THE OREGON i)AILY r JOURNAL', - PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY-' 21. 48Q4. 13 I'- TACOUA'S PLOT : AROUSES SEATTLE tov cxtxjbs was ora nfi ' KUBdB TABIOUM WABTT IT UOTX imU XT rsWAJTl- VMAXM. vV ', , I ' '-,. " f 3, ".'. " '.''"r. ..."V.... "( (Special Dlspstca te The Journal) )! . Seattle, May II.- Tecoma and Seattle am warrlne- over the trade or vesnon sua -' Juaury Ulanda, lying halt way between V.the two cities in rotor, sound, -raooma ,. seeks to get the trad, Seattle ta hold It And the troubla all arlaes over a bridge between tba two islande. Quietly ; certain Influence bare bean at work to , change this brjdg to make tba Taooma Whax the, poarer and mora convenient ,..rar tne xarmera. .-..-,.' ;..-..-. '..' Thla deep plot arouaad Seattle) and all ; Ita people to Inatant tuition, and tba bor- rible schema la to be olreumvenUd it It . - la In the power of the city aouncU. the . ebamber of commerce and everal thou 1 sand) realdents of faattla. Tba, farmera .; ' themselves, when they are consulted, aay they want tba bridge to etay where It le, as prevailing prloea for produoe - v are .higher la Seattle. -s ,.. - j. -; "'... ,:: Pirotectsd Mmi BAsWwsv -V ' . 1 want te die, I haven't a friend on earth. Ood forbid that my father or f my mother know my condition. Now that- far baby la In rood handa Z bare no thine alae to lire for, and tba aooner death oomee the better X will be. aatU .. fled.-.- v.- ..'.. . - , . auob were the worda of lflaa Helen Wilaoa aa aba lepeed .Into unoonscloua- Boae at the wayalde Miaolon noapltax : and her death la now oertaln. To her . laat cenacleua word aha protected her betrayer, and rvfuied in any way to tell Who waa reaponalble for bar Condition. A few daya ago aha waa removed to ' the hoapltaJ by the humane af floor, and there cave blrta to a ehiid, wbiott naa i been taken In a rood family that prom' . laed tba dying mother It ahould have the beat of are. Miaa WUeon la a pretty girl if yeara old. Kothlna can be learned retardinc her own family or her former home. She name to Seattle about a year aro. and - until reoently waa - employed in , the vera on bomi. Work ef Art. Trom the Chloaco Ifewa. .' Smith Softklna recently began a oor- reapondenoa with a woman who adver tlaed for a huaband, and after aealna her BhotOBTanh be proponed by mall. Jonee And they met and tot married Smith Kot exactly. They met, all rifht, but Softklna la now looking for the photographer with a run. ANOTHER CROP Crock era patronlae the Tor Sale Real Katata" oolomna today with eer aral "ada." calculated to aronae the ln- tereat of any one aerlpualy . thinking The "Bdaaekeeplne; Rooma For Rent", column baa an "ad." that atarta off! , "Furniahed and nnfurnlahed aultea ,119 to $11." The "ad." wlU tell you the ad vertlaer; 1 . R. M. Laaarua haan't got' thai expert enced architectural draughtaman yet, and la telllnr the fact under "Help Wanted Hale." , What'a the matter with yon fellowa who are In that buel neaa and want workt Prler Broa. come Into The Journal'a alaaalzled. ooiumna with an advertise ment under "Braaa World," "Model making and general - work" aro Worda you'll find in the "ad." How about a aeven-room house, brick basement, two lota, fruit trees, hear ear Una and school, in the healthiest auburb weat of Mount Tabor, for 12,400 T Tbeae are a few worda taken from an adver tisement you'll .find under "For Bala Real Katata." R. 10 haa an "ad." under "Bualness Chances" that wll Interest some barber who wanta a ahop out of the city. "Bast location In rood town" In the lad." . Zn a "Situation Wanted" advertise ment H. Oeddlag aaya: "Two young men want poaltlon In olty. or oountry." Let 'em know If you can use 'em. Tou ae; they're lookln' for any kind of work, The foureal'a elaastfled ootaauu are grewlmr Uke the proverbial tur tle slow but surer a very day flnda new namee In the various eolumaa, and moat of 'em with tba Intention of beta aeculaa pa trees. - - The eld "ataad-bya" Increase their advertle. lng, and m desertion la rare. TherVa no diaputmr the fact that the elaa alfled advertising pays. sosoot Bosrss. ,y .: , Notlo is hereby glya that sealed preposal will b rccalrad at tb Coootr Traaaerar' offlc oatll Wednaadar, Jnn X, at 0 e'eleek p. at., for the purcbaae of- the wbole or a part of eebool bonds amoantlnf te OtO.OOO In all, to be leaned by School District No. 0, la Una County, Oreron, said bonds te be payable in 10 or SO year and bearing Interest at H per cent per annua, lntercat to b payable umlinnaaUy, . , JAMK8 BLKINg, County Treeaurer. , JOHN P08HAT, Cbalrmsa Board ef Plrecton. TOTIOX Ot TA0ATI0V OP I0WBXX ATEBTn. Notice Is hereby riven that st raralar meet lng of the OonncU of tbe City of Portland. Multnomah Ooonty, State of Orejon, to be held nr . . a c. . Amw a Inn. toLi . ' - tb regular ho-tr and plac. a peOUoa will be r resented to sua umncu praying ror ma vacs- or ue Tnca arenne lylns tloa ef that portion of Lowell snath at s ins 0 fact south and para! net who tb north line ot Lowell arenne and between the west line of Cerbett street ndtje east line of Pirst street. MABTIN WINCH. BOTI0B. Mntlna heeah alma that the annnal meet- lag of the etockbofders of tb Portland Ball way company tor tb yr IPO wlU be held et th gaaarat aide ofiaald company at tb soathwsst corner ef