THIS OREGON VAIL.Y JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 3, 1C01 WOUEN DELEGATES 'Lira toss,- "next AT fMT BOOMS." zxpomTAjrr Bvnvzsa ' mxtomm m ' xaraofcxsTS ' askbscbuib I Stop ; the - rox au otb na wosjud at . tOS AJTOBUBS f TOSAT AB VOVBOBBQMTB TOM . BnBlfBTBg, (Continued from Page Ona 1 j ' 1 1 11 , " ..,. ' ' ' y cfflraice Wasted Every day you put oft placing; a v piano within reaoh' of " youf chit-J diva 1 another day thrown Into life's wait basket for . theae golden momenta lost in tha inattar ; of acquiring " an education ' never be ' regained, '.' How much 'would ' yon give today- to bring' back tha old daya of ioat ppor-, ' tunltyT ' Talking aba, a plana wlU not put pna Into your noma, -nor maka , tha proverbial "next year" tha on f peaca and plenty, LIVE TODAY L-m , r m - m m bbbbhbi awwm .assay, -f ca: ka )frr fee a t Co - (Joornal Special ferries.) .' - Loe Anrelee, CaU My Nearly all of the deleaatea have arrived for the ceneral conference of tMe J'i Methodlet Eplecopal church, which la to beala lte quadrennial aeaalon la thla city tomor row. The dleaatea number about 719 and represent the 1,000,000 membera of the church, acatterad - throughout the world. For tha first time la the 110 years hlatory of the church, women will hold aeata In tha body aa . delegate Thla revolution la the result of action taken at the aeaalon of tha general aon ferenca held in Chicago four years ago. In addition to tha , delegataa tha con ference haa attracted thousands Of vis itors from all parts of tha United States who are Interested In tha proceeding . Bevaral subjects that are ta noma up for dlacnalon and action wlU .render the general oonferanoa this year of far mors than ordinary Importance. , Among tbeae are tha propoeed unification of the publishing houses and'oonaolldatloa Of tha benevolenoea. The sub-committee appointed four years ago to take frits consideration' the proposal to Unify the publishing intereata haa prepared a re port la which It proposes that tha pub lishing intereata of the church shall ba consolidated into one corporation, which shall consist of one publishing house and three branch houses and five depos itories. The publishing house and prin cipal place of bustneaa ahall ba located In aoma central place convenient for pro duction and distribution. Tha branch houses shall ba at New York, Cincinnati and Chicago, and the. depoattorlea at Pittsburg, San Francisco, . Boston, Da- iron ana Kansas city. A Bahama 1 ot floneolldaaiom, Tha achemo for the conaolldatloa of the benevolenoea lncludea tha doing away with tha ona missionary aoclety, which now administers missions both at home and abroad, and the organisation of aeparate home and foreign mission boards, and a third organisation to have oharge of education. .These proposed consolidations involve a - tremendous revolution, tha outcome of which glvea tha church serious anxiety." Many be lieve them to ba supremely wise and that they will result la greater efftcltncy and larger collections; others Tear the reverse. Readjustment of noma kind. however, Ik (Teemed necessary and Inevit able and tha present conference Is cer tain to aee Important changea In thla di rection. - ' son of Washington. X. G.: XL A, Buohtel. Among the other Important matters I chancellor of .Denver , nnlversltvi ..zl, J. that will in all probability coma before Cooke of Chattanooga, Tenn.j George F. I tha conference la the adoption of some Bovard of Loa Anaelea: J. W. EL Bnwvm plan by which better provision can belof Atlanta, Ga.; and-Thomae B. Neely of made for aged ministers and tha widows New Tork City, oorreanondln tMrttin and orphans of deceased ministers, and I of tha Sunday School union and oditov a cnanga in wnat is anown as paragraph or tne eranaay school perlodlcala. sto, reiaang to amusements ana prontD itlng membera af tha churoh from ant gaging In auch amusements aa dancing. I card-playing, theatre-going, veto. The ruie nas. long been largely a dead letter ana many neiieve that It should ba re moved , from its present- position and placed under the head of advices."' A few daolart themselves In favor of strik ing it out altogether. On . tha othar till V. . 