The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 07, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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norosxo xxrxoTxxxvx or . xoos
' Notice ta hereby glvea that at th mooting
: . oi tne v-ouncii 01 tot viij m touihh, ire-
f gon. held oa the etb day of May, 1P04, the
' i . lolkiarlug reeoluOoa waa adopted; . ... ......
, Uceulved, That lb Council ef tha City of
Port laud, Oregon, 4eem It expedient an pro
swaee y iniprova nous ewe irom un aouia
Una of OnTr atreet to the eeutb Una of
Aberaetay alraat, la in following manner, to
il win " , - -f ' . )'
'' 1rtt By bringing t I treat full width wit It
run mtaraactiona to to proper aabgrad aa
lvea by too City Engineer, t - ,
i , Beoon Ur eonetraetlng BrtUdal roe Side-
Walk la -accordance wita tne city Knfloaar'a
plane, avwiacauooa ana animatae, -,
... Third y eonatractiag atone crosewtU la
, accordance with the City Engineer - plana,
t apeclocaUone a ad estimate. . . ; k
rourth Hy ' relaying oroaawalka la' accord
.. toco with tb city lAfiaaar'a plana, apaclnca'
' thin and aatimataa. i -r -.
girthBy eoaetructing artUcUl atooa aarba
r la aeoordaaea with tba City Buglnaef '8 alane.
. " apeeincatlooe aad aatimataa. - ftT
lata y aoaatructoi atooa gutter la o-
, wum wiw wo uiiy ngiaeer s plana,
, tpeeincatloM aad eetlmatee. - .
- Barentb By eona true ting woodaa aldewalka
; ia acwaanee wita tne city ffnglnm'B puna,
.... peiaoatlon and aatimataa. , : ..... ,
kUgkih-Uf bringing tba aarfaoa at tha atraat
fall width with fuU totaraeetion to tb proper
grade wltk macadam. ; . ..... -.(--,-. . r
, Mia improvement to a aiada la accordance
. wltk tba charter aad. ardlnaaoa of the City
l- f Portland and tba plaua, epeclftcetlon and
. numiwi a toa uity a.nginar Bled la tba of
(a ?f,..lU) editor of tba City of Portland oa
- " day of April. 1004, tndotaad: "City
Bnrfaoar'a plana and apadflcatloiia for tba 1m.
proTmat Of Hood atraat from tba aoata lla
n wrorar atraat to tb aoutb Una of Aaoravtby
, atrcat, aad tha aatimataa of tha work la ba
. euof aaa taa prouibla toui coat toaraof.''
Taa aoat of aald Improromaat to ba Mnt
aa prorioaa oy to city cbartar onoa ma prop
frtf apaelally banafltad then by and which la
, aaraDy aaourM to ba au tba. rota, parte at
lota and parcel of la ad lylaa betweaa a Una
;w iaai aaei at ana parallel wita ua aaat
Una of Hood atroot aad a Una 100 feat waat af
and parallel with tha waat Una at Hood treat,
aad hatwaaa tba aoath Una af fiaorer Ut
ana a una loa feat aouth of and aaiaUai wltk
too aonia una ox Aovraouy atraat.
Tba Surlaaer'a eetlmat of tha arobabla total
joat" tba laapratamant of aald Hood atraat
Tba abor ImproTamaat U to ba eUaaad a
a Bwaadaai fanpravamaat aad ahall ba main-
tallied by tba city for a period af Ira yea re,
OroTtdad. that tb ewaare of a majority of Ua
property benefitad by -aald Improrament or any
portion thereof, hall aot peUtloa for a now
ar dlCfereut ImproTamaat bafora tha aiplratloo
af aocb period. -
Tha plana, apeclncatlona and aatimataa af
tha City Kocinoor for tha ImproTamaat of aaW
U'wd atraat are hereby adopted.
Keeolred, That tha Auditor of tha City of
Fartland ba and ha la hareb tirmtA t (
ttutlca af tb propoeed lmproramont at aald
i prvTioea oy taa city enartar.
Bemona trance aaaioat tba a bora lmproT
aiaat may b flhd la wrltlnf with tba under
lined within SO daya from tha data af tha arat
vHuiwanoa m law do ice.
y area at taa Ceaacll
i , TH0l a BBTtlW,
. Auditor at tb City af Fertlaad.
mmj i, ivu. : ,
J- - -CITT MOTICEII. u : ir - '- 1 a011?.0-1? -
'V''rf.TjMa' tami JnV,"tr,,,r ?ad tha aTT.nzAsvnx'$ voooi"or fjxx.or orrT.TixAJVBUtf
fall iXZZLJI Tm th? toat full width wltk proposed fcat karanlaenU aixaat and betwoea ,..:m a nmr-r raa Minoirrm' jl
w. P'"!fl"na except at tha tnteraocllona of tba north Una of. hUdway annex and m, Una! nOTZMTT WOM BEUaUUIT Aavl KZAL PlOfttTT
troaT ""eei, iaar atraat ana Morrwoa i aea aoruari uiararrom, ooaUtnlna ,ee
Hotlca la hereby flrea that tha Auditor of I
crata S.tZ2!t!.01? T'th. "n'! !J"2iA,M15,,a' V?1 tl. aaitarly I tut af toa dallaunant aaaaaanuau for cam
Notice la hereby ''atroa t tba Auditor of
" I the City of fortland haa traaamlttod to ua
" mxAt mo? nn xo Dtiatviuir Af.
kVSlfZSTa, , ' i , , .' ,
Wotlc lahrabv airan that tha knMtim
tha City af Portland haa tranaatlttad to na a
- - I ubc or rna fl, nnnnc Baaaaniania ' war ih i iwf itr tna aiiiwiMMe " - - - - a
toT-&TEZTS toontkTtTa 'SSuSS7SSitX &l&ff-?&"JXE ImproVini or EV.rtnU from th. K m Ujit Twfh Ttra
rSSrw vhtKSg-Si KyV rwirp tiB
Knalneer'a plana, part flea t luiaa ad a a ma tea annex, lylnT wjetarly it the aaatarly Una the aie. aX It uT im4 t tha hrJPZt m 'J it B0W of 10 tU"k J.W,5 J00 Mt day at May. laoi at tha hoar of 10 o'clock
fold lmproremenrto b Mde lo aSTaea of thi pro,Saed Et i"aotWnth itreet. exm ?rlJk a . at Ji'a ie't L JL W,r City 1UU, In th. City of t-ortUDL, Ore- . at the weetior of th City Hall In
with the charter aad ordinance Tof tba City talnln. aSTSara 'fSt U ?i. n i-h,?-V. r 2ZLig?J2? SZ . ' 5 tha. City at fartlaad, Own, afar lor aala at
roruand Bad tha nlana. anaclflcatlona an4 eati. I Alau aU thai naraal aa traa m UmA
k.,.ln. 1 r-J,.:." V" .i.. I nii omaer tor cam, aooieca u rawnupuun, , nuniic IBCtloa to taa aiCbaat Mfldar for eaeb.
matea of tha Cit. .n,i' ij i. u. .Tiu 7i at a iin V,ti uZl'Z! ",-.. .."": 1 .'":',"""' th foUowina daacrlbed Barcala af raal property, liablect ta redemDtloa. tba followlna daaarlhad
-i ...... . " r " - - . ------ - - , - - t . - - - --- Mwiw iuwi ( vman. auojacs w nwwuvi, cae ioikjwiiiv i tai., . - . i - . . - . : . ,.. -
uiv evuaiior or me l it ,r jtB tYim u iia uuraMitLA wiik iiu I j . r.i- . . : I - --.
day of May, ldord-"'6lW ba pVoped &Z ku7ntk etrwC ruTnla, I "i"'" " ,
&"i tBd PWatlooa A tha lmpmruueat f Ihaaoe aoutberly oa th weot Una af tha pro. p,lk ioT lot 18. Bdward torotul .$ d.BS
waat Park atraot from tha aorth 'line of Tay poaad Baal Uartatoaath treat SUU.Od fMti ran- tk t lot i Theodore JToaV."".. ti 3
lor atraat to the aontk line at Btarh atreet aad f tbaaoa a.tarly 19.. feet ta a point run- Ilk In. lot f, O? ITHIaflaa T.Zn."! 1 M
the eatlmate of the . work to b don aad ' tbaaoa aortbarly 800.0 feetTHrnanlnt Blk F, Sot t. T. rttih H
the probable total coat tbaroof." ' thene eaaterly feat to a poloi: rannlni Blk Vl, tot l4. Mltta A- Careon"!. 100
.-15!L27taJ M, Wemeot ta U aaaoaaad th.nj northerly l0.0 feat, to the aVith Una I k It Sot IT P natta A, Caraoa 1 M
ajprTldd by tba elty chart apea the prop- ft Hlfto atraat; thence waeterly SB. IS feet Ilk li Jot 1) JSlnetta Z Caraoa ......... 1 58
ertT anaalall heaeatea tharh enJ whlnh U tat tha Blaca af haalnalna I., on .7 VI . "... v""- f. ...... a.'v
kid la offered the land will ka aold .to th I af penalty aad intaraat. CoHiaatltlaa will Im:
'?.'f .! Ml. of lota KAk-ll Jka t parcel arlract of la.I katlanlna Blk mL Srtk W 7' WaVdmi f ,5fJ2 SL ""'.J.
