14 THE. OREGON ": DAILY''3X)UKNAIyr PORTLAND.', SATURDAY EVENING." MAT,' 81."' lEOC I,, ,-' . Batored at the poetoffle of Portland. Or.. . tor tra. port Uoa through tke Bulla second elaea Mltir." , Pmtajra tar etngle copies: For an 8, 10 or 13- Cge paper. 1 cant; J( te 30 page, t cent; 33 44 page, S casta. ; ; ;V ,: ;';f 'minom Btialaea Orflc-M.ln IWio. Kdlterlal Kooan Mala MO. rOUIfl AOTXKTUtllO BSPBISEBTATITE. Vreeland-Bengamla Special Advertlalng Agency. - 160 Kama treat, Naw Tork; Tribune Bulld ' tag, Chicago. j. r.; : ' vuibcxxttiox bates. Tama by Carriar. Tba TtaHy Journal, with Sunday. 1 yer...ST.oO Th Ially Journal. 1 year ft 00 7 ha Daily Journal, frith Sunday, month I TS . Tha Ittlly Journal, 8 month 1 60 Th Pally Journal, with Sunday, 3 awatba 1.8S Tha Pally Journal. I atoatha 1.S8 Tba Pally Journal, with Sunday, 1 month. .03 . Iba I "ally, per week, dell rand, Sunday 1- eleded IS Tba Ially, par week, delivered, Sunday at- eapted .10 -.. Tarait by Mali. Tba Pally Journal, with Sunday, I year... 8T.no J n jwiiy joaraaL 1 year o.u tfwalllnr at Twentiatk and Johneoe etraett. t ajHOo. I Hay 10, (a Ckarle rVaders, for repair at I tfweUlogat Uncoln and rourtk atraata, Coal ITS. May 30, la J. Brmn, for ereotloa of eottaxe at Mftreetb aad MarahaU. atraata. uoai jki. 11 to E Weeaiaa. for arectloa af dwell ing at Kaat Nineteenth and Waaco atraata. Ooat IZuno. j May tl. to W. B. Kllla, for erection af dweU. Ing at Beat Twaatlatb and Eaat Taywr atraata. rt u.ouo. IT1UXCXAX. CITT M0TICES. mis HIGH SCHOOL EXERCISES BAOCXUUBXACTI RIX0I W1U B BXLXTXSBO imAT Tnrtt I nor. w. a xawzat or OBsaox WOl SIUTXB ASDBX8S BLJBO-1 TBZ0 UOXT njurr. - -. i v f HI ,WI,JM., --.-r.T .T 'XTTT 7.rTTTntTT,, illHI HHUlfp, . I ' '" ....... 4 i j kj-y?:rfc, .,..,,1 (Sprcb.! Dlapatek to Tba Journal., Chehalls. Waah., Mar XI.- Tha Che halla high school oommencement exer cises will bra; In Sunday evening, when tha baccalaureate sermon will be da- ina laiiy Jnarnal, with , fanday, I atontDa i.awi uia jupiacvpai cnurcn. i -j no iiany joaraai, a mom na i.n naturaiy eTenins. ukur 19,' the (rutttt , The Pally Joaraal. with Suaday, 1 moath. ,S ' Tba Itally JnurnaL 1 moath 50 Tha Suaday Journal, 1 yaar l0 ' The Suaday Joamal, month! 1.00 , The aal-Waakiy faaraaU t Tha Semi-Weakly Journal, A to If pacta, " aaca taaoa. iiiaatratae, nil aaaraat r- :). porta, I yaar..... Tke Waaklr JaeraaL (: The Warkly Joaraal. 100 eotamna af rMoV Inc claaa will present Sheridan's play. "The Rivals." The oommencement exerelaes will be held liar II at the new Grand opera bouse. Prof. W. C Hawley of Oregon will deliver an ad-1 1raai a ft arhlK tha a itlnmai ltl K. a. bh l ' " . i I presented. The graduating class this year Includes A. La Verne Fitch, Henry report a. i fUT. 1.01 1 Reynolds. Whiting B- MltchelL Lulu M. otn. t eccrpubla ta, 1 roar 1.01 noynoiaa, vwiiung n. jaucneu, Mliu M. tuacaa ahooM bo aiode by drafta. poatal Shorclllto, Laura Angst, Irene Bchofleld, K O. Box m, PortUaa, Or. WHXU TSX lOVaUlAI, MAT SI TOtTaTD. xneetrU JUgat riaa. Chehalts' city council has a seoond proposition before It for the. lease of the Tba' Joaraal eaa be found ea aalo at tke. foV "culc L,J,t.BUnt ber Tn 'f.' ot wing piacoe: , ' I Harry West, the present lessee, will ex- low Spokane, wash.-Joou W. flrabata Oo-tlP'r December. The council has ad- Mo Marx. Tlctorla Uotal eowa ftanA , I vertlaed for blda to be ononad Juno 10. rASit,.tKi-'C"iinl mmfU9' lm tor the leasaxf the plant The bids must be sealed. XV'cfff table IVtparationfof Asf- slmllating ttvcFoodandBcgutx- ting ttveammaais aiaiijoweis or Promotes Dige3tIonhctrfi ness and Hest.coniains neiuicr Oplum.Morfihine norKinexal OT NARCOTIC. . Stmt- BBfamaVfaauBBBal ftnZ Viafia Ja r liiaaji'MiVauwat Aoerfecl Remedy for ConsHn. Hon. Sour StofliadvDlarrtoea Worms rConvulsions Jevtri slv nrss and Loss OP SLEEP. FatfSiifttle Signature of NEW YORK. 1 tm uuu For Infants And Children. : Tho Kind You Have nareala of land Irlna- botwoaa a Una 100 foot WOfOKD IJaTOTiiT oy BOIXASAx parallol wltk tke. aaat llae. f CTnloe (tobuo , oaat of and parallol wltk the eaat Ilea of poet I . .-(.,..( aiiaKai. : . ' I - t'ZTTT ,7T. lT, .lM wane a Always Bdueht m -.,,. I t For Over Thirty Years lllll OeHWoMM 9afHaWaUaJaeV eVMaf VetMl 9fWi 1' Bears the ML AheXalla Will Oelebraka. Chehalls will celebrate the Fourth of I July, A meeting -of eltlaene was held Pertae BOISE, IDAHO Pioneer Book etore. .- BAir rXANCISCO W. K. Ardlnf, Palaoo botol vwa arand; Ooldamltb Brao., lad Buttat traat: Fred W. Pit U. 1000 Market btreot. TspHnV atroUTer' uSZi. aouti lbt the CltUens' club room and Soring atrooc an active committee, consisting of David ALT LAKE CITT Koayoa betel saws etaae; Stewart, A. F. Scherer, C B. Seidell, Barrow Broe., 4 Woat Soeoad atroot. South. W. D. Rlchards6n and L. J. Stlcklln ap- S25f,?rl" pointed In charge. Messrs. Simon Bur- -j Ll?2Vi ZZ Mlt' C O. Gingrich and John West wlU 1 bT,S ?nd tZtZStl U oolt the funds. Chehalls has not eele. Kansas citv v. Noy Kawa eonDanr. Ibrated for several years and It is ex- Omaha Millard botal aewa aiaod;- Mogeath I pected to have a rousing time this year. Biauonory coaapaay, ibus raraam atroot. ST. LOUIS Philla Boeder. 1 Locoat atroot. CHICAGO Foe toffiee Mews eoavaay. 1T Deaf- aora bitbou f KlWTORK CfTT Brontaao'a IJaloa aeoare. txAcrcarrorwnAPnn. I aBalBlV lltlas HI lITBDsaa aju mmm vm Uiaj WVK SIBIU ui . . m . " If rn.1... x a, i. ieie Ah . T. A " a- a- . a WI trvnil UMQ I'DIOO Te.M la IJ.eVM (Va .fb.,laV.Ta-r.