V1'. 18 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND.- SUNDAY; MORNINO, APRIL - 24, iSOt i. 2 "J Folk inning to 1 ' -.Jit Society Beg Find Recreation Out of Doors I Tmro.rrroYM..Tr U NEAR approach of summer and vacation time is causing a . M iMJ notlceabl decrea.e in the num ' ii vl bar of aoctal event. Green field 1 ' . and blossoming orchards ara more faacl . ; r natlng than the tame pleasures of indoor ( . k. recreation, and out of door pursuits are V''. accordingly receiving the most atten . tlon. And th dog showl That waa one ...Mi; of the moat. dlverUna features of the j. past week and received generous patron ; age. ; ; t Many pleasant social events have ta- Hen place during tne past wef k in nonr .'y;.:,-'S'-';,f Miss Falling and Mr. Burpee, whose ; wedding occurs Wednesday evening ai Trinity chapel. Among the church events, Mrs. Vera :j. Edwards' dramatic recital given at the White Temple Friday evening under the 'laniMia nt tha Ladies' Aid society de serves special mention. Mra. Edwards is a reader of rare ability, and the enter tainment wras highly successful. ,1 EVENTS OF THE WEEK. estlng and unique affair.,, Mrs. Edward rendition of Ellrabeth Btuart Phelps' "The Fisherman's Oath." was particu larly striking- and vivid. "Rosalind's Surrender" (Pauline Phelps), a little drama all In Itaelf. was admirably treated by Mrs. Edwards. She has the ability to Interest and hold her audi enca Mrs. Edwards was ably assisted by the Lakine quartet, composed of Mrs. May Dearborn Schwab, Miss Ethel M. Lytle, Miss Marlon Btackpole and Mra. W. A. T. Bushong, whose voices Diena excellently. They were generously ap plauded and sang as an encore "My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose. Webber's banjo, mandolin and guitar club also contributed pleasing selections. Miss Ada Williams played Frans Rles Gondoliers," from the O major suite. with good expression. The pantomlmea, representing scenes from the civil war, were an attractive feature of the entertainment These were participated in by "The Daughters of the Temple." pupils from Mrs. Qll lesple's school of oratory, and members ' v r The officers of Vancouver Barracks of Company H, Third Infantry, O. N. O, ' ""save -one of their pleasant danoes Friday w evening at the post headquarters, i no i am regular mommy tea was given ' .' - ' Nineteenth Infantry band furnished the last Tuesday at the Patton Home on " : rnuslc. Besides the officers and ladies Michigan avenue by the ladles of the . ' nt the barracks, there were several Port- Home society. The hostesses for the i ' V land ruesU nresent who sre: Mrs. A. afternoon were the old ladles of the - p.n,nn visa Catherine Panton, Mlsa home, and Mrs. W. B. Cutter. Mrs. J ; lubel Wyman. Miss Agnes Hill. Mr. T. H. Burgard. Mrs. H. W. Goddard, Mra. Matthlaon and Miss Kate Woolsey. A. R. Diamond and Mra. W. N. Jonea it it The various apartment in the home Mrs. Max Smith entertained the were artistically decorated with bough members of the Hiawatha Vnnt cmo of dogwood blossoms. The dining room on Thursday afternoon. The.apertments was attractive in blue and white, the ' " ' ' were decorated with white carnations, table having an exquisite arrangement and booo.net of the same flowers were of forget-me-not. - -. the favors. The prise were won by Mr. W. 8. Cutter received the guests. Mrs. George Zeller and Mr Freeburger. assisted by Mrs. W. M. Jones and Mrs. Mrs. Turnbull will entertain the Club at J, H. Burgard, and Mrs. A. R. Diamond their next meeting. poured tea and coffee In the dining . if w room. k ' v' Mrs. Philip Metschan entertained a a large" number of ladles called during number of her women friends on Wed- the afternoon. An informal program of aesday afternoon at her home, ,19 Hoyt muslo and recitations addod to the on- r" " atreet. .Tl rm of "hearts' wa joyment of the occasion, played at eight tables, Mrs. II. C. Fenton V . . . i TV Mninlatlnn , ; gaining inonui-i 1- MlS Badle Stephenaon entertained ' ell,to Mrs. F. A. Bancroft ' Wedneeday evening at her home, 70 ' , the hostess at the conclusion of the ' ..." game. A matinee musicale was given Thurs - day afternoon at Aeolian hall by .the trvmg i reei. narry citepnetson sang "Friends" with pleasing expression and Miss Bennett rendered "Forgotten." Flinch wss played, after which supper was served. Tne guests were: Mr. and lira. TY fttnhnBAn M O f mm pupil or Mr, wirar rem '; fow of Brltih Columbia, the Misses estlng program wa rendered. Wlowi: uett Wolfe, Minnie Spaiilding, Helen Y 8prtng SonaT'..;. V......