21 FOR A HOUSE, THERE'S NEWS FOR YOU IN THE 1 WANT COLVMNS .TODAY. - SO THERE IS IP IT'S A SERVANT, A STENOGRAPHER," A CLERK, AN APART-" V MENT, A BOARDING PLACE OR A BIT OF REAL ESTATE YOU'RE LOOKING FOR t P i THE' OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, SUNDAY: MORNING, MAY 1, 1904. rtnrriut otic BEEVES Friends of Harry Beeves are Invited ' to attend his funeral at S . V Sunday at X. M. POBVNS, Recording Secretary voTt.cz or stockholders' xzzTnr. ' - Tha annual meeting of to stockholders of the Point View Uina tympany wui oe neia ut a p. a. Mdndsy, Mar 3. WH, at room ISO, Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland, ur, - CLYDE B. AITCHISON, Secretary. HBL WATXO ICAU. H. HANSEN. JB. EMPLOYMENT AGENT i 26 Kurt a Second st - rortian.0, vr. ' Phona Main 1BM. ' Soeeeeaor to C. R. Banein Co. 'a Portland branch, whose mala office la at era bosh at San FrancUoo, Cel.. SWtabllabed 18T6. , ; ' - HF!T,P FRFR TO EMPLOYERS. APPLICANTS FOR WORK GUARANTEED - EMPLOYMENT AB REPRESENTED ' . ' OR NO OH A HOB. ' ' Skilled and unaklllad labor of an eeeertp- tlona promptly supplied for city or country work. . -" ----- Blacksmlths, machinists, carpenters, help- era, millwrights, iuiiumti tor stationary, donkeys, ; hoists, electricians, wsgoo-mskers. sinters, lath hands, milt, yard and wood oremen. stickers and planer bands, etreulsr " and band sswyers, filets, hammerers, powder men, grading track and rock foremen, ma chine and band miners, tool dreeaere for band and machine ateel, woodmen of all atnae. A.irv ram, - nrehard and - boo yard beli aawmlll baoda. elation men, day laborers for ' mills, yards and factories; in abort, male help or ail oseoripiione roc any inwtsuy ' -reasonable compensatluB. ' i MEN FOR WORK, WORK FOR MEN. CONTRACTORS HBADQTTABTKB8. mnnEHirNncNi:B solicited. REGISTRATION FREB HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OfTICH. M North Second, Bt, I CAB SUPPLY ALL Of TUB ABOTB en reasons blr short notice, and I beUer With satlsraetioa to wiu parties. . FIVlfJP FREE TO Eaf PLOYEBSl -' DO YOU KNOW the eowreolence end satis faction of anas stag aciuea or ansciuee taaor tbrougs a re iia Die agency? ir you DO NOT. why phone HANSEN the next time yea want a man- for anything aad And out It COSTS YOU NOTHING to try, THE BIGHT MAN -- '- at thi ninnr tivh rOR THE RIGHT PLACE C. R, HANSEN, JB. EMPLOYMENT AGENT M N. Second St. rnone nam io.ro. 180 50 AND CP per, month to energetl- aww seats fives iu every city aad town Id Ore eon. Washington and Idsbo; .dignified, honor able, permanent aad Immensely profiteBia em ployment at home or on too road: eomtuiing new; ernd stamp or rati at office for de tail!. Sattare-Doal Brokorase company, 129 Bcrenth at.. PortUnd. Or. ninnriii.iHt.T M.mntrtit and exnartenced book keemr by eld established house, this dty; most be' prepored to inreet 12.000 la baslneea on proflt-abarlnf plan: permanent position, mod salary and guaranteed produ to SO Vr tmt to rlxbt man. Address D 83, care Journals MEN and women to learn berhei trade every atbdent Aanbt In the abortert possible time! ronitant practice under expert Instruction .Ml mnmrmmiA Call OT Write to s marina Barber Colleca eompaay, SSS ETerett at. Portland. WANTED Med to clean carpeta aad rue-e with out remoTlng them from the Boor; the only process of Its kind In the world: sny Industri ous man ran make $10 a day. for particulars call Cut-Bate Tallora. 236-288 Becond el WANTED Me to learn barber trade; only requires elht weeks; special offer; constant practice; expert Instruction. Catatofos mailed free. Molar Sxetem College, Ban Freoctaee, California. - v , ' a EXPERIENCED solicitor on salary and eom mb)alon; tl money to right party; can at room 15 BueaeU bldg.. cor. 4th and Morrison, from 8 to 10 a. m. and d to S p. m. WANTED First -elsss esblnetmaker; alee an experienced man on a splndlecarrer. Apply Weet Coaet Saab Door company. Nineteenth and Vausha ate. 1.000 BOOK agents wanted; hare large bank rupt stock; popular S3 ftO antiecrlptlon book for 1. Write C. M. Tbomason, Woodstock, Or. EMPIRR EMPLOYMENT AOENOT Mrnlsbes , competesit help en abort wettee. Mrs, Jonas, 169 fourth at pkose Bed 2O0S, v 1 . ..4. i i ' WANTED Tinner, one who understands pramh- Ing and hot water piping. Aooreaa i. a. Aklna, Bherldan. Or. WANTED Student In telegrsphy who la well advanced to practice evenlnga. Phone Main 8200. YOPNfl mra to lean barber trades free tuition. Portland Barber achool. S3 North Second at NEAT colored or -Japanese, boy to do Janitor and porter wora. Aaaresa u-oi, care journal. BOY to learn trade. Call bet. 13 and 1. Port land Optical Company, 221 H MorrtAtn at. WALDRON packs furniture for removaL Second. Phone Hood 1877. 284 HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES desiring help and glrU seeking aitna- tlona. can at st. jloois uiaies- agency, room a, 280 Yamhill st, Phona BUck 28S1. , GIRL for general housework ; email honae. email family, good waraa. Call 1202 Heodrlcka aye.. Piedmont. WANTED Girl for general housework; family. No. 108 East Fifteenth at. small GIRLS! Yon can make flS a week. room 8, 885 Yamhill. 