The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 21, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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Bl SBBSU!,., I X-Jlii-L.JWBBggagggBg!
3 -
ness toward her coualn and her selflah-
Miss Perrlngton, ha said. If you
will allow me to conitltute myaclf your
escort, .X think I can conduct you not
only to a ilaoe of snfety but to a coif n
of vantage where we abaJl have a, vary
food view."
Julia wai all smiles now.
"Oh, how ilellghtfui:" ahe cried. "But,
Oh. how can 1 come? It will be robbing
some one of their place won t It?
1 offered the neat to your coualn at
Bret," acknowledged Treherne, "but aha
thrown ma over for the Goldman
Perhaps aha made aoroa mlataka
about the day," aald Julia. And Tre
herne thought what a generoua little
aoul it waa.
"There waa no mlataka," ha answered.
"Well Mia Partington, la my rejected
at worth your acceptance!"
She nailed, too.
"I m afraid I'm not nmnri at alt w aK
circus wun you. iou sea, air. uoiaman i eonfMseeVjt 1 am vary aorry for-your
aisappointtnent. for I know you muet
b disappointed; but I ahall be so pleased
to accept, and I think, you ara
vary aina to oner ma your escort-
Whan a team of Dlebald ooalaa came
Into tha arena and ahowad off their
graceful accomplishments Tulle's ayea I
paraiea ana her cheeka flushed with
childish enjoyment She loaned forward
In har escljament. displaying tha araoe-
iui contour or nar ngur.
Wbaa tha circus waa an ever Dick
neaved a sigh of rears I. echoed by Julie.
There atlll remained tha Uak of getting
ner noma, ana vie waa determined to
aacort June to ner vary door.
"do you know." aha aald. aa they
waiaea aiong aiowiy aide by aide. "I
never recognised yon In the crowd until
you turned-round, and all the tlma 1 1
waa trying hard to net to rou. because I
I thought her I a good broad pair of
enouiasrs: ir I cat to them I ahall be
Treherne laughed.
"iN MMUu ma conrtllmen U." ha
Oh," aald Julia, simply. "I ahould feel
aara with you anywhere."
I steered you aafely throuah the
crowd," saifi Treherne. with gravity,
"but If you Want to prove your words
you win trust ma to ateer you throuah
'vn. Mr. Treherne. I don't under.
stand." aald Julia. .
t31vn a hoDe." aald Trahvot "fVi
I may teach you to understand. I don't
aspect you to lore me all at once,
though a single day aoent with you haa
been sufficient to give my heart Into I
(Oopyrlgbt. 1804, by W. B. Hertt.)
It waa only yeaterday since he had
Men bar, and ba waa fully anticipating
seeing her tomorrow, when a double
knock of the peremptory pout man order
sounded and the servant entered with
an range-colored envelope in ber hand.
"A telegram for you, air. The boy t
Dick Treherne tore open the message,
ant, having hastily read It, tosead It, a
Crumpled ball. Into the grata.
"No anawer," he aald curtly. J"or It
ran thus:
"Unavoidably prevented torn arrow,
.Will explain later.
Treherne had half expected something
Of this sort. Toatarday, whea ha had
talked softly to har of tha long after
noon ha hoped to spend In her company.
h had amid aomewhat dubiously
"After all. Dick. I don't know whether
I ought to have promised to go to tha
sent round thl morning to aay ha had
.r got a box at tha Hippodrome and ha
. i . would take ua up to London, would w
all com. - It would ba much nicer than
' ' a country , ahow wouldn't It? Much
safer, I mean. Of aouraa I ahould like
' to go with yowmwfully, hut you know
what a traveling circus la, and how
nervous I am la a crowd."
Dick had fait distressed at .har speech
' than, for ho had taken the beat seata ha
could afford, and avan atretched a point
. at that, but ha was madly In love with
.tier, and triad to Uvarh away ner fears,
. promising to take aplendld car of har,
ana genuinely believing aha meant them
seriously. But this moasage of here at
th4 laat moment put a different com-
- , plexlon on affairs.
The fact of th matter ni that
. Jfabel had got a bettor Invitation and
was behaving aa aba. had one or twice
behaved before under aomewhat almllar
- - circumstances.
Dick had looked forward to the mor
' , row, meaning to plead hla cause thet
and hoping that Mabel would oonaent
: v to b the queen of his small kingdom;
but he bad at last awakened from the
- cherished dream and now finally real
r'M Ised that Mabel would chooae to marry
" . d. , . . . . .
v: iw montr ratnerinan ior love; mat
. the devotion he offered would count lit
tle with her when compared with Mr.