-...HawieyiBennett Bnd Pl,nket Bnd MeIIrg rj. ireoie uoi vm "When. Love Abide". . .Clough-Lelghter Turpi Heather" ....Gray , . Mr. J. W. Glllett Oood-bye" Burnham "Love 1 Such a Little Word". .Bullard , Miss Mabel Se lover. . B Thou 8trong" Neldlinger D4dy" Behrend Miss Mary E. Conyer. "O Eye That Are. Weary" Brackett ' "My Redeemer and My Lord..... Buck Mis Delia naming. Alone With God". . . . ..I. . . . . . .Abbott Three Green BonneU" D'Hardelot Mlaa Minerva Wright "Iai Sals-tu" (Knowest Thou). .Massenet "( "Heather BelU" Edith A. Dick v Mr. J. E. Howard. ' . : ,AV Maria" .LumI Mia Catherine Covach. ' A' Slh" Stern 'Summer" Chamlnad . Mrs. Sanderson, Reed. ; 'iCarmen,"... ....... .......... Wilon , Treble Clef Oub. , v it if T Mr. Ralph W. Wilbur entertained at brlda-e Thursday afternoon at ner resi- . . dence, 780 Lovejoy street. In honor of H, Stephenson, William Plunket. Wll 11am Newmeyer and Dr. Robert F. Wend- llng. w A successful concert was given at the Seamen's Institute Wednesday even Ing by the Woman's auxiliary of Trinity cnurcn, under the direction of Mrs. W. R. Apperson. There waa a large attend ance and the program was well re ceived. The following program waa given: Selection Downs' Mandolin club. Recitation Miss Eugenia Craig. Song Miss Mary Otto. Recitation Miss Julia Cole. Comedy Mr, Dole and Mis O'Brien, Dance Sailor' Hornpipe. Violin and Piano Duet Mr. Roy Lan caster and Miss Vera Stelnger. Song Mrs. T. Barker. Recitation Miss Page. Bong Mr. Donaldson. Piano SoloMia G. Sllensbi. Sohg Miss Cora Howell. Song Mlsa Cocking. Song Mis Mabel Downey Dance Sword Dance. The Woman' fulld of Trinity church I- - UfcV tilt U Tr?i - rVM II uura I Wa II J I A JlA I i nn k v ' iirTi i i the 80 ruest In attendance. The next ISO, at It o'clock. ' tn oontractlna: ' ear meeting will be Monday, May 11 Itlea being Mr. John B, - Winstanley of t WW irortiana ana mis ueua Loomt of Eu- The offloers and teacher of thelgen Rev. U E. Loverldg of St Whit Tempi Baptist Sunday achool IMaxy Episcopal eburch of -ttugen per had a supper Thursday evening, April I formed the ceremony. ' The reception it. at s o olocK, in the churcn parlor, i ana. arawing rooms were neautirui with Flan for the year's work were dl nower or appi Dioaaom. . xn eer. eussed In the business meeting that fol- mony took plao In the drawing-room lowed. Superintendent Edmond Intro- under a canopy of apple blossoms and during the want of a. young man' Karlanda of . Ivy. Mis Ellen Loomla, class which 1 to be called the "Big tn bride' sister, played the "Lohen- Brotherhood." The remaining tint wa " wedding march. Uttie Gertrude spent oolally until the prayer-meeting wvermore a nower gin. an in white. hour. i preceded the oriae, wno cam in on her k it , I rawer arm..,,.; .. .jijm Tha tAtm im fen,u, of hi'nM ta the dining-room, where the wed- Methodlat church met In th church par- " breakfa.t( wa rvd, atrtnes of lor. Wednesday afternoon, April to, Oregon grape intertwined with1 yellow ribbon were gracefully festooned front vlted tofb present' at an entertainment given oy tne u. a. u. ciun, jrrway even ing, April II, In th Manley block, on th comer of William avenue and Knott street. , , " . i. ... t ...vr.: ..kr - .'