'Tr-; FRIDAY EVENINO: MAY 6, 1001. DALLAS CHOPS IN kit i ..r, ' - . r' t i ': 't ' USE OF CITY PARK FINE "Boar Bemnrteh and tb naiawin." ,, 2 REf USES WOODMEN VMSIIIKCTON FOR : CONDITION iV soasb !; ssoxdss aoaxjtst JAB- xtvax ov'fmonsrr w otn now, ownro to obtbotxojts bt citis-ukxsb xtrsxo ro no bas shb. bzit otrooos am ; kjtow fbvtt cbof roionrrIltor QBOWXBO , BAKBUT Mil COTJJf TT BBXOCBATXO CXBTBAxcOK- XXTTBS MBSTS. At tha regular , meeting of , the park board this morula ilia request of the Woodmen of tha World for tha use of tba north park blooka for a summer car nival vu disapproved. Tba Woodman appeared In force, a committee composed of William Reldt, IL way, u. cooper, ("pedal PUpatcs to The Journal.) .Dallas. Or., May . Crops in thla vi cinity never looked bettor. The farmers hive about finished their serins BOW- Ing and notwithstanding tba lateness of the season they expect a rood crop of spring grain. Tha fruit orop prom C C Bradley, A.U Barbur aid C. L El-1 ises to be . large one. The pnina or liott presenting: the oaaa -to tba boara. The board considered tha matter at length but finally refused tba request The mayor decided tha matter when he reminded tha board that tha residents living aeaT tha park block raised a pro test against having their slumbers dls turbed by tha various shows of the car nival last year and that tha board prom ; Ised them that It would never happen ' raln. , t " C. I- Brown as director of Brown's band, presented tba summer muslo sltua ' '. tlon, He stated that It was : hoped to secure four concerts a week besides tha , Sunday concert in tha city park, tha idea being to gv tha aast side two-concerts a week II sufficient sunecripiions coum ta secured for this entertainment. Last year. It waa acid, tha aast side con ; ' trlbuted only three per cant of tba an tire, amount raised for tha muslo fund and should tha present season show no , greater donation from this part of tba ' bit tha" plans of tha board will Tali Tha board voted to give I1.900 to tha organisation for - tha season's concerts 1 and tha remainder of the amount will be raised by private subscription. chards are being plowed end cultiva ted and are In good condition. Hop raisers around Dallas are kept busy at this time of the year cultivating and . training their hops. A large num ber of tha yards have bean trained tha first time, and tha bops are growing rapidly these sunny spring days. The hop growers are experiencing some trouble in getting mala help in the dif ferent - yards, and woman and children are being utilised for that purpose . Scarcely , any stock was lost during tha lata spring, for. lack of feed, and sheep are now In 'good condition gener ally. A few lambs were lost during the wet weather Wool; shearing .will com mence tnis month, . Central Committee Meets. Tba Polk county ' Democratic central committee, met in Dallas yesterday and elected i. W..KIrkland chairman, and Oscar Hayter secretary. No prepara tions for a canvas of tba county were made,' 'although every endeavor will bo made to land tba entire ticket, The Republicans are not espected to make a canvas, and the dominant parties will doubtlesa make tha fight on tha merits of their respective candidates to the positions aspired for. THE GREAT i- 'M 1 1' , RfiOSF.VEl.T MAY i:m k NfiT RP Fi fptfi) BRAKEMAN CAUGHT siva .umw v i . . Sembrich xxAMiT wnri tzotobt a XAMXXa or ssuoim to vaxsovax ooBTavTzov, ttmxlm mm .VAXXa MJk,TtOM AJTO XJl - dobjxb xom nam rmznsxvcT. Sings to the tones of The Beautiful Baldwin Piano WE SELL THE BALDWIN Ita I iert-lloltr (r OMast, lafas smesgasf, ,""." COR. SIXTH AND MORRISON STS. '"I. I W. El Ouerln, formerly pf Columbus, Ohlo-an4atr f - eatUeV-bia, aTrtved, in tha city from . an ' extended trip ' throughout tha aaat and to Europe, and Is a guest of tba Portland. Mr. Ouerln built tha Palmer cut-off on tha Northern pacifle railroad, bringing tha main lino to Seattle, as president of the Seattle and San Francisco Railroad aV Naviga tion company. This company afterward old oat Its rights to the Northern Pa ' rule.' ; v,., ; . ... Mr. Ouerln said today that U attbar rarker of New York or Olney of Massa chusetts Is nominated for president by tha Democrats -there Is a very serious doubt of President Roosevelt's re-eleo tlon. Mr. Ouerln la a lifelong BepubU ean himself. - He said: r ,..