Til" OrXGOIJ DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 6, ' meeting fcoiic;:. FRATERNAL ORDER OC .. KWUCS.-AII m aibere iir reqni-ated to be present it our next nrilu meeting rriday evening,-- ir a, li"i4, at Kaglee' ball, corner Bet-owl SBd 1 uv Dill streets, at WMi-h meeting tne iiroi Mi cursloa o Boat tie an May 1ft will be debated, LOUIS DAMUASCH, Secretary. NOTICE OF BXOt;iiOU)E.AA' MAE'ilNO. 4' - Tha aniraal meeting of tb stockholders ef tha Point View land Company Will b held (tit, m. Monday. Way 9, 1 -, at rooa 380, Chamber af Commerce bid,. .Portland, fir. - V CLYPK B. 'irrCHWOH.'-lawtlW Mil? WAMTEleMaIE, HEN and womsa to learn barber trartal awry -'student tauskt la tba ahertart possible tlms; ennatant practice nader expert tastroctlea and success guaranteed. Call ar arlta to , American Barber OoUcfg company, VI , Atsrett at.' t'oruaao. . ., , , , . , , ,, WANTED Maa to laara barber tradti aaly requires olabt weeksi apacial effari ewastaat practical ai part tnatroetlna, Cetalogae Bulled tree, mat ajystesi Ueilega, Has araaaiaaa, ; California. ,. .' ,.-. J,, EXPERIENCED anlletfaw an aalarr and asia- i aalaeloa; big ainney to right party! call at ', room IB Kuaaell bldg.. oar. 4th and Morrison, . from 9 to 10 s. a, snd 4 to B p. ta. , WANTED First -dees aaMnetmakecj smssa ft perl e need man on a eptndleearver, Apply West Coast Sssb Poor eomueay. Nineteenth and Vaogha ata. ..... . . W. WANTED Teams to baa ties; food teems fan . make ( par day.- UaU on ar addraaa H. S. Donahue Co., Orient, Ori ' ... . t0 1ALI EEAL STATEV ' " FOR BALK A model ckl ken ranch t mllea from town; saw house, new barn, chicken and orooacr-aousee; 800 younf cblckeua, oo eia chickens; living wattr; 8 acres cleared. 18 ... acres In paatora and timber: cause of sale, death of owner: snap, bea J, 1. MsHluger, Dayton, .'Or. : , -.- , FOB RENT,. or sale, -acre tract almost ta owu a larra S-room bouaa, fair barn, fna orchard and amall troll. Urine wafer, and all aarier rultlUon., Ooma tea J, K. Mai Mar. fayyn, ir. - t, ' BEKIDBNCK lota tad quart ar rilooki; atraata, aawera, aldewalka; walking dletancnl ready ' to bnlld, aaU raaaonabla aa terma to anlt 'Harrington, awaar, 0H flrat at. naar Oak. BUSISEoa CHAVCCB. crvrr, nvarxxxz.-'" ' IKOWCASIS A KB IXSTVBSB.' ww mtOi aemira yon a new vooaa anmua i t rent; oarfain pnra. awa l "enuo ""F.l "w par innaia HOTKIJB .ap Him' halanea like- tba oullder (ateapt Bnnday). 0. L. Brttbakar, Lajuraiwood. Mount Boott ear. . - "KpOUlKO HOt'fM lUCAPQUAUTEKS." w ' taft '.co. Mak a BPECtALTf of ROOMTNd HOrSM anil aira tba largait Hat of aU tba PK31KABLE tocauvaa mat ara on tha Biarket. . . ., 1 A rW LEADING HAKtiAlNR. 14 rooma; extra flna furntnire; locatlftanatr Portland hotel; rent H2S with twa yeara' leaaa; m imm iaai aponui a-.io.ou. . rriea, aa,- ss rooffia; in on ona floor and aU atlda rooanii furnltara flrat-rlaaa) locatlnn anaur-1 paaai flna transient trade) prat 19 wltb S yeara' leaaaj thla hooae baa nerer claarad laaa than $ao par month, prlra, 4.8(10. 19 rooniai fnraltara gnod; location beat part at jnira at. cioaa in; nonaa reata rnr poo per nwth with S reara' leaea: tbla plaea r laara from fffi to 100 per nwulh. PHoa, gl.435. aa rooaaa; raraitnrat ho, .1 Mratloa. waar inr.i rant aim oar wuMtai thla aonaa elaara ara 75 par month. Brtoa, aaly 1,2U0. THKOIXXtB ROWLAND, 05 MrKar bld( gaa . aral draogbttng, tuap eoinplllng, blna prlatlng. ' iara'viuivffBirfgas; SHX881IAXIXO. I BBOWOAREB of arery dearrlptloal tank, tar ana a tore oiturea man " ornar. ma x.otaa Maaafaotarlua Co., fartlaad and Baattka, and oraar Id aad MBB. PITKIN, lartlea" tailoring aiaaing, io inraey pidg., Taylor ata. FIR8T-CLAWI dreaamaktng. Ura. Manda Ma wra, pariura pc union arav, aor ¬t at. MKB. MoKIUBI". artlaMa anaklng. oAl Morrlaoa at. nowCABBfl. I tares gnd Una eablaat work. Portlaad Showoaaa aV l tnra . M nuf aetorl ng fompanr, aa8 Vint, faoM (Haas uag. nibp Btala, Mrr, WATRIH PAINB UliiH CO., 10 Plaa rnona, at am t. .' 'avuuaituaaia - . I whim Hienc, ...o, ww.pm K8S COLLJWBPart 'and I0T TWlWlttTltB HEADQWaBtBBB A. f. Arinatranf, IX, B., V) Btark Street. V lad M8 open afi tta raart Ta raat, rapalr. -a.il. aicbanjra typawrtta 201!f,"5 Prt'kfa ar - AU anpnilea for all machine , f-BOOM konaa, bara, ato., arlta H aeraa -af lana. ino Hearing treea, in email innn a B. B M mllaa from Portland, Alaa BblTsa, 2 ChainWr af 4maiarea. t- rOB SALE Cheap, larga saw B-ronia konaa, ' lot 7Btl00 paautlfnl yard and f ardaa! mnat pa told bow. Knqnira Ton jnroaa at., www UU, Joha Banbolaar. . . , . ' roR farma, aeeaaga. city praparty, etwtea Maa ,. ar aad hoaieataad tooatloas, aea Maxwell Co.. HP Ablngtoa l)14g-. rortland. Pro. BUT aa orchard aad take Ufa eeeyj a flna prana . ariTBara I'T aaia anercUl blk. tTooa, American plan botal with larga din- ing rwoaa. orcica, aaaapM room for-commercial traralera, rltnatad In ona of tba aaoat thrlrlng towaa t i.m popolatton aear Portlaad; houee rrata ir a par awntn wun 1-rear ieaaa owaar'a. arlfa .rarr alck, raaaon for aalllag. Sh-room. American plan hotel, gltoatad aa tha mala a treat of Oregon City! SH regular board ra; alao good traneleat tradri bousa rasil for 39 par eaoatb, PYlre, only (TOO, , ; . i n.v BEBTAflBANTB. A : ,'., Two Of tha boat altuatxd and Knaat fltbid ptaeaa roruano. aasa ara Dota inAfi, Wa taa aiaka rary aatlafaetory terns aa aay PORTLAND BUSINESS . Waehlnrtoa ata.. A. principal) aetahllahed students admitted a daaa lastraetloa. DeDartmenta: Bnalnaaa. shorthand, typewriting, penmanship, Bagllsa. vataiogaa tree. Bttcbiaea 10, 1, , 26 aad f rBAIXBVAX ZBBVBABOB, Standard to 100. .E? want a staoorttrhaT or typist 1 . Wt bare list af good applleaatb . Phone Black MIL OBOBH OP WA6HINOTON roransoat frataa. aai soolarr or Nortbwaatt Brotacta tha 11 t- lag. I. L. Mltxhall, aapraaaa aaoratary. ait I ana sua Marnnass bmb4 reruaae, Wr. Xae paeua aaaia a-tz. . , TBABirXB ABO BUT1XKB, raovB amo run. ' flMO a, feed, potatnea. aoaL ata.,- Herman aanna, aio aiaat BereotB St., pboae Beatt 40 1L FUBHITVEB J-ACTOBOB. . a O. PICK, efflee M first St.. betweea Stark ana uaa er. paooe peg; piatma ana garni' tore mo red aad packed for shipping;, aoaa. Mlloas trapraaf brie warefeoase, great aag viay ata. . ,,,...,... el .,;,. (: ;.. .;.. r- OBIMON TBANBPRB TO., 1M North Bltth, eiepnowa, aaaia w. near? asaung aaa sio an, aaiy terms. oS Uos.af tba shore, aa we ara always willing to loaa rTHNITTTEl! tnannfactorlne aad special ardera. post bpsoiai cinnnr u -anau. f , jnoaer anything wa gall aad assist a bayet L. Bareaaky a foraltnre fMU.ry. g70 rraalat tagtoa it Pbeif 1L L'.i.JP in ii i I tn arery way wo eaa, "sw at. raoaa, or., Mala tea. iraltare t baajaa for sale! I ALL TJTLBS OUAHANTEET AND .BOTBB OB BOON Parattara MaMfaetartaf aaaipaai-. " ' ' X-Vf.