:): TIIE OrXGON DAILY ' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, : MAY 21, 1804. wilMra t X i I iXUdpy J. A. HOJIAN. I b GEKfBRAL SE0ROTG NEWS 1 rsaMaA .1(11 ' ' .. . . .;;' .'iff, rii'l nArp. asuteur ga:,:es . . ri i ii r . k iai. if i r;i;iTU Luiir; g ; . -; . ALCAHY DEFEATS jswnr ' objbat tssow o )a ro oqm rsa rorx casxt -? XBZJMr WICSZB A' tUMTXXLX h OAKS MOST 0 COVTZSX. And U Portland, ti Sea rreaelseo, X , v Iberg and Steelman; 4 Yerkea . Mtirphya pretty eacrifle hit that tu ; thrown t the bleeabers (do by Char ,"" ll Irwla waa. Immediately responsible tor Portland's victory yesterday after noon, hut the gam wee virtually von r th fin 'pitching of Iberg and the la order that a full Account 'of all the amateur baseball tame la Portland and vicinity nay be published in The Journal. She managers of the different teams are requested to send aoeouats , of the games to The Journal of- floe aa aooa aa possible after the e contest. - Results of games 1 glared ta the afternoon should s In The Journal office the fol lowing morning., at 10 o'clock. All challenges, games, and TOE EUGENE NINE COLUMBIA CLUB . v HOLDS FINE BOUTS Journal's eaortlDC pert . fro of chart. Band news la!1 The Columbia eluVa gyro was again paoked'to ths doors, last evening, by an I anthuslastlo crowd of th local follow- I MOW ABB WAS nr rm rOSX AJrolers of pugdora. and they war thor- (XOWl m BLVM MOW TO nit 1ly satisfied with th cera preeentea - By Tommy Treeey. isacn own w.i suA rest styl that th spwjtators wre kept on edge throughout th evening. Th first bout on th program was be tween Ed Wiley and Frank Watklns. Watktns wa In th bttf lighting con dition and went . to his opponent jo SKJJMi TWO fXUI . BiMIl baseball gossip win be published la Th . sharp work oc his support. Wadaau VI aa vi aaaav arasjayva w i u aad Franc la again loomed up As brilliant- tickers whoa bits war needed. " Their work la th last two gamas has been excellent when contra t- mA mtitU tkalv nlaWnar all Mum. . The !pttd and ran bases Ilk fiends, "and gluty Imi4 lUMimMMi that f hav mmyt tllavl --" T .7 I -"--- " . I tMMtOn nun ir inn ara in in. niimnr. - aTATXOaTAJb IMAQVW. . ii ... 4 ? ': ".r Won. LaMt. Chloago u 1 . - I PXS, .it Th gam . was Interesting;, from the Cincinnati.. ........ .If Jf . Kw York. ,. 17 i . flt Loul . .....,...,. n 1 rg .a ..4 ! ,JSj Iphla, . .... .1 -ill . vU17 (Joaraal aecial ttnlee.) Albany, Or, May 1L Th Albany baseball team yesterday afternoon de atrongly that Refer Ooodman atopped faat4 th Kugan Blue (a on of t h th bout la til third round, giving the bast gaxnea. eeeo harw la years, by a d0i.0B to Watklna. acor f II to -J. Howard, Albany's Toung Beckman and Kid Harrison pllchea. waa a Surprla to the visitors. wtn liM BWtt t9 fflplay their ability In and h .truck Mt-ala men. and Bugane tn, -lUo jn Beckman, who le a pupil secured only six hits out of II times . iii.niava4 ail of hia at ba.whll Bomar. th Kugen pitcher toVr'. rg c haraotarl.tlca, such as cored only one,, a truck out one and foot worh Viocklna. eta. In which is an ,vm the aecorg or ta Albany i- ' . ttankman-a playra.: , Lewia, the' Albany Mtohsr, ,. ' . vo. k,m th dclslon. aooraa tw -taree-Das bita. ana la aa mA r.nT.M mtiad it BIG CROVfD ATTENDS FIELD EXERCISES OOX.OBZ9 BAV3BAX& VlaJK rmOH rOBT WatU WAZAA VSOVaTOM tn MUBTUaTTat ; taTTAJfTBT anvBstAJTr !vxBXtou attxitb tn BtxaTKiitrrraV "'1 . 1 . . . - AWL . IW ..... 