130 SDCTH ST.i Ect. I7c:!.m3tca end Alc!:r BBBBaBBBaBBBaaBsBBasBBBsBBBssBBBBs . ings If ypm ncnt a n,roc cr p!cc3 ; df lurataro caflrid ceo us. Wo nivo you timo withd v ; wcry aracloc:livcrca mtccd : satisfartory.Vr For? hlcctioa of 5tcc!it " h t, v.. .t scp us. It costs you nothing to caD t . 4. J 0 : r ". Give ta your family tha plana they ' hava wished for eo long. A llttla" - down ana a trifla aaoh month will soon maka "you Ita proud owner, ' and your .home ounniar and hap pier. OaU and sea as and oua ' piajaoa. i . ' . SEMBRICH Sirigs Hert Soon Eer I 'aol-labr (o.' '.A 914ea Xargast, BteoagasS ' : COR. SCOfl AND MORRISON SIS. I Opposite BanWfaae, ": ' v .4-4 l' & . W6 Manufacturo: HGitilo : Msn's. Dpysj and Ybuths' ; 1 1 v tf V V f B - c 4 1 a ' ,f 4 mm Ask forthe R;ca H. Logger and Cruiser Shoes., They arc the best and at the right price, - We use only the best materials in the rharkct ESTACADA TO HAVE - A NEW PAVILION MPEODUCTION OF TUB CONCLtDI NO PAGES OF W. JL GO WELL'S LET. J TER TO TUB JOURNAL, TELLIN O HIS REASONS FOR COMMITTINO ' ' StrtCIDE. " ..,, ' , , j , ' - - ' tba dosan nun who get tha graft But ! how la It nowT- Tha gamblera hava this .-. town bx thethroat, Tbouitanda are be . Ing aucked into the maelstrom. J. There is such a reign of vloe hers aa makes .the heart of a decent man sick. .The - mayor will not say this Is not so. It ' ' ' Is sa 'A dosen men hava been -investigating tha situation for a month.: They ,know the men., young and old. and tha . women, too, who are patronising these places on Sixth and Alder and Morrison - ana Tenth and Fourth atreeta and - dosea others. Their testimony will be UUersstlng when called for. . They can explain why it la that certain Of the business men are ao anxloua that tthe present poUcy ba continued, t But there ' need ba no graft, for honest men can be t found "fortha pllcarToroa' r'And tha ; mayor himaelf la authority for the atate ; ment that public gambling can be .. stopped in fa houra..:; -!.: i - Another argument which tha mayor sometimes uses when tha occasion seems auspicious la that "the engine houses need to be repaired, and the city muat pe got into anapa for tba fair. To lay tribute on tba gamblera la an eaay way , to replenish the treasury.- la amas- ing to ma that a man who haa nerved - as attorney-general of the United Statea la willing to father ao demoralising a place of logic But it Is not only de- - moraiiatng. lf-ia flnancialiy ludlcroua Sea how it works: A few weeks ago one i af tha leadlna wholesale houses found , Itself short $800, which waa traced to a clerk, who lost it at a gambling table. - (Isedd Dispatch TW JoorBeXV. Myhnlnoan'S V9 tkn hM in4 by a number of it ' "r'J totoW'V famfllea who came to permanently ra- ) . cran vauroa unereataa, gja here. Discussion of these various questions c v hm .hu. t--,. will be foUowed with close and Inter- mtZL mSm- Z?JVJZZ " mtA t.nin n ,.. . stors buUdlng is n earing completion, ra- th. delegate.., but on tha part , of the " X onuron at large. ' or still more Interest V i1.,. .. . , i to the general public, however, wiU be" ,t0,ppln; in ?0Ptlna Wands for Suddobo tha amount waa loat in the h.. ..ii