---Ux-ua- -Waat- BOY WANTED To laara trada, v Optical I o.. 231 H Marrlaoa. Portland i irrUATIOMB WABIB.PMT1 , t . 'PBIWllRT 14 roarg' axparlanea, gradoau t (allfornta C: af P 80 reara af age, single, . good aaleamanabip ability, refereneee - and t reaaoaa for belna aacmnlorad. dealrea nerma- aaaryaad good aalary. No. 240 Jaffaraon at, BTTI ATION WA NTED Yowng aua M rears - eld wlahea poaltton aa trarallng aaleaaian; " ) "goad refereaee.- I", JonrnaL . .. :.' "WANTED Work by yeong aaan to plnmhlag. shop, with cbaaaa to work la eome axperlaaca. . K al, care Jearaal. - . . , ..,.., J KXViiait, WAMTIIe-EhLaXB. BKIOHT yanag wosmb. : laraa baali , . peiianca In both gorernment and private em 's Ploy aa copyist, mathematician aad book ' t keeper, alao aa abler In pries ta tMialneea-booea, . also opera tea typewriter bat not atenogrtpbar. wlabao position with repakabU -fnaceriij par- feet grsmmsrlsn. P ka. car Journal , ' 1 . WABTEIc-aMEIXABBOPB . HOCHKKEEPINu roosn Bar 1 pamoaa, 10 ! DMnth, tui Jbast Morrlaan. i'haca .Xraa. y'Ualoa 4B8B. r ..v - :, , WANTED A dreeaanaker ta board aad Mean at , 3-ft0 per weak. u Orora at.. MontaTllla. . WANTED S or 4 yonng atea af good bablta ta aaara ar prtyate ranuiy. ei Ataar -at- IIOUBX. let aad faraltara bargain; people' iaarUg town, 88 Oraa ao Mora. :-,.., . BOB SALE-eB-rootn cottage t bath. Bat an eold water. T47 Brooklya at. - . yABMaWHoljtXSXEAaC PUBlt kemeetead Isaitsj Brat-clsaa grala aad Bay lanoa. mvi Btara St. roa iit.iu riRua . IaproTed farma tor aala In all parts at Ore. goa and Washington; payments made to suit parcbaasta. aor ran partieulere aa to rrt -aa prooertiea apply to Wan, Mac Mas tar, 11 Wereeater bldg. 4t,000 ACBES of irrigated land free from tha state to settlers who wilt pay 5 to II per t acre to the Oolumhta Boatbora Irrl ratio i- samaanr far Bernatnal water rlehr. a tn- " I formstloB '.anil or addrasa B. 8. Ooak, ol Alder st Partlsnd. Or. FARMS, timber lands, acreeae. bonaesteadaT ttia bar claims when took Log tor any af tba anove come ana , A. a. MStaews, ' 418 oragontaa bldg. WA NTED To bay a goad Address J. BM oara JoaraaL aaeaad-baad aafa. WANTED Black eocker spaniel dog (Its age - ana coai to u. aa, joernai. , A PBTJNB orchard for aala on easy teraufc Call I on ar address exirt tmBercui blk. a'l j, ,, , ' r '. ..... -r--'i i- " gOB BALB-BCTLlaVCTOTJB. BEWINO marhlnea; too flna machine, gllgtitry oaaaagea at rarp sow pnceai Dinger, v. a.. - Itomestlc, White, New Borne, Old 4k Klag, Willamette. W heeler at Wllaoa and athars; aome aew dmv-baad mschtoea at (30.00. B. B. LSiaaV fiiB atorrtaoa at,, opr. Tth, MsraasmJ oiag rotuaas, wra. and song slides. Psoas Baat IN. Call al - Ml WIUMkg ara. . PHOTKOTED AB WKIX AS RELIBB -. . TACT aV CO. ' '' ? lJ6d Ablngtoe Bldg. Phoaa Mala 1M. Tv , ; 1 ' " ' A FEW SNAPS. - -, B1IM.00 bays rtgar store oa flnt at- , (noo.OO burs cigar ators on Bnraslde at. 1,1 ; (wm.OO bnya cottage at Long (.each) eestrtl " (WO. 00 bays ftrnltnra af T-roeaa bease. " 00.00 buys faraltara af B awdera 4-raeai .ajara. ' 3 00000 bara beat saloon fa rtty: Baa trade. 1,whii tnjya H Interest ta bnalnaaa clear- -loar yno.00 a anonth. I 4.KJO.O0 bars homestead rallnaalshassat aaar vreeon ny. Ana awar snape. ." Beatati. ' .'. 40 baetlona af taw mad ta Bl( Bead treat ee.w vo ps.uv per acre. ; BliOWN BOBBBTBOW. V f ' 104 Ooodnongh Blk. BARE eta ace to gat ene-tialf ar aU af beat . little -mansracraring oaaiaeas) oaly ana aa taw wast owner unable ta handle It. B. ta, Jeamal. ' BOB BENT oolossa dock, bat. Oak aad Ptaa ata. inqaire at arnoe. poet at oak at. , BOB BALZ B0R8XB ABO 0ABBXA0XB. It BOON rarattara MaaaracraHeg aemaaai . ranafaetarsra af faraitare, leg tba trada. BOB Irak at. ....... . TOWEL BffBPLt. BOCBA, WADHA11B A CO., wkeleaak, praaara, aaa aw taatarrra aad aemaHaaloa aaarakaata. rsavrtk aad Oak ata. ; BASON. EliRMAN A CO., whalaaaJa (rsssrai W. W. ear. Beeaaai aad Plaa ata. , . AtJ-KJ UWIi,' srbalaaala grsssra. Parp laaA Or. ...... , . - LAKQ a CO.. Pirat aad Ankeay ata. . . CLBAN TOWELB DAILY Oomb. brash, aoaa, 1 per mantk. Iawref.ee Broa." Towel Bappip i-r. aaa voaca. raeaa axa. . VAIXOBB, J.- BRITERLB, tailor, remored frwra BBO A Mar ' aau nnrnatoe at., Hotel Scott bldg., aad ha umai aaa ewstemera. f UTTEL makes pants, aulta to arderj aM aatta eiaee aewi wort gnteantaad. 14T MaIlaoa BTB0UTEBXBO. trfW aaBa4 , M'WI'jBaT BXEOTAIO MktaiBTgrB.rvn as attara at., rsr.iaai w. K. far Phoaa. B0BTKWIST eaanpany, eyrrthlng ta tha laetrtoal llaa. stain ansa. PORTLAND ELKCTBICAL WOBB-4Mep Bit Hera i, rnoae. maia ma. ri.RBT-CLASB apholstering: aaad rnraltare; furniture, stores repaired: atietewaa, ranoeatadi ajaaga m far ahlpaaent. gap plftb at. i WHEUonblBB. I (7k BUYS pa and gooq t taant aa4 Ir of farm horses yeara old. sound workers. Bed Front Btablea. JTlf- wssniagToa in . WABTED AGENTS. , BOLICrTOBS wanted for aatreaaUU agaaey ; wars;, notn tn and ant ar the city: middle-aged , new preferred I mnat be axpartewcad. . Oall room 100-101. Sherlock bldg. ' f - -rP BJOTQggEBJEBIBO "gOOBIB. 1.T5 PER WEEK Large, clean, funushsd - boanekeeplng room, with eae of lauedry, bath, pheae; alao cheap furniahed aottagaa. 1, Laadlgan, 184 Baermaa- Pbosw Clay -BOB. - ' PTRNI8HED homwgeentng saltea $10 per month and an; board and room. 15. aad ap; ' erecTthldg riw; telephone aad bath. Hotel . Northern. .Worth Twelfth and Marshall. - Bt'rTES fnrnlebed and anrarnisaed for home keeping. 112 1-8 East Oak at. Phoaa Union -t 612.' . . .."' , ,'. . CLIFTON. ' cor. 1st aad Colombia; hooeeksep Ing eultea; reaaonahla prices. i Tary electrM ftdSVi Washington at.; boajsekeeplng rnooM) dealrableT brl Waekr tona, katbirali ugnta. . rTRNIBHBD hoeaefeeeplng rooms at aU prteea; strict tp asodara. Apply Bft aeranth at., aaar yt-Atarhx .... ..c,..-. . t t'NPUBNIBHBD front rooms; gaa store, bath, phone, laundry- 511 ktlll at., near Fourteenth. OPPICR room on Morrleon at., bat, Barents aad Twelfth. K 88, care Jonraai. t- ,f.