--s -.- ' : 1 In New Tork and generally through out the aaat tha feeling regarding tba " presidential election is : far .' different , from what It Is on tba Paclflo coast Out west tha general belief la that Roose velt will wia la a walk. In the east, and 'i particularly In-New York, It Is the opin ion that either Olney or Parker will BETWEEN TWQ CARS The Ufa of T. B. Hawk, a brakeman. was lnatantlv eruahail nut tKia mnfn. Ing at the Southern Paclflo station at? tha foot of Jefferson street The South ern Paclflo train from Dallas arrived about 10:10. and after tha nassencers naa ion the train. It waa decided to go around In tha rear of tha station and pick up a coach that was on the track. xne engineer, u. uaaey. gave toe sig nal, and tha angina with one coach at tached backed up the track.' Tha first tuna It failed to couple tha coaches, so the engineer gave another signal and started to back again. Hawk was standing close to tha coaches, and just as the angina began to move, no thrust his hand between tha two coaches, just why will never be known, -as the cars are provided with safety couplers and brass rods, so that there Is no need of putting the band be tween ua .cars. ' Casey saw, him. but was powerless to do anything.' When picked up his face - (Special Dispatch to The JesreeL) Olympic, Wash. May I. The Demo cratic atate convention bora yesterday really showed a victory for Hearst In the naming of tha delegates and Turner made tha platform, as predicted in yes terday's Journal. ' Following arc tha delegates named to tha Democratic National convention: B, W. Btarr. W. J. . Byham. M. M. Qodman., B. C Million, John T. Terry. 1 C Oilman. Frank B. Cola, Henry Blackman, Frank Hogan and A. J. Splawn. Tha platform after reaffirming faith in tha platform of list and 100, ex pressing continued confidence In the character, capacity and fidelity of Wil liam J. Bryan, calls for a return to tra ditional ' simplicity In government af fairs. , The tariff Is declared too high In the following: 'i 4 Tariff Is Bardeasoma. :,; Tha unneoeaaary and burdensome tariff wall erected around tha Country In tha Interests of tha manufactures classes should be broken down:, the trusts, which have grown up as a result of tha tariff wall, roust be destroyed; tha system of com pel ling tha consumer to bear all tha burdens of government by tha payment of tariff tanas, must be departed from; wealth must be com pel led by just laws to contribute te tha government 'la tba shape of aa inoome tax and aa inheritance tax tha juat pro portion of tha burdana of government and. finally, there must, be a cessation of militarism. Imperialism and colonial ism as presented by tha Philippine policy of tha - republican party. . Upon these principles we appear with confidence for tha co-operation of all patrlotio Ameri can cltlsena" '''"'''llnlfcifjnm' Turner Is referred to in tha following section: ... --"We heartily endorse aa - our candi date tor vice-president Oeorge Turner. a jurist Of high rank, a peerless citlsen. In sympathy with tha declarations of this platform, and a statesman whose efforts In behalf of tha people make him entitled to be considered as worthy of tha highest . honors within the gift of ths party." Until V Flour I Sifters The regular price Is , 15c, Saturday night at 9c Flour Siftcn The, iegular price ) fa , tFj J5c, Saturday night at &'i . BROILERS Made of No.15 wire Saturday jiight at BROILERS J MadiofllSw Saturday night at ; Rowers Eumiture 190 First Street. The Store that Saves You Money Aged 11, 40$ Xoxrlsca Strce. . The above portrait of Grace Ni Kyna Is an excellent Illustration of tha bene ficial effects of- the scientific electric massage scalp . treatment and shampoo ing as administered by the Rose Manu- carry New ; York,: which would make Had been orunhed between the platforms between' Tenth and Eleventh streets, Roosevelt's re-election a very doubtful Of tha cars, so that It was almost 'Un- I The little slrt la the daughter at one n ess . to, the proposition. . . .. . .; "It Is because of this faot that '.'busi ness generally In tha east is quiet There la no . depression but : money in New York, on tha contrary, la aw cheap as I ... bare known ;: it lately, . call money be- 1 n mi auatad at . 