The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 13, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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    , .'::''( -X: ;'-,'."- ' ' i -the "Cregon
'' (Continued from P On.) :
. . - 1 "
1 t.v
Inr the man III th box factory ovrtlm
tryinr to t out th ruh ordora that
wo hav roooived daring tho Ut Urn
weoks, ,Two tbouMnd do)lra" worth of
' ' a V; ''....
' 1 -" . " 1 . . ' ' " -1J-IJ .
'V'-y 'rj.f
. ' ''' a ,.'!: ' ' . : ', : , ' ''". ' ' f - '
Challenges Binger Hermann, His Opponent in
the 'Race for Congress, to a Joint Tour -'
of the District
r. v. "
' Jl-i 1 -C '
- U 7
t ;;
lL . .
,i Or BEXXS BAXSB AOAXMK AWJ- J promUod to lv us thro boxcar tbla
' ubnB mm ZimraB XMTOmMM I moraine. On carload of baakota waa
, 9KXBKT V" I to have been shipped to Denver within
uvujtr vvwa. I the next twoTw thr aya
son axroma tbiaa.,
"Nearly all of the mlU handa ruehed to
the Are aa aoon a they heard the alarm,
and every one did all In.hla power to
avo what he could from our; build
in ce, The, oflloe furniture and hooka,
lift trunks and 1 horses were saved.
' ffipeetal Dkpiteli te The JamatL) :
.., ' Gold HU1, Or. May It. CoL Robert
. -, M. Veatch, the Democ ratio nominee for
, ,'. conrresamaa from : the JPlrat . district.
i opened his campaign last night with a
. rousing mass meeting. A big audience
' assembled to hear him and the 'en-
thuslasm was unrestrained. ,'
K' ' Colonel Veatch devoted himself 'to a
. review of Binger Hermann's career ' In
-ubitcoraee, from his removal from -the
receivership at. Roeeburg 1 8. years ago,
-"down td his summary discharge -from the
offlce of land commissioner a little more
, than a year ago. The evidence of the
, government records and t&i proofs
f. gathered by special agents of the land
department were cited In' formidable
In asking the circuit court for a new
trial of the damage suit Instituted by
Belle Belter against llyer Kutner, the! .,.-,, ,h. Mra . raaeh our hoc
pawnbroker, Attorney II. Denllnger I factory for eome time after the Day
makes the grate charge that witnesses I mm na4 burned, still the firemen were
for the woman's side of the case were I i,n.hi tn da mare than the did on the
Improperly Influence to withhold damag- a0CoUnt of lack of water. I- am aura
Ing testimony, while others, were ut- chief Camobell and his men did avenr-
dueed to remain out of. the case, Theselthlnf in their power. to save property
accusations are made In a motion for a J att night, but what on earth can a Are
new trial filed yesterday afternoon. " f department do without water t I gave
O. U Landlngham ana wainan sigeiK i the- firemen their breakfasts this morn
it la alleged. testified in direct oon- ,nr and I waa glad to be able to do an.
tradietlon t6 aUtementa of the circum
stances made by them previous to the
trial. Their testimony earns aa a sur
prise, it is. asserted, which could not
with reasonable dUlgenoa have; been
guarded against
They had worked for over six hours la
a blase that was as hot. if not nottsr.
than the fiery furnace told of la the
Bible." . .
Mr. Wrenn stated that the Multnomah
Trunk and Box factory - started - their I
Other grounds on which a new trtalpnta jn mi. The property was pur
ls asked are an error of law . and the enased from the South Portland dumber
discovery of new evldenoe aubaequent company. The plant waa ownsd by S.
to the trial. - - B. Wrenn and A. V. Douty, and was the
The woman sued for damages 1a the imut of its sort on the coast north
amount of ll.lod. She alleged that when 1 0f Ban rranclsoo. Mr. Wrens auted
aha went to Kutner pawnshop, (a North I that they would rebuild aa aooa pos
Thlrd street, to redeem a cape sha Tiad I ihla . -
pawned. Kutner told her- It had been I , . Kamr' Vaaok B1aa
cnaVaTTe u 7.T wltn 1..