-r OFFICE room for rent ta Bank af British Ce- lomh'a bldg., B08 Vina at- f w BOB BALaV-Ooantar aad aherraa ballt far a cigar aad tobacco boaiaess at SI Braat at. FINR Lodwlg plana, ebeap: will aaU far half coat, ata Berenta at- rnoae Maw ioo. j-v-. -.:B3arX0TBaarT AOEBCIEB. j WILLAMETTH Employment 'A Beat Batata Oa. orncea ins Morriaoa at. ana it north fclxui at.! are hare the largest aad beet' ut af I real estate and labor aa tha BaelBa aeaat , Mall or dare aouellea. . . .... HELP ef an description fn mis bed aawmllts. , logglnf earn pa, facterlea. free to employers. Alpine Bmpwment Agency, 103 riraa ga, Phoaa Main IB IT. ' LADIES dealrtn heln and etrla aaeklna altna- noaa, can at nt. uots uiaiea- aawocy. room a. aauvt xamniii at. raone niacg aaai. EMPIRE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY fanlabes -competent help oa abort notice, sua, Jones, 195 Fourth at. - Phone Bed 1008. I ;APANB8B EmploTment Agency fnrnlahea 4o-1 meatica, rarmnanos, ato, a fierta ruts at. Phone Mar 6l .. PIOKEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Lahar eaatraa: ' tursi help free to employers. 815 WORK for men, men for work. , , . HANSEN'S OFFICE. B8 North Beeoad at PAIR af 4 and (-year-old eolta, aoaad and good trerelera; are broken single ar doable, and wool e Buitaaea ror nirnirara wagoa, Ae- llrery ar expreee; akw ebankr team, welgha ' t.470 poonds, aonnd aad wall broken la all harness r wise -a few cheap -farm horses. -Call X North Fifteenth at. NAP 150 boye team, t years aid. wetjrks . aoo ponnoa. soono aaa gooa womere; new farm wagoa and new beery harness, with breeching. . Call Bed Front Xlrery Stable. fifteenth, fast eft Washing-tea, and aak for Hasten team. BOB BALE OB BXBT. CA8TEBM Hat Mannfactnrtng Company, 82t I .r.i. mr uiay; Bate ayea, Cleanea, btocteo; Hada artr In tetaat sty las ear apectaUy; nuHTU wsifjTKRn Rat Factn-yt ladlaa aad a"emen a aaia eieaasa, piookad. rapAlred. rrjianintwsi St. HOTZT-fl. Batat Psrtlaad. AararlaaB pkiai 8. BS par dap Barredw; Barepeaa plaa; 4th aad Alder ata. IBOB WOMB. ' '" PBOBNIX IRON WokKatuhH. a factarera af asarlaa, mining, loggia; aad saw mill mack leery; prompt attendee to reperr aarni aw. nawinerne ere a. aa TRODBR'B HESTAf'RANT, (rst-alaaa eai earn oo. aap wsshlagtea et- MOROAN WALLPAPER m ia.aaa at. bet, Yamhill aad Taylor. Pertlend. 1 CITT BOTIOIS. BBOPOIXB ABSEBSBTZBT BOB niPBOTB- ... ...7 ... n AtrwA'AtaanrE,. ' Hotlca la hereby glrea that tha Coanell at the City of Portland proposes (a aaaeas Us fol- nwing aesennea property aad owner ar owners aa being specially aad peculiarly benefited la tha ""ow t apposite the names and descriptions thereof L ear--the -Improrement of A Ihtna afanaa from tha north Una af Page street to a line it fret southwest ef the northeast llaa of Hirer Street, an provided by ordinance No. 18,877. any eDjeeuona ta ine apportionment of coat impn prorement mast be made la writing BO. 1011 WILLIAMS AYE. New S-foom boose with all asodern Improrementa, Apply Joba Bala, room A 834 Btark at. . .. . Ag??- i9.A- fnrTt ' J , . KB API A HART, a rents for the Einloeh nainta. sw uawtnoraa ara. raeaa -J48T.- ' Vw: ATTOBKETB, 8. B. BIOOBN. attorney aad ouaaaslha at lawi notary. e8-808 Ablngton bldg. ASPHALT PATINA, 4ahjaasBnaBBt 1 ffHB Trlaldad Asphalt Paring Caw ef PorthiaA I oraea an woroaatar nia. - 1 1 '.'1 iirTHTrTTHfflrr""Tsi utsxsam IBBUBABCB, . "bid?. U wnn Ewka- J-8- htel. WOOD, amployara Nablllry aad ta- j Si "ejwaii aomy asaaa at ali a lads, Pheae af. CeaaarC bldg. 7 W""TB-VS PP4NY. Bra raaoranea, i wa jueaino eiog. uregoa paeaa. Ulay OBB. I silt a iniuBANCaW. P. Kenned- A Oa.. 44 auouiuHi oicg. i-naaa, maia iona. , AftTHUB L WILSON. Bra Inaaraaoa. oiag. t-Boae, suia inos. ABCHXTEOTS. HODGSON A CO. Architects aad aanerft . taadenta. Suite SIS kUelaap bidg-, eng. (otuth aad Washington ste. .BEB80BAL. FOB BJEBT nntBlBHES BOOMS. NEW GRANT, on rlecend and Grant ata., win . Open about Hay 1st. Nicest family rooming bonse In the city; reasonable; housekeeping moms, furntsbed gad anfurulabed, Apply a8 . jcrreraon at. v- TOB BEBT-PBaTMHEa BOOMS. . THR BICMEMBn ilSH Blxth at., cor. Conch; ' fire blocks south Union depot, 1 'block north poatofflce; nswly opened; elegant. furniahed apartment; porcelain hatha; hot aad aeM water, ., . ; BIYEB8IDB HOTEL. 848 East Oak. fomUhed and unfurnlabsd housekeeping, elngle, en - suite; lodging, tranalent; rooma en ground - Boot. Phone Scott 864. - - T eTITOT f! W i VT nn au nA and fleank ate.r la now I HA YE poor hair m ' opened; nicest family roomlng-bnoae ,ia the f turned eama day. -Phone Mstn 474. Portlaad WHY not be healthful aad beaatrfnl; rlorattoa and Pr, Chareott'a Chromatic Baton ara all . Mrroua aiaeaacs. it aoaa not take long to build op dead tlasuea aad atrangtbea weak I muacMa; a apaeoy cure; pleasant t root west. atasetra Vlpratiea . company, an Morrleon at. OUR pile aad catarrh mre will core any ease, no matter now loraj atanaing; we guarantee .ana bog to cure and will forfeit S50 in any ease where they rati. Lenox pi w 4k Catarrh Cure Co.. 884 Boaaa au Portlaad. Phone union j!U. CONFIDENTIAL IrTYKSTICTATIONR. , ' Sellable reports fm-nlabed on property tratasi, INDIVIDUALS . and bualoeaa propositions; books exported, beat city references; eorree- poBdeaee aollolted. Lack Bos 874, Portland. ura. ---.i'j.' MANLY taw restored by Dr. Roberta NerwJ . 1 lobules; baa month's treatment 3! 8 1 aaontha, (9; eent eecursiy sealed by mall; . agents, Woodaxd, Clarka A Co., Portlaad, Or. YOUR preaerlptlong ape more accurately and reasonably filled at Bysell'a Pharmacy, S27 Morrison St., net. r irat ana seeona ata. - luallieaaai renoratnd aad re BABOIBO ABB LIOHTEBIBO, OREGON ROUND LUMBKB OOn (At at Phone, flrant I1TL CEREAL arTTT.a, ACME KILLS CO,, msnnfaettrrers Bahrtoa Oereels. BO and 88 North Front at CLAXB70TAMI ABO PAUCI8T. PBOr. BINOLETON. psychic medium; tha troth told of your paat life and future areata: adrlce (iron tn anything; call and see me; I t will treat roa right. SOOVi Washington , at,, aoara a. m. to a p. m. MRS. B. B- SHIP, clstrroyant and Ufa reader, u Ttn. iirciee Tnea. ana m. are.. T :. JEWXLERA E. 2. CARR Msnufacmrlnr Jeweler, ranaaa BP At am m . -jr- - r - - I 1 mm , mmou oiag., au Morriaoa at dlaaaoBda reset, old leweh-e nterfe fn,n dealgna, sllrerwara rapnUabad, aid gold aad THB O. BBITKEMPBB CO- maaafaetMrl.. vwwwv, awnna ax. ssssnjaaei I rnaj n n ar.apni sui (eblaery, sawmill, ate. 848 jjrand ara. sbASSAOB BATHS, , VAPOB baths and maaaaee hv laA mrit. I lady aaartetaat 110 rarth.room BTUSI0 SEALZBS. 4HSABS ABB T0BA000. E8BBRO-0UN8T CIGAR CO. Platrlbutora f raBCIOARB. 0KZB0P0OZ ABD BUBIOTBOIw. .city; -reasonable; houaekeeplug . xooma, n 1 nlabed and unfiirmsued. . .' . THE OLAPSTONB SIStA Barter at., car. F1f! V teenth. near fair grounds; new tratldlngi newly furniahed rooma 1.80 per week and ap, THE ROTTAOR. 