The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 06, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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Q . Get Them in by Ifoon aturday-nnd Pay '5 Cents ; II iT
a Line tor O n e Insertion M o n ct ay-mara All ,;: y
GOOD'ElVEinr?Q. . . ;
' tsb weatzzx
; i i ., TonlffM, partly cloud, with light
. ;, i , froat; baturday, fair and warmer;
y ' westerly wind.., . - , - .
WDM' ?im
i "V
VOL. III. NO. fi3.
(Tl ,
II II II II II w II 1 1 IV 1 1
MM II W M II J A . if k'V.
.sp y v y jt ur vr
Port Arthiur-s.Larid Communication Is
- Now Entirely Cut 6ff--Russians Be;
lievc ' Fortress
, 1: J, f 1.4 -
Japanese Account of Landing Tells of Gunboats'
Kussian Army may iuoouueo
flouraal SnwUI Sorrlo.) :
troopa. on Undine .at FeUiwo, , navj
eut thaJand, communication with port
Arthur, fi' F T. ? V -
Th Ruaalan ' version of th lanfllnif.
obtained fromv Chlnesa arriving- at Port
Arthur, la that 10.00 Inen cam aahora
from ' 0 tranaporta. Notwlthatandlnf
thla'tka.war oOc M)m. tnatj, Port
Arthur U Jmprenahl either; br land
or aea. and the fortrea tha offlclala
claim la provlaloned for a year. Admiral
Wlttaoaft baa been ordered not ta taka
Him warahlna from Port Arthur, t
No poaltivo information haa been re-
eeirea nera aa w wmuw vraumu
rokl'a army haa- advanced from lt po
sition oa the Talu, ,
The oaalbUlty ot m flanklna; move
ment to, the-northeaat,f.Fen Huan
r-hn ta belna wall auaraed. 4 A 4
A report 1 current that the entire
BuaaUn army will be mobilised on the
11th Inatant. When a (rand review will
r taka' Mace.-' '
i A (aUUV bivi wee i " -
1 . -.A ntlai MPV BrtaV.
..tia diimUd raourcea for
i r .hiner troorm to, thA .front, and , It U
' . . . a i j i a. ihnt wtXaH tanaK.
waaaawv ww w " "
. . - - . - f 1 BAae
eae -may aer orrren m-wm-j w
Arthur, area thoucti they. may aucceed
In landing heavy podiea oi-iroopa. in
the meantime the campaign" aa planned
by Kuropatkln will doubUeaa be con-
tlnued lrreapecuva ox.ue wi ruu,
' situation.;: . ,.V
i ... a - .- .
Took Voaaeaaloa of WXO Wltaaut &otm
:. l a Mam ox SIxtBa Shot. -'
' (Joaraal Ipedal ferrlee.) if ',-'
Toklo, May I. General Hoaoya, de-taUlna-
the , landing of the Japanese
troop os the Tung penlnaula. In an
official report, aaya that the Seventh
division.' with two torpedo boats and
two transports, arrived off Ua Tung on
the morning r me ein, pooioaruau m
number of the enemy" patrols and
landed a party .of 'aallora, who waded
ashore a distance of 1.000 yards,' and
nir lyiiMMion of . t range er mus.
planting their Ha vrltlwut a shot being
- fired. ; ,..,'.........- -,.. ...
Three gunboata ware employed to dl
tract the enemy's attention. kUllnt.aev-
eral of the enemy's man.
The first fleet of transports, seeing
the flag en the hllW began, landing troopa
-at -o'clock that nlghtr- tha troopa wa4-, until ciara were erected. .,
' Admiral :Tger attwdeoT a-meettoaj f
the war council in xoaio iob7; -
Ins the Port Artnur neevoon
knot' destroyer, which carried him to
v.nHkt where a specUl train took
. . . mMtinf of the war council he
-assured the- authorities- that Uhe -Rus
sian fleet was unaoie to interior -niiu
any landing on the Lla Tung peninsula.
' it was theft1 decided that the transports
should be sent io secure- uju iuuui.
'Togo Immediately returned to the fleet
to a Walt the arriva ot ."
Vaaiasul But SO XUlss - Wlda WU1
. M.-il-.k arh.ta' at Majltlajra. .