1 Apply SITUATIONS WAXTED KAXZ. WANTED Position doing ceneral office work by competent, reliable, aober young man; ex cellent business ability: rspld penman; aae typewriter. D 81, csre Journal. SOBER, Industrious yoang man, married, of neat.addrese, has good education, aeeka em ployment of any kind; not afraid of hard work. B fld, care JoornaL YOUNG man wants- chance to earn way to and from St, Louis end If possible a position there. Cottel Drug company, 6T4 First at. WORTHY MENTION AND PERUSAL Tha clasained columns of today Bra replete with those worthy of mention but the ad man not to Incur may ill will has Just ehut his eyes and made A grab out of the hug;e pile. Maybe your ad was one to get in wie stbbp mayoe not. but If you keep on advertising you'lr come In for your share of the talklnT about In the meanwhile Juat keep up-to-date and well Informed by a perusal of your neighbor's ad In theae columns. Hansen,' the employment agent, ha a good slaed 'u In- and It can be rouna under "Helb Wanted Male." , If you're out o' work, or If you want help Jt matters not read the ad. What bright boy Wantsv to learn th optical tradeT Under. "Help Wanted Male" there's ad ad of the Fortlaad op tical Co., advertising for-: on.. i SOI East Taylor street ,. advertises "three , rooms .for light housekeeping," under "For Rent Mousekeeptng Rooms.' ' Call up East Jl tf, you can't pull tha bell at th residence, ' ' The Eastern &r Western Lumber Co. has an . advertisement under "Help Wanted Mala,'; . advartiaijig for tired team with lumber.'-' wagon -at once. Get your "nags", out r How about office ' room on Morrison street? "It'it advertiser -under-For Rent Office Room.", Hunt fha ad If you're ' interested. ... SITVATIOEI WABTXS XALX. COMPETENT-bookkeeper deatrea hknge no oojecuon to leaTing eity it position warrants city reterencea, u W, cars) journal. WANTED HouaeoalnUng ot paper-hanging (from owner) by a first-class workman. Ad dress Box M, Lents, Or. : ( SITUATION wsnted by a flrst-elaaa meatcntter: nnaeraianas nutcner easiness laorongniy. 8, ears Journal, WANTED Work by yonng man In plumbing shop, with ebanee to work la noma experience. oi, csre journsi. WAJTTID MISCBIiAJriOUl, WANTED Bet of books to keep or as past. afternoons, by experienced bookkeeper aad stenographer; booka balattoad and statements . mu. uuu mitm iiw . I HAVB lot and want to bay S houses to , snore en u lot; wnat naea you to oriari " M. Kutner 60 North , Third. , PhOM BUck EXPERIENCED lady would like to Uka one two children to board; good kome; peat ox are. ' u it, cart Journal. - - - HOUSEKEEPINO room for 1 naraona. tlO month. Ml East Murrlaoa. : PhoM fra. rnion 403S. WANTED AOIirTS. SOLICITORS wanted for mercantile agency work, both In and out of the elty i middle-aged men preferred; mast be experienced. Call iw-ioi, aneriocl bldg. WANTED JATBCXLLAJfEOTS. WANTED To buy a rood second-hand as fa. Aoareaa J. a., care journal, HO0SIBEEPINO BOOKS WASTED. WANTED t furnished housekeeping rooms. Ad1 arose w Marquam bldg. - Mala 1820. FOB RENT KOUBEXXEPWa BOOMS. tl.TO - PER WEEK Large, clean, furnished Housekeeping room, Witt nsa of lannory. Beta, phone also cheap furalabed osttages, I. Landlgaa. 1M Bharman. i'booe Clay SOS. PURNISHED bonaekeeplng anltea 110 per mooth and Bp; board and room, 118 and up: everything Lew; telephone and bath. Hotel Northern, North Twelfth and Marshall. . .... . i i .ii FURNISHED and 1 unfurnished bonaekeeplng anltea and single rooms; slso large, light sleeping rooms. 2064 Washing ton at. PAIIK , VIEW HOUSE Furnished housekeep ing rent reasoaabw. SSS Daela, cor. Park. Phone Hood T48. . LA ROB front rooms fnrnlabed for bonae keeplng; bath, gaa; outside entrance. 914 Front, cor. Carutbera. 1TB SIXTEENTH ST. Large, front bonssksep all modern con- Ing suite; gaa range and sentences; bo children. It OOMS fnrnlabed for housekeeping; kitchen, sink, bottsnd cold water, bath. 100 W. Park. Ales alarfeiuf room. NICELY ' furntsAsd housekeeping suits of S rooms for 120 per month. , csu Bet. ix ana 1 806 Fourth St. TOR RENT d housekeeping-rooms partly fur nished ; free ae phone, bath, ess clay, rnone Main 2629. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; free water and use of kitchen sink. SSS Third, cor. Market at LARGE front room suitable for couple of gen tlemen end suits si housekeeping rooms, szt Third at FURNISHED housekeeping rooms at all prices; atrlctly modern. Apply no BeTentn at., near SUrh. FOR RENT B completely fnrnlabed housekeep ing roome; central. - sou Baeentn at. ROOMS for rent for light housekeeping. SOI East Taylor or phone East 901. Call CLIFTON, cor, 1st and Columbia; honsekeen- ing suites; reasonable prices. FOR BENT OmOE BOOM. FIRST-CLASS dentist ran learn of n good open ing by calling on Lambert Sargent. 383 Eaat Washington st. FURNISnED room for office. Third and Wash ington eta. rnone Main 8R4T from 10 to a. HIRED tea ma with lumber-wagona at Eastern at Western Lumber Company. OFFICE room on Morrison st., bet. Seventh and Twelfth. B 08, care journal. 0FF1CR room for rent in Bank of British Co lumbia bldg., 208 vine at. FOB RENT FURNISHED BOOMS. NEW GRANT, on Second and Grant era., will open about May 1st. Nicest family rooming houaa In the city; ressonsble; bonaekeeplng rooms, furnished and unfurnished. Apply 208 Jefferson at. THB BtCHEMEU 88 H 81xth at., cor. Couch; Are blocks aouth Union depot, 1 block north poetofflce; newly opened; elegant furnished spartmeata; porcelain baths; hot and cold water. NICELY furnished front alcove room, sultaMe for one or two gentlemen. In new bouse with modern conveniences, with use of bath and phone. 534 Mill at. Phone Main 1178. RIVERSIDE HOTEL. 348 Eaat Oak, furnlahed and unfurnished housekeeping, alngle, en suite; lodging, transient; rooms oa ground floor. Pbons Scott 364. - THB OLADSTONB 12H Barter at.- eev Fif teenth, near rair grnunasr new tmuaingt aewiy furnished rooms $1.80 pet week. THB COTTAGE." 108 North Sixth: furnished rooms, single ana en suite, an moaern, at reasonable prices. Mrs. Wood. prop. 213tt FOUBTH ST., furnlahed and unfurnished rooms in eiegsnx new nnca Ding.; new xurni ture; $2.50 and $3.00 per week. THE COSMOS Southeast anr. Fourth and Mor rison; quiet, clean and eomiortaoio rooma ee.iu per week and upward: , THB upper part of furnished bouse for rent: modern conveniences; nam ana ppons. ojm Fourteenth st, ' : ' ? First-class dentist can learn of good opening by calling on Lambert & Sar gent SSS East Washington." This ad appears under "For Rent Office Room," where some fellow will run across it looking for a place to locate. 