108 North . Blxth; furnished raama. auntie and en suite, all niodara, at ... ressonsble prices. Mra. Wood, prop- THE COBMOS Southess cor. Fourth dad Wor rlaon; quiet, clean aad pomfortahlo rooms 3.50 - per weea aaa qpwara- uu- m THR BERKSHIRE. 238H First St. cor. Main! nicely lurnisaea reoma eugat, en anise aou housekaaplng. ALPTNB rrTBrtaelF fonilBhed Batted, with fas, phoaa, bath. 2711 Momeon ex.. aw. earth. , . . f.yxt--r"h--- n-na! ignin vl Park, newlr opened: I : . Brat-claas furalahaa single aad beuaakaaplng I UNCLB MYERS. loocoa. - ' . ... . - ;-j . ' . ,-, . 1 1 1 in" -I mffTI.R hfYERJI. K1CE annny furnlahsd rooms, MrarYiewj gna, l bath. ihona. Xha Wmametta, 4S5W aaurrl- CNCLB MYEBS. . SOB. . " . "-..-s. . Cur lad Olair Kaetory, 238 Aaoat -a. "ON a Blow Train Throogk Arkanaaw," 4 acsaon; ran 01 ma aaa joaeei Jonee' Bbokstora. 281 Alder at II MEL H, Ely, dermatologist, ecalp treatment. anaropoo, eieeinc maaaaga, Zil uooonongo. 2 r t0BXT TO XOABf. ' ; rSB H. STRONG, FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. Mo aemmlaalon- .... I. km In a post tloa -to 'ioake Immediate I - .nana on improrea real estate or for build ing purposes; any amount; -moderate Inter-! aet ra approea htsna (rem plana and ad vance money aa building progrsssos. Optica aa jrepe.ruieoi aTrer one rear. - ' . - i KED H. STRONG, Financial Agent . 108 Second at, Bear Stark. UNCLE MYERS. THB PBVBNYS. -tha only sctentlfle ehtropodleta ta the city; parlors 801-8 Allaky bids. I thla ta tba long-haired gooUemea pea waat to aea. Ornnt 18. . .v MRS. LILLIAN B. CRAM, chiropodist, msnlcnr- ing aaa snampooing. am ADingTon. way loa. .l..'.,;"..i....OABEBTSBS A BPILPFBB, ....j....-.;. ST t e.'ei-e.eeeie1 A- t. AUTHORS A H. B. WOOD, carpenters ( ana onuoers; repairing ana joomng: store and office Ortnraa built Shop SOS Cohimbla. mono uiay mi, . . . FANNING A ARMSTRONOCarpentere and balldars; repairing and lobbing; raaaonabla rates. Shop aor. Fourth and Columbia. Front MSB. .. :: f jt 6. W. SORDOH, counters, shelving, bonaaa battt J ana repaired. BUB fourth, day 17S. FISHER MUBIO CO., 180 Third St. Victor talking asachlaeai repairing. Red PnX ' ' nti'.'s 1 canaai . MTJSIOAVL. MR AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER, Instructors I ox panjo, manqoiin. guitar, jiij West Park. IT. B. LAWSON, S40 Park cor. Main. Dlano lea. aona; xerma reasonsnie; paone Klack 8411, BOVELTY WOBJtS. STAB Norelty Works, galvanlaed Unks, general repairing; aaeona-nana oioycise. al union I avenna. . - -, ,1 OSTEOPATHY. . DBS. ANNA M. AND FRANK J. BABR, BTadu- r-erea American bcdooi or ueteopnuy aaa A. T. Still Infirmary of Klrksrllle. Ma. Phoaa. Mala B338. Boom 880 Deknm bldg. ATa-88 for aald to tne couacll and Bled with the Auditor wtthla 15 days from the date of the Brat publics Hon af tela notice, and aald objections will be beard and determined by the Council before the pas sage of the ordinance s seeming (ha coat af aald Improvement TOWN OF ALBINA BTk 01, lot S. Mere H. Brsns, 10.18; lot 8, Jamae Collins, ()AT. A trsct ef land lying betweea the westerly line of Goldsmith street and the northwesterly Una af the Oregon Railroad A Navigation eompany'a right of way and tha soutbsssterly line of ARtlna avenna and a line 100 feet southeasterly therefrom aad parallel therewith. Alliance Trust Company ef Dundee. Scotland, 170.68. a tract ef land lying betweea the - eontbweetefly line of the Oregon Railroad A Navlgstlon eompsny'a right of way aad a line 60 -feet northeaaterly from and parallel with tha northeaaterly Una of Hirer street aad betweea the southeasterly Una af Alhloa ave nue and a line 106 feet southeasterly there from aad parallel therewith, 1. B. Montgomery estate, heirs of, 250.M. A tract of lead . lying between the northeasterly line of Blver street and a line 15 feet northeasterly there from and--parallel therewith and betweea the southeasterly line of Alnlne avenue aad a Una 1 root soutneaaterly therefrom and parallel therewith, J, B. - Monteoowy -aetata. - betre of 18.42. A tract of land lying between two 11 nee respectively 10 feet and 60 feet north saaterlr from and narallel with tha north - easterly line of Hirer street and betweea the southeasterly Una of Alblna and a llaa 100 rest southeasterly therefrom and parallel loerewiio, w. n. a. aaorgaa, gnl.sg. A tract of land lying between the northwesterly Una 01 amine arenue ana a tine nn reet north waatnrly therefrom and parallel' therewith and between tha southwesterly Una -of tha ureejon Hauroao companya right ef way end a Una 100 feet northeaaterly from and parallel vr.iB uiv Dormeaeieriy una ox tjoring erreet Jamea B. Montromerr eatate. helra af. 847 1 a TOWN OF ALBINA Block 00. lot S, William H. Wlggera, 7.24; lot 4, Wllllajn B- Wlc- gera, 80.46- , Block 88, aoatfa westerly M of lot a, uana ana Anne Brown, (48.80; north easterly V, of lot B, Dirk Van Kaeaura, (43. P0; lot 8, John Mitchell, 7.84; lot 8, Irene Mc Klnny, 7.24; lot 4, Jamea W. Applegnte, 871, Block 88, lot 6. VsBes B. Mootgotm ery eatatia. aeire or, anu.ea; lot a, James B. Montgomery estate, helra of, 7.24; lot 8, e-amea b. Montgomery eatate. neirs or, ar.Sf lot 4, Walter B. Walch, 80.46. Right el way of Oregon Railroad A Navigation com pany, 67.8 Total.fl, 072.58. TH0S. C. BEYLrif. . . Auditor at tba City at Portland. May S, 1S04. -crnr'woTTCES." proposed Baat is van tees th street god betweea tha north Una of Midway ssnsx and a tine 4ul.9S feat aartbefly therefreas, aoBUlalna M Also gU that part of tract A lying northerly of block 1, Midway anaek, between the aaaterly aad westerly lines of the proposed East Seven taenia Street containing 600 aqnara feet, Also all that part of tot 6, block 1. Wt6r ssnex, lying eaatetly erthe west line at Best Seventeenth street, eontsTiiliil 5.516 atiaars feet Ahra all that part of lot 7, block 1. Midway nnex, -' lying waaterly ef . tha - easterly Una of tha propoaed Bast Serscteentb Blrest, con taining 2,030 sinare feet. Also all that parcel or tract f had beg'tmlng at a point ta the aouth line of Hnlgste street st Its Intersection with the westerly Una ef tha proposed Eaat Sevaateealb street, running thence aoutherlr an tha weat Una of the Pro posed Bast Seventeenth street BMO.OS feet; raa nine tbenee aaaterlr 10.B2 feet to a nolat; rna- nlng theoee northerly 800.08 feet; running thence aaaterlr 18.B2 feet to a Point: mnnlng thence northerly 890.06 feet to the sooth Hue ox noigate street; tnanee weeinrir- xo.ia xeex as ine piaca et negianing containing w ueree. Also ill that nareel or tract ef land beginning at a potat la the weat Una of tha propoaed East Seventeenth a treat 890.08 feet aoutberty from the aouth Una ef Holeate afreet, running thence southerly on the waaterly line of the propoaed Bast Berenteenth street III SI feet: thence easterly 17.00 feet; thence northerly 812.52 feet to a point; thence westerly 18.82 feet to wa piece ei Beginning, eon laming ,ub acre. Alao aU that nareel or tract af land bertnalng it a point In the westerly Una of tha proposed Eaat Seventeenth street 602.