THE OREGON DAILY " JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY' EVENING. MAY? 3 1004. (.tMi r,. oostefflo e Wlaa' -foe transmission through the taelle a eo--,aUae msttac. , ' " ' ,a Postage r single fP-L1 "J. u Ni Mpif, t ent IB to 80 Pages, eaaiBi M to 44 pagea, eeata. ';" V r; '' " ' Wtiraoirz. tftsfnra WBea-Mela 1" ' !. ' i ' - Editorial amahtolB 300. V .; .. ... . t VreeUna-Beugemla Special Adverting Aswaer. .V t-" IM "street. Vtw totH TrUwae Ball. 'rtr ti;ta 1Mma; t,::T'' .;Fv;.;'!;; J5,,. ' 'A's,'v:,V1"ro8cirno aUTW.'; i,,?. ;' ( T DW Joral, with tuvdar. 1 Fe 'IM , Tb Dully Journal, I year v,'"5tl in , .' . , ioiany journal, wita nnnaa, . ."he hell. XA.1 BUM.ka .'. . Th tllr Joaraal. with Hondas, Stoatse, TM pally Journal I montba. snontna. ...... with Soada, J eaeata.. a. delivered. Seadey Is- I ' . The ball lourn.L ' 5 me Dal The Dally, par week. .-'', '( ! , ...... .....J'"!! .to Dally, pa WMk, aaUrered, Sunday , ' i j , naM ....... .....ri in... n..." ' ) . few nfafL zinii ww aM mm I. with Sunday, 1 f'--J JJJ It Sa;ViaMth' JTJ aU month. -lv fSt jn imnp earael. i 1B" !"a"F journal. fee Pally Journa h Dall Janrma 1: vTfca ftallv JowmaL with Ham Wv - v,. . a ...j. .,ni T)alty Journal, with SnaaaF. I xaaata.e, .Tha Nil Jonraal. 1 swath t S : ,i Tha Rnnday Jowaal, 1 yaar. ,..... f JJJ .Toa oada lonrnal. awitha.... t Tha aaal-Waaklf Voanat. Tha tamt-WMklv foarL I M II L 1 ... . k W . aorta. yaar .....:..," ! ' . V ' Tha Woohty JaaraaL ," . V ' .-. Tha Woolly JaaraaL . , ; Tha Wookly.vIoaraat. loo ooIobjm i af road. ; V , ' in aacb Ua, iUeatratad. tU awktl , V I SJaUTatoi'W aW'tttt'i-i lr a . ... h ataMIBta aj 1.M caUl 'tNttaa, atpma ordara. and aal1 amonnia ara , . aacapuDM la I aaa aaaai jwajw P.. 0. Boa ISt. Partlaad. Or. ! want xxi i on At jut u rows. V Tha loarml ooa ha (oand aa aala at tha fe- ,1wln nlaoial .. , . . HVKAfcl. WiiH.-Jaha W. Oraha A Oa.1 Lm Mara. VirtarU aotal nrjra ataad. TACOMA. WAU.Oaatra) Mawa aaBpaaf. tUt Piflflo arnna. BOIHU. IDAHO Ptnnoor Book atota. AN rtANCISCO-W. . Ardiag. Palaaa total aawa ataad) Qoldaialth Broa.. SM tattat tmt Fr4 W. pKta. I00 Uarhat tni. to AKflU-Ka R. T. Qordnor. J"t KpHnc atrwti Ollrar 4 Halaoa. M heath Al!,Ttj.KB, CITT Kaayaa batal awa ataadl Barrew Broa.,- 43 Woat aVaond ctraat, toath. CINTIK. COI.O. KwKfrVa Boak Btitnar . mmpaay.vBia Bawatomth atraati 2. Black. RUtmth and Cartla atrtfta. KAMA I ITV Va Nay Kowa aanpaay. O.IAHAMlllard hotal arwa aUad: Maaaath Btathmory enaipaay. IMd Paraaai troat BT. I.OI'IB Phlltp UMMlav. M Loeaot CHICAGO Pnatefftaa Nrwa. aeaipaay. 1T Daaf. tvmt aluipt. ' ' X If r W TO R K CITT Brant aao'a. Cnioa Wrather eondfuooa and aanaral foraeaat for (Wan, Waahlnatoa aad Idaho. Ught from wvumi thla murnlaa rywhro la tha aorth Pad Be atatM oxcopt tho coaot ronatlaa aad ' anuthaaatara Idaho. No rala of oonaniuraca aaa ocrarrad la thla dlatrict darlna tha laat M boon, bat haay aalna ara roportad Ja waatara , Kaaaaa,-Oalorado. aortbara Arlaaaa, Utah, Wy omlnf aad aaatara MoaUna. """ . Tha tamaarataraa la tha Colnmhla rlmr dralB' are ara. ara about 0 iWaroaa ha tow noraL Tha Indlratlona ara for partly flondy, aaaat tld woatBtir la thla dlatrtrt BDnlaht, probably ' fallnwod by fair weather Wedaooday. . hlailnnai tempmturo ia tha teat B4 hoora, Mi ninloa taaparatura. 3; praeiplUttea, .0. SIXTHS. " 1 ' ' April . tq Mr. aad'Mia. H.j ipooBar; at 120 Main otfeat, aon.. , . April 18, to Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Wbaaler, at t3t Kaat Beventh atreat. a daaahter. v April 6, t Mr. aad Mra. iWi KHOB (t dt'AMt Taj lr atreat, a naafhtar. tmAA, vl Aprl W. Vn' ahoTMra A." A. Heiartoh. It eoo rradroiek atreet. a artter. . . .- . , ..April W, to Mr. and Mr. B. HllUad, at MS Mlwood atraet, a ooa. . , April SO. to Mr. and Mr. JT Dlcktoeon, at 15 . Boat- Third atreet. a ami. . . ' April IB, to Mr. and Mr. W. Blapehard, at (83 Wllllama amiae, a aoa. Aprtl 29, to- Mr aad Mr, O. H. riabar, at Portland. Oro.. ' a daughter. April . to Mr. and Mr. J. 8. Dooglaa, at .- Boat Thlrty-eecond and Bt Market atraeta, a dauahter. . . April 14. to Mr. and Mr. T. A. Gana, at . MM Cherry atreat. a aoa. April 12. to Mr. and Mr. L. Boana, at T0 Kat Yamhill atreot, a aoa. April 21. to Mr. and Mr. J. Kratt, at 20T Mill atreat, a daughti-r. , . - April BH, to Mr. and Mr. J. A. Goatajaoo. at 1 SM North Twelfth otreet. a aoa. Aprll 29, to Mr. and Mr. W. Matbaraoa, at B01 Harrloon atreat, a aoa. April IT, to Mr. and Mr. L. MoCaaloy, at Bt. Vlaeeat'a boopltal. a oon. April 21. to Mr. and Mr. P. W. Manger, at 6M Eat Balloon afreet a aoa. April 15, to Mr. and Mr. W. N. Bellwoed, It Hs4 Grand arenna, a danghter, KABXIAOZ JXXmX, John 0. Gambia, 84, and Kdna Pearl Bat. Ja'mi' E. Bmith, ST, Danrer, Cok and Loo - '"Benhard Henry Waltrtof. 20, and Joaephlu A. Roe Engbart, 28, and Minnie Tbompaon, T- - . - OOBTAeiOM- SXSXAIZB. My MuaetU Williams, at 1TI BUntoa 'mVaTjWiiidi'at aieat, Maynd!1Vn Montgomary. at BlV itlaaenth ; a tree t. scarlet ferer. ' CromntDrlom on Oregon City ear Una. neat . Bell wood: modarn. oclentlflcopmpleta. Charge -AdultaJ 36t eblldren, J25. Vialtor 8 . m. to 6 p. m. , Portland Cremation association, . Portland, Or. ' I . "The Edward Holroan Undertaking company, fnneral dlroetor aad amUalmers, 220 Third atreat. Phone 60T. j. P. Finley A Boa, funeral director and embalmera, bara removed to their aaw oatab llshnwBt, corner Third aad Madlroa atraeta. Both phone No. 9. v Clark Bros, for flowers. 