17 I MARQUAM I GRANDJ fTHEATRE j Marquam Grand Theatre ON THE FRONT PHONG MAIN: 86S , . 1 .. . '.I . J I I Wednesday Evening, May 25, 1904 THE, OREGON. SUNDAY JOURNAL", . PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 22, im -?WGU BUHD-GRAWD PLAZA; mm CITY WATER '' ' ...'V- S ,i. . t . ,v v.v, ... .(.,;- FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 27 - SATURDAY MATINEE, AY 25 Prof. Begs Class of Fancy Dancers ;:' Will Present the Fairy Spectacle, Entitled 'The Queen's Bouquet" By 30 Boys and Girls Assisted by Mrs. W. O. Perkins and Miss Grace Shaw '..,'. ".'.'....- i ii.. " , '.' jr ". ,. ..:..,;..- v i V"; .-.,.! I i ; ..." ' , I.:' ;,l ' . 7 ; .; f H i i. niinuiiwi... i ... r t . ! l i im AUirii. i. immm , , ui.1 ii .1 u ,,,.,,; m.. in , ., . v . - : ' ' . ;-iv(K..'.:, " Y . v 0 -" ""'-'1' atta O'clock- ' r'; i GRAND TESTIMONIAL! ,,iv,vi:,:vr, . fEWSBpYS'MCIATION ; T0 FURNISH THEIR LIBRARY AND GYMNASIUM THB WATER FRONT AT. BONN, GERMANY, SHOWING RECENT IMPROVEMENTS AND , THB1 STEEL BRIDGE ' '-;''ff;- 'Si''.' J1 WITH CA8TLS TOWERS, j .. VV ;.";' x;y ; ; f v v ' ' , j PorUknd clrlj lmprevtnnk Bthttsl Mta, from Mmror Gorr . K. Wltllama ' down, r pfanninf and uffitln rlons methods by whteh th appearnc of PortUnd BtroeU and Portland door Tarda arc to b lmproTod; but tha big (at aut restloa rt : mad ' la that of Frank Dayton, vbo farora tha acquisi tion of a prattr rlrr front plaaa near tha heart of tha cltr.'- - Although, at first thought, , thia ftus - castlon of Mr. Darton's may stem Im possible or - Impracticable It . will be tha same thins; that has been dona with- . In recent years In Now York, In Philadel phia and n many of 'tha cities of. the old worldand dona at rait expense, because of the gain In nearby property .Taiuea wnua me euy xatnera were man In up their mlnda. . , Such a plana would prorida an Ideal brsathlnt place, would flvs'a marolfl oent view of tha river and the ahlpploa; and would be one of tha btnest adrer tlsementa that tha city eould possibly (St If tha surreatlon of Mr. Dayton was still further carried out, a syndicate eould be formed and build facln tha plan tha macnlfloent hotel which Port land ao much needs. Both hotsl and Improved water front would ba riverside attractions that would spread tha fame of the city far and near. It haa bean argued that such a plasa, or In 1U stead's nioa river front street, would take up too much valuable apace, and would run he risk of being annually overflowed. In Philadelphia an exactly similar condition existed where the mag nificent Delaware avenue now stands, and which la nearly all made land and for years was overflowed by the Annual high waters.. Now the embankment and ; covered piers and pleasure pavilions fa fl ing the -avenue ara among tha ahow fea tures of -Philadelphia, The Quaker Qltjr did not wake upv to the Importance of these water front1 Improvements until In recent years, when adjacent property had Jumped to an Immense, value al though Stephen Glrard. tha philanthro pist, had provided In his will for ths gift of much of tha avenue water front to tbs city. In hla argument for a Portland plasa or fins watsr front street, Mr. Dayton, who haa traveled sxtenalvely abroad, points to the Watsr front of Bonn, a picture v of which la herewith repro duceda, plasa and water front famed throughout the world. In tha belief of Mr. Dayton the. increased value that would accrue to property In tha lower part of the city would far more than make up for the ost of such an Im provement in. Portland. ' As yet the water front Improvement scheme, like most of the ctvlo Improve ment believers' work, ts only a Sugges tion, but It may follow what seems to be a tangible, plan already started for bettering the appearance of Portland a plan which started lsst. week when the msyor recommended thst telegraph and telephone poles be painted. With tha painting would go the removal of to bacco and balr tonlo signs which now disfigure msny of the poftts. Other cities suffering from the post nuisance hava used paint and all agree that -the Improvement