-.t- af ".7.U"' UT' "r"., riT-.pU.ee. epfclaeation. and -tliu. of tha the Cltr KnrluM fnr -tho oonarnLclloa of a " ..lino tha atrao full width wtth !lnoor I tae eonatructloa of e HwW , Bowor la eald feet Tblrty.foortk atrao are I fuU intenactloee In aeeordaaee wltk the City I J;a,JX!d.TW, na-. rldrTb'.t tke' itdfte, 'it the CMy KBTw-tl-f TriTnT .Sn. .IdT hPorndb. "d bll. tibT ZTi rVrtland ta:aB be U koroby. directed to giro walUarerd.a wltE the City; JCogWa laaSLVu'1 3 uoiieo or t propoara - conatrnciwu or - aaie t nlana. BoorlOcatUHis ana eaximaiou. ' - " l .- .... . " """ r"Wb,th,...,,b.rte:. ' Thlrd-By eonatroctlng erU.l atoee erta "GSZZSei "".a. nat Sr.W -1- nBBrBBria B(amai in a no to www ,"r g arroraaaee wlia mo uiiy Miww o F'a f I H aiH rltin ih tv ...-.7rT? be fllod la wrltlna with tha andoraUraod wlthle .SJiMiuna and Mtlutw . . SJ V ,iwrMJj K""n-'d.wlth with the and ootljaatae. Mftb Hr i wita run iouTHciM wiia .i i via tl. luoa. Bln)nS,r.U to' 'aMerdaaes g - the ar.tVbUc.tlJ Cfty aWoMt'S Bleaay speeUeatless r-ytih,vCea. " ' V ; V . -' ' Hpavlng ike roadway roll wldtk W . Jriik.a.-BIF,L "V? V IntrraeoTloiia wltk atone blocka la . - M ST tt City el Pirtlaad, !-v with tbo City Inclaeer's Plaaa, nay xi. aMUu, - - - .....-. 'lr. Vploo-Vd br the City M0MS1D UWlOTEMUtT Of WlTtHOTTri tbll aotlro. , By ereer ef , tbe Ooenrtl. ' - ,. ' . THUS. O. OBVLiin, Aadlbae af tha at of Part land. May tl, ISO. r - , paopfiacrj irvn it kott arxirrr. v..i i. v k. ' .v.. . .1 I Suburbaa Railway conpaay'e right . ef way I ATXJHTg. -i !'tab'r.ranf w.: NM. air&,Wf iszxGi CWlng-'r'ntro. 7de7St T . 1,1". .S fl,? Kike' KSjtt" " "!. L' . 1 U. poar, to eeuatraet a awar lu Hoyt trwt I 'J"J?"D 5 !4'7 T7rir I Ti? .?.'L'1 '?'.m . Hdlnt and pro- from 70 foot woat ef tba woat llno of TonTk "U tbo chartr and ordlnaaro. of U.a CltT ! po to In.Dr . Portaouth rano. froi th. atroot to Ua wwor la Ninth atroot. Said eowef " ,r.,'", .7.7" "T a li ii Th. M5JJln..V the aoeth totlautoa of . tho City gndnjjr (W U Una of o.Ua U tolling i'c" ' erare ef the Aadltor of the City of Portland (, wit: . - , "n",!7, ea tke Wth day ef Mayt ladorl "City rirat-By grading the atroot rati width with Bngtnoer'e pUna and aperiaeatlona tor too Ua- fall tntrraoetloee t the grade ee eivea by tba -J!! 1 u.n.4 mail, (hmo th aaat aim - . " "u line ef Larraboe atroot to tbo wool eaa of I Hoeond Uy aTafollna tha roadwa Aitl mA HAiiaoav amiuo. um , uu wunm viiani run intarwtiAM ia .ij.l . work to be done and the probable total Coat Mntor of the atroot t.. . .. tboraof." ; V . I Thlr By laying ereaewatks la aerordanM to be of vUrlnod aowor pipe of eight iarhoa clear Inatde dl a motor, with ell ereaaary catch boa I na, manhole, lampbolce and braachea. Said aowor to be eonatrsctod la accordaace with tha ekartor and ordlaancee ef the City of Portland and tha nlana, epociflcettone and OBtlaiatre of the City feoeiaeer Olod 1 the of ee of the Auditor ef tbo City ef Portland on (he ITth day of May, 1904. Indorood: "City iVTStoyt atroot iToa. Tofiot woat wTthsS " V-J-J?, '"T t'f'i JTC -2.iLi" mrtr analallv honafltod thereby and Which la aorooy oociaroe eo pa iu m ,, icomanco witk the City lota aad eareela ef laud lying between a Una I era tlooa and aatlnatoa. 100 foot aorta ef eaa peranot wita wo:aorva ronrth By eooetractlng box gntter la ae stuoore piano, epecK Pirih Br onnatructlna .'and tafavtM miA. . m j i. A inn u, i - . . . " .' . . K nuiHuar ,ru huh eoutk or ana .parallel wiia I Hnlladar areana end 'bet wot e Hue 100 feet poruuri wiiu o yiwun mo charter ana erdlaanooa of toe City . " north Ilna of Creaby (treot aad Itj extaealoa oKborly In r Portland and the ptana, apoelfleotbne an) rZ:X It.Zi I It proaoat eoeroo and a line 100 foot eaat ef rrttma toe of the City BniiaeW Sled la the and a Mae 100 foot walks la araordance with the City Bnglaoer'd th ike enuta Ilea ijof plan., apoclflcatlone end eeUawtea. ; 'en a Uae V foot gold Improromoat to be made la accordance tk the woot Uae of with the charter and erdlaaaooe of toe city - line ot Tenth street te the eewer la Ninth atroot and the eotlmatoa of the work te be done and the nrobable total eaat thereof." Tba coat -of eald aowor to be aaaaaaed aa provided by the city charter upon the property aneelallo honearjMt ihorah aad which la hereby declared to be all the lota, porta of lota and parrel of lane lying Between I north af Brut uarallel -with the Hoyt atrcet and e lino 100 feet aouth ef ead Crallel tweea tbo eaat feet woat Ninth The coot for "ZZ lT.rl.rri...... r ... pronded. that tba owner, of a majority of the The coat ef aald Inorwremeat to be aaaoaaed A US Ulellis. ey-inajaisFW ubmu rwuiamt-w w I 1 V Ata. A udl taa.aaaaHwaekaa aa dknepl. a a a ... . ' . pi. tfna?treae fn he. OIMbWtketl Of ftftld r"r1' aiwejuwr-B vj laupwrr-r.-. I WTIorta O UMy diy marTr BpOsl V PTW KMAitM. That tha Auditor or ina hit ot - . w , "-m-w-.. , i. hereny airectee to grea I "-.'-..T. v,a-eL ..a Mtimatoa of tna,.-i. Ilu.T. "a TT ..-a "3"'. y'T rttr Enoer rr tTmWremint ef aald Hoi- I blk : Veanle '.lilw.! I "i i' the abor. aewor may "day areaea are borobyadopta. I . T, block d6 weatly owe-half ef fete 1.1, 8. . the annentraod wlthla I ia3.ea, iui w aauiiur oi u. w t, e, , I, eioct et; wnaterly eoe-aalf ef mtl Portland be ead he la hereby directed to give I. , L 4, L . t. block S; weatarly acM-hali w 1 notlro of the propooed Improreateot el ealdlaf Into 1. S. t, 4, K . T, block 43; we. tar Li r wltk tha aoutk line or lioyt atroot. ana ' . . I "1 . r' i e Uae ino feet eaat ef ead parallol with ' . M. .w k.ku VLlVLA!!J?!"