22 '., THE OREGON t SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND.: SUNDAY MORNING.vMAY ,1; :1S01 frwixxu. ranroiix. g. J. CABK Manafaettrlng Jeweler, room T and , VftWI Dlllr.. Kl MOtTleWV ft. diamond reeet. old jowelrj made into Ml ; dealgna, silverware repoUeeed, eld gold aad . euvar eougai. ,-,...,,'.. , rOMT VATXOWAX, BABX I . of Portland. Or. THB a BltlTKBMPKK CO - )wlr. ZM Morriao-, St. - Designated Depository and Financial Agent ft A . , ; Me uum state. , Prealdent.,,..,..,,,,,,,.,.., , .A. X. MftXR Caahler..... . 1. W. NBWKIRK naatwrtaiiM Aaalatant Caahler W. C AI.VOKD seenna Aaautant Caahlor B. F. STEVENS Latter of credit leaned available la Karoo and MAOKIXXAY. . I tbe Baetern State. BlfBt Buning and Telegraphic Transfer old om Maw York, Boatoo. Chicago, It Leal. St Pinl, Omaha, Ran KYaneUco and tba priori Dal oolnta in tba NortbvHt. MASSAOX. I Sight and tlma bills draws In an ma to aalt London. Parte. Berlin, in n k fort-oil-1 ha Main. Hon Hon. Tokohoma.. Comnbaa-ea. Ckrlatlania. S rock holm. St. Peterabor. ' lloa prlcee reaeonablle; aupcrflooua balr I cow. Enrich. Honolulu. collecttona gaade on favorshle terma. TBI H. L ALBEB CO., second A a ad binary, sawmill. te. MS Oread a. bKUW l:JiP(JllMM m il" '" ; 1 V'"'" aa-eaB-aesa.sa V' ' '.'V ' V. X ) - V "v"-'" ". t ii SPECIALS (Emniatm 57AA Buys room f houa barn, vu chlcken-houae and. 60x100 lot. In growing district, near street car; owner non-resident and don't know ita . C L H ATI I A WA Y ,Mg r, SSoo ESr rooms and corner lot; Alt f ACB and ecalf. treatment; mr anninaled treat saeats care ell racial hlemlehea and eealp ' dtaeeeea - aad lanlM rrnwl r electric needle with out naln or erer; (per la I ecaln treatment for ' men; epea awilitfm. lbona Blark 801. Port ' land Brauty I'arlora, auroraaora to Vrot. Uc- Kay, roaeia 1 and Lwla bldj. ', ." . MAUAOB BATHS, LASD at TZXTOITt SAVKSSS, Eatabllabrd In iNfiS.I Traaaaota a OanaraJ Banklna Battaaaa. 1 Intaraat Allowed en Time Deooalta. ' Collertlona mad at all nolnta on farorable. hnni Iftw, itf mat UMM in lilt . Is Km. AMB hatha and naaaatfe bf lady wltk raana I no and all nolnra In tba I'nlted Mtataa. j mimiL lioa roaru, reoa a. Klfhi Kxcbanra and Teufraphlc Tranefart MT7BJO OXALXaA. riSHKK Mt-BIO CO., 100 Third at Victor - talklaf marbtiwei repalrlnf . Red WA, LAWBOt6 Park, aor. Ma Mi Uaa at ttadle SOe. at aome Toe. XOYIXTT W01U BTAK Noveltf Worke, aarranlaad Uflka, jroeral ranelrlnf ; aeeoad-aand Mcyelee. IT Union "' - imm, eold 'on Now York. Waablnrton. Cbleaae. St. Lonla. Dr-nrer. Omaha, "an rranelace and Moa ttna. and Brltlnh Cblnmbla. Earhance eold on LMidon. Pane. Berlin. Frankfort. Hoc Rene, Yokohama, Manila end Honolulu. HaTXTSS BTATEB WATT. BABTK V OP POBX1.AND. OAEOON, H0XTHWTIT CO A. TEXS AS OAX ITa. xmaaneta a freaerai uantlnc Finliiin. ORAI'TS ISHI'KI) Available In all Htlee of tbe United Btates and Turope, uoa none ana HanlU. ooixionovmAOB ov f atobablb txxma OTIAAIXA Bon or Tni BOAD OTEBALLI and . lee dethlnr; antoa aaades Mevatadter Brae " H fee.. Portland. Or. ' - - OeTIOPATBT. tBB. AKkA M. AMD PRANK . BABR, traeV ete Amenta acaaot ft uaieopaur ana A. r. Ann Irflrmar of Klrfcatll. at. Pboa. Mala tZt. Boom Kno km bld. ATAJW Praaldent Ve-Praldeat Ca abler Aaatataat Ca abler. .J. & AIN8W0RTT1 W. B. A YEH ...R. W. IfRMERR ....A. M. WRIOBT riABOB, $3T UPRIGHT piano; aaed bat a abort timet will eell (or 12UO; part learlaf tbe elt. 1 Ponrtk at. PHAABOLOOT. DONT 01E88 Prof. Griffith at a (laace tella- roar Beet occupation; eonrtnee and pieeare ene and all: enaealutlaa free: tee aim at PRANK WATSON I OeTSOV BJ BAIT VBAIfCZBOO' XAjnr a. UKJTIO, Chamker ef Oemmeree Boildlai1, Tklrd aad Read Offtre. SB OM Broad Street. London. Thin bank tranaacta a eeneral banklna baal. era a, maaee loan, giacnnnta nil la ana laaoea let. tm ef credit available for traveler and for the pnrrhaae ef mercbandlae In any city ef tbe I world. Deah In forelan and domestic exchange. Iateraet paid on time deooalta. . 