'? - THE OREGON DAILY-,-JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY? EVENING, V APRIL -.21, 1001 13 CITT BOTICXS. ' oro8 ABfirsBJdmr oi noradtx. (V ;;ft jczvt or o iz&zxt." . Notl Is hereby gtra that th Oouaoll Of . th city of fatund peopooas tb nltowlng ' dwcrlbsd ' property , and owner et un m being pdkllr aud peculiarly ban. ";Sted'la the amounts est opposite tb name - ) ua socnptlons thereof fr tb Inipr ement of j Front a treat from too aortb Mo of Arthur trat to tk north 11m of Seymour innu as pro ..tided by mdlnaaoo Ns. 14,811. - ' Aar objections to ths spportlooaMnt of cost for said Improrsmaat moat bo nudo la writing : to tho Council snd nled with tb Aadltor with la , 18 dors from tiio date of tho ant public tkm . of tbla notice. aa4 eld abjections wiU bo heard ; aaa actormlned by Uo Umnell before the u 1 btf o of the ordlnaae issssslng too ot of M14 i isuproTomont. , . , OilDTHBkW inniTTOW 4 RinlkMl A AMI. .' r tloa to too City of PortlandBlock ML tot 9, Orecou . Railway A Karteatloa aomuaa. HMTl lot 4. Oregon Railway Natlgatlon - company, aio.to. xuocs . lot a, a inert Wrliht M.Tt tot 1 Julius H. Har7 902.111 v,l wiiiian a. i. mercer, om.it; mi , ; id a. Maw ana 9a. ninek aa i l. ? Franklin brake. IftTsoi lot Fraaklla Draks. 4U.USJ BBOlriaed to SUt 0, - (UH , MUOD, 41.68; D41144 HW 9, Hugh W; No loon. 41,o8i lot 4, Jscon atalthaaf, 441.Tr. Block I. tot 1, School District No. 1, 926.46; lot School District No. X. 928.481 lot 9. Bcbool Bl. $28.40. . Block 69, lot Beth L, Pope, 04 lot L 'Sotb L. Pop. Iafl.t8: lot a, urn W. (Ulletu, 144.141 lot 4. MoWe Stan ford, 944.42. . CARUTHBtUr ADDITION to tbo Cltr of Port i ,Uo4 aa laldout bf tko I. P. ft. . ' aaooelaUoa Block 118, Wl, J, Swook ootato, ., btlro of, 48. 07 1 lot 1, J. twoik oaUU. botra of, , 801J53 oorU 40 foot lot 8, J. Iwook ' ' oototo, bolr of. 8M.8I1 aootk 10 foot lot 8, II.. W, amltb, (lil.40: tot 4, M. WvCmlth. , ;. 8110.04, .Block Uia, oaat 78 foot tot Y touia ' karolt. I8S.4T: wtot 80 foot tot 1, Banaab . L Hirdj, 8. 16) wat 80 foot tot I Baaoab ; L. jiardjr, 88.34; aortta H of oaat TO foot tot :' 17 UUT OoMBiau. 828.18) ooatk H of oaat TS fooilot t, Brldfot KooAodr aod Joka D. . tloanody ooUU, hotri of, M.Ui lot 8. City "' . of PorUaa4, 848.14 tot 4, Oonataaao a4 Po4 . Tlllmaa, 8182.10. . Block 1S2, lot 1. Laora ,'.raalkao, 888.01: lot 8, OrantPhofUt 178.24; ... tot 8, Allot . PUmptom, 108.M: lot 4. Alleo 4 PUbaptoo, I1AS.1T. Block - if,-lot lr Uill y It, Aaulawall. 8M.8S; lot f, kaaool L.. tarak oadKdltb. CaaipbtU, 81UT.84) tot 87oiuoI L., Sarak V. and Kdltb .Caapboll. f 100.02; tot 4. kaaool L.. Barak V.and Kdltk Campbol, , I 8T.lS KKwk UO, tot 1, Proatoa W. ttlllotto, 140.284 lot S, atarr OlUatto, 834.28; aertk 40 toot let a. rrooarlck p. bUttbowo, . traotoo, V 848,88; BouU 10 fort tot 8, Waltor Ktott. M.82; aU,tkat porttoB of tot 4 iflaf oaat -of tko Orocoa A CalUorola Railroad ooaipinj'a ..nrtt of war, Waltor Klott. 1121.42. Block . i40, all that port 1m of tot lrln waot of tbo Orofoa A CaUforala Balboad eonpaaf rlfkt of wap, Job and Barbara Wild. 82.88; ". all. that portion of lot' 1 Iflaf oaot of tho Oregoa CaUforala Railroad coaapaar'o rlgbt of war. W. U wroon. I108.0T; ttTaorta 20 . foot of 8U tbat portloD of tot ItriDf oaat of tbo Orogoa A California Ballroad oompaar'a -Hfbt of war. WlUUia U vrooa. 81.00; oooth ' 40 foot of all tbkt partloa of lot i Irlaf oaat ' VWUKI fal Wl i sxK'UWB aVSla Va" ICB - of uo orofoa uunran Kaivoao ooajpony a t rlfht of War. Looaoro i,0raforr fo-M. , Block 184, tot t, hoaa Kamtaak, 8W.M; tot , o, 4oaa woorr uoiraiaa, i o.i j an a, ww j Um W. Uolta. 1188.88. Block 181. tot U Cbartoa ft. Donaboo, I17T.4T; tot t, Cbarloa ft. poaabao, 1100.84: tot 8, Proatoa W. Olllotto. 8120.001 lot . rrootoa w. uuimio. Block 182, oaat k block Uk dharMa WmmL 844T.8S. rOBTLAND HOiretTBAO. Btott IK aorfk llO root lot a, Aramiata uroaaaca. au.ix: owaia ia foot tot 8. Uraoo Broaaafa. fsVT.otr ona irialoa P of tot 2, AbbU U Crockar, 840.811 ' 1 - af lot- a. Abbto Crockar. 840.40; aabdlrlaloa D of tot 2. Lacr htor wla. 1120.10: aabdlrlaloa 0 of tot 1 OUro U Waratr, 8148.17; oabdlTlatoa- B of tot 2, Ella L. Wrakoop, 9188.19; aubdlTtoloa A of lot 2. Blla L Wrakoop, 8200,28. Stock 8, lot 1, Joka a LaekoL lil 4.07. Mock 4, tot i. ro, ron A CaUforala Railroad ooarpaar. SS0O.00. tot 1. Mrr B. loboaoa. $101.84; oaat 100 faot of oabalrlatoa B of tot f. aUrr.aV 'obaaoa, lllTii: oaat 100 foot oTaortk H of ubrtk Ztttmrn h of la L Mra. F- 1. Haaor. 880.181 oaat 100 foot oT Ooatk H of, aabdlybtoa 0 oi ar raoainaioB v n m , p. m. kiuuu. 0.10; oaat 100 foot of aooan Jaaa kf. AaplawaU oau tin Rl' aaat 100 faot of of . tot . I, A Jaoo U. . Aaptawall oatau. - balro or. I11H.MS aaooanaioa I m . m 1 Cbartoa ft. Tamplotoa. 8140.14 raMlrlatoa of lot 2, CbarlM B. Tempi too, 8118.74; -. aabdlrlaloa T of tot S. Cbartoa JU Taaipiotoa, aiai.aoi .aaMtrtalna A of tot 2. Cbartoa B, ' , Ttatptotoa, 8184.82; onbdlTUloa 1 1 of tot X, -. OtarlaO B. Tomnletoa. 9108.41: aohdlrhiloa 10 L of tot 2. CbaWao aV la.plotoa, 9100.20; oak. n dlrlaloa 11 of tot a, CkartoalL.Xoaiptotoa, bias aa - ' iCABCTHBBr ADDITION Coratbora' A44W .iSaaaakitartla: 919.19; tot t lUchaH fctfrtl Jr 918.40. Btock 48, waot TO foot tot 9, M. ' fuTUehtoatbator, 92S.il; woot To foot tot t. P. KTlcbtoDtbalor. 821.4; oaat 81 foot tot t, - F. U. Uchtoathalar, 94.01; oaat 81 foot tot T. T. kf. Ucbtaatbaler, 83 .40; wit Bormaa tartar Uaa.aodrtr. 928.28; tot 9, Oar ajaa aTha Loan ortty, tX-SS. Block 4T, tot aClfeDada M. Morgaa. 920.T2: tot T, itaHatfa Uortaa, 824.04? tot M.lb-j . ,Baf, 8! tot 8, ataitaaa B. Bof, 882.18; f Btork T JiB 9dUBr108.18; tot tJoba " Bodlak. 90T.01I tot 4. Joka Bodlak. fOa.02; , CT o j'ha BidUk. llOl fa. Block tot 9. Abaa-all S. Barton, 8118.20; tot T, Abo fall BV Barton, 9118.58; tot i AtekallB. v,Bartoa, 810.82; tot 9, Abacmli , ft. Bartoo, t3ARTHBE8' ADDITION to tbo Cltjr tt Port- Batata AaoocUtloa Block 114. andiridod 4-0 f tot S. Haanaa Blooat. 983.89; aadlrtdod 4-9 tot T. Haaaab Ploom. nndlrtdod If tot laaa. aa lata oai nj mo , . , .. , d a ' oi u.tiib l.m 1 n,B anil Hart Bloom. 9 4lTaadlTlfcdl 1-8 tot T. BoL kUtUda. Jo u bIbm aad Marr Bloom, 88.41 tot 4. Marr fcenta. 90.29; BH tot J, , Marr lata, 10.34; WW lot 4, Columbia laroataio-t Co., r No. 2. 8400; WW lot 0. Columbia iBTaot Bont CoVNo, 2. 91.48. Btock 127, tot 8, laaae Oararta. 8S2.28; tot T, Jaaalo B. Bet- ttoiaotorr 91M.03; tot 4, WUUaal B. DrlakoU. 872.14; lot' 9, -WlllUoi B..Drlaell, 880.T2. Ilock 188, tot 9, Prod A. Uta. I1&0.T8: tot V I Prod A. Uta? 9148.04; .tot 0, tint W. K. - rWrrk. trnatoo.' 8148.04; tot 9, Prrat U. & Cboreb, troatao. 9U8.8S. Block 144, tot 8, Ore ron Rallwa A Nartrattoa Co., 884.T1; w T Amh , Rallwar Tk MaTtoattoa Co.. v 8S4.20; tot 4, Orosoa Railway A Bartattoa I UO.. Bjan.w: W o, vrvfvm nuiw m r- Krtoa Co.. $107.02. Btock tfl. tot f Orajoa llwajA NaTlcatloa Co.. $117,84; tot T, OraioTftallwar A Narlfattoa Co., 9104.681 lot 4, Orra Rallwar At Naidfattoa Co., 8104.01 ; .tot 9. Ororoa Ball way Nartrattoa 'Co., 8110 OB. Block in, tot a, lao now, . ti 84.48: lot f. Xbo Bono. 840.18. . Block 107, all ihat ports of tot f trine oaat of tba . Orofoa A Callfnrata Rallroa4 Oompanr'a r1kt ,) of war, W. T. Wtofand. 80.80; all that 1 Borttoa ot tot T lytor woat of tbo Orocoa A ..- CaUforala Railroad Conpaar'a rtnt of war, - W. 1. Lcblfh Batata, belra of, 848.T0; all . that portion of tot 9 Irlac oaat of too Orogoa , A California Railroad Oompanr'a rlkbt ot .. war, AUIaaco Tract Corapaar, 80.84; all that . portion ot tot 9 lrtof waat of tbo Orofoa A CaUforala Railroad OompkafO right ot war, WUUaal 4. Mkiga aauco. ooira oi, jm.u; tU tbat portion of tot 8 lying woat of tbo Orogoa A CaUforala Railroad Companr'O rlgbt 'of war, WlUlani J. Lohlgh buto, bolro of, ,'1T8.M, Btock 180, tot 8, Proatoa W. Gillette, irtO.88; tot T, Preatoa W, Olllettr. 