.1 K t. . - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL TORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY : 7, 1C34V WHO " ADVERTISES - WILL,- UUTS1JLL 4 YOU ' iiVilliY DAY . IF . YOU t DONT ADVERTISE TOO. THE REAL ESTATE ; PAGES ' ARB SCANNED Y, 4 EVERY; POSSIBLE BUYER. ... ; '4 u ' ; is 12 r , g' w """ " """1 ;i WSeaWawaBBPSWeWBBBW BEAUTIFUL IVANHOE ? the beat bur tn the suburbs of Port land. If you mat lot in this beau tiful addition, bow la the time, aa the re going faat A few days more and yur opportunity will be gone. ; HOLY MOSES " How they are Oolngl . IVANHOE Hat two ear llnea: is about 20 minutes' ride from center of city. la high and lastly, overlooking lty. Willamette river asd surrounding country. IVANHOE REAL ESTATE t 7CA Lota la Dnocher'a Second Addl- Won, neat to 1005 Fair; only few ten; assy terma. tllM Comer lot. 8. W. corner 7ta and M.di.on. tl2S0 ror full Iota. SOtfe; Fatty (Tore and Qulmby. tUflft two of the beat lota In White I $1650 Some of the Choicest Lots on the Tract, next to fair: aeil eeoa-1 . raieiy. i 60x100, Nineteenth, near North-1 run. JI800 Qarter block. Twenty - fourth anu xvava. . . , . IZIMXI Beautiful lot Nerthrup pearl i tin. . - . 1771)0 Corner (52x104), West Madison - and NartUla ate. Kings Heights 53500 'hiu ?wBt-ll,f d Msr-j Ha wide. graded etreets; haswater vusw wo, I its and North- to each block; has several , nne iz irr Ti" separately. i horaea costing from 11,000 to iz la aura of rapid Inoreaaa tn value. 60- J $4700 lveJoy. near Twenty- IVANHOE 1W1&Et$ns?LS Has Full lota, 60X100 leet: naa 10-rooi jj w njn avvxivs, ajista street I lava halll. Ml fl V AS arid a. itrMU I Tw,fvvw .. , . e.xioe corner: nth rHM ftlo n the city for flats;' ele- Over the River S 150 i"4 u a Fawror'a; .Addl. -r HUB. J 250 tlook It. Piedmont; flae to soma ether addition a. IVANHOE Ta tnaMa nt inr ether auburban addl' tion on theae llnea. About 100 homes . will e erected true season. UTiw au rant to enrich the landlord when you ess purcbaae a lot in beau- f; IVANHOE For only 55 par month at prioee raac ip- rrom io 10 iiir Man on around to ahow very day In the week. Take 8cott oar to Anabl and walk two lne aa4 et off At Ivaanoa, or oaU at If KSQ h I. block til. HeUadAy. i ' a uiru. namamLr TniiriT I yon mw ana cottage. iu Boat Tit- 7VW teonth atreet Lots $75 Each H AiiauiuiiiaiypuiLI tot, $5 Down arid $5 a Month AT corner. property te Mount I .... llnloo ave. and Iron at comer. S fiUO Ma Mat ltui Mm niir MJiinaV J 550 19x111. Knaoall otroai, Alotauv ML Scott car For only . $100 ' Ncrtliingdown,.... J. . 03.OO Per Month ; ... : . . . .? ' ' . " We will , build you a three. fouror five room cottage J .l"?' on small: month ly payments. "a Sakf of Property la CITY VIEW PARK Hare been' ronswnmtted during . the put few weeks. C.LIIATIlAWAYMgr.,1 129 7th, Rooms (to 6; M Iota la Uneote rark. ft wKBt irarkt an I the teat of the Columbia UnJ- ' , rerrity, a place of culture and re- -' finement , University Park Is the - POINT VIEW Have But i few of those choke build-1 ! Inr lots left at price nerer be fore beard of fort,;;;;v vv.: , aad Ma, 1 eaaa aai lott fartiieaabia 1 financial, social and business een laeatloai eity. $i,WK ..... ( - ' " . c , uio mgn. puixeau , oe- erne aad lot TwntySHt ' , MOO. SeraM. - (ST. JOHNS) POINT j VIEW adjoins fit Johns, which Is rapidly becom- Ing district' Inside. Full Improved ':-a 18 Karat Clit Cdf ): ;f Residence Property,' ; TOMORROW Take the O. W. P. Ry. cars for POINT VIEW Is a short dls- outinfc ; tet off at CITY rartro fmm CnlumWa TTnlvtraitv. I VIEW PARK and See the .100 cmce. . . -v WESTERN LAND CO. , in xossososf ur. or Midf - noma staa ua which is destined to become one of the great educational centers -Wort !!