was pronounced; and was ths first atep that resulted in some of the cities having the wires placed under ground and the poles removed alto gether an Object which the local civic improvement folks hope to see accom plished In Portland at no distant day. j A step In this direction la la tha strong objections started within tha past few days against permitting any mora lines or poles to ba erected In the city streets, ta soma streets there are as many as three lines of poles for telegraph, and telephone wires and for trolley ear guide wires. ' There ara short posts and. tall posts all of which posts,-with the poast bis exception or those for tha guide wires, ahould .vanish, according tothe belief of the civic tmprovementera. . Anothsr agitation that la being made and that la said to be. favored by tha city officials If to atop ths hit-and-miss system Of laying sidewalks. This sys tem In tha past has resulted In one property owner plscing his sidewalk two feet from tha fence, and probably tha owoax of the next lot placing hla walk four feet from the fence. Still another Improvement that la looked for la that which will require Uniform street crossings In tha suburbs. And other reforms planned ara to hava a uniform aystem of street grading, ao thst the curb on one side of a street msy not longer be only three Inches above the edge of the roadway while tha curb on tha opposite slds of ths street Is 14 Inches above tha level of the bed pf the street These are a few of ths Improvements which have started In Portland within the past few weeks,-and which ths clvto Improvement people are arranging to put In execution. The cult In thia city haa. been - watching the work sccom pllshed In Dayton, In Los Angeles and in other cities that ars planning to bring about a result .that will be Just as satis factory In Portland leaving this city with its wonderful natural landscape advantages, the most beautiful city In the world. - :- T T Germany's Complicated Kaiser Collaborates in Opera B ERLIN. April ii. Four or five I Ished emblem of municipal Independence. yeara ago, when Leoncavallo I Wllllbald Alexis, a German novelist of came to Berlin to direct tha pre- I the last century. Immortalised the Ber miera of his "Pagllacclr Em. peror William, In a characteristic burst of enthusiasm, intrusted tha Italian composer with a commission to Write a grand opera entitled "The Roland of Berlin," which snouia perpetuate in ro mantio fashion one Of the imperial capi tal's most cherished bits of - history the Berlinera' struggle far liberty asainst an autocratlo Prussian raark- rraf. After a long period of delay, popularly ascribed to Leoncavallo's lack of sympathy .witn nis tneme, is now annodnced that tha opera haM been com pleted and that the composer will come to Berlin In May to aeiiver me piano score Into the kaiser's bands. Mean. time the Italian text In which It haa been written will be translated into German and adapted for presentation at the Berlin royal opera, which will be the aceae of a gala first perform. ance next October. It will undoubtedly be the muslo event of the year. - Kaiser Bdlted Text and Mnslo. While Leoncavallo's name is attached . ... . . HI . Wfc,, -. -"" a .411 liA wie nnprw uuaHii win uuuuhwbh w apparent throughout "Roland of Ber lin." It la understood that bis majesty has suggested innumerable cbangea in text and music particularly with refer ence' to the finale of the atory, which Leoncavallo waa compelled to rewrite In deference to the kaiser's teste. It will ba Interesting to observe how Ger man critics will approach tha delicate o"uty- of passing-Judgment on- William li s operatic atyle wherever they think they dlsoern Its earmarks. i Kent Oomooisr to Task. " "'Amusing stories, are in circulation as -to howtha kaiser, who is not accus - tomed to being put off, haa had to nag Leoncavallo into hurrying "Roland of Berlin" to completion. After the Ital ian had recovered from the early ef- fects of the Imperial compliment, so the story goes, he was sorry he had undertaken a contraot to write opera to order on a