, ,,f,.. Mi THE OREGON DAn.Y-JOURIIAU:PORTZAY10''-WCbNCSOAY-''' EVENING, MAY 4, 1C01 TO BUILD -Iff V," Tfc.. T nemo coast ooautavr. wzubaus-j tsnt'for tbe reaeoa that there wu no place hsre that the cargo could b 41e charred to a reasonable lenrth of tint. Upon her arrival here with ooa) a veesel la ana vraa compelled to Ha ta the harbor tnucJ lower than to tha eaaa la other porta, vralllngror tha cargo; to oe discharged. Thara ara and were B p- pilanoaa (or quick work. 1 1t 4 ballei that a rood trad would hava been built up with Coos bar. lonr ao had chare baaa anr naana for giving- tha oolllara REFUSE AID IF iSlliriSPKOUfillT Alderman Walter Restored to Health DV W arners XOOAXi OAlfel rZJIOS 'OXJ anXDZVCM AT I quick dtapatch. Awrt T-JTwma I it u unaereiooa iw va new Biaun I Will llA MlllltfUil wltN AIAAtrli ' MAM. : tfnunn 5 w I vsysrs. and that no axpanaa wUl ba -'). J . tfSXJ) U"OOA2J3rO TMWTJ. , .. I spaced to maka them equal In vry ra- raoranrou or ninro) xovraa aowiu vovx miM xonrr ajts Kidney and Liver Trouble Made Life a Burden' flaysthe Alder y man, oui rour uoiwcs 01 your urana medicine bursa me, .' "Whan health la gone, monav, honor and politic allka eoomenlntereet. inr ana uia oca oeeire or jour ueari ia 10 geiveii ana tat overruling mimm em i Such were my reeling a year ago. whan kidney and liver trouble made Ufa a urden to me. ., ...... v -V . " ..-.... I A spect to any othar plant on ihe eoaat Charlca 11. Glelm, local agent for the Paclflo Coaat oompany. aaya that tha TOrt WXMi MOT AXO, WCDQW, CANDIDATES MUST WEAR THE LABEL 5 v Iji ft few moatha the old ooal bankera work of tcujlln tha new plant wUl ba , muiN i ""'"m" zTil I paehafl aa rapidly aa poaaibia. :: and up-to-date bunkara, having double the capacity of tha preaent onea. The ' work of tearing down tha old bulldlnga will beaia at onoa. i t. Tha Paclflo Coaat company recently cloeed a deal for tha pure ha e of the aHe on which tha bunkera ara located, and haa decided to aatabllah pertnaneat Improvement! upon the property. The alta ia too by 114 feet, of which S00 feet extend along tha waterfront. The ;, preaent bunkera only hava capacity for handling from ISO to 100 tone or. coal a day. Of late they have not been In nee to any great aateat, and preaent a ' aort of a dilapidated appearance, ehlppera .aay that, ona ,of tbO great need of Portland ia a plant along tha river for handling 'coal with eomethiog Ilka quick deapatch, and they are more than plaaaed to note tha lntereet that 'a big conoern, ouch a a tha Paclflo Coaat company, la taking la tha matter. At preaent and heretofore it haa baen al .; i (seeUl Otoeetoh 0a The JeaneD Oregon City, May i. runny ta aa oat aider were coma of tha queetlona that were before the convention of tha Ore-1 ia that eaaa we will almply wait and gon aute convention of labor yeeter-t her bring It We wUl not, under day, But tha queaUona were vital ta I thoae elroumaunoea, help her.. But If tna auegatea. ana there waa aa tauga i aha doea not bring auit. wa atahd ready . . . y-' If lira, Herbert W. Oo well, widow of the man who committed aulolde by gaa aaDhrslatloa Monday morning. brines ault to collect money from the Portland ambling houeea. tha proprietors . will tend pat, and will refuae ta aid hart if ha brlnga no ault they declare they tana ready to ooniriDuie. - . T regard thla aa a matter af charity," aald Peter Grant of the Portland .Club. land if wa give Mra. Qowen anything. It will not be becauae bar husband lost anything in oor bouee. Wa aetUed with her once for hla loeeee, and thought at the time that wa got the worst of It We do not feel Ilka giving up money In thla eaaa if ' aha p relate ia nuing aa ing among them. 