Goldman's banking account .'
; . Dick began to feel hew vain bis hopes
nan. Dean,
, "That little cousin of hers, Judle Per-
riBgton, is worth a dosan of her, I'll be
oeuna." no commented to himself
.. j Those blue eyes of hers look true and
cano id enough, strange that even while I your keeping. Believe me," he added.
Tr . .TTTT?TT.r "rrt. .w. f". iwrawuy, i tooK me uoerty ox of
fering you a rejected escort, I am nof
leaning with you to accept a rejected
Jul I
"I wish I bad asked her to so with
m. sn would not have cone back on
-. her word, I'm ejulte sure, even if ahe
red had a better offer. But; there!
wnat a root I ami No doubt she haa a
lover of her own. TaJr. kind and true,'
as Shakespear has It, does not go beg-
. Mabel's telegram had unset and an
pored Treherne, and when he went to
. bed that night It was half with- the ln-
. lentloai of erivina- m tha whale ihnw
' iTher waa not much fun In going to a
thine of that kind by one's self, he
- . thought. But In the morning be awoke
v a air re rent frame of mind altogether.
He was quite determined now to make
is or his seat at the circus, even If a
r scant one yawned at his side. .
' He started In good time, and as soon
. u he was fairly out upon the country
road found himself in the midst of a
ood-humored, hastening crowd.
Presently, when he entered the field
-- where the clrcu had been set up. he
was brought to a standstill. His broad
thoulders stood hint in good stead, and
.ma little while he was able to move
sn; but people seemed to be pressing
aim on every side and a gjender form
... was wedged up against him.
It was Julie Perrlngton! She recog-
sisea xrenerne si once, ana nis nana
sioved to his bat
w-rMles Perrington!" he cried In delight
, let me take care of you.
She seemed to, be on the verge of tears.
. Xn, Mr. Treherne," she cried. "I am
iuite alone! I bad no Idea It would be
like this."
"But how la thter he cried In asten.
vhment 'urely Mr. Goldman Included
fou la bis party r .
'Be didn't mention me specially,' she
mid, flushing, "but aunt thought I was
- t
kiaant to be Included, only Mabel said I
sad nothing; smart enough to weatv ex-
pt for a country show." Juli grew
Karlet at the remembrance or thU sneer
- in added, "and that gave me tha Idea
tf coming in this way, for I have never
t toen a circus since I waa tiny child,
- Mid I did so want to.'"
i Treherne's resentment was kindled
r-)gaiiist Mabel doubly for her unkind-
lover, but a very earnest obe on his own
' Her eyes met his bravely. 1 have al
ways loved you," she said, simply, "but
I never hoped for such haDnlness."
Treherne Darted with her at the houaa.
He would not come In. aa ahe had beraedH
him not to announce their engagement I
till the morrow.
The others had net vet returned, an 1
sne ran up to ber own room to indulge In
presently mere came a knock at the
door,-and without waiting for an answer
jnaoei entered.
"I'm tired outf" shs said, abruptly.
'Julie, X Wish rou'd come and heln me
in mA I
Julie rose, too hsppy to be tired even
after her long day.
res, dear." she said gently, "you look
worn out
Mabel threw herself into a chair and
raised ber arms sbov her head. "At
any rate," she said, "Mr. Soldman has
proposed to me, and, needless to add.
have accepted him. I wish he were not
quit so old, though, but Z shall be the
wife of a millionaire, and that's some
.am, asa now jet s near about you,
Julie. How did you get on? Did you
aw wen r
saw everything splendidly!" aald
Julie. "I met Mr. Treherne, and he took
care or me the whole tlma"
Mabel stared. "Oh," she said. "I sun-
pose you know he asked me, but I don't
care to go in that style, and I wired at
m e last i couidn t come. He was ai
cross as a bear with a sore head, I ex
pact . Ton must have had a lively
. 1 .M
unti ... ... . .. -..
"He was not cross at all to me," amid
nuu.oxzB Trrro9 xobo.
From the Albany Herald.
" W. J. Fisher, superintendent One
m una -county poor xarnv-haa recently
aa some unpleasant experiences with
in Inmate of the institution, named
Johnson, an old man who has been at
the poor house for some time. There
ire a couple of men at the poor farm
rho are practically helpless, one of them
pavia i nomas, an old soldier, is a para
lytic, and Johnson has waited On these
wen, although himself 71 years of age.
fonnson in hla younger days was a
Methodist minister and had good stand
mg. He waa bright In his day, and
when young received a good education.
