The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 01, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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J. A. HOftAN . L
ikkkkkkkkkAhAkUkk A A A A A kkk A A A A MHMU AAA A A tfW
: f8 ' Jlllf IJiisyS 'Sill t
cinilft- ili n -ir i nix iStSSHSk ' J"' r;
ruR EARLY STAKES stss . ; ; Jf 'WlwC : .
Th JuvenlU Handicap 1500. A hn- . , . .... s JTAXW "J. SmJ'r i-s----45i 7. t
flteup for wo-jrei-jni. (foU of 10J): ' - ' - Vj;--- i & if STVO ' VA" f
tt to aooomptnr th Domlntlon:-tI0 d- , . - ' I ,. X I - J . VOfi. Yi2 I
dlUonal to Urt The Multnomah Pair . mJi T Is rY- ""V RC'v - I
Motion to add ...mount -uKletont , TV ftt ' t3A LS&Vy . 11 W
ink. i w maze in vaiua or in .tax J&oo, or i i . , v fi VZS ' V' rpyWsil'i r
We'ghtr'oTnnoun'oid MondyAuJ i X-,. ClH-i. T-irtrS?lc . ' VlI 'A.: A !
ins th. rac. befor, 11 a. m. Winner, of . J& TZZ". 7rg : : A U&T CY '
other than' lUn race, after the ' T'T. "' --?!ZrC-;V'2':C : -vT- f?X CL-f '-TilSV' 'vTW JT !
welfhU are announced, to carry five jb-- -V : rrc-5 " 1 &ffllMiffrt;t' C1 Wmk Vfx"' . I
pound, extra. To be run Auu.t 14. : --iSirslSr ' C iSAlW 'S f. ' !
"ii -- ' - 1 . t" ' -. r-.. - wvw irm . a . i -i ... . . "v1 i
J ca. f.. x. Storm I I . j - t
nunxsxn siAJtora AraoviroM
nmxsi ro jutzjixj aits
wxsroox ixunroi v "
ran fraoro or tvo-tumudi.
. Entries for three out of the .fat early
cioelns entry .take. hvWen la.ued by
rrealdent Diamond , of the Multnomah
lair aaroclatlon. for th. bis rac. meeting-
to be held ln-thU city from August
I to September 10. . -
- The local honemen are gratlfled over
the many flrrt clana hone, entered fdr
the meet, .specially the two-year-old. ,
and predict th. greatest running race,
ever witnessed on the Psclflo coast , . ;
Irvlngton race track Is being. put In
" splendid condition, the 'new .table, are
going up and a general . remodeling of
the whole course U in progress. The
entries and stakes are as follows:, , i
tlx rntlongs. .u
The Webfoot Belling 8Uket 1600
For three-yesr-olds and upward; It . to
accompany u. nomination, ana sz .a
ditlonal to .tart Th. Multnomah Fair
association to add an amount sufficient
to make the value of the stake J800, of
. which 100 to second and ISO to third.
"Weight for age. Bach to be entered 4o
be .old for $1,100; If for less, pounds
allowed for each f 100 less to 1800; then
2 pound, allowed for each $100 to $500.
Starters, with selling pries, to be named
through the entry box the day before the
race, at ii a; jn. ., ,
Atkln. J. P. ........ i. .b. (.. , ftrretler. d'Or
tuiier. b. e.........,...........D. m.. a, steps
Bottgw Harmon.. . .. 8. Baa KmrlUk
Bradley, Mrs. B. ...... eta. f., g, goale Cbrlatlaa
Cappa. J. M. sC.'..,..k ., , stontewma
Coffer. Mr. James A. e., B, Ocrrob
Hotter. Mra. Jam...,...s; ., , Stlervaaeeaes
iwTia, r. en. ai., , rotesua
Ixrria,- K. .ri. m., 4, Btep Aroand
Kr.ra, J. B...... ch. t-. . PrlTateJoUa
Hues, J... b. ., 4. Chief Aloha
Pltagwra'4, W. W............b. g 4, La ni down
rltairerald, K. W.. ...... h.. 4, flrat Chip
frtaDUia, D. g., ft, Balto
Ulaaaeock. Ira b. ., t, Turtla
Uardea CJtr BUbU.,..,.... ...... 6, Monia
urariort, r. W...........CB. m., e, Annt four
Bilrd, Mrs. WllUata M..S. r, 1 Dsrld BnUsd
p. e J, Bjr straw
Cappa. J. M. a Co.
