The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 29, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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' .. - ; v ,. .. -f- )'.. i
County's Head Peace Officer Discharges Deputy
jQhnson for Refusal to Support His Can
' didacy on County Time
Because C XL Johnson, a deputy, pro
tested againat lntructlon from Sheriff
Storey to rid around the country In a
, buggy and tack up signs asking th
' 'publto to vot for Storey for abetlff,
orders were given Chief Deputy Fred
Matthews to discharge him; and have
his oommlMlon on file with the county
'clerk revoked. For about IB minute
the liveliest scene that has been Wit'
nessed at the courthouse in many a day
took place.
It appear that tact Wednesday Storey
Mat Deputy Sheriff Proebatel out In a
butty to tack up these posters on office
time,' He had another mission In the
1 'serving of a Jury summons on Patrick
Lynch, nine mile out on the Base Line j
" road. ProebsteL acting under orders
from 8torey, was tone from 9 o'clock
In the morning until 4 o'clock In the
Obey or Basics.
- Storey sent Proebatel and Harvey
. Moreland. another deputy, out for the
-nam purpose In a butty yesterday, and
Proebatel has been engaged In the same
work again today. It was a ease with
the deputies of either obeying- orders or
quitting their positions. This morning
Storey asked Johnson to go out and
tack up signs on office time. Johnson
declared that be would do so under pro-
teat. .
. The sheriff flew Into a rage and.
rushing around the office, declared he
would have no "traitors" in his em
ploy. ' He asked Johnson If he Intended
supporting Stott for sheriff snd was
answered In the affirmative. This an
swer was the signal for another out
Johnson Befnse to Quit.
"I call on youv to hand in your r It-
nation this minute, he shouted, brand
ishing his flats, excitedly.
"1 refuse to resign. Tou will have
to' fire' me," declared Johnson.
Herman Schneider, office deputy,
gave Johnson a summons to' serve and
got him out of the room In order to
avoid a personal encounter. Then he
started to gather up his own things
preparatory to quitting work and leav
ing the office. In the meantime. Storey
instructed Matthews to revoke John
aon'a commission, and walked out of the
Realising that the affairs of the of
fice would become ao badly mixed with
out 8chnelder In two days' time that
no official work could be carried on
In that department of the county ser
vice. Matthews managed to get him to
forego his Intention of quitting work.
With Schneider would have gone Dep
uty Sheriff Kelly, another experienced
and trusted employe. Matthews has
not yet revoked Johnson s commission.
County Judge Webster will return to
the city Sunday and be on the bench
Monday.. Storey's practice of sending
deputies out on office time to tack up
campaign material will be drawn to his
of aetioa
Is werth a toa of talk.'
attobbey Brrcmmi dboxabb
omaoov bab assocxatxob7 cob
Twenty-six students, graduates of
this year's Class at the North Paclfla
.Dental college, will receive their diplo
mas at the commencement exercises to
' 'b held by the college In the First Bap
, vtlat church. Twelfth and Taylor streets.
- tonight 1
The church Is being decorated for the
exercises. The attendance promises to
be the largest at any graduation exer-
- else In The hlstory tif the college. Sev
eral of the graduates, are from near-by
cities and, towns, , snd the attendance
from those, towns will be good. ,
r On the program are th names of
c " men who stand at the head of the dental
V : profession In the northwest Professor
Mordaunt Goodnough 'will appear
piano soloist at the exercises. .
, This year's graduating class consists
en Frederick ' Leonard Marsh, Clarence
Hartleys Arthur William Lister. Berton
E. TOTtej Herman Jacob Harris, William
Qraham Alexander. Ellis B. Fleet. Frank
, lln Wlnlleld HollUter, Kdward Lewellyn
ifogan, Tony Marvin , Barlow. Arlett J.
, Brocfer'Charleg Orlando Nelson, Q, Bur-
well Msnn.,',Davld T; Kerr. Wilson H.
Darby. Earl C, McFarland, Clarence Ed.
win Brlggs, 'Ellis Oscar Wilson, Oeorge
B. "Whitney, George" ; Delevan Peters,
..... Byron Edward Loomls. William B. Plt
tenger, William Kosooa Boyd, Cornelius
f -' 'v. ' '
' : :
A sensation was created In the circuit
court this morning by a speecb Of At
torney John Pitchburn, who subjected
he Oregon State Bar association to a
vitriolic roast. His language was
scathing, the strongest statement being
that at a banquet held by th associa
tion two years ago the members-, actod
most Indlscretely and told 'stories that
would have sounded better la a saloon.
