The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 22, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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    i ,:.:-'4.A-r'X' uViX':--OiK.QJ.t i -a- - ' : -:-'v. r
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ernr oticw. -.:urr ,t
rT-r-jatJvtiaT -i.
i. evsV
rtoioixo ABiEgmrr tob ntPEOt
- mutt or rioiT nun, .. .
y. Notice, to hereby, given that-the Council of
lh city pf Po. tlsnd propose to Bssesr the
following- described property nd owner or
s owners m being spsotelly sad peculiarly ban
Bted la tb amount t opposite tb names
and descriptions thereof tar th laiprovmnt of
rroDt f troot (rm Ui sorU Ubo of Artoux atM
to tbt aordi 11m of Buymour itmw m arpi
, Wtd bf ordlHDC o. Ran. " " v .
A ay obUcUoct to th pporUonmant of ott
wot uiq improroiuoi mui dim lp wriung
. t tbt CouooU and Olod with Um Auditor wlthlu
II day frma tb dato'Of Um flrnt pubtteatlua
-of tala aoUc bud fii tbjteliotm will bo board
, bad detarailaod or to Coanoll bfor tbo pao-
afo of b ardlnaaei mmlu tsf eoat of aald
CAKUTUKHa ADDITlOIf to CarntHtr' Addl-
. tion to mo citf of f gctliDd-Hlock 63, lot a,
Jra ' liAliwaf 1 Ai 1 KavintluB Mmiunv
tia 1 . n . a i . i
, compao, Bloek IS. Wl 1. ilbort
nruai, ow.oii a, uuim iiarr. tu.iu;
r. U. Marew, 63.77; kit 4,
Ida B. Morttr, U N, Block N, lot 1,
rranklU Uraka, I51.1W; iot a, kraokUa Drtka,
ItW.OS; badlrldad H ht 1, Xllaa KabMa,
Ml.W: nudlTldcd Ulot l., Hntt W. KaUon.
41.6i lot a. Jaoob llulthanf. IAI.TT. Rlork
M, lot 1, SduMl Dlatrlct No. 1. 20.4H; lot
X School DtatrUt No. 1. lill.aS; lot . Bokool
tUtrlct No. t 21.791 lot 4, Scbool DUtrlot
. o. v jjioc 00, tot 1, Bfitn 1 Yo
I&8.M; lot S, fiU L. Pop, 166.88; lot
lot 1. Ho to L.
L. r . . tu UB. 1 A
tTMB W. ttiltottt, 4S.Hl Mi, UulUa BUtt.
ford 4fl ea.
CAHfTUkKS' AODTTIOW to tbo Oltr of Port
Uad aa laid oat by tba I. P. B. I.
aaooelatio Bleak ill. lot 1. J Bwmk aotato.
bttra of, f0.u7,' lot i, J. Bwook oauta. holra
or, vot.02! aoria u net lot a, j. bwofc
SUM, belr ot, f86.i xuU 10 Joot lot a,
. W. BtBltb. lot 4. M. W. Boiltb,
I 110.04. Bkx'k oait TS fwt lot 1. Loan
larolt, 8s.47i ih! w foot kit 1, Bannak
hUardr, fO.lBi nl IS foot lot 1 liasiub
Hard, fa.lWt Brth of ont tl foot lot
t. Mar Coitmau. oooth H of taat Tl
, -loot toe I, Bridftt KBBir aad Jot) u.
'of I'ortlaud, fttilti lot 4, outaa and Frad
.4iuuiuf 0o.iv, ' filuri 404. fnv " , Marv
Vaalkoa, H8.oT: lot ft. fifint Fkrglor. 178. Wj
i lot , AUoo 1. Pllmploo, 410S.MK lot.4, AUoo
I'llmpboa, S15B.1T. It lock 147, lot i, LouK
M. AapluwaU, tS0.Mt lotX tool L.. karab
T ) V. and Kdltb PtunpooU, dluT.bai lot C lUraaal
t., Barab V. and Kdltb Camnbn, luo.6;
:. lot 4. Barnaul L. Barab V.and akltb Campbell,
initio. Block fco, lot I, IVoatoa MT. lUotU.
Al.3t! M 8, Karr (llllotte, t.23; aurtb 40
tt lot . rmdorli ik lUUbowa. tniaaeo,
48.18; ooaU 1 feet lot S, Walter Klett,
t&.Kll all tbet portloa of lot 4 1lnc oaat
of Ibe Orefoa dk California Railroad eompaarB
. rlftat of war, Walter Klett, 1121.42. Block
Ittd, all tbat portloa of kt I lying weet ot
Ue OraaoB A CwUforai Hallread eompany't
. rlvbt of trap, Jobs bod Barbara Wild, 12.18;
all ttat perttoa of lot I lying eaat of tbo
OragoB A CaUturola Ballroad ouapaBjt'a rlgbt
of way, W. L, Oreen. I1U6.07; tba north 20
feet of all tbat portloa of lot lylag oaat
ot the Qrecoa at California Hallread rooioy'
rlgbt of way, WIUlaB U Creeo iLM; aoutb
U feet of all that portion of lot 2 lying eaat
of tbo Oregon Aj CallforaU Ballroad cooiuanr'a
right of war, Leonare B, Uregory. 12.94.
Jfock 184, lot t, ttnaa Kamlnaky, sS.3; lot
John Ueorga Hoffnaa, lTB.a7; lot 4. Will
iam r. llolte. 188M. Block 181. lot 1,
Cbarlca B. bonabve. 1177.47; lot iTcbarleo R.
Vonaboa, 15.84: lot I. Preaton W. Ulllette,
128.54; let 4. Prcoten W. Olllrtte. IllW W.
Blorb lmi, oaat H block 1st. CkarUe IC. a.
Wood, I44T.86.
POUTLANU U0ME3TIAD Block T, north 110
fet Wt 1, Aramlnta Broaaugb, 1322.72: aoutb
120 feet lot 1. Grace Bronaugb. lAlT.tO; aub
Atrteton r of lot t. Abble L. Urocker. $40 81 1
aabdletalea K of lot I. Ahble k. Crocker.
4U.oD; aubdlrlalon U of lot i. I.wy 8. Mar
win, $120.10: aubdlTlalon C of lot 2. (Hire U
Warnsr, I148.M; (iibdlrlaloa B of lot 1. Klla
t. Wrnkoop, $180.10: aubdlrtokm A of kit 2,
Klla L Wyakoep. $2U0.2a. Block 8. lot L
Joha C. Lnckal. $810.87, Block 8. lot 2. Or
foe California Ballroad company. $690.15.
Block 0, eaat 100 feet of aubdUlelop A of
lot 1, Wary K. Jobnom, $101.84; oaat 100 feet
of oubdlvletoa B of lot t, Mary IB. Jobnaon,
$178 22: eaat 100 feet of north of eubal
Ttaloo 0 of lot 1, Mr. P. J. Manor. $80.38;
eaat 100 feet of auuth H ot aubdlrlalon C
of M 1. Louie Maler, $M 8f; eaet 100 feet
of lubdlTlaiua O ot lot 1, 8. hi. Mluaban.
120.10; oaat 100 feet of anbdrrlalon E ot tot
1, Jane U. Aaptowal aute. bvlre Of,
$108.84; eaat 100 feet of aubdlrtaloa P
of tot 1, Jane hi. Aaplnwall eaute,
heir of, $111.84; aubdlrlalon 1 of lot
2. tfcarlee K. Templetna, $140.14: auMUlrinn
i ot lot 2. Charlea B. Templet un, 1118.74;
anhdlTleloa T of tot t Charlea K. Templeton,
I1V1.80; tabdlTlaloo 1 of lot 1 CLarlee .
Templeton, $184,821 autxtlrliton of tot 2,
Cbarlre K. Teaapleton, $183.41; enMlrlalon 10
of lot a, Charlea H. Templeton, $100.25; aab
dlrtamn 11 of Jot , Charlea B. TemuUton.
$108 88
CABUTHBRS ADDtTlOS to Caratbere AddL
tluo to, the City of Portland Block 40. tot 8,
Baaaak MarUa. $U.ltt tot , Blctard Hartla,
Jr., $18.43. Block 48, weat 75 (pet lot 8. M.
It. Llchjentbalcr. $23.81; weat 76 feet lot 7. K.
M. Ucbtentbaler, 8Z1.4.1; eaat 81 leet ax n,
r. U. Uchteothaler, $4-01; eaat 81 Joe lot
T. r. M. Llchtentbaler. $8 40; lot . German
BaTloga l-oan aoclety. 2a.z; lot o, ucr
maa Baeluca Ai Lean eoclcty, $25.85. Block
i7. L.t a inada E. hloraan. 128.72: lot 7
. , -1, J . Al iOA tMk. In II Ualloaa M
WfllinUH H. Ml H U, ffT.PV, "I
Hug, $28.t; lot 6, hlellaaa 15. Hug. $32.11
Block (L John Sedlak. 1 108.12: lot 7. Joha
BedUk. $97.01 f lot 6. John Scdlak. $!8.ngi
lot 5, John Blak.- 101.86. Block 43. lot
8. Abagall 8. Barton, aiio.zo; Hit i. Aoa
call 8. Barton. $113.58; lot tt. Abagall 8.
Barton, $U0.2; lot 6, Abagall 8. Barton.
CARUTHKR8' ADDITIO.V to the City of Port
land, ae laid out by the South Portland Beat
. Batata AaauclaUon Block 114. undivided 4-5
lot 8, Hannah Bloom, $33.88; undivided 4 5 lot
T. Hannah Bloom, $33.08; undlrtded 1-6 lot
8. Hoi, Matilda, Jemima and Mary Bloom,
$8 41; undivided 1-6 lot 7, Sol, Matilda, Je
mima anu alary is loom, wi 101 o.