1 W. A. MACBAB. Manaaar. EmCXAlTTfr VATIOWAZ. BAJTX. PORTLAMTi. ORXOOK. a. ..' - - " Scott car 3oo down, til monthly. Ml, nOOITIS 1 lO O " S1500On WMt 81d"i P,ndl(1 7-rookn ' noun ana wen imorimq r , 100 lot; an axceDtlonap bargain. - , I Aw Baa ah . a a t t .J a. u 1 On-half block. Hol.ad.jr-. AddltKinrT. eT room noSa .. nr : fair , ' rninuta car aervica , ... aiooai rrounda; baatment: modern plumbing- u,"' . ." i ci rn rtnwn tin mmth v , . rnnm laaadrjr. rant .....v. .......aruo j trtd or aeii for J00. What will you IU . Intn ; South Portland. bvarlnoklnr or inia7 ' fw ,'-., fi,w -f -. avr i 7 , . .? ... v iBMn. 1'l.m.m hnnaa fj.ntenheln avenue. . ' "urinc"" wun IIMII reniaence. - . . . 1 1 H II 1 1 H I) 1 V loco f An fni mwwp . n.l rMin near car una .......a.iuu ,tore ajooo .- . ' - I On lot on llth, batwaen Maranaii; anap 100x100, Morrlaon at, corner bouse, 11 rooms, Dams, gas, pnone; aieprnniiy furnished; very daalrabl $30,000 Onoot th beat lota on Note H(W. .ta.OOO Two houses and-lot,' Couch Addition;' b rooms ana patna; renia f v. , . .oavooo 0 11 nj :.''! .'I If i I btwaan Lovajor and $20 ll??-' .ntWy.' 7owt cholco of ....... L......S1.6O0 1 !; vth remaining" unaold lota In ,.,m. ..., .. D.MMr Helghu;. none better. $150. wooubiock car to wowea station. FARMS : : , 160 AOmZB near -Columbia river'.' all fenced; It in growing grain; 4-room - t .-. vwim, ini-ill HI U I good well; eome valuable timber; 11 nureen, noa; ail larm ini" plementa; boat and trains dally to Two lota. A r let a Park .B17S j' Portland; stork- and imnrovemenla- TWO jots, Aneia rars; v , . . , ........ t worth J asked 11800. liooo down. Two lota, Union arnu ..........fOOO 10 ACMa In fcultlyatlon. near Hlllsboro; Bona, and- lot; new, -modern S nouse, Datn; ciose in, - &aat aireet . , .15.000 f lota. Montavllla. with house of 3 1 . t . a , . rooms ana oarn . ..-.,.,.. .ft-wv Fine roadhouselT rooms and bar; Urge barn and storehouse: run diock or property; a money-maker , . . , .97JU9 111 Iota, t-room house, barn: 10 bearing fruit trees and berrlea; nne wen; s -Mwtn I 1AA A r ' m T? J wIwam Ka.am I enillA. . wua vwvw, kv. . . . v a 11 v. l ...ill. ... Taylor mook county; part cultivated; to trad xor i-oruana property. ' , 40-AOBa stock farm, IT miles from r-ortiana. to trad ror house ana lav, ; or sell cheap for cash. . r BUSINESS CHANCES . OAOOITBT- 4 fine living rooms, bath; rent 128; lease. Dally receipts flit to 40; select trade, $1600. Another cioae in, west Bide, splendid : corner .run- irwa .nil uvi I ic, , mi- wvii. - K rutBry, xor eBvll. v miles from town; a snap ...... .0100 tbam WAJTTXXe Second House and lot all .' modern Imrjrov bioSk.5 fm aS?r CZ,,"ffi lP!lftnl,1W "" counter; a lima Prlco B3000I little money-maker, (for I1J0. . H. A.I, HANIWiA, , I ence. Cor. Fifth and Ankeny at. . FATJTTB. OIL AJTP BLAAn. . DA TIB bC DUHRB CO. Phaeali Pa tat and Oil Werhef naanafnetarera aad importer paints, elk. and apraya, eta. phone 1ST. Oflee ' aad facterr. Snarlocfc are. and lath at. R, L. PrRHAM.. R. W. nOTT GCOROB W. HOYT. rrtniiovaf TIce-Prealdeet .Caablar Aaautant Caahler I Monday Tuesday HOMES ' PUSH BACK THB FORESTS.' ' ' ' ' -Eaat Twenty-flrt and Clackamas streets where a year ago there was not a house. hand store, Traaaaeta a Oeaeral Baaklna Bnalaeae. Drafta and letter of credit leaned available W-T" j ' " to all parte ef the world. Wednesday roueetioas apeciaity. uoia aai Doarst. I niutwaj PermltA Transfera. .$ ll.tOO - $ IS.I1C.00 S4.411.II BXBTXXt. Friday I Saturday AKPBRSON DCNIWAT COMPANY, nrtnttaf, . litlwa-rioklot, bleak hooka. Paean, Main U. Ir' 4r04 vVltnBnt'W Totals for week . Totals last week .mil CUPPIROA MAKE MOVEYI I BB PRESS CLIPPIN08I . Bln ae Black 11 aad erder a ejeata'e aarvte eoverlna ovary inwn In any or all eaaat eta tea, dally aweaenrer mrrin; advance re porta ea all contract work. PortUad effloa ion Second at. SBUUB1TT BATZBTQB Bj TBUBT 00 ' 6d Morrlaea St.. Portlaad. Or. Tiaaaacts a General Banklna Bnaaini, ATTBOI DEVABTMEBT. lotereet Allowed en Time end Saving Depoelte. ' Act as Trnate for Batatea. Draft, .ad letter, of tavallabl. In all PU ,, this week 0. F. A flAMS..... , Praaldent L. A. LEWIS Flint vice-Praaldent A. L. MILLS ......Second Tlce-Prealdent R, 0. JL'BITE..... Secretary S.600 . 14.450 . 28.S25 . 21.200 . 20,685 .1112,1(0 . 87,(00 li.m.oo 18.481.80 14,748.00 27,267.00 $117.(50.11 101,(10.71 $ 84.0S8.40 nTfnfBXAA, BENNETT EN8MIN0EB, raaflttara, water eaca wnra; can ma tea airea oa aoaae siplnaV Phone Pay 13C . 