-?m7'!Zjr?r 1' Una jf Eleventh a treat and a Una 100 I -v--1 fufiu-w pno ana apecincunoae tor no low t .7 .id paraTw w ttawit ll-. ot I fhe l-jweraaaart H U1 liollady ne.? of f ?J fioawftt I " "w ww" .. . a - ' -oa aaaewa wa w aiiei iibbi . aey geHrej fvwwjrua ps laei BFJUI BntTnUr'. oatlmato ef the probabto total . T? '"irr!?!. ...'Ttf.i" r??,nl ttnt'!'.i tt r!,B ? M the mnatroctloa of eald newer la Hojt I '--,7".?. 'r.'i. r w T, I ""J. eowa ana voa propao-i lotai eoai May , THOS. C. PBVXIH. Aadltor of the City of Portland. 1804. avowee ae nrevweo by tee cuy eaarear,--- -1 owe-half of laU 1. 2. t. 4, B, a. T, block 411 Rrmoo.tr. ee ayaloat tke aboro lmprovo-1 weatarly ou-half of lota 1. . 1. A 6. A T. meat aaay he Sled ta wrltJag with th aaaer- block 40; weeterly one-half of Iota 1, X. S, 4, B, u, i. owcu aw jn Lniveraity rara: aae tn eaatarly one-hotf of Iota 14. IS. 13, 11. 10, 0, jroTzoa. A Jackson count maas meeting will bo held at Medford Friday, Juno t, In I WESTERN BOADS STIR TICKET RULES WIAXEU BTTOIT. Weather cnodltlona and goneral forecaat for th" mass meeting, and If carried by a , Oreiroa, waobingtoa aad Idaho: - , . majority of all parties, said pledge to Since y eater day moraing a bower have oc- Ka aln-ned than bv all wllllnn- nnmlnaaa ' ctiired Ik atrntheaitora Idaho, Ctak, lorado, l?-e-J' , Wyoming, weatora Kanaa. we tern Nebraaka tor representaUve. The maas meeting . end toe Dakota, fair weather oontlnueo la la approved by the following nominees: the Padne tateo, 1 - . Raphael Chiutraw-Messner, J. J. Houck, LV teaapewtures at the b-adwater of the j0Beph a. Thomasf H. & Evans. Dr. D. . Columbia rlvor are allgbtly above aormal. aad t , o . . "u ' ' ' at tha headwatere of the Mnak. river thev are M. BrOWOr. allrhtly below normal. The pledge follows: tm indication are for raw weather in tnia I To whom It may concern: Know. I - v we go vrajaauj Vf ar aw wdvihwii u a. TXOH ' Of ATTOXWTVKQ aqxatts to as sib t nr coiMmx- TZO WOXK WOT AFPXOTXS ST Z.0CAI. BATUtOAS Various western rail war lines have decided to take a hand In assisting land dtowct 8dy .; with .lowly ruun, tamie-e- that w tn un(l,nltxit4 nominees for f?n" ' tn northwest In colonising "?;' '.!- . . " I , r...i. m- . this territory- In doing so, they have Maximum temperacureB iu tub iaat uouru, i .--..-v.. ... riniail anmathlnw nt . nanln amnna T8; minimum temperature fl; predplUUen. .0. 1 Ing. held In town Of Medford In Angle f.i n .mf.i- JiJll opera hall, hereby pledge ourselvea, if BIBTKS. local railway official a, who claim to have 1 A - . . 11 . w . ... TLi."!if?lL5lwf-it!5 Uet source of annoyance and trouble in : M.y V to Mr. eadMra.A. 1 ' W omclal. posit.o'na. Bandy road a aoo.' - I al" Proviaing tne measures to reier me Mar 18. is Mr. and Mr. O. Wettlaad. 44UllaW bill or bills to the people In said ; 8eoooj treet. a aon. state for their approvaL But., If any . u bI" or bul Presented by any county representatives having bad a ma jority rote, or majority of signatures of the legal voters In said county from street, a aoo. oovTAOioirs snzAjzi. May 18, J. B. Bollla, at 488 Borthwlek atroot, I which the county representative comes. "u.. en1 .. ll.re.tt at 9M Kath Sir M Uw b, 0I bflU BOfc t0 "teintt fLl'Tt ferred to the peopl. oxcept a petitioning . May so, J. Klockner, at 01 North Twelfth I vote of the state la demanded by a pe- street, meaales. I tltlon, signed by S per cent of the legal ; - - . - (voters of the state. ' , ' . DIATHl. , . I If said action Is accepted, or rejected - May IT. Or R Oandcnoa. age aveyeara. lt the legialature, a fuU report must SOI Twonty-aixth atroet, canae diphtheria. Bur. be sent by the county representative to tal at Lone fir cemetery. the Jackson county newspapers. JL "LTi."; Hr"".' "!LthJli,,!S Signed In mass meeting held at Med- ,.H.f.ri TV. r f0rd this Id day or June. lo.- , May IS. Martin Keuoey, age 0 riatakaile, Oregos, cauae aathma. -Vv3':,rL.2!."r,17.. UUves of the Socialist party. Demo- LSa--'";xZ7. r,n -Tlcratle party and Republican party. Lena f cemetery. , ; I Witness, by chairman of aald mass May IS, Henry waatcat, age tt year, at i meeting and Other voters, yoara. at I Names of Jackson county nominees Burial at I for representatives and Joint represen ted Multnomah venue, caaae eeniUty. Burial at Lebanon. Orecoa. May 18, - J. T. Prettymaar ago 44 year, -at Bt. Vincent' boepltal, eue aeptlc ondocar-1 clltu. Buriej at ue crematorium. ' May 18, B. CbiiaUanaon. age 87 yeara, at 018 rVwoll atroot, eaeae epoplaay. r Burial at lone Fir cemetery. . -.. . : 4,:. xozxAiro buzxbzjto onm - f (Journal Special Service.) ' St Louis, Mo May 11 The Holland building at the world's fair was fnnnftllw AAtm.imA MfV Wvttft 1 r. . . B gllwoodS samlaxev WUSe. coHrto,; Cbar.w3 J"" iqtob. e-B viaiior v a. m. I vr. eu - Adulta. tab: children to a p. m. rernana vromauoa awwciaoow, .FertUDd, Or. .... ' aaral director aad embalmera, 320 Third - etreet. Phone B0T. rt. J. P. Flnley ft Boa. fenerat directors aad embalmera, bare removed to their new eatab , Uohmont, corner Third end . Madlaoa atreeta. " Both pbonea Na 8. Clark Bros, for fiowaxa. . 180 Morrlaoa atreeL " if 9'V '" wwAr.'waauaf-ujiw) awanrsrsa rrike rortttaa - Trial co. to- rrankw J Cheney and Delia Boemblld. lot D, block N, PorUmouth VlUa extnlon..i 220 .The Title Guarantee m Traat Co. to rted A. ForelL lot J. block B. North Irving- ton C4S Oak Park Land Co. to Mary 1. Smltk, . all O. 8. Soothmayd Donation Land Claim, Multnomah county.. Margaret and Loul Nlcolal to Or.c H. Pattnn. aouth 40. feet lot T. block AS. j. HoUaday' add 1068 1 aal.M. e.. itlu UTa.lS. aa.A I 1A a twiajv iv uipxiwi ncuriuv, wv 71 gut, a : ' west H of north 10 feet lot T, block 65, ' name 1066 i Mary J. and George B. Fnnk to Mike Santllla ct at. k.U 1. 