288 Morrleofl Itroct SEAL XITATjCTKAVBI-ZEI. Jttltua A. Klein and wife to B. Blch- ares and wife, lot U block 6, Pleawtnt View add ..y....... ......... WOOfr The Title Guarantee dp Trust Co. to Isaae . - Zlegler and wife, lot 18, eaat 68 2-8 feat lota IT, 18, block 21. BaaByaide.. ....... 1 laaac Zlegler and wife to tha Title Guar ., , antea TTuat Co., aaro..,-......;.. 1 Pred He to Helena Heaee, tot t, block 180, Stephen add.... ............ Amo Blrdaall, Jr.; to Mr. Annie Bird- iall, tot. T, 8, block 28, Ju ton Park.. 1 Mra. Annie Blrdaall to h. N. Aamack, lota T 8 block 26, aama. ......... Cbrle 0. Blgglln and wife to ' Ootambta Engineering Work. Jot T, block 184, J.CB?CBoottdta' El'lek' "Brickiii.' tota' i'.'l'o',' block 40, Piedmont Jeremiah Btanley and wife to J. C. Btan'eyi 10 acrea aactloa 4. towaibip 1 aouth, . .m O - . 1 Queenle R. Bleeland and kusband to Jeaela vA. Hill, lot 10, btoek 1. Klnael Park dd Lou! Frleaa and. huoband to B. J. Peck and wife, lota 1. 2, block 68, Fulton -' Park add -.v. - , William Btanley et al ta J. 0. fltanler, 10 acre aectlou 4, townahtp 1 aouth, range 8 eaat..... ....... Ibex Land Co. to A. E. Koeel and i H. Frey tot t, block 102, Carnthera add.. Security Sarin A Trot Co. to W. Wrnn 100 450 TOO ' - Jonnaon, et 40 leex ioi j, -feet lot a, block 1T. Coach add.T.. 8400 W. Wyna Johuaoa and wife to Charlea O. Blgglln, eaat 45 feet lot U t 44 feet lot . block 1T8. Couch add.......... S500 Jamea H. MrMlllea to Iw U. Glorer, lota 8. , BH tot 2, 8W lot T, NH lot 4, NH tot 5, btoek B, MeMIUea'a add., - East Portland 8500 Samuel E, CorreU to lioren Seward, tot j 10, block 1, Lincoln Park Annex......... T. D. Warwick . to Frederick WeV tot . 18. 14, block 1, lot 10, btoek 14, Blrer. ' aid add ............ .......... i Hirmaa Jaehn , and wife , to 8 marl tan . Lodge No. 2. I. O. O. r tota 11 to 18. ' block 5a, Lntreralty Park...... M. A. Boha and wife to Mr. B. A. Paine, ' lot IT, 18., block 4. city..., ........... Frederick West to S. P. Johnson, tota 13, 14, block 1, Rlrcralda add to Alblna .George a Holt to W I throw B. Morris, tot ' 22. btoeh lu Portsmouth Villa Ext.,... 'Bessie Murr at alto. Jariiea Via Gmoa 875 - 1 '"$ 650 400 118 et ai, lot ao, is, vioca . ,. stenu- . Jsmea Rnrmaa (a 8. K. Jon, EVh Jot . ' 8. block 6, Clvrerdsl Eit.nalon Iw Anna Andersoa and husband to J. . . -Scoft, tot 5, block t, Bralnard.. ....... Jin H. Davl to E. F. Bummr6ld, and. ' .. ! lot 6, rrultTaU. ... ...... v , .... . . . V 'i. i'y .r . trnj8 rmcTt. . 4 . ;' y ' Mijr i to J.' A," Jamlaaa. 'for areettoa eottag at Maogly Aad Uaflald atraeta. Coat 1.6i0. . , ' , May t, to B. Pope, for areettoa af dweUlntat East Mala aud Kaat TwauUatb atreat. , Cost 82 200, May t to D. MeKeen, for areettoa of two dwelling at Mala and Stout atraeta, Coat Mar t, to Mra. Olos. for repair af batldln af Dwlgbt and Dawaea streeta. Coat . , - May 3, to C, L. Lambert, for areettoa af dwelling at Going street, and tatoa araaua. Cost 8000. , . 1 '..'''' . May 8, to T, P. Bwaneoa, for areettoa of dwelling at But Tvaatylrst aad Bvab atraeta, Coal aj 800 " " May 3, to J. . totwa.for dwelling at Slxtoaath aad, Tbarmaa . atraeta. NMay ifto H. Braa, for erbctto. oi Fro and Oanteubeln troota. Coat VaogJ stay a, lo a. 1 viniuwih - - dualUnj at aMxth and Uncola atraeta 0t y , to B. MartlB. Jr.. JW eroctto ia dwelling at Twangrraf aa4 Vtoadora, Coat Mauy (, to W. M. Crawford, fey aracttoa af dwelling at Bldwell areaua and Eaat Elaraaa atreet. ,, Coat 1.TUM. - , ; I Oat yea naaraoa and etotraeta to real estate fVoai tha Title Oaarantee A Traat aoa aaay. Chamber af Commerce balldlaf. BAKER CITY; OAS ' GOOD PROSPECTS momnra "womkb muoi . TXZZB rXaTT-XmATT TMMXBW ' trnmawrn xat ajtd owt abv - sziran fiATn xsvxUMxn ramzoAx xxacnrATioir buldb. , SpeUI Ditch to The JoaraaL) Baker City. .Or, Mr I -Tha ioabo? facturtng InduaUlaa of Baker City opB up thla prlnf with tha vary falraat proapacta. Tha Baker City Enflnaarlng Worka la runnlBg Jt. full tore of man iranufacturlng . amd repairing mining machinery, nginea. botlarg and caatlnge. They havV Juat enlargad thalr plant and report that the outlook for tha yee.r-1. moat flattering. The Blu MounUIn Iron Worka itai large forca of man employed and have Jim nnlBhd lnaUlllng a ll-horae power alectrio motor In the Bhop, furnlahad hy the Rock Creek Power A Tranamlaalon comply of Baker City. They report thit they are buay on chlnery and repair' work and ( have ordara far ahead In tha aeaBoa. The Baker City Oaa Electrlo com pany and tha Bock Creek Power Tranamlaalon company, Manager Al Welch, report that they have orders ahead I for It InaUUatlOn of electrlo power and lights In number of manu facturing plants and numerous mines, They Ure Juat completing the Installa tion of their water power plant on Rock creek, the laat two carloada of machin ery having been received thla week, and aoon the Juice In Baker City will be furnished on the cheaper besia. the com pany having the advantage of both a water power and staam power plant for uae in cas of emergency. , atoadj Ara XmpTOTtag. .Kow that tha anow Ja Bolng off , the mountains and tha roaos are improving .n, rVaicht shipments In and Ub of Baker City ara largely increaalng. Paaaener travel on vn uirvu fa verheary and local travel Is above tha average, a good many peopla com Ing here direct from the eaat to Investi gate