&YMrc12a the Pacific Coast jaieaiaaippi SHIP HAL HERE $1300 and I avenue. lota and VMllinllt oarn. Aroor iodao. JI500 All of block ta. PatUNfa fiwuv AddltloA a onao. $i6oo jisr Ea-t flXuiFUio anartar block an Broad. TA ' I Alf ! I III J ,wv way. , III: I II All 1.1 AIT. l?nflnrtn turn noaarq oott.r la 111 lAInU llllfilll Tirrr "rw. Eart I4th at . ' I 7nm aoreo. raclnc Bt Johna ear: beat buy U taat vicinity,- - J2000 40 .Vj. folB Uaos wv worth I19A Mr aero. E. corner 17th aad Agent on ground. POTTER & CHAP1N .246 STARK STREET houses that we hare built in this addition in the past six months. It witt cost you nothing to in. POINT. VIEW has i first- Remember we bars class schoolhouse, hydrant water, Streets fill Imoroved. Oectflc f 1200-Quarter block, East spienow car service, ana com- Uahts. Du!l Run Wntef. mands a view of the river and of an( fife Protection Prt1an1 TTarKnr 1 i uur agent on tne grouna sil tne POINT-VIEW - Jots at 875 -n time. rween tne , nvers. ' The water front convenient to University ' Park" will soon furnish" employ-" ' ment to upwards of 2,000 hands.'' . It is within the city boundaric s ' of Portland and has city, water, city schools, electric street lights, ' streetcar lines, boulevards, wide streets alley back jot, every lot " churches, :' theatre, lodsre halls. rrrt? wm. tJ?4?. i business houses. In fact, every- . thing except, saloons and other ' A places of vice. Prices are ad- . vancing. Lots now sell from $lCX)t0&3O each, JO per. cent cash, balance $3 monthly, j; No In-' terest &o taxes, Abstracts fur- r nished. , ' . , -V- Mown beuat aad Ml Seat Stark at. SI. S0O..-Xeraia, ,.......,-.....,'.. -r- M aeraa faald. at HaHat on be otarted; i aeod lavoitaMak Sam. farataaed at ataoa. tine keif khaki BanaaaVa AOaltiaa. tX. 00. ....... .,. , , ' S Ma Seatbera fertlaadi a aua. Mew keaee aad M, rpoar dJMaa. . ,-....,....., y,- ...... W. bay B kleaa of oereaoe aad tJHber laaa. Hated which w. ak.U be plMMi to laacrmi woes yea Mil at ue etaee. . . Twenty-eighth and Salmon Sta. fRAflCIS I. McKENNA mnisrktx m mi - : I vw-. 9o.vv-vwxiwmna o-room coi- gorl! anA W-.Ww - vefh enf ai1 m T?..! " -.--fcw Eighteenth near Belmont CZAXTXXXS TO CAXXt WSOSA TO r iramB KZVOXKUC, T n xs ilsvxa that prrnf or 9xu wrxxi oaa aom oar Toraan. v . i tJt(n t iota. a. .vv Weidlor. HoUadar-a Addition. $2400 Ttu&ook?"1 eorn,r 1Tth ana $2400 J010! - kxw ottao. ,vu Pao at and Oantenbeln ovil ?lxJ0 nl new nodeni S-roon bouee. 7.1 Eaat Aah atreet . each afford the thrifty man a $50 td $300 b chance to secure a home at little ui V H liU UUL ill V L -ww.w " eaawww . - tl'VV) Quarter block, northeaat oornor t-aat jmro ud Aan. vwuv bara. Eaat lith and fMWrt Beautifnlv quarter Beooad and Haaaalo. 14000 11 . cr !!Bl'r9? - - - w Diuiout near sen wooa. h ouao and Boot $5000 $12,500 acre, Eaat Third and Stepk- ewv leei raiiroaa xroniaora: 1 act ana: I old cottarea on the land. $ Szrtrt PM of ' ot dealrabla i oomea in uouaoard. tOWO Beautiful- boma at ML Tabor; 'wv S aoreo of eroaod.