at m poiai ia ma waat una or the propoeed Kaat I aaa .as I ,i JTi " Tr ' I. v w im nmw
uu vwcie va wim wina Between a una iuv i ri iai m weai una et too propoee Kaat I eee ...................................
feet waat of and paraUal wltk tb Waat Un UeteBteentk atreet M.0d ieet aoutberly from BUtW Y. riinii Wooamajwoe t,.
of Weat Park atiat and a Una 50 feet aaat the aontk Un af Bohjate iUeet, roanla tkeaca Bonayalda Addltlon-T
it".4 MJ7aln!i 'ErtJM. IZS&LSI irgj: Blk 1. lot f, Orefoa Inrctment aoatpaay..
atraat. aad betweea tba north Una af Tartar I Kaat Satatk atreet iia.Bi feat: thane
treat nd the aoath Una af Stark atreet I aaatarly IT. CO feet; thence northerly llj.ot foot
'in KBKineera eeamata af tba arobabla total I a a pout; theeoa wuterly js as feet ta tha
via a, lot ia, t-nariaa m. ewwart..
Blk E,lt js, Cbarle ft. tewart... A....
Blk i, lot Id.J). Hortoo. .......
t a. wi
Bareala a eaal njwMkaprv. ea-arlt-
CorractaA man ahaerlna Vxwtian af Tthbatta I Irwln- . r"
a.u.u to ft! PortlaadV- . . , I Blk 86, lot O. rraaar.... ...,.$20.
! :? ,wa' lry "orgaa.. ,.,,... .....fwj-Ta Ucb place ar tract of Und will ka aold
Btli k)!4' M,r"-".','i''.,V'iW?a P"trl and for a turn not teee than the
Hack pleoe or tract of tend WlU b aold nnpald aaaeaamaat tberaoa aad lotereat aad et
aeparataly aad for a run aot teee thaa the of adeertlalnt and aale: if mora than ana bid
nnpald aaaeaament thereon and later eat, aad la offered tb land will ba aold to tha bidder
eoet of adrertlaliif and ealei U aaora. thaa apa offertna to take tha aam for th heat amount
l im:
Third Upoe tha rat af iatereat
City Treaaarar af th City at forUaad.
Portland, Orefoa, April 80, lOOi,
LHOI via.
... www a a -
Lea raa. .
atraat a $0,473.00. . . - - ; I iat itt that parcel or tract af Und pk f. lot i. William MrComaa... .......
The abore Improvement la ta ba alaaaed aa It H i point la taa weaterly Una af th propoeel b k T lot 1 Wl am McOo ma ,"!""
aaphalt ImproTemeat and ahaS ba BUlatolned bbhS iataeath atreet taet aootk
by the city for a Darlod of Bro rearer neavlded. I aoath Una af Hola-ata atraatt rnnnlne thanea I bik V on i.., i f .
that the ewaera of a analorltr ad tha nranart I aoathcrbr aa tba waatarl Una of tha nranaaed
e"i vr hb improTBBieBi or any porooa I a. emownu eireei sxaoa root ia a points
thereof ahall aot petltlna tor a aww a dlffrrant I theaca aaaterly 12.74 feet to a point; thane
lmieaTBiant bafora tha aniratlAB . af each I Dortherlr 824.04 feat ia a nolntt thence waatarl
Pf. , . . v ' - JT.0 fe$ to tha plaaa af keftoalmj, aaatalaUf
City floalnoer for the Improeemaat at aald I Ail peraon elaJnlna daawraa by reaaoa of
weei rara atreet ar aerenr aaopted. I ta appropnanoa at
Blk 147 weat 10 feet lot , Oaari L U
I rirat CnoB tha naaalt tea tha Brat Darlod.
a aa aacond I'pon tb Benalty for tba acdin
M ahlrd-Upoa the rata of tBtoreai.,"
a S2 . cu' Trealoret at tha City at rorUaad.
M Pftmad. Oreioa. April 80. 1904. .. '
-Iia cnr numiii itozzox or iaiji or
.vi a vat vauaavaaa a-
1.19 1 IU81CUITS.
, Notice ta hereby airaa that the Aadltor at
i BBO perm a p. Triuiera r. .' a
Bartach Park Addltloa ta laat Portland-
Blk a. lot t. C T. Bowea...... .......... I
Blk I. kit . O. T. Bow.. - 8.40
Bi; a, lot a, o. t. jjowea. .......
Edanaa la
th City of Portlaad haa traaamlttod to ma a
Hat af tha dallnnnaat rme 4mmmw-
, vucw ib oorroy airaa oiai toe Jtaoitnr oi ib ina lawman' atreet, irom toe weal lino af
i 91 roriiano aaa traaamittaa to m uei aearaaenu acreet ta ma waat una or Karnf
a 40 If ( delinquent aeaaoemeata for tb lmpror-1 atreet, aare and except the bridge extending
i 'Z MM f Clackamaa atreet from tba aaat Una af I from a polat 41 feet eaat of the aaat Una of
I'M S fifteenth lU-Mt ta tha aeater lla af Baal I Tblrtyrat atreet to a paint 10 feet eaat af the
........ , wjtwenty-fourth atreet, and that poraaaat to! eaat line af Thlrty-flral atreet. aad that pur-
tna arsoartr anoe
nrwji,y, aaat aaairar a I am viiy or emm, w pen imvtwoi, ia wfi pro- Blk i lot 11. rrmnk I.. and Baa B. WU " fa. ... - . 1 - r """fi" T "-uw ia v uw cBarvar oi vuy
Portland ba aad ka la hereby directed to fir poeed apenJna, laytnf oat aad atabllahlna "ia 4M felf ,.wi" Tueaday. tba 8 let day ei Way. of Portland. 1 will, aa Taeaday, the 8 let day
aotlc U tha propoeed Improvement Tat Ball -aid atreet. aiVherebr apaelally aotlfled to Ktu.i ' " " konr of Af a'clock a. m.. at the at May. 1004. at tba boar of 10 a-elock a. m..
atreet aa preeldad by th eilj charter. 1 tbetr alalma for aacb damaaea with, the ink A lot- H. ItcA-tbnr .....,,..,....10.18 "', d2or0, fff fclL la tte City at at the weat door of tha City Baa In the City
Retnoo. trance aaJoet the . abora tmprtrre- Aadltor of the Clt af Port Und before lb Blk lot li Sainoe lUmDMB iaUU. kelri f0'. Oreroa. after for m la at pohlle aaa- of Portland, Oreron. offer tor aato at pirblla
aent flled la wrltlnr wltk the aader Iktk day ar 11, 1904, at tha time appelated P-f 7. 7j., I0.f4 to." h4ft..l(,w bjaet to a actio to the hlnheet Udder for eaah, anbject
lined wlthla 20 daya froaa tha aato of tha Aral tor tha meetloa' at the rlawera the rain. " lieh ileee or trait if iaiU wlU ba aold fdfBPtl. the followiac oaacrlh percale at to redemption the rollowlBC daacrlbed percela
publlcatiow of thla notice. v . . By ardar at the CooacH. aeaarataft a4 for rani aot lBtb7a toa WJ Rrt M " ' of real property, to-wlt:
By ardat Of th Oauacll. -I , . . TH0. a DBVLIIf. ild aae.nt theraaa and tatoreet. aad -ofialay Park Addltloa ta PortlandfetV-- Balck'l Addltloa to tba City af Port-
li'l-'aiBLWyWl..; Aadltaf a tba City at Perttaad. Joet ef JtUln, andVu moratb.a one 8Ii,?,'J THle Guarantee Tmat l. . .
f kmMtgm a ka. (Htw St Prvt.aKkit ' ? Ifair A. lbVM. thla. a raUal hT- wtl K. awalil aa. aha 00aHliy ... , , . a a .ITI..n Itlk rl2L, Matt M W at TmiU alfirl
May T, U04.