agricultural aad mining opportuni ties for "investment Tha big Oregon Lumber company a mlllB, "Btoddard Bros., Shockley Mc Murren. Bennett A Bona and the Bump ier mUle are shipping to the east an average of 10 carloads of eastern Ore gon pine every day. Three cars of ma chinery for the Wisconsin , Oregon Lumber company were received today, a, car of wagons for Jennings and a car of wagons for the Portland Trading company at Richland, and " car toads of rntacellaneoua freight over tha a R. There Is being loaded out a Urge boiler and a carload of brickmaklng ma chinery for the Band Ume Brick com pany, Portland, recently e.tabll.hed there by Elmer BS. Angell of Baker City, in boiler being furnished by the Baiter City Engineering Works. The shipments of concentrates from the mines con tinue to be an average. The Bumpter Valley railway Is handling a large busi ness between Baker City tain camps and travel over the line Is very heavy. -- - ' Employaa attaad Test ' Assistant -General Superintendent M. j Buckley and Dr. Bacon, surgeon of the O. R. 4V N. Co., arrived In the city today on a apodal and made a phyalcal examination of all tha employes here, under the new rules ox the company. The only ones exempt from examination were warehousemen and clerks in tne office. The agent, operators, baggage men and yardmen wore " amlned and it Is understood all of them atood tha test ajid no changes will be made here In tha employes on account of phyalcal disability. axAjrtus COTS W01CBBT. (Journal Special Berrlce.) ' -Emporia, Kan.. May trnr arrlv Ing train today brought Its quota .of delegates to the Ninth annual meeting of the Kansk. State Federation of Women's clubs. Topeka, Leavenworth. Wichita. Fort Scott. Olathe. Klnaley, Junction City, Hiawatha and other cities of he state were represented among' the arrivals. The convention program will b in augurated this evening with a reception in honor of the visitors. William . Allen White, will give an address of welcome for Have you got a black cocker spaniel "dorg" you want to sell? If not, Just Jump to the pext paragraph; but If you have, Just rest your optica on the ad. of D 88. Journal, under "Wanted Mis cellaneous." . There's an "ad.! under the "Business Chances heading which starts wlth "Rare chance to get" You read the reat; you may Jdltl Interesting. j Theo. Thorharnmer; J4t Ash stret, has an "ad.V under Musical" that will In terest you if you nave any dealings with violins. "Three unfurnished rooms In Burk hard building." so runs an oVunder "For Rent Furnished ROoms." Chaie H down If that's what and where you want . If you have office-room for rent' on Morrison street, you've found a tenant in HS 68, Journal. - He's advertlalng for office-room under "Wanted To Rent." Advertise,: That' i. .,,1 i . A . . . .- . aroTToi or tToonotstBr irBBmra. m . ....i.. frM.aiiAiiiiM of the Point 'View Land Compear will be held at Bp. at. Monday. Uy , lw4. at room a,, Chanter af Com more bldf- IHrtland, Or. j I'LII'H It. AI M Minni.. STXL WABTXD MALB. MBit aad women to leara harhar trt erory ......rT .. K. In th. ahortaa aoaslble tin! OM.taat practice and xpr luetlo aad aaerasa uraatd. Call wrlu to Americea ' Barber Collag aompaat Everett at., rertlaaa. reqslrea elf ht weh aooeUI efferi ootsnt practice: ipTi iMtnartloa. Ctakffe aulM j he. MoWw Byeteat CoUega, Baa m . t Callforala. : i EXPER1ENCKD aollcltor ea salary aad eaav Mbeioaj bit awiey t -L!2J LV rooat IS BaaaaU bldg.. aoir. 4tb aad Mortlaoa, faoa to.10 a. a, aad d to p. at, .. WANTED rirst-rlaaa eablaetm.hert aloe aa expert oaced taae aa a eptadleearrer. Aajiy , Weot Oast Bb A Door aoatpaay. rllaateaatt aad Taaiha at. - . WAWTED-Bellhoy at Hobartwtla. tWJdtb. aaX WABTXD--TIXAT-X. OIBLB1 tea aaa auk 15 B week. - rooat a aw Tamblll. Apply BmrATioara wabted halb. WANTED Warh br reaof ataa la plumblag ahoi wWchiace torora la son axperleaoa. K ST. rare JoaraaL " BrrvATioarB wAawxi--TXiiAi4L A GOOD waaiaa oeairea a ""! Lti-TBS . . a.v'i ramllr. Tolebhoae Kae tmi. ' WAJTTia-nBClXtAaT0CB, f BOt'BKKEEPINOrow w gooatb. 051 Beat Morrlaoa. . Phot frea. liana aw. WANTED To bay a aosd eeeoad-aaad aaf. Addreaj J. B ear Joaraal. ' WANTED Black cocker enantel dog j grra af aa eoex w v. oo. WAJTT1J AOEBTt. BOUCITORB wanted . for awreantlla arocy work, both la and oat of the eltyi w4 Kea Tpreferred; must be experleaced. Call roon 100-101. Bberlock blrtf. WABTID Tp BEBT. O. TICK room oa Morrtao it., bet. Bereatk aad Twelfth. B. ea. ear Journal. ' BOB BE1IT HOUBEXEEBIBB 00M I1.T8 FEB WEEK La rt. elB. faraished houaekeeplBC room, with use et laundry, bath, pboaei alao aheap fornlebed aotUfeaj- J. Laadlfaa. 184 BheraMa. Phoa CUy 808. rUBNIBRED housekeeping halt IW a aooatb aad up; beard aad room. 81 aiH ererrthlng new; telenhpna aod bath. Hotal Norther. North Twelfth aad Marshall. 8 BOOMS furnished for hoawkaaplnt; kitchen, alnk. hot aad cold water, bath. 180 W. Park. Also sleeping rooav CLIFTON, cor, lot and Columbia; booaekeep- Ing eojte; reasonaaie price. fcBNMHSn beoMkeepIng rooma t n arte! mriiy aowera. vvi - stara. rom bibt orncE boom. omen room oa Morrlaoa at., bet, Bvatb aad Twelfth. B SB, ear JoaraaL - 0FTICE room for rent la Bank et British Oo kmba bldg.. S08 Viae at. BOaT EEBT rPBBIBHID BOOM. rooms, furuiaa aaa anranuaDau. -- Jeffersoa at- ' THE BICHEMBn 88H With t., Ooocb ; nre Mocks auntk Union depot 1 block north poetofilce; awly opened; elefant. tiiied apartment poreelaJa bath; hot and cold water. BIVEBSIDB HOTEL. 