Washington and Plrat streets la tbe city ef PortUnd, Mnltnouh eonnt. Oregon, n Monday, tb 0th dsy. of Jun,'l904. et the hour of o'clock p. an., for the election et e beard of director aad the tranaactloo of ny busln wblcb, the stock holders of said OorporstloB can do. , , Dated, Portland, Oregon, May 0, 1004. " ' J. P. BATCH ELDER, Assistant Secretary, wAPnm-qEMTa, OPBRIN0 for general sgeacy, dtr er itry, so to f io jwr oy. or write ftMH Morriaoa St., reom ft, WAJiTE-4aBIXABT10trt, WANTED Call et once, ladla er genUemev; Carantssd salary $60 to 75 and all ezpaneaa 1 or trTlln. end chance te attend St. i Louis World's Pair. Per reply enclose stamp. Roar from 0 to T. It Seventh et, eor, Oak, Mrs. Mstt, aaaaacof,: ' rrTOENTS to attend Bnrllsh end rveacfe school. Miss C Baron, 070 last SUteesta. rheae Unloa 10B4. '-' i WABTaJWBIaX- X8TATB. '. BsaaBBssBkaaasaasu , LOT Irrlnirton, within 5 blocks carj principals only ssts a rent's eomnussloa, Crock ers' elO AMogtoB blujj r.y-; '.'f;rv'' XL WATm-jCATJt WAKTEO To V. av Army Able-bedtod ea ' BiirtM aiea, ' btwee mtm of II - esa so, ; sUliens et United BtatM. ef food character ; ass unpttata kiblta, wse eperns, .me , as4 write ullib. for inforsMtit. srplr : te keerultlni OtAest. nlrd aad Oeh U, .rwuaea, ui. UKH sat veaMa te leara barber traaai every , sted-ol taofht la the bortert Boealble ( , coMUot praetlae aadM ezpesl Uttrvtle man soereas (aarasiMe. vau or nut , , AsMrleaa ' Bartwr CteUege . Wfeay, , B Crarett st, rarUaaeV WANTID Ha te team barber trasel eelr rmialrae ekrbt mii speelal effavf ertsteat praetlcet exaart lBtreta. Catalog-aa staUae live. Uahw Brsteta GeUette, tea ywseHee, waunraia, .- . , , a ' ' MEN with easrsMlDg ability wasted, elty and , eoantrr, B te 110 ear Ti opaulur tor an- ari ifinc-, eae or wnie ABoniaana3l aare ' HamtM et., raosi a , WaNTBD Taataa te hanl BOO aards af weed WUlasMtte slooirb, u to H mil. SO casta par cord, .. a rear I oan KBtlomaat , Agaae', am rare at. . . Wl are eetsqwrters for ell elaaaae ft work eeip rrae to ampiorara. wuuana Mt)4 Alder et rhene, kUla UOT. woo ana fooa troeaa, Aaarx ioum ecoi bar. Oaroaa Uoua. UUladale P. O, : . WANTKD--Immadlatalr, aa e-rienead erehl. tactural eraiiabumaa. appir a. su tvesarsa, arebitect, ew woreeerer oiag. . t- , MEV wasted t New Boose Lodxlon. ear. Praet an uoacai eieas rsnm u aaa we; pees iuei by weak, fiOs and tea . : CAPPENTEBS Want let eontraet te enlsrf Bonma. Uevof, WH Morriaoa, reoei a, vjop wAircra retuix WANTED ehaaibersialds st sees, eltri koaaa- -wora rrota iw w w par saasts: waitraaa, city-. Call today, offles open satll ri m. arasolnaTlaa-ABiartosa mstoyatast Ageeer, WOMEN with easvssalgg aMHty wanted, etty aae eoantrr, fo a aio per aar epan car gas eral saaacr. aae or write u. . St.. WANTED AppraoMrv ta Araaainaktaf abaa. appiy room bm aussy fiog, uaua aae (tor naoa eta. WANTED A weaaa ' te do draaataaklBg aad eawiDf at ennw aeesa. lu noaaau ex. XXUAXIOEI WAJTTTD JtaTf, POSITION ss collector, clerk or eatenaaa br aatlanaa wtu Al rerarenceei wuunr te etart ' tew if abases ef eatesasteant, adaroaa ES, ears JoorsaJ. ITUATION ' wanted: veana siaa ef 0. ablDBlns elarK or aaalitancexixiTieM s reara refarencaa. Edward Lamb, S8 Morth Twea- tleu st. TWO roam a ma mat ooatttea la dtr oeBtry. Addreee H. OaddlDy, aetel Bba prasi. Front ana Madlaon ata. - amTino! wapted rziuu. YOUNO lady would like poaltVm ta efflce er a eiers; aaa naa erpanence: eaa oparsn irpe- writer, none union no. WANTEDWtaatloo I cbamberraald er P , rare JoaraaL girl er boneekeapar. ZatytOTaTXPT AOXaTCZZS. SITsl aa row head and we will help yea aa Way work for a small salary wban roe eai do better or ratiatarinff for poaltlon at the vaste Enpiorment Bureau, sue uooaaouca blk? AU kinds of elarteal, Bechanlcal, do-aiaaUA-aad botel balp. We and food poalttoas lor staaofrapBara, aooBsaapara, a teaman, aalasladia. olfioa help, ensinaara. eleetridana etc. OeaBtrr rasistratJoBS s apcdaltr. Plenty ef - roaai Car yeeag aiea wltbout Uebnlcal knowlaaaa. WILLAMETTU Real Ketate EmploynMnt Ca real aatete. ooalnaas okanoea. noaar to toaa, raaauac bonaaa, bonaataada, timber clalme and UDor. rsoee uooa lAO. vt aurraraa bc TS Merta cixtn st. WILLAMETTE Xmolormant A Baal EaUU Oo. las tnarruoa ana tb norm 'Sizus iarsasi end beet list cf real estate and labor aa PaeUe eaasti atail ereers soUdtea. HELP of an AaBcrlBtfans fernlshed eawmtDs. ftritiff camp, lacunae, iraa is smpioyara. Alpine KmnMrmaBf ajeacy. .near momaon. loa rust it. raooa auui ivit. LADIES (lea trior kelp end tlrto seeking sttae tlons, call at at. Laaia uaaiar aaanry. r agOVb XsmbUl st rhans Black SMI. EMPIEE EMPLOTKENT AOBNCT fsrolabas Comae taut kelp aa abort sonce. bus. ji lMrwrtait. Pboee Bed aooe. JAPANESE Employmaat Ayaney fnrBlakae do- mastleav nrmnasos, etc. ev btoks runs at. Pbeae Clay MA ' PIONEER EMPLOTktENT OO. Labor centra. urs aeip n-ee te esipioyers. aim WORK for nan, men for work. ANBierra orrica. as nora aeeone n. -WAPTia BlaX XaTATB. LIST veer nnmrtv with real estate eWarlnr- Booaat sail oirect a Bnyar; aaya asani a protta.' crockara, inc.. is ABinatea Biag, POB BXJTI HOuElXIIMllO BOOKS, NEW GRANT, ea Beeead and Srant ate., win epan about BUT 1st, Nicest xamuy roomin haose In tba city; reasonable; boaaekaaplns rooms, furnished sad Bnfnralahed, Apply tot Jefferssa at 