(2 feet smith of the south llaa af Holgste street! fanning thence eonineriy aa tne westerly use er tne propoeea Beet aerentaeau street NO.M feet ta a pointl thence easterly 12.T4 feet to a ootnt: thence northerly (26.04 feet to a point; thence westerly 17.08 feet to the place af kegtnalag, eeaulaing .11 acre. All psraoaa claiming damages by re soon of the appropriation of the property shore de scribed, or aay part thereof, la tha pr- pnaea eneninc. larine eat ana astannsainn at setd street, are hereby specially not I fled to nie toetr eiaima ror encB aamagea wita ma Auditor ef the Cttr af Portland before the 18th day af Mar. 1804. at tha time apnolatcd lor tas meeting ar ins viewers toe rein. Bty sroer ef tha Denarii. ... THOS. a DEVLIN. ' ' Aadltor at the aty at PorUand. Mas- A 104 sjc.tirsi6b or macadam stbeet." Whereaa. The Oencll af tha Cltr af tart- tand. deeming rt etDedtent to anea. Mr not and eetabllah an extension ef Macadam street In tba City af Portland, from tha aouth line ef Lowell avenna to tha north llaa af section 15, townshln 1 south, ranrs 1 east, Will amette BMridUa. did oa tha M day ef Mircb, 1804. direct tba City Easineer to snrvsy tha asms sad' to Mark tha boundaries thereof, and to make a pint ef sorb iarvey, and a written report containing a full and perfect description at sack proposed street aad boaadarlee thereof, sod af tha portion af each lot, tract or part of either to be ap propriated for each street, and tba City Bngl- Bering aaeoe eeen em-rev, pi -one re port, aad tiled sock plat and report la the office ef the Aadltor 00 the 80th day ef March, 1804, end said report having been adopted by ardl eenee No, 18,805, eotltledi "Ab ordinance adopting the report af the City Engineer in the matter ef tha proposed opening, laying oat and tee aH.boai Tr,-::Ti;.Lr. EASTva-SOUTH ft foe i Tt J Leaves, t:0 Bta. IXTEBSJ0B OF BAST SEYEBTEEBTH STREET. Whereas. "The Council of tha tfltv of Port land, deeming It expedient to open, lay out and establish aa extension of Bast Seventeenth street, la tba City of Portland, from Holgate street to Harold street, did on the 2d day of March, 1904. direct the City Engineer to surrey the same and to mark the boundaries thereof, and to make a plat of soon sur-rer. and a written report containing a full and perfect description of such proposed street and the boundaries thereof, and of tha bortlon of each BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS aad ateohaa lcs' elothlng; nnloa mads; Maoatadter Brae Mfga.. Portlaad, Or. BAIMTS, OIL ABD BLABS. repali CAFB. ssaWaBamasaajmpanhjasmasaa" THB OFFICE, 288 Washington St. - main 11 a. . neaext vigneaax. Phone, a ' ,c building material; wtodow-aiaae and glaalng a apaelalty. 186 First at; phone. Mala 1884. DAVID M. DTJHKB A CO. Phoenix Paint aad Oil Worse; mano fact urera and Importers paints, alia and sprays, etc; phone 1ST. OfAoa aad factory. Sherlock are and 19th at having made aucb surrey, plat and report and Bled such plat snd report In the offica ef ine Aaaitor or tna wry or. rort land on tha Both day of March. 1804, and aald report having- -been-adepted by -orll-naoea No. 13,804, entitled; "An ordinance (Established 1858.) - -148 Third Rtraot. Bear Alder. .Loans' aa Oollataran. ,.lw Bates. i-rin viHirpTt Mwm,- hear attention: cheap rata. , Mra. Rosa Nelbert, 88 Knott at. Lower Alblna. BEAT rooms and -sand .aoardr rnodern conven iences; price reasonable, 83 North Nluth at J04H STARK ST., phone 1085, newly furnished rooms; transient soucitea, prices THE OLIVE (WoH Wsshlngton St., v fifth, neatly furnished rooma; price reaaonahla. THB CASTLE -87J WMhlnrton at rooms gat Bmtlemen; transient. Tef Booth TBI. VtCELY furnished room for ona ar twa, 8 per s wee. 480 Btark st h- ... - . FOBlkEHT VBrTBBBES BOOMS. -;. UNCLE IfYEBS. Unredeemed Pledges for Bala. ,: Phoaa Main 810. HEW YORK LOAN OFFICE. T North Third Btreot M. Millar, Prop. 1'NFUKNISHED - - ilnhnann at. . rooms; no children. 888 FOB BBBT-BOPBES. for i rticwT Ttnnmlna-honsa. anftrrnlshaa or ..n. ...ni.k.j. .im enttsee and a store. Columbia. Kaal. Xstata A Trust Co., 884, .,...':.. Unml.nn mi .".....'i.' STriRRa rnit drnt 168-170 8tb at, betwaea Mnrrtsoa and Yamhill sts. Apply Goodnougk , rebuilding 01 floe. - -ROOM (ornmhed bonse far rent Call 255 Fifth St., or -call on- Mala 43SO. TABLE aOABS, hi-re-Lji1iu-1 1 1 ill r -1 t -kir 1 i1 lJfksT m ii r TABLB board, horns cooking, $8.60 par week. ' Eleventh at, cor Alder. . - B00MB WITH BOARD. .; BOOM and board, private family; good horns cooatng. mm iith at . none sroat urn. BOOM sad board, prlrate family; good nemej , . cooiting. goo s ins at mona Main aeon. - , ROOMS with - without board : aawly raaa , eated. 167 West Park at-, near Moarlaoa. , rURNISHED or onfurplened- rooms an -ehesp . board. M. B. Jane, OM Hood at 1 BOOMS with board. Wen furnished; modern eoa venlencea; table boarA 821 18th at BOOMS with or wlrhont board. 828 Water et : laaaa aa Cnllaterala. Low Bates. ' ' " trnrndaeuied pledges for sale; - Watch and Jewelry repairing. . Phone Clay SOT. SALARY LOANS wa loan money to salaried people In sums of 10 to 100,- from to 6 jnontha time; no delays or unpleasant In i qulrlea; business atrlctly eonftdcntlal and . courteous treatment extended to all; private , entrance. Northwest Loan -OoM 821 Ablngton bldg. I MORTGAGE LOANS OB Improved City sad farm property at lowest current raiee; Duuoing loans, tnstellment Maac, Wat mscjaaaier, 8U Woreeator bid. - LOANS ON THB EASY-PAYMENT FLAB , TO SALARIED PEOPLE. , STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OfSce boora. 