848 East O.k. furajahed and unfurnished houaekeeplnf, ainjle, en ulte: Indglnf. trnleat; room on ground floor. Phone Bcott 8S4. THE GLADSTONE 618 H teentb. near flr eronnd; new bulldlag; awly furaiahed room 11.60 per week aad ap. . THB COTTAGE, 108 North Blxthj fnrnnihed rooms, single and en ult. all modern, at raasonab) prices. Mra. Wood, prop. THE COSMOS Soutbet Cor. Irthand Mor rison; quiet, clean and comfortable room 13.60 per wee ana apwsra. THE BERKSHIRE, 883 First at., cor . M.lnJ nicely furnished rooma elnfle. ea autt and housekeeping. ALPINE FLATS rlDelT fnrnUhed aolte, with aa. phone, bath. 8T1H Morriaoa at. ear. Fourth. , n . Vt W..h. flr.tla.Tfuriuheil" lnf 1. and boufckeeplBg NICB annnr fcrnjihed . rooms, rlrer J1' bath, phone. The Willamette. 185 Morn- NEAT roomy .aad. STmVt lances, price hmd'- 204H .8TARK ST.. phone 0M "W tleb rwmj iraussCai. swaaAic v- :: THB OLIVE 808 H WohinirtoB "t, 'mh' .a m a. a .mi kIm tBaxnllxlDlB. HetllJ rUrulBQOa rwmB yaav. . THB CASTLB 8T8 W..Mntoa at rooma fat mthrnea: moalent. Tf Sooth "ai r0 BEHT PMTPEMiaHEP ajog! THREE unMrni.had room, in Bnrkbard bulld Ina. Apply room 84, Unto are. and Bura aide at. . . FOB BEHT-OPkEB. V building office. ' TABLE BOABJX TABLE board, home cookln. s.oo per wee. 188 Klerenth St., cor Alder. and there will be a rerponae by the president of the state federation, Mrs. Cora O. Lewie of Klnaley. The regular sessions of the , convention will begin In the Methodlat church tomorrow and will be continued until the end of the week. , ' Thought Are you Mrs. Mary Wlae? If so, you'll find an advertisement under "No tice" which will cause you to adjust your specs and take another look. You're wanted at 111 Cook street, where you'll receive some Information J'that will be of value to you." to quote the "ad." If you have ever Invested In timber land pr ever expect to, the "ad." of 187 Front street may prove a bit of real news to you. You can find the "ad. undeiTlmber." r ' .- Tjnler "Real Estate For Sale" the same address is . advertising "an . im proved -7-acre farm- near city at sacri fice."' 'Let 'em hear from you if you're In the markets " ; M. 8.' Jane 125 H6od street, haa an "ad. wader "rtooma With Board" which should give some one who's looklrf for that a cause to think long, hard and earnestly. Don let It hd there, how everrun the "ad." down. ye may be happy i., ' ' - ' ' ' BOOMS WTTK BOAljt PLBASiNT fmnt , room wirh trd.tjalubU for oa or two,' .Mra. Moatelb, 836 Thlr 'teeathat, - -? I'r ;';' BOOM- and board. ato fmIlyV8pod foma oooktnav 856 rifth at - Paoaa rroot 18T1. BOOMS with ea without board: .few! 7 reno . ratal 18T West I'arh St.. ner Morriaoa. PUBNISUED or unfurntehed rooma aod cheap board. M. S. Jane, eAS Hood at- v - BOOMS with board, welt furnished; modern eoa veuleaeeai table board, 821 Wh. aU BOOMS with r without aoartf-aaa Water at T0 ALE BT6L I6TATE. 0WNEB haa for al a aiodera frroom rem dene, with eoraer lot. aa the eaat aide: coo entent to 8 car llnee; had sratjclaa plumb. Inc. hot water beating apparatus, cnnihlaa ,tlon aa aad lectrle flit urea, te.; h to b aaa to he IpprKtaUd. Call 481 Tillamook t BABGAINf. from H to 10-aer tracta. ' Wky boy 1 lot wbea yoa ea gei , . mooor rlht fa center of towa; term ilfj per rent down, bUac oa laaUUmaata. William Bhiadlar.' Mllwsakl. Or. ' a BEHIDENCB Iota and qnrtr block: atreet. awer. aldewalki; walking eletaaeat reedy to build; ll rsaonbl oa torma to eutt UarrUgtoa, awaor, mt IVt at. aaar Oak. rOB BAIXCbP. Urre aew. -rm houe. lot TSxlOOr beautiful yard d ardea: mt be sold bow. Enquire TO Broad at, kioata rill. Job Baahouwr. FOR farma, aereer. alty arrty;eaoto JUm. . bar aad boaeestaad locattoaa, ae hlaxwaU A .. 818 T Ahlaatoa bldg.. Portlaad. Ora. BOUSE, lot aad feraltara f aooa for aalj reraltara or aoaaa ror ; leering towa. SSB Or ad bargain ; peopla are.. North. FOB rent or ale, bnprored T-cr farm aaar city, at a critic. 1BT Front t FOR) BALE 6 -room eotut; bath, hot and FABJta HOMMTEADB. FBEB bameatead land; siat me grata aad bay laaea. i stara at HOUBEg FOl BEBTw rUBaTrUBE FOB BALE, OOOD roraltar af asoitera T-mom boaeei 8 rooma rented; enap. KM BlxU t. Bear CUy. FOB fldt E TAB MB FOB SALE FARMS Imarored farm for sale la all parta of Ore (oa aad Washington: payment mad to ault purchaser. For full particular aa to rl; eu propertlr apply to Wat MacMaater. 811 Woreeeter bldg. 87.000 ACRES of Irritated land free from the etate to aettlera who wl'l psy 85 to 618 per acre to tha Columbia Southern Irrlratloa company for perpetual wter rlfht. For la formatloa call or address B. a. Cook. 861 Alder at,' Portland. Or. AN Ideal homeatead right In flneat farming, country la Klickitat county, Wh. ; good . house end some Improvements! a snap; I1O0. Pbon Scott 274 or addreea 816 Eaat Mth t FA8MS, timber lands, acreage, bomeateade. timber claim when looking for any of the dot com and see m. A. B. Mathews, 418 Orefonlaa bldg. . - FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IF TOU want a restaurant do ant Va roar chanc oa the Yankee Boy. SOfl First t, this week. FOR SALE Counter and ihelre built for a etfar aad tobacco baslneaa at 81 Front at North. 8ELLINO out etore. furniture, especially builder' hardware, at sacrifice. 