Tin: otcqn ruiiDAY touhnai;. rormT'D. sunday horning, may cx -icoi. mill TOPICS 'TODAY'S AKvauuim. Maroaaat Qraad j. kit .., , i rtVirvr.' ..Deri gram. The cliolp of 6t. Mary's church, under th leadership of Miss J. Kearney, win provlds appropriate music, and Hon. J. II. Murphy will deliver tha oration of tha day. Dinner will be served by tha ladlea of tha parlih from noon until :SQ in the evening. Tbera will be an Interesting and varied program of porta of all kind. Prises will ba offered to tha winners of tha ladle' race, tha fat men's race, tha boys race, tha potato race, l tha running- broad rr i ::::.:'Hurir niirir' ln potato raoe, tn. running oroaa A;-Ja .....V.uii.Tiu. Mump, the standing Jump, tha 100-yard tivl. ""' ....,......,...... Vaarteviiie dash and for a Japaness-Russlan tug- V"C , ,,,,. ....... VaadevlUe I of..,.,- Prun'i nrr-hMtra will furnish a pleaalng , musical program In tha Tha traveling nana Tom Word dub PVllion. ,,j v v s , - ; -i, : '-, ; had "a host of callera. yeaterday. It ' L." "' ' ' ' ': . eeemed aa if all parts of tha country Th " Whits Houss at Rivera were reprsssnted, snd Sevsn-tenths of onc MMC ' v,h0M w.h0 , the callers were Republioan In polltiea. dM,r beautiful spot in tha country Word cornea from all quarters .that Mr. t0 "n ,,w J10"1 John Brry. - Word Is growing .atronger every day, known throughout the entire northwest, and hla plurality will be a eurprlee to to ,n ehsrgs of that noted hoatelry and -the politicians that they will not Soon has had tha entire houae. renovated from forget. Ills candidacy being baaed on cellar to garret. Tbe road from Port a purely business .administration of the 'nd the White House waa never In sheriffs officeconducting It as' sue- bettsr condition and persons wishing to ceaaful business men conduct their pri- drive will find the roadbed smooth as 'vats affairs has given the taxpayers phalt The White House .for many , heart and they will sea that ha has the years has been the only place accessible opportunity to put his promise into I by a fine drive and the railroad, and execution. Hla election is therefore-a tourists f ton .many parts make At foregone. 'conclusion, posslbls to stop it, . It will v be ln- polnt to pay It .a visit, never falling to pay Its charming location the praise that It rightly deserves.. This summer It is more attractive than ever. .The annual 'commencement exercises of ths Holmes Business college Will be held .Friday evening. June I, at the Marquam Grand theatre. The claas this year Is larger than sver before, num bering It persons. . Rev. P. Burgette I Pacino northwest, embracing Short will deliver the annual addreaa to Washington and Idaho. Ths The passenger department of , ths R, A K railroad has Just published an interesting map and short story of ths Oregon, map Is . the class. Ths Spanish Students, vMlsa complete to detail, giving a thorough Ethel Lytle and Cloudesley Brereton, description' of the three states. Ths , -win furnish musical numbers. The In- reading matter is up to the usual style vocation wiii.ds delivered by Rev, El win of attractiveness of O. R. at N. publl : It. House Class offioers are: President. I eatlnna. Tha folder la not onlv tntaraat ,v ,.. William a Watt; vlos-preeldent, Ralph ling but will be found quit useful to ,-),. . inompsonj secretary, juis .Hirongi I travelers and Others. '' , treasursr. Duella M. Segur. The class! r- i ;oiors are crimson; .ths motto, "We Mr. and Mrs. Olst -Olson eslebrated J i IT - mVT our. PMons, - ana ths twenty-fifth anniversary