ready-made theme, and en deavored through procrastination to ln t dues Emperor William to forget It But the head of tha house of Hohensollern Is gifted with a good memory. After weeks "had grown Into ; months,,. and " months Into- a year, and etill no signs Of "Roland of Berlin" were forthcom ing from sunny Italy, ., his majesty caused gentle intimations to reach Leoncavallo that his muse would bet ter bestir itself. Letters and telegrams Inquiring how about the opera are said to have piled In on the distracted Leoncavallo. They , would nursue him. so the people say, veiY when he sought seclusion In the monntains or on some peaceful Medi terranean ehore. Finally he roused himself and began submitting the opera . , to William act by act but hla troubles - seem only Just to have commenced; for the kaiser, who knows a thing or two about tnusio. nroceeded to rive bis crlt leal faculties full sway, and "Roland of Berlin" became thenceforth practically the Joint production Of king and com- rnoner. , : . ' V.rigfat Waa for Olvio Bights. ; ' "Roland of Berlin" deals with, the fight. of the burghers of Berlin in the year 1J50 against an autocratlo Hohen , sollern prlnee sent by Kaiser Frederick : '"Iron . Tooth" 'to rule ; the province of . Brandenburg, In which Berlin lies. Like , all towns and cities of the day, Berlin possessed sovereign rights, particularly . power over life and death, and the sym- ' bols of such municipal freedom and au thority were "Roland-Saulen," or "Ro . land : statues,?;.' showing huge knights holding aloft a great two-edged sword ' Bf JUStice. .' "' V, ' ed - by - their plucky - burgomaster. - Ryke, the Berlinera oMSSO defied the ' . attempts of the haughty markgraf . to ,' circumscribe their civic liberties, where . upon be challenged them to war. Their troops were no match for the armored legions of the markgraf, who conquered ' them, and as a mark of humiliation de molished their "Roland-Saule, the cher- llners' struggle . In a romance called "Der Ronald von Berlin," and Leon cavallo'a opera will be a musical version of that book, with incidents of love and dramatic Interest necessary for operatic treatment Bo land of 'Bo mantio History. Bow ths early Germans came to choose a Roland as the symbol of civic might Is not definitely known. It is probable that the name and lnspira tlon came from Charlemagne's great nephew and paladin, Roland, who shed the luster of his martial glory over all Europe by his military exploits in the eighth century. Romantlo history rep resents Roland as "brave, devotedly loyal and susceptible. He stood eight feet In height and had a voice like thun der. Ha was slain In the valley of Ron ceavalles as he was leading the rear of Charlemagne's army back over the Pyr enees from Spain to Franca. Charlemagne himself had reached St Jean Pled de Port at the time, the story books tell, heard the blast of his nephew's horn , and knew Jt . announced una rescue. Roland s hora was won in dead ly combat from the giant Jatmund, and "might be heard at a distance of (0 miles." Birds feU dead at its blast we are assured, "while the whole Sara cen army drew back In terror when they heard It" Many Other Boland Statues, . Roland's mafio horn figures In ail the Roland-Saulen" -scattered throughout Germany some 20 or SO in all. The handsomest and most famous stands in ths marketplace at Bremen, which along with Hamburg" and Lubeck still retains the rights of civio sovereignty which the statues in olden times typi fied. Berlin's "Roland," commanding the entrance to the marble Avenue of Victory in the Thlergarten, was erected In 1S02 as the. personal gift of the kal ser to the city. It Is of many fantastic colors, the various stones being an ex act reproduction of the old painted wood and plaster affairs which did service as "Roland-Saulen" seven centuries ago, It Is ground this pretty story of war and romance that the kaiser and Leon cavallo have sought to idealise in music great modern com.nercial Berlin. Whetb er the combination haa been potent enough to Inspire a masterpiece remains