1 Vnova," aald ona of tha brothers, "that all eandldatea for officers' posi tions la tha federation ba examined to see whether their clothing be anion made That hla coat and hat be ex amined for the union label, hla troue- to aid her now. If aome one will start I a aubeorlpUon. "l feel sorry for Mra. Oewell, and I would feel eorry for any one under the same cireumatancaa." - - - r The managers at frlta'a and Eriokaon'a I gambling houaea feel aa Mr. ureal en- Through the kindly advice of a k.phyalclaa a n d . f rUad I waa in duced to tryWar ner"a Bafe Cure. Pour botUea made a new and well man of me, and It waa worth more ' to me than a aeat In Congress. I , feel eo extremely ' gratified with the results and ao thankful for my ra at oration 'to health and ' atrength that 1 gladly e n d o r a a your medicine and urge everyone who even suspects the Slightest trace of Idney trouble to take it at once. It la worth Its weight In gold." M. J. Walter. Al derman Twenty-; fourth Ward. 111! Otto St. Cbioage, . ' 1 Thla teattmonyl of hla .wonderful ' cure from Alder-1 man. Welter .adds 1 butona more to I the many . ban-1 dreda of 'letter received dally from grateful men ana , women ev erywhere w h have been i aaved from Uvea of mis ery ana auaertng, and from death Itself. by Wer-I ner'a Baa Cure, the world'a greet-1 est aura -zor aii dleeaaea of the I k i d n a f a liver, bladder and blood. Warner's 8ef el Cure haa been used and nreecrlb- ed bv doctor and in aoepltala for I over 00 year as the one remedy I that " curee and I leavea n b4 af ter effecta, . 1 . ,1 r - AND KEEP YOUR TEMPER t - A 'DONT TRY TO SPRINKLE YOUR LAWN WITXI A LEAKY, ROTTEN V HOSE. AND V LOSE HEALTIL STRENGTH AND TEMPER, IT'S COOL WEATHER. TO, TALK GARDEN HOSE. BUT OUR STOCK IS HERE, AND WE MUST KEEP IT MOVINa THE i . FOR TIIIS-WEEK m -. rr- eaansseiseaenvaasaaaeianasaBnannanaaBBBBnaanBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ' ' -COUPETITIOHNox 3-ply, tf-Inch rood-wCl aa. i ' mmm ttm mm ...Ami m1. ' ' ' ' "' ' '' AV moat lmpoeetble to get any of thel a thla point it acejned that a I pressed himself about the matter; and .coasters to carry ooal ta any great x it I, '.V I ne BMst laSal.raS refhdaa 4a the bee Are you folnf to : - . hear the great " and only . ,'J V. . .. - .,. -'.','. Sembrich .1 .v . "''r-y She uaea '.." . :'Cnd todoraesV ;,: the Baldwin Piano We sell It - Olaaat, Xargaga, tnieageal &'S0ail VW iMORSJISOli'STS. "v Oppoaita panto waa Imminent among the female I will pot assist tha widow, if ah bring delegatea, but . tt waa averted by tha I ault axalnat them. If not they aay brother continuing), hi ohoea." I they are willing ta help her. v Thla motion aeemed to ba tha op In-1 : Qowell' untimely death break up a Ion af all delegatea preaent and It pre-1 happy home, and a pathetlo feature Of vauea ana tne canaiaate wiu nave to i tha eaaa la tnat not long ago aa rur- ehow a anion label or not be qualified. nlehed a beautiful borne in Seattle, In In tha eaaa of women, if their shoes I which th family waa ta rid thla aum- wer made by union tela It would aoa-lmar. atituta a quaiincation. MR. M, JT. WlctTJCa. . HAVE YOU THESE CERTAIN SIGNS OF KIDNEY TROUBLE ? Palna in baek and head, awalllnga, frequent desire to urinate, painful paae I mg or waier, rneumatiam, ruunese unaer eyes, constipation, naa .aigeeiion. drowsy feeling, lack of ambition and Interest They are all aur Indication that your kidneya nave been dlaeaaed for month . . . TFST YOIIR IIR1IVF lJ' r nav ny tfoubt ut f"1 morning urine atand IK.9I lUiin UKIlvL. I nourt 'adtn,nt forma or particle float about in it or it beoomee clouay. your kidneya ara aerloualy aaected. - I zou nave no time to loee u you nave any or tneee srmptoraa. or ir anyi -COLUMBIA.