- - Half -block, mnnlnafrom Saat r tree to m. etecond. on Waab tncton. taclno botk tracka. Tbta la only a very a mall nart f the prbpwrtlea we hava for aale If you want 1 anywinf in ine ciiy come in ana ooo ua. Grindstaff&Blaln 246 Stark St. Go Tomorrow ' .Take Mt Scott car to Tho bib German ahlp NaJ, Captain Bchnlta, arrived in port tkla morning from Baa Franclaco. from which port a be aaUed for Portland os April 15. She ooraea in baHaat and ia under charter to tho Portland Oram oompany to load wheat for tho United Kingdom for order- Tba Nal reglaUra 1.S79 tona and la capable of taking away a cargo of d,90 tona of grain. ' '' Tho charter rata of tba big Gorman ' U 101 C4. and tho wheat cargo which i aha will take away wiU net bar 120,000. . But dee pile tho fact that tho Nai'a rata - , (a greatly in oaoeaa of the charter, re cently fixed for Columbia river loading, . tier ownera will not make anything out ,y of her trip to Sngland. . Tho veaaol waa . at Ban Franclaco -when chartered. She canto north in ballaat. which muet bo removed before aba can load, and by . tba tana aha geta to bar next loading - port, probably Antwerp, aha will have - Juat about oaten op tho SZO.OOt whloh ' oho wiU got for taking ,900 tona of . r cram around tho Horn. . -- - Captain Sohulta la bow tn Portland for tho fifth time. Ha waa formerly in the Karoua and made one run homo In bar tn IIS oaya. Ue left the Columbia ':. in Januaryi 103, in tho Nal and wont homo In lit daya,. which la Considered a vary good paaaago. Tho captain bar an axteneivo acquaintance In port. And baa beon.buaily occupied the greater part of tho day exchanging eourtoalan witn dim oio-tuna rrienaa. Compared with the charter rata which th ownera of the Uarechal da Noeillea ' aceepted tba mother day, that which the rial rooaived la regarded by tho ahlppera ; to be rather high,. Bather than to lie Idle in tho harbor two of the French veeaelo have preferred' to accept, the . lew rata of 16a. In order to earn the , bounty . which their government pi iaea u ia neceaaary xor them to keep - moving, a. it ia known That they can trt .Kami A MmalM m a ' aion It la amid that tbe exporters are In and See those beautiful large lot gooa pooiuon to anve gooa oar gain, with their ownera, But relative to Ger man and British ahlpa there ia a en tirely duzerent phaae of tho Question. They have no bounty to fall back upon, and in order to net profit roust depend : entirely upon freight ratea, KO BIG FLOODS UNTIL EARLY JUNE ':- . '! At praetlcaily the same stage that )ia prevailed for several days tbe -river at this point remains stationary and will continue to do ao until Mon day. aooordln.- to the local weaihar of. fioa, -Beginning on -that dat it win J Mt Scott line select your lots at ylee alowly for the remainder of the A .,,- pi,,.. T.V. fJT ' week, but Hoods of no great magnitude are predicted until early In June. The weather office also predicts light frosts for tonight in tbe North Pacific - atateo with fair and warmer weather Sunday. Tbe river at Portland fell 4.1 feet during the nast 24 hours and to day a stage of if i feet waa registered. Kill ""'", .' t .! I,''-''' ' ' Do Not Pall to Visit the BRA1NCH Real Estate Offices OP THB . Title Guarantee & Tf list Co. SUSaiaun OTTXCa Corner B. ITthl and Belmont ate., on .the ennny alde and Mount Tabor car Una. Offlce In charge of Mr. C T. Baling. Phone Union SS. SfOATK UT laOTOsT OmOs-ODnur i Union ave. and Failing et on the Woodlawai and Vancouver ear line. Office in charge of Mr. Fred For- r.iL rnone eoou ioa. ST. JOXira orrXOM At the terminus or the et. Johns car Una. Office in charge, of Mr. D. C Bogera. rnimi union cost Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 208 ALISKY BLDa 18 Acres Nloo home place, 1A mllea from White oaimon ooat lanaing, on stare line: come ana caving tine future. Hire Other Good Properties THE HART LAND CO. 107 SHERLOCK BLDO, rural dally mail; acre In cultivate romainaer ugna cmoor ana trnah: aoreo ia bearing trawberriee; 100 apple trawoernea: isa unit tree.: also few peachee. Dear, and I prunee. all In beaiing; 4 -room frame I aweuing. - oarn. oaiiar, good welL chloken-honae; good horse, cow end j ealf, led chicken a, S bogs and all farm j looia. wui 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Price $2,000, terms if desired. 