WHEN YOU WANT THZ VERY, EEST ; THATS GOING YOU'LL FIND IT IN .i rS -THE JOURNAL :..'v- f v.. , v., -t t; ! ' ... PORTLAND. OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 1; 1904. . T ' - jr.. THE LIVE NEWS PRESENTED IN A LIVE WAY IS WHAT THE PEOPLE VLOOKFOR JN THE JOURNAL ; "SSj" 7 V V fTNLVA V s ' " 5 whit hemstitched, ., this .,- 15c, 40o and , 80o value plaids and solid colors, all ' 'J iV l y " -J 4 i J . f. n-'-tTTL .V;. i;wk "' '-f-r.H-.;., Collars, this week,',,; thla week On-KiX Wo "' ' ' f rTK A A ' j ' (j 2ft Yard j 1 May Festival Sale . EMBROIDERIES AND f INSERTIONS 7 - - FOIST FLOOR. Handsome variety of Swiss, Naln- took aid Cambrlo Embroideries 1 and Tnartlnna. FVir a. record r breaking May-sale we'll place on ' th counter tomorrow for the i week a lot of splendid -J5c and J5c -qualities at thejrard..'.lZiC A second lot consisting; of 60c, 80c, . 76c and fl.00 values, while they last at, yard 25 A beautiful. lot of new Lace -Collars at Neckwear counter, the stylish,'. handsoma circular shapes In Mr variety ....;...'.;..fl.KO to 9 Monday ! A Merry May Festival Starts Here A Grand Six-Day May time Jubilee of Special Sole " THE STORE IS IN HOLIDAY, SPRINGTIME ATTIRE MAY POLES ABOUND EVERYWHERE AND MAY BASKETS HANG ALONG THE PATHS formed by the broad aisles of this village ol stores. Bring the children to enjoy the scene. We've transformed this "Famous Old Store" into a May bower this week and Nature's handiwork will blend harmoniously with the flash of Spring colors artistically draped throughout the house by the clever decorators who employ their skill in the service of this "Old Homestead" shop. - See the dolls May-pole dance in the center of the Millinery Salons on 2d floor. The sight will delight chad and adult alike, but over and above all, the week will be one of continuous activity and intense interest to buyers. As you read thro this page you will feel the dollars grow in your pockets this week they will be worth a premium here. We have fairly earned the reputation of leaders in low prices on goods of the reliable sort1-one reason for our great and rapid growth. An increased force of salespeople will be here to waiton you, so delays will be as much as possible avoided. SPECIAL PRJCES WILL BE MAINTAINED ENTIRE WEEK unless otherwise stated. Watch daily papers for announcements. , l X -. :, ; : - : : May Week v Ribbon Specials ; NEW 40c RIBBONS 25 YARD First floor All pure silk, satin v Taffeta Ribbons. 4 Inches wide, finest quality, S&c and 40c values; all new. bright, fresh Ribbons In all wanted colors, alio blacks, creams and whites; yard. .2 54 Special Values in Women's 'Kerchiefs Pure sheer linen Handkerchiefs with the popular and -inch hems, all of the famous Richard on weave this week - special value at, each...,.12J4ev May's Greatest Showing Here of Gloves and Ribbons, Neck wear and Dainty Veilings u raST FLOOR A swell new line just received for May sale of Fabric Gloves, silk or lisle, in whites, black or the dainty mode and popular -grays. Pair. ............. .25 to $1.50 New lines just in"6f lhe famous "Monarchs," best $2.00 glove sold in America, also "Der bys," our special make $1.50 glove, and Eskavs. the dressiest, most perfect fitting $1.50 glove, made by expert glovers. New full lines just in of plain Taffeta Ribbons, in all wanted colors, also black, white and creams, in x to 5-inch widths. Yard. ........... 5 up to 35 New Ghic Veilings The very smart new "Tuxedo" Veiiings, -. plain of dotted. Yard . , , . . ,25i to $1.50 .Chiffon' Veiling, up from, yard'..r... ,25 Brussels Net VeUings, yard. .25, 35, 50 Veilings, for hat drapes, 1 and 3 yards long. Each 50 to $3.50 Chiffon, yard. ; 50 Finest Chiffon, yard $1.00 May. Days in Millinery's Realni SICCND rL00B- The little May Queens will romp here this week in gay abandon. Interest centers In this charming1 spot. Here the grand May-pote'- te surrounded by dollies dressed in their prettiest, gay streamers flaunt v' colorfully t and May baskets hang in profusion. Space -will ' not allow description but - suffice to say ' 'tis like f Fairyland with. all ' the elves at play. Bring and send' In the, chtl-, dren. ' NEW Uffl? HATS are being featured this - May, week, charmingly exquisite, and becoming to all faces. ' Shapes are large and drooping , with. lace of course , the chief trimming feature wlth"tlny flowers dottlhg here and there among the folds. Prices range up, from $5 to 935. ..; New shipments just ' received of the famous GAGE HATS.' . - . . ! Another lot of those chic and stylish Hats for Misses on sale Monday. , Special for; Misses A ? very handsome lot' bf "dainty sailor shapes, with, v, wide brims 'and . iSfge low v crowns., ' Colors . ars, brown, gray, blue and burnt straw. The- hats are . prettily trimmed, each with ZM yards of very wide ; all silk taffeta ribbon, forming a swell,, large bow on-fronts These chartwtnglyt smart Hats would be, t real bargains at S3, but for Monday again we place May Sale of Muslin liMear and Children's Dresses Annex, 2d Floor The spotless loveliness, the ravishing daintiness, the perfect workmanship and generous proportions of this snowy show of White Lingerie sprsad out like the first fall of virgin snow on the hillsides, will fill every visitor to the Under muslin Annex, on seoond floor, this week with snthusiastio admiration and delight. TIs a bewltohing picture, a gather Ing fresh and sweet as a May morning. And best of all, the entire expose will bear the closest sorutlny, for every piece Is perfeot to the smallest stitoh. These prloes will prove. how useless it Is to' make the garments at home. You'll make money by spending It here this week among the Undermuslins. Ladles' Umbrella Drawers made of fine cambric, trimmed with two rows of VaL lace Insertion, two clusters qf tucks and finished with lace edging. Regular price ILOO. Apg Special at uu m u iuihh . . . . .. .j . s . , Ladies' Cambric Petticoats, 20-lnch umbrella flounce with S clusters of 6- line tucks each and S-lnch hem or deep flounce with cluster of 4 wide tucks and 5-Inch wide Val. lace edging or deep flounce with cluster of hemstitched tucks and 6-lnch embroidery edge. Regular price 2.00. Spe- 1.35 clal Ladies' fine Muslin Gowns, V-shaped neck, yoke of 2 rows of IVi-lnch embroidery insertion between 4 clusters of 7 fine tucks each, 1-inch embroidery edging at yoke, neck and sleeves. Regular price $1.75. Special 1.27 ;amDric corset covers, circular yoxe, nraow lL lace insertion. I rows of beading, with rlb I, sleeves and neck finished . with VaL ft.lr egular price $1.00. Special at w' Ladles' fine Cambric Corset Covers, circular yoke, trimmed with I rows VaL lace insertion. bon drawstring, slee1 'lace edging. Regular LadlecA Knee- Skirts of Une Cambric, t rows of lAinch wide cluny lace insertion between 3 clusters of tucks, ruffle edge with SH-inch wide cluny lace edging. Regu- Ct 70 lar. price $1.76. Special at pi'r Our French hand-made and embroidered and lace trimmed Lingeries and -our beautiful embroidered Italian Wash Silk Underwear afford most satisfactory selecting for graduating outfits or bridal trousseaux. Children's White Cambric Dresses, embroidered yoke fin ished with featherbone braid, ruffle at neck and sleeves. 27c Ages 1, 2 and 8 years. Regular prices 40c. Special at ,r'w Infanta' Jackets of plain white, fancy striped French flannel or - dainty colored eiderdown, nicely embroidered. Regu--lar prices to $1.28. Special at ...................... 30c A May Basket of Women's V Underwear and Hosiery Bargains ,. ; ' msT floor v;:. ... .. We open tomorrow a sale of Women's splendid new Knit Underwear and stylish, reliable- Hosiery that includes many rare values. - Among ' them ladies' white lisle Vests, sleeveless, Richelieu and Swiss ribbed, ! daintily trimmed In lace effects. Best 86c values at, pair 23 Ladies' fine .white ribbed, sleeveless lisle Vests, crochet and tape trimmed, extra value at 75c; special this week at 49 Ladles' white Lisle "Vests, with high neck and long Weeves, prettily trimmed in crochet and drawn ribbon effects; made by the celebrated Merode underwear fashioners; best 75o; Values; special at. 499 Ankle length Pants to match above, pair ..............49 HOSIERY Women's fast black lisle Hose, Hermsdorf dyed, with high-spliced heels - and double soles; best 40c values in the city; special this week at. pair : ..'..'.. ........,.2TeV Children's Seamless cotton Hosiery with, linen spliced knee that doubles the wear at' that vulnerable-point, also at, heel , and toes; sises ' to 10, usual 46c values, special this week at, pair. . . .. '. . 