of thslr ; flow', Jnoqusmlnot ross. . marriage by V entertaining Wsdnssday u. ,"' . evening; May 18, , at thslr boms, 481 lTh? woman Exchange, at 188 Tenth ailsan , itmt1. About IS of their i v."r management or weu lfrxmia were present- Thers was Instra. known, energetic philanthropic women, I .,.i m,Z ..a mM m... h! n,r, Uf ,nm' Refreahmenta wars served at a lata hour. , , Uer of young soctsty womsn have volun- , . ' I ' I'SJwr'SiVTss JhrJn;., Rno Hutchinson, rellgtVu. director of 'v :'liE&2M'-TSTt th T M- C3. has returned from "?-.-iriLL..(EL-SSl Buffalo, N.- ' where he attended ths 1 ral in. Jiias mil VmT. Tl U' c convention. , He was . ' ' at?d on hls rsturn by Ivan a ! . !. Y,.FU-:.Thw..m Rhodes, who Is to assums chargs of ths ; Mrs. Leon Hirsch. and v Mrs. t N. I -, thU city. : ,. ; , . . .. , , jneiscnnerj admission, Mrs. B. Frank, Mrs. B. R. Johnston and Mrs. M. Btsers The Chinese laundry, owned and oper i -press,. Mrs. N.. i. Lsvinson and Miss y f T?"lL.- ? : - - '. -: - - , I atroyed by fire at U oclock JTriday it:mA,i.t ..,1. .in w. ..m night The flames -war Anally subdued ' Evening' at Taylor Street Methodlat l""1 JES OK, "SJS : 'i,i..h - t: .tit nr...k - rh of. the fire . Is w unknown. .Ths loss ! Good Boldlsr." Ths musical program w" f,10, V I:' ' ; .' r-nZZZZm'i. m..: ': '";:-" - Ths bast, tiewest and rastsst gtaamsr i t.,Kit-.'w a.. r..ii.- i.,.w on ths Columbia and Willamette rivers. Ave Maria. rTotow Bostluds. Credo. th chrlM BPor, sails from foot V hI num ot Washington strsst Monday. Wsdnss- rSSr T d Friday for Ths and aU rtn rvunrv wt,K nfraptnf I '""7 Undings.- LiOw passenger zares, munTon: " B.tt.t.T Tritons solo" Ths pWi of might -s -Promls of LlfcV Mr. P. I. Packard. Cowen: postlnda. Entree D Procession, BSUBtS.' , t. Baseball, baseball. Multnomah '.vs. - ' T . . Columbia; Multnomah field, -Decoration day, I p. ra. , Frod .'Wagpnblast. 14 Tri Ol. was arraated by Patrolman . West Friday ; .' . V night for Jumping on a moving pas . .. "ssnger train on the Southern Paol ft o ' -V ' A a.. SJ...LL saa a v it.. - . t a I must a is auuui I ui a.asa iiu, mum sum inlcipaL court Ftrdar. th hay prim t nNfl ninr 10 nNii ins oiiroff ina.Tii L . . jm a f -e . 4 a . wrAa. a a av. iByil UUUlVMir WSJeM VVll14 vaa.awas , .). sm ins ss sin . ratmimin w sasas: rLsu s,iisa 1 - - - . 1V.W. crus for the Durooss of breaking ths v.. . m - annim. TJ.rlflA trains I v- , - Hellol The Paclflo Sutes Telephone a Tela- i Jumping on Southern v ,f whlle in motion. Columbia Crtyr Columbia county, Or. A - ''t..M..i. 1 "our stomacn. lnaigesiion. iiaiuiencs. . IV AiUIUUVI s IUWJi MhVl m luwiuwait ' L u,,....!, Jt aaa Jt toae- abm aa V.fJ,tJjt il" ST h? waf ' tomach trouble Quickly relieved and , 1 ? 9"r,d Huck8 n?.7" cured by Wahoo Tonlo. Oet a bottle to- .:. aiuea' or an aidiiw -car nisui uuiurwi ,k. wiiee.M.M 0 ' . . . t.. A.M4 th.t l nur.lt a(lrf iy. iw 1 -111 . . . e.a .Vlk IHHWIU Wl VVVUI a w w v viwb) 1 !, ' " .; - . ' . P Pror - ot 1 Oerman . Reguutor 11ns steamers for The . Kumeran cnurcn, comer oi aaimon ana rjaUea, Lyle,-Hood . River, St Martin's s . Chapman streets. Interment wUl be ln-B)l Collins' Hot Springs. Cascade Locks i Lona- Fir csmstsryr . . i .. .,r ... and -all -way-points- leave -overy- morn- I ;. '.. ' ; . ; . Ing (except Sunday), 7 o clock, front 0 DIAMONDil DlAMOrSDil WE'RE NOT AFRAID TO QUOTE PRI C Eg AND iSIIOV GOOD5 Its Our Veiy Strongest Point ! : Ws will cheerfully' glvs you an sstlmsts on making a ring or resetting your diamonds. Don't be sby about telling us you're