160 Acres v PORTSMOUTH Frc!t tod Alf&Ifa Lsnds lit AM "orty acre of the richest land aOW in Oregon, t miles from rail road , station, on free rural delivery route: arood roada to town, and in ex. oellent neighbor hood; eoll ta black al luvium and adobe, about half and half; about half an acre of high ground for , bulldlne? Bite.' Record Annl.nt. who boo been familiar with UU land lor 10 yeera, pronounces thl. tne richest forO aereo of land in Jackson county. It certainly la extra wood, and with nre handling will bo unusually productive. tOflflfl Only nine thousand don are for wv two hundred acrea of tbe beat fruit and alfalfa land tn Southern Ore gon, lean than two miles from railroad etatlon, over good roada. This tract la about two-thirds cleared, eetne etx hon ored fruit treee reoently net 8pltae- berg. Jonathan and . Newton apples and H0XOA9AT FABK OTTICB Corner E. 21st and Clackamae St.. Take Houaday rark ear from First and -s it- a v . ' .1 E"ri onman na iowion sppiee ana JOinS birh toned UmverSltV Park. I Cornice peara), and the soil especially wild ten: flretiaa. oppi. -a.- worfaa. near Columbia University, near Kn'SIf. .ppii SSI iJSPSot'r.- level and rolling: timbered with medium I Portland WoaVn Mill nonr " crea of waato land- on the ww . ,. -" j akn ri fob traot fn wwat wkeeMOklnM Standard and Union Oil Co.'s dis- j F2ntJ.rrJ't,'Ln I.5 lrtd. from riU.,t ... . ... e tho Fleh Lake Ditch Company', ays- triDUting plants, , near Site Of I tern when completed. One eorner of the fir and oome choice oak: about to aeraa whiow. prusn, easily cleared; living wa ter on land: oltuatod near 1ft. Hood pooiomce. Washington ata. Office ta charge of Mr. Fred K. Hungerf ord. Paoue LOUIS SALOMON Eaat 74L The above offices have been eatab-1 v ia wip. aai iuu iut nw DunrvniniEff.jDi vut pa-1 irone ana xor au omere wno wisn m-1 .... amn i n atvm wnwaww formation eoneernlne- real eatat In the I aUBAi XSTATB. TMWUMMMUM, aOTUT j a ia trie to anove naaaoa. Price $200, terms easy. 40 Acres Fruit land, SU mllea from bf osier, Ore gon: S aorea in apple orchard, bearing; good winter varleUea; living atreaaa on noararr so: r,leo rmveied road. TitleGuarantee&TrustCd. (rmon xzomAsraa so.) ' a4 7 Chamber of Cotamorco Buys and Bona our weu- I ataat $125 Up Papents$5Down $5 a rilonth Graded streets and water .mains laid. A large number of these lots are covered with the choicest fruit trees. If you want a home in the prettiest addition on the A SX2M-MX P&ATPOSMV ( . From tbe Washington Post. The platform of the New "York Democrats derives Its Importance chiefly from the fact that it la regarded as Judge Parkers keynote. It waa ex . pec ted to be conservative, and It more than meets that expectation. It con tains more axioms than Issues and Is far more suggestive of sklm-mllk than that robust beverage to the use of which virile politicians are supposed to be ad dicted, although It haa never won the favor of Judge Parker", manager, the wily Sage of Wolfert'a Boost , conceding tnut in a piatrorra pro