Cappa, i. 11. at Co..,
Clifford. J. F. 4 Co.
Coffer, Mrs.. Jamea..
l'T), t
ritaireraM. B. W....
fitataralo, B. W....
roontain. u. .
Harris J. B...
Haatlcn. R. W.
Hoa.. H. W
leaderaoB. ueorge...
0 r.wL.i, juwuw.
Jcnea, Bllaa and 8.
juO(re. B. co. .
MaeCleary, J. C
.eh. si., a. Lady Myrtla
l. .
........... s. juuiuvim
.......... ,b. K, 4, Murat
. ,.Dr. ., . UODOOIUI
. m.. i. MUty'a Prlda
.........d. g. , BrcDnua
. .d. e., 3. Fox iakt
Madisoir Edtaoa. ........ m . . klB Ua
MrLaaghlla. T. E ch. f., 8, Lady Athellug
.Miller. George.-.r...g. sa., 4, Uaale-Rtca
Nap Btock farm...,. ...... .CO. f., 8. Pachtiea
A. ..b. t-. m Tha Prlda
neat. A...... o. ... .. Bemal-k
MrhoU, 8........... b. f 8. Annie Marie
Itolk. g,.,. ... b, ns., a, Nanon
Quintan, Joaeph......,......b. .. 4, Albemarle
Qulnlaa. Joaej..........,...,rh. B. Marelio
nooo, tv. r. ,,o.-m.. o, uictma
Itonwll McDonald....... b. m.,,5, Bed fiemael
fihrlda, p, . ,. , -ri:i . i-.b. g., 4, Mime
KpT7, C, B... eh. m... 0, loii
FtoTer, H...,,........, .. 8. Bulford
Htwrer. H ch, ... 3, Toe Uentenant
Thomas ft Bearey.. ...... , g., 8, Halnaolt
VITVll. TT . j. ......
Waller,' K. C, Jr..
Wentworth 4k Co...
Wratworth 4k Co...
Wentwortb Co...
"Rotworth A Co...
Wentworta A Co...
winters. A.. ,
wtntera -4k Jotmaaa.
WllUama, T.-J..,.. f.. 1. Qortlleben
,.e&. m., a, Hindoo Prlnceaa
br. m., 4, Alice Enflloh
ch. m., a, Mororito
ch. S. Bhell Mount f., 8, Red Croaa' Nurae
.......... .e. t.i a. Hurka
...... ch. f., 4, Profitable
....... a, trammer
......Dr. 3, Jtmil
A j -' On. sad Quarter Xllsa,'
The Irvlngton Handicap $1,000. , A
handicap for three-year-olds and up
warda; $10 to accompany the nomination;
- $40 additional to start The Multnomah
. Fair association to add an amount auf-
flclent to make the value of the stake
$1,000, of which $1S0 to second and $60
to third.,, Weight, to be announced
Wednesday, August 17. Accentance. to
be made through the entry box the day
preceding the race, before 11 a. m.
Winner, of other than a selling racr,
after the weight, are announced, to
'carry ftve" pounds extra. To be run
. 'August 10.'"' ;.;,"'
S0!?!' "?"""'-';'-- Btrawler
I JI'Tl f- ' t. 8. Mortb Weat
C 11 f ford, J." F. It Co b. f., 8, Technlqoa
x)ffy, Mrs. Jamea.... ,.,,. ..b. fc; 8. Antrad
Coffer, Mra. Jama......,i.,..b. e., 8, Uocooa
(Vffer, Mr. Jnxa......i.b. h., a. kid Shannon
Coffey, Mrs. Jamea.,, m., 6, Krea O
TteTln, F. ;...,..!... .eh. gv 4, Preatolna
Krana, William a. Major Dixon
f"rairerad. B. W.,.,.a, g., 6. Colonel Anderaon
Mtagerald. B. W... bUt. m.. s. Baffled
yuantala. D. 8 b. b., 4, Modlonm
garden CJtr KUbto......b. f, s, Frank Wooda
Jennewi. Uula.,..,,..rt ......b. t, 8. Maxetta
Jonea, BlUa 4k g. J br, h., t. Forest King
Jones, Silas 4k 8. J.,.-...,...b. c, 8. Al Waddle
: Kane, John. ......... ....... a., 4, Phya
Harton & Willard.....,,........b. ., S, Thoth
Kttio A Co. b. f., a, Conatellator
Ine. P. ti. eh., g., 4, Joe John
Ijottridge, I. W..,,., g., 8. Gatewar
I rurh. 1. A... ........ .....b. ... 5, Barry Beck
Mart'learf. J. O ..,....b. .. 8. Vet Lake
4iIIt roT P table.. ch. $.. a, Dr. Bernara
Partington.' U. ...... ,....,,.b. g a, Tlaona
I'rlter, J..... .............. .b. g s, Chob
'oik. 8. .................. .,..b. f., g Floorlab
l-uitjlo lltsble., ....... ...,.,...b. e 8. Seberao
ttafonr. B.;. ............... .b. St., B, Chickadee
ltaadall, W, D......,,, g.; a, Mil lotion
Konilxti. O. P.,., ...... s, Peareher
)iiili, P. B, f .. a, Expedient
MmiflMd A Ellla...,...b. ., 8. Andrew B. Cook
uim, It...... ........b. h... 6. I'llowaho
Kiitrnwra. JII1 A Ce.a.b. S.-Q. W. Trabern
Tanner, C. g. ............. ...fcvhv, g. Dr. Long
...b. e.
b. r., Z, Heradla
....k. f.. S, LUht of Uar
.ch. g 11, Oreoor
eh. e 8, Senator Pejnta f., 1 Mabel Blmmi
. . ...o. s.t s, oooiisan
..a. I.. X. VHIT--Nil
eh. f .. 1 8 tor ma
br. f, S. Bdsecllff
ch. .. 8, St. Bnbic
,.br. f.. S, Baa Air
Little Bnorter
..b. (., 3, Morlta
Kin I
Scbreluer, Baraay ..........blk. ., 8, Plnkertoa
Jaekaon. A.
Judce. a, A Co
Lanlcan. Kd
MrLancnlln, T. ..
Moeaaer, Oeorgs H.
rtapa dhicb rarm,,.k...., i., a. aaoriia
fartlneton.H.. ...... A b. e., S, Iron King
Scbreluer. Baroar..........blk. e., 1 Plnkertoa
gpratt, J. H... ....... f., 8, AnIU Knight
, , a... ........ m, biw .ni
, H...........D. A, X 0rr P. McNi
tOTsr, n. ...............
Btorer. tt.
b. f.. X Btoel Wire
. .b. ... X Kdnard
Strobe!, George.... br. f., 8, Mabel Batea
gammers. Oil! A Co... -b. e., 8, Bb Bacon
Bammera, will lo a. c., a, vaminai narto
Bummara, GUI A Ce. ........ i Bobert MItcbeU
Bnmmers, Gill A Co. .......... .b. e.. 8, Ban Joae
Waters, v. r,,..........D. I., a, rtari wiun
.Philadelphia. April $0. Th. Uni-
verslty of Pennsylvania' football squad
began Its spring praetic- on Franklin
field early last week. The praetic. will
be continued until .bout the middle of
May, on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday of each week. At th. end of that
time practice will be discontinued until
the middle of September, when the best
men will be selected and put at work in
preparation for -the- regular - season's
a-ames. Cantata Torrey took charge of
the .quad, assisted by Dr. Shell, trainer
of the track team, and George Turner.
The work wa. of a light nature In order
to a-iva tha men an opportunity to grad
uaily work out the stiffness attendant
upon a winter". ret. -- -" " "
The idea for the flrst Tew day. will be
Imply to get the men Imbued with the
football spirit and to loosen . up their
muscles, after which harder work will be
the order, Quick starting and th tricks
of holding or passing an opponent, with
light practice at punting, formed the
bulk of yesterday work. "T ':
The men will all be taught the correct
way of" holding the ball to minimis, the
danger, or rumruing, ana alter tney are
hardened a little, tackling and lntevfer
ence will be taught. In appearance the
squad Is a promising one, and Captain
Torrey believe, that he ha. the material
for a first-class team this fall. ,
Young": Touseff,. the Turk.' and Chris
Person of . Tacoma are 1 scheduled y to
wrestle before a Portland audience next
Tuesday evening at Union hall,. Second
and Stark streets. ..s-mritnih'
The recent bout between thes two
crack exponent, of the wrestling art.
excited so , much interest among the lo
cal follower, or the game that It - was
found advisable to make a return match
which same was accomplished by Tommy
Tracey some few days ago. - s ,
Although Touseff was the winner in
the last bout, those who witnessed that
affair state ,that it 1. their opinion that
he will have to go some to be returned
winner the second - time. '
Both are big men, weighing in the
neighborhood of 200 pound, or Over to
the man. and a bout between these two
giant. 1. certain to be strongly con
Joe Acton is being importuned to offl
elate as referee in this event, and Man
ager. Tracey anticipates no trouble in
securing the veteran's consent.
(Journal Bpeclal Berviea.)
San Francisco, April 80. Kid McCoy
nas ni. eye out lor a match with Bam
Berger of the San Francisco Olympic
club, the amateur heavyweight Champion
of the Paclno coast. A local club of
fered $5,000 for the go. but Berger re
fused, saying that he ha. no present in
tention of becoming a professional. He
la. getting ready to go to St Louis to
compete In - the international boxing
Initrnamftnf of th vn.MW.1. '
mm cupiD
. oxaxpzobt nrocxzo oxtt bt thb
will oxajtob xxa oasb otbteb
pobtxbo oossxr or zbtebsbt.
(Br W. W. Banghton.) '
San . Francisco, April 80. It has al
ways been big Jim Jeffries' boast that
he had never been knocked down, let
alone out, but according to. his bosom
friend, Dick Adams, the champion can
not ltfy. claim to the distinction any
As Dick explains it "The little fel
low with the bow and arrow did what
Sharkey, FiSImrhOni and Corbett failed
to do. . Ha walloped th Dig renew on
and the champion took the count.'
Jeffries' marriage and the fact that
his sojourn - at Harbin will be both
honeymoon and training speel has given
the gossips plenty to talk about . The
feature of th. affair that amuse, such a.
are not very close to Jeff is that the
gentleman should have kept his. .own
counsel so well in regard to his marital
tpt.nHnna Jlm'a pmnlfl will ..lall .ynu
that be is "a big" kid." that his life is
an open book, and all the rest of it, yet
he carried through a courtship of two
years and finally married the girl of his
choice without his closest rrienas sus
pectlng his purpose,
The champion s wire has announced
that she will keep an eye -on her liege
lord's training at Harbin and many .re
wondering what effect her presence in
camp will have on the big fellow.
Will Jff Br... tyl
.Will Jeff .port a new gymnasium suit?
IS one of the queries asicea. in past sea'
pons at the springs Jeff has displayed
supreme indifference m ms gym toga
A suit of grimy underwear, rough
woolen socks pulled over his ankles, and
none too tidy black trunks comprised
the champion's unpicturesque costume
when punching the bag or sparring with
one of his hired men in Jchepresence
of a crowd of summer guests. During
the season that Fitsslmmons was at
tached to Jeff staff, the - contrast be
tween the Cornishman's exercising suit
and that of the champion was particu
larly noticeable. Those were boney-
moon days for Bob of course, and the
nresence of his bride no aouDt caused
him to be more; particular in regard to
his appearance. He certainly looked a
thing of beauty ana joy rorever in ms
shrimp pink boxing suit his belt of
cerulean hue. .'
Now whafr-we want to know is: Will
the gentle passion havv as reforming an
influence on that big grizzly bear Jeffries had on "Grim Gaunt and Granite
faced " Fits? In the meantime there is
some little betting at even money that
Jeff stays with old working clothes. Will
Jeff be more sensitive in regard to the
wings and wallops his sparring part
ners deal out to him under the changed
condition of affairs. George Kennedy, to
wnom XulB quBBliuu wa put vvajuiuu lue
Idea. " . ' '.-;'!?'-:''' "'-. !.;!v
Jeff is no dude chap, who wants to
bruise his sparring partner up Just cos.
there's ladles around,"r said Jo. "He's
sensible, he is, and he wants you to
work in a way that he'll get some good
out of it He would, not change his style
if he had 15 wives; looxing on." - .
Kennedy", emphatic style of reasoning
disposed of that particular matter and
other poslble change, in Jeff's manner
of demeaning himself were dismissed by
the gossips at that time in session. It
was pretty well agreed that Harbin
would be likely to run short of venison
and bear meat this summer, unless big
game is plentiful. It Is believed In
fact that there will be 'no .fitting out
for three days' hunts this trip but that
big Jeff will prove a devoted spouse and
stay by the side of his wife.
Th. Color tin.
Just before Jack Johnson and Sam Mc
Vey entered the ring at Mechanics' pa
vilion on the night of April 22, Billy De
laney said to: the writer. "Now If this
fight Is anything out of the ordinary the
question ot matching Jeff with the win
ner will be brought up again. Let me
tell you though there i. not. a possible
chance that Jeff will change his mind.
It may save a whole lot of worry and
guessing to make this plain beforehand.
Jeff will not fight, a negro.
It so happened that the fight wasn't
anything out of the ordinary and so far
as can be judged at present failure to
make Jeff. Johnson will not create an
aching void, . Johnson Is a mystery If
ever there was one. He is the cleverest
thtnfcTlh'TtnS colored heavyweight line
the game has produced since Peter Jack
son's day and the way he mussed Mc
Vey's face, to say nothing of the finish
ing blow of the fight, shows thrtt he Is a
punlsher. - He has a queer streak in him,
though. He Is as strong as a bull at
close fighting and was never known to
get the worst of it at that kind of mill
ing with any of his opponents, yet
f neither-th-t!ajolmg--of--hir-secoTid"noT
the cursing of the gallery can get him
to go in and mix more than three times
In a 20-round contest
It is quite possible that if Jeff dis
poses of Munroe, and there is no other
championship candidate in sight, a de
mand may arise for a go between Jeff
and the clever colored boxer. ' Just at
present though, Johnson, is being roasted
as a fellow who knows how to tight, but
Some of the promoters are talking of
matching Eddie Hanlon and Terry Mc-
Govern. Assuredly an affair of that
kind looms up as a pugilistic event
among th. "Roman chariot races" that
certain of the local matchmakers are
talking of bringing on the boards. It is
but fair to say, however, that the events
In question have only been talked about
so far. Tour San Francisco promoter
may be slow to learn but it has been
shown amply within the past six months
that the public will patronize one kind
of pugilistic entertainment to wit -the
good kind. . -
As, a cold matter of fact the Brltt
Toung Corbett fight has been the only
money-maker of the present year.
The efforts to start a lacrosse team in
Portland have been crowned with suc
cess so. far, and it only requires a little
more'work before Portland will boast of
a good, lacrosse team. Letters have been
received from Seattle and ' other coast
cities -regarding matches, as well as
wishing s Portland , all kinds of success
In their' efforts. C A meeting has been
called tor Monday evening, when final
arrangement, will be made for the sea
son, so that it is hoped that every la-
crosse-piayer ana every uxeiy jacrosse-
player will attend The old warhorses
of bygone days are vnot excluded, but
uicir ua n requester, bu mm me young
er men may be encouraged in their work.
A few-weeks from now we should be
able to announce the first exhibition
match. t . , , . .
Once again the revival of bicycling
Is on the boards. Throughout th.
country this year a great effort is being
made to repopularlse th. once interest
ing, sport In this city more are riding
wheels this year than In the last few
years and It may be possible that before
the end of the season Portland will
have some exciting bicycle races.
The outdoor , world is awakening and
our ' thoughts naturally turn to ways
and means whereby we may find the
moat benefit and enjoyment as th mild
day. and th. bright sun tempt us be
yond four walls. W. think of health
and strength gained In seasons past
as w. wheeled out Into the open, and
we mak. up our mind, that we will be
abroad as early as possible this Season
in company with our faithful friend,
the bicycle. At the same time we have
vivid recollections of sundry mistake.
we made - in th. past and w. resolve
in th. light of better knowledge to care
fully avoid them this year.
We remember that upon certain oc
casions, tempted, perhaps, by smooth
roads or by the greater endurance of a
stronger companion, to ride too far and
too fast; result exhaustion instead of
exhilaration at the end of th. ride
positive harm Instead of benefit
Cycling has been hurt by its friends
in many instances in the past May
It. renewed popularity never .be allowed
to wan. through the mistake, of its
adherents. These, mistake, can easily
be avoided now and in th. future, as
wheeling, ha. long passed the experi
mental and the sensation stage, leaving
it as. a friend tried snd true, through
evil ss well as good reports from whom
there can be no estrsngement
Particular About Your Clothes, Eh ?
i -..."1 - I i. . " .. i J V I I i
Glad you are, for so are we, else our salesmen would not pay so much attention to the SAT
ISFACTION PART YOUR PART, by thq way, when they "deliver the goods." Every coat
must hang just soshoulders smooth, collar , snug, back shapely.
, You may be a crank,in fact 'way up on the Tree of Fashion, but
we've aimed high and the chances are that our faultless
0 . :
1 Hand tailored Suits
Vtl, '(
$!3i0 $15 $!6i0 m S22.S0
$3 HAT, ;
Third Street
Oni Door North
Cham. Com,
nt,. , , -.-. - a y -.. ? .1 '- . '