I klatvlaa . a4ludaaaa) aVaa at. ha ka
CTTT TBXAStTBIB'B B0TICX Of BALB Of I reaa, .taot a! paulty ud laUrWk Oompetl
Whareaa. Tha rVmiu.ll ar ka mt a Dee.
bad, deemlnf It expedient to open, lay aot
ana bruiiu an extenaioa or Macadam atreet, in I ,rZ . ,, m... -
tha City of Portlaad, from the aouth T Ua of 1 U' daUaaoeot aaaaaamaoU for eoaatract a fcT.2r .iii? if J!u.T-rJT, line tha newer la Kaat rweotr-elabth atreet
towaahlp 1 'aoath. ranxe 1 amal. Will. I""" 100 oatk af the aoath Una af Baady
niai.. At a - .v. aa nu ta a ananacUoB anta tba aawar in BaaC
f MarchT 1904. direct the ri 4 Twenty -elf hth atreet at a point IS feet aouth I CITT TBBASUBXB'I , B0TIOB Of 8AXB Of
Kntineer to aurrey tha aame aad to mark tha J "f" "L"' A B1AX niOrrBTT TOB IUairBBT AB-
oounaanee taereor. ana u
aarrey, aad a written rei
and Derfect deacrlntlon ai
and boaodariee thereof, and of tha
Notice 1 hereby a-tren that tha Aadltor af I narloda.
toa ty ox roruaag nes traaeminea w me a
or BT1BX
Itatlaa la hareba alraa that at Mia saaaMaa
at tha Ooaacll af tha City af Portland, Ore
foa, held oa the 4th day of May, Ikot, the
follewina reeolutlon waa adopted!
Beeolrad, That the Council of tba City of
wiiM. ore ma ii exseaioBi aaa pro-
IMBaa ft. InnMM Blavb k - -.
line of Berenth atreet to the weat Ua af
Twelfth atraat la Ua following manner, to-wlt:
M "v iimwh, aw luwt 1U II wioui wita
full tetereectlene to tha proper aobtrada.
Second By paring the raadway full width
wltk fnU Intmeetloaa wltk aaphalt oa a con
crete foundation ate lacbaa ta depth wltk twa
foot brick fatter.
. . Third By coaatractlBf artificial atone aide
wilka aad cor be la accordance wltk tha City
-Bjrtoeer' plana, apeelacatloaa aad , eetlmatee.
Said ImproTtmant to be mad ta aeoordaace
with tba charter and ordinance of tha City
af Portland aad tba plana, apeelacatloaa aad
eetiautea of tba City Bnflaeer Bled to tha at
flce of tha Aadltor of the City of portlaad oa
th i Bd day af May, 1904, indoreedi H31ty
Enflneer'a plan and apaclll nation for tha Im
proTement af Btarh atraat tnalki mu II .a
of areata atraat to taa weat Ua at Twelfth
, a treat, and the aatimataa at tha work to ba
aone aaa toe prooa pie total aoat thereof."
a prorldad by tb aity akarte apoa tha prop
erty epedally benalted thereby aad which la
hereby deoUred to ba tha tollewlof : Oa tba aorth
' aide of aald atreet all tha lota, parte of lota
parceia e laao iyinf oetweea tha aorth
o ,wi eireex aaa a una 100 feet north
theaanf .nit mmIIJ . L
e ana mwm
the eaat , Uaa at Teeth atraat and the weat
e botbwui atreet, aue lot a, block 107.
ana lot a. aaa aouth half af int r hinek inn
Couch't addltloa to the City of Port Und; aleo
-block 88, lot a. kkck aorth half I, and lota 1,
T and . and aouth half of lot 8, aouth half
a, n niocx a J, rcruana; on th aontk
aide af aald treat, all the Iota, parte of lota
.un (arna an tying Between the aoath
line of Bterk atreet and a Uaa 100 feet aontk
thereof aad Parallel therewith, aad betweea the
. J. ... 01 tb atraat aaa the aaat Uaa
af Twelfth atreet ... . i d ,
Tbe Knatheer'a eatlmata af tba probable total
f0 2 ihe Improvement af aald Stark atreet
9r ImproTamaat to to ba elaaaed a
aa aaphalt ImDmrement and ahall ha
.! P" clt' ft Pyriod of aa reare, prorided,
that tha awnera of tha majority of tha prop
rrty heaeflted hy aald hnproremeot or any por
tloa thereof ahall not petition for a new or
different Improrament bafora tha expiration of
aucn period.
hP.?ie.p'5.MJ. WeMui and eatlmate of
h Olty Kntineer for the Improvement of aald
Btark atreet ar hereby adopted.
n.!?olJt T ht" 4lltor of tha ty of
riftland b and he la berehv directed to aire
noiicj oi tn propoeed improvement of aald
tret aa provided by tba city charter.
Remonatrnnce arilnat tha ahn.
KiPnt mar he Aled In axti.. Z"1'T
. , ,., , - ... . - .. ua whbp
5.u JI,unn.". Trnm tha data of tha ftrat
pnhHcation of thla aotlc. '
By order of th Council.
. . TH0S- - MvXtH.
May T, at Portl"Bt
of the Couaeil of tha lrv f iwrianrt w
.. n LIJ .W. , -L. . . a . - . . . . I
rvaviuiHin waa aaopiea: .
Reaolved. That tha Council of tb City of
Portland, Oreaon, deem It expedient and pro
P& to Improve, Bat Waahlnfton treet from
elaht feet eaat of tbe Weal line of TJnloa ave
mie to 13 feet waat of tha eaat line of Kaat
Water atreet In the followlna manner, to-wlt:
Flrat Bv blinalaa tha atraat full wlritf. artth
fnU . Interaecttona to the arade aa ahowa by
the itakee Vt by the City Kntineer with rood,
ln ,. clay, gravel, rock ar other euitable
luairriai. j.-
Second By coaatrnctlna woodaa aldewalk la
accaraancs witn toe vity luirlneer a plana,
DeclDcatlona aad aatimataa.
Third By- eonatractlaff plank roadway In ao
coruanc- who w, . WglOWl plUI,
BPeclflcattona ana aatimataa. .
Aald Improvement to ha made la accordance
with tha charter and ardlnancea at tha City of
I ui uauu im luo yinna, aicllK B lloua BBU eexi-
Biitei of the City Engineer filed in the office
of tha Aadltor of the City of Portland en the
4th day. of Mty. 1904. Indoraed: . "City En.
neer'a plana and apeclflcattone for th Improve
n.enx oi mi numoiira atreet trom eight
feet aaat of the weat Ua of Union vnne ta
13 feet weat of the eatt Una of Bait Water
-: atreet, and th eatlmitea of the Work to ba doue
ann taa prooaoi toiai coai mereor.T ,
The aoat of aald Improvement to ba aeseaaed
, provided by the clt.v charter apon the prop,
erty ipeclRlly benefited thereby and which ia
cereay aeciareo to ne an trie mia. pane or mr
and pareele of land lvtng between a una 109
feet 'north of and parallel with the north Una at
Kaat' wtaninrton atreet ana a una inv feet aouth
of and parallel with the aouth Una of Catt
Waahlngtoa atreet, and between the weat line
1 cf Dnlon avtna and tba aaat Una of Baat
. water atreet. -r-:
' Tha BnalDeer'a aetlmato of the nrobiMa total
coat for th imnrovement at aald Baat WaahlBg-
ton ttreat i axa.Tea.oo. t
- Tha above Improvement I to ba elaaaed aa a
tiana roadway Improvement and- than oa mttln
talned by tba city for a period of four year;
. provided, that tha owner of a majority of th
property benefited by aald Improvement ar any
portion thereof, ahall not petition tor a new
or air reran t improvement Pator the expiration
of jjucfc period. . - :
Tba plana, upeci flea Hob nd estimate of th
City Bnalneer for tha Improvement of Kaat
waahlnatoa atreet ar hereby adopted.
Reaolved, That the Auditor of tbe Ctty of
- potlc f the prapoeetr-lmprovrment of aald Eaat
waier etreei aa provided by tha elty Charter.
Bemonxtranee axalnat - the, above lmpreva-
mmt may v ha tiled In writing with the nnder-
. Biirnea wiuia m aay rrom tha date or tna nrat
' publication of thla notlee,. .
By order of th Council.
. - TH0S. a DETtllf.
" Aadltor of tha City of Portland.
May f, IMM. , . , -.