rJ I Tha new buUdlng of Sam 'Berrr la Ubllahment of Blaster Bros- aa mirht " i ",4?" completed and now occupied br Messrs. eaalty hava been the case.. Where did may be superannuated. The number of 0r,?n. nd bo are opening a tha money goT It la fair to auppoae mlaaionary blahooa that will be chosen nfotlonery store and lea cream par that about $1. of it went to lha citH. i. lora Mr. Green's family occupy the a portion or tit monthly tine: $200 went I new blahooa for aouthern Asia, has km uPPer story. to employes of the nUca while th. Ath.r J?l!5f0. "?ui?erA?. .bn The new hall af tha Currlnavina Ath- $590 went into the .V'SZXr letio club was dedicated on the 2Eth which tha nronrletora ars mri 1". .cn"" 5 .ln' ult lit waa built by aubacrlntlon of the , araa-saa w . ... i j vasvrBp w wawwvu a ui ansa a, toi iilui v. t . js . - . rui any reasonaoie man Bay that tni Whii hA. V. I r a nome xor me ciuu. Uok for Our Win Manufacturers 9 and 1 1 North First Stmt PortIandf Oregon 4MtmMM 4t a) MX RAILROAD FORCES are in mm BBrVBUOAf? .. OOBf BBTIOBT . HBBTS W , TABrOOTTTXB TXUVOBABT CB4nHfaW ZXBOTBS COBOCiy TSBB AlOIsTTBB MOT TXQM Off COtTBTT OOsIlCZSSZOsriZB. nn.ii. .. .w.. - iiub uu ivji uurne lur u ciuu, jl mayor-a policy la a financial success .. L"" "T-jr "" TV, i..,'-- lMf sudlence waa present An inter- rar as the city la concerned T Let the blahooa "wiil hiVi imu fr.7 n Th. csting program waa - rendered and a wholeealemen who are out tha $800 SSof blSa. there 7- L -..h? bMket 0ClaX WM hava the firet chance to reply. JS thZ.w wsh.m Tn tor hotel tns- Net week I ao to BuifaJd 16 address IAA1?' !."lT..b'sh01?" wiu. f erred to tha Oregon Water Power tha general assembly of tha Prbrteri .vL " "v . 21" 7.m 08 on?"n Ior and Railway company who la ruahlns- aatviiiw vasvsftH . x WlU UfJ fa, BJJJf QTIb . . . - . - a. f viaigj wrja BW1I WVUI. A ASJ mtum did opportunity to draw attention to the Th. eomiBs- tvtahivJw,r-, ' " buiw l" Lewis and Clark fair. .The general nJl?eKS 1 the park preparatory to the sembly will represent ' over 1.000.000 1 Cb'!0" mnnt b-fllld' ' excursion seaaon. churoh membera, and thrloe that num-l Tor ew Blshopa. bar of adherents who -are aaaotiv thI There acneara to be no lark nf m. kind of people that travel. I wish ilterlal for new biahopa Among those might heartily invite the people whom nioet prominently mentioned for the f I ahall address to coma next ver tn I flee are James R. Da v. chanceiin nf this city, which I want to love with I Syracusa University; Jamea W. Bash all my heart But think of asking thai ford, president of Ohio Wealeyan unl good people of tha east to maka a ell. I versltr: Joaenh F. Berrv. editor of th grlmage to a city which atanda alone I Eoworth Herald. Chleam. and mmhi i Tha snlendid oollentlnn f inlm,i ttlu.. aniung mi ciiiea or tna racifio coaat secretary of tha Epworth leagua; Wil- the city park la constantly being aug-l Credentlala A. B. ' Eaatbam, J. H. , ' . " ol v,0 wmohiuam ucuoweu or New York City, mentea. Tbia morning, Mr. Meier of Blackburn, W. W. Roberts. mi !. " 1 m "09nMll gam-i oorrasponamg secretary of tha board of J Meier and Frank ahipped from The I Permanent organlsaUon and order of house of prostitution to ba found any- oinnatl, publishing agent of the Weatern j the city park. The animal is about two IS. Smith. wnere, from k tha Canadian border to Methodlat Book Concern; Henry Spell- or three weeka old and cornea from Resolutions E. 11 Randa, Jiunea Mexico. Will anything ahort of an mnr nf Nmnrlt V 3 - T.nha T txrn. I Sherman i-nuntr. ,. Ir'r1.v vr m iriaYihHra 1 TI Oo COYOTE SECURED FOR CITY PARK (Special Dispateb t The XeeraaL) Vancouver,' Waah., May $. The county