17 Too Many Beds in the Warehouse . for May 1st ; Owing to an Immense purchase east of Beds n6w on the way; we must make room In the-warehouse, for their reception - Don't you think these prices ought to rid us of a few? - . ; Iron Beds Sharply Reduced Full, or three-tjuarter sizes,, plain or fancy filled styles. ; .. $ 4.60 Beds this week for.. 8 4.00 $ .60,,Ptd this week fort, 5.50 '$ .8.00 Beds this week' for. .f l0.50 $10.00 Beds this week for.. f - 8.25 : -$14.00 Beds this week for. .fll.OO -$ 17.00 Beds this week for..13.SO $22.60 Beds this-week for..$18.00 $25.00 Beds this week for".. 920.50 Reclining Go-Carts for baby ' ..,....,.........$9.50 to 955 Folding Go-Cart for baby" ' 5. . j .......93.25 to 9 New ' Camets. Linoleums : and s ' Mattings, fourth floor. An Unusual 3-Day Sale b Women's Fashionable Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Only, Second Floor Salons of Dress Suits STARTS HERE MONDAY And SHIRT WAISTS, Too We were "enabled last month tto close' a deal with a leading New York City manufacturer of high-class Suits In man-tailored makers, whereby a lot of very smart, handsome and ultra fashionable Suits came to us at a re markable price concession. To these we have added a number of our own ' swell Suits, all the newest and latest makes in walking and dress styles, and now, to fittingly observe this great May festival fete, we're going to share our good fortune with our patrons this way: We'va divided the" immense Jot of about 600 suits into three lots, re duced from regular prices as printed below. In dress styles ' are included Suits of Etamlne, Broadcloth and handsome novelty Tweeds, also Vene tians In all the newest styles, blouse; Eton and Jacket effects, handsomely trimmed, with every earmark of' the high art. man-tailored garment. 1 WALKING SUITS of Cheviot, ' Homespuns and swell Novelty Tweeds, In all DODular. wanted colors, jacket, . Eton or blouse styles; very chic, Jaunty Suits. 5 82: White Goods to tHE fore; . Domestic Corner First Floor. . May-days bring first real thoughts of summer and with them we turn to the dainty, summery stuffs for wear when the mercury Jumps, rather than climbs, up among the "M's." Our showings of stuffs you'll need to make up for the- coming graduations and confirma tions is larger than ever before. Tour wants will be, best filled here. Among the pretty fabrics are Silk Persian Lawns, French Lawns, Mousselltnes. Ma salias, Imported Nainsooks, Crystal Lawns, - Voiles. Mercerized Novelty Etamines, Pure- linen Lawns and Cambrics. The price range is wide and "stretchy," choose most anywhere 25 to 91.50 yard. Specials for the May Fete Fine French Lawn, 45 Inches wide, in the 50c quality, this week, yard .424 40c quality, this week, yard ... 33 30c. quality, this week ....... ..25 8,00a yards fine sheer India L4non, best 16c-quality at ... - f q y8J"d " Vi". i . . .".......... . .4' .... 10 Special May Sale of Shirt Waist Patterns at Price ' Handsome, hand-embroidered Linen Shirtwaist. Pat terns in open work effects, all at one half usual prices. Regular $9 patterns this week at..94.00 $9.60 patterns this week at ...... ....94.25 $10 patterns this week at ................. ...95.00 $10.50 patterns this week at ..95.25 $11 patterns this week at , .95.50 $14 patterns this week at ...$7.00 Startling, But True; FOR THREE DAYS WE WILL REDUCE ABSO LUTELY EVERY PIECE OF DRESS GOODS IN OUR STOCKI . We've $20,000 worth too much of Summer Dress Stuffs. In order to reduce this overstock In three daysjwe Inaugurate -sfr A sweeping clearance, of our -en tire stock in the First floor Annex. Nothing omitted, every piece -black or colored- price slaughtered. A' GRAND MA,T CLEARANCB! SALE! No use enumerating kinds, for it Includes every kind. Not a piece reserved. .All radically re duced no scratches, but deep f cuts. If you've & dress goods want, fill it. now. Extra salespeople In. attendance Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only. $15 to $20 Suits, for 3 days - only, at ......... A GREAT . 3-DAY $10.85 $25 to $28.50 'Suits for 3 $35 to $38,50 Suits, for 3 days only, at ,$ 14.75 1 . days only, at ...$23.65 Sale of SkiH Waist Dalntyr handsome Waists of fine white Lawn and prettily figured Madras. ' The- latter are la plain tailored effects or wi: h box plait: front,s.' The lawns are attractively- trimmed In rich fancy lace effects or with embroidery and tucks. All I are the very new.-nt abfflMesr of thr"seaB6nnmake'Prlce " " " T " . f S.00 Waists for three ; days ....,...,92.29 $S.t0 Waists for three days .........92.49 $3.75 Waists for thrw -days .........92.68 $4.00 Waists : days for thre 1 . . 9&) $5.00 Waists days for It f. 9