to be seen. nr hat. Again the fields srs green And bursting buds are seen , Appareling the trees; The robblns hop about; And from their1 hives are out The long beleaguered bees. Forever earth returns Unto her youth and earns Rich payment for tears. Within her cheek there glows The whlls departed rose That sweetens all the years. Age to us is beauty lost Come, look upon the frost Encroaching on our brows, - . For,, once ou youth in gone, No juvenattng dawn Reanimates ths boughs. And so we fall asleep. And In the speechless deep Of nature's wisdom trust Contented, Just to know The sweetest buds that blow Ars rooted in the dust New- York Times. Diplomatic- ' From the Philadelphia Press: Hungrjr Hawkins Do yer mean ay ysr got a square meal out o' sour woman? Diplomatic 'Mike Sure! " - " Hungry. Hawkins Well, yer. a . won der! How did yer do it? Dlplomatlo Mike When she opened de door I sex: "Is yer mother at home, Missr ter dat : Tha Following; Well-known People Have Kindly Volunteered s ...r;- ; r ,-: Tbsir Services i KISS IXM irrCHUBN , ; MKS. ROSE ItOCI IAUEl MIS. WALTEI tEEft : MISS C0B.ELM tAIKtlj ; MISS C. L IUCCINS MISS UNOIA ftSBCt FBANKIE RtCITEl PROP. I, UOBNait CUSS BOM J. IAH ' UNCOLN RART U RAY IRWIN ; J. CLYDE OWEN sn4 MISS EMJLf PETRAIN jf. i Pric 0Oo tb Any Part of th Thatr . - : BOXXm AJTS &OOBS 11.00 VBB SBAT. , Tha advance sal will open next Tuesday morning, May 24, at 10 o'clock A. 4 Oetot Lower floor, 76c lery. 1 5c. Children under TBI CBS BTBBZBCk rows. Balcony, first three KA TOTES rBICBB. 12 years, Jlo to all parts TIo. Balance, IN. Gal- of the house. Adults, loo. Reserved-- seats theatre. on sale Thursday, May II, at tha box office of tha MARQUAM GRAND I WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. JUNE 1-2 66 Elaborate Production of the Sacred Opera ESTH E R (THE BEAUTIFUL QUEEN) MARTIN L ROBINSON, of Chicago, DIRECTOR 99 AUSPICES GRACE M. L CHOIR AND EPWORTH LEAGUE Cast Including Some of the BEST SINGERS OF PORTLAND and Magnificent Chorus lOO TRAINED SIINOERS lOO IN ORIENTAL COSTUME PRETTY DRILLS AND MARCHES X Prlc 28-38-0O-7So Box-otlice Open Tuesday, May 31 ' S ninniiiii rr a xiir imr w. t. panqle ITiaiAV11 UlA111 1111. I 111. Re.ldent Mn TWO APPEARANCES ONLY MR. RICHARD Monday Niht. May 30, '04 IvanTheTerrible (Tlrst Tins Bsre.) Tkc Tur Km Mr. NaasdcM Tuesday Night, May 3fv04 Old Heidelberg (rirsl Tims Xawb) TstPrltctUrilclirka, Hr. NusncI4 " raxozs. , ," Lower floor, except last three rows, 11.00. Lower floor, last three rows, . 12.60. Balcony, first three Vows, IC.S0. Balcony, second . three rows, 12.00. Balcony, first three of last 7 rows, S1.K0. Balcony, last four , of last 7 rows, $1.00. Gallery, reserved, 76c Gallery, balance, sOo. Boxes and loft-es, 117.50. The advance sale of seats will open neat THURSDAY MORNING, May 26, at 10 o'clock. Not more than six seats will be sold to one person for any single per- . form a nee. Out of town orders accompanied with Moasy Order will receive prompt attention. Enclose addressed stamped envelope. . NORRIS&ROWE'S NEW BIG CIRCUS ESEHfiQERIE LUISEUU HIPPODROUE JUST TWICE LARGER THAN EVER BEFORE -RINGS acteed RINGS-' A NEW CIRCUS THROUGHOUT DAYS MONDAY COMMENCINQ MAY 23 TENTS A T MULTNOMAH FIELD PERFORMANCES at 2 A1ND 8 P.M. ; ; - . ; , A Multitude ef New Features Never Before Presented la America 5-MARVELOUS BELFORDS-5 4 FLYING LA VANS -4 - Ths World's Orestest Acrobats The Mast Seasatlonsl Asrlsl Oynmasto MELN0TTE, LA N0LE sod MELN0TTE 6 - GARDNER VaMILY - 6 Barope's PieComedy High Wire . Herts of the High Horizontal Bars 6 - GRACEFUL GROTHS 6 3 MCDONALD BROS.-3 Most Rssurkable CeatortloaUtS Extant The TersBisst Trick Cyclists - 8 - ROYAL OKA JAPANESE TROUPE - 8 ARENIC ARTISTS AND ANIMAL ACTORS Performlar EiephaaU, Camels, Lion. Titers, Hyenas, Tapirs, Llamas, Buffalo. Kangaroos, Ostriches, Elk. Deer, Ponies, Posts sad Monkeys 20-JOL-LsYT aJESTlNQ CLOWNS-20 ONE HUNDRED STARTLING ACTS - - Grand Qold ailtterins; Street Parade at 1&30 s. m. Adults. 