1ST Front at lift OO-CABT fnr 8T.50; short time. Enquire 2 been ta as but O 2d at. FOB KALE floe sideboard refrigerator cheap. Olarke, 81 Front ft. , , EMFLOTsfllTT AOEVCIEB. WILLAMETTE Employment A Real Batata Co, Offlces-lSS Morrison at. and T3 North 6Uth at. i w bare -the Urgeat and beet Uat of real estate- and labor on tha Paclno coast Mall order soUdted. . THB EXPOSITION EMPLOYMENT COM- PANT. 863 Couch at. Phone Clar 1008; fur nish men for lotting ramps, sawmills, rail road; city work a specialty. HELP et ill description furnished sawmill. Inning camna, factories, free to .emDioyera. Alpine Employment Ageccy. 168 First It Phone Main 1B1T. LADIES dealrln help and rtrla seeking altua tlona. call at St Louie Ladire' aaeocr. room a, 8H0V Yamhill at Pbon Black 2881. EMPIBB EMPLOYMENT AGENCY famishes competent help on abort notice. Mra. Jooea, 106 Fourth (t Phon Red 3004. JAPANESE Employment Agency furnishes do me tics, farmhand, ate 09 North rifth at Pbon Clay 668. . .... PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor contrac ture; help free to employer. 316 Morrtsoa. WORK for men, men for work. HANSEN'S OFFICE. 26 North Second at K0TICE. IF Mrs. Mary Wise, formerly of Loulsrtll, Ky.. will call at 111 Conk are. or phone Union 6601 and k for W. M.. Shannon, h. will recelre Information that will be of value to her. BUSnTEBB CHANCES. 'ROOMING HOCSB HEADQUABTBBS. TAFT A CO. Make a SPECIALTY of BO0MINO HOCSES and hire the largeet Uat of all the DESIRABLE location that are oa the market. A FEW LEADING BARGAINS. 84 rooma; extra fine furniture; location-near Portland hotel; rent 8136 with two years' leese; house cleared lait month $238.60. Price, 84. 800. 88 room: good furniture; location best part of Waahlnyton t. rent only 850. with 8 years' leoae; this house clear orer $225 per month. Price. 14.180, J , 36 rooma; ill on one floor and all outelde room; furniture flrst-claoa; location' unaur paaaed; fine transient trade; rent 8126 with 3 year' lease; tola house haa ncrrr cleared less than 2O0 per month. Price, 84.200. 19 room; furniture good; location beet part of Third at.; cloae In; house rent for 60 per month with 8 years' leaae; thla place clear from 886 to $100 per month. Price, f 1,426. 14 room; furniture; No. 1 loctlon, near Oregonlaa bldr.; rent $30 per month; this house clear orer $78 per month. Price, only $1,200. HOTELS. 27 -room, American plan hotel with lrt din ing room, office, sample room for commercial trtTcler, rlttuited In one of thS moot thriving towns of 2.000 population tier Portland; house rent for $5 p' month with lH-rear leaae; owner' wife rery sick, reason for selling. Price $1,800. 30-rsom, American plan hotel, situated on the main street of Oreiron City; 24 regular board er; also good transient trade; bouse rent for $36 per month. Price, only $700. RESTAURANTS. Two of the beet situated and flneat fitted place In Portland. These are both SNAPS. DRY flOODS BUSINESS. A flrst-clas place In one of the best town In the tate, near Portland. Owner started 6 year ago without a dollar, etnek will Invoice between $20,000 and $26,000. and will sell at invoice, account of other business Interests. We can make very satisfactory term on ny of the above,' a we are lwy willing to Ion money on anything we sell and assist a buyer 'LTLESnARANTEfeD AND BUYER PROTECTED AS WELL A8 SELLER. TAFT A CO. 1268 -Ablngton Bldg. Phone Main 168. BARE ehnee to get one-half or all of best . little manufacturing bualne; only one on the coast; owner unable to handle It E. 02, Journal. FOR RENT Colo ma dock, tot Oak and Pin ate.' Inquire at offlcc. foot of Qk at PEBS0XAL. WHY not be healthful and beautiful; vibration and Dr. Charcot t' Chromatic Bath Cure all nerroua disease. It doe . not take long to build ap dead tlaauea and strenfthen weak muscles; a speedy cure: pleasant treatment Electro VI brat Ion Company, 411 Morrlaoa iat LENOX Pile and Catarrh Cure haa eured other and will euro you: we refund your money and $60 reward If we faU to cure wttb on box: at all drugglita or onr officer try it Lenox Pile and Catarrh Cure, company, 8jtM Sugeae tt Fbon Vntoa 0781, " ' - FEBS0BA1. . CONFIDENTIAL INVESTIGATION!. . Reliable report faralsnea on INDIVIDUALS aad boelnee prcltloaa: book axperted. et oty Mferjiwrrej- giadene wllolUd. Lock Bas SI. Portia, re. ' 1 - ' " " MANLY vigor restored by r-. Boborta' Nerve . . . . . . in. ta..(mMl. Szl a month. $3; aent ecurely aealed by maH. stents, Woodard, Claraa a YOUR prertrtlona ara saare eewjatolp reason itiy nuea ai rj""" "-r- Morrlaoa at., bet. Flrt and Second at. HAVE yoar hair mattreaari i reaovjtad aad re. turned asm. oay. Phone Mala 474. Portlaad Curled Hair Factory. 328 least St ; GENTLEMAN. 48, worklngman, wlshea to meet ... . u . uk. -klu. natefiajABV. laoy wtwHu ou ins -'-- - Vdlraa W. M., Cara of JournaL -ON a Slow Trala Tbronah Arkaaaaw." ay Jackaoa; full of fua and Jeke 8 Beat. Jones' Bockstor. 2U1 Alder at ' ' MMB. H. B. Ely. dermatologist 'lP treatment. ahampno, electric maasat. an 0LAIBV0YABT ABO PALMIST' MADAME JOHNSTON Sellable dalrvoyaat Palmist and Crdreder: boor 8a. a, t p. m.; prlcea raaaouabl. SS$ Third t t a B. B. 8BIP. clslrvoyaat and are raaoer. 