The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 03, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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J s a.
xajtaxun ox,otxzsbs xx tn boxtxwxst.
. Southwest Cor, Fourth, sag Morrison.
mo BHATiva xjsaotts to s
coxxsxAV) zxxnra of, , bob
rowan amojk xxom schools
.' - AJTD A CAD EMU. J" .- '. ' - 5 ' !
4 . 1,7, 4 f ' I . 1 i 1
-f" 11 ' 1 "" 1 i"i ,,,.;;.;,,',,:
.; ' a l
' ( ? ' (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) 1
WalU Walla, Wuh., Mir l.-Thi de
.. : .bating teuon closed on Friday after
'y noon, when Whitman , academy again
want, down to. defeat befors .Klickitat,
1 academy on a Walla Walla platform.
Whitman academy has Barer Wa d"
, ' bate, while Whitman college jWoa sverr
T 4 luranaiu cuuieai tola fri . . i
' Whitman college haa received a chel-
,r lenge from Paclflo university to a e-
bata next year. Tbaaa Institutions have I
never met on the Dlatform before, Pa-
v - clflo la champion of Oregon, having
worsted the State university in six. out
of seven debate. - Whitman la undoubt-
- sdly champion of the Inland Empire and
perhaps of the northwest Although
' ' ' Whitman will have two outside debates
. on hand ' next' year and will lose her
. groat debater Brown this year, ' her
debaters are very seriously considering
.; accepting the challenge of Paclflo onl- ' The ninth annual session of the Ore
veralty. The debate will take place at gon' conference of the Free Methodist
Forest Orove ahortly before Chrlatmaa. church win convene In the First Free
. , i .... xataraeademla Sekatiag Xeegme. Methodist church., ttl East Ninth and
.-. s. Another reported development grow. Mill's treat Wednesday. May 11.- at I
log out of the general Interest In debot- p. ' wltn BUnop Wi x. Hogua In the
- ; lng among the high school and acade- . . , ; . " , , . ,.
. tnlea of this part of the ountry,-i the t1!. w VwaU..w.' ri
formation of an Ihteracademlo debating RA " Hogua. Ph. D.. 'wa elecUd
league. Eight schools of high school fo the office of Mahop at the general
1 r grada .will form - the league; and the conference; of the Free Methodist church
championship will ba decided by a - hi Jreanvlller llt.rln June, ItOt." Ha oc
.m wrmA,tmA . trvwtuta. Chanev cuplad the editorial ohair of , tha denomU
'normal. U. of L preparatory department, national organ, the Free Methodist, pub-
Agricultural college preparatory as
x partment, Lowlaton normal. Davenport
5- high school. Pendleton- high school,
., Walla Walla high school and Whitman
'. academy. ,.'--.
Tha orsaniaatlon will ba perfected at
'" th lntarscholastlo meet, to beheld here
i . . . . i ' m wr.A
' tnis weea unaer ine auspicea m n un
man college. -
Tha winner of tha try-out ceciamatiou
contest, held Friday evening to choose
a repreeentatlva for w nit man aeaoamy
Ushed In Chicago, from October, 18. to
una, l0t. He has been president of
Greenville college, Oreenvllla 111., for a
number or years, and haa given that
Institution high rank la educational cir
cles In that state. 'He Is at present on a
tour of the Paclflo coast, holding the
annual conrerenoe. His wife, who haa
been -office editor, of the Free Methodist
for several years. Is traveling with him.
togetner witn ner mother.