Mary Lenta, $0.29: EH lof 6, Mary Lenta,
810.24: WV lot 0. Columbia Investment Co,.
No. 2, $40.85; WH lot 5, (Vlumbla lnveot
ment Co. No. 2. 841.43. Block 127. tot 8.
Isaac Oevnrta. $52.28; lot 7, Jeaala H. Bet
tlemeler, 8107.42; lot o, William ai. vriaarii,
872.14: lot 6. William K. DrlakelL 8X0.72.
Block 1SS, lot 8, Fred A. Lite. $158.74; tot
7, Fred A. Utm, 1148.04; lot , rlret M. K.
Church, trnatee, 8148.04; lot 0, Ftrat hi. B.
Church, truateo, II auock 140, lot s,
Oregon Hallway Navigation Co.. 486. Tl;
lot 7, Oregon Railway le Navigation Co..
$N4.20; tot 6, Oregoa Hallway A Navigation
Co.. $144.38; tot 5, Oregoa Hallway at Navi
gation Co., $187.02. Block 101. lot 8. Oregon
Railway 4V Navlaatleo Co.. 1117.84: lot 7.
Oregon Rajlwa at Naelgatton Co.. 8100.68;
jot . Oragoti . Kallway Aj Navigation Oe
$104.01; lot 5, Oregoa Railway A Navigation
Co.. $110-02. Block 104, lot 8. The Home.
$154.48; tot T. Th Home, $40.10. Block
107. all that ports of tot T lying aeat of th
OrefoB 4 Callforada Railroad Company ' right
of way, W. IV Wlcgand. 6.S5i aU that
portloa of tot T lying weet ot th Oregoa
California Ballroad Oompany'a right at wajr.
W. J. Lehigh Baute. kelr ot. $8.76: aU
that portloa of tot lrlnf eaat of the Oregoa
Aj California Ttallroad Company' right ot
way. Alliance Truat CompaBy. $0.84; all that
portloa ot lot lying weet of tie Oregoa at
Caltrorala Ballroad Company' rlgkt of way,
William J. Lehigh Batata, holra of. $118.42;
all that portion of tot tying weet of tbo
Oregon at California Ballroad Company' right
of way, William J. Lehigh Estate, heir ot.
$171.03. Block 180, lot 8, Preatoa W. Ulllette,
$80.88; tot T, Preston W. iQlltette, $00.7;
lot n. Preetoa W. OlUrtte. $83.68; tot 5,
Preaton W. Gillette. fW.06. Block 183,
WH of block 1H8, Amaada W. Reed. $487.20.
of N 110 feet of tot 4, Thomas BcbBolder.
8418.78: B 25 foot f W 100 feet of the N 110
feet of lot 4, William Bodman, 852.83;
W too feet or B l teet or lot 4, Laura A,
Beck. $332.60; W 100 feet of N 00 feat of
tot 8, Fred F. Boody, $180.28; W 100 feet
vf S 60 feet of H 120 feet of lot 8, John A.
Hoock. $1990; W 100 feet of 8 110 feet ot
tot 8, Lout Arnold, $371.t. "Block 0. Bab.
A of lot 4. H. R. Glbbe. $199.55; Sub. B of
lot 4, H. K. Glbbe, 8188.88; Sub. C of lot 4,
J. H. CnrdweL $143.97; Bub. D of tot 4.
J. R. Cerdwel, $H4 -iall that portloa of
Bub. E of lot d lying treat ot the Oregon
4V California Ballroad Company' right- ot
- way. Ward O. Wettuore, $80.15; aU that
portion of Sub, T of tot 4 lying weet of the
Oregon A California Railroad Company' rlgbt
of way. Ward C. Wetawre, $73.08; all that
portion of Bub. I of lot 4 lying weet of the
- right pf way. Kate Bometach, $103.11; all
that portion of Sub. F of lot S lying weat of
the Oregoa Jt CaUfomla Ballroad Company'
rlgbt of way. Kate Kometacn. i.4; au
that portloa at Bub. Q of tot I lylag eaat of
the Oregou 41 Cnlrforst Batlriad Company'
, rlgkt of way. W. A. Qurrle, $0.85; all that
, portto of Sub. I OX lot 8 lylag oaat of th
' Oregon Aj California Railroad Company'
right of way. W. A. Currle, $5.93; all that
portion of Bnb. B ot tot lying oaat of the
Oregoa California Ballroad Company' right
of way. W. A- Carrie, $13.08; 8ub. C of tot
8. W. B. Her, t2.82; Sub. B ot lot 8, W. B.
, - Her, $80.44; aU of Sub. A of tot 8 except
? the north weet corner, which 1 Included in
the Oregoa At California Railroad Company
'right of way, W. B. liar. $247.28. Block
4, Buh. 0 of tot 4, Merchant National Bank.
5 Jr., $3.15; Bub. of tot 4, Merchant National
Baak. Tr.. $158.85; VT 8 f ret of Buh. A of
5 J . Merchaata National Bank. Tr.. $62.62;
2,, ? of Jot 4, Nowtoa, U Wlham. 00.811
gJ M ot lot 4, Newton U eilham, fcd.64;
Buh, L of lot 4, John Baorboeher. $04.04;
' goh. JC of lot 4, Joha Baerbocher.r $.2;
8ub. J of let 4, Emit Krattlnger, ! I.2:
2 L of- M Kratttager, $8.2;
; ,Sub. H of lot 4. Bmil Krattlitger. $,T3;
8ub. J of lot 8, Amanda B. Bpaaldtng, $7t.M;
- Buh. H of tot 8. Amanda B. BpaaMlag, $H2.80;
: ?0?', Si H frank laV Plummet, $00.03;
4 2 1 rlummer, $115,871
Bub. B Of lot B. Ialkta PMnMlKMl
5 ! ?" h Alfred r. Bear, Jr;
Bloek 4. M B feet of Bob. B, tot & Alfred r.
aearev $21.82; 8 SO feet of BubTB, tot V
T"f ." "no 11 w, aaaor, mrnjm; aoa.
A of lot t. fl.r.h Vt. anA tL W. rUhar.
UM.8J: W 2k feet Of SoL B of. lot '4, Alar-
vnsoio inaooai Banc of roriiana, . vregoo,
$10,441 SB fnerot Sub. 0 ot tot I. C. If.
Btnlth $2 27. w as fVet of Bub P ot ot 4,
. M. Ssttlta, $i0 W M feet of Bab. B of
tot f. U. M. Cmltb. $X4; W feet of Bub.
lot 4. IWi liiwath ae ai.. w eft tmt f
i fub, of lot 4, Don Uaratb. ffs.ld: W 25
I feet of Buh. ot tot . O.-W. Click, 2-84;
w so met of Bub. K of lot 8, C. W. Leick.
C. W.
r ULtfll W OB tmMm Bnh f. t Lvt B. tVauIr
J U. Piutnmer.I4.vr W iff ftwt nf Bub M ot
tot 8. krank hi. Hummer. $0.77; W 25 feet
, Pi S'tb.N Of lot fv Loufaa B. taaaB.42
W 2S feet of Bub O oriot I. Alfred V.
fean, Jr- 6.$0r W 28 faet of Boh P of tot
' I. Altretf t . Bear, ft., $8.28; W 25 feet
' Of Bub 4) of lot , Alfred 9, Beard, Ir., $1.07?
W 26 feat of 8 20 feet of Bub Q of lot 8,
Barak W. and B. W. riahet, $4.; W 25
feet of Bub K of lot I, Barak W. and B. W.
flaber, $4 I4 rlgbt of way, - Oltr ah Bub
'nrhan Ballway 'Co., fKt.lli' rlgbt of way
OregoB Callterala lullroad $354.1k;
tuUl, $la,e58.TL'.
AaiHtof of tba City pf Portland.
i Artt , 1004. ' '
rioroazD AsazBSMXitT rot impboti-
1 vjurr or B7BBXT BTBXII. :
Norlee la henbr. eieea that the Ooanrll of
the City of Port) I ad Bropnaoa, to.aeeipe the
Koiiewina aeecriDea oroDerxv ana owner or
ownere at being aaeclally and peculiarly bene-
atea in tno amoanta net eppoaite toe nam
and deaorlDtlooa thereof for. aha Improvement
of taaaet troai, from U4 weet Un ot I'enlp-
aur avenue to tbo eaat Una of Emerald atroei,
to prorlded by ordinance No. 18,628.'
Any obJertioa to tbo apportlsaDMOt al coat
for eald Improvement muat bo made In writ
ing to the Coo noil aad lied, with the Auditor
within 15 day treta the date of tbo Brat
Dublleaatoa of thla notice, and aald objection
wlU be heard and determined by the Cotincl
before the paeaage of the ordluaooe aaeeeaing
the coat of aald Improveaenai
rtot U, Henry Hrnnlnn. l6S.72: tot 40.
t;iearr iiennmg. fis.27; lot a, uenry rira-
alnga, .26l tot 8. Henry Ilenainira. 19.25:
Block TB, tot 1L Lydla Carter. 8QS.58 tot
. 10, Lydla Carter, $12.87; tot tv LTdlk Oartor,
M M; tot 8. Lydla Carter, . t4V53j lot IB,
i, Iydla Carter, $tl.odi. tot 14, I'H Carter,
11 (4; tot 18, Lydla Carter. 18.0Q tot 18,
Lydla Carter? $72.49. Block 72, let 11,
Timothy Wood, $W.0; tot 10. Ttrootby
- Wood, $14.2; tot 0, Timothy Wood, 1 10.00;
tot 8, Timothp Wood, $10.60; lot 15, Timothy
Wood, $1.48; lot 14. Timothy Wood, $1.48)
lot 18, Timothy Wood, $2.M; lot 11 Timothy
Wood, $58.75. Block . tot 1. Claae H re
el nn. tOo.40: lot 2. CUu HaaaUvca. 112.801
tot a, Clana Ilennlnga. $0.68; lot 4. t'nlted
Bute Bavins? AV Loan Bod-tT. 80.68. Block
TO, lof 1, Bodolpk Bckmld, $00.06; tot 8.