2, block 18, Mt Tabor Villa 45 John Bo! and and wife to Cbarlea Lovgren, lot 12, 18, block 3, Mwtletoe add 600 tlixabeth B;a to A. A- Socket, lot 2. t block 82, Went Irrlnyton 600 . P. C. McLellan and wife to Han Freder- Ickann. lot 2 hlnrk TK Nhmluni .drf lAnft ' Hub Land Co. to B. B. Whitney, parcel land about 430x450 feet Yale atreet and , , MrKenna avenue, section T. townshlD 1 north, range I eaat...;, T. E. A. Scllwood et al to Angle H. Thomaa, lot 17, block 68, Scllwood William Jone and wife to N. M. Peterson. lot 10, block 4, KenUworth . n. ia tninrnT inn wira e-t u t 'lava Goold. lot 14. block T, St. John Park.. Beverly and Maud WooUolk to John W. , , , Halo, lot 6, block 3, Southern Port- cuu ...,........... .......... . ' g. B. SUnaberry aad wife to H. W. Not- , .- ter, parcel land north block 1, Colum bia Helrhta about 60i2S8 feet Alfttre tlarnld tA A R. Ant. In la 1, Ethel Lynn add. So - m. is. miner to aaa r. Main, tot 14. block A Highland Park :. Maria A. Warner and huihand to Jacob R. , Cook, eaat H block 1, Mt. Tabor Central Tract 7500 r AUen Hawortk and wife to Henry Haworth, lot 11, block 18. Albina Homeatead 6 William Trhar and wife to Frank 0. ' Trabar, lota 18, SO, block tv Craimer 1300 sioner, and others.. The building is one ef the handaoraeati'edlnoee of any of the foreign buildings at tha exposition. It Is an exact reproduction of the Rem brandt house Just outside of Amster dam. A garden of tulips, geraniums and other flowers has been laid out in the formal style Of Dutch bouses in rect angular flower beds. The Inside ot the bouse Is divided Into two rooms, one of which contains Rembrandt's v famous masterpiece, the "Night yratch." i aovaaaKenaxT -AT"urBOxa. (Journal Special Service.) -Tuskegee, Ala May 11. Many friends and alumni of . Tuskegee , Institute are arriving for the 'commencement exercises of the Institution to be held during the coming week. The annual sermon will be delivered tomorrow by Bishop Gal loway of Mississippi. The Western Passenger association. embracing a number of the lines which traverse ,-the middle went, and have connections with the roads which pene trate the northwest territory, has agreed to organise a bureau, which Is to have charge of colonist rates and arrange ments. The lines In this territory are embraced in the membership of the Transcontinental Passenger .association. and the officials look upon the action of the Western association as presump tive, to say the least. ,. Tartteulars ot Agreemeai. According to the terms of the agree ment entered Into by the western sociatlon, land agents will be given half-rate permits on all western roads. and will have tha authority to sell colo nists tickets once a week at the rate of one fare plus $1 for the round trip. Such almost unlimited authority as is Included In the agreement la given the land agents in return for the payment of a fee of 1 6. After the payment of present to help In the celebration of Princeton Day at the great fair. Their headquarters were at the New Jersey PB0P08XO ITS EXT TtXJIT. siwxb - nr ABO XAST EAST TATL0B THIETT-WIBTH Notice la hereby give a that at the meeting or the I aimed wlthla 10 day from the date ef the Oral public Uoa ef thie antlee. PT eroer ex we umnciL . - THOS. C. DBTLIlf, Aadltor of tke City et Pertlaad. May tl. 1804. - PBOPosiB sxwxm nr altota atzbits. 8, la block IT: eaatarly woe-half ef lot 14. IS, It, M. 10, S. 8, block S3; eaatarly one-half of. taaAaa 4 A IB A A A ear . . . a .itJ mmm w, Aa si al, a vy By. tp, urn- aUi wmmxmrrj one-half of lota 14, IS. 12., 11, 10, 8. 1, block 16: aaaterlv one-half of lota 14. 18. 13. 11. 10. 8, S, buck IS; ea.terly ene-balf of lots 14. 18. IS. 11. 10. 8. 8, block 10; eaaterly ene-balf of stste building, where there wee held V"-' V' "'.i".: Kotie. ta kwahv wtvew that at the meeting I : during the day a meeting of the Western C,,owin riioluthW "wasTaepTed- ' of the aneH of thi aty of IWUaA Oregoa. Jvlli i 3. !! 1$ h hf'tf'X fH A-soclaUon of Princeton, dubs. Th. 1 the Cltyf tfSjjF 18 U T ioib.ff lotilV. itiiSl meeting was attended by Princeton PortUnd. Orexon. 4en. It expedient aad pro- lntlTw1? thVcuocil ef the City et bbwfc S. aU la PorUmouti; eaaterly 'on- alumnl from Cincinnati Chicago. Min- Zkba .uJ? frolOO IedTOren. delnt .xptoleM and b.lf -f block. . d M anjl the wcrly onc- neapoli Kanaa. Oty. Omaha and num- VeVt'of tba SSTJWtL fTtS ifnTS aWn Wb?' '-ISWA -WsaS erous other place .t Thlrtv-nlnU .weet: thence north 1. Bart 1fJr, .ctfc- vrttHhe Srwlr In ceuif UM WTtt WO weafof . Th rry-nlath .treet to the newer ta Eaat Tarn- ' "plVjdLtwar te be ot ltruled Parallel with the weet Baa ef Portamonth .m : hill .treet. Bald aowor to be of vi trifled eewer r?.. .r!!",... ?!.,SI avenuVand a Una 100 feet eaat ef end parallel aujiii jfaawuaaiAU auaAAaia, I Kiu -i . I. .11 - Mhh. .in. unhAiM 1 mrrvtrm dim wi mi aU nacaeaa (Special Dlapatek to The JoaraaL) Grants - Pass, Or., May 11. A Dem oc ratio meeting will be held here rV Wheeine7 Mihi, lamp- the ea.t line of Portamootb avenue, and ry catcB-ouataa, Bunaona, 1M;jBetwea the north line ef Houghton atroot. Bed i .Ina uu-lela mil avm 4yv Vwa ml net wnmnKalakSl fl-w.Klaaai mm.A Kh .kawal tha aVal teawkrl eaa M- 1 WlUl SelaUflBiSVep liHuew, veww.HV I . , - iaa,aa-aaam mcnalon: Of eight incbee clear inaide