looking far ths place where you can buy to the beat advantage. People are doing that every day. and as a result our business is growing fast Oar prices will bear Inspection and our goods are the beat We would like the pleaauro of showing you our diamonds and other precious stones. . We bars ths oats little Baby kings, set with a diamond, at 1.80 to 15.00. Some a little larger for the aMIss, 16.00 to $16.00, and now for the young lady thsrs Is nothing too good. 1 2 6.00 and up. . - 1 Young man, you are not to be forgotten. Ws can fit you out at any price from flfi.OO up. In fact wo have any style, price or sis., , . stememeev we piaoa. uuiswers send for our prjees. 'BROS.' jrswelsrs and Opticians. tM Korrlsoa B treat, Veax rifth. DIAMONDS DIAMONDS 1 ' r '- I -1 . a A mm.. PAULIST FATHER.. : ; AT ST. PATRICK'S An entertainment will ibe given this svenlng st t o'clock at Bt Patrick's church, on . Nineteenth and Savlef streeta, tinder the auspices -of ths Knights of Columbus. Ths chief feature wlU be the address by Rev. H. L Stark, RE3V, B. 1 BTARIC C .' P. ; (Photo by C SUmors Grovs.) ; C. 8. P, on "The Catholic University of America. " Father Stark Is a gradusts of this university which Is located at Washington, D. C. ' Hs has been onAhs Paclflo coast about a year. : He is an eloquent speaker and s man of pre possessing appearance. ' , Tha following program will be given: ' 1 ' Organ prelude;. ..,,..,.,....,.. , .Bach Miss M.' E. Thomas, ' ' Hymn to ths Blessed Virgin, j .,, - ) iwii Children's eholr. . i Ths Holy City" Violin solo. .Stephens : Miss Julia Burks. ' . , i Miss Helen'Llghtner. aocomDsnlst Are, Maria ......... ...Wlggens . ' miss Irene Fivnn. . Mlas M. H. Flynn, accompanist ' it Nomen pominl Benedlctus UULLII ESTHER if ORIENTAL SPLENDOR OT BACXJBO OPZXA BT BXSTZVOtnBXXS ' XOXB TAX- BBT JTXAJUiT TtBUUO JTUOB ; ckobvb za vm baxajtoxs i OAST Of OXAmAOTSM. , t , "Queen Esther." tha sacred -onera to bo glvsn ab tha Marquam Wednesday and Thursday evenings 4s fast reaching a finished auto, under ths direction of M. B. Robinson. The entire cast has been arranged,' and die oriental ' cos tumes, which add so much to tha dra matic notion of tha opera, are In readi ness, i ns onorus. 01 in voices is ex ceptionally wall balanced. The east of characters la as follows; The Oast of Oharaeters. Esther, tha queen. ' Miss Ethel M. Lytle; Ahasusrus, ths king, Lionel L. Paget; Haman, tha premier, Ronald Elliott' Brandbury; Zeros h, Haman' s wife. Miss Ethel M. Shea; Mordecal. the Jew, Charles H. Oloa; Mordecat'a sister, Miss Jessls MoConnell; prophetess. Mrs. S. B. HamUton; high priest, T.'W. Zlm- marmann; Hegai, A,- V. Baxter; scribe, Al Whlteman; Median princess, Miss Florence Drinker; Persian princess. Miss Verna Welch; beggar, Charles Cutter; oapuin king's ' guard, C I Preston: queen's maids, Mrs. J. M. C Miller, Miss Helen Bennett Miss Msud Smith, Miss Erms Souls; king's pages, Olivia ' Ire land. Violet Haines; queen s pagea Ruth v. (fx'-f mil We Jet "the othr fellow" set forth inducements where you stand one show in few hundred, but here we tfve every one a prize without a lottery scheme, i We make all purchasers of one of our , . . " . ' New Rival: Ranges .' A PRESENT OF !. . ' " v' ; ' : . r i-, . . ' $5.00 ta Cash. ' J! I: This Range sells for $30.00, but to all buyers, for a , limited, time,, we will make them a present of $5.00 bringing the cost of the range down to $25.00. It'a 'dirt cheap at J30.00, too. v The New Rival is constructed of planished steel and can't wit Burns either coal or wood, and has coa . . pocket on side which enables coal to be poured on v the hre without raising any of tbe four lids. 41 t 172-174 FIRSt STREET i WOODMEN ARRANGE MEMORIAL SERVICE v or woosctjlot wtu ronr Of TXB OZXZXOXTBS WB20X WTU -fOUOW A OBAJTO STBJIST PA KABB SBBVZOXS TO BB STBZJ) XB XAJtQTAJC "mATB. Annual Memorial day services -of ths Woodmen of ths World and Women of Lochlsr. Freda Burns; king's guards, al woaora wui no nsia Bunaay, juao s, N, Souls, A. DunUp, R. H. Mlssnhlmsr, :0. 