a cans and followed hsr along the aide-: 'T Zt the
walk, behtlng her until Who felL She h0" XSSL the aeaTtha miUa
alao charged that during the melee she .SSJ
was attacked by a dog. i Kutnero de
fense waa that the woman strnok him
with an umbrella, and that he merely
defended himself. -
Accompanying tne motion are amaav
Its of Denllnger and J. B. Bastern. The
lawyer swears that prior to the hearing
filgell told" him. he had seen the woman
struck and followed. Eastern swears
that he waa Informed by Landlngham,
who conducts a barbershop near the
scene, that-Kutner had struck the wo
man, followed her along the sidewalk,
beating, her, and would havo killed her
If his sons had not come out of the
pawnshop and pulled him away.
array, to demonstrate Hermann's re
sponsibility, for the colossal frauds
which have - been perpetrated. Colonel
i. Veatch-made a scathing arraignment of
the Republican nominee and he was In
terrupted again and again by tho en
thustastle applause of his' hearers.'
Colonel Veatch Is conlldent of success I committees have been appointed from
ana aeciares nrs oeuer that the voters the various local lodarea. as . follows
of the first, district WUI not again re- Oregon lodge No. lo.'N. Mosessohn. S. I
turn to Washington a maa whoss record I stone and H. Wolf; North Pacific No.
Portland lodges B'nkl B'rith will cele
brate the annual visit of their grand
president and grand orator by a union
meeting to be held in the Selllng-Hlrsch
building Tuesday, May 14, at S p. m.
Grand President H. Wascerwlts snd
Grand Orator M. 8. Levy, both Of San
Francisco, will arrlvs In the afternoon
of May 14, and will be met and escorted
over tho olty by committees from the
various local lodges. The pr'ogrsm for
the evening's meeting will embrace
musical numbers and It will be an
nounced later. Portland Is in district
number 4 and the visiting officials ars
the most prominent of the district grand
For the arrangement of, the meeting,
te so tarnished as Is Hermann's, -
, In the course of his sddress Isst night
he declared his intention to challenge
Hermann to a Joint campaign of the dis
trict The challenge will be sent Im
mediately upon Hermann's return from
S14, A. Rosensteln, I. Gevurts; Port
land No. 41(, I. Leeser Cohen, Otto J.
Kraemer and A. Stone; Sabato Morals
No. 4(4, I. Swett, W. Fest J. M. Rlcen.
The objects of ths order are benev
olence, fraternity and good fellowship.
(Special Dispatch to The 7osraaLt
torvallle. Or.. May It The list an-
Waahlngton, which la expected within a I The Portland lodgee are atrong In num
lew oaya. , ' i hers and good works and the annual
meeting la considered one of the events
of ths year by local Hebrews.
(Journal Special Berries.)
New York, May It, James N. Abeel,
(Continued from Page One.)
the Lla Tung peninsula and Tankushan.
by the excessive heat,, a majority of
ths sightseers watched tha flames until
4 o'clock this morninsr. ' ."
At 11:41 o'clock the flames lit up the
whole of South Portland. The duplay.
waa a moat beautiful one. and waa vis-
Ibis from almost every part of tha olty.
Many tiroes during the four hours that
ths flames rated, several , whirlwinds
caught up ths burning rragmsnis ana
twisted and whirled them for many
yards,' One of those cyclone-like
winds carried small brands to ths height
of too feet The whole of the river for
several blocks down tho stream waa cov
ered with ashes." t 1 1 -
From -the east side of the river tho
view was a beautiful one. The flames
leaped to the height of several hundred
feet, and those who witnessed the Are
from the east slds state that ons could
see to read a newspaper by the light of
the blase for several hours.
Although Chief Campbell stated that
the fire was under control shortly after
t o'clock this morning, ths recall was
not turned la until 4:15 o'clock. Two
engines and a truck remained at the
scene of the fire until a late hour this
. "bargest la a Tear.
It was tha largest fire In Portland
slsoa ths burning of the Eastern lum
ber. mill, a year ago," said Chief Camp
bell this morning, "and It was one of
tho worst ones to light that I1 ever" w.