900.77; -: tot ft. Proatoa W. Gillette. 988-00; tot B. . Preatoa W. Olllotto, 808.40. Block 188, WW of btock 188, Amanda W. Rood. 987.20. PORTION D HOkUCtTBADr Block 8V W 78 foot , of N 110 feet Of tot 4, Tbomaa BchaeldVr, 8418.78: 20 foot of W 100 foot ot thoN 110 fcot of tot A-WlllUm Bodmaa. 882.88; . -W 100 feet of 1 120 feet of tot 4, Laora A. Beck. 9882.80; W 100 feet of N 40 feat ot if kb . Prod f. Boodr 9I09.: W too foot , of 8 40 Aet of S 120 toot of tot 8, Joba A. Bomk. 9100.90; W 100 feet ot 8 110 feet of : tot 9. Loo la Arnold, $371.01. Btock 8. Bub. . A of lot 4. H. R. Olbba, 8109 88; Bub, B of . )ot 4, B. R. Glboa, 8186.28: BubT C ot lot A, J. R. CardweV 9t4i.97; iab. D of tot J! J. ft. CardwoU 9110.30; all tbat portion of -?Bub. B of tot ,4 lying went of tbo Oregon. Ckllforatk' fcillroad Compaar'a right of way. Ward C. Wetmore. $8018; all tbat 1 1-1 portion of Bob. P of lot 4 lying woat of tho tOregoa A CaUforala Railroad Companr'a right '1 of way, Ward C Wetmore, 878.06; all that Borttoa ot Bub, P of tot 4 Jyta wat ot the bright of way Kato Bometach, 8103.11; kit n that porttoa of 8nb. P of lot 8 lying weat of m the Otegor A California Railroad Companr'a V right of war. Kato Itometoeb, 914.0; all that porttoa of Bub. 0 of tot S bring oaat ot '.tbo Oregon A CaUforala Railroad Companr'a rlgbt of way. W. A. Cnrrte, 80.06; all that porriOa of Sob. P of tot 8 lying oaat ot tho V Oregon, A CaUforala Railroad Companr'a j right ot way, W. A. Carrie. 98.08; all that borttoa ot Bob. B of tot 9 lying oaat of tho of war. W. $. w. a. n I lor. S80.44 nt war. W. A Currto, $18.08; Bub. 0 of tot r, 024.82; bud. B or lot a, w. m. au of Bab. A of lot 9 exeat .. tbo nortbweat corner, which Is Included In the Oregoa A California Railroad Company's . rlgbt of way. W. B. Her, $247.28. Btock ' " VI 7 , TT . ... ,11 , VT, . Mi ITKPVa . A a V A . -a A . , V; m , ... ww v wm Bill mmeexmwi. i-buobkii dm, , JTr., $30.10; Bub. ot lot 4, Merchant National S Bank. Tr.i 9186.90; W 43 feet of Sub. A of : i tot 4..MerehaBt National Baflk, Tr. 912. ' : , Bub. N of tot 4, Nowtoa L. Cllhaaa, ; Bub. M of tot Newtoa U Sllham, v Bub. . I, ot tot A, Joha-, BatoDoebaev , i Bub, K -of tot 4, loha Baerbocher,, - Bub, of lot, 4. .Kmll , Krattlager, ... Bub, F,of tot 1 1 . Bmlt Irattlnger; . Bub, '.H .of - tot' 4, KmU iratangor, ' Bob. I of tot B. Amanda 2L Snanldlne?. Sub' H ol tot bV Amanda B. Bpanldlng. & auk, 41. r 1a h r..nb u dihmmu aooAa,. 92; 1 180.81 1 iiM.44; JrrM.041 1 106.20; ; 106.92; 1 14.02; 1166,72; 271.86; 882.80: . ; ouov r or lot a, :rraak nuramer, V Bub, B of tot 8, Louloa B. Praep. : Bub. D of tot 9, Alfred P. Bears, Jr., . Bub. C of tot 8, Alfred P. Bears, Jr., 1115.27; I12S.00; 1128.01; 1122.64; :x iiwa. v. v, p im ei bid, n tot 8. AUred P. ears, $21.83; - 8 20 teet ot Bub. M, ess CITT 0TICIV Barak W. and ft. VT, TWior,, IST.aWr ioo. A of lot a: a.r.a vf. and B. W. Flabor, ' 9128.42; W 28 foot of Bnby.B of tot .- ooanta national Hank oi ronianu, ."'"T . aio.44i-w w ft of Bub. p or ioi o. v. . - flmlth 9 OT, w IK f Bnh D of lot 4i C. at. Bmltk, 9a 0 W 20 foot of Bab. B of Ml n u ex.. i o, vr on fwt of Bub. F of lot 4. Dora UnraU. 93.43; ,W fojt of bud. or lot a. l)ora unratn, aa.io; " . foot of kukri AfltlD. W. Lolok. 42.84 I W 28 fVwt of Bub. K of toj 9. 0. W. tjlck. t n bo m : W 30 fi-ot of Bob. U 01 w.o.rrw uimm. 84.40: W 20 feet of Bub M. of Prank hi. Plummar, 90 TT; W 20 foot of Bob. N af lot a. Loolia Vf to faot of Bab O of tol Baaia. Jr.. 84 Mi W trl foot of lob P of tot .9, Alfrod P. Boaro. It., 86.28) W v a t frot of Bub Q of tot 8. Alfrod P. Boora, Jr.. 91. W 20 foot Of 20 foot of Bub Q of tot 8. Barak W. 4a4 B. W. run or, " fmt of Bob B of tot 9, Barak W. aad B. W, Planar. 84.141 rlrbt of war. Cftr Bub- arbaa Ballwar Co., 9M0.11: rljrht Of - war. OroioB A r.flfotala kallroad Co., 9.WI total, 18, 064.71, . ,.uv. TH0B. ft piVLI!f.4 7 y ' Andltof of tko Utr Ol JPorttoaA, April It, 1804.-'.. r ? - .- vf P10P09XO A86Z88JUBT i POft IMPftOTS , i . xzrr or RtrBixr btbht. t : ? Norleo to- herebr airea that the Council it too City of' Portland propoaoa to aaaoaa ue tollowlna- doacrtbod arooortr and owner ownori at being opeclkUr and peeuUariy bane flted la tbo amouato oat oppoalto tbo aamea aad deeeriptlona thereof for tho Improremeat af Rnaaet treat, from tbo weat lino of Penla- eular arowoo to tbo oaat Una of EmeralB treat, at proTiood by ordlnanoo No. I8.a. t -Aar obtactloa to tko aoDortlonnMmt ot oi for aald Improrement mnat bo made la writ log to, tho Council and tied with tho Auditor within 18 daya from tho date af tbo Bret anbUoattoa of thla notice, and aald objecttooa WiU be board and determined by tbo Connet before tbo paaaago of tko ordlaaaet ataeealng the onat of aald improreraoat. -PENIJIBTJLAB ADDITION NO. 9 Block 74, Henry Bennlaga, $12.27; tot 0. Henry Hea- Binge, 80.20; tot 9. Henry Henalnra, W.aoi Block 78. tot U, Xydla-Carter, 603.69; lot 10. Lr4la Carter, 812,07; tot 9, tydla Carter, 98.94; . tot 8, L)dla Carter, OoiU; tot U, ' Lydla Carter, 911.06; tot 14, Ldla Carter, 911041 tot li Lrdla Carter, $18 08; tot 19, Lydla Carta 972.41 Block ft, tot 11, , Timetky -Wood. 94T.00I tot 1. .Timothy Wood, J14.20) tot , Timothy Wood.tl0.00; tot 9. Timothp Wood. $10.40: tot 18, Timothy Wood, $1.48; lot 14. Timothy WoodT $1.44; tot 19, Tlmotbr WOad, 92.90tot 12, Timothy , Wood, 9M.70. Btook 40, tot 1, Claoa Hea- tnga, 346.40; tot 2, CUM HeoaUga, 612. DO: t 8, Claoa Daaalaga, 80.08; lot 4,- United Buto fcrlag A Loan Society, 90.68. Btock . TO. tot irRadelnk Bekmld. 808.00: tot 9, , Radolpk Bchmld, 91f02i tot ( 8. . Budolpk 10.88; lot l, yeeee M. Bamngtoa, eii.ou; go, orao u. Hamnrron, fii.oii mi , a. BarriagToa, bxo.bs; ioi jew BarrlBgtoa, 979.7B. Btock 71, tot 1. 1 Dlatrlet No. 4. 178.801 tot 2. Bcbool mtrtet No. 1. 9l9.9Bi tot 9, Bcbool Dtetrtct No. I, IU") lot a, Bcnool inatnet no. i, $11.80) tot 18, Bcbool Diatriet No. 1, 82. ill tot 20, Bcbool Diatriet No. 1, 82.13: tot 21, -Bcbool Dtetrtot No. t. 94 26; tot 2t Bcbool &artot Mev 1, 944.44: total, 9078.88. TBOB. C. DBVLIN. 1 tpril M, U04. - - ' - PROPOfZD i01TIIIITW POR QfPBOYB. BTXVT OP PIPPIN BTftHT. Hotioa to hereby glrea that tbo Cooactt ot St City of Portlaad prnpnaot to aaoaao . tba I lowing oeocrlbed property aad owaar or ownora aa being apaetaUy aad peculiarly bene tad la tba anion ta aot avpaolto tbo nemea aad deecripttona thereof for the lmprorement ot IMppla treat, from tho oaat line ot Burraga otroot aa told oat la Barrage tract to tho waot Bee- of 'Wabeah troaoe, oa mwrloed by ardla aace No. 19,414. Aar oMocttoao to tbo apportionment of eaai far aald ita prove merit awat bo made la writing to tho Ooaactl aad Died with tko Auditor wl tbla 18 elan from tbo dab Of tbo Bra publication of tola notion, aad aald . obtocttoaa wiU bo board aad determined or tbo Council boforo tho oaaaaco af tho ordU coat of aald Improvement. PRANCB'B ADDITION to Alolna Slock 1, waot 84 faot jt 9, John Colli na, 80 88; tot 4, John Conine, $4.11: tot 8, Jeba OolUna 98.29; tot lJoka CoUlna, $2.78; tot a, Job a Colltna. 99.08. PAIRPI ELD Btock 1, tot 10. Chrtettna Klra. I.M; lot 18, w. k. Byron, fr.oi; tot it, Jr. kjBrrem, 88.41; fetid, BUoa Coao, 96.48; tot IB. tltoa Caao. $8.30; tot 14, Chrintlaa bletibard, 84.44; tot 18, Cbrlettaa -VeBberd. 94.82; tot 18. Carta ttaa lienbard. 