1 nar eenk 'mj& mmmin. clal paper at. from SH to r. Quiet j Twelfth street times wiu pravaujror probably a year or two. v The large corporations are not " spreading out any, and the production , of the Iron and steel nlls has been seriously curtailed, owing to the fact that there is, little building In prog .. resa - ;:-; . , , .. . ' ; Tha west. In my opinion, is1 far mora nrosDerous than tha east.' . Mr. Ouerln U the father of ,1V F. Ouerln, secretary and treasurer of the i Deschutes - Irrigation ' Power com- any. ' , ,..':ri .;TV,. '2 ; accident Deputy Coroner rinley -took the body , to his undertak ing establishment , Casey was . exoner ated from blame. , '' t Hawk ' was .about IS tVears olttu and leaves a wife and child ilrlng on fiast it t i r. ' MASTER BUILDERS CAN'T INTERFERE FRUIT MEN DO NOT , . GET THEIR PRICE . It was slight satisfaction the repre- aentatlves of the newly organised Fruit Growers' association received from the (representatives of fbf local canneries ': ..when the conference Waa held- yesterday -as to prices for tba season. President -.tH.--J.- Nicholson of -the association -coil- t erred with Edward Peterson and Oeorge 1 .Holcomb of tha Oregon;'" Packing com pany and R. J. Holmes of the Portland -Canning company. .The association re ? .cently adopted a seal of prices for ,. strawberries and other small fruits and this scale was tendered to tha canneries for consideration. Tha only answer re -Delved -was- that- the association should ' .complete Its organisation and , then tba , canneries would consider the question . Owing to the large number -of small fruit growers In Clarke county. Wash., ' 'and Multnomah county it is feared by (tne association that its members will not form a large enough part of tha total to rdlctatn tha price of fruit 8hould the association not receive its seals this sea son a cannery will be erected next year jo nanaia ua iruit or tna organisation. TOWN OF CRESHAM WILL INCORPORATE Gresham will ba Incorporated. Tha toDtentlons of the petitioners , and tha objections of those opposing Incorpora tion were preseniea in tna county court i nis morning. Alter a lenathy discus slon a conference between the factions was held outside the courtroom and 'County Judge Webster was afterward nouneo mat an agreement had been reacnea wnereoy the crooosed bounda rles should ba changed so ai not to in- ciuae rarms. The objections to incor- porauqn. were then withdrawn, , s: I ' , ; v? tT'" AT, A nUKTiVTZXA. ; Both tna Snake and upper Columbia rivers are practical y at a standstill, an. cording to, the local weather of flea, and ,wm remain stauonary ior several days. Since yesterday the river at this point sen . v.s , iwt -ine weatner office- an Bounces tha It will begin, rising the xi . ' -"n mm-- . 'r-r4'ntBjnrnra atatZF Aamovro. . "." JoaraaI gpedal Sarvlce.) London. Mar s.The trainina shin Northampton grounded at the mouth of tha Thames today and it is feared that considerable difficulty will be experi enced in floating tha vessel. y, . ; , ,y jro ojuiJtatAJr ouomzx. , Jrsat gpedal gervlea) v?:.';f! New Tor. 'Xay ,ACornaIlus i. Bliss said today that no decision bad been made as to who would be tba chairman of tba Republican national convention, and that probably none . will , be made until tha national commute. meets, .in Chicago la June, 4 , The .Master Builder's Association will not take any measure to stop Contractor Bennett from making his men work nine hours a. day. The association can only censure Mr. Bennett for bis actions and If he does not make an adjustment, de prive him of tba privileges of member- amp -i-.K.