Owing to a four and a six-inch water
main, which led to the Day mill and
the box factory being left open, the
pressure on ths outside hydrants waa
so weak that they, were of hardly any
uae to us. If the firsboat had bees In
commission it would have saved a great
deal of property.", , . ; f . 4. . ,
Assistant Chief Laudenklos ' waa tha
only one of the firemen Injured at thla
morning's fire., While attempting to save
some hose belonging to engine S his
right arm was badly burned about the
elbow, and his back and face scorched.
Although the burns were painful, he
remained on duty until 4 o'clock, when
he had- the wounds dressed, being ab
sent only a few minutes.
As the wind was blowing from the
southeast the firemen made a success
ful stand against the spread of the
flames across the railway track. The
great lumber piles belonging to the box
factory, and the sash and door plant
of ths Day company were saved.
4--;r- At C)Q 7toro That uavca You Money . t Aw.
r These U-Qaaxt Paih are "
1 f .'.' " : ' ; . 't L f .-t .
W J I . 1 L f '
mm is
-These 12-Quart Pails crt
OriSdlo; Stnrday'.Evcnirigf-F to-
' v , . . ' . ' , ' i! ' vv - :
. M ' .Only one to a customer -
lh - v. ' positively NO Telcphono Orders T$kea " ' It
it - f - t . , m av '.'vwv' Me . ' a t eav ea w J
r m . -it
flf o esa .si 'l.s 1 J - I , , . ' trs.rS CUa.
" i - -V -;'
thslr salaries and traveling expenses te
and from tho United States are charged
to tha Missionary society,
The question of a dlocea blshoprie
was aprung yeeterday. This Is a con
troversial question with tha Impression
growing that tha ehurch would bo better
served by bishops stationed over a cer
tain territory than by tha present lntsr
natlonal plas. Objection is urged to
what seems to be nnneoesssry sxpense
In traveling long distances resulting
from promiscuous Supervision. To ram-
OB MAJTT QITXSTZOBB BAM edy these. It la urged that a bishop be
X0&8B TOB BraCOfACT ABBXVBS f?D,"f"f.,' I1 ow
a s bibj viiw awevvasvewe-i
dzsottss xam umzt
Zaaymaa Aak for
Tha laymen present, among whoa art
such men as tha chief JuaOoa of Manr-
(Br Ber. 0. B. Ollaa.) land. Judge Hiram Biblev of .Ohio, and
(Special Correspondent of The JoornaL) I Senator MeClellaa of Now I Torn; are
Loe Angeles, May lt-The Methodist asking, detaUed atatamenta rram the
Episcopal conference ie killing time, trustees of ths several Wnda, as to
while the-reports on important ques- amounts expended in salaales,. traveling
tlona are being aettled In the standing expenses and house rents, for tha fclsh-
oommltteea Rev. WlUUm Quayle of npa and all other areneral efflcara of tha
Jr nual Oregon Orange will be held at Cor-1 who masqueraded aa J. Ogden Goelotj One transport alone carried 1,800 men
vallls, May 24 to ST. and will be ths
r r largest ever held In tha state. - One bun
v ,;dred local granges will be represented
by delegates, and some others by vls-
. 'lor"- AW nunarea visuore are ex
v pected.
was convicted of forgery in ths third I who were packed like sardines." No one
degree and sentenced today to the El-1 was allowed to leave or renter the city
mirs reformatory xor rrora it months lorior to the fleDartur of tha ahina.