1 . V wumwuiiMHir wmm n wn -au--rmind draw. Pnnnv vi.lk i- ..... w lM fh. ni -.nd concluding bout ef th Mr.:". v . r (Joaraal tyeelal ferrtoal Vancouver, Waah May II. -la th de partment field-day xrcles only two vent a were flnlahed during yesterday afternoon the standing broad jump and the 220-yard hurdle. Standing broad Jump Corporal Me- Ellin, Biity-thlrd company, eoaat artll lery, 10 feet Inchea; Musician Bhort, Twentr-elith battery, field artillery, II feet 1 Inchea; Private Una ray, troop O, Ninth cavalry, 10 feet 1 Inch. 110-yard hurdle Corporal Patera, fhUadalpti record of the game tn detail: ,v - ALB ANT. AR R. H. POl A. C Johnaon, ' a. a . . - j . ... . . .i jonnavm. ID. A Urt,'and SonUnaed te be untU Port-I Pm.-rn tutmta. j I ponovani a. a ....... f Three bits in I ..- . ,. -i, , , . R. H. XL iwis, a. ..,...,.... i c. ....... a jana a soora in xae auiia. inrn mu iui . the third by Dreanan, Back aad Nadeau j Bt- tauls ., ,.. 4 J-1 aoored two rune. The trouble ttBMrrT--tirWKanV;nVhV!iaJ avHh lhara- oln ouL Drennaa alnaledL?".r" rady, Reldy andr McCreedle walked. Nadeau'a hit Ma f r,a- moored Drennan. Beck laid a beautiful bunt along third, aad before It could pe fielded MoCreadla waa homa . During I Chicago the excitement that attended aa attempt New .York . . . . v at a double steal between Beck and Na tfeaa the latter was caught off third by a perfect throw by Miller, rranoia lie a out. endinc th scene. The Seals got very busy In the fourth and tied the score by Irwin s timeiy bit tins. Waldron and Meaayuhlfr aafely and Advanced a base oa frauds' failure enrldge. iush aad Both, to hold MoCreedlt's throw. Irwin camel Up and slammed a atsaler to left, and At Itttsbarr. both men galloped In. That closed Bau Aft China a-q. ...17 1 ...1 4 Batterlea Weimer and O'Neill: Mat- tnewsoa ana Warner. , k ' Ai Olaolaaatt.' " . R U.B. Cincinnati , .10 11 Ph lade Dhia a 1 7 uauMewerpr aaa wita; iroa , R H.K.I a .... . .w dwi, a. ...... Buuivan. lb. Graves, , f. Harper, I f. lioward. p. evening waa betwea two clever box!, Jack Sullivan and Tommy -warren, This bout was more of a acieatine af fair thaa th previous ones, for tne principals are both, good fighters for youngatera. Sullivan, who Is a pupil of Private Jackson, troop T, Ninth cavalry, second! Private Crowder, troop H, Ninth cavalry, third. The two preliminaries of the bicycl rac then followed, th final to be fln lahed today. Th colored baseball nine from Walla Totals Briseno, MCKUni CI Of 41 II II 17 U 4 , EUGENE. ; AR R II FO. A. at 4 0 0 1 1 cKune. 2b. M 4 114 4 1 Radford, lb. 1 0 I Downing, lb. 4 0 1 0 I White, a 4 1 I I I Bohofleld,' e, f, Romer, p. , I 0 I Totals II l I 14 II II Traceys. displayed th, usualt styiWalla had no difficulty In shutting out wnicn ne eaniouea in ma rprww lhe Nineteenth Infantry team. 11 to 0 before this club. Sulllvaa earneo tne The same waa reniaia with hrim. advanUge In th first rounds, but War plays, snd the long training of the vls- ren put up sucn a game anian mat in more was in evidence refers called the bout a draw at th While the colored troopa, aa Individ eonolualon of the fourth and laat round, gal members, are carrying everything, After the fight was over Sullivan lm-the real content seema to be between the mediately challenged Warren to another Seventy-first company, coaat artillery, go for next Friday evening, which was which stands hlgheat In number or accepted and these, two clever fighters points won aa an organisation, and the will try to capture the meaat en mat Eighth battery, field artillery, which is data only ons-rourtn or a point behind, Warren demonstrated thst hs cart I The resulta of today a conteata, how stsnd punishment, for Sullivan landed I sver, will decide the general result hard and often In the early part of the The colored men have shown them battle, but the sailor lad stayed gamely, I selves to be good sthletea, and If theae ' ' , '., .' , ' ' .'V .V? --i .