80c, Cbildrso, 25c, ;: One Ticket Adjolts Yoa to EytrytblPX The BAKER THEATRE aeOROB L. BAKER, Sole Lessee and Manaxer HE FASHIONABLE POPULAR-PRICE TBEATKE OF POITIANO Pnoac Mala 1907 TONiatlT ALL. THIS WEEK Matinee Saturday TONIGHT MOROSCO AND BAKER PRESENT THE CASINO COMPANY nr WEBER AND FIELD'S GREAT MUSICAL BURLESQUE FIDDLE IDEE DEE FAST FURIOUS FASCINATING FUN ALL STAR CAST Xloe and Cady, Booby Vorta, Sidney . OeOrey) Joseph S alley, Klllar Baoon, t. X. Henderson, Klsa Loa Harlow, Kiss riossle Mope, Kiss KyrUe Tsae, Kiss ZdlUaa Sierey. - CHORUS GIRLS SHOW GIRLS DANCING GIRLS Mom 850, SOo and 700. Next WeeR BURLY BURLY AND THE ROYAL ftMILY I C0RDRAYS THEATRE THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR THEATRE Joan 1. Oordray amd Wm. mtisssO, XgYS. Last a Performances Today Ratines 3:15; Tonight 8:15 "BROWN'S IN TOWN" ' , 1 2 3 CHOICE SEATS 10c, 20c, 30c SUMMER PRICES Tourth and Itark StiMta. Tb. tople of rortUnd eoOTersstlon. A Vaedcvtlle Theatre of Aclaal Rerinemeiit Performance everr Tenlnr it 8:15. Matinee eTwy Sunday at 2 p. m. Admlwioa 15c. Private lose box teats 26 c. Phone Main 4636. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Ease Ball San Frandsco vs. Portland . - ATHLETIC tAMK. , This Afternoon at 3 q'CIock Days, Tbnrsdtr and Frldtr. Week cauea s:su p. m.( ounoay ims m. Admlssloa. 25e: sraDdttand. zae; eniiarsa, loe. w m mica s s. m. Admlssl Washington Park S4TB AJTB WASKXHOTOV. ITALIAN BAND SS rteoss BTsry irifat. Concert Dancing ABKZSSZOH lOo. JJLDZXB TBSH, COMCBST BAIX -. - , BLAZIIBBBOt. ' COlfCBBT BTEBT 1II0BT. ' SiX-MI iuSKSISsV ARCADE If Continuous Programe Today at the HOME OF VAUDEVILLE Seventh and Washington IOC TO ANY SEAT NEW. BILL STARTS MONDAY THE EXPOSITION FOUR Mighty Monarchs of Muslo and Song Highest Salaried Act Ap pearing In Vaudeville. THE TWO HALLS The Original Bowery Boy and Olrl In Songs and Dances. WILSON &.M0RAN Presenting a Comedy Skit entitled. i oeir j irst wuarrei. JOSEPHINE GORDON An Artistic Singing Soubrette, who Dances Divinely. KIPPY ' Klppy Is a Comedy Juggler, name Is funny, and ao is he. His THE AMERICAN -BIOSCOPE ' Presenting the newest and latest films of Recent events. - ; THEVITAGRAPH In the lobby pictures of eomlo and sensational '. events- please the. crowd. . ooHTnnrova bzzo tooat. : S to 10:30. Week Shows Begin , SilS and TiXS. mmjtpmMMmmjHH.mmjim..m.mmm.m m m ONE WEEK, STARTING Monday, Matinees Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday W. J. Elleford Presents the Great Scenic Production UUTU STRONG CASTt-SPECIAL SCENERY, INTERESTING - MECHANICAL EFFECTS WEDNESDAY MATINEB, 10 CENTS TO ANT PART OF THE HOUSE. SATURDAY MATINEE, GENERAL ADMISSION, 10 CENTS. RE SERVED SEAT, 25c. COME EARLY, SECURE YOUR SEAT AND AVOID THE CROWD. nrKi a rmnnr.i III I IV M V-l 111 I I I I I I e i ii y-i-v t u. vi isv i i i i j y ur i n lj " iJssss Usv -ti ME? 3Akferl ASlCZSSZOSr TO AWT' SBAT DT THB TKBATBB lO CENTS ooamsruovs pbbjobkabcb PAY riOH 1 TO moo r. H. WEEK OF MAY 23d THE MAZZIOTAS Musical Artists. ADDISON & LIVINGSTON Comedy Sketch Artists. The Invincible ROBERTS FOUR In the Dollmaker'a Dilemma, J,. CLAUS 4 H0NTEZ Singing and Dancing Soubretteev littleIhllie The Song Wonder, Featuring Illustrated -j;g;Bonga.-i-i-it f The latest Motion Pictures on the VITASCOPE SEE TKt CEsTlo CENT SK0W . 1 In tha City and be 'Convinced, THEATRE Corner Aldsr and Seventh. . xbatzho a noos, stanatrexa. ? Seating Capacity 700. WEEK OF MONDAY, MAY 23 . The Marvelous Wonders i THE VICTORBULAS Triple Bar ArtUta. The Mysterious ' AL.EX APSDER The Wonderful Man of. Mystery, j Tha Popular Monologlat, , WIL.L, KINO In Something New.' . " ; The Popular Favorite,-' RAYMOND Q, : BALDWIN The Popular Baritone Soloist in Blue Bells. ,4 Clever Black-Face Artist, ' THE DELACES 4 In New and Vp-to-Date Skit ; Direct- from New 'York, "' '- r MORAN & RINQ Featuring Miss Moran, who la Peer ox any ttoprano Ringer. , .' And Last But Not tesst . THE GREAT VITASCOPE Showing Edison's ltet moving plo tures. This wnk "Holiinum Crusoe snd his ilan Friday. Tbs story In pictures complete. ADMISSION Zi NO IZULIZ cohtxstotts tcsay. S to 10i3O. We f iowi rzu fl.-lS and Jiii