810.87; lot 11, PaulloeD. Wlckmaa, 912.94; tot 10, PaoUoo EL Wlckmaa, 912.84; tot 0, .Cbartoa BcawtaeV 910.6T tot .Cbartoa Bckwtad. 90 70; tot 7, OUbert C. Boooaatock, 88-Uj tot 6, fillbert 0. Roeonetock. 84.23; MIL H. Oartora, 9982; tot 4, 8. H. uariera, as.u; mt a, a. . variora, bt.od; tot B, & B. Cartora, f6Ml an a, o. u. variera. OO.BB. PBMN8ULAB ADDITION No. Btock 40. at a. a. rr. oartae. in.aa: lot a. a. H. Carter, 68.eo: lot 10, B. H. Carter, 80.20) tot 11, ., B. Carter, 90 90. Block TO, tot f. T. W.'Plttenger.' $10.87; tot t, T. W. Ptttengor, $1100: lot 10, T. W. Plttoagor. 911.T0) lot 11. T. W. Pittaagor, $12 51; tot 18, Ellra n. Frame. giXTO; tot IB, jcuaa a Frame, 812.41) tot 14. XUsa B. Frame. 812.02; OI 10, BUaa B. Frame, $11.41, Block 71, tot 8, School Diatriet No. 1, 91184; lot , rjeneni uiatnci no, 1. 414.82: lot 10. School Diatriet No. 1. 919.70; tot 1L Bcbool Dtotrtct No. 1. 916.34; lot 18, School Dletrlct no. i, aia.ae: lot i, ncaoei matrist pjo. i, ,ia en. ii T.,,. u . e ,,, vi..Wi mw iv, dwi w,,,v, .w. i, ORCHARD PLACE Block 3 tot 11 PrancU M. Arnold. 924.01; lot 11. Pranda M. Arnold, m 41990 4rm 43;. lot 10, Ullle Bella BereeL troatee, 8 tot 0, LUllo Belle BareeL" trnlM, 90l tot S, J. B. Anoerooa. 40.O7t tot 7. BjBrB a owo., ewaa wj 4U7BU j raw- onotto, 46.67; tot S, Henry Choaqaetto, $5.10; unaenr, ea.u: ioi e, - uenrr t noo- tot . marine v a. oanaereon, f.Hi; mt a, Martha A. BanoVraou. 64.86; lot 1 Bdwio 0. Btock i, tot 12, Bylranno Week estate, belr of, 48.48; tot 11, BylTUns woako oatato. belra of, 12. Ira; lot 10. BylraBua -Weekaf oototo, belra ot. 91.76; tot 9, Bylranuo Week ootato, belra of, 91-84; tot 8, D. Dalgtolek oatoto, belra ot 9068; tot 7. D. Dalrlelah ootato, hairs ot, ao.Ts; lot o, Balfour, A- A .HIT,. I., At Tl , , - euthrto A Co., 91.16; lot 4, Balfour, Guthrie i Co.. 41-44; tot 8, Bafoor. Guthrie Co., $1.48; tot 1 D. Da lire lib, truatoo, $l-6j tot BtRBAOB TRACT Block 8. tot S3, troorgo . wammaao, . 4a.oa; aortn 10 root lot Yl, ,1 dH.M.M IATA. . al.b e tot 1. Oeorte O. Cammana. $34179; north li s foot tot 2, George, O- Sammane, $1J7i aortb jo reet lot , uoorge u. uammana, bx.ot: tot xx. a-re G. Go mm ana. 88161, Btock 18. tot 1. M. B. Swtsert. 461.01: i Swtgert. $61.01; aortb 16 feet lot B. M. Kv Bwlgert, $3.64; north 16 toot tot 91. M. ft Bwlrert. 98.68: tot 22. M, B. Swtgert. 660-04. Btock 17, tot 1, George U. wammaaa. ew.aa: aorta . 10 reet lot 2. George O. Gamiuana, $8.28; north IB fret tot 21, Oeorte e. Gammana, 88.27; tot S3, feeorao u. uemmoaa. aef.ao. , ARBOR tODOI - Block ST. tot 11 FklUip Auekaor. B3B.au; mt 11. Phil lip Buekner, $11; , tot 10. Phillip noarner, av.xej. sicca w. m is. aa - bbb Helrmea Manaaeld. 830.61: tot 14. Busaa Helgmaa Mans Acid. $0.72: tot 16, Suaan Belgraaa ManaOela, $7.98; tot 10. Bart C. Broneork. $7.46; tot 11. Earl C. Bron anrh. 80.64: tot 11 B. B. Noble. 984.94. s Btock 86, tot 19, Ida B. Paine, 640.17; tot 14. Ida B. Paiao. f.7o: lot 10. Ida B. Peine. 97.80, tot 10, Ida B. Paine, $674; tot 14. lua Bs raina, oo.ao, m la iuk 0. Paine, $86.76. Block 24, tot IS, Karl a Bronaagb, $19.64; tot 14. Bart C Bronaogb. 9A.26; lot 18. Earl 0. Brouaugh, $4-00; lot To, Karl C. Broaaugh, 82.76; tot 11. Barl C. .' Bronaugh, $3.41; tot 11 Barl 0. Bronoogh, 918.70. Btock S3, tot 11 Etta Fltsglbbone, $i70; lot 14, Etta Pitagibbons, 40.87L tot 15. Etta Pitagibbons, $0.67; tot 10, , I, B. and Tbomaa W. -Pirn. $2.62; tot 11, J. ' H. and Tnoraea W. Pirn. $3.16; .lot 12. . J. B. and Tbomaa W. Ptm, $7.89. A tract of land lying betweea tbo west Uao ot Wabash are aoo Bad a tin 100 toot Woat thereof and parallel therewith and betweea the aortb - Ue ot Pippin itreet and a Una equidUtant between the north Uao of Plppl street aad tbo' southerly Uao, of the county road extending- throogk tot 10, Glee wood Park. John Woat, $!&!. A tract of land tying betweea tbo west Una ef-xvabaah avenue and a line 109 feet weet thereof and parallel therewith aad betweea the sooth Use ot Plppl a street . aad a Una 100 feet south thereof aad parallel therewith Joka Mock, $7.25; total. $1,214.84, H , TBOB. C. DBTLIN. , ... Andltot Ot Ue City ot Portland. April 18, 1604. - t PR0P0SXS ABBIBBlOElfT FOB BXTWIX Of CAST THEkTI-FIMX ABO 3UUT BALMOM STftXZTS. . -i-,',. Kotleo ta hereby glrea tkat tko CoaaeU ot tba City of Prrtlaad proposes to aaaees tbo felknrlna deocribod krooertr . aad owner or owners aa being specially aad peculiarly be ne tted ta uao e sesames see, opposite too aaaees and. descriottoas thereof br tbo - construction ot a oewer la JCaat Thirty-ant aad Beat Bel moa , streets, from sewor la Kaat Thirty-Ors J street aad Bast Yamhill street to Stoat Balnea street; thence la East Salmon street to a point 100 toot west of the weat Uao of Bast TbtrtT-flrat , street, as - prortded . by ordinance - Aar obJecttok -to tba apportlooment of coat tor sold oewer moat bo made la WTltiar to tbo Council and nice wita uo Auaiterweitnia 10 days from tbo date of the Bret publication ot this BAtlce. and said obiecttons wiU be beard sad determined by tbo Coo sell before tho pea ear e of the ordinance mooring tbo seat for raid sewer. - ' 8UNNTBIDB Btock 42. aortb 100 toet tot 6, pnnnrsioo mbo 4) itopreroaieat coaapany. $16.00; .Berth 100 toot tot 4, Buaayslds Land V0TICXB. wei - m iw iDiproToafrat foompany,' 16.00; north 100 , yen tot I, ounnyaioe k a lmprorement eompaoy, $14.00. Blori 48, north 100 foot - of i. , onnnyaiao i no tmaroramoBt com' pany,-$010; north 100 feet lot 2, Bunnr 'aide nd -Improvement romptny, $2.00, nioca eu, n t, naraa wuiiamaon, 119.03 lot X Barak Wllllamton, $14.00; lot a Margaret kf. Bra n nan. $1663; lot 4, Mar- tarec m. jirannan.v jq.uo; lot 0, A. B. tonrotto. 9166; tot 9, A, B. Utmiretta. 916.66. Block S7. tot 1, alary B. Norman! 916.00; tot 2. Bonayalde Land Improre- - hwiii wiuymur, ai,oo; wi a, onnnyaioa Land .-A ImproTement oomoanr. 81448. Black o tot 7. Bylroater C. Pier, $10.80; tot 10, P" & 9.90tot 11.' Byrreetor C. Pier, 930.90; tot 8. Bylreeter 0. Pier. ; ,iu.vt mn v, aennia aaraen, uu.oo; lot 12, eonnia amnion, fav.wu. HIOCK 41, lot , Lydla . and . J, P. Wander, $21.00; lot : Lyaia and , p. Wander, 221.60; lot 12, - bfuH - . r , Trenoer, a.iu.eu; iox 11. lm.ll. Uub aenOA. U w ' . r, $20.80; tot 7. Mary P. Loo. iiaoo; north ioi eeei ait jeiurea u, nnnayaiaa Laina Im proTomoBt oompaajr, $23.00 toUl, $404.60.' ; . i ." Trl OB. p. DKTLIN. PB0P0BX9 MBZ88MXNT P0S 9XWXB CI ; : TABOO BTXZXT. Nottoo m hereby glren that tko CoaaeU of the City of Portland propoaoj to aaaoaa the following deatribed oroBartr and owner ne owner aa being epecUUy aad peculiarly bene- atev in we laewa aec oppoalto too aamea bad deeerlptioaa thereof by the eonatructlo of a oewer in Pargo itreet from 100 feet waat of tba woat Uao of Union arenaa to eonaoctJoa with tho oewor tkv Oaatenbela a Tonne, aa prortded br ordUMBooNo. 18.782. Aar ebjecttona to tbo anoartloameBt of r aald oewer muat bo made In wrlrine to the vonnmi aaa niea with the Auditor wltbla 16 dare from tba, data af tba area Mhiicetlna of tbla notice, aad aald objections wiU bo beard aad determined br tbo Council boforo tbo pea Mge of tho ordlnanoo aaeeeaing tbo ooot tor aald oewer. ' " , WILLIAMS ATfJiftTB ADDITION to tko City of lrtuad Block IS, weet 20 feet ot tot "18, Portlaad Truat Co. of Oregoa, 88.78; woat r 30 feet ot tot 12. John Lao. 84.70: lot 11. ' Oeorgo Scbrelder, 928.70; . tot 10, Portland 'Traat xmpany af Orogoa, 828. TO; lot 0, Portland Traat Company ol Oregon, 828 TO . tot 9, A. B, BUla. 928.T0; tot 7: A. B. Bllla. 828.70; tot 6, Loula Bauer, 928.70; tot 6, Wal- . laeo aad Flora Badley, $28.70; tot 4, A. B. Paatoea. $84.20: tot 6. A. B. PaalaeB. 