. . Mlsse Buckenraeyer and Jeffery will iv tn first of their rie of shirt waist . Dartie .for . their- Ifondav nla-ht das In Parson' hail, April 16. ' Mr, .J. T, , Whalley ' and Mra J. R. Bean art th patronessea - ' . rt.,if.. if :, The faculty and cadet of niahnn Soott academy havef saued invitation f or. anothrof thelrl Informal hop to -be given Saturday evening, April JO. . PERSONALS ' . Th Ladle Aid .ociety of th Central chn,d,",r wni.ra at taa 'M nd 'XTtr .' Lll riatt.n nh.iMh i. ni.nin. . .. tabl and thr conflnd with bunches 4i??ai L ' Blyth returned Christian church la planning a tea and dime social for next Friday evening to of th rran. Mra. Archie Llvermore. ?. HKMl BlTr .Wednesday afternoon. u nun I'oniana ueir he given at th horn of Mra J. H. Pat- - i - v. iT.T ' " . '. ' . . ,: ..Z I home .In th near future at VII U VIU llIVUMVIlIlw U rVI I 7 ' " Mr. and Mra A. C Sheldon returned yeaterday morning from a , week' trip VAVaAH I Blin.M. ITIi.m will V a m l.Tr.r.nTll ir-r. ,Vm anrf I r-7 MlM 0rc M(unt ln whlt mull, pr- muical and literary program and re- ..... , th. ,,n.rw freahmenU wUl be served. I Th. khh. m . .imnia mMfrti to southern Oregon. - Th Methuii.t unin. win ta lm of white aeolian crepe, and ear-J r.r .M 4oghtr, wha a ban,u.t at Centenary Methodist .of;f JlJ.SijrS!: cnurch Monday evening. April n.tni-'l-JZ?rrl Mra . J.m- t w"-""". T.. land. Mra WlnsUnley Is th daughter p" Seventeenth street on their way of Dr. C. E. Loomla, formerly land In- ooraaaa. ra Mine waa,, a col iwuilnii nr rkl-Aa-nn an Vnnwn l I let ' mt ' Of llr. MeftlaA. . ociety circle .of Eugena Mr. Win-) , Mra C Mitchell MoDan 11 of Beati honor of th northwest delegates to the general conference in Lo Angele this month. A reception will follow in the church parlora w Th celebration of St Mark' day will tnly connected with Beall A Co. I tie ,wa the guest of Mra Frank "M. An- iino.;, xaciory repreaaniauvea or ron I uoraon I or vne peat weex. plao tomorrow at St Mark' church beginning with matins at I a. I m. and communion at 1:10, administered by th rector. Rev. John E. IL Slmpeon, In th evening Thomaa a. Bbepard land. w w Mr. C A. Moss and Ml Katie Brook were married Wedneeday evening, April aacred cantata. "The Sermon on th i- Methodit parsonage by Rev. Mount," wUl be given by th choir un- xurge onon. der the direction of Clyde B. Altohlaon. Following- 1 th program for th day ENGAGEMENTS. service: a m. Matina 1:10 a tn. Holy communion. The marriage of Mlsa Hattla Cod' A I nr?An etnA t w T tetYi T Aw4aiaa la I eaeeu esiti bivi w w a h Sr-Jif v.rw. hTOn announced to Uk plao at high noon Proceutonal hymnr 8t Mark a nymn, wdn4id-i.T. Anrii it. ICQ I ' " fllntla Tarm-Twnii DaiavH tm !! mH n CantaU Domino In F....8U" John Qoii COMING EVENTS. Solor (tenor) "King Ever Glorloua" (from "Th Cruclflxlon") The Sunbeam, a children' guild In Draka -...Bir jona otainer the St David' Eplcopal church, will Mra Halite ParrUh-Hing of Salem Mr. Lauren Poaaa I give a May-pole aoclal. Monday even- waa In Portland Tuesday to hear Dermon rrucner, me iil xivt, tt Mra Hanna Robertson and her aunt Miss Mary Nevlaon, hay gone to Lo eatoa, CaL, where they will pass sev eral month. Mr, Clifton N. McArthur of Rlckerall wa tn Portland Thursday to attend th wedding of Mia Helen Oosa Mia Edith Wendorf. who ha been visiting Mis Dalay Stewart of Pendle ton, returned to Portland Friday, accom panied by Miss Stewart, who will be her guestv Miss Luoelle Johnson of Portland height left early last week for Chicago to apend the summer with relative. Miss Mabel Drake of San Franclsoo I visiting at th horn of Dr. J. Franols Keator, bishop of Olympla Sacred cantata "Th Sermon oA the Mount" Thomaa Q. 8hepard Chorus The Beatitude "Bleaaed Are I the Poor In Spirit" MICROBE'S BEST FRIEND. My Lady With a Train. (By H. R. R. Hertsberg. Tha mtprnlM'l hoat f Hnd ! mv imAm literary program I being prepared In of th8 Ion, .aA dra-v train. f connection with the tea. The sale will sh- Uf u that mlcrooe tr0m nlg ,owJ conslat of a oomplete line of every kind iif. i tft atraat nmt an e...i . A 1 J I . . " ' W ROBERT FXTON AND MRS. HAZEL CLANCY FULTON. M1M Lucy FaUlnx, whoa marriage tolnad , monMy social tea Wednesday Mr. Burpee taaea piaoe aeii w.. afternoon with Mr. J. Johnson, at 396 . . . I J . II. l. Inntn. ,r.. I... . . - priaca. uiiuuiw ..... i novi street. ADout it guests were fell to Mis Lucy Falling and Miss Hen rietta Falling. Among those present were: Mra Al len Lewi, Mra Batchelder, Mr. Henry McCraken, Mlsa France Woolsey,- Miss Ellen Elliot' Mra Ernest Laid aw, Mrs. W. C Alvord, Mra J. N. Teal, Mra E. F. Tucker, Mr. Allen A. Wright Mis Mart Falling; Mis Henrietta Falling, Mis France Warren, Mr. Frank War ' ren. Jr., Mr. Henry Powera Mra Wheeler, Mra Frank Hart and Mra Brewster. . v w'w - . Mr.