mulgated under the unprecedented con ditions attending Judge Parker's can- I Archer Place. Take Mt Scott car to Archer Place, the first new addition on the line. Agent on the ground. Pacific Land Co. W First Street Tie Tons Sawyer's Blunder. From the Baltimore News, Representative Maddox of Georgia baa a son who reoently graduated from law school and has bung out bis shingle In Rome. A few days ago . the son visited .Washington and had a long talk with his father about too law business. "Oh! yes, father." bo said, as the eon ference neared as and, 'I've settled that Blank vs. Blank suit, whloh you've bad oragging on ror tba past IB years." Judge bladdog almost jumped from dldacy there was more danger of aaylng chair, too Mnach than of leaving a deficit, it "Great Scott! boy," .-floee not follow that a caution and Son't mean that yon'i MtlmnM tfmiri. hln.lno. a. that Case. Why. X t. reticence . strongly .. hinting at timidity .-. should bava characterised the perform ance. -There wa room for sharp ar ret gnment. , but that Is not apparent; there waa occasion for a frank and fear .. less enunciation of policies that would challenge vigorous opposition and en thuse all the elements of the electorate ,t outside the ranks of hide-bound Bepub ' licanlsnt. But that desideratum Is not visible. ' Aa evident purpose 4o snake the fewest and snudest commitments possible Is apparent in every section ex- be exclaimed, "you yovrvo cons and settled that ease. Why. I turned that over to you as a life annuity." Waiting; for Znfonaattoa. - - From tbe Chicago Tribune. "William." said hla wife, -von told the committee that went away luat now that you were In favor of the time honored principles of tho Democratic party. What are theyr How do you suppose r can tall an. ewered the aspiring politician asd pro.. poctlvs oandldats for omoa. with vnii. rept thope relating directly to thg Can-j erable IrrlUtlon, "untU the convention tfldatn. , I meets in St, Louis next susuaert- 4 Good Farm Bays IN CLARKE COUNTY, " WASHINQTON SS ACBZS Oood, level land, an fenced; 10 acres cultivated; too searing rruit treea; grapevines sibsft-tarrH"-froot''tt!"go road to Vancouver: half mile to creamery, store and .hop $1,360. 100 A CMS Oood land; 50 acres cul tivated; all fenced; good bouse, large zrano oarn. witn suo ana cellar nne orenaro; gooa water; cauie, s norses, wagon, n raji i IMPROVED PROPERTY S13A0O 16x100, good business prop erty, j S380O (0xl60, T-Toom eottage, 16th st SsooO 100x100. S bouses. 16th st 1 fa BOO 09x100, modem e-room oottage, ' MarahaU st. SeSOe 80x100. S-roota house. Second st, close in. fises IQxlOO. S-room now modern -60x100. 4 -room oottexe. ltultnomab Field. VACANT LOTS S900O 100x160. HoUaday Addition, Suoe $4x116, Upper Aiblna. i goo 60x100, lth and Fowott sts. aaoo lots. East 35th street. BSO 84x100, East 2(th street iaooo eoxlll, on Wilson street S 800 100x100, Waverty ear lino. bouee and barn, a. a naami po vmmmm fixb , Price $1,050, easy terms. 12 Acres oooa rruit una, wen aaaptea for ap plea; miles from Hood River, on mala roaa; telephone and rural mail line; about all tillable and under Irrigation: t acres "in cultivation and planted to plea, I years old; ao buildings. Tory apples, pbesp. Price $1,100, terms. Geo. D. Culbertson & Co. - Leading Land Agents. SCooS SUtsc Oregon, or S3 Washington . . , streee, rornsad. Jamti Olson's ahinvnrrl .Mr Pl tract touches Bear crook, but none of It anies uueni smpyira, near re- is anJr way subject to tne wash of the . T,, : nne aixaua