921.90: tot 18. Cbarlea Matott, 834.30; tot 14, Bllek M. kiaiott, 821.20; tot 12, Marie O. Mailer, Y. i v. wi ii, nwuni turun, fAivj tu, Pant ler, $28.70; lot 0, Portland Traat Oem- oaar, bw.to; lot a. F. W. Prakl, FA 0; tot r, Kate Pox. 828.701 tot 0. Kato For, $28.70; tot 9 Kato ot 1 18. TO: tot 4, Harry Uua SUal 4Vk. IA C 4Ot tka.a -mraa 4BeBW.4WV0 TV m ntfl Ol HWJ, B4BA.aVVj Block 8, tot 4, Frederick ftcheel, 884.00; lot a. rreoonrr acBoei, ain.ro; lot a, vnariea awaaaoa, am.aoi lot a, ureeo Koee, .o; tot 0, Marr Pichtaar. $38.80; lot IX I. A. CamobeU. 830.88. - ALBINA ADDITION Block 8, tot 14. Tbomaa uinim.pi.wtkt la, Ixroia Beano, fsa.aui i, hbiwi em. SJmvjt W. , viwvi M. Lacr. 82L081 tot lO. Marr O. ftaekrodt. 828.80. WILLIAMS ATTECB ADDITION to the Hty of rwiiano-viiiocB iai woai au roe or an le, Portland Traat Compear of Orogoa, $2.88; woat B0 foot of tot 18, A. i. Bogea, 90.06; tot 16, Aatoa Bukowakr, 920.90; tot IT, Lory Peeeter, $20.80; tot IS, Joka L Murray. $20.80; tot 10, Portland Traat Com near. liO.OO:1 tot 20, Portlaad Trnot Compeny, $20.80; tot 21, Bltoworth P. MeOroaky, $20.SO tot 22, Aatoa Bobowaky. $20.80; tot 8, CUBtoa J. Jonea, $12.80; tot 1. CUntoa J. Jonea, 827.90. Btock 9. lot 16. Portland Traat Compear. 827.80; tot. 18, fame B. Monro, 91100; lot IT. lugeae gnd Km ma White. 820.80; lot 19. J, A. Chri. torreroon. no. go; tot 10, Portlaad Traat com. Bear. 920.901 tot 90. Marr Layoock. 920.80; lot 91. Mary Layeock. 919.10; tot 22. Port land Traat Onawany, 920.80; lot 98, Portlaad Truat Companr, $20.90; tot 34. B. A. Tucker, $20.80; lot 3, aTl Tbompeoa, $12.80; tot 1. M. B. $77.80. WltXIAMB ATBNL'B ADDITION ta Portland- Block 2, let 1, Beaabel Croddy, $24.20; lot a, Beeabel Croddy, 412.06; lot 8, Paelflo Coaat A be tract A Ouaranteo A Truat Company, 918.25; tot T. Pacific Coaat Ahetract A Oner- aatee at Traat compaay, fiB.av: art lu, A. at. ,B"i 919. soi mil li, A, 0. einiunx, fi.M ALBINA ADDITION Block 2. tot 1, Maurice Caraaaagk Betato, belra of, 827.80; north 28.0 feet of lot 8, W. B. and Dora Jaeobua, $6.80; aonth S9.5 faot of lot 3, Lllllaa Baarla, $4,00; tot 8. Martha Laird. 914.00; tot 4, Martha Laird. 916.90; tot 9, B. Cbeadia, 919.90. Total. THOMAS 0. DBTfXtN, Auditor ot tho City ot Portlaad. April 18, 1904, j rmorosxs XJaPBOf CMEBT or DATH BTKZXT. Notice to hereby glroa that at tbo meetlna of tho Oeundl of tho City of Portland. Ore- Ca, held oa tbo Btb Bar of April, 1804, the Uowlng rooolattoa woo odoptod: Beooirea, Tkat tae couacu or no niy or Portland, d, .orogoa. deeaw It expedient aad pro- pssea to improro Usrla street from tho west ttae of Third street to the oaat line ot Tenth street, la the folio wine maaaer. to-wit First. By grading tho street full width with full lnteraectlono to tbo nrooor sab-crsdo. Soooad. By bringing tho surface of tbo street full width with toll Intersections to proper' grade with Warrea's BltnUthlo Pbto- ment. Third. Br constxuctlnr artlflclal stoos ta accordanoa with the City Engineer's plaaa, specifics tie tie sad estimate. Fourth. By constructing catch basins la ao eordance with the City Koglneer'a plans, apod. Bcatioaa ana ssumstea. Fifth. Br oanna; too apace Between tne mis aad for one foot outside ot the rails ot tbo Portland Rail war company's track oa fifth street. wttA stone blocks set on not too tkaa ail iBcaoa ot concrete sneer me omcae saa aader the rails and by replacing the rails bow la aaa with groored rails aot Jess thaa eeeea Inches la depth, tbo remaining portion of tbo right of way to be lmprored by paring with Warroa'a BltuUthlo Parement. Bald improremeat to bo mdde in accordance with tho charter and ordinance of the City of portlaad aad too plana. apsclOcattoas aad ostJ matee af tba City Eneineer died In the office of tho A editor of tho City of Portland on tho 38tk aay oi atarcn, lsua. inaoraea: "uity sa- glaeer'a plana .and specincations roe the li proremsBt of Darts street irem ue west Bno af Third street to the oaat Una of Tooth street, and U estimates ot toe work to be aone aaa tne Drooaoie cotai coat inereor." Tba cost of said lmprorement to bo asssssed aa nrerlded by the ctty charter upon the dcoo- srty specially beneSted tberebr and which Is aereoy aecwreu, w oe au ue uia, pane ox jo is and paroeto pt land lying- betweea . a lino 100 feet aortb of and parallel with uo aortb Una of Darts street aBd a una loo feet Booth of and parallel with the south lino of Parts street, end between the west Uns of Third Street and tne east uns ot xenta street. Tbo Engineer's estimate ot the probable total cost at Improving' aald Darts street Is $lfl,. 3O.0U. -..:.. . . . . The a dots imprerement is m no eiaaeea as a BltuUthlo Parement and ahall be maintained by tho city for period of eight years, pro Tided, that the owners of a majority of tbo mnnept benefited br Said lmprorement or an portion thereof, shall aot petition for a aow or different lmproTemoat before tho expira tion ot sack period. .. . Tb plans, apeclocatioas aad eatlmatea of tko City Engineer tor in improremeat oz sold Darts' streak are herebr adooted. BeaolTOO, mat uo auuitor ox tao utj et Portland ao aaa bo is nereoy nireetra to grre etlce . of the broDooed lmprorement .of aald street ss ptertded br the tty ehartar. - Kemoastrance against tne aooeo imnrvrement may be aiea in wnung witn tne anaersigBed wltbla SO day from tho data ot tba Arat pub lics uon et UU BTOCf. By oiflor of us oouncii. , -. T , o TH08. or DETI JN, ' v 1 , Andltor ot tho Ctty ot PorUaad. April 11. 1904, j PEOPOfilD ASSEBSXXVT TOR . SSTWZJt JB i yicxoixA nun. . , . Notice t hereby "girea that the CoaaeU ot the tttr of Portland proposes to" assess the following described property ana owner . or owners as being epeciauy ana- peculiarly Bene fited In tbo amounts aet opposite ue names aaa deocriptlOBS thereof by tho construction ot a ewer, la Victoria street, - rrom ou teet aorta of tbo Borth Uao ot Weidter street to a con nection wita toe sewer in tram street aa Broadway, aa prortded by ordinance No. lt,TSl. Any object lone to the apportionment, ot cost Aw aald aewer must be made la writing to tbo Council SBd Bled with tho Auditor within IS daya from tbo data of tbo nret pnDUcatton of thla notice, and aald ob lections will be beard and detennlaed by tho Counctl boforo tbo poo sage of tbo ordinance assessing tho coot tor aald sewer. - i ; ' ELIZABETH latvlnu o addition to East Portlaad Block 8. west hair tot 8, Marr McCartney. 818.26; woat barf 1st 4, Mary tlcCarthey. $18.26; east half lot 8. Nellie C. Meeban. $20.70; eaat bait tot 4 Nellla C. Meeban, $20.76. Btock 6, tot B. Jane Bran. $26.fB: lot ft, lane Brana, $25.66; lot 7, WUttaxe B. Boat. $ 69; total. 8144.96. . ' TH08. C. DEVLIN, t t AoWtor of tko City ot Portland. April. IS, 1904. -. . ., ,A COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP BXWZR OT OLTTJUl ATEBTB. .- w Notice ts hereby glrea that 'William C. n. ttott- City BnglBeer, baa lied ta the office of tho BBderetaTBed notice that Jacobean Bade eosa. Car, contractor tor tbo coaa tree Hon of a sewer OUt ' avenue from 60 feet weat of ett boaadarr a cower la us at xamnm susei i tbo prormoaa of or dins no No., 18,778, las plated said sewer, . - Bwua accvptenvs, wi ov lenuwinj uj mm KxecattTe Board at 4 o'clock OB the 32d An of April, 1004: sed" objections to -the aeceptaneo tbereot majr be filed La th a ft) ce af the Bn4e aigaod at aay mojprior .tjarisbk. , By TH08. a DEVLIN. " " l. Asdltor of the aty of PerUand. PortUsd. prtgoa. AprU 19. . 1904. v k citt: vV7t ; CITT JTOTICM. akjaAbeaakkeAa,wa,BBt baajaaBBaBkeBaBBm1 mvosxo, XMPROTEMZITT y.. szbxet. i ct , nvni : :,.