8 a. . to n. as. Phone 224. Beam 716. The nekum bldg. B. W. aor. Third ana Washington ata. MONEY TO LOAN 18 par cent sat guaranteed; I can . set yon 18 per eent -per annum and very dollar absolutely secure; no foreclosures, court lees or coats. S 73, care Journal. MONEY TO LOAM oa real, personal and eot- lateral eeeunty; apecini anennoa xa eoartoi mortgages: notes bought ' 0. W. Pallet Alt Canimarclal blk. fhone Main 11HIO. MONEY TO LOAN on larga ar smart smoemts oa good secnrltyi lowest rates. William , I amok. but Falling bldg. - , MONEY ADVANCED salaried pecm. tewarsteta, ate., srltheat eecnrltri easy parawats: la re- rat bmluesa tn a prUclpsl clttee, Tolms. CAFE KRATZ, 122 Bltl It A BBS t aervea at all honia. , - -.. y - . CEMEMT CABTRACTOBS. . . ' . THB origins Chaa. H. Carter (don't be deceived by similar names), general contractor; cement eiaewama. cement wera a sptciaityi au work guaranteed; 167 Grand sve., N. Bast 1484. I CHARLES H. CARTER A CO., cement con- tractate, sn Porter at Phone 2804. Work guaranteed. - . . , , 4 . COAX. ABD W00B. . Sea18nBnnaaSSSkaaSB 11 MsnkASSSaaepaaaasajanajaaW ALBINA FUEL CO., Railroad St. sad Alblna are., aear icrry; sisd ana diocc wood, dry I ana green, rnone juaax 01a. , W. P. POLLER ft CO., manufacturers Pioneer Lead. Pbosnis Paint, KopaUne: a gaarantss BA8MU88EN A Op., lobhera. psinta, aim. glass. eaao ana aoora. iou s irat at iev PRE88 CLIPPINGS. MAKB M0NEYJ USB PRtSS CUPPINGS I Ring ap Black 11 and -erder a month's . service covering every town In any or -all coast states; dally mesaenger service; advance reports on an contract work. Portland office : lis Bccond at. r-iV PLTMBEBB. BOX A CO.. ssnltary pinmhers, 231 Second, bet hub aaa salmon , uregon phone. Main 8001. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Phone 1018. Caath) Gate eoal arUI please yosu peiooa as ... poor order. C, E. VELIN, wood end eoal; afBce 88 Alblna are., near ferry. Phone Baat 1832. OB BOON FUEL CO. ; atl kinds anal aad 844 Morrison. Phone. Mala 65. . OOMMISKOB MERCHANTS. D0NNBRBERG A BADEMACHER. plumbers, remoreo to as Fourth at. Hotb pnoaaa. BBIBTIBft. ANDERSON A DCNIWAY COMPANY, printing. iiiuograpuing, Diana noons, raone, staia 1 axis Alder. PATENTS, nmts- EVBRDING A' FABBELL. nrodaes and loa aMrchanta, 140 Front aU Portlaad, Or. ..'Phone,' Main 17B. - '. - - . OBOOKEBT ABB OIAMWABB. WHOLESALB CB Prsel Hegele A Co.. 100 to 108 8th. cor Btark. POO ABD HORSE HOSPITAL. - I Db!" B. J CABNBY Tetorinary anraoai. 108 North Birth at Phoaa Mala 1484; res, Ioaa, Main 8687. . "- - :- Deoobato&b. B. C. WRIGHT, lawyer: patents s specialty; protect your inventions. Koom aoa uekum. PAPERIBB- ABS CALCIMIKIaTuY. HENBT BERGER 180 First Sti rt: wsi : Ingralaa, : tapes trios, sppllaua frieasa. tor decors ting. wa ripe per. nates 828 Ablagtna bldf. H0PBEB rOR BEKI TTJAKIOTRE FOB SALE. COOI) furniture of mortem 7 -room bonse; ( rooms xt'ttted; snap. bv L.i.a t.., t,tx Clay. CHATTEL LOANff-jgoney ta maa oa chattel security la any earn: ae naiayi general money brokerega. , Northwsst Loan Co- 821 Ablaa- oa bldg. s 111 im'.iii 11 .1 mi iii i.i r 1 11 iiii fi ,,' 11 ., 1 11 ' CPATTEL mans la amoanta ranging- from 2( to (5.000; Toomlng-boaaes a specialty. New Bra Loan A Trnst Co 208 Amngtoa bldg. 850 TO (1,000 TO LOAN OS any good aenurlty; awe larger sums an real aataxe at low rnxar-i eaU .420 Uommsrclal bldg-. 1'bona CTay 408. 1 ' I ,li Hi (lO.OOOS. T, 8 PER CENT', BUMS TO ADIT) )l iuiij( i'iAfn a rrmuui, , 1 JEBTISTS. PR. KWODEBy dentist. 822 Mohawk bldg. PYEIHO ABD CTBAimtO. , I CITY STEAM DYEINO A CLkiAMINS WORKS -Harms a Enra, proprietor, rnena, aaaia 1T1A Be. 88 8th at, aaar Pins, PertlaaA, Oa. J, HUNTER,- 850 Jefferaoa st, steam carpet . and BMttrsaa cleaning: reatner nenoraung; au wors gaaranteeo. none main aaa. . . PORTLAND sream cleaning and dyeing works; practical hatter ia eoBnectlon. -Sli Pourth; pnone uiay xve. CXTHKS CLEANED AND PBBSSBD 61 par month. Cnioue Tsllorlag Co-, 447 WsehlAg- i son at. , . . .- a H. W. TURNER, profeeelonal dyer . and. elevatr. sua irn, ear, vswaioia. a-va. aaaia wis. . adopting the report of tha City Engineer In tha matter of the propoaed opening, laying oat and establishing of Eaat Seventeenth street front Holgate street to Harold street. , given with Avery gallon ef paint manufactured I ,. Now- S?reJ0IS -f?, flwsf. 'S by aa. V ... hereby notified that tba Council of the City of rwiuaa osa app.ioieu n. a. aaurrieuii, nvury Jones and J. Kelly viewers, to view ssld pro posed extension of said street end make sa estimate of tbe benefits and damages occasioned by the opening, laying out and establishing tba same, In accordance with section 840 of tha charter of tha City of Portland, asld viewers to meet st the ornce or tne Auditor 01 tne city of Portland on Thursday, the 19th day of May. 1994, at tba boar of 10 o'clock in the forenoon oc said day. Tbe propoaed opening, laying oat and estab llshlng of East Seventeenth street is 60 feet In width and la more particularly bounded and described as folkiwa: ' Beginning st s point in tba southerly line of Holgate street where the same would k In- tereeoted by the southerly extension of the east line of East Sevontentb street SS told out in Boise's addition, running thence southerly along tbe extension of the east line ef East Seventeenth as laid ont In Boise's addition to the north Une of Harold street: thence westerly along the north line of Harold street 00 feet 10 a point; tnence nortneriy on a southerly extension of tba west line of East Seventeenth street as laid ont In Boise's addition, to the south line of Holgate street; thence easterly 60 reel amng tne sou in una ox axoigats Street to lue place 01 urbiuojuk. The proposed opening, laying oat and estab lishing of East Seventeenth street will include and necessltets the kpproprlstlnn to public use the foUowlng described parcels or tracts of una: Ali that parcel or trsct of land beginning st k point in tba east Una of the prdoosed East Seventeenth street snd Its Intersection with the sonth line of Holgate street: runnlns thence westerly on tbe south Una of Holgata street oa.BS recti running tnence aootneriy 7oi.s reel to s point 45.29 feet westerly from the pro posed easterly Una of East Berenteenth street: running thence easterly 45.29 feet to the pro pneea easterly une 01 cast Berentennta street, thence northerly 781.44 feet to tba Place of be ginning, containing .71 acre. Also sll that parcel or tract of land bagtanlnt st a point in the easterly Una of the propoaed east Beveaieentn street 7i.ea reet aootneriy from the soath Una of Holgate street: running thence westerly 48.29 feet to a nnlnt: tnence southerly 781.44 feet to a point; thence sssterly 61 feet to a point In' tbe east ..line ef the pro posed East Berenteenth street; running thence nortneriy on tne east line er tne proposed Hast Seventeenth street 781.44 feet ta the place of Binning, containing .86 Sera. v . - Alao all thst nareel ar tract of land h-tn- ning at a point la the easterly Una of tha pro nosed East 1 Seventeenth street 1.562.88 -feet southerly from the south Bne of Holgate