"So far as the Oregon Stat. Bar as-
oolatlon In concerned," declared .tbo
rate lawyer, as he brought ' his - fist
down on the table with a . resounding
whack, "it haa many good and honor
ble men on Its list of membership. .1
onor the body for having such men on
s rolls as your honor and Bufu Mai-
lory. And that is all I oar to say in Its
defense. v
'Two years ago the Oregon Stat Bar
association held a banquet and engaged
In scenes of debauchery, several mem
bers telling ' atorlea ao filthy they
would have disgraced a meeting of mac
quereaux. That banquet la enough to
condemn th aaaoctatlon la. th eyes of
any decent man, and to th decent
members X offer my condolence.
The association has never don any
good. It was not created by any stat
ute, and is not Incorporated. I do not
propoa to submit to Its dictation In any
manner, and X am thankful I am not a
The utterance of Attorney Dltchburn
occurred during an argument before
Presiding Judge Oeorge In the circuit
court, on a demurrer interposed by th
lawyer to th second amended answer of
Attorney Riohard Nixon, .In the suit
brought against him to recover $50,000
damages for libel It was held by Judge
Cleland tlast week that th Oregon
State Bar association Is a quasi-Judicial
body, and he refused to strike out th
defense of Nixon that his communica
tion to that body was privileged. A
second answer was then filed by Nixon
and another demurrer interposed by
During th argument this morning
We Want
You J
Jo be our customer our
satisfied customer. If, we.
can't please, yea delight you,
with our pianos and our way
of treating our peopler we-
would rather not have you
for a customer. There are
Two Reasons
Why we strive to please our -
; customers firit, because It
is ngnt to do so, ana sec
ondly, because such treat- .
ment makes of them living ,
a I .? . t 1
averuscments,- we lenaer.
to YOU all the advantages
that lie within the gift of a
reliable house. . V , .
"... 1 ','.. .
New Pianos for Rent
JHei I duller (o.
Olds, largest, Strong.
Oppostta, :
J 16e 10e lGf 1G 1G lGe lG- 10 10 1G 1G 10 16 10e? lGf 1G lGff
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1U 1G
Our regular price of this la 35 cents.
Saturday night from 6 until 9 at 16 cents. .
190 First Street
16 16
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-m a talk.
. 16 J.6
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lO lOf
(Continued from Page One)
Judge Mallory made some comment rel-1 j , , ' .
atlv" to Attorney Dltchburn declare- irn.'!1 th
tlon In another department -of th T ' ! 5 I. i; ! . ?v ..
court tnat he did not propoa to ub- Jt.i.. "T.. 1 .T!
m.t to th. allege authority of the as- f V! f?m.B.,non
h. f.t nl in Imnaaeloned manner f"1. . hPPy nnounc to th
used the language described.- I? i , . 77 KU?IVna,
When Mr. Dltchburn seated himself 'Mukd,IV . lyed a dispatch from
Judge Mallory made a dignified defense "-" Z.n ' majeiy naa
...i ii. , j ii been watchlna attentively the concentra
te 111. iiBvuwuvn. uiuira i.mivi i . ( - - ... . . .
charges against that body groundless, "?"of trP tor the far east and notes
and said it was composed of th lead- ""TV i .u. . ' u "uc"
i t k .t.i. or cess attained in this respeec The caar
men of ability, honor and integrity. II J!1"??. th" communication with the Widely known capitalists of this city,
said he thought words of praise for th following. I attribute the success re- and mged 10 year. He resides at
a social ion were not necessary. wui ' . .y front and Thomas
JS 16 le W W 10 16 16 1G IGa 16 16
xw7 ioc lOf IOC iOf? irjf xf lOf 1U 1U XO X XW 1W lO 10 XO lO
On charges of resisting an officer and
using profane language, P. W. Gillette
was arrested today. Deputy City En
gineer W. P. LIUls swors to th com
plaint GlUett 1 on of the most
reference was made by Judge Mallory
to the banquet which Attorney Ditch
burn used as the basis for his attack.
Frank J CarU, Harold HaU
Loul Chong, one of four celestials
who was ordered deported by tJnlted
1 State Commissioner McKee, made a
.: , , Strange request of a deputy marshal be
s gor th case was heard this morning.