1.TB PBS WEEKr-Larva. cteaa. tanlabad BoesasaapinB room, wiu aaa 01 Mmumwj, pboaet slse cheap farnlabed eettaees. J. Laadlraa, Me Bbarmaa. Pbeae Clay 9m PCBMI8HED Bonsakseplnf snitss .010, per moatb sad ep; boar ana room, is aae api ererrtBlBaT saw: latepaone sag nan. avw Northern. North Twelfth aad Marshall. POB1TISHBD end nnfnminhad rooms for hens. keaplnr, or susie rooms so rear; aise car rlage or saddle bores te sell at one. 190 Grand areas. PCRNISHED and unfurnished suttee, $10 to IW a BOOBUi. Mgns ana oaroer ouca., a Gread evea and Ernst Washington st' PTBNISBED housekeeping rooms and farnlrtee ftPtfOleaa, CH erWI.aJ aun nHf a block. MM BaessU et., Lower Alblna. TBREB furniabed bouskeplag rooms a first floor, aaltabl for (oar. psrsoss,, (30 par month, sua Biita st. ypBNISHED sad aafurnlsbd housekeeping rooms; slso single rooms. SaSH Sersateenta St.. ear. Maraball. yiJRNIBHED, housekeeping rooms, kitchen, pan. try.: bath, etc. Convenient location, eli rl Erarett street, S H0U8EKEEPINO raoms, furnished, on ground .'floor; all esnvanieaoas; yard. Cor. Thirteenth end may sis. r.AUoa faralahad housekeeping room for rent: water and sink. Call mornings SS North ' Seventh et. ' UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 00 snd 10; also furnished rooms. 1HH North Tenth st. 0 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, water , In kitchen, reasonable. . eotHt Bast Burs aid Bt, 340 NORTH Sixteenth st, rarnlshsd heese kaepliig '.reoms and ether osavettteBces, yard, etc. ... - . i - TWO large frost furnished Booms. keeping. li A 012 with closet. 861 Second. t UNFUBNI8HKD boosckeeping rooms, 08 per month; private hone. US North Twelfth at NICELT furnltned room , la private family, 101 nerta xnirwenia si. 834 UNION evenae, nicely furniabed treat for eeeirable party ( private family. SStt UNION avenue, anfurnlabed haaesheeplag rooms la fireproof , brick bnltdlBg. THREE nfurnlbed( housekeeping sn jtorta 'muu au, w. toft SAST Market, S aafuralsbed looping rooms, 071 fernlshed, 00 CLirTON, ear,' 1st end OolamMai tog aaltea; rajaahla pricas. , PURNISHBD housekeeping reoms, eteee la, de : airable. 80 North Tenth st y . POB RENT rnrnlahed cottage et Slid. ITS atome es. rssas econ . . , HOUSXKBEPINO reoms, eafuralsbed, SO Beat Sevanca stv, eor. awpasna. . . PTJBHISHBO room ta desirable Bteetfeev 08 aad AS. - so aan eamaui. . til SEVENTEENTH. , furnished room la geee mcaaea. - PTTRNISBEO room far heuMkeeptag, SOS faBerta autssins bb. -u e i $S POB BEET J 0 BBISBXP BOOMS. THB MARQDAM Bosmlag Hoese, 148H Birth St I unaer near managemenit uorougniy raaw vated rooms, ea suite er single; transient solicited; housekeeping roe me en suite er single with gas range; poroslala hsth. Phone Clay 1004., BIVEROlDB HOTEL S East Oak fereiaked and enfurnlsbed rooms, single snd ss suite Mgtog 01 par week aad up. Phone Scott ONB furnished nam, beautiful view, OS S three enfurnlsbed Booms, light housekeeping, ? ' CsU or aedreae H. W. U, 100 Orasd eve.. N. ONB single turniahad room; alas room mat , and board for young lady boarder; alcove room, hot and cold water. 0tf Couch st THB OLADSTONB OIJV, Be Tier st, ear. PU teMtb, aaar fair ground; new building: newly furnished room OLOO per week sad ap. 1 THIRTEENTH st, sice ferstshed front room, sultabls for tare; aelect location; bath, ' gas, phoae, slso aid room. THE C08MOS-SoutBst eor. Poerth ssd Mr , rlaoe; ulet fleas and eemfertabto rooms 1AM ' per weak aad upward. PTBNISHED room, suitable for two persoaei laoie or geauemaa. zsu Tenia n. a-aw Waetto. NEWLT aad alaaaatlv fnrnlahed outside . modern; 10.00 to OU-00; osotrst OOP Jailer sea st THB KARO 1T1 Wait Park, newly opnd aratlsa rarnlahea atsai ana neuaeBespiag SEVEN-BOO hi famUhed boas tor rent; destr. this:, la good location. 48 North . Seventh. OOSaALBINA AVE., furniabed roams; eulct place; sultabla for man aleeplng day er night. NBAT room end good board; modern ceevee NorU Mlsth st Mac; price rsasoasbie. sa I04H STARK ST., phone 1008, aewly furniabed reoms; transient aojicitea; pricea raaaoaapta. COMTOBTABLB furniabed roams, reasonable; opposite btfb artiool. )0l Lowneoaia Bt. 480 BUBNSIDB St., Beatly furnished front room. 484 Burnald St., cor. Ktevanta. S4T BURNSIDB st, fnrnlahed front room. Bear peatefflc: cU afternoon, pries io. THE CASTLB OTt Wsshlngtoe att roams tor alUmi nudMl. TaT Bnath TBt NICE front room for rant: mtttabl for eaa er two gentlemea D Everett st. OM TBUBMAN St. neatly furnished rooms. near fair grounds; reasonable. BIO NOBTB Eleventh st., conveniently for- nlahed rooms la good location. P4 NORTH Btghth st., nest rurnlsnad reoms; close In. 9 North Elgbta St. 480 CLAY St.. famished rooms; gas, bath snd phone; tingle or housBping. THB LBNOX, 888 8 Her st, new bclldlag, aswly furnishsd slngls rooms. SPO PACTOBT st, aaar Tburmaa; nicely fur nltned, near ear una. so. A NEATLY arranged furatahed treat room. SOP North Mneteeata si. 100 PARK st.. nloelr furnished rooms, nest eaa convenient. 100 a-era at. NICELT furnished $10. 07. 08; bath snd gss. 048 Tsylor st 468 MAIN, delrbW furnished room In good neigh oornaoa. 48 EAST Third st, tarnished reom In tent location. , PURNISHBD rooms ta sxoslleot location. 1B8H Tenth st. POB Mrr IXATS. MODERN 7-room flat, to family ef adults. 