Portland detectives and the uniformed
officers as well are expecting a visit to
this city, from Base Beaumont, who Is
now In Jail at Baattls on a . vagrancy
oharga "She Is noted as one oi the most
clever pickpockets on (ha coast, and the
Beatle potllca have determined to drive
her from that city. That ana wui come
here la thought practically certain, for
her parents live here... and they are
highly respected' people. Beaumont Is
an asaumed name the wayward daughter
operates under, and every detective of
ability from tha Atlantto to the Paclflo
knowe that aaoie, for tha Dearer baa op
erated In all the principal eltles in the
"A good many stories have ? gained
circulation regarding Hasel Beaumont,
but many of - them are untrue. I,ooal
datectlvaa know, perhaps morefcf bar
record than any others, -although - aba
did not operate bare, they claim, to any
great extent
Mow the woman became a pickpocket
has bean published far and" wide, and Is
one, of tha moat pathetic and peculiar
cases In the annals of Paclflo coaat
orima. Aa insane Infatuation for George
Barrett, a noted confidence . man and
gambler, brought about the woman's
ruin and degradation. From a beautiful.
RlahAn ITnvtiA will M,k f th. Vma
Methodist church a few daya preceding loving girl to an outcast not to be tol-tha-
conference, faartnnina- lundtr M orated even in SaatUe, ana has now be-
I, at 11 a. m. and 7;I p. m.
aa In the primaries the fights were lost
and won,- and the deals made betwen
the Republican balloting and the con
vention have , fixed the candidates be
forehand, . ao that tha dalegatea are
scarcely endeavoring to alter tha slates.
oome an' object of scorn and contempt
and her presence anywhere is the slg
nal for the polios to be on their guard.
for she holds a long record for perpe
trating some of the moat remarkable
robberies In her Una.
It is within tha memory of Portland
people how one early monjlng In 1S
Darren snoi r rem wiuiania in ine oia
Monogram saloon, on . Alder between
But even then the 'convention battles
will hava a far-reaching effect on King tia anA wAnrh .r. u. w..
county politics-.for one thing, they wUl risted. tried and convicted of man-
In tha interacholaatlo contest this weak, lOBXAT BOB!
was Miss May Fowler of oeneaea, loano.
Miaa Edith Edgertoa was a close sec-1
(Jooraal Bpedsl Service.)
Washlnston. May I. Tha suit over
the estate of Thomas F. Lane, who died I buildings in the city.
(Specie! Dispatch to The Journal.)
Seattle. May I. Fourth avenue, for
half a dosen blocks, Is sinking. The
cause Is the Great Northern tunnel, and
It la endangering some, of the. finest
Though the bore
decide whether the- Clancy will ytila the
district south of Tasler Way or whether
their reign will ba over, perhaps for all
time. Whether they, win or lose, the
oandldaey of Samuel x H. Plies f or ,the
United States senate will ba weakened.
He haa contesting delegations from the
First ward, , the Clancy atronguold, and
If they are seated the old bosses of the
aouthern part of the city atlli will have
men In the convention to fight them; and
-alaughte--and. -sentenced to- life -imprisonment,
but secured a new trial and
through legal technicalities waa freed.
When Barrett was arrested, charged
with murder In the first degree, to prove
her love for him, pretty Hasel Beaumont
threw honor and good name tC the winds
and launched out as a pickpocket Tha
life of her sweetheart hung tn tha bal
ance, and to save him aha worked hard
if they )oae his opposition there will ba " .hZTi. r i mT.T
greater. As his sUr falls that of John teSS-!" JtXh
It. Wilson rises, for he a the second i. .. .T7. . -l;.u . T7u.
i, i. . n.f i :
, (Speeial OUpateh ta The JoaraaL)
Medford. Or.' May I, The month of
April has closed with tha addition to
Oregon citlsenshlp of twd men more or
less well known in Unas, of artistic en
deavor In the eaat First came Homer
Davenportths famous "xartoonlstand
bought back tha boyhood homo that ties
mm to his native etata. -Then came j&l
Andrews, the comedian of tha Andrews
Opera company, so long popular In the
miaaie west and east Mr. Andrews
haa Just secured a auarter-sectioo of
fruit land covering a beautiful plateau
on Antelope creek. 10 miles east .... of
Medford, where he will . plant an ax
tensive apple orchard and build a sum
mer home for himself and hla talented
wife, known aa Catharine Lea In the
Andrews company's operatic produc
tions. The actor la a passionate lover
of bunting, fishing, and mountain aoen
ery, and here In aouthern Oregon be Las
found a fit setting for the home ho haa
desired to build against tha day when
old age will ring down tha curtain upon
bis active and interesting stage career.
