fa aaaaja aaj I THE OREGON DAXLV: JOURNAL,' PORTtAND MONDAY EVENING. MAY 0, 180 iWETHODKTS WOULD : SHUT FAIR SUNDAYS cation of divorce and the facility with which they are cured is en affront to decency, Th solemn rebuke of the church and th aharp administration of the discipline of any of ita members In volved, la vital to the parity of the fam ily and the well being Of society." The following te their recommendation on the subject of amusements: seektooust t :; DR. R L; LINCOLN Conference Introduces Resolution Asking Secre S tixjlfi Treasury to So Interpret Act Making -" Appropriation Liquor and Divorce Evil a mmm n m miai I declared. ahould aomenow oe maae ' ,fleeetal Cotreieoedeace ef Tt JoarnaL) more attractive to busy men, crowded .if- a hmImi ri u. A resolu- by severe competition and aeealled by ' Hon waa Introduced and ordered printed seductive tempUtlona." Ind to He over one day asking the aec- Bribery and Tot Buying. fetary of the treaaury to ao Interpret the I political corruption came In early for f act making n appropriation o n ' UwU and Clark exposition aa to cloae L- he gates of the exposition to visitors on feundav. The resolution will surely be ; Adopted. : , Th conference replied thla morning I, the attack made by Vicar Harnett tf the local Cathollo church. Father : Harnett attacked the bishops address feed to the conference last Thursday, rhs. stuck referred to that section of he address declaring the Roman caino ' Bo church detrimental to the public ohool system, the reading ot Bible and (he supervision ' of political, affairs. this morning the conference passed a resolution reiterating this particular eec- . Iloa ef the sddreeee and referred it to . dh committee en th lUU of - the 1 Ihurch. Chancellor James R. Day of Syracuse ' snlverelty. New Tork. Introduced a res tlutton on behalf of methodlst educators Concerning aa American university st .Washington. Th resolution contained ' request that the university be not f petted until 88,000,000 endowment had - teen- secured.- - The- resolution waa re ferred to th committee on education. It will be-fought by Bishop C C. Mo- Cabe, present chancellor of the nnlver- full share of consideration, "under a despotio rorm 01 government puonc affairs msy be carried on without much practical lntarest among the people gen erally, but In a republio political Intel ligence and virtue In every on are In dispensable In order to secure the sta bility of th government itselt Bribery, vote buying, the granting of enormous franchises In total defiance of the com mon people's Interests, th brasen dic tation of party posses, are so common that thousands of th best cltisens sre well nigh dismayed. "It la encouraging, however, to oo- serve that these evils are not without rebuke In . numerous Instance Civic olub.a municipal leagues for good gov ernment and th courts, are doing much to counteract theae evlle." ' Smploy aa IBmploy. "One of th burning Questions of the day la th relation of employer and em ployed, t This la a matter mat may smolder her or there for a time, but somehow it breaks forth every month, shaking th whole social fabrlo ilk ah earthquake) The Oreffnn fltata rtantal aaannlaMrtn improper imunoinnu ana idhiti i ass appealed to the circuit court to pre vent JLr. K. . I,. Lincoln retaining office s a member of the state board of den tal examiners. Proceedings In quo war ranto were instituted this morning by uistnct Attorney Manning on th re lation and complaint of Mark Hayter and JL O. Clark, president and secretary respectively of the the association. ' Pr, Lincoln waa appointed a member of -the beard of dental examiners early in atarcn py uovernor Chamberlain. along with another dentist recom mended v by the association, Dr. Lin coln, waa net recommended by that body, which Interpreted the action of the governor aa an affront, Ths stand taken by the governor wss that east era Oregon