4;Jeraal Isadal larrlce.K
. '' London. May The- Central lWew
8C Petersburg reports state- that, the
Japaneae-hava landed at two different
polnta in the- vicinity of Port Arthur,
; Petsawo and Port " Adama :? The two
"places are on opposite sides f the Lla
Tung peninsula and the forces landed
are only 0 mllea apart. '
Th' apparent object- of the Japanese
in landing on the Lla.1 Tung peninsula la
to duplicate the move of Qeneral Bhaf bar
at Santiago and attack fort Arthnrj with
heavy .torces from . the rear. u. , ' --' . . .
Pprt Adam Is on a Barrow Inlet on
the west coast Of the peninsula, while
Petssewo m on. th east eoast Each
.which Port Arthur la the ape. ' v
Dispatches received this aRernoon an
th hills on the road to Feng Huang
Cheng without firing a shot"
The. Central News Toklo correspond
ent ita tea that Oeneral Kurokt says he
has occupied, Tang Kang Cheng, midway
between Antung and Feag Huang Chang,
and can hold the poeltlon with ease..
Beuters Toklo correspondent says
report has been received from ' Oeneral
Kurokl stating that la th retreat Sun
day a large body of Russians mistook
a smaller body of their countrymen for
Japanese and attacked them with great
fury, and 180 were killed and wounded.
- A St. Petersburg dispatch today give
th cost of th war for the first flv
month to Jan 1 as f 121,000.000.
After June 1 the estimated monthly
ct will be IJS8.800.000 for the navy.
and, $18,000,000 for the army, making a
total for the year closing January 1 next
Of 1254.000,000. - v . 4
The new loaa to be floated In Paris
next week will probably go to $10,000..
08 in : th , nature of treasury ; per
oent bonds.- ,..
When th war began Russia had $200.
ooo.oo n gold to lta credit. r i ;
eiim, i T'" 'CT I -
ajt-wwTIM K I V os Ja A ffV 7 . S
j aawOaf mmmm mm mrmm w mm dPva
Sevar xaad to Maa Tight sTa Paw
(Joaraal Special sarrtea.) .
Washing-ton, , May 0. The Japanes
legation has a Toklo dispatch ' saying
that Qeneral Kurokl reports that on
May th enounUd scouts after 4 se
vere hand to hand light near Fng
Huang Cheng dror back, th Russians.
Captured officer -say -that -th only
bodies which retreated in order en May
I, were flv. or six infantry battalions
and two artillery companies. - Two hun
dred more killed and wounded Russians
were found that had been left on th
battlefield, and more are expected to be
found.-',-. : i --!
Th state department has been offici
ally advised of th landing ot th Japa
nes 46 . miles northeast of Port Ar
London, May 0. Ths Canadian Fa-
clfid steamships Tartar and 'Athenian
have been sold to th Japan Tusan
ul.t tI.M Ak aa rkst' Jaaawstatl a '
-- - 1FVSM aMywvv w w-wts mmm a
' Enterprise, Or- May Th two des
peradoes who robbed th Imnaha post-t
office escaped, did battl with a small
posse under Biierirr enaexjerora m
which on was slightly wounded, again
got away and then for several days 14
a larger posse of determined men over
th hills, hav added to th .Interest of
But thy dldnt sUy surrendered. . A rJ Km ri r" r
And th sheriffs pose la still chaa- J-l 1 i l aff.aW i
mr while on ion aneinra suarcuna . . - - ---
-,Y X '' f-- - ' bl flocks musingly wonder why h let
.,..;..,. --V:--v-,.p--''''-an'opportunltyvto',mak mor money r "'"'V"
' ' - . f. ' than h earn In many months, go sllpi . .
ping through his fingers. .What th outlaws ar dolnr I unknown. - but if their sens of humor ts a well
developed as their tendency for crime, they probably enliven their Journey with laughter. ' ' ;
-rTh news haa been received her that th two robbers, shortly aftar , mldnlgbt yesterday, were fright
ened by a band of horse doubtless aroused by th desperadoes' night. Journey. The plunging of th horses
through th brush led th outlaws to believe th posse was after them in fore and tull cry. They, fired
three shots in th direction of th flying horse ana waited for a further attack. .