'Tls hoped the dentist finds many more "openings" after he locates. See 7 Looking fora location for a store? If so the advertisement of Hartman, Thompson 4 Powers under '.'For Rent" will Interest you. , . If It's a house you're looking for to rent) the list of Wakefield, Frlea &Co. will cause you to confer with' "hubby. With the. advertisements that The journal carries under . "Business Cbanoes" no man or woman need remain poor if he or she had a little money. The ads or The square ieai brokerage Co., Taft & Co., and Jennings dfc Co. will easily bear, perusal and your time spent In reading will b put to good advant age. - V f . ,' !. .. . TJndar jaiassage" there's an ad today which Is fun corrected from last Sunday. The ad man Is willing to admit he makes nilstakes-who of ua doesn't? It wasn't a bad. one,, but there's a drfferenoe between' "Professor McKay," and "suc cessor to," Isn't there? . GET ' IN STEP FOB BEXT TTfXBlSHXD BOOBS. THB BERKSHIRE. 232 U first, at-, aor. Main nicely furnished rooms single, en suite gad i aouseaeeping. .... ALPINE FLATS Finely furnished eultea, with gaa, naoaa, Bsta.,. grift Morrison at., aor, .-oarxa. '.-. - .;- . i i .. ., a ' THB KARO 1T1 Wast Park, aewly eosaedl Srst-claaa furnleheii slnglo- aad houaskseplng Kiel sanity rorniabad rooms, rlrer elewi gaa, . hath, Bboaa. , The Willamette, ISsia MoVrl- NEAT rooms and good board: lenesai priea reaaooabbs Sa North, Ninth at SI SEVENTH., cor. Oak. center of town, beantr - ful, airy roome; geata or ladles. Mala 1044. 10s H STARK ST., phona 109S. newly furnished rooms; transient Solicited; prices reaaoaaouu THB OLIVKV-BOSH Waahlngtoa at, or. Fifth. neatly rum lanes woma) price reaaoaaoia. THB CASTLB TS Waahlngtoa at rooai i geitlemeni araaaleat. . TeL Soaxa TBI. I LA ROB rooms suitable for 3 each. 1M BSTintb it.,' l Block from rortlaaa Botex, - FURNISHED la Brtesta famlllee yoang taea. -Apply t I. M. C. A. FURNISHED rooms ft apt boaaekeeplng SsJaMj close la. JH Testa, Beat atara. - THB HEILER,- SSO Grand - are. J famished aaaaa keeping aaa siogie rooms. FOB BENT Pleasant room for, lady at gent. Bid Third at. par moots. , NICB alngm front rooms, aaatly .famished. rsaaonauaa, uwuua . FOR RENT 4) furnished housekeeping rooms. Sa, at SoO Third at. . S WELL furalabed rooms ; moderai cheap. SIS Orand are., norta. - NICELT furnished front roam. 14 Sixth. Pbons Mala is 10. S NEAT rooms, 7 aad B8; mod arm. 211 North orand are. NICB furalabed room for rent. SiS Montgomery. FOB BENT HOUSES. PARTIAL HOUSE LIT ' . . 106 Ruseell at., cor Starr, Sat S rooms. f H.00 104 N. 12th at., 5 roome 10.00 124 N. 14th at., upetalre, B rooms 15.00 428 Loeeloy St., S rooms 16.00 S47 E. lfttn St., N., 8 rooms 1B.00 814 Hslght St.. B rooms 14.00 SIS Bsrler St., S rooms 1S.00 TMt Cornett St., T rooms 90.00 B82 Boring at., furnished, T rooms.. 20.00 100 E. 2Hth St.. N., new, T rooms 20.00 429 E. 11th St.. new, d room 80.00 Us-la)H-lVl Union are., N.. new flats 0 rooma 25.00 8M Vanconrer axe., new, T rooms 27.60 T41 Orerton at., flat, T rooma S2.B0 60 N. 18th at., furnished flat, S rooma. 88.00 THI Kearney at, 10 rooma 45.00 WAKKKIiiLD, FRIES CO., 229 8TABK ST. FOB BENT desirable brick stores at Fourth and Salmon eta.. T0 per month, tiartman. Thompson A Powsrs, 8 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL modern home, 9 rooma, furnished: Urge yard, fruit and flowers; l year, sou per month; open S daya. B SO, care Journal. FOB BENT Nice medera 6 -room hooss, 110. Inquire on premhMs, BBS roartn. aunoay ana Monday, 2 to 4. STORES FOR RENT 1BS-1T0 Bth St.. between Morrison snd Yamhill eta. Apply ooodnooga .building office. FOR MV VT Part of T-room fnrnlabed boose eeerythlng nest, Is good condition, oua miro. cor, uoiumDis. Fon HUNT Furnished Broom cottage: refer. encea. Call from I to o p. m., sua East Tenth at FOR RENT 6-room cottsge: bath, gas snd base ment. Inquire 241 Mi First St. vr. noenier. FOR SALE Partly furnished rooming-house . with barn and lease, 12"0, Cell st 850 Third. NICELY furnished eottsgs, 500 Irving: plesaant location; both car lines. Phone Main 4715. FOB RENT 6-room cottage, bath, basement and nice yard, 814. 885 Nelaoa at. HOUSES FOB BZVT FVBXITUBX FOB SALE. WE HAVE the furniture for sale and bouses for rent ot the following: 5 rooms, 6th st,, rent $112.50 $650 B rooms. Tth St.. rent $27.50 600 5 rooms, 11th St., rent $:.A. 825 rooms, N. 18th St., rent $20 800 T rooma. Union sve.. rent $30... 850 T rooms. Hsssslo at., rent $22.50 625 8 rooms, Everett St., rent $30... "0 10 rooms. Stark at., rent $45 800 9 rooms, Jefferaon at., rent $45 860 9 roome, W. Park at., rent $50 900 8 rooma. Park at., rent $5 800 The furniture In all of above bouaea la In No. 1 condition; houses sre extra well lo: cated and full of ateady roomers. You can clear your rent Snd living expenses In any of these, and have a nice home besides. REMEMBER we can make any reasonable terms on sny of above houses, and are elwaya willing to assist a DUyer in every wsy ws can. TAFT A CO. 125-0 Ablngtan bldg. Phone Main 156 CHEAP House for rent, furniture for ssle. 4 blocks Burnslde bridge. 81 North Grand ave. GOOD furniture of modern T-room bouse; 5 roome rented ' ensp. 328 Sixth St.. near Clay. BOOMS WITH BOARD. PLBA8ANT front room with board, suits bio for one or two. Mra. Montelth, 235 Tblr teenth at. 294 CLAY ST., urge front room with board; suitable lor 2 gentlemen; reterencea ex. changed. FOR RENT Rooms with or without board. Phone West 1829. Residence 328 Fourth st. ROOM and board, private family; good home cooking. 205 Fifth Bt. phone Front 19T1. ROOMS with or without board: newly reno vated. 187 Went Park at.. Bear Morrison. ROOMS with board, well furnished; modern con. venlencce; table board, 221 lata at. ROOMS with or without board. 