- Wallace McCamant entertained present Light refreshments were served late In the afternoon, the hostess being assisted by the Misses Stackpole, John aon and Haael Reed. W W Master Harold Germanu entertained IS of hi young friends at the last performance of "The Two Vagabonds," at Cordray' theatre on Saturday even ing, in honor of hi 18th birthday. The party was chaperoned by Mrs. D. Germanus and Mra J. Behrman. After ward the company was entertained with games and dancing at th home of Mra Germanus, US Yamhill street after at dinner on Thursday evening In honor I which a sumptuou supper wa served. of Miss Falling and Mr. Burpea -. - . v A delightful leap year dance wa given in Arion hall Friday evening, April J2, by the ladles of the Arion society. - The patronesses were Mrs. , Louis Dammasch and Mra R C. Bell. The decoration scheme defined by Mrs. Dammasch was carried out ln Ivy, Ore gon ' grape and potted plants, and pre Pretty souvenirs were presented to each guest consisting of candy boxes, rep resenting Foxy orandpa, Billy Buster, and other characters, filled with bonbons. A delightful evening waa , enjoyed by the little guests. w The Woman's club met Friday ln Its regular fortnightly session for an after noon with Shakespeare. A number of his Elizabethan lyrics were read by varl ented a beautiful and graceful effect jLnrrerem coior were employed in tne ous members. A review of the year's haded lights a the program pre- work of the Shakespeare department wa greased, making a very pretty effect read by Mrs. Grace Watt Ross. Miss Ag- - Thera waa a large number present and nea Watt aang several of old English .- dancing -continued untU a- late -hour, and Shakespearian songs. After the pro- The committee In charge received many gram an hour waa spent socially, during vuuitiuiiw vr mio ymu ni which refreshments were served, uccewiui anuiue ui me seuon. me committee wa Mrs. F, Yank a. Misses Maud and Adele Dammasch, Idler and Bell. w w A recital waa given at Mlapah church last Monday evening from which a sub stantial sum was realised for the organ fund. The entire program was furnished " we' theLTe.Uof 'ho a1?'; Wi;' Acemy of MuVi Th Wd.kB vS'JJSm., ? opening chorus by the Academy Glee club I- SaV"" """" with solos by Miss Fowler and Mr. Keith , formal manner, with music and conver sation. Light refreshment were served at theh close. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. William Alvord, Mr. and Mra , Edward H. Shephard, Mrs. F. G. Wheeler, Mrs. Elijah,. Corbett. Mrs. H. directed the chorus work. Reading by Miss Robeson and Mis M. Kern were well received; also Mr. Da vies' two songs. Mr. Fackard'a rich baritone (Voice was best displayed In "The Sweet est Flower That Blows" and Miss Mae W. Corbett Miss XSeUa MerrUl. Mra Breslln delighted the audience with "My Edward Falling, Miss Etta Failing, Miss Love u Llk ."fd', J0"' nd May Failing. Mrs. Robert Catlln. Mlsa PrUy encore, 'Fishln'." W. M. Ras- Agne Catlln. Miss Blanche Catlln, Mis mu" WM enthusiastically received and Rebecca Catlln, Miss Margaret Catlln, graciously responaea xo several encores. jn inn siinra Dirona. aiis a F lorence i v mv, Strong, JSIiss Bessie Strong, Mr. and Mra. Harrison Corbett Mr. and Mra Frank Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. J. C Hazzard, Mrs. S. J. Barber, Miss Fran ces Holman, Miss Kate Holman, Mrs. Deady, Miss Lucy Falling, Miss Henri etta Failing. Miss Catherine Falling, Miss Emma Falling, Miss Kate Failing. jar. tfurpee, Mr. Btevens, Mr. Henry i Connor, Mr. W. L. Brewster, Mr. Har old Strong, Mr. George F. Holman, Mr. . James Failing, Mr. Edward Failing, Mr. " John Falling, Mr. Robertson, Mr. James WUeon, Mr, T. Scott Brooke and Mr. Burkhart j- w ' Mr. Minott entertained a number of lier women friend Informally at cards on Thursday afternoon. w w Mra Jama D. Hart wa th hostess of a lunchaon on Friday afternoon at her .home, 25S North Twenty-second - treat,- give In honor ,of Mis Helen Lam son, who Is to be married ln June. ' A mahogany table wa used, with ex flulsite whit tulip a the