V THE OREGON .SUNDAY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, SUNDAY :.MORNING. : MAY : 1, 1S04.V 11 GREAT INTEREST DEPARTMENT MEET ' saxxTAm-r ojt coxnoij, scAxnral i ... Ttxut uxmrxxa mm mqwt ousr o .nxxTzp ; noi MM 9VS xo ooum xtrsroat. PORTLAND LEADS IN GRAIN EXPORTS . cmAjras ' avow t sx - , am mwanam ' lions txosj or - ruaaT gorrsrs roa vaxuvci or. ' (Jooraal Special Servlee.1 '.-Vancouver." Wash., April 80. Th ln- , terest in vanoouvsr Dsrracu is on tne A. statement of th April export bwj- Bess . prepared by the .merchants' ;ex- ohanas shows ; that Portland .till , re increase, end the member of the varl I tote. a oav Paget sound so fa oua commands era tralnlnf every BortL. wht .hi.TBt. . ,Bc.rned. Dur. , to chape themselves for winning out IB I . I TJ . Wl. I. ahinnaA .' tha fortheomln d.nartmsnt fll con- ' P" M th,, hlW4 W to h. fcald hara d.irlna (ha mMrtla from Portland 111.111 tmshela Of Wheat, . Tof next rnOnth. ; Every day witnesses compared witA 16.661 bushel sent from all. the. soars time the soldiers have be- 1 Both " Seattle antr Tacoma. , in -mm (vmh Arflla and Atliaf AuHmm nrartttaln with, aa energy thai would do credit to , th professional trainer working' for largo, returns. The oompanlea each day .contest between themselves aa an organ- Isatloa for. the honors of victory, ae . T, well aa to ascertain their , beet timber to enter as competitors In (he depart ment field meet - ..... .. , Although t&ese practice games im ott tests- have been -- vohinUry- on the .part of the enlisted men. the officers have rendered all 'encouragement la their power,, and, finally are heartily eo , operating in the activity. To this end , tbe Eighth battery, field artillery, wlB on May 11 hold a oonteet among the " iientbers of Its own organisation for tbe Portland figures Is not Included a small shipment ,f wheat which went but on tbe Chlng Wo, the steamer not clearing until late . yesterday . afternoon. . Com pared with the corresponding period of last year tbe showing from either see tlon is not a very creditable one. There was shipped from Portland alone ' at that time a tHfie more - than 111,909 boshels bf Wheat, and from Puget sound 111,141 bushels. There is a rea son found for the great decrease, how ever. In the fact that more wheat has one to the orient during the winter months In the form of flour than was ever before known In a like period of time. ' There have also been a great many more train shipments made to purpose of selecting competitors for th J California points, this season than usual, department, meeting to be held a few 1 which will account rn a measure for days later. In this . Private Calvin 1. 1 the poor export business In this line. Christian will art as captain and Lieut To California points during the month lurry H. Mitchell, artillery corps, wUl there .wad shipped from Portland 10,111 have the general management of the bushels of what" while Puget sound contest ' has to her -c, edit 78,7 bushels sent Credit One Ofalenel Xnstoa. Iboastwlset ''doe noticeable feature about This degree of enthusiasm was I In-1 the tabulated statement is that during stilled, nourished a ad matured ' largely the month of April last year the north through tbe efforts of Coldnel Hueton, ern ports did hot ship a pound of grain the present poet commander, -Colonel to California. .But from Portland there Huston favors the men In action . and was shipped at that time 11,161 bushels Words In participating In these pastime of wheat-. ' and practice meets and grants them all Counting the Chlng Wo's cargo, there the freedom of time for training work; Is very little difference in the flour ex that Is compatible . with the, regular ports from Portland and Puget sound, military duties.' ! . the former amounting to I9.C44 barrels. The Vancouver poet la not alone la and tbe latter 'to 41.117 