-pe. ' Notice la herebr ciron tkat at tb BMotlng 4f Ue Council of tho City of Portlaad, Ore gon, bald on. the 9th day et AprlL. looi, tbo following rsooluttoa was adopted: - Beeolred. Tbat the Council of tbo. City. ot Portland. Oregoa. deems It expedient aad pro. poses to tmprore Fifth Street frost tb aortb curb Bno of trying street to the Borth Use of Jetfaraoa, atrott la tbo foltowlng maaaer, First. '' 1 trading fh troet full width with full iBteraectlons to the proper trade, except the Intersections et GHeea . troatt Burnsld street, Oak street 9 street. Washington (tract, sad tbat porttoa of Fifth street be twtea tho aorta Bno ot Alder a troet and tb oath 11 n of Merrlaoa street. - itecond. By paring too rooawny inn wiia wllh rnll Inkneanctlnaa. OritA WaTTOO '0 BltU- Uthlc oareaseat. exoept th Intoraectlon of OUaaa street. Burnsldo , . Street, Osk strsst. a,..b wuhinrtnn ' street and that nor- tlon of Fifth' street between the Borth line ot Alder trt and tbo south lino et Momaas Moa Third. s By conatructlng eatek paria la ae cordanca wlta the Oty En0aaara plaaa, sped. acatlotia aad oenmstes. , - . . Fourtk. By censtrectlng grtlScial 11000 (ide wtlks la aecoroaaeo with tbo City Bogtoeer plana, sped Scat Inns aad so time tee. Fifth. Br nartns tbs soacc botwooa th Br paring the opaeo Mrweea ni on toot eutalde ot tbo rails f th Beltway oompanr'4 track with stone 1th act lee thaa alx lnchoe of n- ran sns ens K PortUnd Rallwa rret ander the tracks and ralle, sad by ra placiag the rails bow in Bee with greere rail not law thaa aerea inches la 4eptk, and by paring tb remaining porttoa of the said railway company's rlgbt of way with Warroa't xmuuuio paremcBx. . . , Tba caldmnroremobt 4 m toads ta aocor- dance with the charter aad ordlnaacos of the at of Portland and tbo puna, spoaacstion aad estimate of tko Cftr Engineer Bled la tb offloe of tho Auditor of too ixty 01 rortiano oa tho Bftb dar of March, 1004, Indorsed: "City Bnglneer'a plana and spselBeattono for th lav prorsmsBt of Fifth street from the oortk cur Une ot IrrtBg atreet to tbo aortb Use el jar fereoa street. , aad tk stlmate of tbo wm to be ooee aa4 the probable total cost thereof The anas af aald imeeeeemawt to B amlSSi a prortded by tho rlty charter kpea the prop ertr Tectny oeneated thereby and which to la heraby declared to be all tbo tot, berat of lot aad Barrel of land lying Between o nee 100 feet west of and parallel with tb weet Una of Fifth street and a Use 100 teet east of and parallel with tho oaat Uao of fifth stroox. and bet wees a line 100 feet north SBd parallel with tb aorta tine at Irrlng street aad tb north Ma of Jetferaea otreeC The Knelnaar'a aatlmata of tbo nrobablo total cost et Unprortng said Fifth Otroot Is 96a,- 760.00. 1 . The ihMM tan neaea meat ta to be e a BltaUtbi paraawnt and ahsU bo toalntalnod ny tne city ror a penoo ox cignt reara. naeo tnst tns sessis or raajonir ei oronertr be Be flted br asid ImDroreSMB any portioa thereof ahall aot botlttoa fog a sew or our ere nt lmprorameat peiars tao . vxpva ttoa of uch period. The plans, Bpaciflcartawj bad eefirastas of the aty Engl oeer lor tbo Impretwaoat of asM rirta street sr aoreoy aoonteo. RasalTaA. That tka Aadltne af tb Ctt M Portland be and be to hereby dlroeteS to gl notice of the proeootd fanproeemeot ot said street as prortded by tbo city charter Remonstrance sgalnet tbo sbo Improremeat mar be filed ta writing with tb oaderstgaed witaia ao oays rrom too oau Of uo srst pax Ucstlon of tbl aetlcc . . , ., . By rdr of tb Coaarn. Andltor ot tb fit ot Portia ad. April 11, 1904. , PROPOSED IBTPXOmtENT Of nVXXtXMTM mm .. . .. Notice to herebr rlras that at th BMetina of th Council of th City et Portlaad, Oro fon. held on the 8th day ot April, 1904, tk following resoluttoa wss adopted : Reeolred. That tbo Ceeacll of ta City ot Portland. Oregon, deem It expedient and pro pose to Imprors Fonrtaenth street from tb Berth lino of Northrun itreet to the sooth Bno of Barter atreet in the following manner , to-wit: riret. By grading tns street run wiata wita full intersections to proper sub-grsds la accord ance with the City Enainoer's plaaa. oeclt- oatlona and aetlmate. aecoaa. By bringing th street to greae wita macadam la a coords ace with th City Engineer's plans. apeciScatlonc and e tiros tee. laire. By eosscracting siaewaias ta aeoera. aeo with the atr Eoxlneer1 Diane, apecia- oarlon aad estimates. Fourth. By constructing sresswslks la ac eordaBco' with the City Englneer'a plaaa, spoct- ScstloBS and aetlmates. Fifth. By constructing stone kattara ta so- eordaaco with tbs City Engineer' plaaa, sped cations aad eatlmatea. Bald lmprorement to be made la aeeordaac with tb charter aod erdlnancea ot tb City of FortisM aad tns plana, apecjaratioas aaa sea. mates of the City Xaelnear 8 led la tho office of the Andltor of the City of Portland oa the 4th dar of AortL 1904. Indorsed: "City Bngl Beer' plaaa and opecldcstlons for tbs lmprore ment of Fourteenth atreet from the aortb Hn of Northrwo street to the eootb line of Sartor street, and tho eatlmatea of tho work to bo doa aad tho probable total coat thereof." The cost it said impror, ment to bo asssssed s prortded by tbo city charter apoa the prop erty apeclally benefited thereby and which l hereby declared to be all the tots, parts of tots and parcels of toad lying betweea 4 lino 100 feet west of esd parallel with the west Has of Foortaaotb atreet end a Hue 100 feet eaat of and parallel with the oaat Una of Four teen tn street, and betweea to aorta una r Northru street aad tb south Una of Barter street. Tbo Eniineer's estimate et tb robabto total cost for tho lmprorement of said Foattssatb Itreet to 98.968.00. tb boot lmprorement a n eussea as macadam repair tmprore exeat aad ehsU bs maintained br the city for a period of two years, proTlded, that tbs owners of a ssatority ot the property benefited by said lmprorement or any portioa thereof shall not pet I tloa for a new or different lmprorameat boforo tko ex piration Of pack period. Tbo plans, specification, sad estimates et tbo City Engineer for the imprerement of told rearteeath atreet are bereoy sooptca. Beaolrad. That the Auditor of tbo City at Portland be and ho Is herebr directed to aire . notice af the Dranosrd Imororement ot salt street as prortded by the city charter. Remonstrance against the snore improremeat ay bs ttod In writing with tbo udcrslgned wltbla 20 days from tbs date of tbo Brat pub lication of this notice. By order of tho Council. THOS. a DEVLIN. Auditor of tho aty of Portlaad. April 11, 1901. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB SEWZB nt OUTER ATaannt Notice I herebr sAraa that tbs Council of ths City of Portland proposes to sssess ths follow lnc deocribod oronerty snd owner or owners aa being specially aad peculiarly boaeBted In the amounts set opposite the Barnes sad descrip tions usraof or the construction ot a sewer is Ollrer srenue from 60 feet west of tbo city boundary to the oewer In East Yamhill atreet. aa prortded by ordinance No. 13.778. Aay objection to the apportionment of rest tor aald aewer must be mad la writing to tb Conacll and Bled with the Auditor within 19 days from tho dots of ths first pnbUcatlon of thai notice, and aald objections will bs heard aad determined by the Council before the pea ssg of tbo ordinance assessing tbo sect tor aid aewer. EDEN DALE Btock 1, lot 82, C. P. Prase, 80.80; lot 81. C. F. Frssee, 84.80; lot 80, C. F. Frssee, $4.80; tot 29. C. P. Frssee, 84.80: b SB- Prank 0. Donstoon. 