Eaek pleoe or tract at lead wlU ba aold
parateiy aad for a aam aot teea thaa tha I atklaaaa'a Addltloa to
Kmma Dick
an paid eaeeeemoot tbereea aad Intareet. and i rVH-tland
tbe City of
rtral Cpoa the penalty for the Brat period. J?!' ?J a teto aad Bmma Dtck
Becoad lpod Ua penalty for tha aeceadta 2, - "i"0. . wiu ae io. J'ra or tract of
Third Cpoa tba rata of Intereat. m
a. B. tiniAin,
Cltr TreeeareT of tbe City of Portland.
Portlaad. Oregoa. April 80, 1004.
to make a alat af lack that paraneat to aection 413 of tha charter
rpBT"nteKtag a full of atr Poland. I will, aa Tneedav BE88MIBTB,
afauch proceed atreet 8ut T, 1904, at tba boor of 10 Notice I b
VTTir.iir:. o'clock a. m. at the weat door of the Cltv the City of Pi
each lot tract or n.rt nf .uh , k. .n. I HalL la the Ctty of Portland. Oregoa. offer I liet of tbe delinquent aeaeeemente for
affiftitol TBBAiUBEBk B0TICB Or BALB Or
KXatii raorcaxx roa ssujutuux ab
EB8MXXTB. Notice 1 hereby glvea that the Aadltor of the
w . Duaoa VBI7, . m.
Leavea from aame Jannt aa nn.. ..a a-.-
Tbe IndenMaaeavafnamnaM ' lfnw ' Vina
operate dally t Moamoarh nd Atrlla. eon.
Plrat-alaaa fare from Pnrtlaad to Sacrament.
nd Baa Praaelaea et2A haath ait. -
far tit aecoed-laaa berth 83 80,
Tlckete ta T..mmr ni.l. mmkA . Ua
'nan. rhlna. Honolol and Anatralla.
BnoB th. Baaalrr foe th. flrrt Hnd iX2 ZS-Ll '.k! 'liT "77 ' "'V w"-
. J. r 1 . : i " wi wiu w-j bbviu vm nm pioopt i "ir-v-v-vaa. r-nn.Hr. MaiB 11. f
-Upon tb pwalty tor tb ucwdlnt ofTrrlnir to Uk th m for th letst amount C W. flTITCGCR, . W. CO MA If.
rHHi.(7 mr.a miwimz. fjompvtiuoo will b: vnjr xtcBf Agm PMbV AffMlB
liaiuvvn IBBJ Miapiaaiai, w inr IBB nrai iMirifBtl. I
Becond I do a the aeaaity for tha esneadina
yariuaa. '
Third UpoB the rate of .ntereat.
1. H WKBLUIlt.
(Ity Treaaarar of the City of Portland.
Portland, Oregoa. April 80. 1804.
. 8.4
i.a in k.- -.. . .
bidder offerlnr to take tha una for tba I aanae.taf. aaa ew . II. i " .L"
leaat imoant of penalty aad intereat. Oompetl- nnpald aaaeaament thereon aad tatoreet and coat
. , . ?r aavertiaing ana Mle: if more than one hid
. " i , I
Second '
J: . ...... of Penalty ' atd Intereat. Competition vrtll be
auMw uyva wi rata ui inivmi, a-in
J. B. WKBIaSIlX,'-
Clty Treaaorer of the City of Portlaad.
Portland. Oregon, April SO. 1004.
8:80 a. h.
4.0 p. m,
tralaa, for Salem, Baa.
hnea . Ak1a
iito. Ox dea, jea rraaJ
dace, Molave, Lot Aa-j
piea, bi raao. Maw Or-I
eaae ana taa Kaat.
At Woedbara .- dally
except Suaday). aaora-i
Ing trala for bft. AmJ
gel. Bllvertea, BraWae-
vme, Bpnnaneia. waaaV
Ung aad r'atroa. , .
Alba ay paaaearer, aoa
necta at Woedbara wltk
ML Anaal and atlaaJ
na meat..
Am vea.
10:10 . aa
t8: a.
Dally. IIDaUy, axcapt Banda. t . I v
PrtlaaJ-Cawg BwknrbM Berataa aaal TVm nua .a . '. '
. niam a treat.
RetnrBlnf from Oawega. errlve Portland d.l'y
" ' .. BHla. 4:88. aria, T:
ft" ifJP --r 2. an.
8:80. 10. SO, 11:44 fc . Kxcaot Mandar. li li
aeml looa at tha hnne r in o'einek a. n. . at tha la matte boalevard to 80 feet north of tha aoath
land will ba aold I waat door af the City Hall, ta tha City af Port" I una or rwtiaaa t nonierara, ana t tnt vorennx i Hit or th delinquent aeaeaxmnta for conatract
Notice a hereby glvea that tha Aadltor of I
tbe City or Portland ha tranamltted to me a
aronrlated for aneh atraat. and the rut. Jt. for aala at pobUo a action to the blrbeet bidder I atraetlng th eewer In TiUamaok atreet from
ua, aaaina m.aa .uh Zt.i 1-7 ' I for ci ah. aublact ta Fadamnrlon. tha followlna I 12S feet aaat of tb at Una Of Union a
. ... m1. . . T r. "r. -K: i I aIKI m . I. . -- I ... k a i..uHn. arltk th. nmuaa aearee
oftka Aaitter UBart Beventh atreet, and t. City of .Portland ba, tr.nmltt te m a Mat
and aald report having beea adopted by ordl Porttead leeetloa 413 af the charter of the City of Port- oi too aeuaqnent aaaeaanienia tor vn improring
..L K.TrJi " r:e".iZ..0jr Uik 1. l ta a tt ti n. T. p.w. I land. I will ob Tneadar the Slat dar at May. of Pattoo avenue from the Borth Una of Wll-
aaonung th report f tb City Engineer la the 1 i" ;
n.ftae a tk. . A i i i . I Eaeb nlaea aa area af
- M.V V. WVH.aa. 111. u.i bbu i - ii i. - . . - -. . . .r i .. . . i . . .l -l . -. w rt. - i . . . . . . .
a-aei tweniy-acvenai ana
point 100 feet aoath
Bendy road to a eonnee-
i Kaa BWaeetft aeeaae aa
Town of Alblna Portland, Oregon, orrer for aala et puonc aoo-1 that onraoant to aectloa 413 of the cbartar of
Blk 3, aaat IS Z 3 feet tot IT, Henry tin- I "on v ine nixneT oiooer ior wmotnjm
9tT a e a ,,,,,,,,,,, MHMItMif Q.JU I rrUBJIJlJPlJWM LUaj IVUvWIIaJ UCBVItvau feMVa
Blk X lot 28, Henry Hileer 18.80 af real property, to-wlt:
Each piece or tract or una win pa aoia "orin aioina-
aeparately and for a anm aot leaa thaa tb Blk 11. lot 4, Walter Brown.,
nnpald aaaeaament thereoa and intereat, and Blk 11, lot 8. Walter Browa. .
coat of advertlelng aad aala; If more thaa ana Blk 20, lot 3, Barak McOnlgaa
bid la offered tbe land Will be aold to the Blk 30. lot 1, Bera Mcuuixan
bidder offering to take the aame for tba
eatebUahlng of Macadam atreet from tha aoath I aeparately and for a anm not leaa thaa tte i na, uregon, orrer xor , eate pooiio. aoruoa Ti irriV l "wrI
line at Lowell avenue to tba north tine of anpald aaaeaament thereoa and Intereat and coat t' tha hlgbeet bidder aub)ect to tr , wu on ineaoay, tVi I 'V'
I nennatr'' t--U " " " I WCt doOT Of thO CltT Hall. IB the'dty af I HM Hth tha IMM la
aBjBBBfV ' V '.. t ''"' V "
ta, all' peraon Intoreatod are I offering ta take the aame for the leaat amount
that tbe Council ef the Cltr I of penalty and hitereet. Competition will be
a appointed a O. Satherlaad. I Ftrat Upon tha peaaltv for the flrat perl
Now, therefore,
hereby notified
of Portland baa appointed a O. Satherlaad. I Ftrat Cpoa tha peaaltv for the flrat period.