Republican convention met hare this morning, with tha railroad forces In the lead. 1 r .' W. W. McCredle was elected tempo rary chairman, n o. smith secretary. and H. c. Teal assistant, secretary, Commltteea .wars . appointed aa fol earthquake arouaa alnful apathy T thla city from Its SAILORS IN REBELLION (Continued from Page On.) ; to keep, out of the melee, and tha French aeamea were nermitted to flrht until the ' batUe terminated through the exhaustion ' of tha participants. Three man are said to 'have been stabbed during the en- , counter, sustaining Injuries which Will render them useless on hnant th hin for several daya A' number of others ' received more or leas serious wounds. - OantaiM Ta i1u 1 1 Meanwhile Captain Rochard, who waa powerless to suppress the insurrection, hd sought the aaalaUnce of the con , suL Together they hurried to the , uniiea Btates marshal s office yeaterday , , afternoon and asked assistance, a war- , ; rant waa Issued for the arrest of Coi- let, me aneged leader, charging him j with creating a disturbance and "with- orawing mmaeu ,zrom tha control and discipline of the offlcera of tha shin." The warrant waa placed in the hands of . jjeputy Marsnaia rroebatel and Blowers, who devoted ' the whole afternoon in a fruitless Bcarch for the aallor. j - Having heard of the proposed arrest , he hastily 4Ult tha Ship and cams up into tha city. : Late last night he waa apprehended by police offlcera . who had been .informed of the chargea agalnat '' hlra. Ha . was ' charged with drunken . ness and in the municipal court this : morning was sentenced, to IS daya la Jail. When the aentence , expiree he will be takea In custody by the French consul, wha will punish him for the alleged , disturbance .on board tha ahlp. Are You Satisfied? Ing. "Collet is said to hava been the leader In the trouble and when he serves his time out or in case he paya hla line and la releaaed before the expiration of hla aentence, I will Uke him in ck.. and nuniah him myself. T kh... v,. .... t I V n..At a I thav A ... tnr M TmI - ..1 I ! --'T t r" iw, uuie summary action In auch cases, and the offender, will be Colonel L. L. Hawkins, to whom the 1 8. Painter. animal waa ahipped, says that it la very i 8ergeant-at-arms O. T, Johnson, stupid now. but In a short time it will Adjournment until 1 o'clock this begin to brighten up, making a valuable afternoon was taken after organising, addition to the city park menagerie. It A hot fight for county commissioner la waa removed to the eitv nark thla attmr- I axnenteri. There are 10 candidates. : A noon, latrong effort la being made by the Mo colonel Hawklna ia alao looking fori Bride men to get a hearing, a collection of curioua fish, which have Women's Club Colors in Ice Cream Brick Hazdwood Cnami.CotBpuvtytfll Make Confections in - - Honor of Special Edition Sells at Bulk Price. Bvary clubwoman in ' Portland ean hava tha colora of tha PorUand Wo- man'a club green and white embodied in ice cream whenever aha entertains her club friends, Tha Haselwood Cream Co. will make to order, at their regular price xor puis ion cream, cricks colored with ineaa colors. , The green will not ba exactly areaa. but tha ahada la almost Identical with tba delicate hue of tha olub'a color, be ing the greenish tings from the nla- tachio nut Tha white cannot ba exactly white at this season, slther, for tha cows hava just gone on tha freah. aorlna grass and tba cream la coming in rich and heavy in color.. Navarthalass, tha two colora east be presented aufflclently near tha ahadea dealred to symbolise tha olub'a ribbon. ,. , ; ... ,-. - , These delicious bricks of ioa cream ara put up In quart atsaa, and will ba made to order upon ahort 'phone notioe and delivered for tha sauna price as bulk lea cream, via: 40 cents pint 00 oanta quart f t0 half gallon, and 1LB0 gallon. punished The Marechal de NoalUea arrival from Hamburg April SO. She la a wind jammer and , carried a general r.nrm uumiBirau ia jneyer, wyson & Co. of Can Portland Resi dents Ask For? they are. for Mr. Levlne aimply eaidl (that they were very curioua In their I maka tip, and he thought they might I be or intereat. 