81 T th. Circle Toe, aaa rn. era., i . wn ton writ i tiui AVE new -room with U modera Improvemeata. Apply Jobs Bain, room 1 224 BUrh at ATTOEVSYB. a. B. BIOOBN, attorney aad eoaaaaUar-at-towi Boury- 8o64oe Ablngtoa hid. ASPHALT PATIB9). THB Trlnldd Aaphalt PtvlBg Co. at Portlaad. Offle B68 Worc-aur blh. ABCHTtEOTB. HODGSON A CO. Architect aad nnarla teadenta. Suite 813 Macktay bldg.. ear. toarU and Waarjlngtoa sta. CAFE. THB OFFICB, 886 Wahlngtoa st. rboaa. B, MaU Ht Pickett A Vltneaas. CAFB KB ATE. 133 Sixth at A flaa kaaab an a at an bout. FBATEBBA1 9B9BAECB. OBDBB OF WA8HINOTON ror moat fra tar sal aortety of Northweet; protects the Hv Ina. J. L. MltrhaU, aapram aecretary, BI8 .n4 818 Marquaoi bldg.. Portlaad. 0. Tass. phetia Mala 048. . FXODB AID FXXS. FLOUB, feed, potatoee, coal, etc., Hermaa Kanne, 416 East Seventh at., phone Bcott 4611. rrBjrrnrks faotobteb. 8TBNITUBB aunuftctarlng and epeeUI erdera. L. Baveaeky'a furniture factory. 870 Froat at OREGON F ml tor Minafacturlng corn pa ay Mnafetarer of furniture far the traoa. 80S rirat at atOXEY TO LOAB. FEED H. STRONG. FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. No commission. I am la a position to make ImmedUU loan oa Improved real eett or for build ing purpose; any amount; moderate inter est. W approv loana from plana and ad vance money aa building progreaee. Option la repay.-nent after one yer. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent. 108 Second St., near Stark. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. (Established 18.) 148 Third Rtreet, Near Alder. Loana on ' Collaterala. Low Bate. Unredeemed Pledgee for Sal, rboaa Main 810. eft NEW YORK LOAN OFFICE, f North Third Street M. Miller, Prop. - A.H.hMh - Imt Rates. Unredeemed Pleagrjfcr e. Watch and Jewelry repairing. Phone CUy 8T. malarY LOANS We loan mo nor to aaianea people li eume of $10 to $100; from 1 to d nmnthe' time; no delsys or unpleasant In mlrtea: buslBesa strictly eonfldential ad eCtu treatment extended to sll; arlvste Branca. Northwart Loan Co.. 831 Ablngtoa bldg. MORTGAGE L0ANB on Improved dty Drooerxy sw-. -- lo.n lnataUment Want wm. " . JL. LIJ- Bll Worcester uiu. LOANS ON THB BAST-PAYMENT PLAN TO SALARIED PEOPLE. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, riffle, hours. 8 a. m. to a P. as. m.I ll Room Tie. The Dekum Blag. 8. W. cor. -miru nmu. - MONEY TO LOAN r. L',?i security; .peels! attonMou . mortgagee! note bourht C. VhTMU SW Commercial blk. Phone Mala 1886. MONEY TO LOAN oa targe or small William G. ea gooa secuniy; Beck, 80T Failing bldg MONEY ADVANCKD sshtrted rpl.m.ter to., without aeeorMyr eay traiBtl rg eat busluee In 40 principal eltle. Tolmaa, 328 Ablngtoa bldg. CHATTEL LOANS Money to loan oo chatul security to any mm; du'v8el,;E, fS? brokerag. Northwest Loaa Co., 821 Abtag ton bldg. . 'CHATTEL loans ta smonnt "J". ,.fr010 to; rooming-nonsca "iT"?"'. , . '-" Era Loaa Ttsat Co.. 309 Ablngton bldg. $50 TO $1,000 TO LOAN on any rd eeu'"'s lo Urter nm on real eetate at low Inter eat. 420 Commercial bldt- Phone CUy QO- $10.00O-. T. 8 PER CENT: SUMS TO SUIT; BUILDING WANS A SPACIALTY W. H. Kunn. oo locniv. LOANS ta om of $5 end ap oa aH kind of eVarit,.. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Waah tngtoB bldt Phon. Hood 418. TIMBER. HEAVY timber Und, 80 nd 80 acre tract ner Oregon City, 187 FTont t. BARGING ABU LIGHTERING. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO.. lit Baraeide at Phone. Grant 1171. CEREAL MILLS. ACMB MILLS CO.i manufacturers Ralawa Acme Cereeie. u aaa ' w. mm. . OOMlCBSiOB MERCHANTS. EVERDING A FARRELL. prodnce end oommls sion BMrchants. 140 Front st. Portlaad, Cr. PhoneJMaln ITj. CHIROPODY AND MANICURING. THB DEVENY8, tb oclr edentifle chiropodist In the city) parlor 301-8 Aliky bldg.: thl la tb longhaired ganUemen yon want to aaa. Grant 19. MRS. LILLIAN B. CBAM. cbtropcUt. mnlcur Ing and abmpoolng. 810 Ablngton. Cly 1768. OARPEMTERB A BPIIDEBB. I. J. AUTHORS tt H. B. WOOD, rarpenters and builder: repairing and . Jobbing: store and office fixture built Shop 300 Columbia. Pbon CUy 1861. FANNING ARMSTRONG Crpenter and builder: repairing and jobbing; reasonable rates. Shop cor. Fourth and Columbia. Front 1288. fl. W. GORDON, counters, shelving, honaee batlt and repaired. 308 Fourth. Clay 1T4. CEMEMT COMIBJtCTOBa. CHARLE8 H. CARTER A CO.. cement con tractor. 271 Porter at. Phone 8864. Work guaranteed. , ' " . 00 AL, WESTERN FEED A - FDEL OOj PaonalOlS. "castk Gala aoal wtU plaaaa yoa, Paa aa " yoararder. 4 'vr:..--. '-.:i-' J?"' "7" OREGON FUEL CO.reil kind aaal aad woo 844 Morriaoa. Phone. Mla 4. - - CIVIL SBOIBEEBB, THEODORB ROWLAND. 06 McKy bldg.. gea- ers,l exangaung, aaao avivyuuiB. sm vMaxw SHOULD BE A PART OF nTHK MAUilNlSKY UK YUUK BUSINESS,- NO MATTER, WHAT YOUR BUSINESS IS. -YOUXL REACH THE PUBLIC CI0ABS AsTOoTOBAOOO. E8AEBG-GUN8T CIUAB CO. VUtrlbatora r . FINE CIGARS. ' Portia ai. Oregoa. CB00ZEBY AXD OLASSWAtB. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLA8SWARB. Frl llgele A Co.. 100 to 108 Bth. ear Stark. DOG ABD H0BBX HOSPITAL. DR. 8. J. CARNEY Voterlnnry aurgeoa. tog North Sixth st Phone Mala 1484; res. phoa. Mala 8037. , DEC0RAT0E8. BBNBY BERGBR ISO First t wallpap. Ingrain, tapestrlea. applloa fries, lata. tor decorating. SEVTUTS. DB. KNODER, dentist. 823 Mohawk bldg. DYEING AND CLEARING. CITY STRAM DYEING A CLKANING WORKS Hermaa Enke. proprietor. Phoa. Mala ITU. N. as eth at., aear Pine. Portlaad, Or. J. HUNTER, 660 Jefferson at., steam carpet . and mattresa cleanlag; feather oenontlng all work guaranteed. Phone Mala 314. PORTLAND steam cleaning and dyeing works; practical batter in counectlon. 