-i .... : A prominent member of tha associa tion said this morning: . we have no law against working over, eight hoars. . A number of mem bers signed an agreement with the union not to work their man over eight hours, but no Joint action was taken in the matter. X don't know whether Mr. Bon net signed the agreement or not Wa have agreed to stand by tha eight hour aay and we re -going to do it we did of the ladiea owning the place. Her scalp became diseased and 3ier hair was falling out when her mother took her In hand with this most wonderful process of treatment The result is shown la the portrait and equally beneficial treat ment has been given others. Tha ladles oourt investigation. They know that they can satisfy the most .critical. They know that there Is not a scalp afflic tion that they can not remove. Both are old residents of Portland, dally associ ating with the best classes of our peo ple Their telephone la Clay IMS. " WILL INVESTIGATE POOR FARM ROW Within a brief perl oc tha county will investigate the charges brought against J. S. Courtney, superintendent of tha poor farm. County Judge Webster has practically admitted that this Is to take place, ana Courtney himself has pre ferred a request for such an Investigation.-- v.-, . '-. i -.-The allegations against Courtney em brace a large number of offensea He AMERICAN LINE TO ; TOUCH WEST AFRICA ' '(Aattal gpedal gervfce.) - , New Tork, May Preparations arc well advanced for the establishment of a line of steamships to tna west coast of Africa, a section of tha globe which now has no regular steam communica tion directly, with Hew .Tork or any other American port Passenger travel to and from the west coast ports now goes by way of ' English or Oermaa ports from both . of which countries well equipped and profitable lines, with frequent sailings, are maintained. Buch freight shipments as arc made go either by. tha same foreign and roundabout routes, or on Irregular sailing vessels or occasional tramp steamships from American' ports. " ' It Is announced that wrthin a very short time tha recently organised Amer ican and West Africa Steamship com pany wiu Begin ins running ox its ves sels.' Tha route will ba by way of tha Cape Verde Islands and Sierra . Leone and thence down tha west coast It Is believed that tha new Una will not only be a successful freight and passenger carrier in Itself, but powerful - Is. fluence In developing .American trade with tha west coast At nresent this trade amounts to but little, and It is be lieved that that condition is the result principally, of tha lack of quick and regular communication with that terri tory. ' .. T ' -t--A : r F. T. MERHILL SUES TO RETAIN STORE bxctcu suun xxriroa actio . AOAnra , xbs. a BAursmiooa An u. k., oonr - w; rtaTxn tmxm rmox Bjxornra xzx rxoH "mum oi wem STSzax. Is charged with mistreating Inmates. not send, a committee to tha Lewis and ejecting men on slight provocation, per CTark commission as we knew, that they I mitting favorites to drink and quarrel, oould do nothing." VISITING NURSES ;; . ELECT OFFICERS I causing trouble for the hospital man. agement and using vile epithets toward employes of the Institution. : ! In several Instances Courtney is ao- leused of circulating. tales reflecting on the morall of the Institution and all kinds of stories have been bandied back and forth. Miss Meyers, tba superln JAPANESE GIRL MAY BE A SLAVE " ' " " -'rrfr,; Shiga Shimasu, a Japanese woman ar rested la a lodging house at the corner of Fourth and Pine streets, is held at the oity Jail, charged with being an In mate .of A bawdy house, but It Is be lieved that behind her arrest there Is a much more serious case. That aha Is thought to have been brought Into this country for Immoral purposes is be lieved to bo the suspicion of the offi cials, and It is believed the matter is Asserting that Mrs.' Caroline Baln bridge violated a verbal contract with bim as regards the lease of a building which ba has been erecting at 105 Sixth street, Fred T. Merrill secured a re straining order In the circuit court this morning, preventing her and & Morton Cohn, to whom the property was sold, from prosecuting an action In forcible entry, and. detainer la tha Justice court Merrill states that next week he will file a damage-suit for $28,009 against