- A. sheen herder who was camped within a short distance, aroused by the tiring, suddenly appeared upon
T ' tbar seen, when th desperadoes, believing themselves surrounded, tamely surrendered their gun to their T
T visitor and declared themselves ready to flv up and at r, . . , ' ,';
- Wltnout regaraing in action as - singular, in snepnera iook in guns, conuuciea mem dsck io ns
camp and prepared his queer visitors a hearty meal. 1 . . . ......
- While th sullen desperadoes wer eating as though famished, th flock tender warmed up and ex
plained how frightened to bad been when h beard th shot. A few adroit Questions from th surprljad 1
robbers and Innocent replies from their Informant, caused th two to abandon their meal and roll In laughtar,
on th ground. -. .-. - ,.-,' ,
. Befor th sheperd realised what had happened he was ordered to "turn over them runs," compelled to
cook a liberal supply of food, mak It loto at convenient pack by, robbing himself of his overalls, and cheer-,
fully bad "good-by." ' ' -t ' - , ' . ' -
This sheuhard unlike Zavld of old. didn't vn throw v brlok at th retreating Hants,--- ---
' Bherlff Bhacklaford has organised a new posa and gon in pursuit . Advices today Indlcat" that th .
robbers are heading toward Snake liver. ' '
M Mr
First Hanging in Wash- Texas Towns Wiped From
ingtonPenitentiaryUn- Off theitarth Ueatn
der the, New Law. List Threatens.
: :r: :::'r iti r (Mraat Rmcui smce,i
waits, waua, vu i .-- jh...
taka place la the tat . pemienuvr
under me new sww iw. daatrorlns; two vlllaaaa.
Champoux passed a good nigm anui- .
Slept undisturbed.. ie xpressra
Rolling Mill Employe
Meets His Death in
Curious Manner;
Damaging Report Against
Postmaster Filed by
Second Investigation Into Alleged Vio
lation of to Made by Local
Inspectors WUI Welther Af-
firm or Deny Charges,
death to many persons, swept over Par
ker and Shark! ford counties last night
Th wires
are down and th towaa entirely cut off.
, .(Joaraal Special. Sarvica.)
StjUuls, May O.Elghty per cent
ot the world's fair exhibit bav been
received, and inside of a week it is
thought they will all b here, w-' -
- Th inclement weather today , kept
down the attendano. although the Chi
nese dedicatory ceremonies brought out
a large number. ,,- - .
' -A German locomotive has been set
up la th Palace of . Transportation as
an exhibit ; It mad. is mile an hour
In a speed test In Kast St Louis. This
engine has no "cow-catcher.'.
Three"carloads of Indian ponies from
Pin Ridge agency. South Dakota,, have
arrived at the world's fair to tax. part
in the Indian oispiay.'V"-"''-.:1' -.-' "i '
South Dakota has installed in th Min
ing .Gulch . at th world' fair a fiver
stamp cold-reduction plant, which re
duces five tons of. or dally, and shows
th cyanide and amalgam process of ex
tracting gold. . - , i'
nnrSFAPxx kabtb vxcxbb;
Bounce that th. Japanese haw occupied cause,
J f Ik (Josraal Ipeelal Serriea.) J ,;
St Louis, MCs, May .--Paul Moore, a
well known newspaper man, suicided on
street-car this morning by shooting.
The- car was crowded and blood and
brains wer spattered : over the pas
sengers. : ; Despondency through failing
eyesight and loss of money was th
slept undisturDeo. n. " "' so that particular hav not been re-
aaif as flm In th belief that he would '
go to heaven, Immediately arter, aeain. Moreland and Putnam, both good-ud
USX at a, hearty breakfast and seemed towns, ar reported as wiped - off the
unawed by the near approach of death, earth, and many persons killed. As in
when ths condemned man w.a marched I -k reserva-
Into th xcutlon room. - With m J tlon. was also struck and th death list
black hair, black clothing ana cien i trom ther threaten to b a large one.
shaved whit face h entered with as
firm a step ss that of hi accompanying
guard. On entering the gallow room
he looked up at the scaffold, walked up
it unassisted and took his stand on th
drop. His last words, were, -oa,iss
you all" and immediately after th.Mrop v
faiL ftreakina nis nca ana onnsins
stantaneoua . death. Six minutes later
examining physicians announced that
his heart had ceased beating and his
body -was taken down. . ,i .... ,-( , , -
Chaaapoax' Orlsa.