Hudolpb ftcbmld, $14.08; lot 8,- Bodolpk
nuaoipB nccmia
Bchmld, 110.84;
$10.83; to IS, Ji
lot 20, Jeese R.
; lot 4. ttuooipn acnuiia,
Jeeeo H. Harrington, 111.50;
L. H.rrtnrton. 111. 61: lot 21.
Jeeae B. Harrington, $16": lot 23. J ease
R. Harrington. $7.7S. Block 71, lot 1,
Bchonl Dlatrlct No. 1. $76.30; lot 2, Bcbool
DlsUtct No. 1. $15.45; tot I, School Dlatrlct
No. 1, 111.88; tot 4. Bcbool Dlatrlct No. 1.
$11.10; tot 10, Bcbool Dlatrlct No. 1, $2.18;
tot 20, School Dlatrtct No. 1. $2.12: tot 21.
BChool District No. 1, $4 28; lot IX Bcbool
DUtrlct No. 1, $08.46; total. I078.K2.
Tnos. a DKVUN,
Auditor of the City of Portland.
April 18, 1004.
Notice la hereby given ' tbat the Council of
the City of Portlanl proiooe te , aaseaa th
tollowlag daorrttied tiroperty and owner o.
owner as being eitecfatly and pecnllarly brne
flted In tbe amount act opposite the name and
descriptions thereof for tbo Improvement ot
ippln street. Iron the eaat line of BurragH
street at laid out In Burr age tract to the weal
una ot vtanaah avenue, as provided by oroin
aoce .No. 13.816.
Any ohtectlon to the apportionment of coat
for ald fmprovemeat must be made In writing
to tbe Council and Died with tbe Auditor wlthlu
15 daya from tbe date vt the Brat publication
ot thla notice, and said objections will be
beard and determined by tbe Council before
the paesage of the ordlnauo assess ing tta
enet of eald Improvement.
FRANCE'S ADDITION ta Alblna Block 1.
weat 36 feet lot 5. John Uolllna. $0.58;
tot 4, John Collins. $4.11; lot 8. John Collin
J 3.23; lot 2. John Colllna, $2 70) tot t.
obn Colllos. $3.08.
FA IRFIKLO Black. 1, tot 10- Car let! aa Kirn.
$0.53; tot 18, W. R. Byron, $7.81; tot 17,
W. B. Byron, $8.41; lot 16. Ellen Ceao,
f4H; tot 15. Ellen Case. $5 7); lot 14,
hrlirtlna Menbard, $8 48: tot Is. Christina
Menhard. $8.82; tot 18, Chrlatlna Meiihard,
$10.87; tot 11, Pauline D. Wick man. $12.64;
lot 10, Pauline D. Wick men, $12.34; lot U,
Charles Brhwtnd. $10.87;' tot 8. Charle
Bchwlad. $0.70: tot I. tsUbert O. BeaaMatock.
$8.58; tot , eilbert . rtcewsvock. .;
tot 5. 8. H. Carter, $S2; lot 4. 8. II.
Warier, $S82; lot 3. 8 H Carlera. $7.35:
lot 2. 8. II. Carlera, $5.58; tot 1. S. 11
Carlera, $3.23. , ...
lot 8, 8. n. Carter. $5.92: lot 9. . 8 I.
Carter, fs.uiit tot 10. 8. 1L, Carter, $9.80;
1(H 11. A. p. Garter, $0 59. Block TO. lot
8. T. W. t'lttonger. $10.37! lot 0. T. W.
Plttenger. $12.00 tot Jo. T. W. Plttenger.
$11.70; tot 1L X. -W, I'ltteagar, $18.61; lot
12, EUra 8. lYame, $12 75; tot 13, EUaa 8. j
Frame. $12.41) lot 14, Ella 8. ' Frame.
$12 92; lot 16. Ellaa 8. Frame. $11.01. i
riloi-k 71. lot (, Mctiool IHatrlct No. 1. $12.84;
tot 9, School District No. 1. $14.32; lot 10,
School Dlctrlit No. I. $13 79; lot 11. School
IHatHct No 1, $15.24; lot 13. School Dlatrlct
No. 1, $15.49; tot 14. School District No. 1,
818.891 lot 18V Mekool Dtalrire- No: 1 til TA
ORCHARD PLACE Block 2 tot 12. Franc la
M. Arnold. $26.01; tot 11. Francla M. Arnold,
$19.43; tot 10. Ullle Belle Panel, trustee,
$.17.30! tot 9, Lilll Belle BaraeL trnstee.
$13 50; to! 8, I, II. Anderaon. $0.07; lot 7.
Nord Mndssy. $8.12; tot . Henry Cbon
quette, $5.67; lot 5, Henry Chowvtette, $5.10;
lot 4, Martha A, Kanilersou. $4.02: tot 8.
Martha A. Saaderaon, $4.36; tot 2. Edwin G.
McKay. $2T9? lot 1. Edtvln 0. McKay. $2.81.
Block 1, tot 12, Sylvaooa Weeks estate, heir
of, $8.48; tot It Sylvanna Week estate,
helm ot, $2.96; tot 10. Sylvanus Weeks,
estate, heir of. $1.T: tot 8, 8ylvanus Weekt
aatate, belra ot $134; tot 8. D. Dalglelsh
eeiaie. neirs m. o tv): sol 7, II. Dalglelsb
estaie, oeira or, av-7; lot a. Balfour,
Outhrl A Co., $1.18; lot 4. Balfour, Uothrte
at uo., i.; 101 a. Haiour. Uuthrl 81 Co..
$1.65; lot 2. D. Dalgelah. trnatee, $1.91; tot
r I1.I.1.I.V - - - Aab ia '
ir. i'ai4a r"Li, VUVi-vpaa, .tB,
B0BBAOK TRACT Block 8. tot 22, Ctoorge
u. uemawoa, .o; - aorta i feet lot 21.
Oeorge 0. Oaniman. $0.70 Block 9,
tot 1, Oeorre O. Oaumana, $24.79; north 15
feat tot 8. Ooocg O. .Oamuran. $1.87; north
18 feet lot 81, Oeorge O. Oammana, $2.07:
tot 88, Oeorge Q. Gas mane, $32.81. Block
la. tot lv M. B. Bwlgert, $1.91; north 15
feet WtM.ll. Bwlgert 83.04: north is
feat tot 81, M. B. Bvrigert, $8.58; tot 83. M.I
jjb, awigeri, bdb.u. Bloc 17, lot 1, Oeorge
O. GamnwiBB. $40.68; north IB feet tot 2.
Ceorr O. Oammana, $.; aorth 15 fret
tot 11, Qeorg O. Uajaaana, $3.27; lot 22.
Ueorae Q. Gammona. 144.85.
ABBOB LODQE Block 87. lot 12.
Phillip BuckBsr. IS9.60; lot 11. Pbll
Bp Backner. $11.42; lot 10. Phillip
Bac$er, $9.M. Block 20, tot 13. Su
san Uelgman Mn0eld. $88 II: lot 14.
Susan fielgmaa ManeBeld, $9,73; lot 15.
Enu Tt-Wm- m U,MlUbi AT Kfi, 1.. -to w.l
C. Bronaueh. $7.46; tot' 11. Earl C. 'Bron-
aogk, 10.56: lot 12, H. E. Noble. $34.94.
Block 85. lob IS, Ida B. pain. $40.17; tot
14. Ida B. Pauea, $9.70; tot 16. Ida B.
Pal. fT.89; lot 10, Ida B. I' aloe. $8.74; tot
11. Ida B. Palo. $8.80;- lot 12. Ida a
rain, fas. to. Block 24, lot is. Earl c.
Brooanrh. 119.54: lot 14. Earl O. Bronaurb
$.2; tot 13. Earl 0. Brooaogh. $4 00; lot
jo, atari c. Hronaugo. ki.7; lot 11. Earl C.
Bronaagh. $3.81; tot 12, Earl a Bronaugb,
$1871. Block 23, tot IS. Etta FlUglbbon.
$S.70t tot 14, Etta Fltagibbona, $0.87;
lot IS, Etta Fltsglbbona, $0.67; tot 10,
J. H. and Tbomaa W. Pirn, 82.62; tot 11, J.
K. and Thoma W. Plm. 18.18: tot 11 j. n
and Tbomaa W. Pirn, $7.80. - A tract of land
tying oetween uo weac line or vvabaab a re
als aad a Ua 100 feet weet thereof and
parallel therewith and between the north
line of Pippin street and a line equidistant
between the north tine of Pippin street and
the southerly Una of the county- road extend
ing through tot 10, Glen wood" Park, John
Went. $2.83. A tract of land lying between
tbo weat tin of Wabaab avenue and a lme
100 feet west thereof and parallel therewith
aad between toe south line of Pippin street
aad a Ha 100 feet south thereof and parallel
therewith, John Mock, $7.25; total. $1,214.34.
, ., TH08- C DEVLIN,
Auditor of tho City of Portland.
April IB. 190.