044 Hall at, phone front bo. POB BXBT OrnCB BOOM. OPnOB reom for rent ta Bank ef British Os njmb'e BMg., bubvibs st. POB SeTI BIOT. ESTATE. ti irn irsrr T. hnllt hnnaa ef T lares rooms. ones namm m '", - 11ns snd school, la the healthiest suburb weat of Mt Tabor. Will take email destrsbls horns la part psyment Enqnlr. befor noon st 1-story boo Isft hand aids Rossmont ave., 300 test norta oi itaa una roau. POB SALE 00 acre land. 00 Improved, Ja grewlng crops or nay ana aram; uw urn au la ga, orchard, running' wster, S W(Us, wood, cattle, hogs, chickens, tools, etc.: 13 miles frsm Oregon City. Price 83.600. Particulars, addreee C. W. Stephens, uiaras, uregoa. at son v.unoif bouss. barn, bearing - A ei - MiHk A runnins wiw, - 1 . mllea from Portland, farm tmplemaets, spring wsgoe, etc.; bargain to cast puysr, BV owner, uoi innriMa ek, Twentloth. : POB SALE One 0-rem dwelling, In excellent condition, and ons nuiiaing suiuoie tor grv eery store or ss loon. In good location; here la an opportunity for a moat advantageous In vestment. i0, lu evurauu. FOR sale or exchsnge, new a-room moo era .MM. fit -Pnrtlano. lira ov acres oi uuu , 18 acre has been cultivated, tor small fruit farm near roriiano. auuiw .01 vrua NUth st. Esst PorttonA RESIDENCE tots snd quarter blocks. Bsst four teenth, Ftrtsentn, Bttrs anq vnm; iliwu, iu- walks. sewera: rssdy to build; sell rssson. able; terms to suit. J. B. Hsrrtagtoa, owner, 08 Mi flret near Oak. SUBMIT your offer for this new 7-room, mod- era QOeen Ann COliagai au unnunimi built for a home; call at once; mutt sell. Owner, 1088 Bsst Salmon st nii nt.i MA aerea. a aood stock farm. S mllaa aoutbessc or aaiama, naw., m wru cheap or trad for Portland property. W, XakarlU, 07 Irving st . POB SALE New, modern eottage, ooxioo lot. 1 block trom neuwooo. emi- uai, iui nun water? streets grsded, aide walk. CaU 027 MUler are. Sunday. BEAUTIFUL modern home, 10 rooms, large grounds, rruit; cneap; nooea cu v buy from owner. Crocker, Inc., 418 Ablng ton bldg. ' i FOR farms, sereags, slty property, ebotee tlm her and homestead locations, see Maxwell Ot CO.. IIP AOiagnsa niug., c-sruanu. via, 0-BOOM bouss, 0 lot (150x300), barn, chicken SOU, sit Sinas mui; wrwn nriuu, pert essh.' O. P. Werner, Carton Heights. 11-ROOM brick fist furnished for housekeepiniri lease until arter itir, ua uraiuii au ivu Faose Scott 186. SOM Grand s venue. T-ROOM modern bout. 14th st, west side; rent ISO; price swwl lot awn i" Crockers, Inc., 410 Ablng ton bldg. C0BNEB tot la Osk Park; fsees St Johns Bne: chsep, emau paynwnta; dutitow Crocisrs, Inc. 410 Ablngtoa bldg. 0-BOOM inodera eottagei Upper Aralnsi big tot; block iron) ear; sasy lerma; w ina wwnar. Crockers, Ins.. 410 Ablngtoa bldg. 0-BOOM. aew modern bouss; weat tide; 8900 OjOWB. BW a montn; ouy irvm vwnar. wvoi. ere, Ins.. 18 Ablngtoa bldg. -: EJUITI la' west elds propertyj wJU psy par eras net ea uneaiamp vv.., Abtagtoa bldg. . plEDMONT,WtlllaBs sva., bsrgsla M er H Bis near u car, anoraea a . w ,.. BOU8B and . tot for ssle , cheep. 010 East Seventa et, set siarxtt sua uiay. BOU8B end tot for sals; pert eash; a bargain I eau eveaiaga, eva aus naa, , , , doeo)fS Dont' Fail to Read Tomorrow's ML Theyll Be Interesting to i BrWBTSS 0BAS0ZB. . i SQOABB-PEAL B0KBi.0S CO. '"iSl Seventh St, Rooms 1 to A ..i 6 h Hathaway, Mgr. , -( nnrtu ran nnniu von SALE. Bt room., paying wall , v" 68 room, is batbs........ OO.ouO 75 rooms, snd suite ......-... l- . B room, fnm hnnajhaanlntt ... BW t room boats 0 room house ....................... 10 rooms, elegantly furalshed... .... K8 rooma, good locafloe ............... 10 rooms, suitable for 11 boarders..... rooms, 4 bouskplng tuitea f rooms, all bsw furnltur ........... 0 rooms, clearing S40.00 far month... 10 rooms, faablonable hwattoa ........ 400 410 8.500 J. IV) OHO 8T8 800 t70 AOoo . BOO SAO e raome, an seta t room eottage, central roome, paying Oo0 per month rooms, eastral. a bubb A0O0 e.Boo 84 rooms, en floor, long lass ... 6.600 O.ono o room, one boot, lea i,nw 40 rsoms, eentraL a-yvsr lease a O0O 0 rsstearsBts, well eoalpped, for asm at a bargain. 4 grocery stores cheap. .. ..' M. Hotel, best town la WlUamette TsOey. 11.000 SS rooma, central, will pay IwO per month .2j 10 noma, good location, petting 178 8,800 MOO per moots reom, cottage, new for si tars, pay tng proposition 1,000 DM 8A0 eno t,ooo too jo rooms, til new v nwuii, nne mciun. ............. 10 rooma, 00th at, car Una SS rooma, clearing $200 par month.,,. 0 rooms, trsnslsnt bona SiUm wit - - ' - 1 run Si - good location AOOO 04 rooms, hotel,- good for 1,000 psr month 10,000 45 rooma, good for 0400 per month 14.000 PORTLAND EXCHANOB. STOM Washington St.. Boom 00. Some sf Our Bargains, ' - T rooms,, good locatloa , .0 SnO ' 0 roome, One furniture....' 078 0 rooma, transient 1,000 14 rooms, good location BA0 11 rooms, soluble lor boarders 880 13 rooms, snap 700 18 rooma, close In POO 14 rooma, clearing 100 month 1.000 18 rooma. bargain l.noo IT rooma. housekeeping suites IS roosis, en aoor j.suu SO rooms, good furniture. . l.POO . 1.000 . l.poo . . 8 BOO . 2.800 . 8.000 . 4,100 II room, s yeara- Mass 88 rooms, close In 35 rooms, ssw furniture 80 reoms, low reet 81 rooma; clearing S4O0 month... 40 rooma, 0 yeara lease... 