82 H Birth. fox A CO.. eaoltary plnmbarn. t31 Bveoad. bet. main ana naimea ureron pnone. nam mn. DONNERBERO A RADEMACBER, plnmbarn. reaaoTea ro ea ronrta at, Mora panne. .$ 24.5(0 There was a better tone to the realty market during the past week, and the aale were more numerous than during tbe preceding week. The week's totals amounted to $117,(60.11 as against $103. (10.71 the nre-cedtnar week, a am In of Offer gilt-edge Investments In' Municipal $34,031.40 in the past six days. As dur- ana Haiiroaa uonam. vyj-.i or can. i n. the former week the aalea continue ' terms. House and lot. 7 rooms And bath, all modern improvements; . cloae In; a - lovely home and a bargain at 94500 terms. The work on the new Welnhard build- I block say that they are now Dually en- ing. at Fourth, Fifth and Pine -sireeta gaged in looking up the various gar- is maJclna? aatlafactorv nroarreew. and al- denera Who would US Stalls In the ibm4 hen. tinriAB - lr an Kava naakamn aa. f aiAar1 building. . - - ' ... VL. m The building permits this week! T' V". " "wr. amounted to $112.1(0. as againat $87.- ine Duuamg ior ma Maranaii-weiis 00 durln tha nrevioua week. Thla Hardware company, acroas .the street shows a net gain in favor of this week's I 40 acres fruit land, 4 miles from The ACRBAQG XC0BJU8 BIOS, ft OXBXSTZBTBSBT. 1B9H Itrst MU Portland, Oregon. PATXBTB. THE FUTURE REVEALED THB ' FAIT 1 OIS0L0BES. THB - ,., AKALaYCS. B. C. WEIGHT, lawrer; parents nperialty; protect yonr Inventions. Room (04 Deknm. ' . FAIBTS, OH AVS 0LAM. -Pie' Paint Oa- nalllne la palnte aad gi nainl P. B. BEACH A CO. . the beet tblnc aai eolMluf material; wlndow-slaaa and f laela I .a pAciany. lap nraa ex. I pnone. mam lsa-f. ,'W, P. FCLLER A CO.. manofaetarere Plooear I LaA . Phoenix Paint. KonaHna: a anai-aat Ivan Wkb every gallon of pais smaafaefred y a. - - 'TOisf - PACTADIO ABB CAlXnaTBTBB. BOOMS papered or ealctmlned from (ABO apt v we carry a fall Una wallpaper, room aaaald- J ' in paint, and varalabee; 1804 wallpaper pat ;i ten from 10a doabU roll ap. Portland PaJat . at waiipaper compear. - MB rnone tiiae aria. r JA -X mostly In the character of the buying 0 homes and small acreage Dealers all over the city say that the present condition of the market acts juat like It has on other occasions, and in a ahort. time Quite a bunch of big FBXIZBT, sales are expected to be mada During the week there were a number of rumors of large sales, but they could not be confirmed.. The largest of thane waa the reported - sale of the southwest corner of Seventh and Morrison atreeta to Henry Welnhard. for $75,000. The prop erty Is at present occupied by a small frame shack. Rumors are flying thick and faat In regard to the tearing down of the old shack on the northeast corner of First and Washington atreeta' which la owned by Jacob Kama One of the tenants in the building says that he already has been notified to get ready to move upon short notice, but the other tenants say they know nothing about it. although they would not be surprised If the notice came at any moment. BOOIZBO). FERR ELL'S Samaoa 3Ude-aa-Uld roof; al ; - i klnda ef reef palatine and repair lac . W. 1. .rerreu. apu nrat at. Phone Scott P4A TIN ROOFING, p-iitterlng, repairing and general yooing. t. ixMii, xia eireraon etreec ' ,1 1 aacrm ' Bora. i. n.il n. - rXi-UTr- ..-it hi PORTLAND CORDAOR CO.. cor. Foarteenth f ana nertarap eta.. Pertmnd or. 'l-''-;.PBBBB STAAU-B. BB ail BIPiuB BBTe-a t BP SB amAaM 1 I J a. - A, . "lee A Aa.mt fTVsBCh.Oa dVW -SVIUSBJ BTK. BRBJIJaBBbj Mala TlOt vabber eUmpa, saeJa. tadk, bag- eaa wane enecae. -; - ttOWOAAM AAP riXIPAIAr AHOWCA8ES ef every deeerlptloa; bank, bar and etore (xtares suae to erder. Tbe Letka ; Maaafactnring C.. Portland aad Seattle. BBOWCASES. Axtnre and Sne cabinet work. . rortiana Baoweaee 1 'r i Portland gboweaee A BUtare Maaafaetorlng mmpaar, Ui tint. Pkoae .Black .A1AA.J PbUlpBtoin. Mgr. 1 MISSVIRQINIAWARDEL The Maakae Wmlmlaa. fflalrvoirajit and flrvatal. Oasar, whoee peerlea reading era tbe wonder 01 two continent. SHE BLAB BO RIVAL. Thooaanda In Portland bear tretlmony to her match leaa , akllL From cltlea, towns and coun tryfrom all over the land, people are