had been Ignored by th as sociation In making recommendations for appointees, . pr, Lincoln la a real dent of La Grande. Indulgence therein, are a serious hin drance to the religious life, and furnish the first easy steps to th total loss of character. -,-' "We therefore look with deep concern on the great increaae of harmful amuse ments, particularly theater going,' pro miscuous dancing and such games of chance as frequently lead to gambling. We affectionately admonish oar people to make their amusements the subject of careful thought, and whether or not It will dull the spiritual Ufa, and furnish sn unwlne example to others." , Thus It will be aeen that mandatory law, as It Is now in the book of disci pline, will not likely give place to an appeal to an intellgent eonsolence; and this will no aouDt d in action ox tn conference. 1 . Mormanlsm. likewise, cam In for a bit of surgical operation, being diagnosed ss "s ravaging cancer" vigorously push ing Its propsgsnda In many parts of th country adjacent to th Rocky moun tains, the remedy for which Is an amendment to the conetttutlon of the United States prohibiting, absolutely, polygamy on every acre of lb national domain. The addreea of which th above la In most respects a fair outline will prob ably be the action of the conference on the eeveral subjects for which Mstkv odlsts from all parts of tneuatry are convened. - j Th member recommended by th as soclatlon who was appointed on the board by .Governor Chamberlain was Dr. Oeors-e Lark In of Newberg. Dr. Mat thew J. Fenton was another cholo of th association for th office of dental examiner but this recommendation was turned down by the governor and Dr. Lincoln appointed in bis Place., The action of the governor waa ao bitterly resented by th association Mark .Hayter. E. O. Clark and N. R. Cox, was appointed to take action look ing to a circumvention of th governor's plans. After a consultation with - ths district attorney, the members arrived at th conclusion that they have a good case in court and nroceedlnas were In stituted through Manning's offloe, In conducting the case for the dental association District Attorney Manning will be aaslsted by H. K. Sargent, coun sel for that body. GHIEF HUNT WILL PROBE BOX EPISODE CRUISER IS DESTROYED (Continued from Pag One) attack on Chemulpo, for th reason that Interrupted cables between Vladivostok and Port Arthur, la possession ot the Japanese, abow .that th Ruse lane ware prepared to attack .Saaebo with th Port Arthur fleet on February 11. without any preliminary declaration of war. Oaaipaltfa Owttook. Japan Mlnlater Hayashl today sal that General Kurokl probably would clash with Geyral Kuropatkln's forces "Labor saving machinery and th ag gregation of capital naturally tend te work hardahln to th laboring man, and lty, who demands thst th college be aharp oolllaions are alarmingly frequent ipened at once. and disastrous. Thus th struggi goes Pk. .m am Va WIUn a nnl . 1 1 m ky., Vi 4 mm tinnm haw h , uv ki ai ,m v.iw Mm, mm v i ciasn Wltn ueaprai fiurupauuu a turwi Bred blahon was fired on the eacond day I mni nntonlsed. and are Offset or Tsat I . r jtJTtm lk iiaok in ta v mi wwiuii, hudii t. ui. jwiuvit v iniu wwiuiui -- v-r avent oz a jepanese occupation o niu- Detroit. Mich., presented a reeolutlon ltal. frequent strikes causing th loss eBwmnf. oJvU administration would be taklag that the eommlttee en th Epls- of mill Ion a attended by lockogta, boy- mmediaUly appointed and th port eopacy be Instructed to Inquire Into the cotta Intimidation, arson, riot and aa- 0D,n4 t0 Mtlona exnadlencv of electlne- a blahon of Afrl- aaaainatian. resulting In great suffering . . . wi. can descent He sharply crltlcl for- to th iuM with th I.'fu ftWt Sd gl hU man a rest from th.lr 'T'T-Y . v;'.iarof vfU within a fewdaya as his foros is war; w?U oV mMU UrtW W" and exhausted, sullenly su Droits ana " ooms sort of