centerpiece, A delicious menn waa enjoyed. Those ' present were Miss Helen Lamaon, Mlsa France' Warren, Mra ' Katharine 81tton ' Brand, Mlaa Carlotta Parker, Ml Mary Ceara Miss , Malda Hart. Mra Ernest Laldlaw. Mia Buchanan and Mrs. Hart " Th dramatic recital given by Mra Vera Jan Edward at th Whit Temple , fTiaay cwninsr, - unuer uiv auspm vlj tuwu.; .ohuib, Apru x v. - im sumi 1th Ladle; Aid gocjetz, wag an InUr-1 powdered and ruffled, praganted a real from Ben Hur," was especially artistic Mr. Rasmus displays a charm in his lack of affectation, which is always pleasing to an audience. The evening's program closed with refreshments and a social time. w Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Mcpherson and Mrs. Frances Schlegel entefalned the Halo Wah Wan Whist club' oiKMonday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McPherson, 703 Everett street 1 Twenty-one " hands of whist were played and the honors fell to Mra Schlegel and Mr. Wilson. After the game, refreshments were served by the hostesses. W- The Current Events club met Monday afternoon with Mrs. A, C. Newill at the Bishop Scott academy. - Each member of the club related a short anecdote, after -which Mra. Ranyon read a paper on "Bully, the Cotton King," and Mrs. Nina Larowe gave a most Interesting description of Shakespeare's "As You Like It" It Is now being produced In New York City, ln the old Eliaa bethan style, without scenery. Mr. C B. Andrew gave an informal talk on "The Northern Security Company."" w The Mt Hood circle. Women of Wood craft gave a pleasant old time .colonial dance ln the east side Woodmen' hall Tuesday evening, April II. The guests istlc old-fashioned picture. Everest s orchestra played a program of old tunes, and the old-fashioned quadrilles, schottlsches and reels figured promi nently .among the number. Favorite among the numbers were the "Blue Danube" waltzes, the "Virginia Reel," The Girl I Left Behind Me," the "Annie Laurie" waltzes and Strauss' "Artist's Life." J. M. Woodworth, Florence Mc- Brlde and T. Brodeur were the commit tee ln charge. .WW The Royal club entertained its friends at a dancing party last evening at the new Woodmen hall, on the East Side, w The "Pleasant Afternoon" club of the Central Baatlat church tret Wednesday afternoon. April 20, with Mra William Randajl, 466 East Oak street. The club combines home and foreign missionary work with social and Industrial work. Wednesday a home missionary program was given, conducted Dy Mra j. v. Werschkul. This was followed by a ao clal hour and refreshments. w Miss Bessie Church entertained a few of her girl friend Informally on Wed nesday afternoon at her home, Eaat Eleventh and Burns lde streets. The first part of the afternoon was spent ln sewing, after which there were music and refreshments. Those present: Miss Delta Watson, Miss Maud Hahn. Miss Ethel Shea, Miss Semele Groat, Miss Evelyn Falrbrother, Mrs. 'John Keating, Miss Laura Dunne, and the Misses Church. W The musical department of the Wo man' club met Thursday afternoon at the horn of Mr. D. M. Watson, 262 Sixth street An Interesting program waa given. Mr. Edward R. Root played two piano solos Mendelssohn's Venetian Boat Song and Heller "La Truite." Mra -Nelson DeLude read a paper en teentn century, roiiowea oy vocaj aoios by Miss Delta' Watson, deKoven's "Bar carolle," and AlliUen's "Sine We Parted." Current event were discussed by each member, and the chorus work under th leadership of Mrs. William occupied the rest of the afternoon. Those present: Mra N. Harris, Mra M. Bishop, Mrs. Charles Runyon, Mra C. B. Andrew, Mra. V. M. Watson, Mrs, Williams, Mra. George C. Flanders, Mrs, E. C. Frost Mrs. B. M. Dunison, Mrs. E. R. Root Mrs. Nelson DeLude, Mrs. J. Livesley, Mrs. B. S. Pague, Mrs. E. CL Johnston, Miss Mamie Flynn. w At the meeting of the Alns worth Chapter of Rose Croix, No. 1, Ancient and Accepted Bcottlah Rite of Free Ma sonry, held last Thursday evening, the following offloers were elected: Wise master, Wallace McCamant; senior war den, Richard Martin; Junior warden, E. B. Col well; orator, E. D. Curtis; al moner and treasurer, B. G. Whltehouse; and