Notice Is hereby given that the Council of
the City of Portland proposes to assess th
following described property and owner or
owner as being specially and peculiarly bene-
Btea in n amounts- set opposite toe names
and descrlntioas thereof bv tha eonatrartfau
of aewer to Eaat Thtrty-Brt aad Bast 4U1-
bmb streentt, rrona aewer la Cast Thirty-trat
Street ad Eaet YmhlU atreet to East SaLmeat
etreet; three ia East Salnaoa street to a
fjlnt 100 fee west of the west Una of East
liirty-n street. , sa psoridsd by ardliuacj.
No. 18,7X1 T .
Any objectiea ta UM apporaoaaiMt of rest
for said sewer must bo Made to writing to tho
Council and lied with tbo Auditor wit hie is
day from th data at the -Brat publication of
this notice, aad aald objection will e beard
and determined br tha Council bettor th Das.
sate of th etdlnasee aamstag th cost for
ssld aewer. .
81'NNTSIDE Block 4B aorth loO feet tot B,
- Swanvatde Laod A latrraat eompray,
' $11.00; acrU 100 feet tot I; Suaoyald Laad
. 4 ImrvTjaent ootnpan, fla-OOl .north 100
, leet tot T. BunnylVe Land s improreaMar.
KaoBipao, 111.00. Bloek 48, north 100 feet
''ot L Siinbrald Load k tmprovaoieot Com
pany, $0.10; porU 100 feet lot 2, Boany.
, aide Lend m Improvement company,
Block 40. -lot 1, Barab -WUUameon, 1.B;
let J. Barab Williamson. 114.651 tot B,
Margaret Ml Brannan. $1168: tot 4, hUr-
Jaret M. Brannaa, $16,051 tot 0, A. H.
atonrotto. $16.65; lot a, Av. B. Latourotta,
16.66. Block IT. lot 1. Mar B. Normaa.
$16.65 lot a, Bunnyelde land At Improve
meat company, $14.05 lot 8, BnnByndo Land
at imnrorement eeau
tot. T. , Brlveater O.
Bylveeveg O. Pier, $80.00; tot IL Bylrrettte
- u. irr, sao.uvi nc w, - pyiveecor u nee,
- I1O.B0; lot av Jemila Burden. IhUOOi tot 18.
jsnnia rinroea, . Block - 41, lot a,
Lrdla and J. r. Wrndrr. 111.801 "tot B.
1 LydK and J. F. Wonder, 1-1.601 tot iX
Lyaia an 4. r, ' waador, g.W.OOl tot 11,
An,. II- iuaW eao no. i.. in u - t u
$20.0; lot T, Mary I. Le. $10,801 aorth 100
net ax letterea O, aunnyald Lead At lm-
tsroremeot aompaa, fMi.vb; total. $404.16.
V -i,.'! -two. u. irnrun,.,
Vli. '.'m Auditor a tba Cltg of PortUnd.
,Ar 11, 1004.....' ;.w;.t-,tV
Notle la hareby glvaa that tha Oaaetl of
th Uty pf Pertlaajd pmpoesr to Mrs the
following ' described property and owner or
owners a being epeeUHy and peculiarly ben-
niea in us aajeunie ear opposite ta nam
and description thereof, by ih oonatructloa of
aewer In Fargo a tree t trots 100 feet weat of
tha west line of Union avenue to connection with
the wr to Oautenbeln aTenu. as provided
ky ordtaaae Mo. 11738. .
" Any oblectiona to the annarMonment nf east
for ald wsr Boat be jnad la writing to th
Cooaell and filed wit th Auditor within 15
oaya irom us oat or the arit publication
at tola BoUos, aad aald objectvoa wiU bo hoard
aad determined by tbe Council btfore th pea
's f of the ordlaano gaoaaalng to eoat fur
aid aewor.
of Portlaad Btoch 18, weat 80 feet of lot
Is, rortiaun 'jruat uo, o( Oregon, .7: wet
feet of tot 18, Jobs Leo, $6.75; tot U,
George Sehrelder, 2.70 lot 10, PorUgnd
Trust qosaptay of Orerott, $28.70: lot I,
Portland Treat 0mpuy of Oregon,- $2.T0;
tot 8, A, B. (HI. $28.70; tot 7, A. B. Bill.
, $28.T0; tot , Lpais Saner. $28.T0: lot 8, Wal
Uoe nd flora Hadley, $28. TO) tot 4, A. B.
PtnlMn, $38,801 tot 8. A. 8. Paalaea. 821.80:
lot 18, Cbarlna M a lot r,' $88.20; to. 14, Ell
. Malott, 81.20; lot 12. Marl O. Mullet,
28.701 lot II. tternarA Unrlli ITS Tft. Ini U
nl Kiev. $28.70; lot 0. Portland Trust Com-
Baay,-$28.T0 lot 8, f. W. Prahl. $25.90;
lot T, Kate Fox. $28.70; lot a, Kato Fox.
28.70; lot 6 Kate Fox. $28.70; lot 4. Harry
ooa a soi , w iTasnci ocseei. ao.w; sot
Frederick Brheel. $10.90; tot 6. Charles
Bwsnsoa, $26.80; lot B. Oraee Rose. $25.88;
lot 9, Mary Flrbtner, $25.85; tot 18. J, A.
Campbell, $28.86. i
AI.H1NA ADfcniON Btock 3. tot 14, TYiaaa
HlKglna. 921.20; tot 18, Lout Banvle. $.($ 80:
, lot J 2. Samuel M. Lacy. $28 65: tot 11. Samuel
M. Lacy, $23.55; Jot 10, Mary U Bachrodt.
Portland Bloek 12. weet 20 feet of lot 14,
Portland Trust Company of Oregon, $2.55;
weet 20 fret of tot IS. A- J. Hogea. $3.55;
tot 16, Anton Bukowaky. $20.30: tot IT, Lucy
Frectrr, $20.30; lot 16. John I. Murray, $20 .80;
lot 19. PartUnd Trait Compaav. $20.80; tot
SO, Portland Trust Company, $20.80; lot 21.
Ellsworth P. McCrosky. 120.30; lot 22. Anton
Bukowaky. $2n.M; lot 2. Cllntmi J. Jonee,
$12.80; lot 1, Clinton J. Jonee. $27.80. Bloc
9. lot 16, Portland Trust Company, $27.80;
lot 16. James R. Moore. $11.80; lot IT. Eugene
and Emma White. $20.3; lot 18. J. A. CbrU
tofferaon. $3)1.30; tot 19. Portland Trust Com
pany. $20 80; tot 20, Mary Laycock. $20.30;
lot 21. Mary Laycock. $18.10; lit 22. Port
land Trust (Vmipenr. $20.80; lot 28. Portland
Trust Company. $20.80: lot 14. 8. A. Tucker.
$20.80; lot 2. M. E. Thompson, $12.80; tot
1. M. E. Thomneon. $77.80.
Block 2. lot 1. Roes be I Croddy. $24 18; tot 1
ltnaanel Croddr. $12.06; tot A. Pad tic Coast
Abstract & Uuaranteo A Trust Company,
$18 25; lot T. Pacific Coast Atistrarc c Ouar
antce A Trust Company, $18.39: tot 10, A. B.
Manley. $1825: lot 11. A. R. Mauley. $18.25.
ALBINA ADDITION Block 2 lot 1. Maurice
Cavanaugb Eatate. heirs of. $27.80: north 28.5
fret of lot i. W. H. and Dora Jacobus, 80.80;
south 23.6 feet of tot 2. Lillian Saurle. $6.00;
lot 3. Msrthii Laird. $18.50: lot 4. Mnrtha
Laird. $10 50; lot A. R. Chedla. $16.50. Total.
Auditor at th City of Portlaad,
April 18. 1904.
Notice ' b) hereby given that th Oonnctl of
tbe City of Portland propose to assess the
following described aronerty aad owner 4t
owners aa being pcclHjr ana peculiarly Dene
flted In the amount art opposite tbe namee and
description thereof by the construction of a
aeaar In Victoria atreet. from 50 feet north
of th north line of Weldler atreet to a con
UPCtloB with thr aewer In Victoria trret at
Broadwaj'. BMirlded by ordlnsnee No. 13.731.
Any objections to tbe apportionment of cost
for aald sewer meat he made In writing to th
Council and (lied with the Auditor within 16
d.A.v from the date of tbe Orat publication of
this notice, and aald objection will be heard
And determined by the Council before the pas
su ce of tho ordinance assessing the coat for
said aeerr.
Portland Block 5. west half lot 3. Mary
McCarthey, fi:i.25; wast half tot 4, Mary
MrCartbey, $18 25; eaat half tot 8. Nellie
C. Maohan. -1211.75; oast haU tot 4. llle
C Merhn. $30. TS. Block 9. lot 8. Jnn
Evans. $25.65: lot 6, June Even, $25.65; tot
7, William H. Boat, $25.05; total. $144.06.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
April IS, 194M.
Notice la hereby glvea that at the meeting
of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore
gon, beld on the 6th day of April. 1904, ths
following resolution wsa adopted:
Kesolved Tbat th Council of th City of
Portland. Oregon, detna It axpedleut aad pro:
nose to Improve Grand avenue from the north
line of Belmont atreet to tbe north line of
Eaat Clay atreet by constructing a plank road
way full width with fall Interseetlona of th
etreet with four by twelve-Inch covering plank
In accordance with tbe City Engineer's plans,
spccllicstlons and estimates.