lana. r avoraDie terms of near proposed new sawmill and Payment can be arranged. Crop re- mmi invi. a ua.ee.Miu given Hpumpn a J-.t- :l.l Tt? jf. 1 ' ' : . . wiuMia cy wauuag tus- um Wenty acre, of creek bottom tance of veneering factory, of y.v' iwi oet of it adapted for Cone's sawmill, of DouglassW 5l?82L 'rJnltZTr& mill, near where 8.000 -oca wiU '&jr&Z?S l: be employed in a Short time. tWO wbr- touobes creek In one cor- .Z-r.Sl. t Vo5v L n,r- siforda good outlet for Ule Streetcar lines. LotS S200 each ayetem. but is sot menaced by wash of 10 per cent down, balance . S monthly on each lot No Inter est no taxes. Liberal discount for cash. , FRANCIS I. McKENNA Room 606 Commercial Block, cor ner Second and Washington, cart, t mowers. ay fork and a. hav ropes, s piowa, s cultivators, cream eeplrator, hay and oats; one mile from -Columbia, river; good road. Account of sickness sell at sacrifice. US AOBBB land, S scree beaverdam: 70 acres cultivated. In crop; good 8 -room house, with bath, barn, or chard, team, wagon, harness, buggy, farming implements, nearly new: cows, ealves, chickens, turkeys; half mile to ft. R. station, I miles to Vancouver, Wash.: could divide and sell part: might take some trace, .race zor Sit. st.7b0. 0 ACXES Level land; fine soil: 15 acres euitivatea, in crop; orchard, house, barn, living water; near sohool; team, oome sheep, hogs, , chicken., new wagon, new mower, new cultivator, plow, harrow, har ness, small tools, 12 miles to Port land; caeap ouy. au goes at 11.000. IIENKLE & BAKER SIT Abingtoa Bldg, Portland, Oregon. fpylni Suburban Acreage, The Best in the Land i vv' ( :.- IMPROVED LAND Dff'ft" IS aaraa. , 10 mllea' from Van-I tin nnt. a. tmm rmntm Imftr ao mtloV if couver; e-rooin Buu.nj gvuu wui you want one. gavoo gtxlOO. new modern bouse, 10 minutes walk bridge, ready to occupy turn , 1 wmt hoadjasTOO eOxltO, fine residence. Upper Al- oma. - SSSOO 100x100, modem S-room oottage, near Piedmont f h r mnn 1 . "i f .e mm -ssswsBB wwii SPECIAL 10 lots on Hawthorne avenua ror line, 9100 each, $5 down, $5 a montn. . A few lots on Mt Scott car line. $80 eacn, $o down, $5 a month. Houses built on easy payments. eweawBB .. ,; ...V.. ..' Pacific Land Co. . W First Street v A SNAP! 10x100 corner, 16th sad Everett Finest location in the city for flats, Elegant plans furnished. OrladstaiC A Blain. 141 Stark tk-Mwiitj r, ve't-::iiv.-:'.'J 144 acres in orchard; IS sores clear; ail fenced. S 1500 10 acres; good bouse, barn, or enaro; 1 muea xrom stream, nil road; 10 acres clear; all is clover; garden; plenty of water; will trade for city property. SSOOO SO seres, f miles from eltyj Im proved; will take city property. S1S00 20 acres, miles from city; Im proved; will take city property. S1SSO 6 sores, 5 blocks Oregon, City car: orenaro. ciover; au ciasr. SH500 20 acres, It mile.; well lav- proved.'' ; . ' 1 ' i $1000 100 acres, 10 miles from Van eottver. .V; S4SOS 6t seres. miles from city; sil improved. 4800 180 acres. 15 miles from city; CO sores improved. $4800 St lots, St Johns ear Una: house ana Darn, properly is huuii Joining at 1109 to 1200 a lot SISOO ie acres, on Section Line. muea; inciuamg wagon, sv core. wooa, wooa race spaa norses. Vfc seres all modern imoro. ment. : buildings alone eost over 15,000: 5 minutes' walk te car line; Its miles from tho court- souse. ' 1000 55 : seres, IS miles north; 40 scree ciesr; wooa nouee; new barn: everything needed; good running vraier on ine pisos. FOR SALE OR RENT S'ACRXS and fair bouse. ' IS AOUI and