a patched up compromise Is agreed upon. - Under such -conditions tha chureh cannot fall to b deeply in- terestad, and should com between thsee vaat eontendln - forcea. holding aloft high office of blehop, on . any special I the sermon on the mount and th golden Why no report wag mad to Chief of Police Hunt regarding scandalous be havior in a box at th Glrard Cafe, 'Cor ner of Sixth and Stark streets on night a week ago, as published In Th Journal yesterday, will be ascertained when th first night fellef line up before tha rail at headquarters tonight Sergeant of Polio Hogeboom, now an acting detec tive, and Patrolman & T. Smith will have to answer to Chief Hunt and Cap tain Moor, as they are th two offi cers who wept lnt th box. Today Sergeant Hogeboom denied see ing anything wrong, although he did ad mit that "things looked suspicious." But Patrolman Smith, who wsnt farther in than his superior officer, declares em phatically that he saw enough to eon- .... -,-y r.. ' 4 " first-class " cess " against the mute nlaoa. "I told Smith not to report th mat ter," said Sergeant Hogeboom. ''because I had good reasons at that time. I was I looking for a man. and had there been any troubl made over the-episode in ths box I oould not have received th co operation of th oaf management'' . "1 would have mad a report of th matter, but upon th advice of Sergeant Hogeboom Z did not." said Patrolman smith. 1 shan institute a rigid Investigation or tms case," said Chief Hunt "I can not understand why no report was mads to ma If th officers saw a breach of the law there or la any other place. I should hare been notified Immediately." ' bier general conferences for their atti tude in th matter, and Insisted that a white bishop can never understand the colored man as would one of their own tae. Hoit-Charlea P. McClellaiv an erot bent lawyer from Dodds Ferry, New : Tork. replied In aa able manner, declar ing that no man should be el acted to the 1 11 DRAY SOLS GIVE LIBERALLY . FOR A FORTUNE TO CARNIVAL FID rxxs cniaxx nr czbovxt oovbt xabdz obas oomzTTai axbbas? ASaZirST BL 9. KXWKMT TOM $7f ,600 1 PmOWUatl TJCUa 1780. BOXA. BBZTaUrs irnni XaJrrv . plea, or because he belongs to any par ' tlcular claea or color, but on hla own personal ability and merit without re- gara to race, - 'r- ' ' m Pint .Woman.' Something of a rustle was prod need la the vest audience by the first woman, In the hletory of th inarch, a Mra ' Roberts. Of Nebraska, getting tha floor. Her purpose wss th introduction of som minor reeolutlon of no special fan' . portanca, But she was ths first wo man. ' - Th reading of tha Episcopal address, 1 however, waa th great event of : the day's - session. . Ths , messsge of venerable heada of th church is always - fraught with great interest and , for more than 'two hours th conference sat . listening to th message read by Bishop Fess of Philadelphia.- Bociai and poittr teal questions were discussed with great breadth. rula 1 v --. A. "In all thla contention rt neeo naroiy BstaUlshss aa AaUslo INparamsmt tel ZMal wttk Basins of ths Pat Bast. Uearsel Seedal Serrtee.) Birmingham, Eng., Msy I. Th Post FOB BAMASBS movan zo.TTxm's BBSAOX OP OOBTBACT. IwUBOBBl TXOBS TOWABB fSO.000 BXX9BS POX TXB CXXZBBATZOy-BXTZaT- srm pxaura fob Assarting that by th failure of Mar- b aald that th church must be wlthjtodey says the British government has ghaU J. Kinney, ths wealthy salmon partment to deal with .its business In th far east BTTSSZaJTS OBOSS TaXTf. the fcommon neople. I omctaiiy notinea tn' umtea nutxes tnat "in solts of th Wundera mad by I it has resolved to create an Asiatic de- labor leaders, ana tn maerensioi bow of their followers, th church must by lawful efforts endeavor by every means thalr nni1ttfnn. But the labor ing men must leara from. their friends that acts of violence hurts their own cause, and that law and order must at all hassrds be maintained. We