THE OREGON ' SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 1. ISM. tT ; ;have " OUND ; OUT .THEY CANNOT REACH -THE :PUBttC UNLESS v THROUGH THE SUNDAY JOURNAL'S COLUMNS. THE REAL ESTATE ; , ' .SECTION. IS A FEATURE READ BY ALL. GET IN LINE. v . : , The Shaw-Fear Co. Xentlo tfe following' propertlM , V 1M burr uri of iwbi, ul ask ,U rested parties wnUi r eats fojrUieseeaeernlag these ot any etbes. "1m Asms unimproved land. In Washing- , , 'fln lot of cedar poles; wm rood merchantable timber, fries 1(00. i 40 As. I ntlti - from Dundee; all cleared but Itt acres tn timber: it '!,' 'acres ia full bearing orchard, moit- tr prunes: rood sou; good wen at ': door: good houeo and barn costing not Jess than tl.SaO: on rood road . and in' rood 1 neighborhood. . Prloe r; ;M,t half cash, balance on Una, , ' par cent. ...., ,-rr- ? - , all cultivated, fenced, watered and - good sou; email Bouse, large nam "" and outbuildings. Prloe 12.109. 9 Acres, on main road to and ' nr .rinaTarton; level rich soiL- Prloe 100 Acres, tH ml)ee from Astoria, ot. rood plank road: 7 acre under plow) 10 acree rood pasture; enough : ' timber on balance to pay for farm: '' land all cultivable: Hon aoU: rood , - f-roora house, fair barn, woodhouse. etc.. wit ran goes gooa Team oi -i v horses, wagon, harness, farming In - , -- elements, tools, household furni ture, eta Tola la a bargain. Owner . ,. must to east, henoe the juJa. Price " lt per acre. -.; ,, w 9H Acres, f in line from Portland; ltt .4. t aorea plowed; 1 acre slashed; balance rood pasture; fine soil; no . waste land; larr bear lor orchard: '. : rood house, fair bant, Prlco $160 per acre. 140 Acres, 7 tntles from aft Aagl;ll acres plowed; 40 acres Umber, es timated at (00.000 feet; rood eaw timber, balance oak. aab and flr timber- fine pasture the jrear round; well watered; nearlr all fenced; food sou; premium grain and pota ica raised on farm: buildlnrs of little value. Price 11,000 half 900 Acres timber land, near liog-an; about SO acres easily cleared; bal ancetjrood timber; bottom solL but few acres that could not be plowed L whea cleared. Prloe tit per acre. caeh one-thlra down, balance oasr annual Installments at a per eent. 20 Aorea, near I4th street, city. '111.000. Price CITY PROPERTIES tfne aoartar block and two houses. fiownsdale and Yamhill streets 110,000, Mi-room oottaere, fine location on ICtb ground 50x100, for t5,000. Oottart and lot. 1011 Corbett street- 11,800, easy payments, with 00 down. Vew ft-roont boase at Htrbland; well lo cated; 1 mock rrom car line n.iso, on easy Installments, with , $250 down. Zarva ft-room konsa at Clovardala: fruit Iron fence; bouae eould not be built for what is asked for entire pro erty 11,300, with 150 down, ba ance on easy lnatallmanta. We also lend money, ooUect rata, aot aa trnstee or areat ta all property traaaactloas, famish lareetmeats, take eharre of estates, take onstody of ral nabla papers, aeo. The Shaw-Fear Co. (Success or W. A. Shaw A Co.) 143 ITABK mm. Lots $125 and Up On Installments of 05 Sows and $5 T Itonta. Ta the niai'a tn huv a home.' Situated on the Mount Scott car lino, this aide of Laurolwood and Stewart Park. Many people are Juying . lots and saving HOUSE RENT: Lumber and other building material IS ao cueap now any one wim a lew aoi lars can start a home for themselves. The' car service to and from Myrtle ia excellent 4 'cents -fare with transfer privilege to almost any part of the city, &30OD fcHJRE WATER And plenty of It. Property is advancing In value very rapidly in this vicinity. You can make no mtsUUte in buying now, whether lor a name or lor invest ment. Agent on the Qround For further particulars call, on or writs k Knapp & Mackey Boom 8, Chamber of Ooaunwot.' $ 400--100x100, choice buildinr site, near car .line in Kenilwortn. over- looking the city, very cheap con sidering location. m asalCxliO: in Highland, a corner on 1 . uoing street, me dhi in 1110 iraci; easy terms. 