The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 16, 1904, Page 13, Image 13

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BUT'":. VV-
We Have Sold
-In STJOHNS durr
;lng the LAST TWO
We offer lots of every
size and description
irom lois ouxiuu
to lots containing an
acre,' a within : two
1 blocks of car line. In
; the heart of St.
Johns. ': Water pipes
; -laid. Sold on
Installment Payments
1" Our contracts provide
tor nonforfeiture by
"purchaser In case of
sickness or death.
Agent at our Branch
Office at OAK PARK
? ADDITION every
Free Street Car TicRets,
Plats and Photographs
at Our Office
3 Chamber of Commerce
Modern house. ! loU. East Bide. . .18,000
Modern house, S loU, Emit Bide... 7.000
Modern house, West Bid ....... TrOOO
Modern house. West Sice 8,000
New house. Went Bide 8.T50
?-room house. West filde.j 4,600
-room house. West Bide 4,000
7-room house; Multnomah Add.... 1.800
room house. Stevens Add. . .. . ;n,800
room house, Stevens' Add 1800
Ti-room modern house, near East
.Ankeny oar .' 5.150
l-room house, near Montavllle , , 100
(-room house, nr. Brooklyn School 1,000
7- room-houne. near Vancouver car, 1,650
8 - room new house, near Williams
avenue t,000
5- room cottage. Bast Ankeny car
line . . ....j, MOO
7- room modenrnouse, JBast Alder
and 13th sts .000
I -room house, I'pper Alblna 8,000
.-room house, S lots, on Mt. Tabor, 1,800
-room house, on Eaat 12th st 8400
Fine new modern house. Eaat Side 4,850
6- room new house. In Sunnyslde.. 8,400
6 -room cottage. In Sunnyslde 1,850
-room new house, on Mt. Tsbor. , 8,000
6-room new house. In Woodlawn . . 1.000
i-room modern houne. t lots, on
Terrace Heights .- ... 8,500
6- room new cottage, at Ports
mouth . . . ; . i .uv;-. ... .......... 1.000
8- room new cottage, la Tlbbett's
I-room house, Vt acre ground, on
St Johns car 1,800
I-room house, at Willamette ata... 1,800
I-room house, 8 lots. In Fremont.. 1.800
8-room house, In Holladay 8,750
7- room house, at Willamette sta. . . 1360
I-room house. In Sunnyslde. IJtQQ
S-room neif cottage, 3 lota, in
Sell wood
(-room house,, in Sell wood
6-room house, t'pper Alblna , . . . ,
6-room house, Upper Alblna......
7- room house, on Woodlawn car.,
-room house, 2 lots, in Ivanhoe. . ,
7-room house, in Woodstock ......
8-room elerant new house, on
Woodlawn car 8,850
-room house. East Flanders and
. llth sta. . . . . ,8400
(-room house, South Portland.... 1.650
Above Is partial list of the many nice
homes we now offer. See us before you
buy. ;-,
iichiiu x uanci
SIT AMnftoa SMg, FopUand, Or.
rZTB BOXXABB par month boys lot la
"hfaplswood," oa Weodstoak eat Un
spUndld location I 80 aalaaiM takaa
yon to or front pour bnslnsss. Frio
- it lots front 8135 to BSOOt aU faU
sU nothing bttv on tb mark.
rt na skew thasa t real water pipd
to waoa ms, -
LOTS tn Woodlawn, nar ear Una, S17S
- to aaoo; aaonwur paymna.
$185 xots In Bosalawn, oa Woodlawn
oar lin $5 par month.
MOO For lots an Alnawortb avanna and
Oxford strt, la Clovrdl, nar
Vnloa-avann ear Una. - This fin
"property is tnorMStaf tn wain light
along. Ton mak no mlstaka la buy
ing hra.
SahlstromS Patterson
838 STABX IT. F0B HOOD 817.
a ins
COXBTSm 100x100, close In. on East Side,
; with l-room house and bath; has
large stable and plenty of fruit
S-BOOBt cottage and fall lot on , East
Ninth, bet K Fine and E. Oak, $1,000.
BZaHTXT T.OT in the best part of Al
: blna Homestead. . . i -
Joseph: M1 Healey
Do You Want It?
S800-iWlll buy a nice "lO-acre tract,
t acres in cultivation; mostly In ber
ries and small fruit trees; near Base
Line road,- convenient to school, post -offloe
end store. Just the place for
nlce berryj and eblcken ranch,
r -V'-f. 11 :Ox,-f J..PM.L l " II Y I II II II ' II
v . - ; .. .:,.. H . II II -,
;. ii 1 1 ii h i i i ii mi 1 7i ii . .
., m " l' v, mm mm v ; m. . s " . .
- v a v: y a m 1 u VZ3 ft Frr
' J Baw tsas
S8S Bast Washinrtoa -ftTeet. V.
and lee those beautiful large lots
Papents $5 ;Dowh
: a5 a Month
Graded afreets and ater mains
iaia. : a targe uuniucr m uicbc ivim
' , , . . . . , .
are. COvercu Wlin mc ; tnoiccsii
fruit trees. If you want a home
In the prettiest addition on the
Mt. SCOtt line Select your lOtS at
a i i tU jr Cmm
ArCher Place, ake Mt.,. SCOtt
car to Archer Place, the first new
addition on the line.
Agent on the ground.
Pacific Land Co.
16754 First Street
Hood River
Fruit Lands
Our Bargains for this Week
163 Acres, good apple aoiL largely slop-
. ing sunace; acres young urvu.iu.
now bearing; 100 one-year-old trees;
m acres wheat and alfalfa; 100
acres tillable willow and light nr
land; large spring furnishing plenty
waiVI wjiivsiv Jl stw w vvns
dwelling, cost $500; also good frame
bsrn; situated near Mt Hood poxt
offlce. rrlo 88,500 tents 8500
eash, aalaaoe arranged to salt.
40 Acres oak and nr timber land: 10
rm tillable: llvinv stream of W&
ter; situated I mile from Hood
River, nar good school. Fries 8600,
terms 8300 oasa, balance 8 to 6
IS Aeres, an little horn tract best
of fruit Und. nearly level; 10 acrea
tn cultivation; 4 acrea good timber;
small , trout brook, spring water;
acrea sirawoerriee; an lencouj
1200 frame ham, new; situated
miles from Hood River, on county
road. near school and store; rural
mall and telephone, rrlo $1,700;
- tanas, .
18Q Aoras, Bhrmsstaad KeUn.aishjBsnt.
nsw house and bsrn, cast 0; 10TJ
ppl trees planted: 1.000 strawber-
rlea: arapes. currants sna rasp-
.berries: Ijtood springs; 80 acrea ncJ
timber, estimated at 1.500.000 feet;
10 acre willow land, easily cleared;'
situated near Mt Hood postofflce.
rim btso. a. '-snap" xor yon.
Geo. D. Culbertson & Co.
Bood Blvsr, Oregon. Or 883 Wasiingtoa
tri, roruuu.
Bargains in Real te
FOB) 8AXS srr
864 ST ABB ST.
Choio BnOdlar X.ots for Sal.