barrels. Of ths this training, but the other posts la the Puget.' sound shipments, 4,411 barrels Department of -the Columbia are alee want to South Africa, and the balance training as vigorously aa possible, each the orient All the flour sent from desiring to be the victors la the- larger Portland went to .the far east Corn contest ' pared i with April of last year, there is Nor Is it probable that the department also a big decrease In the flour exports, meet to be held Jtt May Is the inly one The war bow in prpgreea la held to be of Its kind to be held. The Intention of accountable for the ahortage. The flour Colonel Huton to have the soldiers play from . Portland shipped coastwise purely amateur games and eliminate all amounted to 11,065 barrels, and from professional tendencies among the sol- Puget .sodnd tO.MI barrela The total diers. has been taken un with a-ood April 1, grain shipments from . Portland Dint hv tha denartment officials and for the pest seven, seasons, given in bushels, are a follows: Bushels. part in any other . athletic sport Qran' total season o date...! t,7S,M i a stipulated amount is to be Same .period. 1101-1901 18,111.611 bum pgnua, i m-im....... iii Same Perlod40v-1101 ....... 17.661,117 Same period, lllt-l00..M... 16.006.160 Ssmw period. lt6-186 16.168,607 Same period, 1IT18I8....... 26,624,481 ANNA EVA FAY heresfter it is not likely that' the sot dlers will play on baseball teams .dor take where paid for such services rendered, There are two .cogent - reasons' as signed for this action. One Is '.that 'it In a manner deprives , the: members bf interest in social military contests, for the reason the men think they can do better by doing the same class of work for civilian clubs and managers. And secondly, but aot the least Is that where one man Is granted leave to take aarft In aiioh Atitta afwifttiai, mn,( h. assigned to do his post duties, thereby Wonderful Little WOfliaa TdlS oi causing -vvnisnuun among n iiibio I ' t men, because one enlisted man dislikes Htf . StflQffC W0Ts tt An t Kes jtJittw i ftntkaH as til I lir " "w .a-BJW au- w IV VUWI V at BVg nonth while that other one is getting IS per day and his government pay, too, HOW JEFF AND DOVE SPEND HONEYMOON (Continued from Page Nina) Camolrom?IbvaJ; to Portland to bo treated by ttho -V "V,. , t, - . v 1 t Dr. li t. PaHea, Netwropeth Mrs. B. O. Russell expects to leave Friday for Portland, Oregon, where -she goes to be treated by her old family pnysloian. Dr. N. J. Fulton, who went from Atlantio to that place. .Mr. Rus sell win remain In Portland until cured, and then expects to go to Santa- Bar bara. California. She will visit other plaoss during the two years' itinerary she has planned. The Journal wjll keep her adviser of events in tne - county during her absence. Audubon County (Iowa) Journal. April 11. 104. and has not been meeting with any marked success except from a box-offlcs standpoint. Also he is doing some good In the wav ttl traJnln off flash In ail. dltion to the clevernees he has naturally I brought me la contact with other peo- . m . . . 1 It Ilia IrAnt ma aKpu.t rt t). ilmaa ameu irora practice since nis ramous 1 give thanks every day that neces sity compelled me, wbea I was only 11 years of age, to take up this work." re marked. Miss Anna Eva Fay, the myetlo fair Mahatma," who has succeeded in creating eo much stir in society circles In this city by her Inexplicable revela tions. "Yes," shs continued, "neceoelty the kind hand that started me in this work I have learned to lore so well, and I have been cradled to It My father and mother were Theosophlsts and I have never known any other life. But It has All the written testimonials on earth could not be stronger than this . one. Mrs. Russell had been cured of a spinal amotion. She had fell and injured- her spine. So long and severe was the lady's