Here In Fort Worth the wind reached
a terrific speed, but only, small damage
was. don to frailer structures, plat
glass windows and smokestacks,
Casual tl. Xaeemplet Beoaas
' f sU4:'wlr-.;;, f; P
(Joaraal SpecUl.Barrlce.)
Danas.'Tx.. May -Th loss of lif.
la estltnatad at 20 as a result of last
nlsht's - tornado, whloh -swept north
T th. laat A. J. Boeckert IsnorOd to western Texa. Th crippled condition
OI m m w 1 rwm nun iu, wiwvuub
save the neck of Champoux. but clem
ncy could not be btalnd from th fP '.t! ,!T,"lbU
governor, and th ourt had refused to
touch th as again. Th last conten
tion . waa . that th. duith warrant . was
defective. In was addressed to
the "superintendent of the penitentiary."-
wheirth "ls--flo"ofllciat so design
nated. .;' .;'
Champoux was hung for th murder details secured ar few.
xabsas cztt sxtftzbs.
Blr Vats Xala Swept Away Aaothar
Badly . Damagad Watar Tamia.
(Jonraal Special Servto..)
', ritr. ua. Um Tha worst
of Lottie Brae, a .variety hall girl. Inf.... tl a uttan raln-atnrm that vlaltad
th Arcade theatre early tn .th. morning mB Ticlnlty yesterday waa - th dam
of November- vil02.i The girt, with tglng ot city water supply. One
her mother, father and sister ltved on of th4 m 40-inch pipe, was badly
u mua ra hi iu n w and the other, a 10-inch pipe, waa
Dawson. Champoux wa employed by ,wtpt completely out Much of the city
Mr. Brace to cut wood, and he hung to without water and th remaining por-
arouna me caoin in wmcn ma xamuy tlon will far in a imUaf manner hould
lived, such Is the story the father teUa tba 40ilnch main break.
The man showed the girl freat ttn- Thousand hav been driven from
tion, and thl waa reciprocated aa long tMt iem by th high water in Rose
as.h. had money,' or such 1 th tale data ant Ka.naaa Citv. Kansa.
Champoux himself tells, . H. wanted! tn this city street-car ar delayed
n gin iivs wiin mm. ana so. jail and ln m Upg;6 portion Of th City th
ui aionows.ivr .Vancouver,, a ana ajectrlo light ar Out Of Service.
Biuav . i ; :r.y.
uenaorat nraraev. i Va nxisaan a finxoiii
- Following her' southward Champoux I wAir... Ta m, Thr. . nA
found her in a SeatU wiety hall. She damage ln this Immediate vicinity from
was with her sister. The thre. sat atl,h. in..fn,m Him,. .
a UbI in the balcony, and then surted umbT 0f buildings near Merld.n, six
down stairs. As Lottie turned through mna nth f h.ra.
itonlv,, fhnmilAtiv T1 irri Ittf-A tu
right temple a stiletto h had carried i f'-:
cunceaieo dui open in aia pocxex, Tne
girl died a the knife waa removed two I .Zf9-' .T1TT ZZrnZrZ
days later. Champoux was sted aa Z Xlt ZZii l ZXZ
hour after the girl had fallen to 'thZJJS
nnnr. ani tnniMl th- hnm tha ah destroying crops and a number of buUd-
floor, and . expressed th hope that she
would dl H waa defended in th
courts on th ground that h was In-
sane, and that stars under which he was
born mad murder a ruling passion tn
ilngs, but bo lives were lost
.At 10 o'olock last night A. Mlchsels,
employed ln th Portland roller mill
a tengunranerv left hi work for
a moment to get a drink from a fanoet
outside the mill, and 10 minute UUr
ti. was discovered with his head sub
merged in the barrel of water under
the drinking tube. Apparently he had
dropped dead from heart failure, but h
may bav. suffered death as th result
of drowning. HI body hung over th
edge of th barrel An autopsy will be
held by coroner Flnley this afternoon
to determine the exact cause of death.
Coroner Flnley was Immediately noti
fied of th peculiar death, and dispatched
deputy to investlgabn That it was
purely accidental waa soon discovered,
and no Inquest will b held. Th dead
man waS found by J. W. Baker, a fel
low employe, after a 10-mlnute search.
Michael' work. Ilk. that Of th. other
men employed in the bleating depart
ment 1 exceedingly hot and he fre
quently left hi plac to drink of th
cooling water in the faucet close by,
but which la In a rather obscur. place.