secretary, B. H. Nlcoll. The of ficers elect will be installed at the next regular meeting by I. W. Pratt Inspector general of Bcottlah Rite Mason for Or egon, southern Jurisdiction of the United States. w Thursday afternoon, April SI, th member of Lincoln-Garfield Corp, Woman's Relief Corps, were entertained by the president Mrs. F. Loescher, at her home at 826 Water street The ladle spent the afternoon ln ' social chat Refreshments were served by the hostess. w Mrs. Fred H. Page entertained a num ber of her women friend - on Thursday afternoon at her home on Twentieth and Clifton street. Bridge wa th amusement of the af ternoon, played at five tables. The hon or fell to Mr. Mulr and Mra Insley Refreshments were daintily served by th hostess at the dose of .the game. . Miss Edna -Cannon and Miss Semele Groat entertained th "Girl Cinch club" Tuesday afternoon at the home, of Miss Cannon,- 852 College street Mra Oscar "Overbeck ' won thr flrt prlso and Mi Ethel Reed th second. Th guest were: Ml Maud Hahn, Miss Ethel Shea, Mra Louis Gerlinger, Miss Edna Cannon, Miss Semele Groat, Miss Bessie Church, Miss Delta Watson, Mra. John Keating, Mlsa Helen Morrison, : Miss Mabel Drake of Ban Franclsoo, Mis Edna Jeffery, Miss Emily Holbrook, Miss Lillian Loller, Miss France Jef fery, Miss Evelyn Falrbrother, Mlsa Ethel Reed and Mra. Overbeck. w Ing, May 1. A program. In which a May Madam Schumann-Helnk. dance will be the prominent Mature, will b followed by refreshments. w w The Women' guild of th First Pre hvterlan church is nlannina a tea and Recitative (baas) "Let Tour Light So e to be given ln Parsons' hall the Shine." I first next of May. A aood musical and Air voass; iove lour cnemiei. Mr. Clyde B. Altchison. Air (tenor) "When Thou Prayet' "r; n. 01 pronB' Dt' Jla nnaKercn,e"' and Uke him hospitably Into a friend' -nr.. - . ... hous or her own '- I Tne Bex cnnsius Missionary neaaing Now mlorobes know a rood nlaca whan Air (contralto)-"Lay Not Up for Tour- clrc of the Mi.pah Presbyterian church thW; Z one Not Vnly do they t -. - " WI" nl""1 -" there, but they multiply. Microbe b. rhr.r,,"Rnt Dn to, Tonrselve. .k " "l 1 " 1 w,nljr" Uev In big. happy famUiea and have th ZZr?. L Toar"lw evnth .treeta oourage of their faith. Overpopulation c r.; tVti nnoV !. Not th. Life b...-. JT... Wn,. n.,,.!"" on O.1""' prevented by visiting wT. ' w , r ladle wiin long and draggy trains, aiM !J2Sf!fJI-M- tfca rntaa- l" .f ,al?"v T1 wT? ir hl h nlu. member of the rat Air (oprano)-t-'onider th LUlea direction of J. Adrian Epptng by th ..w. vocal department of the Western I . . . .lr .nrt ft Mh.11 n Atvan ."V i i ii -iuhiu! "uaujr Woi.oraue V-1:: ju "-- opportunlUe to colonlta juiv uu, I bv tun niann ana elocution -aeDinmeni. i , , . w - Recessional hymn-"Fllng Out th. Ban- Mr. Rasmus and Ml.. Mlnnl Bod will I , ,,,7. ,: ,..t.,. rdln!? ,MI Iuthep Dominl wm vated train, becaua It U iu lack of Mr. Archibald R. Wright organhrt. aa- Mordaunt A. Goodnough aiatea lalavaMnn that tltm It rni ttia Ink .Mhlh.lri u WMMit a,mhm aa.l . a. ... . i - - w-'" .r iT . I V.. . " Moraaum a. uooanougn wiu piay i This isn't a new subject br several ' ' ; IJ"U "TV" "',' . . ' degrees of lautud. Sermon with th Men' laaiS.tr' th. Flrat Con-1 1 1 lntere,td Ited to t- longaln for - a text , have W repeated Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wood burn enter tained the Portasia dub at their homa I Judge George will give an address, ibz Hixtn street xnursaay, Apru zi. There was a short business session called by President C. A. Zander to dis cuss amusemert for the summer season. Cinch was the gam of the evening, in which Mr. H. J. Houghton and Mr. J. M. Sheet secured the prlzea ma ci, m .cwau "- - " i tend. 1 ..... . .. d. ii.i , , gregational church will give a social I . . I r Jr.. ..r -Z .l . , in the church parlor. Monday venlng, . ,.. .., rtI.l"" "'LV'191: Anrll S. Ml.. R...I. Lncke Will sin " ' V.." , " ." w iwmn wW7 VZa ... ohii win raaT " mpo"c win iu yic y" " need a hair cut , aa.. 1" tn Whit uempie, wnen tne western n .hail not be denied that the elegance Aoaaemy oi mubio win luruma ma brought about by a becoming dress adds musical part of the program on the eminently to a woman's attractlvanaaa. evening of the graduating exercises of Ths folds of silk .