828 Water at TABLE BOARS, TABLE board, borne cooklnr. $3-60 per week. 180 Eleventh et., cor Aider. FOB BALE REAL ESTATE. OWNER has for ssle a modern 8-room resi dence, with corner lot, on the esst side: con venient to S csr lines; bad flrat-clsaa plumb. Ing, hot water heating apparatus, combina tion gas and electric fixtures, etc.; bss to be seen to be appreciated., Call 481 Tillamook at 'A GREAT BARGAIN 16 lota 50x100 each and fair houae and barn, 60 fruit trees, part In strawberries, part In potatoes, in Irvtncton heights, for $2,500; prt cssh. Inquire on premises. East Fifteenth and Bktdmore. FARM FOR SALE SO acres.. 50 Improved; good buildings, cattle, bogs, growing crops ay and grain, wood snd wster; everything except household furnltnap; price $3,600. Ad dress C. W. 8., 740 Oregon St.. city. BABGAINS from tt to 10-arxe tracts. Why buy 1 lot when you can get t acre tor name money right in center of town; terms 15 par cent down, balance on Installments. William Shlndler, Mllwaukle. Or. $2,80010 ACRES. enlHvated, with bntldlnga; take Mount Bcott car, get orr at uray a rroaa Ing aud go H mile north along county road; place now vacant. John B. Oatman, owner, SSS Sherlock bldg. $250 BUYS 20,000 undivided square feet; pays rare wages, gi en nonr ana noera; near ateam boat landing on Kovuknk; other advantages; Investigate. Call or write J. B. Flsk, 204 Waahlngtoa. RESIDENCE lota and quarter blocks: streets. sewers, siaewelks; wsiaing distance: ready to build; aell reasonable on terms to -suit Harrington, owner, 9V First St., sear Osk. FOB SALE-MRlock ot T sunny lots, Beat Taylor and lamhtjl, Ttt. Twentythira and Twenty fourth: aewer, sidewalk and streets com pleted. Inquire 179 Vi Madison,; near bridge. FOB EICHANOhV--Flve acree; five-rones bouse. rrmt ana improvements, nvs miles rrom eirr, for new hoaee eloaa In; or will sell for sash. . Address W. U., care Journal. -,-, " ' . ', ' FOB StTB BEdL ' XSTATX. - - - - BY OWNER, special Bale, west slds: 83.000 . takee One Improred Bttsinees corner inai jriu bring yoS I MOO a yeeri xuv xroai loot vacant. , a car to but uoroeti at. . FOB BENT or eale, furnished boose; e.lso far- Blsbea. BOUM at loag oeacn; gm nnr in ""flna lot at eery reasonable prlcr. Address D TS, oare Journal. ... WB will build anr kind af -oase yoa want, mmi.h inc ir AMirM. en earr easy paraseniai Have some ebotoe pUaa) better sea tbean. SIS txmmarmM aiag ' FOB SALE Chssp, T-room bouse with H acre of gronnd, in euburbe; BB fruit freea bearing will also aell furniture complete. Owner, - csre JoornaL T-ROOM house, cor. lot BBxlOOj frail tress and brnbberr: 2 blochs from East Ankeny car barn; will give terma. SO Bast Thirtieth at. FOB farms, acreage, eity property, ehoiee tim ber aad homeetead locations, .ess Maxwell Co.. B19 Ablagtou' Bldg., roniano. ure. FOR SALB or lease, 28x100. room bldg., for - store, factory or flats; good place for drug . atora. owaer, OQ xentn, near a.Tere n. FOR BAT.B X dealrabla B-enre tract all Ira peered ne buildings) aesr elty.. apply, ai Bast Ninth, North, bet. Da Tie anC Everett, t NEW. modern B-room koasss) gaa aad elee- trle Ughta; Cor belt bet. Porter aaa (looser, Inqulra TIB Corbett er SOS Fourth st S HEW. modem S-raoai betweei gaa aad ales. trie Ilgbta; Corbett. bet. porter ana aouaer. Inquire f IS Corbett or SOS Fourth st. FOB BALE Good baelneee lot B 0x100; Sne plane for saloon aorthweat ror. wasningtoa ana Water. Inquire lT9ta Madison at. MODBRN house S rooma; IB minutes center elty: STOO, balance easy terma it aoia ax eoce. D 43, rare journal. A SNAP 80x100, lot 1 block 101. Care there ' addition, sow; fioo eaaa, neience aawuii, Phone Scott 1281. HOUSE, lot Snd furniture of bouse for aalsi bargain: people tearing town, ass urana are.. North. MODEBN bouse, 8 rooms and basement. West Bids: choice location: vacant May 1- ueu 109 8d at. FOR SALB B-room cottage: bath, hot and cold water. T4T Brooklyn at. FOR SALE FARMS Improved farma for aala In all parte er Ore gon and Washington; payments mode to suit purchasers. For, full particulars ss to Tart one pro pert! ee apply to Wm. MacMaater, 811 Woreeeter bldg. 2T.OO0 ACRES of Irrigated land free from the a tat a to aettlere who wl'l pay sa to io per acre to the Columbia Southern Irrigation enmpany for nerpstesl water right. For in formation cell or addreae B. B. Cook. SOI Alder at., Portland. Or. FARMS, timber lands, acreage, bomestesds. timber claims waen tooting tor sny ei u above come and sso ms. A. B. Mathews, 418 Oregonlan bldg. FOB SALE HORSES AND CAARIAOES. BARGAIN Pslr cbunky horses, wslgh 8.480 pounds, sound snd good worsen; aieo pair una dilring pontes suitable for delivery or ex preea work; one pair of B-year-old calta, broken alngle or double ; several cheep horsee; farm or expreae hol-eee; glso wagons', boggles, harneaa. CaU 28 North Fifteenth St. PAIR marea 8 yeara oM. weight 200 pounds. are aoond and perrectiy irue poiwra. nw S-lnch Old Hickory wagon and new heavy harneaa; complete for 8260. Red Front atablea. Fifteenth, Just oft Waahlngtoa at. FOR BALE Bubber-ttred pleeenre buggy and harneaa. new and la gooa oraqr. iu sn North Blxteenth et. FOB SALB MISCELLAXEOUB. "RRKAT TALKING-MACHINE SALE" w have recantlr taken In trade aome Brat claaa Columbia talking-machines which we offer st very low prices: a msemns'-ior $10; $50 concert for $16; $18 disc mschlne for aw. lion t rorget ws carry uiv iwrw. beet selected stork of Edlsoa phonographs In the cltv. Portland Pbonogrlna agency, at Wrlgfat'a Moalc house, 127 Seventh st. $550.00 WILL BUY a model C Rambler auto mobile used only three months and In perfect condition; good speed ana never rsiis o go, only reason fr selling, went a double-seated machine. Address P. O. Box 898, Cocvsllls, Or. GOOD TREES for sale below coat the owner being compelled to remove mem rrom iraseo f round; spples, penra and prunes at $5 par nndred. Addrass Mt. Tsbor (Or.) Nnreerfel. WE bsve s few more of those flne second-bend machines left snd you csn nuy mem i si your own price. The Singer score, eu nssniug ton st. Phone Msln 4588. rnn BATH Rlerant new furniture of new modern 5-room flst: owner leaving elty. 190 North Sixteenth at., cor. Kearney. Phone Main 8148. DO TOU want a yellow pine timber claim or homeetead? If ao. we have them oa ear veved Is ads. F. L. Butter field A Co., Fos sil. Or. FOR SALE Good covered wagon; excellent eop- dltmn; a bargain. Apply the nana mono rscs lug company, Kaet Oak and Water. FOR RAT R or leaae. lot 25x100: S-etory bldg.l good for doctor, email drug atore, factory or Data; central.