m- wu;"hl"L eonatructed In accordance the aouth line of Cecelia atreet -ameter frost o point ta. Kaat Taylor atroot 100 Jf" JL . JJ?.2SZtVEZ The Engineer'e aatlmate ef the probable total feet woat of th city Dounoary a point m I i fo fh mnrnv.ant af aald Portamouth apedDeaMoaa aad estimates ojf the ooratio meeting wut ne neia r a.id E).t Taylor .treet at Sylvaa eveireej tbeiK w apeaainaT Dy n. v. oraim, canuiaat xor " ,Ttfc - iani iadnraeA- . fllt city- angineer ror u improvement ox . auu representative; Dennis H. Stovall. can- tLTLSSSm "wT2 taslsn &ZW;AtV Tt 'thAdTtoI ftty of dlcUte for-achool superintendent, and liVA is , iamniu ,B Alb)n, from loo feet wth ef th. fiSSS J"talvi Hon. H. D. Norton. The Democrat, .re lEid tower te be extracted la .eeorda.ee """J'fLrL ."H. loT. tf th" TnfrT oT Hid making a lively campaign and expect to wltn the charter and ordinance. r the City ot CJL r rZJu l L-t thlTlnf -i-. " a ' . Portland and tba nlana. aoecif1catlca end eutl- beeoae and, tke .probable total coat thereof elect a good percentage of their candl dates. mate of the Cltr Engineor filed ta the office . - r VJTTvZZ of the Aadltor of the Oty of Portland ea tke ed I by tje City OJarf aeea M pveparty ITth day of May. ln:"Cltyftuita. '"1.7?, V." I 1 A ae al AUaa a - , . i I UPl urejl Sat" faylor :.JTDd frW-ulnr ?J"Zr from 100 feet eaat of tke city booadary to a I "J frfi!fl aa,t?-2"li-A-!ES point in Eaat Thirty -ninth treet; thence in Kaat .."" ''.. m-V" Thirty-ninth atreet to the eewer la Eaat Yamhill atreet and the eetlmatee ef the work to be done and tba probable total eoat tbsreor." with the wet line ef Albina venae, and be tween a Ilna 100 feet north of and aarallel with the north line of Beech etreet end e line 80 venue ae provided by the city charter. BanaoBatrancea aaalaat the - above unprove- thTnmnertv I swat be Bled ta writing with the ander. toe . propertv I -hIi n am nan Ika data af tha Brat pehUcetloa of tble notice. uy oraee ot tee wenou. . - t thus. . nifun, . Aadltor ef the Cltr et Portland. May H. 1804. - , - - ....! ; 'Tbe'coaiTt .Sid bTSUed lo-1 feet .aouth of knd Parallel with the aouth Un. wOmA kv tK. itv eaartar ama tha nrvuiartv l " nOrOBXO OnrBOTTMZaTT 07 XAST DAT1B BTKXXT. ' .i" -' -r- - Kotlce h hereby aivea that at tbo' meeting The Engineer' eatlraata ef the probable total lot tke Couwcil-of tba City ef Pertlaad, Oregon,. necianr nenentea tnereDr ana wnicn w neroov declared to be aa follewa: Let 13. block 6. 1a tB9X rot the eoeatrncuna ex a eewer ia sua Mia on tee IB in aay or nay, mmm, ue touow- STrUoh Par? Wa lead 1. and tka OMth 100 AlMna aveaee le 8o8.0O. log reeolutioa waa adopted: ' 1 feeof hSi 4 B. a I J Id 1L 1SL Tb P. apScetlone and earl mate ef the ltcMlTed, That the Ooundl of the Oty ef 14. and the flonth 100 feet 'ei 'the wait Oty Engineer for the eonatrectloe of a eewer Portland, Oregoa, deem It expedient and pre- IL-htit if mt lBaik 4? WUnd: alao Til to aald Albina avamia are hereby adopted. . . poaee. to Improve. B.t Devta etreet from the Dr. W. Norton Davis. ;t . . . . -Jj 'm m i. -s I i ' Heaoivee. That tha anditor or tha city er I rwee. thTaooth Une of Kt Tark itreel t end Pertlaad be and be U hereby directed to give weat line of But Tweoty-fourU street, la the I f.1 the prctK-ed cenetrectlo. et Lid following.., to-wlti ;: with, and between the aaatern boundary 11 n. proTMea by ine cuy Tartar. ISTZZfL ""S we anw.t e. . waww r h. rit nf Portland and a line too feel eat I Bemonatrincee agahnt th above eewer aaay I Hahed grede. . . . . S .d 2r.iuilth fhV wirt Una of be Sled ta writing wltk the saderalgned wlthla 1 Second-By eonatrucUnx woodea. atdewalka la TMrtyilnth .Swrt. .. ... ... " ... , .,7 ?. C0" " 'ISSSSSJZ'Lm 2?V1? Eaat Taylor street and East Thirty-ninth ktreet . Ji?0"."- VJl' .' 1 $638.00. . AUQiior oi to wiy ot reruano. The nlana. aDeclflcatlona end eatimatea ef tke I r1 Unrlneer fne tha eonarmctloB of a aewer 1 1 ' i . -j . : . . . . . . . . i wltk tke charter and ordinance, ef the City ot Portland and too plana, a Deduction) ana eati matea at the' Cltr Enaineer filed In the office et the Aadltor of the City ef Portland en the IN A WEEK . W, rmmt amnnaaaeiillw alt vtetvAta. I aa nrovlded br the city charter. narvona and ehronla dliMBM. eJaa blood. If BepjoeBtranee agalnit. the above aewer may . 1 i vvabaivh itvti nr vitv itiiv mvrr mi aav ar uir. uut. - lnonraan: --uiir in aald isaat i-yior atreet ana at xnirty-auiia - " - i iTi.L'. :;.7.'j r eaa i. atreet are hereby edopted. Notice ta hereby glv.a that at th meeting 'D"J fi r.. n.Vitm thT aaat Beeolved. that the Auditor ef the City of ef the Con sell of thi City; of Portland, Oregon, 1 1 J2- TMttlmJSwtto th? mt Portland, be end be I hereby .directed to give h.ld ea the 18th day at' May. 1804,.the tol- ! ' Tmntr-7oart .treet end t5 ITl? no tic at toe nropoeea coneirucuoB oi obui eewer I mwina reeoiuiion waa aooptea: i BeMlved, That the Council ef the City of Portland. Oregon, deem it expedient and pro- mataa of tba work to. be done Sad tke probable total eoat thereof." . . The enet of .aid improvement te ee auoaau or A lea or 6. Alter tne payment or "". Cl Tt7 ZZZTt b filed In wriUpg wltk the enderatgned wlthla pce. to eoiitract e tower "le Bt BUrk br ih. cuVcharSr thVaroirT. that amount agent. ar. Included In the J-?". J-&1 2? d.y, from toe date of 100 feet eaat ef the a.t Une of I "J,, r id wJic"!