1 e Marquam Grand theatra. A.; V. Baxter; king's . maldsns. . Mrsls oxcises at ins tnestrs wui ns pre- Bharp, Margarst Hanson, Nancy Beals, eueu oy a sireei paraae, wmcn wm Tho.. T.r.i. n.ui hmi. M.rinn I form at. Fourth and Madison streets. In KUlott. Kdltk Chase; accompanist. Miss charge 1 of U C. Bofflnger, grand marsbaU Eva Benson; director, Martin .a, Boblnt vrui wmpoM ,x us r m nii- ua . , -is." t...-V' ..,; ,.,.'.:'' I menv uniionu rana, tea dt ki Dana, The members Of the chorus are: i irouowea oy ws general memoersnip ot knnranofc-Bartiina rr.Anoeil. Nancv Portland, led by ths Third regiment, O. feeals. Amanda Chsldelln. Winifred IN. Q.r band.. The following is tns line M . 1. - ' w;as?.iiTH &co. ; V;.vCILVTJtS v j '.' ThH Floor, WMfafastoa Bids, roorth aa4 WaaJJngtoa StraoU DEMOCRATIC TICKET Justice of the Supreme ..Court- Thomas 0Day, Multnomah county. Oregon Dairy and Food 'Commissioner fl. M. Douglas, Lane county. ' TEETH Boston Painless, Dentists Chojrus from St Marys academy. Violin obllgkto. . . . . . .MIss,BurkS . Miss iRsvnolda. aocomnanist. : 1 Dsoksr. Harriet Foster, Mrs.' R. H. Gilt- nor, Helen Hughes, Hetty Hlpkos, Mrs. J. C Haw.-Kthsl Lytls, Jessie McCon nen, Mrs. J. M. C Miller, Edna Voogt, Mrs. Al Whlteman. Winifred A, Voting, Mrs. Boott Botarth, Ella Cosens, Msmts Cheldelln. ' Luclle a Drtscoll. Wlnnls Foster. Birdie Grlswold, Hasel Hardla, ' Margarst A. Hanson,- Elisabeth Johnson, tSgliarO I it,ite w rM T.iitta MuTjit Pita r I R. of march: i On Fourth street ta Taylor, Taylor to Third. Third to Oak. Oak to Fourth, Fourth to Alder, Alder to Sixth, Sixth to Oak, countermarch on Sixth to Marquam theatre, where seats will be reserved for those In parade. Following are tha effloars of ths day: county. Woodmed of the World -F.- & Fields, master of ceremonies, Mt Tabor camp, ' . First CtonfTessloaal District. Congress R. kt Veatch,' Lane county. Ssoomd Oongressloaal Blstrlol Congress J. a Simmons, Multnomah c uowi m wobxb ovb Are the Only dentists In Portland bavin ths late botanical discovery to apply to tne gums ror fsmiess attracting, riu Ina and Crownine? Teeth, and auaranteed twelve years. , Largest .dental concern, In ths 'world. All work guaranteed for' twelve years, v The entire Stock of goods, formerly Btreet aocki B-t ot mwjg, Phons Lseturs -ths Cathollo University of ' known 'as ths Collins-Preston-Wilson K company, consisting yof harness, , sad . dies and everything pertaining to a . first class harness store, together with .. machinery, lease of building, etc for sals ctsap. Hers Is a first olaaa op - portunity for acme one looking for an . A No. t investment J. A. Roll, manager. Second and Taylor streets. ' ; t. ., .'. ,, - ' Cv;'; " Ths management of the 'Baker theatra and of the Weber-Field com pany gave free tickets to the Fiddle Mala 14. , V, ; BaasbaUr Baseball! Today.. . , . V. SchUlsrs vs. All-Portland. . Twenty-fourth and, Vaughn streets. Gams called at s p. m. ' ' ' : Admission Uo. Grandsund ; frsa. Camp Gilbert No. 105, 8. A. W. V, will mlvm fhalr thlra annual airmiralnn I to Multnomah Falls on Juno I. Btaamer I tadats Txk.. wiunifi iTMm Walla I No. Jilt: C. V. Cocmer. head banker, con-1 wiyrT-'-RriTint Martha -CnrtlB.