800 Buys a choice lot 60x100 on East Seventh street North. This is 160 under value, i BOO -Per lot in Brooklyn, we have i lots, terms f 60 down, $10 per ... month. COMPTON & GIBSON Phone Bed S866. . Boom 100. Ablagtoa Bid. NEW 8-R00M HOUSE FOfc SAUE A beautiful ' new -room Colonial hduse, with all modern conveniences; large closets, sideboard and linen clos ets; piped for gas and wired for elec trictty; electrlo call bolls, burglar alarms, etc.; full oement basement, and everything to make it modern and up-to-date, with full corner lot, on East 16th and Washington streets. To fully appreciate this place one must see It PBZOB . .4. i f.-, ,'.f8,000 Oneasy terms. Thll is less than Its cost and Is absolutely new. lYKTLE MYRTLE Knapp & Mad Boom a Chamber of Commerce, 1 '.'' ..... IU1 (V. A OFFICE 701 Chamber of COME IN AND LETS LOOK AT THESE Swan U block. 14th and Hoyt.. ooxso, orms tttb and Marshall, .tsoo 100x80, ooraer, same location.. ...9400 40x60, ooraer Kth and Marshall, .f 100 40x50, Uslda, :4th and Marshall. .91400 Pine resides lot, IStb at, West Bids ...ft, 400 Poll lot. doubls bouse, Gllsan, near Seventh . 97300 110x100, Xrrlnf St. near list. .. .9400 Quart block, water and Orever streets . . ..91300 Worth tl.lOt easily. . . r-roaa modora hoase. Nob Hill . . 94400 10-oom koaae, Ith near Grant. . .4J50 10-coom boa, Magley Highland 92,700 Choice Quarter block, 11th and E. Weidler 92.100 Aaothex good taarter, Ninth and Tillamook 91,900 room .bums, full lot South Portland 99400 sTew p-room boas. No. ltth st... 94.000 Couldn't duplicate It for (7,000. Paradise Spring lots, each 9 999 Oraybrook. 60x100 9 100 Willamette Add., lot 18. block 14. .9 90 All these and many mora at prices that ar rignt Sidetrack Property as Follows: 100x100, 8. B. cot. ltth and Over- ton .99,000 Half block. East Taylor, bet Bee ono ana xnira Iltxlt4,. terminal block on N. track; manufacturing sit ..' .19,000 A. D. Marshall, 82 3d St That's What They all say The Best Proposition ever made to Home Buyers OUR PROPOSITION. ' WE SELL YOU THE LOT AND BUILD YOU A HOME small payment down, the balance in MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Just" like paying rent, but you '.. Home M P. Sharkey & Co. TeL Main 265. . : 208 AHsky Bldg, WEST SIDE tlfiCfl 60x100 on Utb street Northrup.. near ClfifiA Quarter block, 24th and' Read; P'"WW macadam Street; sewer. J3500 66x101, Twenty-third and Mar- triiflO Pino property on Montgomery WWW street: navins- 178.60 bar month. 60x100 corner, 16th and Everett; Jin- est location in tne city ior naia; eie gant plans furnished. LOOK TO THE EAST tl Xhtl lot" md well-built house and WOW barn Arbot Lodge. tfAMi 100x100 . and 6 -room cottage, TUU page -st and Gantenbeln ave, , $2750am -toom bouse, 731 East tlArtft Quarter block, northeast corner WvOsSast Third and Ash. , CtenA Beautiful quarter block, Bast WVUW ' Second and Has ssalo. Do not overlook the fact that J. O. Haveiys beautiful borne at Woodstock Is to DO sold between now and the 6 th Unless you investigate this b sorry.- of May. you will & 246 Stark Street Investigate mm .i .;:", e 1ft o v Commerce CONSULT WIL,L,IAM Q. BECK FIIVAIVCIAL, AGENT" Real Estate Loans, Fire Insurance Room 307, The KNAPP&HART Real Estate, Rentals, Business Chances 188 Kommxsov ituit. Talspbon, Mala S143. sTear Brlda. DWELLINGS f TOO -room house and i lots, 100x100, on ML bcou car line. a. -room house and barn, on East Eighth St., 2 DlocKS rrom car una 11.000 down. bal. easy terms tSSOO New T-room house and J lots, at Mt. . Taoor one-inira aown. w ance easy terms. taasa 7-room modern house. East 17th. Close TO car una. it ;u wm a nice horn this Is the on to buy. ' I BOO -room house, lot 60x100. city water. gl400 t-room house, lot 60x100, two DIOCKS irom car lino; mrmm 71 ash. balance monthly Install raenta. S1SOO, -7-room house on East t6tb St, near Clinton, n-euy icnom; wrmi $700 down, balance easy terms at 7 ner eent. 91W0 -room cottage, lot 60xS; fruit trees ana nerries; diock irvtu car line. 11400 -room house, lot 60x100; plenty Of small rruits on piaoe; pari cash, balance on time. . V..BOO 6-room house, Mt Tabor Place Mdiuon; corner, luuiiuu, miun made. 13300 New 0-room bouse. E. 27th St. on car line; i,uuu aown, wumuw terms made. 91600 5 -room cottage and 1 lots. East lUin St.. i DiocKS irom car una. cash, balance 1 years, 6 per eent flOOO New 5-room ooltajra and 1 acre or grouna, at m. jonns, nuv down, balance monthly Install ments IIS ner mo. , 3600 0-room cottage and 1 acre of rrouna at jonns: easy terms. 