- e! i.k,' ai.m. i ha ell tha lata, narta af das. of -"accredited agent., and ore endowed with power to .ell tickets to colonists. O. B. ft IT. Does BTot Approve. troubles. - Wo euro SYPHILIS (without I of thi notice. mercury) to stay cured forever, in 10 to I By order of the Council. ' 10 dayA Wa remove DTRICTURE. with . aaWLi-'j out operation or pain. In fifteen days. I iaorT r " f ""r- TtrJMdP? CUBE C0N0RRH0EA IN A Wl pW; jo. iLaat Bevanteenta atreet to tna wr in juiat i w .w. Stork .treet at TS feet .art of the east Uoe InV hTcw'-.r. M of Eaet Sixteenth atreet . Bald, eewer to be of I ,"7 J7.nTar .a4 aaiwl with th. norta vltrifled aewer pipe of eight Incbea clear In- I f.'C. Ye uCTr. d, via atreet and a line 100 deet , r . - . , i,.T11 atreet. ana oetweea tne em un such arrangement," aald an O. R. A N. official today. "If the Western asso ciation baa entered Into any euch agree ment they did ao without our sanction and without our approval. Practically Tna flMtAM Af 'tlila Inalltula aa all I VAflTEJUBl regular graduates, have had many years' experience, have been known In Portland for IS years, nave a reoutatlon .TA1"'! Ca4 I of the Oouncil held on the awewnw avvww m l with tna charter and ordinance, or th. Cltr I r." IT u BLoras in Am, , BTvavirw audi- S?ft ft3aWi?- urrnw an.euwii'r in vnxiAf bt I . .. a-ji .kZ fit. . ttti.. I eoat lor tne ijnprovomen yi w am ..w-, I " .,ri " 7,.:ri itreet 1 4.uu. .. .. . .. ... . Notice is hereby given that at. the meeting ""L ";'r7Z.t-. JZZ I Tke pUna. .pecltion. jm ssbsimssk en iTffDWBI a eaw adopted. . tna reaolutkw wa adopted: I'."..' f" r . .."T" . ' 1. . o, I Beaolvea. That the Aeaitor et tne. miy ot tteeoivea. all the lines which traverse the coast I unless certain cure can be effected. territory and the northwest are Included I We guarantee a euro In every case a. . u. K...tin v. t...,.h. I we undertake or chare no fee. Conw nentai Passenger association, and la en- "I fe? f1'" nndentlal. In-Jund. Oregon, tirelv a different organisation from tht71"?lll'M'va " A Western association. . rf you cann'bt caU at offlcA write for Ksarvliw xna agents, aa a ruie, nave oeeni queation Diana; xor noma treatment i roe i a source of annoyance to us. and I ami IP0.' confident that our association would omoB hours i to 6. and 7 to l. Sundays rjS liJlLu';.V-th ii e7t I "th of and parallel with the north iipaof Eat 7 thoB. C DBvXiN, never have - given them such authority j If we had been consulted." ""lnr" K-KZ-Z:;?-"" r-iTV.rrri 1 Stark street and a IDaaina, nutnnoiea, lampnuie am oraucuee,. -aou i .... ,K . Ar to be of th. following dimemlon: ef IM iJ'Ste al Inchee clear In.lde diameter from a point ta I ISLiJrTSfLJJ iiiexw PaUsTOZTOaT DAT AT WOaUaVS TAZB. . (Joaraal Special Service.) St Louis, Mo.,-May 2 1 Young men and old men wearing badges or bows of orange and black ribbon were much in evidence at the. exposition grounds to day. All of them were graduates of Princeton university and they were HUMANE SOCIETY MAY FIGHT FOR SWALLOWS 300 200 I BOO (Special Dai patch te Tba Journal. ) Seattle, Wash- May SI. For years 2 I and years the song of David, "Tea the ITS I sparrows bath found an house and the wallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, oven thine house. O Lord of Hosts, my king and my God." haa been exemplified at the Deace t ul town of Bothell, just north of Lake Washington. - Beneath the eaves .of an old frame church scores of swallows 22B 1 have made their homes, and hundreds and hundreds of twittering families have been born and reared, scattering 1289 1 thence to the other buildings of the village, and abroad In the fields and town a . -: . '.,.,..-.,. In these years the birds have been un molested save by natural enemies among the feathered tribes, but now a new and seemingly mere Ilea enemy has Get tear taeeranee and atxtraeta to real I arisen In one on whose friendship they estate from the Title Oimrantee A Traat eoav ' fany, eamner ex uommaroe ooiieing. i; -!:";' sinxsnro rxBioTs. May So. te B.-L. Sanbora, for erecttoa of dwelling et . Kagaae sod Bodoey avenue. Coat a: laai. ' . . J, nay m,nB. u uiusa, ror erecriou or tore or uotneu, ne.leada Incurslona against most relied one whose protection through education and calling should most be expected -the pastor of the church about which they have built their homes. Tha minister haa declared war upon the swallows. Dally, aay the residents , dwelling af '.Twentieth end sortoras atreeta. I iv. erv..nt ..-..- .- e- MeyoTee Utt i& te ewetSea eg dwelllBg t?J "nr broodev Ahooting and atoning at Marshall sad Twenty-flrat etreete. Ceat their ests and trampling, upon , the . sssoa.,,... .. crippled birds as they fall to tbe ,,rJ9,A0 Y-J?"?' Sft'ilSS" ground. Glxlng him aid are the pupils Vum ltmh atr It his Sunday-schools, and on the Sab - itoyBo, 'irwS&at-'.m mk'M nly. flr th bifdj bavo peaoo. rtrlavaA he anntt ima1tw elia mahI, a Bothell are aroused, and' have appealed tons. and holidays, 10 to 11.- The leading apeciallats In the Northwest EsUblished 1811. Dr. W.Norton Davis & Co. aa Hoy Xotel. n. a. Ooz. Third aad " .Uae streets. POBTXA1TP. OmBOOaT. FOR SALE Seventeen Miles of 25- pound Steel Rails. Forty-nine Logging; Trucks. One BrOOkS LOCOmOtlVe. 12rccllly benefited thereby end which Is hereby " I declared to be the following . th aooth- 8 feet line- ISO feet south ef and Kaat Stark eaat of and v.... inva. v. i "--'Au'dltoF "of tha City bt Portland. "May ..11, 1804. .W : .t' Morrl. atreet-t tbo weat Un ef WUIIsbm fX - - ' a i. a l M w a a. - a I ire-ow. SIUU Bl lint luu Ben, wrnji VI esiltA Well aVllaDl I aa eaa eaaeaasaa r' TDU xo m doidk in siaia aaomm i " .... . a, a. .v .1 a. t riauxi Vancoarer eoa; tbenc of 10 lnM clear wfRnirt nJL, Z Hm.t nt th- rh.hi w.i I Nnt( Am hmbr aim that At BMttni arvai.BJ vv ..t.mmmm, a..