1 . tm nig Korean tiger, which was taken from tha Indrasamha, Saturday. Is still In its -temporary cage. It Willi NOW PAY ITS RENT (Watblagtoa Burtsp)r The Journal.) Washington, i May I. B. I Thomp- thls city. " She la now lying at Columbia . Tn,s 18Jn" staxemant or a fortiana probably take two or three daya to move I eon of Portland, and Senator Mitchell dock NO. 1, discharging her earo. Canl oiwnen.. ine lesuinony ox a neignpor. K tO larger tain Rocbard was .olaced in eommand 1UU au . ,u"u'"' soon. of the ship since her arrival in this P"??' BILouW comrmce you: port. Her cre w consists of between 15 and B0 men, part of whom now lie aisamea in tne ship's hospital. POLICE. ARE AFTER ALLEGED "FENCES" The war against alleged keenera nf -renres, negun by the police Saturday. la still in progress, and In the municipal court 'thla morning tu Shank, charged with receiving stolen goods, waa bald to uie arena jury try judge Hogue. His bonds were ' placed at , 1500. which ha save.- .. ,.. . !- Shank waa arrested bv TJenntv anmnmr uun, xor ' Dunne aratfnn from catch basins, alleged to hava been taken to him by thieves.' In hla e tore were xouna tne g ratings, which had been broken into small nieces. There, was dux ona. graung that -I annealed to the federal authorltlea ""V.w"- ungi..;,a,,aa. not heen hmuM the ahlp'e captain and other J UB, . . offlcenrrera unable- to suppress tha dla- m,. wrtr.A miti IHuHIm. f turbavnoa, gald Consul Labbe this mom-' illen A Lewla' Beat Brand," one but this will ba dons I conferred with Assistant Secretary Tay lor and Supervising Architect Taylor today relative to tha rent withheld for the postofflce building at Portland. I Tha conclusion waa reached that tba discrep ancy in the spaoa between the area, pro vided in the contract ana tna area fur nished was tha result of a misunder standing oa the part of tha lessee, and the government spaoa furnished being A charge of larceny preferred agalnat I adequate, the lessees agreeing to furnish tna rem waa oTqerfa STOLEN DIAMONDS FOUND IN A SAFE Mra Gove of 509 Montgomery street wife of Capt O. 3. Oove, ex-sea cap tain, who is well-known to our readers, says: "I tried Doan'a Kidney Pilla and! they did me more good than any other remedy-1 aver -used - f or Tny- kidneys. For two or three years, off and on, I suffered from sharp pains across my back, which started with a dull aching, j jr0t Gatea yeaterday afternoon by mora If neeeaaary, thi aB,l.Tn I.WtlkM of "r-exerted my- Miss Oneta McEmery, was dismissed to- paid. , . i ' sf- - , n.uj i.nga'v in ina iniiniPirtn nrnww Pk-aa . aasak -: ?i- ... r. sBMeaawaaaaaa ? ec-.'ii --'T uwaaavan,a avusa a - mm UURB l . - -. v; COlO caugni aggravaiea II Ma HI' Hnm, : it nun t.. n.l..i... tr. I Tha aattlamant ' whlnh S' Waa: mvrA dered my kidneya weak. I Tead about rjgaB and Snow, who were the arresting f POn today at Washington will preclude Doan'a Kidney Pills and got a box 'at I iiiu tk. .i . "lth nnuihintv f ahnttina- off th nh the Laue-PavU Drug company's etore, learned in the case in a safe denoslt heat and power at tha buUdlng which . iv J2r r,; BTH' ?ln the Chamber of, Commerce. Ms now uaed aa a temporary postofflce. and uaed them according t6 directlona, Xhey are worth I1.B00. tV" yjsuch aoUon waa threatened. In case tha wun imjwiu pa oacxacna wrt Oatea and Mlaa McEmery. It Is said. I"1 ' aot paid. . M2H w,7a wwo wonaenuiiy have been touring the coaal together. Thompson, a member of tha Arm strengthened. 