Abeel created considerable of a stir I
among certain New Torkere by posing I
Agricultural hsU win bo tha mlijmmJ Ogden aoe-
(Continued from Page Ona)
Attorney Fltsgerald. "She tells me that
If this man is not stopped from molest
ing her, she will go crasy that she can
not endure his tortures longer-"
I have never" Van Houten said,
attendant banquet will take place Thurs-
emplpyed In a branch office at the Hoff
man house in New York. They became
- . ..m.mvw.m IMU wilt m iub, . ... . . . . , . ' I v, a. m. mw
place. A baiMuet will bo given Tuea-f ?" nra yioieni pro- leaves Tsarakoyoselo Sunday evening
tor Moscow ana
May tt. :t
The new from the front today Is very
meagre. General Kuropatkin's plans are
being closely guarded but It is believed
there will be a concentrating of troops
T I -... n ITk. T. ... 1- I
in h. MMiuin with mat I a you undersUndr
A ukase issued.' today authorises the
1..... A M ... ... S 1 .
reach the ears of the Goelet family. .1 Zt
principal is exempt from taxation. The
loan will be effected through Paris
t day. Railroads have alvsn a 1 1-t rata 1" J '1 " ' u,l;""'
nrl tinr.i. .t ri i "ngaeo, ana am ibci Doing maae puouc
- " . . i h the vnune-" wnmen'a - hnunt. ,n I
were much elated to think that their
daughter who, poor but respectable, had
been selected by so prominent a society
man ror nis vrtda caused the fact to 1
Committees from COrvallis. ths Aarl.
cultural college and the local grange will
meci eikjocai, trains. ,
Kharkoft. returning
"Shut up," said Judge Hogu Inter
rupting Van Houten.
"J want to tell you right now, sir, that
if you molest that woman while thla
case Is jtendlfcg. I'll make It hot for. you
who Immediately entered a denial Snd I
search was begun for the; impoetor. ...
Aoeei nea to Canada, out through let
ters to friends he was finally run down
and returned to New Tork for trial.-1
(Journal Special gcrvice.V -
St Louts. Mav IS ExQutan T.llnn.
kallnl and suite departed this morning
xor nonoiuiu. rrince Cnpld accompanies
them as far as San Francisco, when be
win return for the national Republican
.At the depot the prince created' some
excitement by distributing about HO In
upa in aoout nve minutes.
"I have never harmed her. I merely
wanted iny children." wss Van Houten's
reply. "
"They are na much her children aa
yours, aald Judge Hogue, ' and I think
she Is better able to care for them than
you. We will take care of that matter,
and you need not worry about their wel
fare." Van Houten rode down from Dayton.
Or., with Mrs. Van Houten'a mother and
little Hasel yeeterday, but waited until
(Journal Special Service.) . i
Rising Sun, -Ind May It.- The Otlles-
pie trial was fairly begun this morning
with the opening statements of the
counsel The state alleged that It would
be shown that Elizabeth Gillespie had
(Journal Special Serrlee.) I made Statements to Myron Barbour
Paris, May it. Colonel Valabraaue. a which caused Mrs. Barbour to bats Miss
cousin or capt. Alfred Dreyfus, has been yuieapie
(Journal Special Service.)
Seoul, May 13. General Haragucht,
commanding here, has been riven entire
control of Korea since the first army he met them on, the street to take the
corps entered Manchurian territory, cnuo.
Scouting parties continue to deploy.
through the country between pingyang
and Wlju, firing on the Russian flank
movement . .
appointed chief of cabinet in the war!
o "the woUmaXa. "the fl CW" omoSuvfThU IhoVv, bee by Coile7to7 of "cVsts NewbTrry' oi ' ' The7rV7nly-mi;.l.
A. .n.T.. JT. 2"!.5" composed mosUy Of.thoae Who have been thl .Mar for allowlna- tha ). I a rtea of -ri ertn4vevwort. tnaamrifth ai
(Joarsal Special Service.)
Rome, May It. The Vatican assented
to the proposal of the Russian Cath
olics to send 700 nuns to the seat of
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.) '
Victoria, -BV C, May 11. The Pacific
Coast Steamship company was fined 1800
Kansas, who Is a dark horse In the race
for the episcopacy, arrived this morning-.
Bishop D. A. Ooodsell presided at
today's session.
This general conference will most
likely establish an "episcopal age limit"
Effectiveness Is ths Methodist watch
word. When thla ceases superanuation
occurs. The eplsoopal age .limit If es
tablished, will probably be placed at 71,
though It Is manifest that some men are
younger at 71 than othera at (0; but tha
plan la favored because It relieves tha
general conference from the delicate
task of deciding Just when a bishop may
be said to bo truly non-effective.