agony that the hair of her head fell out in spots. Dr. Fulton cured ber without the use of any medicine whatever, and so great is the confidence of her former patient In her former doctor's ability to cure her of rheuma tism that she comee all this . distance to be cured of this new and most obsti nate affllctlori. Ae Dr. Fulton has cured many casee of rheumatism, ex oeedlngly severe, some of them, In character, there is little doubt but that shs can speedily restore her friend to perfect health. Dr. Fulton employs no drugs at all She Creates no drug bills, nor one disease in attempting to cure another meeting with Jeff at Butte, Munroe will undoubtedly profit by the teaching of Kid McCoy, who is now on his way i rum me east espeoiauy to take mm in hand. In spite of the fact that the Kid has been doing nothing more arduous pie; it has kept me abreast of the times. 'flow did I begin in this radical de parture from the beaten pathT .Well, it was something of a matter of guessing at first and I got' to be .a fairly clever guesser, but this did aot satisfy me; it was not enough. If. a certain cause pro for th last year than to play poker on luce certain effect that cause ought the trana-Atiantlo liners, he seems to have retained all his old time cleverness. Tho manner In which he poHehed ort Hermann Placke, the Dutch champion, shows thin. It took Just four minutes sctual nghting time to do the trick. to produce a better effect under im' proved- conditions. If one grasshopper could destroy a flower, a swarm of in sects could kill an orchard. Progres sion was the watchword, and gradually the guessing theories evolved Into snd althourh piarka tnA , 1 science. Now, r if I make Br failure. It is at 241 pounds and McCoy opposed him due t0 ome flaw ta work of WIW IBS. tne Hollander aot as rnnirh . '"p ummos iiu lauurea. ij. we voyage as one or nis native cheeses in the hold of a Dutch tub. LONG SHOTS CREATE HAVOC AT OAKLAND plant seed, they must. If the external conditions are proper, come up. "The destiny of the country depends upon education," continued - Miss Fay. We should give more thought to the occult sciences, th 'Isms.', so-called." "But every mind is not capable of such study," interrupted ths reporter. The reason," replied Miss Fay, "is simply because only th five ssnses have been cultivated. People are content to be lasy and not to utilise the latent tfoaroi! Special Service.) Emeryville, Cel., April 80. Results: First race, 6H furlongs, 3-year-olds and upward, selling Dandle Belle, 104 (McKinnon), SO to 1, won; Flyer, 103 i (J. T. Sheehan), 10 to 1, second; Judge ?Miss Fav tZZ'hJuZ .'12: : :Then a marts not responsible if he S! namea- "1 believe every man la a moral agent Ranortd -rana. lu ,,rinnM. ..w. Ir heknows that he Inherits certain purse 3400 Eduardo iii vickervV T I tendencies, he should have will enough , fl 7? J. ZTnt Ta, rtAJzSSTJlJ'A to see to It that his snvlronments should k' ur k. aa 2 be such as to help rather than to hinder to 6.' third. Lucrece. George P. McNear' "i Z "",Bt h 'VU 'Iltto? ne .ay vwvr wa Muue VOMOIW, MU4VeJkw3a 4, in I Suite 30 Lewis Building 9MMX AJTS KOaSUSOsT. TsL Main 8133. Office hours from a. m. I to It and 1 to 8 p. m- extenalvely. both at home and abroad. and Is a close observer. Tonisht at the Empire theatre MIS Fay makes her farwell appearance be-I fore a Portland audience. WOMJBV POOB A1TT0M0BXXZ8TS. . From May Outing. Lack of concentration is the most common failure or au among moior- women. If a woman cannot concen trate In every-day things, she cannot concentrate when she motors. The weakness that oauses a woman to read the same page of a book twice to get its meaning, that makes her ssk an Barer Question about the ' detail 'of a I story which one has just carefully ex plained, that leads her mind a will-of- the-wUp trip around the hem.J5j.the conversation, is the same weakness which, in motoring, keeps her looking forces. Indolence Is one of the greatest t0 ,on an attractive bit of ecenery. ished as named. Time, 0:66. Third race. 1 1-16 miles. 