84 .80; tot 87, Frank O, Douslson, 84.80; lot 267 Lola A. Freeman. $4.80: lot 38, Lain A. Freeman, 84.90; tot 24. Lulu A. Freemaa, $4.80; tot S3, Lata A. Freeman, 84.80; lot 22. Lara A. Freemaa, 64.80: lot 21. Lula A. Freeman, 94.80; tot 20, L. 8. Wright, 94.80; tot 10, L. B. Wricht 84.80: lot 18. lay P. Lucas. $4.80: tot 17. Jay P. Loess, $4.80. Btock 1 tot 82, Minnie B. Robblns, $4.80: tot 31. Min nie R. Robot ua, 84.W,; tot 80. Title Gus ren te Truaw- Company. $4.80; lot 30. Title Guarantee A Tract Company. 84.80; tot 38, A. M. Cnmmlnge, $4.80; lot 27. A. M. Cam ming. 84-80; tot 86., PraBcea A. GIU. $8.06; eaat 10 feet ot lot 26. Frances A. GUI. 80.60; Btock 9. tot 1. KaUe Schopell, 111.15; tot 1 Katie Bcbopett, $10.80; lot 1 A. M. Com. mlngs, $10.80; lot 4. A. M. Camming. $10.80; tot 6. Jsmes M. Steel $10.80; tot 6, Jame M. Steel. $10.80; tot 7. Ellen Csae. $10.80; tot 8, Ellen Csse. $10.80; tot 0. Marr Era Steel, $10.30; lot 10, Mary Era Steel. $10.80; tot 11, F. M. Hudson, $10.80; tot 11 P. M. Hudson, 910.80; tot IS, Prank L. Banting, 910.80; tot 14. rrask L. Banting. 910.80; tot 18. Charles W. Osy. 810.80: tot 16, Char lea W. Oay, 910.30. Block 6. tot 1. Cbartoa W. Gay, 910.80: tot 1 Charles W. Oar, 910.30; tot 9, i Bus Donnerberg, 110.80: lot 4. John Don. aereerg, 410. so: lot s, wiiuam a. m 0001a. $10.80; tot 6, William A. Bobble, $10.80: tot 7, Barak Erana, 86.70; weat 10 feet ef tot 9, Borah Erana, $1.00: tot tottered A, Charles W. Gsy, $10.80; tot. lettered B, Cbartoa W. Gay, $10.80. Total. $865.46. V THOS. C. DETLIN, Audttor ot the- aty ot Portlend. April 18, 1904. COJEPLETI0N AND ACCEPTANCE OP US- v PROTTjaart of kalset 9TXIKT. Netlre ta herebr atrea that William O. BV Uottv atr Enclneer. ha filed In th offico of the naderslxned notice that. Elwood Wltoa, con tractor tor the lmprorement of Batoey street ander tbo prort si 00a f erdlaanco No. 18,419. aaa eempietea aaia atreet rrom a point 11 feet weat of tho oast curb Una of William areaue to tbo oaat eeu-b liava of blocks 80 aad 81. Mo Mlllen'a addlrton." Bald aeceptaneo WiU be eoaslderod bp the Bxccatlro Board st d o'clock as tbo S2d dar ef April, 1004, and objections to tbo aceeptaaco of asid street, or sny part tbereot, may bo filed la the eface t the Baderalgned at aay as artag thereto.. : " -f. - " HB tinrxf tarii. ,, -By TH08. C DEVLIN. Aadltor at tba aty at Portland. . ABCtt 19a MO - . . CtXt 3T0TXCXS. v s)BaOASTnBaaW4naya e leaiaaii ja proposed TJtTRorxMijrr or va sroiTK ' HALT Of KAWTHOftN ATWTjri. Notlcd to harebf-aieea that st the meeting of the Council of tbo City of Portland. Ore. sea, held oa ths 6tk dsy of April, 1804. tbs followlne raanlnflnn was adoniaa: Reeolred, . That the Council of tho City of Portlaad, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro paeee to improro tbo Berth oae-balt ot Haw thorne arenue from tbs seat Una of Kea wertby'e addition to East portlaad to 100 feet east sf tbs eaat Rao f Eaat Twenty -aeeoad srrest Sk follows: ' First Br aonatmctinr artUlcial Stooo si de ws Iks In oeoaroeBce with the City Engineer's pis ns snd spedncatton aad eatlmatea. . Bsceud. By oooctractlng wooden cruoswslks U aocordsaco with the City Bnglaaar' plana, rclBoatloas Bad estimate. Bald lmprorement to be mad la accordance with the charter and ordinances of too City of Portland and ha nlaaa. anaelAeatlnaB Bad aetl mates st the Otr Brngineer Bled la th frlc of the Aadltor ol the City of Portland oa tho th dar af March. 1904. Indorse 4: "City En gineer's plans snd sped 11 cations for tbs im proTomsot sf tbs aorta ene-balf ot Rswtkorno areaue from the oaat Uao ot Asa worthy a ad dition to 100 feet east of tbs Oaat Use of East Twentr-aennl atraar. and tha natlmatea of tbo work to bo don and tb probabl total coat The coat ef -aald lmprorament to bo asssssed ss prortded by ths city ehsrter apoa the prop erty specially benefitad thereby and which to hereby declared to bo all the tots, parts of tot aod percale of land lying betweea the aertk Una of Hawtborae arenue and line 100 feet aortb thereof aad parallel therewith, aad betweea tbo east 11ns ef KcBWortby's sddlttoa to Bast Port lard as4 a line too test east ot cad parallel with the eeat Uao of Eaat Twenty oesood (treat, The, Bnglneer'a catlmato of th probebl total cost for tbs lmprorement ot tbo oortk . ball of Mid Hawthorne areaue to 8470.00. ...The plana, apeeincaltono Bad estimates st tbs City Englaeer tor the lmprorement of tba Berth half of aald Hawthorne graao are , hereby adopted. 1 Beeolred. Tint the Andlriw ef tho atr of PortUsd bs and bs Is herebr directed to gtr notice ef tb proposed lmprorement f told arrsus ss prortded br the city charter. Remonstrance srslnst tbs shore Imorwrament mar be Bled la writing with the Bnderslgoed within 30 deya from th date of tbo fust pub lira ttoa of tbla notice. v Bp order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Aadltor of the aty ef Portlaad. . April U. 1904. reovosxD szwxs nr STREET, EAST IBTS Votle I herebr siren that at the meetlnc mt tao Ooaactl f tb aty of PortUnd. Ore- Co, bold ea tbo 4th 4sy sf April, loot, tb I lowing reeolntto wa adopted: Beeolred, Tbat ths Council of tbs City of Portland, Orogoa. deems it expedient snd pro Beses to eons tract a sowar In Eaat Irrln street from 40 feet oast of tbs east Una ot Eaat Twenty ninth street . to the sewer la East TwoBty-elctk street. Bald aewer to be con structed of rt trifled oswr pipe of ten Inches etosr last da diameter, with aU necessary catck- bosiaa, SMB-Bole. lamp-bale and branches. -Bald aewer to bs eoaali acted la accords nee with the charter aad ordlaaneee of the atr of PsrtlsBd aad the plans, specifics Hons and estimate ot tho atr Engineer Bled la tb office of tbo Aadltor of the aty ot PortUnd oa tbo 14tb day ot March. 1004. Indorsed: vity amgiuoBi a pmuo aaa apecincaiioiMi ior a swor la Boat Irrlas strsst from 00 feet east et tba oast lino of Bsst Twenty-ninth street to Sewer ta Kaat Twenty-eighth atreet and tbo estimate of tbo work to bo don snd too arenabto total ot thereof." tbo cost or saia sewer te o sssessea ss ded by tbo city charter upon the property y bene ted thereby, sad which is heraby dec la red to bo att the tots, parts of tots snd parcels sf last lying between a Une 100 feet north of aad parallel with the north line ot Beat trrina street sad a Una 100 fret south of and parallel with the sooth Une of Best Ire tag street aad betweea a line 100 feet esat of asd parallel with ths esst line of Best Twenty eighth street and s Uns 100 feet esst ef snd parallel with Uie esst Uns of Esst Twenty ainth street. Tb Bntlnear's estimate or tne preMDie total cost sf ths construction of said aswsr In Esst Irrtng street le $840.n. The plana. apeclOcattona sod estimate of the City Engineer for the eon street loo ef oewor ia aald Eaat Irrlng street ara hereby adopted. Keenireo, Tnst tne a em tor or tne mrr ei Portland be aad ha I hereby directed to aire notice ef the proposed Bona traction of oald sewer ss prortded by th city charter,,. . Remonstrance agatnat the shore aewer may be Bled ia writing wHh the aadcralgned within 90 day from tn oato ox ta nrat pus UcstloB ef this notice. By order ot the Council THOS. C. DETLIN. Auditor ot tbo Oty ot Portlaad. AprTJ lL 1004, PE0P09XD sxwxx, nr east TAiranx STREET. Netlce to hereby aires tkat at the meetlnf f tb Cbandl of the city of porusBa, ure gon. held on the 6th day of April, 1904, 'tk following resolution was adopted: Reeolred, Tkst tb cooacu or in city or Portland, Oregon, doom It expedient and pro posss to.eenstrsct a oewer In Esst Yamhill strsst from 76 feet esst sf th east Uns . sf Eaat Thirteen th atreet to a connection with the -er In Esst Tweirtb street, -wia sewer to be of eight Inch as clear Inside Hamster with all asosaaarr catch baalos, BMk-bolsa. lai holaa aad branebea. Bald aewer ta bo eonsrraetsa in accorasnca with th charter and erdlnancea of tbo aty of Portlaad aad tb plan, spedftcsttons and eatlmatea of the City Engineer Sled la the office of tho Aadltor of tbo aty of Portland on tbo 2d day of April. 