Mrs. .uainDriage, cohn and Attorney Booths, on - the ground that they have conspired to force him out of business. Merrill alleges that on last February is ne leasea ine lot mo xeet square, Noa. ins to in tsix in street from Mrs. Bain bridge for a period of two years, with the understanding that he was to erect a brick building thereon and pay her a rental of $160 a month for the first year and $150 a month for the second year. After the walls wars up, he al leges, she notified him the property had neon soiq to conn, and that he must vacate the premises and take away the wu.AutuBt iuivriia. oiuev men wonn naa negun an action in forcible entry and detainer .In the court of William Reld, justice of tha peace. There Is no written contract Merrill declaring that he regarded It aa unnec essary. ,.,.' V FOSTOrWCTI APFOIJITatgJIg. ; (Washington Bursas of The Journal.) Washington, IX C May Rosa 81a ler has been appointed postmistress at Imblar.i. . , .-; . GO 1 - ml HIGH -' i Reduction Sale WATER fitylep VICTOR STEEL, RANQBS ACORN $33.00 MALLEABLE GUARANTEED '20 YEARS ' V Dayton 192-194 first Street, Co. Portland, Oregon -vr---.-.. -4..--.-.t... J .'. ... . . . : . . . '. vvc nave juot reccivea siupmem ox mc- ceieDrmcea - ana -world-renowned Stoves and . Steel : Ranges. : THE.. GAR LAND, this Stove needs no Introductkin to the public, the very best In the city. : COME AND SEE THEM. Taubcnheimer & Schmcer 1" ca' : NoJ.'166-16a First St.; NetrMorrUon IDENTIFIED AS FLANDERS ROBBERS Charged with- the robbery of fill from Mra William Plum (nee Flanders), Charles Nelson was today held to await tha action of tha grand Jury by Muni cipal Judge Hogue. His bonds were fixed at $0,000, In lieu of which he was remanded to the county JalU , : - v . Mrs. Plum testified that from the ac tlons of the taller of tha two man who brutally -beat and robbed . her on the night of Maroh 17, she was almost posi tive Nelson was tha man. Nelson was one of her boarders. . 1-' ' ii 1 mi - ii' 1 hi - - - - i yWmXXXVT QMMMAM9 SZM.. ' ----- Jfoaraal gpsrlal serviesiV - - '' v - -dneaster; Pa., May The Rev. Emanuel V. Osrhart, president of the Reformed Theological seminary In the United States, died today, aged IT. " m is. I of MetOB'wthftortnTn&--'ymB"tn " ""V rv tiiSJ aVOL I VI VaV UliVvVUi m WfSsPI - - Vaa nnuntw AAntwlaialAiaai a 1 elected at the Annual meeting of the M It la known that Courtney was placed In the position of superintendent of tha poor farm by "Jack" Matthews against the protest of County Judge Webster. SMALL ERROR WILL I COST' COUNTY $48 tendent of nursing, resigned on account I beln Investigated now by immigration visiting nurses' association held yes terday afternoon at Trinity chapel: President, Mra B. H. Trumbell; vice president, Mrs. A. A. Morrison; direc tors, Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, Mrs. Oeorge McBrlde, Miss Virginia Wilson, Mrs. B. 8. Wise, Mra. R.- J. Marsh, Miss FaUlng. Mrs. W. D. Burke and Miss Wasserman. This is tha second year of the work. and according to the report of Mra A. A. Morrison, acting president, the re sults have been highly satisfactory. The object pf the organisation Is to provide trained nurses for those people who need them but are not wllllna to accent free service, and who cannot afford to pay the regular prlca Addresses were riven - bv Thnmaa Strong, Dr. Holt Wilson and Rev. A. a. Morrison from the business man's, the physician's ( and the clergyman's point of,vlew, respectively. : ' '; CBOEIXT PXMOVAXk Rudoiph Henneman. 'for a year nut local representative of the wholesale firm of Tillman ft Bendel of Bah Fran- Cisco: has resigned bis position to go into business for himself at Pendleton. Mr. Henneman Is One of the best-known commercial travelers or the northwest. He formerly lived at Seattle. Mr. and Mra Henneman are well known here. " A dlStlng-UUhed party ; Of American Cigar company officials 14 to reach this city from California tomorrow morning. In tha party are J. B. Cobb, nrealdnnt of the American Cigar company, and of the Havana Tobacco company t Mr. Por tor, bead of the Porto Rloo denartment of the American Tobacco company and H. Heyneman, Paclflo coast represent tative of the tobacco and cigar truati They are tourlna tha ooaaL and inci dentally looking into tha Inducements tor extending the company's business. They may spend Sunday here. agenta Her case was continued nntu tomorrow in ine Municipal court, this morning. Her ball was fixed at $1,000 by Judge Hogue. HEAVY DECREASE IN TREASURY SURPLUS JIt was only "a1 minor errqr.