com ing m see tne -wonaerrni demon trationa 01 tbe UBAAX AAD OA 1,1 SUfiB WAIOIb Mia wardel la no Imitator. Her work la npoa original linen. Pore thought, clear Tliloo. She tella yoa what you dealre to know, and aba woria in tne open ligbt. Ne trickery, no alelght-ef-hand or legerdemain and Ingenlon oavica. ho writing or queatlona. I open. . weaderfia -eccalt -anelyete ae It la for Ma la tbe nc or aueatlona. Her work and la ae conaplcaona for Ita BLOT MAOmaTXA, MACHINES ef every eeaerlprjoa tor (ale or per- j wanri. rrana unrutn. ta ana sain TAILORS. J. BEITEELB, talk, removed from ISO Alder - aw rnio et.t Hotel Beott blag., and In- Tiiaa oiu meao ana cnstoioer. - UTTEXi make pants, anlta to order: old inlta ' made new; work guaranteed. 947 Madlaoa. I TTPHOLITXRXKO. Fl R8T-CLA8S' apbolaterlng ; - new and Second- hand farnltare; farnitore, atove repaired: : mattreeeee stretched, renovated; good packed i or eoipment. 24 nrta at. BIOVB. orlrlnal exoreaalone and vivid trnthfalnaaa. When ya aee a picture in tbta paper, par- porting to ne a pbotograpb or Miaa wardel, yon may conclude It Is a true Ukeneaa of her. REMEMBER, abe tell yoa tbe outcome of all Sour bopea, wlahea. aaplratlona and alma lu fa. She advlae you In speculation. Inveat- menta, partnerahlp, lawsuits, wllla and all legal or bualneaa paperar- mining, land, tint- txir or oil deala. cbange, travel aad adven ture; frlendahlp, love, oourtablp, marriaRe, domeatle troublea, divorce, healtb, alckneaa, and In fact any and every event In life. Miaa Wardel tella yon your frlenda. your ene . mice; whom to confide In and whom to avoid: tella If your lover, aweetheart, hnaband or wife la true or falae; If your partner la boneat ; If yotir employee work for your-tn-tereat. or If yon atand well with your em ployer; wbat bualneaa yon ebould follow to aucceed In life, wltb your lucky daya. montba and yeara. Hhe tella of your, troublea and furnlahea evidence la divorce and all legal WATRIK g, PATNB SION CO.. ' Phone, Mala 728. . S10 Pis at. IPBATXVO AND WHTTEWABHIIIO. : BPRAYINfl and wbltewaahlng. meato, barn, dock, etc., M. O. Morgan A Co. Call op Scott B54. we will call and , give yea fur re oa yonr work. The Urgert r raaollne a praying and wfaltewaahlng outflt In Mnltnomah eoanty. B70 Mllwaakle at.. ! Portland, Or. iATEA. BUT TOOK SAFES ft 1 : palra and tochont aafely done. B. Davia; yonr re- Third at TYPEWRITERS. TOST TYPEWRITER HEAPQCARTERS - 230 Stark Street, r.w rent, repair, sell, exchange typewriter. All auppllna for all machines. . Bt"rd Bchlne (10. $10, $25 and or to (loo. Fee want a Bteoograpber or typlatf We nave llat of good applicants. raone nuck 3811. Miaa Wardel removes the evil that aurro'unds yon and makea you aucreaaful. She reunites the separated, aettlea lovera' quarrela. In fluence affection, atop enmity and bate; rauaea apeedy marriage with tbe on you love; locate mlnea. oil and timber lands; flnda mlsatnrf friends, relatives, wltneeses, etc.; develops medluma and clairvoyants and teacbea palmistry, either In her parlor or at a distance. If yoa live at distance and cannot call, send tbe ante or your uirtn. witn ronr question, and ONE DOLLAR. 'and yon will get a satis factory anawer ny return mall. MISH WARDKL IS NOT an experiment. Do not call except on business, aa she ia always busy. . HOI RH 0 A. M. TO 8 P. M., SUNDAY AND EVERY DAY. Parlors In the "Coamoa." corner Fourth and Morrlaon- streets. I'bone Hood 1872. A BLOW TO TUB COAX. BOAD8. From the Chicago Record-Herald. The supreme-court of the United States has decided that . the anthracite coal roads muat submit to the Interstato commerce commission such transports tion contracts with the mines on their respective lines as -may have a bearing on the cost of fuel. The commission. tare; moved and packed for (hipping; eom-j while Investigating a charge that the exMllons Srcproof brick wsreboaae. Front aad J merle were noollnr freiarht in violation of the interstate commerce act, came to a standstill because the roads would not produce the contracts in question. They jsaid the commission had no right to examine their private papers, ine supreme court says the commission has this right . . . It was a coal road president George F. Baer of the