- on norm leuin ib -a. FOR SALE A full-blooded Jersey cow, 2 years old; fresh. Cell at meat mariet, rormmontn, or address E 84. csre Joural. (200 WILL buy a 2,000-ponnd team of bones, bsrness and wagon at stable eor. Second and Main eta. Popp A Dick. FOR SALE French range with hood, boiler a tend, iron shelves; renewable. Addreae B 1, .care JoaroaL . - - - FOR BALE 2 buggies (1 rubber tire); 1 plst form wagon; must pa sold nt once. Inquire 830 Balaey St. IF ' YOU want a restaurant do not loae your chance en the Xankee Boy, .sue rim St.. this week. FOR SALB Counter and ahelvee built for a cigar and tobacco business at 91 rroni sx. North. FIRST-CLASS grocery store for sale, reasoa able. Phone Front Zlur. FOB SALE A freab cow with calf. S98 Petty- grove st. LOST AVD rOtTBB. ForND A new drop-head, golden-oak eewtng- machine a little damaged in anipment; win be sold st less than cost price. The Singer Store. 402 Wssblngtnn st. Phono Main 4588. EMFLOTMEMT AGEXCXIS. ALL the good people send to the Regie Em ployment uuresu, xue uoonnooa-n oix., poone Main 40iip, it you want gooa clerical, commer del hla-h-elaaa mechanical, hotel or do- tneatlc help: good help for good plaeee; all with Al references; register at once for good position; male or female. WILLAMETTE Seal Estate A Employment Co. Real estate end huelnese chances, money to loan, lodging and roomlng-bonaeei bome stesds, tlmber-clslms snd labor. 1 pbons Black 002. 183 Morrises at. TB NortS - Sixth at., Portland. WILLAMETTE Employment tt Real Estate Os. Offices 183 Morrison st. and 78 North jStxtfa St.: we have the largest snd beat list of real estate and labor on the i Pacific coast. Mall ordera solicited. THE EXPOSITION EMPLOYMENT COM PANY, 258 Couch st. Phone cisy ioozi rur ' ntsh men for logging camps, sawmilla, rall- roads;, city were s specially. i MALB help of all descriptions for sll InduatrtsC rnptiy snppuea rree oi cnarae w vmpioyers. R. HANSEN, Jr 26 N. Becond st. Phone Mala 1526. 1 HELP af aB description fnrnlabed sawmilla, logging camps, factories, free to, smonyen. Alpine Employment Agency, 152 First st Phone Mala 1917. JAPANESE Employment Agency fnralsbee do , meatica, farmhand eta. 69 North Fifth St. Phone Clay 592. CAN furnnih domssrJe, fsmer, an kinds help. Japanese Labor aaaoriatloa, S6B Everett at : Block 902. y --; - - . -. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO.Laboe eeBtra? ' Iocs: help free to emplorera. . 215 llorrteoa. WORK for men. men for work. ... HANBKS'S OFFICB, SB North Becoad tC XUSIXESS CBAJfCXS. "BOOMINO-HOUSB HBADQUABTBBS." rr a wm a, rn Msks a SPECIALTY of B00MIJ0-H0CS!W aaa Bare the largeet list 01 au xns vwiaawa tocauona that are OB taa xoarseu BO rooma; No." 1 furniture ; loeattoa hsart sf ciiy; only a rarest rwaa m clears $200 a moath. Prlos $2,900. 84 rooms: extra Boa furniture; locetlna near PortUnd hotel; rent $125 with S yeara; leaee bonee cleared laat axoatli 2B8.BO. . Priea $4, Butt. 88 eaomsi good furniture; location Best part of Waahlngtoa at. j rent self $oO, with S years' leaae; tkia Boose clears aver fxse pes awau Prlea Si iu . 86 rooms; all oa aaa Boor and all outside rooms; furniture Bret elaea; location anaur paaaed; floe transient trade; rent $125 With 3 yeara' leaae; una house aaa never essau-eo ibaa $200 pee month. Price $4,200. ' of the B neat corners la the city I S bathe; run ning water la moat aaltss; ateam Beat; sonse fullae tka aant Uaa s.1 rooaaara: low rest with gooa lease; thle puce clears from SSO to 1400 per moath. - Pries $d.250. ' IB rooms; furniture good; lecatloa beat pert of inira si., esoae in; booso rents tor ew month wita 8 years' leaee; tnia piece essais from SU to 1100 nee month. Price $1,428. - 14 rooms : furniture No.' 1 loeattoa. Beer Oregonlan bide.) rent $80 per month: this boose clears ever se per monta. itki esuy i.sw. - 'HOTELS. tam- Amarlean-nlan hotel with large din ing-room, erace, ssmpis-ronm ror commercial traveler, situated In one af the moat thriving towns of 2.000 populstloB near Portland; boose eanta toe S.1A ear month with a lV4-rear leaae! ewaer'a wife vary sick, reason for selling. Price ai.ow. ... 20-room, Amerlcaa-plaa betel, situated oa tha Mala street of Oregoa City; 84 regular board ers; also good transient trade: houaa rente for M per month, race oniy tuu. RESTAURANTS. Two of the best situated and finest fitted pieces la PortUnd. These sre both bkai-b. DBY GOODS BUSINESS. A Sratrlsaa place In one ot the beet towns la the etste, nesr Portlsnd. Owner started B yeara ago without a dollar, stock will Invoice between $20,000 snd $25,000 snd will sell at Involoe, account of other Dosiaeea interests. Ws esn msks vert satisfactory terms on any of tha above, as ws are alwaya willing to loan money oa anything wa sail sua sssist a nnyer In every wsy ws can. ., ALL. TITLED Ul A K AUTr.EI' BU DDI sin PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLER. TAFT CO. I2BB Ablngtoa Bldg. Phona Mala 158. SQUARE-DEAL BBOBBBAOB CO, 129 SoTsati St., rooms 1 to 8. C. L. Hathaway, Mgr. No. 1. HoteL new business center; T8 rooms; richly