-Ed rth I sut-commandeer Portland oams, Ko,-l7i Clrouit -Judge, ,Pspartmsnt-Worl Chase, Mrs. E. J. 110tt, Celia J UftUO- I vunningiiaiii, MTHw-inunnui, I . j . . . . way. Elsts Garrett Mrs. X & Hamilton, Alblna camp. No, Il: H. tx. Newhall. Circuit Judge, Department No. May Haley. Carrie Johnston. Adele M. oanxer, MUitnoman camp, no. 77; ueorgs Mark O'NelU. m n sr. vjiri .w irw mmm. i MS T'Sk r i av Aiawir 1 fmsnsutt IIBfnn sw n a a. iiooiOs xmdm -ropr, ycru Tuiir rmj i ; .'i i .gutnot AttornWOlui UtAalOft WlBBlnoV -i I . -essas wwvs s wvB AltosMrs. A. Albsrtsen. Evlyn Cor- Wsshlngton camp. No. Ill; H. F. Clark, nutt Mrs Leila Hammond, Olivia Ire-1 waicnman. rrospsnty camp,, no. lis; land. Rntit Lechlar. Catherlns a Mo-1 a R. Raymond, sentry, bunnyslds camp, -..w. rt r. dm.Iam nthl t Um I Ka. 11 St Oaoraa 9. Barrlna-ap. nuunr. " .,ttUrt',V,";;V''RMa Elisabeth Wolfe. Mrs. Alice Buckman, Montavllla camp. No. 87; H. & Xublk, -i v ' - jam nanv v iivu. . i m Ts.b.. VIM., ir.in.a anna i nuninf . wam an Mnn. Nn 1 1 j Tantum Ergo... Donlnettl j.m... .. E. M. Mackensls. Lsna W. Booths, manager. Rose City camp. America". .Rev. H. L STARK. C S. P. I Thers'e a Green Hill Far Away". ............. . . . . . .... Gounod 1 Mrs. Walter Reed. v Miss VL a Thomas, accompanist Solemn benediction oj tha Holy Saora ' - Bent of ths Blessed virgin.; r' Eumlnitloi ...f IEC Silver filllBjt... JOe , roil Mt Ttetg.Jf3.ti lrid?tfort ...V5.0 ... I Charles R." Spencer and bargs KUcklUtl Des Des "oerrormanco to about nwsboys Friday night... As a rHof jrt" howling.', shouting " youngsters who 'tSSSSf ZrV Vo' .on rJP P Columbia to Bonneville and bertalnly : never mors responsive J tn vim k. kik .t.r nrf audience. , Children's choir. Children's eholr. ira PaitAn Raid, i Mauds I No. 778: W. Pennio. P. C commander. St ,wcwno Smith, Freda Burns, uttnsrins r eni-lonn camp, ru. ; aaaiaiea Dy unuorrn ' Joint V Stats Senator. Multnomah. Washington and Columbia, Counties J. . . ; i iii. i . Btate Senator, to 'W, Yacanoy-I. "btartifla.al t'5, 'maker."; SUts Senators A. F. Flsgel, V, V. Cumbiadoi FSEE (Ma Fillings $1.03 fisM Crewu......MJ5.o TcctB withoat plates S5.09 - Crowns and Brldgs Work at low prices a Spec laity. Our Pateat Double SaoUoa will hold your tsotb ap to place. MO STV9BVTS. ' , Our sntlrs staff ar world-renowned erl- est gold fillers and crown and bridge work men in uie worjo.- attendant ai- Decoratlon Day outing. A delightful i rsturn to view ths high waUr and grand I eoenery Steamer, leaves Alder street I ImiJorUnt Improvsmenti" a'r. .bslnf ; Msal. ths very besfPhon, made-in ths lntsrlor of ' St David's Ma,n ,14. . ' . .' ina, "-"".I"- :"V; Vi7:.v,' IT!" .. V ... Itrmm.n John lannnt wT nLlwaya present ' ' more. Mrs. W. n, nwi, " I ?" " -- r -""I fW nrAr t alt lim elttaa tn tha Anita Morso, Esther Olson, Bra Souls, I Colonel H. Jf, commanding. . . I"" ' yt: .L, I TJnlted States have been' esUbllshed for Marlon Wiggins. -rT-Women"Of- Woodcraft--Mrs;- Colonel J. 1 RepresentativesRobert- BradypW.-ltj 81 ysarai"-?"7; ftr; ' Tsnora-CB. Arisman, H. roro- -onaa, m.-tr... or oer.mon.es. oyw ftJT. Jf., DOStOA PftfafeSS Df nti'tt man. Earls UaoriSL inomss junea, n, cinw no. iji ur. a. b, jniniDii, (utra i. . . " w" L. MaoDuffss. C. L. Preston, A. T. lan neighbor. Portland -ctrclsr No. -85; Grafton,-J.a Meybrunn, R. . W. Monta-j OOB. FXPTM ' ABS VOBJUSOS STS. - Eatranre xi nmiHa street. -SBANOU OFFICES: T1S Flnt Am.. RHU, 806 Padfle At Xaeoma; 1T1 Bewltt Aa.. .mill, niwb " . ' " A RECEPTION FOR ' CCI7DCT A DV CTAWC jLUbVIVwl AlVl'-OlUn B.