Reading who said "the rights and Interests of the laboring man will be protected and cared for,, not by the agitators but by the Christian men to whom Ood in his infinite wisdom has given the control of the property Inter eats of the country." -Mr. Baer's asso ciates may not be ready to go so far- as thla' but they .have always taken - the ground that they .could do exactly a. they pleased , and that neither the state' nor tne nation had any right to investi gate their doings ; and regulate them. They nave been undeceived. . y - ; The commission can now resume the inquiry1 Into the pooling arrangements of the coal roads and lay the basis for their 'Vigorous prosecution. from the new building of Mr. Welnhard, operations of $24.5(0. haa practically been completed, and the Ralph W. Hoyt will construct a two- firm has already begun the work of story dwelling on the corner of Main moving there from its former headquar- and St. Clair streeta which is estimated ters on the east side. to cost $10,000. The excavation work for the new A permit has been issued to the eftyl triangle building for J. P. rnee, on the I of Portland for the construction of the northeast corner of Second and Ankeny home of the new fire boat at the foot of I streeta is well under way, and the work I Eaat Washington street, which will coat on the foundation will begin in a short I $(,000. The work is now about to begin. Dalles .1350 CXCrAB BTOBJs. and confectionery; nice, clean, well-located rjlaoe $600. ' BOOMZBTtf 2tOTSS--25 rooms, fin corner flat; rent $60: a snao $1100. DirilAllltlD rooming-house to rent; win rent partly furnished ir pre ferred. Many other. Come, see ua Colombia Real Estate & Trust Go. B34H BCorrlaoa St, Comer Second, i tlma Mr, Bhea proposes to erect a building which will cost about $16,000. Work on the new vaudeville theatre, being built by 8. Morton Cohn on the northwest corner of Park and Washing ton streets, . Is progressing. The party wall between, the property of Mr. Cohu N. Solomon will build flats at the cor ner of Fifth and Lincoln streeta which will cost $8,000. C. R. Templeton will construot ' a three-story flat at Sixteenth and Wash ington streets at a cost of $12,000. This week, Charles K. Henry pur- 480 acres timber land. In Pacific-county, Washington . ., .............. '.flUBS I i 80 acrea Linn county ........... tlOOO 78 acres fine fruit land. '11 miles from Portland 4,000 10 acres. 10 miles from city: timber wilt pay for clearing 9000 1 ROOM MOUSE and that Of Blaster Bros, will be built chased from I M. Hubert the south six stories high. Work has also begun on the Blaster building. Good progress is also being made in the construction work of the new theatre, which is being built by John . Blaster, on the corner of Washington and Fifteenth streeta It has finally been decided , to. construct . a ., . wooden building: Considerable complaint has been made by people who were Induced to pur chase property In the vicinity of Third and Clay streets, In anticipation of the new public market being built there at an early data Although the old build ing haa been cleared away for several months, and everything was favorable for the construction of the new building, noinmg nas yet oeen done in the matter. west corner of Fifth and Davia streets for $15,000. The property contains a large-slsed livery stable. AUCTION SALE THE Ford Auction Co. AT THE THEATRES The nlacer mines on Upper Grave creek have had a long run, as snow Is so deep at the head of the creeks water will be plentiful for a long time. Placer work has been Inaugurated at the Black Butte property with two glanta there being ample water for this equipment at the present time, and con tinue work steadily wnue water lasia Placer work has begun on Spanish gulch. Grant county, says the Newa The owner of the Johnson placers was the first to get a giant into commission, but others will follow soon,' and a heavy season's work Is assured. Operations with the power plant re cently Installed at the Victor are pro gressing In excellent shapa The cross cut adit is now in about 275 feet, and the progress from now on will be more raDid. The compressor is rouna to lur nlsh ample power for all requirements, while the engine is not taxed severely by to drill equipment now. employed. Work on a larger scale Is to be prose cuted at the Buckhorn than ever befora The plan of development to- be followed Is c&ntinuanc"Oi tne crosscut,.