Lots 7, 8, block 14, Central Alblna. .$50
Lot 11, block 31, Central Alblna.... 450
I-nt 8 block 12. Central Alblna...
Lot 10, block 12, Central Alblna..
Lot 6, block 12, Central Alblna..
Lot I. block 22, Central Alblna..
Lot I, block 22, Central Alblna..
Lot 8, block 32, Central Alblna..
Lot 10, block 82, Central Alblna..
Lot 11, block 82, Central Alblna. .
All lota In block 82 sold on terms of
1100 down and ?io per montn.
Lot irhtocK L Multnomah. .
Tt a. block i. Multnomah..
Lot 6, block 8, Multnomah..
Lot T, block 8, Multnomah..
Lot 9. block 8. Multnomah..
Lot 11. block 8, Multnomah.
Lot 12, block 8, Multnomah.
Lot -16, block 8, Multnomah.
Lot 2, block 8, Multnomah
Lot. 4. block. 8.. Multnomah
Lot 8. block 8. Multnomah.
Lot 10, block 8, Multnomah,....
IOt 14, block 8, Multnomah
Lot 18, block 8, Multnomah. . . .
"AIT lots In block 8. Multnomah.
be sold for $100 down and $10 monthly
ProHtable Outing
Take O. W. P. Cars to
City View Park
And see. Portland's most pro-
' . gressive suburb.
. - . , , ..
Our agent at the 'ground all
No trouble to show you the
greatest snap on earth. , - :
Lots $150 to $300
$25 down, balance $10 per month.
Two car lines, Bull Run water,
streets graded and sidewalk laid,
6c fare, 10-minute service.
Beautiful Woodstock
Th highest and Slghtllest addition in
the city. ' Good school, church, store
and an abundance of pure water. Let
us show you Woodstock. Lota sold on
paymentv$5 down, $6 month, Houses
DUUt on easy vsrnMBis.
i-isth ttbst ranft
$125 Uy
Sharkey & Morrow
Fruit and Alfalfa Lands
i Forty acres of the richest land
v in Oreaon. S miles from rail
road station, on free rural delivery
route; good roads to town, and In ei
oellent neighborhood; soil is black al
luvium and adobe, about half and half;
about half an acre of high ground for
butldlng alt. Beoorder Appfegate, who
has been familiar with this land for 10
years, .pronounces this the richest forty
acres of land in Jackson county. It
certainly lseztra' good, and with proper
nanoung win pa unusuauy productive.
tffiYl Only- nine thousand dollars for
7VW two hundred acres of the best
mill ana airaiia land tn southern Ore
gon, less than two miles from railroad
station, over good roads. This tract is
Sbout two-thirds cleared, soma si hun.
red fruit trees recently set (Spitsen-
oerg, jonatnan ana newton apples ana
Comic pears), and the soil especially
adapted for the best character of 8pU
enberg apples, deep and rich. Less
than seven acres of wast land oil the
ntlrs tract Can be put under pumping
riant Irrigation or can be Irrigated from
he Fish Lake Ditch Company's sys
tem when completed. On corner of the
i ,M ,.m W'""'Z1" z .
i inio uiuii lino x VDimui, wrmm us
payment can be arranged, crop re-
Hit4 Po"lon fivea 8epUm . 1
L " 12 . ;
und, most of it adapted for
I airaira. Nothing better ror ixewton ap'
pies. Less than two miles from rail
road town. A portion of the soil Is as
fine garden land as can be found any
where. . Just touches creek In on cor
ner, and ' affords a-ood outlet for tile
system, but Is not menaced by wash of
creek, ' Terms, three thousand dollars
down, long time en balance. Bast look
into this tract soon. It won't be on
hand loog. '
Thompson & Powers
3 inamDer oi commerce
e?1Cn (-room new modern dwelling, on
&U Zd ,t w1th n i.Jxi7; every
Cinnn For l-room new elegant home In
WW Holladav Park: Urce. sunny
rooms; gas and electrlcltyt fur
nace, cement basement floor;
large attic: highly finished;
streets Improved; cement walks;
lot 60x100: fine view of City.
OACA l-room new dwelling, on E. Clin
'Uv ton st.: porcelain plumbing.
piped for gas and furnace; mod
ern throughout; corner lot, 60x
?fAn -room dwelling, on E. llth st.
""w with all modern conveniences
lot (0x100; half block from 10
mlnut service car line.
CfVl l-room new modem house,
firtw porcelain plumbing. cemnt
basement, enss pantry; piped
ror gas ana rurnace; lot ouxiwu
on C. llth st
tffJhfi 7-room Colonial dwelling on EL
7ww itn gt., with all modern conve-
nlences. on full lot.
7-room house, with attic.
completed, on Fargo st; all
conveniences; lot 45x100.
l-room house, on K. Everett st;
full basement; good plumbine
piped for gas, sewer connected
lot 61x100: hla-h and aiahtly.
l-room new modern cottage, on
Rodney ave.; lot zaxiov.
-room--hotis,--n Mississippi
are., close to O. K. ft W. snops
corner lot. BOXIOO.
S-room house, on th Bas Lin
road, with 60x100 lot; fins fruit.
West Sad of Bridge. Phone Btala 1871.
highly cultivated; 60 rruit trees, in
Variety: yards and houses for 100
chickens. Cheap place at 11,200
800 cash, balance easy. ,
41 AOBZ8 Near Woodland. Wash.; 10
acres under cultivation; running wa
ter; 150 excellent fruit tree, mostly
winter apples; good house, chicken
yards; I milch cows, 2 yearling
heifers. 1 span work mares, light
farm wagon, harness, plow, narrow,
cultivator; soil first-class. Price la
but 11.400.
THIS 10-BOOK beautiful modern rest.
aenco, wmi gruuuu iv.ivv loci vu
Jefferson st., can't be equaled for
the money in the city. The house
cost more money. The ground is
worth th price asked for the entire
Property; 7t monthly rent offered
or-prepertjr. Frtce only $4,800;
188 BTorrlsoa St- Phon. Kala 1871.
rBOVEMxaT or bhebkaw btket,
Notice U herebv riven that WllUam C. Kl
llott. Cltr Kuslneer. has fllcd in the efflve
of the underslcned notice that i. W. Bweener.
contractor for the improvement ot Bhermaa
street under the nrovltions or ordinance We.
18.M4, haa completed said atreet from tbe west
line cf Front street to tbe center line or Hecone
Ssld acceptance will he considered by the
Execnttva Board at 4 o'clock on the 22d dar
of April, 104. and objections to the acceptance
of said street, or any part thereof, may be
ii lea I the oroce or tne unaersignea st any
tim prior thereto.
Auditor of th City of Portland.
April 19, 1804.
raoTxai emt or baxset btbext.