street, running . thence southerly oa an en tension of tbe saet Une of Bast Seventeenth street 488,18 feet to h point; thence westerly 60 feet to a point; - thence northerly on the westerly line of tue proposed last Seventeenth street 1,122.44 feet to a point; thence easterly 12.74 feet t a point; thpace southerly 634.26 feet to -a point; thence easterly 61 feet to a point In the esnt line of the prnrweed Esst Seventeenth to the piece of beginning, containing .H9 sere. Also sll that Da reel or tract ef land Ivlnr be tween tha easterly aad westerly lues ofT Ui 1 eetabllehins-ef Macadam -etreet fjeas lias of Lowell avenna to tbi north line of section 15. towasblB 1 sooth, raags 1 saat Will amette rnerldlsa. , - Now, therefore, all sereone Interested ara hereby notified that the Council af the City at Portlaad baa appointed C. O. Sutherland. Charles Smith snd 1. P. Meaefea viewers to view aald proposed siteasloa ef aald street and make aa estimate of tbe beneflta and damages occasioned by tbe opening, laying ot and eetab llablng ef the same, In accordance with section 840 of the charter ef tba Cltr of Portland. aald viewers to meet st the ofnos of tba Audi- of the City of Portland on Tharsoay. me 19th day of May, 1804, at the hoar of .10 clock la tha forenoon of said day. " " Tha nro nosed ooealns. laving eat and estab lishing af Macadam street is mors particularly bounded and described aa follows: ' , Commencing st -s point in t tha aoarn tine of Lowell avenna. where tha ssme would be Intersected by tha east Une of Macadam street running thence southerly swag sn extension of the easterly Una of Maeadam street prod need Southerly, and the eaat line af the Macadam road to the north Una of sea-, tion 16, township 1 sooth, range 1 east Will-1 smette merldlsn; running thence westerly slong tha north Una of ssld section 16 to a point 60 feet distant from at right measurement to the seat line 01 Hscaaam strset aa anove ae aerlbed: thanca northeaaterlr and northerly along tha west. Una of Macadam raid and aa extension southerly to tba weet line af Mae s nam -street sa told -oat to the Sooth Portlaad Beel Ketata Association's addition to carutnere addltlan. to the aonth Hna of Lowell avenue. thence easterly slong the aeqtb Hoe of Lowell avenue so reet to ine piece er Beginning, The proposed opening, leylng eat ana esrsn- isming or Maesaam street aa aoora aeserinea will Inrlade and Beeeseltete tbe appropriation to public nse of tbe following described parcel ar trsct or land now peeo aa a county roa a. ' 'AU that nart of tba Maeadam" road lying be tween tha aonth Una of Lowell avenae and tbe north line of section 15. township 1 Sonth. ranrs 1 east Willamette meridian.' between the essterly snd westerly tines of the propoaed Macadam street containing 72.000 sonars feet. AU persons claiming damages by reason of tne sonratirisnoas or tna property snore de scribed, ar an nart thereof, in tha aroooaed opening, laying out snd estsbllsblng et said street are nereoy specialty notinea to nie their elnlme for euch dams res with the Auditor of the I'ltv nf Portland Kefnre the 10th ilav of Msy, 1804, ths time sppolnted tor Oa -meeting j POB PAYTOrfrOiegtwi S:0 6.hA 4:00p. St. 7:80 B. 8a. IH0p.Bl. CNI0N DEPOT. OVERLAND EXPRESS trains, for. Salem, Roaa-J bare. Aahland. S-eee-l mento,' OgdeB.Saa Era a -I eiaea, Mo lave. Lea Aa-i geies, HI raae, Mew leans, sad the Beat ' At Woodbara datly feteept Sunday), morn ing train for Mt Aa- gel, giivertfta. 7:48 a. ss. 7iO0p. av villa, BprlnrSeld, WeaA-i Uag aad I'atroa.,. , t AlBtar psssetisee. ewe laae.aa- ll-TW nwui'ini WITQI Mt Anrel aad BUvaeJ - r - . tna local. Oorvallla 'Sbetidaa Passenger, Arrives. 118:28 8. at 18 .50 p. at DaUy.r JIDsnr, except Seaday. ; rertUAeVOswega Babsrbaa Serviaa ami TaaksiU Blsiaiea. Depot raat af Jefferaoa Street : ' 1 Leere Portland dally for Oswego 7:86 a. aj-f IKn. a An e on s on. a aa m uA ia.i. Pally (except Sunday). 6:9, 6 80, 8:80, In -VS a. ss-i 4:00. 11:80 a. Sa, - Snaday aaly, 8:00 BefeBralaA feMW fl,. anlaa SWIIeeA AmWm 8:80 a. m. l l-M. fl:0n. a-is. Ins. M. 11:10 p. m. .Pslty (except Sundsy) 6:26, 7 9. 640, 10 80, 11 MIS a. m. Bteept Meadsy, li.ai s-.sa. Bnnday aaly, 10:60 s. m. Leaves from Ssme denot for Dallas and tntsv. med1atesolnts dally (except Bus day) 4:00 p. sa. The tndrwadeaceMnaawsifB ' atotor tint aerates dally to Meameatb. aad Alrlle. eoe Bectlng with Son there Psctos Com pa ay's track! St Paliss sad Independence. . First-class fare from Portland (a Bs ova mente sad San Pranctsca 620. berth S6t aeeeed-claaa . tare 18. seeecd-rlaas berth 2 (0., Tickets ta Eastern noiets and BilFeaw. abM Janan. - China, Honolulu and Anstralta. City Ticket Offica eorner Third aad Washtna fnn streets. Pbnne. Msla 712. -C. W. STINGER, - ... W. B. COMAlt, City Ticket Agent Qe. Pass. Agent, t f ' ' JJJg- j -. ' arBaaaaana MsJBBl Oregoii Siipicrurq Am Union Pacifiu 3 TRAINS to the LAST DAILY Tkroagh Pnllmsa standard sad toarlet ateep. tag ears dally to Omaha, Chleajra, Bpotsnei roorlat sleeping-cars daily to Kaneaa tity; through Pullman tnurtat aleenlng ears (pereos. allr enodneredl Weektr to Chlcesa. ReellnlnaT ebatr ears-fsests free To rne Eaat ttaiiy. " PW10W PBPOT. Laavea. Arrivsa. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 8:16 a. At -t . mu 8 FECI A U v Dally, i i, Dally. -. Par the Best via Eaat- ...... lagtoa. ; ... - '-' - SPOKANE PLY BR. 7:4f7p. St. 80 a. SB. . For Rsatera Washing- Daily. ". - Dally. - -ton. Walla WsUs, Lew- lstoa, Coeur d'Alene , and ' Great Berth era -, . points. i . ,. ..: '.:..: , .-. r ' ' ATLAWTTfT BTXPRajRIi. STlSaiRt" 8:00 a. Bt, '"' ror. tba Best via Hunt- Dally. . Dally, lagtoa... OCEAB ABT) KrVEB SOHEDPXE. FOB SAN FRANCISCO: Tm ' 5:00 B. at, 8. 8. Geo. W. Elder Alaska April A 16, 26. Dock, -B.. A Oreflots ... - . , 8:00 p. Bs... . Msy 1,. 11, XI, 81. ... ; ' " Oolumhls Blrer Plrtsloe, - - POB ASTORIA sad Way 1 8: p. as, I About v points, eoaneetlng wltb Pally. - ' 5:00 p.m. stmr. for Ilwsco and ex. Sunday ex. Bun da! North beach, atru Has- Ssttirdsy salo, Ash-at dock. 10.00p.m. ' Tathin Blver Baate. of the viewers therein. By order of tba Councn. TH08. 0. DEVLIN. Aadltor ot ths City of Portland. msy a, wot. City and Yamhill Blver points, strs. Elmore aad Modoc, Ass-ex. dock. (Water permitting.) 7-00 . ,-Dslly.- except ;.i . Sunday. : 8:80 p.