-- ' va? MAY sf MAYif 30 ( Wi J 30 : NATIONALS and ORIENTS AGE WINNERS Now Is the iTime to Get in the Game. M WE LEAD THE LEADERS" Base Ball and Sportsman's Goods, Sundries and Repairing S. H. BRAINARD 122 GRAND AVENUE Vi. rranolscos account la the run-getting "bnur i 1 BUNS AND HITS BT INNINGS. draw., oolumn. although several times they ttaHa.irWVr'''tViiVri( Ji 1 I U I I ' I TnBrir were right In Itae. but shar flsldlng cut Php.?WlUU slTNeedha.U"IP' f;; U j lz hUmm,r AjamxoAjr UAav ineta ok. -. . - Ladies' day was responsible for filling ' the grandstand, and the yelling could be heard la the heavsna Thleiman will pitch for the Brewne today, and Knall .for rnsoo. Tne score: , PORTLANU AR ft. It TO. A. K 1 Drennan. c. f 4 1 1 1 0 0 snd flnlahed so strong that hs earned a Their next meeting should ts a Won. l if ...... ......I. McCreedl. r. f. 1 Nadeau. L f. I Book. lb. . '.. 4. Francla, s. a a .Murphy, lb. Cartwrlght. lb. 1 Steetman, o. ........ S 1 berg, p. ......... I "..wii . . ..... New Tork . ... Chicaao . . .... Cleveland . ..........II I PhlUdelphla v . .....'..It et. uouia is Detroit II Washington . . ( Lost 7 t II ia ii 17 11 PC .711 .S1 .111 .100 .170 Hits 4 1116 14 4 1 Eugene 4 0 4 4 4 1 0 4 1 Hits 00101144 1 SUM MART. Stolen bases Albany. 4: Euaene. 1 Sacrifice hit Buesa Two-baa hits Donovan 1, Sullivan, Sueas. Three-base hits Lewis I. Struck out By How ard, 4; by Romer, 1. Passed ball Whits. Tim of game One hour and 10 minutes. Umpire Derrick. Scorer 201 1 -Warner. At "Totals . 14 I 17 H "SAN FRANCISCO. A A TL H. PO. A. E. ail New i or a I 11 Chicago - ----r - W.E. Boston I t 4 St Louis 4 I 0 Batteries Dineen and Farrell: Slavera ana ougaen. SHAMROCKS DOWN THE RAGLANS AGAIN MtUer, a. a. ,,... 4 4 4 1 giidebraad. L A ..... 4 4 11 Waldrea. . f . ..4 1 I 1 4 Uunav. r. I. .11 I v v Yerkes, 4 ,4-4 4 -4 Totals 14 "l."?14 If Batteries Chesbro White sad Sulllvaa. At Yew Tork. R HE. : 1 i . . i a 1 ,A raOaAalpaia. ... r. n r Cleveland . '. ................. .1 f I Philadelphia rs.kr.T7...... ...4 t'l Batterlea Meore and Bemls: Henlsv. Bartboid aad Powra At Waahlagton. ' (Joaraal gpadal grvlea.) Roseburg. Or., Msy 1L The Shsm- rflrk, am la thalv tiaMal form ,.!.,. and McQulre;day and almost shut out the Raalana. The only rua made by Salem waa a homa run tn the second Inning by SI Davis, who general work waa flna Tn Roseburg te The score wsst ROSEBURd. AB. R H. PO. A. E. DALLAS AND PACIFIC 1 MEN TIE AT MEET (JoarsSI Bptelat Berrtee. Dallaa Or., May 11. The track meet held here yesterday between Dallas col lege and Pacific college resulted la a tie, each team scoring It points. Some of the Dallas athletics were crippled, which handicaooed the local team. Summary! Mile run Coulaen and Johnson of Newberg. Barendriok of Dallas; time, 1:14. riftv-vsrd dash Pembertoa of New berg, dates of Dallaa, Pearson of New berg; time. 0:10 4-1. Shot Put Karmane of Newberg. Cas tle and Poling of Dallas; distance, II feet 9 Inchea One hundred -yard dash Femberton or contsstants were not divided among the different companies there Is no doubt but they would carry off the pennant as an organisation. The greatest enthusiasm, however, seems to be eentrd In the naball gamea In th gam yesterday between th colored men ef the cavalry and th Nineteenth Infantry the contest was all one-aided, the colored men winning by II to 4. The ball game, however, counts noth ing In points for the winner, snd even If the Elgtb battery loses In this snd wins In th other events of today It will still be awarded the pennant as an or ganisatlon. WINNING RUNNERS ON EASTERN TRACKS TWO CARLOADS OF B. & B. PATENT WICKLESS BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES JUST RECEIVED This Is the Blue Flams Oil .Cooking Stove that has a flame within a, Aims, nd embodies the beat features of all the other Blue Flame Oil Stoves. There are two separate and distinct circles of blue flame, consequently you get an even heat, concentrated directly on the cooking utensil.' We believe they are the best Blue Flams Oil Stoves we ever handled. . We have them In all styles snd sites snd at prices lower tnaa any Other ite. . ... ... . dealer. Call and see how perfectly they operat LOEWENBERG & GOING CO. SSn sa '' None out when winning rua scored. BUN8 AND HITS BT INNINGS. 1 i 1 i i t 1 t Portland 4 4 1 4 0 4 4 4 l-t Hit ..4 4 11114 1 11 ... r.iuiuA a a a s. a a a a a 1 Hits . . 1 4 0 1114 1 4 7 8UMMABT. Earned rune Portland 1. Stolen baee Nadeaa, Drennaa. Base on balls Off I berg, 1; off Yerkes, 1.' Struck 2"LL5?!k fcJ."r"Vi-.n E2: r Truun tamee war. " fabis; utteTCu rouble " " wo play SteeXmM to Beck. Laft on baa j I-. Portland has won this season. In Portland. 4: San rranciseex I. Ttmaftha laat aerie la Seattle- wheat Preal- of game One hour and 44 minutes. U- (deat Baa Ely had the team, twp gaaaae Washington . I 14 Detroit 0 1 Batteries Patton and Drill: StovaJL jerry, aiuian ana nooa. DIAMOND GLISTENINGS pire Mr. CConneU. Momo COAST iMxam. .Oakland v. Seattle ' Taeossa . . . -w. Loa Angelee . San Francisco Portland . . -Teafesdajra : Portland. 1; San Francisco, 1 Taooma, 7; Seattle, 4. Oakland, B; Los Angeles, L Won. 1 17 14 14 11 II fcost -,.11-... 20 - II 23 1 29 13 .281 OveaaU Win Mte aaa. ' Tacoma. Wash.. May 21. Big Overall fooled the Satellites yesterday at the proper stages. Casey waa the hero of the cams. The score: Tacoma zoioeoee 7 11 Seattle 00100100 04 S Batteries Overall and Graham; Bar ber and wuson. Xowa Went the angola. . San Francisco, May 21. Buchanan was steady all through, yesterday's game, while Gray was batted when hits meant runs, xne score: . R. H. E. Los Angeles ....0 0 0 I 0 0 0 1 0 2 I .Oakland . 01010012 6 11 Butteries Gray and Spies; Buchanan and Byrne. . FACZriO KATIOhTAtt UsAOniX, Spokane, Wash., May 21. Butte won out in an exciting ten-Inning game yes terday after having sufficient hlte to win three gamea The score:' R. H. E. Spokane . ....030 00 100 3 0 : 8 15 utte . . 1 0000 2 1 13210 22 3 : Batteries Dammann andT Stanley; iinnKwater ana awinaeus. ;i ; ; ! " i Blewit Waa the Oeoda, Boise, Idaho, May 21. Blewttt was : the staple article yesterday and- downed Salt Lake In a good game, Tn score: i R. H. R Boise.. .......0300020 10 13 8 Salt Lake 10100 10003 6 0 Batteries Blewltt and Hanson; Jen sen and Hauaen. ' T OBBOOV " STATU ZJULQini. Lojt P.C. 4 687 5 .841 1 .600 8 ' .348 sucoeaaloa wer won. Butler pi u -tied a 8-to-l game, and I berg won th Sun day con teat 7 to I. Pr 1 auiyui .uuuiu Bart n,D ai van a wna J74 well-placed sacrifice in the ninth that .171 resulted la-winning-the garnet -Itshrd .SSS enough to get hlts aad when thsy are 1 earned the nlavars should ba ai-vtm ha proper credit. . The dlreetera of the Portland- Baseball club yesterday expressed thsir apprecia tion of the efforts made by Fred Ely to get a winning team while he waa man ager of the Browns, and for hie kindly offices toward his successor, Mr. Dug dole. President Ben Ely also came In for high praise for the businese-Ilks manner in -w hich he la conducting; the affairs or tne ciud. Everybody commented on the , pres ence of Nadeau and Francis on the coachtng-llnee, and the fact that Francis slid to a base aroused the greatest sur prise, verily, there was something wrong with these players for over to months. Iberg pitched a splendid game and was a mystery when men were on baa 3 a. Cartwrlght and Murphy played brill iant ball on third and first. Both youngsters were after everything and backed up plays all over the diamond. Salem l. ".t-RE"?' '- Aiu.11 , ... . mm. jKoaeourg ; (. Won. .. 