13300 Two 4 -room cottages, south First st. West Bide. 18400 6-room modern house on Rod nsy ave.; term a msui BUILDING LOTS 800 and no Choice lots In Alblna HeigntS, on vernon car iidi; iw down and 1 6 per month. $ 160 Choice lots at St. Johns on very easy terms. VS KATB building lots In all parts of the city. FARMS AND ACREAGE arm win a fine line of farms and acre- age in an parts oi me wuu- exte v aiiey, KNAPP & HART 14950 swell new 7-room residence, be- n.a tff.i.4 ST. SV.all iwoen imn ana ns iuu lot: a bargain. 88380 Fine 7-room house, on East ., '4aytor,iuii;4w., HH HW KM berries. tltOOFine new 0-room residence, on nawmorne car nuo, wuriiiui. lot $3800 Fin new 6-room cottage, on East xayior si., wei location; full lot. 500 down will buy a new swell 7- room residence on East Taylor street; balance-on Installments. Charleson d Staub $5600 ISO - acres r Tlgartvlllo, 10 miles irom rununa. i" cultivation, good soil, two bams. . Will sell or exchange for eity prop- ).u lth Innnm. 1 giaso Buys 140 acres a mile and a balf Wheeler County. Or, with numer ;:. us springs and good creek. House, barn and orchard, 100 acres in cul tivation. The stock and fanning implements can be bought reason :' able. . , . .r . v. . COMPTON A OIBSON ' rhon ked 8866. Boom 100 Ablngtos. Bldf. ': '' 'Ci-'-O . . ' y.'t.-tiV-' - BE AUTIIf UL Homes built 'from your own if plans!on lot selected by you, and you ; ;;.'( caii( jpay for it on montWy payments. The ibt liresidenoe district in the city, f Hahorhe First Addition V f r 1 . r AWUM ww. Hawthorne Ladd ducting basiness. FOR RENT For a Tmrm of Yan. a MODEM APARTMENT HOUSE of St Rooms. Will Bt Flnlthmd This Month. Contratly Loeatod. , Failing, S. E. Cor. 3d and Morrison !1ARTMAN THOMPSON 1 3 CHAMBER COMMERCE tRAAAFor 100x100 on the West Sid. www highly Improved with modern 10- room bouse, t WrtA A modern 8-roora, I -story colon fOyVUlal dw(liiing In Holladay Park. cement foundation, noor, fur nace, A 1 plumbing, wash-trays, gas and electricity. Beauuruiiy located. Easy terms. For 7-room new modern dwelling """on Fargo street Full lot; dose to Williams avenue car Una. All conveniences. Half cash; bal ance long time. CfrtCfl For t-room dwelling on corner lot 60x100 with alley, on Missis sippi avenue and Mason streets. Terms, half cash. t??AflEach. Two new 6-room houses "" on Rodney avenue. Bent for $20 each. Easy terms, eilCA S-room dwelling with lot 60x100 9&17V Hawthorne's 1st Add. Street improved. . , Sewer connection. Ten per cent down. OlCrt (-room house new with all con ww venlences on Twenty-third street ' near car line. Best of terms. 7Aft For 60x100 on Twelfth street ' V" near Tillamook, elevated streets fully Improved. tTHOfl For fine quarter block on Seventh WW.nd weidler. elevated, street Improved. t fiWI For one of the best lots In Holla- uwdy Park, fully improved. t?flnftFor 46x100 on Marshall street iUrVVV between Nineteenth and Twenu leth. One of the beat neighbor hoods.- For 16x100 on Johnson street 4IOJV between TwenUeth and Twenty- first Will build on this lot to suit you. Installment terms. (fiftf For 60x100 on East Sixteenth WW -nd Hancock. Will build on in stallment plan. C7AVI For one acre on Mt Tabor, one 9iJAJ 0f tB0 beat ani ais-htly locations. Fine fruit on the premises. THREE NEW HOUSES On East 16th St. $2500 to $2650 These houses "have , all modern conveniences, cement walks, well finished, within ia minutes ride of 3d and Morrison. 