-listen and rlitter ilka uie onn i-acinc unniu couege. the facet of a diamond. To produce cer- Th muslo will be under the direction tain effect of that sort trains. I - am or j. Aanan japping, ana win do oi told, ar necessary. But vanity, however Justifiable at time. WEDDINGS. Mia Helen Louis Go and Carlton Williams were married Thursday evanine- at o'clock at th rldnc of especial. Interest to music lovers, th. dainty supper waa served after carda the bride mother, Mr. J. W. Go.s. 775 occasion being the first public appear- must never be allowed to usurp the place ThoBe present were: Mr. and Mra R. "san street vi. mimr r. u A. Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hough- the beautiful service ln th preeenc of organlat planlat and composer. When a woman I willing to Imperil th ton, Mr. and Mra C. A. Zander. Mr. and 78 relative and Immediate friend. .Tw,? ' nllcom.po",i,?""twi" b" "un5' welfare of her children by coursing th Mr N Paulsen, Misses E. Blanchart, Mu" Margaret CaOln wa maid of "April Lov Song" and "When the Bird streets ln attlr which make the aweep- H Downing C Stipe Messrs L. F nonor, ana tn nest man wa r. nwui wuwi tri was . sinecure, ana carrying into Thornton, a! E. Haat'ing and J. m! Thomas Robertaon. Miss Etta Honey- were written by Ella iilgginson. The her homa day follow day, a mipply of Sheet. i man piayea in onutu jnuia iruui uu- i w.,B " ivivn, uv.nn, uobiih-uciuuj'iiik mraim, .ne re- x I hengrln. I witn rauo ana viwia umiiui, nu piano i veais an utter ana a cuipaoie ignorance hm.. The bride waa becomlnalr aowned In I accompaniment "When th Bird Go I of the most elementary duties of ma- i .. , .v. .v- .VTl" white satin, of slmnle but eleaant de- North Again" 1 dedicated to the West- ternlty. Eva and Alva Joho 71 East Ash . ornamenUd with point appllqua Academy Glee club. Father Doml- A maniac who atrangte her offspring .treat Wadnaadav avantna- Thla waa I One wore a VBU ana carnea a large oou- -- t.u um . . .cut. ino cwun m Loflr'mttU ' ?rMrt roea ML.CaUln. th kmette; which Who. for tha nliih nnil kvaa maria tha nrnaalnn nf a meua OI nuuor wuio timw sua. vi.uu . -- -- - " ' " - -"'"- kitchen .hower for Ml. Sara Col, whose and carried pink carnation. npuai mu.icai rasuval at Baiem ..in J wpiiiiinir ia flnnnnnnAd fnr navt mnnfh 1 The decorations were carried out en- May on the publio thoroughfarea transport ininph niavad nrin, tha ,in.rt tlrely In green and white, dogwood and Father Dominie will give an organ Im- death's minute agents Into the nursery, , T ' w w I liw hainw Ktrectlvelv used in drawlnr- provlsatlon a the opening number. commit assaults with Intent to murder. . .tr -rit T. TvT. room and hall. Mordaunt A. Goodnough, lnatructor of dally or almost daily, which are without excited by a poetry writing conteat the I room ana naxi. U,,..!- .t.th nmn Arim.it.ir.i th- r.mt..t ..mhi.Ana r . mittti-- clrcumstanca ; There is no telling how many unwitting child-killing mother there may be in New York. : Nor la th danger and the danger's con summation, confined to children. My lady Of the long and draggy train herself, her husband, grown-up associates and friends are not Immune against the mi crobes' onslaught. - Of a aurety, if th microbe family use a coat-of-arm, that coat display a long train rampant oh a background, dust cov ered, with this brief motto beneath It: "By he train' help shalt thou conquer." Vale men are under arrest for keeping their place of business open Sundays. subjects belna- articles anions- the m tne aimng-room, wnite rose ana -. a,.u.vU. vi- kuchshower CwZ& dur! formed'dalnty table embelll-h- "tcCa0!J1 Ing the evening. At the light .upper tntntn, and festoon, of flimsy tulle en- .?"en apr' i? .m u Z rJS" mi.... ai. a tj.... ti a twined with amlhuc were drarjed from terestlng number will be th Bach- Charleson responded to toast, for th. the chandelier to th. corner, of the Jgn-od A i S5.S E'JSS S! S.? e-.Zh.e.rolm . Mr. W.I.1... left in,.