1004. indorsed: "aty Engineer's plena ana spseinesrionB ror s sewer In East Yamhill street from 79 feet eaat ot tho oast tine of East Thirteenth Street to eswrer in Eaat Twelfth strsst snd tbs eatl mates of th work to bo done and th probabl total cost thereof." The cost of osld oewer to be sssesaed as neavlded b the cltr charter upon the property specially beoeflted thereby sad which to hereby Oeclsrea to 00 oil ue Km.- perns ei ion ano nw.H mt land lrtnr betweea a Use 100 teet sooth of snd paraltol wdtb tbo eouth Uao of Eaat Yamhill street aad a Une 100 feet north ot snd parallel with the north line of Eaet Tsmblll street sad betweea a line 100 feet east et and parallel with tne eaat Una of Esst Twelfth street sad 4 Uns 100 feet east of sad psraltol with tho cost Uns of Esat Thirteenth treet The Engineer' estimate of the probable total cost for the eonatractloo of a aewsr to aald Bast YamblU street Is 8314.00. Ths plans, specifications sad estimate of tho aty Engineer for the construction of aewer la salt Boot Yamnlll atreet are hereby tk AlTbtahnfl Reeolred. That th Aadltor of tbo aty of Portland be and a to hereby directed to glra notice ot the proposed construction of said sewer aa prortded by tbo city charter, namntvatranro aealnat the a bore ear kn siaA in wrlrJmx with the andorslcned wltbla 90 days from ths data ot tho first pub lication ot uis nonce. By order ot tbo Council THOS. C. DETLIN. Aadltor of tbo aty of Portlaad. April 11, 1004. PROPOSED TatrXOTTJtZNT OP BR0ADWAT, Notice to hereby glren that at ths mooting of tbo council 01 too city 01 rortiana. Ore gon, held on tbo 4th dsy sf Aprit. 1904. th following resolution wae adopted: Reeolred. That the Ccmncll of tbo aty ot PortUnd Orecon. deems It exnedlent and aro- poscs to' Imprors Brosdway from the esst lias of l'Bloa arenue to toe east une 01 ataat Nlnetecatk street. In tbo following n.wl. First. Br aradlnc tho atreet foil width with fall intersections to th proper sub-grsd aad brtna'lne the aorfaea of aald street to Drone grad with fTSTel, In serordsnes with the City EBflneer't plans, specifications and ostt Secood. By conetruetlng artlflclal . stone side walks la iceor dance with tho City Engineer's plans, specifications snd estimates. Third. By constrscting wooden eroeswalks In accordance with tb City Easinser's plaaa, aneeriacatsaaa and MtlmstO. Fourtk. By constmctlDg artiflcnt ston euro Is secordaac wiu tne city s.ngincr plana, anrrtflcattotia "and estimate. Fifth. By sonstraetlng wooden lldewaTk sit reet m width u aeceroance wiin tne tity is aincer's olana. oecinestton aad satlmatea. Sold imprerement to be made In accordance with tbo ehsrter and ordlnaneee ef tho aty of Portlaad and tbo nlsns. SDedncatlotie aad eatl. mates of the aty Engineer 81ed In the office et the Aadltor of the aty of Portlaad on the Z4tk aay ot uaren, iav, inaoraea: -city En slneer'a Dlsns snd spsclncstlons for the lm PTement 01 xiroaaway rrom tne eaat line 01 nlon arcane to the oaat Una of Eaat Nine. teentk street, aad tb eatlmatea of tb work to be do and th probable total cost thereof." Tho cost of said lmprorement to be saaeaoed aa prortded by th city charter upon the prop erty opecially bene 11 ted thereby snd which Is hereby declared to be all the Iota, parts of tots sod parcels ot ' land lying between a Une 100 teet north ot aad parallel with the Berth Hno of Broadway and a line 109 fee south af and aerellel wltk the south lino ef Broodwar. aad between tbo cost Una of Vnioa btcbuo and a Une 100 feet oaat or ana parallel Wlta th east Hn ot East Nineteenth atreet - Tbo Bngineer' estimate of the protMbW total oast ot tmprertng Broadway 96.93400. : Th Plana, specincatlooa and estimates of the City Engineer for tho rmproreatcut of 814 Broadway ara heraby adopted. ' Reoolrso. That tho Aadltor of tbo City ot Portland bo and bo to hareby directed to sire notice of the nropooad tmproreasent of sold street Ss prarldsd by tho etty charter. ttoavinstraoao Sgsinat mm sooeo emprwfWBMat may be 81 ed la writing wita tns uneferslgned within SO dsys from tho data et tbo first pub nest km ef thl hotic. ' v.. , mi order Of I VmJmWm. , -,r,. TH08. C DETLIN, - ;" Audltnt at, th City t ParUaod. i APtil U, 1804, CITE N0TI CIS. ' PROPOSED BZWZB TJT W7X1IAMS ATEBTTE. NoUco I hereby glreav Uat at tbo atoatiaf ot the Council ot tbo City ot Portland, Or., held oa the 17 th day et March, 1904, tbo following resolution waa adopted: , Reaolred, that the Council of tho Oty ot Portland, Oregon, dee ma It expedient aad pro. poses to eo as tract a sewer la Williams sraau from 100 fsst south of the south Uns of Al berts -street to a connection with tbo sewr In Fremont street st WUUsme arenas. Bald aewsr to be conatractcd of rltrlfied sewer pipe with sll necessary catch-bsslaa, manhole, tompholae and branches, sod to bo et tb fol lowing dimensions: of 10 Inches clear Inside dlamst-rr from a point 100 feet south ot the couth Une ef Alberta otroot to a point la Oolng street; tbenss of 13 inches clear Inside diameter to a point to WUUssas areaao at Mason atreet and thence sf 14 Inches fleer Inside diameter to a point la William are no at Falling attest and thane of 16 I ache clear Inside diameter to a oonneettoo with the oawer In rramont (treet at WOUama arenas. , Bsld sow to be osMtraetod In seeordanes with the charter Bad ordinance of tbo Oty o! Portland and the plana, specification and eatlmstes et the- (Jtty Knglaeer Sled la .the of Ace of the Auditor of the atr of Portland on th ictn oay of Merck. 1004. inoorseai "vny Bcslneer's nlana and annrtSraliooa for a Ib Williams srenue from 100 feet south sf the south line ef Alberta street to the aewsr ta Fremont street, snd tbs estimate sf the work to be doo sad tbs nrobablo total coot thereof." Tbo cost of Mid sewer to ho assessed aa pro rtded by tbo city ehsrter noon the property apetsUy benefited thereby aad which to hereby declared to bo all tbo tots, ports of tots and parcels of land lying betweea a Una 100 fact esst f and parallet with th st Una mt Williams arenue and 4 Une 100 feet weet of Bad parallel with the weet line of Williams ere nss, snd between a Une 100 feet aortb of and parallel with tbo north Una ot Prcmoot atreef aad the eootb line of Albexta street. Tbo Bnaiseor's eetlmat ot tbo arebabto total coat for the eenetruetton ot a sowar In aald Williams arenas Is 94,474.00. ' Tbo plsns, apeelaeatlona aad estimates sf lbs City Bngineer foe the senstrarflea of 4 orr U aald William arena are heraby adopted. Beeolred. That tho Aadltor of ths aty Of PsrtlsBd be and ho la herebr directed to fir" actios sf tb ntouuoot oastreUoa - of oald tower prortded br th City Charter. Re mens trance against the anora aewer may be filed la writing with the onderalgBed within 20 dsy from tba data Ot the Brat pubis es ttoa of thl aertc. Mr order, of the Coancil. ; . . THOS. 0. DETLIN, ' Andltor Of Uo aty of Portland. April 14. 