10 per cent down $30 per month $10000 FINE CORNER, 100x100. In , Nortn una, suubdis ror warenousc purposes. $9500 Improved corner on Ninth near .Stark, good rate on investment $8100 New 7-room modern house; lot DOXlOu: in w imams Avenue auui tlon. $1600 6-room modern cottage In Cen tral Aoamon. 81860 5-room cottage, bath. barn. Chicken-houses; lot 100x100; best . ear service in cut: easy terms. sioao N 0-room modern house: bath. ecu.: large iui, uvot v& wtwt easy terms. LANCASTER REALTY CO. : 881 Morrison or 181M Slxtli St. rnone vt . O.M.Smith Chamber of Commerce Will build you a house and. fuf nisb the money. Monthly,: pay ments. Park Addition " NOT How Cheap BUT HOW GOOD a $1250 Home Given Away Property on Car Line Best of Service LOTS 50x100 feet PRICE $135 -$175 BULL RUN WATER ON EVERY LOT Every Lot High s Sightly This is close In property, with promise of rapid in crease in value. No bet ter buy in Portland A $1250 Home Given Away To one of the buyers In the first four blocks sold This 'may mean you. H. A. HADDOCK 233 Washington St. Phone Maln46S4 A SNAP! tOxlOO corner, 15th and Ersrett tbwX location In ths eltr tot flats. ElafSnt Diana furnish. Orlndstaff SUla. 11 I Btark st f t w , ' Gail Powel Advance Information about The decision of the Portland Woolen Mills to locate at St Johns was an nounced last week. That means 1000 new residents for St Johns. before Fall v:. Yesterday we sold a site on the water front for still another manufacturing industry, to t be announced . during the coming week. ' Still They Come ! A new industry every, three months during a period of two years J.J: Our Prices Have Not Yet Been Advanced Lots $5 Down $5 a Month Acres Quarter Acres Half Acres Water Pipes Laid ;r CALL FOR FREE STREETCAR TICKETS At 3 Chamber of Commerce. . Hartman, Thompson & Powers FOR SALE 16 Astss Jn tdnn County. from station. i acres u ; tlon, 6-roomhouse. 1 wells. 184 srass and all level. "JjM-OOj $1,600 cash, balancs on tint wltn per eent Interest. tan Aerss prairie land 2 mues irom Haisey, an unuor iuiui.u"i r,..-" orchard, house and other buildings, S4.sOO.o6, cash 13.600. balance on time. ISO Aerss In Linn County. Stt .mUwj from K. k. siauun, cultivated; good house, barn, eic 14.400.00. 00 Aors lan4 In Unn County. 120. cul tivated. 400 pasture, som umber, 3 acres orchard, etc Llvlnf water.ami wells, t miles to R, R. station. 6-room houlS. barn. tc M cash, balance on time, 7 per cent ln teresi ' 1BO AotM pralrl land, In T. I p., W in Wnn counii oniy 7S urn w R. R. station; lis acres cultivated; jrrxxl house, barn, etc.: 2 aorea orch ard and aarden 3,00j terms. - t Tl Acres In Linn county, tnttes from n, atation, sow acres prairie; aome tlmnar: SU acres cuiuvaieu; surra fruit and shrubbery; large residence. 1 barns, silo and ether t la.OOOt terms. 160 Aor in Columbia county; house, I bar '''orchitis; meadow; 11 M miles Irom R. R. 1700. GRUBER 617 Commercial Clock. BUILDERS OF FINE HOMES 1700 New modern -room house and! full lot, pa ca lln. Hear Wood lawn, t 10009 acres, rood land; been cleared: miles from city; easy terms. looo 1 acres, - fine garden land, all cleared; well watered; , some , -buUdtngvrv. yj: A tract of abont 16 acres, near the . end of the-Woodstook car line; suitable , for acre- -tracts-or -platting; will ; set! Aeapj-very , easy terms. . A very desirable place af about ) acres, at Pleasant Home; good house, large barn; plenty erateri line school on the place; about fl miles to electrln car. ROBERT BELL , tat womcxanm moox. 3500 Elegant new -room house, be sides reception-ball, bath snd v, . closet, concreta basement, conorrio floor, concrete steps and U , eras and electrto liffhts. evenrthio ! nrst-class. ' Located hlri anl sightly on Eat Palmon. street, ' charming home. Terms, . . . $1600 New -room house, modern, -l , 100x200; only two M f- t 'WoodBtork car; 4U0 tiovn ' 1 J ' Der month, a s -". J110O S-room pni.-.-i eft rront ana r""- f - 100, Sl-out i ' ' '" 1 ' ' y price t- "i 1 ' ! ! ' cor.: '