43 rooms, fine location 80 rooms, good furniture 0,000 HMllUHiniS. Restaurant, flrst-clsss trade.... $ 800 Raataurant, receipts $20 day 1.0OC Raetauraat Bests over 100 1,800 Hotel, 80 rooms, near depot 3. GOO ATTENTION. Lsdleel If you ar looking for a good location we have over 800 rooming houses te eelect from. Ws gusrsntes te pro tect yoe sgalnst debts snd mortgsges Ws will loss from 1200 te 84110 on ny of th a dot businesses at vary low ratee. Call and aee us before yoe hay snd we will treat you right PORTLAND EXCHANOB, STOtt Wssbiugtoa St, Boom 80. CHANCE OF A LIFETIMEI A business op portunity which ha no qaal! Thcra'a gen srsl marchandiss buelneae In Athwood. Or., that mutt be. sold owing to ill bealth of ntmber of dim For ths four lot, build ing snd Sxtures 08,800.00 Is ssked. subject to a liberal dlacouot Tba prospects are excel, lent; Columbia Southern Ballroad will build within few mllea; one mile from tba cele brated 'Oregon King mine. But one other etore In town. Inquire of Journal or address J. W. A M. A. Boblaeon. Ashwooo, ur. EXCEPTIONALLY good opportunity for s psr- son with seoo to invest rn a gnsa psying snd well ettebllshsd business. Wsnt s man who le willing to step right la snd tsks sn active part In tbs bustneaa, ssd drsw bis ttltry snd then tsks bilf of tbs profits with me. If you wsnt s good tblag call st Mlllumgnt ornoe, oo suss n. - CHANCE of lifetime to one man only ta eech (ta with a few hundred dollars sad refer ences; monopoly of legitimate builneta; enor mous promt; witnoot rits; nigneti enaoraa menu. Hull, 164 Esst Twenty-third st. Nsw York. ABB res looking for a businss loestloaf In veaflgate ths exceptional advantages offered at; Eetacada, ths coming tows ot Clackamas - eounty. O. w. r.fiownsii tn., iuh m, eor. Alder, room o. none stun sin. NO reasonsbU offer refused for. two-efaatr barber ahop, worth 8400; best location in good town; make me sn offer Addreee B 30, care Journal. WB esn sell or rent your property, do matter what or where: gtvs n a trlsX Wlllisms Boush, 248 H Aider st Pbous Msln 1807. EQUITY la west side property; win psy 20 psr cent net on investment, urocgers, sis Abtagtoa bldg. POB RENTCo lo ma dock, bet Osk snd Plas eta. Inquire at ornce. root ot uas at FOR SALE Good paying restasrtnt with lease, ss n. eta st. POB I ALE-PABMS. 17,008 ACRES of Irrigated Isad free from the etate to sstiisn twno win pay ao n io par acre - to the Columbia Sou there Irrlgatlos company for narpetual water right For In formation call or addrsss B. 8. Cook. 261 Alder st, Portland. Or. FOR SALE FARMS Improved farmi for ills in sn psrt er Ore gon and Washington: payment made te cult purchasers. For full particular as to vari ous preperoee apply io nm. aiacitaaier. ait W or caster bldg. 100 ACRES, nart Imorovad: bouss. barn or. chard: s.BOO coraa wooa: zz miice rrom Portland; 2 miles to ratlrosd; wood ilone wortb the price;, one-hsir down buy from owner. Crocker, Inc., 410 Ablng ton bldg. FARMS, timber Unas, sersig. bomteas. timber eutms wnsn loosing ror sny or ins tbov eome end see me. A. A Msthswa. 418 Oregonlta bldg. SNAP If taken st ones, 180 seres of lsnd. SO cleared and fenced; flve-room bouts, barn, boo fruit trees; price 21,200. Apply owner, 628 Bveratt EXCEPTIONALLY fine, level farm. 68 aerea. cultivated; 8 mllea east on ear line: modern lmprovsmsnts; 700 Winter apples. 827 Front street LOST AND FOUND. LOST Gold wresth pin. 8 smtthyste, 8 pearls. fhone union N; rswaru. BOOMS WITH B0AB9. FURNISHED rooms, with or without board; bath, ate.: plesssat location. i Everett pt, eor. Tenth. FURNISHED rooms snd board. In private house; reasouaois. S14 Bast sevenm u, nor. marsei. BOABD with rooms, well fnrnlbed: modern conveniences; uois oosra. xu -imneenio si. BOOM with board, or board without room; phone Jiooo DB. TOSM unurmaa n. BOABD snd room, privets family. 061 Oak, aear aeveeia; very central. BOABD end room' 04.00 per week. Old Beat sixth et if. none acott oo. TABLE BOABD. TABLE board, heme cooking. 08.60 pet ub sisvaats t eor aioec. POB BXBTHOTJSXB, STORES FOR BENT 108-170 6th et, betweea Morriaoa and YaauUl ate. Apply Gosdnoeah building eftlcob. , 1 A NEW e-roohj cottar end en 7-room; mod era coarMMOo,-. bps Nona. SJgnisentu sc. POB BENXParoisbsd hoese. P29 Cherry at, YouPossibly Protoblef 3uL OLAIBT0TABT ABB PA1MXST. tl!oo Tbls We.k-gl.0a " 1MB. DB 8A1NTB, THB WIZARD OP THB ORIENT. Spiritual Adrlaar Adapt 108 7th, N. W. eor. Taylori wonderfal, he wilderlng le the work of Do Salnte, the peer ef til clairvoyants, whoaa reading are e rsvelstfoa; tsunltes the part ted) glvse as errt power to control say one la 21 days; removes evil Influences sad develops - me diums; locate hidden trsasurs; glvas Dimes. dats and facta.. ARB YOU IN TROUBLE If so aae htm. Do Santa, clairwyent dead trine medium. My madlemahlp la for those who ar In trouble end need help, ever tangled law points, bualneas matter, love, marriage, family trosbla sad divorce! lo ci to fust or tbseot frlsnes. dispels evil spirit,; the slrk srs hat 14; all ebargee far ' treitnienta seasonable. MRS. STEVENS. Portland' leading palmist ssd clairvoyant, give tellable sad acleutlfla reading i tea 60c; rtadtga dally. til Vrftnhlll St., cor. Seventh. MRS. ELIZABETH HOLMES Trass aad bast Bees medium; resdlng dally circle Tassdsy ' sod Friday svsnlngs. 