4-year-olds and upward, selling Redwald, 104 (J. Jones), ? to 10, won r Kitty Kelly. 105 (J. T. Sheehan), 6 to 1, second; Gold- finder, 83 (McBrlde), 7 to 1. third. or turning her attention for a moment wholly to something that has been said, or for a single instant lifting her hand from the brake. Generally speaking, a woman who Is not a good listener will not be a good chauffeuse. She cannot concentrate. And incidentally, that 18 why, if a woman has learned to do any one thing well, she Is a better motor pupil. If she csn play the piano, If she can play bridge. If she can paint, even If she can typewrite; sne will, ten to one, be a good Chauneuse. u is ins dilettante in motoring, as In most things, who la a failure. Lack of concentration is. another word I for carelessness in motoring. Most ot discussing her work before the public. Miss Fay disclaimed th trance theory. - "When Is go up on the stage I simply the motor accidents, it is trite to say, try to divorce all thought from my 1 come not from defective machines or too mind: to make It emntv so to anank iawlft running, but from csrelesssness Chtckade LTdy K.it Monina " J . ready to receive th'Ta7- that pimply due to Inability to con- Billy Moore, finished aa named. Tim, IffSSSS 'JK. "eTM I . . " ' -.'..,.- I JiQ 4UW W1T Uii fUK JBsBTff Vflff qUVViOZUi " m aaiwaass 4Tb,um BUvse,,Mv s 'Fourth race. 1VL mUea ' 3-vear-oids written r wag asked. ; - smooth run. a corner is turned at the and Upward, handicap, 1600-CaronaL "Merely to intensify the Impression top of a steep grade and a herd of 107 J. T. Sheehan), 6 to l.ron: Illi- "d P" myself. Can you not retain cattle, or anr lnattenttve ped-strlan. or louon. 104 (T. BuUer), 30 t 1, second; fought better if you write UT Is It fa of the thousand ntght-marss i -that Grafter, 108 (Crosswalt). 60 to 1. third. not "J01 Indelibly Impressed upon your to wait for motor people, confronts Veteran. Carat Colonel Anderson. Modi- """ nim so, you wiu l nr. . em wm w auitucu u, um. naHiaa ifi,aj aa namad rma I readily see the advantage of ths written I that she must meet in the next few sec 1:65. -.jv , question to the on who sends rth londs; she will make a wild aim at the Fifth ran, at fnrionva. 1-vaatwridal thought and the on wh receives kit I handbrak. but the handbrake la- so and unnmL Mliinn-Unn Wuaa. 1 1 . J Then, too, did I not Insist upon ths aues-1 fatally near the speed lever that It Is 6 to 6, won; Matt Hogan. 107 (J. Jones),tlon being written, soma persons, when I the simplest thing In the world to mls- i io 2, Seconal LOUIS Wagner. 10T (J. T.I lu" wawara aim ima nugni aeny oat I caicutaie. vr ii mm uuw w iwuw Sheehan). 7 to J, third. Ocrrohe. Mimo.!'11 thought of th Question.. , I that the rob has slipped over the Ladv Athelin. niaiian iraiK ia Anna. I Trlminals ar 1 th asiet to datee I nedals. she may have difficulty rn reach Hoce, Ciisserous. finished aa named. I tof tha simple reason .that Xhey cannot lag the one that cuts oft the power. Tim,- t:l6.- ; - I get rid of their, ugly thoughts, Their I Any one of th mistakes will either Sixth rac. seven furlonas. S-Taar-olrta I mlflds are continually, thouxh involun-1 cause a fatality or decorate a miracle. pure 400--Apaniaa, 113 (Reed), 6 to tarUy dwelling upon their crime, mak- But If only she had realised wbew the 6, wont Gateway, 110 (See), 3 to 1. seV in them easy to detect" . ..... car was bought that she could not con- ond; Jack Little, lot (F. Kelly). 