Notice is hereby siren that WllUam C. El
liott, City Engineer, nas niea in in ornc
of the nnderslxned notice that Elwood Wiles.
conumcior lor ui improraavai ot naievr acreei
under the provisions of ordinance No. 18.010,
tit uTS." culb ui. oT wiiium; .venn.
j1I..,rdd.,t0yorn. u" of 30 ,n4
. naia acceptance win no conaiarea ey in
Bfneeutlv Board st 4 o'clock on tbs 23d day
ef Anrll. 1804. snd objections to the acceptance
of aald street, or sny psrt thereof, niey be
filed in tbe ofhc of the anderstgned st any
time prior thereto.
mm r.Abvuiivai buiiw,
Auditor ef tbe City ot Portland.
April 16, 1904.
raoPOBAUi foe iiiotdio Bxnxsnra.
Besled nroDoaals will be received st th of
fice of th Andltor of the dty of Portland until
8 o'clock p. m. April 21, 1804. for th erection
of puiiaing st us root or e.asr msaninsro
street in accoraance witn pian ana speciacs.
tions nrenared br Pred A. Ballln. architect.
snd which may be examined st his office st 43
Heeona street.
. Th buildlnc to be for the accommodation
ef the men, bosewsgon, etc.. In connection with
the arehost 'George EL Williams." '
Each proposal must-state shortest time la
which work will be completed and most be ac
companied with a certified check on some re
nnnathla hank M tha CAtr of Portland, oavahle
to the order of the Mayor of Portland, for
the sum ef 10 per cent of the total bid for
ssld building and te be forfeited to the City
ef Portland as fixed snd Uquldsted dsmsges
i la tbe event that the bidder fall to enter into
contract snd previa a good snd sorncient Bond
for tb faithful completion or ue contract
providing' the same Is awarded oa ssld bid.
The right la reserved to reject any or all
bids. . ' . - - . V:
By order er the acatrve nosra. . s.
t. .... ' ' , inuo. u. uoTtu...
V" laHfa. a tha fit, aif rVrvlaaaL
April IB, 1804. ,
TZ'mwusm tosj sxasatt wobk.
Sealed Koposols wm be reeeiTed at the
Be t the Auditor of the City f Portland
ontll rrlday, April 88. 1W04. at 8 o'clock p.
aw for tii Improvement of Carry stroot from
the WMt Use of Oorbott street toi the east Us
of Vint stroot ia the manner arotidod by erdl
saae No. J8.86L nb)oct to the prorialoas ol
the charter and erdlnaacM of the City of Fort
taad and. the estimate of the City Kuglseer,
en Die. ... t.. i-.v,'.
Bids ainat be strictly la aeeordaaee with
prlii u I blanks, which will r be fornlohod e
appllcatlno at the efSee t the Andltor of the
City ot Portland. - And said improvoment aioat
be com pie tod oa or boforf , Say from
the date ot the signing et the contract by the
parties thereto, '
No propooals or bids will ho consider; aa-
mss aceompanies r a eoruna cnoca rayaois
FMrtland, eortlned by a roeposstble bank for aa
movnt oquai la 10 per Mat of tb aggrofau
sroBosal. - '
n right to reject any and aU bids is hereby
reserved. '
. By aroef at the Xseeartre Board. -v
, TH08. O. DBTXIW.
' Auditor f th City ot Portland,
April 14, 1904. , . .
P10P0BAX8 roa Bxaxxr wobx.
-lUmUA mw .t-rtll ho ateA at the et.
see ef the Aadltor of the City ef Portland
until Friday, April 82, ISO, et 8 O'clock p.
m. for the Improvement ef Cut Third street
from th north line of East Davis street tea
Una 100 feet north ef the north Use ot East
Davis street in the manner provided br ordl-
sance No. ll.MX sab)et to th provialon ef
th charter sad ordinances of the City ef Port-
land sad tb estimate at the City Engineer,
aa flla.
Bids Kust a strictly la aeeorasnc witn
printed blanks, Which will be furnished oa
application st th office of th Auditor of th
City of Portland. And said Improvement must
be completed a er , before 45 day from
th date ef th auming ef th eoa tract by th
parties thereto. . -
parries mere to.
No propoeal er
less accompanied
t the order of
mas win s eosBiaeree ss
by a certified check payable
th lUeor of the Cltr ef
Portland, certified by a reapoaslbls bank for sa
amount equal to 10 per eaat of the aggregat
The rl
rurht to reject aay and an bids Is hereby
By erdet ef the Eaeratrve Board.
TH08. a DETtllt, .
Andltor f tb City f Portland.
April 18, 1804.
PE0P08AX8 roa srvza wouc
fc ef the Auditor of th City ef Portland
until rrlday, April 88. 1004. st 8 'elect; p. m.
ear u oanatraerion er a aewae in siaar wua.
Ingtoa street from 100 feet west ef the west
line ef Eat Thirty -ofth street to the tower
i r ... . h, eh.
provided by ordinance No. 11,80, snblect to the
provUloBS ef th charter snd ordlnsncas of th
rite af PoetlaeA aaA tha aatlaaato ef th PltT
Ensinear. ea file.
Bid must n strtetlr In accord ace with
printed blanks, which will be furnished ea
application at tb of&c of th Auditor of the
City of Portland. And said sewer most be
enmnleted oa er before 80 dars from tha data
of the signing ef th contract by the parties
mere to.
No proposals er bids will be considered an
leea accompanied by certified check parable
to the order ot the Mayor of tbe City of
Portland, certified by reaponsibls bank for sn
amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate
The rurht to reject any and all bids is hereby
By order of tb Bxecntlve Board.
Auditor ef the City ef Portland.
April 1. 1004.
PBOPOiAxfl roa bewzb work.
Sealed preposals will be received at the
Bee of tbe Auditor of tbe City of PortUnd
until Friday. April 28. 1904. st I e'etoch p. m.
for the construction: ot s sewer in Montana
avsnus from Us north line of rremont street
to a sewer In Beech street In the manner pro-
vlded by erdlnsnc No. 18,8, sublect to tb
provisions of the ebsrter snd ordinances of the
City of Portland snd Us estimate ef tb City
njrineer, on Die.
Bids muat be strictly la accordance "with
printed blanks, which will be furnlahtd en ap
plication at tbe office of the Auditor of tbe
City of Portlsnd. And ssld sewer mast be
completed en er before 80 days from ths date
of tbe signing of ths Contract by th psrtlor
VHJ w. V. MWHV. ww.u " . "
No propoeals or bids win be eoealtVwed unless
accompanied by a certified cheek peyable to the
order ot tbe Mayor ot ths City of Portland,
certified by a reaponalbl bank for sn amount
equal to 10 per cent of tb aggregate pro
poeal. The right te, reject any and all bids is hereby
By order of tbe Executive Board.
Auditor ef tbe City of Portland.
April 18. 1904. ...
cobplxtzob abb acceptance or sxwim
Notice is hereby give that William O. El
liott. City Rnclneer, has Bled in the office of
the nnderslgMd notice thst J. B. Slemmons.
contractor for tbe construction of a aewer in
Eaat Twenty-eigntn street rrom tne center
Un. of East Main" street to ths sewer In Belmont
Bast Twenty-eighth street from tbe center
treet nndar th nrovlian of ordinance No.
13,781, has completed said sewer.