5 NELSON-KNOCKS OUT FALL RIVER BOXER . 1 . ' ,!.-.'; 'MJewt Speetal Serrtea.)' ' . San Francisco. iav: M.'-Hattllnr' TVelson" of Chicago. Knocked : outs Martin Canols of -Tall River, Mass., last, even ing in the eighteenth- round ot what was acheduled9 to be a; I0round affair. . It-was- ona- of the beat flghta seen her In several moon;. : Both contestants fought uarir iiuio ui, mn. uanoie oecame dased In the final round and 1 Nelson ended the contest with, m tWxt to the ENGLISH LAD IS DERBY FAVORITE (Journal Special Service.) Chicago, May 21. For tha Chicaao Derby. English Lad went to the post the favorite at Hawthorne track today. Only 1 of the original nominations were en tered. Frooeeda, at 4 and Flower Kins at 8 to V are dangerous, candidates for the honors.. -The distance is li, mllea Following; are the entries for the raoa. witn weigntav jocaeya ana oddei Horse. Weight Jockevt Cuitim English XJul..l22. ...J.T.Shehan ; 3 to 1 Proceeds' 12?....Helgersott ..Otol Flower Klna..ll2....Henrv .8to,i El wood . . 12 T.... Prior . ....8tol Unh.Hh ... 197 . Will in . 7- 54?r,r? f'SnBr "! Wnley ". "IlO to 1 M'y'rD.S.Rose 112.... . .....10 to I Hainianas . ..12Z... .iarsen . ..15tol Qus Straus-..112.... Wilson. .. ..lOtol Arrreaahlr . .112. .. .Molntvrai ..aotni Pr.BtlverWgs 117. .. .Robbins . . .18 to 1 Mtlttarr Man.ll7...Prlop . ....intni Peter J.Somers 112. .. .Sherwood ..30 to 1 Biu uurtis. . . .n. .. . t , .....total avn ssoot ro axsauaam (Special Blipateb to The Jaornal.') Chehalls, Wash.,; Mayv 21. The Che halls Qun club la making active prepara tions for a big shoot of the various gun clubs of southwest Washington. The nnt will ha h.M tiara Ui, n rrt dosen or more ttowna, ana the event will be of ; unusual , Interest, to trapahootera; Members of the club- are holding- prac tices dally; ami some good' acorea ara expected;' Therer- will: be tV eventa. la the tneet. and the co-operation of a num ber of tha leading trapshoeters' of the soathwsst and. the- Paget', sound cities gjgaxeg the success or tie eaterprlset Newell, a a C. OswilL a Bradley, lb, Waaler, id Morrow, lb. ...... W. OswUl, a fc ... Robinson, if. ... Miller, r. X. Reed, p. .. Totals Urns. Royal Fay, a a .. Williams, c. .. Longhead, lb. Wehrlng, lb. . Davla, e. f. Williams, L f. Downie, 2b. . . A. WUklna r. Mclnnls, p. ... Totals . .... (oaraal sadal gewfoe.) Chicago, May 11. Worth results: Sit furlongs Glsn Gallant won: tha. 1:11 1-i. Pm.a AwkA a W1 9 fiirfMM Wf.1h1 pUyed with snap, wewoerg. i-oimg rwrnrmva v. Baraa won; time, 4:18 1-1. I Newberg; time, 4:141-8. rlT farlonga Komoml Discus throw castie ana ronng ox Dallas. Karmans ef Newberg; dlstanoe. 88 feet 1 Inchea One hundred and twenty-yard hnrdlee Gates. Wilson and Teats of Dallas; time. 0:17 4-8 Broad Jump Karmane of Newberg, Poling and Leaner ef Dallaa; dlstanoe, II feet 1 Inchea Two hundTed and twenty-yard dash Pemberton and Pearson of Newberg, Williams of Dallas; time, 0:28, Pole vault Launer of Dallas, Kar mane, of Newberg, Wilson of Dallas; height, 10 feet High Jump James Femberton of Newberg. Poling of Dallas, 1 T 0 4 4 0 4 4 farlonga Komombo won; 1:40 1-1. Mile and a sixteenth Port won; time, 1:48 8-8. Mile and a quarter Sarflla won; time. 1:08 1-1. Seven furlongs Emperor of India won; time, 1:18 8-8. PORTLAND CLUB CAFE I jo Fifth Street, Between WsAInfteo tb4 Aider HERMITAGE WHISKEY SCHLITZ BEER AO Leading Brands of Cigars. Lqnch at 9 p. ra. 7 f 17 II 1 1 II SALEM. AB. R. R. PO. A. E. Nw