Mr. Andrews attention was first at
traded to Oregon by the pleasure ha da
rived from eating the famous Oreron
apples on bis travels tn other states. He
"X waa frequently importuned by the
train boy to buy 'Oregon apples.' and
they did so beaulle a Delate Ions oal
loused by hard usage on the road that
waa reawakened to the Joyoua noaat
bllltlea of tha eplgastrlo function. I de
veloped an awful apple habit Train
boya found me an easy victim, and It
waa seldom that I waa not found sit
ting on the wood-box In the train munch
lng an apple or making a run for i
fruit stand at the atatlon. I am going
to nave an apple orchard of mv own.
and then I can keep a barrel of bd-
plea -ln -the celiac or . carry thanvln cny
trunk. I fully believe' they are good for
ma ayBiem.i--.-.v---
When It was decided to slve ud hla
Old home at Lake Tetonka, in Minne
sota, Andrewa began looking about for
location where a more equable tem
perature prevailed, and as he la a "crank"
on fruit growing, he haa quite naturally
landed on the Pacific coaat For two
weeks past ha haa, with two compan
ions from the eaat been thoroughly In
veatlgatlng tha material resourcea Of
,hiiiUA iia unit. Tn i mere 1
hui .wn. h.. JL'am . about aeven months ago that Attorney
with -ies, n that a committee of five
Wilson T. Hume, Barrett's counsel.
here In October, 1100. waa called for trial Is more than 100 feet be.ow the level rmea will .decide when Piles shall step I cu"1 h' arrt on tn arge of be
. . w- m rri a. a. a av. I a a j a I ' r I lata an aknitAitM ! tokAi TVa lill
yesterday before Judge Wright in .the I of the street its effect Is becoming ap- I out of the race.
Bis trict "court That the ease wm prove parent and tha danger seems to be I until the recent report of the clvlo
rather sensational seems certain from growing each day. . The report has oome union., C. C. Dalton. aaalstant attorney-
tne nature or ins evidence is aa a greai surprise 10 arcniiecia, city i g-rneral, and formerly of Ilwaoo, was
be presented, and the ablest lawyers in offlclala and railway men, for it waa the leading candidate for prosecuting st
ing an abacoundlng debtor,
was never paid.
Tha -bill
of the gentlemen have located and in
vested here. After planning the year's
lmprovementa Mr. Andrewa will so to
Minneapolis, to head the cast that will
present light opera In the bg pavilion
The manner In which Hasel Beaumont now built for that purpose at
nrf firms hr tHnks la nnlnn .n( 1 1 He Harriet
serves to illustrate her ability and H1 t venture will be a new oper
w.ahinvtnn hava ban retained on each suddosmI that tha tunneL deen in tha I,.,,, ... ,k 1 shrewdness. She never turns any small auo comeay mat will be the vehicle of
side. The contest la over the will left ground . could not poesibly Injure the closely with the Clancys that he was tricks, but choosea aa her vlctima men f'" ti -oduction to the theatregoers of
v.- u- T.n In -l,l.h ha tMwinaatharl arniotiiroa ahnva V,t Mr hnlliltnri Ira n 4. hi. - a n hiah In the BOClal BCale. Little br little I 109 . aclno COS St during thS COmlna
DrooertV amounting to about ISO.000 to sinking apprectably. I supported Scott the present Droeecutlns beguiles them, until she finds the e"0tt' trti the new piece
his mother, brothers and elster, all real- In view of a bare possibility of such attorney, until he found him aa heavy to time ripe, and then In some convenient " " "i00 "es proved
denta of Summit N. J., and provided a reault of the railroad work, archl- pull around as a ton of brlcka. and Ken- ' "be them of a large turn. ,"C"M may not again
v... ...... a A, I nim a Kl K.llln I u.-bi-..k in k. . j ... I Th.v halnir nf hlvh atanillnr and llwavl I return I VI tne OIQ Slanaara ODOraa In
tOM I HIBUJt Muwwu, i w wv.v.m w.a vuitui'i,. u.uua wvu i uvui JUVKJIIWBII WAJIA.UV SIVOTtliatCU. X 1 Q I , m m I .U-K W. . tnaAm hi. m H, .