Said lmnrovement to be made In aeonrdaaeo
wkb the charter sad rrdlnaocee of th City ot
Fortttnd and the Plans, sntdflcatlon and eetl
mate of th City Engineer filed In the office
of the Auditor of the City of Pert land on th
win asy .or aurcb, 1904. indoreea: -uty
r.DKineer s plans and iDeclflcatlons for ths lm
prorisment of Grand avenue from th north Un
or Belmont atreet ta the north line of Bt
Cray atreet. and th 'estimate of tbe work to
oe aone ana the probable total coat tbereof."
Tbe cost of aald Imnrorement to be assessed
ee provided by the city charter upon th prop
erty specially benefl'ed thereby and which la
hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parts of tots
snd parcels ot land lying between a -line
so reet oast oi m narajuei win uo ossr, me
of Grand arenne and a line 90 feet West of
snd parallel with the weet Une of Grand ave
nue and between s line 100 feet north of and
parallel with the north line of Belmont street
and tbe north Une of Eaat Clay street.
The Engineer's estimate of the nrobsbl total
cost for the Improvement of said Grand sreeue
Is 44.09S.00.
Ths above lmnrovement la to be classed ss s
plank roadway Improvement and shall bs mate,
talned by ibe city for a nerlod of Ira rears.
prorlded, that the owners of a majority f ths
property benefited: by said improvement or any
portion thereof shall not petition for-a aew
or different Improvement before tba SXpiratiea
of aneh period.
The nlana. specification and eetl mats of tha
City Engineer for the Improvement of said
Grand avenue are hereby adopted.
Resolved. ,that the Auditor the CMy of
Portland be and he is hereby directed to give
notice of be proposed Improresaoat ad ssld
avenue as prorlded by the city charter.
Remonstrance against tbe above improvement
may be filed In writing with the undersigned
within 20 days from tbe dsts ot tho first pub
lication of this notice.
By order of tbe Council. i
TH08. C. DETLllf,
Auditor ot the City of Portlaad.
, April 12. 1904. , , -.:
Notice Is hereby g'ven that the Council of the
City of Portland propose to assess the follow
ing described property snd owner or owners
aa being specially and peculiarly benefited la
toe amounts set opposite tee aamec aaa at w rip
tlons thereof by the conatroctlon of s sewer la
Oliver avenue from 50 feet weet of the dtr
boundary to the eewer to Eaat Ysmbtll atreet.
mm prvvHieq or oruuiocw no. 10. fiw.
Any objections to th apportionment of eoet
ror esia sewer nut oe made in writing ta tbe
Council snd filed with the Auditor wlthla 13
daya from the date of the first pebUcaUoa of
tnw notice, ana ssra ooiecrjons wiu ee Beard
aad determined by the Cwancil before tbo pas
Sag of ths wdlnaace eaatssing th et Sag
aid ewer. - ; - . x
EDBNDALXwBloek 1. lot 88. 0. F. Prase,
t35; lot 81, C. F, Freer. $4.80; lot fsj,
F. Freer. -14.80; tot 29. C. F. Fraaae,
SO; -Jet 28. Frank 0. Donalson. HBO: tot
Frank 6. Dona Iron, $4.80: tot 8 Lota
A. Freeman. $4.80; tot 89. Lais A.' Frtnaa
$4.80; tot 24, Lata A. Freexeaa. $4.80; lot
83, Lulu A. Freemaa. $4.80; lot 22. Lata A.
Freeman, $4.80; lot Si, Lula A. Freeman,
, $0: tot 20, L. 8. Wright, $4.80: tot 19,
? L ft- Wright, $4.80; tot 18. Jsy P. Lucas.
$4.80; tot IT. Jay P. Loess. $4.84. Btoch 8.
tot Si, Minnie B. Robbtos. $4.80: tot 31, Mia
,nl R. Robb,as. $4.81.; tot 80. Title Gasrsa.
vte Treat Ctnaaaay. 84-SO; tot 1st, Title
euaraatoe Trust Cotapeay, $4,801 let 8a,
? ..Vi.'.'-i iri'-(
,L K. Cummltigs, $4-0i tot S3. A. BL Com.
Btlng, $4.10) Xt 8., rrandea A. OtlL I8.0I;
, sail 10 feet f lot 25. rraee A. OlIL io.50;
t an.1 a. ah i- a tiKMll 111 IK 1 9
; mlnga, BIO.BO; lot . A. . Humming. tu.ou,
tot 6. Jain M. Btoel, $10.80; lot 6. Jme
M. Bteel, $10.80; lot T. Bltoa Caae, $100;
" M fe WO.' Ma? FMSR
tot tl, re at. aW.WS'L '.
ttndn. kio 10: lot 18- Frank L. Bunting.
: $10,801 lot J4. . I Itoattog, B10.80 ot
. 15, Charles W. 0T. $10,801 tot 16, Charlea
W. 0f. flftatJ. JJtort . W 1. Char lea w.
0y, llJ .80; tot 1 Cb.rle W. 0F, $10 80; lot
8, J aha Donnerborg, $10.80: lot 4, John ttoa-
T, Barab Evans, 86.70; west 10 feet of lot
B Barak Brans. Ml" l.fS"
W. Way, 810.VOI lot leiierea voeirteB n.
Sit, $16.10. Total. $865.48;
TH6B. ft PBTWIT. , m
Akdltog of th City at PortUad.
Aprtl 18, 1904. -
iBOPOBiai uxwx pr abt aldbb
.. i , '."'.?( BXBjasx.
KntlM lat kaeebv 'eieen that at tha meeting
f th Council of th City of Portland, Oregon,
held oa tbo 8th day of AprlL 1904, U tot-
lAwins, eMAintim, wraa aooDtsa:
n aHmu, irh-e the CitmmMl wit th City of
Fvartlaad, Oregon, dooaw It expedient and aro
pcaee to ooastntct , wr la Baat Alder
street from 80 toot east of tho oaat Un. of
Prettrmaa avenue ta tbo aewer in bssi aioer
atreet at East Thirty eighth treat, of eitri-
Be sewer etna al slant lnca Clear merao
dlameUr with all aocoessry rat1ihlna, bm
halM lsfnnhnlfl mmA KesnebesL
BsIA aswae te ka annatructad la BCCOrdaOO
with Hm KmrMwr mmA wdlsasMS Of th City
of Portland and th pUna. BpoeiBratloo and
timte or tno city gwtnaear ii
ofneo of the Auditor of tho City of Portland
on the 24 day of April, 19o4, indorwdt "City
r linear plan aaa apaataractonB in a awww
East Alder street fro SO Beet oaat ad to
ast Un of Prattyaaaa arena to sower la
Esst Alder street at Baat Thlrty-algaW treet
ad th atlsute of th work to he doaa aad
til &Mhlkl mnmmi. snai ShAMAnT '
Tho eoat of aald aawar to be aseeeaed aa
prorlded by th city charter upon the prop
erty specially benefited thereby and which M
hereby declared to be all to tots, parts of
tot and parcel ot Jaad lying between a Use
100 feet north of sad parallel with th aorta
Un of I East Alder atrawt aad a Un 100- leet
south of sad parallel with tho south Una of
Base' Alder street and between the oast 11ns
f Bast Thirty-eighth Street aad a ' Una 64
jewi east oi ana parsusi Wlta ta l un or
Prattyinan avenue. .
IB Rnglneer's Mttmsto of tbo Drobakl
total eoet for tha aautruptina of a aewer la
Mid Bast Aider Street 1 $447.00.
The plana, apeellcattons and eatlmatss of
the tity Bnglneor to th ooatrattoa of
sewer to aeid Bast Aldsr atnat ara berekv
Besolred, That the Auditor f th City of
PortUnd be and he to hereby directed to air
aotlo of tbo aroBoaed owns traction of aald
aewer proridod by the etty ahsrtar.
Bemonatrartc agaloat ths above sswsr may
be filed in writing with tbe undersigned wltbht
SO day from th date of tba first publication
cf thla notice.
By order of tha Ootincil
TH08. a DBTUB,
Auditor of tho City of Portlaad.
April 18, 1904.
Notice Is harel
i by given that at th meeting
of the City of Portland, Ore-
of the Conncll
gon held on the bth day of April. 1904, tha fol
uw i us; resolution was saoptea:
nrsoivea, tnst tbe council or tbe city of
PorUsad. Oregoa. deem It axDodtont aad pro-
poe to construct a sewer to Ivy street from
18 ft wast of tha line of Union arenas
to tbe sewer In Vsncourar srrnus, aald sewer
t be of vltrlled sewer aloe with all nscatsssrr
catch basins, manholes, UmpboWa aad
brancbr. and of tbe following dimensions:
ot eight Inches clear Inside diameter from a
point in ivy street 18 feet west of tbe seat Has
of I'ntoa avenue to a polot In Ivy street op
posite lot 19., block 14. Willlsms Avenue
Addition to the City of Portland; thenos of 10
inches clrsr Insid diameter to a point la Ivy
street 290.8 tost aat of th eaat line ot
Williams avenue: thence of 12 inches clear
Inside diameter to a oaocotloa with th wr
In Vsu-ouvor arcane.
Said sewer to be constructed in accordance
wltb tbe charter and ordinances af tha Cltv
of Portland and tbs plans, spedflcatlon aad
estimate of tbe City Engineer, Bled la th
office of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland
on the 2d day of April.-1904. Indorsed: "City
Kngiusor pitas ana apeciaratioria- for a eewer
In Ivy street from 18 feat weat of the east
line of I'nloa aeonao to aewor in Vancouver
avenue, and the estimate of to work to ha
done and tha probable total oaat thereof.? .
in cost or said sewer to ha aaaesaea aa
provided br th city charter noon tho tron-
rrty speclslly benefited thereby aad which to
hereby declared to be all tho lots, part of
lots ana parcels or land lying between a nns
loo feet north of snd parallel with the north
Une of try street snd a Has 100 feet south of
and parallel with tbe south -Boa wf- lry street
and between a litis 90 feet seat of and parsllal
with the eaat line of Vancouver arenas aad a
line 50 feet east of and parallel with the east
line of Union avenue.