-", companlmet ." g by club mebepVe wVre Ev lately for a wedding Jourri.y, including B andAVa Johnson, Cola Gippert Smith, the Sound Itie. after which they will TATlTT Charleson, Waller, Messrs. Wilson, T ra ver, Packett Cole, Cooper, Endlcott, Hill, Smith, Eggert and Wetherford. Mra Mark Gill entertained the Daugh ters of the American Revolution on Wednesday afternoon at her horn on nvartnn a.n-k.t Mr. Wallace McCamant read a clever witnessed th. paper on "Anthony Wayne," and Mr. Fletcher Linn sang charmingly Cham lnade's "Summer," after which refresh ments were served. The luncheon furnished by the domes tic science department of the Y. M. C. A. to those ln attendance at the Wo- resid ln The Dallea wm ",n. na me Acaaemy uie ciun it it will give selection. . v Robert D. Fulton and Miss Haael D. WW Clancey war married Tuesday evening Tn first annual hop of the Carp at 6:S0 at th bride' home ln Monta- D,em cluD will be held Monday evening, villa. Elder Burg of tha Mt Tabor May at new Woodmen hall, Eaat Ash Baventh-Dar Advent church offlcUted. Bna atreei. A few relative and Intimate friend ceremony. Th bride wore her gray traveling dres and car ried white rosea Mr. and Mra. Fulton left Immediately after the ceremony for a short visit in Nahcotta, Wash. On their return a reception will be given them by th. bride' parents, after which they will continue their 'wedding trip to St Louis. Mr. Fulton 1 manager of w w All former student of the Oregon Agricultural college are cordially in- U. VT T D.ln. a. All h .... man's North Pacific Presbyterian Board .,7. w. w r ui..iA.. . Ji.ii... - ... I siue. of Missions waa a distinot success. The ladle on the committee having the luncheon in charge received many con gratulation on the success of their ef forts. Over 200 guests were served on A very pretty wedding took place Sat urday, April 16, at the horn of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hurlburt, 206 Curtl atreet Montavllla, when George H. Hurlburt 1 t!?..fay th HtoatT and Mis Myra IS. Reed wr united In wwov. I tiailoea hit TAr DaV Plma,i . The table were very attractive in I . . ... yellow and green, yellow Marguerite m. u.. TT,iKr m n. and Oregon holly, forming the decora- In Portland. tlon. I V ' The committee ln charge of the lunch- eon was composed of the following la- Baker wer married at S o'clock Wednes dlea: Mra. J. W. Honeyman. Miss Abbia ir,rii in at tha hnm. McElroy. Mra E. C Bronaugh. Mra A. th. groom, on th corn.r of Shaf.r and E. Rockey, Mr. M. A. Dal ton, Mr. A. L. Garfield atraet Eaat Portland. Rv. Craig, Mr. M. CSlef and Mra Stuart W R.Tnarall narfnrmail tha l-.ar.mnnr aaalated by a number of young glria The brid wa gowned In cream albat- WW I roaa and carried whit lllaca Mra. J. H. Th St Lawrence Social club enter- Gerwela attended her a matron of honor tained Wednesday evening at it hall, ami wora white dimity. After th cere- Third and Sherman atreet. Miss Elisa- mony a wedding dinner wa served, beth Harwaas aang and Miss O'Brien Mra Gerwela and Mra S. M. Ross nr- and Mr. Dole gave a monologua Whist siding at th tabla Only, a few inti- waa played, the prise being won bv mate friend and relatlvea were nres. Mlss Laura McCan and Harry Tacka-fent berry. Th next party will be given v ' f May 4. Mr. GUbert J. Bwett and Miss Mlnnl. CHURCH EVENTS. The San Grail Christian Endeavor ao clety of the Flrt Presbyterian church met In th church parlor Monday even ing, April 18, ln It monthly business and social meeting. After the business ses sion the company adjourned to the din ing-room to guess the nationality of the flags hung on th walla Following this was a guessing -contest on author, Refreshment wer served, to E. William wer married Monday evening, April 18. but Rev. William Randall at hi horn at 466 East Oak. Mr. and Mr. Swtt will reside in Port land. , Mr. Charles Miller and Ml Josephine Bowles were married Saturday evening, April 16, by Rev. .William Randall of the Central i Baptist church, at th. par, onag. A pretty home wedding wa celebrated la Euren. Wedoesdajr moralilg, April OUR NEW LIGHT MAKES PHOTOGRAPHING EASY ON DARK DAYS T A. B. McALPIN Photographer 129 Seventh St bet Washington and Alder THE NEW BUILDING WAS PLANNED , FOR OUR USB x