Bald acceptance wlu be considered by tbe
Executive Hoard at o'ciocs on ue xia aay
of April, 1904, and objections to the acceptance
thereof may be Sled in tne ernce or ue nnaer
signed at sny time prior thereto.
Andltor of tbe City of PortUnd.
Portlsnd. Oregon, April IS. 1904.
Notlc I hereby given that William 0. El
liott. Citr Enclneer. has filed In the office of
the undersigned notice that Bluer A Biner. con
tractors for the construction of a eewer la
Front street from tbe south line ef Abernetby
street to ths sewer la Thomas Creek nndr
tb provisions of erdlnsnc No. 13,81$, bar com
pleted said sewer.
Mia acceptance win ne coosiaerea oy ns
Executive Board st o'eloca
the Z2d day
of April, 1904, and objections to the acceptance I
thereof mar be filed in the office of tbe under
signed at any tlm prior thereto.
lam Bl:unv dwiiu, .
' ' - By THOS. O. DEVLIN.
Auditor of the City of PortUnd.
PortUnd. Oregon, April IS, 1904.
PBOVEMirr or albma Avrjnrx.
Notice U hereby given thst WilUsm C. EI-
Hott. flrv Enclneer. has filed in the office
of tbe undersigned notice thst Elwood Wiles,
contractor for ths Improvement of Alblns ave
nue under tbe provisions of ordinance No. 18.
7T, has completed eald etreet from the north
line of Para atreet to s line 12 feet southwest
of the northeast Una of River street.
Bald aeeeptsne will be eoootaere try The
Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tbe S2d dar
of April, 1904. snd objections to the acceptance
ot raid street, or sny part thereof, may be
filed in the office of the undersigned st sny
tlm prior thereto.
Auditor of tbs City ef PortUnd.
April 16. 1804.
Keeled nrooosal. will be received at the of
fice of the Auditor of the City of Portland
until Friday, April 22. 1904, at 8 o'clock p.
m. for the Improvement ef Northrop street from
the esst Une ot Twelfth street to the esst Une
of Twenty-first street in ue manner provioea
by ordinance No. 13.869, subject to the pro-
visions or rn cnarxer uu uruiuaucw us iu .
.ii-.e oS. i .a ,h. MMm.t. .t th. rite I
e LLy Mm estimats of the City
Knsineer. on file.
Bids must do stricuy in sccoroaDcs witn
nelnred liUnks. which will be furnished on
sppUcstlon st ths office of the Andltor of the
City of Portlsnd. And said Improvement muat
be completed oa or before 180 days from
the date of th signing of th contract by th
psrtles thereto,
Ne proposals er bids wlU be considered un
less accompanied b.v a certified check payable
to tba order of the Mayor of the City ef
PortUnd. certified bwa responsible bank tor an
amount equal to 10 per cent ef the aggregate.
Ths riant to reject sny sna sii oias is nerei
By order et the Executive Bosrd.
. ' . Auditor of th City of Portlsnd.
April 16, 1904.
Seeled nronoaal will be received at th ef-
! .US?- A' J?JL .f..!'-d
.rr'aTI of flllUn'T reoS
the east Hn of Third street to tbe west line
ot Front street in tbe aunner provided by ordi
nance No, lo, 97v, sunject to in provisions oi
tb charter and ordinances of the fjtty of Port
Und and tb estimate of tb City Engineer,
i file.
Bid must bs strictly ia accordance with
nrlnred blanks, which will bs furnished oa
sppUcstlon st th office of th Auditor of the
city of Portland.
And ssld improvement must I
be completed on or before SO days rrom I
ths date of th signing of th contract by the I
nartiaa theeacn. f I
, No proposals er bids wUl be considered ns-
. .k . mjtmim . k . mimwMm a. . i , a. i
PortUnd. certified by a responsible bank for an
amount. equal to 10 per cent et tb aggregate
proposal - r
The rurht to reject any and aU bids Is hereby
reservea. rv.y: ., . ,v, y'
. . r - 1
.r" "TO-Tnrtt.t1t
' ' AnAtor ef th Cltr af PorUsad. I
AnrO 18. 190. .
MorostD srwiB'raMAir .twnrrr.':
j. .. , SBTsarxs sxaiiT. :i
Notice is hcrvbr given that at the BMotln
ot th Council o th dty f Portland. Oro -
gon, sold en tn ata oar oi April, jvu. m
lOiiowmg rnoiuuoa wsa aaopu:
BooolTod, OouocU of tha-Clty t
Portland, Oroson, doom it expedient end pro-
posno to eooatrurt sewer la Kelt Twenty,
orronth ftrort from the 1 north Hoe of - Kset
stark stroot to a eonaertloa with h sowar In
Kaat Pin arraa aalit awar to b of rltriflad
sower Din of a ht Inchea eloar Insio aiam.
otar with all n-ur, catehbaalna. BMhholoa.
umpnoles shd branch.
Hald aw n i Mriiu4d In. sceordane
with the charter and rdlnancs of th City of
Portland and the Diana. pc1flction na a.
mat of th City Kntinoor, fllod la the office
0( th. Auditor
1 of the Cltr of Portland on me
day of April, 104. Indomdi "City Snitlncor'
Plans and apoclflcation (or S sower in Eaat
TwontTHH?ntb street from the north lino of
Eaat Rtark street to a sewer In East Pin street
end th Mtlmatea of th work to b don and
th probabl total coot thereof.", .
Th eoat of eonatraetlng said sewer t be
aaaeaacd aa nrorldcd by th cltr charter apon
the property aperially benfltd thanby and
which la AaolarMt to h all the lota.
perU of lot and pareal of land lying btwea
a line 100 fret pot of end parallel witn in
eaet Hn of Eaat Twentrevnth street asd s
line 100 feet weat ef and parallel with the west
line of East Twenty-eeventh street, and between
the north line of Eaat Stark street and a line
100 feet south of end parallel with tb south
line ot Eaat Pine street .
The Engineer's estimate et the probable
total eoat for th eonatraction ef s sewer la
eald Eaat Twenty-eeventh street is I3OS.0O.
I The plana, opeclncations end eetlmetoe rfOl
uif Knsineer ror m oonatreciiom vi ww-.
In eald Hast Twenty -oerenth street are hereby
adopted. .
HMOIvea, that the Aunltor er in wij
Portland be and he le hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed ca attraction f sals
eewer as provided by the dty charter.
Re moo trance aaalnat the above eewer may
be Sled In writing with the anderstgned withla
80 dare from th data ot th 8rst publics Uo
ef thk notice.
By order of the CouneU. ,..
Tuna n TtnVT.IW.
Auditor ef the City of Port land.
asm 12. 190.
raorosALS roa btxbtt woax.
m-.l. will Ka raeatvad at tb f'
See of the Auditor of the City ef Portland
until rrlday. April H, 104, st 8 o'clock p.
a. e tki Imnrovamant of East Davis Street
Samw-t Sa"V' rnto. svenoTto
ner provided by ordinance No. 1I.M8, eabject
t the provalons ef the charter end ordinance
i oi in irirv oi roriwna in ow v.