The Engineer's estimate of the probable total
cost for ths construction of ews In aald
Ivy tree.t 1 $1,840.00.
The elan. sDelgcatlon and estimate of
the City Engineer for tha eon traction of a
sewer 1n ssld Ivy street are hereby adopted.
Resolved tbat tbe Auditor of the City of
Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give
notice of tbe proposed construction of ssld
sewer provided ay tb city charter.
Bemonetrsace against the tbe-v sewer aray
be filed 111 writing with ths rudarglgad withto
10 day from the date of Ah tint pubU
catlon of tbla notice.
By order of tbe Council.
Auditor of th City of Portland.
April 12, 1904.
Notice le hereby gives thst th Council et
the City af Portland aropsses to assess the
following described property and owner or
owners ss being specially snd peculiarly bene
fited in the amoanta set opposite tne s sat as ana
descrtptton thereof fey the cotvttrucrloa of a
ewer In Front street, from the south - line ot
Abernatfay street to a connection with ths
Thomaa creek sewer, aa prorlded by ordin
ance No. 18,816.
Any object tone to the apportionment of eoet
for said sewer muat be made In writing to the
Conncll and filed with tbs Auditor within 18
days from tbs date ot the first publication of
this notice, and aald ob tec Hons will be heard
aad determined by the Council before the pas
sage of ths ordinance assessing ths oust for
said sewer.
CARUTHER8 ADDITION to the City of Port
lend ss Laid Out by ths 8. P. B. B. Assa
Block 166, tot 8. John George Hoff
tosn. $80.85: lot 4. William F. Holts, $30.85.
A tract of Usd iyrng between tbe aontb Una
of Abernathy atreet end Un 100 feet
ootberly therefrom and paralArl therewith
aad between the west Us of Front street
and tin 100 feet westerly therefrom and
parallel therewith. Charlea B. Do no ho.
$42.40. A tract of land lying between the
1 sooth . Une of Abernathy street aad a Una
100 feet eoutherly therefrom and parallel
therewith and between the east Has ot Front
etreet and a Hue 100 feet easterly- therefrom
snd parallel therewith, Preston W. Gillette.
$59.20. Block 167. all of tot 8 lying eaat
of rlgbt of way of Southern Pacific Railroad
company, W. F. Wlcgand. $23.25; all of lot
T lying east of the right of way of the
pootnern r'aeine Kaitroea company, w. w.
Wlegaud. $T.50t all of tot T lying west ot
toe right or way or tne Bon there Pacific
Ballroad company, William J. Lehigh estate,
' heirs of. $2.95; all et tot 8 lylag weet of tbe
right of way af the Soothera Pacific Rail
road company. WUUam J. Lehigh estate,
heirs of, $28.80: all of tot lying west of
Si ngnt or way et tno Boo thorn pads
allroad company, WUUam J. Lehigh estate,
heirs ef. $18.08. Bight of way through th
weet half of btoek 167, Cars there' addition
to tha City of PorUsad a laid out by the
a P.- B. fc. Aasa. Southern Pacific Railroad
company, $75,76; total. $37L80.
Aadltor af. the Ctty sd Portia sd.
April 18, 1904.
Notice le herebr riven that at tbe meetlna
of the Cenneil of tha City of Portland, Oregon,
held oa toe 8th day of April, 1904. the fol
lowing rraolntloa wss adopted:
Beeerred. That the Conncll ef tbe CltT of
Portland, Oregon, deeme lt expedient end pre
pceee to ce its tract a eewer la Bsat Twenty
sixth etreet from So feet couth of the couth
Une ef Baat Stark (treet to a coanecttoa with
tb eewer to Bchnoat etreet. of rttrtfied eewer
pipe of eight Inches clear inside diameter with
all neceessry catehbeains, manholes, htmpboles
Hvl - t,HBraB,'J0a
- Bald sewer to he constructed la accordance
with the charter and ordlnancee or tbe City
of Portland and Jhe plans, speclflcsthne snd
esUmatee of the City Enrlaser filed ia the
effice of the Auditor of the City of Portlsnd
on the 8d day ef AprlL 1904. Indorsed ' "City
Eslneer'a Dlene aad speelflftloa tor a ewwer
la Bavst Twenty-etxth ; street front 84) feet
saerth of the sooth llaa of Baat Stork atreet
to tha sewer ta BeUnent street and tha eett
saatee of th work; to be doaa and toe preav
able total cost thereof." .,-. i
The esst of - sew to- ae aaaeeeed as
prorlded by toe city charter apoa the prop
erty epecUlly bcasfited thsrehy sad which I
hereby declared to he aU the lota, parte ot
tcte ead parcels ef land tying betwees a Ba
108 feet cost of aad parallel with toe eoet
Una ef Eaet Twenty-sixth street and a tine
100 feet weet ot and parallel with the west
Un of Best Twestty-etela etreet and betweea
a tine 10O feet north ef aad parallel with th
aria un oa siasear ouee aava ta esata i
Use eg Bss Brark street. .- -
The Engineer ssUaata at to ioeahle total i
aost fir the oorietracrlon of a aewr ta Ba
Mmm tmluhlt efr la g768.0U.
Th pUns, speolilcatton and eetlmato af
ta taty Enrlnenr for ta twosxrueiioo oa a
ewer la said Baat Twuty-UU street ara
hereby adopted. , . : 'i
Besolred, Tbat 'tb Auditor tit the City ot
Portland ba aad ho la hereby directed to gtv
aotlo of th proposed . oonstructloa of said
awe aa prorlded by th city charter.
. Bemomtrano against tha shoe aawar atay
be filed la writing with th aoderslgaod wlthla
20 dan from tha data of th jlrat puklloaUou
' i . IHOB. C. OJTvTIH,
Andltar a ta Oty a Portlaad.
April If, 1B04,
',1 . v .
ptopoiK) siwxb p un rrarr.
' '.;--v-tTjaiTxt BTBIIT. 'Cy;'::
" HfSOe to herebr wlren thst at ths BMMtlng
of ths Council oi tba City af PorUsad, Ore
gon. held oa th 6lh dsy at AprlL .1904 th
lolloWlne PMnlntlnfi ara. sAontsAl
Besolrad, thst th Cooooll 4f th City af
rortiand, Oregoa, anw It xpaJot ana pro
poe to construct a sewer la East Twsnty
seventh street from ths north Un of Esst
Stark street to connection with tb Merer la
East Pin atreet. aald eewer to n of vitrified
aewer alna of iH i.h i.laa Insida dlam-
tar wtu all eeasery aatahbaalna. majaholea,
lamnbolea snd hrenehaa. . '
Said aewtr to he oesutrrueted' In accoedaac
with the charter and ordinance of th City of
rortiana and th Plans. apedfldatioBS ana ens.
toatos -of th City Ksgiaoer, filsd in tha office
of th Auditor of th City of PortUnd on ths 2d
day ot April, 1904. Indorsed: "City Engineer
Plan and peclficsUons for a awr In East
Twenty-eeveatb street froBt tha aorth Una of
caet ntark trt to a aewer 1 awat tin atnei
and the eetlmato of th work to b doaa aad
th probable total coat thereof."
Tbe coat of constructing said aewer to be
assessed ss provided by tho city chart Bpos
ths property specially benefited thereby and
which I hereby declared to be all the Iota,
parts of lota snd parcels of land lying betvreea
a Une 100 feet eaat of and parallel with tb
ast line of Eaat Twenty-eruth tree gnd a
Un 100 fret weet of and parallel with the west
Una of Eaat Twenty-seventh treet. aud botwoca
tb north Un of East Btsrk street ana a una
100 leet south or snd parallel wlta u souu
Unr nf Res PIm .Im.1
Ths Rnrlnerr'a aatlmaae of ' th BrOoaPl
tots I cost for th construction of a awr la
ssld Esst Twenty- venth street to $808.00.
The nlane. snrclflcatlona and eetl ma tee of tba
City Engineer for the oonsKjrJJcttoa of sew
in i cast Twsnty4rntl (rat ara aerany
adopted. l ' ;
Resolved, that the Auditor of fh Crty '$
Portland he mil ha la harahr directed tO give
notice of the proposed construction of aald
sewer ss provided by tbe city ehsrter.'
Remoostrsnce sgalnat tb store er ay
be filed In wrltlne wltb tbe nnderalcned within
89 day frets th 4a to of th Brat pabUestto
or this notice.
By order of th Conncll. ' '
THOfl. fJ. BlTUTI.- -Audltar
t th City of Pwrtlaad.
April 18. 1904.
Notlc 1 hereby given that at th meeting
of tbe Council of the City of Portland. Ore
gon, hold on tbs Ith day of April, 1904. .to
following resolution was adopted:
Mesoivea, tart xaa uoancu t no uty (
Portbuid. Oregon, deems It sxptdlsnt and pro
pose to construct a sewer u ecun s venae
from 100 feet west of ths west Un of th
Rreerent to s sewer to East Thirtieth atreet
of vitrified wr pip af eight Inches etesr la
eld diameter with aU acoary catch hlaa.
Bisnholes, last Dholes and branches.