480 Osodaoegh bldg. POB abort tlm I will teach palmistry end emirvoytnr cara reaauig. r or term u I. U. HUX.OBO. t MRS. S. B. 8B1P, clslrvoysst Bad life raedar. '81 Tth. Circle Tuea. aad Prt eve.. 7 tea. POB SALE atltCZLLAJrX 0 UA SEWING mschlnss; loo Ob machtn slightly dsmsged St very low price Singer, V. S., Domaatle, White, New Homs. Olds King, Wlltemetts, Wheeler Wllene and etharsj Boms nw drop-bead machlnea at 130.00. S. 0. - Slgsl, 880 Morrlaon at., cor. 7th, Mareeem . bldg., Portland, Or. FOB SALB Lsdy's Columbia Bew) st essd ever 10 ttnM 438, or rail 268W Stark. bicycle, almoat a. Pboee Clay FOR SALE Tseng ran try birds st raaaoaabks price, ear Tburmsn at POB OAXX XOXEEf AhTB CAXRIAOES. SPAN of kerees. harness snd wagon i good weight, a W. Henry, 814 East Sixth st, S. PXBSOBAX. OUB pil and rstsrrb sure will cere lay caaa. ee manar .bow mssj stssaing: ws susrsnns on bos to curs snd will forfeit Sou In suy esse wber they fall. Lenox Pile A Cstsrrs Curs Co.. 884 Eugene at. Portland. Pboee Ualoa 6781. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Robert' Nerve uiobnie; ons month's treatment, sz; ur months, 86; sent sscursly sesled by mill. Agsnts, Woodsxd, Clerks d Co., Portia ad. Or. CONFIDENTIAL INVESTIGATIONS Reports mads on sny INDIVIDUAL, bualseaa or prop erty; book experted-, beat city rsfersncee. Lock Box 274, Portland. Or. MADAM BEINES -Massothesspy Bits parlors ot jioh rourth St., hss remove te sax Within too st. Rslelgh blk. Booms ap-40. YOUR prescriptions sre mors securstely snd raaaonably Blled st Eysell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrlaon at. bat Ftrat and Seoond its. CATER only to tbs beat people, apectallat en ateeeeee or the hair and acaip. Mr, o. ue Vera, 600 Dekum. Phone Hood 807. HAVE your hair mattresses renovsted nd re turned aame day. Phone Mtn 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory, 228 Front it "ON s Slow Trsla Through Arksneaw," by Jackasa; fall of fun and )oks; 26 cents. Jon', nookitors, 381 Aider at. MME. H. B. Ely. derma tolosist. eealn treatment. ahampoo, electric mattage. 211 Goodaough. MONET TO LOAM. FRED H. STRONG, FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. No commission. I am in a poaltlon to make Immediate loana on Improved real aetata er for build ing purpoaea; sny smosnt; moderate Inter sat We sporevs losns from plsns snd sd. vtace money ss building progresses. Option la repayment srter en yr. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent 108 Socond Bt. near Stark. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYEJBA UNCLB MYERS. UNCLE MYBBS. UNCLB MYERS. (Eatablltbed I860). 148 Third Street Near Alder Leans ea Collaterals. Low Bates. 1 . Csred remed Pledgee far Sals. Phoae Mala Pio. NBW YOBK LOAN OFFICB. T North Third Street M. Miller, Prop. Tann tm nnlltterala. Low Rata. Unredemed pledgee for aato. Watch aad Jewelry repairing. Phone Clay 897. SALABT LOANS Ws tosn money to salaried people ta sums ot 110 to $100; from 1 to 0 months time; no ueisys or unpw in quiries; business strictly confidential and courteous treatment extended to all; private entrance. Nor thwart Loan Co., 821 Ablngtoa bldg. . , . . MORTGAGE LOANS ea Improved city gad farm property at lowest current rate; building losns. Installment loans. Wm. MacMaaur, 811 Worcester bldg. LOANS ON THB EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO SALARIED PEOPLE. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Of nee hours, 8 s. m. to I . a phone 4. Room 718, Tbs Dekum bldg. S. W, eor. Third snd Wsablngton ate. MONBY TO LOAN oo rssl personal snd col li Unl tecurltr; eneclal attention to ehsttel mortgages: notes bought C. W. Pallet 218 Commercial blk. Pbone Main 1885. MONEY to LOAN la large or email smounte on good security; lowm raiea. nuuau v. Back, 807 Falling bldg. MONEY ADVANCED salaried people, teamsters. etc., Without security; essy paymeuw, mrg eat builneta In 4 principal citlea. Tolmea. 223 Ablngtoa bldg. CHATTEL loans In smounte rsnging from 025 to 25,000; rooming-houses s epeciaiiy new Era Loan 4 Trust Co., 208 Ablngtoa bldg. 250 to $1,000 TO LOAN on sny good security; also larger aums on r..i eat 420 Commercial bldg. Phone Clay 406. CHATTEL loans; rooming bouts a epedalty. loam to salariea people. ;rr m Trutt Co., 205 Ablng ton bldg, MONEY TO LOAN on Clacksmie eounty tends. B. F. snd r. o. suiey, oue umor oi wm mercs. . ABT METAL WOBKA ORNAMENTAL work for resldene, business bouses, bsnks snd oinee railing, gnu, nrs plsce flttlngs, rbsndellers, signs, fences, art work In any atvle metal and onlsh; bsmmered lesf work snd mctel spinning a specialty; building conatructurtl work. It K. Tuarek, 403-404 Davla, cor Ninth. ATTORNIYS. 8. B. RIOOBN, attorney and counllor-at-iawj notary. puo-j?U8 ADington nmg. ASPHALT PAVTBO. THB Trinidad Asphalt Psvlng Co. of Perttead. Ofnce too Worcester oik. AiCHTTECTt, HODGSON CO. Architects i sad superia. tendenw. suite bib atscway Diog., aw. aww and Waahlngtoe ate. i BARGING AND UdHTrBINO. OREGON ROUND uMBEB CO.. 101 Bttrnslde t - Phone Grant 1171; brass woaxsT PBIBB BROA BRASS CO., 230 North Eleventh. Braaa, cross eesuags, Bsoee anasisaa gsa em work, f'yv-i y-V'- COLUMN S CZMXST CASTBA0TOBS. HAWKINS FEARIS RaS. SOS Fsorth It., phoas Frsel ItsS; cemewt work of sll de scriptions; step werk saetaltri work gear. antaed. CHAR. H. CARTER, general contractor; cement sldswslks; ssmeat work a spsclslty; til werk gaarsntesd. 