Charlee Smith and J. P. Menefee viewer to I Second Cpoa the penalty for tha aocoeedlnf
view aam proooaea cxteaeion or aaia atreet and i penooa.
make an eatlmate ef tha beneflta and damaraa I Third Pnon tba rate of Intereat.
eccaaloned by the opening, laying eat and eatab- J. B. WERLEIN,
Making of tha aema, la accordance arith aectlon I City Treaaorer af tha City of Portlaad.
ew vi in eaarw ei tna uity ar rertuna. I rortuaa, uregoo, Apru au, iimm.
eaia viewer ta aieet at tha eraca ar tha Audi
tor at tha City IT Portld en Thuraday tie CITT TBZAStTBEB'B B0TI0B Of BALB Or Jft amount o! panalty aad intereat. Competi- Nlrtrtbr a iium n ot le tt the Marljaa
i'to thCfca "d tay. " W 0 BOB PBLXlfinT AB- ZZk tb. for tb. are. P.od. W SttttJSTfa Loia Ad
Th7 prop wring lTlaa oot aad aatab. BBBBUMaTS, Second-Upoa tha penalty for the aneceadlng bid ia effared the Und win be eold to the Blk S, lot 1.
Third Upon tb rata of Intereat
4. B. Y B.ttlBin,
City Tree sorer af tha 01 tr of Portland.
Pwrtlaad. Oregoa. April 80. 1804.
Uahln of Macadam atreet la Basra aartlenlaal I Mntica ta harahv artvaa thai tha iBiiltor of
heoaded aad daacribed aa foltowai I tbe City af Portland haa tranamltted to ma a
waumncigf at a potat la ua aoan 1 Hat or the delinquent aaeeeomeate for eonatruct-
Una - af Lowell avaana. Vhara . tha a. m. line tha mmmm Im onmnavl.1 eteeat fanna a
would ba lateraected by tha aaat line of puint 250 feet aorth of tba north Uaa ef Beech
Macadam atreet. running thence aoutberly along atreet to a point la Beech atreet, thence -.-..wwvwa vrmm nw ear n
aa axteaaloa oi the eaaterly Uaa af Macadam weaterly In Beech atreet to a connection with 0XTr TtlUSTntlH 8 0n0B 0T BALB Of
atn... mhi.mii - . m-. .... ... I .l - n . . . . - I wwar ainriev ma nvrtWAimii . a
... "."yww eawHif, mmm un swat ub UI ajwai in aiewca auen Bl IBB IBianenwa .aw.aa.. m v - .
or tae ajacaaam roaa a tna aorta una of eee-laf Kerby atreet, and that pareuaat to aectloa
tion IB. towBehln I aeath. vanaa t aaat Will. Iai .1 th. ahtea ik. fnt Dn.ti.a f
a me tte meridian; rnanlng thenoa weaterly wia oa Taeaday. tha hut day af May, 1904. BoHce le hereby given that the Aadltor of
along north Ua af Bald aectloa 18 ta a point at the hour of lb a? nt, at Aa wert 'ooolr oi Cltr of Port aad haa tranamltted ta me
80 feet dlata. from at rlaht maaani eia.ii i aa I th. rut. a. 11 i. n. . Di.a n I a Hat of th dulinanent aaeeeamenW for eon-
Macadam atraat aa above do. affer tor aato at peblle aaction to the hlgSeet ;H?ct!". l ,lB
acribed; theaca north eaaterly end : northerly bidder tar aaah, aobiect to redemption, the fol- ' weet of tba eaat Una at Beat Teath atreet
along the weat Hoe ef Macadam road and aa lowing Oeawlarala of rail property, to- to aeirev U Cnloa avanua, and that pnraaant
aiteaaloa eontherly to tba waat Una ef Maa .----.-.f"..... T to aeetloa 418 of the charter of the city af
adam atreet aa bid eat la tha Santa Portlaad CeetraJ AIMaa Portlaad, I will aa Taeaday the Slat day of
Seal Batata Aoeoclatloa' addltloa to CBrathare' Blk ST. lot 14. Barma Kaeneefe 88.88 Vfay, 1904, at tha boor ot 10 o'clock a. m., at
addltloa, to tb aouth Uaa af uSeUVvnaT ? Back ptoee ar falrt of Und'wlii baaoM fhe'vrtot door af the 1 Cltr Ball, la the City of
tbeaee eaaterly alona tba aoath Una af Laweli -t. ..a 1 JT Z.. tZl .i.. Portlaad, Oregon, offer for aala at nubile aoo
avenue 80 feet ta tha place ef begianlng. . I annaid ..MM-maat tiaWtaatwMt TnJ auat tion to tha hlgbeet . bidder for caah, aubjeet to
. Ihe propoeed apenlag. laying aot and aataV ef advertwing and eale. If more than one bM 1 redemption, tbe following acacnoea Barcaia ar
"?n or liaeaaeaa atreet aa above daacrlbed a offered the Mad will ha aold to the bidder I raal property, w-wit
wiu include ana aeeeeetute the aonronrlatlaa 1 vm. t. t.k. .. . . .k. . I tticniana
" L..e.,'7. "a ''7"Dd'hd Parcel af penalty and Intereat. Competition will ba:
AUH.!,Jr.(IJM2La ! 2?2ro"4i. ftraa Cpoa the penalty for the ant period.
twtiah. ruthof lit: srIi,w;ir.avi,..n,.,?d j
tfa wmtk Um of Motion IS. towBofaln 1 imlb. tnilZi-in. av. u s .a a.
- at aniU a. ' . a. . . . . 1 .,- BaWwtla- 1BBW aaa-BW VI IDIU UBIb,
.i.fili ..A i.' -?eK. - lif J I J. B. WEBLBIB.
Macaaam atraat containing n.OOO wmara feat.
All neraona ctalmlna damaeea bv reaaoa af
opening, laying eat and eatabUahlng at aald I aWAl rZOrXBZX TOB BlXIaauXJfT AB- I leaat amount of penalty and Intereat OompeU.
atreet are hardhv aneelallT nntiflj tn ai. I axBBMCBI'a. , I tion will ba:
their alalam for aock damaeea arith tha andim-l w..... .... u. I Flrat L'Don tb aenalty for the Brat Period.
of th City of Portland before tha 18th day at InZ'XSl S MLa11" . I Secoad-Upoo tha penalty far tha aucceedlng
May. 1904. tha time annolntad for tha iaa.Hna I .Ti r. : . , . " 7 . I nerloda.
ot th. vi.w, t"ral,'' ' I ,"V .-" w ' "..r eV."" I Tblrd-TJpon tha rata of Intereat
tion to the hlxheat bidder for caah. abect ta I the City of Pert land, I will, aa Taeaday, the
iai aay ot may, leva, at ua hour or 10
c'clocx a. a., at tna weet door of tbe City
Wall la tha ftll af ne .W..
...e....M tot i. t public aactloa to the hlgbeet 'bidder
I lt "'"i auuject to reoemption. the following
Tr-ir I oeaerioMi parceie oi real aroparty, tn-wit :
48.28 I Wanknnn Will. I. B.,l. ii n.
Each pleca ar tract of land wiu b i aold I ahlp 1, Nortk, Mange t, Baat Wllla matte
Joatlnen B. Bmlakene 8aa.aH
aiaajuoa to aiaei
Aiua B. Blaaeoa...,
and union Pacific
Throagft Paltmaa atandard aad touriat alewp.
,era dally to Omaha. Chlcajto, Spokanel
touriat Bleeping care dally to Kanaaa Cltyi
thenaaw Pnlln... ImmU . i.
. B . i u u .. i" "i. vara tenwia
bidder offering to taa toe. earn, for the jb ptore w tract of toad "win bi wld 'Xi'lJ' XVSfZ .-?.?UDIn"
tion will be I
Flrat Upon the penalty I
Second upon the penalty
Third Upon tha rata of Intereat.
City Treaatirer af the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, April SO. 1804.
for tbe flrat period. . idwtUlna aad aale: If mora thaa m. hid
for tha eueceeaing offered the tend will be aold to th bidder
Offering to tea to aama Tor tha leaat amount
of penalty aad Intereat. Oompetltioa wlU be:
riret Upon tha penalty for the Bret period.
Becoad Upon the penalty for tba aaoaeedlng
Third Dpaa tb rat et intareet.
OHy Treaaorer af the City at Portlaad.
Pert land. Oreaon. April BO. 1004.
Blk IT, let 1, Laletta Wlncheetor...
...829 IB
' Cltr Treaaorer of the City ot Portland.
ParUahl Oregon, April 80. 1604.
Blk IT. lot 3. LoletU Wineheater.