5 to 1. Mlaa Fay Is not unlike ether gracious eentrat. and If only she had leVth caf third. Andrew B. Cook, Dr. Rowell. Rl- women wh take an aetlv interest in teach her how fatality and mlraol both ,esca, sva u., schoao, finished as named. I people ana tnings. Bh is a frail little I would have been averted. Jim", i ooGy.fsrxocuy Dionae nair. or tort tex ture, waa parted and arranged fa a loose I naaate Ahead. XOVMOVT3C 7 BAXAAMt , ne . Her Teaturea r rrom Rochester Democrat and Chronicle I small and elear cut. Her steel blue eyee I Bom &egr baggage wagon drivers wonraai ipedal Berries.) - 1 ana aquiun noss ana urn mount- Indl-1 in Richmond have mutinied. They have Independence, April, lO.Th opening jcte-the peculiar combination .of the notified their employers that they will a game, of the baseball, season played practical -with th poetical and artistic, not) work with a whit man who was here today resulted in ' a vlctorr for Sh is Interested In art and literature: I nut on on of th wasons. If this thins , Monmouth over Dallas by the score of 1 has a romance and "dabbles with paints' I goes on the colored people will b burn-1 J to 6V in a wel-played eontest i j as she expressed It- 0h has traveled J lng white folks at th stake, t I Announce to the People of Oregon and Washington the Arrival .Ml 1 J it lit BttFH MY Vi V 1Ay - - I . a a . a. m m ' "V "V - I a aST I s-r 4 of the lecond ihipment of the Baltimore Shoe & Clothing company stock that -- ' i . . . . i! t h . - . I Bought February 22 At 25c on the $ 1 .00 ". ; : ; i ' ' - ' : ' i , '..; This shipment contains all the fine clothing, shoes, hats and furnishings from the wholesale warehouse of the Baltimore Shoe & Clothing company; goods that were never opened; were never damaged in any way; goods the company had reserved for its early summer trade. Also the goods that were, in process of manufacture; goods that were in transit when the Awful Baltimore Fire Began. They were all thrown on the insurance companies' hands, and they paid 79 cents on the $1.00, and I paid the difference, , ' I ' ; ' f ' 1 ' ' ' " r f Mf i f 'J"'V'' ' ' " " 1 v ' v " ' 5 ht f i " 4 1 "at ' ' ' ilS - f . ! ' IrJ ' 1 ,j U I t 1 ' ! ' ' F'' S'i"1 f tl'lJ hi.)' I ' i Ai VAv-rsc 'V ' ! ' I l-fi '.- -v llie'fl : -.v.f'.3 ; 4, -' !''. , r rm'& 'ill: v-'vk PAUL STRAIN The man who broke the back of the 100 Per Cent. Profit . A Clotliing Combination 'C 25c on the $1-00 V and became the possessor of the Finest Stock .) - (" If',; ' Oi Men's Goods - , . .-, i , . a "... 4. . "V. ' S : That was ever shown on this Pacific Coast My customers know my way of doing business. When I get a good thing they get the benefit of it, and in this purchase of the Baltimore Shoe & Cloth- ing company's $100,000.00 stock at Z) cents. on the $1.00 : (- I Made the Deal of My Life ; j . ; . .. ' . '. And my friends, the plain people of the states of Oregon and Washington, will get the benefit of it to the fullest extent : .;f This Shipment is the Cream of This Magnificent Stock .,.t.srfr Every article is perfection. Tha newest -and nobbiest Springs Suits and; Topcoats are now here, ready for you at less than . ;' V'N One Half the Piicll That any other merchant on this coast will ask you for the self same goods. Custom-made Shoes, in all the new spring styles for less than one-half what ; the exclusive shoe man gets for the same shoes. Panama Hats for the price of cheap straws. -:..::LJtf:iilsn Men's fine furnishings at about one-third price. Men's fine eastern make hats for less than the price of the raw material, and so on in endless variety. AT BOTH MY STORES Will be found everything that man wears in the best kind only, at One-Half, One-Third and One-Fourth the Price That any other store in this town will ask you for the same things. PAUL May I Hope for Your May Trade? Yours for a big selling season. Yours for honest methods in mer chandising. Yours for the scalp of the 100 per cent clothier. Yours for cut prices on everything that man wears. :,,Youri for ; satisfaction or your money back.