311 Fourth; pbon CUy 704. CI C TH Kg CLEANED AND PRESSED 81 pee snoatk. Caia Tailoring Co.. (47 Waahlag- B. W. TURNER, pmfeaelonal dyer nd deaaer. BIO lTth, cor. ColumM. Tel. main xoi. DBEBSMAXrVO. MRA. PITKIN, ladle' tailoring and making. 610 Turner bldg., cur oar aa ana Taylor sta. 3TBST-CLASS dressmaking. Mrs. Maude Mas ters, parlor DOO tnioa are., sor anon n. MRS. McKIRBEN, srtlstle Baking. 661 Mirrtsoa at. draaa aad rlosk Cm DOGB FOB WHITE PommerinUn Spit puppies tor Bale. 418 Gllaan. I'Bone I lay 11. EDUCATIONAL. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE Park and Washington t.. A. r. Armstrong, ij principal; eatabllshed 1BA8; open all the year; student admitted at any time; private or eUea Instruction. Department: Business, shorthand, typewriting, penmanship, English. Catalogue free. ELECTRICAL WORKS. MOBTKWZST ELECT RIO BBOIBEEBIBO company, 808 Stark at., Pore.Undj O. K. for avtrrtblng la the electrical 11a. Phcaa, Main laoa. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Offle Ml Stark St. Phone. Mala 82)8, FOBTUNE TELLIBO. tour for rune told. Romany. gvnr palmiat. cUtrvoyuta. card reader, astro lo fts ti; reading 10 cants. . 186 Fourth at, bet. YamfalU and Taylor. BOCZBB. WADHAMS A CO.. wboleaato grocers, maas. factor re and commission merchasts. . Faarta and Oak sta. MASON. BHRMAN A CO.. wholesale gteaara; N. W. cor. Second and Ptae at. ALLEN A LEWIS. Wad. Or. Wholesale grooers. Port- LANG A CO.. First and Aakeay et. HATS CLEANED. EASTERN Hat Manufacturing Company 822 First, near Clay; bate dyed, cleaned, blocked; made over ut I'saama hata. Utsst atylea oar epecUltyi PArrrtn rat wriRKsu. Mfl Third. CUy 4M. Udle' end geoto' hat cleaned, dyed aad pressed; Panama bate a epecUlty. NORTHWESTERN Hat Factory: Utiles' aad S ntlemen's hat cUaaed, blocked, repaired. ) Wsshlngtoa at aiOTELS. Hotel Portlaad. Amerleaa plaa; 83, 88 per day Pelvederaj Baropeea plan; 4th aad Aider eta. XR0BT WOBJLff. PHOBNIX IRON WORKS Engineer, amaa fecturere of marine, mining, logging aad aaw. mill machinery; prompt ttnttoa to repair work. Poor. Eaat 2. Hawthorn v A B. 84 DTSTrBAVOX. ISAAC L WHITE, nra loaaraaca. bldg. 800 Dakarn JAB. Met. WOOD, amployars Nsblllty and te dividual terldeai; surety boada at aU ktnda. - Phoa 47. Coaosrc bMg. L P. B ARTELS COMPANY, flra Inaarsaea, 448 Bberlock bldg. Oregoa pboaa, CUy 02a. F1RR INSURANCE- J. P. Kenned- A C 44 Hamilton blfg. Pbaa, Mala 1896. ARTHUR WILSON, flra Insurance. Sherlock bldg. PBdBo, Main 1008. " JEWELERS. B. J. CARR Manufacturing Jeweler, room T and 8. Benson bldg.. 291 H Morrison t . diamond reset, old Jewelry nude Into new design, silverware repoltshed, aid gold sod silver bought THB G. HEITKEMPEB CO., jewelers. 8HS Morrison at manufaetartaa MAOHINERY. THB H. 0. ALBEB CO., aecond-band cblnery, aawmlll, ate. 84 Orand av. MASSAGE BATHS. VAPOR bath and massage by Udy with young Udy aoeletant. 110H Fourth, room a. MUBIO DEALERS. FISHER MUSIC CO.. 190 Third St. Victor talking machine; repairing. Red 663. MUSICAL. THEO THORHAMMEB, high-grade violin re pairing; clear, free, responsive tone U whsl you want. 343 Ash, Blckle bldg. T. B. LAW80N. 340 Park, cor. MsJs; plan lessons at studio 60c. at bom Too. BOYELTT WORXB. STAR Novelty Work, galvanlxed Unk. general repairing; aacoaa-aaaa oicycies. oi vinw avenue. OVERALLS, BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS aad meehaa- Ira' clothing; union maae; stuuiuwr sm sire., foriiana, tir, DRS. ANNA M. AND FRANK J. BARR. grady. tea American School of Osteopatbe snd A. T. Still rlrflrmary of Klrkavllle. Me. Phoae, Mala 3228. Room 800 Dekum bldg, ATe-ag PBIXTIKO. AN'gJRSON A DUNIWAY COMPANT. PHntln;. HiTagraphlng. blank hooka. Phoae, aula 17. , SOB Alder. PRE8S CLIPPIXGB. MAKE MONEY! USB PRESS CLIPPINGSI' Ring np Black 11 and order a month' ervlce covering every town In any or all ceaet state; daily mcasenger aervice; advance report on 11 contract work. Portlaad offle 10ft Second t. - .. "''' ; - ' PLUMBERS). BENNETT BNSMINGER. gaefltters, water . back work) eat1 mates given oa boaae piping. Pbon Clay 1630. 63 Slxtb. - - ; FOX A CO.. sanitary plumber. 331 Second, he t Main al Saimoa uregon pnone. wain i OONNERBERG A RADEMACHER. plumber, tomoved to S4 Fourth t lloth phone. . PATEBTS. R C. WRIGHT, lawyers patent a epeeUUy protect your Invention. Room 604 Dekum. PAINTS, OIL AXD GLASS. F. R. BEACH A CO; Pioneer Paint Co.. llin the beet thine mad In paints and general building rr,at-ril; wlndow-glasa and gli s fyeouU?. !-- First $t pboaa, Aiaia 1 ANY AND EVERY DAY. i -PAnrts, oa. AT sijuul DAVID M. PUNNB tt CO.Pkoil rltt 4 Oil - Worbai auaafaetarera 4 Importer paints, oil aad sprays, etcj pban lit. tttav 1 aad factory, Bhwlurk av aad UMb st- W, k. FULLER A CO., msaotacturar Plasm ' teed. Phoeala Paint, Kopalro; a a an a lea elvea wrOt every galls at palsl awsulactarai ' by aa, . , ... ., . ,.;.. .. RASMUSSBN A CO.. Jnbhera. palata. Mab aad door. 180 first at alia, gtaa. PAPERIJia) ABD OALOTMXjTTB. , v BOOMS pepered or alelmln4 fro $3.60 apt vi carry a run no waupaper, room bhsihi. log paint and varnlabeat 1004 Wsllpapsr pa, tern from 10a doable roll ap. PurtUod Pslst A Wallpaper company, , laS Second et Phone BUrh tne. BOOFTBO. FERRELL'B Samaoa - Made-aa-Lald roof- aR kind of roof salntlne- and reoal-lng. W. J. FerieU. 99 First et - Phoa Scott 843. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and Jobbing. 