr. 12 00 Acgost...,. 12.20 September, 11.00 tVtober..., 10.T8 Ki-teeiberv. 10 06 JJecemUer., 10.60 10.4748 12 4ftilW 12.BK((?W io.Br.we 10.5Trffi57 10.47e?40 0.6(g4T ' 1 COTTOW BROKERS TAIL. - - ' New York, May 81. S. Mnnn A Son, cotton pros era ot tela itrv cave railed. . - Overpoot, May BoUte kiskat. Liverpool Oottea Ti X Quel tto S I 00 per ton: mtd. $25.60; shorte, country, $22.50; chop. $18.00. - MAX rrooucers- price ximoiny, is.oo; eastern Oregon. $lT.t0j- mixed, $14.00; clover. fiso0' r $12-0012-50; chest, $12.00(1 Rons, Wool and Hides. HOPS 28S(2ac for choice; 2625e for prime; poor quaiixy, xowwuc; conuact, V04, leiaisc- . "' t WOOL Valleys coarse to medium, 16aiBc; flne, 10 HQ 17c; ustern Oregon, lOtaise. MOHAIR New, SO 84c. ' SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 10(ffi20c; short woot, 2rijp;.K)c; medium wool. 8050c long wooL 50C&81.00 each. . , 1 '. TALLOW Prim, per lb, 45c; No. S gad grease, 22o. - .- BIDES Dry kldes. No. 1, 16 lbs and op, 14o per lb; dry kip. No. 1. B to 16 lbs, 12c; dry calf. No. 1, under 6 lbs. 16 c; dry salted, buiu and (tags, 1-8 leas tbaa dry flint; salted bides, steer, sound, so lbs or ever, 6t7o; 60 to 00 lbs. Be; ander 60 lbs and rows, 6c; stsgs sod bulls, sound. 4e; kip. 15 to 80 lbs, 6c; sound, 10 t 14 lbs, 6c; calf, sound, ander 10 lbs. 8c; green (ua salted) le per lb less; culls, 1c Per lb less: horse hides, salted, each $1.2531.75; dry, seek, $1.001.60; colts' bides, ear-h. 25350c; goat skins, common, each. ICQ 15c; Angora, wltb wool on, each, 25cft$t,00. Butter, Eggs aad Poultry. , BUTTER PAT Sweet, J8; ronrMBUc, BUTTER City creameries 20c; fancy! 17 ordinary, HJc; atore. 1218c.' ' n ' pGS Fresh Oregoa, 17e; dirties, lTe; bakers, lt- - i . - ' . CHEESE New Full ereaia, twin, ll018ej rot i-i a rxooi ABSENCE OF DEMAND IN LIVESTOCK TODAY TODAY'S OXEABJOfBB. Tti Portland clearing hongs re porta todav: CTearlngs ,.$680,721.84 BaUncM 101,228.82 I' II ' l ..111 I VEW YOKE 00F1YS XABXXY. . New York, May 81. Oo free cioeed about as- chaneed. Today's nrlce: " . Bid. Jun ........... ... ..,.......$6.50 Has th spring corns back, my darling t Has th long and soaking rain Been molded Jnto th tender leaves ot the gay and growing, grain The leaves so sweet of barley ahd wheat ah molded out ot tha rainr - Oht and I .would I could sea then grow, Oh I and I would X could sea them blow, All over field and plain Th billows sweat of barley and wheat Aiitmoidsd out or rain. Are the flower dressed out rny darling, in their kercniers plain or bright The groundwork gay and the lady of In her petticoats pink snd whiter The fair little flowers, the rare little ' -. nowers, w ; Taking and making the light T Oh! and Z would I could see them all, The little and low, the prond and tall, In their kerchiefs grave and bright. Stealing out of the morns and eves, To braid embroidery round their leaves, The goia ana scarlet iignt, Have the birds soma back, my darling, The biros rrom over the sear Are they cooing and courting together In bush and bower and tree The mad little birds, the glad little birds Tha birds from over the seat Oh! and I would I could hear them