Blk if. lot 12. Merrett Lladaay. ......... 39.18
Blk 18, lot 1, Agneo Garner 80.40
Blk IB, lot B, Agnea Oaraer.. ............ 17.40
Back niece or tract of land will be aold
aeparately ana tor a aum not iea maa toe
nnnald aaaeaament thereon Bad tatoreet. -aad
coat of advertlelng aad eale: If more thaa one
bid la offered tha land win be eold to the
bidder offering to take tbe aama for tha
By ardor of tha Council.
TH0S. a ftBTLn. .
- .n,,a,t0, tf tt PortlaBd.
May 8, 1004.
ina tna eewer in wygant atreet, rrom the cen-1 ' t m WERLEIN
nalanawafanfi " tWf a S 01t7 Trear of th.Clt, of Portlaad.
.f ih. Vk-Vti 7 th. fflrt r p.r i -In Portland. Oregon, pru ou, lave.
BTXSZT, " ":t:
la via Highland
Wbereaa. The Council of tha (itt af Port.
land, deeming It expedient to open, lay out
ana lill. K ..I.mU. . BI..2 kl- . . L.
atreet, In the City of Portland, from Holgate . o' tHHt ?a Ja'ntl'iTlSt "1T
aireet to naroia eireet. aia on toe sai aav ori:r . " .-.........
March. 1804. -direct tba Citr Rnalnaee to aureeei"1 . h Irene JBtluweil
V&: w-oorof JK-! L J!5 ?'
toe taty UalL in the CltV or PortUnd. Oreaon. m,m,mj. ihiuii av auaa.vea. mmr-
offer for aala at public auction to the hlgbeet BEBSKENTS.
fo?towUWlD;d Mbrbi .? al'nrSntr" 'to! Notice la bby glvea that the Auditor of tbe
followlilf daaerlped paxeela ef real property, to- atr rf PoHl,aA'mm tranamltted to me a Hat
VI Baa a uvutlUlltTUk Biiiw BBinaiita aa uuaaavM B. wilimj
at. - - n tl..,.l AauBaaaa. rwcm M a,.Mk.
alal I lU' VWtjr H HI laBaWUI d TVTaJtavj UVUI aWa ITCt BVUIH
-221? of the outh )in of Pre)tt itr-et to cob-
1.5.90 I B...4I.M eawltra IKa ai a war aa let Uakeutta Brwaa aanrf Ala.
30.40 In aeetlnn 414 of tba charter- of -tha
the aame and to mark the boundarlea thereof. BJJLVni.eT te.e? Z Y.a Wkl I ?5 City of PortUnd, I will on Tueaday tbe 81st
and to make a plat of anch aurvey, and a . eBr-piece or tract or land will be eold ot M,. ,904 ,t the hour of 10 o'clock
written r.port cont.lnln, a fuU and perfect n:IDrl.L.Vt0th,ee;.nStnti,," , ""J J? & wVat "00? tte City Hall l5
dariptlon of auch propoaed trt and tha ttmMliiLu P2JS!SZl V"1 f Portland. Oregoa. offer for aale at
beaBdarlea thereof, and of tha portloa af each Jf ,""1 "ii! ii "",7 J"".h.l5,d PubUo, -action to the blgbeit bidder for cadi,
tot tract or part of althar, to ba approprl- Lt "fA b5nr2?.to..,.Dl,de! aubjeet to redemption, the following deecrlbed
fjT-'.iiV: P-rU i-Prwrtft to-wlt.
udidiwuuob win na: i - l
Sled auch plat and report In tha office .of riratupon tne penalty for the Brat period. Int. 4 u 11 r. P. Jobnaon 82(1 TO
tbe Auditor, at tha Cltr of Port. Becono tpon the penalty for the aueeeedlna m. ih v,t i M.nia Smith. m to
land on the B0th day af March. 1004. I P9?: . ...... . . Blk 16. lot 4, Nellie 8mltk 260
ww-wa.w nNn aariaj vwa BiwIWIiBW a BTWI- I r -www hiwii.i. . .
aattca..Kc-'7".i3;904v -'atltltAt r.. uAairardiBaaGa t--1 .r,r-.-----i- .-r -.. : WE-RLRIJI,
aaopiing tne report 01 toe uity Engineer in tbe
FBorosED DcPBovEMEinr or wzst pabb:
J ' . ' " BTHEET. . ' y "
ItoMee 1 hereby given that at th meeting
ef tbe Council of the City ef Portland, Ore
Ion, held en the 4tb day of May, 1804, tha
olkraing reaolutloti waa adopted) " t
-. Raeolvad. That the Council of tbe City ef
Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro
poaee to Improve Weat Park atreet from the
north Uaa of Taylor atreet to tha aoath Una
matter of tha propoeed opening, laying oat and
eatabUahlng of Eaat Seventeenth atraat from
Holgate atreet to Harold atreet.
Now, therefore, all peraon intonated are
hereby notified that tha Council ot tbe City of
Portland haa appointed H. J. Morrhjon. Hanrv
Jonea and J. Kelly vlewera, to view aald pro-
Blk IO. lol 8. Theodora P. Btearaa. ....... 86.10
Hlk 10, lot lu, 11. ttanaon ao.iu
Each piece or tract of land will be aold
CITT TREASURER'S M0TICB Or BALB 9T B5SJ" iaement tbn Tnd Inhere." and
--. -""'- -i ."r : ( -a-- -.W en.L,B,1 K.r -
City Treaanrer of the Cltv nf Portia nit
roniana. Oregon, April 80, 1804.
Mot loa' la hereby glvea that th Aadtter ef
the City of Portlaad haa tranamltted to ma a
Hat of tha deUBiinent aaoeeamenta tor eonatruct
ing tha newer la Buchtel avenue aad Baat
Pine atreet, from 108 feet aouth f tha aoath
line of Heat Ankeny atreet to a point la Eaat
Plaa atreet thence weeterly In Eaat Pine atreet
. n tinn anta tna newer in uooaeeu
Taeaday, tbe 81at day of May, iua, at tna
boor of 10 o'clock a. m., at the weat door of
the city ball, ta tha Ctty ef Portland. Oregon,
offer for aala at -pnbllo aactloa to tba blgheat
bidder for caah. tubject to redemption th fol
lowing deasrioed parceia ex raai fwoparVl w
Mayor Gate' Addltloa
Blk 8, lot 8, 0. A. Carleen and Bva Carl-
f B.UB
BlckUa tate,
HlckUn. catata.
TJMIOIf PBPtlT. Leave. Arrlvee.
CHICAOft-I'ORTLABD 8:18 a. m. S 29 p. a.
SPECIAL. Dally. Daily? ,
For the Eaat via Hunt
ington. ' . '- t. ' '
SPOKANE PHER. T:48 p. Ba. 80 a,ai.
for Eaatera Waehlng Dally, Dally.
toa. Walla Walla. Lew.
letoo, Coeur d'Alene ' , '
and Great Borthera
ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 8:18 B, m. 8-00 A at.
ror the Eaat via Eaat- Dally. . Daily,
lngton. ;
S. S. Oaa. W. Bldeew
. April a, is. m. r
B. 8. Oregon
May 1, 11, 31. 81.
Dock. .
8:00 p. BV
Oolambla River Dtvtalao.
Blk 8, lof JT, feUa 0,
heira ar
Blk 8, lot 18, reus 0.
fcelra ef
Back piece or tract ot
. . a a
3 a rnnstwOnTindaritai
1 ralnap Dally
rOB ASTORIA and wr
TO SPOKANE, ST. PATJTj, DTJXiTJTH. Mnto, connecting wltk
jvUa POINTS BAST. aala. Aah-et dock.
Daylight trln throua-h tha ' fBae.ii. 111
and Rooky mountain. ; irp fnU nartl. ! Tatikia liver Beota.
3:00 B. m.
DaTly '
ex. Sunday
Satnrday 1
10:00 p. m.
About -8:00
p. m.
ax. Sunday,
41.08 ulara, rataa, foldara. ate emll oa or ad- roa datton. Oregon'
Und will be aold I draaa
r' 'ha.Sfne.t,fn; cS? -
of advertlelng and aale; If mora than one bid I
ia offered the land will be aold to the bidder j
offering to take the aama tor tne leant amount
at penalty ana intereat. unaaniiwa wiu "
irirab uoon ina nenaiiv xor ui lira, veran.
Second Uuea tha penalty for tba aeeeeding j
t . :
xniro upon xna raie or r"iLw
City Treaaarar of the Ctty ot Portland.
Portland, Oregon, April 80, 1B04.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Go.
Otr and Tambill River
polata, atra. Elmore and
Modne, Aah-et. dock.
(Water permitting.)
1:00 a. m.
: P. aa.