I the City Engineer, oa ale.
I Bids muat be etrtctly In accord nc with
I a-iati hi. nice which will be turnlahea oa
application at the efSee of th Auditor f the
City of Portland. And said Improvement must
I bo enmnleted On OT before SO oays ITO
the date of the signing ef the contract by e
parti ea thereto. ... .
PrThen'ght to reject any and alt bids Is hereby
By order ef the Executive Board.
Auditor ef the Cltr ot Portland.
April 1, 1004.
proposals roa strkit work.
SVelt nrnnnaela will be received at the of
fice of the Auditor ot tb City of PortUnd
until rrlday, April ZZ. iikm, st s o-ciocx p.
m far th imnrovement of Preacott street from
the west line of East Tenth street to to eaat
!" SLSJrSLS in .nn
"eSL,:' SSSA bSct IS
the provtaions of the ebsrter wdns J
the City of Portlsnd add tbs estimate of the
I City Engineer, on Die. ...
Bids mnat b rnctly In fni .w"
printed blank.. -r i irS?Zt hS
sppjlcaHonj it th, efflc of the
Olty-of Portland. And Jalmproreraent must
be completed on or oe"rr,
tbe date of tbs signing of the contract by the
parties thereto.
No kk,iyii,Ii or bids will be considered an
less accompanied by a certiaed check payable
h. nrrr of th Ma TOT of tb City Of
. ' . ... . . .
Portland, certified by s rspooipie dsbsw ss
I amount equal to 10 per cent of the stgregste
i yr"y"mu
The rignt te rejecx ony sna sii oia w
reservea. .t ,
By order ef the Executive Board.
. ... ..TH.S-SZLa
. Ulll WJT V. BAinj svai, V a. v mim
April 1. 1804.
raoroBAXB roa btbeet won.
Besled proposals will be received st the ef-
flee of the Auditor' or trie city or rortiana
anrll svidav. Anrll 22. 1904. st 8 o'clock P.
m. nr ths improvement of Division street
from tbe west line of Grand avenue to SO feet
west of ths weat line of last Third street la
the manner provided by ordinance No. 13.874,
nniaet tn tha nrovlalons of tba charter and ordi
nances of tbe City of Portland snd tbs esti
mate of tbe City Engineer, ea sie.
Bids must bs strictly in sceordane with
nrlnrad blanks, which will hs furnlabed on
i r" ",;,. , v. tm t tha Andltor of th
PPj.MS" 0..NtrontU.t
And said improvement must
I " T
be completed on or before 60 days from
ths date of the signing ot the contract by ths
Dsrtles thereto.
H .einnuli or hlds will bs considered ns-
less accompanied br a certified check paysbls
ths order ot us sisvor or ine tiiy ei
Portland, certlfird by responaibl bank for an
amount equal to 10 per cent ot ue sggregais
The right to reject sny snd all bids Is hereby
By order ef the Executive Board.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
April 18. 1904.
" rsopoBAij rom BTEZXT WOBX. nronnaals will be received st tbs of
fice of the Auditor of the City of Portlsnd
until rrlday. April 22, 1904, at $ o'clock p.
m. for tbe Improvement of East Twenty-fourth
street from tb north line of Tillamook street
t tha north lin of Knott street in the msn-
ner nmvlded hv ordinance No. 18.875. subject to
tna provisions of the charter snd ordinances of
the City of PortUnd ana us estimate oi in
City Engineer, on file.
Bid - must be strictly is accordance with
printed blanks, which will b furnlsbed on
application st ths office of the Auditor of the
-.(- .. ......
ti" " ',r.","u1'. ..Wa... I
the dsts of tb signing of ths contract by ths
psrtles thereto, .
no proposal, er oios win oe cnnaioerea on-1
less sewmpsuwd by certified check payable
ths order or tbs Mayor or tn city oi
PortUnd. certified br a resoonslbU bank for nn I
amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregste
The right to reject any snd sU bids U hereby
By order Of ths Executive Board.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
April 16, 1804.
Notice Is herebr riven thst William C. El
liott, City Engineer, ha. filed In the office .of
th underslrsed notice thst J. B. Blemmona.
contractor for the eonatruetion of a aewer along
alley through blocks 0 snd T, Klverview audi
tion and Borthwlck street from 80 feet west
of the west line of Commercial street to sewer
st Borthwlck street under tb provtaions of
ordinance No. 1J.778. has completed said sewer.
Bstd acceptance will be considered ny tke
... - . . . . . . . n. .
STxecnnve nnaru at v o cioca on me oar
of Apr llm ind obitttu0. to ,De acceptance
thereof mar be filed In tbe office of the untbr-
stgned t sny time prior tneretn.
Auditor of the Citr of Portland.
Portlsnd. Oregon. April 19, 1904.
pbovtment or the vobth halt or
Notice Im hereby given that WllUam C. EI
llott. Cttv Enxlneer. hss filed in tbe office
ef the eer.lgned notice that Smyth a How
ard comnaeaT. contractor ror ue improvement
of the north H f Savior street under the pro
visions of ordinance No. 18.86. has completed
ssld street from tbe weet line of Belch s addi
tion to ths esst Un of Twenty-eighth street.
Bsld acceptance will be considered by tbe
Bxecutiv Bosrd st 4 o'clock on the 82d day
f April. 1904. and obieetlone to the accepUnce I
of said street, or say psrt thereof, may, be
filed In the office of tbe soderalgned st any
Sr. nrieuere?o.
Auditor et tbs City of Portlsnd.
Anrll 18. 1804.
pbovxmxbt or nrpnr bbxxt. .
Notice U kereey given thst William C. El
liott. City Engineer, bas filed in the office
of the nnderslxned notice thst George Bauer.
contractor for the improvement ot Pippin street
anoar ue provisions or oroinsace no. lo.oio,
baa completed said street from the center Une
of VlUard svenn to th east Une ot Barrage
street; th wt H Intersection of Wabash
Bxecutiv Board at 4 o'clock en tbe 32d day
ef April, 1904. find objections toj the secepUncs
ef ssld street, -or sny psrt thereof, msy be
BUd la the office ef tbe undersigned at any
Ham utvuiiw. . will n r.D.juei ru ,i f wna ,
a,l . 1 --s a.- 1
ttlVSrt' - r - Bv THOS. C. DEVLIW. I
' ' Auditor of th dty ef Portland. ' I
.Aartl .it, .;, -
to thV or.r of th. Mayor of tb City of "l" ,JLl.?f' " itn ti 'nKTned
PortUnd, certified by a reaponalbl. bank for sa ,-fl lIJ "eJ-! tdrVtt. anSli
amount qual to 10 per cent of th sggregsts JT?,. 0,u P"0"-
raoroizo ntrmoviicKrr ot euura atx-
Motlee-ls horah slvaa that at Mm taatfn
lef th Coanell .1 th atr of Portland. Or.
i wm. brio on in etn oay ei Ajpru, isu. we
mnowina; roaniuuoai wao aanpraa; "
ReoolTod, That the Council of the City et
Portland, Orgo. dooms It espodlaat a ad aro-
poea to ImproT Grand arena from the north
line of Eaat Brorett atreot to a point 400 (oet
north of the north line of Bast Brorett stroot.
by eottitruetllur a combination steel and wood
nriac witn approach.