From th position of th body when
found. It i presumed that b stooped.
placing hi lip to th mouth of the
faucet and that while in that position
he either fainted from fatigue or Mart
failure. Hi head fell Into the water
In th small barrel under the faucet
and, being unabl to help himself, he
wa drowned, it- i Believed. -
Michael' duty was 'to transfer tn
molten steel from the furnaces to the
roller a very hot task. He was seen
to leave hi plac for th water faucet
and it being very common for him to
do sor no on paid any need to it.
Michael was single, ana s or is
rears old. So far as known, he had no
relaUve heret He . Uved In a. email
houae near th mill wher h. was em
ployed, at . Twenty-nrst ana xsicoiai
streets, Nortn rortiana. naa tmn
in th employ of the mill II months.
and was a good workman. -
Am aoon as Michaels was discovered
Drs. Herbert W. Cardwell and F. Smith
Were summoned, but death had claimed
its victim befor they had time to ar
rive. . : ;
Omaha, May 0. A sever, wind-storm
. .(SpedU IHspatch ta Ta Joarsat),
v.- Oregon City. May .---Th city author?
ltle drove out of twn yesterday evwo
man passing aa a palmist, who ha been
here more than a week.. Sh gav her
nam as Mr. Fisher. ' Her . headquarters
were in a building oa th south end of
Main street 8h would not ' pay ' the
regular city llcnsc . After investigate
- ing her case the authorities learned that
: -K wa. k,M tn-HPim vlvl np Stalt
putabl houses- in' Portland and in St
Louis. It" I not known that she se
cured any girls here but ber attempts
wer very evident as she broached th
subject to thoa whom . she - thought
would be ready listeners. " , '
- She impressed her victim .with . th.
usual fortune teller' e glided story -and
said that th young man of her cll.nt's
cholc could b met in Portland, In most
instances would nam th street where
haeould b found. . f-,-"
: Sh tried to get my sister to go away
with, her and made her promises of a
trip t Ssn Franclaco and possibly to
St Louis." said one-woman today, "I
told my sister she was not a good wo-
man."' -
his breast yet lndioatd that h would 'now1 "mHI cloudburst struck
haver hang.
iff I
north of Cheroke, Is., badly washing
th track of th Illinois Central Rail
road and completely blocking traffic,
f Oklahoma City, Okia., May . A re
port from . Bridgeport . say that
cyclone struck near that plac traveling
In a northward direction. Whil. no lives
ar reported lost th. property damage la
Accurate report ar
' , (Jowmal BDedal Serviea.) .
' Hartford. Conn.,- May . Judge Parker said to b heavy,
will have the Connecticut delegation, (hard toobtain a all wires ar down,
..... m . . a in.'.. . . w u.u mm ,
wer. outvoted two to on tn th Demo
eratlo stat convention" todays" A reso
lution instructing th delegate for
Parker; was. adopted,., u:-"v"- M':H
; . f Special DtapatehTo The Joiraal f '
Seattle, May vHaaet Beaumont alias I
(Jearoal Ipseial sarvlcaV
Sal Ida, Colow Mar tVTh Hotel Tor
Rebecca Reed, was fined 1100 and sen-fret at the Turret mining camp. 1 J miles
teneed to SO days in Jail ss a vagrant to-1 north, ,wa burned at midnight Ray-
day In Justice George's court This-sen-1 mond Zooks, a Cheyenn mining man,
tenc followed her serving a suspended I was burned to 'death, and a number t
sentence. ' Her consort George Barrett I suest naa narrow escape, in origin
1 shortly to b tried as a vagrant lof-th fir is unknown.
(Joaraal Spadsl lerrlea.)
Shamokln. Pa., May 1 Fir. I burn
Ing fiercely in the Locust uap mine.
Michael Shannon and John Michael Bog-
land are entombed. Thousands of em
ployes are idle.
Rescuers are endeavoring to reach th
entombed men with but slight chance
of success. When the fir first broke
out several hundred men wer below
the surface, but all succeeded in reach
ing the-outside, except th. mentioned.
, (Joaraal'Spaeial Serrlos.)