- , ...a......ai- .---am VaiaiA I a7 4hA fVl nna .tvr vie avenue to a noint to aald eonarructioa of a wer la aald Eaat of th Council of tne wry oi riinn. "pn, wnuiL y.vanlt fiTntonteta thfSca 8trt t la 265.00. held oa tke 18tb day ef "May, 1804, the follow. Tt1 1 aeaTete.r tnin dlimetlT to' a tSST The plana, apeclflcatlona aad eatlmatee of the Ins reeolutioB waa .dopted: . - DUo.taw?t?thM.irutteto t ."-VjffS fefi .!!a!L!l Sfjar-rJ alJnV aflarwf Alhlna avenna. Said sewer to be conatrncted la accordance with th. charter and ordinance of the City of Portland and the plana, (pacification and eetl matee ef the City Engineer filed ta tba office of tha Auditor of tha City of Portland en the ITth day ot May, 1804. indorsed: "City Engin eer' plan and apeclflcatlona for a aewer ta Morrla etreet, Gantenbeln avenue, alley through blocka IB, 14 and 15, Rlverrtew Addition. Borth wlek (treet and Monroe atreet, from the weat line of William avenue to a connection with the Cook avenue eewer In Albina avenue.". Tbe coat of aald aewer to be aaacaaeg aa pro vided by th. city charter upon tne property Beaolved. That the Auditor of the Cltr of Do to improve Johntwa trt from' tbe-weat ri .i-. w. ..a k. c ai,,,a .i Hn. af 1w.ntv.fnrth atreet to the eaat una notice of the propoeed eonatructloa of said of Twenty-fTfth atreet, la kthe following . man aewer aa provided V the -city charter. .... Ber. telt: . ' mna aa Re mona trance esalnat tba above' aewer max be Sled in writing with the tinderilgned within SO day from, tba date of tbe drat publication, of tbla notice..'.' ''. , ......, :. By order et the Council. r ',,;:' -rfX ; ,.,!'.-,; -,' THOS. O. DSrvXIM, . Auditor et tbe City of Portland. May 31. 1804. ... : , , PBorosEO gzwza nr coox atutctk axs ,:. Y .' WIOoT AvYVirg. - , . , VaM t. i ...v.. ek.e .e at.. of lota 8, 8, 10, 11, 13, 18. 14. block 13; I of the Council et the City of Portland, Oregon, to the Seattle Humane society lnthefol- i t. 'I?A. h. W.JH S" f i ..!: I ?. .''?? !. " 1 T. I very lOW voeil yiKO Wm XaKCIB- oe-i mia auo loot ot iota i lowing reaoiuuon waa auopieu; : lowing words: - V P v " v a?8. 4. 8. 3. 1. block 14: eonth 100 : f eet of Beilved. Tiiat the tniieU of tiie fJitv of "There Is a case Of cruelty in this I Ule OUtnt, ' I lot 7. S. 8. 4. 8. 3. 1. block IB: north 8 feet I Portland. Orercn, deema It erpedlent and oro. town wnicn neeas your or some one S at-I a i a aa- r t saw I or iota a, v, iv, ai, J. nu ue norm o teei i poepB. to con.irnot a aewer iu kajok avenue ana tentlon. There Is a minister of the aos. 1 APP'y A. J. MCwabe, 3w JPl-lof th Wert 80. feet of lot-18, end tbe north Union avenue from the eonth line ef Klickitat . .' ra w a minuiaT ui u D . . 1 , tom . W la. tha north 100 feat a the atraat 4a a nnlnt.la Clmar avanna tthene. -m,mmt en it iu leet oi lot is, oioca is; tne norm iuo i in uoox avenue to a - connection wltn the feet of lots a, S, 10, 11, weat 21.13 feet ef lot j aewer ta Gantenbeln avenue. Said aewer to be pel who is shooting among the little delitry Bldg., Tacoma, : Wash. eaves of his church. , They are the birds that In the east wo call the swallow -or CITT V0TICXS. 12, block 14; lota J8, le. ana th sorts 100 1 of ntrinea ewer pine with all neceeaary feet of lota 11, 13, eaat 81.18 feet of lot 10, I catehbaalna, manhole, lanlphole aod branchea, vi... n,i . . t I hiocK is: in euDoiviaion ottuvarview aaaitioaioi tae rouowinx aimenaiom: ur eirnt mchea i ... . io , I ! PHriecny narrn-1 -f " " " "Di ' la Albloaj alw lota 14, 18, 13. and the clear In.lde diameter from a point In' Union mo uicuaiui a . v ivnau aiaut, . --- "rnortn loo reel or jot 10 ana 10, oiocx a, imni- lavenue oeginning at tna aoeta Hue or Klickitat aa they take away the caterpillars and! Notice la hereby given that at tba meeting I way 'a anbdivUloa In. Brvervlew Addition in I atreet; thence north In aald Union arena to worm, that help to destroy tha fault the Council of the City of PortUnd, Oregon, I Albina; alio lota a. 7. a, f. 10.11. is, is. 14. l a point in cook avenue; thence weat la Cook trees. - held on tbe 18th day of May 1804. the follow- block 1, Albina Addition; lota 13, 8, 8, 5. 4. 8, avenue opposite tbe dlvlaioa-lfhe between lota II Ule minister WOOld StretCh HIM TV. ,k. rv...ll -W .tint Pnrrt.nH' Int. I. a IS and IA and th. 1 th. mtv nf Portland! thene af 10 liua 1mm strong netting around the eavea of the Portland, Oregon, deem it expedient and pre- north 100 feet of lota IS and 16. block 8; lots 1. I lurid diameter to a point. In Cook avenue at church the birds could not build there. I Poaea to con. tract a aewer , In Ea.t -Thirty-1 2. and the north 100 feet of lote 16. ead 16, I Bodney avenue; thence of 13 tachea -clear inaide Bat In the eaves of this old church -they IourtB ,trt from so feat north of the north 1 woes l. Kaiiroaa naopa Aaauipn, v - . loiameter to-a point in earn twos avenna at Vtava Tvi.rtA rhale Vinmaa ' i line ot nawTOorn. avenue to a aewer u nit I mi nugiiwer e waiiiaaiw vi iu- prooaoie i niiiiame uu; uieuce m. a incnea Clear nave maae tnwr nomea f or more than I Thirty-fourth street at 60 feet aouth of tba total coat for th construction of eald aewer iralde diameter to a eonneetioa with the aewer thirteen year. Without being molested. I south line of Eaat Mala atreet. Said aewer. to l.t Morrla atreet Gantenbeln avenue, alley la I In Gantenbeln avemi. c itnister was again seen today I be of vltrifled