- sa. -Dally, except 1 Sunday. POTBSMASTEB'S MOTI0B. - Notlea la hereby glvea that on tlie Sd dsr ot May, loos, i toog up ana empoandea at ths city pound, st No. 281 Sixteenth street la ' the City of PorUand, Oregon, tbe following i described animal: Bay horse, white Spot on forehead- white on aU four feet, amall .white spot on aotn siaea ot Beaa, reeeaea vane, shod aU around and brand 81 on left hip, and nnlesa ths owner or other person or persons paring sn interest tnerein, anau eiaim posses. sloa of tbe ssms. snd Pay all costs snd charges of the heentnc and advertlslBS them. Sosether z .. - .r - r , . . - - . . .1 witn ine pouna reee on ssia animal, aa proriaea.1 py ordinance no. o.wm, aa amvnaea, or eaia City of Portland, t win on ths 18th day of May, 1904, st the how of 10 a. .. at tha city iMaaA at Nau . Out SixAeenth el reet. in said Slty, skill tbe above Described snlmsl st public snctlon to tne nigneet omaer, to psy tna coats snd ehsrgea for taking up. keeping sad adiar- using saia snimsu . - us tea tan am aay oi may, lout. r. w. reftj, T . - - poundmasteK Snake Blver Baate. pr POB LEWISTON. Ida.. and war points from Rlnarta. Wash., steam ers Spokane and Lptr. tston. ' eOa-bs. Dellv. ex.. Bat About 5:00 p. ga. Dally, sx. rrlday. TICKET omen. Third sad Washington. Tela. poosia maw tut. . - PORTLAND & ASIATIC -! ; STEAMSHIP COMPANY For Yokohama snd Hons Kons. canine at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanshal. taklna frelrbt via connecting staamars tec MAnUs. Port Arthur and Vladivostok. - . For rates and full 'Information caTl oa er adV dress ofnlciaa ar agenta ot the O. R. A B. Oe I BOOMS papered or ealdmlned from 2.80 op; we carry a run use wallpaper, room awam- terns from loe double roll ap. Portland Paint wallpaper company, ios aeooaa st Phone Black 8P7A BOOFINO. PERRELL'S : Samson Msde-as-Lald roof: all ktnda of roof painting and repairing. W. J. Barrel!, 9 First at Pbona Scott 842. TIN BOOFINO, guttering, repairing and general jonning. i. Aosii, ai a jertcrson street. . , BOPE, PORTLAND CORDAGE CO., est. and Nortnrap sts.. Portland Or. BtTBBEB STAMPS, r, u, rtavasr svaao, www m-tmmr eiwinHk Mala 710; rubber sumps. Basis, stsaclis. Bag gage sad trade eh echo. SPBAYXsTO ABB WKITXWASJUBO. SPRAYING and . whitewashing. meats, barna, dneka, etev, II. O. Morgan A Co. OsU ap Boott 254, we will csfl and . give yea figures oa your work. The Urgeet gaaollne spraying and whitewashing . outat , is Multnomah eoanty. A70 , Milwapklo st. rorxiana, vr. - CATEA BUT YOUR tAFFS ef J. B. Dtv; rrmr r paus aad loykoan ssxsiy oons, 64 xtarA st PB0P08ED ASSESSMENT POB TMPBOYaV StXMTOr KALAXT 8TXZXT. ... - Notlcg hereby given that 'the Council of the City of Portland proposes to awa the following uescniMMi property a no owner or owners s blng BntMsUy and pw Ili-rlj- bsne flfed la ths amounts set opposite the names snd descriptions thereof for the Improvement of Ha leer street from a point 12 ieet west of ths esst curb line of Williams avenue to the east curb Une ot blocks 80 snd 81, McMiilen s Addi tion to Esst Portland, ss provided by ordinance Nev 18,618. v; Any objections to oths Apportlonmeiit of east for said Improvement moat be msda In writing tn the Council snd Bled with tba Aadltor within 16 days from tba date of tha first publication of this notice, snd ssld objections will be beard and determined by the Council before tha pass age of tbe ordinance asaesslnc ths cost ot said improvement. MoMILLEN'S ADDITION to Bast Portland-. Block SO, tot 6, Emily and James Curran, 110.25; lot 6, Eugene W. Amesbury, 10.92: block 81, north 50 feet of west 100 feet ot block 81, Francis Mcintosn, siio.zo; soutn 50 feat of north 100 feet of west 100 feet of block 81. Mlchaat uaugnsrey, f 10.WS. rotai. vr : ; thos. o. phtlin. Aadltor of tba City ot Portland. May i,.1904.-. v- . - ';v - : ' TIME CARD 01- : TRAtNS PORTLAND: PROPOSED ASSESSMENT POB IMPROVE MENT OP XT0BTK OBX-SALr OB. BAYIIX STBEET. . . .. Notice Is hereby glvea thst the Council of the City of Portland proposes to assess the fol lowing described property snd owner or owners SS being specially snd peculiarly be net ted la tne amount set opposite tne names sua aeserip tione thereof for the improvement of north one-half of Savler street, from tha west Una ot Batch's Addition to the City of rortland to tbe east curb line ot Twenty-eigntn, street as provided by ordlnsnce No. 18V668, ., . Anr ob lections to the apportionment of cost for ssld improvement mast be msde In Writing tj ths Council snd filed wltb ths Auditor wlthla 15. liars from the date of tbe first miblioatloa of this notice, and said objections wiu he beard snd determined by ths Council before ths pass age ot the ordinance sasesalug tha cost of said Imnenvement. , '' - . !-.,.,.. A tract of land Tying betwaea tha east Una or Twenty-eigntn street snd tba west Una af Batch's Additioa to tha City of Portland and between tha north Una of S a tier street ana s uns ltai rest north-thereof and par slle therewith, - Loots Goldsmith, 471,20. Total, 471.80. - THOS. C. PBvXW. '- Aadltor of ths City ot PortUna. '' Msy 8. 1VH. TTKTrtN TIStPOT. PngeO Sound Limited. for Tscoms, Seattle, nimnli . Snath Hena and 0rW6 Harbor points. North Coast umirea. for Tsconw,' Seattle. Butte, fit. Psai. bm- neapolla, Chicago, New York, Boston snd points East snd Southeast Twln-Cltv Express, for Tscoma, neattie, npo- ksne. Helens. .Bt. Paul. Mlnneanolla. Cblcsso, New xocm, noeion ana all nolnts Baat and Southeast. Paget Boons; - nsnsss Clty-St, Louis Special, for - Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane, Butts, Billings, Denver, omsns, a a uaa a City, St. Louie and all points East and Bouta ". ., ,. ' ... .. Departs 1:80 8.18. 8KWB. Sa. 11:48 p, i 1:8ft aw 86. Arrt 5;(o a. T:00a.i ftfWatak, T :06 s. a. ATI trains ' dally ' except - oa ' South Band branch. - '. , . , A. D. CHABLTON. -I Assistant Oensral Psssenger Agent. ' -828 Aforrlsoa stn osr. Third, Portland, Or. Astoria &" Columbia River Railroad Co. tastes. PROPOSALS. Offica ef Dlabnrslne Onsrtermasrnv. IWtUnit Oregon, ' May 6. , 11W4. Soaled , proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 12 m . June 4, 1804, and then onl, for furiilehlrig (.876 tons bar snd 6.612 tons nats at IVu-tlHmt. orenon, ror Manila, v. I," intormatioa snd bl ' st t Ma ' 1 PIh(s r..-e--r or. s -1 hi C...-fss I nn sppiit-ii-t'.e r .it to or siir r t SM a, at Pally. t:00a, m. Dally. , - ITBlOlf DEPOT. For Msygara, Bf.tsler, Clifton, A tort a. War- rentoa. navel. - Ham mond. Fort Bf evens, uesrbart Park, Beaahia, Astoria aad tVaabursv , . Kxpress dally. ' Astoria (Unreea. -Pally, . . t Arrtraa. Daily. 11 (10 s. at : p. m. 0. F. "t P. CL A. PTWAI-T, ( et 1'uoos sui.o - J. C. V M A ., A trt, 1 ;'. ...1 A .ut . I A .'