There is a strong demand seemingly
for a general rule covering all . cases
without . respect to persons.. If such a
rule Is established It may not be made to
apply till 1908, which will leave this
conference to determine which men shall
be retained now.
May Be Betlred.
A strong rumor is current that Bish
ops Andrews, Walden and Vincent will
be asked to step aside from tho effective
ranks, to make room for younger and
stronger ' men. : Bishop Andrews ' la
deeply loved and all would regret to see
him go. Bishop Walden, who has never
gained much fame as a preacher, but "a
man of affairs." Is thought to have run
his course of strength.
Bishop Vincent is not by any means
physelally exhausted, but Is aeoused of
showing growing eccentricity.- 1-
It seems now probable that at least
al,.blshopa, elected for wpfk 1
the United Elates. The question of a
colored bishop 1s still hi tha air, 'and
everybody but the colored' delegatea
themselves, and the white candidates fori
ths blshoprki who jhave an eye on the
vote of the negro delegates. t '
f. Missionary Blnhopa.
The question f missionary bishops
is being wrestled with. Bishop Thoburn
Is lying ill and is considered' as good as
superanuated. But a strong aentlment
la rising In favor of electing no mla-
sionary bishops bat of raising the
tatus of the present number to that of I
full pledged bishops and general super- J
intenaenta. 1 ' -..--..
The objection to "missionary bishops"
are many. Thar have no status outside
of their respective fields, and are there
fore little mora than exaggerated pre-
(Jeeiraal Speetal Service.)
New York, May It. The body of -year-old
Josephlns MoCahlll, who wss
anpposed to bar been kidnapped May
t, and for whoa rescue, and tha convic
tion of her abductor. Senator James
Frawley, Tammany leader, and Isaac A.
Hopper of tha Hopper Construction
company each offered a reward of 1500,
haa been found la tha chimney at her
home.. "
It la believed that tha nttle' alrl
climbed on ton of tho'ehlmnev and ac
cidentally-fell lnslds and was unable
to extricate herself. Tha body . Was
somewhat decomposed, and that chimney
had .to be partially torn down before
the body eeuld be removed. . - . ;
i (lau. VUWMI Wa
rewards offered Aggregate nearly (4,000.
S20.00 UriiTorm Suits for SI7.00
rkt;ir.; rv, rvrr-tThir t--v,r T.r,..,.t.7,,..;;,,-;
$18.00 Uriifdrm Suits for $!5:B0
$16.50 Uniform Suits for $14.00
; We Fwnish Buttons Free with Suits.
. , . Middlesex and Assebet Mills (oth.
(Journal gneclal Rtt1m
Washington. May It. At the White lor ln
House this mominsr It waa nfflnlailv i..lone at
nied that Pension Commissioner Ware revealed..
naa resigned as waa reported by morn
ing papers taxing a press report.
ritness. iShe detailed the circumstances .xpeiiad from France,
of the shooting as to hearing the report I .
of the weapon, and the finding of her mmm
aaugnier ijui on. ens noor 01 me par-
dying, condition. She saw no
one about and to family troubles were
It is strange
(Special Dispatch to the Journal.)
Tacoms, May 1. The new adminls
(Journal Special Service.)
Shanghai, May It. The v American
cruiser New Orleans has left for Chefu
and the Raleigh leaves tomorrow for
Chin Klang, where there has been rioting-
1 j' : . . j,
(Journal Special Serrlee.)
Salt Lake City. Utah. May It. The
Utah Seedless Apple company haa been
are loalnar monav from I Incorporated to grow the seedless apple
- w -T- - .avaa raaLlUU IlaSSB II1IH1 1 1 1 MLB . 1 1 SB rMWnt f ST" I . w . I Ml t aAmmlSSlnn aiaaeuitia 4.Jt a a .
and don't know it and if thav Y. '.r i. I proaucea by jonn y. Bpencer 01 Grand i- -" T"" .... r '"
pieces lying on the street they TrZT ."L n Colo. The company has laaaad ft TJ
I av iai Li rcv ua grouuu iivr rruru vilji I " -
-t How people
, pockets
see gold
" WT.. r.;!TJir:- . system. ; Alt slot machines, except cigar
' . , . '"""""i uiaiio you i maenmea, nowever, are suu prohibited.
pick up gold plecee only, if you will including candy macbijea for women
4 call at his nlace. Watchsa th I .v.n", ,'m.. ..... .