TorkTMay 11. Morris park t4- WMPWVWW . . . i BUJia: Eclipse ours Girdle 1 4 1 10 4 1 8 0 1 32 1 8 24 18 S SUMMARY. Stolen' base-Fey. Two-base hits c Oawlll, Ai WUklns. Home run Davla Double play -m Mclnnls to Wehrlng. Struck out BfsReld, 8; by Mclnnls, 4. Bases on balls Off Reid. 2; off Mclnnls, 8. Hit by pitched ball WUklns, Rob inson. Paased balls WUklns 8. Wild, pitch Raid. Time of game One hour and 4S minutes, umpire Jackson, Newberg; height, 8 feet 8 Inchea ' Two hundred and twenty-yard hur dles Pemberton of Newberg, Gates of Dallas, Wilson of Dallas; time, 0:38 4-8. Eight hundred and eighty-yard run Poling ef Dallaa Morton of Dallaa, Johnson of Newberg; time, 2:11. Tour hundred aad forty-yard dash- Pearson and Pemberton of Newberg, Van Orsdell of Dallas; time, 4:81 3-8. Hammer throw Castle and Poling of Dallaa, Karmans of Newberg, dlstanoe. 88 feet 4 Inches. Starter, J. Van Orsdel; referee, Camp bell.' time. 1:11. h Five furlongs Tne time. 0:6H. rinletv atakea. 4 XL fnriawa Cwa. liswis oi phine won; time. 4:61 Claimant won; UNITARIANS READY TO MEET IN BOSTON EUGENE FANS WILL SEE ALBANY GAME (Joaroal Special Servtca.) Eugene, 'Or., May 21. A large crowd of fan a have arranged for an excursion to Albany Sunday afternoon to witness ths baaeball game on that afternoon be- WASHINGTON DOWNS OREGON TRACK TEAM (Josrnal Special gerrlee.) Seattle, May 11. The U. of W. boys put It all ovsr Oregon yesterday In ths annual field and track meet held here yesterday. Washington scored 88 to Oregonts 14. Moores won a couple of Seven furlongs Hortensla won: time. 1:18. The Withers mile Go-Bet ween won; time, 1:40 H. Handicap, 1 1-18 miles City Bank won; urn. 1:48. AI ietoaia Course. Cincinnati, May 11. Latonla results: Six furlongs May Combs won; time, V.19'4. Four and s half furlongs The Thrall won; time, 0:87, One mile Six Gallant won; time, 1:48. Six furlongs Florence Fonso won: time, M8. Five furlongs Wood Claim won; time. 1:01 2-6, Mile and 64 yards G radons time, 1:48. BATXBSOY oovaumoMwann. ar- floaraal Special Berries.) Davidson, N. C, May 21. Final rangements have been made for the annual commencement exercises at Da vidson college, the program to begin to- (Joeraal "p1l Service.) Boston, May 21. The advance guard of delegates and visitors la arriving for the anniversary meetings here next week of the American Unitarian aaso elation. All parts of the oountry will be represented. Many interesting meet big have been arranged for the week, lncludlne- addresses by prominent men and among the social features will b a reception Monday evening at itotei Somerset and a Unitarian festival Fri day evenlnr in Tremont temple. Among the prominent persona who will take part In the various meetings are president Bllot of Harvard univer sity. Rev. Edward Everett Hale, B, D.. Baron Kentaro Kansko of Japan, Rev: Florence Biick "of Kenosha; "Wis., President Franklin C. Southworth of Meadville Theological school. Rev. Ml not J. Savage, Gen. Will ism F. Draper, and Lieutenant-Governor Curtis Guild, Jr. Addresses upon aspect- ef the Uni tarian church work will be presented by tween the Eugene and Albany league dashes for Oregon and Perkins won the morrow and continue through Wednes- Rev. nuu, ina iuau.wwa uukiii wmiioif mita Th imu van tn rrom Ainany iy entnusiaam counts for Washington. Joe Pearsoh was not al lowed to compete. Summary: anything. Tha Eugene high school and Hill Military Academy teams are sched uled to cross bats on the local diamond this afternoon. Aa Interesting- contest is expected. The Eu gene team has not yet met with defeat this season, having played 10 games, and their friends hops that! their record will not be lowered by ths academy boys. n ntooos our. I (Journal Special .Servlca.) ' CHtcago, May 21. Jimmy Gardner knocked out George MemSlo last evening in the third or what was scheduled to b a six-round bout. Memslo was out classed. 