should M divided 'SqijaJiypatwaenJ mi I strncxion oetermtnea to investigate, par-l ta a younr lawyer -ith-a lean-Tecord.1 anmy, ratusa avan repon i x T.- i fV, mm'
wlfa and mother. 4 . n,.-r 4 tloularly aa strange manifestations of , Law Smith of the southern part of robbery to-tne pouoe. Tbvrafors -T7r""S" 7X'ZZJ?ZZ
MT. LAne'B wire waa-a aauxnter ozia movement or me eartn were maaungrtne county ,wui do s ner ire. He haa or-I me woma mm own romH.raa.uiy ipr
7 Ranator Blaekbura of KentUCKV. and the I themselves felt They were aided bylsaniaed hla forces so thorouahiv that! tunate, so far aa Jail terms are con
a letter containing ino loregoing aisposi-xuie cny entruieer ana oiner cnj oiiiciaisi 101. ueorsa 1. iw roping ana. ail rtne icvrnvu. on nu n,cr owa in jau iun
(' t u Tna'a nrnMrtr . waa Connrl I and actual tnasurement . ahowed that I other candidate hava haan laft hahlnil. I at a time. Tha Only cities known to
2 la Mr. Lane's effects and taken poaaea structures of the larger sort all along Lamping, as part of the Smith deal. Is (have her photograph In their rogues'
. alon ox or niB WIQOW alter nis aeain. Iiwu avcuue naa. auua. .in, dhuuioii i iu ug ijiiwiiiin majuutnixnnenu ox vns 1 dhw uiu tmuTw, 11 w ui
She placed it in a safe deposit vault re- laneciea are tne nanaaome naimer ciuo 1 state. 1 mue vaiue. nowever, aa 11 was taxen
. v. - . Jtim-mmmJi m0 I hiillfUna. anHlng tmr halr r.fcm rh. .tt.t I - Anntli., tifla Sai tiaa h,.n th. vhn aha wrtra a vail.
and' it was not until after, her death In (the six-story sunder hotel, a building I coroners office, but it seems pretty cer
July 1102. that tho lawyers representing I whose construction la perhaps superior I tain that Or. F. M. Carroll will be
Ur. Lane's brother, who had been fight-1 and more substantial to any other In the I named. For a time he was city health
lna- ta aaoura noaaeaalon of tha letter. I city; the United SUtes courthouse, and Officer.
or knowledge of Its contents, succeeded a big flve-story flat building. I The county slate going through prao-
in having it opened, s Afur her death I Tne tunnel work has progressed sol tica 11 r witnout opposition follows:
Hanator Blackburn was aDDOlntad axe-1 rapidly that the big bore will be com-1 Sheriff. L..C, Smith of Auburn; county
cutor of her estate, and whan ha vialtaa Petd oy September 1, as the crews are attorney, Kennetb Mackintosh; auditor,
the safe deooalt vaults, accomoanlad by approaching each other at the rata of I James P. Agnew; treasurer,' Matt H.
tn ranraaantatlvaa. of the onnrt. this M0 feet a day, and they are separated I Gormley; coroner. Dr. F. MCarroIl; as
i.ti w fnnnii amona-.tha nnntanta I by only 1,860 feet In the early etaxea iruor, John W. Peter; commissioner.
After a Ions and bitter fight tha effort I0' the work a light formation waa en-1 south district Dan Abraham; superior
Local members of the United Brother-J
hood of Railway Employes are taking .a
it eat deal of lntereat In the annual con
vention of the organisation which will
ba held at San Francisco next weak, be
ginning Monday." W. R. ApperaOn, busi
ness agent of the Oregon division, will
attend aa a delegate, , He,atatee . that
soma vary Important mattere are to come
before the convention for consideration,
but refuses to divulge their nature. Mr.