4. knell, xiz jeirerso street B0PB, PORTLAND OORDAGB CO., ear. ad Nertnrap at., Portia o 4 Or. ' RUBBER STAMPS. Mala 710) rubber stamp, le. ateacue. B gage d trad check a. BX0W0ASZS ABO FIXTURES. SHOWCASES af every deecrlptloai beak, ear and tor Sxtare ana to oroar. The Lata . Manufacturing Co., Portland aad Baattle. SHOWCASES, flxrarea and fln cabinet Portland Bbowraa A Flxtar Menafactunng eompany, S4S rftjt Paoaa Blacsr Sloa, , Philip Stain, Mgr. ,, I. , SIGNS. WATB1N A PAINB SIGN CO, 818 Pin at, Phone, Mela T2f. BPRAYTjra ABD WHlTEWAiKTBtt. . SPRAYING and wbltowaablng. trace, baa. , Bents, baraa, docha, eta., M. Q. Jtorraa Co. Call up Scott . 364, we win call aad give yoa figure oa poor work. Tha large gasoline spraying aad whitewashing eutflt ta Mnttnomsh oouaty. 070 MUwaakia at, PertUad, Or. SAFEg, BUY YOUR SAFES of J. B. Darl: few r- palr an loekoat safely aosw. aa Thlr et TYPEWRITERS, YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS 20 Stark -Street. -W rent, repair, sell, txebang typewriter. All supplies lor u machine. Standard machine 810. 816. 826 aad BP to $100. ih yoo want a atenagripBer or typist ( W haa list of good ppllewBta. . . S r Pbon BUck 2871.' ,' TBABSFEB AXD aLAUUXa. 0. O. PICK, offle 88 First at., betweea Stark d Oak at,: pbooa 004; p la una aad faral tar snoved aad packed for shipping; aaa. mod loaa greproof brick .waraboaaa. Froat aad - CUy sta. - OREGOlf TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Blxth, telephone. Mala BP, Heavy bailing and atos- ate. .- ' POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. Ne. p lagtoa at. Phon. Or Mala 863, TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, aosa, $1 per month.. Lawrwac Jtrnsa Towai Baaaty eompany, 4th and Coach. Phon 4SB. TAILORS. J. BETTZELB. tailor, .removed fronj 860 Alder to 830 Buraalde at.. Hotel Bcott bldg aad la- -. vita aid friends aod customer. - LITTEL make pants, ault to order: old eutts msde new : work guaranteed. S4T MeOlsoa. - i 11 i i i i i. is.. UPEOLgTEXIBa. FIRST-CLASS apboleterlngt maw aad eecoad hand furnlrurai furniture, atoeea repaired: mattrsase atratcbed, renovated; good packed for shipment 348 Fifth et whexb to Brjrx. BTBOCSE'S BESTAURANT. Brst-eU beet (ervlea. 8Xg Washtagtea st WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO., 184-1S8 Sisead . at., bet" Yamhill and Taylor. - Portias. FINANCIAL. FxavsjT matiobtax. saitb: , A. of Portlaad. Of. ' Daslgaatad Depualtory and Financial' Ageat f th I'aited State. President ,.... ,mT.m vi y -. ; A-r IV MTLT.B Caahler , ....J. W. MEWKIRK ' Assistant Caahler. ......W. C. ALVORD second AsaUtant Caahler .B. P. STEVENS Letter et credit issued avallabto la Europe aad th Eastern State. . Blpht Excbang and Telegraphic Transfer old oo New York.' Boston, Chicago, St Louie, St Paul, Omaha, Saa Francises and th princi pal point Id tha Northweet Sight snd time bill draws in aama to ault oa London, Pari, . Berlin, Frank fort -on-the - Msln. Hoog Koag, Vokobefnav-- -Conenbarea. - Christian!, Btocknoinv, Bt, fitsraourg, cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collection mad a favorabU 1 I aod ft ttltobt, BAarxncms, . L Established In 1869.) r .. Traaaaste a General Banking Bmtnsea. ' Interect Allowed A Time Depoalt. Collection made at all solnta oa fsvoraM -term. Letter of credit kasoed avallabU la Ea rope and all points In the United State. - Sight Excbang and Telegraphic Tranafera Bold on New York, Wiahingtoa. Chicago, St Lou la, Dearer. Omaha. Saa Francisco aad Mob tana, aod British ColumM. - '- : Excbang sold oa London. Purls, Berlin. Frankfort Bong Kong, Yokohama, Manila aad -Honolulu. ' UarrrxD states btatx babtx , - OF PORTLAND, OREGON. NORTHWEST 00B. THIRD ABD OAS 8TB, Transact a General Banking Bmalaaaa. ( , DRAFTS ISSUED . Aralubta la all elUe of th United State aad Europe, Hoog Kong aad Manila. COLLECTIONS MAPE OX FAVOXABLX TrJUaX, President Vice-President... 4 0. AINSWORTH a a. VT. If. A I Eli ,'.,.. W. BCHMEEH .....A. kL' WRIGHT Cashier AsaUtant Cashier........ I oarooar tt baw fbawcxsco BAJrxv Cham bar of Oommere BaiMiag. ; Third aa$ , Stark sHreata... :jv.jv,i'-;.,',i!.J Head Office. 5S OldBroad Street, London. ThU bank transact a general banking bust. Seas, make loan, discount btlU and lasne let. or of credit vHbl foe travelera and for tha parr has of Biercbandia In any city of th world. Deab In foreign and domes tie exchange. Interest paid oo time deposit. W. A. MACRAB,' Manager. MEBCKAWT8' WATIOWAI, BAJEX, PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON .......... .... President R, X. l)l'KHAt.,..............Vlce-ITeeloent R. W. HOYT.. ................ ,.,,..,, Caahler GEORGE W, HOYT .....Assistant Cs shirt Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts sod letter of credit leaned aralUble to all parts of the world. Collection a apecialtr. - Gold dmt bought - SBOVBITT SAVXiraS ft TBtTST CO 86 Morrlaoa St. PartUad. Or. - Traasscta a General Banking Bualnaj. SAVTNGB DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Time and Saving Deposit. X Act aa Trustee for Eetate. Draft and letters ef credit avalUbl la aU part ..v..-.- --k at tha world, ' . 0. P. ADAMS.;.. .............y...fe Mnt A. LKWI9,., .First JJea-Pea Meet A. C M1LI.S, ..... Second R. O. JUBITE. ........ ..... ... .Secretary atOBBIS BBOS. ft CatBIBTXararaT. Offer gfltga lavaatmerita in Munic'ral " and Railroad iBond a. AV ri t or i . !. VJsW Ttrtt ft, FortHrl, C--- .' jVlORTOAC ' On Portland R'nl I ;-i .- TUIi-a S !,rvl. . titlu cua:;am Syuia 1, t,Lsii.. 1 1 1 t '.V