I Hald improromant to b mad In PMrdanc
I wl,n lD" sno oraioanroa or u iuy of
I I'ortland and th clasa. aooclflration and tl.
I siat of th Cltr Englnwr fllcd In tb offlo
oi too auditor ot in city or rortiind en . the
s day of April, 1904, Indorsed: "City BnfU
mi bwi plant ana apeeincauons lor tn im
prortment of Grand arena from the north
lino ot East Krerctt tract to 400 fret north
of th north line ot Eaat Everett street, and
th eatimatre of th work to be done and the
prubl total coat thereof."
The coat of aald Improvement to be esaeased
as prortdVd by tb city charter upon th prop
erty apadally benefited thereby and which is
hereby declared to be all the lot, parte of
lota and parcels of land lying within the
oiatnct bounded and described as follows:
Berlnnlne at a nolnt In tha eaaterlr line ef
the WllUniett river at low-water stark where
the eame would be Intersected by Mia center
line of Eaat Ankeny atreet It extended westerly
In It prant enarae; thence eaaterly along the
renter Una of Eaar Ankeny etreet to a point
Intersection of the center line of Eaat
Sixteenth street; thrar northerly slons
the eester line of East Sixteenth
street to It Intrraoctlos with the center line
I er Bandy road; thence In a northeasterly dlrec
. M -,nv K-wtjrr mm ui i Nnur pj..
I tr Its Interaectios with th eastern boundary
I Un ' u City of Portland; thence northerly
i me eastern ooaoaarj line oi ue yjnj
ot Portland to Its Intersection with th Berth era
Boundary tin of tb City of Portland; thence
along the northerly boundary Un of the City
of Portland to e point tan feet west of tb weat
line of Wesley Van BVbOTTer donation land
claim i thence aonth parallel with aald line t
th weet line of hlcKenna avenue er the north
erly extanatoa thereof: thence aoutbtrly and
southwesterly along tha west Una of Me
Kesn svenu and at estimate thereof to tbe
nortbeaaterlr line of the Willamette rlvr at
low-watar mark; these alone th northeasterly
and eaeterlr lines of th Willamett river at
low-water mark to the Jlac ef beglnnlnf.
The Engineer's estimate of tbe probable total
eost of tbe Improvement of said Grand avenue
le 125.000.00.
The above Improve meet Is to be clewed as a
eb...t.o ateel and wood brld,. Improvement.
a ad ehall be maintained br tbs cltr for s
period of 10 years; provided, that th ewner
ef the maiorltr of the nrooeet benefited bv
ssld iinprofisnt or any portion thereof ahall
not petition .or a new or turierent improvsmeni
before the expiration of such period.
The plana, speclAestions snd eatt mates ef
the. City Engineer fur the Improvement of ssld
Grand svenu sr hereby adopted.
,J- " "LI". "7.,"
I notlcs of th mnnoaad tmnravement ef aald
Auditor ef the city of PortUnd.
April IS. 1004.
PRoroiro srwza nr kzrbt btrizt.
Notlc Is hereby siren thst st th meetinc
ef the Coanell of tbe City of PortUnd. Or., held
on the 17th day ot March, 1804, the following
resolution was adopted :
Beaelved. That tbs Council of the City ef
PortUnd, Oregon, deem It expedient snd pro
poees to construct a sewer In Kerby atreet
ro center line ot Humboldt street to tbe
.. Ky .tryst st - FJ
or vttriled sewer pipe - with an necessary, manholes, lampboles snd branches,
I ... , h nt th. fniinwin itimanaiana; a( to
Inches clear Inald diameter from the center
ct Humboldt street to point la Kerby
street st Blsndens street; thence of 18 inches
Bl)(I tlmtMt t0 , aonneetlos with th
aewer in Kerby street st Preseott street,
I .... .' -mtmtA ta aeearoai
Bald eewer to be constructed tn accordance
with tbe Charter and ordinance of th City ot
Portlsnd snd tb plana spedftestfams and esti
mate of the Cltr Knsineer filed in the efflce
of the Auditor of the City of Portland on
. LI I IP, .IDlUir UK IU. ill, V. ITW,M
th, ut)t ot M,rchi joo. Indorsed) "City
I Knrlneer's plan and spedncstlons tor a sewer
i ia iveroy atreei rrom ine eenur un or nam.
boldt street to tbe sewer in Preseott street.
I snd the esttmstes ot ths worn to b Oon SB a
I the probable total eost thereof."
.Th onet of ssld sewer te be sssessed as pre.
sided by the dty charter upon the property
oeciaiiv nenentea tnerenv sn wnicn is Li error
declared to be all th lots, parta ef lots snd
parcels of land on ths west side of Ssld street
bins between the west line of Kerby Street
i sna a line luu reel west or sn parallel inere-
with, snd between line 50 feet north ef snd
parallel with the north line ef Preseott etreet,
snd a line 60 feet north of snd parallel with
the north line of Humboldt street, end en
the esst Bids of said street all ths lots, parts
of lots snd parcels of tend lying between a
line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with the
eaat line ef Kerby street snd the esat Una
of Kerby street, and between tbe north line
of Preseott etreet and s line 60 feet north
of and perall! with the north Un f Humboldt
I street.
xns Engineer' estimate or us prooaoie iota;
cost for ths eonatruetion of a sewer la ssld
Kerby street Is $1,189.00.
Tbe pUns, speciflcstions snd eetlmstes , et
I ths City Englneeer for th oooatr action ot a
i an m iin7 .mwi w. MT'rV 'v""!
Reaolved. That the Andltor of the Cltr et
Portland ha and h 1 herehv directed te sivs
notlcs of th proposed construct los ef said
sewer ss pro video, ny tss city ensrirr.
KeMnonarraaea aaainac is snov
m.v ha flied in writins witn us snaereirne
wltbln 80 day from th date of ta first pub
lics Hon or this notice.
By order ef the council.
Auditor of tbe City of Portland.
April 8. 1904.
raorosALS roa stbxzt wobx.
aaled nronnaals will be received at th ef
flce of tha Auditor of tb City ef Portland
until Friday. April zz. im sc a s'cmca p.
m. for us improvement oi idhs avenue irom
tbs center line ef Division street te the south
Una f I von atreet In the manner provided
by ordinance No. 180, subject to the pre-
vieios.) f tn ensrter ano eraiuaacee oi m
City ot rortiana, sna us nurnu oi u vnj
s-sf,1"". ' . ., ,. . .
Rioa mnat ha atrlctlv in secordsnc with
n,wi hiTnk: which will b furnished on
sppUcstlon at th of fie of the Auditor of tte
""""Sri - S"iT TTm
"'i"""'" " , . J - " . . v . i. .
the date of the signing ef th contract by ths
pru luerew.