Bald wr to b constructed ta
accordance with tho charter and ar
aiaaaoe of tb City of Portland and
tha plana, sparileattooj aad estlaaatas of th
City Englnssr. filed la the office of th Audi
tor of the aty of Portland en tbe Sd day of
A or 11. 1904, Indorsed: "City Engineer's plans
and sped fie U no for a aewor la Locaat avenue
ryes 10V toes weet os see w uu w w
Crescent to th wer la Esst Thirtieth street
an tha estimates of th work to be doaa aad
tha probable total aost thereof ''
Tbe east f ontruttog ld rer to be
asaseeed as prorlded by ths city charter upon
the property specially benefited thereby and
which I hereby deelarwd to be all th lots,
part T tot aad paroel of laad lylag between
ibe wort Un of tho Crafoeat aad s llaa 100
e and narallel with th east Un
of Bast Thirtieth street aad between th aoutb
lino of Locust avenue and Ho 100 feet outh
ot and parallel with tho south Una af Locust
avenue, and ths soatoarly ens-halt of lots 4.
6, 6. T and 8, block 5. Bunnysld. .
Xba Kngiaar uroi u, uiv v,
coat for th oonitructloa ot a wt la ld
Locust vnn i iJiu . . .
Tha nUna aneciicatlon snd Mttmsto Of th
City Engineer for th eonatrnctloa ot a aewer
i. mmiA Thrust arenus r hereby (dopted.
Resolrod tnst ta auditor oi ne vity oi
Portland k and ba to hrby dWetod to gir
notlc of tb proposed construcUo pi aald
mwx as trovided by th city charttr.
Remonstrance agslnat tbe above eewer may
ha etaA In wrltlna with tbe undersigned within
20 days from ths dsts of tho first pubUcaUoa
or uus nonce. .
By order of ths Conncll.
Auditor ot ths fUty of Portlaad.
v April 18. 1904, - ';
Kotto 1 hereby given that at th meeting
of the Oooncil ot tne vaty ot romaou, .rwgwu.
bold 08 the Ata- day at- Aprilr ), tne rot-
lowlag resolution was e dopted :
Kesolved, That Us Council of tbs City of
Portland, Oregon, oeems it eapeaieoi no iv
poses to construct sawer to Missouri arena
V7 t,a nnrth line al Fremont street te a
eonnrctlon with tbe 1 Beech street, of
ritrlAed eewer pipe -of elgttt tosh class ta
side diameter wlta au necessary caicaoasins,
knlu lamnhnlea and branchea.
Said sewer to be constructed ta accordance
with the charter aad ordinance of tha Ctty
of Portland ana tne puns. Bjiteeaentioaw nu of he City atogtoeer filed ta the
office of the Auditor ot the City of Portland
on the 2d any of AfriL 1904, Indorsed: "City
Engineer's plans snd speclficsticns for a sewer
la btUeourt avenue from the north line of Fre
mont street to toe wer In .Beach street, snd
ths estimates of ths work to be done sad ths
probable total cost tnereor.
The eoat of ssld sewer to be ssseaaed
mmwAA h tba rltv charter noon - tbe prop
erty specially benefited thereby and which Is
nsreby uectarea co oe an uie mim. imiia u
tots snd pa.cela ot land lying between a Une
100 feet east of aad parallel wit a tha east
Una of Missouri arenne ana a une iuu teet
west of and parallel with the weet Une of
Missouri svenue and Between tne norm une ei
rnmnut atreat and a Una 100 feet south of
sd parallel with the eoato Un of Beech
sirees. . ...
Ths Engineer' esUmsts of tbs proosDis
total aoet for tb construction of a sewer la
said Missouri arsons Is $S9SiW.
Ths nntns, (pedflraUons and estlmatea ef the
City Engineer for toe construction of a eewer
la said Missouri avenue ere hereby adopted.
Resolrod, Tbat th Aadltor of the City of
Portland be snd he la hereby directed ta giro
notice of tbe nronosed construction or saia
aewer aa prorlded by the city charter.
Kemoiia trance against tne snore sewen may
be filed In writing with tbe undersigned within
20 dare from the dsts of toe first publication
of tbto notice.
By order of toe Cbuncn.
THOS. 0. DETLllf,
Aadltor of the City of Portlaad.
April IS. 1904.
Notice is hereby given thst st the meeting
t th Council of the City of Portlsnd. Ore-
E, held on the 6th dsy of AprlL 1904, the
Hewing resolution wss adopted:
Beaolved, that th Council of tb City of
Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
noses to construct s sewer In Hamilton avenue
frees 25 feet weat of tbe weat Une of Illinois
street to a connection with the sewer In Ham
ilton avenue at First street, said sewer to be
of rltrifled sewer pipe with sU necessary catch
basins, manholes, lsmpboles and branches,
aad to be of the following dimensions: of
eight Inches clear Insld diameter from a polot
In Hamilton avenue 25 feet weat of ths west
line of Illinois street to s point In Hamilton
avenue at Ohio atreet; thence of 10 Incbee
clear inside diameter to e connection with the
sewer la Hamilton avenue at First street.
Said aewer to be constructed In accordance
with the charter and ordinances of
the City ot Portlsod and the plans.
spedfications and rati ma tee of toe City
Cs4rtawsr. Bled ta tha office oi the Audi
tor or tne uty ot rorttana on tne sa aey m
April. 1904. Indorsed: "City Engineer's plan
and (pacifications for a sewer ta Ibmlltoa
avenue from 25 feet weet of the weet Una of
.lUtoole street to sewer ia HaanlltoB a venae
at nrst street ana tne estimate or row vwi
to be done and the probable total coat thereof."
Tha east of aosaxrsctlnjr ssld Sewer to be
assessed ss provided by th city .barter apoa
tbe property speclslly benefited thereby aad
which to hereby declared to be all the lota,
nets of lots and nareela af land lrlns betweea
a line 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe
north Une of Hamilton svenue snd a line
100 feet soeith At and narallel with tho aoutb
Ilea ef BamUtoa arena, snd betweenNs line
oo reef weet eg snd parsuei wita tne rw;
Une of Illinois atreet aad the west Jia ef
firwr, trorv, , e- - "V,
The Engineer estimstaef tbe prehable total
cost for the cotartracHoa af a sewer la aald
Hamtltoa venue le $919.00, I -
The plans. apeetOcitions -end eetlmaors ef the
City Engineer for the coue traction oi s sewer
ta said Hamfltoo areas are hereby adopted.
Besolred. tost the r Aadltor of the City of
Portlaad aa and he to hereby directed to give
Betlce ef the1 propoeed .cenetrurttoa ef paid
aewer Ss provided by th etty charter. , , .
Remonstrance .against the abev sewer wisy
be hied to writing with the snaterstgned within
SO dan from tha date of the Brat- frbttcatise
af. thla aatlea.- . ,- rf;t v-i
'- Auditor ac th aty. at" tlaaaV
AarO IX laV,
rBofono btwtb tm fraxuM attotox
Notlc la hereby givea that at th ntoU0(
af tha Council ot the City ot Portlaad, Or., held
oa toe ilia day ot Maren, 190A, Uie followluf
resolution was a don ted: . k ;,,:
Besolred, that tb OtranaU af - ths City of
Pertlsnd. Orsgoa. deem It expedient aad pro
pose to eons tract a aewer la wllUama svsan
berta street to a connection with the sewer
In Freauontvatssst at Wllltoms srsnu. Ssld
sswsr tocb eon true led of rl trilled (ewer- pips
with an neoeeaery catch-basins. OMnktol,
lamp bole and branch , and to ba of th tole
towing dimension: of 10 lnche clear Insld
, Hintr from a point 100 feet South ot tb
south llaa ot Alberts street to a point In
Going street; thence of 12 Inches clear Insld
diameter to point to William avenue at
Ma aoa street, and thane of 14 Inches clesr
Inalda dlameier to a point la William ave
ana at Fallluj atteet, snd thane of 18 Inches
clear toald diameter to a connection with
the sows la Fremont (treet at WUUam
Bald aewer to be constructed ta accord
with the charter and ordinance t tho City
' Portland nd tb plan. apedtV-ttloue and
estimate oi ine city Kiigineer niea in in
office of the Auditor of tbe City of PortUnd on
the 14th day of March, 1904. Indprsed: "City
Engineer's plana and specif) cation for aewor
la Wllllama avenue from 100 feet south of ths
south Mae of Alberto street to the sewer la
Fremont street, and the estimate of ths work
to be done end tb probable total cost thereof."
Th eoat of eald sewer ta be ssseaaed pre.
rldrd by th city (barter upon lb property
epriaitjr wensnieo; tnereor ana wnwcu ia stswruj
derlsred to be ell tha lota, narta of tots and
parcels of land lying between a Una 100 feet
east of and parallel wltb the eaat Una nf
Wllllama ersau and- a Une 100 feet weet of
aad pareUel with the. west line of Wllllaoa
avenue, snd between a line loo feet north of
and parallel with tbe north llim of Fremont
street snd ths south line of Albevta street.
Ths Engineer's eatlmate of tbs probable
total cost for ths construction of a aewer la
ald Williams avenue la $4,478.00.
The plane, epaeificattons snd satlmatoe of lea
City Engineer for tbe construction of aewer
Id aald WUUam arenas are hereby dopted.
Resolved. Thst ths Auditor of tbe City
of PorUsad be and b I hereby directed to
give notlc of the proposed construction or
said aewer ss provided by tbe City Charter.
, BemoastraBcs against th a bora sewer may
be filed to writing with the undersigned
within 20 days from tbs dsts of the first publi
cs ttoa of this notice.
By order f the Council.
,vn THOS. a HBTLIlt,
n Auditor ot the City f Portka.
Aprnie, jw.