Snake River Boat.
and way polnta from
Blparla, Waah., itram
era Spokane and Lew-
Notlee la hereby given that the Aadltor of I
. nw nr vni-ri.tio -nae iranamiiiaa me n
list of the Aellnquent-amnte for Improv
ing Penlneular avenue, from the aoath Una ot
pinnln atraat to tha aouth Una of Columbia
boulevard, and thatpnrtiBnt to aectlon 413 of
the charter ef the city 01 roniana, 1 win, on
Tneadar. the Slat day of May, 1804, at tba
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at tha weat door of
the Cltv HalL la tbe City of Portland. Oregon.
offer for aaie at pnbllo auction to tha hlgbeet
, ' r- r-
Leavaa. ONION DEPOT!. Arrlvae.
lor Maygera. Ri.lnler, d.ii
CTatakaale. Weatport, V'
. CUftou. Aatorla, War-,,.. '"'
8:00 a. m. renton, FlaveL Bam- 11:10
Pally. mond, Port Stevena.,
Gear hart Park, Seaaide
Aatorla and Beaahorai
, Bxpreaa dally.
7? V. . " AatorU ' Xxpraaa. " ' ' "J "
DaJl Dally. :0 p. m.
:4fl a. m
ex. Bat.
1:00 p. at, '
ax. Friday.
Notice ia berebv ariran that tha Andltna af
ooaed axtenalon or aald atraat and mat. I toe tUT 01 rortiana Baa tranamltted to bib
eatlmata of tba heneflla and .lama aaa neeaainnui Hat of th deltnouent aeacaatnenta for tba Im.
oy tae opening, laying out ana eatabUahlng proving 01 neuy aireet rrom me norm line of
mo name, in nccoroance wicn aeciion aaa or the 1 vv"r auwh w i., evuui uuu ui o uiiiur .to
charter of tha City of Portland, aald vlewera to " nd th,t purraaat to aectlon 413 of the
meet at the of Ace of the Auditor of th City charter of the City of PortUnd, I will oa
of Portland on Thuraday, the 18th day of M,. I HMfltr, tne siat aay or May, 1004, at the
1904, -at tha hour of 10 o'clock la the forenoon j fcour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at the wet door
at aald day. - , of th City Ball, M th City ot Portland, Ore-
The propoaed opening, laying eat aad eatab aoo, orrer ior earn i punnc auction so tne nigh
Uahln g of Baat Seventeenth atreet la SO feet bidder tor caah. aubjeet to nidempUon,
In width and la mora particularly bounded and following daacribed parceia at raal property,
aeeerioea aa roiiowa: ; 1 anni; -
Beginning at a point ta th Motherly line at PortUnd Homeatead Sobdlvlalon af lota
RoUata atraat where the aama wniiia ha in. I and B. block 8. Portland Homeatead
teraacted bv the aoatherlr extenaioa af tha Blk 8. iubdlvlalon 4 of lot 1. 1. Schmidt. .884.84
eaat Una of Baat Bevententk atreet aa laid Back place or tract ot land wlQ be aold
out la Bolae' addltloa, running thence aoutherly aeparately aad for a aum aot leaa thaa the
alon the extenalon ef tha eaat Uaa of Baat Bnpald aaaeaameut thereoa and Intareet, and
Seventeenth aa Uid out in Bolae' addltloa to coat at advertlelng and aale; If mora thaa on
tha aorth Una of Harold atreet; thence weaterly bid la offered th Und will be eold to th
along tna north line or Harold atreet 00 feet IP100r orrerjng to uxe . tne earn ror tba
to a point! thence nortbarly on a tootberly I Mt amount of penalty ana intareet. Competi
evtaoakin f tha waat Una af Raat aawanta.w.1. I tion will be:
atreet aa Uid ant In Bolaa'a addition, t. ta 1 Flrat Oooa the aeaaity for tba Brat Barlod.
aoath Une of Holgat treat;, thence eaeterly 80 I Second Upon the penalty for th nodlng
net amng tne aouta una or atoigata atraat toiperiooa.
the place of beginning. - 7 j Xhlrd Cp8 the rata of intereat.
tut propoaeo opening, laying oat ana eatab-1 . 1 . b. tvhjk
llahlng of Baat Seventeenth atreet Will Include
and aeceaaluta tha appropriation to public aaa
the followina daaorihad naroala te.eta .
Und: v
All that parcel or tract af Und beginning at
a point la the eaat Una of the pnipoeed Eaat
Seventeenth atreet and it tnteraaetinn with
the aouth Una of Holgat atreet: running thence
Cltv Treaanrer ot tbe Cltr of PortUnd.
PortUnd, Oregoa, April 80, 1004.
SEsskoarTS. .
Notlrn ta harehv alraa that tha Andltne nf tha
weeterly on the aouth Una of Rnlarata atraat I Mtv at Pin-tlanrt haa tranamltted tn. ma a liat
aa.oe icei; .running uence aoutneriy 781.44 feet ot the delinquent aaaeaament ror conetractlux
to a point 49.S9 feet jreeterly froki tha pro. tha eewer In San Rafael etreet from 125 feet
poeed taaterlr Una of Beat Seventeenth ateeatt 1 aaat at tha aaat Una ofl Union a ramie tn a
running tbenc eaaterly 415. feet to tbe pro. connection With tb propoaed ewer In Eaat
poeea eunnr um n ain Boventeantn arreet; j seventh atreet, ana tnai pnrauant to eection
uimin awuiwiT 1.1.11 mi KB xn. Biaca nr na. 1 .12 or tna enarrae or me uiet or r-orriann. 1
flnnlot. , eontalnlng ,T1 acre. ; . to (jwlU oa Tueaday, the Slat day of May, 1804.
Alaa all that Dar Cel or tract of land heetnntna I at tha hnne nT 10 n'clswB a. m. at tha waat Anam
kt a point in the eaeterly Hue of the propewed of the City Hall, la tha City of PortUnd, Ore
Kaat Seventeenth atreet. 781.44 feet aoutherly f goa, offer for aale at public auction to the
iron m bhii aw noigaoa esreer; running i nigseat oiooer ror eaan, auojeci to reaemption,
tbenea ,weBtcrly 5. feet to a point; thence the foHowing deecrlbed parcel of raal property,
aoutherly 781.44 feet to a point; theaca aaataei. I tnarlt .
81 feet to a point la the eaat Una f tbe pro- Tawa at Alblna .
poeed Bait Seventeenth atreet: running tbenea Blk 1, aouth 100 feet lot B, Chrtit Nladea- '
northerly on tbe eaat Una ot the propoaed Eaat thai 829.80
Seventeenth atreet T81.44 feet to tb pUce at Blk 1. aouth 100 feet lot . Chrlat Nledes-
ginning, containing .89 acre. , . x, tbal ..... .......39.80
Alio all that parcel Or tract Of land Sarin. Kach "nlaea ar tract of Und wtll h. Bold
nlng at a point in tbe eaaterly Una of the pro. j aeparately and for a aam not le than the
DOied Eaat Seventeenth Itreet l.K2 nf taat I nnnala .Aaaiumr thereon and Intaraat. .nil
aoutberly from the aouth Una of Holgnte etreet, eoet of adverUaing aad aale: if more thaa ona
running thence; outberly on an? extenalon of bid le offered the Und will be aold to the
the eaat Una of Eaat Seventeenth atreet 488.18 bidder offering to take the. aama for tb
feet to a Point: theaca weaterlv BO feet tn . le..t .atuint n)1 nanattv and intaraa.' flaaanatl.
point; thence northerly m the weaterly line I tion will bet , -
of tha propoaed Eaat Seventeenth ktreet 1.138.44 rai Upon the penalty for tha Arat period,
feet to point: thence eaatcrlv 1S.T4 feat to a I Bacnod ijnon th. nualt for the-aaccaaitlDa
point; thence aoutberly 034.38- feet to a polnti periode. ...
thence eaaterly 01 feet to a point In the eaat . Third Upon the rata at intereat. - ? -
Una af the propoaed Baat Seveatenth to the - , - . i, B. WERLEIH, -
place of beginning, containing .89 acre.. " City Treaaorer of the City of PortUnd.
Aiao au mat parcel ar tract as-uaa lying ha-1 FortUad, Oregoa, Apru 80, 1804. .
' . - .,, ,u- j, -.. i, . .... . , . j, . . . li ; - . , ,
coat of advertlalng and aale; if more tbaa one
bid U offered tbe land will be sold to th
bidder offerlnc to take the urn for th
leaat amount of penalty aad Intereat. Competi
tion will be:
Flrat Upon the panalty for the Bret period,
Second upon the penalty tor tha aucceedlng
Third Upon tha rat t Intereat. .