(2ie asked that he be removed from the
., county Jail and- confined In any other
prison until the time of his departure.
.. Chong, with the other Chinamen, was
. V-A , AH kU AMMiu.l I. I .
- v. vu HW .111. U 10 lUIUBUU,
- detained by the Chines Inspector pend
ing an investigation of their right to
.remain in this country. Deputy mar
shals. Jailers and other officials have
told him many weird stories of the pen
alties that awaited on who stole his
' "way . Into the country. Other China
www ,.Bwiivatuu WilU lAJfjfj Ul (Vrv
j jrure. to which he would be subjected.
" He haa been confined In the county
jail for the past three weeks, and the
. iori wmcn nave oeen iota mm have
, kept hlra In continual terror. He Is un-
accustomed to steam pipes, which are
used to heat the Jail.
' Today he told th deputy marshal that
" rhM mnatirim .foam w u . ih. v., 1..
treat of a flery dragon Which had been
brought to the Jail by his persecutors
to avenge the crime of stealing his way
. Into the country. The dragon In the
toipes, he said, was breathing Its hot
... breath constantly upon him, fllling him
With fear.
To escape th wrath of the unseen
demon which, he said, would soon leave
the pipes and make an open attack on
him In his- cell, he begged the deputy
to .remove him from the Jail and con
fine him In some other place. The re
quest was taken under advisement
Louie Oin, Lee Sang, and Louie Soute
Po. with Chong, appeared before the
commissioner this morning to show
cause why they should not be deported.
They were arrested on "their arrival In
this ctcy by Inspeotor Barbour aeveral
weekc ago. They were found In the
upper berth of a Pullman sleeper on
the North Coast Limited, the crack
train of the Northern Pacific. How they
secured admittance Into the Pullman
has Aot been ascertained by the offi
cials. They were unable to explain the man
ner of their entrance into this country
and have been' in custody since their
arrest By' means of Ingenious and
clever stories they have delayed the
hearings until today, when they were
able to secure an attorney. Even with
tnat assistance, however, they Were un
able to explain their right to remain
here, and were ordered deported.
It is likely that the case will be ap
pealed. Meanwhile they were again
committed to the county Jail. Chong.
however, was assured that the dragon
in me pipes was harmless.
two cabs mmrt bust cabbtxbo
fleers subordinate to you." '
"If this may be taken as Illustrating
tne csar s reelings," continues th cor
respondent, -it would seem that some
very unwarranted news has been sent
out from the Russian capital in th ab
sence of aom'ethlng to make an Ameri
can newsoaper story." i
' Transportation Is Slow.
Th correspondent of tha Central
News at Toklo today says report there
Indicate that th bulk of th Russian
supplies ar being transported to Keng-'
wangeneng, on tbs road to the Yalu. by
means of carta. Th roads ar in bad
condition and are deeply rutted and cut
by the heavy traffic. 80 slow I this
mode of progression that five day ar
streets. Th case
will be heard before Municipal Judge
iogue tomorrow morning.
Deputy LilUs Stat in his comolalnt
that he was sent to the corner of Front
and Thomas streets where new street
Improvements are- being mad, for the
purpose of determining what must be
don regarding a protest made by Oil
lette against cross walk., mils aav
directions utat aroused th ire of Oil.
lette, and - hot words . followed. Lillla
piacea uiuett under arrest but when
hi prisoner refused to come to the po
nce station am not use force to take
mm, Because or ma old age.
aiiea ai one ror nan Pedro. Tha
the distance from Russian headquar
ters, a distance of raiy 10 miles.
Engineers now ave a corps of men
strengthening th road, and In some
"I suppose the people of the east side cases new bridges snd grades have been
are satisfied now," said Mayor William a, put In to facilitate th work. Th prep-
epeaklng of the il-oent fare granted by I arations are such, th report says, as te
St Suburban company no pas-
across th Morrison-street
(Journal Special Service.)
St Louis, April 2.The gunboat
Nashville arrived here this morning and
Will participate in the opening of the
- .world's fair. Crowds continue to ar
rive, and the city is filled with visitors,
, who. find hotel accommodations hard to
. . tod.
The weather forecaster say there is
a strong prooabuity that rain will fall
tomorrow, oovernor Pea body and his
i stair or Colorado reached, this city to-
Bay. As to th mining situation, the
;. governor said th strike was practically
over, and that nearly all the men will
return to work at th old hour and th
.old wage scale, .and tnat everything was
quieting down nicely.