ApDerson has been offered the position
of general organiser for the Oregon and
Washington, dlvUlsns. and ha states that
v.. will , nmtuMV ArtMn . It. . fraalflani
KoJf Vr Pya the oeorse ates is now In Texas. wjere he
, niiv . . tu tJ"ca has spent tha greater part of the winter
" '" v'"a mure man i,uu n the interest of the organisation. After
, ... , . , tn eonvention it is thought mat' na
vuwr aiawoomera. wM a trlp t, Portland. Mr. Es-
A notable deal haa Juat been cloaed bv I taa la an Orea-onian bv birth, and has
Mr. Perkins, formerly of the Atkins Saw an extensive acquaintance throughout
company or Portland, who haa Durchaaed tha mtta.
Haael Beaumont waa never a Seattle ror ,600 the 180-acre tract of apple-I The United Brotherhood of Railway
---Thc Gordon
A'.Ck $3 Hat
"fec- t
The perfection of hatmakln rae-
ognlsed . throughout tha United
SUtes as tho' greatest , $1 , Bat on
tha ' market .' ' ; ' ':. '; , j - -
. SBBBTB of black and brows, ..'
FX90BAJ of tan." grays, moose)
and black-----.-;.;-7-"----r--
BTBAWS either. split or sonnett,
sailors or French palm, , 'varsity
.styles It, '.."'' -:A'
vxcvnm Aanm roa tovxaxs w bbbbts abb qbaxxx
f It ' ' C ' .fOXTTMO BBBBTS. -j
Puntma HaU $6 to $18 Porto Rlcans $3.50 to $3.50
like this
Is avoided If yon hava your laundry work
dona hers. In addition to avoiding ac
cident,, you'll get tho best work, prompt
attention and reasonable prloes.
society woman, as recently stated In a
Seattle dirpatch.
land owned by William Stewart In the Employes Is affiliated with the Americas
foothills three railea east from Medford. Labor union, which has built ud a falrlv
jar. x-eraina naa estaDiianed his family strong membership in the city during
In tha new home, and la freauentlv aaeit I tha mat faw months. Tha A. L. IT. is
driving fcome very fine roadsters through preparing to give an open meeting in
aaoaiora sireeis. Me has a Ursa force tha nalntera' hall on tha evenlnr of May
of men at work planting the entire 180 If. The plana for the meeting being
acrea of hia farm In apples. devised are believed to be unique in the
The Prawl farm, 1 acres of apple history of local politics. The various
land, three miles north fronv'Medfprd, candidates for the legislature will be
naa juai passed xrom its former owner Invited to attend, - and give reasons aa
Tha mnlithlT atatamant ft tha Inrtaf
yea, e,f3Aj an atvaiBA aaviai va iv a aamju aaa - waawa w - - - t . w I , r - aa, va 0 v w avaaw va m wwmo 1 . j as I -
to hava tha will admitted 40 probate was I countered, but now the men are work-1 Judges, Arthur E. Griffin, George E. I postofflce, which waa completed today, t0 . cpU,n 8hort of Stillwater, Minn., to why they should be supported by
auceaaafui and Senator Blackburna an-I ing in clay, and for this reason It was I Morris, John F. Miller. A. W. Frater.
plication to be appointed administrator thought there was little danger of harm -The legislative elate Is., as follows;
of Mr. Lane's estate was denied. to the buildings above. Fortieth district, W. H. Clark, Vaahon;
Senator Blackburn Is now contesting 'What will be the consequence of. the M. M. Morrill, Kent; W. W. Brown,
tha will an hahalf tha danahtar n damage and settling cannot ba-fOra- Black Diamond. ' A
Thomas F. Lane, and, is making tha con-1 10,4 'or tn ' report on the sinking so - Forty-first, district. Thomas Dobaon.