3JTOQUAXM Tlllt (Journal Special Service.) Hoqualm, Wash., May 21. The Hoqualm team defeated the Wetdemaa show team yesterday by tha one-aided score of It to 1. taxb axs rmnrosTov soxa One hundred snd twenty-yard hur dles S. Hill (W.) first, W. Hill (W.) second, Thayer (O.) third; time, 0:17 1-5. Half-mile run Perkins (O.). Pearson (W); Penland (O.); time, 2:083-8. One hundred-yard dash Moores (O.), Tlbbals (W.), Thompson (W.); time, 0:10 4-6. Shot put McDonald (W.), Hug (O.). Babcock (W.); distance, 42 feet IH Inchea Pole vault Denton (W.), Dohm (W.), Johnson, (O.); height, feet 10 inches. V nrnait umn-T-rill (WV CThlta fW 1 Thayer (O.); distance, 21 feet 7 Inchea Hammer throw McDonald (W.), Hug (O.), Oaks (W.); distance, 143 feet 10 Inchea . Mile run McCrory (W.), Dohm (W.), Swift (O.); time. 4:47. Four hundred and forty-yard dash Green (W.i), Tlbbals (W.), Perkins (O.); time, 0:82 1-8. High Jump King (W.), Grant (W.), Smith (W.); height not given. Discus throw Babcock (W.), Hug (a), McDonald (W.); distance, 101. .feet 8 Inchea Two hundred and twenty-yard dash Moores (tt), Bob Pearson (W.), Thompson; (W.); time, 0:24, Two hundred and twenty-yard hurdles day. The baccalaureate sermon will be delivered by Dr. William M. Mc- Pheeters of Columbia, S. C, and the an nual sermon before the T. M. C A. by R!ev. C. R. Hyde, recently of Fort Worth, Texas. Governor C- B. Ayeock has accepted an invitation to deliver the commencement oration. George W. Stone, field secretary for the Paclfla coast; Rev. W. M. Back' u, secretary of the western conference; Rev. Thomas J. Eliot, commissioner to Japan, and Rev. Henry W. Foote of New Orleans. WOBXJVS FXBSS rAKUAKxra (Journal Special Service.) St Louis, May 11. P. V. Collins of Minneapolis, president of the National Editorial association, presided over the CO-OPERATION AS SHOWN IN ENGLAND (Journal Special Service.) London. May 21. Nowhere else In the concluding session of the World's Press world do co-operatfvo societies flourish parliament today. Among the distin guished speakers were Frits Rotlers, editor of the Chrontque, Brussels; Gus taf Oullberg, editor of Tldningen, Stockholm: D. A. van Waalwyk of Het Nleuwsglad. Amsterdam, and Crosby 3. Noyes of the Star, Washington, D. C Journal Special Servle.) New York, May 21. Polo teams rep resenting Yale and Princeton unlverBti -agTore (w.) Thayer (O.), Williams aiejn nuxu uil iur luatvti LWJemjr 4s rikjl I tr wm fi-VT AK . . . . . .. . . a . I wsaaw wars w wa coruana para in ttua city, it was tne Waahitiartorr! Hna 1:18. played, in this country, and as a conse quence It attracted much attention. TOSOsTTO ICSSTXVCf OFEaTS. : (Josraal Bpeeiat Serviea.) Toronto,- Ont.. May 21, The annual I m.Mnv nf tha tlr. .Ink Toledo. Ohio, May 21. Republicans of I nmnad tAV ax Wwwthina narlr ai4 artll the ninth, congressional district In eon- continue for two weeks. The stables ar venuon ncra toaay renominaMa (Jon- well filled with fast horses which will greesman J.- H. -Southard for another) over the Canadian circuit this asasoni terra. The- convention also selected tWO ana evervthlna- nntnta tA ona nt tha mnat delegatea to the national convention at suceeasful meetings In the history ot the I (Tnlftaam atirl sia4onfar1 yaaia-itvva-va Iw4saa. eua . .. j ... . . . . mm.rn.-m mm," "vs wa W t ((UU, jr irwaent uooftT ror raosUM- Uoxw. . Boxlnf prcbQCd Tom Ir-wa M 9V BL O O D Oa aeeosat of Mr fMshtfnl hMenom a. irvmS PolaoDtng la eomnottiy caHfd the King ef All Diaeaaea, It any be either hereditary or enn-; win Ooee the trateai ta tainted tineaae way manifeat itaelf In tha form af Scref- traeted. 