- 3-pb, y,4nch -COLUMBIA." 4-clv. M-lach y . : . .- f 7 -tt 7 r w yvuiaAiuu .wtjt ,-wciu ; i . . . member of your family In thla or peat generation haa bad kidney trouble; it'al nereaiiary. li e aangeroue to neglect tne aianeye zor even one any. - utt ei bottle of warner'e Safe Cure at the nearest drug store. It ba cured thousands , of cases after every other medloln tilled, and will eurelv euro you. - It movee xne innammation ana repiecea th waataa. aiaeeaea tieeue. ana eneo ?rWOODLARIt? 6rjrij-uich eaaWPeaa.avfaea) A ap M aa . t ' . J m 4 'a 11 . ' ' " i i - - eeee"018 A reaolutioB 'waa brought before the convention to empower the exeoutlvo commute to retain the terrlce of Spe cial Organiser G. H. Oram three month after hi appointment expiree. Mr. Oram waa appointed by the American Federation of Labor a special organiser for Oregon for three month a. The state organisation did not think that thla waa long enough and henoa tha reeoluUoa It wa oppoeed on tha grounda that the American Federation knew what it wa doing whoa 'it appointed Oram, a ft wa not neoeseary for th Oregon con vention to take exception. After vara speech making and oratory and call of "Question" from the Impatient one th resolution wa carried with a alight amendment that did not materially af fect th original reaolutlon. - 'A iyeeolutlon waa brought before the convention endorsing W. R. Heaaat and pledging support to him for hla atand against the, jtruata. - Thla waa -debated on the grounda that It waa too strong, ao It waa referred back to tha committee for modification, as it waa not thought beatto- btnd th' convention by any thing, bordering, oa the political. - - Today a reaolutlon thanking him for hla work for the laboring; man will ba paased by tha convention, t The Colorado miner and, th leather workers' nnlona, who have been oa a strike,, were promised aid and financial auport In a reaolutlon that wa adopted In convention yesterday. , John Vane ' Thompson 1 and D, W. Paul. dlegaWrepreentUg th Bailors' union of tha Paclflo, attacked ta amllor boarding-bouse law In a reaolutlon, which, wa adopted after" A Warm debate. Brows unroAT at aVAjaoa eaaaaeaaiMaww lAad Bee avnaethrnrOaly $10 Tla thai A. ft O. B. m-ammday. May a. Call at til Alder a treat any day dur ing the week and purchase tickets in advance of next Sunday excursion to Seaalde and return, and avoid th rush for ticket at union depot Sunday morn ing. - Sale of ticket limited to Mating capacity of eoachea and every paaaenger la ensured a aeat. Tha ride i delight ful, tha oaon refreshing and you hava five hours at tha beach, all for f MO. Train leavea union depot at I a. ul, arrive Seaalde lt:ll p. m., leaves Sea aide I p. m. and errivee Portland 0:40 v;4 World's fair torsions. Tor the world'a greatest fair ta be bald, at St. Xoula . from May te Oc tober the Northern Pacific Railway com pany, will place on sale special round trip excursion tickets. The datea of sale will be May 11. IS. and II; June 10, IT, and II; July 1. I, and I; August I, I, and 10; September 6, f, and 7: Oo tober I, 4. and I. For rate and other Information" In connection With routes, eta, can on or aadrca . a. cnariton, aaeiatant gen eral paaaenger agent, IIS Morrison street, corner Third, Portland; Or. the orgaha to do their work properly and fully, and If a bottle, . . ' 15 . All drug storea, or direct sOel Warner'e Safe Oar 1 naraateed ebeoratelv teaaa aad free froat eaauraawa drag found la saaay . oaasd' kidney eare. , Beware of anbaUtat a4 lsa lataona. -' . ... - Doctor's advice and medical booklet free, Warner' Safe Cur Co, Xooh-1 SAFE" PILLS move the bowels gently and aid a apeedy our. a: 97.00 ..88.23 OREGON, i-ply, fc-tfa. quality, heavy linen, .... . . . .