Washington, May . Th. stat. de
partment haa received from the Ameri
can legation at Rio Janeiro a statement
that If Peru refuse to withdraw he
troops from the disputed territory pend
ing negotiations to be followed by arbi
tration, Brasll will resort to force.
(Spadsl Ptsssteh to Tea Jeerssl.)
Washington, D. C May I. The re
port f th potofflc inspectors wno
have made a second Investigation into
the aliesed discrepancies In the Portland
offlc discloses a repetition of th Irreg
ularities which were charged against
postmasrer Bancroft six , months ago.
The supplementary investigation was
made lii March, and th report ha re
cently reached department headquarters.
It la charged In the report that aitsr
hi promts to refrain from misusing
nubile money, Mr. Bancroft nas repeat
edly used various sums sine th former
Investigation. It 1 alleged that It was
discovered that he had frequently drawn
aa much as NO snd $40 per day from
the safe. The funds, however, had In
each Instance been replaoedV- fa a
th Investigation went ther wa bo
Shortage, but it wa In no way a white
wash of th postmaster's administration,
as, It Is freely charged? 'was Intended
when tn supplementary Jnvstlftioa
was" ordered. -- r
It Is stated, though from unofficial
sources that - in concluding th report
th Inspector recommended th removal
of th postmaOMr In View Of his second
violation of th department rule and
regulations covering th use; of public
fund. Officials her refuse to confirm
the reported recommendstlon ' for
change . -' : f.
Kay Mav Bm n.rt. , ,
Th' report assert that 'Just prior to
th investigation, Mr. Bancroft was as
much a $(00 short in hi aocounta, but
that th sum had been replaced before
the second investigation was begun.. It
Is stated that he frequently drew as
much as $40 and $10 per day from th
funds and applied his saury eacn aay
towards replacing the amount - It la th
privilege of postmaster to pay them
selves their salaries each aay u they so
desire. By letting hi salary remain
each day. It is said, he was able to re
fund th amount whicn naa been
Th second examination , wa ordered
from headquarter at th suggestion. It
is said, of Influential politicians Who de
sired to secure a report completely ex
onerating the administration. - Instead
of an exoneration, the inspectors claimed
to have discovered evidence of additional
irregularities. ."yr, f ;.i i
'' ' " ' s f '' ' ' ' '''''
Charter; Changes Sought
by Them to Perpetuate
Licensed Crime.
Grafters - Seek - Immunity t to Rob tb
Visitors to the' Centennial Ex-posIUoV--RepBblican
Ha .
. chine Prefers Fight '
(Jooraal SpecUl gvrvies.)
, Camden. N. . J., May 0. Fir this
morning destroyed th fiv-tory war
hous. of -th Camdea Storago company.
Th loss Is estimated at $260,000. ;
" aasaSskBaasjsaaaMStaaaMMMSBnsjBsskBBBWaa
,? OBXXT larrCBS 1BB1A1 I j
T (Joarsat Speeta) senic '
""London, May .-John Morlsy today
denle that h. has any Idea f Joining
th CathoUo thurch, .
, " Bo Oonftrmi Im. t
Inspector Butler refused to either can-
firm or deny the content of th forego
ing dispatch from - Washington today.
He declared that any Investigation that
might hav been made would have been
reported -to headquarter and. that he
had nothing whatever to say. . ,
"We are not authorised to make any
statements in this connection," he said.
"and It is not my plac either to deny
your telegram or to verify it. - Whatever
we do is strictly confidential between
ourselves and officials at headquarters
and consequently I am not In a position
to give you any information. - , -. .
Bancroft xfss m Talk.
Mr. Bancroft said h was 111 at his
homo today, but responded to the tele
phone. - He declared that be had no
statement to mak over the phone, but
would come down town. He refued
however, to state where ho eould be
found or at what time he would decide
to present his side of the case to. the
public - . - , "
"I do not ear to mak any statement
over th phone," he said. "I am ill to
day but will be down town shortly.'! He
then hung up th receiver and further ef
forts to communicate with his residence
In that way failed to receive a response.
) Th chm t otpon th city lo-
tlon ot n.xt year until 1104 undoubtedly
had It Immdlir origin with th gam
blink interests, who chief concern 1
to perpetuate the. present lax adminis
tration until after th Lewis and Clark
fair. Great a th profits of th gam- ,
bllng house hav been sine th mayor- .
plan ot licensing them went Into effect
th harvest . will b . infinitely greater
next year if the same policy continue.