taat on tha around that Mr. Lana waa 1 far la not public, and officials have dlB-1 Renton; Gen. George Tlbbetts, Iaaa-
shows an increase In postal receipts of wbo nas retired from a long career as I the worklngmen. As yet the subject
It 2-8 per cent over tha receipts for the owner aua puoi on upper Mississippi has not been discussed with the polltl-
correapondtng month Of last year. Lo- river steamboats, to become skipper of elans, but it Is believed that tha ma-
cal offlclala attribute the Increase to the Oregon fruit ranch. Tha transaction Jority of them will avail themselves of
rapid growth of the business of the Involved a cash payment of IJB.OOO. the opportunity to attsnd. ? -
office during the paat year. Two miles front Medford a 100-acre Edward Boyce. the labor leader . of
The report waa forwarded to washing-1 traci or xana nas just been bought by Coeur d Alene fame, la In the city and
of unsound mind when It was written, cussed It but little.. Should the slnk-liuah, or C. Lovegrln, Preston, with the ton today and Includes a comparison of F. W. Street for $8,600. it already has will' ba at that time, and It is said that
rha win ia r hrtaf. mmnnrtaina- mi ing of the earth along the avenue crow I probabilities favoElng . Tlbbetts.
' about a doaen linaa entlralv la ur. materially worse all the Urge structures I Forty-second wstrlct G. Erickson.
in.a h.i imlsht necessarily be condemned, and I Botheli; David Mcvay, Ballard
naaaad h Edward Tiiri.r who ... - the railroad company, would be forced I Forty-third district Frank. Twlchell.
frkti lata In Mv T .at 4sb,al KMi Slaa mrA l k i to Day jfomaffes that mlsThC more than Georr E. Houston.
-asa . rvH wa saaTkl f sTV Kahss . KshAfl sliftnl rrsat ftsa double the coat of the excavation. -Forty-fourth, district J. H. Dawes, J,
k. I In "the IteslnntAff'Of the tunnel " Work f A.Weir.
' the Tork hotel was condemned and thai Forty-fitth district E. Todd, Frank
awwawaaai Mw.,aT- m i n . I DrotMrtv was DUrchaaed bv tha ' nraat I A. Renlck.
" , ' ; I northern. The five-story brick building Forty-sixth district, Joseph Lyon, ti.
- U .". (Jonraal Special srca.t . ' ' I soon will be torn down. - The Whltcomb f " Gleaaon. -
Texarkana. Ark Mar S. Prominant building, on Second avenue, under which
nhvalclana and auraaona from ill narta the tunnel. , passes, is 'cracking. ; The
of the state have gathered In Texarkana W0Bt ' however, Is the Slander
for the annual meeting Of tha Arkansas I notel' fo' 1,uge C0'umnJ11 the basement
SUte Medical society. The convention " ."", .??"
was formally opened today with Dr. I Xopuhlloan Ooavantlos: Today,.
eoniaas luruy 01 Marriman, presiaent 1 elates completed yesterday will go
of the society. In, tha chair. The pro- I through almost in their; entirety at. the
- grain oi papera ana ruacuasiona exxenaa liung county wepuoncan convention, j to
over three days and rovers a wide 'range day. Both tha . legislative and .county
or topics 01 mteresi ana importance to (lists or nominees wuiv be virtuaUy aa
-we-rmeaKw-proieBoion, ,r- -nave oeen agreea Derore tne convention.
the business transacted during the SO acrea of 1-year-old apple treea he will probably attend the meeting. Mr.