City Treaanrer of th City of PortUnd.
PortUnd, Oregoa. April SO, 1804.
MnHc la harabr given that the Aadltor of
the Otv of PortUnd haa tranamltted to ma a
Hat of the delinquent eaaeaamonta for eonetruet-
ing sua aawar in uorinwica etreet, irom a. point
121 feet aouth of tha aouth Una af . Shaver
atraat in a ennneciien wiin ine Bvwer in seven
atreet. and that Dtirauant to aectloa 413 of the
Charter of the Ctty of portiaaa, i will, on
Tueaday, tha Siat day Of May, 1904, at tha
hour or id o'cmck a. m., at tna weat ooor or
the Otv Hall, in tha Cltr of PortUnd. Or.
fun, offer ror earn at puniie aucuoa to tna
Igheet bidder for caah. aubjeet to redemption,
the following deacribd Parcel af real prop-
arty, to-wn :
Central Alblna ' '.
Blk 1, lot 8, Chrlat Andrew : 131.60
Baca niece or tract or una wiu oe aoia
aeparately and for a aum not lea than tha
nnnald aaaeaament thereoa and intereat and coat
of advertlalng and aale: It mora tbaa one bid
la offered the Und will be aold to tha bidder
o (farina to take tha aama for tb leaat amoant
or penally ana intereat. competition win oe:
rirnt L'non the penalty Tor the arat twrtou.
Second Upon tha penalty tof tha aueeeedlng
rniro upon tna rat ar. intareet.
City Treaeurer af the City of PortUnd.
Portland, Oregon, April SO, 1004.
Kotlca ia berebv alven that on tlia M daw
of May, 1904, I took up and empounded at
the city pound, at No.. 201 Sixteenth atreet. in
the City . of Portland. Oregon, the followina
described animal: Bay horee, white spot on
forehead, white oa aU four feet, imall whit
hot . on both aide of head, reached man,
hod all around and brand 31 oa left kip, aad
unleag. the owner or other peraon or peraon
having an Intereat therein, thall cUlm ooaaea-
lon of th aame, and pay all eoeta and charge
of th keeping and advertlalng them, together
rtth tha pound feee on aald animal, aa provided
by 'ordinance . No. 8,925, aa aminded, of aald
City of PortUnd, 1 ill on tht 13th day of
May. 1804. at the hour of 10 a. 11.. at th cltv
pound, at No. 301 Sixteenth aireet. la aald
elty, eell th above deacrlbed animal at puhlle
aucuoa to the blgheat bidder, to pay the aoata
and ebargea for taking up, keeping and adver
tlelng aald animal.
Dated thla 4th day of May, 1804,
, v J - ' PeundmatteeY-
. 0. MAYO,
O. . aad P. A.. Aatorla. Or.
oidoW ' f ; h. " elPt - W"' radempticBr tBa-4 fii -Ju- Jrsw A-STv Csmseii Agenfc its Aldss- j
roiiowinc aeacrioea parceia 01 reai propaxv. 1 . u
Corrected PUt of Baat and Weat O
Penlneular Addition No. 3, 8 aad 4
Baat H of block 05, Peninsular Baal
Katat company 8 88.78
North H of eaat H of block 08, Penln
eular Real Batata company 143.38
North H t t W of north U of block
67, Peninsular Real Eatate company.. 71.78
Baat H of block 68, Penlnaular Baal
. Eatate company 388.25
, Peninsular Addltloa No. S to Baat
Portland. Oreaon
Blk 86, lot 41, Church Lawaoa...... 8.40
Blk 86, lot 42, Church Laweona...... 8.40
Blk 80. lot 43. Church as Lawaoa...... 4.41
Blk m. lot 44, Church Lawaou...... 40.46 1
Penlnaular Addition to Eaat PortUnd.
Blk 7, lot I, Marguerite Lowmaa. ..... 00.0a
Rlk 7, lot 3, Marguarita Lawman.. .... 10.93
Blk 7. lot 3. Marguerite Low man. 8.00
Blk 7, lot 4, Marguerite Lowman...... A 60
Blk a, lot 1. Benjamin Tauffet........ 80.88
Bach piece or tract at Und WlU b Bold
aeparately and for a aum not leaa tbaa the
nnpald aaeeeainent thereoa and intereat and coat
or aareruaing ana aie: 11 more uaa ona ua
la offered the Und will be aold to tha bidder
ffering to tax tb aia for the leaat amoant
of penalty aad intereat. competition will be:
riret Upon th penalty for the Brat period.
Second llpon the panalty for tba aucceedlug
Third Upon tha rata af Intereat.
City Treasurer of tha City at Portland.
Portlaad, Oregoa, April 80, 1904.
TICKET OrriCB. Third and Waahlngtoa. Tel.
. yuuoB exam 1 IX.
Por Yokohama and Ron Im. Mni.. .1
Kobe, Nagaaakl and ShanahaL takln. rnalaha
via connecting ate mere for Manila, Port Arthur
aad VUdtvoetok.'":."" - - - - -
Par rate and full Information call en a ad.
I dreaa ofnicUU or agent ot tba 0. B. AV B Co.
SES8MINTS. Notice U berebv glvea that tba Aadltor at
tba Cltr ef PortUnd haa tranamltted to ma a
llit of tbe deUnouent ament for th Ira-
tiroving of Kourteenth atreet, from the north
ina of Barter atreet to the aoath weaterly line
ef front atreet. aad that nurauatit to aectlon
413 ot the charter of th pity of PortUnd. I
will, oa Tueaday, the 81tt day of May, 1004.
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at the weat
door of the City Ball, tn the City of PortUnd.
Oregon, offer for aale at public auction to the
highest bidder for caah, aubjeet to redemption,
tbe following deecribed parceia of real prop-
arty, to-wlt: 1
Wateou'a Addltloa to th City of Port--Und
Blk IS, lot 8. J. H. Peterson. ...30fl.S0
ma 18, tot o, 4. H. I'etereoD.
Each niece or tract of Uad will be aold
aeparately and for a aum not lea thaa tba
anpald aaaeasmont thereon and Intereat and coat
of advertUIng and aale; if mora than one bid
ta offered the Uad will be aold to th bidder
offering to take the aam for the leaat amoant
Of penalty, and Intereat.. Competition will her
First Upon th penalty for the nrat period.
Second Lima tha panalty for th eaoceedlna
Third Upon th rat af Intereat. "
City Trenrr ef th Ctty ot Portland.
PortUad, Oregoa. AprU 80, 1904. ,
Only -
Railway between tbe
Missouri River
' and
The QitcaoPortIand Special, tbe
u most luxunous train in tne wono.
n Dr wine-room sleeping cars, dining
car, buffet smoking aad library car
(barber and bath). Less than three
uy rortiana to Chicago,
Through Trains
to Chicago ar operated dally via tba
Oregon K. R. Nav. Co., U. f, R. R. and
Chicago & North-Western Ky. to Chicago
from Portland and point ia Oregoa and
Eaatern Washington. . . .
Daily, excursion tn Pullman tourist
aleeping car from Portland tbrowga ,
to Chicago without change.
a..tlTCHIB. A.O. BAKB. .
'C' . Ceaat, , tjeaaral Agent. .
? C- W--W. a-. . ' c. m-w. ky.
. tor Market Street, v BJ Third Street,
aa Baawciaco. CaJu roaiLAxs, oaa.
mtiow DEPOT,
Paget Soob4 Umltea.
for Taeoma. Beattle.
Olranla. Sooth Bend
and Oray'a Barbor
North Coaat Limited.
for TacoBM. Baattla.
Batta. St. Panl. Mia
neapolla. Chicago, New
Tori, Boetoa and petat
teat and 8oatbaaaV.
Twin-City Bxpraaa. for
xaooma, neattie, bp
kane. Helena. St. Paul.
MianeapolU, Chicago,
Mew Tork. Boetoa and
au polnta Kaat a
Puget Soand rttneae
Clty-et. loom apecui,
ror VBComa, neattia,
Spokane, Butte, Billing.
Denver, Omaha, Kanaaa
City. St. Unie and ail
polnta Baat and, kouth
east :
11:48 p. m.
All train daily ajreept aa Bonth -Bead
branch. A. D. CHARLTON. 1
- Aaaiatant Oaaaral paeaenger Ageat.
. S2S atorrteoa at., out. Third. PortUnd. Or.
ttAJLTlMOlVC, tV ClllO R. R.