-A- Dunlap, Mrs. M-tDubols, advisor, Mount Hood u. J. A. N swell. John Van Xante, Og- ; " p.1 s ' . I otts F Fry, Charles H. Glos, Max I circle, No. 151 f Mrs. M. L. Hlrschlef.' lesby Toung. " ' I Kramer 8. V. MaoDuffss. P. A. Preston, past guardian, Astra circle, No. 158; Mrs. Joint Repreasntatlvs. Multnomah and w. stone, general secretary of the N. Souls, H. W, Foster, C. M. God-1 Nora Card, magician, Oregon circle, No, I Clackamas countiss-J,' ak. Hedges. chureh. East Twelfth and East Belmont . . ... . -TT-.. Lv,, "Z? W " ""2..""7" rey. Walter H. Molt, ueorge ju xarn. u ;Mn. v wynona lM.ta. aiul hin tt ! rainMM nast I ' ' ''" l -...iv. i ""- r. :J, HUlIlMOII, U tf, lWr v. ' v urei o. - n ' . am, juait Uisnon, Sunday it will nrassnt a vary attractlvs anosaranoa. Todav'a services are belns wmoon. juns i. irom s to s. jasmnsrs i . revurnea m ma city last i Bassos BvsrstW F. Allshaw, F.I Busts Brown, attendant, Arhutua circle, VSTSTZ f-fccS Ouy M. inslsy. k.. . rl.nn afraat. hatwaan TCaat Twelfth andl."" -"y v ... i - " . - .-. i Knrman s Lrfli -rhiZ.K 7 llioms, :kJ'i-. . , ' . ooiisge men, ror uearnart rark to at- East Thirteenth streets. - L J tand tha itu.nt.' ' ii.f... vr. VSisxaaw vv as a r - r a Norman Lewton, Tom Ordsmann, J. sentinel, Royal circle. No. SIS; Mrs.' A. Stswart-1. Webbsy. a -H. Wlnneman Commissioner John Sleret Bherirr Tom M. Word, ( Clerk Frank, Lee. " Treasursr W. tt Lseh. "7 Assessor IX F. Campbell, lit -w w . tiA.u Tallin Dcnriniirv la. s Aiak rw . 7I Ufa - H I ' MaWArvH m II Sll. " JA ' - I a, . . W . 1VS1 H r . rt.tl I IK1U lUlliVIS ajiwwvn s I ww s eat sai as sm mi .w vv wa waaa immbiv An slsotrlo flag, will bt. placsd In : Jl.n"y.r'.ay f!."II-":lJr3,,u;" l.'"tu,.,rr MacDuffss, Robert Hueks, Dr. J. B. clan. MonUvllla clrols, No. 400; aaalsted . tint rv.nrntliil rhimh ' tnr liuvm viunu w Kspchs OuUr aentlnaUMountJTabor.clr. 1. gchool Superintendent it Wr Herron. I Surveyor R. C Bonssr. , .-.... ... .-. . ., tm lopen s'lw a. n..i. two will speak on "Following ths Flag," nd ""J: XJjf" l 8t"c iiiuiinM ia th rsstdonca oistrict , ... lsagus. Christian Endeavor and othsr I saluting and giving allsgianc to. the flag will ba an Madison and 89 at 1st MMsTMMS T , .. ;:.;::. v V r I itiAmorlAl nroaTavm. . aftsirnooii Vdlnnar ""Alblna courc VOrdsr- of .ports . and ref reshmsnts of alt' kinds; pwpls'i societies will attend in Foresters. -will hold a picnic at Cedarj!:"10- orchostra. . , , . . "f . - pars tomorrow,; ior ins ou v . nu,, Ma1 Iness chancs broker, formerly "J80H Morrison street U now ; located In rooms 810-814 Abington building. Third strsst ; other offices caption tendered him at the Marquam S ? H MImX? Lionel I tripg by, oar. Grand' theatra next Saturday evening. r' SSavTtaSi , on,, in th. 'Vltr,nire lZTCrJ. A '".. I " . I r- n.l.M. t Hart la V. A. IX H. ItOI- an Tntersstlng feltuVi , ' ' . I KEn nson?. 8ou,' 11 ..v. atraata i-tti n tn Plcnlo t at Cedar, park : tomorrow, I ,ou young people s organisations. It is t'J.vi Vi,....- Walton i Park strsets. 