But drink, for which he seemed to have
in abnormal desire, it is said, brought
him into trouble, until in hla old age his
wife dead and unable to maintain him-
relf, he had to take refuge In the poor
ouse In order to secure shelter and
tubal stance.
It appears that he cared for Thomas,
Ihe old aollder at the farm, and when
hia charge aecured a pension check this
week, Johnson had the old man assign it
to himself in return for servloea ren
lered, he says and came to town to
cash the check. He accomplished this
ana wnen he returned to the farm the
superintendent found him In a maudlin
state. Inquiry soon developed the fact
that Johnson had secured the old sol
dier's pension check, and that he had
proceeded to "bowl up" on some of the
proceeds, ana Mr. fisher decided to
lake the money in his possession away
irora xne qia reuow to prevent his fur
ther enjoyment of the flowing bowl,
jonnson re r used to give up the money
nd a struggle ensued over the poases-
non or me runaa. out Mr. Fisher se
cured them after a physical encounter
that was pot very serious.
Johnson at once come to Albany and
naae complaint to Deputy -tills.
nci Attorney c- n. neny, and that of
Bclal referred him to County Judge H.
h. mmer. ine juage neara Johneon's
. torn plaint as well as the report of the
; affair presented by Superintendent
fisher, and It was stipulated that Judge
' Palmar should take the money pending
a settlement or me arrair. judge Pal-
. mer will go to the poor farm today or
. tomorrow ana investigate the matter and
see to settle the trouble between the
superintendent and the inmate. Johnson
-was still in town yesterday afternoon
' and lie waa reported to -, be drinking
t heavily. . . ' - , ,
Johnson, when not In Ms cups, is a
valuable qm at the SarjC for t ffiafcea i
"I suppose he's fsJlaaMn love with
you," sneered Mabel, w
"At any rate, he asked me to marrv
mm. aaia juiie, ana I v promised to
oe nis wire.
Mabel began to laugh, bnt ber voles
sounded harsh and constrained aa aha
arreciea to say carelessly: "8o we are
DOtn engaged on the same davl What
an extraordinary eolneldeneel"
himself cenersily ueefut and though at
an advanced age, can" do considerable
work, but when he can do so he will
drink to exoess and Is then unruly and
disagreeable,- and at such -times eausee
considerable trouble. Efforts will be
made by the authortties to arrange mat
ters so that hs will not bs ahla to -
our liquor In the future.
Glue Pots
Hair Dryers
Sealing Wax
Small Stoves
Curling Irons
Tailors' Irons
Foot Varmers
Laundry Irons
Chafing Dishes
Soldering Irons
Instrument Sterilizers
Ice Cream J Freezers
Dental Engines
Drill Presses
Gas Engines
Automobiles .
It will be useful to you for some of the above and the' stce vyiU
nxxn xosTSTt wjutb to bxajc.
From the Chicago Tribune.
Just to oblige" a depositor, tha cash.
ler of a bank in a western fown allowed
him to overdraw his account 11.S0S. A
few days later the cashier learned there
was to be an examination of the bank's
accounts. He sent at once for the de
positor, told him of the Impending ex
amination and asked him to make his
acoount good.
I can't do It," replied the depositor.
i naven t me money, and I can't noa
siDiy raise it inside of three weeks,
wnat can I do about It?"
ine casmer was in sore straits h
did not have money enough f his own
to mane good the dericit, and for a long
time he couldn't think of anv war of
Bridging the trouble. Suddenly a bright
iaea aawnea on mm. . .. ,
"1 11 tell you what wen do," he said
to the depositor. "Tod draw a draft on
me snan or Persia for I,000 and de
posit it In your account It will be at
least six weeks before we'll have it re
luuiBu pruiesiea. jneanwnue you can
skirmish up the money to make good the'
The depositor laughed at the Idea, but
maae out toe arart on the shah and put
it in for collection.
"There'll be a hot time In Persia when
tne snan gets that." the depositor said to
cashier, and the oashier greed with
Within the three weeks the depositor
nioua mum collections through his regu
lar business and straightened out his
Dana account. '7
About six weeks after the draft was
mads out on the shah tha euhtAr
ceivea a cnecx from Teheran for $1,000
from the eauerry of the shah. On A.
oaca or ma voucher which accompanied
it and above the indorsement of fh
eauerry this statement was written:
ihe . Shah Of Persia ramiaata tk.t
hereafter all, bills from tha TTmt.