-but It cost the county $48. All the Jurymen Im paneled for the May term of court were excused from service .for the day In the Circuit court yesterday by order of Pre siding Judge Oeorge. He took this ac tion because nothing appeared oh the calendar for trial. "- Tet the intention of the district at torneys office was to set the trial of Maurice Troutman on a criminal charge for 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. J3y an oversight. 910 matter was not re ported to Judge Oeorge.- So the Jury men earned 12 each for reporting Id court yesterday morning and doing noth ing more. An assistant district attor ney was In court at tha time,' but the Jurymen were excused for tha: day and filed ' out before ho had fairly got : bis breath. " . , ' TBAUT JUTX OAS COZ.XXDS. A Southern Paclflo freight v train smashed Into Portland Railway street ear No. 47, on Fourth ; and Burnslde streets at 1:45 o'clock this afternoon. The motorman did not 'atop his car on Fourtn street ior tna conductor to give him a bell to go ahead. The side of the car was smashed and It was thrown off the track. . No one was injured. x on TJAm rom roxasa. Maurice E. Troutman nlMLr n,tiv t .1 . . - " i ion cnim 01 zorannar tn aimi n iw. i Cia Wlest fa a ehak tnm SK n Um it cnanur Mationai Dank, before presiding uwraa in me circuit court -thia morning ana was sentenced to serve one ye in penitentiary Tba crime, was CASTOR I A , ?or Infanto.md Children. n.8 Kind Yea Hais Alwajs ftegfit Sears the ; QlgnatBrtof (Joarasl Special Serviea) Washington, May 6. The treasury surplus of $64,000,000 at the beginning of the fiscal year disappeared today and from now until the end of the fiscal year the deficit will grow. The Panama canal and world's fair payments caused a decrease. ..-. aMHMiMHMMasaMHaMaMaHMaaMaMasW ' "V'" OO TO SBASIDB JrrJBBT STTJTDAT ' . S&rlng May and Jane via thi lip, M. y. Only $lMt to the f .s . Bound Trip. Train leaves Union depot Sunday morning at :00 o'clock, arrives Seaside 12:11 p. m. returning leaves Seaside e:e p. m., arrives rorusna i:4 p.- ai, Sale of tlokets opens one week In ad vance of each exourslon and tickets can bs purchased any day during tha week at 24 Alder street or on Sunday morn Ing at Union depot, Take advantage of the delightful ride from Portland to Seaside and .: return, enjoy five 'hours at the beach and recuperate on osone. For additional." Information phone Main 00 or call on Mr. C. A. Stewart, sge juaer street. . Excursion ratea Mar 11, 12. 12. YSnwt xxortnern railway, j uity ticket office. xt jkoira street. .v-.-' - j' .--i " I' ; I 11 1 1 'ii ir ' - otoxjcn ciajuraasrs mm, (Joarssl Special gerrlcc.l The Hague. Max.. The aovernmant for eathetio reasons, has objected tn tha erection of an arbitration court under tne jarnegia nonation schema in Tha i uagus.para. 1 Terrible Ti1arna tknu Mw.m terinr diseases of the ikin Put .. w .tiinci t. uuHi uinunim Buna At TBie S.nflif SaDe 1 - - .,:.rl;;; -1 y;.:r, v.. ; , . r-: -L, -.' v ."A-?,. .. ' ThsrepttUtlon I I T , QVL I LTV' ' tbe ravcrss, will '' : , ,w ' ' II finally become I I rcneraJIy known I W $925 $11 I FOR : FOR ',. ALU: X 'ALLlh::4: I $10.00 $12.50 SUITS SUITS -" v'-j". :-'v, ' II rOT'' II ' ' J ' i, t 3 1 1 ilHSI II i"'-': v-iA Swf'f v-.?r. hi BECAUSE THE REDUCTIONS ARE BONA nDE BECAUSE THERE IS NOT A SHODDY SUIT IN STOCK BECAUSE THE f AIR POLICY OF THE J10USE IS KNOWN $10.15 JII25 $ 12.50 $I)J 513.00 FOR ALL $13.50 SUITS FOR pALU $15.00 SUITS FOR $16.50 SUITS FOR : ALLfe's? ia fin SUITS, ffi FOR, ALL $20.00 SUITS tub Txr;wTwJf CHARACTERIZES THE SUITS INCLUDED IM THIS SALE IISiiiwiiMi 'V'.VA' ...aI.:VT fVUV t I JUIa3 tl Ur rUIVniJI lCla7j 5t Mprrlasori ; Street "it !:tt'.';' 5-'- 1