107 Orsad srs., N, Bast 1484. CHAS. H. CABTEB CO. (formerly Carter Ell), earnest rsBtraetors. 27l Porter t Phona 2BQ4. Work guaranteed. CI0ABS AV9 T0BA0O0. MBBBO-OUNST CIOAB CO. Ptotrlbetore ef F1NB CIOARA Portlaad. orsgoa. CXRXAX MILLS. ACME MILLS CO., mantftctnrer Bslstea Asms Ceresls. SO sad S3 North front st ootaassxo mxborabta BVERDINO FAB BELL, produce and aomml sles march sate, 140 Front et, Pert la ad. Or. Pboee Mala 170. CATU. THB OFFICB, tBB Washington st, pbeae S. Msla HI. Picket Vlgnasax. 0AFB KRATZ, 123 SIxU t served st sll hours. A See hueh 0B00XXBT AVO OIASgWABE. WROLESALB erockary aad glawwsr. Pral Hegels Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth, eor. Stark at CBXBOPODT ABTJ MABIOVBTBO. THB DETEN8YS, ths only tdentllU ehlropdlta le the city: parlors sui-x aiisky hidg.; this Is the tong-hsfaed gsntlmaa you went to see. Great 10. MBS. LILLIAN B. CBAM, chiropodist maal cor ing and shampooing. 434 Ahlsgtoa. Clay 1762. CAXPXWTXJlfl ABB BuTLDXBS. A. J. AUTHORS A H. E. WOOD, earpeetero ssd builders; repairing snd Jobbing I stors snd offlc flitnree built Shop 808 Columbia. 'Phone CUy 1861. FANNING A BMSTBONG Carpeatare snd builders! repairing aad Jobbing; reaaonabl rate. Shop oaf. Fourth aad Columbia. Front 1385. G. W. GORDON, counters, shelving, h ousts built ad repaired. SOS Fourth. CUy 174. COAL1 ABB WOOD. ALBINA FUEL CO., Rsllrasd St. sad Albtns eve., ar ferry; slsb sad block weed, dry and green. Pboae East 674. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO Phone 1018. Caatla Gate coal will pleas yoe. Phone ee your order. PIONEER Fuel Co., removed from foot Mor riaoa to foot Mala at Phone Msla 189. 0. B. TEI4N. wood snd coil; office 00 Alblna sva., nesr ferry. Phone Esst 1882. OR BOON FUEL CO. I sll kinds ef coal snd wood. 844 Morriaoa. Phone Main 66. DENTISTS. DR. KNODER, dentist 822 Mohswk bldg. OTXTjrS ABB CLEARING. CITY STEAM DYEING A CLEANING WORKS Herman Bnke proprietor. Phone Male 1718. No. 86 Sixth St. sear Pin, Portland. Or. J. HUNTER, 560 . Jeff arson at. steam ssrpst and msttrese cleaning; feather renovating; an work gssrsnusa t-aon Main ii. PORTLAND steam cleaning and dyeing work; Ktcticti nsttsr la eoeneetiou. xil raerta, tone Clay 704. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PBE8SED 01 par moeta. Uaioue Tailoring Co., 847 Washing. ' toe at. H. W. TURNER, profess lonil dyer aad eleaasr, 010 17th. eor. Columbia. Phone Mala 3678. COG ABB X0BA. BOSPTfAL. DB. S. J. CARNEY Veterinary surgeon. 108 North sixth et Pbeae Mala 14S4; re Msla 0687. ' T OX00BAT0BA HENRY KRROKR 130 First St.! ersllBsner. lngrslas, tipeatrlaa, eppileae truss. Inter ior oscoraring. ; piESSMAiroro. MBS. PTTKT1S, l.dle talkrlag aad making. 661 Morrison at Ttlyor sts. FIRST-CLASS dressmskiag. Mrs. Msede Mas- tare, parlors BOO unloa ave,, eor anott si. MBA MeKIBBEN, arttetle dress end cloak- making. 661 Morrlsea st. EDUCATIONAL, PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE Park . and Waahlngtoe sts.. A. P. Armstrong, LL, a., principal; eetabliahed 1808; open all th year: students admitted at sny tlm; private er elsss Instrectloa. Depart menu; Bealaeas, shorthand, typewriting, penmanship, EngUah. Catalogue free. ELECTRICAL WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ' ENGINEERING Company, 808 Stark st, Portias a; o. .. ror everything ta tb electrical Una. Phoae, Main 1885. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL .WORKS Offlc 881 Stark t. Phone Malo 2213, YEATBBBAL rBBUBABOX. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost frster- nsl society or nsrtaweei; prowcm " liv ing.' J. L. Mitchell. BUprems secretsrjr. 812 snd 01S Msrquam bldg., Portland. Or. Tsls phene Mala 842. . rURBTTURB PA0T0BXXA FUBNTTUBB manufacturing and special order. L. Buwnsky't foraltur factory, siu rronc au OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Compear Msnufsetursre of rural tors ror us xrsus. mm First Bt. . 7L0UB AND FEED, FLOUR, feed, potstoos. essl. etc. Herniin Kanae, 410 Kan aavenm ai. rno aeon n. GROCERS. winnimi a CO.. wholesale trocars. facturara ana commission marcasnis. ivwi and Oak sts. MASON, BHBMAN A CO.. wholeaal gTeoars; northwest eor. aeoona snu rue so. ALLEN A LEWIS, wholesale grocers, Pert- bind. Or. La. NO CO., Flret nd Aaktny ate. EATS CLXA3TEO. EASTERN Bat Manufaeturrng CJosnpsny. gyf Flrat, near L'lsy; nan uyeo, cmaaao, mwn made ever b teteet etyke nr Specialty 1 Pans ma hate. . NORTHWESTERN Hat Factory htdtes. aad gentlemen' hats cissnee, Oloctea, rapsjrae, 430 H Wsahlngton St. - -i HOTILA as tssssaehjB esBshBaasae, Betel Portlaad, Amsrtcaa plaai A 00 per day. Belveder; European plan; 4th and Alder at.' IRON W0RXS. ' PHOENIX IRON WORKS Engineer, msnu- fseturere of nmrlne, niimug, loveing sue taw. Btitt mschlnerv: rconmt ttteaiioa te rtr vers rheae, Lst J, iuawuuiiie are. . rBOTBABCE., I8AA0 L. WHITE, Or laswsace. 000 Dshuia , hlug. if,. , ...... ....... , v ., JAS. Mel. WOOD; mployara' liability snd In. , dlvtdasl accident surety hoed et all fciinl. - Phone 47. 803 McKay bldg. H. f. BABTBLS COMPANY. Ore lasurince. set Sherlock bldg. Orsgoa phone Clay 51. FIRB 1NSCRANCE-J. P. Kennedy Co., S21 - H her look bldg. Pbeae Male Isoe, - ARTHUR WILSON, Bra Isauraeee. bldg. Phona Mala l-. Sherkxk JXWILXEB, B. J. OABR Manufacturing Iswetor. 