hear tiiv annrove tha settling of all dleputes between capital and labor by, arbitra tion." ' Strong disapproval or lyacaimK -eraa Aeoompaaled by BtaaehnrUa Baadlta OoeapF Chang Jin. ' (Jeoraal Bpeclal ervlee.) Seoul. May . A Russian fore ef unknown strength crossed the Talu be low Wliu, and oooupled Chang Jin, May i. Manonurian Danaixs, monnxea. sxprsssed with an eara.et appeal for the "" "D. Minai aMiueation of the negro. I eompanled the Russlsns. t poetical dueatkm of ths negro. felon Tragic. - frt. lintiAv trafflo cam a under review as "a Constant evil wnicn iiupinn m public heart and conscisnoa ana sup- packer and timber lan da agent, to carry out tha terms of an agreement to pur chase th capital stock and .property of the Southern Oregon company, he has been damaged In the amount of $71,(00, William M. Bray filed suit to recover that amount this morning In. tha circuit court Bray alleges In th complaint that March Is, HOI, Kinney entered Into an agreement with William Crapo and Prosper W. 8mlth. authorised agents of the Southern Oregon company, owning lands and improvementa now valued at Th members of ths soliciting com mittee of th Mardi-Gras and Carnival association began work today. Th com mittee la mad up of It members, who expect to raise about 110,000 to defray th expenses of the carnival. The City 4s Suburban Railway oompany has of fered to contribute 1750 and add a given per cent If their business is ovsr ths Ordinary. The Portland Railway com pany wUl also swell the fund with I7S0. The first subscription of 1710 was mad by Meier Frank. "The committee is going to canvass th town thoroughly," said a prominent carnival worker this morning; "They I are going, to ask, simply for a dona tion. It may be 60 cents and It may be I Concerning tha questions of revelation I ported by greed and appetite. they "Two things have long been settled by th address to. old-time Amsrlcaa Methodists, namely: Total abstinence, ana legal pruniDinun; iur, unless It can be shown that totanebetin ence s a Christian duty, there can be no DlanJor legal prohibition. The abol ishment of the army can teen, the grant and Inspiration of ths scriptures. hold fast in orthodox r. , .Old Paahlonaa SsvrvaL ! Ths absence of th old-fashioned re vival tn Methodism was frankly ad mitted, with a regret that th average 1800.000. to purchase Us capital stock! mora,, it is not a single organisation 4?fl rimn If UtinnAIriU and property for 600,000. Of this tnat is at to new or true movement this option expire Kinney announced f-00" 40,000 people In and around. Port- his intention to purchaas th property. ... . . Brav and Kinney formed a copartner- . " crn", u rui-gnn xeauvai ahin for the nurchas and control of ths ? Pln organisea ngni Here in rort- .' 1 IS A NAME WHICH; EVERY PHOTOGjtAPH ER, PROFESSIONAL AND AMATEUR, NOW ACCEPTS AS A STANDARD FOR, PAPERS. FILMS AND CAMERAS ; ; from every, user of these goods we receive praise and commendation we want a live dealer in every town to handle Anseo" . goods. ' . ' rrd INVALID WHEEL CHAIRS Pneumatic tires, rattan finish $15.00 up or for v'v rent -on etty temt, ";- y't-''.'," CRUTCHES The largest stock on the coast 'We sell or rent at . customer's convenience.- ARTIFICIAL EYES 2,000 Artificial or Glass Eyes, skilful fitters, satis - , faction guaranteed, reasonable charges. OBESITY BELTS For fleshy people health and comfort for stout folks and a gradual reduction of girth. VOODARD, CLARKE & CO. CANADIAN MONEY TAKEN AT FACE (Continued from Page One.) - ' ' ! it i i . Either they do not care to answer Th Journal because It is The Journal. Or they are In favor of a change and do not care to ssy so. Or they do not know where they stand. in ,. ...tim. ...nntin land. - Everything that can is being se- the complaint, and Bray paid his partner u;el her ln ort!? 8:00? Mu BRIDGE WORK. A.!: .T,.5'.n fioatTsjid the dbsen wigoTs wKlch wi aseuia w ." will naa ara all hjln knn m-.t k.n. V. I mittea. wun a regret tnat tn average i ianmni w v, . , , 1 ,. ,,. ,h- nndaratandine' that he w" -wmg oougm nera we preeent day preaching, and the service, in, of lower, r.t by soma llfs insur- Th. Jonrna. ha. no quartrt with an, optica with th ttanding that hs .n.thln. out of tha pr um enurcn genera uy, are not sufflo. sncs compan,. i:" "" I .11 Jl.rX -.71. tha amount dua Both raid down I 0.