small bong, and 250U1 tract, an in cmnvatinn .n .between Portland sad Oregon City. DAVIDSON, WARD & CO. OS Olnuabst of Ooauseros. XQAfk A 'nice S-acre tract' In XIns Y'vv rark. altuated on Beotlon Una road, S mllea out; Adjoining land bold at sivv per sore. ftfiOft A 10-acre tract, H seres lm t c roved: mostly set to rruit: 1 miles east; eloee to school, store sad postoffics. A bargain. , ByC Will bur IS acres of good land. V close to atoekwood, one-third mtab. balance easy Installments bargain, and don't you forget it It is s LAMBERT & SARGENT - , '. S8S Bast WSAUagtoa Utt Do you know where you can, from your door, have a clear view of the business center of the dty? . If so " buy to MAPLEWGOD lS-minute car servloe ., on the Woodstock car line. Water mains laid. LoU are 50x100 feet Price $1.50 and Up The Portland Land Co.: I7J4 Ksdbot ft. sesr BrMjc fbcM Clsl$;S creek. Terms, throe thousand dollars down. Ions time en balance. Reat look Into this tract soon, It won't bo on band long; -.... HOLMES BROS. OBsTTBAZi POUTT. OBJIOOSf. 104 Mcrk Street Deal testate Loans and Tire Insurance STVB POT.T.smg per montk bays lot la -juyivwvoo,- es woosbtoos oar use i splesdid loestioai 80 minutes takes yos so or irom yosr sssiaess. Vrlo. of lots from Sua to tsooi an fsU uei naming setter on too market Xt ns show them to youf water piped SOTfj la Wooawn, soar oar Una, SITS V sp w MBWSwwABAir ymjMmWU.MWk ..i'' '4? fISSHbets a Xtoselswn, om Weodlaws est Uaof SS per month. aapo For Sots oa Alsswerth sreaae sad eree in cneworaaio. sear Usion-STonse ear ' lino. Thla nne vroperqr te increasing in raise right rryp aunui is say' iSaUstrom&Patteison sss aTAAxsT. rxovm BOOB SIT. II. S3.00a Mosth V -1A 7 t1!0!? Jt la thU splendid addition. -"-.vs . Brsnd new 6 -room eottstro la Woonmere 11,000. " . SOPBCIAaV Modern S-room cot- tage sad large lot, f 1,004. New - S-room cotuge, f 160. . Easy paymontA . - . , ' sos svuusra sua FOR SALE 887S0 100x100, southwest oornor of - kfontsomory and llth. SSOOO 145x145, ' with - good - bouses; ' pays 11 ger cent on investment $11400 A whole block, bet Orsad and Union avenue. 9000 100x100. with a house,. corner ..... -r. . - i .ipVrt .... -. ... Si TOO with 5-room house and bath, on rtl street. , $4500 60x100, with a good T - room .. . V bouse snd bath; easy paymonu: v ', - on Irving street, bet, 28d snd' ' , Ith etreeU; fine location. .; 1500 10x100. good 7-room ttooso sad bath. East Bide. - , 50x100 -A oornor on Third street; pays ' . . . S per cent Interest on lnvost- ment lOOslBO i" Business property: pays S per sent on tho Investment . 1 SS800 Oood S-room bouee. 60x100. oa' . ,. 2iob Rill, oornor lot - -1SI keres. with good house. Urge, new y barn, well stocked. 41 rods of river front snd 45 seres of . . " fine land; S blocks from the eleotrlo car: good landins On the nlace. . 60x100 7-room bouse and bath, bsrn. etc.; ones oasement; nouse ooat 5S. S00; will seU for 52.100; JEast Sid.; . eaav terms SISOO 4-room house and a nloo work v shop, on Union avenue; 60x100. 400 acres, best equipped farm In the vauey; v acres os nops; nne mod- .. era building; fine stock; hops last ear was sold for 512,000; S hop 11ns, warehouse 60x60, S stories. .. i- Other farms too numerous to man- jtloa., -xr . u CHAS.WRSTEl Boom S8H' Tbtod Strsei, Oppoalte Cluunber of Commerce. , O.MSmith Chamber of Commerce Win build you a house and fur nish , the money. , Monthly pay ments. . - r - Half Acre . Near Arleta and Rni pnrk, two Mocks . k from car line OBXT $260 " " William Denholrn