7 and 8, BsBsoa bids., m Morriaoa it.; diamonds reset old jewelry made into new designs, silverware rspollsbed, eld gold Bed' silver nought THB O. HBITKEMPEB CO., manufacturing Jewelers, 280 Morriaoa st ... MUSICAL. MB. AND MBS. H. A. WEBBER, Inatruetore of banjo, maadolla, guitar. 170 Wast Psrk. T. B. LAWSON. 240 Park, eor. Msla. plsno tea. sons; terms rsonsbl. Phona Front 311. MASSAGE. GYPSY JEAN, world-renowned magnetic h'tler. aim Miatme naina, rariora sw-su waan lngton St.. Rslelgh blk. ' . ' MAOKXTIO BE ALE R. TREATS all disss. OfOc first and Onnt i itt. 8 a. m. to 0 p. at Prof.. J. W. . , Ratcllffa. ' i , MASSAOE . AND BATHA VAPOR bathe tod maatir by lady with young lady aeaietant llOVi Fourth, room 0. hTUOIO SEALEBA FISHES MUSIC CO., IPO Third st Victor telklng mschluss; repairing. Had 082, - NOVELTY WORKS. STAB Novelty Works; gslvsnlard tanks, general repairing; secondhand bicycle. 87 L'uioa OSTEOPATHT DBS. ANNA M. AND FRANK J. BARB, grade ate American School of Osteopathy aad A. T. -Still Infirmary of Klrkavllle, Me. Phone,. Main 2223. Room 800 Dekub bldg. A 7o-B. A OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB BOAD OVERALLS sad BMchan. le clothing; anion made, aeuatadter Brae., manufacturere. Portland, Or. PRESS CLXPPIXOA MAKE MONEY! USB PRESS CUPPINGS! 1 Ring ap Black II and order a month e service covering every town la any er au enast tate; dally meesesgar service: advanco raporta oa all contract work. Portlaad office 100 Second st PLUMBERS. POX A CO., Sanitary plumbers. 281 Second, bet ataia ana salmon, uregoa poena, bus suui. DONNERBERG A RADEMACHER. plumbers, removed to 84 Fourth st Both sboeies. PATENTS. B. a WEIGHT, lawyer; patent a specialty; PKorrnra. X, ANDERSON A DCNIWAX COMPANY, printing. lithographing, blank booka. rhoee Msla II. 208 Alder St. PAINTS. 0TL AID GLASS. F. BL BEACH CO. Pioneer Pslnt Oo selUng ths nest things made is palnta and general building materials; wlndow-glaas aad glsstng s specUlty, 186 First st; phone Mala 18S4. DAVID M. DUNNE A CO. Phoenix Pslnt snd Oil Works: mtnufteturors snd Importers ptlnti, ollt snd tprsyt, etc.; phona 1ST. Office and factory, Sherlock ave. and Nineteenth st. W, P. FULLER A CO., msnufsetursre Pioneer . laid, Phoenix Paint. Kopallne; a gnaraetee ' rives with every gtilon ef paint maoBfactared THE KNAPP HART. CO.. agents for the Klnloch house palnta. 888 Hawthorn eve. Pbone Esst 1047. BA8MUSEN ca. Jobbers, palate, elm, glass, . sssfr snd doors. 180 First st ' PAPEBIB0) ABO CALCIMnTIXa. . BOOMS pspersd or esldmined from OtilO ep; ws esrrv.e full line wallpaper, room mould ings, paints snd vsrnishes; 1804 wallpsper pet terns from 10c double roll ep. Portland Pslnt A Wallpaper Company, 100 Second ot Phone Black 2976. BOOrOfQ. PERRELL'S Samsos Mads-o-Lsld reef; bB kind of root painting ssd repaMng. W. A Partall. OOVs Pint at Pboee Boost MA TIW ROOFING, guttering, repairing snd general j Jobbing. J. tool!. 812 Jefferson strss. BUXEEB STAatPA P. a STAMP WORKS. S48 Alder et. phoesv Msla 710 rubber stamps, seal, etewlls. bee gsgs. trsde cbscks, box printing plate. sPBATnra abb wbttewasbtbuv. aPRAYING sad whltewssBlnav meats, aarae, ooett, etc, au w. morgsa or- . -; Co. Call ep Scott 364. we win call aad : give yea trans ee your work. The largvet i Esollne eprsylng nd whitewashing eetilt , I Multaomsh eeeaty. 070 MUwsekte t, ' rttaad. Or. ' ; BOPS. PCBTLAND CORDAGE CO., or. Peerteeath . " -I , aad Northrop at.. ,Wmb ry-AjUi)U '..'.:.' STORAGE AVO iajursrtB.---'--"": C O. PICK, of floe SS First st, between Stark t snd Osk Sts. I phone 604; pit not and fornl-j. turs moved end packed for shipping; com- . mod km fireproof brick wsreheos. Front snd Clay st. . ....... ),' BUY TOUB SAFES ef J. A Dvt: nev ra pair and toekente ttfely eoae. SO Third et tWOWCASXS AVO ITXTUBIS. SHOWCASES ef every eeeerlptlsa; bank, bar ana etore nxrures msas to eraer. to L.nits Manufacturing Co.. Portland aad Smttle.. : SHOWCASES, flxtnres end One eablnet werk. portlasq ahowcate a sixtar atinsracranng . eempeay, 848 First Phoae Black , Su j, , Phlhp Stein, Mgr. - , . -. v. .ff. tATXOBA -.y ' ,?yd J. BEITZELE, tsitor, removed from 860 Aider . to 830 Burnalda at. Motel Bcott blOg., ana iB- sites old friends end eustoaters. . LITTEL makes psnta, suits to order: old salts . mad aewi work guaranwea. B4T Btajiaoa. TRAXSyXB AVO HAULTBaV OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 North SlBtB. Miepaoaa, suae e. guevy asuiug aaa ssas- POST SPBC1AL DELIVERY. . Ne. S00V4 Wsse- . lngxon . raost, ur., main ess.- - - TTPXWaJTXAA TOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS- . v. 880 Stara atrsst ; ;.. W teat repair, sell, exchange, typewriter'-;; All supplies tor eu mseaunts, -Standard machlnaa 810. . 814. 039 aad'e---- te fiuu. -. ' .'i.;,.!-rvi.,v; po you went atanogrspner or typint . -.j we have MsVot good appHcanei.!:- v;... atwca BBiVi. RTvCW''',.: T0WXL B0PPXT. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY-Comh, -fl , $1 Per BeetA Uwreaae Broa Towel Supslf esaSpsBy, 4te d Coach. Phsns 43a.- - . naOUTAAIBA IRSTLASS eabelsteringi sew ssd ee- hind furniture; furniture, staves rr-""ij msttrnsts atretched, r-noratedj good n -4 for ahlpment -f Flf'H st - WHia's ta STROUBM'S ReTritAfT. rl.a e Ml rflJa- na-.-- .. ", Weill-1 . kWV 4 ,t ; l;V't;-!.''iSi'' i - - -!- -,-