- which Is in several hnndred feet This is to be driven until it opens the entire vein system 'of thr property, and proper drifts will be made on the. various tis sues as they are exposed on the lower level. TBABnTXB ABJ HATLIBO. C O. PICK, ofOr 88 First at., between Stark .ana vu em.; pnose ewe; plauoa and fnral- -Clay taT5r OREGON TRANSFER CO., 134 Norm Sixth, tolepboaa Mala SB. Heavy banllng and stor- age. y )-,...; POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. Ho. tOOM Waalh Ingtea at. Phone. Or., Mala sea. V'"' -'U'l'T? -"OWZI, SffPFlT, - CLEAMTOWELB DAILY Comb, braah, aoap; , $1 per aaenth. Lawrence Bro.' trowel Sapply company. 4th and Coach. - Phone 4A - WHIBJi TO -DtB.j ; - - BTROCSB'S 'RESTAURANT. rrtlaaa meala - beat eervlea. 2 Waablngtoa at, :'- v: 'k '' . waixapb. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-198 Sceoad .. at., bet' Yamhill and Taylor. PortlaeA MORTGAGE V LOANS - On Portland Real Betato at Lowest Rate. : : Titles laaared. Abatraeta Farnlabed. . TITLE GUARANTEE A ? RUSf CO. 2, Chamber ef Com mere- " " The Albany: Democrat learns from. a reliable source that the group of four or five claims of the Poorman Mining company, in the Blue River dif trlct, on the Linn county side, have been bonded for $50,000, The company is composed mostly of Brownsville men;' N. B; Stand- lsh being a leading stockholder. The Poorman mines adjoin those of the Ori ental company of this city: The trans action wlinmean a good deal for f the mines. ' V' ' ' , ' : Surface improvements on a large scale are to be Inaugurated at the Gold Bug eoon as snow will permit tne worn. The management has decided to put up a new set of buildings, including Dunn and boardtng-bouse ample to accommo date & larger crew, and when these were finished the number of men employed there would, be enlarged materially, nnC the crosscut .' hastened to completion, that the vein might be opened on the lower level early in tne season. uumma, uccn uuiiv jn ne matter, l , . . a ' earl rr . I n'ki... - mi,. . .v- , it . . IMAnisv Tftm nrrnm f 1 Xs. Toratl .hlrty-nrst ... w.e ox m marKet jt T" r. " iaBOO For an elegant 10-room resldenca An ideal noma two ell- The Way To Wealth 90500 That exceedingly handsome half anrf I rkf rr TArkrkf-rkt li Diock land scapea ana aecoratea to 1IIU B.Vly Jil B TT vll llvtl I a queens tasta xaoaern iv-rooru resldenca The handsomest home; on the east side., un Morrison street 93800 Highly Improved 76-acre farm 5 miles of Vancouver. All fenced, nearly all in cultivation, livlna- wa- tor. An extraordinary good diary or garden ranch. Price includes 5 cows, 4 horses, young stock, pigs, chickens and farm Implements. I 93800 For that extraordinary beaatifull strictly modern and new 7 -room house on East Taylor near Twenty- ninth. Easy paymenta 93000 -Quarter block, elegant t-room modern resldenca Swell home. Eaat Washington street 92500 -Two lot8wtth excellent S-roonr remaenca corner st tayior anu and E; Frederick One block from car line, taken in trade for furniture by I. Gevurtz & Sons lot 60x160. blocks of car a Mt Tabor. considerable quantity of gravel, which nas been proven sufficiently rich to war rant the costly Installation, and the ex pensive system Inaugurated for hy draulic work. This Is the first pump ing pianr put in tne district for hy draulic, work, and the results that will Street, at 10 a. m. above the numnlne level iiul th. I believe It will be possible Yr hand!', al BuggV, Etc., 15 Cases Im- TVo'bkVof St '1 --n'al Win TftniV 1 91000 Excellent (-acre place, 8 penal Wine lOniC. , electrlo cars, 6c fare. This I rlnuhterllv the . beat rtlaca ' In addition to the following furnishings! money anywhere about the we will sell the above mentioned I $1800 Beautiful new and modern nocLi- rinmhination bookcase and room cottage, corner. Fine 1c dealt, davenrjort and doncola sofas. I tlqn. Upper Alblna Monthly ren- Be obtained in th. way of Wtln, w.t 'SLSt ZXSZi ZZTL? In? "thatxc.nt 16-acre place win dq quite interestinff, --v-a m u t I on $Travia roaa muei out very 4 a ea rtap1it " 4?ti inlr liraB taVSl TA l-tKAl I llv(nsf satrm tr talrklaarirl 1 f stb sagf An it -a. . . . . sa A WW I dovsii . syaaia iwi swauiawt v n wae wa vp a A a v a a in) wvsa, a.va ayrvuuiu wan "' l mo Dliuriy-non near AID- .h.ln nu.k.ra .m e.nrarm At A...L tMtultrv DlACB. . land has been greatly retarded irf the p-ts. mattings, bicyclea kitchen safes f 91300 Beautiful new 6-room cottage, past six months on account of slides. I ., .