So nroDossU or bids will be considered sn
ips accompanied by certified check paysbls
to tbs . order ef the Mayor of the City ot
Portland, certified by s responsible bank for sn
amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate
PrThTrlxht to reject sny asd all bid it hereby
By order or the Executive gsosra.
Auditor of tb City et Portland.
April 18. 1904. '
Notice Is herebv elven that William C. El
llott. City Engineer, has (led la the office of
the nndersurned notice thst J. B. Blemmona,
contractor for the eonatruetion ot a sewer In
Eaat Thirty-first street snd Esst rUlmou street
from tbe sewer in Es.t Thirty-first street snd
Raat Yamhill street to East Salmon ' street:
thence tn East Salmon street to a point 100
feet west of tbe weet line or East Thirty-nrst
street under tbe provisions er orainsnc no.
13.7 fO. has enmnleted aald sewer.
Ssld acceptance will ne conaiaerea nr me
Executive Bosrd st 4 o'clock on tbe 22d day
of April, 1904. snd object Ion to Ue acceptance
thereof may ne niea ta ue oince ei toe uuuar
signed st any time prior tncreto. ..
THS ' EXCtl TlVBi BU.Ill',
Auditor of tbe Cltv of PortUnd.
Portlsnd. Oregon,' April 16, 1904.
Notice la herebv elven that William C. El
liott. City Engineer, haa filed Id th office et
the undersigned notice that Krai ner A Keating,
contractors for tbe eonatruetion ot a sewer in
Victoria .treet from 60 feet norm ot ue nortn
line of Weldler street to the sewer in Victoria
a. DM.Mor.v nn., tha nmvtatftna a
di , Nw. 1Si731 hare completed eeld aewer.
g.,d ,,-entance will be considered by the
Rteentfv Board at 4 o'clock ea tbe 82i day
ot April. 1904, and objections to tbe accept no
thereof may be filed in the office of th under
signed st any time prior thereto.
'lilal 1 1 im x'a.nir, ' .
, By THOS. C. DBVUM. v
Auditor ef the City ot Portland.
PortUnd, Oregon. April le, 1904.
Notice is hereby siren that WlIHam C. SI.
llott. City Knsineer, haa filed in th office of
the undersigned notice that. Jseobseni Bade com
pany, coutrsctor for th eoutrueUoa iof a aewer
In Oliver avenu from fit) feet weat ef alte
boundary to aewer In Eaat Taablll street under
the provisions or erainane ao, J9,ttV has
Bald acceptance wilt be considered hv the
fattve Boerd t 4 'cUek e .the 83d day
of April, 1904, and object Ion to th aceeptsnes
thereof may be .filed In the of do of tb under-
u v iru ' D..
r - v "T-,rSw JVwwwei.wv.
latiaul m.9 1 W vwlnsi riaweaja .
J; 7 Br THOS. Cv. DEVLIlf,
' "l 1 Auditor et th City of PortUnd.
i.. J,4.. -v
TESTS' '- ProvKUdhy tb. city charter.
By order et the Council.
r-A. ...-,;. cmr boticeb.
raoroszo unrxB ts just Atrxa
.'. i" .'- .j-. . 8XIXV , . " '. " .' '
Notice I bireby gtwaf thst at the meeting
ef th CouneU of th City of Portland, liref-u,
held ea tbe Sta Oay f April, lvvi, th. tui
mwing resomttna) was sdovtedi
stasolved, Thst the OouscU ef th.C1(y ef
Port la aa, Oreroa, deenw It expedtont snd pre
pesos te sowetruct - sewer I East Alder
street from so ft at ef the t Bn et
Pretty man sveaa te tbe eewer la Kst Alr
street st - Bast Thirty-eighth atreet, vltrl
ned aewer sine ef elsht laehee elear lmlrl
dumeter with an Bowery estchbaslna, ansa,
boles, lampholes and k ranch a. - .
Bald "Sewer t ha eoaatrncied. ta aeeordaiie
With th eusrter and ordinance) f th City
of Portland and ?tb pUns,. speaiftcettons snd
eetlmstes ef th city Bsstneer Bled 1 tb
otScw of th Auditor of th City ef Pertlaad
on tbe Id day of April, 1804, Indorsed! "City
Engineer's p la as -and speelficstlons lot a sswr
In Ksst Alder street from SO feet east ef the
eaat Una ef Pretty mas avenue ta eewer la
East Aider street et East Thlrty-elfhth street
snd the estimate f a work to b do asd
the probsbl total cost thereof."
Tbe cost of said sawes te be smsais a
provided by the city charter poa tb prep.
erty specially benefltsd thereby aad which M
hereby declared to b all tbe lots, parts ef
to ed pereel cf lead tying between 8 nne
I'M feet north ef and parallel with tbe north
line ef Esst Alder street sad a line 100 feet
eouth of end parallel with Ue sneth 11a st
East Aider street, end between the esst gne
of East Th lr rr -eight street snd S tin M
feet esst ef sad parallel with th tt Un ft
Prettynsn evens.
Th Engineer' eatimsts ef th probsbl
total cot Xor th eonatruetion ef a Sawar-ls-ssld
Beat Alder street ie $44T.0a
The plsns, speclAestions snd estimate of
ths City Engineer tor th eooatructloe of a
wer In said gast Alder street are kerekv
keeolved. That th Aadltnr of th Oty ef
PortUsd b and he is bsreby directed to giv
norte ef th proposed eon. traction ef ssld
sewer ss provided by th dty charter. .
.. f?trBiiee against the above eewer may
be filed in writing with the undersigned with
Jfr from ue date ef tb Aral ButtttcaUoa
of thi notlc. . ...,.. j
y raer pl.tM Cooncn. , .u.,
Apr,, - '.!,
Notlc! hereby glvea that t th meeting
!l "f.P00"'1 City ef PortUs. Ore
gon. bsld on ths th dsy ef April, 1904. th fol
lowing resolution wae adopted: 7
Revived, that th Council ef tb City f
PortUnd. Oregoo, dsm it ezpedlest aad pro
pose to eoastruet a aewer la Ivy street from
i8 ' WMt 0( ho f UbIm svenu
to the sewer In Vancouver a venae, ssld sewer.
' vitrified sewer pipe with all B ry
catehbaalna, maahoUs, Umpbolea and
hrsBcfaea, and sf the following dlmrasloB:
of, sight lacks clear Inside diameter frees a
point in Ivy street 18 feet west f th east Un
it Union avena to a point Ivy street es
poslte lot 19, block 14, Willi ms Avenue
Addition to the City ef Portland; thence ef 10
inches elear Inside diameter to point la Ivy
street 299.8 feet east af th i aaat Haa af
Williams svenu; thence ef 18 Inches clear
luslde diameter to connection, with th aswer
la Vancouver svenu.
."fid, tower to be eonstnetod la accordance
with the charter snd ordinance. f, th City
of Portland and the pUne, specific tloos snd
Mt mate, ef the City Engineer. Bled la the
office of the Auditor of the City of Portland
on the td day ef April, 1804, udomedt "City
Engineer's plans" and speclOcatloae for a sewer
In Ivy street from IS feet weat ef th eaat
Une of Union avenue to sewer la sacoever
ursnae, snd the estimates sf the work te- b
done aad the probabU total eost thereof.'