States of America shall be itemised."
efsted Stock Canned Oeoda,
AUen V Imxld' fisaj raad.
Mineral Springs
To Whom It May Concern
I had
t cams to the above springs on Ai
m taae treatment ior my eyes.
a very severs attack of catarrh of the
eyes, was almost blind after treating
with the best specialists that could be
found, and suffering for nine rears. 1
have at last found a curs her t
r imuuo iu;Afl ErKiMUS, i can
not Dralse them too hlarhlv. I him h,t
uiuon Laat in mill mima will n v, inai.
viu neniwuuuT. .-
Room I0S, Commercial Bldg., Portland,
Mr. I. C. Palmar, of Palmar. Or., 'waa
cured of rheumatism.- If you are sick
write to us: ws win anve you tha nfamt
and address of some ona cured of a
similar complaint
Every IVcnan
. . . eb?n wonderful
makyll Whirliaa Spray
jsfaiw convemem.
InnUbH. Hi, J t 1
If he en
o war, imt wad suia. for
Ulutrsted boofe-MM It
rail partleaUn aaSdlraet
vslubletplMUce, MAKVKX
SVI aoeept as '
, but wnd Mua (or
um. iiSTrst
directions In.
Yew Vark.
For Balm
troooAJts, oxwaJt:
We will sell a
B-XreweT, Box Cover Sewln ICa-
MlM . B10.SO
vrop Kaa , fl.0s
These are new and up-to-date Sewing
Standard Sewing Machine Office
- 880 TamhlU gt, Conor fourth.
Needles. Xil, and Repairs. Second.
band lCacbines all makes, from tt to
tlO in good order.
r Sur ir iiiisj asa asj ass B rSTBi .
ULBTtBT--Udrlok Tluniu.
Tuscan MineraJ SpringsCorp.
TVSOAsT. oai.
nam boo rou somi or sf oxaox
in your nous soon' pays for Itself la
g of f ueL Let us fir
th cost of Installlns
comfort, and savin
ure witn you en
one la your house.
til Seoond St,
OLjsayei rnnaee Oe-
Tel. Idaln
cas. virisLov's
. sootiii;:q syrup
. 1 hM bees sd by HUHon of Kothm for tlWtr
i ehUdrea while Teetaina tor over nftyTeuaT
, i It soothes the ohlld, softeas the gums. aUars i '
rvllM Cures In
f )40Houre
, H ! .xi)ears
J ... fa the richest grain, fink and stock aecnoa la
t the world. ThoeiaBiicscmoninilitstttul
cost of irHptkin. t Deed eirect from State af
M A P FREI, Desehutei Irrinaen and Power Cem-
Fn, 6 1 o-i ihi McKjij BuUdint, Portlaad, Oitgoo. ',
The Qreat Chinese Doctor
Ton will know It waa printed la
an office run under fair oondl
ttons. Demand 1$ on all your
printing. , , . -
Portland Allied PrfctJri Trad
vompoHa or
Valoa. .-H '
1 tins' ItmimWi rataau ,'
Vrotherliooerof Bookbinders. , '
StereotypMaj' and kleetavtrMtsf
. . IhtM . A .. . T -...
uCBJla-v I
vss Big e) far sasatafat
I irrltktloM er alosratieas
SimiHSATI.i SeM by PrSWtsS,
, J . I , SI M. at bettlca SS.U.
r. CiKMuar swt aa masst. 1 1
I called great be.
.; cauae his wonderful
gums are so well
newn throughout
th Stilted states,
and becauae so msny
people are thankful .
He treats any and
all diseases with
erf ul Ohlntit
orbs, roots, buds.
j nerb
I bark
barks and vegetables
- A that are entirely un
known to meoJoal science In this coun
try, and through the us of these harm
less remedies. This famous doctor knows
the action of over too different remedies
that he has successfully used la different
vousness, stomach, liver. - kidneys, . fe-
diseasea, Hs guarantees to euro eatarrb.
asthma, lane troubles, rheumatism,
vouaness. stomach, liver. - kidneys
male trouble and all nrivats.dfseasea.
Hundreds of testimonials. Charges
moderate. Call and see him, ,
Patients out of -the eitv wrtta fn
oiana ana cirouiait aaoi
lose stamp. Ad-
ti tni- -" w -y