sing. Oh! and I would Z could ses them swing In the top of our garden tree! Tha mad little birds, the glad littl birds, Tha birds from over tha aeal . S POTJXTJS CXZXOOX SAUCOX, s xAxa aixx soap, DAXXJGS XAXO-WXXAT YXOITX SACX $i.qo AX SAXXY XVYTSX, XXX BOLL, 35c XOU BEST OXXAXOBXT XVTTXX, 4So dlaeaae. H gruarantee to cur catarrh. asthma, lung trouDle, gneumatism. ner vousnesa, stomach,- llvjer. - kidneys, fe male trouble and all private disease. Hundreds of testlmotilala. Vbargss moderate. - - Call and sate, hlrav - COX8TJX.TATT01S rigl. 11a,tlai , m an OVt Ak t atltV TXTPlf Al arlftli " blank and circular, inolpae stamp. Ad- drs r..w.tv- , THE C. 0EE WQ CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 1E8 Alder street.' Portland. Oil tlon this paper. Man Big sale on Hams, Bacon and Picnic Hams at all of our Markets for 10 days. STAM C Portland Union Stockyards, May 81. Ther wa no change In the tone of the livestock market from the dullness and lower figure of vesterdav. In nearly all lines there is an absence of demand. The receipts consisted of 800 bogs. T5 cattle and 100 sheep. Official ruling prices wow: Cattle Best eutern Oregon steers, $4.00; best valley steers, $3.65S.8B; medium steers, $3. 108.25; cows, $8.10(33.25; bulls, $2,000 S.20: stsgs. $8.00. Hogs Beat heavy , $5.00; block, $4.05; China fata, $4.80i4.60;, s'tockers and feeders, 64.00. Sheen Prices nominal. Best grain-fed weth ers and lambs, $2.50; mixed sheep, $1.001.60. July August . September October . November December January . February March ... April 6.55 8. TO S.80 5.00 ...... B.00 ..... 0.10 ..... 6.1B ..... fl.25 0.38 B.4B Ask- Are they building their nests, my darl- In the stubbls brittle and brown T B. B.T5 Members Cbleago Board ef Trad. CHAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS and COTTON 102 TBlr. Su, NearSurk . Pboat, Mala 313 we ar (onnected by private win wltk v'Vwr'f" B7,ni Chleag god New Yorkl Walker 3ro., i. S. Bscke Co., New "i ,.wv - o&imaugei xsuoDsru xtroe, VO. New York Cotton Exchange; Falrcblld A Rob. obi. New Orleans Cotton Exchange! BenrV Total mIm today were 14,360 bag. B.1B 6.20 B.80 6.40 6.60 delphla Stock Eicbanges. 1 Pereiga CoffM Xkrlbrts. New York, May 81. Havre and Hamburg cone xoarKets are uncasngeu rrom rriaay. Receipts for thru days; ttlo, ,18,000 bags; Bancoa, so.ow oags, , . 6.85 Ar they gathering threads and sUken I S?? 9-v',e',ri'ora Coffee Exchange; Paine, 8.BS shreds. t v Webber A Boetoa Copper snd Stock Ex. 05 mA An "; JMek Bros. A Co.t Sew York and PkBa. avehoasia we aawBy-eai v ev rv w vs anil Tf iif With silver throats and speckled coats, And eyes so bright and so brown f Oht and I would I could ee them make, And line their, nests for love's sweet sake. With shreds of wool and down, With their eyes so bright and brown) H , ' ' Alice Cary. EABTERJT BOOS STEADY. Chicago, May 81.. Sheep. 1 12.000 I oucats'. sriea CblcUnt, -Livestock receipts: i- Hnga, cattle. Chleagb . . . ........ .22.000 , 8.500 . Kansas city, S.ooo - e.ooo r Omaha .............10,000 4.000 Hogs opened steady wits 4.000 , left over from Saturday. ' Receipts a year ago were 16, 000. Ruling bog prices (bow: Mlvefl and butcbers.