$8.00 ; STRIPED COTTON; iach.....,,. tilt , . .4.15 RED AND nPATirtitfriri . ' , Mw .95.83 RED AND ORANGE, -Irich., ARDENTLY FOUGHT CONTEST ENDED (Spedtl Diipatek te The Joorasl) Vancouver, Wash., May 4. Th Re publican convention held her yester day ended one of the moot ardently fought contests the county haa wit nessed for many yeare. Thla fight how ever, was the result of the sun bone of contention that marked the differ ences two yeare ago, but tha outcome was diametrically opposite The committee on reaolutlon In It report paid glowing tribute to Presi dent Roosevelt and pledged tha aupport of th delegatea from tha county to work for delegatea at tha atate conven tion who will go to the national con vention pledged to support hi renoml natlon for president . Th report was unanimously adopted. ' In - tha - election of . aaadldataa for Dr. J. W. Brourher. Oaat or of the Flret I count offloea the follorln,n&mad ear- Baptist church, ha not left for hla trip sone were before the convention for abroad, owing to an unavoidable delay, consideration and elected:' bnt 111 leave Thursday or Friday even- ...For atate -senator. B..M,.Raada ta ins. K . ', - calved the nomination over Olen Rank by 10 te M vote; for repree entatlv , two of which are to be elected. B. A. Blackmor and A.' M. Blakar received the unanimous tndoraamaat of th con vention without opposition. On county attorney, for which there had been a long and , bitter preliminary contact waged. W. W. Sparks waa nominated by II vote to DonaM McMaatefa II, two scattering votes having been cast For county auditor. A. Bum ham; aherlft. B. S. Biesecker; ... county clerk, C M. Seanlonr treasurer,, Arthur Fletcher; surveyor, F. J. Bailey, all of whom were elected unanimously by tha oonventloal Mr. W. H. Jessup,TMlss Louisa Jea- snp and Mra Daniel Layr. prominent resident of Montroae. Pa., a euburb of Philadelphia, are at tha Portland, mak ing thla city part of a sightseeing trip to th racuio coaat. . , CASTORIA For I&faati and ChUdrea. flu tUni Yea Han khqi ftzght Tl.ar. . .Hgnaturt of We hare the finest Lawn Sprinkler ever (J jj A a made; covert 800 square feet, with a fine aft I .4 spray uteful, ornamental, reliable. Special ""mmmmmmmwmmm AH our kVranda o! host '(except -Competition") are guar anteed apdntt any defect o manufacture and to atand any pressure from our city water tnaina. Prices are for 00-foot length,, with connections to attach at once to the faucet FREE DELIVERY TO ANY PART OF THE CITY TELEPHONE EXCIIATGE II TfiiAG ' f - ,.(e CANADIAN MQNqY cio. I ! . ; i -.-- Ti? (?)? ULi NOHTH PACIFIC DEPARTMENT Uz3 O VrO n L)cJ - 4 BLAIR T. SCOTT, , General Manager Headquarters, Portland, Oregon Statement for the Year Ending Dec 31, 1903 income; -;prF Received for Premiums. . $2,789,089.08 From all other Sources ........ . ............ 887,166.73 '. ' $3,67655.81 DISBURSEMENTS To Policy Holders for Claims by Death.'. ....... $ 916.689.10 Endowments, Dividends, etc 1,397,360.04 For all other Accounts 1,120,168.59 ASSETS $3,434,207.73 Railroad and Municipal Bonds 369,705.58 Bond and Mortgage Loans, first, liens oh Real ' , . ' Estate 7,768,750.00 , juoans on collateral r...... 28,000.00 1 Loans on Company's Policies . . . s '. . i . , . t . ..... 1,47346.78 Real Estate, inelurlinc Wnm fiffi -TintoAintr "' a hi ft yso VK l a O ew. vevv MavtJ ay vjvawfivviiv Cash m Banks and Trust'Companies. . . . . . .... .' 426,073.09 Accrued Interest Deferred Premiums, etc.".,. , 407,859.84 '. 7 ' ' Total Assets .i.. I .v, $16,992,375.04 LIABILITIES '''''' '' ' ' " . ' . , 1 . . . - , - -' ' . ..j -'. .