1 am greatly pleaaed with and arrived here two da ago from leases tha building.- left tha city th f,?1" "fwni .Doan's Kid- California. She gava him tha JewelalS eek Washington and other nay Pllla and I unhesiutlngly recom- v.. a ..m - uL. i.V.T .r.!r J eastern noints. The chief obieet of hi. mend , thla valuable . remedy to - anyone Bttffering from kidney trouble.? J i t - For sale by - air dealers. Price 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buf falo, N. T.. sole agents for the United in the vault Remember - tha - take ao other, name Doan's and KKeeley upuor4iorphinetobaccc I ltarr.MiMTa pnuiMriiTivriiBf-rJ m3m wbb rna am i nimu as I w irrrirn wtttu tt POTiwort trip was to. purchase machinery for the new plant or tha Portland Woolen mills, which wUl be established at Sf Johns. ojurara or kzzjctabt now. rt eTUwp.Pti r- r, rr, rr r." tioo that it ia doing good.. Addresa aaBBaBBasBBasaaaaasaal I New Tork, May a. Bigger and better . Bosanko Co, Philadelphia, Pa. YOU ARE PACE TO FACE .With yourwall paper alt tha time '.yi11" nY' WU rs and . should be satisfied with tha pattern be- fora it's put up. That's why wo aak Ku.2 for Wwrself tba many beau .tlful deaigna we exhibit If wa were 1 f5li.,,J,lt "'n slangy wa would aayj Tha best aver" this year. .; '.i. ERNEST MILLER feif Ut, toun' nun, ,y v. , than aver, before the . Military ! Athletic league opened its eighth annual tourna ment last night in Madison Square Garden and will continue through tha weelaThe parUcJpantn in the program - this year inciuae ms neia artillery and the oav airy rrom Fort Myer, infantry from Oovarnofs island, tha' New fork na tional guard and naval militia, and tha ramoua -KJiuea." ntharwiaa me n-orty-eignta Hiahlandera. frnm vviawa, vnxario. , Tot Waa and Veraou Vaonla. Ws hava a aura for nervoua and nn- sieaay people, weak, fleahleaa people, and pimply, pale or aallow people; peo ple who are troubled . with lnaa nf am. bitlon,; failing memory, depression of spinu, iaca ox connaenca. nervoua head ache and wakefulness; ail theaa symp toms ara produced by weakened nervea, brourht on bv tha watarv nnndltlnn nf m umiKi. 1 nua siron and furnish food for t fake atrong, rich red blood the nervea is the and the cure then is only a question of daya The best flesh and blnod builder ia Dr. Ounn'a Blood and Nerve Tonic, in tablet form, to take at meal time. Sella at 75c a box. or I boxes for ti. at all drug atorea. or sent postpaid on receipt price, reopie gain irom i to s joe. usb of this medicine, that la an indica tion that it ia doing good... Address, Sr.' REPORT NO DISORDER , (Continued from Page Ona.) '''' , llnea, and say that.' aU tha strlkera planes hava baan. fined! and tha tin mora men are needed oft that part of tha system. . , ' ;, XAstSSZUZS TXZJ try,"' ' nova Thaa Thrsa Thousand Kaa tola ta SUrlnsra' aad Bookwerkera fttrlke. f (Journal Bpertal Sertlee.) , MarseUles, May .-More than . a aaa mas ara Idle and lot or mora tui. - ara tied up aa a raault of tha atrUe of tha master marinars and dockworkera. So far there haa 1an ltttu iniana but tha authorities are . In eonaUnt dread of an outbreak that conM nnt k. otherwlae than a bloody one.' aa tha strikers are a hard-flghtlng iot ' Rot ahji Cold Water In All Rooesjl' Steam heat alao in all nnim it s. . Van Noy rooming house, Third ' and -Tint Klahly funllahad trlvat .hatha 1 free, rates reasonabls. r Nettle Slooum, i I.