.v pay isefor at Jo Place, you will ftnd. fhl- 1. & tbi? && Mr' 6pencer"- Mchfcr
t If t.Caasell'a for tlB-OO, and so on.tory of Tacoma that games have beenHFun!tloni f
""Jr." r".1"' - "v,r' ao-l restricted to tha second floor.
jars wui m ium.t. ?uu uujr. a warn your
thla port today for allowing the steam
ers Cottage City and Humbolt to attempt
to haul the. steamer Alkl of the same
line oft a sandbar In Mensles harbor in
Canadian territory. The Alkl refueed
aid fj-om the Canadian Pacific steamer
Princess May. .
(Journal Special Serrlee.)
Boston, May It. Whitney, Housland
arles of an expensive aort, lnasmnch as
trade, and I will get It If you will only
si. calL Just price some. articles, even If
, you don t buy.
t I do the finest watch repairing In this
-x , city. Ask your ; frlendr who have had
, work dona bora. Be aura to call. It will
- pay yoaVj,., ;;.
The wermaa Expert Watchmaker. ' '
;::.Sy 'kmih-Vxs .vy '.-vi
in which 60,000 seedling apple trees will
be set out In the fall these trees will
he "budded with buds of. the seedless ap-
(Journal Special Service.) v .
London, May It. The Central News
at Vienna wires that a meeting between
King Peter .of Servla and Prince Ferd
inand of Bulgaria Is to take place at
Nlsh tomorrow and Is arousing consld-
(Journal SDeclal Servlca.l .
San Bernardino. Cel.. May It. Ten I'erable interest In diplomatic circles, aa
Santa. Fe atrlke breakers were die-lit Is believed a Servo-Bulgarian entente
. K . A . w i ut ma T,,n I r
n "r'""":w r"" oran,, trains are belnx diverted to the
war M ax atisrnsn innav I - . ,,
Southern iac-w west of Colton. i , -w bnexj-b wmm wmm.
(Journal Special Service.)
London," May J?. The ordinance ad-
aitung cniness u
Was signed today.
(Waahlnatoa Baraee ot The Journal !
WaalSlnrtAn Haw' 11- T.nn.,u '
i -' . i a-eiersoura;, ay . otn rauroaa I Heinse ana - several prominent Amal-
xxmaerback has been appointed rexularian win nnmmtmiBtinn wtth rnr alMt-ate rnmar Mmmn.
and' J. W. Louderback substitute rural 1 thur vera cut todnv mil tha fnrt fa 1an.tfrie Nt Trtrlf tnilir tA acttl. tv,
carrier at Orient . i Ited. 1...-.--. ..
(Special Diapatck to The Jacnal) -J,'''':
j i. xisiens, won-, jiay is. tr. Augustus
Bt Petersburg, Hay is. Both railroad Heinse ana several prominent - Amal-
atajidjnx oopp,ec war
147 TWW SL Phone Main SI6
Matk t Wak,B$t Quality,
par roll :
Mad from fr,th SEVILLE
OtLAMGES, pirjar
Pr des$2.23J
i Pbon :LEs..Yoar.
We Are Still Giving 25 Per Cent Off
on All Our Regular Suits
$ 7.50 Buys a Good $10.00 Suit
$ 9.25 Buys a Good $12.50 Suit
$11.25 Buys a Good $15.00 Suit
0:15 Buys a Good $13.50 Suit
$12.50 Buys a Good $16.50 Suit
$13.50 Buys a Good $18.00 Suit m
$15.00 Buys a Good $20.00 Suit
"f- i. , , , :
;v ,:. Ctotbicrs end Foialshers
269 arid 271 Morrison : Street
:r r:..
.t ,. .