- ?ary'n ina. '.'. "r lenUy adapted to Interest active bus! . ness and professional men, commercial men and tbe wage earner; that tha time " baa corns that ths pulpit should sound a more modern note, seeking " out " llvo topics closer to present dsy needa "The service of our churches," It was eral great railroad, and other oorpora- cause of the first reason, we might sug- amoun. . ths queen, so we selected a $1,100 amo tions that their employes ahall be total gesT thst but four years sgo. the only I 00d Anguat 1, 1003, leaving a remainder mobu. to b- Dreaanted to her. Tha abstainers, conrirm tne sounaness or our I way soms or ins same canaiaates now Ti V.u I Queen contest will open about May IS insistence for total abstinence and legal J nominated oould get their views before purchass agreement December i or tnat anfl ajj-aaj, there la a large number of prohibition. i tni people was ny means or aoagers nin-1 ymn -. - candidates in th field. n uivoroe vru. Itrlbuted on the atreets or through the " w "' 1 "There in to be a big parade on th "W are convinced that the mnltlpli- malls, and they did not then object to cember 18, 190S, Kinney secured an e Saturday night before the Fourth of stating where they stood on thin very tension oi unw w j ""'; I July and another on the Fourth, which Painless Crown and Bridge Work Modem dentistry reaches its highest perfection in CROWN AND We do this form of work s' ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN Our method of extracting teeth and devitalizing nerves is POSI TIVELY PAINLESS. - We show the greatest consid eration for the feelings of every patient. THE STORE NOTED FOR BEST 000D8 AT LOWEST PRICES THAT WtW DRESS If you haven't selected .a..New.Spthig.l.rss,.ii..neater.c.. "portunity never offered itself than just at this tune and at this store. We are jicknowledged leaders in. Dress Goods, black and colored. This year our counters and shelves are overflowing with the season's cream? If it's new it's here, U . it's quality it's here and it is always cheap. Black French Dress Goods Great Special Sale All Week W have ths latest aovelties and the best wsarlag material on sarth. Kafe no mistake, eoma and see ns aQ this week. 42-lnch Seeded Voile. .fl.OO 44-inch Crepe Mistral.. ; 08 42-lnch Llama Voile .... 75 40- inch Crepe de Chene 65 d 44- Inch Canvas du Nord $1.15 48-lnch Voile d'Aclr..f 1.20 4 4-Inch Boutonne Voile 91.60 Ct-lncb Granite Cloth.. 7Sd 45- lnch Black Alpaca., 00 4-tnch Black Alpaca.. 03a) (2-lnch SllkFtnleh Serge $1.10 41- Inch Black Voile (special) worth 11.60, for $1.15 Colored Dress Goods Special Prices For Seasonable Goods 48-inch Crepe Voile (Imported) In champagne, blue, gray, brown, and black, per ynrd ... ..$1.50 48-lnch Voile (special) In the late shades, per yard $1.25 44-lnch Nubbed Voile, in champagne, blue, gray, and brown, per yard .. . $1.00 44-inch Crepe de Chene (spe cial). In brown, gray, tan and blue, per yard .....$1.00 44-inch Voile, in all the new shades, yard $1.00 80-lnch all-wool Voile, in tan, gray, blue, and brown, spe cial per yard . . . . i . . . 60s) To close balance of our 60c Wash Silks, yard..,. 