, Four hundred recalcitrants persist In
. Sn effort to stir up a struggle, but their
; ringleader; Moyer, Is under arrest
Moyer will be turned over to the civil
courts as soon as th strike 1 complete
ly orar. ; y :.:v,,
' (Sas Frandee Burnt of The Journal.) -Baa
Francisco, April Governor
Faxde Qt California effected th re
lease of the old homestead at Oakland
yesterday from a blanket mortgage that
naa Teen placed on It and other prop
erty in order to obtain campaign ex
penses. The amount of the mortgage
on the property was 117,000, and the
governor was able to satisfy a suffi
cient portion of the mortgage to In
sure the release of the family home
which he -desired to be free from debt
' (Journal Special Service.)
Toledo. April 29. Capt W. Martin.
for 12 years tap clerk at the water
works, having been confronted with evi
dence of a shortage of $3,000 did not
come to the office this morning. Later
the bodies of Martin and his wife were
found in their bedroom. The tips had
been removed from the gas burners In
tne room and both were asphyxiated.
Martin was a Civil war veteran and had
always borne a good reputation.
the City
"They could have had this weeks ago.
if they had been content to accept the
mediations of the council, for the same
proposition was made by that body to
the streetcar company and was granted.
But immediately there arose a storm of
protest, graff and other things were
charged, and the whole matter - was
dropped. Nbw the east side seems to
have accepted without a murmur the
same plan so generally complained of a
few days ago. I trust the arrangement
Is satisfactory, and that there will be no
further complaint.
The 2-cent fare scheme began this
morning at 6 o'clock, and two cars were
kept busy through . -the day. Manager
Swlgert Of the City & Suburban company
said this morning that for some days
the number of passengers might fall
below the required 1,200, but that In
week or SO some definite idea of the
need Of the cars and the numbers cross
Ing the bridge by them would be avail
able. Round-trip tickets are sold at
cent, single tickets are sold for 2 centa
The cars are operated only across the
While this low fare provides for pas
sengers. It does not secure a ready
means of transit across the river for
teams, and the situation Is made the
more acute since the Madison-street
bridge is out of the question, the water
front streets on the east side between
Morrison and Madison being out of re
pair and unsuitable for the passage of
loaded wagons. The traffic is being
thrown chiefly onto Burnslde bridge,
and the . result . is a oongestion. The
committee representing the east side
business men will meet Monday even'
lng at the eagt side Justice court and
seek to devise means of alleviating this
indicate that the Russians expect to
make this a permanent route of travel.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Ealem. Or., April 28. Frank McCord.
a resident of Brooks, came to Salem
Saturday on a pleasure trip. He had
$160, which he had borrowed from bis
mother. The last seen of him was
Tuesday. There I no clue to bis where
abouts alnc that data The police ar
Investigating. McCord was drinking to
aome extent when last seen. The miss
ing man Is IS years old, unmarried and
Is .well known
(Journal Special Service.)
Constantinople,' April ' 20. United
States Minister Lelshmann and British
Ambassador O'Connor have called the
serious attention of the ports to the re
cent massacres In Armenia.
Recent reports from the interior show
that massacres are increasing Instead of
decreasing, and that a constant reign of
terror has been Inaugurated.
(WMhlnrtoo Bureau ef The-Journal. -
Washington. April 29. John J. Seaton
Was today appointed regular and Oran
J. McConnell substitute rural free de
livery carrier at Sherwood.
. Vkpardonable.
Chicago Tribune.
'In what family were you last em
ployed?" asked Mrs. Fields-James.
"In the family of Mrs. Boscommon,
replied th applicant for a position as
governess. '
"mat I ask why you left herT"
v"Her superficiality and lack of general
Information rendered my position un
endurable. She was unaware of the dis
tinction between aw anachronism and an
anomaly . ' .
Shots Bang from Japan china TJntQ
Wafers Closed Over Thm.
(Journal Special Servtee.)
Vladivostok, April 29. Admiral Yes-
sens four cruisers, which mad a dash
off th Korean coast is being cleaned
Details of the cruise show that th
squadron met the Japanese transport
Klnshlu Maru at 11 o'clock on the night
or the 17th. The letters commander
mistook the Russian vessels for the
Japanese squadron and signalled thaf. he
had coal for them. The Russian com
mander signalled an order for the trans
port to stop, whereupon the Japanese,
gralnhandlers and sailors who were em
ployed loading her have worked nlaht
ana aay tor tne past two days. On
account of the recent labor trouble
which she experienced It Is said that
the steamer will not visit this port
again. It was Intended she should make
another round trip before going back
on the Seattle-Nome- run.