1th It, the Ola, Eesema, Rheomatle Paine. Stiff or gwnliaa Joints, Eniptiona or ueppar-ooiorei r,M or BodV. little Clesn la thi the Tonroei Sore Throat, awolha Tooatla, ralllBS "u w'" "J"vuV'v"r " oat ot the Hair or Byabrowa, aad anahy a Leo! the co-operative movement in all its d Spots aa tba Honta a(la,l inalla i rooa-Uke Dmay of the Fleah and Boom, it rot 1 phases. The delegates will also Inspect as they do in England. If anyone were Inclined to doubt this statement he would have been convinced of its entire truth had he been present today at Stratford, where 2,000 dr-legates were assembled at the opening of the annual co-operative congress. The delegates came from every nook and corner of England and represented no less than 7,000,000 of the population. The aggregate capital of these societies reaehes fabulous figures and the profit to the members Is very great In St rat ford alone the societies have a member ship of 13,000,' among whom more than 3116,000 was distributed during ths last year. The congress will continue one week and will he devoted to discussions ot VfawicI: Turf Exch&hso 131 FOTrth Street Commissions received on all Eastern arid California races. Direct wire on all sporting events. . How SveH Both la style of dress and. glse. ' We wash and Iron linens for all slses oi mankind, and add to their " personal dress. West Side office, 108 Fifth street" Troy laundry Company natrauKT watx tvsaj'V sram, tHi tl1 n1 th Albert and Victoria docks. BROWBtOOBVmauKr'r tn" gT Industrial lhstltutlons In the Se.0tnntSaBpMiy Se rSSrvef : i'ri . neighborhood. Including" the Great East- it con lain a bo aanaroua arn(a or injnnooa bmo i em ran ran a snopa, ms wooiwicn ar- leiaea or any aina. ii fore to uo Tory Dot ton of the disease and form out every oartlele ol Imparity. Boon ovary ai- and ajmptom diaap. S-cra, eompletolr and forever. The blood, the Mara, the fleah th bones and the whole aya, teat are cleansed, pvrlBed aad restored to per- rrev D if n. amy ina jmxnaw omparaa anpw i or the dutiee and pteaanres or Ufa. BBOWN'a BLOOD CVRKl 82.(o, a Mttla, utata a month. Made by DR. BHOWN, fl8 Arch tt.j Peilaoal. phia. For saw id rmtiana wuy sy rrssa aa, Forttkeg Botat Pharwaay. , SOWA txoors ah Bmuowu- porsoisi (Journal Special 'Service.) Dea Moines, la,- May 11. During the coming week Governor Cummins will yisit Pittsburg XandingV Tenn-,: where he will present the arguments of the Fifteenth end Sixteenth regiments of Iowa' In rcfrd to the location of the Iowa monu inputs bffore the Shlloh eom snlsalon, jaav.cnvt Cusimlnsi- ' geeure4 the rehearing after presenting the argu ments of the Iowa soldiers before tha secretary -of war. Blncs'then the old soldiers have been busy securing ad- . dltionat evidence to substantiate the ar-( gument advanced by Governor Cum mlns, showing that th Iowa rsglment were In the thick of ths Cght. , . - , rovn st&urvrxws ass ia wx. (JonrsKt Special Sertles.) ' ' ,; New York, May 21. At Wadlnr Rlvr, Ik I., a double wedding, believed to t without precedent In this part of the country, will tane Place nan iuf ' '. when the Mlaaea .tfcrtrudn sml . Baldwin,- sisters, will peco-.io. r tlvely, the wives of two broc . . . ley and Pavld P!dwln. Their.! t) the double weMiiis' Is I'- ' 1 ' ' fact that all the c.u.tr.i.-! . . , :. i: the nw nam?.. A 1: ' - ' ' vltatiVrin have bc-n 1 -i 1 i t . and r ! i ! i - of the ouii'-t, t. i ate rri-iMr-iUins ara to.. ..f i . ., j ; i ; t- i i. ' ..: a J."'- , ' a. it 41 II it A ifisat 1mm ' iiti.'ixmftm v'-i"-..'.' ."h - i