The cost ef sld sewer to be assnsssd s
provided by the city charter spow the prep
erty spedslly benefited thereby snd which is
hereby declared to be all ths lota, parta ef
lots snd parcels of Und lying bet wees e Bne
100 feet north of and parallel with tbe worth
Une of Ivy street sod a Una 100 feet eenth of
aad parallel with ths south line o In atreet
and between a Une 90 feet eaat ef and parallel
with tbe east Un of Vancouver svenoe snd
lin SO feet esst ef snd psrsUel with tb Mat
Une of Union svenoe.
The Engineer's estimate ef th prohabls total
cost for the construct lo of a aewer ta said
Ivy etreet lu $1,640.00.
Tb DUne. soeclilcstlone ssd aetfraataa af
th City Enclneer for the mnatrnctlna af a
sewer in ssld Ivy street sr hereby adopted.
neemvva insi rse Auanor er ue city er
Portland be and be la herebr directed te rive
aotlce ef the proposed construction ef aald
sewer aa provided by the city charter.
Remonstrance against th above eewer msy
be filed ta writing with the undersigned withla
20 dsys from the data et th first publi
cs tloo ef IbU notice.
By order of th Council. : .'
April 18. 1904. . . f
rxorosixs roa wiotcjxzxt bobds.
Seeled proposal will be received by -the
anderslgned at th office ef th Aadltor et
tbe City of PortUnd, Oregon, until Wednesday.
April 80, 1904, at B o'clock p. sm., for tb sale,
at not less than par value and seemed interest,
of Imnrovement bond of the City of PortUnd.
Oregon, aa th asm ahall be authorised to be
laeued for the whole or sny psrt ef f34.MO.10.
Bald hoed wilt be issued in denomination of
$600.00 seen, to be dated April 1. 1904, par
able 10 years from date, bearing Interest at tb
rat of 8 per cent per annum, payable aemi-
annnallv aa - arlnMH.1 nav.hla la
United States gold coin, et tbe office of tbe
City Treeeurev, PortUnd. Oregon. ProvideeV that'
the City ef Portlsnd reserves tbe right to take
np snd cancel such bonds, sons the eavsMnt
of the fsce value thereof, with accrued Interest
to the Sat of eerment. at aay saml-snnnal
coupon period at or after ooe year from the
date ef such bonds.
Bsld bonds are lamed under auuorltr ef sn
set of th LegisUtnr of the Btat. f Oregon,
sssea reorusry in, jsus, en ti nee: -as net
o Bfovide for tbe issusnc of bonds for ths
ImprovssMnt of streets and th bring of sewers -In
incorporated el tie, snd for ths navment of
eosts ef each Improvements end laying ef aewer
ny installments, nmenoee. Dy aa sex oc
the Legislature of the - Btat ef Oregon. ' an.
nroved February 88. 1901. ea titled: "la act to
amend section 1, 8, 8, 4, 8, B and J et an
act entitled: 'Aa act to provide for tb is
suance ef bonds for th Improvement of streets
snd Uvlne ef sewers In Incorporated cities.
snd for" th payment of the coat ef such Im
provements and Urlng ef wrs by Install
ments,' filed la the efflce ef the Secretary ut
State February 12. 183, and th proceed
thereof to be esed for the payment in psrt
for the Improvement of streets er construction
ot sewers aa the said Improvements sbsU be
Tb validity ar th act ot the Lsisiarura
aforesaid bas been affirmed by tb Supreme
Bidder will be required ta submit a Bat bid,"
without conditions, exceot aa to th reculsrltr
ef tbe Issue of bonds, and to submit with their
bids a certified cbaek on bank la th city er -PortUnd,-Oregon,
eon 1 to B per-eent of ths
face value of the bond bid tor, payable to the
Mayor of .the- City ef PortUnd. as liquidated "
damages In ess such bidder withdrew his
bid or faiU er neglects to enter Into contract to
take snd pay for ssld bends according to th
terms of bla bid and 'this notlc. The right
to reject any aad all bids Is hereby reserved.
Bids ahould he addressed to Thomas V. Devlin.
Auditor, PortUnd. Oregon, snd marked "Bid
for Improvement Bonds." i: ... r '
By order of tn uonneii. - ' f .. .
H. H. AI.BEB. ' iStiv.;L
Committee on War snd Moans. .
Portland, Oregon. April 18, 180&. ,
Notlc I hereby given that at the mectlns
of the Ooancil ot the City of Portland, Ore.
gon. held on tbe. 6th day of April, -190. tb
following resolution wae adopted:
Beaolvsd. that the Council ef the City of
PortUnd, Oregon,' deem it xpdlent and pro.
pose to construct a sewer la Locust avenue ,
from 100 feet west of tb west lin of the
Crescent to sewer in East Thirtieth street,;
of vitrified sewer Din ef eisht Inch dear in.
side diameter with all necessary tcbbslns,-.
manhole, Umpbolea tad branchea. - ; .
Said aewers - to . be eoastraeted 'i ' H
sceordane with . . th chartar - and r
dl nance of th ' City of . Portland and -th
Disss, soeci firs tloos snd estlmetee f th
City Engineer, Bled la tb office of the Audi
tor oc toe uty ot rertisna oa us na ssy or
Anrll. 1904. indorsed:. "Citr Enaiaeer's elan ;
snd specification for sewsr ia Locust evenue
from 100 feet west ef th west line of th v
Crescent to ta aewer la Esst Thirtieth street
ana ue es Tims re ex in warn to p ooe sna; .
the probsbl total cost thereof." -'The
cost of constructing ssld sewer te be
sssessed ss provided by the city ebsrter upes ,
the property speclslly benefltsd thereby end
which to hereby decUtod to he II the lots,
parts of lob) sad pereeta f Med lying between .
th west line ef the Crescent snd Une KM '
m- A A - . . 1 1 1 . M. -w. a 1 1
of Bast Thirtieth hereet aad between' tbe seoih
Un ef Lecuat avenue ana a nn io rent soui
of snd parallel with th sooth Un af Incest :
svenue. snd tbs southerly en half f lot 4. '.
a, T d a Block s, nuanrsio. . ,
Th Enalnear'a estlmst f tb robs b I foist
east for us exwstrnctlon et s eswer ia eald
Locnst svn U $192.00. ' .
Th pUn. apeclficstloa d'esttmsts of v .
CM. Kutaaa tnm tha anaalrnctlon ef
la ssld Ioeut avenue are herebr aaopred. -
HeeolvvO tnai u aioiw m in.
Portland be end he I hereby directed ta ' :
notice ef th proposed ennelruftinn ef i8
ftwer ss provided br tbs city rh.rt.-r,
, Remonstrance against th re wr f"'f
be filed In writing with the s.n T-'y .. 'I ' i
20 dars from the date ef tli i ' I -
ef this notice.
ay eraer er ine i--. r
, '! - An!tir 0 . ? . -- '
April i 1 .