Notlo te hrby given that I. ths under.
signer. Joha A. UeUaathaL aa receiver (or tb
eatate of Tbomaa A. Wllbon and Bnfua Byl-
restor, both dessased, pursuant to an order of
the eeart mad oa th 2d day of Marah, 1904,
will eell la tb msnner ead at Um Um here
inafter named ell the follow! aa Brooertri
Ibe sswsalll, alanlng-mlU, building. appUaaeee.
atoeh oa hind of whatsosrsr nsaw. nature snd
descripttoa belonging to aald tswnlll bun nee,
together with to ittsBsr, pllsdtirer, cw,
tore end Btoek of goods thereto belonging to
tbe eetatoe of Thame A. Wlllsoa aad Bofua
Sylrsstor, which ssld partnership wss dissolved
the death of the parties, together with the
good WlU belonging to ssld bailneae. Bald
ereoerty will ae (old at arirtto a I to the
erant that a (ultobl nd ufficint after there
for le received, subject to tbo spproral of
tbs court, oa ee he tore tbe loth dsy or May.
1904. Ia th even aald property la not eotd
on or before Mid lota day of May. 1804, the a
tnd la that event I will sell at ot eeld prop
erty et public a actio set the eald 16th day
of Mar at -10 o'clock la the forenoon of said
dsy at tbe office of the aald mill to tbe towa
oi wrangaii, ma met or Aiaaxs, wucb ssia ssi
shall bs under tbe direction and subject to ths
spproral of th eaort. For particular te
tbe condition of sal InterBase le mad to
toe above-named order af aale oa flic 1a caese
No. SC8-A bendlog la tha United Stat dis
trict court far to dlatrlct of Alssks at Jsneeu.
This property Is oa a paying heals aad. has
been lor aome time oast oa a Baring heel and
muat be Bold In order tbat th proceed eas
he distributed to the heir gad leys tee of the
members of the opartnsrehlp property bp which
thi propertywaa fat mtiy oondueted, to-wlti
Thoma A. Wlllsoa aad Rufus Bylreater, now
both deceased. For further particulars with
reference to this property, address Joha , A.
HaUcatoaL Wraagell Alaska.
John a. hbxlenthatj, -
Ai receiver for the Property of tbe Eatotok
or Tho to a a, wiisoa ana suras ayireaur,
BMB Deceeeed.
Tba Only
Railway between the
Missouri River
The Chicago-Portland Special, the
most luxurious train in the world.
Drawing-room sleeping cart, dining
car, buffet smoking ana library car
barber and bath). Less than threw
tiara rortiana to uucaga
to Chicago are operated daily rla tha
Oregon K. R. ft Nav. Co., U. P. R. R. and
Chkaro ft Korth-Western Ky. te Chicago
from Portlaad aad pointB in Oregoa aad
Eastera Washington,
Daily icaralona'ia Pull gain tourist
alecplng can (rem Portland throagb
to Chkaro without change.
Tkket OKIct 122 Tiiird itmt rboac a80
Trains Dally -ate
' Daylight trip through ho Caacade
aad Rocky mountains. JTor full peu-Uc-ularav
rates, folders, etft, call on or ad
ilteaa jC SXOatBOlT, City Tloket Ag,
19 Third Street, PortOand.
Astoria & Columbia
River RailroadCo.
rt. re, aaac, usttiu a feat,
C. A M.-W. Re. C. m M.-W. Ky.
(T Market Brraet. m Tblrd Street.
I Bam FaAaciaco, Caa. roattAxa, oaa.
:aMWBB, BNI0S DlPO r Arrlrvav
rr htsveers, Relator, n.n, s,
;!;t,;--v, OatBBajsta.".Vaatae BM I
"'mjii S CUftoVi Astoria. War- v
88 a. . rrnton. riaeeT Ham. ra. to.
atetly. mond. Fort Sterena, : v f .' '.
:rHMj!- Gearhart Park. Beaslde, ::
J,;i' Astoria . and Speakers. ' ?,'v i
o.i Express dally, t
n.Vi.' ' Astoria Expresa. . "
:4o;: pally. to,
-' O. r. and P. A., AsVrta, Or.'
0. A, STEWART. Commercial A Maul. iiA A Mat
at, Jrhoue hula evu, .
1 Lcavaa,
trataa, for Baleav aose.
borg, Ashlsad, Bers
menaa. Otdea.MS Frsa-
8:80 8,8.
eiecs. Molars. Los Ao4
gelse, Bl Psao, Nsw 04
leaaa aaa taa Bast.
At - Wsodbara dally
(except Sunday). Taore-I
8:30 a. hL
4.-00 p. K.
. i -
7:80 a. at,
1140 a. (a.
mg traia ror git. aa
IMt,t4 ':'
cel. 81 nor ton.
vllle, Bpringfleld, Waa4-
ling and -Jtroa.
Albany passenger, ens
nects st Woodburn with
Mt. Asgel and MrayJ
ton JocaL
(8:88 a. at
Shsridaa- pasaenger.... (0a. a.
Dsily. IIDally, xccpt Sanday.
PrtUnd-0swg ,8stoirba Ssrvios aad TaaUU '
XHratiea, A
... Depot Foot of Jrffersoa Btreet. - 1 ' " "
Lnars Portlsnd dally for Oswego T:M a. a. I
12 50. 3:05, 8:26, 1:20, 6:20. 8: So. 10:10 $ .
Dally (except Sanday), 8:80, 6:80, 8:85, 10:28
a. m. ; 4:00, U;80 p. ta, - Buaday ealy, 1.00
a. ai.
R turning from Osrregs, arrive Portlaad datir ,
8:80 a. to. I 1:68, I M, 4:88, 6:15, T:8A, 1:6$.
11:10 p. aa. Dliy ..(except Sundav) 8:30, T:2S.
1:80. 10:80. 11)48 a. m. Except Monday. 13:81
p. a. Buaday only, 10:00. a. m.
Lesrea from same depot for Dsflsg end later
Bred lat point daily (except Sunday) 4:00 B. au
Arrlvs Portland 10:30 p. m.
The Indepeadeacc Monmouth Motor : . Baa
operates dsily to Monmouth aad Alrlle. eoa
nectlnr wltb Boutbern Pacific company A track -at
Da llaa and Independence. '
Plrst-cls far from Portlead to ftoranv
nd Baa Franclese $20, berth $81 escoad, elate
fsre SIS, sewndrlasa berth $2.10. ,
Tteaet to Eastern aototo end- Bai IBB. alto
Japan, China, Honolulu aad Australia.
city Tickst office corner isira aaa w aaeiag.
Wis street. Pbene, Mala Til
City Ticket Agent Oca. Pace. Ageat.
Through Pullaua standard aad voertot slaee
lag care daily to Omaha. . Chicago, Bpaheaei
tourist sleeping car dally to Kaaaaa City)
through Pullmaa tourist aleeplng cars (penoaa
altr eeadactedl werklr to Chic en. Becllatoa
chair care (eecto tree to the Beet dally.
Arrlrsa. t
1 B a, at,
Pat taa Bsst via Baa-
isgtoa. .
For Eastern Washing
T:44BfA. MKIOa.8,
ton. WaUa Walls, Less.
hma. Coeor a Aiene
.t :'-
ead Great
"h :
tor th Bsst rla Bant.
.latlim. . . .. ...
8:18 a. bv
B. fl. Ore. W. Elder
April 8. 18. 88.
B. B. Oregoa
April 1. 11. U, ;Vf.
8:08 Bv St.
OolseaVte Blvsr IHrlsioB.
FOB ASTORIA sad tray
points, Conner ting With
atmr. for nwaeo 'ead
North besrh. err. Haa
B: P. fa, .
tM .'.'
10:00 p. m.
sslo. AabL dock.
TaahUl Bhwr stoats. '
FOB DATTOlf, Oregoa
aty and Yamhill Elver
DallyV ,
Baadajv ;"t
points, etre. Elmore and
MMine, AaD-st. ooea.
Water permitting.)
Baake Btoer Baat.
snd way points from
BID rla. Wash., st ram-
5:40 a. bv,
8 :00 a. Bs.
Dally. ' l
las. Bat
era Spokane aad Lew-
TICKET OFFICE. Third aad Washlngtoa, Ma- '
poena stsia iu '
Per Tokobama and Tlonat BLanc. caninsr at -
Kobe. Nagasaki aad Bhanxhal. taking fretoht
via connecting stesussia for ManUa, Pert ArtUaT'
aad Tlsdlvostok.
For rate sad ruJl inforatatloa esH ea r V
drsss offdctol or ageatt ef toe a BV A X. Oa
'""2. 9J. '
' I
An lie 1
Pa ret Bouad Uadtod.
90 8. ittf '
for Tacona, Sect tie.
Olyaspla. South Seed
aad Oray'a SUrhor
North Cot Llmltea.
or Tacoaw, Beattte,
Batto. 8t- Paul. Min
neapolis, Chicago. New
York, Boston snd points
East aad aoutneeei.
1 i ,
T .-0B .).
Twin -CI tr Stores, far
Taensoa. aeaizis. aao-
ksne, Heleaa. at. real.
MlnaeepoUa. Chicago,
New Terhv Bostoa aad
aU Botnta East aad
Puget Boand K ansae
City -St. Louts Special,
for Tacoau. Brattle.
Spokaaa, Batte. Billings,
Denver. Otueha, Kanssa
City. St. Louie and aU
point Bast sad South
east. 8:80 a. at.
All trains daily except oa South
branch. A. D. CHABLT0S, ,
' Aaatstaai -0sara rsarrnger 'Ageat -SS
sforrlaoa at,, cor. Third. Pottlssd. Or. r
I . 1 : W