1904. B0TICS OP BALE OP THE Mai KNOWN AS TBS WTXLBON SYLVESTER KILL, AZ " WRABOEXL. ALASKA. Notice la fcotoby glrea that t, tb aader atgnor, Jeba A. UelleathsL so reeelrer for th estate of Thomas A. Wlltooa aad Bafus Bri ers tor, both 4scosB4. parsusat to sb order of th tourt Btodo o the 2d day et Wares. ISOt, will oell la the manner asd at ths Ubss bar. Inafter Bamed all ao following prepertyi Th sawmill, planter-mill, buildings. sppUssoss. stock ea haad ot waotaasest same, nature and deecripttoa belonging to aald sawmill buiiness, togeUer with tk steamer, pllodtirer, scow, etor asd stock ot good thsrolo bstongtog to tbo sautes of Thomas A. Wlllaon sad Bufn 8y star, which aald partnership waa dleeolred by ' tbo death of tbo Bsxttos, together with tb good WiU belonging t (Old bostaess. Bald property frill bo sold at tartrate Ml la tk erenl that a anltabto sad ufBeieot offer thors fos to 'r seel red. eublect to tho ppraral ot tbo Court oa er before the 16th day of Mar. 1904. la tba aront aald arooortr Is aot oia aa er before Ball before said 18th dap of May. 1904, thaa aad la that owaat I will eeU ato at ssld aews- rty at public aaettoa oa uo osia lota aay af Mar at 10 o'clock Ib tba forenoon ef ssld dsy st the office of the osld mill In ths town of Wraagell. diatriet of Alaaka. which aald rale Shsll bo ander too oirection ana suniect se tne approral of tbo court, for particulars ss to tbo eondlttono- of sale reference I made to tbe 'eboTe-aam4 order of Ml au tl la bibs No. 2C8-A bending la tb United State dis Set court for ths district ef Alaska at Juneao. la property te on a paying beam and ass hi tor soav tlm put oa paying basis ssd mast bs sold la order that the proceed eai b d la trl bated to tho betre and legatee mt tb member ef tb eopartaershlp property by whlrh thla property was formerly eon ducted, to-wltl Thomas A. wlltooa aad Rafos Byrrsstor, now both deceased. For farther particular with reference to thle oropertr. ddrs John A. Beltoatbsi. Wrssrefl. Alaaka. John a. brxlintbal, A reeelrer for tb PropoHy ef tbo Beta to of Tbomaa A. Wilson aad Rufua Sylrsstor, Both Per, seed. RAILROAD TIJaTTABtES. The Only Double KsOway lettwca the Missouri River The Chicago-Portland Spdal, the most luxurious' train ia ths world. Drswing-room sleeping' cars; dining car, buffet smoking ana library car (barber and bath). Less thaa three days Portland to Chicago. Through Trains to Chkago sr opsrt4 oUlly .rla tb Oregon K, R, s Nar. Co., U. P. K. R. aad Chicago at North-Western Ry. to Chkago from Portland and points In Orogoa and Eastern Washington. Daily excursions in Pollman tonrlst ; -sleeping cars from Portland through, to Chicago without cbaag. 1 ft. R. kITCHlk. A. O. BARRBR. ' Cea'l Aei. rc. Coast, Ceaaral ageat. C. N.-W. Rr. C. A rtwTky. Sir Market street, to Taira mreet. PBAHCISCO, CAJU PoaTtAaro, Oaa. Tkkrt Omet ta Hiri Stmt rttoBcoSt 3Tranacontlnentai Tralnas Dally tw FAST TIME TO BPOStANB, BT. PAUI DTJL.TJTH, MINNKAPOLIS, CHICAGO ANO ALL, 'POINTS EAST. Dayllgrht trip through th Cadcada And Rocky mountains. For full partic ulars, rataa, folders, t&. call oa or 4 drcas X. BZOXBOBT, tJtty Tlokat Aa 18S Third Btroat. ortla4. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Laora. ONION DEPOT. Arrtraa. For Vergers, Rr.lnler, Clatakanto, - Wsntport, Clifton. Astoria. War rantoa, PlarcL HarU mood, . Port Stereo. Oesrhsrt Park, Beaetde, Astoria asd SMkar. - 'Express daily, .y-.-' Astoria Express, v . Daily. DaDr. Uaoa. m. 80. a. Piiy- T:00 n. m. Dally. 9:49 uav - ' ' - - 0. MAYO, Q. P. and P. A.. Astoria Or.' O. A." STEWART, (V'muercisl Aaeiit, i'S Aldtff 6t 4'hOO MalJI mi. ud Chicago mm RAILROAD TUtXTABLIS. .w. i.ji-.. ,"?.',.' ITzl UMtr " I r A ISM, , lOlOCfte Abv- ?S0UTH;S ... . . ' ; - . 1 is; t. 1 -1 - Leerea, . DNION DEPOT. I Arrlraa, "t , 0T1 BLAND BXPBB8S tralaa. far Balem, Reae4 burg, A an la no, cra men to, Ogdea, baa Fraa dace. Molars, La As Crtos, BI Psao, New Or ano sad tho Bast. 8:80p. m. 9:S9 4. hi i 4:06 fx ba. T.a a. av - t,,T, At Wood bora dally faiesot Bandar), aton ing trala for 1ft. An ti09va,; ' 1 1 gel. Bllrerton. Browne rllla, BpringSeld. Whad ling aad Ifatroa. Albsnr Msaearer. aeo. t0il9B.to nects st Woodharo with bit Angel an bu ton tonL tfl9 9.Bx, IfttrO a. to usryaiua pes uaar..... 9:S9 a. noertdsk 18:80, nvj Dally. HDallr. xcept Suaoay. Prtlaxri-0wg KVnrVaa Ssrrto , Dirlatoa.. T Depot Foot mt Jefferson Street. . 7 . -, 1 " Learo Portlaad delta for Oswego 946 a.' 8s. " 1340. S.6S. 8:36. B:26, 9: S:8Al 10:16 p. sv Dally (except Sunday). 8i90, 6:80, 98, WM - a. at) w:00. U:89 . au. , Sand eely, 9.00 , a. to. ' - ,jt ' - - ' l - ' Retarnlnc trora Oewewo. srrre PoMUnd dally ' 8:80 a. m.j 1:68, 6:06, 4:84, 4:19, f:AA..A.t. 11.10 B. aa. Daily teieept Bonds) 6:26. o:su, io:au, ii;o a. m. aopt auavaaj. p. m. auaday eaiy joam ax.-- Xesres from same depot for Dallas sad later, mediate points dairy (except Sender) 4:09 Sv to. Irrifa Portland ID SI n. The Independeace-Monnxrutb Ifbtor , ;Bno opera taa Aallr an alaatnaasith aad Alrlla. eoo- tlos wiU Soatbcrn PaclSa aompeny'a track at DeUae aad Independenc. - ' Flrat-elaM fare from Portland to fla ame nt and Ran Praactro 920, berth 98; eeaoBoValaeg far 318. sscoad-clsea berth 92.90. j Tickets to Eastern points asd INirop, ato JspoB. China. Hoaolsta aad Aastralla. v Cltr Ticket Offico corner Third aod Wasbtag tna streets. Phono, Mala T1S. . C. W. 8TINOER, . ,W. ft. COMAN, City Ticket Ageat Sea, Paaa. Agest d union Pacihc: 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Throagh PuTlmaB stsadard and. toarist stoeeW ' tog cars dally to Oau ha. Chleajro, Bpekanet tonriat aleeplnf ear dally to Rsbsss tltyi through Pullmaa tonriat stooping cars (perorm. ally conducted) weekly to Chicago. ReclUlaaT chair care (aeat free) to tbo Beet dally. 1 tTNlON PBPOT. Lot Arrtrsoti CHI CA 0O-PORTLAND SPECIAL. For tba Bast via Bast lngtoa. 4:18 k. to. p. to. Dally. .; .-- Doll. SPOKANB PLTBB. For Bester Wssbing Soa, Walla WatU. Lew Is tea, Coewr d'Atone and Oreat North sru T!4Ha.l Dslly. 8 Kir) a. ia, imiiy. -t, point. ATLANTIO EXPRESS. Per tb East rla H ant ing ton. 8:16 p. I Dslly. trio a. at Dally. OCEAN AND RtTgft BCHXPTTLX. FOR SAN FRANCISCO: S. S. Geo. W. Plato April 6, IS. 99. . S. 8. Oregon ' ' April 9. 11. SL. From AlssU , , Dnrh. 11:00 . to. . t ... I 8:00 at OelwmMa Birer DMsion. FOB ASTORIA and war potato, r Meeting WWk tmr. for . Ilwac and North beack, str. Bae Bato. Asb-st. dock. 8: p. m. r Dally. ea. Bandar Batnrdap 10:00 p. Bt Abno t -1.-:" 6:00 p. Bs, ea, Sunday, TamklU Bta Rewto. FOR DATTON. Ores T :00 a. aa. S:" p. an. Cltr and Yamhill El ear Dllr. DUr. , Cdnto. str. Elrnor sad except . except ; ortoe. Ash-st dock, ounday. Sunday. -(Wator per mlttlng.) . nxasJto ftiew ftonto. "'j, FOR LEWIBTON. Ida.. g:40 a. at About it and way points from Daily. - 8:00 p. to. Rips rla, Waah ateaas- savBot, Dolly, era Bpoksns aad Law- . . ea. Friday. totoa. f r . ., - t- - TICKET OFFICE. Third aad Waakjngtoa. Tsto . ,. pbono blaln TX2. . - ? ; PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY . I For Yokohama and Bong Kobb. ealllnk at Kobe, Nagaaakl and Shanghai, taking trelsbt rla ctmneetlng staamera for Man lis. Port Artbag and VlsdlTootok. r : For rates aad fan Inform ttoa caB er ooV . drew offlldal or ageats of the O. R. A N. Co, time card;! TRAINS PORTLAND! m,Tvat neone Arrtr . ; ' Purl Bound Limited. tor Taeoma, Soattlo, Olympla, Booth Bjd 9:90 a. to. 8:80 a. to. '.',;". t .1' .,." ' TMain f.-09Bt Tsos s.'av .. fix-; ''J -y(';K-S' ana wray point. North Coast Ltmiteo. ror la co ma, sn"", Bntto, St. PbbL M1b- 9:00 P. . ncspoHS, tnicago, new vV siAaenn and DOlnto Esat 'and BouthesaL Twln-Oltr Express, for Tacoma. Seattle, Spo kane. Helena. 8t. PaaL 11:49 a, 84. Mlaaeapolls, Chicago, Kew xora. rweion nil nolnts Eaat aad BAitrt,..., Puget Bound . Kaass City -St. Louis Special, for Taeoma. Beattle. Spokane. Butte. Billings, Dearer. Omaha. Kanasa City. St. Louts snd all points Eaat aad South east. .' I 4:80 4.1 An tratna dally . xeept oa. Soatk Bs4 branch. A. D. CBARLT0N. Assistant General Passenger Agat. ' 229 Horrtooa t.. cor. Third. Portland. Orv.y ALL-TRAIN- VXAVSHLNOmN -a-'