-.a..-.. ,h. .f ,.-..t. ti. large lot on East .Taylor street At the commencement tf the rainy sea- Eclipse range, cook stovea refrigerator. . v in at tne inter- dishes, utenstla etc. viim ran uy me-west aail t WORD Auctioneer level thrmi.h arkiAk u .i .v. I Auctioneer, ;ul 7 S.ie-rh The horw we offer weighs out this cave in. During the heavy l' una" BI,U ' ola- winter rauio a large land slide com- Mast Be Sold at Once car Una .00 a pletely buried tha Golden SDike tunneL This is now cleared away and drifting is being prosecuted toward a Junction with the Shorty-Hope shaft. This will give about 700 feet of backs above tha ooiden spike level which 'win be taken AT SALESROOMS. 182 FIRST Wednesday's Sale aesr satr level. . The mill wlU start crushing ore at An early--date.--- GEO. BAKER & CO. Tomorrow. Monday. May 2d We have received Instructions from the owner, Mrs. -D., S. Shannon, who Is leav ing the city.' to sell the furnishings of ner eigui-roora resiaence, at STREET, AT 10 a. rn., ;:: . . May 4th. ' . ;: , , In this sale you will find anything you need in the line of modern housekeeping outflta We will not itemise this sale. If you-need anything in the line of good. clean furnishings attend this sale and you will find our salesroom full of de sirable goods. H. FORD, Auctioneer. near Sunnyslde. 91900 For an exceedingly fine lot, abundance of fruit and shrubbery, good 7-room house. Very cosy home. On East Twenty-seven In street near Yamhill. -You'll never find another bargain like this, 91000 For that beautiful new, colonial 8-roonLresldencewith full lot S blocks Wood lawn cars, nrovided sold this week. Must be half cash. 9 (50 (-room cottage, large lot, very choice variety of .fruit and berries. Excellent locality, Monta Villa. 9 970100 feet square fenced and In garden. Two blocks of Monta Villa cars. 9 lzd 4' lota A Ins worth avenua The biggest snap In the market. - IF YOU'LL CDME TO US. YOU'LL The Dunn-Lawrence Co. ' nmsi stszzt. .,;;:.... Friday's Sale Installation of ft large power plant is the first important surface improvement to be taken-, up by the management of the Banger mine this spring. For tne present the management of the 'Sanger intend to develop not to exceed-ZaO horse power, as that is all the mine and milling plant , could employ economic ally, and arrangements have not been perfected for, marketing any- large quantity of power In that section yet WHen .the electric power plant has been finished, work , is to be; rushed on the big crosscut tunnel, which Is to open the ganger vein system at great depth. ... -.; '. ' At tbe Pine and Cow creek placers, sold by a syndicate of Baker City men to the Michigan company, work is being rushed rapidly as possible to get the full benefit of the -spring fldw of water at the big pumping plant which is capa ble or lifting :i,zpo gallons or water 1,800 feet ; per .minute, Installation is nearly completa -and the management expect to have the water, running ' Into the t reservoir - in a -few- days. - This reservoir Is Approximately $00 feet 846. East Hoyt Including ' VER x ' FINE " AXMINSTER ana wrusseis. carpets, cobtli ROCK- other lor Lamo Center Tables. Portieres. Iriah Point Lace-Curtains: fine Puritan Pic- tnre In IVMtlv frarriA . i tnta on,,-, M.I, i . . 4 . n. ..-1 v-,! '..