Since the river bad fallen considera
bly, many of the dock occupants bad
been thinking very seriously during the
past few days of moving down to th
lower floors. But now a different de
cision has been reached, for the river
1 again rapidly rising. Measurements
taken at an early hour this morning
snowed tnat it bad risen four inches
since 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. At
the rat It Is now creeping up It will b
but a short time until all the lower
docks are once more submerged. .
Tomorrow the steamship China Wo
of the China Commercial line will kail
for the far east with a cargo of 1,700
tons of flour and lumber.
The steamer Prentiss of the Califor
nia & Oregon Coast Steamship com
(Continued from Pag On.)
had he killed Mrs. McOUncy and a
servant girl.
Shot Waile Tic tint Flaadsd.
Colonel McGllncy was brutally shot
down after being wounded and aeeklng
reruge in an outbuilding, from the In
side of which he vainly pleaded with
Dunham to spar his Ufa McOllncy's
stepson, Charles Wells, appeared, and
he too fell dead beneath Dunham's un
erring aim. A hired man was shot
through the door of the stable, where
he was concealed, and the other hired
man waa puraued by Dunham, but suo-
ceeded in hiding himself beneath the
hay in a manger. Dunham then sprang
upon a horse and fled, down th road In
pursuit of a passerby, whom he evi
dently thouaht waa tha hired man.
From behind a fence. whr fc lay
cowering in tha moonlight, in a perfect
paralysis oi rear, neighboring youth,
who bad been attracted by tha sound
of th shooting, overheard th nleadlnc
of ths aged Colon! MoOllncy, th ca
jolery and final threats of bis merciless
slayer, and witnessed th culminating
trageaies,. hs gav speedy alarm.
Xmaaans Bawards.
Th cltlaens of San Jo subscribed
to and augmented th rsward offered by
in tt until th total footed 1 11.00.
Mere, than a thousand men Dartlolnated
In the man hunt but Dunham was
never overtaken. Some years ago the
report came from Lower California that
Dunham bad been -seen near Tia Juana.
but officers who hastened there wer
unable to locate blm and th search
was finally abandoned.
It is doubtful If th full amount of
th reward, or even th ar eater portion
of it could now be collected, as many
or th heaviest subscribers are dead.
other have suffered financial losses and
stiu others have moved to other and un
known piacea .
Dunham's sister, who Is an eminently
respectable woman. . still resides near
here, bat to odium of th
nam of Dunham petitioned and was
granted by the state legislature another,
under which she 1 now known.
147 Third SL Phone Main 616
Price of
Creamery Batter
per roll
Err C Saturday
Royal Chinook Salmon Bel
lies Norway Mackerel, Del
icacies tor Breakfast, New
This' Season Boratavia
Shrimps for Salads, Mayon-
aise and ail v;oia uisnes.
Ready for the Table.;
. Phone Us Yor -Orders
aiaooverln thli tnlatak. Km tn
lower their boat and steam pinnaces in panyJ" Z1- wnIclU- n route, P
an enort to . escape, but the Russian
ateam cutters captured all of them.
Apparently none wae left aboard, but
an examination revealed the fact that
six Infantry officers were In the cabin
and in another part of .the ship were
iso inrantrymen wno refused to surren
Admiral Tecsen ordered the men away,
but the Japaneae soldiers opened fire,
wounding a Russian coxswain, after
which th transport was sent to the
bottom by a mechanical mine and a
rew sneus.
The Japanese aboard did not oease fir
ing and made no attempt to save them-
eive. aitnougn tney had a launch left.
Olivia i hum i rum ine Japanese run
uniu .tne water ciosea over the heads
ot tne intrepid aoiaiers.
coast from San Francisco, will load
lumber for the return trip at the East
ern Western mill..
Jack Martin, a morphine eater, was
arraigned In the municipal court this
morning, charged with having cocaine In
his possession. He entered a. plea of
guilty, and waa sentenced to serve
term of 90 days In th county JaiL He
was arrested yesterday by Deputy City
Engineer' Llllis, who suspected him of
stealing covers from manholes.