7.80 p. m. Cath0c 0rdor of K)P.ers: U o'clock "Pocted that members of the Epworth I Vrdh1' "" WaKon. . MUSIC IN AID OF SCHOOLS AND BATHS Mary's church, in ths morntpr at 11 o'clock , thsrs . wlllVbo a patrlotlo prt-i oazEiXT rxmsoarAXa P. J. Quealy, Wyoming ooal baron.' ana wue are atuna fortiand from KSm- by the guards of Nomah circle, No. 501, Ada Pearson, commanding. , . . , The order of exorcises at . ths Mar quam theatre Is ss follows: . Woodmen of the World "Nearer My God to Thee,'; W. O. W. band; vocal sa leotton. Prof. J. Adrian Epptng; trlbuts to , departed ' Woodmen, v consul-commander; .anthem, choir; "Oh, t Why Should ths Spirit of Mortal Bs Proud 7" I W, W, Cook; removal of the veil, officers or company; instrumental, W. O. W. band; "I Know That My Redeemer Llv-! eth.'1 Mrs, Rosa Blooh-Bauer; dedication Coroner J. W. Morrow. Portland fastlso Of tks Peaca Bistrlot For Justice of . the Peaca . . a It Cahallb. ConsUblo William Miller. ' Bast Portland Jtutlos of ths Pesos District. Justice of ths Peace C A. Constable J. M. FrsUlnger. White. 1 The GlaHn& Sun ' Has caused a crop of' dark Glasses, to appear. . If the eye finds relief, In , such .glasses - something .is wrong' with the Interior of thst v". ii iieeus aiientrun. . .it ..... i wars not so the llgnt, would not . lrrltpts it', 8eek advioe ths kind t ws givq you ths kind that only '.: can be given after a tlioroug h and . a intelligent examination. V" " , ( ' eXABOB POS TXSTS.' i. it -i - : Mrto iniaraat Mtiiwi tn tha concert I seremony. .officers of ths day i oration. msrsr, Wyoming,. and with them sret0 . aHven Tuesday svsnlng, - naxt, n-Hon. George a Chamberlain, governor .' Vil a ... lM,r ""'"nas. air. ana Mrs. M. ba Kem-1 at thi dtreoUon oftMrs. Rose Bloch or Oregon; lessons t woodcraft consul- sb.iiiiiiiim aai av, nivau. ivr 1111 m.rap ar vniuM nnu. Tint in tnn.ln.ia ...... . .u. i.b mmmiiiAar ' VU 'Jl'hNur e0"1 will' be in Port: " Tk.'-'st pWoaan of-Woodcraft-'ll6ck of Ags, sent to the oltr board of xhir ties 805 land until Monday. tU be give it PattonV hall and wfll First .regiment Wf O. W. band; selection Jefferson street; telephone, Main 717. ; , f. O. Baker, of the, Bpokan Bpokes- ZTJLZ MbisrarT 4 oholr;v tribute to our dead, guardian I. jnian-Ravlew and wife, who have been I Weitern Academy Glee club...:.i.. helghbon poem, past guardian; duet uiuiin vi. Vila 1 slODDina- at to irUanO aavaral (laval . laalantad). Ur. Ratine an1 Artrl.a, dold Fililnss ...... ...;...$i.oo Silver Filllnjs .50 Oold Crowns '.....$4.00 Pull Set of Teeth .,..$5.00 ""'These are new prices for first class work. - - I give my per- , sonal attention to patrons and ' DO absolutely guarantee ALL MY WORK. I have the latest applianoea known to den tistry. W. T. SLATTEN, Dentist - loom I, 24SJ4 Vashtngtonft. , Phone, Bsd IL BBTWXEB1 SSCOVS ABD THISD. Offlee hoars 1 S to 8. Soaday, 10 to II I Mt. aho Jostles of tha Psacs District ConsUbls IX P. Lang. , Tha commencement Stonrjlnar at , tba Portland iit.r.1 rl.n. GlllesplSfcSchool of Expr-wlon wlir bo L while vl.ltlng relatives and friend. In Mla- V0V 'mV Heart" PUwuetts P; unveiling ceremony, officers of the held at ths Marquam Grand theatr Fri- this city and Salem, departed today for ""i' selection, W. O. W. , dav avenln.. June. 10.i.,..:....:..;-:;-.,v:.v..;.,....;.i-'S- I fiaaaMa wliara hav ltt ... .. I ' -."M.' : iuren rsase... ... i :.J' I '"' un iri n ifi. irurt". . .; . iu.nu, vivbiuk wnwuvui, luaiuwu neiKn DUUI UI 1 - U J . f.V.V . . . . . . . .... .. ' - - . . - ... . JL m. . . Multnomah Jostles of tha Pesos Dlstriot Justice of ths Pesos A.' J. Vandever. Constable George - Willlama ' ' " t- day evening, juns 19. . : ,p I Seaside, where they - will enjoy -. .. a . - ' I ocean breesen for several davs. , : Dr.' Ray Palmer's ihems Sunday night I ; W. B. Olafke of the Glafks oomnaffv at the White Temple, "Ths Bsvsn Gold-1 wholesalers, isft last night for a visit sa Altars or lacsj upuon." , I of several days with frisnds at Gaston, , . - - . . itir ' " The Retail ' Clerks' ' union will give a I B. V. JoneS of Toledo, a atata fanra. 