- vreVr115 V. nr.tr .f ' nlture, carpets, stoves and home com- cnairs to matcn; large wnatnot, Hang ing juauipn, luur muuern ueuroom sets, with springs and Wool Mattresses, feather Pillows and bedding three Toilet Bets, yiOCK, , FiKST-CLABS ... STEEL 8EB;THB Dunn-Lawrence Co. FOR LOTS IN ST. JOHNS. OAK PARK A Dig Bargain Cash or Easy Payments APPLY GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY 266 Stark LAST WEEK ST. AT 182 FIRST S5TREET. AT 10 ADDITION AND ST. JOHNS HEIGHTS. . I VT n.EjIE4 - A.AVAiJ aaau WfUSX A V a. m., MAY 6th. - ... ; DOUBLE WITHIN THE NEXT SIX MONTHS. ST. JOHNS IS DESTINED in real leather, Divans in silk, Parlor, Dining Room,' Bed Room TO BECOME THE MINNEAPOLIS OF .Upholstered Rockers, elegant Par- ... THE PACIFIC COAST! Lots that we ana mtcnen rumisnings. i0fter for $160, 5 per cent cash, 5 per cent monthly installments, will bring more than $800 to $400 within six months. forts. , ' . .-- uivinrArTtmrvi PLiMfa Btiirtni N. B. Our sales consist of nice, clean LOCATED THERE NOW! MORE furnishings. We are receiving job lots I THAN 1,000 employes wlll.be required or new rumiture an tne time, ana. Ac- and the nonulatlon ' will . more than RANGE (popular Universal). Wringer cePt nothing but first-class second-hand double within the next jrear! and Tubs, Lawnmower and other effects, furniture. We take, pleasure in inviting I Acre tracts all in cultlvatl . in niia.. vuiiuiviuu, muu . wormy I Duyers to our saiea the attention or partlen looking for good and clean f urnltura Take East Ankeny uu tu inv IIUUBQ. - ' . SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. GEO BAKER A CO., Auctioneers. On Tuesday Next BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Alder and Park Sta We 'have a Arte- disniav of " Oak Anri manogany , f urniture moved . to - our rooms tor , convenience or sale. Furni ture of ' Parlor,-Dining-room, five Bed rooms and ... Kitchen, good Carpets and riugB xiz.-can De viewea MOndi Tuesday at 10 a. tm. GEO; BAKER ft CO. ay. Sale Auctioneera REGULAR SALES On Thursday at 10 A. M. a .And FRIDAY At S P. M. Furniture,, Carpets, Stovea etc. Full ' ' r Tutrflciilara Infer. , T- GEOr BAKER & CO.. Auctioneera. cultivation on the Woodstock car line within the BULL I RUN water limit. $650 and up." NO N. R We are prepared to buy. and PLACE LIKE IT ABOUT THE-CITY! pay canh for anything you have to sell. I paymenta. Phone Main 120. H. FORD,; Auctioneer;. River-front lots " In Willamette; con venient to st jonns car una ' Beautiful lote on Hawthorne avenue, close in. $300 tOjCOO each, i W V f , i We HAVE' ABSOLUTELY THE BEST LIST OF LOTS IN THB CITY! WE HANDLE NOTHING I BUT PROPER TIES THAT ARE SOLD VUNDER PRICE! WE ARB THE LEADERS 149 First Street 9 W Corner lot, on Grand Ave. and E- Stark St.; a snap. .: 9 19 Each, Some choice lots In Irving- ton Park.,-'-.!' ..-.'-.' f " - 9 10 To $ 26' each, . lots In West Pott- 4 FOR BARGAINS AND THE ROAD TO 2 , . . .... . . . WEALTH LEADS TO OUR OFFICE. TBixx in fieasant ijitiie iiomes. , AT your own prlca a choice lot in Pied mont. Make us an offer. 9 00 Eachi some choice lots In North VlUa . ' . M 9150 Lot in Rosedale Annex. v S400 Choice lot in. Alblna Homestead. BLATB more than 2,009 lots located in every addition on the East Bide, at prices1 from $16 -per lot and tip. Investigate: Maybe we have a lot that you want. Jno.P, Sharkey & Co. Tel. Mala BB. .908 aUla-T Building'. :.a snap ; - Must sell ten choice . lots in r ori hard on car line, one hundred dol lars each. Half cash. Balance easy payments. Joining lots sell ing at 4225. Don't delay, . Address Xk 78, JcmrnaLi SECURED THB WOOLEN MILLS Site, was purchased and construction will commence. Immediately. - THIS WEEK -.: IS SECURED A.BlGr ., : FLOURING MILL BITS WAS TJX0HA8BS TEBTXBBAT OBT THB St Johns' Water Front and work will begin at onca , ' It will pay you to keep in touch with ST. JOantS' growth. . : 'We have for sale the most desirable residence lots in S. JOBUTB. - IT. lOEXI PAJtX Is Situated twn " blocks' from therr Woolen Mllle--f our blocks from the Water Front and two blocks from the car Una ' - Terms $5.00 down. and $6.00 per month. We also have for sale some nreitv cottages cheap and - on Installment payments. ..t 'i'k'i-p ... f; , Chipman & King : Oeneral Arents, St.' Johna Vlfc KOX.BBOOX, OWBIB, T88 CBCABXBBB OF OOlOCZBCa. SPECIAL BARQAINS 91800 8-room, modern house, block ';' - ". paroen, plenty of ' fruit nice location. East Twent- 'rfiutii street $800 cash, balance on tlma , 40 Aore of good land ( miles from faerot ...'-.fl SMMAA JtlaknaiKA St ( A .... ;. siwio vivtAivu, fov per acre lV:SCHMID : 1A fluvn aw-w " .r.'shrdlu cmfwy sbr shrdluunshro .-'V' ;. i.. '