Bt Petersburg, April 28. Further re-
pons or tne smiting of the Klnshlu
Maru this afternoon state that alto
gether 810 prisoners were taken, of
mese xsb were taaen rrom the transport
and Include a colonel and a hlrh staff
After two months the charge of
threatening to kill, placed against Fred
Holmes by his wife, was dismissed in
the municipal court this morning on mo
tlon of Deputy District Attorney Adams.
Attorney La Force, representing Mrs.
Holmes, objected, saying his client
wished the charge held over bar bus-
Say Bvral Officers Committed Suicide
as Xinsnm Kara Went Sown.
(Jonrnra Special Service.)
Tokio, April 29. According to thA
Japanese account only 73 Japanese were
killed and drowned when the transport
Klnshlu Maru sank.
As the ship went down several sol
diers committed suicide. Twb captains
and three lieutenants were amonr those
that went down. The transport became
separated from ber convoy.
Vladivostok. April 2C The Jananeu
neet was signted again off this port
this afternoon.
A burglar entered the residence of
Judge A, H. Tanner, 788 Johnson street
at 1 ti'clock last night, and stole two
overcoats. He then made bis escape
without awakening any one. There is
na due to bis identity. Detectives are
womng on tne case.
Zanally Vaoertaln.
From th Chicago Tribune.
Struck by the fancied resemblance, th
young man looked at her a second time.
i oeg your pardon." he said, "but
your face Is atrlklngly familiar. Were
not we engaged oncer .
"I am not sure.", she replied. "May
ask your name?"
"My name Is Brown."
"That doean't help any." she re
joined, with a sigh, "There baa been
three Browns.'
Substantial Agreement
From the Chicago Tribune.
Archie was not sure ber opinion would
coincide with bis, and be proceeded to
feel his way with caution.
"Does it not : seem to you," be said.
that this production has been hastily
staged, and that the actors appear to
be deficient in that er enthus'Iasm
and self-abandonmen that enable one to
lose one's Self In the Illusion of the
playr - -t,
"O, yes," wearily answered Miss
Quickstep. , fit's punk."
' Bow a "X,moa Sqaeeser."
From th Louisville Courier-Journal.
A couple were married, bis name being
Kbencser Sweet and bar's Jane X. Lemon.
and a poet Who didn't know it composed
tne following:
How happily extreme do meet . -
In Jane and Ebenexer;
. She now jio longer Js sour, but Sweet
V And be a Lemon squeeser,
-Mrs.-C.-Hopkina, who operates a gro
cery store at '149' Johnson street re
ported t th police this morning that a.
San Diego, Cal., April 19. A poss I man giving in nam or xn. u. uayior
of Mexican official left Tlajuana this
morning for the mountains to bring In
the body of the man supposed to be
Dunham, the San-Jos murderer. -"The
officers will not be back until tonight
as the trip Is a long one over a rough
' 'ii' '
' (Jowaal Special ferric.) '
Lansing, Mich., April 29 Jerome
Btllea, John Vollln, Ranaome Dlnaman
and John Roy were burned to death laat
night In their rooms In the Bryan block.
The upper three floors of the bulldin
were occupied as a hotel. i
- t
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Manila, April 29. Th natives of
Manila and surrounding districts are In
a frenzy over the arrest of a man avho
has been exhorting them, proolalmlnn-
himself as "Black Jesus."
passed a forge check on her laat
nfght 'fof ISVTs. She says v she gave
him $1.10 worth, of groceries and the
balance in cash. The man signed the
name of 'The Portland Electrlo Light
Company" to the check.
A $20,000 Siook Clothing at SO on ths
Dollar Only Slightly Damaged by
Smoke Must be Sold. ;
Some ten days ago & 'fire broke out
In the basement of 228 Morrison street
Before any damage to the stock : of
clothing on main floor waa done (exoept
smoke) the fire waa extinguished. 'The
Insurance adjusters bave arranged all
damage and the stock Is ordered sold at
60o on the dollar. ..
A new stock has been ordered snd
the present stock must be Closed out at
ones to make room fop the new one.
There Is no fake connected with this
sale. -J "
Garden Tools of every description. Screen Doors
and Screen Windows, "Builders Hardware (new de
signs), Majestic Malleable Ranges, Steel Ranges and:
Cast Cook Stoves. Prices Always Low.
Second and Morrison St5.
1l 11