'smoker' at its hall, 188 Second street j sentsttv from Lincoln county, Is at ths A. I bor. . Miss Ethel At rams. Baritone "Why Not I". .Victor Herbert Adrian Spping, Monologue , ,....... Miss Blanohe Robinson. next Tuesday svsnlng. Furniture carefully .packed, Wal- born, 284 Second, phone Hood 1877. " 80c dinner dally from 4:80 to w to. Ths Calumet 148 Seventh. - Wss Bros., dentists, ths Falling bids. Soprano "May Tlm"i.....Oiey Bpsats Mrs. Ross Bloch Bsusv. Contralto "Sing Me to Sleep",. Greene Miss Marion Peters. J M: A. A. C VwdcviHc. The Multnomah club will give a vaude ville sntsrtainmant to bs followed by a dance at' the club house on Tuesday svsnlng, Msy 81, at 8:18. Everybody In vited to attend. '.;'... ' . -. Tickets.' SO cents, from members and merchant Is at ths Perkins. at' ths cluo house. ,-v. ' Perkins, M. C Biggerstaft, a merchant of Mor i row,, is at the Perkins, i M . Tl Pnrlr a titnnaaT ataamlwiar man fkf aafATla. fa. at., fh. T'.rlrlN. w,Vill. am Duett .......... a fcriar vieit tn tha oirv I Mrs. Bausr and Mr. spping. N. A. .Richardson, for 18 years tv xno .-uoiievs ate, say usen ,...rui I atinarlntanant a th. miKIIrt ..KaaI. .e Ban Bernardino, arrived from Call-f UCCOrailOil UaV EXCUrS ODS. rornis i . last nignt ana is si tns rerwns To Oregon. City, Magoon's park and during a brief visit with Portland return. Boats leavs Taylor street dock rnsnaa. - , . $ : I s-ac s- n-s a m a-nn s-n n m n . . ...... . , .. . . . a . . w. . - - ..... - i v. nimer, a prominent lumrjerman I t..n rtraann ft V-Art ift-ftA a m -in I of Bridal Veil, is at the Perkins, m f g.on.n. m RAtmrl trm. as .ata" ...!.. . r. ' rt.....a i . 7. . ' .. . 1 anaanman la a tha P.ptilii 1.-., I . - . . Baseball! Baseball!,, Today. -BchllUrs vs. All-Portland. ' ' Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets. .. ... Gams called 8 p. m. Admission 25c. Grandstand free. 1 NEVER BEFORE Have ws had such an array of swell , : c Oxfords, embrn.clna' all. (h M latest styles, In all the new leathers, ss now. Our own rciuivt aiics.. arioes xo suit.- 11 words for J 8 cents. Ads. Don't forget It ' . Journal Want Low Excursion Rates ; C XX MoaKoo, a prominent attorney! . To St Louis snd Chlcsso and return. of Tncoma, is at ths Perkins. - (account world's fair, via Great Northern Alexander Pautages, a Seattle theatro railway. June 7, 18.17. 18. H. Dickson, man, Is at tha Imperial hotel. - IC. p. T. A 128 Third St, Portland. aV i 1 ': AH th 'new ' ltherm mmdng which art the new . vuiisaiJi v7.-. i , Vcsdayx. O Wdtoa . . TEST FXTTXBS, : ' W79 Waablngton St. bst 3d and 4th. Sunset Creamery I Batter, Eggs, Cheoss, Swsst V Crvan and Cur Celebrated SUNSET ICE CUE AM S . ' " . -' . ' ...1 . S i 381 First St.," Portland, Ore. Dslivsred to any part of dry C - Phono Main S3 The Calumet RESTAURANT 149 Seventh strest ,, ...Meals a la Carte...' Prom 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. 'f' Delicious Dinner ? Prom 40. to 8 p. sou for . SO cents . , FREDERICK V. HOLMAN 'Regular Democratio Xominea for St22 C"---a f t, fr..., uiw.w ... , , i-.w.ww...,i tt ,ry VoU on t' ' I r allot as ToUowt: Dr. Amos Garner. Dr. S. A. Bartlott .The Oregon I Infirmary of toe,-:'..',; ' J 818-13 Tits Delnm. Chronlo Phh l Ctirvature, Jiiit nently i-ured L y ! rn" ! 'I I .'ft I'.ive y i 53 r.