aewer pipe of eight Incbea clear 1 blocka 18, 14 and IS. Blvervlew; Addition, I . Said, eewer to. be-eonatreeted la accordance shooting among the nests. Soma of the I lnde diameter, with all neceeaary, catch-1 Borthwlek atreet ana Monroe atrcet is sz,40.oo, I with tae charter ana ordinance ef . the City hlX wii fall to tiZ7 aa bealna, manholea, Umpbolea and branchea. I The pUna, epedficatloae and eatimato ef theJ et Portland and the plana, apeclflcatlona end bird, wnicn ten to tne ground. were not 1 k. a I n,, mZ-tZZ ia Maatmtinn nt ..ia Uh..u r .k. m v.t. .a i. ... dead, and he. stepped forward and with the charter and ordinance of the City Tin Morrl atreet, Gantenbeln arcane, alley See et tbe Aadltor of tbe City ef Portland op crushed them under hi. foot, picked up of Portland and the plan, .pecifloatlon and I through, blocka 18, 14 and 15, Rlverrlew Addl- the' ITth day of May, 1804, indoraed: "City their little bodle. and threw them Into eatimatea of the City Engineer Sled In the I tlcn, porthwlck etreet and - Monro street are Engineer' plan, and pecl8cation. for a aewer tha atraat Ha haa alaa hal n.nh efSce ef tke Auditor of the City of Portland I hereby edopted. . , . --- la Cook avenue and union avenue from ' the " w hwm.wv. , a. m. 17.li fl. . .1 M . 1,1,1. I n AftMUl .11.1 . . 1 HuA nil . ,lt.r -1 . . MVIirA ill I -V. TTTm A. I . A . . 11m. a. . -. . . . , aul . . . Of little boy. dubbings and Stoning the Bnglneer' plana aad Bpeclocitlona for a eewer Portland be ead he la hereby directed to give Cook avenue; thence te Cook avenue to e eon- blrdA -,, ' - in Eaat Thlrty-fourtk atreet from SO feet north notice of the propoeed . eonitrectloa ef. eald nection with the aewer in .Gantenbeln e venue "Think Of the example of teaching lit- ot Bor"1 line of Hawthorne avenue to the aewer aa provided by the city charter. ' and the eatim.te of th work to be done end tie children to destroy birds' nests and XZS JS w&v&ttSJF'S- i2???!5.1W anJrJ'.AJ!i:iLlJi kill ,k. LI.I.I . ...v. 1 ...v .--'.-. . m. nun. IV I WW . ft . 1 H". n.uft in wu.i.i,wii Wftimill l.. ft .ft ..it, nn,r iv w wpmuiu a. kill the blrdsl Cannot It bo atoppedT of tbe work to be done end the probable total 20 da ya from tha date of the tint psbllcatioa I provided b.th city charter upon the property It this Ue. in your power,; please Mo. eoat thereof." lof thie notice. - ' l.ped.lly benefited thereby ead which I hereby what you can; or. if It 1. not in your I ' rtM coat ef aald aewer to be asiesud aa By order of the Council, r s - , j declared to be- ell the lota, parte ot lota and Iffarww di i.nu jjiii. iwiiwctjo a iinv.auv lain eaat ot and parallel with tha .eaet line of G.n tenhela arenae sad s lias 100 feet east ef and tMiwur Dlaaae forward thia latter in ma Provided by the city charter upon the property luZ. T ii?iTii- u! on,J specially benafloid thereby aad which la hereby who should look Into tho matter. declared to be all the lots, parts of lots aadj TH08. 0. DEVLIN. . " ; Auditor et the aty et Portland. jaaj 4, iMrmt n ramnvlna all loaae earth, mad fcnd debrla of every kind from tbe surface of th etreet, and bringing the .aame to grade .aa glvea by the City Engineer with macadam, v - Second By conatructlng artificial (tone .lde walka 1a accordance with the City Bnglneer plana, .peclflctlon. and .eatimatea. , ThirdBy nonatruetlng artiaclal atoae eurbe la accordance , with the City Engineer's plane, epectflcatlona and eatimatea. . Said - improvement to be made la accord ance with the charter and ordinance, .of. the City ot Portland and tbe plana, pectflcationa and eatimatea ot the City Engineer filed In the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland oa th 0th day of May. 1804. tadoreed:-Clty Engineer a plana and apeclflcatlona for the Im provement ef Johnson .street from . the wnt line of Twonty-fourth etreet , to the eaat Une ef Twenty-tifth atreet and the eatimatea of tbe WOrg to DO OOne nu f iruuauw unu .cuat thereof." t : - . . j.-w, Tba coat for said Improvement to be aaaeaaed ', aa provided by tha city charter upon the prop erty ipeclally benefited thereby and which la ' hereby declared to be all tba lota, , parts of . lot : and pareela of land lying between .a line 100 feat north ef and parallel with' the north line of Job neon etreet' and a. Une 100 feet aouth ot and parallel wltk the aouth Una. of Johnson atreet and between tbe weet Une of Twenty fourth atreet and the eaat Une of Twenty-fifth The Beaineer's 'eatimato ef the probable total eaat for the improvement ef aald Johnson street la $567.00. The above improvement la to be claaeed at a macadam repair improvement ana hn oe maintained, by the city Tor a period or twe yean; prorwea, that tne owner or am- Joclty of the property benefited by -aald lis- ' , prortment or ' any portion thereof abaU not"' petition tor .' new. or- different lmproremeut before vtbe expiration of each period, r -v.. -The Dlaiuh apeclflcatlona and eatimatea "of : the City Enaineer tor the Improvement of Said Johnson atreet are hereby adopted. - Beeolved. - That the Auditor of the City et "' Blnrtland ha and ha iLhrnhv llMfttftl . ' notice of the propoaed Improvement of eald treet a provided by tbe city charter. - ' . Bemon.traneea agalnat the above Improve ment may be filed la wrltlnv arilh tha nniW. ilgned within 20 d.r from tbe date ef tke 1 flrat pnbllcatlon of thl notlee. ,' . i i- ' y oraer ax, ue Council. , ' ' ' i ' . , THOS. 0. PBVLIM, ' i . ' -"i: "-!' Auditor af tha ntw tM.ri.aAi ;....:' Me- ?04. , " r " " - 77 ; " L : t A- i s