With a wide open town and. gambling
game running day and night th gam
blers expect to . reap enormous - gains
from th throngs of visitors , to ins
fair, ";- - ' .
With an audacity born of th licens
they hav enjoyed, the gambler eon
calved th. Idea ot securing n amend-;
ment to th olty-charter which should '
give on mor year of official lu to
Mayor Williams' administration, with ,
Its attendant Immunity tor themselves.
The gamblers knew well that they could
ount upon th aid of bothi th.Or
gonlan and th Republican machine.
The former ha at all time been th
ready ally and protector of the gamblers,
and -th machln. found In. th. schema .--proposed
Horn strong reason for up-
porting It ' f .
- Maeklae's BCotlv SIflsh, .. - . .
Th Republican faction now In power ,
I ager to retain complete control of ,
both th olty and th county govern- .
ment and to that end would ' greatly
prefer to postpone next year's municipal
election until 1001. If th election 1
held next year th machine will have
to make lta fight unaided by any issue
save thoe directly relating to city af
fair. Th nam of Roosevelt or ot
Mitchell cannot then be used to becloud
the mind of th voter, and mak them
forgetful of th.' real question which
ar Involved in th selection of th ,
city's offlclala . On mor year of con
trol ot th municipal patronage would
materially i strengthen ; th . machine's
bold, and Would render so much easier
Its campaign In 1000. These considera
tions led th bosses to give prompt ac
quiescence to th gamblers' scheme to
postpone th -tetty lectlon,''-t-m",-r -
But with a stupidity thst has sine
brought down th malediction of its
allies, th Oregonian "threw th fat In
th fire." In a labored editorial, de- .
signed ti persuade th -voters that the "
public welfare demanded the change, it .
set forth reason why th city should
abandon th plan of holding separate
elections and should continue th pre- '
ant administration until after the fair.
Th Oregonian placed m low estimate
upon th intelligence of It readers when
It fancied that they, would be deceived . .
by auch shallow pretense, or would fail
to understand - the real atgnlficanc of ,
th proposed changa, . ,t 1 .
: r - Pot or Against th law, '
Th charter I tn no danger of amend
ment except at th hands of the legla- '
lature, and The Journal lost no time In
calling upon the : legislative nominees
of both parties to deolare whether they
ar for or against the gamblers' scheme.
Twenty-five of th candidate hav re
plied and though on or two of them
writ in somewhat uncertain, terms, th
large majority ar. outspoken in their -opposition
to charter tinkering, AH 'of
th Democratlo nominee plac them
selves unequivocally on - record - as
against th change desired by th gam
bler end the gamblers' organ. Seven
of the regular Republican nominee ar
arrayed on th same side snd C. W.
Nottingham, Independent Republican
candidate for senator, J comes -, out
squarely against th scheme. ! '- . " r
It was learned this afternoon that on
of the Republican nominees, Frank P.
Mays, from whom no letter had been
received, had Just returned from his
(Continued on Pag Thre)
"If th city council passes an ordi
nance abolishing boxes In saloonsv , 1
shall take it for granted the council
want th ordinance enforced, and 1
shall" enforce it to th atrlct letter.
"Th. ordlnanc ok th city' book
regulating boxes in saloons and restau
rants at th present time ts being en
forced. This 1 all I car to say at
this tim regardinr th box matter."
lit th. foregoing language, Chief of
Police Hunt today threw down the gage
to' the . city Councir whose members we
quoted in last night's Journal as stat
ins that, if the anti-saloon box ordl
nanc is passed it will not be enforced.
Mr. Hunt was brief, explicit and em-
phatlc. Tnre isi no mtsthhlnsr his
meaning. V i t ' 1 ta d 1 r. t res --rl t':
statements made by th councilmen as
aimed at him, but that h did consider
them as a -"knock" on Mayor Williams
administration. He said they wer not
to b given particular attention.
Id police circles it la regard! as
certain that the statements mmie br
th councilmen yesterday were aimed t
Chief Hunt That sorn. Ill feeling ex
ists is known. - for it wa but t r
months ajro that n;n. memTs rf i
city council cllei tir-o.i " r
Hams and toll him V t
Hunt is the or ' v t ;.
trntlon." To i
never rui ! r-
In i
e1 a t '
t '