furnished; liberal lesss. Fries flS.OOO; terms. No. z. Rooming-house, beet paring ens la the. city; One Investment proposition. Price B11.000. " No. S. Reatanrant fnllr eoulooed: best Iocs t Ion 1 will osy 100 ner cent oa the Investment. Price $4,000. WO. 4. Eleesntly furnished snd best arranged room- ng-bonse in tbs city; Idesl location; M rooms; baths; alec trie service. Price 20,000. r.o. o. Furniture 9 B-room booaee, an rented;: 8 mla- atea' walk from baslneea center. Price S850. No. S. New furniture; B rooms: rent $15 per month; all conveniences, price $450. No- T' Tea rooms and bath; all rented; rent $46; leaee. Price $050. No. s. Grocery; best bargain In town; look It Bp. NO. U. Drug store, Interest; psylng well; a good change tor a young man. No. in. Twe saloons paying well; good locations aad reaaona for selling. No. II. Furniture groom houae; a bargala at S87S. No. 11 Boomlng-boose 28 rooms; all rented. $2,200. No. IS. Boarding and rooming-house, 10 rooma netting S7U per month, price ). No. 14. Gmcerv store: horse snd wscon: 8 living rooms; Income $600; will sell st Invoice. no. 10. Furniture of S houses, all paying wall. No. I a. A mrv deelrahla boardlne- and rooming -bouee. 18 rooma. nicely furnlahed. all modern Improve ments: fsshlonaois location; coiiaaja aim am lawn In connection: rent low; netting $185 per month. Price $2,500.- 17. rieneervr mnA lAeatl.in and leaae: 8 Hvinff' rooms; horse sod wagon. Will Invoice $1,225. A fine hotel proposition In one of tbs beet in. hotel towns In the Willamette valley ; long lease, low rent; csn be bought for ii.uv. Terms. WANTED. Lodging Bad rooming-houses, SB to 40 rooms. Also xa or more rooms on num. Also bouse of T rooms. $3,000 to $5,000, JENNINGS CO. Estsbllsbed 21 Tears. Pioneers In This Line. BOOMING-HOURES FOR SALB. 11 rooms, finely furnished, lesse .$1,100 9 all new rurnuure. ............ elegantly furnlahed on Washington st select board snd room on Salmon and 8th lleht bonaekeeplng, lease.... 46 T 26 8 18 . 8,000 . 400 . 8.000 . 750 . 900 . 4.500 , 1,100 . 4,500 . 6,000 29 Third and Washington 14 la eood locstlon . . good buy. long lease. SO all full, lesse. low rent.. 25 11 brick flat, all one Hoof.. furniture, cheap at partly furnished corner, good location. . . . Bear pootofnes cloae In hotel, money-maker for bonaekeeplng on Salmon at., near Park cloae to city ball near 12th and Columbia great transient corner.. 9th St.. nesr Burnslde. . on Msrket st. ; rent $27.. aesr courthouse S veara' leaae . 1.806 . 760 130 . 6.475 50 . 4.B00 . 8.000 24 14 . 1.450 5) 14 , 8.200 , 1.600 , 1,500 . 650 , 750 , 1,500 , 425 BOO , 1,700 12 9 11 10 8 T IT 13 SOO 11 rent only $40 1.000 18 ether good buya. from 5 to 14 rooms. WB HAVE ALSO A LONG LIST OF BUSINESS CHANCES. Saloon men looking for good loca tlona should consult ns. We bsve plenty or money ana win neip our clients In every way. " CIUAR STAND, fine location, gooa leaee, low rent; a bargain at $750. RESTAURANT. In very gooa location, aoing Bne business: long lesse: $3,000. LUNCH counter, fine locsuon; aauy re ceipts $20. Pries $600. . . 60-room boarding snd roomlng-boose; one of the hear In Portland: SS.Oftn. JENNINGS CO... 882 Washington st. FIR8 INSUBANCB WB HAVB THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE COMPANIES. JENNINGS A CO.. 332 Vi Washington St. THB SNAPS ARB GOING FASTl WE HAVB SOLD SEVERAL THE PAST WEEK: WE HAVE STILL A FEW ON OUR LIST THAT WE WILL SELL THIS WEEK IF VALUES WILL DO IT. LOOK AT THIS FOR ONE OF THEM: 40 rooms; low rent; long leaae; excellent location; furniture first class; carpets almoat new; house In elegant condition; thle house Is si wars filled; easily clearing $200 per month; If yon went a Bouse end look tnronga this ons yoa will surely buy, as without doubt it la the beat bargain In the city; price is very low; owner bsa other business that needs ms attention. Grocery store; this must be sold Mondsy; Sood horse and wagon; National cask register; 'ay ton computing scsles and good, clesn new stock of groceries: price $600; worth double. Cigar, eandy and frnlt atore; good location; rent $lBf includes living-rooms: doing over $12 per day; can be doubled eaally. la-room houae; beautiful, large rooms; ele gant furniture; fine, large yard; this is a small, place and a money-maker; To see this la to buy tt at our price, which la $900. If yoa want anything la rooming-houses, hotels, groceries, eandy and cigar stores, or aay kind of business. It will pay yoa to call and see as. 1 WB ABB HTtAtMjtTARTERS FOB SMAPS. DIETS GARDNER. J, .. .i- 8064 First. St. , v .. - Pbons Clay 271. ' V EXPERIENCBD hardware man to epaa up and tska charge or that department ei oia eetao llabed house, tbla elty; will require tnveetment of $2,500 ft Interest in baslneea; good aalary and aatisfaetory income from Investment guaranteed to compstsai man. Address V S3, care Journal. Btranrxss chaxcxs. CONFIDENTIAL INVESTIGATION Reliable reports furnished oa property varaes, INDIVIDUALS, and bnalnaaa itmno.lHn booka axperted, best city inferences: eorrse- ponaence sollciua. Lock Box 274, Fortlasd, SALOOIT doing good bastnsss In hesrt of eity nw waae; otner nusinsee ressons lor selling; reasons hie If taksa at eace. 90, care Journal. . FOR RENT Roomlac-houae. ' unfurnished pertly furnished; snsp. Columbia Real Estate Trust compsny, 234 Vi Morrison SU FOR BENT Coloms dock. tst. Osk snd Plaa era. inquire at of Oca. Coot of Oak St. A SNAP Cigar store for aale; good local Joe and ease, lau i8j Madison st. FOR SALE Best psylng buslnsss la Portland. .au xn oecona at. FERSOXAL, BADAM 8 Microbe Killer curee asthma, blood poison, Brlght's dlaeeae. bronchitis, cancer. ( cetsrrh In all Ita forma, conenmptlon, colda, coughs, dyapvpela, ecaems, female complaints. revere, gravel, heart disease, kidney com plaint, ner rone dlaeasea, psralyala. pnea monls, rheumatlam. ulcers, aorea, etc.; there haa nothing yet been dlacovored lta equal. uau mil aiorriaon st. snd Invssllgste. W1IT not be healthful and beautiful; vibration and Ur. rbarcott'a rheumatic Bathe cure all nervous diaeaaes. It Uoes not take long to nulla up dead tissues and atrengthen weak muaclee; a apeedy cure; pleasant treatment. Electro Vibration Company. 