89d PRICES EXTRAORDINARY IN WHITE AND COL ORED WASH GOODS AND FANCY WAISTING WILL PREVAIL THROUGHOUT THIS STORE MONDAY. fhs Only Exclusive Dry Goods Store in tha Northwest. question. However the oolumns of the Qregonlan are doubtless open, to ..them now, and we assure them the place or method chossn for sxpresslng their views are of far less Importance than the statement of them. If it Is becauss of ths second reason, then they fall In their duty to the voters who have the right -to know their views, and If It is the third reason, they themselves ques tion their own qualifications for the of floe they seek, . The 10 men who ceruse to state their positions on the question of charter re. vision are: A. ' A. Courtney and Slg Slchel, Republican nominees to state senators; and George W. Holcomb, Jr Thomas Crang, A. J. Capron, & B. Lln thlcum, M. F. Henderson, W. B. Hud son, Madiaon Welch. E. B. Colwell, Re publican nominees for representatives. START FAKE FIGHT AND STEAL WHISKY . . A fake fight was pulled off in tne rear of the Alcaiar saloon yesterday morning between Fred Love and Bob Lucas, twe men who have been arrested numerous times on serious charges, and while it was in progress someone stole a barrel of whisky, placed it in an express wagon and sent it to the Wigwam saloon, where an attempt was mads to sell it It was returned to the Alcasar late yes terday afternoon. The case was reported to the police as soon as the robbery was discovered, and Detectives Kerrigan and Snow were placed on It Tbey traced the crime to Love and Lucas, but W. W. Harmon, proprietor of the saloon, refused to pros ecute the men. The case will be sub mitted to the district attorney. MOSES JACOBS IS BURIED TODAY says hs turned over his third, 8182,048.81 to Crano and Smith, with the under standing that if was to be regarded as hla share of the remainder of the pur chase price only la case Bray should nay his part. Other extensions of tiros wsre secured by Bray, according to the complaint, and finally the representatives of th South ern' Oregon company concluded Kinney was either not acting' la good faith or waa unable to secure the money and May 11. 1903, declared ths agreement of pur chase nun and void. . Bray recites that the property of th company is now worth about 1800,000 and that the failure of himself and Kinr ney to secure it Is due entirely to Kin ney's failure to live up to his agreement He Itemises the expense to which he was subjected in making trips east in con nection with the deal and In borrowing money to purchase the lands, on which Interest bad to be paid, - In conclusion he fixes the amount of damage by the alleged failure of. Kinney to carry out his partnership agreement at 670,804, and asks also for his costs and disburse ments In the action. SEMBRICH HAS FAMOUS PIANIST is on Monday. In the Fourth of July parade will march the sailors front the warships, whiph will bs in ths harbor, ths troops from . Vancouver, the stats militia and a great many fraternal or ganisations from Idaho,, Washington and surrounding Oregon town, besides those from this city." CORBETT EXECUTORS RECEIVE REWARD: WISE BROS DENTISTS The New Failing, S. E. Corner Third and Washington Streets. Open - Sundays from 9 to 12; evenings until 9. Phone Main 2029. Moses Jacobs, 82 years of age and one of the pioneers of ths state, died Saturday at his horns in Corvallls. where he had resided for the past 40 years. Funeral services were held in this city this morning at 10 o'clock at Holman s funeral parlors aud the inter ment took place in Beth Israel ceme tery. Mr. Jacobs was a retired merchant highly respected by alt who knew him. For 60 years he has been a prominent member or tn oraer or Odd rellowa Mme. Sembrich will be accompanied by Rudolph Gans when she appears here In concert Friday, May 13. Mr. Oans is a famous pianist who has also won reputation as a composer, especially -of successful songs. Among the artists who have considered; Mr. dans' works of sufficient Importance to be presented on tneir programs are Mme. Bembrich, to whom he dedicated his latest song cycle; Anton Van Roos. Oulseppe Cam- panari. Rosa Bucher and many others. , Over 40 of Mr. Gang's songs are pub llshed . and more than (0 are still in manuscript He has a piano concerto, a string quartet, a large chorus work on the subject of "Cyrano de Bergerao" ana many pieces lor piano soio, sir. uansr , lateet success in this country nas seen nis appearance last season with the Chicago orchestra, under the direction of Theodora Thomas, when he played Vincent d Jndy'a new symphony with orchestra and piano. This per formance was mentioned throughout the Whole worlflT In the leading papers of ins larger cities. BTJSSSAJr CUTiSBaT ASSASSINATES. (Journal Special Rfrrlee.) Tiflls, May O.