month of April of thla year with the A -notable Sale last week waa that of I Boyce has the repuUtloa of bains a
business or tne same monin in iua. 11 an sv-acre tract sold by Edward Wilkin, ready and fluent speaker, and he will
probably be called upon to make an ad
dress. Some of those back of tho move
snows me aggTeg-aie receipts xor mo son xo Aucnaet Harney for-18. 000. -7 Mr
month to have been 130,717.17, com- Hanley is planting the entire tract In
pared with f 27,tt$.2 for the corre- apples. The Beauregard orchard of 10
ponding month of last year. The In- acreavof Ben; Davta anniea i
crease waa $3,193.11. or 12 2-5 per cent I lna haa been sold to Mr. Wilson
xne wuu aai.a ui iuw vmtw uuuui iu. iurm iMKoia. ror az son
past month. Including sales of postage Every indication points to the steady
stamps, books of stamps, postal cards, 1 advanea in nn or ri 1 i
jrorty-sevenin -aistrict KODert Booth, 1 """r ..i.i. ..v... ----1 ern uregon.. Hundreds of acrea of ap-
1 ' -t - .11119 irwi are oema- niintM. mil a
a. . nnlh a, 1.., .... Ih. aaijia I u.w
""". ' - 1 veara nanca tna r.v.nn.. ha.
Increase of ,hl. nrru,,,nt k. "vw
are In favor of having him answer tha
arguments produced by tho several can
didates for legislative honors. , Mr.
Boyce is rapidly : recovering , from an
operation which he reoently underwent
at the St Vincent nospltaL Although a'
wealthy mine owner at the present time.
it is said that ha Is at 111 juat as earnest
a champion of the wage earners' rights
as be ever was. . . ,
O. B. B X. Baaaas Selling' Bates tot
, May, mas, Jnly, Aagmst, Sap ,
' ;., taaJMBj wvtobes. .y-'r:;W-i :
May 11. Is. It; June If, IT. It. Inly
1. I, S. August t. t, 10,. September t. a,
I and October S, e, M tha O. B. aV N. will
sell to-day return tickets to St Louis
for M7.60: to Chicago, 1 7 1.50. Stopovers
allowed going and . returning. . Going
time It days from date of sals. Full
parthmlars of C. W. Stinger, city ticket
agent ,. Third and-Washington streets.
r'- Fref erred Stock Oaaasd floods.
Allan Lewis Best Brand.
C & Vilas.
the standard of
jiny other wc hold
I t-fs-the-higlies t
grade coiTee on th
market, a lid goes to
consumer with our a
guarantee that the con ten i
of : each tin vrill be foun
uniform fn .strength and quali
. Sold in 1 and 2 lb. aroma-rirhttins.
Grind fresh each stlayr-not ; too ; fine.
' ' J. A. rOLOltR O CO.
T IlM Olel Coffees
', "f - ' V'.. t. ' '
tWmi &
asi ritactoco H
(Spcdal Diapateb ta The jooraaL)
Seattle, May I. With 300,000 from
bonds Just floated, the Seattle school
board ia to enlarge several school build
ings- that are now so orowded they can-.
not accommodate the children aeeklng
Instruction. Even the handaome high
school' structure, built of atone and lo
cated at tne corner of Broadway and
Pino streets, is becoming utterly inade-
amounted to 126,427.01, an
! .The total receipts from all other
sources for April, 1904. were $1,114.50.
compared with ttSC.26 for April, 1S03,
an Increaae In thla ysar'a business of
this product will be enormous.
In a complaint filed In the circuit
court Saturday afternoon, on which
restraining order was isaued by Pre
siding Judge oeorge, George J. Came
ron charges Rothchlld Broa. and 7. B.
Nye with conspiring to defraud creditors
by a pretended chattel mortgage. Roth-
(Journal Special Service.)
New Tork. May 1. Alarmed by the 'w.r"f "fTi ".ln:
. .u- n-ld... EU1" 1 IW1UUJ UUW1MOU JUUKD1QDI
rZr U described X, JL
V - s-aaaw wa aVMa j wa.a V waawwaw a.Ma I U. a, V. m. Dthla aa Si Kaa ir- I awaa ww www a assn a.wa avwwsj aaa UVW
crease be proportionate, another build- """A "V - h. . In bands of Sheriff Storey, who Is
I.:",. wa . temporaruy enjoined, from selling them
tvi ihI aTsvassaaa aveiH vwsa ' 'es l a aa.Uai.lOTl
lng will' be needed. The - CentraL until
three years ago -the high school, will
be one of -the buildings enlarged.