411 Morrison st. LENOX, rile sod Catarrh Curs bss cured others ana win cure you; we refund your money and $50 reward If wa fall to cure with one box; et au druggists or our office; try It. Lenox Pile and Catarrh' Cure company, 884 Eugene et. Phone Union 6731. AGRREARLB elderly gentlemen of highest In tegrity nss intorestiug propositions for practi cal, unencumbered lady of means; matri monially Inclined; correspondence protected. Address N 1, cars Journal. IANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve Globules; one month's treatment, $2: 8 montha, $3; sent securely aealed by mall; agents. Woodard, Clsrks A Co., Portlsnd. Or. CHAIR bottoms caned; will leave city May 15; an oroers sued to that data. I24H Eaat Mor rison, cor. Twentieth at. Work called for and delivered; T5c' chair; drop na a poetaL GENTLEMAN with good position wishes to meet isoy Between ana do; ooject matri mony; no general delivery. D T8, JourpaL YOUR prescriptions srs mors accurately and reaaona my ailed at Uracil's pnsrmscy, ZZT Morrison sL, bet. First and Second eta. GENTLEMAN, atranger In the elty. dealrea the acquaintance of a lady from 20 to 35: , object, company. B 41, care Journal. GENTLEMAN dealrea the acquaintance of yonng lady I Brunette) 20 to ail; object, eoclabiuty and amusement. B 08, care Journal. HAVB yoar hair msttrsasae reaovatod aad re turned seme day. Phone Mstn 4T4. Portland Oar led Belt Factory, 82 front st "ON a Blow Train Through Arkaneaw," by Jackson: full of fan and Jokss; BS seats, oaes' Bookstore. 291 Alder at. FACIAL and scalp trestment by French derma- toiogiat; eiec me race masasgs, noons l, swift Waabtngton. MMB. R. B, Ely, deraMtologiat. scalp treatment. shampoo, electric msssage. 211 Goodnoagh. TO IXCHABGE. WANTED To axehanga organ for good gentle man a Bicycle. Addreae 104 Mtaotoa at, . OLAJBTOTABT AND FALKIBT. MADAMS JOHNSTON Sellable Clairvoyant. Palmiat aad Cardrsader; Boar $ a. aa. to t p. m. prlcee reaaoubla. 289 Third at. MRS. S. B. SBIP, clairvoyant and Ufa reader. 81 Tth. Circles Toes, snd Fri. eve.. 7:45. FOB SALB OB RENT. NO. 1011 WILLIAMS AVE. New 6-room hoase With all modern Improvements. Apply Joba sain, room a zzs Btarn at. FARMBOhtEBTXXDB. FBEB homeetead lands; Brst-siasa grala aad hay hade. BQ9H Btark st - ATTORBXYB. EMMONS EMMONS. Worcester bldg. attomes-at-Uw. Bed S. B. BIOGBN, attorney aad CnnseIlor-at-law swmry. euo-am ADlngtoa Bldg. . . ASPHALT PAVINO. THB Trinidad Aapbalt Paving Os, af Portal ad. vrnre noo werosstor DIB. ARCHITIOTB. IODOSON CO Architects and aapsrla- tendenta. Suite 812 Macleay bldg.. eof. Fourth aaa naaningioa ata. OAFB. THB OFFICB, 285 Waahlngtoa st. a via. ncssn at vigneaaa. CAFB KRATZ, 122 Sixth at A Baa buck aervsa at i ; all Boera. MONET TO LOAB. FRED H. STRONG. FINANCIAL, AGENT. w rmn. M WUIIUUHilon. I am In a positloa to make Immediate wane on improvea real estste or for build. ing purpoeee; any amount; moderate Inter val, ne approve loana from plana and ad' vance money aa building progreaaca. Option. in rvpay.ueuc arter one year. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent 103 Second at. aear Stark. UNCLE MYERS. (Bstabllehed 185B.) UNCLE MYERS. 148 Third Street, Near Alder, UNCLE MYERS. CNCLB MYERS. Leans on Collaterals. Low Hates. UNCLE MYERS. Unredeemed Pledges for Sale. Phone Main 910. NEW YORK LOAN OFFICB. 7 North Third Street M. Miller. Prop. Loana on Collaterals, Low Ratee. Unredeemed pledgee for aale. Watch sad Jewelry repairing. Phone Clay 897. SALARY LOANS We loan money to salaried people la soma oi io to fiuu; rrom l to a montha' time; ao delaya or anpleaaant in quiries; business strictly confidential and courteous treatment extended to all; private entrance, northwest uiu uo., szi ADlngtoa bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS oa Improved city and farm property at lowest current rates; nuuaing loans, Installment losnc wm. aiacsiaawr. 811 Worcester bldg. LOANS ON THB EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO SALARIED PEOPLE. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, Office hours. 6 s. m. to n. m. Phone 224. Room 716. The Deknm bldg. S. w. cor. Third and waanmgton ata. MONEY TO LOAN on reel, persoaal aad col lateral security; aped a 1 attention to chattel mortgages; notes bought a W. Pallet SIS Commercial blk. Phone Main 1586. MONEY TO LOAN oa large or small emoaota ea good security; loweei raise, wiuism u. - Beck. 807 Failing bldg. MONEY ADVANCED aalaried eeonle. teenwters. etc., without aseurity; easy payaients; larg eet DBaiuesa in eg principal cuss, xouuaa. za A Din (ton oiae. CHATTEL LOAN Money to loan on chattel security in any sum; no delay; general anoney brokerage. Northwest Loan Co., 321 AWng toa bldg. CPATTBL leans la amoonts ranging from $25 fo $5,000; rooming-houses a specialty. Near Era Lea a at Ttaat Co.-. SOB Ablngtoa bldg. $50 TO il.000 TO LOAN on any eood eecnritTT mvm aarger euma a real oscare ax low inter- I eat 420 Commercial bids. Phone Clay iM. 1 $10 000-6, T, 8 PER CBNTs SUMS TO SUlTl BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY." W. H. HUWN, DBS SHERLOCK BLDG. LOANS la sums of J5 sad Bp ea sll kinds of seearlty. W. A. Hatbawsy. rossa 10. Waahe 1 ingxoa oing rnone, tiooq eia.. ' - BARGING ABO LIGHTERING. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO ISA Baraalae ex. rnone, vrani iiii, ' ,..,,..., . BAi.i.aIi.8. COLUMBIA bakery, 4o Market st d"!vers bread to any part ot the city. liovd Joi. CEREAL MTLLB. A CMS MILLS CO., manafaetsrsra Baarwa Aaaaa Cereals, i BO aad 22 North FraaA si. COM MISSION MIKCHANT8. E VERDI NG A FABRCLtT STedwre'assaX eloa msrrhsnts, 14 Frost st. Purtlsad. t, Phona. Mala 17. -- CHIROPODY AMO MAjriCTJRIROv THB DEVENYS. the ocly Mentlfle ehtropodl.t, la the rtty: parlors S01-I Allsky bldg.t this is the tong-aalred geat-eaiea oa wsnt as sea. ' Orsnt 16. ... .. . . . - MRS. LILLIAN B. CRAM, rttropodlat. manWe. Ing and shampooing. BIO Ablngtoa. Clay 1758, OARBERTERS BUILDERS. A. t. AUTHORS a H. B. WOOD, earpeatsea ana nuiiaera: repeinng ana jnnotngi and office Sxtnrea baUt Shop SuS Uob glaaast XJSl T , rUWFB VBSg aWMAlal ' " T . FANNING ARMSTRONG Cerpenters and builders: rs pairing and jobbing; reasonable rates. Shop cor. Fourth and Columbia. Froat H. F, CLARK, re reenter and bnlleevt rspenrlng and lobbing ; efSce Sxtnrea. Besideace phesa. West 782; a bop. Mala 1941. . 40SH Wash. at. 0. W. GORDON, eonatera, sberrtng. boastse BOjh) aad repaired. 206 Fourth, . Clay IT 4. .. .. , CEMENT COVTBACTOBS. CHARLES H. CARTER A CO.. tractors. 271 Porter st .Phone 2S64. guaranteed.- , .. Work FIONBBB earnest oatreetor. I. I'. O brock; all WMk guaranteed, AdJrsae 4S Fifth st K O. addreea 8o Shaver. Phone, Unioa 5US2. CARTER A ET.L, cement eon tractors, gn porter ,. st Phone Froat 2864. Work gaareateed. COAX. WESTERN FEED A FUEL DO v Those 101a. Csstla Gate seal will please yoa. psoas aa your order. OREGON FUEL CO.t aB kinds aaal and amad. , 844 Morrison. Phone.. Main 65. crvix xjroaiiis. THEODORB ROWLAND. 60S McKay bldg., gen eral oreagnting, map compiling, onto pnnuna. CISAtS ABO X0BA0OO. EB'SERU-GUNBT CIUAR CO, ' ' - , Dlatrtbatora at .' ' ' J ?f, FINB CIOARS, ' "r-',5" V Portlaad. Oreeoe. 0B00XEBT ABB BLASAWARK. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GlASSWABB. rraei Hrgele a Co., 100 ta ios Bth. ear stara. 11 sj a ' DOO ABB HOBSX HOBFITAX. DB. 8. J. CARNEY Veterinary earceoa. 108 North Sixth st Phone Mala 14S4; res, phona. Main 8637. DEOOBATOt. BENBY BRRGER IBB First Bt wallpaper. ingraina, tapestrlsa, appuqaa trimia, lor dscorating. " DENTISTS. DB. KNODER, dentist. 828 Mobawk bldg. BYXIBa ABB CLEAR IN G. CIIY STEAM DYEING A CLkANINO WORKS ner man Knks. braprletor. rnone, - Mais 1713. Na. 65 Bth St. aear Plaa. PsrtlasA Os. . HUNTER. S60 Jsffsrsea St., ataasa carpet aad mattress cleaning; feather aenweatlagl ' ell work guaranteed. Phone Mala Bid. PORTLAND ateam cleaning and dyeing works; , practical Batter la connection. Ul rearus phona1 Clay 704. CLCTHKB CLEANED AND PBESSRD $1 s ssoeia. uuqsM xaiiortag vs.. gsi waarung- tea st . ij. .... H. W. TURNER, prnfeestoaal dyer snd cleaner, BIO ITth. eor. Columbia. Tel. Mala B57S. ' DRISSaLAXntO, MRS. PITKIN, Udtesf tailoring and dreee making, 810 Tarney bldg., corner 24 aad Tayksr ata. , ' . FIRST-CLASS dreesmaklDg. Mrs. Msnde Ma Urs, parlors 655 Ualoa ata., sot Knott st MRS. McKIBBEN, artistic dreee east elsek- aaaklag. 651 Morrisea st. ' BOGS'rOB SALE. I WHITS Pommeraaiaa Spits puppleev for seas. sis wiissB. t'aone nsy it. - - - J - EDUCATIONAL, 'y , ' PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLBOaWpark snd Wasbiagtoa sts.. A. P. Arautreng, IX.' B.. prlndpali eetabllsbed 1866 J spea all the ysar; students admitted at any ' time; private or Mass Instruction. Departmenta : Bturtnees, ' shorthand, typewriting, pesmsnsslp, KagUah. van logos rree. - rse XDVCATI0BA1, PUPILS waated la Esglish, Utla. Greek Sad Gaelic ; baglnnera and backward ata Seats a specialty t applies rtoa ay saau oniy. o dress Teacher, 168 Eleventlr St.. Povtlasd. ? SXXOTBIOAtf WORKS. - B0BTKWX8T EXB0TBI9 XBtLVBXRIJIO) sanpany, SOB Btark at, PeKlaad; Gw h. toe nevtrythlng la the electrical lkse v frbraee, Msln lkWL I PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Of Sll Stark at Phone. Mala 221. , . 1 '. ,i l "i 1 " r iuamaff?t FRATERNAL IBBPRANCJt. . OBDBB OF WASHINGTONroresaoet ' frater- aal seoetF of Northwest; preteete tbo.Uvv Ing. J. L. Mlteaen, sepreeae seeretasrAia and BIB Msrquaam hlcg.. perUsad, OskTsas phono Mala 642. ..-f. . I'LOUR, . feed, potatoes, -coal, eta,, Barmaa aanne, 410 Bast Seventh st, phone Scott 4511. . FTRRITTTRB F ACTOBJXS. , FURNITURE manufacturing and special L. Buvensky's furniture factory, S79 Fran! at OREGON Fernltare Msnufsctarug sesepeay Msnnrsetursra ei furniture for the trade, au Fhst sf -. - ,-- : ::. J01?11 TAXLTBS. - . YOUR fortune told. Romany, . gypay queen; palmlsta, clairvoyants, card readera, aetrole cists; reeding 10 cents. 186 Fourth at bet. Ismhlll and Taylor. ' BBOCEBB, : -.L r'-JTTj: WADHAMS A CO.. vrbolessle greeera. sssa. factunra and eomailaaioa maechaatsv Taaatk aad Oak sa. . ; MASON. EHRMAN. At CO wholesale are sere; cor. Second aad Plaa ata. N. W. ALLEN At LEWIS, sTholeaale yroserst Pert- land. Or. - LANG A CO.. rtrat aad Ankeny sts. BLAT8 CLEARED. EASTERN Hat Manufacturing Company; SSS i irm, near viay ; nata ayea. ojcanon. aiocied; msde over la latest - aty lea so specialty; Panama, hats. ;'--c---v--., .,: f FACiriC HAT ' WORKS 286 ThtrA. . Clay. 498. Ladles' , aad gents' ban Cleaned, dyad aad Breast d; Fauna hats a srwdaltr. NORTHWESTERN Hat Factory; Udlae' sad arsatif lamaan'a 'tiai -ea L.al ta.LuLaa.al u.eamtaaauS 420H wia7to, Vt- Hoael Portlaad, Amerteaa ptaat S3, SB see day 1 Belvedere; Baropeaa ptea; 4th aad Altec sts. fi IRON WORXS: ,;,- v,;:; PHOENIX IRON WOBKS SHiMWve. feetarera of aaartne, mlelag. lesslng aa saw-, mill machinery ; prompt attention Ss reobiv work. Pbons. Bast 29. Hawtborae ave A k. al IBBUBANOB. ISAAC (V WHITE, fire lasarssee. 800 tv , a 'JabTTicI. WOOD. sn.'i. i-ra- It'.",;': y dlvldtti: aceiilem; tvmf poena oi a . Phone 47. i nt-rl (. - H. ' F. BAB1..1S 't- " 448 Sherlock ' ''" f ' $Tr!B"lV3fB4N I. .' I wmtH.tn .w'. . 1 , AX T'U'R . I i , biuat. 1 u - j, 'A