-r-Superlntendent Frankel He la survived by a wife and four of the Ruo-prian nrintina- ..t.Kii.h daughters. Th services this morning ment at Meshed has been assassinated. An' inquiry is oewg instituted on the were conducted by Rev. David La vino and the following acted as pall-pearers: Ben Selling, Morris Ball, Sol Harris, Sol Baum, James Meyer and E. SicheL Scratch. Scratch, scratch! unable to attend to business during the dar or sleep during the night Itching piles, rriDia piague. uoans . Ointment demand of the Russian consular agent ,' ' aj r xxsToaxAsr sovxu ran, Jenmal Special Service,) London. May 8. Prof essor IS. Tori Howell, of tha chair of modern historv m vxiora, is aeao. ' ' ' - "Mf. The second semi-annual account of Emma L. Corbett Henry Ladd Corbettl and W. C Alvord, as executors of the estate of Henry W. Corbett has been approved by L. R. Webster, tha county I judge. By this approval each of the executors comes Into possession of 30 shares of First National bank Stock, ac cording to the terms of th will This stock forms their compensation as ex ecutors or tne wiiL ; ;i Since tha first aceountlng. mads Sen-I temper 80, ioj. the total revenue or the I estate from all sources has been 199,- 523.10, and th total disbursements! 388.08r.3f. ltABZVaTaTOTBS. Astoria, May 0. Arrived down at m. Schooner Sophia Christenson. Arrived at 18:10 a. m. Steamer Ore-1 gon, from San Francisco, San Franclsoo, May 8. Sailed at 11 last night Steamer Nome City, for Portlands ... 1 W. Elder, from Portland. Arrived at s a. m. steamer George Loomls, from Portland. t Queenstown, May 7. Arrived -French I bark - Berangere, from - Portland. Astoria,: May 8. Arrived down at 81 and sailed at a. m.-Steamer Aurelia, for San Francisco. Arrived down at 6:30 a. m. Bark Hes pr. Sailed at 6:80 a. m. Schooner C 8. Holmes, for San Franclsca Arrived at 11 a. m. Steamer Elmore, from Tillamook. - San Francisco, May 8. -Arrived at 101 a. m. Steamer Prentiss, from Portland, i Astoria, May Condition of the bar at 8 a, m moderate; wind, northwest; weather, cloudy. The Cream of Styles and Essence of Qualfr. obts uaxr ssiromcH. Jf MEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS Porsytlie Shirt Waists For Swell Dressed Ladles The fedy, who would appear on the streef properly dress- I ed will appreciate the style ' and appearance ot tne new 1904 ;;Torie$hiVtwsisti We have them in Madras, plain white, figured white, striped and colored. Many styles and each exclusive in itself. Every, lady in Port land should see them as they are unequaled by any. other tailored shirtwaists.. - t i Popular Prices $3.75 Through the Intercession of Mra A. B. Wheeldom, msnager of the Hobart-Cur-tls house, at 38S Fourteenth street and Lauren Pease, local manager for the Aachen Munich Fire Insurance com pany, George E. McCarthy was permit ted to plead guilty to simple larceny, ln- stead of' larceny from an office ! before I Presiding judge George in th circuit court this morning. He was sentenced I to serve' three months In the country J Jan.! McCarthy formerly worked at thai Hobart -Curtis and was discharged. He returned to tha bouse and stole 35 from Mra Wheeldom on March 8L He thank- 1 ed th oourt for tha leniency ghown. A ' Sole "Agents for the Popular Dunlap & Co.'s Hats R0BIMS0N &'-;C6L: ' 1 289 Washington Streetr-Perldns Hotel Building 1. r 1