three days conference in ths JuMs Cameron ai8ire, that a chattel mort-
ves v-r. gage on tha goods and fixtures of the
purpose of which la to concentrate .aloon was executed in hU favor by
iviuu iiwi ) " nj on February 4 last Rothchild
the. Bible and what is in it The con- clalmed a cnmttal moregage and secured
vention will unaertaxe to aescnoe me , ,xecutlon, the property being placed
preaem aaaun u ui, siw m m the sneriirs nanaa it is asserted by
dAia at tha BAsalon of the roval onnra cameron mil yo naa since oeen ai-
iMch SrMahViic to P ot the goods, and
a.- ,..., s, ii. waalra ln. nvm a imu I use me money na ooiaineo.
i ,- . i a TA nti m iBinni it win nnnar.
(Joarnal Special SerTlee.)
London, May t. Leaders ' of the
American colony will be much in evt
. . . . ,UJ KIN VI HIlOQiUII". .
iu" ' riA"'"l take to show that the present claims of a intu Ufa mav ha mnnA .
aara. Auair, aara. Aruiur rci, aura, i fc,fc nn.kin. that la I ...jj.. ...i. iV
SfiEll.yi oi?' r v u' that the real purpose of these have Dr. Thomas' Ecleotrlc Oil on hand
MnTn.Ma.Vd ur' v wia-ina I critics is not to clear certain dUputed r ma wwt,.
Mrs. Ronalds and Mrs. H. V. Hlgglna I , ni k,. I
Chief among tho interpreters this sea-l . km. h rOROmOl BOXXMBS OATTTTKXD.
aoni are Calve, Ternina, Husanne Aaams. I anaia. I
Meiba.- carueo. van yx iaisa, nan- ".Tha convention la notaworthv beeauaa . (SpedU Dispatch ta The Journal)
on. Tauxvwjr.. u.h u. .uu of the prominence of the participants I l ur&nde, ore May t. -The Imnahs
UI.' in newcomers . mciuaa Alice lwiu. , DKiuin- r.ii ,imii r. th. I Doatofnce robbera ' were eanturad h
, ,. . I w.M ...... . . '
mwuu uiu aiw u li. i. ih. n.Minr nffliw, AmAna-1 Sheriff Htiackleford and Btaa vaatardair.
the speakers will be President Francis j During the fight preceding the arrest
L. Patton of Princeton Theological one oi m roooers was siignuy wounded.
seminary, - Prof. Howard Osgood of
World's Fair Excursions.
For, the ' world's greatest , fair , to be I Rochester Theological . seminary, the
held at St Louis from . May to Oc- I Rev. Dr. WayUnd Hoyt of PhlUdelphia,
tober the Northern Pacific Railway com- and Willis E. Lougee of the Interna
pany will place on sale specUl round-1 tlonal Toung Men's Christian sssocU-
trio excursion tickets. The , dates of tlon.
sale will be May Hi It. 'and It: June
It.. 17, and 18; July I, I. and J; August
t. t. and 10; September I, a, and 7; Oc
tober S, 4. and t. '
. For - rates and other information in
connection with routes,-eta, call on or
address A. D. Charlton,. asaUUnt gen
eral passenger agent ttt Morrison
street, . comer- Third, (Portland, Or,-
asopt o&9 rxuurs.
-r..:' (Jearaal Bpaeiat Satvlea.) . - -
; Waihlnrfnii U A Inlnt MmmfH.
slon of the senate and bouse at a meet-1 1& be CTOOdL
lna yesterday decided to adopt water -
pUns of 1845 for the extension of the! At yoas groear'si
east front ot-tho eapltoL ; I v" .
The only baJbng-powdcr as
good as baking-powder can be
is Schilling's Best; it is made
Not in .
a-aa aa 1 Itw saY a aa
Llt"In.-firice ? . UD :
as well
with a guarantee, for 25 years.
A Dollar a Week ,
- '- . , ,
Just as you like. Youf . way suits us.