$4.80()4.S2; rough, $4.23S4.e6; light, Cattle Steady to strong." .". Sheep Sttady to strong. , . , j. f tt , , - ' U - ' Baa rranciaM Oraln Market. 41 1 ' San Francleeo, May 81. Close; W'heat De cember. $1.81 bid. , , jtistiey Keoemoer, . w' . "Kai T5te Cora mv, Kansas City Oraia Market, City, May 81. Clou: Wkeat July, New toooNfaC Md. . Bew York Oraln Market. York, May $1. CIomi Wheat Jaiy, CKI0AO0. 0ASX WXIJAXl ' Chicago, May $1, Cask wkeat at nooai - -i , ' Bid, i,iAk, ro. x re a ...,,.,,.,,.......,..,...11.05 No. 8 red , i.ot No. S bard wloter., .93 No. 8 hard winter ................ .81 No.- 1 northern spring,'.,,.,,,,,... ' .07 No. 3 sorthera spring............. .90 No. I aprlag .so 1.08 LOT .95 ' .99 M .96 COMMISSION CO. (laoorporatcd) Capital and Bnrplns 900,00aoo. A SirirDAY BBTXOTXAX. ZZ.LBCrAX.r ' brokers In' ' . l1- Crafn.Provlslons, Slocks and Bonds Largeet Prlvst Wire Bystem la America. BMponalbls and Conservstlve. From tha Philadelphia Publlo ' Ledger. Sensational - features developed In court In Norrlstown, Venn., on Thurs day, In the argument of the demurrer filed b7 th Rev. Edgar J. Hell man of the Wyndhioor Lutheran church in a $10,000 breach of promise suit brought ininir nim bv uui'i n aeeha nwf...j. Keck of Lehigh county. Th trial ofiW. A. RYER St CO., Correspondents We Charg M intereet for Carrying Btocka,, , LOB the case ; Is resisted by Mr. Hellman upon the legal technicality that th,con tract or promise waa " first made on Christmss day, n 1888; which was on Sunday, snd is,.' therefore, Invalid, and that all subsequent promises were but a culmination ? oi ths original Invalid promise. - 943 Stark Street. HENRY WE IN HARD Proprietor of City Brewery i Xrfurgest and Most ; Complet : , ' Brewary la the Xorthwest. Bottled Beer a Specialty TBLXPXOXB Xo, 7S. Offloe 13th and Bnmsld attsets, PORTLANU OBXOOK. l ai 5W T?n ew 14 Evoiy Vonian Is Interested and should know 1 bdoui uis wonaerroi MARVn Whirling Spray, The aew Vseiaal rir. n- nonmnm amnvm neet ai- eac Moel convenient. Mle4MiataBU, Ask sea srassM fee K, If beeannoaaiitmlvtlta ' MARVKL. acosDt no Other, bot seod alamo for Illustrated book mH II give , xuu nartloulara ,1M AlrecMnna In. mlnahla to ladiea. ssasiVKi.aiaa.il Tf tea Wldg., Bw kerk. - For Sale Tfy j r, XOWB m MABTIB Aloicioli Pharmacy, w cl7KESv I U Big 43 for unnatural dlr 1,.1-cea.laflBmmations, 1 17 Rations or aleeratioB , of muoooS wembrsnes. . S 1.1 . 4 nn. .B,-4. ., iTIHEEVANSCHEajliraiCB. fZt o,oboo. . Siwtd kr Irragrlsta, . 1 i pt sent i plain wrapper, rs. - - - J VAX V W ,WP VI Pt 1 wavw.a Bwe ' sTi J 81 .60. or 8 bottles tt.TB. W -1 j CI ran I m an a tti X 'm BX bUBt tdk SMrUtl I Wf TmfmU CsMlekaT it: Ji V Circular Mat oa reqitsst. xowxrxo, xoncma a co. Ubstaoiigbaa isia..' . t V3EBA A XP STOCK BBOXBBS, Xeom 4, Oronnd Tloor. ' 1 OXAMJBXX OX COattAUSXCX. PREE LMD IN OREGON I 1" the fkhCTtJnUn, fVolt and stock section tn ., - tneworia. ij.oustnds f acre of land gtictuti . coat of hrigationf Deed direct from Sute f Oregon. WRtT TO-DAY. BOOKLET and MAP FREE, D&achutea Irrigation and Power Com- v Bn,in-ii(McKy8uiloUn,Pottlan a