- ." '-, -.,' Reserve as per Certificate of New York Innur ancc iepsnment ....... v . .$16,173,047.00 , .' Claims reported and unpaid and other items..,. 15i;678.93i ' Surplus as to Policy Holders, including Capital v v1 ; -I'J :)A ..; Stock , r.,... . . ........,,,.,.,''. ,;7. L d67fii9?lX ; TfLJabifities " 1'' A"' ' ': '''""V't ."!' v- ' ToUl paid Policyholders since organiiatlon.. . $42,088,066.96 1 ' ,(in, " ! - -. i. '-.it. Mi . AAA kjaiu a insurance, in lorcc ............. , . .,2,oi!.W 1903. Interest Earnings, oyer 5 per cent. : . r i ? Unparalleled Growth of Oregon and Washingtoi. Department 3 YEARS' RECORD GROWTH OF DEPARTMENT'S BUSINESS Tear. Dee. SI, 1891 Deo. 81," IWO Dec 1. 1(01 Dee. II, HOt Dec tl, 10 Dec. tl, Hit Deo. II, 1900 Deo. 11, mi Dec. II, 1001 Dec. 11, 1101 New Insurance Pald-for Baals. 89,873)0 407474)0 020,384.00 1,142,478.00 1,327,423.00 rToUted.Um CUim P.10. Net Premium Collected. Insurance In Force Paid-fox Basis. M8t 19.04&30 46,18r.57 82,384.36 102,554.98 433.3 1345.76 7,652.86 , 3,916.27 21,974,50 B,eat.4s. x . seMS.oo 7JQ2M . mjmjoo 38,534.71 1,246,762.00 78,468.09 1,774,299.00 80,461.57 2,260,625.00 GROWTH OF OREGON BUSINESS S5.400.00 366171.00 583,491.00 707,719.00 755,968.00 448S.il ttJOOTM 31,024.09 52,528.06 61,274,00 18.J 12936 8,152.86 ; : 3,616.27 12,300.00 4,040.68 123783 27,872.13 48,921.79 48,855.09 14941640 475436.00 773,360.00 I 1,098,392.00 1,315,226.00 GROWTH OF WASHINGTON BUSINESS Dec 11, 189 54,47X00 S.eaV.TT 4.044JK) Dec ti 1101 336,893.00 r 16,162.58 ?.y.d 4,500.00 pititoi 434,759.00 , aJ,84W0. :;;.-.';.-V0O.OO d,moi 571,455.00 41,280.98 9,674.50 f. SV''i; Kits.; 1489.77 8140840 442346 . 232,13740 . 10,662.58 473,402.00 . 2946.3p . 675,607.00 31,600.48 95,399.00 . ..(, j..,.fAi;f-i;vy-....-f.',i.-''.;vf guarantee the e drrectness of the above figures. '; They are; taken from the official reports . ' of the Insurance Departments of Oregon ana Washington. , , ., . . Gtino in 3'4 Yearo Gain in Premiums Collected $929691e6p Gain te Net Premluma Collected............ 7483212 Gain In Insurance In Force............ $l,903702a00 New paid Inaurance secured durbg 1903. j 01,327,423,00 Boasxss: 1 1 1 i n i j i, n i 1 1 11 i n i ill 1 in r i is 1 sBBaaaBBaBanSBsasna ITEMS OF INTEREST TO AGENTS The North Pacific Department of The Washington Life ' was established by Mr. Scott June 1, 1900. Prior to that time, it was under the control of the com pany's San Francisco Agency. The premiums in force in Oregon and Washington when the North Padific Department was established amounted to only $9,863.38. . . , 1 In a new agency, lapses are necessarily large, but study our record of growth and we think you will bes convinced that this Department ii the place for an ambitious, energetic 'AGENT,'-Mf JXr:yt.---'-.:W &&;UTjs Va V ll , This Department paid for more new premiums during 1903 than any other department in, the service of The Wash ington Life, and is one of the1 best advertised .agencies in the i mted;SUtesi;-w:"'K:;Ii "'k The figures above given make it plain that an agent " can procure business 'for " The Washington Life, in larger volume than he an for any other company. ' . : Because Our business for 1903 , wa obtained from ' a J smaller number1 of , agents than was the business obtained by the other large agencies. ' - . Because Had our agencv force been concentrated in the state of Oregon (instead pi being allowed to work In either " ' Oregon or Washington),'-we undoubtedly would have pro-' duced the largest amount of new paid insurance obtained by 1 any agency with headquarters to. Portland. s Call at ' our offices and examine our polides. Nothing like them offered elsewhere, v . - v.' I v: