The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 01, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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oats amtszhipts.
' Umiai MXmmmA
; ,j Bir ThHr.4.....'nJBIt ef tse rear"
Cordray'e. ................ la
, tmrtri.. ...... Anna K?a far
- Bijou...,,, .... "J i i
I ' T .' ' arcade.'. Vanoawiie
; i Pi-of.r W. J.i Btanoiey erne- x. v.
a. i r
. l . f I .W UM tlAMUftil
last Mgnl ior a montn s trip mrougnum
th tut Hi 0 In the Interest of
his work and will visit manual training
Ichools at Seattle, St Paul, Peoria, Chi-
ago, Buffalo, Detroit, New York,. Boe
Korea." Wednesday be addre sed the
students on "The Advance of the Anglo
Saxon," basing tola leoture em personal
observations In Europe, America, and
Oregon' City boat, ' j J '
ts cents round trip,' Sundays. V,'":
Leaves Taylor street t.tO, 11:1b a, m.,
I and' p. awt a ' - i ' ' A 1 .
' Fine davf fin M.reriltVa umbrellas.
Repairing and recovering. . Two stores
Washington and (th, Morrison and etu.
Our French dinners are the 'talk of
the town. . Do not fall ; to try one
today,,, Oxford Restaurant, II Sixth. ,
' Thanks to our many new customers.
Crystal, Ice Co. Vv-!;. X"'' p TV''"')''
Steamers for The Dalles wilt leave
Alder-street wharf 7 a. m. daily (except
If It's Ice, yon want, call up Crystal
Ice Co. ; . .; .;.! : . : jj ;.( . ij-(
wim Broe. oennsts, railing ouuaing,
Third and , Washington, , , .' ,. . , ..
Call o ff East 144. What fort To get
ur t Crystal Ice. ... j
a H. Gruber, lawyer, (IT Com'el Block J
ton, St Louis and othsr points. He Willi Sunday). Phone Main .,'?
attend the Y. M. C. A. international son. I ' .
; ventlon at Buffalo May 11 to II. The
1 ' class in manual training will bo, sus
pended during May. Others connected
- - Vwitto the Portland association who will
attend the national convention are; IL
. ' IV. Stone. Reno Hutchinson, Ivan Rhodes
and a U Chase.'- The Portland assorts-your Crystal Ice. J
- lien will extend an invitation to tne con
ventlon to meet In Portland In 99t
""'rftBk Lee ef this city has been chosen
ty the 'Knights and Ladles of Security
t their delegate to the national seeslon
-, at St Louis. At a meeting held Wednes-
,, day evening for the purpose of cnoos
'' In a delegate. representatives from dif-
X' Jerent parts of tha stats wr present
V Among them Wera the following: Mrs.
v.-V'A tuts of Oregon City, Mrs. MoCroskey f
.. d Astoria. Mrs. Taylor of Cascade Locks.
. Mrs. rrehan . of Albtna. Mrs. f 7AXX. COWTCsTZMZVT BZOanrisTtf 90
, mjmm ! 1 AO a M
MMUi V" VU MVItMVfl) iaue M
bbooss otxb xzs novntsv-
otxsb . nusoing sat laf m
nomr xxs mud.
V Jl ( )( Ja:-:"
Or If they are only weak frdm long strain, we want you to ealt at Onee.
, and , , ' '',' ' . -- a
Don't wait until It Is too late. The hardest cases to nt are those where
the wearing of glasses has been put off too long. Sometimes It Is neces
sary to use lenses only a week or two at A time, and by resting the eyes
they regain their natural strength, ( v ....... .
, by the eld of glasses, It worn when the trouble first appear. No knife,
or medicine ueed. No blinding lights forced Into tha eyee. Our examine- ,
;tlons are made with modern, scicatlflo Instruments.. They readily detect
the slightest error a , No long and todlous testa Our prices for glasses ara
.'moderata,......:.,! -,,-,-.v:: -f .-:,.:..:, ,'; ;..,,,; .;ry.
390 Morrion Vfit.t Npar Sth
'if fa'm"mf ,tt"
' . ', ef Portland. The society has a: large
representation In Oregon and . other
- weetern sUtea ' Tha national session
' tvlll be held a St - Louis, beginning
- ' June 14, and lasting about-two waeka
. fred ft King wa chosen alternata
' Tha funeral of Edward Christiansen,
who died last Monday, was held Thurs-
Constantly ' brooding and ' worrying
J.V irmuT Wnier-s cVaoeL w hl troubles, 7oh Andsrson. the
and confined in the county Jail, la be
coming Insane, according to the state-
He entered the employ or I r.-"' "K " ' " " Vi" T .k. t,
considered likely that he will be taken
Into court to prove bis sanity rather
than to answer the charge of counter
feiting on which be waa, arrested.
Anderson was taken ' Into custody
April 10 aS tbo result of months of
4. A. O. U. W. The Rev. Dr. Short of
flolated. The deceeeed was foreman of
the air room at the Southern Paclflo
ear shops,
the company as an apprentloo in the
lr room and proved himself so well
I dap ted for his chosen vocation that in
the brief period of four rears he rose
to the foremanshlp. His death, was due
to a complication -ot disorders. The de-
xvKovaw rnrts axtd sboiabbd
XTKtAXM mt lovasxomxKXsra
- vnrrftW . amamm WXXA BSTinuf
serosa onr. sobtx.
teased waa the son of Mr. and Mrs. B.
Chrlstlanson. living at IK East Powell
street " land clever band of counterfeiters. The
I supposed band finally dwindled down
'Notwithstanding- the recent trouble
the ownerg of the steamship Nome City
encountered with the Longshoremen's
union. F. P. Baumgartner. local agent
of the vessel, says that she will make
one more round trip between Portland
aZweriTftiwtaN. u 8 TrMimo before going north.
5"0!1 l.L17 t0.-r-u.? On Tiler next trip she will take out a
catao for the O. R. A N. Co. After that
she Will proceed up the coast to Seattle,
.... . , . : v - . t .
nrw stsaxxs ntrorxxs by wabbV
STorraro at T. joxsawirzu
all union rules were compiled with la
loading the vessel and they provided
the captain with the following signed
resolution to present to the longshore
men down the coast It Is spoken of as
being a "clean bill of health" for the
Nome City.
"Portland. Or.. April 10, 1104. -TO
VrUnAm nr J.m.ii a. wiium hava In.t Z"-Z a rT:"" .V.. anil will sail from there for Nome
. ' . , ... UIID. U1U Allli.l mji ukb cuiunnm I .
larrMl nf him annrAahln marrtaM tol.j. .k.. u i.nn.j uu I June 1.
I. ".. . 7 -.. .. I MUVMW-u. .... w . gk-. 1 V. n
miss musaoein a. uots, or me cjiy. i ne was discovered In, the woods on Wlllam- "" , u
wedding will take plaoe May IT, and only ette heights, where ha Is said to havs the steamer by ths local Longshoremen
the Immediate friends and relatives will operated It at night Mnlon. and members of the organisation
be present There will b no cards is- Up to that time ho lived the free live declare that she will be kept on the un-
sued. Mr. Wilson la a deputy Jn the of the river and went at will wherever r "t until it U paid, those Interested
United States marshal's office and Is he desired. He owned a small scow, on n her- loc"- say that it Is all a
resarded as one of the most efficient which ha- Is said to have o Derated the bluff. The grain handlers assert that
officers In the Service. Both ho and plant previous to moving it to Wlllam-
Miss Oore are widely known in the city ette helghta His whole life before his
and have numerous f rlenda who , are arrest was spent ' at large, roaming up
offering congratulations oa tne coming and down the river.. .
event The confinement in the Jail is begin-
i nlng to tell on him, according to the ot-
The announcement was made yester- fleers and prisoners, and together with
Aa h annual oiutliis t tha tils' other troubles thuitani dementia.
Transcontinental Freight Bureau will be Morose and sullen, he refuses to eon- Local, No. 641, of I. L. M. A T. A., San
held In Monterey, Cel., May 4. The verse or associate in any way with, the Pedro, Cat.:
time and placo-of the meeting waa de- other prisoners and has little to say to "Whereas, A difference arose between
elded upon by railroad officials In Chi- any one. locals No. 261 and No. of ths L L.
cago, and local railroad circles were no- He frequently says, however, that the M. & T. A., of Portland. Or., over the
titled today of the decision. A number Ufo behind the bars will kill him, and trucking of grain to the steamship
of railroad officials from this city will that It Is the most severe punishment Nome City; and
attend the meeting. " tnat could be Imposed. Other prieoners , "Whereas, Lobal No. 268 lus refuse!!
. t Insist that the man Is slowly losing his to furnish men to do the stowing of grain
Incorporation articles of the, Howell mind as a result of his confinement and In said steamship Nome City trucked by
Sblngla company were Hied with-the troubles. , .. ,t .,, k members of local No. 2l. and thereby
county clerk yesterday morning. The Why, he Is the worst I ever saw to compelling said steamship Nome City to
incorporators are George N. Howell, take It hard," said Prank Wilson, who do the stowing of grain in said steam-
Charlae D Howell' and Orlando J. King, was recently sentenced to tne pen iron- ahp by the crew of same; ana
The capital stock la 118,000. The pur- tlar t Salem to serve sentence for rob- "Whereas, . Local Ho. III. claiming
poses of the company arc to buy. sell blng the Blalock postofftca "Tv seen ,ij .teamshlp Nome City unfair; there-
ind manufacture lumber and shingles lots of people In Jail, but he's the worst fore, bo It
und to conduot a general logging busl- 1 vr " H JUBt there all day -Reseived. That ssld steamship was
I niitHi, wu wwiii "j -viioaaKi nv wTin ninoier local union.
ico wun me omer zeiiowa it s
Beginning tbo first ef ths, week, ths
eteamer Jessie Harkins, belonging to ths
Washougal Transportation company,
will be operated between Portland and
Llnnton. She will make only one atop
and that win be at St Johns. It Is the
Intention to have her make the round
trip every one and Ona-nalf boura . Al
though ths rate question has not been
fully settled, It l said that it will be
about 6 cents to St Johns and 10 cents
to Llnnton.
Since the oil tank has been estsb
llshed at Llnnton, and the drydock built
at St. Johns, the travel down that way
has increased very rapidly. About the
only way that St. Johns can be reached
rat the present time is by streetcar. One
Of the Port of Portland steamers makes
occasional trips down, there, but It is
at such Infrequent Intervals as to be of
little servloe to those accustomed to
going back and forth. Besides, a prac
tice Is not made of carrying the general
publlo on these steamers, which are sup
posed to be for tha exclusive use of
the commission and ths Port of Portland
snippers ana river men generally are
of the opinion that the Jessie Harkins
will do a good business on the new route
which has been laid out for her. It Is
claimed by those interested in ber that
she can make the run down as far as
St Johns In leee than 20 minutes. It
requires the streetcar 60 minutes to
cover the distance, and then one is
forced to walk about a mile, if he should
A shipping receipt for election sup
plier has been received from Secretary
of State F. I. Dunbar by County Clerk
Fields. A sufficient number of copies
, " ' "I " . " " ., I li I r T m, . p-i , a-j-- . a. .,.-
ya aji-i n tf "' ""' i" m"m nn" va w-w------,- . -
ijri..,ii...i.'''.,,,'',.j.,t..:1,..'--iJ,-... . . (. - uv. ' iiu. ,. J
If you buy a Morria Qudc without first 'teeing; thQ i
, one we w e telliri
IT) .X
When you see your neighbor, jroull tay:v Whit
a beauty, and HOW cheap! I wish I had, etc.;
For an unusual bargain there's none in the city ,
that can approach it We match it against any.
172 and 174 First Street S'
i r -iiiiri - - -iafi ri--r
4 ag-H"H''S al'..'il-V,
Sunset Creamery
Butter, tg-jVCheeto, Sweet
Cream and Our Celebrated
281 First St., Portland, Ore.
Dotiveree: to any part of dry
Phone Mam 53
Base Ball
Oakland vs. Portland
MAY 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and o
a cer- vn sua of the r r.. m a t. a., of
tainty that he's going crasy. Portland. Or., and by members of the
"Then, he Is not used to confinement, I Ma.t seamen's union, aralnhandlers
like most of the bunch that Is confined Lni-. th. tntmr nt rmin on th dork
here In Jail. It's his first offense, or .-d .-amen dolna- the stowing In hold fw trips the venture was declared to
De unprontabie, and the steamer has
been out of commission ever since. She
holds a license for carrying 75 pas
tdies' Days Thursday-JFrlday
. p. in.
Sunday Oamee ............. z:p. m.
AmUainn i&oi Orandstand. 2o: Cbil-
that reason it is believed that the
steamer will be able to get nearly all the
business whion has been built up as a
direct result of the opening of the dry
The Jessie Harkins Is less than six
months old. She was built to be oper-
ated between Washougal and a point on
this side of the Columbia river opposits
Vancouver, connecting with the electric
cars from Portland. After maklna a
if tb. sl.ct.ou TawV h-'bV.n receTv'ed " ' Sf.aTdVteamshrp-Nom. Signed,
tn .nniv .11 th. itM. Th. Muntv in J". and Its hurting him. If he , "H. R. BLUB, President-
clerk states that Section ludaes mav V? ? " ! "Hi "V- O. KIOHTUNOER, Correspond-
ii fciV ri. h. t0 tn ounterfeltlng, but ,n. gecreuTy '
call at his offlce and receive these l, rA,,hia a-f.Kii.hi-1 ln oecrBlHr''
whenever they may feel so ln-
Iwlll have some trouble In establishing
his sanity."
J. P. Nolan, employed by the Pioneer
wood yard, at the foot of Mill street
had a very narrow escape this morning.
While at work he fell from a wood
wagon and struck T. H. Troxel and
landed on the saw.' cutting' four fingers
off. The saw was owned by W. Straus,
Remember the Portland Custom Shoe
A Repair company has ths only lock
stitch machine In this city to sew on
soles. Men's half soles - TBo and 11:
ladles EOc. Turn Halle building, 169
XamlUll, near Third, . Phone Red 6K
steamer Charles R. spencer, com
mencing April 25, will leave for The
Dalles Monday, Wednesday and Friday
from foot of Washington street Leaves
T a m. -
' V III! W. '
rmoTisa rom btoiai or body.
cbuxo Xauro omrzB obctb or
The Lewis and Clark Fair commission
las Jbeen presented with, two handsome
oil paintings of Crater Lake by Mrs.
James D. Fountain, a local artist
Most pathetic is ths problem now con
fronting coroner l; P.nnler. and a wy
Free transportation to cattlemen, both
to and from the shipping points, will
likely be -restored by all the western ,
While lying at Blngen, near White
Salmon, yesterday morning, receiving
freight the steamer Charles R. Spen
cer was run into by the Dalles City, and
around the difficulty has not been I th. result ot the action of I as a conseauence the former Is SDOndlnc
; reached -aa-yet Lying ancased In a h .. ? M 8t y whlcn ina ,n jto day at tho-Portland shipyards on-
aaM a. t MineMlaleihafAeM T Am I I m j -n..a. li i - W 14 .
wuiuu v t,.i uiviivo 10 uio 4.u i m av,!. iv vastoMav Thai uerruinK rcuttirsi. OUI It ! weiioytju
Elisabeth Gordon, who. according to the ""' :r "J,. that she will be ready to go back on
verdict of 4ha coroner's Jury, met her ad has decided to provide transports- h hv tom.POW ,l0rninV
Dr. and Mra Brown have returned death by being thrown from a trestle on tion to cattle snippers on return trips it appears that the management of
from their tour of California, and the
doctor nas resumea nis practice at the
If your digestive organs are sin any
way Impaired, call for and Insist on
Wahoo tonlo nothing else will ' do as
well. 60o at all druggists.
I the Southern Pacific railway line near an well as on outgoing Journeys.
the Jones lumber mill south of Port
land. At his home In South Pdrtland
lies the grief-stricken husband ,too ill
to work and penniless. There Is the
problemwhat shall be done with the
body of the womanT
"It Is a very patnetio case,' saia
rvtrnn frtnlnv Inst nlffht. "and what to
Dr. James Hunter Wells delivered an An i. mv.tifvinv me. I have studied
address to the students and citlsens of long and hard about it, but have arrived
Paclflo University, Forest Orove. last at no conclusion. The husband of the
both vessels was anxious to make a
For years It has been customary fort record run down the river, and notwith-
Tuesday evening On "Experiences in
Young men , of Portland,
should feel ashamed to take
their sweethearts to the the
atre without opera glasses,
when we have such a beauti
ful line and sell them ,i so
Cheaply, Although w;t sell"
thetif at almost "giv-away"
prices, they are. the. perfec
tion of quality and work
manship. . -. " r- : '", '
. - toi
I eaasjiiiiinii nnsj ii mm i mi
woman is too Ul to Work, and Is without
mesne to pay for the burial. He form
erly 'Worked for Contractor Langford,
building th new Welnhardt building,
bat tor. some time he haa been too ill
to work. I will decide Monday what i
to do."
The body was discovered Wednesday
n fnrni.h free transnortatlon
for return trips to shippers, of cattle on "uc(hd,d
western lines. The first of the present
year, however, the roads entered into
an agreement whereby k transportation
one way only was provided. Return
trips were charged tor at regular pas
senger rates, according to the agree
ment. '
The decision caused a vigorous and
standing the accident U Is said they
The Spencer covered the
distance of more than 100 miles from
The Dalles in Just I hours and 61 mln
man' to be the fastest passage ever tratlon and this body
A secret proposal is said to have been
made some weeks ago by I. H. Tatre,
whose flehlna plant stands along ths
riaht of war of the Celilo portage road,
whxrtbr tha chamber Cf commerce of
Portland would assume the role of medi
ator between the state commission and
Mr. Taffe.
The consideration . of tha proposed
mediation was secret and as it came to
nothinc-though It was Jtha cause of
constant conferencea for two weeks, no
statement ef an official nature Is likely
to bo made convernlng it
Some two weeks ago, it is understood,
Judge Rufus Mallory, acting as attor
ney for Mr. Taffe, Informed members of
the chamber of commerce that If the
chamber would choose one member of
an arbitration board. Mr, lane wouia
choose another, and they Jointly Should
choose a third, the majority opinion of
this board to be final and binding as be
tween the board and Mr. Taffe-
The matter was taken up by a com'
mittee of the chamber of commerce and
conferences were held with the gover
nor. the state commission and Mr. Taffe'
representatives. The negotiations fell
through because the commission was
not rspresented on the board of arbl
Another Event in the Musical History of this City-
Miss Lois Steers
Announces the Only Appearance of
Mme. Marcclla ;
n o
PftlCES: Lower floor, $3.00. Balcony First six rows, J2.00; last six
rows, I1.S0. Oallefr. 11-00. Boxes, 110.00. Logos. $14.00. . . . , ,
ale of Beats Tuesday, stay 10. Bot asoro than six seats to
made from the City above the raplda
A half hour later the Dalles City reached
port, which shows that she bad also
been going at a aulck pace.
i Anxious to get ahead, and without a
elder the decision of a tribunal In which
It was sot given a voice. As Mr. Taffe
had no other plan of choosing a board
of arbitration to offer, the negotiations
were finally declared off.
Mr. Taffe desired 140,000 ror his prop
erty, which lies across the proposed right
of way for the Celilo portage road. The
prolonged protest on the part of the momtnf0 warning. Captain SpenCer says
cRiuemen, wn lum" that the Dalles City ran Into his steam
demands ror tne restoration or tne oiai.. in. uni nn th. hurt .m. n..f th.
system, The plan consumed a large per lDow was badly shattered, and will have commission offered him $15,000 for this
cent or tneir proms, xney msieiea. t0 D4 replaced With new timbers. For Property sna rem sea 10 raaeo me ora.
For a time the roads were emphatic a distance of about six feet the guard- Mr. Taffe refused to accept a lower sum.
in their assertions that the old system rail resembles kindling-wood. Tho cap-1 Tomorrow the attorney-general of the
M am fc.All.kAJ .. n.MfMS tfiAntl w a n4 . . . . . . a , . a. a I wtlll alasr AiM1tamnat4MH AAaold
?i '.r!' n!' I . " I that free transportation would not be I char re of the oDDOSltion boat explain lngs agalpst ths property, and the mat
restored. Tne controversy continued i that th. .oxidant was unavoidable, as ter win oe iriea in tne siai courts
antil a meeting of the freight agents they had lost temporary control of the Mr. Taffe, In his letter to the chamber
and officials Ot tne lines interested waa vessel. Thev offered to nay ror the or commerce, mrougn Attorney amu-
held. . - damage done, and It was accepted.
Testerday the C, M. ft Sf. P. Ry. an- . The Spencer made 11 landings on the
of the Southern Pacific, Coroner Flnley
immediately-went out and got it. For
a time It lay at the morgue unidentified,
but was finally found to be that of Mrs.
Gordon. . :
At the Inquest It was shown that Mra
Gordon must have been knocked from
the treeUC by the train that passed
there at 9:40 a. m., but neither Engineer
W. Batten or Fireman B. H. Bush saw
her on the" track. Both have a good
view ahead, but deny having seen het.
Dr. Theodore Fessler swore that the In
juries inflicted by the object that struck
the woman were not jsufflolent to cause
death, and it therefore follows that she
must have been drowned la the high
water, which baoked up from th Wil
lamette river. . :- . ,4-: ' i - , "I
W','''T'.' ' ..'"."",.!..'' '.''.?,:v?"'
t - French and German Classes.
lory, asking for an arbitration board,
stated that his only condition was that
nounced Its . determination to -return to down trip, which makes her swift pas-1 the person chosen by the chamber be
oneAwno naa practical experience re
garding blasting powder, and the effect
Its use had on adjoining property.
the old plan. The decision was wired
to H. 6. Rowe, general agent of that
road In this city. The free transporta
tion system will become effective at
once, it Is said.
It is considered probable that the
other western roads will quickly author
ise similar announcements of the restor
ation of the old system. .
sage all- the more remarxaoia just
how many stons were made by the
Dalles City could not be learned. It Is
Bald that tho rivals are likely to Indulge
In dally races for some time to coma
OBUnvT raafoiafi.
DoQ't Waste Yoiif Money.
People who have rheumatism natur
ally try everything In the hope of bejng
cured. All that expense can be saved
by getting a bottle of Barke Tonic, the
remedy that cures rheumatism In four 1
Knenmatic aliments are
Classes in French and German will be
started at tha ' Western : Academy cfttn .ii- An
Music, Elocution, Oratory and Dramatic always aggravated by a stagnant condl-
r aionaay evenmsi may , ., p. m. tion of the bowels, and are . almost al-
The course will , be a thoroughly prac- ways due to a stagnated system.. Barke
tical one Dr. Rogge, a graduate Of, the Tonlo curee by purifying the blood and
University Of Ooettengen, Germany, will cleansing the. whole system. Price 76o
Use the most approved methoda 110.00 a bottle. If your druggist does not carry
for term qf 10 weeks; two lessons per
wecK. - Lorner eecona ano aiornson.
it, ask them to order It from .the Port-j
iana.wnoiesaie orug oousea
'We are thowlng the ewtllMt
Hoe of Oiford ever show la alt
tha hw iMthtrt. including tbe
Vtw Coltikln, On aboes have
the nt, style and wear, Swell
flrewrt are dolag tbBMelTe
an Isjoatlc who de set see eat
eaocs before paying'
$3, $3.50. $4, $5
Uanr ttrlee to Hieet from, and iboae wbe
Wear ear abeea will hare tbair-ieet aretaed
aorardijig to toe dictates oK tasbloa. ,
yigndnyia & Walton
70 Wasbiagton St. bet. 84 and 4th.
Frank Lee, editor ot the Paclflo
Farmer, has returned from a visit with
his mother m Seattle.
Mra W. H. Boyer. who was recently
removed to the Good Samaritan hospital.
where she underwent an operation. Is
much better,
M. T. Nelaa of The Dalles land office
Is a guest at the Perkins.
J. K. Sherar. a wealthy wheat grower
of Hay Creek. Is registered at the
perklnaV . , . , r.Y.u"
W. H. Echels, a Hood River lumber
man, la among the Perkins guests.
Judge B. Wolverton of the supreme
court Is at the Imperial j hotel, from
Man- judges by our hits, God by our
alma -1 '
I i
In dealing with us is
two fold; you not only
get the articles much
cheaper " and . have a
much larger: assort
ment to select - from,
but you have the priv
ilege Of dictating r.
Your Own
as regards the payment
of same, and this with
out any extra charge
'''.''''''fl :'.d
The Portland Loan Office
Would YeU Squander Money? v
The great slaughter of clothing con
tinues at The Hub. Third and Burnslde,
and at Straln'a . 285-87 Washington
street,, affording shrewd spring clothing
buyers a chance like that nener before
offered them. Portlandero are enjoying
today an advantage that comes but ones
century to any city la the r United
Statea It Is all the reeati of the big
conflagration at Baltimore, la- which
thousands upon thousands of dollars
want up in smoka The Baltimore Shoe
eV Clothing eompany waa swept before
the flames like so much, paper, but the
arehouse remained untouched. Thou
sands of dollars' worth of high-grade
clothing, furnishings and shoes were
Without a sales place. By, buying the
entire stock It was gained at An Snorm-
ous reduction, shipped and finally placed
on the shelves at The Hub and Strain's
at a shadow of Its real cost This Is
how you're enabled to save from flO.Oo
to 130.00 on all your spring clothing
Thft Immense sale will continue until .
every piece of good is soldthe earlier
you are the better.-;. , . -'i r-
. letter Carriers' fxcnrslcn.
, Sunday, May. 12, grsnd ride np tne
majestte Columbia Stops at MultnomoD
Falls, Cascade Locks. Hood River a4
Other ' interesting points. Full bra?
band will accompany the sacurnioti.
Baseball, gama -.,--. ' "
A soft snap has a
hard.eatth in f